2 minute read
Workers play crucial role
Rudi Bowe
Workers Day is a day that recognises the contributions of workers in society and commemorates the historic struggles andgainsmadebythelabourmovementworldwide.
The Government of the Republic of Namibiapaystribute to the crucial role that workers play in advancing socioeconomic development and shared prosperity for the Namibianpeople.
Excellency Dr Hage
G Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia as he wishedtheNamibian
Workers a happy International WorkersDay President Geingob said, “the fight for freedom in Namibia has its origins in the demands of workers for fair labour practices and better working conditions for the black majority.”
The President noted that during the liberation struggle, May1,WorkersDay, was an occasion for the oppressed workersofNamibiatounite and sharpen their resolve to accelerate their fight against the Apartheid regime and to break the chains of oppression.
“As a nation that was birthed out of a history of sacrifices and workers' struggles, Namibia values the role of workers in the fight for liberty, unity andjustice,”headded.
“Workers are a precious resource in the history and development of our nation.
Therefore, by joining the rest of the internationalcommunityin commemoratingInternational Workers Day under the theme, "Workers United in ensuring productivity for National EconomicGrowthandGuarding against Unfair Labour Practices in theWorldofWork".
He said that thirtythree years after independence, working in a triumvirate that includes Government, Trade Unions and the Private Sector, Namibia has made good progress in advancing workers' rights, consistent with the letter andspiritoftheNamibian Constitution as a foundation of the NamibianHouse.
“I urge all stakeholders to deliver on their mandate of upholding and protectingworkers'rights and interests by promoting sound labour relations and fair employment practices In accordance with our processes, systems and institutions, employers should promote conducive working environments and fair benefits for workers.
Karupualsotookthisopportunitytoenlightenthe Deputy Minister of Labour about the challenges facingtheworkerssuchasshortageofarbitrators attheOfficeoftheLabourCommissionandLow
In the same vein, stakeholders should engageingoodfaithin collective bargaining to mitigate the impact of the economic downturn on workers and must at all times resolve labour disputes in a spirit that advances the interests of the Republic of Namibia” Geingob said.
Through the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, the Government will continue to play its part by paying special attention to occupational diseases, hazards, hygiene at the workplace, and lifethreatening health issues that may affect the quality and conditions of Namibian workers,headded.
According to the President, though the governmentcannotdo it alone, it will continue to create a conducive environment for jobs to be created andcallontheprivate sector as a major drivingforceinreducing unemployment andfightingpoverty President Geingob says May Day is a fitting occasion for Namibia to pay tribute to all the fallen trade unionists who advocated for the recognition of labour rights and whose activism laid the foundation for a just and inclusive Namibia.“MayDayisalso a fitting occasion for us to hold hands and remind ourselves about the efforts we should undertake to improve, through hardwork,theliving conditions of each and every Namibian.”
Wages compared to the value of work they are doing.Healsorequestedtheamendmentofsection76oftheLabourActNo.11of2007forthe unionscaseagainstShopritestating,“therights ofNamibianworkersarecompromisedbysuch ruling”,referringtotherulingonthiscasebythe SupremeCourt.
Ndemula added, “this office will present a golden opportunity and incentive to improve servicedelivery Icommittogivefurthersupportto youractivities.”Heconcludedbycongratulating NAFAUonthisimportantachievement.
Dr Geingob applauded all Namibian workers for their sacrifices,resilience, and hard work towards socioeconomicemancipation.