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CODAC in collaboration with the Office of the First Lady distributes food arcels to vulnerable learners in Walvis Bay p
Eileen van der Schyff
CODAC, in collaboration with the Office of the First Lady of Namibia, Monica Geingos, a stakeholder of CODAC distributed food parcels and hygiene packages aimedatthemostvulnerablelearnersoffourdifferenthighschoolsintheruralarea ofWalvisBay, onSaturday,29April.
In her project from the Office of the First Lady, Monica Geingos aimed to reach different areas acrossNamibia,andCODAC beinganextensionof theOfficeoftheFirstLady,distributed59parcels. The Office of the First Lady and CODAC were humbledtocontributetothelearnersandgratefulto theprinciplesofthefourschoolsfortheirassistance in allocating the most vulnerable learners of the schools.“Weaskedtheprinciplesofeachofthefour schools to allocate the most vulnerable learners as each school was limited to a certain number of packages.Weworkedaccordingtotheliststhatwas providedbytheschoolprincipalsinthedistribution of the packages,” CODAC Ambassador and Miss NamibiaSemiFinalist2023,AinaNghipuileposaid at the handover “This might not be the solution to poverty, but we believe this is one step in the right direction. We look forward in working with the childrenthathavebeenidentifiedtomakesurethey havesomethingtoeat,thatnochildgoeshungryand thattheyhavethesourceoftheneces-sarynutrients to be able to concentrate in school and reach their full potentialaccordingtotheirowncapabilities.” Nghipuilepo concluded The food packages consisted of non-perishables such as rice, maize meal, bread flour pasta and tinned foods. CODAC looks forward to partner with com-munity members, stakeholders, businessmen and women thatarewillingtoworkwithCODACincontinuing this parcel distribution. CODAC can be contacted on 081 320 3402 or email, codac walvisbay@gmail.com.
Port Log
Vacancy Outside Sales Representative
Job Role and Summary
The ideal candidate for the Outside Sales Manager needs to be reliable, dependable, and possess the qualities of a leader The Outside Sales Manager's objective is to profitably grow the company's sales in commercial printing at the coast.
A. Duties and Responsibilities
· Acts as the liaison for the company and clients.
· Expands the customer base by prospecting new accounts.
· Establishes and maintains the customer relationship.
· Monitors all facets of the business and sales activities to drive sales.
· Develops solutions to address sales needs.
· Creates and presents sales presentations to all types of clients.
· Monitors the company's competitor and market conditions.
· Handles the existing clientele's sales volume.
B. Skills
· Must be a self-starter
· Must be versatile and flexible.
· Exemplary communication skills, both verbal and written forms.
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· Outstanding sales and presentation skills.
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· Ability to work in a fast-paced and interactive environment.
· Knowledge of current marketing trends and demands.
· Ability to determine and meet customers' needs and requirements.
C. Qualifications
· 3+ years At least of outside sales or any sales experience is required.
· Proven track record of successful sales.
Interested candidates can email their CV's with relevant documents to accounts@vulkanstamps.com
Noticeoftheconsent Applicationintermsofthe Walvisbaytownplanning Scheme
CONSENT:HomeBasedBusinessLeilhaFinancial Services CC ON ERF NO: 4185 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: Newmanclose.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Leilha Financial Services CC Cash Loan.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan19May2023.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LoideShinedima,POBox5181,WalvisBay email:loideshinedima6@gmail.com
Vacancy: Vessel Superintendent
Main activities:
· Attend to all Husbandry matters while vessel in port.
· Liaison with all Namport, Stevedores, Authorities, planning the vessel's call and ensure fast turnaround of vessels.
· Plan and oversee discharge and loading operations of containerized, break bulk, out of gauge, heavy lift, and project and bulk cargo onboard multi-purpose vessels.
· Preparing and working according to Cargo and container plans.
· Ensure efficient and cost-effective operations, check and compile all invoices related to vessel's Port call.
· Plan cargo stowage from Baplie/EDI files.
· Arranging all vessel formalities from berth space through to sailing clearance.
· Able to work overtime.
· Minimum Grade 12.
· Fluent in English.
· Computer literate
· Work in a fast pace, cost effective environment.
· Driver's license
· Own vehicle.
Please send CV to Martin.louw@Macship.com by 8 May 2023.
Drug &AlcoholAddiction Treatment Centre
For more info contactArno Engels Cell: 081 860 8326 email: mountsinainamibia@gmail.com
NoticeisherebygivenintermsofClause6of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme RegulationsthattheTownCouncilconsiders the following consent uses, erection of buildingsanduseofland,detailsofwhichare obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.
The owner of Erf 19, (Vogelstrand, Swakopmund)herewithintendstoapplytotheMunicipality of Swakopmund for special permission forBuildingHeightRelaxationfrom8mto10m.
Contactperson:Ms.G.Loubser(Architect)Tel +264(61)237162andorMr J.Heita(Manager: TownPlanning)Tel:+264(64)4104403.
Any person having any objections to the proposedstepsmaylodgesuchobjections,duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officeruntil th29 ofMay2023.
Environmentalclearance Certificateapplication
In terms of the Environmental ManagementAct (Act no. 7 of 2007) as well as the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (Government Notice No.30 of 2012), notice is hereby given to all potentially interested and affected parties (I&APs) that an applicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificate (ECC)willbemadetotheOfficeoftheEnvironmental Commissionerforthefollowingactivities:
Project Description: Proposed Small Scale Mining ActivitiesforQuartzOnMiningClaims:72880,72879 and72878,ErongoRegion,Namibia.
SiteLocality:MiningClaimslieapproximately30km eastofCapeCrossintheErongoRegion.
Proponent: ThikameniThikaKashonaUlenga
Environmental Assessment Practitioner: Inga Metals andCommoditiesCC
Allinterestedandaffectedpartiesareherebyinvitedto register with Inga Metals and Commodities CC. The Background Information Document (BID) can be requested and any comments, issues or concerns related to the project can be submitted to Inga Metals and Commodities CC. All comments/concerns must reach Inga Metals and Commodities CC by close of businesson24September2022.