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Matthews to act as MD
The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia(Namcor)boardofdirectorsafter a meeting with mines minister Tom Alweendo and finance minister Iipumbu Shiimihassuspendedthecompany'sManagingDirector(MD),ImmanuelMulunga.
TheNamcorBoardofDirectorshasconfirmed the suspension of its MD, Immanuel Mulunga whoservedasMDofNAMCORsinceOctober 2015, where he previously served as a Board member from 2005 to 2010. Prior to joining NAMCOR, he served as the Petroleum Com- missionerintheMinistryofMinesandEnergyfor over a decade, where he was tasked to facilitate andpromotetheExplorationandProductionofoil andgasinNamibia.
FormerNedbankMDandanadviserintheministryoffinanceLionelMatthewshasbeenappointedastheActingManagingDirectorofNamcoras fromMonday,10April.Matthewswilltakeover asactingMDfromShiwanaNdeunyema,Namocor's executive for business strategy and performance management, who is appointed as acting managing director with immediate effect until Monday
Immanuel Mulunga suspended Managing Director hospital.” Nyamu told the Namib Times, “The hospital notifies us weekly on the new number of babiestheyhave,andwethengive the boxes in batches based on the numberofbabiesavailabledirectly to the mothers and their babies.”
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