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Noticeoftheconsentapplicationin Termsofthewalvisbaytownplanning Scheme
ON ERF ommodation Establishment (Self Catering)
NO: 1355 TOWN-SHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO: PioneerStreetNo.22.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: AccommodationEstablishment(SelfCatering).
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtained atTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 21April 2023.
NAMEANDADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: FestusWeyulu, PO Box 60585,Windhoek email:otistrading@gmail.com
Mompolo Entertainment 2 herewith intends to applytotheSwakopmundMunicipalCouncilfor Special Consent “place of to operate a amusement’’-gamblingandbaronthepremises of Erf 4077, Mondesa Proper, (Independence Street)asprovidedforintermsofClause6ofthe Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering PlanningServices. &
Any person having any objection against such application should / lodge such objection s, in writing with 14days the publication and in of last to the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality,duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 25 April2023.
Contact persons: Mr A Joubert, Cell: 081 636 6719,Email:joubertchoppers@gmail.com or Mr J Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +2644104403
Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner, to the Swakopmund Municipality and/or the Urban and Regional Planning Board and/or the EnvironmentalCommissionerforthefollowing:
[1] Consent for a “Tourist Establishment” on Portion 42 of the Farm No.163 to construct additional guestunitsandarestaurantwhiletherezoningisin progress;
[2]RezoningofPortion42oftheFarmNo.163from “Agriculture” to “Special” to permit an Agricultural Building, Public Restaurant, Tourist Establishment(Lodgeand/orResortand/orCampsites), StaffQuarters,AncillaryRecreationalFacilitiesand Events (Bar and Entertainment Area, Swimming Pool, Petting Zoo,Wedding and ConferenceVenue, Live Entertainment and Social Events), provided that all buildings shall not covermore than 10% of thelandparcelarea.
[3] Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the construction of a Lodge and/or ResortonPortion42oftheFarmNo.163.
TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018), the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme, and the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
Takenotethat– a) the complete application lies open for inspection at the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of SwakopmundsituatedonthecornerofRakotokaStreet andDanielKamhoAvenue,orcanbedownloadedfrom www.sp.com.na/projects; b)apublicmeetingwillbeheldatPlot42(Pompstasie), SwakopmundRiverPlotsonSaturday,15April2023 from 10:00 to 12:00 to discuss the development proposal; c)potentialinterestedandaffectedpartiesareinvitedto register with Stewart Planning, and any person having comments or objections to the proposed application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality and withStewartPlanningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice; d)registrationandwrittencommentsand/orobjections mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00Tuesday,9May 2023totheaddressesprovidedbelow
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095 WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na