Naming Ceremony's Art Gallery Magazine: Angels & Demons

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CONTENTS Benjamin Hersh


Crystal De La Torre


Dee Glazer


Ione Cirtrin


Jessica Susan Grimshaw


Judy K. Olin


Katie Barretta


Meagan Trott


Sabine Blodorn


Sara Lynn Hawley


Shawn Christopher Helton







My paintings and collages are colorful narratives that explore childhood. The soft colors and curious faces of children I paint create a window into a world of ominous situations and peculiar settings. I collect photographs and images in magazines to create stories that reflect play, innocence, and possible danger. In addition, the strong feminine energy that influenced my childhood resurfaces in my work and becomes part of the characters and backgrounds. My collages imply memory while the paint steps in as the element of fantasy. Fantasy is the escape to what

CRYSTAL DE LA TORRE we yearned f o r in our childhoods, b u t c o u l d never physically grasp. Frustration and desire become visible in the characters of my mischievous and curious little girls. Through them, I am exposing my desires and experiencing my childhood fantasy. Control is an important element in my work; self control and lack of control between the protagonist and antagonist. The characters within the narrative exist in scenes that are uncomfortable, revealing tension and vulnerability. Each piece I create in an extension from my past, mischievous and fantasy-like, and a preview of my future.


C R Y S T A L DE L A T OR R E D I S C I P L I N ARY AC T ION Collage on Painted Wall 8x12 feet

N o P r ic e

C RYSTAL D E L A TO R RE WHE RE BAD CHILD R EN G O Water Colour and Collage on Paper 22x28 inches

$ 600.00

C RYSTAL D E L A TO R RE CARS ARE AB S O L ET E Oil On Woo d P an e l 9x12 inches

$ 600.00 10


My work, while reflecting the overlap between the fields of art and philosophy, explores the notion that the boundaries between “the real” and “the unreal” are not as clear cut as we have been habituated to believe. My work expresses the idea that the surrounding society and life that we have constructed for ourselves not only shapes our surroundings, but simultaneously works to construct our identities, both externally and internally. Many of the themes visible in my work show the construction of human beings by the every day objects that we have created for everyday practical use. Thus, that which we believe to have control or domination over also controls and shapes these very beliefs we have about our lives, both in the realm of reality and of that beyond it.


D EE G LAZE R LOU D P I P ES Oil On Can vas 24x32 inches

$ 750.00 12

DEE GLAZER C O N S TR U C TI ON 6 Oi l On C a n v as 24x32 inches

$7 5 0 . 0 0


IONE “I dream, therefore, I am”

“I create art because I must. It is a necessary extension of my life. It identifies and substantiates my existence. It is my profile and my legacy. I want to intrigue and entertain. I want to initiate wonder and questions. I want to communicate my thoughts, dreams and desires. Most of all, I want to be!”


IO N E C I T R I N L OV E BIRDS B r on ze Sculpture 16x15x6 inches

$ 80 0 0.00


I ON E CR ITR IN MER M A I D M ixed M e di a 14x16 inches

$ 8 00.00

I ON E CIT R IN T HE C R E A TURE Mi x e d M e d ia 36 inches in Diameter

$13 5 0 . 0 0


I ON E C I RTRIN TO T EM A c ry l i c 40x30 inches



When heaven and hell’s champions aren’t posing for church frescoes, their leisure time must consist of mundane activities like shopping, working, chemical experimentation, and occasionally sexual congress. It may be a shaky relationship at times, but only by coexisting can the agents of good and evil define and test their own boundaries. My mixed media collages use layers of paint and magazine ads to evoke the seductive glamor of religious art and modern advertising.



Religious art and popular culture would like us to believe that demons and angels are always enemies. We are used to seeing them on church walls or in films locked in combat. My work springs from a desire to show the foot soldiers of God and Lucifer tenuously co-existing in a more civilized manner away from the public’s preconceived expectations.

J ESSI C A SU SAN GRI MSHAW HE AD S H R I N K M ixed M ed ia Co l l ag e 16x22 inches

$ 400.00


JESSICA S USA N G R I M S HA W ST . G E O R GE AN D T HE D RAGON Mi x e d M e d ia Co llag e 28x22 inches

$10 0 0 . 0 0

JE S S I C A S U S A N G R I MSH AW M A L PRAC T ICE M ix e d Media C o llag e 16x22 inches

$ 6 0 0 .00



When these figures appear in my paintings I am never certain if they are benevolent or frightening. It is this duality that I seek to explore because I believe authentic self-expression requires that you step from safety into uncertainty. Serenity and Anxiety. Isolation and Inclusion. Gentleness and Severity. I try to hold these feelings simultaneously to see how these opposites can merge.


J U D Y K. O LIN RE ACHING FOR Y O U 1 A c ry l i c 18x24 inches

$ 8 00.00


JUDY K. OLIN R E AC H I N G F O YOU 2 A c r y lic 18x24 inches

$ 80 0 . 0 0


J U D Y K. O LIN RE ACHING FO Y O U 3 A c ry l i c 18x24 inches

$80 0.00


Transcending the barriers of the time before us, my art works to transform our current state of society. It works to empower the individual. It encourages us to search within our souls for meaning and urges humans to engage in the profound. I draw from the metaphysical, depicting imagery from dreams and visions. Through

KAT I E B A R R E T T A the use of abstractions and shapes, I work to articulate meaning and create symbols. By way of association, connections become apparent and progress becomes visible. I work to harness the power of the greater good, to deconstruct the old systems that no longer serve us and to create a new more effective reality – a place where it becomes inherent for all to thrive.


KA T E B A R R E T T A U NT I TL E D N o. 1 2 Si l v e r Ge la tin On N ews print 12.16x5.42 inches

$8 8 8 . 0 0

K ATI E BAR RE TTA UNTITL ED N o . 5 Silver Grat i n P ri n t On N e w pri n t 5.4x9.11 inches

$ 666.00


K ATI E BARRETTA UNTITLE D N o . 6 Silver Gr a tin P ri n t On News pri n t 6.17x8.47 inches




A childhood spent beneath vaulted arches has led me to associate flowing drapery, beams of light, and certain gestures with holiness. Yet I have found holiness elsewhere: nature, ancient myth, and especially the human body. All these speak to a more tangible sanctity that exists in our world and to mankind’s intimate relationship with it. Through carefully-crafted paintings and drawings I express my reverence for all things sacred. My images are eclectic, rather than confined by any specific dogma. Catholic and Pagan symbolism blend seamlessly amid figures engrossed in ritual or meditation. I hope that my work can inspire an appreciation for things immaterial, like the sensation of ritual, which lie just beyond the reaches of our understanding.


ME A G A N T R O T T A NNU N C I ATI ON Oi l O n P a p e r 22x30 inches

$12 0 0 . 0 0

[ Fr a m e d ]

MEAGAN TRO TT TH E EXI L E Oil On Can vas 16x20 inches [Oval]

$ 225.00

Since Christianity has introduced the personification of good and bad, Demons and Angels form an integral part of the belief system. However, since dawn of humanity “fictitious higher beings” have occupied people’s minds in their ancient quest of what might be hidden behind the curtain

S AB I N E B LO D O R N of life or what might be “out there” or not. My Lucia’s Dream deals with these imaginary beings and is an attempt to communicate visually between fiction and reality. These Angels act as messenger, facing a planet in chaos, seeing war, terrorism, environmental problems and manmade disaster the work of the Demons of our time.


SABI N E BL OD ORN LUCIA’S DRE AM Synthetic Polyer 39.37x59.05 inches

$4000. 0 0

Mythology has always been rich with strange creatures, and I have always felt that they have been somehow misunderstood. Are they really as very bad or very good as they seem? A pencil is a humble thing. Everyone can afford one. It is small enough to travel anywhere, and somehow large enough to let you travel anywhere. I’ve used mine to try to explore these Misunderstood Creatures. Do horns or claws make something evil? Do large eyes make something sweet? I’ll let you decide.



SARA L YN N HAWLE Y M ISUNDE RSTOOD CRE ATURE N o .5 [L eft ] G raph i t e 4x6 inches

$ 55.00

SA R A L Y N N HA WL EY M I S UN D E R S TOOD CREAT U RE No. 6 G ra p h ite

[ Ri g ht]

4x6 inches

$55.00 39

Shifting world events and the hidden meanings behind them is where a painting usually begins for me. As I learn more about the world I try to include subjects that point towards these happenings. SHAWN CHRISTOPHER HELTON

Distressed texture and cleaner figurative lines become the push and pull to draw the viewer in. At the core of my work there is a contrast between detail and atmosphere. Where there is always an element of chance.


SHAWN C H RI STO P HE R HE LTO N BYE BYE BL A CK B I R D M ixe d M e di a Illustr a ted P ai n t i n g 20x24 inches

$ 8 50.00


SHAWN C H RI STO P HE R HE LTO N COLD WAR H O L I D A Y M ixed M ed ia I l l u s t rat e d Pa inting o n W o o d 11x20 inches

$ 750.00


SHA W N CHR IS T O PH E R HELTON I NVI S I B L E E M PIRE Mi x e d M e d ia 16x20 inches

$3 5 0 . 0 0


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