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Student from Italy

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Once upon a time there were five friends; their names were JOE,IRIS, GIUSEPPE,COSMINA AND OLGA. JOE was from the Czech Republic, IRIS was from Greece , GIUSEPPE was from Italy , Cosmina was from Romania and OLGA was from Serbia. They never left each other. They were all committed to finding a way to save our world. “There must be a way! There must be a magical solution that will help save the world from poverty, hunger, inequality, injustice, climate change, deforestation, water scarcity and all those problems our world is facing” they were thinking. “What is that in the river ? A bottle? Wait a minute! There is something inside it!” She picked up the bottle and read the message

“You brave one. You who managed to find this message. To you and the ones who stand on your side I grant the power to save the world. How? Well, that’s up to you, make a choice and follow through. Good luck with that.” The message was poorly translated from an ancient language that she managed to comprehend, there were some strange symbols all around the text, the same cryptic shapes that were found on the top of the nearby temple. This meant one thing and one thing only: a rush to the temple. Once arrived, the improbable crew entered the building and was greeted by the blind priest of mother earth, who was waiting on them with a hopeful expression. he knew that they were the choosen ones. Then he started speaking: “Greetings young ones, I’m jello, and i’ll guide you through the journey of avoiding a mass extinction. I’m sure you’re aware of what is going on earth. We’ll have to use every card we have to stop those who seek to profit off of everyone’s back”.


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