1 minute read


Her mission was to decrease those human actions, such as industrial activities that involve the release of harmful gases, which damage the climate and the environment. just when all the man-made environmental disasters are being resolved, a not insignificant obstacle stands in the way of the guys’ will to lead the earth to salvation. He is a strong political personality who does not want to give up his sources of income. THE GUYS WERE REJECTED BECAUSE THEY WERE ONE STEP AWAY FROM ACHIEVING THEIR GOAL AND DIDN’ T IMAGINE SUCH A GREAT OBSTACLE AT THE VERY END OF THEIR TIRING WORK . THEY DIDN’ T BELIEVE THAT A MAN WAS CAPABLE OF SUCH A DESPICABLE AND SELFISH GESTURE NOT ONLY TOWARDS THE GUYS, BUT TOWARDS THE WHOLE WORLD POPULATION. THEY WERE ON THE VERGE OF GIVING UP WHEN AN UNEXPECTED EVENT HAPPENED...


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