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Stories by young Europeans France, Germany, Greece, Lithuania, Spain and Poland

Story to the painting from FRANCE Story written by WASIM and EDUARD from GERMANY (class 8D) Story illustrated by MACIEJ from POLAND (class 8A)

The Kungfu Master SONG LEE asked his student Tom: "Tom" he said, "I'd like to talk to you. I am an old man now. Here is my stick. I think China needs a new Kungfu Master. Please think of it. Will you be my successor? Please do so." Song Lee thought that the time for him to leave would have come. And so, he hoped that the 18-year-old boy Tom would agree.

Tom had a great talent for Kungfu fighting. He was the student of SONG LEE, so that was true. He was talented. But he also hesitated, continued his every day training of four hours. SONG LEE saw him train and saw the strong fighter he already knew for several years. As the championship was announced Tom had the ok to participate and he did win every competition. So, immediately, after only two matches he fought a successful fight and won against the Japanese boy called ATSUMI. At the prize ceremony he cried tears of joy and SONG LEE was so proud of his student Tom. The victory convinced Tom to help SONG LEE and become the Kungfu Master, the successor of his great brave Kungfu Master SONG LEE. But it took another year.

After that year of intense 5-hour-training every single day, Tom finally had the courage to talk to SONG LEE. Every day since then he stayed hours with his Master: he fought, talked, stayed at his house in the Chinese mountains. And then when after a long, long winter spring finally seemed to come Tom said "YES!"

SONG LEE died after a week. Tom became his successor. He changed his name and from then on, he was SONG LEE TOM.

Story to the painting from FRANCE Story written by Martynas Zimkus(7a)from LITHUANIA Story illustrated by from GREECE

Long time ago in a mountain far away lived a blacksmith named Leo. He was the best sword maker in the world. He made his swords from a special metal in his mountain named Tungsten. So one day his metal supplies ended. He soon became broke. He sold his house and everything he had to get ready for his journey to nearest Tungsten supply. He had to go through 2 cities, the first city –Beidha, the second city- Basta.

Beidha was a beautiful city but it was empty. He walked around and found a big army which were leaving the city. Leo came up to one soldier and asked why are you leaving the city, soldier says:they are going to the war with Basta city. Who knew Leo was going there he asked solder leader not to attack and a very fast horse. Leo got to Basta city in no time he asked king why are you fighting with Bediha the king replied:-We were good friends with king of Beidha but once we sent a letter to him and he was angry. He came to my castle and almost destroyed it, we took revenge for that. Blacksmith nodded his head and went out.

He came back at Beidha general’s tent he asked to show the last letter from Basta‘s city. Leo read it and started laughing- there were misspelled word: instead far city king was written fat city king. He explained that to king and he became red like tomato. All this mess was of misspelled word. Both cities became friends again, blacksmith got his metal and everyone started learning English

Story to the painting from SPAIN Story written by Loris, Noémie and Rémus from FRANCE Story illustrated by KAROLINA from POLAND (class 8A)

Story to the painting from GERMANY Story written by Ambre, Dorian, Elias and Teilo from FRANCE Story illustrated by POLA from POLAND (class 7a)

It was year 2010 during the month of February in London. The boss of a circus called Pablo worked with his colleague Adriana, who was an acrobat. Pablo needed a second acrobat but he couldn't find one. He asked Adriana to suggest to her cousin Janette to take on the role but Janette refused. The boss didn't want to continue his search so he decided to force Janette to accept the role. He stuck her.

During the show the public noticed she had a black eye. Somebody spokes to her and she went to the police station to file a complaint. - Hello, I'm Janette. I was assaulted. - OK, who assaulted you? - My boss. - Where do you work? - In a circus. - Why did he assault you? - Because I didn't want to take the role of acrobat. He obliged me to accept the role. The boss was summoned to the courthouse and sent to prison. Janette finally got her job.

Story to the painting from GERMANY Story written by Ambre, Dorian, Elias and Teilo from FRANCE Story illustrated by MAKSYM from POLAND (class 8a)

Story to the painting from GERMANY Story written byAnaĂŻs, Aurore and Selen from France FRANCE Story illustrated by George from GREECE

It was Saturday, May 4th in China. Boculus and all his company got ready for the show. The clown did his act with the dancers, Vitina and Lomana. The spectators lauged when suddenly they heard a noise and the circus tent collapsed. A mysterious black cloud took Vitina and Lomana away. The two women disappeared and the spectators fled. Boculus was left alone looking at the torn circus tent.

All of a sudden a big diamond attracted his attention, he caught it in his hands. He teleported to a green place filled with sunny trees, it was like paradise. the clown walked and entered a sort of stone labyrinth. The more he moved forward, the more he heard laughters from children. then a little girl appeared. She had black hair and was wearing a black dress. - Excuse me, do you know where the exit is ? asked Boculus.

- You can't flee, you are locked. We're going to be good friends ! said the little girl laughing. Boculus ran away, he fell and saw Vitina and Lomana tied to a chair. He cut the rope and all three ran away to escape the little girl. After half an hour Boculus saw the exit, there was a blue stone, he took it and they all came out of the labyrinth. They were in front of the circus tent that had not moved. The clown and the dancers jumped out of joy without thinking that in the other world the little girl also had a blue stone. - Here I am my friends ! she said laughing.

Story to the painting from SPAIN Story written by MARIA, MIA and ARIADNE from GREECE Story illustrated by WERONIKA from POLAND (class 8a)

Once upon a time there was a little girl whose name was Adelle. Adelle came from a very poor family. Her father was a shepherd and her mother were a farmer. Adelle had a nice voice but she was born without hair. Because of that, she didn’t have a lot of friends. One day, her mother went to a wise woman on a mountain and asked her if she knew a therapy. The wise woman answered "I believe your daughter is unique and because of her illness I can't give her a therapy cause her life is going to be in danger and you have to love her for what she is". The mother was so disappointed. She took the way back home.

Then someone approached her and told her "Don't listen to her since her husband has died, she doesn’t know what she is saying". "Trust me I know how to cure your daughter ". The mother trusted him and followed his advice. Adelle couldn’t believe it. The next day she went with a basket with berries to thank him. Suddenly, a fierce wind started blowing. But Adelle continued walking. When she arrived, the therapy was ready. On the top of the bottle it was written "Don’t come in contact with snow".

After a month Adelle had long lovely hair. On a winter day, Adelle went for a walk. Suddenly it started snowing. She protected herself by going into a cave. When she looked out, she saw a little white bird which had fallen from his nest. Adelle sacrificed herself, she went out in the snow and saved it. Her hair began to fall.

Adelle went back home with the little bird feeling very sad. Although she was almost in tears, she was proud of herself about what she had done too. That made her happy again. Adelle kept the little white bird and they grew up happily together!!

Story to the painting from SPAIN Story written by KAROLINA from POLAND (class 8a) Story illustrated by Maria, Mia and Ariadne from GREECE

Once there was a boy called Larry. The boy was very keen on pigeons. He spent hours in the park where he was watching and feeding those fantastic birds. Their feathers were amazing – they looked like a rainbow. These were the times when pigeons could be watched only in the parks. No one could touch them or take them home. When Larry grew up, he got married and Larry’s beautiful daughter was born. Her name was Maya. The girl, like her father, became fascinated by the pigeons. She wished she could have one of them only for herself and begged her father to bring her one.

Larry knew that it was forbidden to take the pigeon home but he wanted his daughter to be happy at all costs. At night he sneaked into the park, stole one of the pigeons and got back home. While he was taking his prey from the bag, a strange figure came out. It started to get bigger and bigger and finally it turned out that it was a pigeon witch. “How dare you come to the park and steal my pigeons! “, the furious woman shouted. She was wearing a black dress and her face was terrible.

� Do you realize what you have done? You are not allowed to take my pigeons and you know that if you do you will be punished! That is why I put a curse on you till the rest of your life�, she kept screaming. As a punishment she changed Larry into a white pigeon. He had no colors because of his terrible act. Then the witch disappeared. Maya took the pigeon from the floor. She was looking at it for a moment when suddenly the pigeon flew out of the window. She never saw it again.

Story to the painting from LITHUANIA Story written by Candice, Emery, Inès and Mathilde from FRANCE Story illustrated by LENA from POLAND (class 8a)

The Torchon family was leaving the Pacific Ocean for a nice day out when suddenly the rain began to fall and little by little the clouds arrived. They hit a rock and slowly the water infiltrated the boat. Nobody had noticed... John, the youngest son went to his father and told him that there was water in the boat but the father didn't understand anything. The man left the helm and went to the hold where he saw it was flooded and understood the boat was going to sink. The grandmother suggested they found a stone, large enough to serve as a dry floor for the family. John's sister remembered a small island they had just passed.

On the way they met a giant shrimp which asked them. - What are you doing here? The storm is coming soon, you should find shelter. - We are going to the little island behind the cliff, said the father. - Come, I'll come with you to show you the fastest way and to help you find a shelter. - Thank you very much madam Shrimp. The storm was getting closer and closer, the rain began to fall sharply and the family was still not at the shelter the shrimp had promised them.

The shrimp had found a shrub that was large enough to hold the whole family. Suddenly, the shrimp became a lot more aggressive and asked everyone to kneel and put their hands on their heads. She explained she had been sent by the master of her planet, Venus, and that she had to exterminate them. The family was afraid and started howling, the shrimp began to eat them one by one. She began with the father, then the grandmother, and the mother and next the sister. Everyone had been exterminated except John, the youngest son of the family. He was wondering why he had not been eaten too when the shrimp came and said: - Hello John, I was waiting to talk to you, only you and I... - But what do you want from me? - Oh, don't worry about it. Then the shrimp ran away and left John, the little boy, all alone on this island...

Story to the painting from LITHUANIA Story written by Marlene and Pamela, GERMANY (class 8d) Story illustrated by Nickie and Evi from GREECE

Once upon a time there were four fishermen with their boats. It was on a Tuesday. And like every evening they sailed out for fishing. Suddenly it started to rain and a thunderstorm came with lightnings. The sea was rough, the waves became higher and higher.

The four fishermen thought to return to the village with their boats but they needed the fish for dinner.

The storm was getting worse and worse and their boats swung, floated. No possibility to return to the harbour of the village! The men spent Tuesday night on their boats.

The waves had become quiet over night, but the fishermen lost their direction. After many efforts they finally found their way back home. After more than four hours of navigation they arrived back to the harbour of their home city. They had their families back, could even enjoy their dinner all together, but this dinner was without fish. It wasn‘t their major thought to take some fish when they were with the waves and thunderstorms in the middle of nowhere. How good it was to be back alive with their families!

Story to the painting from GREECE Story written by Vaiva Steponavičiūtė from LITHUANIA Story illustrated by BENJAMIN from POLAND (class 8a)

Once upon a time in the deep dark sea, a mythical creature was swimming around quietly. The mythical creature had fins a tail and beautiful, long, blond hair. It's a mermaid, some people think that mermaids are dangerous but in this story it's the opposite. The mermaids name was Aurora, she was kind, strong, happy and very friendly. Aurora wished she could see the whole world, but she was as scared of what the people might think of her. And one day while Aurora was wandering around with her mermaid friends Blossom and Carmel, they saw something very colourful up above.

The mermaids started swimming closer and closer and then they realised that the colourful objects are above the water. All of them decided to go above the water and see what these mysterious objects are. One by one they poked their heads out of the water seeing that the colourful objects are beautiful kites. They didn't know what to do so they took a firm grip of the ropes that were attached to the kites. Suddenly the kites started flying in one direction taking them somewhere where they haven't been before. With these magical kites they travelled around the world seeing beautiful sights, mountains and had a lot of new adventures coming their way.

Story to the painting from POLAND Story written by Clément, Cyrielle, Louca and Zélie-Rose from FRANCE Story illustrated by Andrew from GREECE

Once upon a time the son of Santa Claus, who was called Mietek, was so tired that he fell asleep and forgot the mission his father had given him. His mission was to go find a deer who had got lost in the woods. The father was desperate. Mietek woke up, got dressed and ran out to go find the deer in the woods. Suddenly Mietek saw a shadow. It was an evil elf and the deer was behind him. - Well, aren't you Santa's son ? - Yes, I am. I've come to find a deer, said Mietek.

- You won't have him unless you fight against me ! - I will certainly do it ! The evil elf began to throw fireballs. All of a sudden, a blinding light appeared in the sky. It was Santa Claus. - Leave my son alone and go home ! yelled santa Claus. - The elf ran away. Santa was able to give presents. Mietek went back to bed.

Story to the painting from POLAND Story written by Clément, Cyrielle, Louca and Zélie-Rose from FRANCE Story illustrated by Maria and Ariadne from GREECE

Once upon a time the son of Santa Claus, who was called Mietek, was so tired that he fell asleep and forgot the mission his father had given him. His mission was to go find a deer who had got lost in the woods. The father was desperate. Mietek woke up, got dressed and ran out to go find the deer in the woods. Suddenly Mietek saw a shadow. It was an evil elf and the deer was behind him. - Well, aren't you Santa's son ? - Yes, I am. I've come to find a deer, said Mietek.

- You won't have him unless you fight against me ! - I will certainly do it ! The evil elf began to throw fireballs. All of a sudden, a blinding light appeared in the sky. It was Santa Claus. - Leave my son alone and go home ! yelled santa Claus. - The elf ran away. Santa was able to give presents. Mietek went back to bed.

Story to the painting from SPAIN Story written by Kalista, Yaniss and Victor from FRANCE Story illustrated by Rosanna and Alina (8e) from Germany)

It's the story of a young girl who is sick. She is walking in a park, she finds a dove next to a ball, the dove is wounded. The girl takes the dove in her hands and she brings it home. During two weeks the girl heals the dove. Once the dove is cured the young girl releases it in the park whe she found it. One week later the girl sees the dove and the dove heals the girl to thank her for having saved her.

Story to the painting from FRANCE Story written by Maciej from Poland. Story illustrated by Alisha and Charlotte (8d )from Germany

Once upon a time, there used to live a lonely man. Although he lived alone, he got on well with the animals that were on his island. How did he get on the island? He was the only one who survived the plane crash and landed on the seashore. What's important, there was a huge mountain on his island. The problem was the fact, that he was too afraid to come closer and look at it. The fog was making it even more complicated. One day, after he woke up, the sunlight was concentrated on the top of the mountain. He picked up his binoculars and watched the occurrence carefully. What he saw almost shocked him. He decided to give it a go and started climbing the mountain. At first, he found it really difficult to go up step by step but surprisingly the animals helped him! They weren't acting in a normal way. They were able to talk!

- Do you need any help? - said one of the tigers. - Yes! I don't know where to put my second foot. I don't want to fall. - I will see what I can do - the animal answered. The help of the creatures was extremely useful. Without it, the man could have fell. Even the smallest creatures tried to push the man up. - Thank you so much. I would have done nothing without you - said the man.

- Thank you so much. I would have done nothing without you - said the man. - You're welcome. We don't have many visitors here so we try to help everybody. - said the proud tiger. Finally, he was standing on the top of the mountain. Suddenly, everything turned bright white.

When he opened his eyes, he realised it was only a dream.

Story to the painting from GREECE Story written by Mathis from France. Story illustrated by Marlene and Angelina (8d) / Lea, Kim and Victoria (8e) from Germany

Once upon a time there was a little town whose name was "Fairytown" and where everybody enjoyed celebrating Christmas. It was an enchanting world where all the stars in the sky represented the spirit of Christmas. Christmas was a very important day for all the fairies and also for Angel, Bell and Flake three sisters because it symbolized peace, love anf joy... But to the north of this world lived Jan Grinchy, the elf. He lived alone and he hated Christmas time, he hated the stars, the lights.. and that year he had decided to spoil the spirit of Christmas.

- “What can I find to stop Christmas?” asked Grinchy.

Quickly he found an idea..."The Northern lights". "Yes, the Northern lights will destroy all the stars in the sky and it will be dark forever." Meanwhile in Fairytown everybody was busy decorating the Christmas tree on the main square, everybody was singing. Suddenly there were clouds, the sky became darker and darker and the stars went out. The fairies realized that something was happening and that Christmas would be spoilt. Bell, Flake and Angel immediately understood that Grinchy the elf was responsible for that, he who didn't like Christmas. It was necessary to find a solution to save Christmas. - Fill the sky with rain of stars thanks to the love in the children's hearts.

All is well that ends well !

Story to the painting from LITHUANIA Story written by Lena from Poland Story illustrated by Lilly, Wasim and Eduard (8d and 8e) from Germany

A long time ago on the edge of the world there was a fishing village. Fishermen there were very wise and had very fine boats. It was in times when few fishermen lived on Earth so the Sea was graceful to them and always warned them when there was a storm to come. They lived in peace with the Sea. Thanks to this they always had something to eat and the Sea was given gifts by them in exchange. Life was easy and happy for them.

One day The Sea said: „Tomorrow an hour will come, when all the biggest and strongest fish will come to the shore, so that you will see them, but won’t be able to touch them unless you leave the harbour. Don’t be deceived. The moment you sail so far that you won’t be able to escape, the greatest wave you’ve ever seen will come and you will regret ignoring my advice”. Fishermen planned to obey The Sea, but they were greedy. Just when they saw all the finest fish, they sailed off the shore. Only one, the weakest and oldest of them stayed in the harbour. The first of the fishermen was the one who managed to grasp his fishing pole before they saw it. It looked like a wall of water, higher than any of their houses and wider than the seashore. It hit them so quickly that they didn’t have any time to react or escape. It sank their ships with them on deck.

All the villagers were terrified, only the old fisherman looked at The Sea with respect. He turned his head to the people and said: „See? You can never let yourself think you’re better than The Sea, something, that was in this world for far longer than we’ll ever be and something, that gives us fish, its property, so that we wouldn’t starve.” Just then The Sea stranded all the strongest fish right in front of him. It said: „You’re the only one that listened to me, respected me. But I learnt today that men are greedy. When you see a treasure, you don’t think but run for it like animals. That’s why I won’t talk to you ever again. Every time you sail off the shore, you will worry that your boats will sink. You will fear me and respect me. All these fish are for you, but know that this is the last time I give a man any gifts. From now on I will protect every fish from you and I will punish anyone who angers me.” Just when The Sea finished talking, the waters calmed. There was no sign of the big wave, no sign of the sunk boats. The only sign they had to believe what had just happened were the fish lying in front of the old fishermen. Only the old man lived in affluence for the rest of his life. But people were upset. They stopped calling The Sea with respect, now they would say just „sea”. They starved and had to build new boats, because the sea sank them. People’s bond with the sea is never to be recovered.

Story to the painting from POLAND Story written by Antoine, Rose et Titouan from FRANCE Story illustrated by David, Kevin and Moumen(8e) from Germany

On the red sofa, Mietek was dreaming of his mom but she disappeared and he woke up with a start. Mietek was ten years old. He was sad because he thought of his mom. Then he played on his swing and his dad came back home. He prepared the evening meal with his dad and they ate.

- Dad, why did mom disappear ? Mietek asked. - Mom disappeared because she was a woman and a mother, his dad answered. - But I don't understand, Mietek said. Mom disappeared because she was a woman ? - Yes, the father answered, you understand ! - I'm so sad ! said Mietek.

They went to bed and woke up at dawn. Mietek's dad went to work and Mietek prepared his breakfast and ate it all alone. Then he decided to go find his mom. He put his bag on his shoulder and headed north east. Then he met a fox. - Hello, said the fox. I'm Fox and you ? - Hello, Mietek replied. I'm Mietek. Do you want to be my friend ? - Yes, Fox answered. - Ok, then, said Mietek. And they went together.

On their way they met an abandoned toddler. They became friends. Mietek and Fox met monstrous animals in a lake. They met frightening animals, big fish and dragons. They were in a boat when suddenly a spider came out of the water. - We had a lucky escape ! - We sure did ! Mietek and Fox went across the lake and found a hut, it looked abandoned so they found refuge in it.

Five days later, they went out of the hut to look for food and something to drink. They killed a weasel and drank water from a pond. Mietek and Fox found their mothers and other moms too. But the abductor came in the barn and Mietek jumped at him and they fell on the floor. Meanwhile the women and Fox fled away. But Mietek got killed by the abductor and the women and the Fox lived a long life.

Story to the painting from POLAND Story written by Alexis and George from Greece Story illustrated by Michel and Jonas (8d) / Finja and Antonia (8e) from Germany

Once upon a time there was an immigrant . He came from Asia with his family . They had no money and every member of the family was working very hard . They were working from morning to midnight and they were very tired . One day , the boy was walking down a street when he saw a shop which sold pillows. He went inside and he decided to earn money to buy pillows for his family . When he went home , he told his parents about the shop and they agreed with him to go altogether.

Fortunately, the factory owner ,where the family worked , let them go earlier home . So after work , they went to the shop to see if they could buy some pillows . When they arrived , they chose what they wanted but the young boy stayed more at the shop because he liked looking at all those pillows . He was so tired , and while he was looking at the pillows, he fell asleep on a bed which was hid behind some big pillows .

At the end of the day , the shop owner didn't see the young boy who was sleeping behind the big pillows and closed the shop . The boy's family was very worried and they called the police .After a while the police started searching for the boy without success .

The next morning , the shop opened and the boy woke up . The shop opened and the boy woke up . The shop owner saw the young boy and called the police and his parents took him home.

This story was written by a talented journalist in a popular newspaper and some people gave money to the family to buy comfortable and warm pillows . The family were relieved and so excited because they had new and comfortable pillows .

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