2011 Christmas Star Bazaar

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Faces of Saturday Sports at Addams Elementary, Fresno, CA


Dear Friends of Northwest, God is doing great things at Northwest and I believe He is calling us to do even greater things as a church! By the time you receive this catalog we will have just completed our second Serve Saturday Project in the Addam’s Elementary neighborhood. It’s great to reach out to the people in need right here in our own community. Through Christmas Star Bazaar, we have additional opportunities to give locally and globally. As you look through this catalog, you’ll find gifts that you can purchase on behalf of your loved ones in lieu of a traditional Christmas gift. Take a look ! Building A Dream: An Indonesian Dormitory This year we have an opportunity to give 60 junior and high school students in Indonesia a new chance at life. Through your donations, we will build a dormitory at Taylor Education Center in Indonesia. We believe that God will provide for these young boys and girls to live on campus to receive an education and learn about Jesus Christ. You can read more about this project on page 4. And there are dozens of ways that you can give through Christmas Star Bazaar this year. This is how it works Christmas Star Bazaar is a unique way for you to purchase meaningful gifts for your family and friends while supporting the work of our missionaries. Throughout this catalog you’ll find gifts like camp scholarships for at risk youth, Bibles, and unusual items you wouldn’t expect to purchase on behalf of your loved ones. Instead of buying grandma another sweater this year, present her with

Jesus God sent Jesus, the perfect gift, the everlasting

savior, to be all we need for a relationship with god. Now, we give gifts so God’s gift won’t be forgotten.

We pray that the love of Jesus, the purpose of His life, and the gift of His salvation touch your heart in a special way this Christmas season. The Christmas Star Bazaar, held at Northwest Church in Fresno, California is a benefit for world missions. A gift to meet a specific need was purchased in your name. “ T h a n k s be t o G od f or H i s i n d e s c r i b a bl e g i f t ! ” I I C or i n t h i a n s 9 : 1 5

a beautiful star-shaped Christmas card that shows her you have purchased a motorbike for a church planter in Indonesia or a Christmas dinner for a needy family in Haiti. Two ways to purchase You can see many of these gifts on display in the Worship Center (room G101) on Sunday, November 13 and Novembers 20. You can also purchases gifts online from November 6 through December 4. (www.nwc.org) Thanks for your faithfulness. I can’t wait to see what God does through this year’s Christmas Star Bazaar.

Pastor Will Stoll




F or


L ove


J esus

The love of Christmas is the bright smile on the face of a small child enjoying a Christmas dinner and a small gift to show the love of Jesus.

Christmas Dinner with Gift


GIFT $5.00

R eaching G od T hrough S ports Sports are used as an effective tool in spreading the Word of God by creating relationships with believers who are able to answer questions and share the Word in a non-threatening environment.

Sports Equipment

GIFT $20.00


R ebuilding G od ’ s H ouse Jean and Joy Thomas are Northwest-supported missionaries who have faithfully served in Fond des Blanc to bring God’s word and education to this area. Since their buildings were severely damaged or destroyed by the major earthquake in Haiti last year, many worship services and classes are held in the open while the Thomas’ strive to rebuild their church and education center.

Reconstruction Fund for Destroyed Church & School Building GIFT $100.00


Indonesia EVANGELISM SPREADING IN INDONESIA Seminary Theologica Kalimantan (STK) was the vision of our own “Borneo” Bob Williams who served as a missionary to Indonesia for 60 years. STK’s mission is to equip, empower and mobilize church planters to bring spiritual transformation to Indonesia. Northwest Church has been instrumental in building Karraker Vocational Training Center and Taylor Educational Center as well as many churches throughout Indonesia.


P lanting S eeds


K nowledge

Pastors and church planters use books in their own language to take the gospel to remote locations in Indonesia. Many get that education at a satellite school so they can continue to work and provide for their families. Since electricity and internet access are often limited, books become essential for these dedicated men and women to learn everything they can. Your dollars will help to fill up the libraries and enable more pastors and church planters to reach the lost with the gospel.

Library Books


C hairs


GIFT $10.00

S eminary

The classrooms at STK are sorely in need of new chairs. Currently there is only one classroom that has good chairs, while 8 classrooms are in need of chairs. If the seminary students are comfortable in their classrooms they learn more quickly and studying is more enjoyable.

Chairs for Seminary Classrooms GIFT $45.00


B iking


C hristmas

Many in Indonesia are willing to hear the gospel but the lack of transportation by seminary students keeps them from hearing God’s Word. Equipping a church planter with a motorbike enables him to travel into the interior to share the Good News.

Motorbike 3

GIFT $1,400.00

Indonesia BUILDING A DREAM: A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Deep in the heart of the Indonesian jungle lives a dream. A dream of a better life offered through education and hope. A dream of a dormitory providing additional rooms so more students can hear the message of salvation at Taylor Education Center. This top-rated Christian school in West Borneo attracts junior high and high school students from all over the region. Sadly many are turned away because the dorms are already overcrowded. This year we have an opportunity to give 60 additional students in Indonesia a chance to live this dream. Through your donations, we will build a new dormitory at Taylor Education Center. This is a huge undertaking but we believe that God will provide for these young boys and girls to live on campus. Here’s how you can help.


The Whole Foundation (1 needed)

GIFT $8,000.00

In life and in building, everything begins with a firm foundation. By purchasing the foundation for this dormitory you are literally laying the groundwork for the gospel message to be preached.


A Dorm Room (15 needed)

GIFT $1,000.00

For a gift of $1,000 an entire dorm room can be built that will house four students. We plan to build 15 new rooms to accommodate 60 additional students.



Dorm Room Door (15 needed)

GIFT $50.00

You can make an impact on this project by purchasing a door for one more dorm rooms.

Dorm Room Window (15 needed)

GIFT $75.00

Through your gift of $75 light will shine into the dormitory rooms and into the hearts of the students hearing the good news of Jesus Christ.



A Bed (60 needed)

GIFT $25.00

A good nights rest is key to all students to be successful in their study. Your gift of $25 will provide a bed for one student.

One Sheet of Roofing Material (many needed)

GIFT $25.00

It takes a lot of material to build a roof. You can support the project by purchasing as many sheets of material as you would like. Each costs $25.


The Whole Roof (1 needed)

GIFT $8,000.00

If God has blessed you, and you feel led to make a huge impact on this project, then consider purchasing the entire roof and give these students the literal “roof over their head.”



P ouring G od ’ s W ord into their H earts Young people all over the world are hungry for truth. This is especially true in war torn parts of the world like Lebanon where peace always seems to be “tentative.” Many have heard and received Christ love into their hearts and they are hungry to learn more of God’s truth.

Bible Study Booklets/Curriculum GIFT $5.00


N ew E ars


H ear


G ospel

YFC holds their annual 2 day Christmas Event open to anyone age 13 to 19. It’s a good way to introduce new students to YFC. This event generates 50 to 100 students who come and learn about discipleship and evangelism. Fun times include team games, prizes, worship, fellowship and a gospel message. There are a number of students from lower socio-economic backgrounds that can not afford the fee to attend this event. Your gift of a scholarship might be the only time these young people will here the message of Jesus Christ

Scholarship for Christmas Event GIFT $10.00


M aking M usic H appen at YFC Y outh C enter Music attracts kids and young adults! It’s all part of sharing the gospel through YFC in Lebanon. Results show that it win kids to Christ. The center is in need of a new guitar, they recently had to return the one they have been borrowing.

Electric/Acoustic Guitar 5

GIFT $200.00


N o C hild L eft B ehind


YFC conducts tuition classes and other activities to help students in their education. Most students in Sri Lanka are unable to meet their basic school needs (clothes, books, shoes, etc.) because of the very high cost of living. As a result, many drop out of school before completing their education. During Christmas time, we give these students a small gift pack with school necessities.

School Packets

GIFT $20.00


S ports E quipment


R each Y outh

Kids love sports around the world. Christian workers know that a rousing game will attract kids and give them a chance to build relationships and share the gospel of Christ. It takes sports equipment to start those games and helps YFC of Sri Lanka create attractive opportunities to share the Good News by providing them with new sports equipment.

Sports Equipment Pack

GIFT $50.00


M eeting


M edia N eeds

Youth in Sri Lanka are being heavily influenced by western culture. With these influences, YFC feels the need to start a media ministry. In order to make the ministry more effective and attractive to youth, video recordings and mini dramas are developed. YFC would like to expand this ministry by purchasing more video equipment.

Video Camera

GIFT $250.00 6

Every Neighborhood Partnership - Addams Elementary BUILDING DEEPER RELATIONSHIPS. Northwest Church partners with Every Neighborhood Partnership in developing relationships with the Addams students and community through on-going programs such as Saturday Sports, classroom volunteering and one on one tutoring. Sharing the love of Jesus is easy when you know the children on a deeper level.

F eed A F amily



F our

Northwest Church wants to continue to grow in the lives of these children who come faithfully to our Saturday Sports program and to build long relationships with the parents. Many of the student’s families are struggling to meet daily needs. Your gift provides a wonderful opportunity to share God’s love during this Christmas season with these families.

Christmas Dinner

GIFT $25.00

Whoever welcomes a little child like this in My name welcomes Me.

-Matt 18:5


A s S imple

as a

T able

Northwest Church provides a Saturday Sports program complete with games, crafts, coloring and much more. Some of these activities are done on the hard ground because there are so few picnic tables. Your gift will help with the purchase of new seating for all children at Addams Elementary.

Heavy Duty Picnic Table GIFT $50.00 7

Youth for Christ EVERY YOUNG PERSON‌ ONE AT A TIME With a world of gangs, drugs, poverty, abuse, Youth for Christ is a bright light in the City. Whether they are on school campuses, after-school programs, or City Life on Friday Nights, YFC reaches out with various service projects overseen by caring adults.


R eaching O ut YFC has a strong presence in middle and high schools through on-site bible studies and after-school programs. Through YFC’s efforts many teens are saved and lead a Christ-filled life.

Bibles for Middle & High School Teens GIFT $15.00


B uilding


K ingdom


G od

It is so critical to follow up with a new Christian once he has committed his life to Christ. This gift provides effective tools to learn more and help maintain that new relationship with the Savior.

Follow-up Booklets for New Believers GIFT $25.00


Highway City Community Development HELPING PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES HCCD is a Christ-centered corporation working to transform Highway City and Central Unified School communities into healthy communities of hope through: • The inherent dignity of all people • A holistic approach to ministering to people • Education and vocational training as key achievements toward community strength • Spiritual formation as vital to developing a self-less perspective • That the best leaders for a community are found within the community • Partnering with Highway City Thrift Store to sustain effective and efficient work with the community


S erving C hrist

in the

C ity

Volunteers called “interns,” who live in the community, are building a strong foundation for after-school programs and a Bible Club to help children in the area start the process of believing in themselves. Papers, pencils, markers, glue, scissors and card stock help the creative aspect of education and keep children engaged. Your gift to HCCD helps children toward academic success.

After School Supplies

GIFT $15.00


Many of the children served in Highway City do not get three meals a day. Your contribution to HCCD will help provide nutritional snacks for twenty children for two days.

After School Snacks




Valley Teen Ranch BUILDING YOUNG LIVES Building young lives is the motto of Valley Teen Ranch which assists vulnerable young men and their families in rebuilding their lives through caring relationships and opportunities to grow mentally, physically, socially and spiritually by offering young men a secure living environment.


A T aste


W inter

Many boys living at VTR have never experienced a snow fall, or sledding down a hill. This year VTR is using a snow trip as an opportunity for these young men to grow spiritually and socially. A winter outing will reflect on the beauty of nature that God has created and be a positive impact on their relationships with one another.

Winter Snow Trip 27

GIFT $25.00

L et ’ s G o ‌.. Gasoline is one of the many costs of running VTR. Whether it is taking kids to doctor appointments, special outings or shopping for food, clothes and necessities of the ranch, gasoline is a sizeable amount of their budget.

Tank of Gas

GIFT $50.00

Let there be light in the darkness. -2 Cor 4:6


Fresno Street Saints The well being of the children in Fresno is the collective responsibility of all of us. These children will grow to be our neighbors, our friend, our workforce, and our future. Fresno Street Saints is dedicated to promoting safe and healthy communities by strengthening families and encouraging leadership within Southwest Fresno. Fresno Street Saints through a network of volunteers provide: • Gang Prevention & Intervention • Early Childhood Education • Youth Programs • Leadership Training • Community Development • Employment and Training


L oving C are Through ongoing programs designed to build self-esteem, the counselors see many of the children come without warm clothing to ward off the winter chill. Hats, gloves and scarves will not only keep them warm but will warm your heart as well.

Child’s Hat, Glove and Scarf Set GIFT $15.00


Fresno Street Saints provides after-school enrichment and homework help. They provide a safe environment in a neighborhood where parents often fear for their children’s safety. Educational games and puzzles will enhance these programs.

Children’s Educational Games & Puzzles GIFT $25.00


Declare His glory among the nations, -1 Chron 16:24 His wonders among all peoples.

Pregnancy Care Center SAVING ALL GOD’S CHILDREN Pregnancy Care Center of Fresno offers free and confidential counseling, ultrasound exams, basic infant care classes, birth classes, nutrition, abstinence education, abortion recovery support groups and friendship to girls and women throughout the valley. Many are led to Christ through the efforts of the caring staff and volunteers.


S leep L ittle O ne PCC offers infant care classes for those who choose life. Upon completion of a class, the mothers are rewarded by shopping in the “baby store” at the center. Infant sleepers are a big item that the girls look forward to bringing their babies home in.

Infant Sleepers for Newborns

S afe



GIFT $10.00

S ecure

What a gift to bring to a newborn! God’s love wrapped up in a safe and secure car seat. Each mother in the program receives an infant car seat to protect her child.

Infant Car Seat

GIFT $50.00

Do your best for others, so that others may be saved.

-1 Cor 10:33


Hope Now for Youth FROM GANGS TO JOBS. Young gang members who seem so hard and hopeless when they come to Hope Now for Youth are transformed and renewed many times over! It’s amazing at how a young man can change when he is shown love through a caring relationship... And that’s what Hope Now for Youth provides. Restore us, O God; let your face shine, that we may be saved! Psalm 80:3


T here


H ope

Hope Now for Youth is a Christian emergency rescue team for young men, ages 16 to 24, who are gang members or have criminal records. By putting God’s Word into the hand of a former gang member, he finally sees hope to turn his life around. That’s how these Bibles are used. Hope Now for Youth helps gang members leave gangs and get jobs, but along the way they also teach them what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Many of them accept Christ and they are hungry to learn all they can about Him. That’s when Hope Now likes to hand them their own copy of the Bible. You can help provide them through your gift.

New Thinline Bible


GIFT $20.00

H ope


D ads

Hope Now for Youth provides opportunities and support for young men who want to break their ties with gangs by changing their lives and becoming productive, responsible and law-abiding parents. They are offered training to become a vital part of a healthy family relationship and a loving dad.

Diapers for Dads


GIFT $30.00

Gap Christian Ministrues STANDING IN THE GAP FOR SENIORS PROVIDING LOVING CARE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST. GAP Ministries is an outreach program to assist churches and individuals in building relationships between Jesus Christ and the elderly.


H eart

for the

L ost

God wants all to know Him. Many elderly who reside in local care facilities may be trying to read the Bible for the first time, but not be able to see the print. This is where GAP Ministries can step into the gap and provide the necessary materials so those that want to participate in regular Bible study can continue to do so.

Large Print Bibles and Devotionals GIFT $20.00 35

B oom B ox


B oomers

Music can be a great inspiration and comfort to the elderly and fill the lonely hours.

Boom Box

GIFT $30.00

‌So that everyone might believe.

-John 1:7





N o rt h w e s t C h u rc h 5415 N o rt h W e s t A v e . F r e s n o , CA 93711

2011 Christmas Gift Catalog Gifts that build the kingdom of God.

You will be my witnesses, telling people about me throughout the world and to the end of the earth.

-Acts 1:8

Giving Opportunities: TWO SUNDAYS November 13 and 20 Northwest Church Worship Center, Room G101 8:30 am - 12:30 pm


Online at

www.nwc.org November 6 through December 4

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