Small Biz Forward - October

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October 2015 Vol, 22 No.8 $4.95

Are you a Wannapreneur turn thoughts into actions

Calm Under Fire: The Improbable Impact of a Great Leader think ahead, and stay open minded

Sports Car to Station Wagon Leadership figure out how much time to put into different people

8 14 26

Staff and Authors

Nancy Becher

Rachael Cooper

Executive Editor

Graphic Designer, Editor

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Business Success Unlimited

BSU helps small businesses succeed through mentoring projects, networking groups, and entrepreneurial forums. From business knowhow to business networking, BSU has it all. For more information about our one-on-one consulting, business retreats or networking forums contact Nancy.


701 Prairie Street, 2nd Floor, Sturgis, MI 49091 269.651.3555

Nancy K Becher

As CEO I ensure that BSU is a trusted and caring service provider for the entrepreneur and small business owner in need of marketing and advertising advice, as well as a large networking group of businesses.

Vol. 22 No.6 Small Biz Forward Published monthly by Celebrate Business Publishing, a division of Business Success Unlimited. ISSN 2332-5887 No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted into any form by any means without written consent from the publisher. Unsolicited manuscripts and photographs will be returned only if accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. All letters sent to Small Biz Forward will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication, copyright purposes and use are subject to SB unrestricted right to edit and comment.


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Nancy Becher has run business referral

Adam G. Fleming is an account rep for

associations since 1983. First in Washington,

trainer, and is the author of a stage play, A

groups, training programs, and small business

DC metro area and now throughout Michigan

and Indiana with programs in Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Niles, and Sturgis, MI as well as South Bend, Mishawaka, Elkhart, Granger, and Fort Wayne, IN.

Rivka Kawano is an author, speaker, and social media consultant specializing in helping

people learn how to build real relationships

online that result in real business results. She has worked with businesses in a variety of

industries. When not immersed in the world

Worldpay, a leadership coach and coach

Pebble among the Rocks, and a novel, White

Buffalo Gold, © 2012 available on Amazon, Kindle and many other platforms. Michele Broad NP-C is the owner of Well Women Network, an online education site for women. She holds 2 nurse practitioner degree’s both in women’s health and adult medicine.

of social media she is loves yoga, a good cup of tea, and being with family.

Brian Howard is a noted Business Credit

and Consumer Credit Expert. He is the author of Credit Made Easy and Business Credit Made Easy. He currently the Director of Credit Services at BKH Credit Group Atlanta.

Linda Fitzgerald Visionary Partner,

Champion of Ordinarily Extraordinary

Women of the World, A Women’s Place Network, Inc. dba, Affiliated Women

Charrise McCrorey is a leading business and

leadership consultant, life coach, writer, speaker, and entrepreneur, who specializes in serving

clients all over the world. She is committed to having conversations that matter, encouraging leaders and entrepreneurs to determine what

they really want and how to take bold action.

Trudy Menke Speaker/Trainer/Coach at The John Maxwell Team and Independent

Speaker Teacher & Coach at The John Maxwell Team

International, Neighborhood BoutiquesOpen for your Business, Empowering Women to Thrive

Ed Becher, Ret. US Marine and Former Chief

Instructor, US Dept. of State, Uniformed Branch, Diplomatic Security Service. Owner of Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety (The Bodyguard Academy) providing training and

resources to keep you, your staff and clients safe. 269.651.3355

Small Biz Forward


June 2015 • Vol, 22 No.5

Contents 8 Are you a Wannapreneur by Nancy Becher

14 Calm Under Fire: The Improbable Impact of a Great Leader by Adam Flemming

16 5 Ways to Increase your Social Media Productivity by Rivka Kawano

22 What am I Worth? – Women and Micro-Business by Linda Fitzgerald

26 Sports Car to Station Wagon Leadership by Trudy Menke


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10 Taking Care of Business by Michele Broad

12 Ed’s Safety First by Ed Becher

19 Unthinkable Aggression by Ed Becher

16 5 Factors that Affect your Business Credit by Brian Howard

22 Engagement Strategies in Today’s Disengaged World by Charisse McCrory

Every Month

6 Resources

7 Moment of Motivation

43 Word Search Puzzle

44 October 2015 Events

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Resources Mashable is a great company for business know-how and new gadgets to use for growing your company. From their About page, Mashable is a leading global media company that informs, inspires and entertains the digital generation. Mashable is redefining storytelling by documenting and shaping the digital revolution in a new voice, new formats and cutting-edge technologies to a uniquely dedicated audience of 42 million monthly unique visitors and 24 million social followers. Get to know Mashable when you are looking for new software, new ideas, and just some fun business trivia.

Tweak Your Biz is another online resource for news, software and much more. marketing/2011/06/24/51-free-resources-for-small-businesses/ has a whole series, divided by category, of things to help you grow your business.

You Tube, Periscope, Blab

And if you haven’t found Youtube yet, you’re missing out on thousands of wonderful videos – everything from training classes, to music and laughter, to Ted Talks, and business channels with wonderful information. I highly recommend taking a quick survey of Youtube and all the wonderful videos that are there for your viewing. Along with Youtube, there are two new programs that are fun and insightful as well. Periscope and Blab are both video and live streaming programs that are aligned with Twitter and really cool – especially since they are new technology. Do a Google search and take a look at them today!


Small Biz Forward

Moment of Motivation It’s October. YIKES. That means, the Retreat is here. The snow soon will be here. And so too will the end of 2015. How has your year gone so far? Mine has been up and down with a lot of action – not all the good kind. I’ve had office moves (got tired of the ceiling falling in on our heads, to a shared space where the other inhabitant didn’t want to share and regularly threatened us, to a beautiful spot on my very own glassed in back porch); health issues (both my parents and myself ); the conference (there’s a lot of great here, but a lot of stress as well); and life in general. Probably sounds a lot like your year doesn’t it?!? We all have our ups and downs – that’s the nature of life, both business and personal. It’s really in how we handle those roller coaster rides that shows whether we surrender to the “not so goods” or if we survive and even thrive throughout the ups and downs. If we run a business, and even more so if we have employees, we need to be able to thrive. Our customers, our employees, our family and even ourselves are counting on getting through! I’m not saying it’s easy, but stop for a minute and think about the alternatives. Not a pleasant thought, is it. I can’t stress enough that you need to plan for the unplanned. Huh? Yep. You heard me right. Unless you have a crystal ball that you check every day, there are going to be situations that come up that you have no idea about before they happen. How can you plan for that? Well, here are a few examples: 1. There’s a fire and you lose your building, your equipment, and your paper work. Not only do you not have anything physical, but you’ve lost your customers as you can’t provide them with your product or service. Are you kaput? Not if you have insurance (both for the physical and the loss of ability to perform – cost of doing business). 2. This is the same if you become ill or get hurt and can’t function. There are insurance policies that cover that; but only if you have it in place prior to the need. Afterwards, it’s not going to happen. 3. A bad economy happens. Do you have any ideas on how you can pivot and change your business to something that your customers do still want and you can offer? You need to have completed strategic assessments in order to know what competition is out there, what the customers want and will pay for, etc. 4. If you have employees, and the bad economy hits, do you simply tell them, “It was nice knowin’ ya. Thanks for the memories”? Or do you have plans in place that will help them transition to other things? If you have a plan for pivoting, is there something that you can do to help your employees until you can bring them back on full time? These are just a few ideas, but unless you take the time to work ON your business regularly, you will not know what to do when the inevitable down on the roller coaster ride happens. This month’s issue is all about leadership and what it takes to be a real leader. For me, to understand your business and to know how the world around you impacts you, and everyone/thing that connects with you and your business, dealing with it instead of ignoring it, is the sign of a real leader. What do you think? Nancy Becher

Small Biz Forward


Are you a Wannapreneur by Nancy Becher

“Wannapreneur: A person who talks about organizing and managing enterprises, esp. businesses, usually with considerable initiative and risk, but never actually does it. He was a wannapreneur who liked to hang around with entrepreneurs but would never take the plunge.” Another term for this is hobbyist: someone who is satisfied by an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation. The IRS defines business for purposes of tax deductions as one that has made a profit for three of the past five years. There’s a lot more to it, of course. It IS the IRS afterall. But for this article that definition will suffice.

what that means to them. they are not willing to do the work that they know – deep down – they have to do to put in to get success out. At this point is where we have to start the process. What really is their goal? What do they want to create? Do they think it’s exciting to say “Hey, I’m an entrepreneur. I own my own business”, yet they’re afraid to truly step out into the unknown. “What if I fail? What if I succeed? Will I be laughed at? Will no one take me seriously?” These are all things that go on in peoples’ minds when they are starting businesses. These are the wannapreneurs. What does it take to turn that sort of whiny, I wish but everyone/thing seems to be against me, type of mentality around into the spot where you can say my business is doubling, or tripling in income each month. I have so many clients and so much work that I have to find help to get it all done? First and foremost, you have to face that fear head on and say, I think I can, I think I can. Dang I did it.

I do a lot of networking, and talking with people who consider themselves business owners. While chatting I often hear them say that they are not satisfied with how well their companies are doing (either money wise or customer numbers). Everyone (me included) is looking for more of something. In fact I am amazed at times when I hear someone say they have as much business as they want and don’t want to grow. That’s great! Good for them. But, if you’re like me, there’s always more people to support and help. There’s a lot of work involved in getting to the level where you want to be if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. So, if you want to grow your business, my question to you Start with the first step and decide: am I an entrepreneur is: what are you willing to do about it? For those that really or a wannapreneur. That will tell you where to head next. don’t want to grow, I ask is it because you just really want a hobby? Or are you totally satisfied with the money you Nancy Becher have coming in? You have the lifestyle you want? All the money you need (and want)? Or is there something else out there that is holding you back? For those that want to grow their businesses, my question to you is: are you doing everything that you possibly can to move yourself forward? Do you know who your target market is? Are you putting in time each and every week towards marketing, towards production, towards figuring out your goals and your vision? I get really frustrated with people that call me telling me they want to be successful, but they don’t have a clue of 8

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As we consider those greater than ourselves as our mentors in business, Winston Churchill comes to mind. How would this motivate you to lead the way to greater things? “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” In which color and size may I order this for you? It’s that simple!

Small Biz Forward


Taking Care of Business by Michele Broad

In today’s environment every one’s lives have become busier and busier. As cold season approaches it’s important to keep our bodies in tip top shape to meet the demands of our day to day lives both at work and at home. As the temperatures drop the air becomes drier. Viruses thrive in low humidity causing people to become more susceptible to colds and flu. When we are exposed to extreme cold for long periods of time our immune systems do not function as well, making us vulnerable to viruses. But have no fear, there are things you can do to help ward off or lessen the severity of colds should they occur. Most of the time you only have to look as far as your pantry to stay healthy. Essential oils are a fabulous addition to your healthy living toolkit. Essential oils can help with a variety of ailments but a select few are great for colds. Lemon oil is wonderful for preventing or reducing the severity of a virus. Oregano oil is good for upper respiratory tract infections. Peppermint oil is fabulous for preventing or reducing a cold and Thieves oil is great for coughs.

your chest. Just make sure to dilute the oil well as essential oils are very concentrated and should not be applied directly to the skin. The use of herbal remedies is another tool you can use to combat illness. Echinacea is one of the best immune stimulating herbs. One caveat about Echinacea though. It’s best to use this on a daily basis to keep colds at bay rather than taking it after a cold has occurred. Febrifuge herbs are those herbs that are used to reduce fevers by eliminating excess heat from the body. So if you find yourself already coming down with a cold or flu try one of these: chamomile, fenugreek, garlic, white willow bark, yarrow or red raspberry leaf.

Eating healthy is perhaps one of the best things you can do to ward off illness. Practicing good eating habits especially at work will strengthen your body and immune system to be able to tackle whatever virus comes your way. A balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables always helps but there are a few stars in your cupboard that can stop a cold in its tracks. The top contender is perhaps Breathing these oils into your nose and garlic, one of nature’s best antibiotics lungs can help alleviate buildup of and antivirals. It can kill off the bad mucus. The oils can also be diffused bacteria or viruses and keep a cold through heat or cold air diffusers. If from occurring. If you feel a cold you don’t have a diffuser a pot of coming on eat as much garlic as you boiling water will do. Just add a few can manage. Raw garlic is best. drops and hold your head over the steam, inhaling it into your nose and Drinking tea along with healthy lungs. The essential oils can also be eating can also be part of your cold added to a carrier oil and applied to fighting arsenal. Peppermint tea is a 10

refreshing drink to sip and can remove any excess phlegm and mucus your body may produce. Ginger tea with some honey and lemon is another tea that’s great for the cold season. Ginger and honey both help to boost the immune system and lemon has lots of cold fighting vitamin C. With a little bit of help from your pantry, sailing through the cold season doesn’t have to be difficult. Besides, remaining healthy means less sick time and leaves more time to be the wonder women/men that you are. As I always say: Your health is your greatest wealth asset. Michele Broad

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Visual communication is a powerful medium. Small businesses don’t have in-house graphic designers at their beck and call. However, you can still afford designed materials to promote your business by hiring a freelancer. Whether you need a big branding project done, or something small that just needs to be fixed, I’m your answer.

Contact 403.606.2572

Small Biz Forward 48


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Ed’s Safety First Ed Becher September 11, 2001, a clear Tuesday morning at 8:46 am, American Airlines Flight 11 impacts with the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Eighteen minutes later, United Flight 175 strikes the south tower. At 9:45 am as we all watched what was happening in New York City, American Airline Flight 77 slams into the Pentagon in Arlington, VA. At approximately 10am, the first tower collapses. Thirty minutes later the second one does. At 10:10 am United Flight 93 slams into the ground in western Pennsylvania. After the passengers heard what was unfolding in New York and Washington, they fought back and fought with the hijackers. Over 3000 people lost their lives in New York City alone, with 343 brave New York City firefighters and 72 law enforc­ ement officers killed while attempting to rescue those trapped in the towers. I lost many friends from FDNY that day, and know of many who have been affected by it, both physically and emotionally. I cannot take myself down to Ground Zero yet; one day I will go there and pay my respects to all those who were lost this day. Four simultaneous hijackings of four separate aircraft from three different airports, two out of Boston and one each out of Dulles in Virginia and Newark, NJ. Since then the United States government has taken dramatic action to ensure that this does not happen again. Federal Air Marshals on aircraft, TSA screeners at the 12

airports, increase in intelligence gathering on terrorists.

could be important to stopping something bad from happening.

Lafayette, LA, July 23, 2015, the Grand Theater, 3 killed and 9 wounded as John Russell Houser opens fire in a crowded movie theater. Some of the wounded take action and help keep the number of wounded and killed low. One, a female teacher, pulls the fire alarm and police arrive within minutes of the attack. The attacker is among those killed.

As Spiderman says, we need to keep our spidey senses keen. We need to maintain our situational awareness in the yellow each and every day. Many of you know from reading my articles I stress keeping this awareness active not only for our own personal safety but for that of others.

Let’s jump forward to August 22, 2015, 3 Americans and one British citizen stopped a terrorist attack on a train in France when the gunman emerged from the restroom armed with an AK-47, a handgun and knives. These brave folks tackled the gunman, subdued him with one being injured along with two other passengers who had been shot. These brave people stopped what could have been a large loss of life.

With yellow we are relaxed and aware, watching what is happening around us. Eyes open, ever seeing and taking in data. Watching the actions of those around us but not concerned by their actions. Watching for that one thing that stands out and makes us take notice. By us being aware of our surroundings it may be just that a ction that we notice that keeps us or others safe. During my Personal Safety Seminar we show a video about situational awareness with two teams tossing a ball between members of the team and something happens each time. Those of you who have attended this program know all about this video. Only one in 10 people will be able to see the abnormality in the video, are you one of those who will see it?

Why do I bring these events up today? We as entrepreneurs are out there in the public each day; we are driving our roads in our communities, visiting other businesses, and we can be the eyes and ears of law enforcement. We may see things that we feel, at the moment, as not being important but There are three things I carry with may be critical to stopping something me every day: one is a quality flashbad from happening. It does not have light, the second is a folding knife, (it to be a terrorist attack, it could be a is a tool, not a weapon), and the third drunk driver, a suspicious vehicle in is my cell phone. One to help me see our neighborhood, an unattended in the dark or cut through the smoke child left in a car. Each one of these of a fire, the second to help me get Small Biz Forward

out if I need to cut or pry and the third to call for help. I consider this my every day carry -- remember the American Express commercial, “Never leave home without it�. Each of us should consider what are our own every day carry (EDC) items. But one thing I will always stress is that quality flashlight. Even during the day you never know when you could end up in someplace dark and scary. Many women carry pepper spray, how old is that pepper spray? Will it still discharge 3 years after you bought it? I highly recommend that you replace it every 12-18 months for your own safety. You want it to work when you need it, not falter. Many of the pepper

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spays on the market today have an expiration date stamped on the bottom of the container. Take a look at what yours says. Where do you sit in the restaurant? How much of that restaurant can you see from where the hostess has seated you? Where are the exits, yes you know where the one is you came in through, but what happens when that one becomes unusable? My great wife Nancy knows about my issue with not having a good view of what is happening around me and where we sit in restaurants and now has the habit of choosing that table that does offer us both a good view of what happens around us. I have told many

that when we first met, you could walk a purple Pokka dotted elephant past her and she would miss it -- not now. There are many times where her observation skills are better than mine as I am watching one thing she sees something else of importance. There are times we make a game out of it. Please take the time to be more observant of your surroundings, consider what should be your everyday carry items, keep that cell phone charged, you never know when these skills and items will save your life or that of one of your loved ones or an associate. Ed Becher


Calm Under Fire: The Improbable Impact of a Great Leader By Adam Fleming

In 1964, a missionary-pilot named Burleigh A. Law flew a rescue mission to Wembo Nyama. (I know this story because I lived in Wembo Nyama in ’87-’88.) An eastern Congolese rebel group called the Simbas (Swahili for “lions”) had captured the town; they had been killing Congolese and foreigners alike, raping nuns, and allegedly even cannibalizing their victims on some occasions as they swept across eastern and central Congo. Law knew that other missionaries on the ground were in very real danger and he hoped to evacuate them, so he flew overhead and dropped a note. “Stand if it’s not safe to land,” he said, “Sit down if it is safe to land.” The missionaries who retrieved the note stood as he flew over again. It is not safe to land. Law landed his plane anyway. He was shot and killed by one of the rebel fighters before he could even turn off the plane’s engine.


Small Biz Forward

A friend of mine who is chief of police A friend of mine runs a business that in a rural township told me once that trains emergency personnel and police the reason firemen are often killed is in deescalating violence. His consulting not for lack of training—it’s usually firm worked with Newton, CT, before for lack of respect for that training, the tragic shooting there, and in the fueled by a desire to be a hero. His men wake of their tragedy, the responders are often factory workers and farmwon national recognition for their hands with little other chances at glory excellent work during the tragedy. (their high school football days behind Perhaps they saved lives. It’s always hard them) and he worries that they’ll ignore to say. His firm has been working with their training precisely because they Ferguson, MO, police since the resignahope to be that hero. Their odds are tion of Chief Thomas Jackson in March low at heroism: for every fireman who of this year. Jackson stepped down after emerges a hero from a situation they a particularly incriminating report from shouldn’t have gone into, many more the Justice Department which found lose their lives for the same reason. that “Ferguson’s law enforcement Risks are calculated for a reason. practices are shaped by the City’s focus on revenue rather than by public “You know, you send people into war safety needs. This emphasis on revenue zones, you send people into dangerhas compromised the institutional ous situations and into riots, and you character of Ferguson’s police department, worry that they are going to get hurt. contributing to a pattern of unconsti… You send somebody out to do a tutional policing…” (report, p.2.) story on tourism and -- how can you expect something like this to happen?” Let’s talk about leadership. God Jeff Marks, Station Manager, WDBJ, willing you’ll never be under fire in Roanoke, VA, quoted in an article on any physical sense. But, whether large by Elliott C. McLaughlin or small, unexpected things are bound and Catherine E. Shoichet, 8/27/15. to happen to your business or organization. You won’t really know the nature Marks said this in response to the of your own ability to remain calm shooting that killed two journalists, under fire until they happen. Alison Parker and Adam Ward, just yesterday (this article was drafted From Burleigh Law’s death, we 8/27/15). can learn to be prepared to listen to the warning signs. Ask your In his book The Black Swan: The people for signals, and listen to them. Impact of the Highly Improbable, “We should not buy this machine, we Nassim Nicholas Taleb identifies a can’t afford the debt” or “we must take key issue for leaders that Jeff Marks care of this customer no matter what is today all too aware of: you simply it costs, they are threatening to take cannot expect the unexpected. You their discontent to the internet.” can make all kinds of plans for any There’s a fine line between courage number of contingencies, and that’s and stupidity. Know where the line is, important, but the fact that someand respect it; listen, listen to your thing is unexpected and improbable people on the ground. That line is the is precisely the reason that it’s impactful. line of humility, and it preserves you.


Small Biz Forward


From the deaths of Parker and Ward, we are only reminded that unexpected means just that. You won’t be able to avoid the unexpected. You can prepare and train your staff for contingencies, but not for everything. “Expect the unexpected” is a nonsensical lesson. Be prepared for what you can reasonably prevent, then be prepared to offer kindness to victims of tragedy around you. (How will you treat your employees if your primary buyer goes out of business?)


From Chief Thomas’ story, I can only say, be just; it’s the best way to prepare for a moment when you need to de-escalate violence. On the far side of injustice you’ll only find disgrace.

An ancient book tells us what is good: to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God. That doesn’t mean you’ll be able to dodge evil, or even the unexpected snafu. But the courage to do those three basic things under fire will make you a great leader. The impact of the improbable can be a good thing, too, when the impact is positive – so go be improbably great, and you’ll make an impact to the positive that has longer lasting power and touch more people for the good than any of these negative events I mentioned will ever accomplish for the sake of evil. Adam Fleming


5 Ways to Increase Your Social Media Productivity by Rivka Kawano

One of the biggest complaints about social media is that it takes too much time. It is easy to feel like you are spending all day on Facebook instead of getting any real work done. While it is true that you can get results from your social media efforts, it is also true that it can be the biggest time waster of your day. So how do you get to have your digital cake and eat it too? Here are five strategies that you can implement today to start getting more done in less time.

Schedule It

When we decide to fit social media into whatever free minutes exist in our day it has a habit into spilling into all of them. Counterintuitively, one of the first things to do to reduce the time you are spending on social media is to actually schedule that time. Rather than seeing it as break time, be intentional about making sure that it has a space on your calendar each day. If you believe that social media can get you results (hint - it can), then it is worth making real time for it. And by making the space it is less likely that you end up there as a default. My recommendation is to start with 15 minutes twice a day and then go from there as needed.


Set A Timer

Even when we set a time for our social media, the minutes can easily click away without us even noticing. Don’t feel bad - social media is designed to do just that. People much smarter (and certainly better paid), are working hard to keep you on the site as long as possible. That is how they get the ad dollars rolling in.

And if you notice that you consistently have more to do than time allotted, either schedule more time, or work on making the time you do have more productive. More typing, less scrolling is a good place to start.

If having something else on your schedule after your social media time isn’t enough to keep you from sliding into this habit, then use a timer. Either use a timer on your phone, or one of the many free online apps that will ring an alarm when the time is up. This should be enough to jolt you out of your scrolling reverie. Didn’t get everything done that you hoped? Make a note of it. If there are urgent messages, of course take a minute more and respond (snooze is great for this so you don’t get sucked in again), but if possible leave it to your next scheduled time. Habit is a powerful thing.

Small Biz Forward

Bulk Produce Content

Would you try and write a novel one sentence at a time with no more than one sentence per day? I didn’t think so. So why would you craft your messages on social media that way? By scheduling an hour or two once a week to create most of your social media content you allow the brainstorming process in your brain to kick in. You can also make sure your content is more balanced, represents a variety of subjects and content types, and that your promotional content is not too much and not too little.

Having trouble figuring out what to post? Make sure you sign up to get early notification about my book by the same name.

those relationships into the real world through a phone call or a meeting. Social media is a starting point, not an end point.

Know What Matters

If you are ready to improve your results in less time on social media, schedule a consultation at:

Do you even know what it is you do that gets results on social media? If not, then it is time to find out! Every social media platform has available analytics tools - use them! Find out what types of posts resonate with your audience, which platform gets you the best results, and so forth.

Rivka Kawano

Just as important is tracking the metrics of how your social media is impacting your website traffic and conversions. If you don’t have Google Analytics or a similar tool on your website, get it installed today so you can start generating this important data. Don’t guess at what works, measure, track, compare, and keep improving.

Focus on Moving Beyond Social Media

Social media is a great place to meet new people, get your message out to the world, and build trust. However, it is not a stand alone tool or a replacement for your offline communications.

If you really want to start seeing things happen as a result of social media, see it as a means to an end - connecting with more people more authentically. Always be thinking about how to connect Small Biz Forward


Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety Sturgis, MI

Do you take your personal security seriously? How well is your situational awareness? Are you your own bodyguard? Contact us for: Personal Safety Seminar, 2 hours Bodyguard for your Family, 8 hours Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety 269-421-1735 18

Small Biz Forward

Unthinkable Aggression by Ed Becher

It has been a very violent and turbulent year so far. Protests and riots in cities across the country, Ferguson, MO, Baltimore, MD, St. Louis, MO, violent attacks in Charleston, SC, Lafayette, LA, Chattanooga, TN, and even closer to home. As business owners and entrepreneurs we are out there in the public eye on an almost daily basis. As a security professional, I have traveled to over 15 states to provide security and protection instruction or work protective details, from as far north as New Hampshire, as far south as Miami, and as far west as Waikiki. I have gotten phone calls as early as 5am and as late as 9pm for services. It is the nature of doing business. These calls have taken me to Grand Rapids, MI, Ft. Wayne, IN and even the streets of Manhattan, NY.

and a high level visitor would be leaving soon. The crowd was gathering at the exit both would use to exit the building. Our quick call changed those plans and an alternate exit was used. We saw the situation develop, took action and prevented a possible confrontation. Situational awareness and knowing what looked right and what did not.

in a certain area, the sounds of shouting or sirens can all mean something or nothing, but we must use our senses to determine if it is something we need to take action on. This action can be as simple as closing the laptop to leaving the area for safety. Do you know where all the exits are in the restaurant you had dinner in last night? Where are the rest rooms? What is in your purse, pocket or briefcase, is there a quality flashlight, pepper spray? Is your cell phone fully charged? Now here is a good one, if you had to call 911 from that restaurant, do you know the address? Ahhhhh, got you with that one didn’t I. How accurately could you describe where you are to the 911 operator?

We all have been there, seen something that did not feel right, had the hair on the back of our neck go up, and had a gut feeling. Trust those feelings; if it does not feel right it most likely is not. As I said we are always out there, talking to new or prospective clients, networking events, business expo’s, and some of these occur in not the best parts of town. I remember One thing remains the same where going to Indianapolis for a meeting, Your situational awareness has to be ever I travel, and that is my situational and booking a hotel, looked great on acute whether you are at home, in a awareness, something I never let down. the website, and just was not expectrestaurant or the mall parking lot. Many times these business trips take ing to see street walkers outside the Some locations where you need to me to places I have never been to hotel. All this was even after doing raise your awareness are these before, and some I may never want to some due diligence and researching locations where you could be most go back to again. But we continue to the area on line. Sorry, time to change vulnerable: track on in search of that one big hotels, and fighting with the clerk business opportunity. and calling corporate to complain it Gas Stations: car door is unlocked, still took 2 weeks to get a refund on keys may or may not still be in the When working as an instructor for the the room cost. Even the best research ignition, and you have money or US Dept. of State and sitting across the may not prepare you for this. access to money. street from the US Mission to the United Nations with a group of off Situational awareness is our ability to ATM: night time and ones that are duty uniformed officers, we saw a identify and comprehend critical not within enclosed structures. group start to gather outside the information about what is happening Mission. One of the officers immedi- around us. It is keeping our eyes and Your garage at home: bad guy runs in ately contacted the control center and ears open to changes in environment, behind you before you can close the let them know what we were seeing, and what is happening around us. A door. knowing that both the Ambassador sudden increase or decrease of people Small Biz Forward


Parking garage and lots: criminals cruise these looking for likely victims. They prefer ones with limited lighting and cameras. Never use the car remote to unlock the doors or to locate your car, you just told the criminals which vehicle is yours and that it is now unlocked.

out in the grocery store, how much light do you now have to see your way out, even in the day time? How about a defensive weapon such as pepper spray, is one in your purse or attached to your key chain? How old is it? If it’s older than one or two years it is time to look at getting a You in your car: sitting in your car, new one. OC or pepper spray is a checking emails on your smartphone good deterrent against most attackers with earbuds in and the doors unlocked. and vicious dogs. Sixty four percent of attacks on those with protective details occur in or around the car with an astonishing 77% success rate. Think about how much time you spend in your vehicle to and from meetings, family events, shopping, school or vacation. More than 90% of the time we are alone in our cars, and two-thirds of the time attacks occur within a few miles of your home or office. One-third of the time cars are stolen, the keys are in the ignition and the car is running.

Now that I have each of you thinking, stay safe, stay aware. Ed Becher

Another thing that will go a long way is having first aid training. In the event of a disaster or emergency do you know what to do? Think back to the Boston Marathon bombing, many of those injured in the blasts were aided by other spectators who had basic first aid training. This training can help you not only at home but while out with family, friends or on business or even strangers. It can be a huge confidence builder for our children as well, as they will gain the knowledge how to respond in emergencies. I asked earlier about what you carry in your pockets, purse or briefcase, what is in there? One key item that we should always have with us is a good quality flashlight of at least 200 lumens. These can be found on the internet, in the sporting goods or automotive sections of major retailers and hardware stores. I have one with me everywhere I go. If the lights go 20

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“What Am I Worth?” – Women and Micro-Business If someone asked you what you’re worth - your talent, skills, abilities - knowledge, expertise and all else you bring to the world - what would you say? How would you answer? Would you ask whether the questioner is a “believer” or not? Or would that matter to you at all?

a need to give away our knowledge and expertise freely for the simple reason that someone-somewhere-sometime told us we must. It’s bad enough that women in general struggle with pricing ourselves at full value - but add the spiritual piece; and it becomes a real tug o’ war.

Over the past weekend, I started researching a specific topic for the “Women’s Sunday Series” and ended up finding something totally unrelated. Unrelated to the matter at hand, but the answer to questions women and I have had throughout the years. Amazing that I had not seen these Scripture passages until now; or so I thought. While I’m sure I have; they did not resonate since the question they answer had not been recently raised!

I mentioned I stumbled across pertinent Scripture when looking for something else. Here’s what I found:

Our value or worth is often the topic of discussion - especially among women in business. And when it’s a woman who owns or partners in a micro-business; the question may be more poignant and wistful than a simple request for information. Add to that she is a woman of faith in the business world; and the answer gets more complicated! Why the complication? Well it seems that women of faith struggle with charging for our services. Especially so when the client is another woman of faith. For some odd reason, we feel 22

“Those who are taught of the Word of God should help their teachers by paying them!” (Galatians 6:6) “Those who work deserve their pay!” (I Timothy 5:18) There we have it. Spoken with authority by Paul in a letter to the Galatian church and to his protege’ Timothy. And I have no doubt that Paul speaks with the authority of PAPA when he instructs us to pay those who teach us and those who work. And Paul doesn’t define the “work”. Simply if folks work - pay them! Now that that is settled; what keeps us from determining our worth and setting it as our fee-for-services? Let’s examine what may hold women in business back from charging our worth.


We grew up in a religious tradition that taught money is evil. I recall the many times I heard an evangelist spout the

Scripture that we can’t serve God and mammon. Equally I recall as an adult woman, the shock of walking in on a conversation between an evangelist and church stewards in which the evangelist was lamenting how small the collection was. Well of course it was, he had just told us we couldn’t serve both!


We are uncomfortable with money-talk! We may not think of it as “evil”; but there’s something less sexy about honestly discussing our fees with others. Any others!


More often than not, there’s a thread that runs through our heads which holds ourselves in less esteem than is factual. We do not view what we have to offer with the same confident assurance as those on the outside looking in.


We fear the loss of the sale. What in reality seems quite fair and reasonable to another may seem exorbitant to us. So we shave and shave in order to make certain we get the sale - rather than setting our fee based on actual worth. Sad part? Most likely we would have gotten the sale with the “fair and reasonable”!


Finally, if a woman of faith, we may feel a false sense of guilt for charging another person of faith. And if we do charge; we drastically discount our fee and apologize for not giving it away free. Small Biz Forward

All, some or none at all may fit for you at various times in life. They certainly do for me. I’m very good at saying I’m done with freebies - only to turn around and give away an hour or more of time with a shrug when the other offers to pay.

We are worth our wages. We bring value to the lives of others and for that; we can, should and ought be paid. Paid full value based on what we know we’re worth; and the market will bear.

our feelings. And we don’t have to accept faulty understanding of Scripture. What we do have to do is accept our true worth; set a fair and equitable fee and then let the chips fall I ask folks with whom I’ve previously where they may. In the case of worth worked (at no charge) what it would and value - the chips are the number be worth to them if they had to pay. of clients who never question our fees From their responses, I throw out the - or complain about paying them! highest and lowest numbers. Then I average the remaining and that’s the fee My challenge to you all - go out with I set. I must admit that I tend to hold confidence in what you know you do my breath when I respond to the well. Then decide you’re worth it. And question, “what is your fee?” All the don’t let anyone convince you otherwise! conflicting feelings churn through me as I wait to see if we are a go - or no go. Warmly,

Have I resolved this conflict for myself ? Good heaven’s no. But here’s

We may never totally resolve the feelings. But we don’t have to live on

Here’s the bottom line!

Small Biz Forward

how I have approached it to get a realistic idea of the value of what I offer. Perhaps it will help you to do the same.

Linda Fitzgerald


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“Nancy is both professional and highly creative in her methodology. Being a member of her

• • •

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About Nancy Becher, Owner of Business Success Unlimited Nancy Becher is a small business specialist and has had over 5,000 small business clients within her 35 years of service. She is a Michigan native, but has also lived for 10 years in Washington D.C. She is now expanding her expertise to consulting and teaching small business so that they too can become successful.

how their needs are satisfied by your organization. Here at BSU we look forward to the challenge of connecting with, cultivating and empowering consumers within your organization. Call us today to sign up for one of our many programs, personal consulting or take part in our online seminars!



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5 Factors That Affect Your Business Credit by Brian Howard

What makes up your business credit score? What gives you the best chances of getting a loan? Here are a few factors that play into your business credit picture, and what you can do to make the most of them:

they have an interest in all of your assets. These blanket UCC filings will then take precedence over any subsequent ones, which drastically reduces your ability to get credit elsewhere. What you can do: plan your credit carefully, and negotiate Payment History - Your payment UCC filings according to what your history is an important part of needs are. For example, if you need your business credit profile, and is particular assets excluded from a what your D&B Paydex score is based UCC filing to use as security for on. Many credit opportunities come another loan, explain that fact in with a minimum Paydex requirement. advance to get those items excluded What you can do: always pay vendors from any blanket filings, or, alternaearly. On time is “okay”, but paying tively, get the loan or account with early (as in before you receive the the more specific UCC filing first. invoice) is best. Some experts recommend opening accounts with competing UCC Credit Applications - Believe it filings at the same time, and negotior not, multiple applications for ating the details with each party credit can be a red flag that will simultaneously. keep you from getting approved for a loan. Too many in a short period of Company Financials - With time will make your company look D&B, it’s important to make desperate and be a sign to potential sure your financials in your lenders that things are going downcredit file are up to date. If they are hill. What you can do: plan your use not, it could negatively reflect on your of credit accordingly, and keep company when the lender is comparapplications to the minimum necesing the available data. What you can sary to accomplish your goals.




do: update your financials on your credit reports so that they reflect your current circumstances, and plan to do so periodically.


Company Legal Structure - The legal structure of your company (LLC versus INC versus Partnership, etc.) can also affect your business credit. Lenders are less likely to loan money to Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships than Corporations or Limited Liability Companies. What you can do: if you aren’t incorporated, you should be. The advantages span far past just your ability to get credit. There are other factors that affect your ability to get credit, such as the amount of debt you already have, how heavily invested you are in your company, and even your personal credit can play a role in your approval or denial. Here we’ve covered five of them. In the end, the better the all-around picture you can paint, the better your chances of getting approved for loans will be. Brian Howard


Blanket UCC Filings - One thing that many people don’t realize is that they need to pay attention to the order in which they get certain types of loans, and what UCC filings the lenders will file. Some lenders may file a “blanket” UCC filing, which essentially says Small Biz Forward


Sports Car to Station Wagon Leadership by Trudy Menke

So you’ve accepted that you are a leader. Or are you still wondering? Business owners – even solopreneurs - are all leaders. The most important person you lead is, quite literally, yourself. With that in mind, who else are you going to equip to take on leadership responsibilities? You influence people all the time. I’m here to suggest that you can’t look to everyone to lead successfully. They won’t let you. You have basically four types of people to choose from, and I’ve taken the liberty of explaining a little about these people you pass through life with in the context of some of those cars you passed on the road over your summer road trips just a few short months ago. The first group, sports cars, have natural leadership skill already. They would become leaders with or without you. You have the opportunity to help them learn more quickly and give them the benefit of your experience. But that’s an easy win. Don’t pat yourself on the back just yet. They will challenge you because


they want more responsibility and growth at every turn. Keep them interested or they’ll move on. They’ll only be happy if they’re going fast. Noteworthy: Everyone has an opinion about the sports cars, but they are always memorable and popular on the road. The second group, your pick-ups, have some leadership skill as well. They may even have as much skill as the first group. But they don’t use it, and they don’t want to improve it. They want to be seen as leaders strictly due to their education, age, or experience, but they are complacent, maybe even cynical, or just naive. Don’t waste too much of your time. This may be counter-intuitive, because you can see their potential. Remember though - potential is diluted by ambivalence. Noteworthy: Their lack of progress is often an attitude issue, and sometimes they are carrying a lot of excuses in their flat bed trucks. The third group, the compacts, don’t have as much in the way of natural

leadership skills. But they are eager to grow and look seriously to your example and guidance. These people are prime candidates for training. They will work with you and for you, and they may even grow into some of your best and most loyal people. Give them books, workshops and great examples to study and follow. Show them, know them and grow them. Noteworthy: They will be a great value and fuel efficient too. The fourth group includes the station wagon. They don’t have any leadership skills, and frankly, they don’t want any. No matter how much you put into them, they will drain your resources, and not give you a meaningful return on your leadership investment. They don’t like to change, and they’d prefer to keep that wood panel on the side of their car. That’s not to say they aren’t important to your organization. Noteworthy: They still get things done in the area of their skill, but they will never be your leaders. Be careful not to put them in positions to pollute your environment.

Small Biz Forward

How do you avoid wasting energy • You might see people move negaand resources on the leadership tively from one type to another when development of the wrong people? It they become disillusioned with your takes trial and error, but since people leadership. It’s up to you to figure out don’t come with an owner’s manual which cars you have in your garage in the glove box, consider these and keep them humming. troubleshooting techniques. • Just helping your people recognize • You might see people move posiwhat good leadership looks like may tively from one type to another when help them respond differently to your they become aware of something leadership and create different beliefs they never understood before, or about what their own leadership style when they are affected by something should look like. that registers as an event of emotional significance. • The best way to create a team of good leaders is to become the best leader you can be. Everything about your organization will enlarge around that investment. That’s where you have the most control. Move your pride to the side – recognize you’ve still got room for improvement too.

humble, yet strong, tow truck. You help those around you get from point A to point B. You pick up cars where they are stuck and come alongside to assist them in getting to the destination. You love to let other cars hitch themselves to your vision. You go confidently in the direction you choose, and are willing to take other cars with you, one at a time usually, careful not to harm them but eager to help them get back on the road. Watch out for traffic, but enjoy the journey! Trudy Menke

Overall, if you recognize the virtue of servant leadership, you might look at yourself and your leadership as the Small Biz Forward


Engagement Strategies in Today’s Disengaged World Charisse McCrory


that matter.

I’m having a conversation with my daughter, and she’s looking down at her phone while I’m talking to her. Or, I’m having a conversation with my mother, and I’m looking down at my phone rather than into her eyes. I know how annoyed I am without someone’s full attention, and yet I don’t always give other’s mine.


Disengagement has become our way of being — our “go-to”, as we navigate unlimited and ever-present access to information. It takes a new commitment to remove the distractions, and actually BE with people. I’m required to NOTICE the compelling nature of my distraction before I can gain a new commitment toward generating something else; something more powerful. CONNECTION: I know what it feels like to truly connect with people. I do it every day in my work; work which would literally not be possible without my commitment to undivided attention focused on the people I’m serving. As a solo-entrepreneur, I crave it. I also know what it feels like to be disconnected. I was feeling disconnected from my mother, who is 80 years old and has lived with us for many years. Though I pray she’ll be with us for forever, the reality is that our days with her are numbered (as are all of our days). In January of this year, I made an engagement commitment to BE with her, alone, for an outing one day each week. It has meant the world to her. And for me, our time together has been a treasure. Without that commitment I chose to make, it wouldn’t have happened. I would have missed precious, cherished time to have conversations 28

I was asked to present a breakout session for a Women’s Leadership Engagement Event at St. Mary’s College in South Bend. When asked what I felt compelled to present, it was clear that my greatest offering is to help others see ways to have conversations that matter. It’s vital for leaders to engage in conversations that matter — at home, at work — anyplace where there are valued relationships. With passion, I help people see engagement strategies that create successful results. In the world of business, we are incredibly disengaged. Gallup’s State of the American Workplace Studyfound that in America, 70% of the workforce is either disengaged, or actively disengaged. Naturally, this means that only 30% of people are engaged at work. My passion is to be a catalyst for changing these alarming statistics, so that we actively engage in meaningful relationships with one another. Whether it’s my own personal commitments with the people I most care about, or by being a Love Activist as a leader in the world, I am activating engagement strategies that successfully accomplish the goal of engagement. What is life, after all, if we live it with our hearts and eyes closed to the connections with other living beings around us? Further, what can we generate together, as a collective, when our hearts and minds are engaged in solving some of our world’s most compelling challenges? Charisse McCrory

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OCTOBER 2-3, 2015


Dream Big Retreat 6th Annual

From Dream to Reality 30

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Nancy Becher, CEO


When you spend time working ON your business -- not just in your business -- who knows how far you can go. Here at Business Success Untlimited it is our mission to help the entrepreneur increase revenues and profits by growing the company's business strategies; their marketing and other business skills. We are connectors that bring knowledge, member-to-member networking and much more to our clients. It is my greatest dream to see all of you succeed! Nancy Becher Business Success Unlimited Small Biz Forward


schedule Friday/Saturday

Friday, October 2, 2015 8:00-9:00 Breakfast Buffet and Networking 9:00-9:30 Welcome, Introductions, Prayer 9:30-10:15 Keynote, “From Rags to Rubber to Riches” Deb Sanderson 10:15-11:45 Breakout Sessions I: Would You Consider Driving Your Car without a Steering Wheel, Kim Bontrager TRUST TRIGGERS: Why Customers Buy, and Why They Don't, Mark Imperial Social Media ROI, Rivka Kawano 11:45-1:00 Lunch and Table Top Discussions 1:00-1:15 Break 1:15-2:45 Breakout Sessions II: 5x Your Effectiveness: Get More Done in Less Time, Multiply Your Business and Love Every Minute of It, Jason Rosado Marketing and Branding, Robert Mannino Keeping Your Employees Engaged, Ellen Mann 2:45-3:00 Break 3:00-4:30 Lessons Learned, Karen Bachert 4:30-5:00 Day One Closing Remarks 5:00-6:30 Break while we move from meeting to hotel 6:30-9:00 Hospitality Suite for Open Networking and Relaxation (Bring the family) Saturday, October 3, 2015 8:00-8:45 8:45- 9:15 9:15-11:00 11:00-11:45 11:45-12:00

Breakfast and Networking Success Is Yours if You Let It In, Jason Rosado Working On YOUR Business Go Big AND Go Home, Trudy Menke Closing Remarks, Nancy Becher, Retreat Host


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speakers Deb Sanderson is the Co-Owner of a multi-million dollar manufacturing company, Treadstone Rubber Products and a Beauty Consultant Brand Partner of Nerium Anti-aging Products, one of the fastest growing beauty businesses in the world. With a unique skill set and extensive business background that took her from being a Buyer for Belk, a large Southern Department Store Chain to Human Resources to the Corporate Customer Service Manager for Bloomingdales to Banking before launching her business, Deb Sanderson is comfortable in her own skin. She's knowledgeable, well spoken and genuine in her desire to help others succeed.

Kimberlee Bontrager is an established financial professional with executive leadership experience serving both for profit and not for profit corporations. Her past roles include Vice President for Finance and Controller at SunGard Higher Education, an international company located in Orlando, Florida providing technology service solutions to the higher education market. During her tenure, the Managed Services Division grew from $10 million in revenue to over $150 million. Kimberlee has also acted as Vice President of Finance at Lincoln Memorial University; a non for profit university located outside Knoxville, Tennessee. Her accomplishments at LMU include contributing to annual revenue growth from $50 million to over $100 million.

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speakers Mark Imperial helps Business Owners and Professionals in Private Practice attract clients, customers, and patients for life by stacking their trustworthiness through his methodology of "S.A.M", which stands for Significance and Authenticity Marketing. He is also the marketing strategist and voice for some of the world's most famous brands. Imperial was certified by Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazer, wrote the "Grow Your Local Business" column in Dan Kennedy's No BS Marketing Letter for the past 2 years, and hosts a weekly business radio talk show on Chicago's airwaves called "Remarkable! Radio" alongside Hannity and Dave Ramsey. Learn more at: and

Business owners have more tools for productivity today than at any time in the past. Yet, this has led to overwhelm, entrepreneurial “schizophrenia”, sky-high stress levels, increasing pressure and expectations from around us and from within, and many more hours spent working each day, week, month and year, instead of enjoying the life that we’re working so hard to create. Jason Rosado intimately knows the challenges for business owners who are trying to grow their business to 6 or 7 figures and beyond, without spreading themselves too thin, sacrificing personal and family time or entering extreme burnout. He’s cracked the code to working part-time and making a great living for himself and his family, and he’s helped hundreds of business owners to double, triple or 10x their business while cutting their work hours in half. And now he’s going to share his top strategies, tips and secrets so you can have the business and life of your dreams, too. 34

Small Biz Forward

speakers Most businesses are on social media, but are not getting the results that they want. If it seems like you spend all your time on social media without seeing any return on your investment, or if you avoid social media because you don't know where to start, then you won't want to miss this session. Rivka Kawano will share an action oriented approach to building relationships that move your business forward in measurable ways.

Robert Mannino is the founder of the New York based branding agency Numax Media. Robert will be discussing brand strategies and defining your target market. He will discuss creative ways to get your brand message in front of your potential clients. He will also touch on self branding and how in today's technological world there is a fading line between your personal brand and business brand. Personal brands play a key roll in how your potential customers view you, and view your business. Learn how to maximize your personal brand and feel confident about promoting your self as an expert in your industry.

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speakers We all know how hard (and expensive) it can be to keep your employees happy, engaged, and excited. A 2011 Gallup Poll estimated that actively disengaged employees cost their companies on an average $16,000 per year while an engaged employee creates at least $32,000 per year in additional revenue. It is also well known that without these happy employees, your customers aren't happy either. As a business owner, if you could do just one thing that would make a significant impact on your bottom line, it should be keeping your employees engaged. Ellen Mann will bring you practical tools that world-class companies use to attract the “right� employees, retain talent and support managers and employees to keep your business moving ahead with sustainable success!

Karen Bachert is one of the talented business leaders presenting at the Dream Big Retreat who believes that there's no such thing as a bad idea . When attending the Dream Big Retreat she'll encourage us all to keep track of every idea we hear or think of, every contact we make and every person we meet. Then at the end of the day, Karen will facilitate a large group activity guiding us in a process designed to help us see how we can apply the thoughts/ideas we've heard throughout the conference to our own businesses. We'll be challenged to grasp the opportunity of making new contacts and creating relationships. You will be amazed at the discoveries we'll make during this session.


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speakers According to leadership expert John Maxwell, everything rises and falls on leadership. And self-leadership is where it all begins. How will you take all that you learn at this year’s retreat and trust yourself to implement it? What’s going to make this year different? Trust Trudy Menke to guide you through your fear, past potential rejection and into self-belief so you follow through on the success you deserve.

An entrepreneur since I was 12 years old, my first business was a retail store run with my mom and sister out of our basement. I then ran daycare centers, an editorial and proofreading service, and had a 6 location (3 state) administrative support company. Since 1996 my business has focused on helping entrepreneurs and small businesses with their strategic planning and business development implementation. Starting one of the first executive suites in the Washington, DC area, I then turned my attention to providing referrals and connections with everyone I met. People started asking me, “Who do you know who… and How do I do …” and referral groups were started. My clients have ranged from large government contractors like CACI and ASET International Services in Washington, DC to medium and small businesses in the Midwest such as Michiana Christian Service Camp, Treadstone LLC, Page One Rankings and Schooley Mitchell in Michigan. As well, I have worked with scores of small micro enterprise businesses throughout DC, Michigan and Indiana.

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SPONSORS The Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety


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Dream Big Retreat Essenhaus Conference Center, Middlebury, IN October 2 & 3, 2015 Nancy Becher, Retreat Host, Owner of Business Success Unlimited consulting company and Publisher of Small Biz Forward magazine, believes that “our best work is done when we are relaxed and able to think out of the box”. To that end, the 6th annual Dream BIG Retreat is a unique event bringing together speakers who have “been there and done that” and have a wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience to share within a business retreat format that lends itself to learning, unlocking creativity and guiding participants to effective, business-building transformation. Speakers & Workshop Facilitators Deb Sanderson, Co-Owner of Treadstone LLC,. a multi-million dollar company, and brand partner in one of the fastest growing beauty consultant businesses in the world. Kim Bontrager, President of Locey CPA and former Vice President of Finance for Lincoln Memorial University, who’s annual revenue growth went from 50 million to 100 million during her tenure. Jason Rasado, Business Coach, Motivational Speaker and Owner of Distinctive Coaching for Business Success, earning the title, the Business Breakthrough Coach. Mary Lu Saylor, Grow Great Companies of Virginia, an Emmy-award winning journalist with thirty years in the television news business. Rivka Kawano, internationally-known social media expert Robert Mannino, Numax Media of New York, Marketing and Branding Consultant Trudy Menke, CEO of Reframing Leadership, an expert in Leadership and Sales (John Maxwell) Karen Bachert, Owner of K Enterprises & Your Business Needs Fans, an accomplished Group Facilitator, author, entrepreneur and founder of “Voice of Your Business’ Speakers Group. Agenda Friday, October 2, 2015 8:00-9:00 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:15 10:15-11:45

11:45-1:00 1:00-1:15 1:15-2:45

2:45-3:00 3:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-6:30 6:30-9:00

Breakfast Buffet and Networking Welcome, Introductions, Prayer Keynote, “From Rags to Rubber to Riches” Deb Sanderson Breakout Sessions I: Would You Consider Driving Your Car without a Steering Wheel, Kim Bontrager Positioning Yourself as a Media Expert, Mary Lu Saylor 5X Your Effectiveness, Jason Rosado Lunch and Table Top Discussions Break Breakout Sessions II: Social Media, Rivka Kawano Marketing and Branding, Robert Mannino Keeping Your Employees Engaged, TBD Break Lessons Learned, Karen Bachert Day One Closing Remarks Dinner on Your Own Hospitality Suite for Open Networking and Relaxation (Bring the family)

Saturday, October 2, 2015 8:00-8:45 8:45- 9:15 9:15-11:00 11:00-11:45


Breakfast and Networking Motivational Speech: 5 X Your Effectiveness, Jason Rasado Working On YOUR Business Motivational Speech: Putting All the Pieces Together, Trudy Menke

Closing Remarks, Nancy Becher, Retreat Host

For more information, and to register, contact Nancy Becher, at 269-651-3555, or


Small Biz Forward

Sponsorship Levels & Application Diamond level, $1000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

To be the title sponsors; only two positions available or one position @ $2000 Recognition in title of the event in all advertising- printed and on-line Recognition in all our internet marketing ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter Opportunity to speak during the opening ceremony Introduction at Hospitality Suite Three free tickets to the event A full-page ad in Small Biz Forward (value $400) Your logo on event banners

Gold level, $500 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Recognition in all printed materials Recognition in all our internet marketing ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter Publicly recognized with a “thank you” at the beginning and closing ceremonies Half-page ad in Small Biz Forward (value $75) Two free tickets to the event

Silver Level, $250

1. Recognition in all printed materials 2. Recognition in all our internet marketing ads on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter 3. One free ticket to the event ____ Yes, we’d like to be a sponsor of the “Dream BIG” event. Sign us up at the level noted. ____ Diamond @ $1000 ____ Gold @ $500 ____ Silver @ $250 Company name ____________________________ Phone number ______________________ Company address ____________________________________ State____ Zip ___________ Contact person _________________________________________________________________ Method of Payment ____ Credit Card Name on Card ______________________________ Exp date ____/ ____ Card number ______ ______ ______ ______ Security code _______ ____ Paypal (we’ll send an invoice; email address ___________@ ________. ______) ____ Check. Makes payable to Nancy Becher. Send to : Business Success Unlimited, 105 S. Maple, Sturgis, MI 49091

Small Biz Forward


Internship Reporting to the Executive Director, the public relations intern will actively participate in a variety of special projects related to public communications as an educational experience.

Essential Job Function:


• Provide tactical media relations support

• Looking for a self motivator with high energy.

as necessary including arranging media interviews,

• responding to editor requests, preparing press releases and other publicly disseminated materials.

• Leverage content for online press room (Internet and Intranet) and assist in the management of posting materials and routine maintenance.

• Ability to multi-task and work under tight deadlines. • Ability to write clear concise content. • Strong proofreading skills. • Attention to detail and organization skills a must. • Strong computer skills, including Microsoft Outlook, MS Office Applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and other software needed for job).

• Update and maintain PR Image library. • Monitor traditional and non-traditional media (online and offline) for BSU news.

• Assist with external distribution of press releases and assist in the management of media contact lists.

• Assist in organizing and maintaining the PR

This position is a “for credit, non-paid” internship of 15 hours per week for the semester.

Shared drive.

• Work closely with PR team to support tradeshows and special projects

• Provide general support including creating press kits, ordering materials, answering phones, photo copying, filing securing conference rooms, arranging meetings, etc.

701 Prairie Street| Sturgis, MI |269-651-3555 | 42

Small Biz Forward

Word Search Puzzle

Name ____________________ Date _____________















































































































































































From Small Biz Forward


October 2015 Events Sunday






6 Exit 25 Networking

Center, Fort Worth, IN






Georgetown Plus

Exit 25 Networking

Center, Fort Worth, IN


Northeast Innovation




Georgetown Plus

Exit 25 Networking

Premier Women’s

Center, Fort Worth, IN


Moose in Angola

Northeast Innovation


27 Exit 25 Networking

Center, Fort Worth, IN



















Georgetown Plus

Northeast Innovation


Ziano’s, Fort Worth, IN Network Michiana




Ziano’s, Fort Worth, IN




Ziano’s, Fort Worth, IN




Georgetown Plus

Northeast Innovation


Ziano’s, Fort Worth, IN

Small Biz Forward

Business Success Unlimited

Just A Reminder… The BSU MastermindProgram has started back up online the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the Month.

Every Monday

Georgetown Plus Networking, Northeast Innovation Center, Forth Worth, IN

• Meets every Monday at 11:30am • Join us for free lunch and a new way of networking • $3 and 2 Business Cards gets you in! • Bring promotional materials and be ready to share about your business! • RSVP for a display table for $15 during the group, contact Randi at 260.312.7862 • Come Early & Stay late & NETWORK

Every Wednesday

Exit 25 Networking, Ziano’s, Fort Worth, IN

• Meets every Wednesday at 11:30am • Join us for RELATIONAL Networking & Promote each other to Success! • $3 & 2 Business Cards gets you in! • Bring promotional materials and be ready to share about your business

Premier Women’s Network Michiana

• Meets every 4th Thursday of the month 4pm-6pm • Even numbered months: Moose in Angola on N. Martha Street • Odd numbered months: Dots Eatery in Auburn at the Sixth Street shops • Contact Mary Jo Smith at 574.514.5193 • no meeting in December

Women’s Business Bureau

• Kalamazoo Country Cub, MI 49006 • Contact Jan Murphy at 334.560.6955

Small Biz Forward


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Business Card









Small Biz Forward

Book of the Month Club I’m reading a great book right now -- written by one of the better known marketing experts out there – Dan Kennedy. Most of what he talks about is made up of tried-and-true marketing strategies, it is great for those that who are just getting started and serves as a super reminder for those who have been around for a while. Do you have a unique selling proposition for example? Do you even know what that is? In this book Kennedy shows us what it is, why we need one and how to easily craft one to help us with our business growth. It is a highly recommended book and in the newest edition, there are updated examples, new products and possibilities.

Small Biz Forward


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