Small Biz Forward Exploring the Entrepreneurial World of Today Vol. 20. N0. 11
New Column: Monthly Chats with the Experts This month we chat with Karen Bachert of Your Business Needs Fans and K Enterprises!
Small Biz Forward
Contributing Writers Ed Becher, (Ret.) US Marine and Former Chief Instructor, US Dept. of State, Uniformed Branch, Diploma#c Security Service. Owner, The Bodyguard Academy, Sturgis, Michigan. He can be reached at: h-p://
Nancy Becher, Passionate about suppor#ng “mom and pop” businesses, Nancy is the Chief Everything Officer of Business Success Unlimited, an educa#onal training program and success mentor for entrepreneurs and small business owners. She is the author of many short ar#cles and published pieces in various magazines and online. An entrepreneur since age 12, she is known for her knowledge of running small businesses and caring about the people she works with. h-p:// is where she’s found!
Liz LaClair is the owner of Vir tually Helps, a virtual assistant company. She is PASSIONATE about helping her clients with any and all of their office administra#ve work and is a spe cialist in her knowledge of Mi crosoA Office products. Check out Liz at: h-p://
Barbara Nicastro is a problem solver, strategist and business execu #ve highly experienced in analysis of complex document or factual situa #ons. Uses a pragma#c business ap proach to prevent or resolve issues. Extensive leadership, public speaking, nego#a#on, media and mo#va#onal training experi ence. You can reach Barb at
Adam Fleming, President of Epic Life Studios since 2008, Adam Fleming is a Cer#fied Leadership Coach and Coach Trainer. Adam has coached business owners in many aspects of growth, with a focus on personal calling and balance; and business focus on marke#ng, specifically inten#onal growth by referral. Adam has been a BNI member since 2011 and currently serves his chapter of that organiza#on as Educa#onal Coordinator, teaching members to network effec#vely. He designs a new elevator speech weekly.
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Jerry Sarno is a Strategic Part ner with Schooley Mitchell Tele com consultants, North America’s largest independent telecom con sul#ng company. Jerry. 2694088679
Kelly Rock is the Director of Opera ons for Four Flags Chamber of Commerce in Niles, MI. If there’s anything you want to know about Niles, or about the business community in the city or surrounding areas, Kelly is the one to call. 269-683-33720, or
Kerri Spencer, owner of Kerri’s Avenue Salon in Granger, IN has been in the beauty industry for 27 years in all aspects from working for others, running a beauty college, color educator for two global color companies, health and wellness expert, featuring body wraps, hair/makeup for all medias and currently own and operate my very comfortable, beau ful, salon and more....She can be found on Facebook at: h,ps://
Sherry Lynn Simoes works with Small and Home-Based Entrepreneurs to build a thriving business through the right marke ng methods as well as website design, blog training & design and social media training and management. She runs two networking groups (Women of Today and Business Builders Interna onal) and provides free training to members each month on a different aspect of marke ng their business. Sherry Lynn can be found at: h,p:// sherry.simoes
Gail Turluck is the President of Connec ve Marke ng of Richland, Michigan. Connec ve Marke ng offers communica ons services including wri ng, e-newsle,ers, newsle,ers, web site content, edi ng, proofreading, and more. She can be reached at gail@connec vemarke
Cindy Cohen, RN Wellness Consultant C2 Your Health LLC h,p://
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November 2013
Office to Office — Editor’s Note The end of the year is almost here. Can you believe it? It’s November already, and we’re busy thinking about the holidays and shopping. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and then the December holidays with all the par'es, ceremonies, gettogethers‌I’m 'red just thinking about it all. But, I know that when I think back over everything that’s happened in a year’s 'me, it’s amazing and I sure do have to be thankful. This month’s edi'on is all about being thankful for what has been and what can be in the future. For myself, my family is here and doing well. The business is star'ng to show signs of upward growth from a ďŹ nancial and member basis, Ed is ge,ng ready to have a bodyguard class through the month of November, and the weather hasn’t been too bad for all the driving I do. I am very grateful for all of my life’s blessings, both personal and businesswise. Most of all, I am thankful to everyone that reads these pages, helps me write them, and put them together. I couldn’t do it without any of you, and while I need to say this more regularly, I am ďŹ nding the 'me RIGHT NOW, this very minute, to let you know I appreciate everyone that supports me and even those that don’t because it gives me a dierent point of view to think about, create ideas based on, and make my life and world that much be4er.
Celebrating the success of entrepreneurs everywhere. Editor: Nancy Becher Advertising and feature inquiries send to: Subscriptions can be directed to: 701 N. Prairie Street Sturgis, MI 49091 269-651-3555 Š 2013
Small Biz Forward is published by
Celebrate Business Publishing Small Biz Forward receives unsolicited materials (including le ers to the editor, press releases, promo onal items and images) from me to me. Small Biz Forward magazine, its aďŹƒliates and assignees may use, reproduce, publish, republish, distribute, store and archive such submissions in whole or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensa on of any sort. This statement does not apply to materials/pitches submi ed by freelancers in accordance with known industry prac ces. Statements and opinions expressed in feature ar cles are those of the corresponding business owner. While every care has been taken in the compila on of this informa on and every a empt made to present up-to-date and accurate informa on, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. Celebrate Business Publishing will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any informa on within these pages or any informa on accessed through their web site.
Printing by The Graphics Group, Inc. Elkhart, IN 574-264-3232 @smallbizjunkie
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Give ‘Em A Pickle Create Raving Fans, by Nancy Becher It’s not enough any longer to have OK customer service. You need to go above and beyond the norm in order to keep those customers you thought were yours.
How is your customer service? Good? Do people talk about you and your business as though it is the only business around where they would want to pay money? Do you get referrals all the time because everyone loves you and your business so much?
question, can you find someone to answer it for you or do you, instead, find yourself buying something that you then have to return later because it didn’t do what you thought it would? And then, just thinking about that return policy makes you shudder.
That’s what we all should strive for, but it doesn’t always happen. No matter what line of business you’re in, customer service – and that’s what this is – must be uppermost in your mind, for it’s only with good customer service that you get, and keep, your best clients.
Being thankful for your customers – the good, the bad and yes, even the ugly – is probably the most important thing that
How do clients come to you? If you’re a retail establishment, they probably walk in your front door. Are they greeted with a hello, and “I’ll be with you in just a moment” (and that moment is within the next 3-5 minutes)? Or are they left to their own devices while you work on something else for what can seem an eternity to the one waiting? If you’re home-based, do you return calls within 24 hours? Do you answer the phone politely and professionally, or do you find yourself hollering at the kids to stay quiet, you’re on the phone? These are just a few of the many things that people often do without thinking about it when they are running a small business.
we can do with our customer service. Say THANK YOU in any way that you can, to let them know that you do appreciate them and that you are grateful for their business.
Everyone talks about customer service. All the big businesses tell us that they have the best customer service, but when you walk into the door of their store, how do you – the customer – feel? Do you feel welcome? OR do you feel like “let’s get what we came for and get out!” If you have a
A business needs customers – we all know that. But without good customer service, it becomes much harder to retain the loyalty of those the business needs the most. This is a simple concept but it seems that all too often it is forgotten in the daily bustle. We, as consumers, are noticing the lack of
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concern on the part of business. While I was in a large bookstore chain the other day, I was looking through the business section and saw an entire shelf of books with names like “Building Customer Loyalty” and “The Customer Driven Company”. These books throw around words like customer satisfaction, commitment and good service. The old phrase, “the customer is always right” comes into play as well. Customer loyalty is essential to the success of any business. These words find us, I’m sure, nodding our heads in agreement. This is what we want from our businesses. Are you an extra miler? Close your eyes and picture YOUR ideal business. Create the BEST business you can envision if money was no object. Now take that vision and think about your customers. How would they fit into this picture? Merge these pictures together and then think about how you could go just a little bit further. What would that look like?
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This is called Plus One Service, and when you implement Plus One Service, you do things a little at a time. Give the customers a little bit better until you have it down perfectly. Then, implement the next thing, and so on. In the end, your vision and the customer’s vision should mold seamlessly. An excellent example of customer service/loyalty can be seen in recent activity by and by Viking Office Supplies. Check out their websites and Google their businesses and customer service. You’ll see what I mean!
Growing Your Business is FUN! Don’t wait ‘Til Pigs Fly ...
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by Adam Fleming, Certified Leadership Coach and Trainer
Sometimes people ask me how I feel about training my own competition. The answer is: I love it! There’s plenty of business for everyone. Besides, most people who take a course like Getting Started in Leadership Coaching don’t end up becoming professional coaches. They take it because they want to become better leaders. No matter what sphere they lead in, they always find this course helpful, because the skills we develop help build relationships with all kinds of people. Coaching is a buzzword. Some think it’s a fad, but it’s been around for millennia. Jesus, for example, asked his trainees a variety of questions like “Who do you say that I am?” He elicited responses that developed ownership from his trainees and changed the world by sacrificing his agenda for theirs. Don’t believe me? Think about how he encouraged Judas to go perform his actionable step. I also find the wisdom of Lao Tzu helpful; I’m so familiar with Judeo-Christian scriptures they don’t always jar me out of my normal patterns. The Tao says “The sage reigns over the people by humbling himself in speech/ And leads the people by putting himself behind.” This is why I teach coaching from a faith-based angle. It adds historical depth and spiritual power to the process. People who take my courses become better servant leaders. Another thing I love about training: when I teach a class, each person practices with a partner once a week, for eight weeks. My trainees are getting a class, plus free coaching for themselves! Of course, their coach isn’t a pro, but few of us can afford to work for a half-hour every week with a professional coach.
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What’s the difference between coaching and mentoring? Coaching is a future-oriented conversation where the client sets the agenda and the coach listens, asking questions without an implied answer, and together they work on specific outcomes. A skilled coach doesn’t have to have any experience in the client’s field to be helpful. Mentoring is great too, but it requires expertise. Often times the mentor makes suggestions based on personal experience. Sometimes the suggestions aren’t very helpful because the person being mentored has a unique situation in which the suggested course of action doesn’t apply. Other times, we really want someone who has expertise to guide us, and that’s great if we can find someone who has it and can also communicate that knowledge well. I don’t knock mentoring, but I don’t use it much, either. I find that picking a mentor is more difficult than finding a coach who can help you figure things out for yourself.
It’ It’s working for me, It’ It’ll work for you too! too Kim Green @ h&p://
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Rise and Shine! Jerry Sarno, Schooley Mitchell Telecom
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American novelist Daniel Handler, under his pen name Lemony Snicket, once wrote “Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” Nothing could be closer to the truth. We all know from experience that starting the day on the wrong foot can kick start a disastrous chain reaction. On the flip side, starting your day off right can lead to increased productivity, greater focus, and overall happiness and well-being. And if you’re not a morning person, you may want to consider becoming one. A study by German biology professor Christoph Randler found that early risers are more proactive than nighthawks, a quality that can pave the path to success. Let’s take a look at five best practices that everyone can adopt to accomplish more in the a.m.
Start Fresh
Bad days are bound to happen, but you don’t have to drag them out. Waking up on the wrong side of the bed will only make the situation worse. No matter what happened yesterday, wipe the slate clean by focusing on the present and casting out negativity. Start fresh, get organized and hit the ground running for the best results.
Map It Out
Making a schedule and sticking to it is one of the easiest ways to properly manage our time. We often pencil in projects that must be completed but forget to include other aspects of our day, such as breaks. Put the tasks that boost your well-being and productivity such as a quick walk or meditation time on your to-do list.
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Deal With Distractions
Clean Your Workspace
Too often we let technology dictate the start to our day. For some people, checking email first thing can lead them down a rabbit hole of distraction that starts with messages, moves onto jokes forwarded by coworkers and ends an hour later with news headlines and sports scores.
A tidy desk can lead to a clear mind. Keeping only essential items on your desk can help to reduce anxiety and maximize productivity – there is no time wasted hunting for that important file when items are kept in order. As an added bonus, a clean desk helps prevent information theft and security breaches, and presents a professional image when clients drop by the office.
Quash Procrastination
There are several different schools of thought when it comes to which projects should be tackled first in a workday. Some suggest tending to the least desirable task first, others recommend you pinpoint the two activities that will earn you the most money. No matter which path you choose, it’s important that you don’t put these tasks off – procrastination can lead to incomplete, rushed work and increased stress. Just because you’ve never been a fan of mornings doesn’t mean you are stuck in that mindset forever. By adopting new routines we can form habits that will make us more alert and productive in the early hours, and can translate to success.
Calendar of Events If you’re interested in placing your events here, just send an email to: publish@celebratebusinesspu
What’s happening This Month?
Peer Advisory Board — Do you have a dream for your small business? Want to see it grow and become bigger? November 11 and 25 we meet at the Niles Four Flags Chamber of Commerce at 8:30 am to discuss ways to quickly and effectively grow our businesses to the next level.
Online Peer Advisory Board — if you can’t make it to Niles, but want to be part of a group to work on business growth issues, you can join us starting on November 13 at 9:00am for our online version. (Check with Nancy @ 269-651-3555) for more info and to register.
GRAPE — Grand Rapids Area Professionals for Excellence will also be facilitating a Peer Advisory Board Mastermind meeting. Stay tuned for more details.
Entrepreneurial Forum —
Speaker: Adam Fleming,
Certified Leadership Coach and Business Consultant, WorldPay. Adam will bring an interactive educational session to help you understand the ins and outs of the world of merchant services … So you can make informed decisions to grow your bottom line. This event is $20 for Business Club Members; $35 for nonmembers. It PAYS to be a member!!!! Check with Nancy for details. 269-651-3555. It is being held Wednesday, November 13, from 4-6pm at National College, South Bend, IN.
Expo for Women — November 16. See page 5 for details. 14 Small Biz Forward
Calendar of Events If you’re interested in placing your events here, just send an email to: publish@celebratebusinesspu
DECEMBER What’s happening This Month?
Online Peer Advisory Board — if you can’t make it to Niles, but want to be part of a group to work on business growth issues, you can join us starting on This event continues on December 11th at 9:00am for our online version. (Check with Nancy @ 269-651-3555) for more info and to register.
Candy Cane Christmas Dinner and Dance —
We've had a long year, filled with all kinds of work, happiness, frustrations, success...Now it's time to sit back, relax, listen to some good music, eat some good food, have conversations with old and new friends and colleagues. Come on down and take some time to be "in the moment", enjoying the holiday spirit. Tickets are $25 a person if you're a BSU member. They are $30 for those who have yet to join. Call Nancy at 269-651-3555.
B2B Get Together Holiday Bash – It’s A Networking Party — Thursday, December 5, 6:15-8:00pm (Open Networking starts at 5:30) (Location: Sprenger Health Care Center, Elm Road Campus, 60257 Bodnar Blvd., Mishawaka, IN)
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Liz LaClair, CEO, Virtually Helps, LLC Yes, it’s that time of year when we reflect on all the things we’re thankful for. Some of us also wonder just why shopping has gotten to be so important. Those Black Friday sales now have Thanksgiving pre-sales. REALLY? Well, back to the original thought – thankfulness. There are many things I’m thankful for: My husband has been cancer-free for two years. I have been seizure-free for six years. Our home Our family and friends My husband – that he’s even in my life. (he’s my rock/my life) My business/clients Every night when I pray, I start with Thank You God for everyone and
everything in my life. Thank you for my Kim (he’s the love of my life), our home and thank you for today. Sometimes that’s it, others I will ask for help – for friends, family and sometimes for me. I’m thankful for waking up in the morning. I’m thankful for the abilities I’ve been given and those I’ve learned. I’m thankful for friends/clients who refer me to their associates. I’m thankful that I have the technology to research things for my Dad (some things have gotten to be a bit of a challenge for him). I’m thankful I can help my Brother when he’s out on the road, there is the occasional thing he needs done that he just can’t get to (it seems smart phones aren’t all that smart). I’m thankful that I can type my blogs, and articles for wonderful magazines like this one – I’m thankful that people read them! Yes, being Thankful is a lot like counting your blessings. Well, why not? All those things on my thankful list, are my blessings. No matter how you feel about a Higher Power, whether you believe. For this we will go with, yes I do – there is a 16 Small Biz Forward
There are many things I’m thankful for
God/Divine Being. While you will not see me in church – I believe in God, not religion. (There is a difference and not for this topic) Charles Schultz got it right with Snoopy and Woodstock. Thanksgiving is about being with family and friends. It’s about helping those who are in need. Sharing (even if it is only popcorn) what we can. Remember while you’re working to meet those deadlines – family is important. Be thankful for your family. Remember while you’re out and about you may come across someone who’s a bit cranky, or a waitperson at your favorite restaurant isn’t up to par, they may be having a bad day. Perhaps they got some bad news, maybe they have had a
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string of cranky people to work with. Be nice to them, say Thank You for their work. Something to keep in the back of your mind, are people thankful for you? Are you a person who helps, and/or brings a smile to someone’s face? Or, are you the type of person that people are thankful to see you leave? For this Thanksgiving, besides being thankful for your blessings, do something (no matter how big or small) nice for someone. Hold the door open for that person struggling with their hands full and trying to figure out how to open the door and not drop something. Smile at complete strangers. Give your complete attention to the person your talking with – ignore your phone/pad. Do something unexpected for a family member/friend/co-worker. Then be thankful you have the ability to do such a task.
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By: Gail M. Turluck, Connec8ve Marke8ng
As the days grow shorter we take a little time to look back on the past year. This is a great time to reach out to all of those who have helped you with your achievements-big and small-and give them thanks. CLIENTS-Yes, we're all thankful for our clients, but how CLIENTS many of us take the time to let them know this is true in a formal way? You want to contact them at least once a year with a greeting card, and Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Years is a great time to do so. Get started on this now so you have your choice in the mail at least ten days before your event of choice, ensuring all will receive it on a timely basis. SUPPLIERSSUPPLIERS- If they are not clients but could be start to treat them like a client. Develop a list of all suppliers, complete with full name, mailing address, email address, and phone numbers. No matter what, it is critical to connect to your suppliers once a year with a message of thankfulness so they recognize that YOU value their efforts to help you reach your goals. They, along with your clients, are the primary folks to have on your business holiday greeting card list. Whether you send a Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year or other greeting card, a once a year touch like this is important. You may use standard greeting cards that you hand sign, a service like Send Out Cards that I really like, but this is not the time for an email, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter or other electronic message. APPRECIATION EVENTEVENT-This is the time of year to plan an appreciation event if you have not had one this year. It can be a lunchtime or 5:01 open house at your office, or to give it more impact, have it in your home to make you "more real"
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to your customers. Be sure to have a "bring a friend" component to your invitation. Have a guest book so everyone signs in and you know who attended. Keep it casual, with simple snacks and beverage choices. It may or may not be themed to the upcoming holidays—your choice. Just keep it simple and not beyond what you can afford to provide. GOING FORWARD-Make today the day that you strive FORWARD to thank those around you for their help—whether to carry a box, help you with a phone number, for a great referral, for an unexpected lucrative opportunity, or for simply being a good friend. Small gestures of thanks—a cup of coffee, a batch of cookies, a lunch treat—still make that gesture a two way experience that makes it a lifetime connective event. As you are out and about through the holiday season, strive to keep your clients and suppliers in mind as you meet others. There may be an opportunity to connect them with someone you meet that could make their future—and yours— incredibly stronger in ways you couldn't dream of. When the thought, "Gee, you should meet my client, Jim," comes to mind as you talk to one or the other, immediately figure out how you will cause them to meet, or at least speak by telephone, to give them the chance to help each other. By living your events in this manner, you will be actively performing the connective art of "Growing Thankfulness."
Gail M. Turluck is the President of Connec8ve Marke8ng of Richland, Michi gan. Connec8ve Marke8ng offers communica8ons services including wri8ng, enewsle&ers, newsle&ers, web site content, edi8ng, proofreading; Send Out Cards; the Body by Vi 90 Day Fitness Challenge; and more. She may be contacted at or by visi8ng
420 West Cleveland Road Granger IN 46530 5742433901
Since 1987, Kerri Spencer has been a licensed cosmetologist and instructor. She serves as a master colorist and regional instructor for It&ly Hairfashions. She is also the owner/operator of Kerri’s Avenue Salon. Prior to opening her own shop in 2005, Kerri was the lead instructor at Premier College of Cosmetology. Her professional accomplishments include working “on set” with various theatrical produc8ons, television commercials, print photo shoots and fashion shows. She was even hired to create “period looks” for a Hollywood movie produc8on.
Nail Services
Skin Care
Hair Extensions
Eyelash Extensions
Body Wraps
Teeth Whitening
Spray Tans
She prides herself on offering a high level of service at an affordable price. She has a true passion for the art and science of hair design, and loves to bring that passion to her clients. Kerri belongs to numerous business networking groups and oIen emcees speed networking events for these various groups. Kerri’s Philosophy: As a wellness advocate, Kerri believes that nutri8on is key to outer beauty. As such, she also provides wholefood nutri8on consola8on and total body care products with It Works Global. Kerri will be a featured speaker at the “Dream the Work Retreat”, focusing on the importance of first impressions in your work environment, for men and women. Come find out what your best look is!
h&ps:// h&p://
20 Small Biz Forward
It's that time of year when we want to remember our service men and women. Our charitable organization this year is UNITED through READING, where our service folks can read a book via video for their families to enjoy. Join with me, at Simply Said, where we Live to Give all year long!
Kathy Williamson Consultant #604 (574) 850-4424 604 SimplySaidwithKathyIndependentConsultant604
Note from Rebecca Maalouf, professional makeup artist and small business owner:
Why Updates Matter: Every fall, we pull the same looks out of our closet. We apply our (one time) favorite lipstick, and we face our days... firmly stuck in a rut. When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone to consider something new? Take that baby step forward today. Call me. I'll show you how to find the best look while respecting your personal style. Call 574-243-1730 Ask for a "Best Look" lesson with Rebecca. $40. 45 minutes. Bring in or mention this note, and it's fully redeemable in product - so you have nothing to lose.
Camellia Cosmetics * 7220 Heritage Square Drive * Granger IN 21 Small Biz Forward
Moving Ahead — Being Thankful By Ed Becher, PPS, Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety
Having grown up in a single parent household after my father’s death when I was a young 8 year old I learned early what it meant to be thankful and thrifty. As I grew older (desiring to both help my mother and family) while showing some independence, I started to head out and go fishing. The fish and blue claw crabs I caught ended up on the dinner table. I was thankful I was able to help. As I grew older still, I continued to help: small odd jobs here and there and in the fall after graduation from high school I joined the US Marine Corps. On May 9th, 1977, a day after Mother’s Day off to Parris Island and Marine Corps Boot Camp I went. After Boot Camp and on to NAS Memphis I went for training as an Aircraft Fire and Rescue Specialist where soon after graduation there, my Mother’s father passed away. Rushing home to a funeral was not my way of spending leave, but I was thankful to be there to say my goodbyes.
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In 1991 my mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer, I was there for her to the end, thankful for the Marine Corps permitting me to stay close to home to help her. Within 5 years I would lose my sister to cancer as well. Was I thankful? Yes, because prior to her death we became closer than we had ever been, including spending a day at Kings Dominion in Virginia riding every roller coaster we could that day. Come 1999, I decided it was time to retire from my beloved Marine Corps, settle down and still be able to enjoy both my retirement and work to keep my family happy and safe. I had a job I enjoyed as a Uniformed Protection Officer for the US Department of State and then as Chief Instructor for them over the next 8 years. In 2007 I met someone who totally changed my life and the way I saw both myself and my future. Along with Nancy we moved here in 2008 and started a new life together. She was my angel who I am sure rescued me from selfdestruction, no not suicide or anything that crazy, just from boredom and normalcy. This takes me to today, as we approach a special day for me the 238th Birthday of the United States Marine Corps on November 10th. After moving here to Michigan I took Nancy to her first Marine Corps
Birthday Ball in Battle Creek where we celebrated the birth of the Marine Corps with fellow Marines. Since then we have attended others and will once again this year celebrate with fellow Marines. My business has changed names numerous times as we have grown--from Becher & Associates to today with the Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety. We have grown from the serving of civil process and chasing bail absconders to running a very successful training business. People ask me where I want to be in 1, 3 and 5 years, and I tell them my ultimate goal is to have one of the top security and protection schools in the state and nation and to be one of the top names in
the business. Am I getting there? I feel I am, slowly, but progress is being made. I am thankful every day for family, friends and supporters who continually push, poke and prod me along to see my goals come to completion. Without these pushes, pokes and prods, and the black and blue marks that come with them where would any of us be today? Thanks to people like Nancy, her parents Cliff and Jean, friends like Karen Bachert, Lauren Sorenson, Rob Michels, Elijah Shaw, and many others who keep me on the straight and narrow and help me find answers to the dumb questions I find myself asking.
Who are your customers? Who do you like to work with and who makes you feel more fulfilled? What do you sell them? What is your value proposition — list your benefits, not your products. Think about the best ways to let people know what it is you do. Do you know your revenue streams and your cost structures?
Check out the Lean Canvas to really clarify what you do— https://
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Chatting with the Experts We hear about people who have made it big in business all the time…on the news, in papers, on the Internet and in the various business magazines out there. But, if you’re like me, you think, how does their life have anything to do with me? I’m not famous, I’m just an average Joe (or Jo), trying to make a living doing something I love and that others love too. We don’t stop to think about those around us who we might actually even know that have had an impact on our lives, our economy and even our world. Most of us in business have regular lives—we deal with husbands, wives, children, pets, and all the stuff of everyday life. We get up, go to work, spend our days trying to make something that we can be proud of, and at the end of usually really long hours, go home, and start all over again the next day. Sound familiar? It is a very few who ride around in limousines, with bodyguards, and have money dripping out of our wallets. This new monthly segment is designed to show us that there are other REAL people out there that have their feet on the ground, doing the stuff that we’re doing, and they are making a success of it for themselves as well as being there to share with us that we can do it TOO!!!! Our first interview is with Karen Bachert, of K Enterprises and Your Business Needs Fans. From her LinkedIn profile, Karen is an accomplished business woman, conference host, motivational speaker and award-winning author. She has been recognized for her passion, creativity, excellence in leadership, and for her contributions and strong commitment to the personal and professional development of other people.
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With extensive background and experience as a Senior Vice President working internationally, Karen now owns her own business helping other businesses be successful. As a Business Mentor, Facilitator for her Success Team Mastermind Group and host of many Business-to-Business Events and Conferences, Karen continues her relationship with many of her clients who initially came to Karen to learn how to use Facebook to promote their business. YourBusinessNeedsFans.
Q. With that introduction, let’s get started sharing. Karen, you were a successful business woman working in corporate America. What inspired you to start your own business?
A. Desire to use my background and skills to help others be successful in business and to challenge myself to continue making money after retiring from corporate America.
I think you bio tells the story, but what is your vision for your business?
Helping others, being recognized for my skills, being profitable and self-fulfilled.
Everywhere I go in the Michiana area I hear about Your Business Needs Fans and Karen Bachert. You are wellknown in the business world around here. What impact do you want your business to have on this community?
Mostly, I love seeing other people learn how to make money or how to make more money in a self-fulfilling way.
Please define success and your journey to get
Any words of wisdom?
Living a meaningful life that includes making a difference. Creating and maintaining a good healthy balance between personal life and work life while continuing to challenge myself to do things I may not always be confident in doing.
Work with a business coach. It doesn't have to be someone you pay but it does need to be someone who will invest their time, talents, thoughts and ideas in helping you with your business. Not a bully, but someone who encourages and supports you while giving constructive feedback and ideas.
Sounds like good, sound advice to me. Thanks, Karen for sharing!
As you read this, put yourself in Karen’s shoes and see how you fit the mold of SUCCESSFUL business person. We all can do it if we have the courage to reach out, take a risk, and work our tails off!
What was the greatest risk you’ve taken in your business and would you do it again? Retiring from high paid job that I loved at 58. Yes, I would do it again. Since starting my own business the biggest risk was the 2013 Michiana "Shop & Greet". Yes I AM doing it again - bigger and better, is the plan.
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Brenda Johns,
YBNF Tip: Ask A Question Best way to increase the number of people who are seeing your page in their newsfeed is to get others to comment on your posts. Why not write your post in the form of a ques on - a ques on with an easy answer to get people started. Even "Yes" or "No" ques ons o&en get comments. Also, remember the value of invi ng people to visit your page in your post. For example: Do you have a Facebook Business page? Yes or No? Please comment and let all our YBNF frineds know about your page. Also, please feel free to visit our page, click on the NOTES tab to ďŹ nd more ps to help you with your Facebook Business page at:
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Most people don’t feel particularly thankful when they think of lawyers or going to a lawyer. I can't particularly blame them, since I'm not too fond of most lawyers myself. What I and business owners should be grateful for are the gifts we receive from those who give us guidance. I have been highly lucky in that regard. That guidance has allowed me to raise three children to maturity and independence, and to have run two law practices while still retaining a reasonable amount of my sanity. Major credit for the following goes to my Daddy who would have been 101 this year, I'd like to share some of my lessons learned. 1. Trust your instincts. When something doesn’t sound or feel right, don’t ignore it. Seek guidance, stop to reflect and let your mind ponder. Sometimes we awaken at 3 a.m. because our mind has just figured out what really matters. Keep a notepad by your bed to jot down those random thoughts!
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2. Tell the truth. Lies and denial may have a short term positive effect, but cannot help you prosper. And usually cause you to end up in worse shape than where the truth would have placed you. Rather than seek help from others with lies in your mouth, just burn the money you would otherwise pay them. You’ll be doing that figuratively anyway. 3. Shed no [literal or figurative] blood. In your personal, financial and business lives, remember the golden rule. There are usually resolutions and decisions that will provide great benefit to you but will allow others to maintain their lives, self-worth and stability. 4. Burn no bridges. Today’s “enemy” might just be the one person who can most help [or harm] you down the road. Getting what you want doesn’t require annihilation or mean-spiritedness, just strength and determination.
5. The KISS rule. Our world is complicated enough. Take time to look through the “weeds” of a situation and see what really matters. Prioritize your needs and satisfy your wants when you can do so without violating #3 and #4. 6. Walk a block or two in their shoes. When deciding what to do, think about the impact of your choices upon others a layer or two removed from the immediate issue. Can you craft a choice that makes the most sense for the most people? 7. Don't buy what you can't afford. . . .today. Even if you don’t pay for it all at once. Lean times make you want everything. Flush times let you spend the same dollars over a hundred times in your mind because you know you COULD if you really wanted that
item. Knowing you have a cushion from which to survive is priceless. 8. Apologies aren't expensive. But failing to make amends when you’ve done wrong can be highly costly. Take it from a stubborn woman who learned this lesson way too late! 9. Bad times create good ones. Perhaps not immediately, but sometimes, we all need [and get] a good kick in our literal pants which causes us to rethink our future and often strike out in a new direction that exponentially expands our potential. 10. Please and thank you. The next best three little words to “I love you.” Free to all regardless of status. Spoken regularly, they make you feel as good as the person to whom they’re directed.
Reflexology/Reiki Charlene Books
Call for Appointment
East West Center for Natural Medicine 51099 Bittersweet Rd. Granger, IN 46530
Relax, Release and
Tel: 574-323-7517
Transform Your World
29 Small Biz Forward
Schedule of Events K Enterprises – Your Business Needs Fans P.O. Box 6056 South Bend, IN 46660 Karen – 574-344-8895
Business Mentoring, B2B Events Facebook Training, Consulta-ons & Design
B2B Get Together/” Together/”Live Networking DeDe-constructed” constructed” Friday, November 1, 2013 – 9:309:30-11:30am (Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN) Have you heard about our B2B Get Togethers? Lots of fun and a great way to connect with other businesses. This time we’ll have Resource Tables with information and guidance on Business Event Planning. Open Networking time 9:00-9:30 and then Business Introductions and “live Networking De-constructed” starts at 9:30. All businesses are introduced. Bring your business cards, brochures, samples. Just $5 to participate. B2B Get Together Holiday Bash – It’ It’s A Networking Party Thursday, December 5, 6:156:15-8:00pm (Open Networking starts at 5:30) (Loca-on: Sprenger Health Care Center, Elm Road Campus, 60257 Bodnar Blvd., Mishawaka, IN) This B2B Get Together is a Holiday Networking Party with an awesome twist and we think the very best way to network successfully. It’s a sponsored event with complimentary wine, non-alcoholic beverages, yummy appetizers and will be held at the beautiful Sprenger Healthcare Center, Mishawaka. Open Networking at the bar, 5:30-6:15 and then Business Introductions and “Live Networking De-constructed” starts at 6:15pm. All businesses are introduced. Bring your business cards, brochures, samples. Just $10 to participate (complimentary wine and appetizers). RSVP please on Facebook, Event tab). Sponsorship Opportunities, call 574.344.8895. B2B Get Together/” Together/”Live Networking DeDe-constructed” constructed” Friday, January 10, 2014 – 9:309:30-11:30am (Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN) Time to give your business a boost, refresh your own focus for success and join in the fun of a unique networking experience. Lots of fun and a great way to connect with other businesses. Open Networking time 9:00-9:30 and then Business Introductions and “live Networking De-constructed” starts at 9:30. All businesses are introduced. Bring your business cards, brochures, samples. Just $5 to participate. Michiana “Shop & Greet” Greet” Thursday, March 20, 2014 – 4:004:00-9:00pm (Saint Mary’ Mary’s Campus – Gillespie Center, South Bend, IN) Best Expo of the year! One of a kind event with our unique “Everyone Shops Experience”! Networking at its best and auction fun with local charities too. Sponsors, 40 Vendors, “A Minute Wins It’ Challenges, Great Prizes & Surprises. Live Auction Fun! Great Networking! Fun for you and your friends and good for your business too! Come shop with us! $15 at the Door (and you get $10 back in Michiana Bucks to spend at the event). More info, call Karen 574.344.8895.
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31 Small Biz Forward
Show and Grow By Kelly Rock, Director of Opera-ons, Four Flags Chamber of Commerce
I’ve been in the Chamber business going on six years. A chamber of commerce is like many other small businesses, except instead of nurturing one business, we tend to several hundred; which can be daunting at times. One important facet of chamber membership is access to growing ones network. Those who show up and participate are often those who are having the most success with generating referrals. Networking takes time and a willingness to learn about others. People need time to build trust for one another. Consistency pays. The shortfall of a business is often times in the network of support. A business needs people to grow: whether that network is customers, family, other business owners, professional associations, or word-of-mouth; if a business is to grow, it needs a strong network. Make the shift; take the time to be seen, to meet-up, to learn about other people, to see how you can be of service to others first, to be genuine, personal, and memorable. When a referral occasion arises, will you be at the top of that list? The more you’re seen the more people will remember you (hopefully like you) and want to support you. A period wouldn’t have much meaning if it wasn’t at the end of a sentence. A constellation cannot be seen unless we connect the dots. I invite you to network with us. You just have to show up and grow your presence. Several opportunities await!
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33 Small Biz Forward
The Holidays and Security Issues Security and the Entrepreneur Ed Becher, PPS, The Center for Protection Security, and Personal Safety
WOW, is it already November? How the year has moved forward so quickly. We soon will be celebrating Christmas and New Year’s 2014. Now is not the time to stop thinking about the security of your business and especially your family. As the holidays approach, the criminal element is also thinking about what to get their families for Christmas, and from whom can they get them from. The deals are not only for you on Black Friday but it can also be a great day for deals for them as well. We need to remember that the economy has not improved for everyone. For some reason Black Friday brings out the worst in people, with violent attacks against other shoppers, the pushing and shoving to get in the door first, shoplifting and cybercrimes. Last year saw a pepper spray attack in a Wal Mart in Los Angeles so that a woman could get a piece of merchandise others were after. Two armed men in South Carolina walked up to a couple in the parking lot of a large department store and robbed them of the Christmas gifts they had just purchased. One of the victims was shot in the leg the other was pistol whipped. 34 Small Biz Forward
Here is where awareness of your surroundings comes into play, being ever vigilant to who is watching you. If they can see you, you should be able to see them as well, and in most cases if you make eye contact they will look elsewhere for a victim. When approaching your vehicle, DO NOT, use the automatic car door, trunk or rear hatch opener, who is going to get into your car before you do? Additionally, do not overload yourself with packages; you just may have that one gift a thief is looking for. Knowing where you parked your car in that big mall parking lot, parking under lights, never shopping alone but with others are some key points to remember. One other item to keep in mind when using credit cards, collect your receipts including any voids that the cashier may have made.
Unknown online retailers. If an online retailer is offering some unbelievable special so some digging to make sure it is a legitimate store and not one that will disappear after they have your credit card information. Beware of friends sharing unsolicited links. Not all malicious links come by way of spam, some can come from your closest friend on Facebook or through an email.. By clicking on that link you could be driven to a website that installs malware on your system or phishes for your credit card information. Before you click, think does this person normally send you this type of information. In next month’s article we will discuss how to stay safe around the Christmas and New Year’s holidays. Till then stay safe and have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Ed Becher is the owner of Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety (The Bodyguard Academy) which is a provider of training and resources to keep you, your staff and clients safe. He can be contacted at or by phone at (269)651-3355.
Many of us will shop online so that we can still get some of those great deals and also so we avoid all the people who will be out there shopping. We go from Black Friday to Shop Local Saturday to Cyber Monday. But how safe is shopping online on Cyber Monday? It is estimated that $1.2 billion dollars will be spent with on-line shopping, one third of all holiday shopping. Keep these 4 tips in mind when shopping on -line: Unsolicited emails. emails It may be tempting to click on that email offering IPads at 50% off, but be careful it may take you to a compromised website. Nefarious search engine results. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) attacks occur during major events and holidays. Hackers will use such terms as “Holiday Sale,” Christmas bargains,” or New Year Specials.” Going to the link could cause your computer to become compromised.
35 Small Biz Forward
AVAS provides photo scanning, photo montages, social media consulting, and project assistance. h p://www.AVASLLC.NET | Cell: (574) 514-5193
C2 Your Health Wellness Programs for Mini-Checkups, Home Laboratory Testing, Health Coaching, Self-Care, Community Connections and more. Cindy Cohen RN, BS BA | Charlene Books Reflexology/Reiki Relax, release & Transform Your World Connective Marketing provides communications services to small businesses: • • •
Print and e-newsletters Handbooks, Yearbooks and Directories Web site content
• •
Organization membership management Editing and Proofreading
Event management
36 Small Biz Forward
Connective Marketing offers non-profit management and consulting services. Connective Marketing has a particular focus on sailing and sailboat racing organizations and events. Be confident you can drop your dock lines and sail away knowing your needs will be met. Connective Marketing /) 1245 West Gull Lake Drive (\ Richland, Michigan 49083 269.203.7130 T | 786.358.3605 F gail@connec,vemarke, | www.connec,vemarke,
Epic Life Studios Adam Fleming is a leadership coach as well as an Account Executive for the credit card processing company, WorldPay. Email: 574-238-7872
Heartwood Renaissance Academy A private school dedicated to helping students succeed. We teach students to SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS. The staff and teachers help DESIGN, BUILD, and TEST each child's skills, confidence, and self-esteem to fly with courage into their adult futures with the ability to overcome obstacles and accept challenges.
Premier Women’s Network To Uplift, Encourage, and Inspire all Women in Business and Career Seekers to Achieve their Highest Capabilities through Networking and Education info | (260) 747-5202 | (269) 273-0160
River Country Journal Celebrating and nurturing life in Southwest Michigan river country. |
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Schooley Mitchell
MI Security Training/Bodyguard Academy Providing quality training for those working in the private security industry. | (269) 651-3355 Niles Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce The Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the needs of Businesses and the Community. For further information on joining the Chamber please call (269)683-3720, or
37 Small Biz Forward
Jerry Sarno and Schooley Mitchell will save your business or organization; 1) Time; we do the work so you concentrate on your core business. 2) Money; we save $$$ on your telecom spend, if we don't, there is no fee. 3) Peace of mind. 269-408-8679 Your Business Needs Fans Encouraging businesses create and maintain their online presence by teaching best-practice Facebook marketing and so much more. (574) 344-8895
Being Productive By Sherry Lynn Simoes Being productive can make a big difference in regards to the success of your business. If you are busy performing mundane tasks and switch from one thing to the next there is no way you can have a productive day. Here are some things you can implement that may help. Some may seem obvious but a simple reminder will help them come to top of you mind! Stop Multitasking While this might seem like a good idea when you have a million things on your plate, you actually get more done if you focus on one task at a time. A recent study found that only about 2.5% of people can multi-task and still keep the same level of success at every task. Completing one project at a time helps you keep your concentration and really delve into a single task. Turn Off Things That Go “Ding” When you’re not at the office, it’s great that your smartphone alerts you every time someone comments on Facebook or when you receive a new email. But when you’re working, turn your electronics on silent to prevent them from distracting you from the task at hand.
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Prioritize Your Tasks When all of your projects seem equally urgent, it can be hard to decide which item on your to-do list should take priority. Make a list of all of them and then number them. If they have deadlines obviously they get put first. I like to do the small quick tasks first as it feels good getting lots of things crossed of my list! Organize Your Office It’s easier to get your work done when your workspace is neat and organized. Organization makes you feel better and allows you to find things when you need them. You need to find systems that work for you as there are a ton of ways and organizational tools and products you can use. Make sure things you need a access more closest to you. Outsource What You Don’t Do Best If you are a sole entrepreneur, it is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you have do it all yourself. The problem is that there just are not that many hours in the day and no one can be
an expert in everything. Can your time be better spent working in your business? Automate your Appointment Booking How much time do you spend scheduling and confirming appointments with your customers? Probably a lot! I use It is free and I have it synched to my Google Calendar. It allows my clients to book, reschedule or cancel their appointments without ever having to call me. Works like a charm and saves going back and forth to figure out a time that works. Plan Your Marketing Day Group your marketing tasks together and set a regular time that you will complete marketing tasks. The size of your business and more importantly how aggressive your goals are that you want to achieve will determine how much time each week! Block this time off on your calendar and DO NOT skip this im-
39 Small Biz Forward
portant aspect of growing your business. Schedule Your Social Media There are several ways to schedule your social media. When I work with a client to figure out a way that works well for them we usually use Hootsuite. You can schedule Twitter, Wordpress, Facebook, LinkedIn and more. These are just a few of the things that I suggest to a client when I am helping them grow a successful business. The best advice I can give is to schedule them one at a time and stick with them! Your productivity level will start to climb and keep on climbing!
Sherry Lynn Simoes is a marketing coach who works with small and home based entrepreneurs to create a successful business through finding and implementing the right marketing methods. Book a free coaching session at to find out how she can help you grow your successful business!
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