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flips + flops
By Flip-Flop
Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

Great Dog Toys

Though I think tennis balls…yes, simple bright green tennis balls, would probably win the most universally-loved dog toy in the world, there are a lot of other great ones out there. Though I don’t really play with toys (I only chase dogs who chase tennis balls), a few of my friends at the dog park told me that they really love West Paw Design’s toys…especially the Jive ball. (www.westpawdesign.com)

Funny Ideas
Pet Sweeps…how funny is this? No, it’s not really an innovative new cleaning product, but rather just an empty box with nothing in it that is shrink wrapped for your protection! The idea is that you put people’s real gift inside the empty box to make gift-giving more fun. As their website states, “These are top-quality, American made boxes covered in some seriously funny sh#t and will provide much needed entertainment for the next party you're dragged to.” (www.prankpack.com)
Stupid Dog Toys
I think the most-stupid-ever dog toy award goes to the Vanderpump Bra Plush Toy! Though Lisa Vanderpump, the star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, does amazing things for dog rescue & adoption, I think she needs to ramp up her design skills a bit. I mean, what self-respecting dog wants to walk around with a bra hanging out of their mouth? (www.doggiecoutureshop.com)

Silly Ideas
I came across True Touch on the internet recently and really don’t get it. They bill it as “the amazing 5-finger de-shedding glove” that mimics the loving touch of your hand for a relaxing massage. Regarding a massage, I really prefer the human touch. Regarding de-matting and shedding, please just send me to my salon. (www.buytruetouch.com)