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i love my job

Nancy, Flip & Moose in Montana



By Nancy Dewar – Publisher of Seacoast Bark

First Issues Nancy & Flip

When people ask me what I do for a living, I tell them that I spread happiness and positivity! Although I publish Seacoast Bark, I really share stories about inspiring people and animals.

I actually fell into starting a magazine. In my earlier professional years, I worked in advertising account management for clients such as McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and Kay Jewelers. I left corporate life when I was forty and moved to the Seacoast from Denver, having discovered this amazing place during a road trip from Marblehead to Booth Bay. I arrived in Portsmouth in 1996 with no job and knowing no one.

Sometimes the stars align, and they certainly did with this move. I met an incredible group of friends, and though I never landed a “real job,” I created a variety of ways to support myself; hence becoming what I call an a la carte entrepreneur. In addition to an array of freelance marketing and public relations projects, I produced photoshoots for L.L. Bean and J. Jill catalogs. I also bought, renovated and sold several homes on the Seacoast.

I’ve always had a bit of wanderlust and got a bit antsy to make a change in 2013. After visiting a friend who lived in Whitefish, Montana; I returned with this half-baked idea that I should move to Northwest Montana. So, without much preparation…I did! Looking back it was really a crazy (mid-life-crisis) decision. I remember my dear friend Barbara saying, “Why are you moving out THERE? There’s nothing but pine trees!” She was familiar with Whitefish from having seen it on The Bachelor.

I had sold my house. I then sold all my belongings that wouldn’t fit in a 6’ x 12’ U-Haul. With my down-sized life packed up and my two dogs (Moose-Muffin & Flip-Flop) in the back seat of my Jeep, we hit the road mid-March and drove 2,600 miles to Whitefish with no real plan; only a little rental house lined up. I got a sales job with a local TV station shortly after arriving which lasted about 3 months. The other sales rep had the banks, car dealerships and hospital accounts; accounts that could afford to use television. I was supposed to call on small retailers that really shouldn’t as it wasn’t cost effective. Ethically, I couldn’t sell to them, so I impetuously quit not realizing there weren’t many other decent jobs.

Okay, now how to support myself in Montana? I rustled up some freelance marketing projects and worked in a retail store. I kept asking…what should I do to make a living while also doing something that will bring me joy? What would I like to do? I went back to my childhood and thought about what made me happy as a kid. Children innately show their true nature and passions. What was my passion?

And it became clear to me. My passion has always been animals. I brought home every stray I found. My family called me “the finder.” I rode my bike to the barn

Moose & Flip Trying to be Montana Dogs Flip & Moose at Home on the Beach

What do I love about my job? The people I meet…hands down! Our marketing partners are passionate about their dogs, so we all share a common bond with the amazing love we have for four-legged creatures. Our relationships began through business and have evolved into caring, genuine friendships.

Celebrating 1st Issue with Friend

down the road to hang with the horses. My neighbors let me show their pony at the county fair one year. I got fifth place out of five horses in halter class and thought I’d gone to heaven! I was always trying to get Mom and Dad to say yes to “just one more puppy!” My sister wrote a story about me in grade school that said, “If there were no animals in this world, I don’t think Nancy could live!”

At this time I had also been writing some articles for a friend’s magazine, and it hit me. I enjoyed writing and creating. I loved animals. How about starting a lifestyle magazine about animals and animal lovers? Thus, 406 Bark was born (406 being the area code for Montana). The magazine connected, caught on and took off enough to support me and fuel me professionally. After two years I realized that there were only two big things missing in my life…my dear friends in New Hampshire and the ocean.

Montana had been an interesting adventure, but it was time to go home; and the Seacoast was wide open for a magazine for animal lovers. That was four and a half years ago and twenty-five issues ago of Seacoast Bark! My first sales call was to Allen Wayside Furniture. I dropped off a proposal and ad concept, and Doug Abrams called me back later that day with a few questions and then a commitment for the back cover. Alissa Bournival of Bournival Jeep was our second client, and the list of supporters has continued to steadily grow over the years; many of whom have stayed on board with us since the early days.

What do I love about my job? The people I meet…hands down! Our marketing partners are passionate about their dogs, so we all share a common bond with the amazing love we have for four-legged creatures. Our relationships began through business and have evolved into caring, genuine friendships. The people I meet through the articles we feature never cease to amaze me; all the wonderful things people are doing to help animals…not to mention all the incredible things animals do to help humans!

The least favorite part of my work? The numbers part…again hands down! Other than that, I love everything that I’m doing with the magazine! Spreading happiness is truly rewarding. How very blessed am I to be doing what I love.

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