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flips + flops
By Flip-Flop
Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!
Dog Mops

Being a shaggy dog, of course I fell in love with these shaggy dog mops the minute I saw them! Not only are they adorable, but think they would make cleaning a lot more fun too. Who wouldn’t smile while “walking” these cute creatures around their house picking up fur balls and more? Dog mops…a total FLIP in my book! (www.felissimo.co.jp)

Cat Mops
After finding the cute dog mops, I Googled “cat mops” just out of curiosity. There’s a website, maybe from Japan, that offers “Cat Mop Shoes!” Yep…you read that right! Apparently, felines wear these little mop-like shoes and help pick up dust bunnies and dirt as they glide across the floor. Some of the incredibly odd products that humans come up with truly amazes me! (Kianush.com)
Dog TV

Did you know that there is a cable TV channel that is available for a potential audience of 78 million new viewers? Yep, that’s right…Dog TV! And this channel has many tails wagging, as pet-parents readily attest to. “Cujo is in his 3rd week of DOGTV. His behavior has improved so much that it seems he is not the same dog! He was so good in the car yesterday. Their programming line-up includes The Dog TV Hour, Talent Hounds, The Adoption Hour and more! You really should check this out! They even offer a 1-month free trial! (www.dogtv.com)

Dog Pajamas
These pajamas from PJ Salvage are one of the cutest PJ sets I’ve ever seen! Called “Yearbook Dogs Print,” they highlight many of us canine’s best traits such as Most Popular, Most Athletic, Best Dressed, Class Clown and more! These PJ’s are totally worth woofing about. (www.pjsalvage.com)
Dog T-Shirts
I think these have to be some of the ugliest T-Shirts I’ve ever seen! Not only are they garish, but a bit scary looking too. What selfrespecting human would want to walk around with a big dog face on their chest? This website offers almost every breed. When I went back to look at them recently, all were on sale…not surprised!!! (www.clothingmonster.com)
By Monster Clothing
Cat Pajamas
By Toddland
These cat pajamas are…litter-ally…for felines to actually wear! I can’t imagine any cat wanting to slink around in “red, classic cat-sized onesie long underwear.” Nothing more to say about this one except…what will humans think up next? (www.toddland.com)