Seacoast Bark Magazine October November 2020

Page 22

let's pawty

Doggone Grrrrr…eat Entertaining Sponsored by Ristorante Massimo “Authentic Italian Food Is More Than Our Passion… It’s Our Life’s Work.” Photography by Jasmine Inglesmith Photography

Dine-In or Dine-Out



Easy Pumpkin DOG Ice Cream Ingredients 1 Can Pumpkin Puree (not pie filler)

1 C Plain Low-Fat Yogurt ½ C Organic Peanut Butter Directions Combine all ingredients in blender. Place in ice cube trays. Freeze & serve frozen. Photo & Recipe Credit:

World Class Cuisine

59 Penhallow – Portsmouth (603) 436-4000

While Massimo has been busy continually “reinventing” the restaurants…new takeout menus, pasta kits, new outside dining, revamped inside dining…Mia & Logan have been busy enjoying the beauty of Fall. Though they love doggy daycare, romping in the leaves and bobbing for apples, the favorite part of their day is when their Dad gets home!


Mia & Massimo




Massimo’s has taken all the necessary safety precautions so you can now dine INSIDE…both upstairs & down! If you’d prefer to simply snuggle in & enjoy fabulous comfort food at home, they offer Curbside Cuisine! You may order from the dinner takeout menu…or prepare pasta dinners at home with their Prep-At-Home Pasta Kits! Select from a variety of fresh sauces and ready-to-cook pastas. For complete info visit:

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