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let's pawty
doggone grrrrr…eat entertaining
Sponsored by Ristorante Massimo “Authentic Italian Food Is More Than Our Passion… It’s Our Life’s Work.” Photography by Jasmine Inglesmith Photography
Dine-In or Dine-Out

Massimo’s has taken all the necessary safety precautions so you can now dine INSIDE…both upstairs & down! If you’d prefer to simply snuggle in & enjoy fabulous comfort food at home, they offer Curbside Cuisine! You may order from the dinner takeout menu…or prepare pasta dinners at home with their Prep-At-Home Pasta Kits! Select from a variety of fresh sauces and ready-to-cook pastas. For complete info visit: RistoranteMassimo.com/takeout.

Mia Logan
Easy Pumpkin DOG Ice Cream
1 Can Pumpkin Puree (not pie filler) 1 C Plain Low-Fat Yogurt ½ C Organic Peanut Butter
Combine all ingredients in blender. Place in ice cube trays. Freeze & serve frozen.
Photo & Recipe Credit: Dogtipper.com

World Class Cuisine
While Massimo has been busy continually “reinventing” the restaurants…new takeout menus, pasta kits, new outside dining, revamped inside dining…Mia & Logan have been busy enjoying the beauty of Fall. Though they love doggy daycare, romping in the leaves and bobbing for apples, the favorite part of their day is when their Dad gets home!
FLIP By Flip-Flop
s + FLoPs
Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

Funny Holiday Product This Christmas tree made me chuckle! Talk about driving treeclimbing cats crazy, this one will do it. Designed with curious cats (and toddlers) in mind, the branches start at about 36” from the ground, thus making it challenging for them to reach the enticing ornaments & tinsel. Another bonus? Decorating is faster with only a half of tree to adorn. I think this product is a real FLIP! (Argos.Co.Uk)

Big Balls I’m not a ball chaser, though my favorite thing in the world is to chase dogs…that chase balls. So, when I came across this giant tennis ball for pups (that measures 9 ½” in diameter), I was so excited for my beach ball-chasing friends! And I strongly suggest you get one for your ballfocused canine. I guarantee they will FLIP over it! You can find it on Amazon, of course!
Dog Lover’s Puzzle What a great way to totally unplug and have some good old-fashioned fun…with a jigsaw puzzle…all about DOGS! Snuggle in with friends & family and after all the pieces are put together, you’ll see 54 of your most favorite breeds & learn about their special characteristics. This puzzle is sure to get everyone’s tail wagging! (LLBean.com) Though I hate to admit it, Halloween costumes for canines have become pretty mainstream, though I thank DOG my Mom doesn’t make me wear one. But costumes for hamsters??? Yikes! What a crazy idea…and who would see these furry little creatures in their costumes anyway? They really don’t leave home, i.e. their cages. What will people think of next?

Little Balls As you might know, I find cats intriguing and also a bit odd. And I find these small cardboard balls for cats a bit odd too. Made of recycled cardboard & non-toxic glue, I guess they keep furry felines entertained for hours with their spins & wobbles. Little cardboard balls…who would have thunk it???

Silly Holiday Product

(AmericatCompany.com) Exploding Kittens Card Game OMG…I’m not even sure what to say about this one. This game is described as a “strategic card game about cats and destruction...a game for people who are into kittens and explosions and laser beams.” I didn’t go any further after reading these words. A game? I thought games were supposed to be fun…not prey on evil instincts. I don’t know. It raised over $8 million on Kickstarter, but I find it kind of creepy! (ExpldingKittens.com)