200-90 Allstate Parkway, Markham, ON L3R 6H3 905-886 -2885 1-888-537-7679 f.905-886-2887 effecthope.org
Healing in Jesus’ name for 125 years.
“…Be sympathetic, LOVE one another, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8 (NIV) PHOTOGRAPHER: TOM BRADLEY
May 2017 Dear <<CnAdrSal_Salutation>>, With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I find myself thinking about vulnerable mothers and children, and I wanted to share a particularly poignant story about heartbreak and hope. About two years ago, when Erica was six years old, a boil appeared on her shoulder. Traditional remedies didn’t work and the boil grew bigger while others started appearing on her body. Staff at the local hospital weren’t sure what to do — or even what her condition was — so they referred Erica to a hospital three hours away. By the time she got there, her back, chest and arms were painfully swollen. Erica was diagnosed with Buruli ulcer, a debilitating bacterial infection that is not only excruciatingly painful, but also leaves children unable to play or go to school. Worse yet, the stigma of disease caused friends and neighbours to stop visiting. Erica was no longer welcome at the community water tap and her family’s landlord was told to evict them. “Erica even stopped school for a year,” her mom, Rebecca, tells us. “Her classmates teased her and said she did poorly in school because she was slow. Her teacher even didn’t want the other children to play with her.” With Mother’s Day quickly approaching, will you prayerfully consider giving a gift to help a vulnerable child like Erica? The good news is that antibiotics will cure 80% of Buruli ulcer patients. But few health workers are trained to recognize the early signs. over please…
YES! I want to help cure someone like Erica of Buruli ulcer. Here is my gift today of:
Single gift
o $45 for Buruli ulcer care for one child
o Cheque (please make payable to effect:hope or The Leprosy Mission Canada) o Credit Card (please fill out below)
o $99 to cure one person of Buruli ulcer or leprosy o $198 to cure two people o To help as many people as possible: $____________
Monthly gift (Please process as indicated below) o Direct Deposit (please include a VOID cheque and the name of your financial institution)
<CnAdrSal_Addressee> <C/O> <CnAdrPrf_Addrline 1> <CnAdrPrf_Addrline 2> <City> <Province> <Postal Code> <Country>
o Credit Card (please fill out below)
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Expiry: <<Cn Apls_1_01_Package>> <<APPEAL ID>> <<160020>>
The Leprosy Mission Canada (operating as effect:hope) charitable registration number is 11924 1990 RR0001. If the area of need you have designated your gift to becomes fully funded, your gift will be used where it is needed most.
Signature: Date:
Email: Please update your contact information if necessary.
“Her classmates teased her and said she did poorly in school because she was slow. Her teacher didn’t want the other children to play with her.” Erica’s mother, Rebecca
Your gift today helps people suffering from Buruli ulcer in affected countries such as Ghana, where Erica lives. Your gift does so much: • $45 provides Buruli ulcer care for one child • $99 provides the cure for one person with Buruli ulcer or leprosy • $198 provides the cure for two people Because of caring people like you, I’m pleased to let you know Erica received the care she needed.
She came home from hospital with antibiotics and the wound on her shoulder healed quickly. She has since had a skin graft, is back at school and is no longer bullied. Erica wants to be a nurse one day. “I’m very grateful for all the support and assistance we’ve had,” Rebecca tells us. “You came to support us at the right time.” One of the most wonderful things about Erica’s story is that it shows the results that are possible with the support of generous donors like you. It’s a mother and child story that inspires such hope. Buruli ulcer is not a curse. It’s a disease that can be cured — and we urgently need help to protect as many vulnerable people as we can. According to the World Health Organization, about 48% of cases in Africa are children 15 years and younger. Your support today will help us reach more children like Erica before they experience permanent disability and discrimination. Sincerely,
Peter Derrick Executive Director P.S. You can help children whose lives are at risk from Buruli ulcer and leprosy — debilitating diseases that CAN be cured! Please give today, as generously as you can.
The flesh-eating disease known as Buruli ulcer (BU) is excruciatingly painful — and without treatment, it becomes a lifelong affliction. • Bacteria cause large sores on the skin that turn into painful ulcers that burst • Patients sometimes lose their ability to walk or use their hands • Most cases can be cured, but healthcare workers don’t always recognize the signs 200-90 Allstate Parkway, Markham, ON L3R 6H3 905-886 -2885 1-888-537-7679 f.905-886-2887 effecthope.org