L ay o u t
T he F i s h M on g er
T he L ar d er
B evera g e s
Cornucopia is a Global A La Carte restaurant serving an eclectic mix of dishes from four exciting kitchens. Flavours from the Mediterranean, Orient, Arabian Peninsula and Latin America are brought together to create an exciting menu of contemporary cuisine and classic comfort food. Set on the private St. Petersburg island, this exclusive culinary destination sets itself apart by offering the freshest seafood, meat and produce available in the Arabian Gulf. with Michelin star acumen spilling over into every area of the restaurant’s creativity.
CORNUCOPIA I nteractive C oo k in g Station s tropical C ontemporar y De s i g n
M o d ern I nternational C U I S I N E V er s atile Seatin g C onfi g u ration s
Location: ST. Petersburg Island
Restaurant Operating Hours:
Seating Suggestion: 80 pax
Breakfast :
07:00 - 10:30
Price Point: $75 USD / PP excluding alcohol
11:20 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:00
A Culinary Oasis in The Heart of Europe
Tranquil and serene, the St. Petersburg Island is an oasis nestled within the World Island’s off the coast of Dubai. Surrounding the island are the widely anticipated three story floating Seahorse Villas docked neatly in rows and just a stone’s throw from the St Petersburg Island. The Island itself comprises the heart of the floating village providing all of the immediate recreation, dining, and service amenities. A brilliantly designed set of indoor outdoor pavilions grace the island center intensifying the resort ambiance and capturing a truly Maldivian sense of retreat from the bustle of Dubai living. Serving all the needs of 100+ floating villas and 85 seats of alfresco dining, Cornucopia is offers a variety of dining experiences for the island’s sophisticated clientele. The kitchen and service teams are fully versatile and responsive to all possible needs. Cornucopia is built to serve every request quickly and consummately. Dietary requirements, global trends, comfort food excellence, semi-fine dining, and small events are all catered to with excellence. Accessible, unique, and sustainable is Cornucopia is the premier dining destination within The Heart of Europe.
F loor plan
T h e C o m m u n e - A B E S P O K E I N T E R N AT I ON A L K I T C HEN
T h e F is h M o n g e r - A S e af o o d & S u s h i C o u n t e r
T h e L ar d e r - A C r u d o & M e z z e B ar
F o r n o - C H A R C O A L Grill & A rabic O v e n
THE COMMUNE The Commune is the backbone of Cornucopia and serves a diverse menu of regional favourites and contemporary international comfort food. The day begins on the island with a semi buffet Breakfast offering – Hot baked Arabic and Turkish breads from the hearth; imported Mediterranean fresh cheeses and dairy, halal cold cuts, cold cereals, mueslis, cold salads and fresh fruit served on removable counter islands; and main courses ala carte served from the Commune kitchen. Think elevated creative breakfast cuisine. As the day proceeds, The Commune produces contemporary international ‘gastro snacks’ and comfort food to round out the offerings for both the restaurant and the villa. Global trends are well represented throughout the day including a weighty vegan and vegetarian section of home-style specialties, gourmet burger selections, Italian pizzas and elevated ‘gastro pub grub’.
C u linar y d irection
From The Commune Sha k s ho u k a t w o e g g s p o a c h e d , s m o k y r a g o u t o f t o m at o , r e d p e p p e r s , chili served in a pan, Tur kish br e ad, si de of hu m m us
W a g y u B eef B u r g er V e a l b a c o n , c h e d d a r , f r i e d e g g , s m o k y t o m a t o c h u t n e y, s w e e t p o tat o f r i e s
S u s tainable A rctic C o d cr i s p e d s k i n , ‘ sa l m o n baco n ’, o r g a n i c b lu e co co b e a n s , celery leaf oil, charcoal
M ariner ’ s T a g liatelle wKing pr awns, cl ams, cut tlefish and mussel s, scorched c h e r r y t o m at o e s , r u c o l a , f r e s h h e r b s , s q u i d i n k s a u c e , b a s i l
From The Seafood Counter ‘ F li g ht of O y s ter s ’ w i l d c a u g h t, j e t f r e s h , a s s o r t m e n t o f f o u r with a medley of sauces
T ema k i S u s hi R oll s So f t s h ell cr ab , cu cu m b er , avo c a d o, s pr o u t s , cr ab sal ad, unagi sauce, bonito fl akes
I ce d Sa s himi bowl s S c a m p i , k i n g s c a l l o p, s e a u r c h i n , c a v i a r , l e m o n , p a r s l e y, s o y
C u linar y d irection 10
T he fi s h mon g er Seafood is the primary product focus at Cornucopia and The Fish Monger pavilion houses the seafood preparation kitchen for the whole village. The preparation area is situated right at the entrance of Cornucopia and is enclosed in glass for guests to peer into and see chefs preparing the latest catch. A wide variety of seafood & crustaceans area creatively displayed in glass vitrines. The front part of the kitchen is a dedicated sushi and raw bar designed with a limited number of seats for guests to closely watch the craft of the sushi masters. Seating at this counter is highly sought after and one of the exclusive dining experiences within Cornucopia.
T he lar d er Glass fronted and temperature controlled, The Larder is the island’s cheese and provisions ‘cave’ and its is filled with rarities to satisfy any craving. Stocked with an extensive array of halal provisions – cured halal meats, fresh and aged cheese, gourmet pickles, olives, preserves, oils, Grecian curds, dessert honeys, caviars and spices, this station is part mezze counter, part cold kitchen store. The front counters prepare a mix of Spanish tapas, Middle Eastern mezze and global salads paired with a wide array of cheeses, olives and preserves. Chefs take their mis-en-place directly from the store with creatively displayed aged meats, fowl, hanging bastermas, preserves, olives ranges, fresh and aged cheeses – delicatessen specialties from Italy, Lebanon, Turkey, France. Providing the visual enhancement of ‘Provisions’ and meats on display in the restaurant doubles in this case as an up-sell for in-villa dining. Given the spending power of the St. Petersburg Villa inhabitants, presenting the exclusive range of ingredients in a ‘for delivery’ format adds massive potential for revenue enhancement.
From The Mezze Bar C o u ntr y T errine of foie g ra s f i g j a m , b e e t p i c k l e , b a s IL
Go u rmet mana ’ ee s h m e at w i t h f r e s h z a ata r s a l a d , ‘ t o s h k a’ s t y l e w i t h cheese, par sle y sal ad
C orn u copia me z z e plate r o a s t e d e g g p l a n t, z u c c h i n i , s e m i - d r i e d t o m at o e s , h a l o u m i , h u m m u s , o l i v e ta p e n a d e , w a r m t u r k i s h bread
H alal col d c u t s / A rti s an fre s h an d a g e d chee s e / E x ten s ive arra y of s pecial pic k le s an d pre s erve s
C u linar y d irection
From The Fire L ive A rabian G u lf g ro u per fire roa s te d O riental wa y
T u r k i s h lahmac u n & A rabic pita brea d s R oa s te d an d carve d s altb u s h lamb s a d d le , blac k pl u m aromatic g la z e Dr y a g e d g ra s s - fe d bone in W a g y u rib - e y e of beef , s election of s a u ce s G R I L L E D SK I R T s T E A k W I T H C H I M I C H U R R I O ven roa s te d s hellfi s h S u e z s t y le with fennel , n u tme g , arabic pepper s , d ill
G R I L L E D S E A S A LT an d P E P P E R P R A W N S
C U L I N A R Y D I R E C T I O n
THE FORNO Forno is the Cornucopia’s fire station with an authentic Middle Eastern oven and bespoke grill. This station turns out authentic Arabic breads like pita and lavash along with turkish lamahcun, pizza and Italian flatbreads. The custom charcoal-fuelled grill is designed to cook a variety of different seafood, game and poultry . The grill is designed with multiple adjustable grills cooking over hot coals along with a built in rotisserie for roasting whole joints, poultry and lamb. Using aged meat, game and fowl from The Larder’s cellar, every evening Forno features a selected mixed grill and roast based on what’s fresh and in-season.
B ar P ro g ram
Set under the palm trees and nestled again the island’s infinity pool, The Sand Bar is located poolside and serves as the beverage bar for Cornucopia as well as guests enjoying the pool. As a cozy, open-air beachside bar, it is the resort’s ideal venue to share an afternoon shisha with a coffee tea or coffee, have a aperitif and or for post-dinner cocktails. The Sand Bar offers a wide range of coffee, fresh juice and alcoholic beverage options. High quality coffee options are stressed with full western coffee service along with a hot plate for on demand Turkish Coffee service. The Sand Bar is known for it’s popular sunset cocktail hour and after dark, the venue becomes to the island’s destination bar. Bartenders prepare a limited but appealing cocktail menu which are concocted from house-made bitters, fresh juices, infused spirits and artisanal tonics & sodas. The wine list is extensive both new and old world wines with a focus on big reds to complement the meat options.
From The Bar H an d crafte d cla s s ic coc k tail s F re s h s q u ee z e d fr u it j u ice s & lemona d e s F r u it inf u s e d ice d tea s T u r k i s h & E s pre s s o - ba s e d coffee s I nternational tea s election O l d & new worl d wine , champa g ne an d s pirit s b y the bottle .
B ar P ro g ram
P E R S O N A L G R O C E R Villas guests who would like to invite people over for entertainment do not have to worry about hauling in F&B from the mainland. Each villa will be equipped with a virtual shopping list that will allow guests to order foodstuffs directly from Cornucopia. Let the restaurant butlers come to the villa stock up your own larder.
Seahorse villa guests can request to have a five-star meal cooked in their privacy of their villas by one of Cornucopia’s culinary experts. Guests can book a chef 24-hrs in advance and request to have a meal custom made for them. The team will aspire to offer whatever/whenever and offerings are subject to seasonality and ingredient availability.
Experience a full Arabian feast with friends, catered in by boat from our celebrated Arabic catering center – 24 hour availability. Organize any type of event or function on the island organized exactly to your specification, just press 1 for our service center in the main kitchen pavilion.
D E S I G N C O N S I D E R AT I O N S • A central storage & preparation area for food and beverage will be required on the island. Suggest to include as the BOH area of The Commune. • St. Petersburg island needs to have a small bakery production area within central kitchen. • CKP is suggesting to expand the current restaurant floor plan by one pavilion. As a result, an additional Restroom Pavilion will be required. • CKP would like to propose to have a live seafood pen set offshore of St. Petersburg island. This would allow the resort to have access to the freshest gulf seafood and could allow guests to choose their own seafood enhancing the overall guest dining experience. • Room service staging and hotel storage areas area needed on the island. • Cornucopia will need to be air-conditioned while having the option to be open-air in the cooler months.