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Not so nano anymore. The latest staƟ sƟ cs of NANO
from NANO News 7
Not so nano anymore
NANO has developed a lot since it started four years ago. Here you can check a few The latest statistics of NANO Lilian A. Krug numbers from our latest staƟ sƟ cs. By the way, thank you for replying to our reWikispace: hƩ p://www.nf-pogo-alumni.org/~Lilian+Krug quest for updates. These are essenƟ al not only to keep NANO focused on its members’ interest but also to show the ocean community how commited we are in
36% 64%
growing a strong and powerful network. Our regional projects and fresh new outreach project are the biggest evidence of the power of NANO. NANO in numbers If you would like to update your profi le, you can do it easily in nf-pogo-alumni.org/Profi le+Update hƩ p://www. 184 members of NANO - that’s about 70% of all
Globe paƩ ern Light green: up to 9 alumni
Dark green: 10 or more
NF-POGO scholars 44 countries from 5 continents are represented in our network
85% of the alumni have a MSc degree and 2/3 have or are pursuing a PhD degree 36 is the average age of NANO alumni 15 number of NF-POGO training courses 150 unique visitors per day in NANO Wiki