From the Editorial Board It is with great pleasure that we present the 9th issue of the NANO Newsle er dedicated to Ocean Science Outreach and Communica on. The World Ocean regulates the climate on our planet, contains hundreds of thousands of unique and diverse species and represent the key source for livelihoods for over three billion people. Considering the wide global coverage of NANO, it is essen al for the network members to promote public awareness and understanding of ocean science. In this regard, it was agreed to launch outreach ac vi es within NANO during the annual mee ng in Berlin. The 9th NANO issue begins with an introduc on to the NANO Outreach project provided by Monika Grabowska, the project coordinator, followed by an ar cle from Lilian Krug who presented the project on the ASLO conference in Granada, Spain and share examples of outreach ac vi es in other ins tu ons. Since the start of the project, several NANO members have received funding to conduct outreach ac vi es in their home countries (Argen na, China, Bangladesh, Ghana and India). In this issue you will read about their experience and the challenges they had to face. We also received a number of ar cles from NANO members sharing their past experience in science communica on. You will get to know what it is like be involved in outreach ac vi es in Brazil, England, Portugal, Venezuela, India, Germany, and Japan. We also included ar cles from senior scien sts and communicators who provided useful ps and thoughts on ocean science outreach. We hope that by reading them you will learn good principles of science communica on and get inspired. The NF-POGO Scholars for Year 2 CofE program at Alfred Wegener Ins tute and key updates on the regional NANO project in Southeast Asia are featured. We are extremely grateful to all the authors who submi ed ar cles for the NANO Newsle er 9! I wish you a happy reading, Yours sincerely,
Anna Rumyantseva Editor-in-chief
Patrons: Sophie Seeyave / Execu ve Director - POGO Shubha Sathyendranath and Trevor Pla / Former Execu ve Directors - POGO Victoria Cheung / Scien fic Coordinator - POGO Kentaro Ogiue / Mari me Aairs Department, Nippon Founda on Editorial Board: Anna Rumyantseva (Editor-in-Chief), Lailah Akita, Olga Shatova, Sophie Seeyave and Victoria Cheung. NANO News layout design editor: Lilian Krug Contact us:,, NANO website: