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Pestalotiopsis microspora

The various species of microbes

• Now a day, Plastic Pollution is very big problem for our environment. • Use of plastic is very much in day to day life, but big problem is degradation and less recycling. • How to degrade the Plastic materials ?



Moracella species

Aspergillus Niger

Pseudomonas species

Aspergillus Omatus

Bacillus species

Aspergillus Cremeus

Diplococcus species Aspergillus Candidus Yeast

Effects on the environment

Land Ocean Effects on animals Effects on humans

• breaking Jungle Fungus eats plastic, BEATS CANCER 02/07/122 • Fungi Discovered In The Amazon Will Eat Your Plastic 03/15/123 • Meet the hottie that is addicting to EATING PLASTIC. 02/09/124 • Yale Students discover fungus that loves to eat plastic 02/03/125 • Proof That Fast Food Microwaved Meals Make You Eat Acrid Plastic Byproducts! 01/20/11

1. www.nature.com 2. www.greenpeace.org

Mr. Chirag Raval [Dept. of Nanotechnology, V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot]

• We can decrease the pollution drastically • We can solve the problem of globle warming

• Very hard to generate. • Very crucial to control in particular area

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