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PRODUCING SILICA SULPHATE CATALYSTS FROM HUSK ASH AND CATALYTIC TEST ON THE REACTION OF GLYCEROL ESTERIFICATION WITH ACETIC ACID ANHYDRIDE TO SYNTHESIZE TRIACETIN Moh. Noor Salman, Khamidinal, M. Si, Didik Krisdiyanto, M. Sc Departement of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta ABSTRACK Silica sulphate catalysts has been produced from husk ash as catalysts on the reaction of glycerol esterification with acetic acid anhidride. The reaction is done to converse glycerol become triacetin. This research done with the ratio glycerol : acetic acid anhydride is 1 : 4,75 using silica sulphate catalysts from husk ash with the weight of catalysts is 5% of glycerol weight, time of reacting is 4 hours and the temperature is 115 C. Qualitative analysis result using FT-IR and XRD on catalysts showed catalysts which has been synthezied is amorf. Wheras quantitative analysis result on the esterification product using FT-IR and GC-MS contain triacetin. The conversion of glycerol is 77% by adding silica sulphate cataysts, and 98% for silica sulphate-20 (SS-20). The acidity of catalysts doesn’t give sigificant influence on the conversion value.But long reaction time will increase the conversion and selectivity value and the re-adding of acetic acid anhydride can increase the selectivity up to 100%.


The goal of this research is to knowing the inuence of acidity catalyst. reaction time and he re-addiing acetic acid anhydride after esterication reaction on the glycerol conversion and the selectivity value of triacetin.

Method Hush Ask


Needs of alternative fuel such biodiesel may increase the glycerol production as additive which is still rare to be used. Glycerol needs to be converted so it can be more useful. One of glycerol product which has many benet is triacetin. Triacetin can be used as additive food, solvent, plastisizer, and additive fuel such biodiesel.



Acetic Acid Anhydride reacted


Silica reacted with NaOh and HCl

Gel Silica variation of Sulphate Acid added

Silica Sulphate catalysts

Ester (Monoacetin, diacetin, dan Triacetin) added

Acetic Acid Anhydride




Product of Silica Sulphate catalysts has amorf structure. Silica Sulphate catalysts is very effective to be used as catalysts on triacetin sythesis with 77% for the conversion value. The adding of Sulphate acid on catalysts doesn’t give significant influence on the glycerol conversion. Long reaction time increases the glycerol conversion and triacetin selectivity value. The re-adding acetic acid anhydride after esterification proccess increaces triacetin selectvity value.


Analysis data of FT-IR and XRD of material product as Silica Sulphate with amorf structure.

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thesalmanking@yahoo.com Analysis data of FT-IR and GC of esterification product contain Triacetin compound.


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