2018-19 Year in Review

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Europe on Fire

“Never since the Second World War has Europe been so essential. And yet never has Europe been in such danger.” EMMANUEL MACRON, PRESIDENT OF FRANCE MARCH 4, 2019 Year in Review 2018-19

On April 15, 2019, a fire destroyed the nineteenthcentury spire and most of the roof of Notre-Dame de Paris, where western musical harmony was more or less invented by Pérotin in the twelfth century.

The fate of European integration is now felt by many observers

have been developed in Berlin and Washington, DC, and new

to be uncertain. Is the burning of the cathedral of Notre-Dame

initiatives are underway that integrate our Catholic University

de Paris emblematic of a wider-ranging conflagration? Is

Partnership (CUP) in Central and Eastern Europe more deeply

Europe itself on fire?

into the Institute's initiatives as we seek to understand the role

The problems are well-known, if not yet fully understood.

of religions in shaping civil societies.

Immigration continues to challenge traditional notions

One place where religion has been immensely constructive

of European national identity. Brexit—that chaotic and

in nurturing the core values of a civil society is Ukraine. I was

unpredictable process of British withdrawal from the EU—has

grateful to be part of a campus delegation that traveled to the

all but eclipsed hopes for gradual consolidation and expansion

Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) last June to witness Rev.

of the European project. Nationalist parties and far-right

John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., present this year's Notre Dame Award

political movements are making electoral gains across Europe.

to UCU president, Archbishop Borys Gudziak. An American by

Populist rhetoric is spreading from Scandinavia to Ukraine,

birth and Ukrainian at heart, Gudziak has been at the center

where politicians are closing borders and clamping down

of Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity on the Maidan, and is a

on the press. The Mediterranean, once a tranquil place for

living symbol for Ukrainians of high social trust, ecumenical

fishermen and tourists, has been declared by the NGO “Sea

friendship, and professional integrity.

Watch” to be the world's deadliest border.

The kinds of challenges that our Ukrainian friends face

Students and faculty at Notre Dame seek a deeper

everyday are unfortunately not unique to Ukraine. My travels

understanding of these issues that trouble the Europe of today

in Central and Eastern Europe this year make it very clear

and tomorrow. As a core academic unit of the Keough School

that populism, migration, crises in journalism, troubled energy

of Global Affairs, the Institute is focusing with increasing

policies, problems with social inclusion, and threatened human

attention on these challenges. And it will continue to do so

rights are all topics of ongoing and great concern. At our

with a characteristically broad and deep set of disciplinary

annual seminar on Transnational European Studies, we heard

tools. Our Faculty Fellows—the vast majority of whom hail

major journalists, authors, historians, political scientists,

from the College of Arts and Letters—bring to this task

theologians, judges, and film directors testify to the topicality

training in fields as diverse as history, sociology, theology,

of these issues.

literature, film, and political science. They come prepared to analyze rigorously both contemporary trends and longer-term historical and cultural developments.

The Nanovic Institute is renowned for giving students and faculty the opportunity to explore Europe in a variety of ways. We are proud of this tradition, and seek to strengthen it in

This past year, the Nanovic Forum examined the philosophical

the coming year. We will continue to provide opportunities for

roots of Europe's political difficulties. A top diplomat from the

language training, for the acquisition of relevant research skills

Holy See offered a lecture on the role of the Catholic Church in

(especially qualitative analysis), and for engaging with the

the European project. Multi-disciplinary “flash panels” focused

particular challenges of contemporary Europe. To meet these

on populism and violence in Germany, on the complex politics

challenges, Faculty Fellows have stepped forward to launch

of Orthodoxy, and on the bewildering intricacies of Brexit.

new “faculty-led student study trips,” a number of which will

To a capacity crowd, the French Consul General in Chicago

debut in the next several months.

discussed the gilets jaunes (yellow vest) movement in France. Filmmakers focused on stories of migration and asylum seekers.

Stay tuned as we seek to burnish the Nanovic tradition of making European culture, politics, and society available to more Notre Dame students and faculty than ever before.

The Institute has furthermore launched a new undergraduate curriculum focused on the transnational nature of contemporary Europe. While maintaining our commitment to independent student experiences, we now have a greater


opportunity to impact students from inside the classroom,

Director, Nanovic Institute for European Studies and

where new postdoctoral research associates are teaching

Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Professor of the Humanities

a number of our new courses. Additionally, new seminars

The first class in the EURO curriculum taught in Europe, “Berlin, Brussels, and Beyond,” visits NATO headquarters in Brussels with Dr. Mark T. Kettler '12 and student coordinator Chris Stump.


Year in Review 2018-19

Curriculum: New Opportunities TRANSNATIONAL EUROPEAN STUDIES This academic year, the Nanovic Institute for European Studies established a new curriculum for students interested in contemporary Europe.

NEW “EURO” COURSES WHAT IS EUROPE? EURO 30001 Offered for the first time this past spring, this course gives

The Institute's new Concentration in Transnational

students the opportunity to meet visiting European diplomats,

European Studies (TES) represents half of the Keough

gain a clearer sense of important debates in Europe today, and

School's undergraduate supplementary major in

discuss new lines of research with scholars across the disciplines.

Global Affairs and gives students an innovative and flexible way to study the dynamic flows of labor, capital, and ideas across Europe's national boundaries. One-credit gateway courses such as “What Is Europe?” provide students multi-disciplinary surveys of contemporary themes and approaches, inviting them into the fascinating field of European Studies.

EUROPEAN STUDIES TODAY EURO 30002 Beginning in fall 2019, students will be able to explore current affairs, cultural developments, and new forms of research by engaging directly with distinguished scholars, officials, and artists visiting from Europe. EUROPE THROUGH FILM EURO 30102

In addition to cross-listing courses taught by Faculty

Also beginning in fall 2019, this third gateway course considers

Fellows, the Institute has designed two special

what we can learn about Europe through cinema. Based on an

seminars of its own: one with a fall break experience

extended version of the Institute’s film series each semester,

in Washington, DC with leading experts at the

and offered by Nanovic Faculty Fellow James Collins, professor

Brookings Institution, and the second in Berlin in early

and chair of the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre, the

summer. After completing such seminars, students in

content of the course will focus on the relationship between

the TES concentration will be prepared to undertake

contemporary European cinema and the ideas and realities it finds

a senior capstone project in close consultation with a


faculty member focused in European Studies.


Europe will continue to affect the history of the world


in powerful, consequential ways. A new curriculum devoted to its contemporary challenges will ensure that students at Notre Dame have a targeted opportunity to understand them.

EURO 33010 / 63010 A multi-disciplinary, team-taught seminar for both undergraduate and graduate students, this class focuses on a selection of the most pressing challenges facing Europe today. In partnership with the Brookings Institution, this seminar includes a required weeklong class residency in Washington, DC during fall break to bring students into dialogue with experts in contemporary European and global affairs. BERLIN, BRUSSELS, AND BEYOND EURO 34235 Students in this seminar, held in Berlin, study the most urgent challenges facing Europe today using a variety of disciplinary tools and perspectives and engage directly with European authorities and activists responsible for confronting those challenges.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


Curriculum: Graduate Students Advance

The Graduate Fellows meet in the Nanovic Commons Room with Anthony Monta, associate director, and Dr. Mark T. Kettler, postdoctoral research associate at the Institute.


“After several months, we wanted to let

Piloted in the spring, the new Graduate Fellows

you know that for all of us, this has been

program brought graduate students in European

one of the most rewarding experiences of

Studies more vibrantly into the social and intellectual life of the Institute itself. For many years, the Institute has provided fellowships to

find a new home on campus, we met many

support graduate students as they complete their

new colleagues (many of whom we now

dissertations. The goal of the new Graduate Fellows program is to engage graduate students earlier

call friends), and all of us feel much more

in their careers so they can reap the benefits of

connected to the community of European

communicating about their research with peers

Studies here at Notre Dame.”

across the disciplines, discuss their work with visiting scholars and professionals, and access resources

Sevda Arslan, Anthropology

for their academic projects. In an effort to gather

Alexander Athenson, Architecture

undergraduate students engaged in European

Jacob Coen, Medieval Institute

Studies from across the University, the Graduate

Moritz S. Graefrath, Political Science

Fellows organized the Institute's first undergraduate

Jelena Jankovic, Anthropology

colloquium in European Studies at the end of April.

Clare O’Hare, Political Science

Thirty students presented their research on themes


our graduate school career. Not only did we

Year in Review 2018-19

Graduate Fellow Jacob Coen comments at the European Studies student colloquium in April 2019.

such as immigration and the challenge to national identities, religion and the secular state, and threats to democracy and European integration. Graduate Fellows commented on the papers and encouraged the undergraduates. The fellows imagine the

Graduate Fellow Jelena Jankovic draws a blood sample during her summer residency at a refugee camp in Slovakia.

colloquium as an annual event for students in all disciplines.

NANOVIC AND THE NATIONAL HUMANITIES CENTER Graduate Fellow Jelena Jankovic from anthropology was also awarded funding to participate in the summer residency program at the National Humanities Center in Durham, North Carolina. Jankovic worked with a national cohort of top graduate students from 29 partner universities to develop geospatial and mapping tools to support humanistic studies of European migration in the college classroom. This collaboration is a new way of annually supporting graduate students and the humanities at Notre Dame. The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


Marketing major Caroline Yapp ‘20 discusses her Nanovic-supported research on entrepreneurial business in Norway with Dr. Mark T. Kettler, postdoctoral research associate at the Institute. For more information on all new curriculum opportunities, visit nanovic.nd.edu/academics.

POSTGRADUATE ADVISING Mark T. Kettler, who recently received a Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Berkeley, and Notre Dame alumnus, served the Institute this year as its first postdoctoral research associate. He is a historian of Germany and East-Central Europe who studies imperialism and colonialism to analyze larger questions of national identity and the relationship of ethnic minorities to the modern state. Having won the Institute's Barrett Prize for Best Undergraduate Research Proposal in 2011, Dr. Kettler was thrilled to return to serve the Institute where his love of European Studies first blossomed. Dr. Kettler explored new avenues of research, began developing his dissertation into a manuscript, and served as an instructor in the Institute’s new curriculum in European Studies. He has accepted the Institute’s offer to continue in this capacity for a second year.


Year in Review 2018-19

Mark Kettler '12 explored original source materials in Germany with the Barrett Prize for Best Undergraduate Research Proposal in 2011.

2018-19 DISSERTATION FELLOWSHIPS Matteo Bianchetti is a doctoral candidate in philosophy who is interested in the cultural history and philosophy of mathematics. Bianchetti spent the year writing a dissertation on how European mathematicians of the past three centuries commonly used geometric language to describe non-geometric topics. Bianchetti believes this practice represents a “deep interplay between scientific, cultural, religious, and intellectual creativity in Europe” and is investigating its philosophical significance.

Ashley Foster, a doctoral candidate in history, is studying how Scottish laypeople in the early 18th century reacted to the unification of Scotland and England. Scholars have long argued that Scottish loyalty to Britain prevented a revolutionary backlash, but Foster believes this is unfairly based on the attitudes of elites—ordinary Scots in Reformed Presbyterian communities tell a much different story.

Charles Yost, one of the first doctoral candidates in Byzantine Studies through the Medieval Institute, is writing a dissertation entitled “The Thought and Ministry of a ‘Unionist Priest’: John Plousiadenos, the Council of Florence, and the Tradition of Byzantine Christianity in Union with Rome.” During a time of deep division between Latin and Greek churches during the 14th century, John Plousiadenos advocated unity. Yost interprets and gives voice to the writings of Plousiadenos and other unionists of his time—many of which have not been translated into any modern language—and situates them into their historical context.

Raymond “JR” Drause is a doctoral candidate in history and spent the year writing about the influence of nineteenth-century political exiles on Siberian development and the Russian imperial project. After four years living in St. Petersburg, Russia, he returned to the US for doctoral studies. He won the Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award from the Kaneb Center for Teaching and Learning for two consecutive years. He is a co-founder of the Fulbright Students’ Association at the University of Notre Dame.

Heather Stanfiel is a historian of memory and public history in modern Europe, whose work explores the relationships between different versions of the past—and their proponents and audiences—as they compete for influence in the public sphere. She was the winner of the 2018-19 Annese Dissertation Fellowship and successfully defended her dissertation on empire and commemoration in pre-Independence Ireland this spring. Stanfiel has accepted an offer to serve as a postdoctoral research associate at the Institute for the 2019-20 year. Bianchetti, Foster, and Yost received Paul G. Tobin Dissertation Fellowships. Drause and Stanfiel were awarded Dominica and Frank Annese Fellowships in Graduate Studies.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies



Year in Review 2018-19

Priority Research and Faculty Mentors THE INSTITUTE DEEPENS ENGAGEMENT WITH CONTEMPORARY EUROPE The Nanovic Institute maintains its commitment to the enrichment of undergraduate and graduate students as they pursue research, internships, services, advanced language training, and other opportunities in Europe that speak to our rich relationship with the College of Arts and Letters, and fortify our path within the Keough School of Global Affairs.

“I have been able to add to my historical knowledge, learn about the social climate, improve my on-site sketching, and explore parts of the world that I would not have experienced otherwise.” Madeline Fairman (left), a junior in the School of Architecture’s Rome Studies Program, traveled to Italy, Austria, and Belgium over winter break to study the evolution of Art Nouveau as a style across Europe.

Cynthia Sigler ‘19 (opposite page) proposed to study the

“Much of the world faces issues regarding the migration crisis

manifestation of cultural and

and national identity. While my research in Spain did not directly

religious convergence in the Andalucía region of Spain, an

address the issues at the border, I was able to gain insight

area where Muslim, Christian, and

into the overall result of cultural and religious tolerance and

Jewish communities coexisted for



The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


"Jake’s project resolves not simply to catalogue these changes and lament the loss of the past—he means to solve the problem of reconciling security and public life through inspired, permanent, built solutions. By examining cities that have faced the threat of violence for centuries, he proposes using this intelligently gathered information to create new urban designs that will keep people safe while also preserving the most precious qualities of community: making people aware both of their vast and colorful differences and of the way that these differences can come together to create a sense of civic cohesion, and, as he insists, to build democracy." INGRID ROWLAND Professor of Architecture and Art, Art History and Design Rome Global Gateway


Year in Review 2018-19

“While there have been extensive inquiries into how the victors of civil conflicts impose their understanding of the conflict onto losers, no study has systematically explored the formation of conflict narratives when no side wins outright. That is precisely the aim of my dissertation.” Carli Steelman, Ph.D. candidate in sociology and peace studies, explored how states use public art to reconcile divergent narratives of conflict and promote reconciliation in Northern Ireland. Her photo (right) is an example taken in Northern Ireland.

Fifth-year architecture student Jacob Gillespie ‘20

“I’ve never heard of another academic institution that is generous

(opposite) went to Paris and

enough to support this sort of independent research for

Vienna to understand the social

undergraduate students. Many people dream of this sort of travel

significance of fin de siècle art and architecture as civilization transitioned into the modern age.

and opportunity to learn more about their own interests, and to have it come true is an absolute blessing.”

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


“I proposed to focus on how migrants experience urban borders in London after the Brexit vote (EU Referendum). I knew that many British people were uneasy about immigrants coming to the UK, and even that there was a spike in hate crimes and discrimination, but there is not much research regarding how migrants have experienced this climate. I wanted to travel to London and interview immigrants to discover what problems and borders they Melissa Davis ‘19 Psychology and peace studies London, England

encounter, with a view towards providing for their needs. I couldn’t have done this project without the help of Dr. Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee, who helped me at every step, from developing methodology and Dr. Asher Kaufman, my peace studies senior seminar professor, who also


Year in Review 2018-19

encouraged and helped me develop ideas for this project.”

“Spain has recently been considered the ‘most welcoming country in Europe for migrants’ (Washington Post 2018), and receives twice as many refugees as Greece and six times as many as Italy. In light of this transition, I interviewed refugees, NGO workers, and locals in order to understand how public opinion and political environment surrounding refugees has shifted and how this affects the

Rachel Ingal ‘21 is a political science major with minors in business

experience of the refugee in Spain.”

economics and international development studies. She received funding to study how public opinion and the political environment affect the resettlement and integration of refugees in Valencia, Spain.

“Although I am only at the beginning of this project, it has already been far more professionally and intellectually rewarding than I could have anticipated. My committee, composed of Andy Gould, Karrie Koesel, Amy Erica Smith, and Darren Davis, have encouraged me to be adventurous and creative in the methods I use. The Nanovic network has also put me in touch with former Nanovic visiting scholars Ján Baňas and Ján Hrkút, who have already contributed far more than coding through their expertise. This project Emma Rosenberg, Ph.D. candidate in political science, visited Austria

will serve as my professional calling card when

and Germany as she studied the context of declining religiosity in

I enter the job market and already I feel that I

Central Europe and why right-wing populist parties are increasingly using religious appeals. Her photo (above) shows a sign from the

have made leaps and bounds in my academic

Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) taking a stand against antisemitism

and professional development.”

in Nürnberg.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


Deepening Ties


Year in Review 2018-19


Gudziak. A robust initiative is expected to be launched in

unprecedented connections and collaborations this

Ukraine with a future conference that will include faculty

academic year. The Fighting for Freedom of Thought

from other countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

feature launched during the first home game against Michigan, and showcased A. James McAdams and the Institute’s connections with the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). UCU stands as the first new Catholic university on the territory of the Soviet Union and is critical to rebuilding a culture of dignity and fighting corruption in the region. The University further recognized this connection by honoring Archbishop Borys Gudziak with the Notre Dame Award in June. Archbishop Gudziak previously offered the Institute’s Keeley Vatican Lecture and in accepting the award acknowledged that “the University of Notre Dame, especially the Nanovic Institute for European Studies, has been particularly open and generous with UCU.” In recognizing his visionary leadership, the Institute has embarked on a new collaboration with UCU that will both include research and provide policy direction on the role of religion in civil society. William Collins Donahue and Clemens Sedmak presented at a panel discussion in Lviv that was attended by Archbishop

The Institute has also continued its commitment to the Catholic Leadership Institute, which to date has brought almost 60 academic leaders to campus for an intensive course on strategic planning, organizational evaluation, philanthropy development, and leadership skills. This year, for the first time, the program was supported by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Fund to Aid the Catholic Church in Central and Eastern Europe and a generous donation from Nanovic Institute advisory board member James Hummer. The partnership hosted an annual meeting in Hungary by Pázmány Péter Catholic University in May that addressed Sustainability: On Social, Legal, Political and Environmental Basis. John Deak, associate professor of history and Carl E. Koch II Collegiate Chair, represented the faculty committee at the conference. Donahue also visited the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland for the first time. Read more about the Notre Dame Award and watch the video at nanovic.nd.edu/lviv.

Right: Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., Archbishop Borys Gudziak, and William Collins Donahue celebrate the Notre Dame Award in Lviv, Ukraine. Opposite: The campus of the Ukrainian Catholic University.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


Twenty-one visiting leaders from the partnership participated in the Catholic Leadership Institute, July 13-20, 2019. The group had daily seminars and meetings in Jenkins Nanovic Halls.


Year in Review 2018-19

VISITING SCHOLARS Each year the Institute welcomes scholars from across Europe for research residencies. During 2018-19, scholars came from the Catholic Universities Partnership, a group of universities in central and eastern Europe dedicated to addressing issues in Catholic higher education. Their visits are generously supported by The Patrick and Angela Adams Fellowship for Catholic Higher Education in Post-Communist Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. As part of an expanding academic presence, the Institute also hosted a Distinguished Visiting US-Italian Fulbright Professor and two research scholars-in-residence. FALL 2018




Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine (CUP)

Péter Pázmány Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary (CUP)



John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland (CUP)

Catholic University Ružomberok, Slovakia (CUP)




Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani Teaching University (CUP)

John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland (CUP)



John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland (CUP)

University of Calabria, Italy, Italian Fulbright



John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland (CUP)

University of Limerick, Ireland, Visiting Researcher



Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine (CUP)

University of Marburg, Germany, Visiting Researcher

NADIIA D. ZASANSKA Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine (CUP)

CRUCIFIX FOR NEW INITIATIVE Invited to take part in a campus initiative to obtain crucifixes from around the world to place in Notre Dame classrooms, the Institute secured the first crucifix for the project. The crucifix, entitled The Life-Giving Cross, is a superb example of the sacred artistry found in Ukraine’s underground church and its reborn religious order, the Studite Brethren. Donated by past visiting scholars from Ukrainian Catholic University, the crucifix will be hung in the Elizabeth E. Nanovic Seminar Room in Nanovic Hall before the 2019-20 academic year begins.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


Senior Associate Director Monica Caro talks with Steven Lemke '19 MFA about his exhibit.

VISITING SCHOLARS AND STUDENT IMPACT Steven Lemke ‘19, MFA graduate, will be working

and environment. The Nanovic Institute looks

and teaching in the Slovak Republic next year on

forward to increasing collaborations like Lemke’s.”

a Fulbright Research Scholarship. He credits the Institute, which funded his summer grant project in 2017, for providing Slovakian connections that were crucial to the success of his Fulbright proposal. These links ultimately led to an official letter from the Catholic University in Ružomberok in support of Lemke’s Fulbright application. In addition to an official letter of support, this network demonstrated deeper connections to the country beyond Bratislava. Monica Caro shared, “the Nanovic Institute’s Catholic Universities Partnership was enriched by the opportunity to support a Notre Dame graduate, who will be able to offer workshops at our partner institution and will also benefit greatly from the partner’s connections with the local culture


Year in Review 2018-19

Lemke noted, “These connections and support were absolutely necessary for me, not just to put forward a competitive application, but to help make my project a reality. The support from the Nanovic Institute gave me the confidence to approach the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to do additional preliminary research in support of my Fulbright application.” Through a partnership with the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, Lemke will be working in the studio community and incorporating digital fabrication design into his work. In addition, he will be conducting a series of visiting artist workshops with the art education

program at the Catholic University in Ružomberok. Bratislava’s proximity to Vienna, a major capital for contemporary art, enhances the experience for Lemke as both Central and Eastern Europe will enrich his work and research. This spring, Philipp Schultheiss, a visiting researcher from the University of Marburg, Germany, was an extraordinary guest at the Institute. While remaining steadfast to analyzing empirical data that he gathered from interviewing former soldiers of East Germany’s Nationale Volksarmee (NVA) and completing the central chapter of his dissertation on how these soldiers were portrayed in public during German reunification (and how the soldiers now perceive themselves) Schultheiss enriched his experience at Notre Dame through service to the Institute beyond his personal research. From guest-teaching a class session of “What Is Europe?” to initiating a film screening of the new biopic of East German singer and writer Gerhard Gundermann, Schultheiss demonstrated an exemplary level of generosity and investment from visiting scholars to the Institute’s latest and ongoing initiatives.

Above: Philipp Schultheiss engages with undergraduates during a session of the new EURO course “What Is Europe?” Left: Spring visiting scholars are introduced by Nanovic director William Collins Donahue at a reception.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


The Nanovic Forum

“If we don’t have self-rule, can we then expect to have active citizens who take responsibility, who form their political community, who participate? This is also a kind of crisis of democracy.” JANNE HAALAND MATLÁRY

Janne Haaland Matláry, Norway’s former State

During her visit, Matláry, a professor of political

Secretary for Foreign Affairs, delivered this year’s

science at the University of Oslo, taught a session of

Forum lecture, “A House Divided: European Values

an undergraduate course in “European Politics” led

and Strategic Ability.” She was introduced by William

by Nanovic Faculty Fellow Andrew Gould. Gould, an

Collins Donahue, director of the Nanovic Institute for

associate professor of political science, stated, “The

European Studies, and Michael Desch, director of the

visit was a great success. The classroom visit sparked

Notre Dame International Security Center.

debate and the students used her point of view as

Matláry began her lecture by reviewing the West’s

they considered the material in subsequent classes.”

pursuit of NATO enlargement in Ukraine and Georgia.

Matláry also participated in a seminar at the Notre

She observed that the stalling of these efforts

Dame Institute for Advanced Study, shared meals

are only partly explained by Russia’s response.

and conversation with many faculty and fellows of the

Venturing to claim that democracy in the West is

Institute, and visited the memorial to Notre Dame’s

itself experiencing “a crisis of anthropology” in which

famous Norwegian football coach, Knute Rockne.

there is little consensus about what constitutes the human person, Matláry explored questions on the legitimacy of the nation, and the nature of democracy itself. In her view, the limitations of Europe’s ability to achieve geopolitical goals are related to its internal disintegration of democratic values, norms, and practices.


Year in Review 2018-19

Above: Matláry meets the “European Politics” class taught by Nanovic Faculty Fellow Andrew Gould.

Opposite: Janne Haaland Matláry, Robert Nanovic, and former Chilean politician Ignacio Walker talk after the public lecture.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


The Keeley Vatican Lecture

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH IN THE EUROPEAN PROJECT The Holy See's Secretary for Relations with States

The first Briton to hold so high an office in Vatican

Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher presented the

foreign affairs, the Archbishop has long been a

Terrence R. Keeley Vatican Lecture in the fall.

diplomatic advocate for peace, ecumenism, and a

In accord with Pope Francis, the Archbishop focused on “troubling signs” in Europe. First is the loss of Europe’s Christian memory and heritage, which

range of issues important to the Vatican across the world. To view the lecture and read the publication, visit nanovic.nd.edu/vatican.

Gallagher likened to a “memory deficit” related to the ‘relativization’ of human rights, which presupposes a conception of the human person as detached from all social and anthropological contexts. The second troubling sign is “a sort of existential fragmentation” marked by loneliness and individualism, the weakening of the very concept of the family. These breakdowns lead to a third sign of the times, “an increased weakening of interpersonal solidarity.” According to the Archbishop, the only solution for the European project is integral human development in

“One cannot address effectively a topic such as migration without a clear political vision. Yet, how can we have this vision without a cultural perspective that allows us to face the full array of related problems?”

the deepest sense: “the challenge is to restore a spirit and soul to a context now far from ancient paganism that seems to be concerned exclusively with earthly realities.”


Year in Review 2018-19


Opposite: Following a private Mass, a small group of students enjoyed extended discussions with Archbishop Gallagher over breakfast.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


The Laura Shannon Prize

UNDERSTANDING LIFE THROUGH DEATH The 2018 Laura Shannon Prize was awarded to The Work of the Dead: A Cultural History of Mortal Remains by Thomas W. Laqueur. Described by the jury as “a monumental achievement,” The Work of the Dead contains “a vast reservoir of historical information and insights regarding cultural practices surrounding the treatment of the dead that scholars from many disciplines will draw upon for years to come.” In Laqueur’s account, the dead continue to do cultural work for the living: places and spaces like local churchyards and cemeteries connect past and present, revealing and changing

shifts in the ‘deep time’ of western cultural history. Absorbing scholarship from multiple disciplines and across national lines, Laqueur’s work encourages readers to think differently about Europe as a whole. Extending his historical interests into the politics of nation-building, Laqueur delivered an acceptance lecture entitled “Bodies Visible and Invisible: Nationalism and the Necro-Politics of the Jewish Cemetery in Modern Thessaloniki,” which described in detail and suggestive speculation how a large Jewish cemetery was erased and pressed into the service of Greek nationalism.

social and political identities. The whole question of

Laqueur is the Helen Fawcett Professor of History at

naming the dead reveal anxieties about who the dead

the University of California, Berkeley. The Work of the

were, and who people imagined them to be. Finally,

Dead is published by Princeton University Press.

the appearance of physical cremation on a wide scale


is a phenomenon Laqueur connects to metaphysical

Year in Review 2018-19

Laura Shannon Prize in Contemporary European Studies MEMBERS OF THE 2018 JURY Audience members listen to the Laura Shannon Prize lecture given by Thomas W. Laqueur (left).

JAMES CHANDLER University of Chicago Barbara E. & Richard J. Franke Distinguished

“The history of the

Service Professor and Director of the Franke Institute for the Humanities

work of the dead is a history of how they


dwell in us, individually and communally. It is a history of how we

University of Notre Dame John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Professor of the Humanities DENNIS DOORDAN

imagine them to be,

University of Notre Dame

how they give meaning to our lives, how

Professor of Architecture and Design and Associate Dean of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Work in the School of Architecture

they structure public


spaces, politics, and

John D. Boyd, S.J., Chair in the Poetic Imagination


Fordham University

MARK LILLA Columbia University


Professor of Humanities

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


An installation of bronze sculptures by Brandenburg artist Rainer Opolka stands at the Karl Marx monument in Chemnitz a month after the protests. Opposite: “Lessons from Chemnitz” responds to the anti-immigration protests in Germany.


Year in Review 2018-19

Understanding European Integration

POPULISM IN GERMANY After the murder of a German citizen in Chemnitz, for which an Iraqi citizen and a Syrian refugee were wanted, right-wing extremists in Germany responded with violent rallies and calls for harming foreigners. Six Nanovic Faculty Fellows reflected on the situation from different disciplinary perspectives: Maurizio Albahari, anthropology, Rüdiger Bachmann, economics, William Collins Donahue, Nanovic Institute, Perin Gürel, American Studies, Vittorio Hösle, philosophy, A. James McAdams, political science, and organizer Steffen Kaupp, German. Evaluating the responses of leading politicians, the fellows also discussed larger

issues surrounding the rise of right-wing extremism in Europe.

NATO, UKRAINE, RUSSIA Hall Gardner, chair of the International and Comparative Politics Department at the

As Theresa May’s government in the UK struggled to define a way forward in Brexit negotiations, the Institute collaborated with EUND (European Union Notre Dame), a new student club, to

American University of Paris, discussed how the Russia-Ukraine conflict generated geopolitical and military tensions throughout eastern Europe and explored

clarify the status of the debate and its implications for European politics. Nanovic Graduate Fellow Clare O’Hare, Ph.D. student in political science, set the stage

whether it were possible to

with basic facts and reviewed the

reach a US-NATO-European rapprochement with Moscow so as to avert a renewed and more dangerous arms race. Cosponsored with the Notre Dame International Security Center (NDISC).


options currently on the table in Parliament. Barry Colfer, Deakin Visiting Fellow, St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford, who has worked in both the Irish and European parliaments, contributed the Irish perspective and described the centrality of Irish

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


concerns in the parliamentary debate. Desmond Dinan, Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Policy, George Mason University, then reflected more broadly on seven main implications of Brexit for the European Union. The presentations were followed by a lively question and answer with students and faculty.

BRITISH LAW, UNIQUE? With the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, the Nanovic Institute co-sponsored a lecture by Tamar Herzog, Monroe Gutman Professor of Latin American Affairs, Radcliffe Alumnae Professor, Harvard University, on continental perceptions of common law, which many believed to be British and radically different than continental ‘Roman’ or civil law. These perceptions were, and continue to be, based on misconceptions. Surveying the history of legal traditions across Europe, Herzog argued that long-


Year in Review 2018-19

standing commonalities across these traditions derive from Roman law.

EASTERN ECONOMICS Bartosz Jóźwik, acting department head, international economic relations, John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, Poland, lectured on the relationship between economic growth in Central and Eastern Europe and the process of economic convergence policy. Much of his recent research has been supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and focuses in particular on energy consumption and energy security.

Above: “Lichfield MP” banner at the People's Vote March in London, March 2019 and Yellow Vest protests in France. Opposite: Guillaume Lacroix meets with students after his public lecture.

THE YELLOW VEST PROTESTS In his second visit to the Nanovic Institute, Guillaume Lacroix, the Consul General of France to the Midwest in Chicago, gave remarks and answered questions from an audience of more than 100 students and faculty members gathered in the Elizabeth E. Nanovic Seminar Room for the occasion. While the proposition of speaking on behalf of a

“Not only could students interact with me in my native language without any difficulty but they had the capacity to express nuances, qualify things and ideas, and put their perspective in context.”

nation may sound daunting, Monsieur Lacroix spoke candidly about the


ongoing civil unrest of the yellow

Consul General of France to the Midwest in Chicago compliments Notre Dame

vest movement and expressed his

students after visiting Nanovic Faculty Fellow Olivier Morel's class.

confidence regarding the future of France.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


The Challenges of Migration

On the street in Brescia, a city in the region of Lombardy in northern Italy.


Year in Review 2018-19

Gaël Faye autographs books and talks with students after his lecture.

IDENTITY AND DISPLACEMENT Gaël Faye, an award-winning

social identity, something Faye

of French and a faculty fellow,

rap and hip-hop artist in France,

experienced firsthand after fleeing

took the lead in organizing the

visited Notre Dame in October

from Burundi to France following

visit. Faculty Fellow Alison Rice,

to discuss his first novel, Small

the Rwandan genocide. Sonja

associate professor of French,

Country, which has been awarded

Stojanovic, assistant professor

moderated his talk with students.

numerous literary prizes, among them the Prix Goncourt des Lycéens. Now published in thirty countries worldwide, Faye’s novel examines the displacement of

Fabienne Kanor, assistant professor of French and

“Never in my life would I have imagined spending hours one-onone with Gaël Faye, whom I consider to be not only the smartest and

Francophone Studies, Penn State University, gave a spoken word performance entitled “Another Sea

the most talented Burundian artist but also the ambassador of the Burundian literature of the 21stcentury.” REGIS ISIRAHENDA, ‘22 Economics and mathematics

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


to Cross,” drawing on her work as

her graphic journalism about

Guillem questioned canonical

a novelist and filmmaker to delve

neglected people in Russian life,

ideas such as the natural existence

into questions of immigration and

such as rural elementary school

of “romance languages” and their

displacement in Europe today.

students, sex workers, victims of

historical continuities. Organized

The author of seven novels, Kanor

human trafficking, and teenagers

by Nanovic Faculty Fellow

brought together three moments

at juvenile prisons. Her talk was

Leonardo Francalanci, Medieval

related to race and displacement:

accompanied by an exhibition of

Institute, and co-sponsored with

the transatlantic slave trade, the

her work, descriptions of which

ISLA, the Medieval Institute,

migrations of French Caribbeans

have recently been translated for

and the Center for the Study of

to France in the 1960s, and

the first time into English.

Languages and Cultures.

Language and cultural ‘belonging’


contemporary migrations of Africans seeking asylum in Europe, with whom Kanor traveled for four years on the way from Dakar to Rome. Kanor also participated in a senior seminar in French, “Scandalous Texts: Worldwide

“Other Russias”

Literature in French,” taught by Nanovic Faculty Fellow Alison Rice. SPEAKER:

Victoria Lomasko

are closely related, but how, and to what extent? To shed light, the Institute co-sponsored a lecture by Vicente Lledó-Guillem, Hofstra University, who discussed the political, ideological, and cultural events that made possible the appearance of the Catalan linguistic identity in the thirteenth

Sponsored the Institute, D A T E :by Monday, Nov. 5th at 5:00 pmcentury as well as the fate of the Institute this identity up to the middle L O C A T Ifor O N Scholarship : 200 Riley Hall in the Liberal Arts (ISLA), and Artist and activist Victoria Lomasko will discuss her

of the seventeenth century. By

the Department of German and of protests and political trials, Lomasko’s work gives

focusing on texts that had never

collection of graphic journalism, Other Russias . A fixture voice to those who struggle for their rights in contemporary Russia.

Russian, Victoria Lomasko visited

been analyzed from a linguistic

Notre Dame to display and discuss

and political point of view, Lledó-

Sponsored by ISLA, the Nanovic Institute, the Reilly Center, and the Department of German and Russian

Ivan Gerginov, Deputy Commissioner of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration for the Republic of Serbia, spoke at the Institute about Serbia as the epicenter of the mass migration route through the western Balkans. A key policy-maker in refugee and migration crises in Serbia since the dissolution of Yugoslavia, Gerginov explained how Serbia’s success in providing the services necessary for the dignified and humane reception of transient migrants was a function of long experience in caring for forced migrants from former Yugoslav republics. Nanovic Graduate Fellow Jelena Jankovic took the lead in organizing the visit with Rahul Oka, associate

Clockwise: Artwork by Victoria Lomasko, Ivan Gerginov, “Christianity in Crisis” flash panel, and Sandro Cattacin addresses a crowd of students.


research professor at the Keough Exp. Date: 11/9

School, and provided real-time translation from Serbian to English. Andrzej Szabaciuk, spring semester visiting scholar, shed light on mass migration in eastern Europe. A specialist in security studies of post-Soviet areas, Szabaciuk disseminated data

Year in Review 2018-19

Left: Nanovic Fellow Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee visits with a family in Italy.

and political rhetoric surrounding “invisible migrants” who have fled post-Soviet republics toward the EU after conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Describing current Polish policy toward these migrants, Szabaciuk discussed the role of identity cards, the economic effects of remittances, and factors that influence migration flows and integration. Szabaciuk is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Eastern Studies at the Institute of Political Science and International Affairs at John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin, one of the Institute’s university

the grounds of felt “belonging”— in

Rome led by Faculty Fellow Rev.

urban environments especially.

Robert Dowd, C.S.C., ‘87, political


science, which laid the foundation for a research seminar entitled

In the fall, a decision by

“Believing and Belonging: Religion

Bartholomew I (Ecumenical

and the Integration of Migrants.”

Patriarch of Constantinople)

Drawing on faculty expertise

to grant recognition to a new

across the Keough School, Dowd

national Ukrainian Orthodox

aims to determine how religious

Sandro Cattacin, director of

Church touched off what has been

beliefs and institutions in Europe

the Institute for Sociological

described as “a major schism”

affect attitudes toward migration.

Research at the University of

in global Orthodoxy. To help

Large surveys and case studies

Geneva, delivered a talk for the

students and faculty navigate

form the backbone of the project.

Mendoza College of Business’s

the ecclesiastical and political

Conducted in partnership with

Ten Years Hence lecture series.

complexities in eastern Orthodoxy,

universities in Austria, Germany,

His lecture, “Mobility, Networking

the Institute co-sponsored a panel

Italy, and the United Kingdom,

and Innovation: Are We Facing

discussion, “Christianity in Crisis,”

phase one of the project is

a Paradigm Shift in Migration

with Notre Dame’s Institute for

complete. The researchers are now

Research?,” observed that changes

Advanced Study (NDIAS). Nanovic

analyzing data from 900 Italian

in definitions and research

Faculty Fellow Yury Avvakumov,

citizens and 600 migrants in the

methods in migration studies

theology, was joined by NDIAS

Milan area. Qualitative studies of

are overturning older concepts,

fellows Daniel B. Hinshaw and

how religious institutions most

models, and methods. On the basis

Andrey Ivanov.

effectively promote understanding

partners. His current research focuses on Russian depopulation and the migration policy of the Russian Federation after 2014.

of his long experience in studying the sociology of civil society, urbanism, social cohesion, he also delivered stimulating remarks on “Migration in Europe Today” and engaged Nanovic Faculty Fellows and students in conversation about

The Institute continued to direct resources toward interdisciplinary research at Notre Dame focused on the intersection of religion and migration in Europe. Last year, the Institute supported a workshop in

and trust between migrants and citizens are also underway and are led by Nanovic Faculty Fellows Clemens Sedmak and Ilaria Schnyder von Wartensee from the Keough School of Global Affairs.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies


In the Arts

Above, left to right: Graduate student Suzanna Krivulskaya, Professor James Collins (Film, Television, and Theatre), Professor Kathleen Cummings (American Studies), and Laura Migliore '19. Middle, left to right: Brendan Burke '20, Sabrina Muckle '19, Wim Wenders, Monica Fallon '19, Vitus Hirschberg, and Brooke Littman '20.

A CINEMA OF CLOSENESS Filmmaker and photographer Wim Wenders screened his most recent film, Pope Francis: A Man of His Word, in the Leighton Concert Hall of the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center. Wenders’s visit was the second in a series of events that formed part of the Notre Dame Forum dedicated to “The Catholic Artistic Heritage: Bringing Forth Treasures New and Old.” The Nanovic Institute was instrumental to the visit. After a tour of the University led by Monica Caro, senior associate director, Wenders sat down with students in German and film for an interview about his life and work. This interview will be published in the forthcoming volume of andererseits: Journal of Transatlantic German Studies, a publication supported by the Nanovic Institute. Afterwards, Wenders visited Notre Dame Studios, where one of the Institute’s former grant winners, Javi Zubizarreta ‘11, serves as senior producer of GrottoND, an international studio focused on producing short films. In the evening, the screening began with opening remarks by James Collins chair of the Department of Film, Television, and Theatre, Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., president of the University of Notre Dame, and Wenders himself. The question and answer period included a panel of faculty and students, including Laura Migliore ‘19, a Notre Dame senior majoring in film with a minor in European Studies who also served as a student assistant for the Institute this year.


Year in Review 2018-19

“He's one of the greatest German film


directors of all time,

Graham Johnson is the world’s foremost accompanist of European art

and we've discussed his

song. A senior professor at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama,

work in several of my

and perform a selection of Schubert, Poulenc, Fauré, and Britten with

classes. I consider his visit to Notre Dame a

Johnson came to Notre Dame to lead a masterclass in accompaniment soprano and Wigmore Hall Song Competition winner Marcia Guth. Cosponsored with the Department of Music. Learning to play music in Sinti camps in France, visiting European artist

highlight of my college

Stéphane Wrembel returned to Notre Dame to lecture on and perform in


Wrembel visited Alain Toumayan’s course on French chanson, Carmen

LAURA MIGLIORE '19 A film, television, and theatre major with a minor in European Studies, she will attend the graduate program in film studies at Queen Mary University of London in the fall.

the style of the great Sinti musician, Django Reinhardt (d. 1953), in trio. Helena-Tellez’s choir rehearsal, and had conversations with Gretchen Reydams-Schils, Program of Liberal Studies, Margot Fassler, Sacred Music, and Peter Jeffery, Sacred Music, to discuss Plato’s Timaeus and Hildegard von Bingen. The visit was a collaboration with Nanovic Faculty Fellow Alain Toumayan, professor of French, the Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, the departments of Music, Romance Languages and Literatures, the Program in Liberal Studies, and the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center.

Stéphane Wrembel and his band performed at the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center.

The Nanovic Institute for European Studies




Monica Caro, M.A., J.D., has been

Thanks to three significant endowments

appointed senior associate director

from Robert and Elizabeth Nanovic, the

of the Nanovic Institute for European

Institute will be able to enhance the level

Studies at the University of Notre

and range of its initiatives and honor the

Dame, effective May 1, 2019.

contributions of three individuals: Professor

William Collins Donahue, director of the Nanovic Institute and Cavanaugh Professor of the Humanities, shared that “I am delighted to promote Monica Caro to the position of senior associate director. In this new role, she will supervise the Institute’s staff and work with me on strategic planning and mission implementation. Monica brings a

from 2002 to 2018, the late J. Robert Wegs, professor of history and founding director of the Institute from 1993 to 2002, and Sharon Konopka, long-time business associate who served the Institute since 1993 and will be retiring at the end of this summer.

wealth of managerial experience to the job,

These endowments enable the Institute

as well as a great love of the Institute. She is

to deepen its long-standing commitment to

a consummate diplomat, a keen analyst, and

faculty-student engagement. The Institute

a caring colleague. To those who have the

will offer new faculty-led student study trips

privilege of getting to know her, she reveals

during fall and spring breaks; hire post-

a delicious sense of humor. She is perfect for

doctoral fellows and visiting professors,

this leadership role.”

who will provide mentoring and coursework,

Melanie Webb has also been promoted at the Nanovic Institute, now serving as operations assistant director. After a 20-year career in broadcasting, Webb has served the Institute since 2011 as events program manager. “With her excellent taste, energy, and enthusiasm, Melanie quickly broke the mold of ‘event coordinator’ when she came to the Institute, and then she set about widening everyone’s sense of what logistical coordination could mean,” remarked Anthony Monta, associate director. “It’s wonderful to see her mastery of elegance and detail so justly rewarded!”


A. James McAdams, director of the Institute

Year in Review 2018-19

particularly on the challenges presented by contemporary Europe; and offer new opportunities for flexible study (research clusters), enabling faculty and students to work together on topics of mutual interest. The Institute remains committed both to interdisciplinary, humanistic studies, and to providing expertise on the economic, social, and political upheavals that have shaken contemporary Europe. The new endowments will help the Institute contribute in perpetuity to the Keough School’s mission of advancing the study of global affairs from a perspective of integral human development.

William Collins Donahue, director of the Institute, looks on as Provost Thomas G. Burish introduces “Fighting for Freedom of Thought,” part of the “What Would You Fight For?” video series at the Nanovic fall reception, August 2018.



William Collins Donahue

Jane Heiden, Chair

INSTITUTE STAFF Connor Bran Communications and Publications Coordinator

Dominica Annese R. Stephen Barrett, Jr. James J. Hummer Terrence R. Keeley

Monica Caro Senior Associate Director

Paul L. Mahoney

Mark T. Kettler Postdoctoral Research Associate

Patrick Moran

Sharon Konopka Business Associate

Susan Mahoney Hatfield

Hildegund Müller Classics Alison Rice Romance Languages and Literatures

Robert Nanovic

Pedro Aguilera-Mellado Romance Languages and Literatures

Anthony Monta Associate Director

Laura Shannon

Melanie Webb Operations Assistant Director

Susannah Monta (Fall) English


Susan Nanovic Flannery

Chris Stump Student Coordinator

Ian Kuijt Anthropology

Elizabeth Nanovic

Jennifer Lechtanski Graphic Designer

Heather Stanfiel Postdoctoral Research Associate

Anne García-Romero (Spring) Film, Television, and Theatre

Sean M. Reilly Peter Šťastný FACULTY COMMITTEE Maurizio Albahari Anthropology and Keough School of Global Affairs John Deak History

Rev. Robert Dowd, C.S.C. Political Science Anna Geltzer Assistant Director, Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Value Nina Glibetic Theology Rev. Kevin Grove, C.S.C. Theology

Essaka Joshua Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies, College of Arts & Letters Katharina Kraus Philosophy Stephen Lancaster Music Charles Leavitt IV Romance Languages and Literatures Ingrid Rowland Architecture; History; and Art, Art History and Design PHOTO CREDITS University of Notre Dame Matt Cashore, Barbara Johnston, Peter Ringenberg, and Steve Toepp Flickr Beth M527, Dmitry Dzhus, and Riccardo Palazzani Wikimedia Commons Dr. Bernd Gross, Milliped, and Philipjohn21 Additional photos provided by faculty, students, staff, visitors, and friends

Nanovic Institute for European Studies Keough School of Global Affairs 1060 Jenkins Nanovic Halls Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 -7000 Telephone 574-631-5253 Email nanovic@nd.edu Website nanovic.nd.edu

On the cover: Fifth-year architecture student Elise Emord '19 traveled to the Andalucía region of Spain to document and analyze the methods of traditional medieval Moorish architecture that have produced lasting environmental and architectural sustainability.

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