2022 Annual Report

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Annual Report

BoardofTrustees 2022–23


















KathrynKetelsen, FriendsoftheNHARepresentative



DeniseSaul, FriendsoftheNHARepresentative









NilesD.Parker, GosnellExecutiveDirector

2 Nantucket Historical Association © 2023 Nantucket Historical Association 15 Broad Street P. O. Box 1016 Nantucket, MA 02554-1016 508 228 1894 p 508 228 5618 f ask@nha.org NHA.org
Cover: Oldest House, Bill Hoenk Photography

A Message from the Board President and Gosnell Executive Director

The past year was one of growth for the Nantucket Historical Association. Continuing to emerge from the pandemic, we have focused on growing our core staff, continuing our important investments in our historic properties, dramatically increasing our education programs, and partnering with others on the island to bring diverse programming to many groups in the community on a year-round basis. New programs like “Mindful History” have generated significant interest. Our popular “NHA on the Road” program, bringing artifacts and conversation, continues to delight our senior population throughout the winter. We continued to expand our presentation of lightship baskets with a new installation at the Hadwen House, we welcomed a reproduction of George Washington’s tent to the Old Mill along with related lectures and programming, and thanks to the generosity and vision of David Billings and Beverly Hall Billings, we enjoyed a beautiful exhibition in the McCausland Gallery at the Whaling Museum.

Events exploring Wampanoag culture and traditions, the launching of our hand-carved mishoon with Darius Coombs, our Harvest Fair, a new Fiesta program at the museum, a fun “haunted house” during the town’s Halloween celebration, and free admission to historic sites like the Old Mill, Jail, and Oldest House have brought increased attendance and interest in exploring the island’s fascinating past and its present traditions. We ended 2022 with a groundbreaking symposium hosted at the Whaling Museum in partnership with the National Park Service. This brought scientists and practitioners from around the world to Nantucket to explore the impact climate change is increasingly having on historic structures and building materials. This has resulted in an exciting initiative that will expand at the NHA properties beginning in 2023. Of course, our popular special events like Flower Power, Baskets and Bubbly, Nantucket By Design, and Festival of Wreaths & Trees continue to weave the NHA into the fabric of the community and help provide much-needed support for our organization.

Speaking of supporting the organization, the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association were responsible for a remarkable year of important acquisitions. Their efforts in identifying works of art and artifacts, and their generosity in securing them, allowed the NHA to expand our collection and increase the ways in which we can both preserve the island’s past and share its stories with future generations. We remain grateful for their continued efforts.

As we explore the past and these many stories, we also look ahead to the future. The Board and staff are engaged in a strategic planning process, the creation of a new interpretive plan, and a governance audit which will guide the organization as we move forward. This vital work is central to a healthy organization. We cannot be complacent — so we seek to adopt best practices in our operations and continue to evolve as a vibrant organization. To do so, we rely on the generosity of our donors and the support of our members. We reflect with gratitude on the past year and look forward with excitement to the year ahead. Thank you.

2022 In Review Education

2022 In Review

Community Programs


2022 In Review Properties


1894 Founders Society

Through this Society, the Board of Trustees recognizes the cumulative giving by individuals who assist with the NHA’s annual operating needs. 1894 Founders Society members contribute $3,000 and up toward the annual fund, membership, and fundraising events, as well as to exhibitions and collections, plus scholarship and educational programs. Their generous support is greatly appreciated and welcomed by the community.

To learn more or become a member of the Society, call (508) 228-1894 ext. 125 or email giving@nha.org

$50,000 and above

Connie & Tom Cigarran

Annabelle & Gregory Fowlkes

Jason A. Tilroe

$25,000 to $49,999


Nancy & Douglas Abbey

Susan Blount & Richard Bard

Amanda B. Cross

Deborah & Bruce Duncan

Barbara & Graham Goldsmith

Mark H. Gottwald

Kaaren & Charles Hale

Diane & Art Kelly

Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael Kovner

Franci Neely

Ella W. Prichard

Melinda & Paul Sullivan

Kim & Finn Wentworth

$10,000 to $24,999

Elizabeth & Lee Ainslie

Janet & Sam Bailey

Mary-Randolph Ballinger

Carol & Harold Baxter

Stacey & Robert Bewkes

Patricia Nilles & C. Hunter Boll

Maureen & Edward Bousa

Anne Marie & Doug Bratton

Laurie & Bob Champion

Olivia & Felix Charney

Martha W. Cox

Robyn & John Davis

John M. DeCiccio

Tracy & John Flannery

Kelly Williams & Andrew Forsyth

Connie Anne & Jeremiah Harris

Barbara & Amos Hostetter

Susanne & Zenas Hutcheson

Cecelia Joyce Johnson

Ann & Charlie Johnson

Diane Pitt & Mitch Karlan

Jill & Stephen Karp

Frances Karttunen

Anne & Todd Knutson

Rena & Josh Kopelman

Margaret Hallowell & Stephen Langer

Helen & Will Little

Miriam Mandell

Bonnie & Peter McCausland

Ashley & Jeff McDermott

Carla & Jack McDonald

Ashley Gosnell Mody & Darshan Mody

Diane & Britt Newhouse

Mary & Al Novissimo

Laura & Bob Reynolds

Crystal & Rich Richardson

Denise & Andrew Saul

Helen & Chuck Schwab

Janet & Richard Sherlund

Kathleen & Robert Stansky

Harriet & Warren Stephens

Wendy & Colin Sykes

Kathryn Wagner

Paul E. Willer

Alisa & Alastair Wood

Kirsten & Peter Zaffino

$5,000 to $9,999

Patricia & Thomas Anathan

Lindsey & Merrick Axel

Victoria Sears-Bahnsen & Walter


Dinah & Barry Barksdale

Carole & Gary Beller

Pamela & Max Berry

Jennifer & Jonathan Blum

Carter & Henry Boughner

Christina Lee Brown

Julie Jensen Bryan & Robert Bryan

Laura & Bill Buck

Lisa & Nathan Cressman

Beth A. Dempsey

Elizabeth Miller & James Dinan

Jennifer & Stephen Dolente

Ana & Michael Ericksen

Olamaie & Randall Fojtasek

Elizabeth Georgantas

Nan Geschke

Claire & Robert Greenspon

Gordon Gund

Catherine & Richard Herbst

Wendy Hubbell

Wendy & Randy Hudson

Joy H. Ingham

Carl Jelleme

Cynthia & Evan Jones

Mary Ann & Paul Judy

Coco & Arie Kopelman

Lucy Dillon & Kevin Kuester

Paula & Bruce Lilly

Sharon & Frank Lorenzo

Helen Lynch

Alice & J. Thomas Macy

Debra & Vincent Maffeo

Ronay & Richard Menschel

Ann & Craig Muhlhauser

Carter & Chris Norton

Liz & Jeff Peek

Maria & George Roach

Sharon & Frank Robinson

Janet L. Robinson

Linda T. Saligman

Marla & Terry Sanford

Maureen Searle

Mary Farland & Don Shockey

Georgia A. Snell

Laura & Gregory Spivy

Brooke & Michael Stanton

Kate Lubin & Glendon Sutton

Merrielou Symes

Ann & Peter Taylor

Garrett Thornburg

Sigrid & Ladd Thorne

Liz & Geoff Verney

Dorothy & Richard Verney

Suzy Welch

Mary & John West

$3,000 to $4,999

Susan D. Akers

Liz & Ben Barnes

Elizabeth Bauer

Susan & Bill Boardman

Anne DeLaney & Chip Carver

Beth K. Clyne

Beth & Andy Corry

Cynthia† & Joseph Freeman

Julie & Cam Gammill

Marybeth Gilmartin

Sara Schwartz & Will Hannum

Amy & Brett Harsch

Gloria & Jeffrey Holtman

Stephanie & Daniel Janis

Martha Dippell & Daniel Korengold

Holly & Mark Maisto

Sally & Peter† Nash

Laura & William Paulsen

Ann & Chris Quick

Margaret & John Ruttenberg

Alison & Tom Schneider

Christine & Stephen Schwarzman

Phoebe & Bobby Tudor

Denise & Bill Welsh

Harry W. Wilcox

This list represents donations from January–December 2022.

8 Nantucket Historical Association
† Deceased

Heritage Society

The Heritage Society recognizes individuals who make planned gifts of artifacts, cash, or real estate to the Nantucket Historical Association through their estate plans.

Planned gifts can take many forms and support the NHA in myriad ways, from building the permanent endowment to expanding the artifact and document collections. New members are recognized at the NHA Annual Meeting and presented with an ivory whale lapel pin carved by the late scrimshander Nancy Chase, who was an NHA trustee and Heritage Society member.

To learn more about the Heritage Society, please contact the Development Department.

Members of the Heritage Society

Anonymous (6)

Patricia and Thomas Anathan

Cecily Langsdale Davis

Rachel and James Dunlap

Trudy S. Dujardin

Robert C. Griffin

Barbara E. Hajim

Nina Hellman

Grace S. Hinkley

Coco and Arie Kopelman

George Korn

Robin Kreitler

Carolyn B. MacKenzie

Winifred M. Mortenson

Sally and Peter† Nash

Kimi C. Puntillo

Lauren and Peter Roncetti

Kathryn Salmanowitz

Susan R. Shapiro

Dorothy Slover

Maria T. and William G. Spears

Jonathan C. Swain

Elizabeth and Geoffrey Verney

Laurie and Alexander Webb

Judith and Michael Wodynski

Laura and Douglas Wolford

9 Annual Report 2022

Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association 2022

The Friends of the NHA, which was established in 1986 to seek significant acquisitions for the NHA ‘s collections and has enabled the NHA to acquire numerous artifacts, works of art, and documents, and ensures that such objects stay on or return to Nantucket to be enjoyed by the people of the island.

Patricia and Thomas Anathan

Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley

Mary Randolph Ballinger

Pamela and Max Berry

Susan and William Boardman

Maureen and Edward Bousa

Anne Marie and Douglas Bratton

Mary and David Brown

Christy and William Camp

Laurie and Robert Champion

Connie and Thomas Cigarran

Bessie and John Connelly

Kimberly Corkran

Prudence and William† Crozier

Robyn and John Davis

Rachel and James Dunlap

Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth

Annabelle and Gregory Fowlkes

Karyn Frist

Nancy Geschke

Page and Arthur Gosnell

Susan Zises Green

Ann and Graham Gund

Barbara and Edmund Hajim

Kaaren and Charles Hale

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Harvey Jones

Diane and Arthur Kelly

Kathryn Ketelsen

Anne and Todd Knutson

Coco and Arie L. Kopelman

Margaret Hallowell and Stephen Langer

Sharon and Francisco Lorenzo

Helen Lynch

Miriam Mandell

Bonnie and Peter McCausland

Ronay and Richard Menschel

Polly and Peter Millard

Franci Neely

Anne and Edwin Obrecht

Liz and Jeff Peek

Ann and Christopher Quick

Susan and Kennedy Richardson

Ellen and Kenneth Roman

Marion Rosenthal

Robin and Mark Rubenstein

Bonnie Sacerdote

Linda Saligman

Denise and Andrew Saul

Susan Shapiro

Janet and Rick Sherlund

Daisy Soros

Melinda and Paul Sullivan

Phoebe and Bobby Tudor

Elizabeth and Geoffrey Verney

Stephanie and Jay Wilson

Landis and Bracebridge Young

Robert Young

10 Nantucket Historical Association
† Deceased

2022 Artifact Accessions and Non-Accessions


Elizabeth Saltonstall lithographs (5 items)

Gift of Susan R. Shapiro


Basket mold

Gift of Susan Whitlock


Fishing tools and baskets

Gift of Bill and Kathy Grieder


Brant Point commemorative cup plate

Gift of Peter J. Greenhalgh


Portraits of George B. and Ann Upton

NHA purchase


Two shorebird decoys

Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association


Painting, The Old Falconer of Ben Gana Sheik of the Ziban, by Elizabeth R. Coffin

Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association


Nantucket County juror button NHA purchase


Carved whale toothpick holder with toothpicks

Gift of John and Rebecca Driscoll


Painting, Hollyhocks Against the Harbor, by Emily L. Hoffmeier

Gift of Barbara Studenmund


1959 Folger Reunion

commemorative shell

Gift of Edward Brogna

11 Annual Report 2022
Above: Caption to come
Oval Nantucket basket with maple inlaid whale, 2022.13.1.


Whalebone fishhook and handkerchiefs

Gift of Pam North


Nantucket baskets and Tony Sarg pieces (4 items)

Gift of Thomas Springer


Three pewter whale oil lamps

Gift of Matthew Gregory


Portrait of a Woman, by Elizabeth R. Coffin

NHA purchase, underwritten by Thomas & Connie Cigarran, Anne & Todd Knutson, and Margaret Hallowell & Stephen Langer


Nantucket basket by Frank Ripley


Gift of Pen Andrishok


Three golden plover decoys

Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association


Painting, Golf Grounds at Nantucket, by William Wallace Scott

Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association and the Tupancy-Harris Foundation


Pewter plate NHA purchase


Two portraits by Charles Delin

Gift of Al DeMarco


Wood bucket from an Old North Wharf fish shack

Gift of Jason Tilroe


Commissioning sword of CDR John Frank Walling, USN

Gift of Raymond F. DuBois, Jr., in memory of Annabella Walling DuBois and in honor of the Wharf Rat Club


Assorted campaign and event buttons (28 items)

Gift of the Craig family


Lowboy by Francis B. Chase

Gift of Suzanne, Jennifer, Christopher, Nicholas and Nathan Swain


Basket purse with carved rose

Gift of Cathy & Stephen Weinroth


Family portrait by Mary Sarg with costume pieces (15 items)

Gift of Deborah D. Culbertson

12 Nantucket Historical Association
Wood bucket from an Old North Wharf fish shack, 2022.21.1.


Mirror with woven border

Gift of Ritch Leone


Two Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin paintings

NHA purchase and gift of the Friends of the NHA


Four scrimshaw pieces

Gift of the Estate of Mary Ann H. Cofrin


Silver spoon

Gift of Polly Freeman Lyman


Souvenir ring box

Transfer from South County History Center, Gift of Elizabeth J. Wells


Nantucket Yacht Club burgee

Gift of Susan Anderson

13 Annual Report 2022
Two Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin paintings, 2022.28.1.



NHA purchase


Whalebone swift

NHA purchase


H. Marshall Gardiner painting supplies (6 items)

Gift of Kit Salisbury



Gift of Suzanne K. Forsythe


Infant’s lace cap

Gift of Alice Jones Knapp


Portrait of Captain David Baxter by Charles Delin

Gift of Eva-Maria Tausig


Lightship basket by George Sylvester

NHA purchase


Portrait of Elizabeth and Ellen Starbuck

Gift of Susan Starbuck Rissman


Historic costume pieces and linens (9 items)

Gift of Deborah Culbertson


Two Hudsonian curlew decoys

Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association


Two black duck decoys

NHA purchase


Three duck decoys

Gift of Barbara Spitler


1925 Nantucket travel poster by John Held Jr.

Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association



Fish barrel lids

Gift of Bill and Kathy Grieder


Painting, COVID on Nantucket

NHA purchase


Assorted ivory pieces

Found in collection


Archaeology tools

Found in collection

14 Nantucket Historical Association
tooth with portrait of Nancy Chase sport coat from Stinchfield boutique Scrimshaw tooth with portrait of Nancy Chase, 2022.33.1.


Whale product packaging

NHA purchase


“Think Bluefish” bumper sticker

Found in collection


Dig finds from 7 Fair Street

Found in collection


Dig finds from 15 Vestal St.

Found in collection


Dig finds from Candle Factory renovation

Found in collection


Archaeological material

Found in collection


Replica harpoon

Gift of Alexandra Hoeber Jenkins in memory of Mr. and Mrs. William Pomeroy Jenkins


Whale oil

Gift of Matthew Gregory



Gift of Thomas Springer


Plaster cast

Found in collection


Buffalo Yacht Club burgee

Gift of Susan Anderson


Programs, Absalom Boston’s induction in National Sailing Hall of Fame

Gift of the National Sailing Hall of Fame


1942 German Coin

Found in collection

15 Annual Report 2022
1925 Nantucket travel poster by John Held Jr., 2022.45.1.

2022 Research Library Accessions and Non-Accessions


Ship’s logs, correspondence, photographs, and receipts

Gift of Susan R. Shapiro


A Picture Chart of Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, and Nantucket, circa 1940

NHA purchase, underwritten by Diane and Art Kelly


Grieder photograph

Gift of Bill and Kathy Grieder


The North Part of America

Conteyning Newfoundland, New England, Virginia, Florida, New Spaine, and Noua Francia… by Henry Briggs, 1625

NHA purchase, underwritten by Diane and Art Kelly


Stephen Swift furniture catalog

Transfer from Maria Mitchell Association


Three tax bills

Gift of Brian Pluff

16 Nantucket Historical Association
Silver Tides ephemera, RL2022.15. 14 maps of Surfside, 1 map of ‘Sconset, and 1 map of Madaket Terraces, RL2022.25.


Photograph of an unknown Nantucket school girls’ athletic team

NHA purchase


Scans of three photographs at the African Meeting House

Gift of Mary Fernandez and Kenneth DeLuze


Photograph of an unknown group

Gift of Cliff Munkres


Wall Street and the Woods by W. J. Flagg

Gift of Jay Hoster


Nantucket Railroad photographs

NHA purchase


Alan Suhonen papers

Gift of Yoko Shioya


Wee Whalers photograph albums and VHS tapes

Gift of Jeanie Hughes


Silver Tides ephemera

NHA purchase


Claudia Stanley oral history

Gift of Claudia Stanley


Dominic “Nick” and Kezia Duarte oral history

Gift of Dominic “Nick” and Kezia Duarte


Mary Fernandes and Kenneth DeLuze oral history

Gift of Mary Fernandes and Kenneth DeLuze


Anthony “Rocky” Fox oral history

Gift of Anthony “Rocky” Fox


Edmund “Rookie” Ramos oral history

Gift of Edmund “Rookie” Ramos

17 Annual Report 2022
Deposition concerning pay for Commerce whaling voyage (1803–1805), 1806, RL2022.30.


Theran Singleton oral history

Gift of Theran Singleton


Leslie Gomes Preston oral history

Gift of Leslie Gomes Preston


Brock Family photographic collection

Gift of Marsha Fader


Skipper menu

Gift of Joe Bedell


14 maps of Surfside, 1 map of ‘Sconset, and 1 map of Madaket Terraces

NHA purchase, underwritten by the H.L. Brown Jr Family Foundation


Captain George Meader and Sally C. Lumbert Meader cabinet cards

NHA purchase


“Ma and Pa Gibbs” photograph and souvenir Nantucket map

Gift of Frances Karttunen


Cabinet card of an unidentified woman by J. Freeman

NHA purchase


Map of Massachusetts Proper by Osgood Carleton, 1801

NHA purchase, underwritten by the Franci Neely Foundation and the H.L. Brown Jr Family Foundation


Deposition concerning pay for Commerce whaling voyage (1803–1805), 1806

NHA purchase


Log of the ship Henry Astor, 1831–1834

Gift of Peggy Coyle


History of Nantucket by Obed Macy, copy owned by Herman Melville

Gift of the Friends of the NHA


Geo. W. Eldridge’s Harbor ChartBook by George W. Eldridge, Volumes I and II, 1909

NHA purchase, underwritten by Diane and Art Kelly


H. Marshall Gardiner photographic material and ephemera

Gift of Kit Salisbury


H. Marshall Gardiner postcards and scrapbook page

Gift of Geraldine Gardiner Salisbury


John F. Walling diaries and photographs

Gift of Susan Carpenter

18 Nantucket Historical Association
John F. Walling diaries and photographs , RL2022.36.


John F. Walling papers

Gift of Raymond F. DuBois Jr., in memory of Annabella Walling DuBois


Class photographs and ephemera

Gift of Barry Zlotin


Culbertson Family papers and photographic collection

Gift of Deborah Culbertson


Nancy Chase photographic collection

NHA purchase


Nantucket scrapbook pages

NHA purchase


Breeches buoy postcard

NHA purchase


Clisby and Brooks Family photographs

Gift of Melissa MacVicar


Tuckernuck in the State of Massachusetts, surveyed by William Mitchell and William Coffin, Jr., 1834

Gift of Marilyn Coffin Brown, in memory of William W. Coffin


Tony Sarg Marionette Company photograph and “Small World— On Tour with The Tony Sarg Marionette Company”, a memoir by Carmalyn Cook

Gift of Peggy Hatch



Albert and the Whale: Albrecht Durer and How Art Imagines Our World by Philip Hoare

Gift of Philip Hoare


Old Mill postcard

Gift of Alvin Schaut


White Eagle postcard

NHA purchase


Reverend Louise Baker cabinet card

Gift of John E. Gibbons


Christian Slavery by Katharine Gerber and Fit for Freedom, Not for Friendship by Donna McDaniel and Vanessa Julye

Gift of Frances Karttunen


Reis Family: 1600s–2022 from Pico, Azores, to Nantucket, Mass. by Susan M. Carver

Gift of Suzanne M. Carver


Museum of Knots & Sailor’s Ropework Series

Gift of Des Pawson


The Story of the Nantucket Golf Club: A Twenty-Fifth Tribute, 1997–2022 by Glenn Plaskin

Gift of Thomas and Patricia Anathan


Report on 32 Union Street by Hobson Woodward

Gift of Jeffrey Parker


Between Race and Ethnicity by Marilyn Halter

Gift of Frances Karttunen


Andrea Doria ephemera and SS Independence postcard

Gift of Kathryn Mazzeo


Nantucket brochures and guidebook

Gift of Marsha Kenny


A Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of Capt. Charles H. Barnard, 1829 by Charles H. Barnard

Gift of Charles C. Norton


Nantucket postcards

Gift of Sally Bond


She Calls Herself Betsey Stockton by Constance K. Escher

Gift of Constance K. Escher

19 Annual Report 2022

Giving 2022

Thank you to the many individuals, foundations, community organizations, local businesses, and corporations that so broadly and generously supported the Nantucket Historical Association in 2022.

Annual Support

The NHA is grateful for the generous annual support received from memberships; donations to the Annual Fund and Year-End Appeal; corporate underwriting; grants; tribute gifts; and gifts for special programs, exhibitions, and special events, including Nantucket by Design, the Festival of Wreaths, the Festival of Trees, and the Flower Power Party. Unrestricted operating funds nurture every aspect of the NHA—from the care of the properties and collections to the delivery of public programs and educational outreach. Cumulative annual giving of $100 and above from these sources is reported for January 1 to December 31, 2022.

$100,000 and Up

Connie & Tom Cigarran | Cigarran Family Foundation

Annabelle & Gregory Fowlkes | The H. L. Brown Jr. Family Foundation

Mass Cultural Council

Diane & Britt Newhouse | Britt & Diane Newhouse Charitable Fund

Jason A. Tilroe

Town of Nantucket

$50,000 – $99,999

Anne DeLaney & Chip Carver

Ella W. Prichard

ReMain Nantucket, LLC

Melinda & Paul Sullivan

Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation

Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986

William Raveis Real Estate

$25,000 – $49,999


Nancy & Doug Abbey

Susan Blount & Richard Bard | Susan Blount & Richard Bard Charitable Fund

Amanda B. Cross

Deborah & Bruce Duncan | Bruce & Deborah Duncan Foundation

Shelley & Graham Goldsmith

Mark Gottwald | 4G Foundation

Kaaren & Charles Hale

Institute of Museum & Library Services

Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Mr. Michael A. Kovner

Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism

Nantucket Golf Club Foundation

Franci Neely | Franci Neely Foundation

Kim & Finn Wentworth

$15,000 – $24,999


Barbara Jones Memorial Fund

20 Nantucket Historical Association
† Deceased

Maureen & Edward Bousa

Anne Marie & Doug Bratton

Robyn & John Davis | John

H. & Robyn B. Davis Donor

Advised Fund

John M. DeCiccio

Kelly Williams & Andrew Forsyth | The Williams

Forsyth Family Fund

Friends of the Nantucket

Historical Association

Connie Anne & Jeremiah Harris

Barbara & Amos Hostetter

Rena & Josh Kopelman

Helen & Will Little

Bonnie & Peter McCausland | The McCausland Foundation

Ashley Gosnell Mody & Darshan Mody | Sethness

Family Foundation

Crystal & Rich Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Saul

Helen & Chuck Schwab

Janet & Rick Sherlund

Alisa & Alastair Wood

$10,000 – $14,999

Elizabeth & Lee Ainslie | Ainslie Foundation

Patricia & Thomas Anathan

Janet & Sam Bailey | The Warrington Foundation

Mary-Randolph Ballinger

Carol & Harold Baxter

Pam & Max Berry

Stacey & Robert Bewkes

Patricia Nilles & C. Hunter Boll

Laurie & Bob Champion |

Henry Salvatori Family Foundation

Olivia & Felix Charney

Cox Foundation

Estate of Alfred W. Crosby

Tracy & John Flannery

Susanne & Zenas Hutcheson |

Knox Foundation

Cecelia Joyce Johnson | The Cecelia Joyce & Seward Johnson Foundation, INC.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Johnson

Diane Pitt & Mitch Karlin | Mitchell Karlin & Diane Pitt

Charitable Fund

Diane & Art Kelly | The T. Lloyd

Kelly Foundation

Anne & Todd Knutson

Coco & Arie Kopelman

Margaret Hallowell & Stephen P. Langer

Miriam Mandell | Samuel P. Mandell Foundation

Marine Home Center

Ashley & Jeff McDermott

Carla & Jack McDonald

Ronay & Richard Menschel | Charina Foundation Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Novissimo | Novation Media

Poppy Caravan

Laura & Bob Reynolds

Kathleen & Robert Stansky | Stansky Family Fund

Harriet & Warren Stephens

Liz & Geoff Verney | Elizabeth Thayer & E. Geoffrey Verney Fund

Kathryn Wagner

Paul E. Willer

The Wodecroft Foundation

Kirsten & Peter Zaffino

$5,000 – $9,999


Lindsey & Merrick Axel

Victoria A. Sears-Bahnsen & Walter J. Bahnsen Jr.

The Barbara Jones Charitable Fund

Dinah & Barry Barksdale

Carole & Gary Beller

Benjamin Moore & Co.

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Blum

Susan & Bill Boardman

Mr. & Mrs. Henry T. Boughner

Christina Lee Brown | Owsley

Brown II Family Foundation

Julie Jensen Bryan & Robert

Bryan | Robert & Julie

Jensen Bryan Gift Fund

Laura & Bill† Buck

Christy & Bill Camp | Liberty Street Foundation


Community Foundation for Nantucket

Lisa & Nathan Cressman

Elizabeth Miller & James Dinan

Jennifer & Stephen Dolente

Eleish Van Breems Home

Ana & Michael Ericksen

Mr. & Mrs. Randall Fojtasek

Karyn M. Frist | Karyn McLaughlin Frist Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Georgantas

Nan Geschke | The Geschke Foundation

The Gilbert Verney Foundation

Page & Arthur Gosnell

Claire & Robert Greenspon

Gordon Gund | Gordon & Llura Gund Endowed Donor Advised Fund

Catherine & Richard Herbst

Wendy Hubbell | The Waldo Trust

Wendy & Randy Hudson

Joy H. Ingham

James Robinson Inc

Carl Jelleme

Cindy & Evan Jones

Mary Ann & Paul Judy | The Judy Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Karp | Karp Family Charitable Fund

Kathleen Hay Designs

Lucy Dillon & Kevin Kuester

Paula & Bruce Lilly | River Road Foundation

Sharon & Frank Lorenzo

Helen Lynch

Alice & J. Thomas Macy

Debra & Vincent Maffeo | The Vincent & Debra Maffeo Charitable Fund

Magellan Jets

Mr. & Mrs. Peter deF. Millard

Ann & Craig Muhlhauser | The Muhlhauser Charitable Gift Fund

Nantucket Bank, a division of Rockland Trust

The Nantucket Hotel & Resort

Nantucket Looms

Carter & Chris Norton | The Norton Family Foundation

Osceola Foundation, Inc.

Liz & Jeff Peek | Peek Family Foundation, Inc.

Ann & Chris Quick

Maria & George Roach

Sharon & Frank Robinson

Ms. Janet L. Robinson

Linda T. Saligman | The Linda & Harvey Saligman Charitable Foundation

Marla & Terry Sanford

Maureen Searle

Mary Farland & Don Shockey | Shockey Foundation

Rev. Georgia A. Snell

Daisy M. Soros | Paul Soros Family Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Spivy

Brooke & Michael Stanton

Stark Carpet

Kate Lubin & Glendon Sutton | Richard K. Lubin Family Foundation

Merrielou Symes | Edward & Merrielou H. Symes Charitable Fund

Garrett Thornburg | Thornburg Foundation

Sigrid & Ladd Thorne

Phoebe & Bobby Tudor

Urban Electric

Dorothy & Richard Verney

Veronica Beard Nantucket

Suzy & Jack Welch

Dr. & Mrs. John C. West | Nancy Sayles Day Foundation

Woodmeister Master Builders


21 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

$2,500 – $4,999

Susan D. Akers | Akers Family Charitable Fund

Mrs. Mariann H. Appley

Audrey Sterk Design

Liz & Ben Barnes

Ms. Elizabeth Bauer

Marianna & Chris Brewster

Mary & David Brown

Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines

Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank

Carolyn Thayer Interiors, Inc.

Chip Webster Architecture

Ms. Beth K. Clyne

Jenny & Wylie Collins

Congdon & Coleman Insurance

Bessie & John Connelly

Kimberly C. Corkran

Mr. & Mrs. Andy M. Corry

Mr. & Mrs. Jared Crane

Prudence & William† Crozier | Crozier Family Fund

Dan K. Gordon Associates Inc

Rachel & Jim Dunlap

Amanda Essex

Lynn & Mark Filipski | Birch Lane Fund

Ms. Lauren Fornes

Cynthia† & Joseph S. Freeman| The Racemaker Charitable Fund

Julie & Cam Gammill

Ms. Marybeth Gilmartin

Ms. Susan Zises Green | The Meyer & Jean Steinberg Family Foundation

Ann & Graham Gund

Barbara & Ed Hajim

Sara Schwartz & William Hannum

Amy & Brett Harsch | Harsch

Family Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Holtman

The Inquirer & Mirror

Isle Designs

James Lydon, Sons & Daughters

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Janis, III | The Daniel S. Janis, III Living Trust

Jockey Hollow Foundation

Harvey C. Jones | Harvey JonesGiftFund











NantucketHouseAntiques& InteriorDesignStudio

NantucketIslandChamberof Commerce



Susan&ScottNelson|Nelson FamilyFund




Mr.&Mrs.WilliamF.Paulsen| PaulsenFamilyFoundation


GaryMcBournie&William Richards

Susan&KenRichardson| KennedyPRichardsonFund




MargaretB.Ruttenberg& Mr.JohnC.RuttenbergBonnie JohnsonSacerdote| BonnieJohnsonSacerdote Foundation


ChristineH.&StephenA. Schwarzman

SusanR.Shapiro|TheArzak Foundation

Ms. Carla Siegel

Ms. Mally Skok

Michelle Alexander & Carter Stewart | The Alexander Stewart Fund

Susan Lister Locke Gallery

Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Swartz

Mr. John R. Sylvia

Ms. Karen T. Butler & Mr. John Thompson

The Vault

Ms. Dancie Ware


Mrs. Susan W. Weatherley | Susan Weatherley Family Charitable Fund

Denise & Bill Welsh

Patricia Hambrick & Harry W. Wilcox

Stephanie & Jay Wilson | Jay M. Wilson Fund

Landis & Bracebridge Young

Robert A. Young

$1,000 – $2,499

Mrs. Deborah Vander Woude & Mr. James W. Abbott

Ms. Mareta C. Hamre & Mr. Mark Abbott

Carrie & Leigh Abramson

Anne & Christopher Acker

Mr. & Mrs. Seth W. Alvord

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Andersen

Joanne & Michael Angelastro | Angelastro Family Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong | Herbert D. Condie Jr. Family Foundation

Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate

Ms. Cathy Austin

Lucinda & Bob† Ballard

Barbara Clarke Photography

Tom Barnes

Bartlett’s Farm

Ritchie Battle

Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale

Jane Beasley

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Berger

Mrs. Martha C. Berlin

Kay & Peter Bernon

Miss Charlotte Boening

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bonnet

Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bowditch | JNC Fund

Mr. & Mrs. David Bradt

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus III | The Elizabeth H. & Thomas H. Broadus Jr. Charitable Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Brusca

Mrs. Lissy Bryan

Kristen Sandifer & Charlie Bullock | The Bullock & Sandifer Family Philanthropy Fund

Mr. & Mrs. James Burke | Burke Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Burnes

Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Burns

Drs. Mary Fontaine & James Burruss | The Fontaine Burruss Family Fund

Lee Calicchio

Lisa & D.H. Callahan

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Chesley

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp III

Catherine & Anthony Clifton

CMC Construction

Ms. Brenda M. Williams & Mr. Robert L. Coffin

Ana Collins

Ms. Suellen Ward & Mr. John Copenhaver

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cowie

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait

Mrs. Christina C. Craighead

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Cummings

Current Vintage

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cutone

22 Nantucket Historical Association † Deceased Giving 2022

Kate & Kell Damsgaard

Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Dauterive

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Davis | Stephen A. Davis Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Porter G. Dawson

Ms. Amy E. Hauk & Mr. Scott M. Dehm

Denby Real Estate

Descendants of Cape Cod & the Islands

Mr. Robert Devine

Douglas Elliman Real Estate

Paula & Michael C. Duffy

Lori & Grady Durham

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Eisenson

Eldred’s Auction

Ms. Jane Ellsworth

Ms. Edie Van Breems & Mr. Paul Esser

Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Fallon

Marianne & Bob Felch

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart C. Fiertz

Mr. & Mrs. David Finley

Mrs. Jacquelyn G. Finn & Mr. Michael Finn

Mr. & Mrs. G. Slaughter

Fitz-Hugh, III

Ms. Marcia D. Weber & Mr. James B. Flaws

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox

Ms. Ann Ramsey & Mr. Jeffrey S. Gardner

Mrs. Isabelle Georgeaux

Mr. & Mrs. James Geraghty

Ms. Cheryl Woodford & Mr. Almond Goduti

Ms. Janet Gorgone

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Graf

GrayMist Japan Incorporated

Mr. Robert F. Greenhill

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Griffin| Richard E. Griffin Family Foundation

Suzy & Richard Grote

Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley | The Gulley Family Fund

Mr. & Mrs. James Hagedorn

Ms. Henrietta Hakes

Linda & Joe Hale | Hale Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Hammer

Handy & Dallaire Events

Hanna D. Monaghan Trust

Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc

Hatch’s Package Store

Mr. Eric Haydel

Mr. Patrick Healy

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hemmer

Donna & Christian Hoffman | Hoffman Family Charitable Fund

Cheryl Hoffmann-Bray

Barbara & Richard Holt | Holt Family Fund

Sharon K. Horne

Mr. Bryan Huffman

Hy-Line Cruises

Mrs. Lori Hyslip

Johnson & Johnson Foundation Matching Gift Program

Jordan Real Estate

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Joseph

Liz & Matthew Kamens

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Keller

Ms. Kathleen Cannon & Mr. Brian Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kennedy

Ms. Robin Rednor & Mr. Robert Kennedy-Veghte

Jane & Douglas Kern

Ms. Teresa Heinz & Hon. John F. Kerry

Mary Beth & Adam Kirsch | The Kirsch 1998 Family Trust

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Kupper Jr.

Ms. Lisa Todd & Mr. Robert Kurtz | The Kurtz Family Foundation

Mr. Christopher Larsen | Christopher Larsen

Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. David Lashway

Sheila & John† Lathrop

Mrs. Kathryn C. Lieb

Diane & David Lilly | Peravid Foundation

Janet & Keith Lindgren

Sue Lingeman

Ms. Abigail Harding & Mr. M. Jess Lipsey

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loose | Loose Family Charitable Fund

Amy & Joe LoPresti

Mr. Richard W. Lowry

Mr. James E. Lydon

M. Sweeney Construction Inc.

Ms. Mary-Adair Macaire

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm MacLean

Sarah F. Alger & Bruce J. Malenfant | Gertrude & Edith Donor Advised Fund

Ms. Christina Manca

Dr. Janine A. Matsko

Mrs. Marilee Matteson | Marilee B. Matteson Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy

Susan B. McCollum

Ms. Georgia McElveen

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. McGrath

Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. McKelvie

Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow

Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKiernan

Ms. Abigail P. Johnson & Mr. Christopher McKown| Christopher McKown & Abigail Johnson Fund

Katie & Bill McNabb

Mr. & Mrs. John W. McNear, Jr.

Ms. Patricia A. White & Mr. James F. Meehan

Mr. Ken L. Jennings & Mr. Albert S. Messina

Bunny & Duff Meyercord

Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr.| Marlin Miller Jr., Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV

Mr. Michael Mitchell

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert B. Mittenthal

Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Montross

Ms. Courtney Moore

Ms. Siobhán O’Mahony & Mr. William M. Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Moran

Joyce & Jim Morgan

Una & William Murphy

Nantucket’s On Island Chefs

Jean & David Nathan

Ms. Caroline Gottschalk & Mr. Allen Nelson

New England Nantucket Basket Association

Mr. Jeffrey T. Newton | Newton Family Charitable Trust

Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc.

Anne & Hardy Oliver

Mrs. Anne P. Olsen | Olsen Family Donor Advised Fund

Ms. Susan O’Malley

Monique & Mark O’Neil

Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Orciuoli

Maureen Orth

Dr. E. Prather Palmer | Patricia & E. Prather Palmer Charitable Fund

Mr. Alex Papachristidis

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan | IM Patricia & Joseph Phelan Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Phelan

Ms. Linda Pizzuti

Lisa Botticelli & Ray Pohl

Martha & Charley Polachi | The George & Marie Chabot Charitable Foundation

Julia & Larry Pollock | Larry & Julia Pollock Family Philanthropic Fund

Princeton University Class of 1963

Nancy & Bob Puff | Puff Family Fund

Ms. Sarah McLane & Mr. Jerald Pullins

Ms. Karen W. Rainwater

Suzanne & Sandy Rand

23 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

Susan & Harry Rein | Harry T. Rein Revocable Trust

Regina & George Rich

Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Riley

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts

Ms. Danielle D. Rollins

Cheryl Lynch-Romano & Joseph L. Romano

Dr. Michael Rose

Ellen & David Ross | The Ross Foundation

Lisa Gustavson & Chris Sales

Mr. & Mrs. William Z. Saltonstall| The Saltonstall Family Charitable Fund

Sarah F. Alger, P.C.

Cary & John Schaperkotter

Mrs. Pamela S. Schofield

Mr. & Mrs. Frederic W. Schroeder, IV

Donna Cooper & Karl Schulz |

The Donna K. Cooper Charity Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Cary M. Schwartz

Schwartz Hannum PC

Denise & Robert Schwed

Mrs. Gretchen G. Schymik

Mr. & Mrs. Donnell A. Segalas

Nancy & Joe Serafini

Ms. Heidi Cox & Mr. George Seyfert | Heidi Cox Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford | The Shackelford Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Shear

Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Sheehy


Ms. Christine Simeone

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Smialowski | The Joseph & Deidre Smialowski

Philanthropy Fund

Mr. H. C. Bowen Smith

Ms. Lorraine C. Snell

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Stackpole

Ms. Sarah Barrett & Mr. Kenneth B. Stanley

Peter C. Steingraber

Ms. Janet L. Steinmayer

Stover Engineering & Construction, Inc.

Sylvia Antiques/Four Winds

Craft Guild

Ms. Lisa Theoharidis

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Thompson

Mrs. Judith C. Tolsdorf

Ms. Laura M. Rosene & Mr. R. Scott Toop | The Columbus Foundation

Ms. Camilla D. Townsend

Guy Tunnicliffe

Mrs. Carolyn D. Thayer & Mr. Steve Tuzik

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Vaughter

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ward

Roselee & Jim Wayman | Wayman Family Charitable Trust

White Elephant Resorts

Mr. & Mrs. Pendleton White

Mr. & Mrs. F. Brand Whitlock

Mrs. Janice C. Wiesen

Ms. Linda Wisnewski

Mr. & Mrs. Marc B. Wolpow | Arbour Way Foundation

Amy Masterson & Marc Yacone

Young’s Bicycle Shop

Susan & Jeffrey Zimmer

$500 – $999

Anonymous (2)

Dorothy & Dale Albright

Ms. Candace Alexander

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Ancona

Ms. Carrie Culp & Mr. Don Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Anderson

Linny & Rick Andlinger

Dana Angelo

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Anton

Jan Ellsworth & Drew Arent

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Arnot

A Taste of Nantucket

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Auletta

Ms. Leanne Baker

Dr. Caroline Baltzer

Beverly & David Barlow | David & Beverly Barlow Fund

Curtis L. Barnes

Meg Barry

Ms. Jane Condon & Mr. Kenneth Bartels

Ms. Holly J. Bartlett

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Bartram

Ms. Anne Becker

Mrs. Lisa Becker

Ms. Rebecca M. Becker

Ms. Linda Holliday & Mr. William S. Belichick

Ms. Dennie Doran & Mr. Allan D. Bell

Ms. Leanne M. Bell

Mr. Bruce Beni

Ms. Beverly M. Hall & Mr. David L. Billings

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Black

Mr. William Blind

Ruth & Robi Blumenstein

Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Boe

Ms. Ann P. Bond

Botticelli & Pohl, P.C.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Bowman| The Bowman Family Charitable Fund

Dana & David Boyce

Mrs. Camille Branca

Brass Lantern Inn

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bromenschenkel

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Brown

Carol & William Browne

Susan & David† Brownwood

Mrs. Susan P. Burke

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Bush

Gail & Chris Camalier

Ms. Katherine M. Grover & Mr. Michael J. Campbell

Cape Cod Express, Inc.

Mr. John B. Carroll

Ms. Liz Weiss & Mr. Tim Carruthers

Laura Casale

Dr. Lynne Celli

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Chalke

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Chan

Mr. & Mrs. James Chapman

Ms. Kay Krill & Mr. Alan Chapple

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Choma

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Christian

Mrs. Patricia Claflin

Mr. & Mrs. Laurance R. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Coffin

Dr. Margaret Fitzgerald & Mr. Marc Comstock

Richard Congdon

Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon

Mrs. Marion R. Conley

Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Connolly

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Connolly, II

Mr. John Cooley

Ms. Courtney Cotter

Mrs. Cynthia Cross | John & Cynthia Cross Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Culbertson

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Culligan

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Cuneo

Ms. Hilary H. Cunniff | The Hilary H. Cunniff Charitable Fund

Caely Cusick

Ms. Beth Dailey

Alexandra & David Dalury

Ms. Elaine Day

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal

Denise Delaurentis

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Delogu

Mrs. Beth A. Dempsey

Kate & Jim Denny

Descendants of Sheriffs & Constables of Colonial & Antebellum America

Ms. Penny Dey

Mr. & Mrs. David Diamond

Mr. & Mrs. Andis Dimants

Ms. Margaret E. English & Mr. Mark Donato

24 Nantucket Historical Association † Deceased Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Donelan II

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Drake

Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Drazen

Mr. Adam Dread

Dr. & Mrs. William H. Druckemiller | The Druckemiller Charitable Fund

Ms. Melissa Dudley

Susu & Mike Dugas

Dujardin Design Associates, Inc.

Pamela Durante

East Wood Trading Company

Heidi Edwards

Marsha & Bob Egan

The Egan Group

Suzanne & Bill Einstein

Heather Elder

Emeritus Development

Jane & Richard Eskind

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Everets

Suzanne Farrell

Mrs. Trudy S. Dujardin & Mr. Frank Fasanella

Kimberly Fasting-Berg

Sheila & Matt Fee

Mr. & Mrs. Walter K. L. Ferguson Jr.

Ms. Clara Bingham & Mr. Joe Finnerty

Ms. Kimberly Fiorello

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Flaherty

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Flax | Flax Family Fund

Dr. Victoria Floerke Ph.D.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Ford

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Forman

Four Winds Gifts, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Frankel

Roberto Freitas

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fuerst

Hannah Gaustad-Randolph

Mr. & Mrs. David Gee

Mrs. Vicky Gewirz & Mr. David Geffen

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gensler

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Gentner| The Kenneth & Claudia Gentner Charitable Giving Fund

Ms. Katherine Mierzwa & Mr. Michael Gerstein

Laurie Gilmour

Ms. Kristin Campbell & Mr. Christopher A. Glowacki

Dr. & Mrs. Elliot R. Goldberg

Mr. & Mrs. Brett Gordon

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Greenberg

Ms. Toby A. Greenberg | Toby Greenberg Trust

Michelle Greenip

Ms. Tamara Greenman

Ms. Priscilla M. Kugel & Mr. Jonathan Grischuk

Wendy & Ben Griswold

Ms. Mary G. O’Connell & Mr. Peter J. Grua | Peter J. Grua 2004 Revocable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. William Guardenier

Lauren & Paul Gudonis

Mrs. Lucia Gumaer | Whitehall Foundation Inc.

Patty & Jeff Haines

Carolyn Lamm & Peter Halle

Mrs. Beverly A. Harris

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hart

The Harvey Traveler Collection

Mrs. Diana R. Hayden

Mrs. Lucile W. Hays

Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Healey Jr.

Candy & Mason Heydt

Ms. Elin Hilderbrand

Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Hill

Ms. Rose M. Gonnella & Mr. Frank Holahan

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Holt Jr.

Nancy & Arthur Hooper

Ms. Maureen Phillips & Dr. Douglas Horst

Housefitters & Tile Gallery

Ms. Gale Hurd

Ms. Anne H. Isbister

Ivy Wealth Management

J. McLaughlin

Mr. Andrew Jacobson

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Jobe

Ann & Johnny Johnson

Dr. Simon S. Jones Ph.D.

Ms. Lindsay M. Joost

Ms. Elizabeth K.

Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Kaehler

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kane

Mrs. Kaufman

Mr. & Mrs. Woodward A. Kay

Mr. & Mrs. Luke Kelly

Audra Kiewiet De Jonge

Leslie & Tom Killian

Ms. Heather Knox

Ms. Carolyn M. Knutson

Jacqueline & Eric Kraeutler

Brett Kristoff

Ms. Denice Kronau

Paul Lafavore

Karen & Tony LaRocco

Mr. & Mrs. Scott LaShelle

Lisa & Bruce Lawler

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Leddy

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Lee

Mrs. Olivia Lewnowski

Martha & Robert Lipp

Mrs. Victoria E. Girvan-LiPuma & Mr. Joseph P. LiPuma

Ms. Shelly Lockwood

Ms. Sandra M. Murphy & Mr. Charles W. Loeb

Grace & Ken Logan

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lopez

Mr. & Mrs. William R. J. Lothian

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Loughlin

Susan & Jeff Lucier

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Lyons

Mr. & Mrs. Barry MacTaggart

Madaket Marine

Mrs. Anne G. Maletta

Robert Franklin & Charles Mappin

Margaret & Charles Marino

Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Marshall

Mr. & Mrs. Terence D. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Neil E. Marttila

Ms. Ellen Mayo

Pat & Charles McGill

Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. McGowan

Lisa & Eric McKechnie

Ms. Sarah McLane

Beth & Kevin McMeen

Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Meister

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Menna

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Miklos

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Miklos

Ms. Elizabeth A. Milias

Austin David Mill

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent F. Miscia

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Monahan Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Rocco Monto

Moore Woodworking Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Morin

Mrs. Jacqueline Moss

Ms. Jamie L. Moss

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Mundy

Murray’s Toggery Shop, Inc.

Nantucket Clothing Company

Nantucket Island Homes

Nantucket Millworks, Inc.

Nantucket Networks, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nastou

Mrs. Laurie B. Newhouse

Dr. & Mrs. Thor Norregaard

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Northrup Jr. | The Northrup Fund

Ms. Katherine Logue & Mr. Jonathan Nyland

Ms. Vallorie A. Oliver

Mrs. Sandra Owen

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paduch

Karen & John Palmer

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perry

Ms. Pamela Perun

Lesley & Girvin Peters

Ms. Michelle A. Cruz & Mr. Evan Peverley

25 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

Melissa & Nat Philbrick

Linda Phillips

Ms. Annette F. Picerne

Ms. Kristene F. Pierce

Dr. Deborah S. Pilla

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Poole

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pratter

Lindsay Purcell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Purcell

Quidley & Company

Lisa & Thomas Ragno | Lisa & Thomas Ragno Charitable Fund

Peg & Phil Read

Mrs. Susan Renzulli

Marcia & Tom Richards

Ms. Megan Donahue & Mr. Isaac Ro

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. Robin D. Roberts

Ms. Joanna Roche

Mr. & Mrs. W. Steven Roethke

Marion Roland-Conley

Ms. Bonnie Roseman

Mr. & Mrs. Girard Ruddick

Mr. Charles E. Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. G. West Saltonstall|

G. West Saltonstall Family Foundation

Sandcastle Construction, Inc.

Ms. Gayle A. BridgmanSantucci & Mr. Joseph E. Santucci

Mr. Timothy Ehrenberg & Mr. James Scheurell

Mrs. Caroline Schoudel

Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Scott

Ivy & Fran Scricco

Mrs. Michele Seass

Hercules & Margaret Segalas

Sally Horchow & John Seitz

Mr. Patrick Murphy & Mr. Anthony J. Selvitella

Shay Shull

Ms. Dorothy Slover

Tricia & Gil Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Spencer

Ms. Debi Lilly & Mr. Mike Springer

Mr. Christopher Drake & Mr. Will Steele

Mr. Tommy Stefanek

Mr. & Mrs. Miles Stephens

Mrs. Sarah T. Stephenson

Ms. Audrey Sterk

Craig & Marcia Strehlow

Ms. Jeannette Spinelli & Mr. Kevin Stutz

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sweeney

Ms. Christine Swistro

Mr. Randall Hammond & Mr. Andrew Thomas

Anne Hulcher Tollett

Dr. William J. Untereker

Deb & Don Van Dyke

Chilton D. & K. Morgan† Varner

Ms. Sui Chung & Mr. Michael Vastine

Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Visco

Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Ward

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Watson

Ms. Susan Watt

Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Wells

Mr. & Mrs. David Wetherell

Jacqueline Whalen

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart H. Whitlock

Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight

Mr. Robert Wilkie | Andersen Corporation

Betsy & Joe Wright

Ms. Etsuko Yashiro

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Young

Alison & Scott Zoellner

Capt. Benjamin Zotto

$250 - $499

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Adzick

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Affleck III

Mrs. Catherine M. Aguiar

Ms. Joan P. Albaugh

Mr. & Mrs. George T. Albrecht

Mrs. Tharon Anderson McEvoy

Duncan Anderson

Ms. Carrie R. Bartlett & Mr. Tyler Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. William Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Andrews III

Antiques Depot

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Atherton Jr.

Carol & Gene Atkinson

Mrs. Kathy Garre-Ayars & Mr. Thomas Ayars

Maisa Badawy

Mrs. Anne D. Bailliere

Ms. Susan E. Milmoe & Mr. James B. Bakalar

Ms. Callie Baker

Ms. Jennifer Benzie & Mr. Kirk Baker

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bartholdson

Vernon Bauer

Mr. & Mrs. Hamid Bean

Ashleigh & Scott Beardsley

Bill Beattie

Carol & Louis Beierle

Judy & John Belash

Ms. Deborah C. Belichick

Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Bell

Ms. Carol Bellmaine | Carol A. Bellmaine Living Trust

Allie Beman

Mr. & Mrs. Andy Bender

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Bennett

Mr. & Mrs. William Birch

Mrs. Josette Blackmore

Ms. Lesley F. Blanchard

Mr. & Mrs. James Bloomfield

Mrs. Joan R. Bolling

Bruce Bond

Mr. James Borzilleri

Ms. Jane Bourette

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Boynton

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Bradford

Nicole & Jonathan Brightbill

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Briskman

Caroline & Kurt Buechle

Mr. & Mrs. Barry Byrne

Layton Campbell

Mr. Gregory Carcione

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Carey

Ms. Darlene Tucker Carr

Mrs. Bonnie Carr

Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Carr Jr.

Mrs. Janet L. Carreau

Ms. Kelly A. Carrero

Russell Carson

Ms. Karen Carvalho-Frank

Mrs. June Carver

Mr. & Mrs. William Casey

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield

Ms. Barbara Cedergren

Cindy Cerne

John C. Chadbourne

Mr. & Mrs. James G. Congdon

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Constable

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Conz

Ms. Catherine A. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Coscia

Kendra & Philip Cox

Ms. Karin J. Crooks

Mrs. Carol M. E. Cross

Maureen & Jeff Crowley

Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Crowley

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Currey

Ms. Cynthia Curtis

Lizzie Cushing

Ms. Jennifer L. Eckert & Mr. Richard A. D’Amore

The Dance Space

Ms. Stephanie Dauer

Beth & Wayne Davies

Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Davis III

Ms. Amy Baldwin & Mr. Hugh Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Dirk de Roos

Tricia & Mark Deck

Dr. Susan Decoste

Mr. & Mrs. Harvey DeMovick

Mr. & Mrs. David S. Deutsch

Anne & Patrick Sewez

Mr. & Mrs. Peter DiCristofaro

Ms. Diane E. Dietle

26 Nantucket Historical Association † Deceased Giving 2022

Ms. Stephanie Doherty

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dolan

Lady Terri Dougherty

Emily Driscoll

Mr. Robert F. Duker

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Dunn | Lee & Tharon Dunn Family Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Eichler

Mr. & Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr.


Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw & Mr. John P. Emert

Jeannie Esti

Mary & Frank Fahrenkopf

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fellon

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Ferguson

Mr. & Mrs. John Flahive

Flowers on Chestnut

Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Forman

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Foster

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Friel Jr.

Ciara & Jack Fritsch

Ms. Kate C. Stout & Mr. Pete N. Funkhouser

G. S. Hill Gallery

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Garofalo

Mr. Denis H. Gazaille

Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Gennaro

Mrs. Nancy Gewirz

Anne & Whitney Gifford

Peter Ginn

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Goddard

Melissa Goin

Ms. Bee D. Gonnella

Ms. Meg A. Mabbs & Mr. William Gooch

Kim & Theodore Goodnow

Ms. Sherry Roe-Gould & Mr. Robert Gould

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Grace

Justin Cerne & Andrew Graham

Maria M. & Joseph T. Grause

Ms. Joanne Lawrence & Mr. Richard Gray

Mr. & Mrs. Justin L. Green

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Greenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Greene

Ms. Lumina Greenway

Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Grillo

Jean & Garth Grimmer

Mr. & Mrs. Brad Guidi

Mr. Adam Guillette

Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan N. Hagglund

Ms. Karen Avrich & Mr. Mark Halperin

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hamelburg

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Hammond

Jane & Redge Hanes

Mr. Mark S. Harmsen

Ms. Barbara Harris

Kyra & Charlie Haydock

Maureen & Phillip G. Heasley

Carol Heller

Mrs. Nina Hellman

Mrs. Paula Henderson

Kenny & Michael Hilbig-Ross

Julia D. Hobart

Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Hobby

Robert Hockaday

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hoffmeister

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hogya

Ms. Ida Becker & Mr. Hank Holliday

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hollister

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Horton

Hostetler Gallery

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Houlihan Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William P. Hourihan Jr.

Tyrrell Flawn & John Howe

Mrs. Lisa Huertas | The Lisa L. Huertas Charitable Fund

Abby Hulme

Mrs. Lyn Hurlock

Gail & Ron Irving

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Isakson

Mr. Almon W. Ives

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jacobsen

Ali & Peter Jennison

Ms. Sarah Barnes & Mr. Brad Jensen

Mr. & Mrs. Julian Joffe

Ms. Jill Johnson

Ms. Janet B. Joy

Ms. Hannah Judy Gretz

Ms. Debra Kanabis

Ms. Bonnie S. Kane

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Karpowicz

Mr. Robert M. Kaye

Barb & Dave Kaytes

Mr. Paul W. Keeshan

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kellogg Jr.

Mr. Joseph D. Gioe & Mr. Stephen T. Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Keogh

Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Killian

Justine & Richard Kingham

Dr. Mimi Koehm

Denise & Jack Korngold

Mrs. Barbara E. Kotalac

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Kotchen

Mr. & Mrs. David Kowitz

Roger Krakoff

Hon. & Mrs. Edward T. Krumeich II

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kuykendall

Cynthia & Anthony Lamport

Mr. Richard Landfield

Carol B. Langer

Irma & Talbert Lauter

Le Languedoc Bistro

Ms. Jane Leider

Cynthia & Charles Lenhart

Edi & Sal Lentini

Mrs. Margaret R. Lenzner

Mrs. Lucy Leske

Carole Worth Levin & James Levin

Allison Levy

Karin & Carl Lieberman

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lilly

Karyn Lindsay

Mr. & Mrs. John Lochtefeld

Ms. Susie L. Locke

Mr. & Mrs. Ian Kimball Loring

Giving 2022

Ms. Sherry C. Lowe

Wendalyn Lunt

Maggie Stewart Events

Michael Maguire

Ms. Mary D. Malavase

Ms. Carolyn C. Maness

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Manus

Ms. Diane Margison

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marks Jr.

Ms. Colleen Marocco

Mr. & Mrs. John Martin

Ann & Dennis Marvin

Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mastain Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William Matarese

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Matthews | Matthews Family Charitable Fund

Mrs. Frances Unrine & Dr. Robert Mauro

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Maxwell IV

Mary & Bob McCann

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. McCasland

Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell

Mrs. Susan P. McFarland

Sandy Medallis & Tom McGrath

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. McGuire

Ms. Mary Lou McGuire

Mrs. Sarah P. McIntosh

Ms. Veronica N. Bolcik & Mr. Kerry C. McKenna

Abbey McMahon

Kimberley & Edward McNamara

Ms. Audrey L. Nevins & Mr. John McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Medaugh

Lisa Michel

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton

Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone | The Milone Family Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Mix III

Tad Montross

Vicki & Hicks Morgan

Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr.

W C Mortenson Jr

27 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

Ms. Katherine Q. Murphy

Stephen Murray

Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd.

Nantucket Book Partners, LLC

Nantucket Catering Company

Nantucket Frameworks

Nantucket Fusion Inc.

Nantucket Inn

Nantucket Office Products

Nantucket Radio & True Island


Nantucket Vacations

Ms. Nancy Near

Mr. & Mrs. James Nederlander

Thomas Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Newby | Newby Charitable Fund

Ms. Ellen Niven

Darcy & Rick Nopper

Katie Norton

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Nottebohm

Mr. & Mrs. Graham O’Brien

Mrs. Katharine S. O’Brien

Mr. Thomas J. Kim & Mr. John F. Olson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Oneslager

Susan Ostrowski

Ms. Ann O’Sullivan

Susan & Karl Ottison

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Owen | Owen Family Fund

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Owens| Owens Charitable Foundation

Mr. William Paladino

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Pappas

Mr. & Mrs. P. Stephen Paradis

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Parr

Ms. Suzanne Morrissey & Mr. Brent Partlow

Mrs. Patrice A. Passaro

Ms. Joanne E. Sullivan & Mr. Neil Paterson

Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Paul

Lindy L. Paull

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Paushter

Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Peacock

Ms. Nefertiti Greene & Mr. John Peeples

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Perelman

Alicia & Robert Petrini

Cynthia Petruzella

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis F. Pew

Judith & Richard Phelan | Judith B. & Richard S. Phelan Family Foundation, Inc.

Emily Pochman

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Pongrace

Mr. & Mrs. David Powell

Jackie & H.F. Powell

Miss Sarah Powers PPX Events

Gene M. Pranzo

Ms. Imogen Pritchard

Ms. Sheila E. McCarthy & Mr. Robert Quarz

Mr. Lisa Rainis

Ms. Kathleen Fennell & Ms. Victoria Rakov

Ms. Kristina Ralkova

Mr. Walter Rauscher

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ray

Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Reinemo

Mr. Rodger Renzulli

Ms. Alla Reznik

Johanna & Blake Richard

Mr. & Mrs. David Richards

Ms. Leilani DeMatteo-Work & Mr. Frederick Richmond

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Rief

Dr. & Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon

Ms. Linda Ryan & Mr. Fred Ritzau

Mr. & Mrs. Randal M. Robinson

Susan Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. David Roby

Ms. Kany D. Gutierrez & Mr. Adan Rodriguez

Sarah Hanley & Malcolm J. Rohrbough

Priscilla & Kermit Roosevelt

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Rose

Mr. Jack Rosenfeld

Adam Ross

Mrs. Diane A. Palmeri & Mr. Albert M. Rossini

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Rowland

Ms. Kristin Juelson & Dr. David Rubaltelli

Miss Marie Runfola

Mr. Aaron Anderson & Mr. Ryan M. Runstadler

Ms. Sarah Russell

Mrs. Melanie R. Sabelhaus

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Schilling

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schmidt

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Schutt | Laurie R. & William R. Schutt Charitable Fund

Drs. Anna Hemnes & Jacob Schwarz

Ms. Judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schweizer


Bobbie Howrey & Thomas Schwenke

Laurie Scott

Claire H. & Richard A. Seaquist

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shanahan


Ms. Mary Howell & Mr. Jeffrey Shapiro

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Sharpe

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Shaver

Mr. William J. Sheehan

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Sheridan

Ms. Marcia Shiff

Happy & Sam Shipley

Ms. Christine M. Kinney & Mr. Bill Siderewicz

Laura Sigg

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Simpson

Ms. Julie A. Fitzgerald & Mr. Carl H. Sjolund

Ms. Carol Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Karl Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Smith

Ms. Cynthia O. Smyth

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Soeder

Mrs. Andrea Solimeo & Mrs. Megan Solimeo

Ms. Anne E. Rosen & Mr. Andre M. Spears

Daniel Spelman

Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Spencer

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Spitler

Ms. Susan K. Spring

Ms. Valerie Stauffer

Mrs. Jane B. Stearns

Stephens & Company, Inc.

Mrs. Joly W. Stewart

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Stitt Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Harris E. Stone

Kristina & Brad Strand

William C. Strehlow

Mr. Reynold Strossen

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Jr.

Darla C. Stuckey

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Sullivan

Surfing Hydrangea Nursery

Paula & Bernie Swain

Mr. & Mrs. David Swain

Swain’s Travel

Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Sweatland Jr.

Robert I. Sylvia

Dr. Theresa G. Taylor & Mr. Michael R. Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. R. Scott Taylor

Ms. Alex Todd & Mr. Steve Teal

Ms. Devon White & Mr. Cameron Texter

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas

Mr. Kyle R. Thornton-Lamp & Mr. Michael D. ThorntonLamp

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey G. Tolsdorf

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Townsend

Brian Turbitt

Robert R. Turbyfill, III

Stephanie Tuttle

28 Nantucket Historical Association † Deceased Giving 2022

Mr. Joshua Ghaffari & Mr. Mark Tyndall

Mr. Robert Veghte


Rebecca Vizard

Cathy Vizzari

Ms. Lori L. Vun Kannon

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wacaster

Ms. Susan Wager

Mrs. Pamela P. Waller

Karen Walls

Mr. & Mrs. Tom S. Ward Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Waring

Susan M. Warner

Mr. & Mrs. William Warren

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wayland

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Webb III

Ms. Monique Parsons & Mr. David Wecker

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weinstock

Marcia Welch

Mr. & Mrs. Robin West

Whale Tail Weaving

Ms. Megan Pelino & Mr. Joe Whalen

Ms. Griselda Lyman & Mr. Duncan A. White

Mr. & Mrs. Matt White

Lili Whitelaw

Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Wright

Ms. Heather MacLeod & Mr. Michael Wright

Kathleen & Brent Young

Chris & Ana Young

Ms. Lucinda E. Young

Mrs. Margot T. Young

Mr. Scott Widmeyer & Mr. Alan Yount

Ms. Konstantina Zaras

Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zarcone

Mr. & Mrs. Jon H. Zehner

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Zumbach

$100 – $249

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abel

Abiah Folger Franklin ChapterNSDAR

Ilkania Acosta

Jennifer & John Addeo

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Akelman

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Akins

Mrs. Susan Albach

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Albani

Ms. Susan I. Stackpole & Mr. Dominick Alberino

Ms. Lisa Lutz & Mr. Scott Allard

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Jr.

Jose Felipe Amaral

Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Anderson, II

Susan & Mark Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Anderson

Ms. Elin Anderwald

Anne & Sandy Apgar

Ms. Lucy McKeon & Mr. Brad


Mrs. Gale H. Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Arst

Mrs. Kathy & Dr. Joseph Arvay

Leo C. Asadoorian

Jennifer Athas

Ms. Monica Scheel & Mr. Adam

F. Atwood

Mr. Alan F. Atwood

Jean & Tom Austin

Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Averne

Christy Wise & Robert Axelrod

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ayd

Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Baird

Mary Baird

Mr. & Mrs. Jonas Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel C. Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Baldassano

Vice Admiral & Mrs. John A. Baldwin USN Ret

Mr. & Mrs. Trevor L. Baldwin

Ruth C. Baltzer

Ms. Eileen P. Gebrian & Mr. Timothy J. Barberich

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Barg

Mrs. Mary Beth Barkan

Mr. & Mrs. John Barnes

Mr. Richard G. Barnes

Mrs. Katherine Barney

Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Barney

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barney III

Ms. Kathleen J. Horton & Mr. Kevin J. Barry

Ms. Susan M. Cosper & Mr. Brian K. Bartlett

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bartlett

Beth & David Bartlett

Mrs. Rebecca M. Bartlett

Ms. Colleen Bassett

Sharon Bassett

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bauserman

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Beale

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bean

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Beardsley

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Beaugrand

Ms. Carla Kindt & Mr. William Beckett

Mr. Dean Behrend

Mr. & Mrs. Grant Behrman

Laura Fletcher & Rich Belair

Mrs. Susan Belcher

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Belford

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Benedict

Michelle & Matthew Benfer

Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bennett

Linda & Robert Berger

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Berglund

Nancy & Ronald Berman

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bermel

Berry Global

Katie Lacey & David Berson

Ms. Bernadette Bianco

Mr. Carlin R. Binder

Dr. Cherylyn Black

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Blake

Sandi & Robert Blanda

Ms. Margaret Boasberg

Elaine Boehm

Giving 2022

Sarah & Richard Boehm

Ms. Christina Boling

Paulette & Fred Boling

Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Bollam

Ella Bopp

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Borkowski

Sarah Ann Miller & David Bossi

Mr. & Mrs. John Bouchard

Mr. Tom Boucher

Ms. Caroline Fayard & Mr. Timothy Bovard

Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bower

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bowman

Mr. Tom Bowman

Judith Ivey & Tim Braine

Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. M. Brannock

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bransfield

Viviane & Bob Braunohler

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Breed

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey O. Breen

Mr. & Mrs. Hans Breiter

Mr. Larry Brewster

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bridier

Ms. Charlyne Broderick

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome

Marilyn M. & Haworth P. Bromley

Brown Basket Gallery

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Brown

Chrissy & Jesse Brown

Marsha Hall Brown & Robert S. Brown

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bub

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buday

Judy Buie

Ms. Sarah C. Bullard

Ms. Barbara E. Bund

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Buppert

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Burleson

Ms. Alicia Ruggiero & Mr. Patrick Burnett

Ms. Sharon Yencharis & Mr. Daniel Bursch

29 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

Ms. Brenda F. Burton | The Brenda F. Burton Revocable Trust

Ms. Elisabeth C. Roxby & Mr. Tony Butler

Ellen Mitchell & Charles Byrne

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Byron

Ms. Elizabeth B. Wooding & Mr. Kenneth L. Cady

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T. Cahill

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Calder

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Calhoon

Mr. & Mrs. Ian Calhoun

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Callahan Jr.

Laura Cameron

Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Campanella

Scott Campbell

Jody & Mark Canavan

Ms. Sally Susman & Mr. Robin Canter

Mrs. Nancy Weeks-Cantone & Mr. Greg Cantone

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Caplan

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Caponigro

Ms. Tanya Capaldo & Mr. Tom Caracciolo

Dr. & Mrs. Peter O. Carey

Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Carini

Mrs. Catherine C. Peters-Carle & Mr. Raymond E. Carle

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Carneal

Mr. & Mrs. George U. Carneal

Ms. Alicia Carney

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Carrolo

Mr. Hill Carter, Jr.

Ms. Irene T. Pelak & Mr. Louis J. Caruso

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Caspersen

Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady | Cassady Charitable Gift Account

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Cassano

Mrs. Sandal Cate

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cavanagh

Mrs. Susan H. Cavanaugh

Ms. Kathryn S. Chadwick

Mrs. Virginia G. Chambers

Ms. Carolyn J. Durand & Mr. Benjamin Champoux

Ms. Judy Levin-Charns & Mr. Marty Charns

Annette Sugden & Dale Chatwin

Mr. & Mrs. Don Claffey

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert T. Clark III

Ms. Pamela V. H. Clark

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Clifford

CLK Collective

Ms. Michelle Carr & Mr. Dan Cobb

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Coblentz

Bernard & Carol Coffin

Ms. Lee Anne Coffin & Mr. Charlie Coffin

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Coffin

Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Coffin

Dr. Millard F. Coffin

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Coffin

Ms. Victoria Myers & Mr. Michael Coggins

Doug Collatz

Ms. Barbara A. Colliander

Mrs. L T. Colliton

Ms. Laurie A. Margolies & Mr. Fernando C. Colon Osorio

Sandra & Scott Comstock

Ms. Nicole Tirapelli & Mr. Gordon Connor

Mr. & Mrs. James Conroy

Sharon & Steve Conway

Dr. Yeates Conwell

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Cook

Molly T. & Kenneth N. Cooper

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Costa

Ms. Bisy K. Stancheva & Mr. Joao A. Coutinho

Ms. Carol Mandel & Dr. Vincent T. Covello

Ms. Else Cramer

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Crampton

Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Cueto

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cullen

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Curren

Mr. & Mrs. David Curtis

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D’Agostino

Mr. Robert Dahdah

Mrs. Virginia H. Daisey

Mr. & Mrs. Linwood E. Dame

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Darling

Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey B. Davis

Mr. George P. Davis

Ms. Margaret E. Davis

Ms. Kristen Hawkeswood & Mr. Matthew S. Dawson

Mr. & Mrs. Rupert Deese

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Delano

Will Dell’Erba

Ann & Veronika Demers

Mr. & Mrs. W. Chris Dentiste

Ms. Lois Alimonti & Mr. Charles


Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Destefano

Ms. Roslyn L. Diamond

Dana DiCesare

Mr. & Mrs. John Dickson

Mrs. Lucille DiGravio

Karen & Vic DiGravio

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Doak

Ms. Mary Ann Hill & Mr. Patrick Dober

Maureen & Bob Dobies

Gerald H. Crown & Paul J. Dobrowolski

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dockerty

Mr. & Mrs. Al Dominick

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Donahue

Paula Doucette

Ms. Susan Halley & Mr. Robert Dowsett

Paolina Doycheva

Mr. & Mrs. George Drapeau III

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Drappi

Ms. Eileen Driscoll

Ms. Paula Driscoll

David Druley

Mrs. Mary M. Duffin

Mrs. Barbara Duffy

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Duggan

Eileen & Granville Duke

Mr. & Mrs. David Dunham

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Durling

Mr. & Mrs. John Eckstein

Mr. & Mrs. W. B. Edgell Jr.

Ms. Rachel Edwards

Mrs. Anastasia Contos & Mr. Evangelos L. Efstathiou

Mr. David Egner

Marianne & Tony Ehinger

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Eiden

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Elder

Mr. Nelson Eldridge

Cindy & Richard Elkman

Ms. Donna Elle

Ms. Michelle Elzay

Tish Emerson

Laurie Coben & Travis Epes

Ms. Mary C. Erler

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ernst

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ernst

Mrs. Barbara Erskine

Ms. Amy Weinstein & Mr. Philip Esocoff

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Fallon

Maia & Don Farish

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Faucette

Mr. & Mrs. John Faulkner

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Fawcett

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Feldberg

Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. FerenceGray

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Ferguson

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Fernandez

Diane & Will Ferris

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Ferron

Mrs. Janice Field

Mr. & Mrs. Nick J. Finamore

Ms. Tricia Flaherty

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Flavin

Ms. Julia Fleck

Christine & Brian Flynn

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Folberth III

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Forbes

Ms. Alison K. Forsgren

30 Nantucket Historical Association † Deceased Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fossen

Dr. Faith H. Frable

Dr. Stuart Frank

Dr. & Mrs. John P. Fraunfelder

The Fremont-Smith Family

Charitable Fund

Betsy Freytag

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Frick

Mr. Brad Friedlander

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Friedman

Ms. Danielle Fries

Ms. Susan M. Pettey & Mr. Roland M. Frye

Ms. Curran Schiefelbein & Mr. Dave Gacloch

Jamie Gagliano

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gallagher, III

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gallichio

Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Gambee

Susan & Michael Gannon

Ms. Jenette G. Bares & Mr. Juan

A. Garcia

Mr. & Mrs. William L. Gardner

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Garfield

Ms. Karen Ketterer & Mr. Paul


Dr. & Mrs. Jason R. Gee

Ms. Terry Schubach & Mr. Larry Gelb

Dr. Louise I. Schneider & Dr. John D. Genova

Ms. Suzann Johnson & Dr. Art


Dr. Debra Ann Gfeller & Mr. Michael Giaimo

Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gifford III

Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Gilbreth

Ms. Peggy Gilfoy

Ms. Jane Gillespie

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gillespie

Ms. Sarah C. Gleason

Mr. & Mrs. David G. Golden

Mr. & Mrs. John N. Goldman

Kitty & Peter Goldsmith

Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Goldstein

Ms. Madalyn L. Mann & Mr. Robert C. Goldszer

Dr. & Mrs. Jordan Goodman

Mr. Allan Goodrich

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr.

Dr. Maria Smith & Dr. Thomas Gorman

Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Gosh

Alberta & Irving Goss

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory G. Graff

Debra Graham

Ms. Judith Deutsch & Mr. Norman Graham

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Graham Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Peter Grape

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Greco

Ms. Mary McCartney & Mr. Louis Greco

Mr. & Mrs. Erwin L. Greenberg

Mr. Matthew Gregory

Mr. Edward Bottomley & Mr. Thomas Griggs

Margo Grodsky

Diane & Jeff Groff

Mr. & Mrs. William Groome

KC Gudonis

Jose Gutierrez

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Haberman

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hallinan

Jean & Hugh Halsell

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hamilton

Mr. & Mrs. Addison Hanan

Mrs. Janet MacKay-Hanlon & Mr. Francis Hanlon

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harde

Jane & Ralph Hardy

Mr. & Mrs. C. Steven Harkness

Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Hartman

Mr. & Mrs. Khaled S. Hashem

Ms. Emily Taylor & Mr. Justin Hassad

Ms. Carol A. Melton & Mr. Joseph Hassett

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Havery

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hayes

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Heckscher

Mr. & Mrs. Loren Heeringa

Mr. John M. Heggem

Mr. & Mrs. Thornton G. Henderson

Ms. Cynthia Henshall

Spencer Herman

Ms. Sandra A. Urie & Mr. Frank F. Herron | Urie/Herron Family Fund

Drs. Sarah A. Little & Douglas A. Hersh

Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Heyda

Ms. Eileen M. O’Gara & Mr. Kevin F. Hickey

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Hicks

Ms. Gretchen Knoell & Mr. Mark Higbie

Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Higgins

Mrs. Sarah K. Hindle | Sarah K. Hindle Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hiniker

Ms. Grace S. Hinkley

Mr. & Mrs. Rich Hjulstrom

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hodge

Mr. & Mrs. Dawson Hodgson

Mr. Anthony J. Gampetro & Mr. Ronald W. Hoffman

Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Holch

Louisa Holden

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Holdgate

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Holland

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Hollander

Susan Holmes Eelman

Mr. & Mrs. David Hooper

Lois & John Horgan

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Hsu

Ms. Sarah A. Wright & Mr. Terry Hughes

Catherine Hull

Chris & Dave Hulme

Mrs. Hayden C. Hurley

Mr. & Mrs. Burton C. Hurlock

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hussey

Mr. Scott G. Huston

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hutchison III

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ingram

Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Irwin

Ms. Eleanor Sabo & Mr. Robert A. Ittner

Cindy Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Ethan B. Jacoby

Ms. Susan E. O’Connell & Mr. Stephan T. Jaeger

Eileen Jamieson

Mrs. Cecil B. Jensen

Mx. Daintry Jensen

Erin & Duggan Jensen

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. M. Carl Johnson III

Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Johnson

Mrs. Cissie Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Morgan Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Russell B. Jones, III

Ms. Susan Joy

Ms. Elizabeth M. Julier

Mr. Rick Kalman

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Kaplan

Dorine & John Karnash

Mr. & Mrs. Sean Kean

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Kelley

Mrs. Karla J. Kelley

Mrs. Lydia Zinzi Kennelley & Mr. Mark Kennelley

Justine & David Kenney

Mrs. Anne Kern & Mr. Fred Kern

Ms. Katherine Thorpe & Mr. Terrance Kerr

Lindy Roethlisberger & Thomas Kershaw

Jane & Karl Kester

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Kimball

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Kindlon

Nina & David King

Mr. & Mrs. T. Barry Kingham

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kinnaman

Dr. & Mrs. R. Frederic Knauft

Dan Knise

Ms. Kimberly Stiner & Mr. Demian Kosofsky

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Koufakis

Susan R. & James S. Kozera

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Kramer

31 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

Emerson Kraus

Ms. Norma Goldman & Mr. Loren H. Kroll

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Kuncl

Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Kunkel

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Kyle

Lance Lafave

Ms. Louise W. Lamphere

Ms. Deborah Landreth

Mr. & Mrs. W. A. Landreth

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Lane

Ms. Nancy Perone & Mr. Kenneth Lange†

Mr. & Mrs. James LaPosta, III

Ms. Kim LaRue

Mr. & Mrs. Brandon D. Lawrence

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. LeBlanc

Ms. Marie Lefton

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Leggett

Mrs. Carol E. LeGray

Mr. & Mrs. George P. Lencyk

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Leo

Ms. Denise D’Aunno & Mr. Pete Leone | Leone-D’Aunno Family Fund

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lesko

Ms. Greeley Sachs & Mr. Seth Levine

Ms. Adrienne Ward & Mr. Daniel Levy

Susan Nestor Levy & Ron Levy

Dr. & Mrs. Albert G. Liddell

Ms. Jeneane Life

LTC (Ret ) & Mrs. Howard S. Lincoln

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lisi

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Littig, Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Littman

Ms. Vicki Livingstone

Mrs. Pamela F. Lohmann

Ms. Robin London

Ms. Chris Carpenter & Mr. Timothy P. Lonergan

Mr. & Mrs. Chris LoRusso

Ms. Margaret Ruley & Mr. David Lovett

Mr. & Mrs. James Lovett

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Lowell

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lowy

Alanna & Will Lucas

Mr. & Mrs. David A. Lund

Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Lund

Mrs. Mary C. Lunt

Mr. & Mrs. William Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander C. MacCormick

Ms. Tracy MacDonald

Mrs. Anna P. Macintyre

Mary Jane & William MacLean

Mr. Angus MacLeod

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maier

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Malinowski

Ms. Valerie Malinowski

Alice Reno & James L. Malone

Catherine Maloney

Charles & Ray Mann

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Manners

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Manning

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Manning

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Marache

Susan S. & James M. Marinelli

Mr. Cameron Marks

Kathrina & John Marques

Ms. Emily W. Anglund-Nellen & Mr. Gregory T. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Martinez

Ms. Donna F. Martino

Ms. Linda A. Mason

Mrs. Poppi Massey

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Matthews

Mrs. Lucinda May

Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAuley

Ms. Mary E. McAuliffe

Mr. Jackson McCard

Ms. Eileen McCombSchieneman

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan McCone

Jenn & John McCormick

Ann McDaniel

Mr. & Mrs. Jim D. McDonald

Ms. Kathleen E. McGovern | Kathleen E. McGovern Living Trust

Mr. & Mrs. James A. McGraw

Mr. & Mrs. James McGuire

Katherine Watts & Dale McIvor

Mr. & Mrs. Chris McKenna

Mrs. Oriana McKinnon

Mr. & Mrs. Richard McLean

Ms. Juliette C. McLennan

Ms. Julie S. McNamara

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McNeil III

Mrs. Margaret McQuade

Marlie & Bill McRoberts

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Meek

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mello

Mr. & Mrs. David Melrod

Mrs. Sharon Rabbitt & Dr. Richard Mercer

Cristin D. Merck

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Merola

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Merrill

Pam & Rick Merriman

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Metcalf

Dr. Dara Chira & Mr. Christopher Micciche

Ms. Wendy J. Greenberg & Mr. Simon Mikhailovich

Mr. & Mrs. Brady Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Miller

Rebecca & Dean Miller

Polly & Nick Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Misurelli

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mitchell

Katherine & David Mittelbusher

Susan & Terry Moffitt

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mooradian

Margaret Moore Booker

Jaye & David Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore

Ms. Amanda McGovern & Mr. J. D. Moriarty

Ms. Mary F. Wawro & Mr. Peter A. Morrison

Jonathan Morse

Morgan & Allen Morton

Marie & Steve Moss

Mr. Richard L. Mucci

Ms. Linda Mullestein

Ms. Erin McCarthy & Mr. Bill Mulligan

Ms. Alison Murphy

Ms. Sheenagh Bodkin & Mr. Brian Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Murphy

Ms. Shirley B. Murtha

Mrs. Dominique Romain & Mr. Casey Myers

Mr. & Mrs. Ari Namon

Nantucket Garden Club

Mr. Francis V. Nash

Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Nathan

Mr. & Mrs. Eloy L. Nava

Ramona Nee

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Neff III

Ms. Candice Pool & Mr. Casey Neistat

Jenny & Dwight Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Nelson

Ms. Debbie Nevins

Mr. & Mrs. Stephan F. Newhouse | S. & J. Newhouse Family Foundation

Paddy & Shane Nicholls

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Nielsen

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Nihan

lynette Novak

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nuttall

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Oakford

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Obermeyer

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Denis O’Brien

Susan & Stephen O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy O’Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Donnell

Ms. Michelle Toll & Mr. William O’Flanigan

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Ogletree

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ogren

32 Nantucket Historical Association † Deceased Giving 2022

Ms. Barbarine Rich & Mr. Toshio Okumura

Mr. & Mrs. William Oldakowski

Mr. & Mrs. Sam Oliva

Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Olmsted

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Olsen

Mr. Jeffrey L. Olsen

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Orloff

Robert Osgood

Mr. & Mrs. John Osowa Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Ottinger

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Ozias

Mrs. Delphine Paradis

Mr. & Mrs. Niles D. Parker

Mr. & Mrs. David Parks

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Patricia

Mr. W. Robert Patterson

Ms. Catherine Falcetti & Mr. Kyle Pedrotty

Abby & Steve Perelman

Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Peri

Mr. & Mrs. Blair Perkins

Pamela Perlman

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perlman | Robert & Lesley Perlman

Donor Advised Fund

Teressa Giguere Perry

Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Petersen

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Peterson

Ms. Brigitte Petrocelli

Mr. & Mrs. Rob Petty | Lydia & Rob Petty Family Foundation

Ms. Paula McLeod & Mr. James Pfaff

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Pfund

Rev. Deacon Susan S. Phillips

Mrs. Joyce V. Phipps

Ms. Kathleen McQuade & Mr. Russell Pike

Ms. Libby Pingpank

Mr. & Mrs. Jim B. Pinsky

Andrea & Neil Planzer

Dr. Gerald Platt, M.D.

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Plukas

Ms. Nancy Baskin & Mr. Jorge Plutzky

Ms. Sheila D. David & Mr. David Policansky

Mr. & Mrs. William Pollard

Mr. & Mrs. Max Polster

Valerie & Larry Post

Ms. Judith Powers

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Powers

Katherine Prendergast

Drs. Margaret A. & Trevor R. Price

Ms. Sandra Wertheimer & Mr. Jeremy Primer

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Puleo

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Rabb

Ms. Nina S. Duchaine & Mr. Rory J. Radding

Susan Raisch

Ms. Leigh Topham-Ramos & Mr. Rookie Ramos

Carol Ann Randolph

Claire† & Phillip J. Raneri

Mr. Andrew Law & Mr. David L. Rattner

Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray III

Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray, IV

Ms. Hillary C. Hedges & Mr. Jeffrey F. Rayport

Ms. Barbara Read

Mary & MacGregor Read

Diana R. Regan

Mr. Allen B. Reinhard

Ms. Victoria A. Greenhood & Mr. Robert B. Remar

Mrs. Laurie Richards

Susan & Peter Richards

Mr. Richard Richter

Mrs. Jeanne Riggs

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Riley | R.E. Riley Family Fund

Ms. Barbara M. Matteucci & Mr. John S. Rizzo

Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. Arnold N. Robinson

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Roblin

Mr. & Mrs. John Roche

Mrs. Robin Rodbell

Mr. & Mrs. Dana F. Rodin

Mr. & Mrs. K. Keith Roe

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Roeder

Kara & Steve Rogers

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rojcewicz

Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Rorick

Mr. & Mrs. Bennett Rose

Mr. Erik Rosenberg

Ms. Joan A. Rosenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Rothman

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ruben

Ms. Stephanie Wiles & Mr. Jeff C. Rubin

Mr. Donald P. Russell

Ms. Andree Fontaine & Mr. Gordon C. Russell

Camille Russo

Ms. Toni D. Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sabelhaus, Jr.

Liz Coolidge & Elisabeth Sackton

Ms. Marcia Butman & Mr. Toby Sackton

Ms. Kathryn Heflin & Mr. David Sadoff

Mr. & Mrs. Bret Samboy

Mrs. Christine Sanford

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Santos

Ms. Mary Ellen Keen & Mr. David F. Sawyer

Ms. Kelli Jo Schaefer

Ms. Nancy Cooke & Mr. Richard W. Schafer

Ms. Peggy Schiffer

Edwin A. Schreiner

Dr. Brian Schroeder

Dr. & Mrs. Edward Schultz M.D.

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schultz

Ms. Alexandra Schwarzman

Ms. Nancie Schwarzman

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Scott

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Scott

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Seay, Jr.

Laura Seidman

Mr. Peter Sendelbach

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Setter

Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Shaeff

Mrs. Nina Hellman-Shamos & Mr. Jeremy Shamos

Mrs. Lois K. Shapiro | Robert S. & Lois K. Shapiro Charitable Gift Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Shatzkamer

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Shaw

Mrs. Lynda Shea

Mr. William D. Shea

Elizabeth & Tim Sheeler

Mr. & Mrs. Rich F. Shertenlieb

Ms. Yoko Shioya & Mr. Alan M. Suhonen†

Mrs. Leslie Shriberg

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Shuppert

Mr. & Mrs. Drew Sievers

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Silberman

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Silverman

Mr. & Mrs. Ross Silverstein

Mr. & Mrs. Ed Simeone

Susan & Robert Simmons

Ms. Sueanne Pfifferling & Mr. Neil M. Singer

Mr. & Mrs. Ted SkeffingtonSilva

Avis Skinner

Mrs. Joanne Skokan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Skomurski, Sr.

Ms. Kristen Karlberg & Mr. Robert Skriloff

Mr. J. Sargent Slicer

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Smiles

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Smith

Dr. Grace E. Smith Ph.D.

Mr. & Mrs. H. Brooks Smith

Ann Colgrove & Larry Smith

Ms. Elizabeth T. Burns & Mr. Michael T. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Snarzyk

Mr. & Mrs. W. Lloyd Snyder III

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Soderberg

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Somerset

Mrs. Deborah D. Speer

33 Annual Report 2022 † Deceased

Giving 2022

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Springer

Pamela & Stephen St. Pierre

Mr. & Mrs. John Stanton

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stanton

Elena & William Starbuck

Ms. Ann W. Harrison & Mr. James A. Starkey

Mr. & Mrs. David Steinberg

Mr. & Mrs. Pete Steinle

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Stephens

Ms. Sally Giddens Stephenson & Mr. Thomas Stephenson

Lisa & Jamie Sterling

Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Stevens

Ms. Sharon Lefevre & Mr. Jim Stewart

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stillman

Mr. Charles Dorsett & Dr. Daniel Stobie

Mr. & Mrs. Grove W. Stoddard

Dr. & Mrs. Taylor Stoermer

Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Stone

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Strausser

Mrs. Remy S. Stressenger

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Strong

Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Stuart

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stueck

Mrs. Stephanie M. Wheeler & Mr. Luther Stuhlman

Wolfgang Suess

Barbara Elder & James Sulzer

Mr. William F. Susetka

Ambassador & Mrs. Louis B. Susman

Mr. & Mrs. John Sussek III

Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Sutherland

Allen Schuh & Jonathan C. Swain

Mr. & Mrs. Brad F. Sweeney

Anne Sweidel

Ms. Katrina Swihart

Mrs. Lisa Sydness

Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Sylvia

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Szwajkowski

Ms. Abbe Tackel-Raven & Mr. Martin S. Tackel

Ms. Valerie Taff

Mrs. Gail Ryan-Tannen & Mr. Kenneth Tannen

Mr. & Mrs. James V. Tanzola

Ms. Phoebe Tausig

Mr. & Mrs. Beau Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Taylor

Ms. Ana Van Winters & Mr. Robert Temkin

Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Terry Jr.

Ms. Lynn Tetrault

Dr. & Mrs. Greg Thompson

Ms. Christine O’Connor & Mr. Thomas Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Thulin

Mr. & Mrs. J. Barry Thurston

Boots & Dick Tolsdorf

Ms. Pamela S. LaFontaine & Mr. Nasri Toutoungi

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Trapasso

Dr. Thomas A. Travers

Mr. & Mrs. Doug Traynor

Lady Janel Trivelas

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Truffini

Mr. Richard L. Tuck

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Tuorto

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Turkington

Samuel Turner†

Mrs. Harriet S. Turner

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Twarog

Ethan Ulmer

Ms. Heather Unruh

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Uram

Clara Urbahn | Clara Foundation Inc

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Vail

Ms. Margaret Ryan & Mr. Charles Val

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Vale

Ms. Susan M. Valk

Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Van Brunt

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Van Putten

Susan & Michael Veysey

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Viens

Mrs. Ashley Villandry

Mr. & Mrs. Saulius Vita

Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Vittorini

Ms. Barbara H. von der Groeben

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Voss

Ms. Kathleen Wagner

Ms. Karen M. Allman & Ms. Elizabeth Wales

Ms. Kimberly K. Walin

Mr. Timothy J. Walker

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walkingshaw

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Wall

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walters

Ms. Suzanne M. Walton

Dr. & Mrs. John D. Warner Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Waterbury

Ms. Arryn Waterman

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Watson

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Wayland

Ms. Jennifer L. Zwarich & Mr. John W. Wayland

Ms. Ann P. Webber

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin R. Weber

Cynthia & Franklin Folger Webster

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Weeks

Mr. & Mrs. H. Thomas Weinhardt

Dr. & Mrs. Joel Weinstein

Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Weiss

Dr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Weiss

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Werle

Dr. & Mrs. F. Todd Wetzel

Mrs. Louise Whalen

Mrs. Barbara Coleman White

Ms. Lona Whitley

Mrs. Jenny Whitlock

Ms. Lynne Monroe & Mr. Frank Whittemore

Ms. Judy L. Widger

Mrs. Alison Wiggins

Mrs. Colleen Wildner

Beth & Hugh Wilkinson

Mrs. Paula K. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Williamson

Mr. & Mrs. George Wilson

Mrs. Joanne S. Wilson

Ms. Amy Behrman & Mr. Robert Wilson

Ms. Carole L. Windham

Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Windt

Mrs. Ramona Davis & Mr. Richard Wingard

Ms. Patricia Winn

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wismar

Ms. Pam Wohltman

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wolf

Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Wolff

Mrs. Carol C. Woodbridge

Lorraine & Charles Woods

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Woods

Ms. Chrissy Braden & Mr. Dana Worth

Ms. Leslie W. Forbes & Mr. David D. Worth

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wren

Ms. Kelly Dwyer-Wright & Mr. Sam Wright

Mr. & Mrs. Jon S. Wullschleger

Ms. Martha Wyant

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Yacos

Ms. Sara Hazelwood & Mr. Raul Yanej

Mrs. Alexandrea Stillman & Mr. Matt Yellen

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Zadnik

Mr. & Mrs. George B. Zaloom

Carolyn & Ron Zarrella

Ms. Noelani Zervas

Marcella & Rhoads Zimmerman

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zitzmann

The Nantucket Historical Association has made every effort to accurately acknowledge contributors from January 1 to December 31, 2022. We sincerely regret any errors or omissions. If you have questions, please contact the Development Office at giving@nha.org.

34 Nantucket Historical Association
† Deceased

Tribute Gifts

The Nantucket Historical Association appreciates the thoughtful generosity of all those who made tribute gifts in 2022 in support of the NHA’s mission.

Honorary Gifts

In Honor of Pat Anathan

Ms. Jane Condon and Mr. Kenneth Bartels

In Honor of Robert James Daly

Mrs. Sharon L. Daly

In Honor of Karen and Vic Digravio

Mrs. Lucille DiGravio

In Honor of Jamie Gretz

Mary Ann & Paul Judy

In Honor of Jack Hyatt

Mrs. and Mr. Steph Hudesman

In Honor of Paul Judy

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kimball

In Honor of Frances R. Karttunen

Ms. and Mr. Susan E. Milmoe

Ms. Margaret Ruley and Mr. David Lovett

Mr. and Mrs. Karsten Reinemo

Mrs. Joanne Skokan

In Honor of Mary Lacoursiere

Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez

In Honor of Rebecca Miller

Johanna & Blake Richard

Pam & Fred Shaeff

In Honor of the Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum

Ms. Karen T. Butler and Mr. John Thompson

In Honor of Franci Neely

Mr. and Mrs. Jared Crane

In Honor of Niles Parker

Mr. David Egner

In Honor of Nap Plank

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry

In Honor of GG Gardner Salisbury

Ms. Penny Dey

In Honor of Liz Schaeffer

Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Wolpow

In Honor of Janet Sherlund

Kate & Kell Damsgaard

Ms. Vicki Livingstone

In Honor of the Swain Family & Other Founders

Mr. Richard G. Barnes

In Honor of Nadege M. Sylvia

Mr. Robert I. Sylvia

In Honor of Susan Sylvia

Eileen & Granville Duke

In Honor of Kim Wentworth

Finn X. Wentworth

In Honor of Karl Wietzel

Mr. Robert Wilkie

In Memory Gifts

In Memory of Paul Cabral

Ms. Sui Chung & Mr. Michael Vastine

In Memory of Mary Gardner Coffin

Mrs. Sheila H. Lathrop

In Memory of Tristram Coffin

Mrs. Janice C. Wiesen

In Memory of Dr. John E. Craighead

Mrs. Christina C. Craighead

In Memory of John and Nancee Erickson

Ms. Lindsay M. Joost

In Memory of John V. Erickson

Mrs. Joyce V. Phipps

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ruben

In Memory of John Gilbert

Elizabeth Gilbert

In Memory of James Lentowski

Mrs. Sarah P. McIntosh

In Memory of Peter Nash

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bent

Christina Lee Brown

Jean & Garth Grimmer

Ms. Elizabeth M. Julier

Annabelle & Rebecca Kellogg

Mrs. Mary C. Lunt

Cristin D. Merck

Rebecca & Dean Miller

Sally W. Nash

Anne & Edwin Obrecht

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. O’Connor

Sonja & Niles Parker

Mr. and Mrs. G. West Saltonstall

Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Wight

In Memory of Dean Pihl

Donette Perry

In Memory of Susan L. Quinones

Mr. Alexander Jackson

In Memory of Glenna Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Smith

In Memory of Alan M. Suhonen

Ms. Yoko Shioya

In Memory of Priscilla Inez Cook Texter

Ms. Devon White and Mr. Cameron Texter

In Memory of Ruth Evelyn Tucker

Ms. Darlene Tucker Carr

In Memory of Paul E. Vardeman


Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Blum

Ms. Elaine Day

Mr. Robert D. DeWitt

Eldred’s Auction

Dr. Stuart Frank

Ms. Katherine Mierzwa and Mr. Michael Gerstein

Ms. Mary Ann Hale

Mrs. Nina Hellman

Mr. Andrew Jacobson

Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lund

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Martin

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Miklos

Sigrid & Ladd Thorne

35 Annual Report 2022
Giving 2022 † Deceased
36 Nantucket Historical Association
27% CONTRIBUTIONS 16% INVESTMENT RETURN 16% FUND-RAISING EVENTS 15% ADMISSIONS 8% MEMBERSHIPS 8% EARNED REVENUE 7% MUSEUM SHOP 3% PROGRAM REVENUE REVENUE, GAINS & OTHER SUPPORT OPERATING REVENUE 2022 2021 ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents $ 4,170,787 $ 2,423,210 Inventories 120,605 108,889 Other current assets 158,009 159,276 Contributions receivable, net 465,093 744,804 Property and equipment, net 14,417,980 15,199,238 Long-term investments 29,031,469 35,586,993 Collections — $ 48,363,943 $ 54,222,410 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 388,889 $ 540,021 Total Liabilities 388,889 540,021 Net assets Without donor restrictions Undesignated 355,179 785,844 Board designated 2,224,042 — Designated for endowment 11,970,247 13,499,955 Investment in property and equipment 14,417,980 15,199,238 With donor restrictions 19,007,606 24,197,352 Total net assets 47,975,054 53,682,389 $ 48,363,943 $ 54,222,410
Financial Report
The 2022 audited statements of financial position represent the work and accomplishments of our staff and supporters.


The Financial Statements for 2022 have been audited by Bollus, Lynch, and LLP, which has rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available upon request.

2022 2021 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions $ 1,841,944 $ 1,519,786 Admissions 1,033,346 908,799 Memberships 557,262 525,314 Education Programs 139,157 107,819 Museum Shop revenue 476,303 412,298 Investment return appropriated for operations 1,064,000 Interest Income 1,186 4,655 Special fundraising events 1,091,225 860,031 Government grant income — 520,937 Other earned revenue 553,336 385,307 Modification of donor restrictions (140,000) Total 6,757,759 5,104,946 Operating expenses Program services Curatorial 1,840,179 1,327,481 Education and public programs 1,269,829 834,399 Research and Library 720,525 535,310 Museum shop 353,146 305,583 Supporting services General and administrative 1,001,478 1,117,842 Membership and Development 504,263 530,778 Special events 434,930 257,198 Total 6,124,350 4,908,591 Change in net assets before depreciation 633,409 196,355 Depreciation expense 1,193,703 1,120,170 Change in net assets from operating activities (560,294) (923,815) Non-operating activities Investment return, net of amount appropriated for operations (6,869,524) 3,907,158 Interest income 1,836 216 Gain on the sale of property 1,233,090 1,924,745 Friends of NHA contributions 194,965 162,931 Contributions associated with affiliation agreement 1,034,868 Capital campaign contributions 738,225 150,572 Capital campaign expenses (8,113) (20) Modification of donor restriction 140,000 Change in net assets from non-operating activities (4,709,521) 7,320,470 Change in net assets before changes related to collection activities (5,269,815) 6,396,655 Purchase of collection items (437,520) (162,468) Change in net assets (5,707,335) 6,234,187 Net assets beginning of the year 53,682,389 47,448,202 Net assets end of the year $ 47,975,054 $ 53,682,389


Broadly supporting the day-to-day operations, the Annual Fund allows us to open the doors and meaningfully engage with our diverse audiences and be the leader in sharing Nantucket’s remarkable stories.

Donate today at NHA.org!

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