An Historical and Architectural Survey of 4 East Dover Street By Janet H. Howell
There were progressive events that were significant in the development of the present town of Nantucket and subsequently the building of the house at 4 East Dover Street. When the original settlers arrived on the Island of Nantucket, they homesteaded west and southwest of the present town. Expecting to earn their living farming and raising sheep, it soon became apparent that they must seek another livelihood to sustain the succeeding generations. The sea was the obvious answer and as early as 1678, the proprietors laid out the'Wesco Lots, in an area bounded by Liberty Street, Broad Street, Federal Street, and just beyond Westminister Street in the present town of Nantucket. The new com munity was to be, and did become a planned community of progressive growth. In 1716, Joseph Coffin was granted permission to build a wharf. The next year, 1717, the original harbor used by the first settlers, Capaum Pond, proving inadequate, provided the impetus to transfer all activity to the great natural harbor of Nantucket. The same year the land, below Main Street to the south, was divided into house lots. They were called Fish Lots and were immediately built upon, extending from Pine Street eastward to Quanato Bank, or the edge of the cliff between Orange and Union Streets. Fair Street divided this into two parcels, which significantly numbered 27. Three years later, 1720, the official site of Sherborn was moved to the present town of Nantucket. The next significant development of the town's growth was the construction of Straight Wharf by Richard Macy in 1723. By 1726, two new residential areas were protected. The first was West Monomoy, south of Fish Lots, and the second, South Monomoy, remained as meadowland. The dwelling of 4 East Dover Street is located in the area known as West Monomoy. This area is divided into two districts, totaling again and significantly, 27 parcels. The name Dover existed at thetime ofthe Isaac Coffin Survey, 1799. Dover Street proper is a short section between Orange and Union Streets. The longer stretch, extending from Orange to Pleasant Street is now called West Dover Street. This area known as