a long life has shown me so much favour. Although I have had my days of sorrow and of trial, I know of no man, living or dead, whose whole life has been so exempted from the evils common to mankind. W. M. 4th mo. 6 —1868
A Discerning Advertisement IN THE COLUMNS of T h e I n q u i r e r a n d appeared the following advertisement:
M i r r o r for
May 7,1873, there
"WANTED - A WIFE - I visited Nantucket last summer, and was well pleased with the place, and also with a few of its peo ple I conversed with. But when I found myself in church one Sabbath evening, to find almost the entire place occupied by ladies, the sight of my eyes affected my heart! "I resolved to come again to Nan tucket, but before I do so, I will tell the ladies I am in earnest, and want a wife from your island. "I am a little above middle age, born in Bristol County, Mass., physically and intellectually agreeable, of a good disposition, neat in person, orderly and systematic in details, well educated, temperate in all things, and not using tobacco nor strong spirits, constitutionally moral and practically religious, and have pro perty in real and personal invest ment. "To a lady of like qualities and means of support not under 35 years of age, I will open cor respondence with view of matrimony. References exchang ed. Henry Hudson 17 Court Street Boston, Mass."