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Address Changes
Peter Foulger 21
2. Alexander Starbuck's T H E H I S T O R Y O F N A N T U C K E T , Tuttle ed. 1969 gives the clearest account of the invitation issued to Peter Foulger and his family, by the freeholders of Nantucket. Page 24.
First and foremost, to Prof. Howard B. Gill, I send my warmest thanks. Only with your faith and support was this project made possible for all of us.
As always, I am grateful to the Nantucket Historical Association, to Edouard A. Stackpole, director of the Peter Foulger Museum, and to Mrs. Louise Hussey, librarian, whose memory is a library resource all by itself.
Also, to the Dukes County Historical, Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, Dr. Thomas Norton, director, and Shirley Erikson, librarian, I send special thanks, for making me feel at home by allowing me to "poke around" and look for material.
Most of all, I am indebted to my networking crew of fellow researchers. They have given so much of their time and energy to the Peter Foulger Project. I could not have done any of it without them. They are: Walter Weston Folger, "genealogist supreme", North Carolina; Bruce Robinson, newspaperman, historian, England; Virginia Folger Snow, collector of Folger genealogy and dear friend, California.
Also, to those good people who took the time to send me copies of documents that I could not get: maps, pictures and letters of encouragement I send my thanks. Please keep writing. They are: Mr. and Mrs. John A. Foulger, Wymondham, England; Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Thrower, Carrow Hill, Norwich, England; Mr. Eustace A. Partridge, Attleborough, Norfolk, England; Marjorie Hocks, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts and countless other good people who sent material from England and Canada.
And — a special thank you note to the Nantucket Learning and Resource Center, without whose equipment I never would have had this article finished on time.