Our Association Receives 2-year Grant For Archival Work and Photographs
THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION is proud to announce that it has received a two-year grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to prepare appropriate finding aids and provide protective storage for the collections of historical papers and photographs housed at the Peter Foulger Museum. The grant makes it possible to hire Mrs. Jacqueline Haring, a professional archivist, who will direct and take part in the project. Mrs. Haring has been a summer visitor and resident of Nantucket since 1927 when she and her parents first fell in love with the island. After attending Vassar College and the University of Michigan, she became Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Student Affairs at the University. During World War II, she served as a Red Cross worker at tached to a combat regiment in the South Pacific, and moved with the troops through New Guinea, the Philippines and into Japan, where she was the first American woman to enter Kyoto, only ten days after the bombing of Hiroshima. Following the war, she worked as a Research Assistant for the Na tional Security Council. Marriage to a professor at Knox College took her to Galesburg, Illinois, where she became Curator of Special Collec tions of the College soon after their daughter entered school. Although she was originally responsible for only the extensive art collections belonging to the College, she assumed the duties of College Archivist as well upon the death of the retired professor formerly holding that posi tion. These duties necessitated her return to graduate school at the University of Illinois where she studied Archival Administration under Theodore Schellenberg, former Deputy Archivist of the United States and one of the early authorities in the field. When her husband retired from teaching, Mrs. Haring reduced her work at the College to cover merely the care of its manuscript collec tions. However, when the Knox County Historical Society needed help cataloguing and exhibiting its large collection, she accepted a parttime position to accomplish this for them. Meanwhile, the National En dowment of the Humanities, for whom she has been a consultant on ar chives since 1975, asked her to inventory the manuscript holdings of the Nantucket Historical Association in connection with a grant proposal they had submitted. This led indirectly to her working each summer since 1981 sorting, arranging, and writing finding aids for the Associa tion's collections of historical records.