Historic Nantucket, April 1985, Vol. 32 No. 4

Page 24


Nantucket Whale Oil and Street Lighting by Edouard A. Stackpole MELVILLE, IN HIS "Moby D i c k " made a remarkable statement in his passage on "The Advocate". He wrote: "But, though the world scouts us as whale hunters, yet does it unwittingly pay us the profoundest homage; yea, an all-abounding adoration! for almost all the tapers, lamps, and candles that burn around the globe, burn, as before so many shrines, to our glory!" There was a considerable truth in his words. The part played by Nantucket whalemen was, however, even more extraordinary. The name of this Island was known throughout the western world as being synonymous with American whaling. In the 18th century the Nantucketers had inaugurated an entirely new Colonial industry called "whaling in the deep". Until the end of its long career as a whaling port its reputation was established, as Nantucket whaling men became the pioneers in exploring and discovering new whaling grounds in all the great oceans of the world. Because of the influence of the Society of Friends in its life on land and at sea, these whalemen were called by Melville "Quakers with a vengeance". During the 18th century the Nantucket whaleships lighted the lamps of both the new and old worlds. The true impact of the whaling industry on the habits and customs of the town and city life of its time has never been fully evaluated. It must be remembered that, before the introduction of the whale oil lamp, the means of lighting homes and buildings was governed by the meager illumination allowed by fish oil, torches and tallow dip candles. With the coming of a better light through the whale oil lamp, the lengthening period of study and recreation created greater oppor­ tunities for the advancement of learning and social gatherings. As an example of cultural advancement, the dim medieval theatre was suc­ ceeded by the first theatres with stage lights, footlights and other ad­ vancements in the art of stage craft, using whale oil and candles. The 18th century saw a new era in lighting history. In contrast with the crude fish and vegetable oil lamps, the rush lights, link torches and

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