2001 Annual Report

Page 1

Board of Trustees


Friends of the NHA

Planned Gift Conunittee

Sarah j. Baker Rebecca M. Bartlett Patricia A. Bridier Laurie S. Champion Nancy A. Chase Prudence S. Crozier John H. Davis joseph S. DiMartino Alice F. Emerson

Walter Beinecke Jr. Joan Brecker Patricia Butler Helen Winslow Chase Michael de Leo Lyndon Dupuis Martha Groetzinger Dorrit D. P. Gutterson Nina Hellman Elizabeth Husted Elizabeth jacobsen Francis D. Lethbridge Reginald Levine Katherine S. Lodge Sharon Lorenzo Patricia Loring William B. Macomber Paul Madden Robert F. Mooney jane C. Richmond Nancy J. Sevrens Scott M. Stearos Jr. Mary-Elizabeth Young

Pat &Thomas Anathan Mariano & Mortimer Appley Heidi &Max Berry Christy &William Camp Jr. Laurie &Robert Chan1pion Dottie &Earle Craig Jr. Prudy &William M. Crozier Jr. Robyn &John Davis Sandra &Nelson Doubleday Nancee &John Erickson Marjorie & Charles Fortgang Nan &Charles Geschke Susan &Herbert Goodall ill Georgia &Thomas Gosnell Silvia &Thcker Gosnell Barbara & Robert Griffin Barbara & Edmund Hajim GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Barbara & Harvey jones Kathryn &James Ketelsen Sara Jo &Arthur Kobacker Coco &Arie Kopelman Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Phyllis &William Macomber Miriam &Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Meoschel Aileen &Scott Newquist Corky &Flint Ranney Gleaves &Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen &David Ross Ill Linda &Harvey Saligman Charlotte Smith Genevieve & Richard Thcker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Young Jr.

Bruce B. Bates Richard H. Brooks Ruth E. Grieder William & Phyllis Macomber Thomas Rouillard Penelope Scheerer Lawrence L. Stentzel

Third Vice President

Mary F. Espy Barbara E. Hajim Se<Xmd Vice President

Thomas C. GosneUt Virginia S. Heard¡ julius jensen ill Arie L. Kopelman President L. Dennis Kozlowski

janeT. Lamb Carolyn B. MacKenzie Albert L. Manning Jr. Bruce D. Miller Treasurer Peter W. Nash First Vice President

Steven Rales• Arthur I. Reade Jr. Alfred F. Sanford ill Isabel C. Stewart john M. Sweeney Richard F. Thcker Marcia P. Welch David H. Wood Robert A. Young


Editorial Board of Advisors Susan F. Beegel Mary H. Beman Margaret Moore Booker Richard L. Brecker Helen Winslow Chase Thomas B. Congdon Jr. Robert F. Mooney Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick Sally Seidman James Sulzer David H. Wood


* Term. completed in 200 I

Cover: Three-year-oldJakob Wikar at the NHA ~Harvest Pair. Photograph by Mara Wiggin.

NHA Research Fellows Dr. Elizabeth Little Pauline Maier Nathaniel Philbrick Patty jo S. Rice Renny A. Stackpole

Properties of the NHA Oldest House Hadweo House Macy-Christian House Robert Wyer House Thomas Macy House 1800 House Greater Light Old Mill Old Gaol Old Town Building Thomas Macy Warehouse Fire Hose Cart House Quaker Meeting House NHA Research Library Nantucket Whaling Museum Peter Foulger Museum Museum Shop Bartholomew Gosnold Center and Annex Folger-Franklin Memorial Fountain, Boulder, and Bench Settlers Burial Ground Tristram Coffin Homestead Monument Little Gallery Eleanor Ham Pony Field Mill Hill

Table of Contents From the President


From the Executive Director


Highlights of 2001


2001 Acquisitions & Loans


Financial Reports






Capital Campaign


Special Events


Annual Antiques Show and Festival ofTrees



Institutional Members


Life Members


Business Members


The swag of stars and stripes on these pages is a graphic detail from the 2001 exhibition antucket and the Declaration of Independence. Tbe red, wbite, and blue motif continued at the Nl!A'sAugustAntiques Sbow and,Jollowing tbe tragedy of September 11, tbe Festival of Wreaths and Trees.

Message from the President


t has been a year of great progress for

be acknowledged leaders in their the NHA in terms of specialized areas, achieving several major and with a stronger goals. We began by tightenbase of financial suping our focus as in-depth port the organization analyses made clear will be in a position that there will never be i:o go from strength enough financial and to strength. human resources to do We are thrilled everything that w e would with tl1e success ideally like to accomplish. of our new research Being realistic and prioritizlibrary in the renoing our "wish list" was the vated Fair Street NHA executive director Frank Milligan(!) and NHA preszdent Arie Kopelman (r) with financially responsible Museum; it is such Joel Brown, president o/PacificNationaÂŁ a FleetBoston Financial Company, at the Declaration starting p oint. a great example ofIndependence exhzbition in ]uly 2001. Photograph by Jef/rey S. Allen To that end, we refined of what can be our mission statement and accomplished with agreed that everything we do would begin with this strategic solid planning and hard work. The same passion that got that statement. Last May, we tmanimously approved an outstanding job done will be applied to the planned Museum Center. The new facility will not only be important to the NHA but Interpretive Plan, whicl1 represented a monumental step a much needed and very special venue for the island. forward for the organization.The plan presented by our Museums obviously bring so much to a community; executive director, Frank Milligan, provided tightly defined a tmique and appropriate plan for Nantucket's Museum historical themes upon which to base future exhibitions, Center will allow our mission statement to come alive! I am acquisitions, and progran1s. delighted to tell you that we are well along in accomplishing Subjects were grouped into five specific themes: Peopling this core goal.TI1e NHA's future is indeed an exciting one, tl1e Island; Making a living; Island Ideologies; Nantucket and I am enormously grateful to the board, staff, and all The Resort andArtist Community; and Whaling (of course!). Nantucketers who are helping to make this important The "final five" evolved from a series of meetings with dream become a reality. community experts in various fields, trustees, and staff. They w ere tl1en developed more fully over a three-month period by a staff team.The tl1emes provide a well-defined road map to guide our educational, curatorial, and marketing work. The plan grows out of a basic tmderstanding that it is impossible to be all things to all people .To be really successArieL Kopehnan ful, we must zero in on those historical stories and events that most closely fit witl1 our collections and expertise. Our galleries will contain regularly changing exhibitions of Nantucket material and traveling exhibitions from mainland museums that will be considered "must see" experiences. We will also be offering a new range of innovative and engaging public progran1s. Our historical resources relating to Nantucket Island will be known and utilized by a wider range of scholars and researchers.And we will be an organization that works more closely with Nantucket and mainland schools to inspire in our students an appreciation of the island's history. Our staff will


Interpreter Peter WILson demonstrates

Executive Dtrector'sOverview


he Historical Association has just completed a truly remarkable year, filled with many accomplishments that bring us closer to becoming the kind of organization that we want to be - a cultural jewel full of fun and celebration and a vibrant, intellecn1ally sound institution that stands for the best of popular instruction and scholarly research. Of those many accomplislunents none were more important than the breakthrough completion and trustee ratification of the NHA's first-ever Interpretive Plan and the strategic thinking that it encompasses. Its substance and importance are explained more fully inArie Kopelman's remarks in this report. Institutionally, we survived the tmcertainties of September 11 and ended the year once again with a balanced budget. Admissions were very strong, based in part on a successful change to our musemn/historic site admissions strucnrre. Gone are the separate admissions to our many properties, replaced with the "HistoryTicket;' a one-time "all in" admission to all NHA properties, museums, and walking tour. I am particularly proud of the NHA's marketing, membership, and finance staffs who planned this significant change, and of om "front desk" visitor-services staff and historical interpreters who made the system work "on the floor." Our day visitors, members, and group tour pa.1tners quickly realized the tremendous value that the History Ticket represented. From a marketing point of view, the History Ticket successfully steered many more visitors to our outlying historical properties since tl1ey had in effect already prepaid t11eir admission to sites like the Old Mill, Oldest House, and Hadwen House. In April we dedicated our spectacular new Research Library a.11dArchives located in what was tl1e NHA's first"home;'a new fireproof building that was built in 1904 adjacent to t11e association's Quaker Meeting House on Fair Street. That earlier passion for a new building to safeguard a.11d display tl1e NHA's growing collection and house its administrative needs was fueled by many NHA members' personal memories of the devastating fire that ravaged Nann~eket town in 1846. A new concrete building would ensme tlut the NHA's priceless collections would never be lost to another fire. Now that same building has been reborn as a state-of-the-art research library and ardlives as pa.11: of our capital campaign. I want to congran!.late the members of the Research Library Building Committee, especially its chairperson, Patricia M. Bridier, and the NHA staff for t11eir comnlitment to opening this building on time and on budget. It can be done on Nantucket! The new NHA Research Library and Archives includes the charming Whitney Gallery, in wl1id1 manuscripts and artifacts will be displayed; the main floor EdouardA. Stackpole Reading Room; climate-controlled storage spaces that securely house our rare books, manuscripts, and photographs; and at long last proper workspace for staff and researchers. Om library and archives staff did a marvelous job transforming the empty new rooms into a warm and inviting, efficient research destination.

In her remarks at the association's Eleventh Annual Meeting in 1905, NHA cmator Susan Brock spoke of the ".fu.iry-tale" efforts that had raised the money and designed and built the new headquarters all within ten years of t11e NHA's founding. In dosing, she congran!.lated the assembled members for having the vision and dedication "to have built a solid foundation for a nobler strucnrre to be reared by t11ose who shall come after us." Miss Brock would be pleased to know t11at design work for that "nobler strucnrre"- om new Museum Centercontinued in earnest throughout 2001. Rising on om Broad Street property tl1e center will provide all of the necessary facilities required by a growing cultural organization. For the first time in its history the NHA will have environmentally controlled exhibition galleries in wllich to display the thousands of artifacts that have been in storage for so many decades. No less important will be the long overdue restoration work undertaken on the Whaling Museum, renovations to the Museum Shop, and proper administrative and exhibition support spaces necessary for a twenty-first-century historical association. I am especially proud of tl1e many new displays and public progra.n1s launched by the Historical Association over the past year, led by the exhibition featuring a Dunlap Broadside copy of the Declaration of Independence, which drew large and enthusiastic Sllfl1iller crowds. The exhibit was truly a "Team NHA'' accomplislunent, from the trustees and patrons who helped a.rra.11ge the doetilllent's loan to the curatorial, properties, and publicity staffs who designed, installed, and progra.nuned it so effectively. The exhibits proved a fitting backdrop to the many new cllildren's programs, lecnrres, and workshops that were offered throughout the year - many of t11em free of charge. Over the past year the NHA staff and volunteers continued to break new ground in delivering a ftill range of successful fund-raising special events. The August Antiques Show; the Festival ofTrees and Wreaths; and the newcomer, the NHA Wine Auction during the Nantucket Wine Festival, collectively raised dose to a third of t11e NHA's total operating budget! We simply could not care for our properties, collections, or offer so many quality learning opportunities without the tremendous amount of work performed by om staff and volunteers. These special events are exhausting to carry off for such a small staff, and we are so very thankft!.l for the htmdreds of volunteers who give their time and effort planning these events. This is a time to reflect but also to look ahead, and in that regard I can comfortably say that the skies are fair, the winds favorable, and a steady comse is set for continued advennrre and success! I ca.rmot think of a better ship to be sailing in or a better btmch of shipmates.




Tbe Old Mill's new stocks were installed in November. Tbe new stocks came from a 300-year-old white oak.

Highlights ofthe Year 2001 Curatorial, Interpretation, and Research 1:? A rare Dunlap Broadside of the Declaration of Independence was the centerpiece of an exhibition in the Peter Foulger Musemn. Over a twenty-six-day period, 4,796 people flocked to see the 1776 document, 1,200 on the opening day alone. Other 2001 exhibitions included "Wews of Old Nantucket": Photographs by Henry S. Wjler,¡ Maritime Folk Art; The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex; Whaling Then and Now, a collaborative display with sn1dents from the Nantucket High School; and a small display about the Marconi Wireless Station to celebrate the 1OOth anniversary of its installation. 1:? Pacific National, a FleetBoston Financial Company gave a grar~t of $25,000 to tmderwrite the cost of the 2001 exhibitions and related programming. i:l In November, chief curator Niles Parker joined a group of curators and scrimshaw collectors on a seventeen-day tour of Hawaii and Australia made possible by restricted gifts. While visiting several nineteenth-cenrury Pacific whaling ports, Parker had the opportlmity to examine firsthand world-class collections of scrimshaw.

1:? The Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association celebrated their fifteenth anniversary and marked the occasion with some important acquisitions. (See a complete list of acquisitions on page 12.) 1:? After three years of planning and construction, the renovated Fair Street Museum opened to the public in January as the Nantucket Historical Association Research library. A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held in April with guest speaker Thomas Farel Heffeman. -{;:{ The 2001 E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Vemey Fellow was Lisa Tetrault, whose research examined the post-Civil War woman suffrage movement.

1:? E-mail research inquiries to the Research library outnumbered posted letters four to one. -{;:{ The History Ticket -a single-admission pass to all NHA properties and the Walking Tour- was introduced to visitors in April. i:l Over 1,000 dlildren attended the NHA's new Whaling Musemn hands-on learning program in July andAugust. The Essex Gam proved so popular with visitors that two additional daily performances were added in July and August. More than 5,800 people took the Walking Tour of historic downtown Nann!Cket.

-{;:{ The 2001 Thursday evening program series included fourteen speakers and two concerts. Highligl1ts included Professor H. W. Brands speaking on Benjamin Frarlklin, Olin Stephens discussing his seventy-year career designing sailboats, and Renny Stackpole's introduction to The Forgotten Men of the Boston Tea Party. -{;:{ Pauline Maier, professor ofAmerican History at MIT and author of American Scripture: Making the Declaration of Independence, was the guest speaker at the Annual Meeting, commenting on the authors and origins of the Declaration of Independence.

1:? September marked the beginning of a new collaboration with the Nantucket Community Network for Children to offer year-rotmd educational opportunities for island families. -{;:{ A wide variety of programs read1ed out to year-ratmd Nantucket residents throughout the year, including a series of conservation workshops in Febmary and March, a scavenger hunt in April, the Harvest Fair in October, and four musical performances in December at the Festival of Trees.

Above: Pauline Maier engages a Jew of the 1,200 opening-day attendees to the Declaration of Independence exhibition; at right, one young visitor adds his own 'John Hancock" to a copy of the Declaration ofIndependence. Photographs by Rob Benchley



jean Allen spins tales of whales for a group of Cyrus Peirce sixth graders in front of an exhibition produced try the Nantucket Higb School students pictured at right¡Lindsay Petrosino, Amelia Roberts,jessie Lambrecht, Amanda Nicholas, Emily Hall, Amber McMullen, Laura Coffin, Prinzka Btrtwer, and Liz Huberman.

'{:( In recognition of the sesquicentennial ofMoby-Dick, the NHA collaborated with the Artists' Association of Nantucket, the Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, the Maria Mitchell Association, the Nantucket Atheneum, Mystic Seaport, and the UMass Boston Nantucket Field Station to host an islandwide series of events.

Development, Membership, and Public Relations '{:( May marked the beginning of a new collaboration with the Nantucket Wine Festival and Nantucket Island Resorts. As beneficiaries of the WmeAuction, the NHA received $40,000.In return,NHA trustees supported the event with donations to the auction and voltmteer time selling raffle tickets. '{:( August Antiques Show chair Melanie Sabelhaus and her committee of ninety-four volunteers raised a recordbreaking $506,000 (net) for the NHA. '{:( Teresa Heinz and Senator John F. Kerry agreed to be honorary chairs for the 24th Annual August Antiques Show.

At left: Richie Foulkes shared his thoughts on the annual Nantucket sixtbgrade trip to the Whaling Museum, and one of the skills he learned during his visit.Bottom left: Don Sineti sings sea chanteys with the sixth graders. Above: Friends of the NHA Carolyn MacKenzie and Heidi Berry. The Friends celebrated their fifteenth anniversary in 2001.


The Antiques Road Show's Leigh and Leslie Keno opened the Antiques Show week with a lecture and slide show for 400 at the Methodist Church. Harvey and Barbara jones graciously hosted a reception at their home following the Monday night lecture.

i:I For the tenth year,JPMorgan Private Bank was the Antiques Show's title sponsor.A record fifteen additional corporations, businesses, and fOtmdations joined as underwriters. i:I For tl1e first time, Antiques Show week included an auction, held on the grounds of john and Polly Espy's New Dollar lane home.TI1e auction raised $42,050.

Bon Appetit, Cape Cod Life Magazine, Nantucket Magazine, Times of the Islands, and Yankee Magazine. i:I One hundred and ninety-six people contributed $103,73 7 to the Year-End Appeal, an increase of 11% over the 2000 appeal. i:I The Board ofTrustees inaugurated the Heritage Society in December to honor donors who include the association in their estate plans. An advisory committee for planned gifts was formed early in the year.

Administration and Operations

i:I The Museum Gallery, i:I Festival of Trees and specializing in reproducWreaths cochairs tion photographs from Jo-Ann Winn and jackie the NHA collection, john Hayes, Nantucket Wine Festival (NWF) director offinance and wine Peterson and their volunopened in the Little acquisitions; Susan Toner, NWF vice president; Denis Toner, NWF president; teer teams of designers, jean Grimmer;Russ Cleveland, vice president and managing director of Gallery on Straight decorators, contributors, Nantucket Island Resorts; Frank Milligan; and Frank Neer, NWF vice presiWharf in July. and committee members dent of marketing and corporate sponsorships, as Nantucket Wine Festival i:I The combined gross and Nantucket Island Resorts present the NHA with the proceeds from the increased the net revenue income for the Museum by 15% over last year's holi- 2001 Wine Auction. Photograph by Terry Pommett Shop and the Museum day events. Sixty-seven Gallery was $681,000. wreaths and fifty-four trees were donated to the festivals twenty-six more than last year's totals. i:I Just as the island's work force is growing more multicultural so too is tl1e NHA's.Tilis year's employees hailed i:I The Festival ofTrees remained open weekends tlrrough from such cOtmtries as Russia, Jamaica, Ireland, Latvia, December 23 - t11e longest period ever - allowing and Bulgaria - as well as from across t11e United Rumania, 2,208 people the opportunity to see the display of trees. and Canada. States VIsitors were especially pleased to see the displays of

patriotism following September's tragedies. i:I More than 2,000 people visited the Festival ofWreaths free of charge over the tlrree days. Girl Scout Troops 804 and 1777C greeted attendees at the door. i:I Nantucket Bank was the lead underwriter of the ammal Festival ofTrees and W reatllS. Six additional underwriting grants were received from companies doing business on Nantucket. i:I TI1e NHA gained 299 new members in 2001 and had an 85% membership renewal rate. One hundred island businesses signed on as Business Partner members. i:I Picturing Nantucket received a first-place award in the ammal New England Museun1 Association publication competition.Historic Nantucket received a secondplace award.

-t:I The NHA was featured in a number of nationally televised programs including Dateline NBC's special "Revenge of tl1e Whale" and the holiday specials of HG1V and WGBH Victory Garden. The association also appeared in numerous local and regional publications including

Antiques Week, The Arts and Antiques Weekry,

i:I The Old Mill received new custom-made stocks in November. Made from a 300-year-old white oak, the new stocks fit into the mill's existing windshaft and will hold the sails that catcl1 t11e wind to grind com. In addition, landscaping around the mill has restored t11e original wheel path. i:I Invaluable housing for seasonal staff was improved and added upon in tl1e MacyChristian House and Hadwen House.TI1e exterior of the Thomas Macy House at 99 Main Street and the Hadwen House fence were painted and masonry work was started at the Old Gaol to restore the 1806 fireplaces.

h ·


·~IStoric s· G uided WaJki Ites

The History Ticket was introduced in April for the 2001 season.

ng Tour Yourj, (6-.J7) $8 Adult$12 PIUnily$35



2001 Acquisitions (Purchases and Gifts) 2001.1 Framed needlework sampler attributed to Mary Coffin of Nantucket, circa 1836. Depicts a Coffin family register witb decorative border. NHA Purchase 2001.2.1- 17 Seventeen glass bottles all found or unearthed on Nantucket. Gift of George Ingran1 2001.3.1--89 Programs, tickets, invitations, schedules, newsletters, brochures, and correspondence from various island theatre, arts, and cultural organizations. Ca. 1999-2001. Gift of Aimee Newell

2001.15.1-2 Portraits of Thomas Macy and his wife, Eunice C. Macy, unsigned but attributed to William Swain. Portraits dated 1833 and 1834 respectively. The p01traits once hung in Thomas Macy's home at 99 Main Street, now owned by the NHA. Gift ofJudy Biggs 2001.16.1-2 Portraits of Capt. John J. Gardner and his wife, Elisa Wortb Gardner of Nantucket. Portraits attributed to William Swain. Both paintings are oil on canvas 1vith period fran1es, ca. 1832. Gift of Pat Gardner

2001.4 Manuscript collection 2001.17 Portrait of Edouard from tbe Relief Association, lnc., Stackpole by Sybil Goldsmith,1969. of Nantucket. Includes 1874 Gift of Renny Stackpole and "Agreement of Association," bylaws, Portraits of Eunice C. and Thomas Macy, attributed to William Swain. Matthew Stackpole secretary's reports, and history of tbe Gift ofJudy Biggs 2001.18.1-2 1\vo account books of C. Lewis, 1825, and E. Phinney, 1822, association. Gift of The Relief Association, lnc. engaged in trade with Nantucket. NHA Purchase 2001.5.1~ Calling card for Mr. and Mrs. L. R Gladding, ca. 1889; birtb announcement for Edward Everett Gladding,]Ulle 2, 1889; biJth announcement for James llewellyn Williams, August 3, 1887; award of merit presented to Wlie Allen, ca. 1875; Easter greeting card ca. 1900; envelope addressed to lizzie Allen. All objects foUlld behind fireplace at 3 Chestnut Street, Nantucket. Gift of jeannette Carl 2001.6 Plaque featuring photo of tbe Italian ocean liner Andrea Doria, which sank off Nantucket Island in July 1956, and tbree pieces of currency tbat were later recovered from tl1e sunken ship. Gift of Kellogg-Joslyn Trust 2001.7.1-3 Tourist booklet, Olde Cape Cod, 1986; 1974 issue of Nantucket Magazine; printed sheet of poetry by Richard Cary, read at the Unitarian Church in 1974. Gift of Helen Seager 2001.8.1-7 Needlework kit; puzzle featuring motifs, artifacts, and buildings from tbe Nantucket Historical Association's collection. NHA Purchase 2001.9.1-2 Framed theorem painting done by Saral1 C. Wyer of Nantucket in 1825; pieced friendship quilt with forty-one signed squares by a combination of Nantucket and off-island individuals between 1862 and 1879. NHA Purchase 2001.10 Business card printed for the Samuel Cary Boarding House, Nantucket, 1829. NHA Purchase 2001.11.1-2 Wooden armchairs foUlld on Nantucket Island. Gift of Victoria T. Hawkins 2001.12 Black and white photographic print of man identified as Captain Coffin of England. Gift of Helen M. Bowen 2001.13.1-2 Portraits of Stephen Paddock (1729-1814) and his wife, Eunice Coffin Paddock (1732- 1785) of Nantucket, by an unidentified artist, ca. 1765-1785. Oil on panel. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Paddock Jr. Red Men's member badge, 2001.14 Painting. A Falling Market by Eastnlan Wauwinet Tribe 158. Gift of Johnson, circa 1873, oil on canvas. Gift of the Mrs.Antonio de Zalduondo Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association


2001.19.1-7 Portrait of Captain Obed Luce of Nantt1cket and personal possessions including his wallet and last will. Gift of Mrs. Jane Riclm10nd 2001.20 Sampler witl1 seven alphabets and poetic verse made by Mary Starbuck, of Nantucket, in 1810. NHA Purchase 2001.21 Journal from the 1851-1854 voyage of the Nantucket ship Three Brothers, kept by Charles P. Coffin. NHA Purchase 2001.22.1- 2 1\vo signs from Erna Blair's lamp shop, which was on Wesco Place overlooking Lily Pond. Gift of Mrs. Lyn Tuite 2001.23 Photograph by HenryS. Wyer of blacksmith George WashiJ1gton Winslow. Photograph appeared in Wyer's 1892 book. Gift of the fan1ily of Helen Winslow Chase 2001.24 Silver porringer made by Benjanlli1 Bunker of Nantucket; pierced, Queen Anne-style handle engraved witb an 1822 date. NHA Purchase 2001.25 Windsor armchair formerly owned by Billy Bald1vin and used in his house at 22 Hussey Street, Nantucket. Gift of Richard Weeks in honor of Billy Baldwin, through a gift of Michael Gardine 2001.26 Nineteenth-century porcelain tray brought back from a whaling voyage and given as a wedding present to Mary Abby Allen of Nantucket <md Robert F. Kent of Nova Scotia. Anonymous gift 2001.27.1-3 One pair of 19th-century metal framed eyeglasses in cardboard case; paper bookmark from the Little Book House ofNantucket; thermoscope from tl1e R. G. Coffin & Company dmgstore at the corner of Federal and Main Streets promoting the company's twenty-fifth anniversary (1907-1932) . Gift of Mrs. Frances Elder 2001.28.1- 2 Program of the 73rd Cattle Show and Fair booklet from the Massachusetts Nautical Training School, 1904. Gift of Mrs. Lydia C. Loftis 2001.29 Collllllemorative badge and ribbon from the Massachusetts Firemen's Association 1908 Convention, held on Nantt1cket; badge features the Sankaty Head Lighthouse. NHA Purchase 2001.30 Double-flued whaling harpoon from the Nantucket ship Alabama. Probably dating from its first voyage in 1846, tl1e harpoon is marked \vith a maker's stamp attributed to Charles A. Folger of Nantucket. NHA Purchase 2001.31.1--8 Eight scrapbooks compiled by Edouard A. Stackpole, ca. 1938-1975. GiftofRennyStackpole

2001.32 Electoral tally sheet from the February 1908 election on Nantucket Island. Gift of]an1es Nelson Cooper

2001.55.1-10 Bills paid by Earl May to different companies in Nantucket, 1924-1927. GiftofRobertM. Ray

2001.33 Personal diary of an unidentified 85-year-old Nantucketer, with entries from February through December, 1913. Purchased with funds donated by Patty Gibian

2001.56.1-4 Commemorative badges from the 35th Annual Encampment of the Dept. of Massachusetts U.S.W.V. and Ladies Auxiliat)', 1934; centennial commemorative badge \vith Nantucket Historical Association seal, 1895. Gift of Robert M. Ray

2001.34 Student penmanship book, ca. 1800, kept by Ruth Don of Nantucket. NHA Purchase

2001.57.1-9 Kodachrome color slides featuring various Nantucket scenes. Gift of Sandwich Glass Museum

2001.35.1-4 Tourist brochure from Wauwinetllouse and Cottages, ca. 1952; pamphlet listing Nantucket hotels, inns, etc. 1951; card with map advertising the Chanticleer Restaurant, 1952; print advertising house tour to benefit the Nantucket Cottage Hospital, ca. 1952. Gift of Thomas Macy

2001.58.1-22 Set of twenty-two prints by George Gale depicting various whaling scenes. Gift of ]at1e and Arthur Tiger

2001.36 Brochure from the Beach House Hotel, ca. 1940. Gift of Sylvia Lunt 2001.37 Poem, A Comparative View ofthe Situation ofthe Inhabitants of the Island ofNantucket Previous to the War and at the Present Time. By an anonymous author, December 1813. Gift of Robert and Nina Hellman 2001.38.1-35 Ledgers, cash books, real estate documents, photographs from Nantucket B~mk dating from 1830 to1970. Gift of Nantucket Bank 2001.39 The Life ofRev. David Brainerd, an 1833 book containing a rare bookplate indicating that the book was loaned to C1ptain S. Gibbs of the Nantucket ship Ontario by the North Congregational Seamen's Friend Sodety. Gift of 01arles E. Burden 2001.40.1-2 Cardboard scissors sharpener from Island Service Company, and alam1 clock with handmade face found in the Higginbotham home at 27 York Street, Nantucket. Gift of Angeleen Campra 2001.41 Flag from the Nantucket Relief Ship# 85 stationed on the Nantucket Shoals in 1935 just prior to the collision between Lightship 117 and the British liner Olympic. Gift of Wilbur W. Wheeler 2001.42 American coin silver tongs st.1111ped with Willian1 Hadwen's mark as a silversmith on antucket Island, ca. 1830. NHA Purchase 2001.43 Red Men's member badge, Wamvinet Tribe, No. 158, Nantucket. Gift of Mrs. Antonio de Zalduondo 2001.45 Photo Album, 106 Views ofNantucket, Tuckernuck and 111uskeget, published by J.ll. Robinson, 1911. Gift of Mrs. Natalie Q. Albers 2001.46 journal kept by james Cook Hussey of Nantucket, 1845-1863, cont.'lining entries on antucket whaling voyages, shipwrecks, poetry, and the Great Fire. Gift of Mr. Richard Kemble and Mr. George Korn 2001.47 Repousse valances from Starbuck mansion at 93 Main Street. Gift of Carolyn Amory 2001.48 Chart of the Viney~u¡d Sound and Nantucket Shoals surveyed by George Aldridge and published by S. Thaxter and Son, Boston, 1870, mounted in t011oise-sheU frame. Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association 2001.49 H~mdwritten genealogy chat1, tracing the descendat1ts of Tristram Coffin. Gift of the Reverend Carl and Kay Werner

2001.59.1-600 Reference libra!)' and allied resource materials from the coUection of Helen Winslow Chase. Joint gift of Helen Winslow Chase, Susan Ollison, Phyllis BurcheU, jan1es Franklin Chase Jr., Nat1cy Chase

Non-accessioned Acquisitions 2001.8001.1 Book: Paper /Jfone_v ofthe United States by Arthur L. Friedberg and Ira S. Friedberg. NHA Research Libnll)' Purchase 2001.8002.1-2 Books: The Island ofNantucket: What It !Vas and IVbat It Is by Edward K. Godfrey; Nantucket Tben and Now by Winston Williams. Gift of Margarie C. McCully 2001.8003.1-3 Zip disk \vith digital in1ages of artwork of the Oldest House atld upper Main Street by Ruth Havil~md Sutton. Gift of Tom Macy 2001.8004 Book: Art and Artifacts ofthe Pacific by Steven Phelps. NHA Research Libra!)' Purchase 2001.8005 Book: The Nation ofNantucket by Edward Byers. NHA Reseru¡ch Librat)' Purchase 2001.8006.1-4 Books: Marine Painting in England; by David Cordingly, Kaloolah, 01;journeying on the Djebel by W.S. Mayo; Sbips' Figureheads by Peter Norton; The New England Coast in Maps by Edward Rowe Snow . NHA Research Libra!)' Purchase 2001.8007 Book: Hawaiian National Bibliography, 1780-1790 by David Forbes. NHA Research Library Purchase 2001.8008 Book: Three Centuries ofAccounting in Massachusetts by Williatn Holmes. NHA Research Library Purchase 2001.8009.1-17

Inventory of American art books. Gift of Ms. Kitty Glantz

2001.8010.1-2 Visitor logbooks from the Whaling Museum, 1933-37; 1946-1948. Gift of Mr. Bob Lehman 2001.8011.1-4 Handmade crewel curtains. Gift of Ms. Aim Black, given in memory of Alexis C. and Louise 0. Kleberg 2001.8012.1-5

Fireplace screen, pair of andirons, and fireplace tools. Gift of Mr. Peter Nash

2001.50.1-5 Ttistram Coffin medallion and four block statnps featuring Coffin names atld fatnily coat of arms. Gift of the Reverend Carl atld Kay Werner 2001.51.1-68 Seven Hem)' S. Wyer photographs; six booklets of Old Nantucket; fifty-five postcards featuring Nantucket scenes. Gift of Walter Lenk 2001.52.1-6 Matmscript materials and patnphlets relating to the Coffin fatnily on Nantucket. Gift of the Reverend Carl atld Kay Werner 2001.53.1-10 Six letters to Mathilda Monthey written on 'Tavern on the Moors, Siasconset, Massachusetts" stationery, 1928; four postcards with Old Sconset scenes, 1928. Gift of Ronald J. Minnick 2001.54 "Greetings from Nantucket" folder from Wyer's Art Store, Nantucket. Gift of Mr. Richard Kemble and Mr. George Kom

1822 silver porringer by Nantucket silversmith Benjamin Bunker




As I reviewed the 2001 NHA financial statements, the first thought that came to mind was, "Wow, this is going to be a tough act to follow." The History Ticket program demonstrated its effectiveness with admissions revenues increasing 18%; over the past two years admissions revenues have increased over 55%. The Antiques Show had what can only be described as a blockbuster year, breaking all records and generating over half a million dollars in net revenue. In addition, we were named a non-profit beneficiary of the Nantucket Wine Festival, which resulted in an unanticipated contribution of over $37,000. Even more encouraging, we recently learned that we will enjoy this status on an ongoing basis. With the Wine Festival truly coming into its own as a major island event, our close association has the potential to create a significant new source of funds. On the expense side of the ledger, operating costs were generally kept under strict control, with the greatest increases coming in the largely non-controllable utilities and insurance accounts. Another, but much happier, exception was in the area of exhibitions and collections where we were able to significantly increase funding. And after all, when all is said and done, isn't that what the NHA is all about? -BRUCE D. MillER TREASURER

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2001 (with comparative totals for 2000)

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accrued interest receivable Other current assets Pledges receivable Inventories Land, buildings, and equipment, net Long-term investments Collections

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accrued and other liabilities Net assets Unrestricted On designated Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets

2001 8,637,300 3,919 33,220 4,290,595 179,152 6,107,389 1,982,335

2000 $ 5,661,452 5,136 23,678 5,724,270 159,2 18 5,591,121 2,202,628

$ 21,233,910

$ 19,367,503





1,102,210 569,484 6,107,389 11,557,044 1,869,792

997,551 1,004,382 5,591,121 10,134,646 1,573,567



$ 21,233,910

$ 19,367,503

The .finandal statements for 2001 have been audited by Love, Bollus, Lynch & Rogers, LLP, who have rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Accompanying notes are an integral part of the .finandal statements. Complete .finandal statements are available on request



NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES Year Ended December 31, 2001 (with comparative totals for 2000)


Operating Activities: Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment return designated for operations Special fund-raising events Other earned revenue Net assets released from restliction Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total Operating Expenses: Program services Special Events Curatorial Education and public programs Research and library Museum Shop Buildings and maintenance Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development Total Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment retum Friends of the NHA contributions Capital campaign conttibutions Capital can1paign expenses Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of buildings and equipment lnlposition of donor restrictions Change in net assets from nonoperating activities Change in net assets before changes related to coUection items Purchase of collection items Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year








$ 269,534

$ 220,772

383,854 253,477 680,926 105,108 793,454 243,910

324,406 263,365 633,167 98,812 620,670 341 ,331



236,059 71,556 137,770 40,611 554,687 186,895

236,059 71,556 137,770 40,611 554,687 186,895

241 ,115 67,108 169,767 58,132 525,631 121,593

1,388,563 106,082

1,388,563 106,082

1,209,881 71,834




$ 264,894




383,854 253,477 680,926 105,108 793,454 243,910 48,529









149,930 89,935 2,322,825 (270,640)

(254,175) 89,935 2,462,216 (270,640)

34,371 90,108 2,582,214 (160,851)



(572,264) (156,834)







220,088 (34,059)

1,519,063 (96,665)


2,035,376 (130,724)

2,583,304 (58,047)











$ 7,779,083

$ 11,557,044

$ 1,869,792

$ 21,205,919

$ 19,301,267



Donors Year-End Appeal ($5,000 and Above)

Mr. & Mrs. Tom S. Ward Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David P. Wheeler Ms. Elizabeth B. Wheelwright Mr. Walter D. Wick & Ms. jannie Beddoe Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Mr. Robert A. Young & Ms. Kathryn Kay Mrs. Roger A. Young Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Zecher

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chilton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash

($1,000- $5,000) Anonymous(2) Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus}r.t Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Cole Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Duffy Mr. James L. Dtmlap Ms. Kate Glidden Mr.t & Mrs. Thomas C. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Elliott W. Gumaer j r. Mr. & Mrs. john P. Horgan Mr. Richard Kemble & Mr. George Korn Mrs. Edward W. Lombard Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Meader Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. V. Henry O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. David E. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Mr. jeffrey T. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. Charles W. Phillips Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Mr. Karl H. Schulz & Ms. Donna K. Cooper Arch W. Shaw Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. John I. Shaw Jr. Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. l'ucker Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Warwick Mr. & Mrs. Bradford L. von Weise Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmut Weymar

($500- $1,000) Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson Bower Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Donelan ll Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. & Mrs. W. Curtis Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Morgan]. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Newhouse Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. & Mrs. joseph R. Seiger Mr. & Mrs. joseph L. Serafini Mr. & Mrs. Duncan D. Sutphen Ms. Bonnie L. Troped


($50 - $100)

Board of trustees second vice president and chair of the development committee Barbara Hajim and her husband Ed signing a copy of the Declaration of Independence. Photograph by jeffrey S.Allen

($100-$500) Mr. Edgar A. Anderson Mrs. James Clinton Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Walter Reinecke Jr. Ms. Nancy Book Mr. jean Boutyette t Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Callahan Mr. Charles Carl Mr. john C. Chadbourne Mr. James l. Coddington Jr. Mr. Kennetlt P. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Coffin Mrs. Henry B. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. F. William Crandall Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Mrs. joseph N. DuBarry IV Mr. Norman E. Flayderman Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Ford Mr. & Mrs. Mark Furlong Dr. Gordon V. Gallagher Mrs. Grenville Garside Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gewirz Mr. & Mrs. James Edward Gillum Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Ginn Mr. Ed Goldman Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Wade Greene Mr. Victor F. Guaglianone & Ms. janet L. Steinmayer Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Ms. Beverly Hall Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Herlitz Ms. Dorothy K. Hesselman Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Frederick jordan Mr. Edward H. Jube Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Mr. Thomas B. Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. William E. Leamard Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital camjX1ign

Mr. & Mrs. Franklin H. Levy Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Dr. john Little & Dr. Elizabeth Little Ms. Vicki Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. Franklin B. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. William B. Macomber Mr. Andrew Malcolm Mr. james L. Malone 1[1 & Ms. Alice Reno Malone Mr. William G. Maloney Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. john L. Michelsen Ms. Nancy D. Minus Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Monaco Mr. & Mrs. Robet1 F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Allen S. Morton Mr. David R. Owens Mr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Parry Mr. & Mrs. james S. Pasman Jr. Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Ms. Beverly M. Puris Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Myles Reis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rouillard Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. Jolm C. Sammis Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach & Ms. Juditlt F. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Sheets Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Sherwood Mrs. Jmm D. Small Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Stentzelll Mr. & Mrs. jonathan P. Stone Mr. & Mrs. John B. Strasenburgh Ms. Racheal Stuart Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mr. W. J. Torpey Jr. & Ms. Amanda B. Cross Ms. Margaret Hard1vick Treadway Mr. & Mrs. john L. Walker • Matcbing corporate gift

Ms. Natalie Q. Albers Mrs. Anne C. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Anderson Ms. Carol S. Arlt Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Ms. Gale R. Blosser Ms. Carol Ann Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roben Parker Coffin Mr. Richard A. Denby Mr. & Mrs. Wllitney A. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell III Dr. David S. Hays Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hillger Mrs. Peyton C. Home Mr. & Mrs. )antes M. Hutton 111 Mr. & Mrs. William C. jones Jr. Dr. Robert S. Kennedy & Dr. Anne Broussard Mrs. Jane 1'. Lamb Mrs. Susan Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Cl1ristoph Lohmann Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Mr. Earl B. Mix Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Ira Ostrow Ms. Susan C. Painter Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. P~L~quariello Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pushkar Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Mr. & Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Mr. & Mrs. George H. Simonds Ms. Srutdra F. Smitlt Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Walin Mr. Thomas Weinhardt

(Up to $50) Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blackshaw Mr. jack W. Blaylock Jr. Mrs. Katherine Dunham Mr. t & Mrs. john P. Elder Mr. john R. Finney Dr. & Mrs. jordan Goodman Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Mr. Jack E. Helms Mrs. Marjorie E. Hock Mrs. John Husted Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Lanoue Ms. Margarie McCully Ms. Margaret C. Morgan Mr.t & Mrs. Benjamin C. Perkins Mrs. Elizabeth McLean Smith Ms. Nancy E. Tyrer Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woolley

t Deceased

Unrestricted Gifts ($100 or More) Mr. Gene W. Hemp Dr. GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Mr. George lngram Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Parker Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm E. Peabody Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Stentzel il Mrs. Joan B. Templeton

(Up to $100) Mrs. judith K. Alexru1der Ms. Elizabeth j. Amos Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Farrell Mr. &Mrs. Harry G. Carpenter Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Cookenboo Mr. & Mrs. john B. Keeshan Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kiddoo Mrs. E. D. McCraw Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. john West

Restricted Gifts ($100 or More) Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Bemlm Mrs. Doris Fellerman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. john M. Heggem Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Julius jensen lli Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. john R. Pimental Mr. Walter Sangree Mrs. Nancy Sevrens

(Up to $100) Ms. Charlotte S. French Mr. Rich llilemru1 Mr. John II. Pickett

Donations in Honor of Living Persons In Honor of Ron Hojjincm 's Birtbday Mr. Gerald II. Crown Mr. Paul J. Dobrowolski In Honor ofNatban McMullen Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beinecke Jr. In Honor ofMorgan Varner Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davis

Memorial Gifts Afrs. Louise jackson Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey S. Lockhart Mr. Walter Nichols lli Mr. & Mrs. G. West SaltonstaU Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sevrens Ms. Anne 1-1. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Mr. Alfi¡ed Orpin Mrs. Mary I. Hardy Mr. William Sevrens Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mr. &Mrs. Bernard Coffin Dr. &Mrs. john W. Espy Mr. David Fredericks Mrs. Frederick Haffenreffer

Mr. &Mrs. G. S. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Kagan Mr. &Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mrs. jean A. MacLeod Mr. joseph]. McLaughlin & Ms. Rhoda Weinman Mrs. Susru1 D. Nickerson Mr. & Mrs. C. Hardy Oliver Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pardi Mr. D. Neil Parent Mr. & Mrs. David Ross III Mr. & Mrs. Gilmore L. Smith

David Stackpole Mr. &Mrs. Carl S. Merritt In Honor ofLeroy True Mr. George C. Jordan lll

Foundation Grants Summer 8.\'bibition Underwriting Pacific National, a FleetBoston Financial Company Restricted Grants Anonymous Monaghan Trust Putnam Investments Sylvia Antiques/ Four Winds Craft Guild '1\Jpancy-Harris Foundation Unrestricted Grants jockey Hollow Foundation R. C. Lilly Foundation The Snell Foun<L1tion

Corporate Matching Gifts AT&T Foundation Matching Gift Program BP An1erica Matching Gift Progran1 Delaware Investments Deutsche Bank Americas Foun<L1tion Eli Lilly and Company Foundation Ex.xon Corporation GlaxoWellcome 1-l.J. Heinz Company Foundation IBM International Foundation Mobil Foundation, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Matching Gift Center The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Reader's Digest Foundation SmithKline Beecham Foundation The Times-Mirror Foundation The Whitaker Foundation United Technologies Matching Gift Center Verizon Foundation

Annual Meeting Special Thanks Dennice Carey Anne Grieves Lois Horgan Daintry jensen Cissy & Ray jones Sue Lingeman Carolyn MacKenzie Mrs. Randall Wight

Declaration of Independence Exhibit Special Thanks jeffrey S. Allen Sarah Baker Curtis Barnes Rebecca Bartlett Rob Benchley Fahey & l'romage1ie Greenwood Alarm Brad Henke Last Minute Productions The Bob Lehman Trio/ Bob Lehman, Eric Wendelken, Diane Kardell Nann1cket Golf Club/ Tom Bresette Nantucket Nectars Nantucket Police Department Peter Nash Ryder Electric Marcia Welch

Harvest Fair Special Thanks Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Peremtial Gardens Nantucket Parks & Recreation Department Bob Larrabee/ Nonhland Cranberries, Inc Stop &Shop

Melville Sesquicentennial Celebration Special Thanks A.K. Dian10nd's Mruy Kay Bercaw Edwards Peter Craig Edwards Egan Institute of Maritime Studies Lee Engwall Robert Frazier/ Altists' Assodation of Nantucket Glenn Grasso David Littlefield Elizabeth Shultz Eric Schultz Don Sineti Wes Tiffney Carl Thornton

Special Thanks jeffrey S. Allen Gale Arnold Sarah j . Baker Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Bruce Bates Rob Benchley Botticelli & Pohl jordi Cabre Cape Air/Nantucket Air communicationDESIGN/Claire O'Keeffe Damiano's Meat Market Denby Real Estate/ H. Flint Ranney Don Allen Ford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Greenwood Alarm Nina & Bob Hellman Brad Henke The India House johnsen Computer Services/ joanne johnsen Virginia Kinney Carolyn B. &Ian R. MacKenzie Midnight Mail Mitchell's Book Comer/Mimi Beman Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Frame Works The Nantucket Garden Club AI Novissimo, Technology Consultant Philbrick &Avery, LLC AI1drew Shrake Tupancy-Hanis Foundation Dirck Van Lieu Marcia Welch

ThA IC cu


Sixth grader Zach Camp's thank:you note to the NHA staff included this drawing.



Associate chair Vanessa Diserio keeps anÂĽ on two caUigraphers at the August Antiques Show. Bee Gonnella was one of the daily Declaration of Independence readers, as was the fatherson team of Evan and Alan Hall. Maintenance supervisor Ed Boynton answers questions for some of the sixth graders. Chief curator Niles Parker, Nantucket selectman and Declaration ofIndependence reader Frank Spriggs, board of trustees first vice president and capital campaign chair Peter Nash, and executive db-ector Frank Milligan join ill opening july's Nantucket and the Declaration of Independence exhibition to the public. Photograph by Rob Benchley

Declaration of Independence Readers Nancy Adam Jean Allen Edward B. Anderson Margaret Benedict Matthieu Bridier Lee Rand Burne Arthur Desrocher Irene Egan Bee Gonnella Peter Greenhalgh Alan and Evan Hall Professor William Hance Richard Mercer Robert F. Mooney Jim Nettles Grace Maskell Georgia Ann Snell Frank Spriggs Kate Stout Marial1 Williams David Wood Keith Yankow Alana Zola-Sears


Harvest Fair Volunteers

Board of Trustee

Curatorial Volunteers

jacob Brinkerhoff jeanne Casey Cathleen Fitzgerald jean E. Hawkins Paul jensen Fran Karttunen Leith & David Kinney Katie Trinkle Legge Claire O'Keelfe Libby Oldham April Parker

Subcommittee Volunteers

Bob Hellman

Maggie Benedict Caroline Ellis Thomas H. & Georgia Gosnell Erwin Greenberg Eric Holch Peggy Kaufman Steve Lindsay Willian1 & Phyllis Macomber AI Novissimo Susan Rolando Melanie Sablehaus Paul Wolf

library Volunteers joyce Aiello Pat Belford Norma Burton Donna Cooper jean Hawkins jane jones Barbara Medaugh AI Novissimo Leslie W. Ottinger Gene Palchanis joanne Polster jack Stratton Barbara M. Thomas Barbara Coleman White

Office Volunteers Barbara Cohen Ellie Rubenstein

Signals ofthe Nantucket Whaling Fleet 1788-1865


**** ** Hero * *II **

James Loper




Two Brothers



Recognizing Leaders of the Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association

John Adams I

****** * ****** ****** Maria




m Alert




Golden Farmer








South America

~ Sally








m Huntress

Young Eagle

Lydia II





Edward Cary

Three Brothers







Henry Astor






Nantucket II


El Nantucket I1









~ Sophia

E3 Lydia I

Sea Lion









Starting with History The Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association Starting Now Winter


1:.r Under the leadership of chair Peter Nash, the campaign crossed the $13-million threshold with 108 commitments from individual donors, foundations, and corporations.

1:.r Trustee Thcker Gosnell stepped forward to lead the second phase of the can1paign with a focus on gifts of $25,000 or more.

1:.r Board of trustees contributed 56% of the total amount raised. 1:.r Architectural firm Bohlin, Cywinsky, Jackson of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, hired to design the Museum Center at the NHA's Broad Street site. 1:.r Museum Design Committee, chaired by Alfie Sanford, began work with architects Frank Grauman and Alan Kachel. 1:.r Research library opened the doors to its new home on Fair Street. For the first time the library holdings were in a single location: 5,200 books, 420 manuscript collections, 750 maps, 370 log books, 422 account books, 50,000 images, 390 audio tapes (including 250 oral histories), and 267 video tapes. 1:.r In preparation for the interior design of the Museum Center, NHA board of trustees, with input from various commmtity groups, fine-tuned its focus, redefined its ntission, and adopted a vision statement.

1:.r Case Statement rewritten to reflect the $18million goal, the interpretive plan, and the revised ntission statement. 1:.r Twelve new volunteer solicitors joined members of the board of trustees in reaching out to the community to ask for support of the Museum Center and the NHA Endowment Fund. ""{;( NHA Research library dedicated by Arie L. Kopelman, chair, board of trustees. ""{;( Thomas Farel Heffernan, guest speaker, reminded the approximately 180 guests of the facility's true value: "This library is the repository of the truth of whaling and of whaling people and whaling things. How indebted we are to all those who by their hard work and active minds and enlightened sympathies and imaginations over the years and decades have bttilt up this library."

1:.r Betsy Lowenstein, library director 1996-2001, commended by executive director Frank Milligan for her vision, hard work, and attention to detail throughout the entire project.

On the previous page: Signal Rags of the Nantucket Whaling Reet 1788-1865 recognize the NHA's campaign leadership donors as of this p1inting.From top: Seen here with his wife Carol, Thomas Farel He.ffeman was the guest speaker at the library dedication ceremonies. NHA executive director Frank Milligan, Marilyn Whitney, Laurie and Bob Champion in the new Wl:Jitney Gallery at the NHA Research Library. Ribbon cutting at the dedication: (front row)Arie Kopelman, Peter Nash, Betsy Lowenstein, Trish Bridie1; Frank Milligan, (back row) Tom Heffernan, David Wood, Sarah Baker, Robert Young, and Marcia Welch. The recognition board in the lobby of the new Research Library. Photographs by jordi Cabre

Senator john Kerry, Teresa Heinz, and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle at the Declaration of Independence opening in july. Thomas and Georgia Gosnell and Frank Milligan;Marda Welch, Coco Kopelman, Charles Maier, and Pauline Maier. Photographs 0' jeffrey S. Allen

tt lisa Botticelli and Ray Pohl, principals of Botticelli & Pohl Architects, credited for their design of the Research Library.

tt The Whitney Gallery, a gift from laurie and Bob Champion in memory of John Whitney and John Whitney Jr., opened with an exhibit of rare illustrated and first editions of Herman Melville's Mol:Yy-Dick.

tt Trish Bridier, chair of the library Building Committee, commended the work of her committee, construction firm]. K. Scanlan Company, and clerk of the works Steve Paradis for keeping the project"on time and tmder budget."

Swnmer/Fall tt Private viewings of the Declaration of Independence provided ideal time to reacquaint prospective donors to the campaign with the NHA's mission and plans for the future.

Donations Museum Center ($2,000,000- $5,000,000) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell

tt Donors of $50,000 and above recognized with their choice of a historic whaleship flag from the "Signals of the Nantucket Whaling Fleet, 1788-1865."

tt Museum design committee kept a steady schedule of meetings with the ardtitects to move the new museum project forward.

tt Despite the tragedies of September 11, NHA members and supporters remained loyal. The generosity of 175 individuals, foundations, and corporations took the campaign to $15.4 million at year's end. '{::{ With profOtmd sadness, the NHA learned of the death of Thcker Gosnell, who lost his battle with cancer on December 31. He gave generously of his time and talent during his tenure on the board of trustees.

($2,000,000- $5,000,000) Teresa & H. John Heinz III Fund of the Heinz Family ~¡oundation

($250,000- $1,000,000) Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke

($100,000- $250,000) Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. 1\Jcker

($25,000- $100,000) Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney/ Denby Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman

tt Volunteer campaign solicitors made calls and provided proposals taking the campaign past the $15-million benchmark with gifts and pledges from 145 donors.

Whaling Museum & Museum Shop

Nantucket Historical Association Business Plan (Up to $50,000) Teresa & H. john Heinz Ill Fund of the Heinz Family Foundation

The Whale ($250,000- $500,000) Sacerdote Family

($10,000- $50,000) Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons

($5,000- $25,000) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Hyland Granby

Research Library ($100,000- $750,000) Anonymous 1\Jpancy-Harris Foundation

(Up to $1,000) Ms. Peggy Savlov & Mrs. Russell A. Sibley in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walker in honor of Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier ]r.

(Up to $75,000) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Freilich Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harleman Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lowenstein Nantucket Friends Meeting

Children's Education Wing ($100,000- $200,000) Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman

Whitney Gallery ($100,000- $250,000) Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Chan1pion

($5,000- $10,000)

Major gifts chair Tucker Gosnell with campaign chair Peter Nash inApril2001

tt Marcia Welch, member of the board of trustees since 1996,

The Nichols Foundation, Inc.

(Up to $1,500)


Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. Gidwitz Mr. & Mrs. John Meyer

($100,000- $200,000) Richard G. & Janet L. Sherlund

Furnishings (Up to $75,000)

Museum Shop

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mrs. Alfred F. Sanford Il Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sanford Ms. Polly Sanford

($100,000- $500,000) Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund

volunteered to take the helm as major gifts chair of the Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association. t Deceased

Jean MacPhail Weber

($50,000- $100,000)

Exploration Room

Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Breakiron The Cox Foundation Ms. Ellen E. Howe The Larsen Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry

1999 Board of Trustees Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Mr. & Mrs. William M. Cro7jer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Prof. William A. Hance Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heard Jr. Mr. & Mrs. julius jensen Ill Mr. & Mrs. ArieL. Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. L. Dennis Kozlowski Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Arthur 1. Reade Jr. Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Ms. Dorothy Slover Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Thcker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Welch Mr. David H. Wood Mr. Robet1 A. Young & Ms. Kathryn Kay

E. Geoffrey & Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship ($50,000- $100,000) Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney

Endowment ($250,000- $500,000) Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation

(Up to $5,000) Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Seinfeld Estate of Donald M. D. Thurber Trust

Unrestricted Gifls ($2,000,000- $5,000,000) Anonymous

($500,000- $1,000,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Mr. & Mrs. james Pallotta

($250,000- $500,000) Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim

($20,000- $50,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broll Mr. & Mrs. Howard L Clark Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Cross Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Dr. & Mrs. john W. Espy Mr. Erwin L. Greenberg & Ms. Stephanie Cooper Ms. Sandra R. Holland Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Orr Mr. & Mrs. Virgil M. Price II Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soros Mr. & Mrs. James M. Stewart Mrs. Richard J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. jay Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Williant H. Woolverton lll

($10,000- $20,000) Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Ambassador Elizabeth Frowley Bagley & Mr. Smith Bagley Mr. & Mrs. Williant C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bollingjr Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. P. Erik Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Diamond Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dupuis IU Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heard Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john A. Hilton Jr. Mr. D. Brainerd Holmes The Iacocca Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Horace Irvine

jockey Hollow Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Lorenzo Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey P. Parker Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Mr. & Mrs. David Ross Ill Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Ms. Dorothy Slover Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Thcker Mr. & Mrs. F. jay Ward Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmut Weymar Mr. Robert A. Young & Ms. Katlu-yn Kay

($1,000- $10,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Asher Mr. Alan F. Atwood Dr. & Mrs. David Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Dr t & Mrs. George Berkheimer Mr. & Mrs. John Bruce Bredin Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie Ms. Nancy A. Chase The Alexius C. Conroy Fantily Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Garrett Sr. in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell

Prof. Williant A. Hance Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays lll Mr. & Mrs. james L. Ketelsen Ms. Carolyn Miller Knutson Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Williant B. Macomber Mr. Albert L. Mruming Jr. Ms. Nancy A. Newhouse Osceola Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schorr IV Mr. Karl H. Schulz & Ms. Donna K. Cooper Arch W. Shaw Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. John I. Shaw Stephrutie Speakman Charitable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Thrower Mrs. Christine L. Willcox Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Mr. David II. Wood

(Up to $1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hart Mrs. Jane T. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mleczko Mr. & Mrs. Michael Peacock Mrs. Nancy J. Sevrens

in memory of Mr. William A. Sevrens Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Winans

Permanent Endowment ($500,000 and up) Estate of Marjorie Shultz

($50,000- $100,000) Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Bossidy Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider The Gilbert Verney Foundation

($15,000- $50,000) Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley Martha Hoopes Parke Gibian Mr. & Mrs. fnmk A. Lorenzo Mr. Normrut E. Mack II

(Up to $10,000) Allied Signal Foundation, lnc. Mr. Len Crunpanale Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran R. C. Lilly Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Lilly Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. johnston F. Northrop Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. J. l'erry Ruddick


($100,000- $250,000)

Gifts and Pledges: $15.4 million as of December 31,2001

Anonvmous (3) Mr. i. Mrs. jolm F. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Wilbarn R. Cantp Jr. Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation Mr.t & Mrs. Thomas C. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Julius jensen ill Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. RogerS. Penske Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Rales Alice Rogoff Rubenstein The Satori Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Welch

t Deceased Expenses 1996-2001:$663,000

2001 August Antiques Show

Antiques Show chair Melanie Sabelhaus is joined by her husband Bob and Founder; Benefactor, and Patron Party hosts Polly and john Espy. Photograph by Bill Ferrall. Pat Griffin, Lynne Steinfurth, and Rhonda Cassity at the Preview Party. Photograph by jeffrey S.Allen


Dealers Hospitality

Melanie Sabelhaus

Nancee Erickson Barbara Halsted

Associate Chair Vanessa Diserio

Volunteer Coordinators

Honorary Chairs

Maggie Benedict Louise Connell

Mrs. Teresa Heinz & Senator John F. Kerry

Chair's Council Sarah Baker Laurie Champion Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Georgia Gosnell Barbara Hajim Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Susan Rolando Dorothy Slover

Committee Chairs Friends Lecture

Carolyn MacKenzie

Founder & Benefactor Dinner Lynne Steinfurth

Underwriting Marybeth Keene

Preview Party Rhonda Cassity Pat Griffin

Decorations Lois Horgan Mellie Cooper

Collectors Booth Sheila Sullivan Ann Nussbaum

Rafile Clement Durkes Anne Obrecht

Collectors Tour, Children's Program Vanessa Diserio Susan Zises Green, speaker

Gift Bags Nancy Peacock

Publicity Nancy Thomas

Antiques Council Uaisons Victor Weinblatt, Diana Bittel

Committee Nancy Abbey Pat Anathan Carol Atkinson Nancy Barnes Kay Bernon Heidi Berry Josette Blackmore Margit Breakiron Bessie Connelly Stephanie Cooper Lisa Cregan Prudy Crozier Anne Curlett Anna-Karin Dillard Anne Divenere Christine Donelan Carla Finn Ellen Foley Nancy Forster Marjorie Fortgang Phyllis Freilich Nan Geschke Emma Ginley Karen Glover Susan Zises Green

Anne Grieves Carrie Griffith Suzy Grote Chris Hart Susan Heath Candy Heydt Susan Hochwald Reggie Hunt Pam Jolmson Jane King Karlson Peggy Kaufman Diane Kelly Sarajo Kobacker Bonnee Larsen Carol Levinger Susie Locke Sharon Lorenzo Megan Maltby Miriam Mandell Mia Matthews Deedie McCarthy Bonnie McCausland Miriam Mittenthal Winnie Mortenson Martha OiBrien Holly Pagon Bettina Ridley Linda Saligman Eleanor Schapiro Nancy Serafini Peggy Silverstein Carol Shiff Anne Smith Daisy Soros Wendy Stone Olivia Thornton Jane Tiger Sandra Velde Mary Ann Wagner Pam Waller Marcie Watts

Tide Sponsor JPMorgan Private Bank Anonymous

Underwriter, Founder & Founder & Benefactor Dinner Trianon/Seaman Schepps


Fireman's Fund Insurance Gold Albrecht Automotive Group Silver Matthews Ventures The Translease Group Bronze

The Catalogue of Antiques & Fine Art Wayne Pratt &Company Titanium Coffin Real Estate

Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Fenwick House Designs Flather &Perkins Insurance Griffin Family Foundation Lucille Jordan Associates, Inc. The Tile Room

Special Founders Karen &L. Dennis Kozlowski

Founders Christy & Bill Camp Rhonda L. & T. Douglas Cassity Maureen & Richard L. Chilton Robyn &John Davis Barbara & Martin Fife Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Nan &Chuck Geschke Barbara & Ed Hajirn Kaaren &Charles Hale Mr. & Mrs. Philip]. Hempleman Melinda & Stanley Jaffe Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lehrman Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Ann & Christopher Quick Susan & Lynn Rolando Alice & David Rubenstein Melanie & Bob Sabell1aus Janet & Rick Sherlund Genevieve & Richard 1\1cker

Benefactors Susan &John Akers Patricia S. & Thomas]. Anathan


George Albrecht & Martha O'Brien Antiques Council Mariano & Mortimer Appley Mrs. Gale II. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Avellino Ambassador Elizabeth Frawley Bagley & Mr. Smith Bagley Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Colleen M. Bain Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Beman Margaret & Neil Benedict Sharon Benson Kay & Peter Bernon Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Lee Bierly & Christopher Drake Mrt & Mrst II. Gerard Bissinger II CeCe Black Mr. and Mrs. Robert ll Bolling Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Bono Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Larry Breakiron Mr. & Mrs. Willian! C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Coleman P. Burke Pauline &Jack Burke Mr. & Mrs. Raben L. Chan1pion Margaret Burden Childs George A. Cloutier Mr. & Mrs. William E Connell Mr. & Mrs. John T. Connelly Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 Couingharn Heidi Cox Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Dottie & Earle Craig Mr. & Mrs. john F. Cregan Prudence S. & Willian! M. Crozier Jr. Ramona & Stephen Davis Anna-K:uin & David Dillard Undaj. and joseph S. DiMartino Vanessa & Matt Diserio Christine Donelan Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Nina Duchaine & Rory Radding Dujardin Design Associates Shelton Ellis Mrs. Charles W. Engelhard Mrs. john V. Erickson Dr. & Mrs. john W. Espy Susan Florence & Alan Smith Elizabeth & Biff Folbenh

Mr. & Mrs. Charles E Fortgang Carla de Creny Freed Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Freilich Mrs. Paul Gibian Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Ginley Karen & Manuel Golov Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mary & john Greenebaum Sus:m Zises Green Barbara & Bob Griffin Patricia P. Griffin Grace S. Grossman Suzy & Richard Grote Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gudonis Ann & Grahan1 Gund Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gustin Louise &Jim Hagan Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heardjr. Margaret & Gregory Hedberg Nina & Bob Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Herbst E. J. & David Iietz GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Sandra R. Holland Lois & john Horgan judith A. & D. Greg Horrigan Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Daintry & Reb jensen Kristina johnson & Robert Cannon Pamela & Paul johnson Abigail johnson & Christopher McKown johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Mr. & Mrs. Harvey jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew B. judson j:me King & Michael Karlson Marybeth Keene Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly !leather & Christopher Kennedy Thomas F. Kennelly Kathryn &jim Ketelsen Lesley King/ The American Ireland Fund Sara jo & Arthur Kobacker Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Mrs. Roy E. Larsen L)11da & Franklin Levy Terry J. & H. Eugene Lockhart Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Barry MacTaggart Megan Keene Maltby Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Mandell Mia & Bob Matthews Lynn &jack McAtee

john J. McCanhy & Carol B. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Charles McGilllll Marion & Steve Meader Mr. & Mrs. Howard Meyers Sally & Andy Miller Elena & Mark Morris Eva Moss Sally & Peter Nash Aileen & Scott Newquist Sarah & jeff Newton Vanessa Noel Mrs. Ed1vin W. Obrecht Jr. Gail & Rafael Osona Pacific t\alional , a FleetBoston Financial Comp:m) Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Pagan Trisha & Michael Passaro Sarah & Wayne Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand lll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Maria & George E. Roach Ellen & Kenneth Roman Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey S. Rubin Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote Linda & Harvey Saligman Penny Scheerer & john Schwan beck Alexa Sabelhaus Bobby Sabelhaus Samantha & Mark Sandler L. Willi:un Seidman judith Greenberg-Seinfeld & Robert H. Seinfeld, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. joseph L. Serafini Sus:m R. & L. Dennis Shapiro julie & Brian Simmons Nancy Simmons Trudy & Fred Slater Dorothy Slover Mrs. Gordon Smith Diane & Guy Snowden Mr. & ~Irs. Paul Soros Mr. & Mrs. George H. Spencer Ill Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Spiegel !II Mr. & Mrs. john K. Spring Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sullivan Marjorie & Louis Susman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Thompson Olivia Thornton Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Tiger

Mr. & Mrs. Karl II. Velde Jr. Mrs. Richard J. Walsh Marcie & Dick Watts Mr. & Mrs. joseph E Welch Caroline S. & F. Helmut Wcymar Marilyn Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Walter Wick Mary Margaret Wilkes Suzanne & Bob Wright Yuriko & Brace Young Diane Zuckem1an & Michaelllite

Patrons jane & Doug Ander on Marcia & Steve Anderson Leslie & Harrison Bains Lucinda Constable Ballard Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Barnes Mary-Claire & William Barton Patricia M. Beilman & David Poor Ann Bissinger & Mark Poor Mr. & Mrs. james C. Blackmore Mary Ann Bradley Richard F. Breck Jr. julie J. & Robert Bl)-an 1\ancy A. Chase Suzanne Cole Thomas Coleman & Kevin McCauley Mrs. Gran>ille Conway Mr. and Mrs. james E. Cooper Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Cowperthwait Penn &john Curran Bob Daniels Paul j. Dobrowolski Mr. & Mrs. joseph P. Donehm II Mr. & Mrs. john L. Dowling Mrs. joseph N. DuBarry IV Mr. & Mrs. :Âťorman E. Dupuis Clementina Durkes Charlene Engelhard jane & Richard Eskind Marc A. Feigen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferrel Karen D. & Dr. josef E. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Mr. & Mrs. R. W. Foote jane & Charles l'orman Penny & Bob Fox joseph S. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. B. H. Gannett Yvonne & Richard Gibbs Thomas S. Glover

At left: Antiques Roadshow's Leigh and Leslie Keno signing their book for Mm"iannAppley before their popular slide show and lecture at the Metbodist Church. NHA chief curator Niles Parker leading a collectors tour of tbe Antiques Sbow.


Mr. &Mrs. Timothy M. George Toby Greenberg Anne Grieves Mr. &Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Mr. &Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Mrs. Arthur jacobsen Mr. &Mrs. Raymond L. jones Erica &Vladimir Kagan Mrs. Stephen J. Karper Roonie &jack Kennedy Lisa & Michael Kittredge Mrs. C. Miller Knutson joan &Ed Lahey Stephen P. Langer Mr. &Mrs. J. Hicks Lanier Ellen &jon Lehman Mr. &Mrs. F. N. Levinger Mr. & Mrs. A. Banon Le1vis Perrin & David Lilly Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Ms. Vicki Livingstone Susan Lister Locke Mrs. Barbara H. Malcolm Elizabeth & George Martin Mrs. Ted McCarthy Mrs. Mary McCarthy Mr. &Mrs. Peter McCausland Toni & Martin McKerrow Mrs. Winifred Mortenson Morgan &Allen Monon Mr. &Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Nrullucket Bank Nann1cket Electric Compru1y Ann &Bob Nussbaum Lorena &Grahan1 O'Brien Nru1cy T. O'Connor &Neal W. O'Connor jane &Michael O'Mara Ann &C. Hardy Oliver Sally &Michael Orr Valerie &Jeffrey Paley Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Ms. Maureen Phillips & Dr. Douglas Horst Soniat &Dominic Puopolo Beverly M. Puris Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Harry & Susan Rein Carol &Dr. Albert Rosenthal Ruth &jolm Sayer Ran dee &joseph Seiger Carol &Alan Shiff Diane E. Shortall Peggy Silverstein Diane E. Shortall Mr. &Mrs. Hardwick Simmons Patricia M. Spear Barbara &David Spitler Jane &Scott Stearns joly &james Stewart Nancy Thomas Elizabeth &Geoffrey Verney Mr. &Mrs. Richard G. Verney Mary Ann B. &Sanmel Wagner Deborah &jan1es Walker David E. Webster Jr. Cathy &Stephen Weinroth Mr. &Mrs. William]. Welsh Stephanie &jay Wilson Brooks & Peter Wilson Jill Wolfe Mary & David Wolff Ellen & Bill Wraith

RobertS. Devens, Randy Kinard, and Peter Gambee of]PMorgan Private Bank with Melanie Sabelhaus. Photograph ey jeffrey S.Allen. Founder, Benefactor, and Patron Dinner attendees included jay and Binnie Bauer and Shelton Ellis of Trianon/Seaman Schepps. Photograph ey Bill Ferrall.

Sponsors Janis Aldrich Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Jr. Victoria Taylor Allen Fay Anathan Margaretta S. Andrews Mr. &Mrs. jolm Austin Linda Bartlett Bahrenburg Beverly & David Barlow Rebecca Bartlett Katherine &William Beattie Dolores V. Bennett jerume Bennett Mru·garet Berkheimer Mr. Mrs. E. Garrett Bewkes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Block Nru1cy Book Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed Mrs. Bernard J. Brennan Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus J rt Mr. &Mrs. Arthur G. Broil Fenton L. B. Brown Mr. &Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Sharon & Enrico Cru·lee Kimberly C. Corkran joan & Paul Crowley Raymond I. Dawson Jr. MatyV. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drucker Maureen Dunphy & Anthony Colella Can1 &Gru·diner Dutton Farny Eilers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Everitt Thomas v. Farrell jackie &Tim Finn Julie Fitzgerald &Carl H. Sjolund Ellen Flamm & Richard Peterson Phyllis & Michael foster Mrs. john M. Foster Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Kay &Ernie Frank Ms. Christine C. Franklin Elizabetl1 & Robet1 Grunbee Mr. &Mrs. Pierre Garneau Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. joan &John B. Goodwin Jr. Mr. &Mrs. B. H. Griswold IV Patrida Haines Robin &Jay Hrumner Gail Hano Mr. &Mrs. Donald R. F. Harleman Mr. & Mrs. William ll Hays ITI Gay F. Held Mr. John A. Herndon Judi R. Hill Susan Kirp Hochwald & Ronald I. Hochwald M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Holdgate

Holland &Company Fine Art, Inc. Mary Ellen jay Pamela G. jelleme Mr. & Mrs. Benn W. Jesser Cindy &Evan jones Leanne Kendrick &Deborah Sigmund Kathleen Knight Mrs. C. Miller Knutson Denise &jack Korngold Mr. & Mrs. Rene LaPierre Pam Lassiter Judith Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Roberta & Peter Louderback Tessa &AI Louer Letitia Lundeen Mr. &Mrs. john G. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 B. Macomber Milestone Art/Dee Macy Mrs. Louise V. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Martin McGowru1 Dr. Caroline C. Murray Mr. &Mrs. Morgan J. Murray P. G. Newhouse Pan1 Niner Courtney O'Neill joan & Les Ottinger Lyn1an S. A. Perry Pollacks Mr. &Mrs. Philip W. Read Dr. &Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Eleru10r T. Schapiro Mrs. WiWan1 Sevrens Dr. Ellen Shockro Dorothy &Junie Sinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Slater Mr. & Mrs. john K. Spring janet Stein mayer &Victor Guagtianone Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff Mr. &Mrs. Hans E. Tausig Mr. &Mrs. David Tausig-Edwru·ds Mr. &Mrs. R. C. Taylor ITI Edythe M. Travelstead jane &Wat Tyler Mr. &Mrs. Robert S. Walin Pam &Will Waller Mr. &Mrs. Christopher Weld Mrs. Arnold Willcox Mr. &Mrs. james W. Wolitarsky Robert Young & Kathryn Kay Susan E. Zimmer

Donors Anonymous Jetti & Louis Ames Ayco Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Lee Bierly & Christopher Drake Nancy A. Chase

Congdon's Pharmacy Mr. &Mrs. Howard L. Clark Jr. Florence E. Clifford Mr. & Mrs. jack Curlett Barbara Currier Mr. & Mrs. john C. Grover Lulie &Gordon Gund Richard &Catherine Herbst Foundation Connie & Dennis Keller Abigail Johnson &Christopher McKown Mrs. Paul Mellon Betsy & Mickey Michel Meg &john Michelsen Mrs. Hal C. Richardson Lawton &Audrey Sargent Mr. &Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV L. William Seidman Dr. Richard Slusarczyk Mrs. Gordon Smith Mrs. Robert B. Smith Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney

Special Thanks Bru·tlett's Oceru1 View Farm Chase Canopy Co./Andrew Chase Daily Breads DownyFiake Restaurant Inc. Shelton Ellis Espresso Cale Polly & )Oilll Espy eye of the needle/Karen Golov Fal1ey &Fromagerie Fog Island Cale Geerlings &Wade Mru·k Heru'lfield The Juice Bar Nan tucket Bagel Company Nantucket Bake Shop Nrullllcket Golf Club Something Natural Sotheby's/C. Hugh Hildesley Sperry Tents/Ande Grennan Kristen Thompsen

Collectors Booth Contributors jean Anderson Antiques Depot NruKy Barnes Belle Maison Josette & jim Blackmore Laurie Chrunpion Carol & Eric Christensen Prudy &Bill Crozier Mark Dowley Trudy Dujardin Willa Embry


English Trunk Show Company Polly & John Espy Fenwick House Designs Sue & David Fine Flowers on Chestnut Forager House Collection Marjorie & Charles Fortgang Phyllis Freilich Georgia Gosnell Pat Griffin Wendy & Benjamin Griswold Suzy & Richard Grote Barbara & Ed Hajim Ginger Heard Susan Hochwald Dolly & Pete Howell Peggy & Eli Kaufman Joan and Ed Leahy Leonards Antiques Pam and Curt Uvingston Vicky Uvingston Manor House Antiques Mark Enik Antiques Deedie & Ted McCarthy Marion and Glen Meaker Eva Moss Nina Hellman Antiques Mary Novissimo Ann & Bob Nussbaum Rafael Osona Maria & George Roach Jolm Rugge Melanie Sabelhaus Nancy and Joe Serafini Jane & Scott Stearns Sheila & Bill Sullivan Sylvia Antiques, Lnc. Nancy & Robert Torrey

Clo<:kwise fmm upper leji

Maggie Benedict, Pal GriJJin Lois llorgan, ami Marcia 1, ( Anliques mmdlllalson IX'elnbla/1 (r) wllb bls jtl ' fl) 1/A staffers Ginny Aln judy lV/dge1; and Amy j ( greet Preulew Party guest., Pbotograpbs IJ)' je./Jrl!J ' S. 1 'len ew Collectors Bootb organi:u.' ¡ jan e Tlget; heila Sufliuc/11, Cllld Ann and Bob ussbaum. Pbotograpb by Bill Ferrall

Special Thanks Val Maitino Antiques Kathy & Donald Van Greenby Mary Ann & Sam Wagner Pam and Will Waller Wayne Pratt & Company Weeds Stephanie Wilson Young's Bicycle Shop


JeffreyS. Allen The Bachman Company Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Bob Burdick Bookworks Daily Breads Espresso Cafe DownyFlake Restaurant Flowers on Chesumt Fog Island Cafe Food for Thought Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell The Juice Bar & Bakery Andrew Maltby Mitchell's Book Corner Nantt1cket Bagel Company Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Community School Staff Nantucket Public Schools Facilities Staff Rev. Nancy Nelson, United Methodist Church Centre Street Bistro Something Natural Robin Bergland!J'rillium at Grass Roots

Rafile Contributions Four Winds Craft Guild The Golden Basket Richard Lee & Sailor's Valentine Galle1y Nantucket Fran1eworks Nantucket House Antiques & Interior Design Lee A. Papale & Susan and Karl Ottison Terry Pollllllett Wayne Pratt & Company Ann Robb Trianon/Sean1an Schepps Robert Wilson Gallery

Tbe 2001 AugustAntiques Show invitation


Patron lJarty Auction Contributions Albrecht Automotive Group The Gosnell Family Lynn & jeff lleier/Cross Rip Outfitters Karen & L. Dennis Kozlowski Thomas Mleczko/Captain Tom's Charters Georgia Axt Catering/ Nantucket Nourriture Inc. Anne & Brec Obrecht and jane King & Michael K.'lrlson Mr. & Mr' . Louis Susman

Founder & Benefactor Dinner Contributions Aunt Leah's Fudge The Caldre.'l Company Cas pari Caswell-Massey Co. Ltd. Teresa Heinz Nantucket Coffee Roasters Nantucket Sleigh Ride/ Christopher Radko Ruzzetti & Gow Slatkin & Co. Trianon!Sean1an Schepps Young's Bicycle Shop Viking Penguin, a member of Penguin 1'utnan1 Inc.

2001 Festival of Trees NHA president Arie Kopelman congrat:ulates Festival of Trees and Wreaths cochair joAnn Winn. NHA director of development jean Grimmer; cochair jackie Peterson, cochair joAnn Winn, and NHA executive director Frank Milligan flank one of the Festival's patriotic displays. Trustees Sarah Baker and Peter Nash at the wreath preview party. Photographs by jeffrey S.Allen

Festival of Trees & Wreaths Committee Cochairs Jackie Peterson Jo-Ann Winn

Festival of Wreaths Committee Reggie Levine, Creative Director Roseanne McGuinn Edythe M. Travelstead Peggy Kaufman

Festival ofTrees Committee Richard Kemble, Creative Director George Korn, Creative Director Marcia Aguiar Billie Barrows Barbara Bowman Terry Dupuis Sue Fine Peter Greenhalgh Diane LaFrance Judy Lee Margaret Silverstein

Lead Underwriter Nantucket Bank

Underwriters Cape Air/Nantucket Air Congdon &Coleman Insurance Don Allen Ford Hy-Line Cruises Nantucket Nectars On-Cape Lithographers Pacific National, a FleetBoston Financial Company

Wreath Designers Marta Allen Deborah Anderson Anonymous Bartlett's Ocean View Farm/ Barbara Pfister Belle Maison/Gary Fretwell Bookworks!Wendy Hudson Samantha Burns Camera Shop/Ursula McMorrow Jeannette and Jerry CarVChestnut House Mary Ellen Castle Cold Noses!Ralph Maffei Community Network for Children Barbara Dale Dane Gallerytjayne Hare Dane

Dujardin Design Associates/ Trudy Dujardin English Trunk Show/Carla Finn The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Flowers on Chestnut Elden &Joyce Foulk Gallery at Four India Geronimo'stjan Jaeger john Gonnella, Designer Bee Gonnella!Point Breeze Hotel Brenda Lee Hall Alex, Kevin &Curtis Hart Greg &Judi Hill Margaret Hitchcock Island Herbs/Christine Hermansdorfer The lnqnirer and Mirror!

Martha Holdgate, Gina Tinun, Kady Decker, Elizabeth Sutherland Tomomi Jackson Amy Jenness Jewel of the Isle Joanne Johnsen Johnston's Cashmere at Four Federal Joanna Kane The Kelly Family Richard Kemble Patience Killen George Korn Denise Korngold Tina Law Lee Real Estate Susan Lister Locke Leonards Antiques/Leslie Barker Lynne Marie Mariner House!Hilarie Hawley Angela Mazaris Carol A. Murray Nantucket Atheneum Nantucket Blooms/Patricia Myers Nantucket Community School Staff Nantucket Looms Karen Palmer Lee A. Papale Studio Bruce Poor &Gloria Grimshaw On-Glaze Nail Salon/Randy Laufenburg Romana Rainey ASafe Place/Mary Michetti Sailor's Valentine Gallery Gail Spencer Stephanie's of Nantucket Barbara Toole The Toy Boat/Loren Brock Deborah Ti111111ermann The Weaving Room/Anna Lynn Jack Weinhold Daryl Westbrook

Chad Whitlock Jo-Ann Winn

Tree Designers Richard Kemble &George Korol Masthead Tree "God Bless America" Brant Point Marine Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines/ Kim Corkran &Kathleen Walsh Nancy A. Chase, Joe Zito, Lee Ann Papale, Scott Marks, Tracy Murray Chestnut Housetjeannette &Jerry Carl Country Loft Antiques/ Carole Winer, Deborah Hatfield Daily Breads Bakery/Shari &Jeff Dutton Dane Gallerytjayne &Robet1 Dane Dujardin Design Associates/ Price Connors, Trudy Dujardin, Sondy Rexford, Kathleen Willcox, Colette Peters Egan Lnstitute of Maritime Studies/ Margaret Moore Booker Cheryl Emery, Betsy Tyler, et al. Erica Wilson Needleworks eye of the needletj. C. Peverini Fell\vick House Design Forager Housel Richard Kemble &George Korn Friends of the Nantucket Public Schools Handblock/ Courtney O'Neill, Tina Grande, Anne Lower The Hat Box/Deborah Harper Nina Hellman & Bea Gonnella Kitty Kania &Joan Skar Kelly Knight Textiles Lee Real Estate Leslie Linsley &Jon Aron Maria Mitchell Association/ Cynthia Blackshaw & jennifer Andrew Claire Murray, Kendra Weber Nantucket Community Sailing Nantucket Conservation Foundation Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Historical Association Staff Nantucket Ice, Special Events Committee Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Lodging Association/ Mary Malavase, Sheila Heap, Stacey Stuart Nantucket Magazine Nantucket Preservation Trust! Susan Boardman, Pat Butler, Caroline Ellis, Nancy Forster, Mary Smith, Anne Weinstock Eileen Powers

Romana Rainey Rex Bence Gardening 'Sconset Gardener Inc./ Mat1in E. McGowan &Staff 'Sconset Trust/Caroline Ellis & Dorrit Gutterson Serenity Farm/Sue Denoncourt & Ashlie Emery Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Thursday Needlework Circle The Tile Room/Henry Mestre The Staff at Tresses and the Day Spa Clara Urbahn, Sherre Wilson Rae, Christine Sanford, Kristy Bloomer Wendy Vail & Dawn Darbey Dugan Vanderbilt Gallery/Barbara Vattderbilt Weeds Whitlock Gallery/Chad Whitlock

Festival ofTrees- Angels Mr. &Mrs. George F. Baker Margaret Benedict Laurie &John Cowden Prudence S. &Williatn M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Drake Shelton Ellis, Trianon/Seaman Schepps Carla de Creny Freed Richru¡d B. Gan1ble Peter J. Greenhalgh Barbara &Ed Hajim Nina & Bob Hellman Daintry &Reb Jensen Peggy & Eli Kaufman Marybeth Keene Richard Kemble &George Korn Mr. &Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Megan Keene Maltby Eva Moss Sally &Peter Nash Mr. & Mrs. Richard Norton Mr. &Mrs. Alfred G. Peterson Sarah &Wayne Pratt Steven M. Rales Dr. &Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Ellen & Kenneth Roman judith &Robert Seinfeld, M.D. Peggy Silverstein Marianne &John Stanton, The Inquirer and Mirror

Isabel &Don Stewart Maxine &Arnold Teasdale Edythe M. Travelstead Marcia &Joe Welch Marilyn Whitney Jo-Ann &Robert Winn


Festival ofTrees - Stars Marcia &joseph Aguiar Fay Anatltan Marcia &Steve Anderson Margarena S. Andrews Grace Morris Bardelis john &Billie Barrows Gussie &Ken Beaugrand Mr. &Mrs. Richard Beckwith David &Dana Boyce john W. Brewer Elton &Douglas Burch Anthony Colella &Maureen Dunphy Kim Corkran lucile &Bill Corkran Ann &jack Curlett Betsy Dietz Christine Donelan Tom & Rutlt Du Pont Tish Emerson Cheryl Emery Nancy &AI Forster Lngrid Francis Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Garneau Mr. J. Edward Gillum Jr. & Sarah Horne Designs Toby Greenberg Barbara &Bob Griffin Peter Guarino Mrs. Herbert L. Gutterson Polly Ann Halsted J. Craig Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays Ill judi &Greg Hill Sandra Holland Mr. &Mrs. William johnston jane King &Michael Karlson Roonie &jack Kennedy Patience E. Killen Carol Kinsley Juditlt lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Dr. &Mrs. Keith M. Undgren Susan Uster Locke Timothy F. McClure Bruce D. Miller Gail &Rafael Osona john Scanlan/].K. Scanlan Mr. &Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Pltilip W. Read Ann &john Shaw Kay Sheehan Dorothy Slover Elna &Chuck Sot~e Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff

Wendy &Radford Stone Sandy & Ted Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Theroux Eugenic Voorhees Susan S. Ward Paul Willer Carol Cross Wodtke Brent Young Diane Zuckerman &Michael Bite

Festival ofTrees Contributions William & Katherine Beattie Susan Boardman Nancy A. Chase Margaret Burden Childs jay D'AprLx Raymond l. Dawson Jr. Stephanie & David Deutsch Susan & Richard Deutsch Unda J. and joseph S. DiMartino Mrs. joseph . DuBarry IV Paula DuiJy Mr. &Mrs. Michael Ferrel Mrs. Paul Gibian DavidS. Hays, M.D. Mr. &Mrs. Anthony Lamport Mrs. jeannLne Macy-jones & Mr. Robert jones Bill C. Macy Mrs. john A. McGuinn joan &Morgan Murray Louise Pfeiffer Mr. &Mrs. james W. Pierson Clayton & julianne Rose Shirley farnsworth Russell Peter &Bonnie Sacerdote Margaret Scaife Kate Searls Judith &Robert II. Seinfeld, M.D. Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Sheri Snively Nancy Tyrer Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Paula K. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Yao

Festival of Wreaths Volunteers Girl Scout Troops 804 and 1777C Sarah Andrews Pan1ela &Peter Brown Catie Buchanan Elton Burch Sophie Civitarese jean & George Fleming Patti & Nick Frost

Garth Grimmer Gaillloldgate Tomomi &llaziel Jackson Pat & Emil Kleinert Laurie Le\viS Mollv Mackay Barbara MaiTei Carmen Martin Rose-anne McGuinn john McGuinness Katie Mcinerney Karen McNab Emil) &Sophie Mentes Terri &Tonv Molis Nellie & Ge~rgie Morley Uz Paradis Marion &George Peacock Antanda Nichols AI Peterson Rom:ma & ttugh Rainey Ida & Pierre Rin[ret M:u¡garet Silverstein Nonie & jo Sla,itz l.inda & Bill Steelman Jade Stone Marice Thompson Sus:m Tracie Grace-Anne & Morgan Tornovish Edvthe M. Travelstead Eli~ah, Catherine & Leona Tripp Peter &Maggie Wilson BobWinn Ann Yates

Festival of Trees Volunteers Marcia Agui.ar Mary Barton Elton Burch Bobbi Giles Peggi and Steve Godwin Garth Grimmer joan & St:mley Hollander Ginger lvey Leith & David Kinney Jane Lamb Penny & Dual A. Macintyre Ms. Usa Marquis Terry &Tony Molis Cedlia & Channing Moore Libby Oldham AI Peterson Romana & Hugh Rainey Eugene Stone Anne Sweidel Bob Winn

Special Thanks Festival ofWreaths Athmtic & Pacific Tea Compail) Ben's Electronics !.en Campanale L.1ndscaping Charles Kmg Winery Cisco Brcwers!R:mdy Hudson Klm Corkran Damiano's- The Market Deutsch & Sons/Peter Yanulis Mark Donato Ea.'t Co:L~t Seafood Hatch's l.iquor Storc!jud\ lkownt'' Hrad Henke The blander, Paula Driscoll Island SpiriL~ Peter Mondavi hunily ~~~mtuckct Bake Shop Nantucket Cottage Hospital 1\antuckct -,cctaNFiji Water 1\antucket Seafood Market Nantucket Wine & SpiriLvMary \\ al h l'resenation Im.tllute: \antuckct Provisions/Beth English Ryder Electric Stop & Shop Trillium Mal') & Chick Walsh

Special Thanks Festival ofTrees Bert's Electronics Damiano's East Coast Seafood Glidden's Seafood Holdgate's Laundry Nantucket Wine &Spirits Dana Otis Tom l'ochman Sid Wtliner & Sons Denis Toner

ServersFestival of Trees Mercedes Chacon Andrew Fox Molly lless Eleua Jaeckel Sally Lurie Cinda Montgomery Sona Paloulian Caroline Salleen Constance Sturgis

Mollie Glazer leads her students in one offour musical performances hekl at the Festival ofTI-ees Ibis yem: n-ee designer Romana Rainey with busband Hugh. A bappy new owner of a wt-eath at the silent auction. Nantucket's Chil~b-en 's House students and teacbers enjoy a special tour of the Festival ofil-ees.


Members Mary Coffin Gardner Associates Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chilton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. L. Dennis Kozlowski Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie

Thomas Macy Associates Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Edward]. Costello Mr. & Mrs. William C. Coxjr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. joseph S. DiMartino Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr.t & Mrs. Thomas C. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hearst ll1 Ms. Elizabeth Jeffery Hubbell Mr. & Mrs. Julius jensen III Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. jones Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John]. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. james L. Ketelsen Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kirsch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mrs. Roy E. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lehrman Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Memishian Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. David B. Poor & Ms. Patricia M. Beilman Mr. & Mrst Domitlic M. Puopolo Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Mr. Alfred F. Sanford III Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Seinfeld Mr. & Mrs. john I. Shaw Jr. Mr. William C. Sherlund Mrs. Gordon Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soros Dr. Paul R. C. Sullivan & Ms. Melinda Martin Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Thcker Mr. & Mrs. William J. Welsh Mrs. Christine L. Willcox Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Wilson Mr. Robert A. Young & Ms. Kathryn Kay

Hadwen Circle Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Ben Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Mr. & Mrs. David Bradley Ms. Deborah]. Bryan Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Mr. Michael Campbell & Ms. Katherine Grover Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Cotmor Mr. & Mrs. james B. Cowperthwait Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Donelan 11 Mr. Shelton Ellis Ms. Pamela Stedman Farkas Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Mr. Peter]. Grua & Ms. Maty G. O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gustin Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Healey, Jr. Ms. Dorothy K. Hesselman Dr. GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Ms. Sandra R. Holland Mr. D. Brainerd Holmes Mrs. Edmund B. jackson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Karlson Mr. Richard Kemble & Mr. George Korn Mr. Stephen P. Langer Mr. jan1es L. Long Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Barry MacTaggart• Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mrs. Paul Mellon Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Neal W. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David E. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelltaus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Shortall Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Jantes M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Willirun K. Tell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. K. Morgrut Varner ill Ms. Snellen Ward Mr. & Mrs. Rru1dolph M. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. john L. Watson ill Mr. Daniel S. Wayland Mr. john Wayland Mr. Michael Waylruul Mr. Patrick S. Wayland Mr. & Mrs. William Wraith IV Mr. joe Wright ll1

Contributing Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas]. Albani Mr. & Mrs. Heath L. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. john W. Austin Dr. & Mrs. David Barlow Mr. & Mrs.t ]. Christopher Bru·ron Mr. & Mrs. Harold Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Willian! G. Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beckwith Ms. Martha Berman & Mr. Robert Lipp Mr. & Mrs. James Blackmore • Matching corporate gift

Ms. Margaret Blair Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Blumenfeld Mr. & Mrs. William). Boardman Mrs. Thomas H. Broadusjr.t Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Mr. Robert U. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Vuk M. Bulajic Mr. & Mrs. Peter Campanella Mr. & Mrs. john Campbell" Mrs. Martha A. Carr Mr. John Swain Cat1er Mr. & Mrs. William H. Corkran Jr. Mrs. Alexander Craig Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. David S. Deutsch Mr. Paul]. Dobrowolski Mr. & Mrs. William H. Druckemiller Dr. & Mrs. Michael Duffy Mr. Scott W. Duncan Mr. JanJes L. Dunlap Mr. Thomas DuPont Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Dupont Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Durelllll Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner S. Dutton Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Emety Ms. Charlene Engel11ard Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Erskine Jr. Mr. Michael Fal1ey Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Finn Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox Mr. & Mrs. john E. Friedlander Mr. & Mrs. David Ganis Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Goodall Ill Mr. Steven Green Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. Victor E Guagliru10ne & Ms. Janet L. Steinmayer Mr. & Mrs. john A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. james J. Hagan Mr. Jay M. Hammer Mr. & Mrs. john Hendrickson Ms. Virginia D. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Winston R. Hindle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Willian! B. Holding Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. John P. Horgan Dr. Douglas Horst & Ms. Maureen Phillips Mr. & Mrs. jonathan Ingham Mrs. Arthur jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. johnson Mr. Richard G. Kalm Mr. Ross B. Kenzie Ms. Ann S. Killen Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Lahey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lrunport Mrs. jill L. Leinbach Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Levesque Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lynch Mrs. Barbara H. Malcohn Ms. Linda M. Mason Mr. & Mrs. John C. Matesich Ill Mr. & Mrs. 11mothy B. Matz Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGilllll Mr. Thomas B. McGrath & Ms. Sandra]. Medallis

t Deceased

Mr. & Mrs. john A. McGuinn Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Mirro Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Mix Ill Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Morris Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen S. Morton Mr. john Moy & Ms. Sonya Keene Mrs. Craig H. Muhlhauser Mr. Raymond E Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Novissimo Mr. & Mrs. William A. Paddock Mr. & Mrs. Charles Paydos Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Peterson Mr. Bruce H. Poor & Ms. Gloria J. Grimshaw Ms. Patricia E. Pulhnan Ms. Beverly M. Puris Mr. Rory Radding & Ms. Nina Duchaine Mr. & Mrs. Butch Ramos Mr. Webster Rav Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hany T. Rein Mr. Richard Reisch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rich Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Rippa Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. David Ross Ill Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Rotru1do Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sackett Mr. & Mrs. john D. Sayer Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Mr. Karl H. Schulz & Ms. Donna K. Cooper Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach & Ms. judith F. Lee Mr. & Mrs. joseph L. Serafini Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford Mr. & Mrs. Sanmel R. Shipley Ill Mr. Cru·l H. Sjolund Ms. Mru')' Susan Smith Mr. Andre Mark Spears & Ms. Anne E. Rosen Mr. & Mrs. David W. St. Clair Mr. & Mrs. jolm]. Stackpole Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Stearns Jr. Ms. Saral1 Stephenson Mrs. Isabel C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. ]. Griffin Strasenburgh Mr. & Mrs. jasper G. Taylor Ill Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas Mr. & Mrs. David C. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Fredetick W. Ulmer Dr. & Mrs. Austin L. Vickery Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Virtue Mrs. Richard J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. F. jay Ward Mr. & Mrs. David P. Wheeler Ms. Mary Margaret Wilkes Dr. & Mrs. Whiting Russell Willauer Mr. & Mrs. jon Winkelried Ms. Jill J. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. DavidS. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Harvey S. Young

Sustaining Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Abbey Mr. & Mrs. James W. Abbott


Mr. & Mrs. Raja Abdul-Karim Mr. Christopher Acker Mr. & Mrs. joseph Aguiar Mr. & Mrs. Cary W. Akins Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Alexander Mrs. C. George Anastos Mrs. Fay H. Anathan Mr. Edgar A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Anderson Ms. Barbara P. Andrews Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong Dr. & Mrs. Steven V. Aveni Ms. Penelope Ayers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Bains Mr. & Mrs. john A. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. R. Ballard Dr. & Mrs. Walter E Ballinger Ms. Doris E. Barlow & Mr. Robet1 J. Lanigan Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Batchelder Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Beaugraod Mr. & Mrs. john W. Belash Mr. & Mrs. WilliamS. Belichick Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bell Ms. Charity I. Benz Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Berube Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bixler Jr. Mr. Ted Blank & Ms. Tina Gleisner Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bolling' Ms. Nancy Book Mr. & Mrs. Greg Boreharn Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bowditch Mr. & Mrs. David Boyce Mr. Andrew Boynton Mr. Tim G. Braine & Ms. Judith Ivey Ms. Helen W. Brann Mr. & Mrs. George C. Brannock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Brasfield Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Brecker Mr. & Mrs. Haworth P. Bromley Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. David Owen Brownwood Ms. Mary Ann Buck Mr. & Mrs. jack Burke Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton Mrs. Karen T. Butler-Cahill Ms. Gail Lapham Butters Dr. & Mrs. George P. Butterworth Mr. & Mrs. Donald Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. Calianos U Ms. Patrice Callies Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Cameron Mr. John M. Camp Mr. Charles M. Carberry Mr. & Mrs. Rayn10nd B. Carey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Carini Mr. & Mrs. C. Mitchell Carl Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Carl Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George U. Carneal Mr. ]. Revell Carr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Carter Mr. Jeffrey Car1er Mr. Calvin R. Carver Jr. & Ms. Anne Delaney Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Castellaoo Mr. Daniel Catlin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield

30 2001


Mr. & Mrs. Moncure Chatfield-Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Poul Erik Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp ill Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clark ill Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Oark Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clarke' Mrs. Alma K. Coffin Mr. Calvin Coffin Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. William Connell Mrs. Elizabeth Howe Constable Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Cookenboo' Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Cooman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coscia Ms. Marcia M. Costello Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cox Mr. & Mrs. E William Craodall Ms. Darcy Creech Mr. & Mrs. john Cregan Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Crommelin Mr. Pierre Crosby Mr. Gerald H. Crown Ms. Lenore S. Cunninghan1 Mr. & Mrs. john N. Curlett Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Darby Ms. Sheila D. Da1id Mr. Tom David & Ms. Nancy Moylan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Porter Grey Dawson Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Dearborn Ms. Danielle E. DeBenedictis Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeNaut Mr. Richard A. Denby Mr. & Mrs. PhiUp H. Didriksen Jr. Mr. james B. Digney Mrs. William K. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drucker Mr. & Mrs. james A. Duarte Mr. Mark Duffield Mr. & Mrs. John R. Duffy Ms. Deborah Newhouse. Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Dupre Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dupuis III Dr. & Mrs. David]. Duquette Mr. F. Farny Eilers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Eklund Mr. john LeMoyne Ellicott Ms. Nanette M. Embres Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Harry Engelkirk Mr. & Mrs. john V. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Everitt Mr. & Mrs. Marc Feigen Mr. Robert B. Ficks Jr. Ms. Ellen Flamm Mr. & Mrs. Bradford L. Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Flentingjr. Mr. William E. Floring Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Mr. & Mrs. Merle S. Fossen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foster Mr. & Mrs. jolm M. Foster Mr. Herbert H. Foster III Mr. & Mrs. Ford M. Fraker Mr. & Mrs. Bruno S. Frassetto Mr. & Mrs. Robert Frazier Mr. & Mrs. Benjantin C. Frick Mr. & Mrs. Bradford R. Frostjr. Ms. B. Ann Furrow Dr. Gordon V. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Craig Garnbee Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Garnbee Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Garnbee"

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin II. Gannett Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Garneau Mr. Michael L. Gassmann & Ms. Cynthia A. Lewis Ms. Anne II. Geddes Dr. & Mrs. john W. Gerster Mr. & Mrs. Whitney A. Gifford Mr. Theodore Giletti Mr. & Mrs. james Edward Gillum Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank II. Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Oscar S. Glasberg Mr. & Mrs. 'tcphen A. God11in Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Goldsmllh Ms. Bee D. Gonnella Mr. &Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr. Mr. &Mrs. Robert A. Greenspon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Mr. & Mr . james Grieder Ms. Kelly Griffin & Mr. Doug Collatz Mr. &Mrs. Robert P. Grimes Mr. &Mrs. Garth Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. john C. Gro1cr Mrs. Elizabeth F. Guardcnlcr Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. &Mrs. llcrbcrt L. Guuerson Mrs. Frederick llaffenrefJer Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hakes Ms. Susan II. ll<~ e Mr. &Mrs. Brooks llall Mr. &Mrs. llugh llabell Ill Mr. &Mrs. james E. llarnerstOnc Prof. William A. Hance Mr. & Mrs. Mlchaelllardc Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harleman Mrs. jane Fay llmer Jr. Mr. &Mrs. llemtann A. llaus Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. lla)'dcn Jr. ~lr. & ~irs . Willian1 H. H:t)S Ill Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. llcidtke Mr. & Mrs. Donald llcyda Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert llillicr Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. llil tenrath Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 II. llobart Mr. & Mrs. Richard II. lloff Mr. Fraok Holahan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Alton II. llopklns Mrs. Peyton C. Horne Mrs. Robert B. llorner Mr. & Mrs. Robert T.IIO)tjr. Mr. joseph lluber & Ms. K:uc ichols Mr. &Mrs. Charles A. llughes Mr. llarris j. llulburtjr. Mr. john William llutnphrl'Y Mr. George lngraot Mr. & Mrs. Fred II. jaeger Ms. Anne M. jennings Mr. &Mrs. Benn W.Jesser Ms. Mary W. johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul johnson Ms. Harriet E. johnson Mr. & Mrs. Williant johnston Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jerome B. johnston Mr. &Mrs. William C.jones)r. Mr. N. Robert jones & Mrs. Jeannine Macy-jones Mr. Simon S. jones Mr. &Mrs. Frederick jordan Ms. janet B. joy Ms. Barbara Ann joyce Mr. & Mrs. James E. joym Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Kales

Mr. Robert M Kaye Mrs. julia M. Z. Kellh Mr. & Mrs. james \ Kctlt'l Mr. Sanford licndall Mr Steven Charles Ken Mr & Mrs. Dennis j . 1\cr Mr & Mrs. Mmhall r ~ Ms. Ga)lc Kiely & ~lr Mr. Rory Killen & M . M Mr & Mrs. Thomas Ut'\< Mr & Mrs. Ernil j Klc-tMr & Mrs. jacob II Kor \lr Bntce \. Korson tr & Mrs. Charlt · f •. ~ n Mr & Mrs. ~llan l.aFrJr Mn•. Nancy Wilson I.m: Mr & Mrs. Christopher Dr. & \Irs. j ack~~ J.a Mr Laurence II . l.ebc 1t.lrt Mr. & Mrs. Charlt•· I! b Mr & Mrs I r.lllkltn ll I d Mr. & Mrs. G. Palrnrr Lt Mr. & Mrs. Da1id \1 I Mr & Mrs. ~tattht·11 C • n roln Mr & Mrs. Philip!, d I Ms Susan Ustcr l.oc Mr &. Mrs . .\lhcn Lo ts . je;m W Long Mr & Mrs. John \\ I o< Mr. & Mrs. Frank • I zo Mr & Mrs. l'rtcr I> l {I k tr & \Irs . ~!hen o , Mr & Mrs. janws l.m 11.~te!n tr. & Mrs. Peter D. Mr. & Mrs. Walter I' L Mr. & Mrs. Da1id ~ L11 Mr & Mr~ . john <i . L\1 ~r & Mrs. William P l Ms. l.inda Lyons 'd Mr & Mrs. Gardner M tr & Mrs. Dual A ~~ ts. Dec G. Mat) Mr. Lowell R. Mat) 1r Rohcn C. Ma~ri h Mr Wllli;un G. \lalon tr. & Mrs )ant e~ M:u r rn Mr. James Orton M;t r;~ dl Ms. M<trgarct B. M·L,tt r; Mr. & Mrs. William I. ~11th r Ms. Ann BarnL'S \!;lUI') Mrs. dricnnc A. McCallt'} Mr & Mrs. Donald t; ~kCo uch Mrs. Louist' \ . McCullough Mr & Mrs. Monon MrDon;dd Dr. Gail A. McGuinrwss Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. Mc(;uirc' Mr. & Mrs. jame~ R Mrlntosh Mr & Irs. Arnold B. lcl\innon Mr. & Mrs. john McMillian Mr. &. Mr~. William B. Mchane Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mt•d<tugh Ms. Barbara Melendy Mr. Willian1 C. Melzer Mr. Philip R. Miles Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E Mlller Dr. & Mrs. Leon L. Miller Mr.' & Mrs. Mlchael D. Milone Mr. Ronald J. Mochel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mohr Mr. & Mrs. Peter Monaco Mr. &. Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Ms. Rita M. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Jasper W. Morgan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. james L. Morgan

Mr. & Mrs. john W. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Morgan j. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Reid james Murray Mr. john Muyskens & Ms. Cara Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Aryeh Neier Mr. & Mrs. MichaelS. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Nevins Jr. Mr. Gerald D. Newhouse Mrs. Henry L. Newman Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ranier Nottebohm Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Christopher j. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Mr. Alfred N. Orpint Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Orr Mr. & Mrs. john Edward Osborn Mr. David W. Ostergren Mr. & Mrs. Lra Ostrow Dr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Ottinger Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ottison Mr. David R. Owens Dr. & Mrs. A. Eugene Palchanis Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paley Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Parker Mrs. Mary Chandler Parrish Mr. & Mrs. james S. Pasman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Patterson Mr. William F. Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Pegg Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Peri Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pew Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Prund Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. RichardS. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Phelan Mrs. Susan S. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Harvey G. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Miller C. Porterfield Mrs. Richard A. Pratel Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pratter Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Mr. Robert Reed Mrs. Hal C. Richardson Mr. }antes Richardson Mr. & Mrs. j . Barton Riley Mr. Clyde A. Rodbell Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Mr. & Mrs. K. Keith Roe Mr. Neil Edward Romanski Dr. & Mrs. Albert L. Rosenthal Mr. David . Rosvold Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Rosvold Mr. Milton Chandler Rowland Mr. & Mrs. t Mark E. Rubenstein Dr. & Mrs. Reid Rubsamen Mr. & Mrs.). Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. Don Russell Mrs. Kathryn P. Salmanowitz Mr. john C. Sammis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas j. Santos Mr. Ed1vin F. Scheibel Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Robinson Schloss Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Schreiber Mr. john R. Schwan beck & Ms. Penelope Scheerer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scott Mr. Charles N. Sewall Mr. & Mrs. John Sherwood Dr. Ellen K. Shockro Ms. Susan Simon

Dr.t & Mrs. john J. Slavitz Mr. & Mrs. Sidney w. Small Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Smiles Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Phillips G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Smith Ms. Penny F. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Soule Mr. & Mrs. George Henry Spencer ill Mr. & Mrs. William D. Stamper Mrs. Jeanne Stanley-Brown Mr. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Stentzel II Mrs. Nicholas . Stephano!f Mrs. Robin Sternbergh Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart Ms. Ann R. Stock Mr. & Mrs. Radford Stone Mrs. Dale G. Stoodley Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sullivan' Mr. & Mrs. john Sussek Mr. & Mrs. Duncan D. Sutphen Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Sutro Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mr. Robert D. Swain Mr. D. Billings Swain Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Sweatland Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bradley P. Sweeny Mr. & Mrs. R. Chapman Taylor Ul Mr. R. Scott Taylor & Ms. Camille Oechsli Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. J. Arnold Teasdale Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thom Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McK. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Thrower Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Tolsdorf Mr. EdwardS. Toole & Ms. Rachel C. Hobart Mr. W. J. Torpey Jr. & Ms. Amanda B. Cross Ms. Susan Christine Tracie Ms. Edythe M. Travelstead Ms. Margaret Hard1vick Treadway Mr. & Mrs. James 0. Treyz Mr. & Mrs. David Troast Mr. & Mrs. John H. Troy II Mrs. Harriet S. Turner Ms. Ruth Kilgour Turriff Mr. Thomas A. 1\vomey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. hlin Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Vandenberg Mr. Paul E. Vardeman Mr. & Mrs. james G. Vaughter Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Veldejr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Veysey Ms. Terry Anne Vigil Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. David E. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Walin Mr. & Mrs. john L. Walker Mr. Timothy j. Walker Ms. Constance H. Walkingshaw Mr. & Mrs. William Cook Wallace Ms. Suzanne M. Walton Mrs. Livingston D. Watrous Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Watts jr Ms. Patricia M. Weeks Mr. Jack Weinhold & Ms. Mary Beth Splaine Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Weinroth Dr. & Mrs. Francis Weld

Mr. & Mrs. john West Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Whippen Mr. & Mrs. Reid White Mr. Walter D. Wick & Ms. jannie Beddoe Ms. Janice Coffin Wiesen Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Mrs. Paula K. Williams Ms. Marguerite C. Wills Mr. & Mrs.t David H. Wilson Mr. William R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winn Mrs. Carol Cross Wodtke Ms. Joan W. Wolford Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. james W. Wolitarsky Mr. David H. Wood Mr. Richard Woods Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woolley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Woolverton Ill Mr. Alexander M. Worth Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Wrubel Ms. Lucinda E. Young Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Young Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Zecher Mr. David F. Zorensky & Ms. Helen D. Hobart

Supporting Members Mrs. Homer Abbott Ms. Louisa L. Affleck Mrs. june M. Albaugh Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Albright Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Aldinger Mr. & Mrs. Charly D. Allemand Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Aller hand Mrs. Dorothy C. Ames Mr. & Mrs. Pennel Ames Mr. & Mrs. David W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Anderson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Andrews ill Mr. & Mrs. Glenn J. Angiolillo Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Applegate Mr. jolm L. G. Archibald Ms. Marie Archibee Mr. Gordon Armstrong & Ms. Nancy Espersen Ms. Carol S. Arzt Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Asher Mr. Adam F. Atwood Ms. judith K. Atwood Ms. Sarah Prentiss Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Allan Austin Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Averne Mr. & Mrs. john B. Ayres Mr. joseph E. Bachelder Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. james L. Baird Jr. Ms. Margaret L. Pollard Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Baker Mrs. Marjorie von Credo Baker Mr. & Mrs. Willian! R. Baker Ms. Margaret j. Baker Ms. Teresa Bald1vin Mr. Hollis I. Barickman Mr. & Mrs. Barren Barnard Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barnes Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Barnes Mr. & Mrs. William Hadwen Barney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey Barrett Rev. Patricia Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barrington

Mr. & Mrs. john C. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. john B. Bartlett Mr. Philip E. Bash Mr. Robert M. Battistini Ms. Maureen V. Beck Mr. & Mrs. joshua Bekenstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Belford Mr. & Mrs. james Bennett Mr. & Mrs. john D. Bennett Mr. Roderick M. Bennett Ms. Paula Berman Mr. & Mrs. Douglass A. Bermingham Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Bernard Mr. Michael j. Bevier Mr. & Mrs. GeraldS. Biondi Mr. Robert Bires' Mr. jeff L. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Blashfield Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Blitman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Bloom Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boling Mt·. jackson S. Bond Mr. & Mrs. john j. Bon see Ms. Karen Borchert Mr. & Mrs. William Barten Ms. Claire Couch Bosee Mr. & Mrs. James Bounds Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braunohler Mr. Don Bravo & Ms. Lynn Jacquin Mr. john W. Brewer Ms. Mary Ann Brooks Mr. & Mrs. David S. j. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Brown Mr. Stephen F. Buckley Dr. & Mrs. )antes E. Bullock Ms. Barbara Bund Mr. R. Stuart Burch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Burgeson Jr. Mr. jonathan Burkhart Ms. Barbara H. Burmester Mr. & Mrs. john Moran Burns Ms. Marylyn Burns Mrs. Barbara jane Burris Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Butler Ms. Sheila M. Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Cady Mr. & Mrs. Vincentj. Calarco Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Calihan Mr. David Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Callahan Ms. Susan Callanan Ms. Lisa Anne Carey Mrs. Susan E. Carlson Mr. Patrick Carney Mr. & Mrs. Harry G. Carpenter Ms. Margaret Carpenter-Freeman Ms. Patty Carrolo Mr. Everett Case Mr. Gerald Case' Ms. Mary E. Casey & Mr. Skip Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Haig M. Casparian Ms. Roxanne Bell Casscells Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cassity Mr. Honpui Chan Ms. Kathryn Connolly Chase Mr. & Mrs. David Cheever Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Chute Jr. The Cialini Fantily Mr. & Mrs. Owen G. Clinton Ms. Brenda Coffin


Mr. & Mrs. David R. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. James A. Coffin Mr. JohnS. Coffin' Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Coffin Jr. Mr. Steven Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Terrill M. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. jack Colbert Mr. & Mrs. Allen Collins Mrs. Louise W. Collins Mr. Jeri C. Colton Mr. & Mrs. Larry Conlon Mr. & Mrs. john T. Connelly Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Conniff Mr. & Mrs. Alexius C. Conroy Ms. Judy S. Coonley Mr. Bett Cooper Mr. & Mrs. James E. Cooper Jr. Ms. Susan A. Cosman Ms. Karen Roberta Costantini Mr. & Mrs. john Cote Mr. & Mrs. John W. Courtland Mr. & Mrs. Uoyd B. Cox Jr. Ms. Franci N. Crane Mr. William Crispin & Ms. Maureen Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Crosby' Prof. Alfred W. Crosby & Dr. Frances Karttunen Mr. MatthewS. Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Cross Mr. Thomas I. Crowell Mr. Timothy G. Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Daniel F. S. Crowther Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. jack Cuneo Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Czapp Dr. & Mrs. David Dalury Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dane Mr. & Mrs. Dudley V. I. Darling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Darling Mrs. john Butler Davis Mr. John P. de Neufville Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Deck Mr. Randall E. Decoteau Mr. John Defreytas Mr. Charles G. Del Signore & Ms. Mary E. Ivey Mr. & Mrs. jonathan W. Delano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. DeLay Ms. Antoinette Denisof Mr. john P. De,ving & Ms. Maia Gaillard Mr. & Mrs. Hugh M. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dickson Mr. Peter DiCristofaro Mr. james G. Dinan Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dobbins Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Donnelly Ms. Colleen Donnelly & Ms. Christine Shaw Mr. John P. Dooley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. joseph P. Dooley Ms. Elizabeth G. Dorn Mr. William W. Drake Jr. Ms. Mary V. Drew Mrs. Mary M. Duffin Mrs. Lois L. Dugdale Mr. & Mrs. joe Duggan Ms. Audrey M. Dumper Ms. Priscilla Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Emack Mr. John P. Emert & Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw Mr. Peter Folger Erlin


Mr. Graham S. Ernst Ms. Julian na Ernst Mr. Douglas Eveleigh Mr. Peter Falkson & Ms. Shannon Colle Ms. Virginia Taylor Faria Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Farrell Ms. Jaclln B. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. john J. Fee Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dean Felch Mrs. Doris Fellerman Mr. Arthur L. Fenaroli Mr. George M. Ferris Ill Mr. & Mrs. jerry Field Dr. & Mrs. john P. Fields Mr. & Mrs. Eric Finger Mr. john Steven Fink Dr. & Mrs. josef E. Fischer Mr. Peter J. Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Capt. & Mrs. Walter Folger Mr. & Mrs. jeremiah Ford Ms. Paula Forget Mr. & Mrs. Reg Foster Mr. & Mrs. Elden K. Foulk Jr. Mrs. Ingrid A. M. Francis Mr. & Mrs. john P. Franzen Mrs. Florence C. Frascati Mrs. Carla de Creny Freed Mr. & Mrs. Gary Freeman Mr. Gregg Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Freilich Mrs. Virginia Friberg Ms. Alice T. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Williant K. Friend Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frisbie Mr. Robert . Frisbie Mr. Kertis Fronk Mr. & Mrs. Mark Furlong Mr. & Mrs. John Galloway Ms. Susan B. Gannon Mr. jerome Gelula Mr. Paul Gemis Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gemma Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. john C. Giesea Mr. & Mrs. Daniel & Irene Gilbreth Mrs. Paul Gildehaus Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Giles Mr. & Mrs. joshua R. Gillenson Dr. & Mrs. John 1'. Girvin Mr. & Mrs. Philip Glantz Mr. Daniel M. Gluch Ms. Sara Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Goldberg Mr. Ed Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Goldsmith Ms. Rose M. Gonnella Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence G. Goode Dr. & Mrs. Jordon Goodman Mr. David Goodman & Ms. Susan Yerkes Cary Mr. & Mrs. William Goodman Mr. David Good\vio Mr. & Mrs. Winthrop M. Good,vin Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goss Ms. Adelaide R. Grant Mr. Burges M. Green Mr. & Mrs. William Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Grenier Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder

Ms llc:uher \\ Gnllo Mr & Mr... TciT) Grodt•n ~Irs. Walker Grocvmg~r Mr & Mrs. john M Groff Mr & Mr... llarll1 I Gro" Mr & \Irs. Phlhp Ci Guilt) Mr 1!. Mr... llcnn ll Gutman Mr. & Mr~ lluward V llag~nlmdt Mr & Mr... Rich;trd rhuma.s llalt· Mr. & Mrs Charb 1.(':1 llancnrk Mr & \lr.,. Kl'\lllj. llardmg Mr. & \h Richard \ liard) Mr MarkS llarm'l:n \1r & Mrs Donald C. llarris Col Rohcrt I. llart Mr & Mr... Jm.cph l);mt• ll;trt •ron· Mr & Mr.. james \ lhtshtm II Mr & Mrs. (;cof):c T.lhtlhol110l) Mr & Mr... Clurb ll;ncr.. \lr Pl110n S IIJI\l'S Mr & \lr... Rohert \. ll;m kins Mr & Mr... Oli\cr l~ ll:tJ.Jrd Mr & Mrs. Gt'Of):l' llchnl'r Mr 1!. Mrs. john 0 Ht'tldto' Mr. & Mr... \rthur 1.. llt'ld Mr & Mr... PeterS Hcllt•r Mr. & Mr... Samud lll'llcrman Mr Patrick] Hcnl'!lhan Mr. & \1 r.,. RIChardS IIerman Mr john A Herndon Mr. & 1rs. Adolf lieN Mr & Mrs. MJ.s()fl C llt')dt Mr. Rich III Ieman Mr. & Mr... \ornt<tn S. llillman Mr.' & Mrs. l'hilt·mon \ llo;ulll'\ Ms. Undst') lloffman · Mr. & Mrs. C Thoma.' llngstt·n Mrs. Rita S. llolch Mr. & Mrs. S~'lnlc1 II llulhutder Dr. 1!. Mrs. flnt ce ·o. lloppcr Ms. Marlysj. llornd\>ki Mr. Edg;tr B. Howard Mr. & Mr... William llowcll Mr. &. Mrs. Robert II radii Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Willl:un lludspclh Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hulnw Mr. & Mrs. ,\rthur S. Hulnick Mr. & Mrs. Donald lluntcr Sr Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. lhH.sc) Ms. Susan). llut Ms. S)lria llutte Mr. RoloUJd G. Hu)ser Mr. Douglot~ K. llydc Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. lampictro Ms. 1~1 ura C. Iglehart Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Irwin Ms. Anne II. Isbister Mr. Laurence Jacks Mr. & Mrs. james W. jackson Ms. L)1m R. jackson Ms. Karen W. jason Mr. & Mrs. Richard jaycobs Mr. Stephen jeUn Mr. & Mrs. Peter jenny Ms. jennie jerome Mr. David B. jewen Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. johnsen Jr Ms. Gail Nickerson Johnson Ms. Diane M. Johnston Ms. Sh:tron 1.. jones Ms. Patricia A. Joyner Prof. & Mrs.]. Richard Judson Mr. Steve KabeiT)' & Ms. >\~thea Zesk

\Irs \ anti II 11:![, \lr. & Mrs I>md 1\J.i xk Mr. & \Irs. Slallll Zl'\l"kt \lr. Stt·wn Karol l>r. l't·ltr S. Ml Mr. & \I rs. john II \lr. & \Irs. llrnn (, \lr. & \lr>. Juhn M \lr, & \lr.,. John I \b \ttrtha llan \h. \Ian ( r' l>r. Rolwrt S Kc


Ltur;t l.nsc lit \lr. , \l r.. I,. '\ilt Mr. & \I rs. \llan (, \lr & \l r; IR'<IIit \lr. & \I rs. Iartd \lr. < \lr). t:ordo Dr. & \l r.. ~t 1 r I>r. & \1 r.. )a k 11o \lr & \lr' ll.tlld K, \lr & \II" . llennt1h 't~ \lr. & \J r., Jod B \lr & \I rs. J:tlwan \ b \111\ Ill me Ill t \lr. & ,;"' • \\ illiar \lr. & \lr. 1ulton 1 k \lr & \lr.,, ltirhar J.l.tc \I r \ndrt'\1 Il 1\ott Mr. l.t·u 1!. 1\r.. uz \lr & \lr... !tub r11' Ia \lr. lot'Uf):t' \,hfurd li nun \lr l't·ttr \\ , liunkc, Mr Rlrhard t: Ku~l lr,, janeT. Jamb Mr Juhnl.ampe \lr. & \II'• l';tu l F.. 111 ·r Mrs \lf):lni;t tl 1~d I m \lr & M" lkm· 0 I 1'1 rre Mr & \II" \nthum I' Jltorru Mr. fmnk Ltrnt• \1 r.. joJll \ l~t r r.tht•t• ~h . l'alricia \1 I .L~sttcr \lr... John C. I;tthrnp Ms. l.un l.Ju Mr Just:ph \1 L111lur Mr & Mr... I n·d lall rt'll<l' \lr... J:dtth II l.t'otf) \lr & Mrs Thom;L'I 1>. l.t~t f) M> Chrhttna G. l.dllanr l)r & Mrs. John S l.t•tlllt'ttt·r Mr & Mrs St'tldon \\ ll·AA Mr &. Mrs. Darren l.t'l(.l:t' Mr & Mrs J);l\id Jl.t•l(.l:l'll Mr. &. Mr.. john M. l.t'l(.l:t'll Mr. Rubert 1: l .ei~h \lr & Mr... Stc\cn l.t•inbacb Mr Scott Leonard & \h \lichclle Perkins Dr & Mrs. Timoth) Ll•pore Mr & Mr... Robert J Le:-ch Dr. & Mr,. James Lc1in Ms. jennifer A Lc1itt lr. & Mr... R1chard E. Lc11isjr. Dr. & Mr., \I bert G. Uddell Ms. Sotbine 'W . Licbtmtnn & Mr joseph R. Paul Lt. Col & Mrs. HowardS. Lincoln Mr. & Mrs. Robert li. Undgren Mr. & Mrs. D:t,id 0. Linton ~b . Lealt Lipton

Ms. Becki Upton Ms. Eleanor M. Lisker Ms. Vicki Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey B. Lockard Mr. & Mrs. JeffreyS. Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. William C. Long Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Longley Mr. Peter S. Loomis Mr. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. Mr. Tom Loughlin Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mr. t & Mrs. Robert C. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Low Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Lundquist Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Lussier Jr. Mr. joseph F. Lynch Mr. &Mrs. Richard B. Mack Mr. Angus MacLeod & Ms. Deborah Troutman Mr. & Mrs. Hugh MacVicar Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Macy Mr. &Mrs. t Thomas L. Macy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Macy Jr. Dr. Charlotte E. Maguire Mr. Franklin Gardner Maher Mrs. Elizabeth M. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Morgan F. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Malanoski Dr. &Mrs. William T. Maple Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Marache III Mrs. Ua K. Marks Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Leslie K. Martin Mr. &Mrs. Dennis C. Marvin Mr. & Mrs. Bruce P. Mattoon Mr. Christopher L. Maury Ms. Bethny H. Mason Mr. & Mrs. john K. Maus Jr. Mr. Alex Mautner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McCartney Ms. Rita A. McCauley Dr. Katherine Ann McCluskey Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McCoy Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. McCreruy Ms. Helen M. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. McGhee Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. McGowan Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. James Mcinerney Mr. & Mrs. Christopher McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. john C. McMeekin Mr.& Mrs. Glenn Stevens Meader Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Meadow Mr. Stephen B. Meister Dr.t & Mrs. David Mendelsohn Jr. Ms. Margrethe B. Mentes Mrs. Tamsen Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Merritt Mr. &Mrs. Robert C. Mesaros' Mr. & Mrs. John L. Michelsen Mr. & Mrs. Paul]. Michetti Mr. & Mrs. B. Jenkins Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton Mr. Christopher]. Miller Dr. Clinton F. Miller & Ms. Adele E. Wick Drs. Edwin & Norma Miller Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Minucci Mr. Grayson B. Mitchell Ms. Jane E. Mitchell Mr. Earl B. Mix Jr.' Mr. & Mrs. Krista! Mofett Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Montross

Mr. & Mrs. T. Channing Moore Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Moran Mr. & Mrs. Farley Moran Mr. &Mrs. Frank R. Morral Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Morris Jr. Ms. Anne D. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Peter Morrison Mrs. Eva Moss Mrs. Joseph F. Mulcahy Jr. Mrs. Alfred E. Munier Mr. & Mrs. John F. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Maclyn H. Musser Ms. Kathleen Mustello Ms. Kathleen Sue Myers Mr. & Mrs. Francis Phillip Nash Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash II Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Nathan Dr. & Mrs. Larry Nathanson Mr. & Mrs. William Neff III Mr. & Mrs. David Nelson Mr. David S. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Nesheim Mr. & Mrs. Shane D. Nicholls Mr. Thomas F. Nigro Ms. Pamela S. Niner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Norkin Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Normand Mr. & Mrs. Randolph P. Norris Mr. & Mrs. William D. North Mrs. Grace T. Noyes Mr. &Mrs. Robert W. Noyes Mr. & Mrs. john G. O'Brien Mrs. Althur O'Connell Mr. Scott O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. William Obremski Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Oddleifson Ms. Annie L. Okerstrom-Lang Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Olsen Mrs. Norman Olsen Jr. Mr. Dana Otis Mr. Robert G. Ottenhoff Mr. & Mrs. Willard Overlock Mr. & Mrs. james Ozias Ms. Susan C. Painter Mr. & Mrs. john G. Palache Jr. Dr. & Mrs. E. Prather Palmer Mr. & Mrs. George C. Pappageorge Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Paquette Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. Pardi Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Parker Ms. MaryS. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Anthony]. Parrotto Mr. Nicholas Partick-Hiley Mr. & Mrs. Scott Pascucci Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pasquariello Ms. Kathleen M. Paterno Mr. Geoffrey S. Paul Mr. Jon H. Paulsen Mr. &Mrs. George E. Peacock Mr. Tom Peacock Mr. & Mrs. John Penn Mr. James A. Perehuan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perlman Ms. Kathy Perras Ms. Carolyn Hills Perry Mr. Mark Peny & Ms. Dee Dinallo Mr. David A. Perry-Miller & Mr. John Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. John G. Petrasch Mr. john E. Petrie Mr. & Mrs. Hemy C. Pfaff Jr. Ms. Louise Pfeiffer

Ms. Laura L. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur B. Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pietrafesa Mr. & Mrs. John A. Pignato Ms. Mary M. Pillsbury Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Pinkas Mr. & Mrs. Le,vis A. Plane Rev. Sigmund Podlozny Jr. Mrs. Charles N. Pollak Mr. Larry I. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Max Polster Mr. & Mrs. William G. Porter Drs. Margaret &Trevor Price Mr. & Mrs. JeffreyS. Proden Ms. Mary Bruce Rae-Grant Mr. & Mrs. Charles Raimo Mr. & Mrs. Phillip]. Raneri Mr. Robert]. Reid Mr. John A. Reindel Mr. & Mrs. Albert Remmy Mr. & Mrs. C. Arnold Renschler Mr. Matthew Reynolds Ms. Denley Poor-Reynolds Mr. Christopher Rich Mr. & Mrs. Ron Richards Ms. Catherine B. Richards Mr. & Mrs. Fred S. Richrod Mr. & Mrs. Andrew P. Rifkin Dr. & Mrs. Robert V. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Ripley Mr. Robert D. Rivers & Ms. Elizabeth D. Calvi! Mr. t &Mrs. Samuel Robert Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Roberts Mr. D. B. Robinson Ms. janet L. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. George R. Rochat Mr. & Mrs. Dana F. Rodin Mr. David S. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman Ms. Debra L. Romanos Mr. & Mrs. Norman Roos Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Mr. William B. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rose Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Ross Ms. Patricia Rottmeier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rouillard Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Rubin Mr. John T. Rusnock Mrs. Shirley L. Russell Ms. Binth Rustad Mr. & Mrs. john C. Ruttenberg Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ryan Mr. Beau Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Leroy F. Ryder Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Salisbury Mrs. Patricia A. Sanborn Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Sangree Mr. Joseph E. Santucci Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Saperstein Mr. Lawton G. Sargent Jr. Mr. Ansley W. Sawyer Ms. Sally B. Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sayle Ms. Cynthia Clark Scevola Mr. John D. Schaperkotter Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Dave Schofield Mrs. Margaret B. Schram Dr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Franklin M. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. David A. Schulz

Mr. David Scott Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scotti Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Seaquist Mr. &Mrs. joseph R. Seiger Mr. Peter Sendelbach Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Senecal Mr. Thomas F. Shannon Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. William G. Shaw III Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shaw Mr. & Mrs. James D. Shaw Mr. Ben Sheets Ms. Beverly Swain Sherman Mr. David L. Shockley Mr. James L. Shockman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shuring Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Sickbert Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Sigler Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Silber Dr. Charles H. Sillars Mr. Walter R. Silva Ms. Christine B. Silverstein Ms. Margaret Silverstein Ms. Laura Simon Mr. & Mrs. Leigh A. Simpson Dr. jan1es C. Sisk Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Russell Smith The Snavely Family Mr. & Mrs. Norbert H. Snobeck Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Snow Mr. & Mrs. W. lloyd Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Lars 0. Soderberg Mr. William B. Solomon Mr. &Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Springer Mr. & Mrs. john Stahler Mr. Alfred T. Stanley & Ms. Kathleen A. Guido Mrs. Gladys Stedman Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Stefanik Ms. Mary B. Stephenson Ms. Syamala M. Sternick Mr. &Mrs. Philip C. Stevens Ms. Maureen B. Stier Ms. Anne Stinnett Mr. &Mrs. William B. Stitt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Grove Stoddard Mr. Steven Stoft & Ms. Pamela Perun Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Stone Mr. & Mrs. john H. Stover Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence]. Stratton Ms. Marcia A. Strickland Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Ms. Darla Chaddick Stuckey Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sullivan Ms. Sandy H. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Susman Mr. & Mrs. George Sutton Ms. Jill Swaim Mr. & Mrs. Nason S. Swain Mr. &Mrs. Wihuer C. Swartley Mr. &Mrs. John M. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swenson Mrs. Elizabeth C. Sylviat Dr. & Mrs. john]. Sziklas Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sziklas Mr. Mason M. Taber Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Tambke Ms. Elinar H. T:111gen Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Tardanico Mr. Davis T. Taunton Jr.· Mr. &Mrs. Robert L. Taylor


Mr. Michael R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tercek Mr. john W. Tevebaugh Mr. & Mrs. John W. Thoman Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas Mr. Edward Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Luke Thornewill Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Tiger Mr. J. A. Tilroe & Ms. Dorothea Hubner Mr. & Mrs. George Todor Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Toledo Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tolsdorf Ms. Nikki S. Toole Mr. Terence J. Toth Mr. Harry R. Trout Mr. !Iampton R. Trout Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Truffini Mr. & Mrs. Clifford 0. Turner Mr. Steven C. Turrentine Mr. & Mrs. Wat H. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Ross A. Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Van Arsdale Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Van Dyke Dr. Enrico J. Versace Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vidoni Ms. Colleen Vinney & Ms. Ruth Moore Ms. Constance E. Voges Mr. & Mrs. Mark Voigt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Voss Mr. john R. Wagley Mrs. Samuel Wagner Mr. john Walker & Ms. Laurie Thornton Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wallace Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William A. Waller Ms. Jane Corliss W:tlton Dr. & Mrs. Francis Wanat Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Wantz Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Wareham Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Warms Mr. & Mrs. john E. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Wasley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Waterhouse Ms. Patricia Wazan Mr. Marvin Weaver & Ms. julia E. Stearns Ms. Natalie H. Webb Mrs. Linda Webber Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Weber Dr. & Mrs. John G. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. John W. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wehmueller Mr. Thomas Weinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weinstock Ms. Carolyn N. Weld Mr. & Mrs. Frank Welsh Mr. Burton W. Went & Ms. ancy M. Giragosian Ms. Suky Werman Mr. & Mrs. George West Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Westbrook Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. WilliamS. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Davison D. White' Mrs. DonaldS. White Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. White Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Whiteford Mr. Chad Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. William Wilkinson Ms. Sarah Wilkinson Mrs. Mary Veronica Williams Mr. Kenneth Williams Mrs. Helen Coffin Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wilson


Ms. Maureen jean Wilson Mr. Peter M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Le,vis Thomas Winger Mr. James D. Wismar Mr. & Mrs. William H. Witt Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Wolfjr. Ms. Barbara Wolfinger Ms. Mary Swain Wood Mr. & Mrs. J. Eliot Woodbridge Capt. & Mrs. elson C. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. David D. Worth Mr. David D. Worth Jr. & Ms. Leslie W. Forbes Ms. Margot F. Wynkoop Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Yeates Ms. Sylvia S. Yonkin Mr. & Mrs. Millard S. Younts Mr. & Mrs. Alex Zaras Mr. & Mrs. Brian L.P. Zevnik

Individual Members Mr. Steven M. Adler Ms. Nathalie Agostino Ms. joan P. Albaugh Mrs. juditlt K. Alexander Ms. Susan Allaire Mrs. Anne C. Allen Ms. ina Bell Allen' Ms. Victoria Taylor Allen Mrs. joan Hunter Altreuter Ms. Adele P. Ames Mr. Richard Peter Anmott Ms. Elizabeth J. Amos Mrs. Velma C. Appl Mr. jon Aron Ms. Eileen Arsenault Ms. Marian Awwad Ms. Georgia A.xt Mrs. Louis R. Ayotte Ms. Robin Babington Mrs. Mary G. Bachman Ms. Mary Bachrach Ms. Katherine J. Baker Mrs. Grace Bardelis Mr. jeffrey A. Barkan Ms. Elaine W. Barnes Ms. Rosemary C. Barney Ms. Lorraine Barstow Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bartholomew Mr. John Bartlett Mrs. Earle E. Baruch Mrs. Karen L. Baryshyan Ms. Frances E. Baskett Mr. Patrick W. Beaugard Mr. Robert F. Belliveau Ms. Irene Oldham Bent Mr. Thomas Berentes Mr. Robert B. Berger Mr. Dennis J. Berner Ms. Claire]. Bettencourt Ms. Gina Bilander Ms. Sydney M. Blackwell Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Jr. Mr. Roger W. Block Ms. Elaine M. Boehm Mr. Charles V. S. Boillod Ms. Jane E. Bonvini Mr. Ross M. Boothe Mrs. Robert W. Bouton Mr. Jean Bouttyeuet Mrs. Helen M. Bowen Ms. Barbara Bowman Ms. Bonnie B. Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower Ms. Virginia A. Bretschneider Mrs. Naomi C. Brewer Ms. Pamela L. Briggs Mrs. Caroline Rutter Brow11 Ms. Carolyn A. M. Brown Mr. Anton Brown Ms. Leah M. Brubaker Ms. Elizabeth Bmmmet Ms. Paula Macy Bmton Ms. Patricia j. Buckley Ms. Katherine Ward Burg Mrs. Lee Rand Burne Ms. Lisa M. Butler Mrs. Matthew V. Byrne Jr. Mr. Clifton "'· C.1d) Mr. Charles B. Caldwell Ms. Judy C:tldwell Mr. Enrico Cartee Ms. Sharon S. Cartee Mrs. jean B. C:trleton Dr. Lawrence S. Carlton Mr. john B. Carroll Mrs. Irene Coffin Carroll Ms. Mary B. Carroll Mr. Ronald A. Carter Ms. Sally M. Carter Ms. Martita J. Cary Mr. Richard Montfort Cary Ms. Ga)110r D. Casner Jr. Ms. Mal') Ellen Castle Ms. Pamela J. Ceruti Mrs. Marshal! II. Chambers Mrs. Gertrude N. Christensen Ms. Shirley T. Christophers Mr. Arnold Glickstein Ms. Carrol L. Cocker Ms. Abig:til Coffin Mr. D. Tristram Coffin Mr. David P. Coffin Jr. Mr. E:trl J. Coffin Mr. Edward Wayman Coffin Mr. Francis Howells Coffin Mrs. Helen S. Coffin Mrs. Marjorie G. Coffin Mr. Melvin T. Coffin Mr. l'ltillip J. Coffin Dr. Samuel Alden Coffin Mr. Vernon L. Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Ms. Judith A. Collatz Ms. Nan L. Collette Ms. Barbara Church Colman Mr. Thomas B. Congdon Mrs. jane F. Connell Mrs. Sophie Chandler Consagra Mrs. Peter J. Cook Mr. Ryan M. Cooper Mr. Donald Cordell Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Ms. Caroline F. Corkum Ms. Cathleen A. Corning Ms. Rosalind Costello Mr. Richard C. Crisson Mrs. Herbert E. Crowell Mr. Carl J. Cruz Mr. john Dannenberg! Mrs. Grace Coffin Daughdrill Mrs. Rosa-Seddon H. Davis Ms. janet Y. DeCosta Mr. Burton N. Derick Ms. Mary Kinne Descy Mr. David Huyler Dexter Mr. Stephen W. DeYoung

Mr Brian A Dicairc ~h Alice Carol Dixon \1r Mark Donato ~h . jloannc ~1. Doole) Mr l'r•mklnl Dorman Dr. Wendell 1\ Downing Ms. Robin Driscoll Mr. Kenneth V Ducc Ms. Ethel Dunham Mr 1\cbon Durand 11-h jeanne Marie Durr Mr.. Clam E. Eberhard Mr. \\ Hli:un II Eckert Jr. Mr ' & Mrs. john P. Elder Ms Mof!l:Ut Ulington Mr Stl'\en r!Us Mr Douglas R. Elb'\\orth Mr... Marjorie B. Elmer t\h Vilian P El11dge Ms. Dorothy M Emcr..on Ms. 'ancy S. Ernst Ms. Mal) Helen Fabachcr Mr joseph Greenlc-.ll ratloix Ms. Lonnc C. Fargo Ms. Rcht'CCOI Fcllcrnt<lll Lauer Mr. john \\ rcuerbath Mr... Eleanor B. Fisher Ms. Tracie Anne Fillgcrald Ms j:utct D. Flanagan Mr... jc:m M. Fleming Mr;. 1\atalic J. Fletcher Ms. Catherine Fl)lln Ms. judith L. Flynn Ms. Erin Foley Mr. Harry 1'. Folger Ill Ms. l.uC) E. Folger Ms. Lois Fonmna Ms. je-.m G. Fordyce Mr. \Valliant F. Fordyce Ms. Mae Chandlee Foss Mr. Mark L. Foster Ms. judith Frank Mr. Mark C. Fredl:utd Mr. Emory B. Freem:ut Mrs. Louis Frillm:ut Mr. jack Fritsch Mr. Granger II. l'rost Dr. Robert E. Funsch Mrs. Anne Co[m Gardner Mrs. El:tine K. Gardner Mrs. joseph L. Gardner Ms. Mary P. Gardnert Ms. Alison Gavin Mr. Harry Geller Mrs. George C. Gianakos Dr. Peter Gibbon Mr. Greg Gibson Ms. Karen K. Gifford Mrs. joyce E~na Macy Gilbreath Mr. Donald W. Giles Ms. M:uy Anne Giuseppe Mrs. M:uy E. Glowacki Ms. Stephanie Goff Ms. Carol)11 K. Good Mr. Michael A. Goode Mrs. Grace E. Goodrich Ms. Nicole Christine Grah:tm Mr. Robert N. Grant Ms. Diana Graves Ms. Barbara H. Gray Mr. Samuel j . M. Greeley Dr. jeffrey J. Greenberg Mr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Mrs. B:u·bara P. Grey

Mrs. james R. Grieves Mrs. Patricia P. Griffin Ms. Sharon S. Griffith Mr. A. Peter Guarino Ms. Alice Loomis Guiher Ms. Violet Orrie Guy Mrs. Winifred Hadley Ms. Norma E. Hall Ms. Gail Hano Ms. Ann M. Hanson Mr. John G. C. Harden Mrs. Mary I. Hardy Mr. Robert Harper Dr. Margaret Harrington Mr. Mark C. Hart Ms. Debbie Hartman Ms. Shari Dorantes Hatch Mrs. Marjorie Macy Hattin Ms. Bette T. Hawn Dr. David S. Hays Ms. Susan Eaton Heard Mr. Thomas F. Heffernan Mr. Jolm M. Heggem Mrs. jean W. Henderson Mrs. Elizabeth w. Hendricks Ms. Grace Coffin Henry Mrs. Henry G. Herzing Mrs. Helen Hesselgrave Dr. William H. Higgins Jr. Mr. Michael Hiley Ms. Rita Beecher Hill Mr. T. J. Hill Mr. Alexander J. Hill Mr. Glenn Forrester Hillman Mrs. john C. Hodges Mr. Richard L. Hogan Mr. Eric S. Holch Mr. Kenneth W. Holdgate Jr. Mrs. Katherine E. Hollifield Ms. Leslie Hope Mrs. Catherine A. Hosmer Mrs. William P. Hourihan Mrs. Frederick W. Howes Mr. Robert Hubbard Ms. Nancy L. Hueper Mrs. Jolm Husted Mr. Chris W. Hutchinson Ms. Thirza D. Hyatt Ms. Misty Wager Hyde Mr. Tom lampietro Mr. Valdemar F. jacobsen Ms. judith V. james Mr. Willian1 jamieson Mrs. Arthur F. jantison Ms. Page Wroth Jantison Ms. joanne G. jasser Ms. Pamela G. jelleme Mr. Timothy W. jensen Mr. john G. jolmson Ms. Esther Smith johnson Mr. Bertrand F. johnston Ms. Cantillajanejoynt Mrs. Stephen]. Karper Ms. Marilyn A. Katz Ms. Margaret E. Kavanaugh Mrs. Regina A. Keightley Ms. Mary Keller Mr. Randy A. Kemper Ms. Susan F. R. Kenny Mrs. Doris E. Kenyon Ms. Janis C. Ketterer Mrs. judith Ketterer Mr. james M. Killen Ms. Susan Kinney

Mrs. Elizabeth Kinsaul Ms. Rita Delafield Kip Dr. Ruud Krom Ms. Gene Swain Kuechmann Ms. Nancy Kurz Mr. john E. Lacouture Mrs. Everett Lambt Ms. Michelle Lamb Ms. Sarah F. Lamott Ms. Lulu Lanagan Ms. Carol M. Lane Ms. Judith Lanza Ms. judith M. Lasinski Ms. Cynthia G. Lathrop Mr. joseph Laurano Ms. joanne T. Lawrence Mrs. Carol E. Le Gray Mr. A. Barton Le1vis Ms. Denise M. Uvengood Ms. Nancy]. Looney Mr. joseph M. Lopes Mrs. james W. Loss Ms. Sherry L. Loucks Ms. Anne Folger Love Mr.. Walter F. Lucas Ms. Judith N. Lund Mrs. Ann Friedrich Lundberg Mrs. Katherine M. Lynch Ms. Unda Lynch Mr. Matthew R. MacEachern Dr. Pete Maclnerney Ms. Ruth S. MacRae Ms. janet L. Macy Col. Owen Y. Macy Mr. Thomas W. Macy Ms. Diane L. Maddison Mr. Thomas 0. Maggs Mrs. E. McElroy Maloney Ms. Catherine Theresa Maloney Ms. joan H. Manley Ms. Sue Manning Mr. jolm Mansfield Ms. Sheila M. Marcoux Mr. Christopher Martin Ms. Lynn A. Martin Mrs. Nell W. Martin Ms. janine A. Matsko Mrs. Michelle B. Maury Ms. Karen M. Maxwell Ms. Stephanie L. May Mr. Hoyt P. Mayes Ms. Anne C. McAndrew Ms. jane McClafferty Mrs. E. D. McCraw Mr. Robert E McDonnell Mr. Thomas B. McGlinn Mrs. Ann Louise Coffin Mclaughlin Mrs. Nathan B. McMullen Ms. Edith W. McNair Ms. Margaret McNulty Mrs. Adolph]. Merkt Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Ms. Mary Merton Ms. Kathrin Phelan Midgley Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller Ms. Judith A. Miller Mr. Richard F. Mitchell Mr. Samuel W. Mitchell Mrs. Donald R. Moffett Ms. Margaret Moore Booker Mr. Townsend R. Morey Jr. Ms. Margaret C. Morgan Ms. Eleanor]. Morrison Mr. Gerald Morrissey

Ms. Sandi Mulconry Mrs. john Murkland Mr. Paul G. Murphy Dr. Caroline C. Murray Mr. Michael W. Murray Mr. Peter H. Myers Ms. Heather H. Myers Ms. Barbara]. Nathan Ms. Lisa Norling Ms. Lois M. Norton Mr. David Thomas O'Brien Ms. Judith M. Ochsner Ms. Nannette F. Orr Ms. Barbara Owen Ms. Grace joyce Page Ms. Nancy Pasley Ms. joyce S. Pendery Mr. john Penrose Mrs. Gretchen Penrose Ms. Phyllis Fein Perelman Mr. jeffrey M. Perk Ms. Anne C. Peters Ms. Pearlie M. Peters Ms. Annette W. Peterson Mrs. Sabra Peterson Mrs. William C. Petty Mr. Henry W. Pfeiffer Ms. Beverly Phillips Mrs. Elizabeth Hood Phillips Mr. Randolph W. Pierce Mr. Richard]. Pikejr. Mrs. john R. Pimental Mr. Michael Pimental Ms. Karen E. Pinto Mr. Stephen]. Pitliuk Ms. Gilda C. Pollard Ms. joanne Polster Ms. Nancy B. Poor Ms. joan Brown Porter Ms. Saral1 Manvel Porter Mrs. janet P. G. Porterfield Ms. Melinda R. Potter Ms. Peyson Potter Ms. Carol Coggins Powell Mr. joseph W. Powell Mr. james E. Powers Mr.]. B. Presber Mr. jonathan K. Probber Mr. jolm B. Putnam Ms. Miriam W. Coffin Ragsdale Mr. Philander Hartwell Rainey Mr. jolm M. Raymond Ms. Diana R. Regan Mrs. Irene A. Regan Ms. jean Reiland Mr. Allen B. Reinhard Mrs. Frederick A. Richmond Mrs. Charles R. Rickards Ms. Lois F. Riley Mr. john F. Ringjr. Mrs. Patricia V. Robinson Ms. Patricia H. Rodgers Ms. Patricia Rohlfing Mr. Malcolm]. Rohrbough Ms. Kristine Nancy Rolofson Mrs. Nancy Lynn Romankiewicz Mr. Frederic N. Rosiak Ms. Elisabeth C. Roxby Ms. Louise M. Rucker Ms. Kimberly L. Rugala Mrs. Elaine B. Russell Mrs. Donald L. Ryder Mrs. Barbara Brown Saunders Mr. Kirk M. Schillinger

Mr. Peter A. Sclunid Mrs. Betty Macy Schwier Ms. Susan H. Scott Mrs. Carl H. Seidel Ms. Nancy]. Seidensticker Mr. johnS. Serafini Dr. Eva P. Sesso Ms. Kathryn K. Sheehan Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sheppard Ms. Mary M. Shumaker Mr. Jim H. Siburg Mrs. William A. Slade Ms. Cindy Longley Slate Mr. William Lewis Slover Jr. Dr. Richard Slusarczyk Mrs. joan D. Small Ms. Susan S. Smick Mrs. Betty Macy Smith Mr. Grahan1 MacLean Smith Mr. H. Brooks Smith Mrs. Ilene N. Smith Mr. Robert D. Smith Ms. Rosanne Smith Ms. Sandra F. Smith Ms. Sheri L. Snively Mr. james L. Socks Mrs. Frank C. Soule Mr. Sean Souney Ms. Patricia M. Spear Mrs. George Hollister Spencer Ms. Sheila Spezzano Mr. Trent Spurlock Mr. james Carlton Starbuck Ms. Katherine Starbuck Mr. Rayn10nd B. Starbuck Mr. Stephen C. Starbuck Ms. Karen L. Stefancic Dr. Jean K. Stevenson Mrs. Shirley]. Stojak Ms. Virginia Stotz Ms. Virginia L. Streader Mr. Jon A. Stroup Ms. Stacey Stuart Mr. Thomas C. Succop Mrs. Melinda]. Sutherin Mrs. Lisa S. Sutphin Mr. Carl E. Swain Ms. Gwenyth Swain Ms. Minna E. Swain Ms. Anne Sweidel Mrs. Agnes Worth Sylvia Ms. Barbara T. Szabo Mrs. jo Tambo Ms. Rebecca]. Tannenbaum Mr. Edward]. Tanner Ms. Mildred Taylor Mr. Thomas F. Tedesco Mrs. Helen R. Thomas Ms. Karola Thomas Mr. Mark B. Thompson Mrs. Carol D. Thornton Mrs. Sheila Folger Todd Mr. Robert C. Tolton Mrs. Imion F. Trainor Mrs. Margaret H. Trapnell Ms. Bronwyn I. Troska Ms. Mary Frances Thrnbull Mrs. William H. Thttle Ms. Nancy E. Tyrer Ms. Leslie L. Ullman Mr. Steven Richards Valentine Mrs. Robert W. Van Gundy Mr. Walton Van Winkle ill Mrs. Pamela]. Vana-Paxhia


Ms. Laurie E. Veal Ms. Kathryn E. Vedder Mrs. Gay G. Vogt Ms. Eugenic H. Voorhees Ms. janet Wagner Mr. Matthew Frederic Waldman Mrs. W. Wyau Walker Jr. Mrs. Donald C. Walton Mrs. Susan S. Ward Mr. Charles L. Washburne Dr. Lawrence Wasser Mrs. J. Brooks Wan Ms. Katherine Watts Ms. KatWeen Anne Weadick Ms. Caroline Weaver Mrs. William S. Webster Ms. Ann A. Welfeld Mr. Willian1 Parker Westcott Or. Stephen M. White Mr. Stuart S. White Mr. William White Mr. john P. Wickser Mr. Howard L. Wilkinson Mr. Paul E. Willer Mrs. Dorothea J. Willian1s Mrs. Enid V. Williams Mrs. james R. Williams Ms. Nan Willian1s Mr. Warren E. Wills Dr. Joy Therese Wilson Mrs. Peter J. Wilson Ms. Carole W. Windhan1 Ms. Sara M. Withee Mrs. Robert B. Wood Mr. J. Linden Wood Mr. Walter H. Woods Jr. Ms. Nancy A. Workman" Ms. Barbara H. Wullschleger Ms. Martha Wyant Ms. Pamela A. Wyne Mrs. Grace E. Yenni Mrs. Paula Blackmur Young Lt. Col. james W. Youngberg Ms. Mary Zappas Mr. John M. Zynsky

Institutional Members Allen County Public Ubrary American Antiquarian Society Boston Public Ubraty Cornell University Library DAR Ubrary Harvard College Library Libraty of Boston Athenaeum Massachusetts State Ubrary Newberry Library Serials Division New England Historic Genealogical Society New York Public Library New York State Ubrary Public Ubrary of Cincinnati State Historical Society of Wisconsin University of Massachusetts Ubrary

Life Members Mr. & Mrs. Emery E. Allain Mr. Robert W. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Ames Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Ames Mr. William M. Amey Mrs. Carolyn Pesnell Amory Mr. & Mrs. joel Anapol Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan


Rev. and Mrs. Edward B. Anderson Mr. Michael C. Anderson Mrs. james Clinton Andrews Mr. & Mrs. W. Seymour Archibald Jr. Mrs. George Arnold Jr. Mrs. Harold Arnold Mrs. Loraine C. Arnold Mr. Edmund 0. Ashley Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Austin Mrs. Phillips G. Al'ery Mr. James E. Aydelone Mr. Kevin R. Aydelotte Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Aydelotte Mr. Michael Bachman Mr. William Bachman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baird Mr. Walter D. Bannard Mr. James Hunt Barker Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Beach Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beilman Mrs. Mary Anne Beinecke Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beinecke Jr. Mr. Walter Beinecke ill Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Beman Mrs. A. L. Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bennett Mr. Robert A. Bennett Dr' . & Mrs. George Berkheimer Or. james S. Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. t & Mrs.t Gerard Bissinger fl Mr. & Mrs. Kennetlt Blackshaw' Ms. Gale R. Blosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglass Bomeisler Mr. & Mrs. David B. Borie Ms. Edith S. Bouriez Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Breeding Mr. Benjantin Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Brennan IV Mr. Bernard J. Brennan V Ms. Elfriede E. Brennan Ms. Kasara M. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. Folger Brink Mr. Atl1erton Bristol Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Brock Mr. John Brock Mr. A. C. Brodie Mrs. Evelyn E. Bromely Mrs. Alita Brooks Mr. Alan Brown Mr. & Mrs. CoUn H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stillman Brown Ms. Virginia Brown Mr. & Mrs. Butler Brownell Mr. & Mrs. john F. Buckley Mrs. Eldee Buhite Ms. Miriam H. Bunker Mr. Paul West Bunker Mrs. Gilbert Burchell Mr. & Mrs. William F. Burdick Jr. Mr. Clair E. Butler Mr. Charles C. Bull Ms. Elisabeth Ray Calene Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Cannon Mr. Henry C. Carlisle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Miles G. Carlisle Mrs. J. Neale Carman

Mr. & Mrs. Charles II. Carpenter Jr. Mrs. William II. Cassebaum Mr. john C. Chadbourne Mr. Howard B. Chadwick j r. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Mr. & Mrs. Roy 0. Chapin Jr. Mrs. john S. Chapman Ms. Barbara Ann Chardcr Mrs. Fred L. Cha.'>e Mrs. Helen Winslo11 Chase Ms. ancy A. Chase Or. Richard I. Chase Mrs. WilliamS. Christopher Mrs. Robert Chuckrow Capt. Howard Ra) Church Mrs. Patricia M:L~On Claflin Mr. Gerald E. Clare Mrs. Robert B. Cl:trk Mrs. Robert W. Cl:trk Mr. Thomas j. Clark Mrs. Florence E. Clifford Mr. james I. Coddington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. DC\ter D. Coffin Jr. Mr. Kenneth P. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard F Coflin Mr. Wlntltrop B. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey ~ . Cohen Ms. Mary Ann Cole Mrs. lien!') B. Colcm:ut Mr. G. Crawford Colket Mr. Michael W. Conger Mr. Philip G. Connell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederic W. Cook Mr. Olil'er Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. WiWam B. Coolidge Mr. Bruce Courson Mrs. joseph M. Cow:m Mr.]. S!anley Co)ne Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. james B. Crccca Mr. lloward R. Crocker Mr. Evereu U. Crosby ll Mr. Daniel G. Crozier Mr. & Mrs. Da11d E. Cunningham Mrs. Artita Coffin Oan1min Dr. john Tristr:un C. Dammin Mr. & Mrs. joseph W. D:unsker Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. 0. Weston Darb) Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jerry Daub Mr. Edward L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Mrs. Barbara 0. de Zalduondo Mrs. Abbott 1.. Deroo Mr. Kenneth W. Douglas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert]. Dowel Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Orabkin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Drake Ms. Trudy Oujardin Mr. Lawrence P. Dunham Mr. Richard Earle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ebert Mrs. Albert F. Egan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Eger Dr. & Mrs. john Taylor Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst Jr. Ms. Rosemary H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Da1id Ewing Mrs. Eugenic Eyster Ms. Marsha Fader Mrs. Henry D. Fairlie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Farrell Jr. Mrs. A. R. Fauth

Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Fauth Mr & Mrs. lien!')\\. fee J ~lr Sherman E. Fein Mr. & ~Irs. Stuart 1'. l'dd Mr & Mrs. Eric \ Fergu Mr & Mrs. Martin IJ. Ftfl Mrs. 1\orman G Fi~un,s Mr Dou gla~ R Finlll'}' Mr. & Mrs. llo11ard li nrH Mr. ja1 Finnt'l Mr John R. Futnl') Mr. Paul M. Finnt') Ms. Susan Finne) Mr. & Mrs. Ch:trltos \\ F• Mr '\orm:ut 1: !Iayden Mr. (ico r~tt' I. Fleming \lr. lhm G Folger Mr. Bcnj;unin E ~·olgcr lr \lr 11cwr Fol~cr Mr. Pcwr M Folgt·r Mr. & Mrs. Richards l·ol Mr. & ~1rs . Santul'l R I I Mr. \\.alter \\.t·ston l·ol •r Mr & \Irs (iCOJ'!:t' \ller \lr & Mrs. EmL-stll Fr Mr l'hn·n J ~r.mk Ms S:unamha Frank ~h S:mdricl Frank \1r Harrison C:. l'n·cman I Mr & Mrs. joseph SL'Lrb man \Is. Fiona Jane ~·ultu n Mrs. GtootTn·~ 1:. Fullm Mr & Mrs. Charb I !oar Mrs. Edward T. (ilrdnt Mrs Fred G;trdncr Mr. Sandor ~ tiartmlu Mr & \1rs . Richard ). (; Mrs. Gremillc GaN<le Mr & \Irs f.;trl Gt'\1117 \1r. & Mrs john R. liihb Mr. Thomas W Gihh Mr. & Mrs Gcoq:t• II (,•~ l Comdr. & Mrs. \laurier f Mrs. C: W1ahtth (iih o. Mrs. Susan II Gibson Mr. & Mrs john (illhL·rt Ms. llosalic D. l:imrd Mr & Mrs. james Glid<lt•n Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glidtkn Mrs. Charles Goetz Lt Col. & Mrs. Da1td ll . lioodlllllie Mr~ . Donald R. Gordon Mr & Mrs. George (iordmt Mr. & Mrs. Thomas II. Gusnl'll Mrs. Colin Grav Mrs. Thcodor~ Grcrncbaum Or & Mrs B Herold Grillith \Is. Tristan Gnffith Mrs. Bernard 0. Grossnuu1 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gulbr.UJdscn Mr. & Mrs. mil on W. Gumaer Jr. Mr. &. Mrs. Gordon Gund Mr. ll. Mrs. Theodore B. Gurle) Mr. William \. Haddon Mr. Charles 0. Haden Ms. Bcwrly ll:tll Mr. Bion B. Hall Jr. Mr. Edwin M. llali Mr.' & Mrs. Charles B. Hanan Mr. &. Mrs. Ralph L. liard) Mrs. jan1es W. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. ll:unilton Heard Jr. Mr. jack E. Helms Mrs. RogerS. Henry

Ms. Julie Hensler Mr. William P. Herbert Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Herlitz Mr. James L. Hiers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Hill Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hillger Mr. Richard M. Hinchman Mr. Winthrop D. Hodges Jr. Dr. Ellen Dorrit Hoffleit Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Hogan Mrs. Christopher S. Holland Mr. Wayne F. Holmes Mrs. James E. Hooper Jr. Mrs. John C. Hosmer Mr. N. Newbury Hovde Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Howard Mr. & Mrs. George Hughes Mrs. Robert K. Humphrey Mrs. David Huntington Mr. & Mrs. James B. Hurlock Capt. & Mrs. William B. Hussey Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hutton III Mr. William E. Hutton Mr. 0. Edward Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. lliingworth Mr. Robert D. Jay Mrs. Betty B. Jenney Dr. G. 0. F. Jensen Mrs. Sally R. Johnson Ms. Kristina Johnson Mr. & Mrs.]. Seward Johnson Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. H. Frederick Johnston Mrs. David Jones Mr. & Mrs. Vladintir Kagan Mr. & Mrs. Michael]. Kane Tupancy-Harris Foundation/ Mr. Robert N. Karelitz Mrs. Sarah M. Worth Kassman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kauders Mrs. John F. Keiser Mr. & Mrs. William Keller Mrs. Margaret P. Kelleyt Mr. Daniel F. Kelliher Jr. Mr. Thomas B. Kellogg Mr. John L. Kemmerer Mr. Alfred V. Kidder Mrs. Sidney H. Killen Mr. Bryan F. King Ms. Edith E. King Ms. Janet F. King Mrs. Marriot F. King Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kitchen Jr. Ms. Agathe Kongshoj Mrs. Michael 0. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Lamberton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Land Mr. Christopher Larsen Mr. Robert]. Leach Mrs. Lawrence R. Lee Mr. L. Randolph Lee Mr. Thomas V. Lefevre Rev. & Mrs. Paul E. Leighton Mrs. ]antes Leon Mr. Morgan]. Levine Mr. Reginald Levine Mrs. Susan Lewis Mr. Howard L. Lewis Mr. Thomas H. Lewis Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Dr. John Little Mrs. Edward W. Lombard Mr. Dennis]. Looney Ms. Linda Loring

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Loring Mr. Donald K. Lourie Mrs. Frank W. Lovejoy Mrs. David A. Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Mabbs Mr. Daniel H. Macey Mr. Peter MacGlashan Mrs. Manuel Machado Mr. Norman E. Mack II Mr. & Mrs. Richard MacKay Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey C. MacLay Mr. & Mrs. William Q. MacLean Mr. & Mrs. George W. MacLellan Mrs. Florence D. Macomber Mr. & Mrs. William B. Macomber Mr. Bill C. Macy Mr. Charles T. Macy Mrs. Elwood Macy Mr. James B. Macy Jr. Mrs. John C. Macy Mrs.]. Noel Macy Mr. Richard Macy Jr. Mr. Thomas 0. Macy Mr. Paul Madden Mr. Gerald D. Mainhart Mr. James L. Malone IJI Mrs. Mina Blaisdell Manner Mr. & Mrs. t Albert L. Manning Jr. Mr. Gordon St. G. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Marks Mr. Peter T. Martin Ms. Edith S. Mason Mr. John F. Mason Ms. Frances Grey Massey Mr. & Mrs. David Masters Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald Mathey Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. John M. McCarthy Mrs. Jesse D. McClellan Miss Grace S. McCreary Mr. John B. McElderry Jr. Mr. Donald McGannon Mrs. Jeanne M. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mcintosh Mr. D. Eric McKechnie Mrs. Jane H. McKinney Mr. John F. McLaughlin Jr. Ms. Juliet McMains Ms. Sara Anne McMains Mr. & Mrs. Wren McMains Mr. W. Tarkington McMains Mrs. Helen D. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. Bill McRoberts Mrs. Martie McRobe11s Mr. & Mrs. Ed\vin E. Meader Mr. R. Wakefield Menke Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mrs. Everett B. MerrithewI Mrs. Raymond H. Mertens Mr. & Mrs. Peter Metiers Mr. & Mrs. L. Gordon Miller Jr. Ms. Polly Thayer Miller Ms. Nancy D. Minus Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mitchell Mrs. Leeds Mitchell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mooney Daniel & Michael Mooney Ms. Dorothy M. Mortenson Mr. HowardS. Mott Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. David Donald Mulford Mr. & Mrs. John D. Murphy

Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Murphy Mr. John P. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Dr. David G. Nathan Mr. Edgar D. Nelson Mrs. W. Ripley Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Chris Newhouse Ms. Nancy A. Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Robert]. Newhouse Jr. Mr. William H. Newton Mrs. Jane D. Nickerson Mrs. Abram]. Niles Lt. Comdr. & Mrs. Charles L. Noblit Mr. Peter W. North Mr. & Mrs. Johnston F. Northrop Mrs. Eldridge B. Norton Mrs. Jane Meader Nye Mr. Andrew Oates Mrs. Marjory R. O'Day Mr. David M. Ogden Mr. Clifford B. O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. O'Hara Miss Faith A. Oldham Mr. & Mrs. C. Hardy Oliver Jr. Mrs. Michael O'Reilly Mrs. Barbara W. Osborne Dr. Eileen M. Ouellette Mrs. Robert L. Palmer Mrs. Donald A. Park Sr. Mr. Floyd L. Parks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Parry Mr. Eric Pawley Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Pease Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Petzel Mr. Charles W. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Don Polvere Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mrs. Elinor M. Pullen Mrs. James B. Punderson Mr. David S. Rahilly Mrs. Jeanne G. Rand Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. James T. Ranney Mr. Robert F. Ranney Lt. (j.g.) William M. Ranney USNR Mrs. A. L. Rawlings Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray IJI Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ray Mr. George G. Raymond Jr. Mrs. John R. Redfern Mr. Reginald Reed Mr. Albert C. Reid Jr. Mr. Harry Gardiner Reid Mr. & Mrs. Myles Reis Mr. William C. S. Remsen Mr. Robin A. Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Lydie L. Rickard Mrs. Barbara Hussey Riggins Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Ms. Alma Robbins Mr. & Mrs. Kip Robbins Mrs. Edward C. Roberts Mr. Chester Robinson Mrs. Helen Roca-Garcia Mr. Fred M. Rogers Mrs. L. Francis Rooney Ms. Elizabeth A. Roos Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rovsek Mr. Robert S. Royce Mrs. Jaclyn R. Russell Mrs.]. Townsend Russell

Dr. Sylvester J. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Salisbury Mrs. Cornelia Samuel Mrs. William Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sayle Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schaefer Mr. William M. Schaefer Jr. Ms. Patricia B. Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Ms. Karen C. Schwenk Mrs. Helen P. Seager Mrs. Kenneth Seagrave Ms. Kate L. Searls Mr. John C. Seedorff Mr. & Mrs. William Seegraber Mrs. Edgar V. Seeler Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seibert Mr. David H. Semmes Mr. t & Mrs. William A. Sevrens Mr. & Mrs. C. Park Shaper Mr. & Mrs. Randolph G. Sharp Mrs. Gertrude C. Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Shiff Mr. Joseph Shramko Mr. Herbert L. Shultz Mrs. Clarence L. Sibley Mrs. Russell A. Sibley Dr. & Mrs. William R. Siddall Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Sidon Mrs. Eugene M. Sigman Mr. Andre R. Sigourney Mrs. John D. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. George H. Simonds Mrs. Anne L. Simonson Mrs. Carroll D. Sntith Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Bowen Sntith Ms. Hillary Sntith Mr. Kent C. B. Smith Mrs. Shenvood W. Sntith t Mrs. Stanley M. Sntith Mr. William E. Smith Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sorenson Mrs. Barbara Beinecke Spitler Ms. Jennifer Newhouse Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. John K. Spring Mr. Matthew P. Stackpole Mr. Renny A. Stackpole Mrs. George T. Stafford Mr. Frank F. Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Fred Starbuck Mrs. Krister Stendalu Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stiller Dr. & Mrs. John C. Stockman Mrs. Benjamin Stone Mrs. Martin Stone Ms. Alida L. Storer Mr. Erick Storer Ms. Gretchen Storer Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Stover Mrs. Anne P. Strain Mrs. Emily Stubbs-Macy Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sturdy Mrs. Sally M. Sturm Mr. Charles Swain t Mr. Jonathan F. Swain Mrs. P. Prime Swain Mr. & Mrs. Sidney E. Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Sylvia Mrs. Mary Ranke Tamplin Mr. & Mrs. David Tausig-Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Hans E. Tausig Mr. & Mrs. Jared F. Tausig Mr. Jotham P. Tausig


Mr. justin D. Tausig Mr. & Mrs. john M. Taylor Jr. Mrs. joy C. Teal Mrs. Donald E. Terry Mrs. Henry Riddel Terry Ms. Henrietta S. Thomas Mr. Thomas Thompson Dr. Wesley N. Tiffney Jr. & Dr. Susan Beegel Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. C. Tiglon Mr. J. Anthony Timmons Mrs. Edward H. Townsend Jr. Mr. William Tuach Mrs. Bert S. Turner Mrs. Austin F. Tyrert Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Urbahn Mr.t & Mrs. Herbert R. Van Ness Jr. Mrs. jean Marie Van Waveren Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Ms. Katherine H. Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Von Zumbusch Mrs. Robert M. Waggan1an Mr. Willian1 M. Waggaman Dr. H. Brooks Walkert Mrs. john H. Wallace Mrs. Faith P. Waters Mrs. Charles J. Webb ll Mr. Franklin Folger Webster III Mrs. George A. Webster Mr. Paul C. Webster Mrs. Willian1 S. Weedon Mr. james D. B. Weiss Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Weiss Mrs. Rudolph J. Weisskopf Ms. Alexandra Welch Mr. & Mrs. john N. Welch Mr. john N. Welch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. joseph F. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Weld Mrs. Richard Wengren Mrs. Roger M. Wheeler Ms. Elizabeth B. Wheelwright Mr. Lindsay White Mrs. john K. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Wayne G. Wickman Mr. & Mrs. Henry A. Willard 11 Mr. Orris W. Willard Mrs. Linda F. Williams Mrs. J. Alfred Wilner Mrs. William L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Windsor Dr. Andrew Wise Mr. Kenneth A. Wise Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Wolfe Mrs. Virginia B. Woodt Mrs. Thruston Wright Jr. Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Mr. & Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Jr. Mrs. Roger A. Young Mr. & Mrs. William B. Young Mr. & Mrs. jack A. Ziebarth Mr. Daniel J. Zimring Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Zlotin Mrs. jo Zschau

Business Members Business Leaders

Business Partners

Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Cliffside Beach Club Congdon & Coleman Insurance Denby Re:li Estate Dujardin Design Associates Gallery at Four India Harbor Fuel Oil Corporation jared Coffin House johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Killen Re:li Estate Lucille jordan ~sodates Inc. Mitchell's Book Corner Murray's Toggery Shop Nantucket Bank Pacific National, a FleetBoston Financial Company Trianon/Seaman Schepps Young's Bicycle Shop

ATru,te of Nantucket AI 01isslmo, Tcchn olo~) Con,ult:uu American Sea.! ons Barry Thurston hshlng Tackle The Beach ide at \ amuckct Chip Wcb~ter & Associates Christopher L. Mauf) Dc,lgn & Construction Cofii n/Sconsct Re:tll:\tate The Corner llou-e Inn Country Loft Antiques D. tleiJI>arent A.'soclat ~ Edlth Delker Real Estatt• Fahey & Fromagcric Flowers on Ch ~ tnut llamilton llcard R t~li Estate llen ry's and1~ich Shop llepburn, Ltd. IIIII Constntctlon, Inc Ifill's of N:mtucket Holland & Company Fine \ rt Inc Hoorn -~hby Gallc•ry Hutch' jeanette Topham Catering jolmsen Computer Sc r~kt"S Kiwi johns Le Cherche-Midi Lee Real Estate Lindsa), Inc. Lion's Pa11 Lyman Perry \rchill'Cb, Ltd Madakct Marine The Maury People N:mtucket Architecture Group, l.td Nantucket Country LLC

Business Sponsors Cape Cod Express, Inc. Design ~sodates, Inc. Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Eldredge & Bourne Moving & Storage Foreign Affairs Glidden & Glidden P.C. Haberdashery of New England Hy-Line Cruises Tbe lnqzlirer and Mirror

Island Properties lslandwide Realty Nantucket House Antiques & Interior Design Studio, Inc. Philbrick and Avery LLP Pollacks

.\:mtuckct Dtrt'i.:tofl \antuckt:t E!t·nnc Comp m "-:unuckct (;olf Club \antuckct Inn \:lllluckl't hland < h.w ! t.ummerce ,\antuckc:t l~mdfall .\antuckc:t Magallnc: \JJJtucktt Rl.';tll · < .y .\antuckct ~l'lling & I \:unuckl't ~pnrhl.od ,\;tntuckl·t \ HWI'ard • ... au,hop \in;t ll cllnun Antiqt: P;Uncia \ llabtcd, tt 1t l.a11 I'Jan..,l'ttt•rs Inc I'm Huycr .\~'onat~ Ruben \\ibnn !.allt'ft RUI:tl Cnll\'\ . ~sollat 1 ~uc S~dc;L\tlc i:unstruct l\ankat} Ill-ad t;o!f Cl Sar;th f. \l~cr, PL. Sherllurnc Inn S11wt ln,ptrouwns lr.tft Guild ~)ilia \ntltllll' loL The Ta~t· rn llw l'llc Room J'hc l'nntt) Cnllt'Ctlnn J'htrty \en·, \\uod I L 1 VIJI JlL•rkitl\, lnl' \I\ · ~

\ i\

\\ R \1;u·dcn The \\ adc CutUgt \\cc•tb llw \\.oodhn\ Inn Zero M;lin


Administrative Assistant




Jean Allen Interpretation Specialist

Edward Boynton Maintetw11ce Supervisor

Elizabeth Oldham Researcb Associate, Copy Editor

Bonita Orellana-Morris Betsy Pardi* Niles Parker Chief Curator

Marion Peacock*

Lauren Kelston Sbop Clerk

Heather Kent

Elizabeth Roach Public Relations and Special Events Assistant

Sbop Clerk

Alexandra Rubenstein

Katherine Labonte

Sbop Clerk


Carolyn Sawyers

Thayer Laffey


Shop Clerk

Julija Scerbina

Rene LaPierre


Visitor Services


Kate Spiers

Jeff Pollock

Audrey Lawton

Capital Campaign Associate

Properties Manager

Sbop Clerk

joan Vergnani


Johanna Richard

Tony Dumitru

Fi1wnce Manager and Human Resources Manager

Paul Leighton

Visitor Services and Gallery Manager

Douglas Burch* Collections Manager

Patty Frost• Interpreter

Garth Grimmer* luterpreter

Doris Simpson• Interpreter

Leigh Simpson• Visitor Services

Jean Grimmer

Jeremy Slavitz

Associate Director/ Director ofDevelopmel!/

Linda Steelman•

Marie Henke Library Assistant

Amy Jenness lnfonl!ation SystetnS Coordinator

Cecil Barron Jensen Public Relations and Publications Mmwger

Frances Karttunen•

Public Programs Coordinator Interpreter

Susan Tracie* Interpreter

Scott Waldie Properties Assistant

Judy Widger Finance Assistant

Peter Wilson•

Research Assistant


Virginia Kinney

Georgina Winton

Membersbip Coordiuator

Sbop Manager

Emil Kleinert• Interpreter

Patricia Kleinert*


Sarah Lindsey Interpreter

Katie Lovell Sbop Clerk

Hristro Manov Properties Assistant

Dina Matvejva Sbop Clerk

Fiona McAuliffe Sbop Clerk

Michael McCabe Interpreter

Donald McCreary Interpreter

john McGuiness Interpreter

Emily O'Brian Sbop Clerk

Michelle O'Mahoney Shop Clerk Sbop Clerk

justin Pariseau

Visitor Services

Veselin Bandev Properties Assistant

Sbop Clerk

Antonia Barantchikova

Heather Knox

Sbop Clerk

Capital Campaign Associate

Daniela Bojilova

Betsy Lowenstein


Library Director

Maya Burton

Karen MacNab*

Shop Clerk


Patty Clinton

Angela Mazaris


Capital Campaign Associate

Jay D'Aprix

Cristin Merck


Capital Campaign Associate

Frances Durkes

Frank Milligan

Visitor Services and Sbop Clerk

Executive Director

Catherine Flynn

Amanda Nicolas*

Sbop Clerk


Stacy-Ann Heedran

Maria Nikolskaia*

Shop Clerk

Sbop Clerk

Willian1 Kelly Interpreter


Editor: Cecil Barron Jensen Copy Editor: Elizabeth Oldham Design: Claire O'Keeffe I communicationDESIGN © 2001 Nantucket Historical Association 15 Broad Street, Box I 0I 6 Nantucket, MA 02554-1016 (508) 228-1894; fax: (508) 228-5618 nhainfo@nha.org

Richard Paolino

Seasonal Staff

Anastasiya K11aruk*

Isabella Wagley Sbop Clerk


George Peacock Visitor Services

Maura Plesa Visitor Services

Dave Prugh Interpreter

Patrick Prugh Interpreter







image archive sold well last year in the Museum Shop and the Museum Shop on Straight Wharf. Now the photographs are available for purchase on the NHA website, www.nha.org. Twenty photographs have been selected from the archive and are sold in various sizes, framed or unframed. The nineteenthcentury photographs depict scenes from catboats under sail in the harbor to downtown streetscapes to Brant Point and Sankaty lighthouses and much more . Browse the website for ideas - just click the Museum Shop icon on the NHA's home page to see the images. Look for more shopping ideas to arrive on the web in the future .



(508) 228-5785


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