' 2002 _____ual Report ·,
. . . l
Board of Trustees
Friends of the NHA
Planned Gifts Committee
Sarah J. Baker* Rebecca M. Bartlett C. Marshall Beale Patricia M. Bridier
Walter Beinecke Jr. joan Brecker Patricia Butler Helen Winslow Chase Michael deLeo Lyndon Dupuis Martha Groetzinger Dorrit D. P. Gutterson Nina Hellman Elizabeth Husted Elizabeth jacobsen Francis D. Lethbridge Reginald Levine Katherine S. Lodge Sharon Lorenzo Patricia Loring William B. Macomber Paul Madden Robert E Mooney ):me C. Richmond Nancy J. Sevrens Scott M. Stearns Jr. Mary-Elizabeth Young
Pat &Thomas J. Anathan Marianr1 &Mortimer Appley Heidi & Max Berry Christy &William Camp Jr. Laurie & Robert Champion Dottie &Earle Craig Prudence & Willian1 Crozier Robyn &John Davis Sandra &Nelson Doubleday Nancee &john Erickson Marjorie & Charles Fortgang Nan &Charles Geschke Susan & Herbert Goodall Ill Georgia &Thomas Gosnell Silvia Gosnell Barbara & Robert Griffin Barbara & Edmund Hajim George Heyer Jr. Barbara & Harvey jones Kathryn &James Ketelsen Sara jo &Arthur Kobacker Coco &Arie Kopelman Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Carolyn B. & Ian MacKenzie Phyllis &William Macomber Miriam &Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Menschel Aileen M. & Scott Newquist Charron & Flint Ranney Gleaves &Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen &David Ross Ill Linda & Harvey Saligman Charlotte Smith Genevieve & Richard Tucker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Youngjr
Bruce Bates Ruth Grieder Phyllis &William Macomber Thomas P. Rouillard Penny Scheerer Lawrence L. Stentzel
Robert H. Brust Laurie S. Champion• Nancy A. Chase Prudence S. Crozier* John H. Davis joseph S. DiMartino Alice F. Emerson Third Vice President
Mary F. Espy Barbara E. Hajim Second Vice President
Julius jensen Ill Arie L. Kopelman President L. Dennis Kozlowski
JaneT. Lamb Carolyn B. MacKenzie Albert L. Manning Jr. • Bruce D. Miller Treasurer
Peter W. Nash First Vice President
Bruce Percelay Arthur I. Reade Jr. Susan F. Rolando Melanie R. Sabell1aus Harvey Saligman Alfred F. Sanford Ill Lawrence L. Stentzel Isabel C. Stewart john M. Sweeney Richard F. Tucker* E. Geoffrey Verney Marcia P. Welch David H. Wood• Robert A. Young
Editorial Board of Advisors Susan F. Beegel• Mary H. Beman Margaret Moore Booker Richard L. Brecker Helen Winslow Chase Historian
Thomas B. Congdon Jr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Robert F. Mooney Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick Sally Seidman james Sulzer David H. Wood
Frank D. Milligan E.~ecutive
Director, Ex Officio
• Term compkted in july 2002
Cover and endpapers: Nantucket Railroad at tbe Easy Street Boat Basin c. 1885.
NHA Research Fellows Dr. Elizabeth Little Pauline Maier Nathaniel Philbrick Patty Jo S. Rice Renny A. Stackpole
Properties of the NHA Oldest House Hadwen House Macy-Christian House Robert Wyer House Thomas Macy House 1800 House Greater Light Old Mill Old Gaol Old Town Building Thomas Macy Warehouse Fire Hose Cart House Quaker Meeting House NHA Research Library Nantucket Whaling Museum Peter Foulger Museum Museum Shop Bartholomew Gosnold Center and Annex Folger-Franklin Memorial Fountain, Boulder, and Bench Settlers Burial Ground Tristram Coffin Homestead Monument Little Gallery Eleanor Ham Pony Field Mill Hill
Table of Contents From the President
Executive Director's Overview Highlights of 2002
6 8
2002 Acquisitions & loans
Financial Reports
14 16
Annual Donors
Capital Campaign
18 19
Special Events
AnnualAntiques Show, Festival ojTrees and Wreaths, Nantucket Wine Festival
Current Members
Life Members
35 38
+Mission+ The mission of the Nantucket Historical Association is to preserve and interpret the history of Nantucket Island in order to inspire residents, both year-round and seasonal, to shape the island's future with a greater appreciation and respect for their shared heritage, and to foster among all Nantucket residents and visitors a deeper appreciation of the important historical role that the island's people have played in national and world history.
+Vision+ Where the Nantucket Historical Association will be in 2005 The Board of Trustees has adopted the following goals to be achieved by 2005: The association will provide island residents and visitors with innovative and engaging public programs, exhibitions, and publications .
The association will be a model for preservation and conservation standards and a forum for furthering public discussion on related issues .
The association's historical resources relating to Nantucket will be acknowledged by researchers as the best anywhere .
The association, with strong and growing endowed resources, will continue to engage in vigorous fund-raising sufficient to meet its current needs and perpetual growth.
Message from the President rganizations like the Nantucket wliess they are backed up with the necessary Historical Association and museums financial resources. throughout the country are all facing I would like to take tl1is opportw1ity to increasing financial needs in order to do everyread1 out to everyone who loves tl1is island tiling that ideally should be accomplished. to participate in any way you can to help us Many of you may remember the speech made accomplish our challenging goals.We have by Malcolm A. Rogers (the Ann and Graham already taken major strides forwardGw1d director at the Museum ofFineArts, a shining example of what can be done Boston) at our Annual Meeting. His talk, entiis our new library and research facility. tled "Musewns at the Crossroads," gave us an We should all be so proud of tl1is state-ofthe-art achievement. overview of tl1e issues involved today in museum management, zeroing in on tl1e growing We must now move on to the Museum NHA president A1"ie L Kopelman Center. The infrastructures of our museum demands placed on musetmls in tl1e face of limited resources. facilities (tl1e Whaling Musetml and the Peter Foulger) are inadequate by any professional standard; The NHA board of trustees recently held a stimulating they require inunediate, extensive work.The end result and productive winter retreat in order to review everywill serve tl1e island cotrunm1ity in a number of new ways tiling we are currently doing and to challenge ourselves and will be an exciting, first-class museum experience. even more in terms of tltinking about future needs. Speaking for tl1e entire NHA board and staff, I an1 I tltink it's fair to say tl1at everyone left the day-long deeply appreciative of your input, support, and passion session with a feeling of solida.tity a.tld confidence, not for preserving Nantucket's heritage.Tha.nk you for your only about prioritizing a ratl1er extensive "wish list;' interest and participation. but also moving forwa.t¡d on a firm financial footing. Based on commm1ity support for tl1e "Mill Hill and Beyond" project, the NHA board voted to increase our $18 n1illion capital campaign to $21 milliontile $3 n1illion increase being earmarked for endowment. Witl1 stronger endowment support, we will be able to offer quality educational programs, better preserve our historic structures, and present top-quality exhibitions. Increasing the NHA.'s current endowment funds from $2 million to $10 n1illion by the end of tl1e overall ca.tnpaign must continue to be one of our key goals. We are making significa.tlt progress on a number of fronts in large part due to the success of our fund-raising a.tld community events. I am very grateful to our dedicated voltmteers and a.tl exceptional NHA staff; without any question, we have the people in place to "make it happen." But at tl1e end of the clay, the job carmot get done
Executive Director's Overview his past year the Nantucket Historical and August we expanded our daily activities to Association has made substantial progress include Sunday WalkingTours and a revised version in its job of expanding educational programs of the Colonial life program held for children at and maintaining, preserving, and interpreting our the Old Mill and Oldest House. In addition, historic structures and collections. hundreds of children ages 6-10 enrolled in the The restoration work began early in January Whaling Museum's Scrimshaw and Sailor's at the Hadwen House, where a new heating and Valentine programs during July and August. ventilation system was installed to better preserve Also new for 2002 were the NHA "exploration" the fabric of the building and its artifacts. Our proptrips to mainland museums, which began with erties staff also repaired and repainted a number of visiting the newly renovated Peabody Essex rooms on the main floor and second floor. In April, Museum and the Hurst Galleries in Cambridge. work continued on the multiyear restoration work The second of these trips set sail for the Cape on the Old Mill's internal and external mechanisms; in June to visit the Cahoon Museum of Art, the and in May, masonry restoration started on the Old Sandwich Glass Museum, and Heritage Plantation. Frank D. Milligan Gaol's chimney and hearth. In August, we started In the fall, exploration participants stopped at work on a restoration plan for repairing the exterior and several locations in Providence and enjoyed a historic interior walls of the Quaker Meeting House, scheduled for walking tour. completion in 2003. And finally, in the auttunn, staff and archiThe goal for our 2002 exhibitions was to open a number tects turned their attention to completing the restoration plans of community-based displays that would include loans from for the Whaling Museum and the Peter FouJger Museum. The private collectors and program involvement by members latter project is part of the capital campaign's goal of restoring of the community The Nantucket Railroad steamed into both properties and building new galleries between the two the Peter Foulger Museum in May, complete with dozens of museums to house the forty-seven-foot sperm whale skeleton loaned items including sections of rail, railroad spikes, stock and our prized collections of lightship baskets, scrimshaw, certificates, and paintings.The exhibition also included many textiles, and paintings. items from the NHA's superb David Gray Collection of Although preservation of our properties and artifacts is Nantucket Railroad Memorabilia. Three exllibitions were also mounted in the Whitney of major concern, also important is the preservation and cataloguing of our archival holdings into a digital format, Gallery at the NHA Research library on Fair Street with help from commtmity members: a winter exhibition of M.]. Levy which serves to make them more accessible to researchers Dickson's watercolors of Nantucket wildflowers; a spring and and reduces direct handling. Filling the vacant library position was essential, and in March Georgen Gilliam joined the NHA summer exllibition feattuing the needlework of Nantucket artist Susan Boardman, whose embroidered narratives traced staff as curator of library and arcllives. Two of her early tasks the stories of nine Nantucket women, three of whom have were to help launch the NHA's Eprint site as a way of providing NHA connections-Elizabeth "libby" Oldham, research expanded historical information about Nantucket on-line, associate in the NHA library, NHA trustee Nancy Chase, and including articles from the NHA's magazine, Historic Grace Grossman, who founded the NHA's giftshop; and jag! Nantucket, and on-line access to the NHA Research library Cape Verdean Heritage on Nantucket, whicl1 documented database. You can browse the site by logging on to the lives and history of Nantt1cket's Cape Verdean commtmity. www.nhaorg. This latter exllibition was well received, due in no small way to I am proud of our staff's successes in offering a wider the efforts of our new assistant curator Ben Simons and comvariety of educational programs.At the Whaling Museum, our munity friends Frances Ruley Karttunen and Theran Singleton. most-attended site, many year-rmmd residents took advantage In July, we opened an exhibition entitled Nantucket Silver of Saturday opening hours in January, Febmary, and March to at Hadwen House, the former home of Nantucket whaling attend presentations and spedal programs such as the alwaysmerchant and silversmith William Hadwen.This exllibition popular family Sailor's Valentine event and our scavenger hunt coincided with the twenty-fifth (silver) anniversary of the in the historic downtown.A gardening series was also held at NHA'sAugustAntiques Show, whose honorary chair was the Research Library. Kirstin Gamble, education and programs past president Dorothy Slover. coordinator, joined the NHA staff in April and wasted no time Our 2002 speaker series and musical presentations in leading our spring and summer programming efforts. In July
kicked off in Jtme with Bill Schustik. o stranger to the NHA's Whaling Museum, Bill entertained a packed house using storytelling, a rich baritone voice, and an array of mu ical instruments. In July, Mystic Seaport chanteyman Don Sineti performed his annual concert and shared his knowledge of historic chanteys and whales with children in daytime progran1s.1l1eThursday evening speakers series included a superb array of historians and was complemented by two auttmm presentations at the Quaker Meeting House in cotmection with the Cape Verdean exhibition: researcher Fnmces Ruley Karttunen and storyteller Len Cabrnl, who is a great-grandson of a Cape Verdean whaler. His ancestry came alive in his interpretation of various folktales through poetry, movement, and song. 1l1e NHA teamed up with the Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, the Maria Mitchell Association, and the antttcket AthenetiD1 to latmch a "super" StiD1.111er lectttre series (see highlights on page 9 for a list of speakers).TI1e Monday evening "Super Series: Sm1U11er Evenings ofArts and Ideas" will rettun in 2003. Autumn progranuni.ng included otu third atmual autumn Il<uvest Fair at the Old Mill and Nightmare on Main Street. We also launcl1ed, with the help of mm1erous volunteers and other cultttral agencies, a antttcket Cemeteries Project in atl effort to collect and document infom1ation about the island's cemeteries atld gravestones. Also in the fall, the NHA staff, including a new member of our maintemmce atld landscaping staff, Kathrina Pearl, cleared atld reseeded NHA lat1d east of Mill Hill. Kathrina's expertise in lat1dscaping atld groundskeeping was a welcome addition to the two-person crew
responsible for all of the maintenance, custodial, and latldscapi.ng work that comes with owning twenty-five properties and sites. In ovember, our Festival of Wreaths and Trees opened and both events were exceptionally well received by the public and financially successful for the NHA. As always, education and entertai.runent were centrnl to our holidayperiod activities as musical performat1ces were offered on Stmdays in December atnidst the splendor of the beat1tifully decorated Christmas trees that are displayed throughout the Whaling Museum.1l1e event capped a successful year of special events for the NHA that included the annual August Antiques Show atld May's NantucketWme FestivalAuction, the first event for the NHA's new and tireless manager of special events, Stacey Sttmrt. I want to congratulate and thank all of our employees for their dedication and hard work over the past year. TI1e programs, events, and preservation work described above represent an i.t1U11ense workload that could not be completed without a first-rate staff atld htmdreds of fantastic volunteers. TI1e NHA is fortunate to have both. Day in and day out our volunteers give to the Historical Association countless hours of their precious time atld bundles of their infectious energy. I also want to tl1ank our dedicated trustees, who provide expert guidance atld support for all of us.
&;?(~ Frank D. Milligan
L toR: jay D'Aprix leads an NHA walking tour on Main Street. Orrin and Mildred Mae-y pose with a photographic facsimile of On"in's fathet; Cmmwell Gm"Ciner Macy II, the last president of the railmad. Adele Chatfield-Taylor, Claire jensen, and Ketti Sherbourne making family trees at the 2002 Harvest Fair.
Highlights ofthe Year 2002 Collections, Research, and Education + In May, the NHA opened an exhibition in the Peter
Foulger Museum featuring the story of the Nantucket Railroad. Artifacts from the David Gray Collection and loaned objects included spikes and sections of the rails plus photographs, posters, and a steam whistle believed to be from the engine Dionis. + 1l1ree exhibitions were motmted in t11e Whitney Gallery
at t11e NHA Research library on Fair Street. M. J. Levy Dickson's watercolors of Nantucket wildflowers added a breat11 of spring during the winter montl1s and corresponded with related progran1s held at the library about historic gardens and gardening. Island needlework artist Susan Boardman loaned her beautiful embroidered narratives for our still1ffier exhibiticn. The narratives explored the lives of nine Nantucket women, past and present. Finally,]AG! Cape Verdean Heritage on Nantucket featured mmerous artifacts and photographs of families and individuals of Cape Verdean descent on Nantucket. Special tl1anks go to Frances Ruley Karttunen and Theran Singleton for their roles as guest curators for that display. + An exhibition of Nantucket Silver opened in tl1e
Hadwen House in July. Beautiful examples of silver made by Nantucket silversmiths and/or sold by retailers on the island were on display tl1rough December. + The staff also designed and implemented a new
collections-management database t11at will enable the NHA to merge photograph records and additional information about the more tl1an 40,000 objects in our collection. Eventually t11ese will be cross-referenced with the Research library's collections. 111is project will be ongoing for years as we continue to catalogue and orgm1ize t11e collections currently housed in the Bartholomew Gosnold Storage Facility. + Many importtult acquisitions were made tl1is year, both by gift and by purchase. (Seep. 12 for a complete report.) + We begtu1 a popular new progr;un of tlips for members
witl1 the help of Nina Hellman. Visits to Salem, Ounbridge, and Sm1dwich, Massachusetts; and Providence, Rhode Island, all took place in 2002 and included tours of numerous museums and galleries. + The Harvest Fair continued to be a popular progran1
designed to reach out to island residents.This year 580 people attended. + The coll::~boration between the NHA and the Nantucket Community Network for Children proved successful in its first winter. Approximately 150 parents and cl1ildren
participated in weekend craft progran1s making candles, scrimshaw, and holiday crafts in t11e Whaling Musetm. + The Nantucket Historical Association collaborated with
the Nantucket Atheneum, t11e Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, and the Maria Mitchell Association to host the first Super Series: Summer Evenings ofArts and Ideas. Speakers included Thomas Farel Heffernan, David Halberstam, Captain Wtlliam Pinkney, David Gessner, Nathaniel Philbrick, and Jill Tarter. + Malcolm A. Rogers, t11eAnn and Grai1tun Gund Director at t11e Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, was guest speaker at the NHA's aruma! meeting. His lecture was titled Museums at the Crossroads:Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? + Over 700 people attended the NHA's Still1fller lectures
and concerts in the Whaling Museum. Speakers included Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, Harvard professor m1d author of The Age of Homespun, and Mark Kurlansky, autl10r of SaltA World History. + A mmber of special guests visited the Musetm Shop over the summer and fall including artist Don Sineti, wood carver Will Kirkpatrick, m1d cl1ildren's book author Peter Barnes. + Nightmare on Main Street continued to be a popular fall progran1.1l1is year t11e event sold out before the advertisements even hit t11e newspaper, with over eighty people participating. + 1l1e Research library expm1ded and accelerated its plan to
digitize 11istoric images.The 11istoric photographs are being scarmed in high detail for both conservation purposes as well as increasing their availability via on-line databases. + 1l1e library portion of tl1e NHA website was significantly
expanded to facilitate researcl1 tilfough the web m1cl to assist with e-mail inquiries.These expansions include: on-line access to the Barney Genealogical Record; an updated edition of the Guide to Historical Records and Genealogical Resources of Nantucket, Massachusetts; as well as digital exl1ibitions of the displays that were installed in the library's Whitney Gallery. + The library staff initiated a project to inventory gravestones in Nantucket cemeteries. The first step, entering existing information on the stones in the Old Nortl1 and Newtown cemeteries into a database, has been taken. 1l1e database is searcl1able on the NHA website. + library volunteers continue to transcribe ships' logs, inventory books, and scan photographs. + Frances Ruley Karttunen's research project, The Other Islanders, was launcl1ed on the NHA's Eprint site on
Clockwise from top left:Raising tbe sails at tbe Old Mill; tug-o'-war at tbe Harvest Fair; booksigning at tbe Museum Sbop; making cornbread at the Oldest House; sack racing at the Harvest Fair; making sail01'S' valentines in tbe Whaling Museum;scbool visitors in tbe Wbaling Museum; milling corn; museum interpreter Linda Steelman in the Whaling Museum;Don Sineti and fellow whale artists.
ment on Snnday afternoons in December in conjnnction with the 2002 Festival ofTrees.
www.nha.org.The work surveys peoples from all over the world who have made Nantucket their home.
Membership, Development, and Public Relations
+ The NHA was feanrred in many regional and local publica-
tions including the Inquirer and Mirror, Cape Cod Times, Nantucket Magaz ine, and Cape Cod Life. Association representatives were also featured on regional radio stations and on Nantucket television stations including a weekly spot titled Artifact of the Uleek with chief curator Niles Parker on NannJCket Television. National media also reported on NHA events or used NHA resources. Some of the publications include Sailing Magazine, Town and Country, Country Home, the Magaz ine Antiques, t11e Robb Report, Yankee Magaz ine, Coastal Living, tl1e Chicago Tribune, Time Magazine, and the Antiques Road Show Insider.
+ Membership-renewal initiatives proved successful for the NHA-eighty percent of our members renewed in 2002and overall income from both business memberships and annual memberships increased over 2001. +
Twenty-four gift memberships were purchased and 153 members increased their level of membership support when they renewed. Eighty memberships were received via our website. Once again Denby Real Estate supported the NHA by giving NHA memberships to twenty-eight new property owners.Twenty-six corporations and fOtmdations matched memberships.The NHA has 584 Life Members.
+ Seventeen people contributed articles to Historic Nantucket-six of them for the first time. Eighty-eight people responded to the Historic Nantucket Readers Survey in the summer issue of the publication. + For the year-end appeal, forty-seven donors gave to the area of greatest need; ten designated building renovation, one chose exhibitions, and a further one htmdred and twentytwo gave no designation.A total of $73,000 was raised to ensure that the NHA ended the fiscal year in the blackthe ninth in succession. + The Year-End Appeal featured historic photographs of people.A member from Alaska wrote to the NHA to say how pleased he was to have seen a photograph of his grandfather and immediately ordered copies of the image from the NHA Research Library. + The NHA received three grants from Nantucket organiza-
tions to help with member and commtmity programming. The Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce provided $500 to support the NHA's three lectures on historic gardening held in Febmary and March as part of the Fifth Annual Winter Arts and Cultural Program. The Nantucket Arts Council provided $1,500 in support of the exhibition jag/ Cape Verdean Heritage on Nantucket, which opened in the Whitney Gallery of the NHA Researcl1 Library on October 5. The Nantucket Cultural Council provided $100 for musical entertain-
Special Events + For the second year, the NHA joined in the activities of t11e Nantucket Wine Festival. In addition to being the Wine
Festival's nonprofit partner, the NHA participated in the Gala Dirmer on May 16-welcoming 285 people-and t11e Auction on May 17. Rafael Osona served as auctioneer and presented forty-six different lots for auction, including twenty lifestyle items. + The Nantucket Wine Festival organizers-Denis Toner, ]olm Hayes, Frank Neer, and Nantucket Island Resorts' Russ Cleveland-presented a check to the NHA for $51,520 at the conclusion of tl1e highly successful event. +
The 25th August Antiques Show was held August 2-4, chaired by Margaret G. Benedict. Ninety-five committee members and conntless volnnteers gave t11eir time to make the silver anniversary a success and netting a record $575,000 for the NHA.The Whittier Trust Company and Trianon/Seaman Schepps led t11e way as nndetwriters.
+ Past NHA president and former Antiques Show chair
Dorothy Slover served as Honorary Chair of this year's event. + The Friends of the NHA invited Leigh and Leslie Keno to speak at t11e Methodist Church.This was the popular duo's second appearance and they again started the evening with a book signing.
L toR: Libi:Jy Oldham, Edith Andrews, Nancy Chase, and Grace Grossman pose with their namesake needleworks I:Jy Susan Boardman (at right). Sabrina Dawson and Erin Holmes at the sailor's valentine workshop. Annual meeting speaker Malcolm A. Rogers.interpreter Pat Kleinert in engineer cap and bandanna to promote l11e Nantucket Railroad exhibition.
+ The Antiques Cotmcil coordinated the thirty-eight antiques dealers participating in the show with Victor Weinblatt and John Suval as council liaisons.
+ A record fifty-one trees were decorated by local artists,
businesses, individuals, and eighteen island nonprofit organizations. More t11an 1,700 visitors attended the show over Stroll Weekend.Total attendance over t11e four weekends was 2,285,an increase from 2001.
+ Many people contributed greatly to tl1e Antiques Show's
success:Arie and Coco Kopehnan hosted a sponsors dinner; Laurie and Bob Champion were hosts of tl1e reception at the Hadwen House following the Friends lecture; Marilyn Whitney gave the Founders, Benefactors, and Patrons cocktail party; Mia and Bob Matthews hosted an tmderwriters luncheon; and Jay Bauer of Trianon/Seaman Schepps was host of t11e Fow1ders and Benefactors Dinner. + For the first time, t11e Antiques Show included an
Appraisal Day when dealers critiqued the artifacts submitted by forty-five individual collectors. + 1l1e live auction, chaired by Melanie Sabelhaus and held in Marilyn Whitney's garden, attracted 347 people and raised $112,000, including $30,000 pledged for t11e NHA's properties endowment.The Collectors Booth, chaired by Josette Blackmore and Vicki Iivingstone, set a new record for sale of donations at tl1eir "collectibles" comer. + The Festival of Wreaths, chaired by Jo-Ann Winn with a
committee of eight volunteers, offered a record 77 wreaths. The silent action raised $13,000, a fourteen percent increase over the 2001 Festival. + Over Thanksgiving Weekend, 1,500 people stopped
by Sherbume Hall to view tl1e wreaths - artfully displayed by creative designer Reggie Levine. Nonie Slavitz and twenty-eight ot11er volunteers welcomed the crowds. + Jackie Peterson and her committee of nine voltmteers
presented the ninth arumal Festival of Trees, which opened for the Preview Party during Nantucket's first winter snow storm. Nantucket Bank was t11e lead sponsor for the eightl1 consecutive year. Richard Kemble and George Korn served as creative designers. + 1l1e Festival of Trees netted over $37,000 for the NHA's education progran1s. A new concept for the Preview Party
introduced "Restaurant Row." Voltmteer Sue Fine asked nine restaurants to set up and serve some of their specialties to the 360 guests.
+ Musical performances on Sundays during the festival
proved popular with visitors. Performers included Mollie Glazer and Mary Keller, tl1e antucket High School's Accidentals and aturals, and the Nantucket New School Carolers.
Preservation of Historic Properties, Sites, and Monwnents + 1l1e five-year restoration of the Old Mill is in its second year. Grinding stones were leveled and the grinding shaft realigned, and a nwnber of wooden spokes were replaced. A 20-foot main shaft was purchased and is now being shaped and cured prior to installation in 2005. In the fall, t11e NHA's land east of Mill Hill was cleared, stumps were removed, and it was reseeded with meadow grasses to create open space for increased public use. + TI1e second phase of t11e Old Gaol's restoration was completed with repairs to a fireplace and dlinmey. 1l1e jail will reopen to t11e public in 2003. + Plaruling work for t11e restoration of the exterior and interior walls of the Quaker Meeting House proceeded in 2002.With the help of a Community Preservation grant, the most inlmediate restoration work will begin in 2003.This is expected to be a two-year project. + On Gardner Street, the cobblestoned driveway of t11e NHA's Hose Cart House was cleared and exposed for tl1e first time in recent memory. + At Hadwen House tl1e kitchen, batlu¡ooms, and many walls were repaired and painted. To better preserve tl1e building and its fu.rnisllings, a new heating and ventilation system was installed. The house is now divided into four separate air-handling zones t11at are controlled on a yearrowld basis. + 1l1e kitchen and hall walls of t11e Macy-Christian House were repaired and repainted prior to the arrival of t11e seasonal staff.
L toR: Doug Bm¡ch conducts an Fssex gam. Guest curator Thercm Singleton, NHA curator of library and archives Gem-gen Gilliam, and chief curator Niles Parker at the Whitney Gallery's Cape Verdean exhibition Augie Ramos points out details of the cranbeny scoop held by bis son, Rookie, whose grandparents used it when they worked the bog early in the 20th century Nantucket Railroad exhibition visitors look at an island map on display
2002 Accessions and Loans 2002.1
Broadside, Tony Sarg's Marionettes in "The Rose and the Ring," by William Makepeace Thackeray. Gift of the Connecticut Historical Society
.1-30 Women's clothing, bedding articles, images (daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes), and domestic artifacts related to Nantucket history and genealogy. Gift of MeiWin S. Lodge
Five-foot section of iron rail from the Nantucket Railroad Gift ofJay Starr in honor of Austin james Starr Postcard sent to Mary A. Simpson by the Tristram Coffin Reunion Association in 1881. Gift of Merwin S. Lodge Scrimshaw tooth depicting William Hussey Macy. Gift of I.othar R. Candels in memory of Edouard A. Stackpole .1-2 1\vo spikes from the Nantucket Railroad. GiftofBillOwen
2002.18 Drawing, The Blind
Accordion Player, by Tony Sarg. joint gift of Robert and Nina Hellman and Richard Kemble and George Kom
Nonaccessioned object for study collection 2002.8013
Sea chest. Gift of
Merwin S. Lodge
2002 Outgoing Loans Portrait ofGeorge Myrickjr. by unidentified artist. Loaned to Cahoon Museum of American Art Portrait ofEliza Mitchell Myrick by unidentified artist. Loaned to Cahoon Museum of American Art The native stone "1731/P john!Nu Poo." Loaned to New Bedford Whaling Museum
Portrait ofHenry Ckipp jr., by unidentified artist. Loaned to Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, Nantucket Portrait ofisaac Coffin by Florence Booles. Loaned to Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, Nantucket
2002.10 Round wooden box The Blind Accordion Player, by Tony Sarg, was Nantucketer Herbie Brownell. decorated by Tony Sarg Map ofthe United States by Coffin with label from Sarg's School student. Loaned to Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, Nantucket Nantucket shop on the bottom. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gewirz Portrait ofCaptain Rule by George G. Fish. Loaned to Egan Institute of Maritime 2002.11 .1-3 Albert Clark's wife's or daughter-in-law's dress, petticoat, and cape, Studies, Nantucket ca. 1870. Gift of Nancy Charest 2002.12 Ticket punch believed to be from the Nantucket Railroad. Gift of Phillip J. Raneri
1\vo "one egg" lightship baskets by Clinton Mitchell Ray. Loaned to Egan Institute of Maritime Studies, Nantucket
2002.13 Decorated tray with oil painting of the Nantucket whaleship Horatio. Gift of Mrs. jane Mullen
1\vo round lightship baskets. Loaned to antucket Lightship Basket Museum
2002.14 .1-2 Oil portrait of Rev. George Kilton by unidentified artist. Pastel portrait of jonathan Coffin by unidentified artist. From the estate of Mrs. Pamela Mitchell
Lightship basket nest. Loaned to antucket Lightship Basket Museum Painting, The Window Towards the Sea by Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin. Loaned to Cape Cod Museum of Fine Arts
2002.15 Pencil sketch, Gathering kelp, Nantucket, july 1865, by William Trost Richards (1833-1905). NHA Purchase
Painting, Artist and Model in the Studio by Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin. Loaned to Cape Cod Museum of Fine Arts
2002.16 Reverse painting on glass, Ship "Sukey" ofNantucket, G. W Gardner, Master, offthe North Head ofAlbemal [sic ],june 20, I 808. Gift of Renny Stackpole in memory of Edouard A. Stackpole
U. S. Life-Saving Medal. Loaned to Nantucket Life-Saving Museum
2002.17 Pencil sketch depicting Sankaty Head Lighthouse and Sesachacha Pond, 1865, by William Trost Richards (1833-1905). NHA purchase with a gift from William Vareika
Abraham Quary basket. Loaned to Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Mass. Carved eagle paddle-wheel cover from the steamship Iskind Home. Loaned to National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
library Accessions
2002.34 Book, Miriam by Gustav Kobbe. Gift of Constance M. Rush
Nantucket Map & Legend collection. Gift of Kate Stout
2002.35 MarshaU Gardiner postcards. Gift of Paula B. Young
Nantucket Garden Club scrapbook. Gift of Nantucket Garden Club
Nanntcket postcards, scenes, photographs, and genealogical inf01mation. Gift of Alexander & Eleanor George
2002.36 Pan1phlet, Elihu Coleman: Quaker, Antislavery Pioneer ofNantucket; Will of Prince Gardner. Gift of Ricllard Sylvia
2002.19 Book, 'Sconset Cottage Life: A Summer on Nantucket Island Gift ofjolm H. Foster 2002.20 Books and articles, Between Race and Ethnicity; Fugitive's Gibraltar; Captain Paul Cujfo's Logs and Letters; miscellaneous articles. Gift of Carl). Cruz 2002.21 journal of George Attwater; scrapbook of newspaper clippings; postcard; abridgement of the last quarto edition of the Ainsw01th dictiomuy (5th edition 1798); Funk & WagnaU's dictiomuy (1906). Gift of RennyStackpole 2002.22 Nanntcket photographs, maps, and guides, Easy Guide to Nantucket I977-I978; Young's Bicycle Shop map ca. 1970s; Nanntcket lsilmd listing of hotels and inns; Rambles through the Historic District, I959; Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, 30 Miles at Sea. Gift of Gay! Michael 2002.23 2001 ru·chitectura.l repott from Presetvation Institute: Nanntcket [Pl:N] . Gift of Preservation Institute: Nantucket 2002.24 Books, Nantucket Revenge; Death in a Mood Indigo. Gift of Gail Ward 2002.25 Nantucket High School framed English-course cettificate. Gift of Chtis Tofalli 2002.26 Videotaped copy of home movies from summer of 1933. Gift of Kathe Hetzer 2002.27 Books, Cape Vente Islands: the Bradt Travel Guide; Cuisines of Portuguese Encounters. Gift of Frru1ces Ruley Karttunen
2002.37 Collection of documents ranging from 1723 to 1850, chiefly \viUs and deeds conceming anntcket and Sidney, Maine, including correspondence from Willimn Shetm~m to his brothers. Gift of Barbara Hunicke 2002.38 Card-mounted photographs; glass-plate negatives; nitrate negatives; glass negatives in black box; glass slides in wooden box. Gift of DaintJy jensen 2002.39 Book, Alice's Travels and Photo Album, ca. 1914. Gift of Quentin Smith 2002.40 Personal papers of joseph and Constance Indio, including the manuscript "Hist01y of the Town Crier," by joseph Indio; lecrure notes; clippings; photographs; memorabilia; artifacts; personal correspondence; cotTespondence to the Town Clier; and other materials. Gift of Constru1ce indio 2002. 41 Collection of Nanntcket-related documents including bills, deeds, account lists, miscellaneous letters, receipts, and 1820 Spencerian calligraphy book. libr:uy purclJaSC 2002.42 Weekly issues of d1e Sherburne News from May 25, 1880 to September 28, 1880. Gift of Frances L. Elder 2002.43 Earl Ray's diary from U.S. Flying Corps, 1918. Gift ofjane Ricllmond 2002.44 Physidan's joumal; newsclipping; 1957 booklet from antucket Cottage Hospital. Gift of Terry Sylvia 2002.45 Tourist guide, This Week in Nantucket (weekofSept. 8, 1930). Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blulm1 2002.46 Postcard of antucket Island. Gift of Bruce Mantemach
2002.28 Six booklets on Cape Verdean folk crafts. Gift of Carl J. Cruz
2002.47 MisceUaneous books and articles. Gift of Constance Indio
2002.30 Lopes Frunily album (scanned inmges) . Gift of joseph Lopes
2002.48 Books, three volumes relating to history of d1e Daughters of the American Revolution. Gift of Petmy Snow, Nantucket D. A. R. Regent
2002.31 A Revolution, a Lady, and a &Jok : ABoston Lady in Rewlutionmy Times: Margaret Coffin and her TOIJ'.famil.J\ by jolm Morton GaUop for the Margaret Coffin Prayer Book Society. Gift of John GaUop
2002.49 Photograph of Sankaty Head golf course. Gift of Dorinda Yates 2002.50 Photogmphs from 1959 and 1965. Gift of ThomasMacy 2002.51 Booklet.APrimer for Hare Hunters. Gift of Nancy Sevrens
2002.32 A Taleofthe Governor and 1Wo Islands. Gift of C. S. Lovelace 2002.33 Videotape, NTV Making their Mark. Gift of Frances Ruley Karttunen
Front and back of scrimsbau · tooth depicting William Hussey Macy
~though the :\HA was able to show a small operating surplus for 2002. there is no question that the economic em·ironment has deteriorated considerably compared to the recent past. There were fewer visitors to ~antucket this past season and they all seemed to keep a closer eye on their wallets and pocketbooks. :\ot surprisingly. after several years of explosive gro\\th. our revenues from admissions. memberships. and general contributions showed only modest increases from the previous year. and Museum Shop revenues declined. Fortunately. the Antiques Show once again came to our rescue; defying all reasonable expectations. it exceeded the 2001 bottom line by almost 15"• as its total contribution approached the $600.000 mark. The Festival of Trees was another big success as it increased its net contribution by almost 40%. Perhaps more important. it has become the premier social event of the holiday season. providing a wonderful opportunity for the :\IliA to bring together the entire :\antucket community as it winds down at the conclusion of a busy season. Another bright spot was the $51.520 contribution we received as the primary nonprofit partner in the :\lantucket Wine Festival. We expect to enjoy the same status in the future; as the festival each year enjoys greater awareness and broader participation. we are hopeful that it will continue to grow in significance as an NHA contributor. In the expense area. we are confronting the challenge of reconciling our plans for the future with the financial constraints of today. I am pleased to report that so far the NHA maintains an appropriate, if delicate. balance: while we aggressively prepare to face the many challenges of the future. we are maintaining the highest degree of fiscal discipline possible. -
NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2002 (with Summarized Financial Information for 200 I)
ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accrued interest receivable Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable Land, buildings, and equipment, net Long-term investments Collections
LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accrued and other liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets
2002 9,890,772 8,197 154,930 49,686 2,680,062 6,202,021 2,000,507
$ 20,986,175
$ 21,233,910
1,160,2 13 367,476 6,202,021 11 ,057,37 1 2,124,765
1,102,2 10 569,484 6,107,389 11 ,557,044 1,869,792
$ 20,986,175
$ 21,233,910
7be financial statements for 2002 baue been audited by Laue, BollLJS, Lyncb & Rogers, UP, who have rendered an unqualified opinion on them.
Complete financial statements are auailable on request.
2001 8,637,300 3,919 179, 152 33,220 4,290,595 6,107,389 1,982,335
$ 196,237
$ 269,534
384,435 259,664 573,473 90,756 973,969 304,762
363, 147 253,477 680,926 105,108 814,161 243,9 10
317, 146 189,462 232,600 11 7,524 485,8 11 275,754
246,200 218,405 171,949 116,876 554,687 307,886
767,520 371,408
800,898 305,322
(123,267) 74,258 6,496 (248,969)
(254,175) 89,935 2,462,216 (270,640)
Change in net assets from nonoperating activities
Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Purchase of collection items
(265,411) (28,662)
2,035,376 (130,724)
Change in net assets
$ 20,911,846
Operating Activities: Revenue, gains, and otlwr suppott Conuibutions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment retum designated for operations Special fund-raising events Otl1er eamed revenue Net assets released from resUiction Satisfaction of purpose resttictions Total Operating Expenses: Program setvices Special Events Curatorial Education and public programs Research and libraty Museum Shop Buildings and maintenance Supporting setvices General and adminisu<Uive Membership and development Total Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment retum Friends of tlJe NHA conttibutions Capital catnpaign conttibutions Capital eatnpaign expenses Net assets released from resttictions Acquisition of buildings and equipment ln1position of donor resttictions
Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year
Donors Y~End Appeal
($5,000 and Above) Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Adelson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim
($1,000- $5,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton Jr. Mrs. Margaret Burden Childs Cox Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. j:unes Duffy Mr. & Mrs. james L. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. Elliott W. Gumaer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hilton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mr. George Korn & Mr. Richard Kemble Mr. & Mrs. Jan R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. V. Henry O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. David E. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Natl1aniel Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. C. Weston Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Seidman Family Foundation Rev. Georgia Ann SneU Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. jasper G. Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Wanvick Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmut Weymar
($500- $1,000) Dr. & Mrs. Peter Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon Ms. Donna K. Cooper & Mr. Karl H. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. joseph Starbuck Freeman Ms. Elizabeth jeffery Hubbell Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Meader Mrs. Paul Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatmy Mrs. Alfred F. Sanford II Mr. & Mrs. joseph R. Seiger Mrs. Isabel C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Randolph M. Watkins The AES Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Ms. ]annie S. Beddoe & Mr. Walter D. Wick Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez Breed Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. & Mrs. George U. Carneal Mr. john C. Chadbourne Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Clark Mr. james I. Coddington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Cookenboo Mr. & Mrs. William B. Coolidge Ms. Amanda B. Cross & Mr. W.J. Torpey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jack Cuneo Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Mrs. joseph N. DuBarry IV Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Erskine Jr. Mr. Robert B. Ficks Jr. Ms. Tyrrell Flawn & Dr. john P. Howe Ill Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gewirz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Good,villie Jr. Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Wade Greene Ms. Beverly Hall Ms. Polly Ann Halsted Mrs. David Huntington Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. judy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Kellogg Ms. Ann S. Killen Mr. & Mrs. William E. Learnard Ms. Judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Mr. & Mrs. john Lochtefeld Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. William B. Macomber Mr. Lowell R. Macy Mr. & Mrs. james L. Malone lll Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. George Mrkonic Mr. Raymond F. MurphyJr. Mr. David M. Ogden Mr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Parry Mr. & Mrs. james S. Pasman Jr. Mr. Lyman S. A. Perry/ Lyman Perry Architects, Ltd. Mr. & Mrs. Harvey G. Phillips Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand III Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mrs. Samuel Robert Mrs. john Schapiro Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Sheets Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George H. Simonds Mrs. joan D. Small Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey Smith Ms. Penny F. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon Mr. & Mrs. David W. St. Clair Ms. janet L. Steinmayer & Mr. Victor F. GuagUanone Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor Mr. Thomas A. 1\vomeyJr. Ms. Clara Urbahn Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Wanvick Mr. & Mrs. William S. Webster Ms. Elizabetl1 B. Wheelwright Mr. & Mrs. Reid White Mrs. Paula K. Williams Mr. Alexander M. Worth Jr. Mrs. Roger A. Young
(Up to $50)
($100--$500) Mrs. Fay H. Anathan Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. j. Christopher Barron
($50- $100) Mrs. Anne C. Allen Ms. Lorraine Barstow Mr. Robert B. Berger Ms. Gale R. Blosser Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Cady Mrs. Alma K. Coffin Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Mr. Edward L. Davis Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. DavidS. Deutsch Mr. Herbert H. Foster III Mr. & Mrs. Ford M. Fraker Ms. Alice T. Friedman Mrs. Grenville Garside Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell lll Ms. Gail Hano Mr. & Mrs.john 0. Hedden Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kiddoo Ms. Vicki Livingstone Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Mr. Earl B. Mix Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Morrai Mrs. Alfred E. Munier Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Nathan Mrs. Mary Chandler Parrish Mr. Geoffrey S. Paul Mrs. Benjamin C. Perkins Ms. Louise l'feiffer Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pushkar Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Mr. & Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon Mr. William B. Rose Cpl. john S. Serafini Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Small Ms. Sandra F. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Grove Stoddard Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Wiley
Trustee Barbara Hajim, Ian MacKenzie, and Rint Ranney in the Whaling Museum
Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Ames Mrs. Harold Arnold Mrs. Louis R. Ayotte Mrs. Mary G. Bachman Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Jr. Mrs. Frederic W. Cook Mr. William H. Eckert Jr. Mrs. john P. Elder Mr. Steven Ellis Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Dr. David S. Hays Mr. jack E. Helms Ms. Edna High Mrs. Marjorie E. Hock Mrs. Park W. Huntington jr. Mr. George C. jordan lll Ms. Margarie McCully Ms. Patricia Rottmeier Ms. Cindy Longley Slate Mrs. Herbert R. Van Ness Jr.
Bold listing i11dicates a gift to tbe capital campaigll
â&#x20AC;¢ ftfatcbi11g corparate gift
t Deceased
Mrs. Robert S. Wareham Dr. &Mrs. john G. Webster
Unrestricted Gifts ($100 or More) Cahoon Museum of American Art The Garden Conservancy, Inc. Ms. Ann Bissinger & Mr. Mark Poor Mr. & Mrs. Bob Burt Mr. William Dinges Dr. &Mrs. john W. Espy Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Jr. Mr. &Mrs. Peter Howell Ms. Polly Thayer Miller Mrs. Eleanor Weller Reade F. Calame Sammons, M.D. Ms. Andrea Van de Kamp
(Up to $100) Ms. Elizabeth]. Amos Mrs. Marjorie von Credo Baker Ms. Karen Roberta Costantini Ms. Sally H. johnson Dr. Pearlie M. Peters Ms. Diana R. Regan Mr. Lawton G. Sargent Jr. Ms. Kathy West Mr. & Mrs. john West
Restricted Gifts Anonymous Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mrs. Doris Fellerman Speakman Charitable Trust Mr. &Mrs. William M. Vareika Mr. &Mrs. F. jay Ward Mr. &Mrs. William White/ Mitchell's Book Corner
Donations in Honor of Living Persons /11 Honor ofErwin L. Greenberg
Mr. &Mrs. Sheldon Dagurt Mr. Alexander Greenberg Mr. &Mrs. Irvin Greif Mr. & Mrs. John H. Heller Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Kronthal Ms. Betty L. Meyer Ms. Marilyn Meyerhoff Mr. &Mrs. Charles L. Moylan Mr. & Mrs. William Saxon Mr. &Mrs. Marvin Schuster Mr. &Mrs. Robert Siegmeister Mr. &Mrs. Alfred Walpert
Memorial Gifts Margaret & Robert Ames Mr. & Mrs. Kim]. Cassady Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kwasniewski Margaret Ames Mr. Charles Frownfelter Mr. & Mrs. Willard Gallagher Ms. Constance Kastelowitz Mr. Thomas Sullivan Robert Ames Ms. Dorothy Comery Mr. Charles Frownfelter Ms. Ann Gaylord Miss Roberta Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pensiero Mr. Hans Weichsel Jr. john Dannenberg Ms. Elaine Shea Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Hill Ms. Kristie E. Ley Ms. Geraldine Miller Mr. Steven C. Turrentine Thomas C. (Tucker) Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas]. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mr. Bruce D. Miller Lynn Kniffin Mr. & Mrs. Irvin Greif Dr. & Mrs. Hazen Kniffin Mr. & Mrs. David Margulies Robert MacNevi11 Mr. & Mrs. Bion B. Hall Jr. PbilipNash Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Wright Rev. james Smitb Mr. & Mrs. Bion B. Hall Jr. Rose Stanshaigb Mrs. Bernard D. Grossman
Elizabeth Tyrer Mrs. Louis R. Ayotte Mr. &Mrs. Wallace S. Billings Mrs. Bernard D. Grossman Ms. Edna High Mr. &Mrs. William C. Long Ms. Canice McGarry Mrs. joan D. Small Mrs. Stanley M. Smith Mr. Theodore A. Schott & Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Schott Ms. ancy E. Tyrer Mr. &Mrs. Theodore T. Whitney The Casual Gourmet CWF, Inc Cape Cod Regional Chamber of Commerce
Mobil Foundation, Inc. New England Electric Company PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Matching Gift Center The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts SmithKline Beecham Foundation Unilever United States Foundation Inc. United Technologies Matching Gift Center
Harvest Fair Special Thanks Perennial Gardens Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Stop & Shop Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company Town of Nantucket, Dept. of Parks & Recreation
Foundation Grants Restricted Grants Monaghan Trust Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Friends of Nantucket Public Schools Tupancy-Harris Foundation Nantucket Arts Council, Inc Massachusetts Cultural Council Unrestricted Grants jockey Hollow Foundation
Corporate Matching Gifts AT&T Foundation Matching Gift Center The Carnegie Foundation BP America Matching Gift Progran1 Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation Eli Lilly and Company Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation Fleet Matching Gifts Program The Gillette Company Matching Gift Program H.]. Heinz Company Foundation IBM International Foundation The May Department Stores Company Foundation
In-Kind Special Thanks jeffrey S. Allen Gale Arnold Bruce Bates Susan Boardman Doug Burch communicationDESIGN/ Claire O'Keeffe Congdon & Coleman Insurance Polly &john Espy Den by Real Estate Gallery at Four India Street The Garden Conservancy Open Days Program Greenwood Alarm Henry's Sand,vich Shop Frances Ruley Karttunen Mill Stone LLC antucket Garden Club Alfred H. Novissimo Technology Consultant Oriental Rugs Ltd Charles Plante Augie Ramos Eleanor Reade Marcia Rubin Seven Seas Gifts Theran Singleton Larry Stentzel Henry]. Varian Masonry and Historical Restoration Richard B. Ward F. jay Ward David Winton Robert Young
In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Morgan K Varner Mr. &Mrs. William C. Davis In Honor ofHilliard Wood Ms. Rita ~vac
Tbankyou note .from Nantucket sixth-grader Gaby La.Favre to the NHA staff.
Volunteers Annual Meeting Volunteers PatAnathan Penn Curran Polly Espy Barbara lfajim Kaaren Uale Brad Henke Terese Payne Ellen Ross
Board of Trustees Subcommittee Volunteers Patricia Butler Jeanmarie Drucker Caroline A. Ellis ancee Erickson David Goodman Georgia Gosnell Erwin L. Greenberg ina &Robert E. Hellman GeorgeS. Beyer Jr. Eric Uolch Stephen Lindsay Patricia Loring Nancy Newhouse Alfred II. Novissimo Nancy]. Sevrens Bette Spriggs Eva-Maria & Uans Tausig Alvin Topham Lynn 1\1cker David II. Wood
Curatorial and Programming Volunteers
Research Library Volunteers
]antes LBaird Jr. Gail Hano Nina Bellman Denise Korngold
Pat Belford Norma Burton Sally M. Carter Donna K. Cooper Doris Glazer ina Groseclose David Hays D:tintry jensen Ben Maycock Paula McLeod Alfred II. Novissimo Leslie W. Ottinger Garrett Rose Penny F. Snow jack Stratton Barbara Thomas Gail B. & F. jay Ward Barbara Coleman White
Harvest Fair Volunteers john Bayer joseph llu[nagle Paul jensen Claire O'Keeffe Alison llall Cooley Sean &josh VanHoesen
Office Volunteers Barbara Cohen Chris Uart
Researcb LibratJ' uolunteer Les Ottinger pores over a logbook in tbe Edouard A. Stackpole Reading Room
L to R:Marcia Rubin reads to dJildren at the Harvest Fair. Nina Hellman enjoys a spin on the carousel at Heritage Plantation in Sandwich, Massachusetts (photograph by Bob Hellman). Public relations volunteer Chr¡is Hart at the Festival ojWreaths
Signals of the Nantucket Whaling Fleet 1788-1865 * * * * * * * * * *
Hero II
James Loper
Recognizing Leaders of the Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association
****** * ****** ****** Maria
Two Brothers
New Packet
John Adams I
Golden Farmer
South America
~ Sally
Henry Astor
m Huntress
Young Eagle
Lydia II
Nantucket II
Edward Cary
Three Brothers
Nantucket II
Levi Starbuck
e Atlantic
Lydia I
Sea Lion
~ The Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association + Following a meeting of members at the Old Mill
+ Campaign chair Peter Nash announced the appointment of tmstee Marcia Welch as chair of Major Gifts.
in August, the goal was raised to $21 million to include an additional $3 million restricted to the general endowment for operations and properties.
+ Ten new volunteers joined the members of the board of tmstees to solicit gifts for The Campaign.
Board of trustees reaffirms its commitment to raise: $2 million
restoration of the Whaling Museum
$9 million
renovation of the Peter Foulger Museum with additional galleries in the new constmction connecting the two existing museums.
$8 million
for the NHA Endowment Fund
$2 million
for the NHA Research Ubrary
Trustee Marda Welch
+ The Case Statement was revised in the winter to include the Signals of the Nantucket Whaling Fleet 1788-1865.
Bob and Mia Matthews hosted a gathering in their home on Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach. Executive director Frank Milligan attended and discussed campaign goals.
Conceptual interior layout and exhibit designs of proposed new galleries on Broad Street by Amaze Design of Boston were accepted by the board of trustees.
+ Small group gatherings began in the Whaling Museum in July and August to discuss the design and architectural concepts.
NHA received a restricted gift from a group of interested Nantucketers to brush-cut and seed the 1.25 acres of land to the east of the Old Mill for limited public access and to increase donations to the Properties Endowment Fund.
+ Board of trustees makes a 100% commitment to the objectives of The Campaign.
Seven new leadership gifts were received by the end of the year.
+ Volunteers raised $1 .1 million for a total of $15.5 million-75% of the goal.
Goal: $21 million
Raised To Date: $15.5 million
Ulll'ttltricted $6.116 million
Research Library Visiting Scholar .050 million Properties $ .070 million
Two views ofproposed galleries by Amaze Design for the new Museum Center: at left is the Whale Hunt Ibeater and, at right, one of the galleries to be used for temporary exhibitions and the display of artifacts from the NHA permanent collection. Inset:Chief cu1-ator Niles Parker and Scott Rabiet ofAmaze Design
Donations Museum Center
Children's Education Wing ($100,000- $200,000)
and New Galleries
Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman
including Whaling Museum ($2,000,000- $5,000,000) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell
($250,000- $1,000,000) Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Susan & Samuel Lehrman
($100,000- $250,000) Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Tucker
($25,000- $100,000) Mr. & Mrs. II. Flint Ranney/ Den by Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman
($5,000- $25,000) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Hyland Granby
($5,000- $10,000) The Nichols Foundation, Inc.
Boardroom ($100,000- $200,000) Richard G. & Janet L. Sherlund
Museum Shop ($100,000- $500,000) Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund
Whaling Museum & Museum Shop ($2,000,000- $5,000,000) Teresa & H. john Heinz lli Fund of the Heinz Family Foundation
Nantucket Historical Association Business Plan (Up to $50,000) Teresa & H. john Heinz III Fund of the Heinz Family Foundation
(Up to $1,500) Mr. & Mrs. john W. Bartlett Ms. Peggy Savlov & Mrs. Russell A. Sibley in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walker in honor of Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr.
t Deceased
The Whale ($250,000- $500,000) Sacerdote Family
Research Library ($100,000- $750,000) Anonymous Tupancy-llarris Foundation
(Up to $75,000) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Freilich Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harleman Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lowenstein Nantucket Friends Meeting
Whitney Gallery
($100,000- $250,000) Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion
(Up to $1,500) Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. Gidwitz Mr. & Mrs. John Meyer Furnishings
(Up to $75,000)
Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons
E. Geoffrey & Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship ($50,000- $100,000) Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mrs. Alfred F. Sanford II Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sanford Ms. Polly Sanford
Research Library Endowment ($250,000- $500,000)
Jean MacPhail Weber
(Up to $5,000) Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Seinfeld Estate of Donald M. D. Thurber Trust
Exploration Room ($10,000- $50,000)
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john II. Davis Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Prof. William A. Hance Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heard Jr. Mr. & Mrs. julius Jensen Ill Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. L. Dennis Kozlowski Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. Alfred F. Sanford IU Ms. Dorothy Slover Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. joseph F. Welch Mr. David H. Wood Mr. Robert A. Young & Ms. Kathryn Kay
1999 Board of Trustees Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
PennanentEndo~ent ($500,000 and up)
Unrestricted Gifts
Estate of Marjorie Shultz
($2,000,000- $5,000,000)
($50,000- $100,000)
($500,000- $1,000,000)
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Bossidy Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leeds Mitchell,jr.t Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Rolando Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider The Gilbert Verney Foundation
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Mr. & Mrs. james Pallotta
($15,000- $50,000)
($100,000- $250,000)
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas j. Anathan Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer II. Appley Mr. & Mrs. Huntington R. Breed Martha Hoopes Parke Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Lorenzo Mr. Norn1an E. Mack II
Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. john F. Akers Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation Mr.t & Mrs. Thomas C. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. julius jensen Ill Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. jones Jr. William E. Uttle Jr. Family Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKen1Je Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske Christopher & Ann Quick Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Rales Alice Rogoff Rubenstein The Satori Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. joseph F. Welch
(Up to $10,000) Mr. Len Campanale Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran R. C. Wly Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Ully Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. johnston F. Northrop Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ollison Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick
Mill Hill and Beyond
Endowment ($10,000- $50,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. john S. Greenebaum Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sabelhaus
(up to $10,000) Ms. Sandra Ashley Mr. & Mrs. franklin Bartlett Ms. Susan Boardman Dr. Alice F. Emerson
in honor ofRoger & jean Ernst Mr. & Mrs. john Gilbert Mr. Gordon St. G. Mark Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller NHA Harvest Fair Mrs. Belen P. Seager Mr. Robert A. Young & Ms. Kathryn Kay
($250,000- $500,000) Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim
($50,000- $100,000) Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Breakiron Mr. & Mrs. Robert II. Brust The Cox Foundation Ms. Ellen E. Howe The Larsen Fund Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry
($20,000- $50,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broll Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clarkjr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Cross Mr. & Mrs. Willian! M. Crozier Jr. Dr. & Mrs. john W. Espy Mr. Erwin L. Greenberg & Ms. Stephanie Cooper Charles S. Carmen DeMora Hale Foundation Ms. Sandra R. Bolland Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger llorchow
Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Orr Mr. & Mrs. Virgil M. Price II Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soros Mr. & Mrs. james M. Stewart Mrs. Richard j. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. jay Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William II. Woolverton Ill
($10,000- $20,000) Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Ambassador Elizabeth Frowley Bagley & Mr. Smith Bagley Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Robert II. Bollingjr Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. P. Erik Christensen Meredith and Eugene Clapp Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Diamond Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dupuis lii Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Beard Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john A. Bilton Jr. Mr. D. Brainerd Holmes Lois & john Horgan The lacocca Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Horace Irvine jockey Hollow Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Lorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey P. Parker Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Mr. & Mrs. David Ross Ill Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Ms. Dorothy Slover Mrs. Gordon Smith Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Isabel & Donald Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. F. jay Ward Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmut Weymar David & Mary Wolff Mr. Robert A. Young & Ms. Kathryn Kay
($1,000 - $10,000) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Norn1an J. Asher
Mr. Alan F. Atwood Dr. & Mrs. David Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Dr t & Mrs. George Berkheimer Mr. & Mrs. john Bruce Bredin Mrs. Thomas II. Broadus Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie Ms. Nant)' A. Chase The Alexius C. Conroy Family Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Garrett Sr.
in honor of Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Prof. William A. Hance Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III Richard Kemble & George Korn Mr. & Mrs. james L. Ketelsen Ms. Carolyn Miller Knutson Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. William B. Macomber Mr. Albert L. Manning Jr. The May Department Store Company Foundation Ms. Nancy A. Newhouse Osceola Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john D. Sayer Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schorr IV Mr. Karl II. Schulz & Ms. Donna K. Cooper Arch W. Shaw Foundation Stephanie Speakman Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Ed\vin K. Thrower Mrs. Christine L. Willcox Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Mr. David II. Wood
(Up to $1,000) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bell Mrs. Charles C. Gifford in honor ofMr. Peter W Nash Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hart Mrs. janeT. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mleczko Mr. & Mrs. Michael Peacock Mrs. Nancy J. Sevrens
in memory of Mr. William A. Sevrens South Kent School Mr. & Mrs. john M. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Winans
Corporate Matching Gifts The AES Corporation AlliedSignal Foundation, Inc. BankBoston Chan1pion International Corporation General Electric Fund Hallmark Corporate Foundation IBM International Foundation New York Times Company Foundation PepsiCo Foundation The May Department Stores Company Foundation
Trustee and Capital Campaign chair Peter Nash and wife Sally join hostess Marilyn Whitney at the Founders a11d Benefactors reception for the 25th Annual August Antiques Show. At right: Trustee Rebecca Bartlett t Deceased
2002 August Antiques Show Publicity
Chair Margaret G. Benedict
Christine Hart
Honorary Chair
Antiques Council Liaisons Victor Weinblatt, Antiques Council Liaison john Suva!, Antiques Council Co-li<tison
Dorothy Slover
Chairs Council Sarah Baker Laurie Champion Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Martha Groetzinger Georgia Gosnell Barbara Hajim Ginger Heard Betty jacobsen Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Betty Ogden Susan Rotando Melanie Sabell~aus Dorothy Slover Mimi Young
Committee Chairs Friends of!be NHA Lecture Carolyn MacKenzie
Founder & Benefactor Dinner Lynne Steinfurth Nan Geschke Marcie Watts
Underwriting Marybeth Keene
Preview Party Pam Waller Nan Lampe Rhonda Cassity
Decorations Leanne Kendrick Barbara Vanderbilt
Collectors Bootb Vicki Livingstone Josette Blackmore
Raffle Clement Durkes Anne Obrecht
Patron Party Auction
Carol Atkinson Nancy Barnes Kay Bernon Heidi Beny Margit Breakiron Mmy Brunelle Louise Connell Bessie Connelly Mellie Cooper Prudence Crozier Anne Curlett Anne DiVenere jean marie Drucker Martha Farrell Mary Anne Fennel Nancy Forster Marjorie Fortgang joan Goodwin Susan Zises Green Carrie Griffith Wendy Griswold Suzy Grote Kaaren Hale Candy Heydt Susan Hochwald Lois Horgan Dolly Howell Reggie Hunt Pam johnson J:me King Karlson Diane Kelly Heather Kennedy SaraJo Kobacker Carol Le11nger Susan Lister Locke Sharon Lorenzo Miriam Mandell Nancy Marinoff Deedie McCarthy
Winifred Mortenson Aileen Newquist Ann Nussbaum Nancy Peacock Bettina Ridley janet Sherlund Anne Sntith Daisy Soros Sallye Stephenson Wendy Stone Sheila Sullivan S:mdy Taylor jane Tiger Sandra Velde Maty Ann Wagner Marcia Welch Lore Yao Marcie Ziesing
Underwriters Title Sponsor The Whittier Trust Comp:my Founders & Benefactors Dinner Sponsor Trianon/Seam:m Schepps Anonymous Gold Ann Taylor Silver Matthews Ventures Anonymous
Bronze George Cloutier, American Management Service, Inc. Doyle, NY Griffin Family Foundation Wayne Pratt & Co. Woodmeister Corporation Titaniwn The Catalogue of Antiques :md Fine Art Flatl1er & Perkins Insurance Lucille jordan Associates, lnc. The Magazine Antiques Northeast Auctions
Tbe NIIA gratefully recognizes tbe extraordinary' support of Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Marilyn Whitney
Founders Mr. & Mrs. Frank. J. Avellino Margaret G. & Neil Benedict Heidi & Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Breakiron Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chilton Jr. Robyn &john Davis Linda &joseph DiMartino Barbara & Martin Fife an & Chuck Geschke Barbara & Ed Iiajim Kaaren & Charles Hale Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hempleman Lois &john Horgan Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lehrman Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie john J. McCarthy & Carol B. Gray Mrs. Paul Mellon Elizabeth R. Miller &james G. Dinan Ann & Christopher Quick Susan & L)1111 Rotando Alice & David Rubenstein Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus judith Greenberg-Seinfeld & Dr. Robert Seinfeld Janet & Rick Sherlund julie & Brian Simmons
Benefactors Jan & Warren Adelson George T. Albrecht & M:utha O'Brien james Allm:m & Mark O'Donnell Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Jane & Douglas Anderson The Antiques Council Mariano & Mortimer Appley Mrs. Gale II. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Mrs. Robert w. Bailey Colleen M. Bain Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker
Melanie Sabelhaus
Dealers Hospitality Nancee Erickson Barbara Halsted
Volunteer Coordinators Olivia Thornton
Communications Pat Anathan Collectors Tour, Cbildren 's Program
Vanessa Diserio Mia Matthews
Gift Bags Phyllis Freilich Linda Saligman
Chair Maggie Benedict with jay Bauer ofTrianon/ Seaman Schepps; honorary chair Dorothy Slover; decorations chair Leanne Kendrick and husband john; Vicki Livingstone andJosette Blackmore promoting the Collectors Booth.
Grace Morris Bardelis Melanie &Ben Barnes Nancy & Lee Barnes Michelle Barnett Billie &Jinx Barrows Mr. &Mrs. Harold J. Baxter Mr. &Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Kay & Peter Bernon Lee Bierly & Christopher Drake Cece Black Josette &jan1es C. Blackmore Mr. &Mrs. Arthur G. Broil Mr. joel P. Brown, Pacific National Bank Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Pauline &jack Burke Rhonda &Doug Cassity Mr. &Mrs. Robert L. Champion Mr. &Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Kathryn & Roy Clauss Louise & Bill Connell Mr. &Mrs. john T. Connelly Jr. Dottie & Earle Craig Mr. & Mrs. john F. Cregan Prudence S. &William M. Crozier Jr. Robert J. Daniels Ramona &Stephen Davis Danielle deBenedictus &Peter Karlson Vanessa & Matthew Diserio Mr &Mrs. joseph P. Donelan IJ Mr. &Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Drs. Paula & Michael Duffy Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Shelton Ellis Nancee Erickson Dr. & Mrs. john W. Espy Mr. &Mrs. David C. Farrell Marc A. Feigen Mr. &Mrs. Michael Ferrel Liz & Biff Folberth Nancy Alme &AI Forster Mr. &Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang Marie &George Frazza Phyllis &Stuart Freilich Nan & Chuck Geschke Mr. &Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz Yvonne & Richard Gibbs Martha Parke Gibian Dr. &Mrs. Thomas H. Ginley Mr. & Mrs. john B. Good\vin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Susan Zises Green Mary Moss & john Greenbaum Barbara &Bob Griffin Benjamin H. Griswold IV Mr. &Mrs. Richard T. Grote Lauren & Paul Gudonis Ann &Graham Gund Vickie &Charlie Gustin Mary & Robert Haft Lucy Hager Barbara Halsted Robin &jay Hammer Gail Hano &joel Leavitt Debbie Hatfield Nina & Robert Hellman Kathryn &Ned Hentz Cathy & Dick Herbst Mr. &Mrs. Ed\vin David Hetz Judy &Greg Horrigan Mr. &Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Mr. &Mrs. Wayne M. Hunt Mr. &Mrs. Julius Jensen ill
Pamela & Paul johnson Catherine Conaway jones Barbara & Harvey jones Cissie & Ray jones Lucille jordan Mr. &Mrs. Robert Kargman jane King & Michael Karlson Mrs. Stephen J. Karper Marybeth Keene I Megan Keene Maltby Connie & Dennis Keller Mr. &Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Leanne &john Kendrick Heather &Christopher Kennedy Douglas Kenward Lesley King Sarajo &Arthur Kobacker Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Robin & Richard Kreitler Joan & Ed Lahey Nan Wilson Lampe Mrs. Roy E. Larsen Pam Lassiter Lynda & Franklin Levy Vicki Livingstone Mr. &Mrs. Frank Lorenzo Robin & Barry MacTaggart Mirianl & Sonny Mandell Mia &Bob Matthews Bonnie & Peter McCausland Louise McCullough Marion & Steve Meader Mary & Stephen Meadow Sally &Andy Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Monahan Jr. Mrs. Eva Moss Sally & Peter Nash Aileen &Scott Newquist Sarah & Jelf Newton Anne & Brec Obrecht Gail &Rafael Osona Mr. &Mrs. Michael Passaro Bob Pollack Sarah &Wayne Pratt Nina Duchaine & Rory Radding Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand m Harry & Susan Rein Mr. &Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. George E. Roach Mr. & Mrs. Keith Roe Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion Ross Mark E. Rubenstein Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote Linda & Harvey Saligman Samantha & Mark Sandler Mr. &Mrs. Richard M. Scaife Mr. &Mrs. Paul C. Schorr Robert Montgomery Scott Randee &joseph Seiger Nancy &Joe Serafini Rini & Tom Shanahan Seldom Scene Interiors Inc. Susan R. &L. Dennis Shapiro Nancy & Robert Simmons Dorothy Slover Charlotte B. Smith Guy B. Snowden Daisy M. Soros Cassie & George Spencer Mr. &Mrs. Charles R. Spiegel Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Sheila &Bill Sullivan
Marjorie & Louis Susm~m Amy & Mark Tercek Olivia Thornton & Felix T. Charney Dr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Tiger Genevieve & Richard 1\1cker Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Vel de Jr. Mrs. Richard J. Walsh Marcie &Dick Watts Victor Weinblatt Cathy &Stephen Weinroth Marcia &joe Welch Anne Whitehead Marilyn Whitney Mary Margaret England Wilkes Suzanne & Robert Wright Mr. & Mrs. Andrew N. Yao Brace &Yuriko Young Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite
Patrons janis Aldridge Marcia & Steve Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Walter E Ballinger ll Mary-Claire &William Barton Susie &Ward Belcher Mr. & Mrs. D\vight Beman Grace & Morton Bender Mark Bennett &jan1es Tigani Jr. Nancy &Dan Bills Ann L. Bissinger Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bryan Elton &Douglas Burch Nancy A. Chase Mr. &Mrs. Richard L. Chilton Jr. Suzanne & Lee Cole Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Connor Mrs. Granville Elliot Conway Elizabeth Cooper Mr. & Mrs. jan1es B. Cowperthwait Mr. & Mrs. William C. Coxjr. Bryan Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Paul Crowley Anne &jack Curlett Don Allen Auto Services Sharon Doucette Mr. & Mrs. john L. Dowling juditl1 &Daniel Drake Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drucker Mrs. joseph N. DuBarry IV Clement Durkes Jane & Richard Eskind Jackie &Tim Finn Dr. Josef and Karen Fischer Carol & Robert T. Foley Kay &Ernie Frank Ann & Sam Furrow Saral1 &J. Edward Gillum Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john B. Good\vin Jr. Steven Green & David Gonzalez Toby Greenberg Grace S. Grossman janet Steinmayer &Victor Guaglianone Patricia &Peter Halsted janet & Richard Hart Natalie &Jim Haslam Ginger & Hammie Heard Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Hedberg Mr. john A. Herndon GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Ann & Peter Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Roger Horchow Ellen E. Howe
The Inquirer and Mirror
Mrs. Arthur jacobsen Roonie &Jack Kennedy jennifer Kennelly Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Lennon II Mr. & Mrs. Francis j. Leto Mr. &Mrs. Frederick Levinger Perrin & David Lilly Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Susan Lister Locke Barbara H. Malcolm Linda A. Mason Pat &Charles McGill Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. & Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Elena & Mark Morris Winnie &Chris Mortenson Mr. &Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Hilary & Pete Musser Mr. &Mrs. Peter Neckles Valerie & Richard Norton Arm B. &C. Hardy Oliver jane & Michael O'Mara Courtney OfNeill judith &Donald Opatrny Jeffrey &Valerie Paley Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Beverly M. Puris Robin &Clyde Rodbell Mr. &Mrs. jeffrey S. Rubin john & Ruth Sayer Penny Scheerer &John Schwan beck Peggy Silverstein Mr. &Mrs. Hard\vick Simmons Trudy &Fred Slater Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mr. &Mrs. John K. Spring jane &Scott Stearns Linda & Bill Steelman Mrs. J. Clayton Stephenson joly &james Stewart Wendy &Radford Stone Melinda &Paul Sullivan Eva-Maria&. Hans E. Tausig jephtha &David Tausig-Edwards Mr. &Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Edythe M. Travelstead Barbara Vanderbilt Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Mary Ann & Samuel Wagner Pam &Will Waller Chip Webster Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Abby &jon Winkelreid Lynn & Richard Wolfe
Sponsors Nancy &Doug Abbey Mr. &Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Fay Anathan Margaretta S. Andrews Patsy &john Austin Beverly &David Barlow Mr. & Mrs. William Hadwen Barney Jr. Rebecca &John Bartlett Kathie & Bill Beattie jeanne Bennett Mrs. George Berkheimer Mr. &Mrs. E. Garrett Bewkes Mr &Mrs. Roger W. Block Fenton L. B. Brown Judy Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. john C. E. Campbell
Margaret Burden Childs Mrs. David Coombs Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Edith Delker Mary Drew Cheryl & Chris Emery Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Farrell jane &Charles Forman Phyllis & Michael Foster Mrs. john M. Foster jeanette &George Fowlkes Miss Christine Franklin Gayle &Tom Frasch Clara &jack Fritsch Robert and Elizabeth Gambee Manny & Karen Golov Elizabeth Welch Gustafson Jean R. Haffenraffer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Haines Mr. & Mrs. Donald R.F. Harleman Mr. & Mrs. William H. llays III Judi R. Hill Dr. Ronald &Susan Hochwald Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holdgate Mary Ellen jay Mr. &Mrs. Benn W. Jesser Peggy &Eli Kaufman Lisa & Michael Kittredge Mrs. C. Miller Knutson Denise &Jack Komgold Sandra &john Lynch Mary A. &William G. Mallon Deedie & Ted McCarthy John L. Michelsen Louise &Tom Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Allen Morton Dr. Caroline C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Morgan). Murray Nantucket Country Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. iner joan &Les Ottinger Mrs. Victoria Mark Peters Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Peterson Marltie Phillips Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. &Mrs. G.M. Rich Dr. & Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Judith Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Mrs. William Sevrens Ann &john Shaw Diane E. Shortall Dr. &Mrs. Robert Slater Mrs. Baylor L. Stovall Wat &Jane Tyler Mr. & Mrs. L. Wanvick Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Weld Mrs. Christine Willcox Stephanie &Jay Wilson Jill Wolfe Robert Young & Kathryn Kay Susan E. Zimmer
Kathie &Bill Beattie Susan & Richard Deutsch David Deutsch Ellen Flamm Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fleming Jr. Mal Chandlee Foss Penny & Bob Fox DavidS. Hays, M.D. Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Mr. &Mrs. L. Casey jones james S. Pasman Jr. Mr. &Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Ms. Frances Richardson Susan and Lynn Rotando Lawton &Audrey Sargent Ellen Krosney Shockro, Ph.D. Andrea Van de Kantp Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney
Kate Miller Winnie Mortenson Claire Murray Nantucket Storage Center Arleen Paquette Melinda Puljic Melanie Sabelhaus Seldom Scene Interiors Inc. Rini Shanahan ):met Sherlund Chris Stein Lynne Steinfurth Sheila Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Taylor jane &Arthur Tiger Edythe Travelstead Pam Waller Elizabeth H. Webb Marcia Welch Jill Wolfe
Collectors Booth Contributors
Special Thanks
Pat Anathan The Antiques Depot Grace Bardelis Nancy Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Beck\vith Margaret G. Benedict Heidi &Max Berry Josette Blackmore Linda Buhr J. Butler Collection Laurie & Bob Champion Prudence Crozier George Davis/ Weeds Ann DiVenere Clement Durkes Polly &john Espy European Traditions The Federalist Carla Finn/The English Trunk Show Nan Geschke Georgia Gosnell Pat Griffin Wendy Griswold Barbara llajim Kaaren Hale Ann & Peter Holmes joyce )as kula Abigail johnson Diane johnston Sara jo Kobacker Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Keith &):met Lindgren Lion 's Paw Pant Livingston Vicki Livingstone Letitia Lundeen Dee Macy Deedie McCarthy
jeffrey S. Allen The Antiques CounciV Victor Weinblatt &john Suva! Sarah Barnes Bartlett's Ocean View Farm The Beachside lleidi &Max N. Berry Bob Burdick Centre Street Bistro Laurie & Bob Champion Chase Canopy Company/ Andrew Chase Cranberry Transportation Services/ Ben Cartwright The DownyFlake Restaurant Ecliff &The Swingdogs The Egan Institute of Maritime Studies Shelton Ellis Even Keel Cafe Fast Fonvard Flowers on Chestnut Rich Griffin Foundation Leon llarold Leigh &Leslie Keno Coco &Arie Kopelman Leonards Carolyn MacKenzie The Maria Mitchell Association Mia & Bob Matthews George Miller Michael Molinar Nantucket Bagel Company Nantucket Bake Shop antucket High School Nantucket Storage Center Rafael Osona Wayne Pratt Provisions Ryder Electric/ Dana Otis Siasconset Bookstore
Something Natural Stacey Exposition Susan M. Warner Catering Tom Addis Productions Wendy Stone Too Blue Scenic Trillium United Methodist Churcb! Rev. Nancy Nelson Marilyn Whitney David Wood
Raffle Contributions Four Winds Craft Guild The Golden Basket David Lazarus Nantucket House Antiques & Interior Design Studio, Inc. In memory' ofBill Sevrens Sherry O'Donnell Robert Wilson Galleries Ann Taylor Trianon/Seaman Schepps Wayne Pratt &Co
Patron Party Auction Contributions Albrecht Foreign Motors/ George Albrecht antucket Nourriture, lncl Georgia Ax1 American Management Service, Inc. Danielle deBenedictis Franklin DeMarco eye of the needle Georgia &Tom Gosnell Heatlter &Chris Kennedy Mike Merrill antucket Historical Association antucket Island Resorts Peter ash Ocean Wings Air Charter In memory ofBill Sevrens Sherry O'Donnell Anne & Brec Obrecht/ jane King & Michael Karlson
Founder & Benefactor Dinner Contributors Trianon/Seaman Schepps Edmund A. & Barbara E. Hajim Calvin Klein Nantucket Golf Club Nantucket Magazine
Nantucket Sleigh Ride/ Christopher Radko Ross-Simons/Darrell &Susan Ross Silverado Vineyards Sports Club!LA Sweet Inspirations Wayne Pratt &Co.
Antiques Council liaison Victor Weinblatt (r) with his father, Hy
2002 Festival of Trees and Wreaths
Romana Rai11ey's doves ofpeace led tbe way at /be 2002 Festival ofTrees (jJbotograpb by C Dauis Hall). Nantucket Boys and Girls Club wreath made ofCbristmas bulbs and ribbons. Festival q[Trees cbairjackie Peterson and Fesliual ojWI'f!atbs cbairjo-Ann Winn
Festival of Wreaths Committee
Restaurant Row
jo-Ann Winn, Cbair
21 Federal An1erican Seasons Bluefin Even Keel Cafe Fifty-Six Union Le Languedoc Seagrille Sfoglia West Creek Cafe
Reggie Levine, Creatit¥! Director jeff Butler Paul and joan Clarke Terri & Tony Molis Nonie Slavitz Bob Winn
Festival of Trees Committee Jackie Peterson, Cbair
Wreath Designers
Richard Kemble, Creatil¥! Direclor George Korn, Crealit¥! Direclor Terry Dupuis. l'nderll'riting Cocbair Sue Fine, PreL'ieu•l'ar(J' Cbair Ginger lvey,
ASafe Place Marta Allen llillary Anapol Barbara Gookin Advertising Battlett's Ocean View Farm Best of the Beach Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nantucket Bookworks Pan1ela Bulkley Camera Shop/Ursula McMorrow jeannette Carl Mary Ellen Castle Cisco Brewers, Nantucket Vineyards, Triple Eight Distillery Claire Murmy Clay A1t Studio/Barbara Toole Coastal Design Dane Gallery(Jayne Hare Dane Penny Dey Down to Earth/Betsy Brown Connie Driscoll Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Flowers on Chesumt/Alesia Hamideh Alison Forsgren Libby Frazier Friends of Nantucket Public Schools Gallery at Four India/Kathleen Knight Geronimo's Ltd./jan jaeger Gloria Grimshaw Brenda Lee Hall Handblock Chris Hart judi & Greg llill Margaret Hitchcock The Homestead jewel of the Isle(Jeff Butler johnstons Cashmere Richard Kemble Patience Killen
Volunteers & Underu•riting Cocbt1ir
Peggy Kaufman, Ad1•isor Diane Lal'rance AI Peterson Peggy Silverstein, Pre11iew Par(J' Artistic Director
Edythe Tral'elstead Angels Feasl
Festival Past Chairs Laurie Champion Kim Corkran jeannette Garneau Judi Hill Sandra Holland Peggy Kaufman Judy Lee Mimi Merton Jackie Peterson Edythe Tra1·elstead Kathleen Walsh Marcia Welch jo-Ann Winn
Lead Underwriter Nantucket Bank
Underwriters Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Don Allen Ford Hy-Line Cruises Pacific Nationala FleetBoston Financial Company The Tile Room
George Korn Denise Korngold Lee A. Papale Studio & Nantucket Frameworks Majolica/Alicia Bradford Debra McManis Mermaid Translations, Danish Language Services/Margrethe Mentes MSPCA Carol A. Murray Nantucket Accommodations-2 wreaths/ Ilillary Polvere, Melissa lloldgate Nantucket AIDS Network antucket Boys & Girls Club antucket Country antucket Iligh School Art 2/3 Classes N:mtucket Lightshop Nantucket New School/ Cuneiforms/Drummers N:mtucket New School/ Gesticulatorsllleralds antucket Sheep & Wool NISDA I Kathy Kelm Our Island Home Karen l'almer Point Breeze llotel!Bee Gonnella Rom:ma Rainey Ranney Chiropractic Center/ Maria Watson Gail Spencer Squeaky Cleaning(Jamie Miller Stephanie's of Nantucket Stephanie Correia Sweaters Ltd. Sandy Taylor Deborah Timmermann The Toy Boat/Loren Brock Trillium Lynn 1\1cker The Weaving Room jack Weinhold Daryl Westbrook-2 wreaths Chad Whitlock jo-Ann Winn
Tree Designers Bartlett's Ocean View Farm/ Liz Marcone & Andy Marks Belanger, Paul & Cutone Architects/ Chris Belanger, Lynda Cutone, Mark Cutone, Christina Gessler,
Sabine Liebmann, joe Paul Big Brothers Big Sisters of !\antucket Cisco Brewers, Nantucket Vineyard & Triple Eight Distillery Cobble Court Elves Daily Breads Bakery & the Nantucket Lighthouse School Kindercare Class Dane Gallery(Jayne & Robert Dane Dujardin Design Associates Inc./ Trudy Dujardin, Price Connor & Kathleen Wilcox Egan Institute of Maritime Studies eye of the need.le(J.C. Pe1erini Fenwick House Design Forager House Collection/ Richard Kemble & George Korn Geronimo's Ltd/ jan jaeger & Linda Muhler Aisling Glynn The Golden Basket/ Glenaan Robbins & Butler Brmmell Jr. Handblockl Courtney O'Neill, Anne Lower, Carol Kennedy Hatfield Interiors/Debbie Hatfield; JDL Designs() esse Dutra; L& E Reid; Salt Meadows; Wildflower Farm Nantucket; antucket Fencing Nina Hellman & Bee Gonnella Judi & Greg Hill Hospice Care of N:mtucket Kelly Knight Textiles Leslie Linsley & jon Aron Maria Mitchell Association antucket A.IDS Network antucket Boys & Girls Club jennifer Bern beck & jennifer Stobaugh antucket Community Sailing antucket Conserration Foundation The Nantucket Garden Club Sally Nash , Dorritt Gutterson, Leslie Baldwin, Sally Beckwith, George Davis, David Gray, Sam Greenway, Pam Halsted, Barbara Malcolm, Elizabeth Maury, Barbam Russell , Sandy Taylor Nantucket Historical Association Staff Nantucket Island Chan1ber of Commerce Lisa Reefe, Courtney O'Neill,
julie Reinemo, Patricia Rottmeier, jeanette Topham Nantucket Lodging Association Mary Malavase &Sheila Heap Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Magazine
Denese Allen &Peter]. Greenhalgh Nantucket Preservation Trust Susan Boardman, Caroline Ellis, Matt Pelrine Nantucket Skating Club Elise Norton Romana Rainey Wendy Rouillard 'Sconset Gardener, Inc. 'Sconset Trust Caroline Ellis & Dorrit Gutterson Serenity Farm Sue Denoncourt &Ashlie Emery Squeaky Cleaning Jamie Miller Surfing Hydrangea Nursery The Ttle Room Henry Mestre The Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Vanderbilt Gallery Barbara Vanderbilt The Elves at Wayne Pratt Antiques Weeds Chad Whitlock Women's Health Network
Festival ofTrees- Angels Grace E. Bardelis Billie &jinx Barrows juditlt &John Belash Margaret G. Benedict joel Brown/Pacific ational Bank Margit & Larry Breakiron Laurie & Bob Chantpion Suzanne & Lee Cole Mrs. David B. Coombs Kimberly C. Corkran Lucile & Bill Corkran Dujardin Design Associates Inc. Lyndon &Terry Dupuis jesse Dutra, JDL Designs Shelton Ellis, Trianon/Seaman Schepps Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Frank Phyllis R. Freilich Susan Zises Green Richard Griffin Mo Hackett Barbara & Ed Hajim Debbie Hatfield/ Hatfield interiors Jenne Hatfield & Kevin Whitelaw Nina &Bob Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holdgate Daintry & Reb jensen Lucille jordan Peggy &Eli Kaufman Sarah jo &Art Kobacker George Korn & Richard Kembl~ Coco &Arie L. Kopelman Mrs. Roy E. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lehrman Leonards Antiques Lynda & Franklin Levy Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Miriam &Sonny Mandell Mia & Bob Matthews Mary &Stephen Meadow Eva Moss
Sally &Peter Nash Anne & Paul Noble Norton Preservation Trust Anne Obrecht Nellie O'Gara Dorothy Palmer Trisha & Mike Passaro jackie &AI Peterson Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill Ellen &Kenneth Roman Susan Rotando Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus judy & Bob Seinfeld Peggy Silverstein Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Hadley St. john Edythe M. Travelstead Marcia &joe Welch Jill Wolfe
Festival of Trees- Stars Marcia &joseph Aguiar Fay Anathan Margit Corby Baker Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Susan & Bill Boardman Dana & David Boyce Lynn &Ed Bradstreet Trish &Gilles Bridier Mr. &Mrs. William C. Buck Prudence S. &William M. Crozier Jr. Anne &jack Curlett Edith Delker Mark Donato judith & D:m Drake Tish Emerson Mr. &Mrs. Charles Everitt Christine Franklin Mr. &Mrs. CarlS. Ge\virz Saralt & Edward Gillum Dr. & Mrs. Thomas II. Ginley Toby Greenberg Peter j. Greenhalgh Peter Guarino & Paul Willer Vicki &Charlie Gustin Mrs. Herbert L. Gutterson Pam Halsted Craig Hawkins &Stan Harvey judi &Greg Hill Sandra R. Holland Ann &Peter Holmes The Inquirer and Mirror
j.K. Sc:utlan Company Inc. jane King Karlson Marybeth Keene Roberta & Peter Louderback Megan Keene Maltby Linda A. Mason Timothy F. McClure Mr. &Mrs. Martin E. McGowan Rosanne &john McGuimt Bruce D. Miller joan & Les Ottinger Bob Pollack Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Pratt Provisions Fine Sand\\iches Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Dr. & Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Mr. & Mrs. Michael A.F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Dorothy Slover Linda & Bill Steelman Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff
Mr. &Mrs. R. C. Taylor ill Deboralt H. Timmermann jo-Ann & Bob Winn Ellen & Ron Winters Mimi Young Diane Zuckerman &Michael Hite
Festival ofTrees Contributions Mr. &Mrs. William Beattie Mary Ann Bradley Robert U. Brown judy & Bob Brust Lucile & Bill Corkran Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mary Kinne Descy Linda &joseph DiMartino Paul j. Dobrowolski Don Allen Auto Services Eldredge & Bourne/ Nantucket Moving Mr. &Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Barbara & Bob Griffin james A. Haslam II David S. Hays, MD johnstons Cashmere Mr. Robert jones & Mrs. jeannine Macy-jones Cynthia &Anthony Lamport Mr. & Mrs. William B. Macomber Sandy Medallis &Tom McGrath Susan C. Painter Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Shirley Farnsworth Russell janet & Rick Sherlund Sean Souney Isabel & Don Stewart Mr. &Mrs. Randolph Watkins Mr. &Mrs. William j. Welsh Robert Young & Kathryn Kay
Preview Party ATaste of Nantucket Irma L. Anapol Marcia &Steve Anderson Patti Barrett john Bayer Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Chris Belanger &Tina Gessler Debbie &jamey Bennett Lee Rand Burne Sheila Cabral Rhonda & Doug Cassity Stephanie Correia Sumnne &jerry Daub Danielle E. DeBenedictis & Peter Karlson Christine Donelan Michel DuCamp Dujardin Design Associates lnc. Cheryl Emery janice Fields Sue & David Fine Alison Forsgren Nancy Anne &Alan Forster Patty & Nick Frost eil Geary l'eggi &Steve Godwin Susan Goodall Fifi Greenberg Garth Grimmer Deborah Harper Ted Hill Willian! Hokkanen
Paul jensen Gail johnson/ Bill Chrisite Erica &Vladi Kagan Patience Killen Rita Delafield Kip jennifer Kuhn Diane LaFrance Tricia &jim Lowe james Lydon Mary Malavase 'Sconset Gardener, Inc. Camera Shop/ Ursula & Rick McMorrow Christine Hart & Frank Milligan CeCe &Channing Moore Sondra &Alan ewhouse Mary &AI Novissimo Denise & David Olsen Christopher Morris Gloria Grimshaw ATaste of Nantucket Eleanor Roetltke Robert SchwarlCitbach Dorotlty Slover Arnold & Maxine Teasdale Barbara Vanderbilt Glenda & Larry Wetzel Susan 8. Scott Whitlock Linda Williams Peg Wills jo-Ann & Bob Winn Ron Winters/Thirty Acre Wood Katltleen Walsh & Brent Young Alicia Watrous Mimi Young
Festival of Wreaths Volunteers Kristen Aguiar Marcia Aguiar Cyntltia & Kennetlt Blackshaw Beth Brooks Elton Burch orma & Robert Burton joan Clarke Deb Driscoll Marsha Eldridge Patty Walton Fast jean &George Fleming Roberta & Ken Giles L1urie Lewis judy Lochtefeld C.1rmen Martin Romana & Hugh Rainey Carolyn Stanton Marianne Stanton Liz &jose Trillos Suzanne Walton Carrie Whyte
Festival of Trees Volunteers Marcia &joseph Aguiar Margit Baker Pam Battiston john Bayer judith &john Belash Cynthia & Kenneth Blackshaw Pam & Peter Br0\\11 Elton Burch Marylyn Burns AmyCanepy Mr. & Mrs. Chris Canty Anne &john Curlett Holly Dalton judith Drake Lyndon & Norman Dupuis
N:mcy Anne Forster Kay Frank Roberta Giles Peggi &Stephen Godwin Toby Ann Greenberg Garth Grimmer Chris Hart judi Hill joan &Stanley Hollander Tamzin Hutchinson Peggy Kaufman Patricia & Emil Kleinert Diane &Allan LaFrance jane Lamb Penny & Dual Macintyre Nancy Mack Cece & Channing Moore Sondra &Alan Newhouse AI ovissimo Libby Oldham AI Peterson
Romana & Hugh Rainey Ida Rinfret Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roethke Caroline Sallee Claire & Richard Seaquist Eugene Stone Michael Sturgis Pam & Will Waller Marcia Welch
Special ThanksFestival of Wreaths Camera Shop/ Ursula McMorrow Preservation Institute: Nantucket Cisco Brewers Phil jekanowski Nantucket Nourriture, Inc. Nantucket Vineyard Catherine ickerson Triple Eight Distillery Bob Winn
Special ThanksFestival ofTrees 71Je NHA recognizes Lucile Pierce Corkran for initiating the Festival of Trees in 1994 as an annual community event. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company Annye's Whole Foods Bert's Electronics Boston Wine Co. Cisco Brewers Classic Wine Imports Commonwealth Wine &Spirits Inc Fahey & Fromagerie llarbor House Village llatch 's Liquor Store Island Spirits The Islander M. S. Walker, Inc.
At the conclusion of the 2002 Wine Festiml: Caroline Sallee, Susan Toner; Denis Toner; jean Grimmer, Stacey Stuart, Frank Milligan, Michel Ducamp, john Hayes, and FrankNeer
2002 Wine Festival 2002 Wine Festival Supporters jean M. & Don Allen Fay Anathan Billie &Jinx Barrows Mary-Claire Barton C. Marshall & Deboral1 B. Beale Gussie & Ken Beaugrand james & Deborah Bennett Sus:m R. & William J. Boardm:m Dana & David Boyce Gilles A. & Patricia M. Bridier Kimberly C. Corkran Laurie &john Cowden Dottie & Earle M. Craig William M. & Prudence S. Crozier jerry &Suzanne Daub Nancy & Tom David Stephanie C. &David S. Deutsch Christine G. &joseph P. Donelan Shelton Ellis Dr. & Mrs. john W. Espy Susan G. & Charles B. Everitt Yvonne D. & Richard H. Gibbs Lee Gillespie Peggi M. & Stephen A. Godwin Peter J. Greenhalgh jean & Garth Grimmer Mary O'Connell & Peter J. Grua Barbara & Ed Hajim Patricia A. Halsted judi & G. S. Hill Cecil & Paul jensen Daintry &Julius jensen jane King & Michael Karlson Coco &Arie L. Kopelman Patricia M. Lassiter Patricia &)antes Lowe William P. Lyons Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie joyce G. & Robert W. McGrath Bruce D. Miller Sally & Peter W. Nash Valerie & Richard Norton
Claire E. O'Keeffe Courtney O'Neill Denise & David Olsen Bonita Orell:ma-Morris & Christopher Morris Sonya & iles Parker Boh Pollack Charron P. & H. Flint Ranney Margaret Gibson Read & Philip Whitney Read Blake Richard Frances Richardson Susan F. & Lynn A. Rolando San1antha & Mark J. Sandler Robert II. &Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Diane E. & Ch:Lrles T. Shortall Dorothy Slover Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Scott Thomas Holly Walker David E. Webster Jr. Marcia P. &joseph F. Welch Ronald W. Winters Jill). Wolfe Robert A. Young & Kathryn Kay Diane Zuckerman & Michaelllite
Wine Festival Auction Gifts Special Thanks Denis Toner Susan Toner Frank Neer john Hayes Barbara Hajim Marcia Welch Nantucket Wine Festival Committee The White Elephant
Auction Special Thanks ATaste of Nantucket Aero Mexico
Marine Home Center Martinetti Wines Michael Molinar Murray's Beverage Store Nantucket Coffee Roasters Nantucket Police Department Nantucket Pure Water Nantucket Rent-All Nantucket Vineyard AI Novissimo Old Soutl1 Liquors Dana Otis/ Ryder Electric Tom Pochman Ruby Wines, Inc. Stop &Shop Michael Sturgis Sweet Inspirations Triple Eight Distillery The White Elephant Hotel Bob Winn Our many dedicated volunteers
American Seasons Artesa VinerMd & Winery Azienda Agraria San Lorenzo S:Lral1 J. & George F Baker Benziger Fan1ily Winery Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines N:mcy A. Chase Sarah Leah Chase Chateau l'otelle Winery Dottie & Earle M. Cr:tig AnneS. &john N. Curlett Dane Gallery Davies & Co. , Inc. De Loach Winery Domaine Chandon Domaine de Ia Terre Rouge, Ltd. Far Niente Friends of the Nantucket Wine Festival Frog's Leap Winery Henry's Samhvich Shop Gabriel Maffre Gallo of Sonoma Geyser Peak Winery joyce & Mark Goldweitz Janie L. & Eugene W. Goodwillie Georgia P. & Thomas II. Gosnell Barbara E. & Edmund A. Hajim Kerry Hallam Hinckley Yachts Mrs. Peyton C. Horne lnniskillin International Poster Gallery ]. Lohr Winery julius Jensen Kunde Estate Winery :md Vinerdrds Peter Kurzina
Las Brisas llotel Lucy A. Leske Maison Alex Gamba! Michel-Schlumberger Wines, Ltd. Maisons Marques et Domaines Tom Mleczko Peter Nash Vanessa Noel Nantucket Island Resorts N:mtucket Storage Center Santjes Oomen Pacific Star Winery Pasternak Wine Imports Pine Ridge Winery Pueblo Bonito Hotels & Resorts Ruby Wine Co. Sheraton Hacienda del Mar Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery Silverado Vineyards Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards St. Supery Vineyards & Winery Steele Wines, Inc. Veuve Clicquot, Inc. Vigilant Incorporated Viking David II. Wells Wente Vineyards Windmill Auto Winebow Imports/ Leonardo LoCascio Selections The Yoga Room/Shannah Green Lucinda E. Young Robert A. Young & Katluyn Kay Zaca Mesa Winery WWines
Members Mary Coffin Gardner Associates Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs.
Michael G. Ferrel Edmund A. Hajim Ian R. MacKenzie David Rubenstein Richard G. Sherlund
Thomas Macy Associates Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Mrs. Grace Bardelis Ms. Sarah Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Costello Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. DiMartino Ms. Nina Duchaine & Mr. Rory Radding Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Du Pont Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell' Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goldweitz Mr. & Mrs. John S. Greenebaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hearst III Ms. Dorothy K. Hesselrnan Mr. & Mrs. Edwin David Hetz Ms. Ellen E. Howe Ms. Elizabeth Jeffery Hubbell Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen III Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mrs. Roy E. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGilllll Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Memishian Mr. & Mrs. Clifford L. Michel Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Noble Mr. & Mrs. James}. Pallotta Mr. James Pappas Ms. Terese Payne Mr. & Mrs. Larry I. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Mr. Alfred F. Sanford III Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Seinfeld Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford Mr. &Mrs. John I. Shaw Jr. Mrs. Gordon Smith Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Snowden Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Stentzel II Ms. Melinda Martin Sullivan & Dr. Paul R.C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Thcker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Welch Mr. & Mrs. William J. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Mrs. Christine L. Willcox
Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Wilson Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young
Mr. & Mrs. William Wraith IV Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wright lJI
Contributing Hadwen Circle Mr. & Mrs. John F. Akers Ms. Patricia M. Beilman & Mr. David B. Poor Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broil Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Ms. Deborah]. Bryan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. Cole Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Connor Dr. & Mrs. Michael Duffy Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr. Mr. Shelton Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Gannett Ms. Susan Zises Green Mr. Richard Griffin Ms. Katherine Grover & Mr. Michael Campbell Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gustin Mr. &Mrs. Harry W. Healey Jr. Dr. GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Mr. D. Brainerd Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Michael Karlson Mr. Richard Kemble & Mr. George Korn Mr. Stephen P. Langer Mrs. John C. Lathrop Mr. James L. Long Mr. Frances MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Barry MacTaggart' Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Craig H. Muh.lhauser Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Ms. Mary G. O'Connell & Mr. Peter J. Grua Mr.t & Mrs. Neal W. O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Ed1vin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Shortall Ms. Dorothy Slover Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mr. & Mrs. Charles GSnyder Mr. & Mrs. James M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Duncan D. Sutphen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. K. Morgan Varner III Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mr. & Mrs. F. Jay Ward Ms. Suellen Ward Mr. & Mrs. Randolph M. Watkins Mr. &Mrs. John L. Watson III Mr. & Mrs. James W. Wolitarsky
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Albani Mr. & Mrs. Heath L. Allen Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Dr. & Mrs. David Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Ben Barnes Mr.& Mrs.t J. Christopher Barron Mr. & Mrs. John C. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beck\vith Mr. & Mrs. John W. Belash Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Benedict III Mr. & Mrs. James Bennett Dr. Margaret Blair Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Blumenfeld Mr. & Mrs. William}. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Brecker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Mr. & Mrs.t Jack Burke Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callaghan Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Carey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George U. Carneal Mr. John Swain Carter Ms. Donna K. Cooper & Mr. Karl H. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Willian! H. Corkran Jr. Mrs. Alexander Craig Mr. Gerald H. Crown Mr. Paul J. Dobrowolski Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. William H. Druckemiller Mr. & Mrst Wayne H. Dupont Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner S. Dutton Ms. Charlene Engelhard Mr. & Mrs. Timothy). Finn Ms. Julie A. Fitzgerald & Mr. Carl H. Sjolund Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox Mr. & Mrs. David Grutis Mrs. Lee Day Gillespie Mr. Steven Green Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. Jay M. Hammer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heyda Mr. & Mrs. William B. Holding Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. John P. Horgan Mrs. Arthur Jacobsen Ms. Abigail PierrepontJolmson & Mr. Christopher McKown Ms. Sonya Keene & Mr. John Moy Mrs. Ann S. Killen Ms. Carolyn M. Knutson Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Lal1ey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lamport Mrs. Jill L. Leinbach
Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loose Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lynch Mrs. Barbara H. Malcolm Ms. Sandra]. Medallis & Mr. Thomas B. McGrath Ms. Clara Bingham & Mr. David Michaelis Ms. Elizabeth R. Miller & Mr. James G. Dinan Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Mirro Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Mix ill Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen S. Morton Mr. Raymond F. Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Novissimo Mr. & Mrs. David E. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Charles Paydos Ms. Maureen Phillips & Dr. Douglas Horst Ms. Beverly M. Puris Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand ill Mr. & Mrs. Artlmr I. Reade Jr. Mr. Richard Reisch Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rich Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Rippa Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Rose Ms. Anne E. Rosen & Mr. Andre Mark Spears Mr. & Mrs. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Rotando Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sackett Mr. & Mrs. Edwin f Scheibel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley Ill Ms. Nancy Simmons Mr. & Mrs. Phillips G. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soros Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Stearns Jr. Mrs. Isabel C. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. J. Arnold Teasdale Mr. & Mrs. William K. Tell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas Mr. & Mrs. David C. Todd Ms. Edythe M. Travelstead Mrs. Richard}. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. TomS. Ward Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Whiting Russell Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Ms. Jill J. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. David S. Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Wrubel
Sustaining Mr. Christopher Acker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Aguiar Ms. Usa Ahern Mr. & Mrs. Cary W. A' ins Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Alexander Mrs. C. George Anastos Mrs. Fay H. Anathan Mr. Edgar A. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson Ms. Barbara P. Andrews Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley
29 Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign
â&#x20AC;¢ Matching corporate gift
t Deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. john W. Austin Dr. & Mrs. Steven V. Aveni Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Bains Vice Admiral & Mrs. john A. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert E R. Ballard Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Ms. Doris E. Barlow & M~ Robert). LruUgan Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barnes Mr. & Mrs. George Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Beaugrand Mr. john L. Becker Ms. )annie S. Beddoe & Mr. Walter D. Wick Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Belford Mr. & Mrs. William S. Belichick Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bell Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Dennis). Berner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bires' Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bixler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James Blackmore Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bolling' Ms. N:mcy Book Mr. & Mrs. Greg Boreham Mr. & Mrs. )an1es A. Bowditch Ms. Barbara Bowman Mr. & Mrs. David Boyce Mr. Andrew Boynton Mr. & Mrs. George C. Brannock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Brasfield Ms. Alice Breed Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Mr. john W. Brewer Ms. Arlene Briard & Mr. Fred G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Haworth P. Bromley Mr. & Mrs. DavidS. J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Browne Mr. & Mrs. David Owen Brownwood Ms. Mary Ann Buck Ms. Carol Bunevich & Mr. john Merson Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Butler Mr. john M. Camp Mr. & Mrs. Peter Campanella Mr. & Mrs. Carlo F. Cantavero Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. C.'trini Mr. & Mrs. C. Mitchell Carl Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Carl Jr. Mrs. jean B. Carleton Mr. J. Revell Carr Mrs. Martha A. C.'trr Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Casazza Ms. Mary E. Casey & Mr. Jeff L. Blackwell Mr. Daniel Catlin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Chris Choma Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp III Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Clark Ill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Coffin Mrs. Alma K. Coffin Ms. Brenda Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Mr. Ben Cohen Mr. Dexter Collins & Mrs. Louise W. Collins Mr. & Mrs. William F. Connell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Connelly Jr. Mr• & Mrs. George W. Constable Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Cookenboo Mr. & Mrs. David Coombs Mr. & Mrs. Kiril Coonley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coscia Ms. Marcia M. Costello Mr. & Mrs. john W. Courtland Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cox Mr. & Mrs. F. Willian! Crandall Ms. Darcy Creech Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Crommelin Ms. Am:mda B. Cross & Mr. W. J. Torpey Jr. Mrs. Carol M. E. Cross Mr. Thomas I. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Mr. Timothy G. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cuneo Ms. Lenore S. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. John T. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Jay D. D'Aprix Ms. Sheila D. David Mr. & Mrs. Porter Grey Dawson Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles II. Dearborn' Ms. DanieUe E. deBenedictis & Mr. Peter G. Karlson Mr. Richard A. Denby Ms. Anne Delaney & Mr. Calvin R. Carver Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David S. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. II ugh M. Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Didriksen Jr. Mr. James B. Digney Mrs. William K. Donahue Mrs. Clarence E. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drucker Mr. & Mrs. James A. Duarte Mr. & Mrs. john R. DufiY Ms. Audrey M. Dumper Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Dupre Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dupuis III Dr. & Mrs. David J. Duquette Mr. F. Farny Eilers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Eklund Mr. john LeMoyne Ellicott Ms. Nanette M. Embres Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. ll:trry Engel kirk Mr. john F. Fallon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Marc Feigen Mr. Robert B. Ficks Jr. Mr. john Steven Fink Ms. Ellen Fl:unm Ms. Tyrrell Flawn & Dr. john P. Howe Ill Mr. Bradford L. Fleming Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fleming)~ Mr. William E. Floring Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Mr. & Mrs. jeremiah Ford Mr. & Mrs. Charles Forman Mr. Herbert II. Foster liJ Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foster Mrs. Ingrid A. M. Francis Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Frascati Mr. & Mrs. George Frazza Mr. & Mrs. john E. Friedlander Mr. & Mrs. Jack Fritsch Mr. & Mrs. Bradford R. Frost Jr. Mr. Granger H. Frost Dr. Gordon V. Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gambee
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Gambee Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Gambee Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Gan1ble Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Ms. Anne H. Geddes Mr. & Mrs. john C. Giesea Dr. & Mrs. john W. Gerster Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Jr. Mrs. Paul Gildehaus Mr. & Mrs. james Edward Gillum Jr. Mr. &. Mrs. Frank II. Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Oscar S. Glasberg Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin Mr. Ed Goldm:m' Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Goldsmith Ms. Bee D. Gonnella Mr. &. Mrs. Herbert W. Goodall Ill Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwilliejr. Mr. David Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. john B. Goodwin Jr. Mr. Pete Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. William Grall an! Jr. Mr. Erwin L. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Greenspon Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Mr. & Mrs. j :unes Grieder Mr. & Mrs. james R. Grieves Ms. Kelly Griffin & Mr. Doug Collatz Mr. & Mrs. Garth Grimmer Mr.& Mrs. RichardT. Grote Mr. & Mrs. John C. Grover Mrs. Elizabeth F. Guardenier Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gunson Mrs. Frederick llaffenreffer Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hakes Mr. & Mrs. II ugh llalsell Ul Mr. & Mrs. james E. Ilamerstone Prof. Willian! A. Hance Ms. Gail llano Mr. & Mrs. Michaelllarde Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harleman Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hart Mr. & Mrs. james A. Haslam II Mr. & Mrs. IIermann A. Haus Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Hayden Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III Mr. & Mrs. EdwardS. Heard Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. lleidtke Mr. & Mrs. PeterS. HeUer Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hellerman Mr. & Mrs. john Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. Mason C. Heydt Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Hilzenrath Mr. & Mrs. Winston R. Hindle Jr. Ms. Helen D. llobart & Mr. David F Zorensky Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hobart Ms. Susan Hochwald Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Hoff Mr. Frank Holal1an Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Howell Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Hoytjr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. David C. Hulme Mr. & Mrs. l'eter Hut Mr. Chris W. llutchinson Mr. Laurence jacks Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. jaeger Ms. Anne M. jennings Mr. & Mrs. Benn W. Jesser Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. johnsen Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William johnston Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jerome B. Johnston Mr. SimonS. j ones Mr. & Mrs. Willian! C. jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick jord:m Ms. janet B. joy Ms. Barbara Ann joyce Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Kales Mr. Robert M. Kaye Ms. Marybeth Keene Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Keller Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kelly Mr. Sanford Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Steven Charles Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Kenny Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Kenzie Mr. Ross B. Kenzie Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ketelsen Mr. & Mrs. Marshall T. Keys Mr. & Mrs. David King Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Kinsley Mr. & Mrs. Adam Kirsch Mr. & Mrs. Emil]. Kleinert Mr. & Mrs. jack Klinck Mr. & Mrs. Robert Klopman Mr. & Mrs. jacob H. Korngold Mr. Bruce A. Korson Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kulmann Mr. & Mrs. Allan LaFrance Mrs. JaneT. Lamb Mrs. Nancy Lampe Mr. Frank Laroe Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lawton Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jack M. Layton Ms. Judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robert Lenhart Ms. Susan S. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. G. Palmer LeRoy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Levinger Ms. Cynthia A. Lewis & Mr. Michael L. Gassmarm Mr. &. Mrs. Roger Lewis Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lilly Lt. Col. & Mrs. Howard S. Lincoln Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Coleman Lincoh1 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lindeman II Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. john Lochtefeld Ms. Susan Lister Locke Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lockett Mr. & Mrs. Christoph Lohmarm Ms. Jean W. Long Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Mr. Otiver A. Lothrop Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mrs. Robert C. Lovell Mr. & Mrs. James Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lowenstein Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Lukens Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Ms. Linda Lyons Mr. & Mrs. Gardner MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Dual A. Macintyre' Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Macy Mrs. jeannine Macy-jones & Mr. N. Robert jones Mr. Robert Coleman Magrish Ms. Andrea Maltese
Bold listing indicates a gijl to tbe capital campaign
• Matching corporate gift
t Deaased
Ms. Christine Mann Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manus Mr. & Mrs. james Markarian Ms. Margaret B. Masters Mr. & Mrs. john C. Matesich lil Mr. & Mrs. William L. Mather' Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Maury Mr. & Mrs. Alex Mautner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McCartney Ms. Rita A. McCauley Mrs. Louise V. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Morton McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. McGowan Dr. Gail A. Mcguinness Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. McGuire' Mr. & Mrs. james R. Mcintosh Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Mr. &Mrs. Robert Medaugh Ms. Barbara Melendy Mr. & Mrs. William C. Melzer Mr. john L. Michelsen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton Dr. & Mrs. Leon L. Miller Drs. Edwin & Norma Miller Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone' Mr. Ronald]. Mochel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mohr Mr. &Mrs. 1'. Channing Moore Ms. Rita M. Moran Mr. &Mrs.jasperW. Morgan Jr. Mr. &Mrs. James L. Morgan Mr. &Mrs. George Mrkonic Mr. &Mrs. Williant H. Mulhere Mr. Albert]. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Morgan J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. William Neff Ill Mr. &Mrs. Aryeh Neier Mr. &Mrs. Michael S. Nelson Mr. &Mrs. Kenneth M. Nesheim Mr. &Mrs. Theodore C. Nevins Jr. Ms. Iielen Newman Ms. Kate Nichols &Mr. joseph Huber Mr. &Mrs. Shane D. icholls Ms. Pamela S. iner Mr. &Mrs. Randolph P. Norris Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Norton Mr. &Mrs. Thomas Ranier Nottebohm Mr. &Mrs. Robert A. Nussbaum Ms. Camille Oechsli & Mr. R. Scott Taylor Mrs. Norman Olsen Jr. Mr. &Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Mr. & Mrs. Michael t: Orr Mr. &Mrs. john Edward Osborn Mr. &Mrs. Ira Ostrow Dr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Ottinger Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ottison Mr. David R. Owens Mr. & Mrs. ]antes Ozias Ms. Susan Paine Dr. &Mrs. A. Eugene Palchanis Mr. & Mrs. T. Peter Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Parker Mrs. Mary Chandler Parrish Mr. & Mrs. James S. Pasman Jr. Mr. William F. Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. George E. Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Michael Peacock Mr. Tom Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Pegg Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Peri Mr. &Mrs. Bill Pew
Mr. &Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. RichardS. Phelan Mr. &Mrs. Samuel Phelan Mr. &Mrs. Harvey G. Phillips Mrs. Susan S. Phillips Mr. Paul Piccirillo Mr. &Mrs. John Plukas Mr. David Policansky Mr. Bob Pollack Mrs. Charles N. Pollak Mr. & Mrs. Miller C. Porterfield Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Mr. &Mrs. Gordon W. Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pratter Ms. Patricia E. Pullman Mr. &Mrs. Phillip J. Raneri Mr. &Mrs. Richard Raysman Mr. &Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Keighley Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Riley Mr. &Mrs. Clyde A. Rodbell Mr. &Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Mr. &Mrs. K. Keith Roc Mr. David N. Rosvold Mr. Milton Chandler Rowland Ms. Corrine R. Roxby Mr. Mark E. Rubenstein Ms. Elizabeth Rubin Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rudner Mr. & Mrs. Don Russell Mr. & Mrs. john C. Ruttenberg Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Santos Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Saperstein Mr. 'estor Sawicki Mr. Ansley W. Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sayer Ms. Frances Scarcille Mr. &Mrs. Da1•e Schofield Mr. & Mrs. Franklin M. Schultz Ms. Penelope Scheerer & Mr. john R. Schwanbeck Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scott Mr. & Mrs. joseph R. Seiger Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Serafini Mr. Charles N. Sewall Ms. jolmne Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. John Sherwood Ms. Laura Simon Ms. Susan Simon Dr.t & Mrs. John Slavitz Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Small Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Smiles Mr. II. Brooks Smith Ms. Mary Susan Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Smith Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Ms. Penny F. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Soule' Mr. & Mrs. Francis 1'. Spriggs' Mr. & Mrs. David W. St. Clair' Mr. & Mrs. John Stahler Mrs. jeanne Stlmley·Brown Mr. &Mrs. C. William Steelman Ms. janet L. Steinmayer & Mr. Victor F. Guaglianone Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff Ms. Saralt Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. William L. Stern Mrs. Robin Sternbergh Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart
Mr. &Mrs. William B. Stitt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Stojak Mr. &Mrs. jonathan P. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Radford Stone Mrs. Dale G. Stoodley Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Susman Mr. & Mrs. john Sussek Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Sutro Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mr. Robert D. Swain Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Swcatlandjr. Mr. & Mrs. Bradley P. Sweeny Ms. Terry Syhia Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sjmes Mr. & Mrs. R. Chapman Taylor III Mr. Christopher J. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thom Jr. Mr. &Mrs. james Thomas Mr. & Mrs. john W. Thoman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McK. Thomas Mr. Edward Thompson Mr. & Mrs. George Todor Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Tolsdorf Mr. &Mrs. Alvin S. Tophlun Ms. Susan Christine Tracie Ms. Margaret Hardwick Treadway Mr. & Mrs. David Troast Mr. & Mrs. john H. Troy II Mrs. Harriet S. Turner Ms. Ruth Kilgour Turriff Mr. jack 1\vichell Mr. Thomas A. 1\vomey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. '!Yier Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Uhlin Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Vandenberg Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Vlm Dyke Mr. Paul E. Vardeman Mr. & Mrs. james G. Vaughter Mr. & Mrs. Karl II. Vel de Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Virtue Mr. &Mrs. Da1id E. Wagner Mrs. Samuel Wagner Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Walin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walkingshaw Mr. & Mrs. William Cook Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William A. Waller Ms. Suzanne M. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Warms Mr. & Mrs. john D. Wamer Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Wanvick Mrs. Livingston D. Watrous Mr. Thomas Wcinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Weinroth Dr. & Mrs. Francis Weld Mr. & Mrs. john West Ms. Kathy West Mr. & Mrs. David P. Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Whippen Mr. & Mrs. Reid White Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. White Ms. janice Coffin Wiesen Ms. Mary Margaret Wilkes Mrs. Paula K. Williams Ms. Kelly M. Williams Mr. Peter M. Wilson Mr. William R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winn Ms. joan W. Wofford Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wolfe Mr. David H. Wood Mr. &Mrs. Richard Woods Mr. &Mrs. Edward AWoolley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Woolverton III
Mr. &Mrs. Tony Yates Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Young Mr. &Mrs. Peter H. Zecher
Supporting Members Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Abbey Ms. Louisa L. Affleck Mrs. june M. Albaugh Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Albright Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Warren Allderige Mr. & Mrs. Charly D. Allemand Mr. & Mrs. Gary Allen Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Allerhand Mrs. Dorothy C. Ames Mr. & Mrs. Pennel Ames Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Willirun H. Andrews Ill Mr. & Mrs. Guy Andrews Mr. &Mrs. RobertS. Applegate Dr. Marie Archibee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aschettino Mr. & Mrs. Norman). Asher Ms. Sarah Prentiss Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Allrut Austin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Austin Dr. & Mrs. Robert . Averne Mr. & Mrs. john B. Ayres Ms. Mary Bachrach Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Baker Mrs. Marjorie von Credo Baker Mr. & Mrs. Willirun R. Baker Mr. llollis I. Barickman Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Barnard Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Willilun lladwen Bamey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Barrett Rev. Patricia Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barrington Mr. & Mrs. john B. Bartlett Mrs. Karen L. Baryshyan Ms. Frances E. Baskett Mr. & Mrs. jolm D. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Douglass A. Bermingham Mr. & Mrs. W. Irvin Berry Mr. & Mrs. GeraldS. Biondi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bisner Mr. Skip Blalock Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Blashfield Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Blitman Ms. Marilmne Boesky & Mr. Liltm Culman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boling Mr. & Mrs. Willirun Borten Ms. Claire Couch Bosee Ms. Eiltine Shea Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower Dr. Anne Broussard & Dr. Robert S. Kennedy Ms. Carol Ann Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Brunelle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brylm Ms. Barbara Bund Mr. Christopher J. Burch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Burgeson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Butner Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George P. Butterworth Ms. Sheila M. Cabral Mr. &Mrs. Steve Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Calarco Jr. Mrs. Peter Callahan
31 Bold listing indicates a gij/lo /be capital campaign
• Matching corporate gifl
t Deceased
Ms. Patrice Callies Rev. james E. Cantler Ms. Susan Yerkes Cary & Mr. David Goodman Ms. Lisa Anne Carey Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Carlee Mrs. Sharlyn R. Carter & Mr. john Mack Mr. Gerald Case· Mr. & Mrs. Baig M. Casparian Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Chomo Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Chute Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Logan Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Owen G. Clinton Mr. & Mrs. David R. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. jamesA. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Collatz Mr. & Mrs. Allen Collins Mr. & Mrs. E. Malcolm Condon Mr. Thomas B. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Alexius C. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Frank Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Cooman Ms. Donna R. Corcoran Ms. Marilynn Cornell & Mr. Arthur I~ Coe Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. Cox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. james R. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Crosby" Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Cross Dr. & Mrs. Daniel F. S. Crowther Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Cummings Mr. & Mrs. joseph W. Czapp Mr. & Mrs. Robert D:me Mr. & Mrs. Dudley V. I. Darling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Darling Mr. Aram Darmanian Mr. D1vight Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark]. Deck Mr. & Mrs. jonathan W. Dehmo Mr. & Mrs. Peter DiCristofaro Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dolan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Donahue Ms. Colleen Donnelly & Ms. Christina Law Dr. & Mrs. jeff Donnelly Mr. john P. Dooley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dorr Mr. & Mrs. Michel]. DuCan1p Mrs. Mary M. Duffin Mr. & Mrs. john S. Dunst Ms. jennifer Eckert Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Egan Mr. Peter Emerson Ms. Rebecca Emerson Ms. ancy Espersen & Mr. Gordon Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. john V. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Fahrman Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Farrell Ms. Beth A. Farrenkopf Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Fawcett Mr. & Mrs. john]. Fee Sr. Mrs. Doris Fellerm:m Mr. Artlmr L. Fenaroli Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Ferris ill Mr. Willard B. Ferris & Mr. George M. Ferris lii Dr. & Mrs. john W. Feuerbach Dr. & Mrs. john P. Fields Mr. & Mrs. Eric Finger Dr. & Mrs. josef E. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. William M. Folberth Ill
Capt. & Mrs. Walter Folger Ms. Leslie W. Forbes & Mr. David D. Worth Jr. Ms. Paula Forget Ms. Mae Chandlee Foss Mr. & Mrs. Elden K. Foulk Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ford M. Fraker Mr. & Mrs. john Fraunfelder Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Frick Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frisbie Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw & Mr. john P. Emert Mr. & Mrs. George C. Gianakos Mr. Eric Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Giles· Ms. Nancy M. Giragosian & Mr. Burton W. Went Mr. & Mrs. Philip Glantz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glauber Ms. Tina Gleisner & Mr. Ted Blank Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shircliff Glover Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Goldsmith Ms. Tracey Goncalves Mr. & Mrs. L1wrence G. Goode Dr. & Mrs. Jordon Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Willi:m1 Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goss Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gottwald Dr. jeffrey] . Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grenier Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder Ms. Heather W. Grillo Mr. & Mrs. john M. Groff Mr. & Mrs. Harley I. Gross Mr. A. Peter Guarino Ms. Kathleen A. Guido & Mr. Alfred T. Stanley Mr. jeff Guy Mr. & Mrs. Howard V. Hagenbuch Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hamilton Ms. Anita Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hardy Mr. Mark S. Harmsen Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Hart Colonel Robert L. Hart Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Charles Havers Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hayden Dr. DavidS. I lays Mr. & Mrs. George Hebner Mr. Thomas F. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hehir Mr. & Mrs. Artlmr L. Held Mr. & Mrs. judd Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Herman Ms. Elizabeth Hillger & Mr. William H. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Hillman Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Hogsten Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holdgate Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Hollander Mrs. Robert B. Horner Ms. Marlys). Horodyski Mr. & Mrs. Robert Horyn Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 Howell Dr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Howes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hradil Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hudson Mr. & Mrs. William Hudspeth Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Hutnick Ms. Sally Hummel-Uzzi Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. Hussey Mr. Roland G. Huyser
Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Iampietro Mr. James Ikard Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Irwin Rev. and Mrs. joellves Ms. Mary E. Jvey & Mr. Charles G. Del Signore Mrt & Mrs. James W. jackson Sr. Ms. Lynn Jacquin & Mr. Don Bravo Mr. & Mrs. Peter jenny Ms. Sharon jensen & Mr. Ned van Sise Mr. David B. j ewett Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey johnsen Mr. & Mrs. Brian johnson Ms. Mary W. johnson Ms. Julie M. jordin Ms. Patrida A. Joyner Prof. & Mrs.]. Richard judson Mrs. Nancy K. Kafer Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Karczewski Dr. Frances Ruley Kartnmen & Prof. Alfred W. Crosby Dr. Peter S. Kay Ms. Cynthia Keating & Mr. Mason M. Taber Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john B. Keeshan Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Kehlenbeck Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Keller Mr. & Mrs. john M. Kellogg Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john I. Kelly Mr. Randy A. Kemper Mr. Michael]. Kenny Ms. L1ura Ense Kent Mr. & Mrs. E. Niles Kenyon Ms. Patty Kepenash Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kern Mr. & Mrs. john Kessler Mrs. judith Ketterer Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Kilty Dr. & Mrs. jack Kindler Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kleissler Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 F. Kloc Mr. & Mrs. George Knorps Mr. & Mrs. Michael KoiO\vich Mr. & Mrs. Fulton C. Kornack Mr. jeff Kortenik Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Kotalac Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kreider Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Krida Dr. j e:mnette Krom & Dr. Ruud A. F. Krom Mr. George Ashford Kuhlman Mr. Peter W. Kunkel Dr. Heidi M. Kunz Mr. & Mrs. Cltip LaBonte Mrs. Virginia Heard Landis Mr. & Mrs. Rene 0. LaPierre Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. LaRocc<' Ms. Robbin LaRue Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Leary Mr. & Mrs. Seddon W. Legg Mr. & Mrs. David]. Leggett Mr. & Mrs. john M. Leggett Mr. & Mrs. Steven Leinbach Mr. & Mrs. Robert). Lesch Mr. & Mrs. W. Curtis Livingston Ms. Vicki Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey B. Lockard Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey S. Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Longley Ms. Sherry L. Loucks Mr. & Mrs. Albert 0. Louer Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Low Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Lowy
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Lund Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Lundquist Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Lussier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hector MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Macy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Morgan F. Mahoney Ms. Joan H. Manley & Ms. Mary jane Stroup Dr. & Mrs. William T. Maple Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Marache lll Mr. & Mrs. Frank Marks Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Leslie K. Martin Mrs. Louise Martling Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Marvin Mr. & Mrs. jeff Mason Mr. & Mrs. joseph Massik Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Maury Mr. & Mrs. john K. Maus Jr. Mrs. Adrienne A. McCalley Mr. & Mrs. Michael McClintock Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. McCouch Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. McCreary Ms. Anna McDoimell Ms. joanne M. McGarry Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. McGhee Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKay Ms. Paula H. McLeod Mr. Paul Meister Mrs. Dal'id Mendelsohn Jr. Ms. Margrethe B. Mentes Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Mesaros Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Michetti Mr. Christopher]. Miller Mr. & Mrs. jim Miller Mr. Grayson B. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Montgomery Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Montross Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Farley Moran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Morrison Ms. j ennifer Moseley Mrs. Eva Moss Mr. Daniel Mudd Mr. & Mrs. john F Murphy Mr. Michael W. Murray Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Dr. & Mrs. Larry Nathanson Mrs. Henry L. ewman Ms. Karen Noble Mr. & Mrs. Robert Norton Mrs. Grace T. Noyes Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Noyes Mrs. Arthur O'Connell Mr. & Mrs. Paul O'Rourke Mr. & Mrs. William Obremski Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Oddleifson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. jeffery L. Olsen Ms. Reina W. Oostingh & Mr. Charles R. Braley lll Mr. Dana Otis Mr. Robert G. Ottenhoff Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Owen Mr. & Mrs. john G. Palache Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey Paley Dr. & Mrs. E. Prather Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Parker Mr. & Mrs. Anthony j . Parrotto Mr. Nicholas Partick-Hiley Mr. & Mrs. Scott Pascucci
Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign
• Matching corpara/e gift
t Deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pasquariello Dr. & Mrs. William T. Pastuszak Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pearson Ms. Debra Pemstein & Mr. Dean Vallas Mr. & Mrs. John Penn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Perlman Ms. Carolyn Hills Perry Ms. Pamela l'erun & Mr. Steven Stoft Mr. &. Mrs. Nicholas K. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. john G. Petrasch Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. P{afiJr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. l'fund Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Picchi Rev. Sigmund Podlozny Jr. Ms. Margaret L. Pollard & Mr. james L. Baird Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Pratt Drs. Margaret & Trevor Price Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey S. l'roden Ms. M:uy Bruce Rae-Grant Mr. & Mrs. Charles Raimo Ms. Christie Rawlings Ms. joyce Reingold Ms. Denley Poor-Reynolds & Mr. Matthew Reynolds Mr. t & Mrs. Fred S. Rich rod Dr. & Mrs. Robert V. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Ripley Mrs. Samuel Robert Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Roberts Mr. D. B. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Dana F. Rodin Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman Mr. Edward Romer Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roosevelt Mr. & Mrs. Willian! Rorer Mr. & Mrs. jerry Rosenbaum Rosenblatt Family Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Rosvold Mr. &. Mrs. Thomas P. Rouillard Mr. Frank]. Rovinski Ms. Elisabeth C. Roxby Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Rubin Dr. & Mrs. Shaun Ruddy Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. llyan Mr. & Mrs. Dom~d L. Ryder' Dr. Sandra Sabatini Ms. Kris Salwnchik & Mr. Richard Olson Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Salisbtuy Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sanborn Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Sangree Mr. joseph E. Santucci Jr. Mr. Lawton G. Sargent Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sayle Mr. Paul Schacher Ms. Elizabeth Robinson Schloss Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. jon Schoen Ms. Gretchen Schofield Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scotti Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Seaquist Mr. & Mrs. Alex Seaver Mr. & Mrs. Kent W. Seibert Ms. Nancy J. Seidensticker Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. john Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shaw Mr. Walter R. Silva Mr. & Mrs. Steven Simon Mr. & Mrs. Leigh A. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Smith Mr. & Mrs. Norbert H. Snobeck Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Snow Mr. & Mrs. W. Lloyd Snyder Mr. & Mrs. David Southwell Mr. Louis Statzer Ms. julia E. Stearns & Mr. Marvin Weaver Mr. & Mrs. james Stedman Ms. Hilary N. Steinert Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Stevens Mrs. Anne Stinnett Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Harris E. Stone Mr. & Mrs. john H. Stover Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Stratton Ms. janet A. Strickland Mr. Willian! Strittmatter Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. George Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Nason S. Swain Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer C. Swartley Mr. & Mrs. john M. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swenson Dr. & Mrs. John J. Sziklas Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tallman Mrs. jo Tambo Mr. & Mrs. Jasper G. Taylor Ill Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Taylor Mr. john W. Tevebaugh Mr. & Mrs. R. DL~on Thayer Mr. Lamont D. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Hemy F. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Luke Thornewill Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tibbetts Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Tiger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tolsd01f Mr. james A. Treanor Ill Mr. Han1pton R. Trout Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Truffini Mr. Steven C. Turrentine Mr. & Mrs. \Vat H. Tyler Ms. Kathleen E. l)'fer-Vasell Ms. Sally re Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. VanArsdale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Zumbusch Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Voss Mr. john R. Wagley Mr. & Mrs. john L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. W:~lacejr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Wantz Mr. & Mrs. john E. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Wasley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Waterhouse Mr. & Mrs. E. Richard Watts Jr. Mr. DanielS. Wayland Mr. john W. Wayland Mr. Michael Wayland Mr. Patrick S. Wayland Ms. Patricia Wazan Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Weber Dr. & Mrs. john G. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. john W. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wehmueller Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weinstock Ms. Melissa Sicard & Mr. john Welch Mr. & Mrs. Frank Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Robin West Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Westbrook Mr. & Mrs. Willian! Parker Westcott Ms. Nancy Westen berg
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. Hannan Wexler Mr. & Mrs. Davison D. White Mr. Steve Whited Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Whiteford Ms. Adele E. Wick & Dr. Clinton F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wiederhorn Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wiggin Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Wiley Mr. & Mrs. William Wilkinson Ms. Sarah Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. )an1es R. Williams Mr. james D. Wismar Ms. Dolores M. Wiszuk Mr. john Wittman Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Wolfjr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Wolfe Ms. Barbara Wolfinger Mr. & Mrs. J. Eliot Woodbridge Mr. & Mrs. David D. Worth Ms. Sarah A. Wright & Mr. Therold Hughes Ms. Margot E Wynkoop Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Yeates Mr. & Mrs. Millard S. Younts Mr. & Mrs. Alex Zaras Mr. & Mrs. Brian L.P. Zevnik Ms. Diane Zuckerm:m & Mr. Michael Hite
Individual Members Mrs. jeffrey j. Ad:m1s Mr. Steven M. Adler Ms. Nathalie Agostino Ms. jo:m I'. Albaugh Mr. Charles j. Allard Ms. Angela Allen Mrs. Anne C. Allen Ms. Nina Bell Allen Mrs. joan Hunter Altremer Ms. Elizabeth J. An! OS Mrs. Velma C. Appl Mr. john L. G. Archibald Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Ms. Eileen Arsenault Ms. Carol S. Arlt Mrs. Louis R. Ayotte Ms. Colleen Marie Ayotte Mrs. Mary G. Baclumm Ms. Katherine). Baker Mrs. Margit Baker Mr. jeffrey A. Barkan Ms. Rosema1y C. Barney Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bartholomew Mr. john Bartlett Mr. Philip E. Bash Mr. T. H. Baugl1man Mr. Patrick W. Beaugard Ms. Maureen V. Beck Mrs. Mitch Bell Ms. Irene Oldham Bent Ms. Charity I. Benz Mr. Robe11 B. Berger Ms. Mary Berman Mr. Michael j. Bevier Ms. Gina Bihmder Mr. Benjamin S. Blake Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Jr. Mr. Roger W. Block Ms. Elaine M. Boehm Ms. Elaine A. Boehm Mr. Charles V.S. Boillod Ms. Kathy M. Bologna Ms. Jane E. Bonvini
Mr. Ross M. Boothe Ms. Karen Borchert Mr. & Mrs. James Bounds Mrs. Robert W Bouton Mrs. Helen M. Bowen Ms. Bonnie B. Bradley Ms. Helen W Brann Ms. Sandra Brant Mrs. Naomi C. Brewer Ms. Pamela L. Briggs Ms. Mary Ann Brooks Mr. Anton Brown Mrs. Caroline Rutter Brown Mr. Robert Scott Br01vn Ms. Carolyn A. M. Br01vn Ms. Leah M. Brubaker Ms. Elizabeth Brummet Ms. Paula Macy Bruton Ms. Patricia). Buckley Mrs. james E. Bullock Mr. jonathan Burkl1art Ms. Barbara H. Burmester Ms. Lee Rand Burne Mrs. Barbara jane Burris Ms. Patricia A. Butler Mrs. Mattl1ew V. Byrne Jr. Mr.& Mrs. La11Tence M. Cady Ms. judy Caldwell Mr. Da1id Callal1an Ms. Susan Call:man Mr. john Carey Dr. Lawrence S. Carlton Ms. janis Carreiro Mr. john B. Carroll Mrs. Irene Coffin Carroll Ms. Mary B. Carroll Ms. Sally M. Carter Ms. Martha). Cary Mr. Brian T. Casey Ms. Gaynor D. Casner Mrs. Marshall H. Chan1bers Mr. Honpui Chan Ms. jruma Chandler Mrs. Roy D. Chapin Jr. Mrs. Genrude N. Christensen Mr. James T. Christensen Mr. ConstruLtine L. Christie Ms. Shirley T. Christophers Ms. Darlene Chuplis Cialini Family Ms. Abigail Coffin Mr. David P. Coffin Jr. Mr. D. Tristram Coffin Mr. Frands Howells Coffin Mrs. Helen S. Coffin Mr. john C. S. Coffin' Mrs. Marjorie G. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Coffin Jr. Dr. Samuel Alden Coffin Mr. Steven Coffin Mr. Vernon L. Coffin Ms. Mary J. Coffin-Wakeman Ms. an L. Collette Ms. Barbara Church Colm:m Mrs. jane F. Connell Mrs. Sophie Chandler Consagra Ms. Barbara Constantine Mrs. Peter J. Cook Mr. Bernard Cooney Ms. Holly Corkish Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Ms. Caroline F. Corkum Ms. Susan A. Cosman Ms. Karen Roberta Costantini
33 Bold listing indicates a gift to tbe capital campaign
â&#x20AC;¢ Matcbing corporate gift
t Deceased
Ms. Rosalind Costello Ms. Helen Cox Mr. Bty.m P. Coyne Ms. Anne Laurent-Crawford Mr. Richard C. Crisson Ms. Carrol L. Crocker Mr. Carl J. Cruz Dr. & Mrs. David Dalury Mr. Robert Dandurand Mrs. Grace Coffin Daughdrill Mrs. John Butler Davis Mrs. Rosa-Seddon H. Davis Mr. john P. de eufville Ms. Janet Y. DeCosta Mr. Randall E. Decoteau Mr. Stephen M. DeLay Ms. Lisa DeMaria Ms. Dee Dinallo Ms. Antoinette Denisof Mr. Burton N. Derick Ms. Mary Kinne Descy Mrs. Richard E. Deutsch Mr. David Huyler Dexter Mr. & Mrs. Paul DiBarajr. Mr. Brian A. Dicaire Ms. Alice Carol Dixon Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dobbins Mr. Mark Donato Ms. jeanne M. Dooley Ms. Elizabeth G. Dorn Dr. Wendell K. Downing Ms. Valerie Drake Mr. Kenneth V. Duce Mr. Byron J. Dugdale Ms. Deborah Newhouse Dunham Ms. Ethel Dunhan1 Mr. Nelson Durand Mr. Brendan C. Dwyer Mr. William H. Eckertjr.t Mrs. john P. Elder Mr. Steven Ellis Mr. Douglas R. Ellsworth Ms. Vivian P. Elvidge Mr. Robert Emack Ms. Nancy S. Ernst Ms. Constance Escher Mr. Douglas Eveleigh Ms. jane J. Fargo Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Ms. Cynthia Fisher Ms. Tracie Anne Fitzgerald Mr. Edward L. Fitzgibbon Ms. janet D. Flanagan Mr. Robert M. Flanagan Mrs. jean M. Fleming Mrs. Natalie J. Fletcher Ms. Kerry Kennedy Flynn Ms. Lucy E. Folger Ms. jean G. Fordyce Mr. William F. Fordyce Mr. Mark L. Foster Ms. Barbara Francis Ms. judith Frank Mr. M:trk C. Fredland Mrs. Carla de Cniny Freed Mr. Emory B. Freeman Mr. Gregg Freeman Mrs. Virginia Friberg Ms. Susan B. Gannon Ms. Gaye E. Gardiner Mrs. Anne Coffin Gardner Mrs. Elaine K. Gardner Mr. Harry Geller Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gemma
Mr. Elliot Ge\virtz Mr. Greg Gibson Ms. Karen K. Gifford Mrs. joyce Elma Macy Gilbreath Mr. Donald W. Giles Mrs. john P. Girvin Ms. Mary Anne Giuseppe Mrs. Mary E. Glowacki Mr. Eric Goddard Ms. Stephanie Goff Ms. Susan S. Goldman Ms. Rose M. Gonnella Mr. Michael A. Goode Mrs. GrJce E. Goodrich Mr. Peter Gow Ms. icole Christine Gral1am Mr. Robert N. Grant Ms. joanne L. Gray Mr. Samuel J. M. Greeley Mr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Mr. William Gregory Mrs. Barbara P. Grey Mrs. Walker Groetzinger Ms. Alice Loomis Guiher Ms. Violet Orrie Guy Mrs. Richard Thomas Hale Ms. Rutl1 A. Halsall Ms. Melissa J. Hancock Ms. Ann M. Hanson Mr. john G. C. Harden Mrs. Benry W. Harding Jr. Mrs. Mary I. Hardy Mr. Robert Harper Mr. & Mrs. joseph Dane flarlgrove Mrs. Marjorie Macy Battin Mr. Peyton S. Hawes Mr. Oliver C. Hazard Mr. john M. Heggem Mrs. Elizabeth W. Hendricks Mr. john A. Herndon Mrs. Henry G. Herzing Dr. William H. HigginsJr. Ms. Rita Beecher Hill Mr. T.J. Bill Mr. Glenn Forrester Hillm:m Ms. Grace Hinkley Mrs. Philemon N. Hoadley Mr. Eric S. Holch Mrs. Rita S. Holch Mr. Andy Holdgate Ms. joanne Holdgate Mrs. Katherine E. Hollifield Ms. Leslie Hope Mrs. Bruce D. Hopper Mr. jack Hough Mrs. William P. Bourihan Ms. Elizabeth j effery Hubbell Ms. Nancy L. Hueper Mrs. Sylvia Huette Mr. HarrisJ. Hulburt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hunter Sr. Mrs. john Husted Ms. Misty Wager Byde Ms. Laura C. Iglehart Mrs. Robert A. Inglis Ms. Anne B. Isbister Mrs. Curtis L. lvey Jr. Mr. William jantieson Mrs. Arthur F. Jamison Ms. Page Wroth jamison Ms. Christine Janis Ms. Karen W. jason Mr. & Mrs. Richard jaycobs Mr. Stephen jelin
Ms. Pan1ela G. jelleme Mr. Timothy W. jensen Mr. john G. johnson Ms. Esther Smith johnson Mr. David H. johnson Ms. Sally H. johnson Ms. Can1illa ):me Joynt Ms. Rebeccajusko Mr. & Mrs. Steven Karole Mrs. Stephen J. Karper Ms. Margaret E. Kavanaugh Ms. Martha Davis Kelly Mr. jonathan james L. Kennedy Mr. William Westby Kenney Ms. Susan F. R.Kenny Ms. Denise Keohane Ms. janis C. Ketterer Mr. Gordon Kiddoo Mr. jan1es M. Killent Ms. Patience E. Killen Ms. Susan Kinney Mrs. Elizabeth Kinsaul Ms. Rita Delafield Kip Mr. Bruce Komisue Mrs. Janel Kramer Ms. Gene Swain Kuechmann Mr. Richard G. Kushner Mr. john E. Lacouture Ms. Michelle Lamb Ms. Saral1 F. Lamott Ms. Lulu Lanagan Mr. Paul E. Lancaster Ms. Carol M. L:me Ms. judith Lanza Mrs. joan A. Larrabee Ms. Judith M. Lasinski Ms. Patricia M. Lassiter Ms. Rebecca Fellennan Lauer Ms. Lucy A. Leske Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Levy Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Le\viSJr. Ms. joan Libby Ms. Becki Lipton Ms. Leal! Lipton Ms. Denise M. Livengood' Mr. Rick Lohr Ms. Nancy J. Looney Mr. joseph M. Lopes Ms. Katie K. Lorentzen Ms. Michele F. Lucas Ms. judith N. Lund Mr. joseph F. Lynch Mrs. Katherine M. Lynch Ms. Linda Lynch Ms. Mary-Adair Macaire Mr. Matthew R. MacEachern Ms. Georgia A. Mackinder Ms. Karen jean MacNab Ms. Ruth S. MacRae Colonel Owen Y. Macy Mr. Thomas L. Macy Mr. Thomas W. Macy Ms. Diane L. Maddison Dr. Charlotte E. Maguire Mr. Franklin Gardner Maher Ms. Catherine Theresa Maloney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Manghis Ms. Sheila M. MarCOLLX Ms. Lynn A. Martin Mrs. Nell W. Martin Ms. Donna Martino Mr. Bruce P. Mattoon Ms. Karen M. Maxwell Mr. Hoyt P. Mayes
Ms. Anne C. McAndrew Ms. Jane McClafferty Dr. Katherine Ann McCluskey Ms. Helen M. McDonald Ms. Diana Mcintyre Mrs. Ann Louise Coffin McLaughlin Ms. Edith W. Me air Mrs. Glenn Stevens Meader Jr. Mr. Stephen B. Meister Ms. Anne Mendelsohn Mrs. Adolph J. Merkt Mrs. Tamsen Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton Mr. & Mrs. B. jenkins Middleton Ms. Kathrin Phelan Midgley Ms. Mary R. Miles Ms. Maty Frances Sutton Miller Mr. William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Minucci Ms. Ellen B. Mitchell Mr. Richard F. Mitchell Mr. Samuel W. Mitchell Mr. Earl B. Mix Jr.' Ms. Samantha Mooney Ms. Elizabeth M. Moore Mr. Townsend R. Morey Jr. Ms. Margaret C. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Morral Ms. Eleanor J. Morrison Mr. Gerald Morrissey Ms. Sandi Mulconry Mrs. Alfred E. Munier Mrs. john Murkland Ms. Mary Jane Murphy Mr. Paul G. Murphy Dr. Caroline C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Frazer Murray Ms. Heather H. Myers Ms. Kathleen Sue Myers Mr. Peter H. Myers Ms. Elna Austin elson Mr. Howard elson Ms. Aimee Newell Ms. Doralee Nolan Ms. Lois M. Norton Mr. David Thomas O'Brien Ms. judith M. Ochsner Mr. Scott O'Connor Mr. john A. O'Malley Ms. C.1thy Opie Ms. Nannette F. Orr Mr. David W. Ostergren Mrs. Ray Owen Ms. jane Paden Ms. Grace joyce Page Ms. Betsy Pagnam Ms. Susan C. Painter Ms. Linda B. Palmer Mr. Stephen Paradis Mrs. Richard J. Pardi Mrs. Timothy Parsons Ms. Nancy Pasley Mr. Geoffrey S. Paul Mr. Donald Peacock Mrs. Gretchen Penrose Mr. john Penrose Ms. Phyllis Fein Perelman Mr. jeffrey M. Perk Ms. Michelle Perkins Ms. Anne C. Peters Dr. Pearlie M. Peters Ms. Annette W. Peterson Mr. john E. Petrie
Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign
â&#x20AC;¢ Malcbing corparategifl
t Deceased
Mr. William C. Petty Mr. Henry W. Pfeiffer Ms. Louise Pfeiffer Ms. Beverly Phillips Mrs. Elizabeth Hood Phillips Ms. Georgiann Phipps Ms. Victoria M. Pickwick Ms. Catherine Piemonte Mr. Randolph W. Pierce Mrs. Wilbur B. Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pietrafesa Mr. john A. Pignato Mr. Richard). Pike Jr. Ms. Gilda C. Pollard Ms. joanne Polster Mrs. Janet P. G. Porterfield Ms. Melinda R. Potter Ms. Peyson Potter Ms. Carol Coggins Powellt Mr. jan1es E. Powers Mr. J. B. Presber Mr. Christopher Profit Mr. justin Quinn Ms. Ann B. Quirk Ms. Miriam W. Coffin Ragsdale Mr. Frederick N. Rasmussen Mrs. Richard L. Ray Mr. john M. Raymond Ms. Diana R. Regan Mrs. Irene A. Regan Mr. Robert). Reid Ms. jean Reiland Mr. john A. Reindel Mr. Allen B. Reinhard Ms. Sarah Reinstein Ms. Karen Reyes Mr. Christopher Rich Mrs. Frederick A. Richmond Mrs. Charles R. Rickards Ms. Lois F. Riley Ms. Malisa Roberts Mrs. Patricia V. Robinson Mr. Richard G. Robinson Mr. George R. Rochat Ms. Patricia H. Rodgers Mrs. Nancy Lynn Romankiewicz Mr. William B. Rose Mr. Frederic N. Rosiak Ms. Patricia Rottmeier Ms. Louise M. Rucker Ms. Cathrine Ruley Mrs. Elaine B. Russell Mr. Leroy F. Ryder Mr. john C. Sammis Mrs. Barbara Brown Saunders Mr. Charles Sawyer Ms. Sally B. Sawyer Mr. Albert Sbrolla Mr. john D. Schaperkotter Ms. Margaret B. Schram Dr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Schreiber Mrs. David A. Schulz Ms. Unda Schuring Mrs. Betty Macy Schwier Mrs. C. jacqueline Seidel Mr. Peter Sendelbach Mr. Paul R. Senecal Capt. JohnS. Serafini Ms. Gloria Sextro Mrs. Thomas Shanahan Mr. & Mrs. William G. Shaw III Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sheppard Ms. Nancy Shoemaker Ms. Mary M. Shumaker
Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shuring Mr. Jim H. Siburg Mr.t & Mrs. Earle M. Sigler Ms. Theran Singleton Dr. james C. Sisk Mrs. William A. Slade Ms. Cindy Longley Slate Mr. joe Slovensky Mrs. joan D. Small Mrs. Betty Macy Smith Ms. Carol Smith Mrs. llene . Smith Ms. Sandra F. Smith Snavely Fanilly Ms. Sheri L. Snively Mr. james L. Socks Mrs. Frank C. Soule Ms. Patricia M. Spear Mr. George Hollister Spencer Ms. Shirley Coffin Spencer Ms. Sheila Spezzano Mr. Jeffrey Sponberg Mr. Thomas Springer Mr. Trent Spurlock Ms. Tracy Stamper Mr. james Carlton Starbuck Ms. Katherine Starbuck-Bittler Mr. Raymond B. Starbuck Ms. Alison Stark Mr. Robert). Stark Jr. Ms. julia E. Stearns Mr. Bruce Stetson Ms. Virginia D. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Grove Stoddard Mr. Eric F. Stone Ms. Virginia L. Streader Mr. jon A. Stroup Mr. Thomas C. Succop Ms. Sherry Surra Mrs. Lisa S. Sutphin Ms. jill Swaim Mr. Carl E. Swain Ms. Anne Sweidel Mrs. Agnes Worth Sylvia Mr. Edward Symes IV Mr. Edward J. Tanner Mr. Davis T. Taunton Jr." Ms. Mildred Taylor Mr. Thomas F. Tedesco Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tercek Mrs. Helen R. Thomas Mrs. Carol D. Thornton Mrs. Lois Tobin Ms. Sheila Folger Todd Ms. Marcia G. Tooker Ms. Nikki S. Toole Mrs. Imion F. Trainor Mrs. Margaret H. Trapnell Mrs. Betsy Tyler Ms. Nancy E. Tyrer Ms. Marika S. Ujvari Mrs. Douglas R. Van ess Mr. Walton Van Winkle Ill Mrs. Pamela J. Vana-Paxhia Ms. Kathryn E. Vedder Mrs. Charles W. Veysey Ms. Constance E. Voges Mrs. Gay G. Vogt Ms. Eugenic H. Voorhees Mr. Gerald S. Wade Ms. janet Wagner Ms. Donna Wagnon Mr. W. Wyatt Walker Jr. Mr. Timothy J. Walker
• Matcbing corporate gijl
Mrs. Susan S. Ward OMr. & Mrs. RobertS. Wareham Ms. Ellen M. Warren Mr. Charles L. Washburne Dr. Lawrence Wasser Mrs. J. Brooks Watt Mr. Marvin Weaver. Ms. Natalie H. Webb Mr. William S. Webster Ms. Carolyn N. Weld Ms. Ann A. Welfeld Ms. Marie Ann Werner Mr. William S. Wheeler Mrs. john P. Wickser Mr. Andrew Wilce Mr. Andrew Williams Mrs. Enid V. Williams Mr. Warren E. Wills Ms. Marguerite C. Wills Dr. joy Therese Wilson Mrs. Helen Coffin Wilson Mrs. Peter J. Wilson Ms. Maureen jean Wilson Ms. Carole W. Windham Mr. & Mrs. Le1vis Thomas Winger Ms. Christy N. Wise Mrs. William F. Wiseman Mr. Willian! H. Witt Mr. Edward Woll Jr. Mr. Hilliard 0. Wood Mr. J. Linden Wood Ms. Mary Swain Wood Mrs. Robert B. Wood Mrs. Nelson C. Woodward Ms. Barbara H. Wullschleger Mrs. Paula Blackmur Young Lt. Col. janJCs W. Youngberg Ms. Mary Zappas Ms. Jill B. Zeno
Institutional Members Allen County Public Library American Antiquarian Society Boston Public Library DAR Library The Egan Institute of Maritime Studies at the Coffin School Harvard College Library Library of Boston Athenaeum Massachusetts State Library Newberry Library Serials Division New England Historic Genealogical Society New York Public Library New York State Library State Historical Society of Wisconsin University of Massachusetts Library
Life Members Mr. & Mrs. Emery E. Allain Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. An1es Mr.t & Mrs.t Robert S. Ames Mr. William M. Arney Mrs. Carolyn Pesnell An10ry Mr. & Mrs. joel Anapol Mr. & Mrs. Thomas). A.nathan Rev. and Mrs. Edward B. Anderson Mr. Michael C. Anderson Mrs. james Clinton Andrews Mr. & Mrs.t W. Seymour Archibald Jr. Mrs. George Arnold Jr. Mrs. Harold Amold Mrs. Loraine C. Amold Mr. Edmund D. Ashley
t Deceased
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Austin Mrs. Patricia C. Avery Mr. james E. Aydelotte Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Aydelotte Mr. Kevin R. Aydelotte Mr. William Bachman Mr. Michael Bachman Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Baird Mr. Walter D. Bannard Mr. jan1es Hunt Barker Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Norman F. Beach Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Drs. Susan Beegel & Wesley N. Tiffney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beilman Mrs. Mary Anne Beinecke Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beinecke Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beinecke III Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Beman Mrs. A. L. Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bennett Mr. Robert A. Bennett Mrs. George Berkheimer Dr. james S. Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Max '· Berry Ms. Ann Bissinger & Mr. Mark Poor Mrs. Gerard Bissingert Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blackshaw· Ms. Gale R. Blosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglass Bomeisler Mr. & Mrs. David B. Boric Ms. Edith S. Bouriez Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Breeding Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Brennan IV Ms. Elfriede E. Brennan Mr. Benjamin Brennan Mr. Bernard J. Brennan V Ms. Kasara M. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. Folger Brink Mr. Atherton Bristol Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Brock Mr. john Brock Mr. A. C. Brodie Mrs. Evelyn E. Bromely Mrs. Alita Brooks Mr. Alan Brown Mr. & Mrs. Colin H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stillman Brown Ms. Virginia Brown Mr. & Mrs. Butler Brownell Mr. & Mrs. john F. Buckley Mrs. Eldee Buhite Ms. Miriam H. Bunker Mr. Paul West Bunker Mrs. Gilbert Burchell Mr. & Mrs. William F. Burdick Jr. Mr. Clair E. Buller Mr. Charles C. Butt Ms. Elisabeth Ray Calene Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Cannon Mr. Henry C. Carlisle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Miles G. Carlisle Mrs. J. Neale Carman Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carpenter Jr. Mrs. William H. Cassebaum Mr. john C. Chadbourne Mr. Howard B. Chad1vickjr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Mrs. john S. Chapman
Ms. Barbara Ann Charder Mrs. Helen Winslow Chase Ms. Nancy A. Chase Dr. Richard A. Chase Mrs. Willi:un S. Christopher Mrs. Robert Chuckrow Capt. Howard Ray Church Mrs. Patricia Mason Claflin Mr. Gerald E. Clare Mrs. Robert B. Clark Mr. Thomas J. Clark Mrs. Florence E. Clifford Mr. james I. Coddington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dexter D. Coffin Jr. Mr. Kenneth I' Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Coffin Mr. Winthrop B. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey N. Cohen Mrs. Henry B. Coleman Ms. MaryAnn Cotet Mr. G. Crawford Colket Mr. Michael W. Conger Mr. Philip G. Connell Jr. Mrs. Frederic W. Cook Mr. Oliver Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. William B. Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Courson Mrs. joseph M. Cowan Mr. J. St:mley Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. james B. Crecca Mr. Howard R. Crocker Mr. hverell U. Crosby ll Mr. Daniel G. Crozier Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cunningham Mrs. Anita Coffin Darnmin Dr. & Mrs. Tristram C. Dammin Mr. & Mrs. joseph W. Damsker Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. D. Weston Darby Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jerry Daub Mr. Edward L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Mrs. Barbara 0 . de Zalduondo Mrs. Abboll L. Deroo Mr. Kenneth W. Douglas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robertj . Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Drabkin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Drake Ms. Trudy Dujardin Mr. Lawrence P. Dunham Mr. Richard Earle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ebert Mrs. Albert F. Egan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Eger Dr. & Mrs. john Taylor Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ernst Ms. Rosemary H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. David E1ving Mrs. Eugenic Eyster Ms. Marsha Fader Mrs. Henry D. Fairlie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Farrell Jr. Mrs. A. R. Fauth Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Fauth Mr. Henry W. Fee Jr. Mr. Sherman E. Fein Mr. & Mrs. Stuart P. Feld Mr. & Mrs. Eric N. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Fife Mrs. Norman G. Figures Mr. Douglas R. Finney
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Finney III Mr. jay Finney Mr. john R. Finney Mr. Paul M. Finney Ms. Susan Finney Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Fisher Mr. Norman E. Flayderman Mr. George L. Fleming Mr. Alvin G. Folger Mr. Benjamin F. Folger Jr. Mr. Peter Folger Mr. Peter M. Folger Mr. & Mrs. Richards Folger Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Folger Mr. Walter Weston Folger Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Ernest II. Fr.mk Ms. Samantha Frank Ms. Sandriel Frank Mr. Ehren J. Frank Mr. !Iarrison C. Freem:mjr. Mr. & Mrs. joseph Starbuck Freeman Ms. Fiona jane Fulton Mrs. Geoffrey E. Fulton Mr. & Mrs. CharlesJ. Gardner Mrs. Edward T. Gardner Jr. Mrs. Fred Gardner Mr. Sandor A. Garfinkle Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Garrett Sr. Mrs. Grenville G:trside Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gewin Mr. & Mrs. john R. Gibb Mr. Thomas W. Gibb Mr. & Mrs. George B. Gibbons Jr. CDR & Mrs. Maurice E. Gibbs Mrs. Susan H. Gibson Mrs. C. Elizabeth Gibson Mr. & Mrs. John Gilbert Ms. Rosalie D. Girard Mr. & Mrs. jan1es Glidden Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glidden Mrs. Charles Goetz Lt. Col & Mrs. David H. Good1villie Mrs. Donald R. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. George Gordon Mr. & Mrs. TI10mas H. Gosnell Mrs. Colin Gray Mrs. Theodore Greenebaum Dr. & Mrs. B. Herold Griffith Ms. Tristan Griffith Mrs. Bernard D. Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gulbrmdsen Mr. & Mrs. Elliott W. Gumaer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund Mr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Gurley Mr. Willian1 V. Haddon Mr. Charles D. Haden Ms. Beverly Hall Mr. & Mrs. Bion B. Hall Jr. Mr. Edwin M. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Hardy Mrs. james W. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heard Jr. Mr. jack E. Helms Mrs. Roger S. Henry Ms. julie Hensler Mr. William P. Herbert Mrs. Steven K. Berlitz Mr. & Mrs. james L. Hiers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Hill Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hillger Mr. Richard M. Hinchman Mr. Winthrop D. Hodges Jr. Dr. Ellen Dorril Hoffieit
Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. llog:m Mr. Chrbtopher Holl:md Mr. Wayne F llohnes Mrs. j ames E. Hooper Jr. Mrs. john C. llosmer Mr. N. l\ewbu ry llo1de Mr. & 1rs. Leonard lloward Mr. & Mrs. George llughes Mrs. Robert K. llumphre) Mrs. David Huntington Mr. & Mrs. j ames B. Hurlock Capt. & Mrs. William B. llusse) lr. & Mrs. j ames M. Hutton Ill Mr. William E. Hutton Mr. 0 . Edward Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Richard II. Illingworth Mr. Robert D. j a) Mrs. Bet!) B. Jenne) Dr. G. 0 . F. j ensen Mrs. Sally R. j ohnson Ms. Kristina j ohnson Mr. & Mrs. J. Sewardjohnson j r. Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. j ohnston Mr. & Mrs. II. Frederick j ohnston Mrs. Da1id j ones Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Kagan Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. K.we Mr. Robert . Karelitz 1rs. Sar.th M. Worth K.'IS>man Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kauders Mrs. j ohn F. Keiser Mr. & Mrs. William Keller Mr. Daniel F. Kelliher Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Kellogg Mr. j ohn L. Kemmerer Mr. Alfred V. Kidder Mrs. Sidney II. Killen Mr. Bryan F. King Ms. Edith E. King Ms. janet F. ll.ing Mrs. Marriot F. King Mr. & Mrs. john II. Kitchen Jr. Ms. Agathe Kongshoj Mrs. Michael 0 . Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Peter \V. L1mberton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Land Mr. Christopher Larsen Mr. Robert J. Leach Mrs. L111Tence R. Lee Mr. L. Randolph Lee Mr. Thomas V. Lefevre Re1. & Mrs. Paul E. Leighton Mrs. jan1es Leon Mr. Morganj . Levine Mr. Regin:~d Levine Mrs. Susan Le1vis Mr. lloward L. Lewis Mr. Thomas H. Lewis Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Dr. & Mrs. john Little Mrs. Edward W. Lombard! Mr. DennisJ. Looney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Loring Ms. Linda Loring Mr. Donald K. Lourie Mrs. Frank W. Lovejoy Mrs. David A. Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Mabbs Mr. Daniel H. Macey Mr. Peter MacGiashan Mrs. Manuel Machado Mr. Norman E. 1\tack II Mr. & Mrs. Richard MacKay Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey C. MacLay
Bold listing indicates a gift to Ibe capital campaign
Mr. & Mrs. William Q. MacLean Mr. & Mrs. Georr;e W. MacLellan Mrs. Florence D. Macomber Mr. & Mrs. William B. Macomber Mr. Bill C. Macy Mr. Charles T. Macy Mrs. Elwood Macy Mr. j ames B. Macy Jr. Mrs. j ohn C. Macy Mrs. j. '\oct Macy Mr. Thomas 0. Maq Mr. Richard Macy Jr. Mr. Paul Madden Mr. Gcr:~d D. Mainhart Mr. & Mrs. jan1es L. Malone Ill Mrs. Mina Blaisdell Manner Mr. Albert L. Manning Jr. Mr. Gordon St. G. Mark Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey F. Marks Mr. Peter T. Martin Ms. Edith S. Mason 1r. john F. Mason Ms. Frances Grey Massey Mr. & Mrs. David Masters Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald Mathey Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 B. Matteson Mr. Thomas f. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. john M. McCarthy Irs. jesse D. McClellan Miss Gr:tce S. McCreary Mr. j ohn B. McElderry Jr. Mr. Dom~d McGannon Mrs. j eanne M. Mcllugh Mr. & Mrs. james R. Mcintosh Mr. D. Eric McKechnie Mrs. j ane II. McKinney Mr. j ohn F. McL1ughlin Jr. Ms. Juliet McMains Ms. Sara Anne McMains Mr. & Mrs. Wren McMains Mr. W. Tarkington McMains Mrs. llelen D. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. Bill McRoberts Mrs. Martie McRoberts Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Meader Mr. R. Wakefield Menke Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mrs. Raymond II. Mertens Mr. & Mrs. Peter Metters Ms. Polly Thayer MiUer Mr. & Mrs. L. Gordon Miller Jr. Ms. Nancy D. Minus Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mitchell Mr. Robert L. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mooney Daniel & Michael Mooney Ms. Dorothy M. Mortenson Mr. lloward S. Mott Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. David Donald Mulford Mr. & Mrs. john D. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. joseph Murphy Mr. john P. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Dr. & Mrs. David G. athan Mr. Edgar D. Nelson Mrs. W. Ripley Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Chris Newhouse Ms. ancy A. Newhouse & Mr. Kenneth W. HoldgateJr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert]. Newhouse Jr. Mr. Willian1 H. Newton
â&#x20AC;¢ Alalcbing corporate gift
t Deceased
Mrs. Jane D. Nickerson Mrs. Abram J. Niles Lt. Comdr. & Mrs. Charles L. Noblit Mr. Peter W. North Mr.t & Mrs. Johnston F. Northrop Mrs. Eldridge B. Norton Mrs. Jane Meader Nye Mr. Andrew Oates Mrs. Marjory R. O'Day Mr. David M. Ogden Mr. Clifford B. O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. O'Hara Miss Faith A. Oldham Mr. & Mrs. C. Hardy Oliver Jr. Mrs. Michael O'Reilly Mrs. Barbara W. Osborne Dr. Eileen M. Ouellette Mrs. Robert L. Palmer Mrs. Donald A. Park Sr. Mr. Floyd L. Parks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Parry Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Pease Mr. & Mrs. Hemy C. Petzel Mr. C. Weston Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Don Polvere Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mrs. Elinor M. Pullen Mrs. james B. Punderson Mr. David S. Rahilly Mrs. Jeanne G. Rand Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. Robert F. Ranney Mr. James T. Ranney LTJG Willian! M. Ranney USNR Mrs. A. L. Rawlings Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray III Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ray Mr. George G. Raymond Jr. Mrs. john R. Redfern Mr. Reginald Reed Mr. Albert C. Reid Jr. Mr. Harry Gardiner Reid Mr. & Mrs. Myles Reis Mr. William C. S. Remsen Mr. Robin A. Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Lydie L. Rickard Mrs. Barbara Hussey Riggins Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Ms. Alma Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Kip Robbins Mrs. Edward C. Roberts Mr. Chester Robinson Mrs. Helen Roca-Garcia Mr. Fred M. Rogerst Mrs. L. Francis Rooney Ms. Elizabeth A. Roos Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rovsek Mr. Robert S. Royce Mrs. Jaclyn R. Russell Mrs. J. Townsend Russell Dr. Sylvester]. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Salisbury Mrs. Cornelia Samuel Mrs. William Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey R. Sayle Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schaefer Mr. William M. Schaefer Jr. Ms. Patricia B. Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Ms. Karen C. Schwenk Mrs. Helen P. Seager Mrs. Kenneth Seagrave Ms. Kate L. Searls Mr. john C. Seedorff Mr. & Mrs. William Seegraber Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seibert Mr. David H. Semmes Mrs. William A. Sevrens Mr. & Mrs. C. Park Shaper Mr. & Mrs. Randolph G. Sharp Mrs. Gertrude C. Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Shiff Mr. joseph Shramko Mr. Herbert L. Shultz Mrs. Clarence L. Sibley Mrs. Russell A. Sibley Dr. & Mrs. William R. Siddall Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Sidon Mrs. Eugene M. Sigman Mr. Andre R. Sigourney Mrs. john D. Sillim:m Mr. & Mrs. George H. Simonds Mrs. Anne L. Simonson Mrs. Carroll D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Bowen Smith Ms. Hillary Smith Mr. Kent C. B. Smith
Mrs. Stanley M. Smith Mr. William E. Smith Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sorenson Mrs. Barbara Beinecke Spitler Ms. jennifer Newhouse Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. john K. Spring Mr. Mattltew P. Stackpole Mr. & Mrs. Renny A. Stackpole Mrs. George T. Stafford Mr. Frank F. Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Fred Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Krister Stendahl Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stiller Dr. & Mrs. john C. Stockman Mrs. Benjamin Stone Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stone Mr. Erick Storer Ms. Gretchen Storer Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Storer Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Stover Mrs. Anne P. Strain Mrs. Emily Stubbs-Macy Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sturdy Mrs. Sally M. Sturm Mr. Charles Swain Mr. & Mrs. jonathan F. Swain Mrs. P. Prime Swain Mr. & Mrs. Sidney E. Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Sylvia Mrs. Mary Ranke Tamplin Mr. & Mrs. David Tausig·Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Hans E. Tausig Mr. & Mrs. jared F. Tausig Mr. Justin D. Tausig Mr. joth:un P. Tausig Mr. & Mrs. john M. Taylor Jr. Mrs. joy C. Teal Mrs. Donald E. Terry Mrs. Hemy Riddel Terry Ms. Henrietta S. Thomas Mr. Thomas Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. C. Tiglon Mr. J. Amhony Timmons Mrs. Edward H. Townsend Jr. Mr. William 1\utch Mrs. Bert S. 1\trner Ms. Clara Urbahn Mrs. Herbert R. Van Ness Jr.
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Tbankyou note to NHA stafffrom sixth-grader Sally Benson.
37 Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign
• Matcbing corporate gift
t Deceased
Business Members Business Leaders
Business Partners
Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Cliffside Beach Club Congdon & Coleman Insurance
A Taste of Nantucket AI ovissimo, Technology Consultant American Seasons Barry Thurston Fishing Tackle Belanger, Paul & Cutone Architecture Brass Lantern Inn Centre Street Inn Chase Canopy Company Chip Webster & Associates Christopher L. Maury Design & Construction Coffin!Sconset Real Estate D. Neil Parent Associates Design Associates, Inc. Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Eldredge & Bourne Moving &Storage Flowers on Chestnut Foreign Affairs Hatch's Uquor Store Henry's Sandwich Shop Hepburn, Ltd. Hill's of antucket Hoorn-Ashby Gallery Hutch's Island Properties jeanette Topham Catering Kiwi johns Le Cherche-Midi Lee Real Estate
Denby Real Estate
Dujardin Design Associates Glidden & Glidden P.C. Harbor Fuel Oil Corporation james Lydon & Sons jared Coffin House johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Killen Real Estate Lucille jordan Associates, Inc. Mitchell's Book Corner Murray's Toggery Shop Nantucket Bank Pacific National, a Fleet Financial Company Trianon!Sean1an Schepps Young's Bicycle Shop
Business Sponsors Cape Cod Express, Inc. Edith Delker Real Estate Haberdashery of New England Hy-Line Cruises Mill Stone LLC Nantucket House Antiques & Interior Design Studio, Inc. Roberts House Sylvia Antiques/Four Winds Craft Guild
Lindsay, Inc. Lion's Paw Lyman Perry Architects, Ltd. Madaket Marine Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. antucket Country Nantucket Directory Nantucket Electric Company antucket Frameworks Nantucket Golf Club antucket Inn antucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Landfall Nantucket Magazine Nantucket Real Estate Company Nantucket SportsLocker antucket Storage Nantucket Today Nantucket Vineyard ina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Patricia A. Halsted, Attorney at Law PaulS. jensen, Attorney at Law Philbrick and Avery LLP Placesetters, Inc. Pro Buyer Associates Provisions Robert Wilson Galleries Royal Colley Associates Real Estate Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Sankaty Head Golf Club
Sarah E Alger, P.C. Sherburne Inn Swain's Travel Sweet Inspirations The Beachside at Nantucket The Club Car The Inquirer and Mirror The Maury People The Tile Room The Trinity Collection The Wade Cottages The Woodbox Inn Thirty Acre Wood LLC 1\vig Perkins, Inc. Vis-A-Vis W. B. Marden Weeds Zero Main
A bold listing denotes a Capital Campaign contribution.
Membership lists are complete as of December31. 2002. \Veapologizefor inadverlenl errors or omissiotJ.s.
Ifyou bar-e any corrections, please call (508) 228-1894, e.-.:t. 116.
Staff Year-round •part-time
Jean Allen Interpretation Specialist
Donna Dooley
Carolyn Sawyers
Shop Clerk
Shop Clerk
Frances Frisbie
Eleanor Shanah:u1
Bonita Orellana-Marris
Gallery Clerk
Shop Clerk
Administrative Assistant
Stacy-Ann Heedran
Dave Sherman
Betsy Pardi*
Shop Clerk
Katie LaBonte
Doris N. Simpson•
Niles D. Parker
Chief Curator
Jen MacDonald
Leigh A. Simpson•
Gallery Clerk
Visitor Services
Properties Assistant
Karen MacNab
Guy Smith
Johanna Richard
Finance Manager and
Human Resources Manager
Erik Metcalfe
Patrick Walsh-Vernetti
Marcia P. Rubin*
Amanda Nicholas
Timothy Wallace
Kathrina Pearl
Natalie Barrett• Properties Assistant
Edward Boynton Maintenance Supervisor
Douglas K. Burch• Interpreter/Visitor Services
Tony Dumitru
Store Associate Manager and Buyer
Lauren Noble
Sylwia Widacka
Shop Clerk
Ben Simons
Shop Clerk
Patricia Sheehy
Collections Manager
Patricia Frost* Interpreter
Kirstin Freeman Gamble Education and Public Programs Coordinator
Georgen Gilliam
Elizabeth Oldham Research Associate I Copy Editor
Curator ofLibrary and Archwes
Garth A. Grimmer* Interpreter
Jean Grimmer Associate Director/ Director ofDevelopment
Alan M. Hall* Interpreter
Marie Henke Photograph Archives Specialist
Amy P. Jenness
Assistant Curator
Linda G. Steehnan• Interpreter
Stacey Stuart Special Events and Marketing Manager
Anne Sweidel* Visitor Services
Susan C. Tracie* Interpreter
Barbara S. Varbalow• Visitor Services
Scott Waldie Properties Assisttmt
Information Systems Coordinator
Judy Widger
Cecil Barron Jensen
Peter M. Wilson•
Publications Manager and Public Relations
Frances Ruley Karttunen• Research Assistant Virginia R. Kinney Membership Coordinator
Emil Kleinen• Interpreter
Patricia Kleinen• Visitor Sen>ices
Rene LaPierre• Interpreter/Visitor Serl'ices
Cristin Merck Capital Campaign Associate
Donald McCreary Interpreter
Frank Milligan ExecutitVJ Director
Finance Assistant Interpreter
Georgina Winton Store Manager and Buyer
Fiona McAuliffe Carrol)'!! Milligan Programs Devefoper
Karen Murley Public Relations Assistant
Kathef)'ll O'Rourke Interpreter
justin Pariseau Senior Interpreter
Marion Peacock Visitor ServiG·es
judy Presber Gallery Clerk
Patri~k S. Prugh
Pat Pullman Gallery Clerk
Kate Raffile GalleTJ' Clerk
Kate Rerikh Gallery Clerk
Corb:in Rhodes
Seasonal Staff
Antonia Barantchikova
Gallery Clerk
Shop Clerk
Maria Biezanova Shop Clerk
D:utiela Bojilova Shop Clerk
Marissa Bozanh Interpreter
Emily Chiswick-Patterson Interpreter
Patricia Clinton Interpreter
jay D'Aprix Interpreter
2002 ANNUAL REPORT Editor: Cecil Barron jensen Copy Editor: Elizabeth Oldhan1 Design: Claire O'Keeffe I communicationDESIGN
Katherine A. Roedel Benjamin Rowles Interpreter
William Sandler* Properties Assistant
© 2003 Nantucket Historical Association 15 Broad Street, P. 0. Box 1016 Nantucket, MA 02554-1016 (508) 228-1894; fax: (508) 228-5618 nhainfo@nha.org
2002 Annual Report Nantucket Historical Association
15 Broad Street I P.O. Box 1016 Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554 © NHA 2003 ISSN 0439-2248 USPS246460