Annual Report 2003

Page 1

Board ofTrustees


Friends of the NHA

Planned Gifts Committee

Pamela C. Bartlett Rebecca M. Bartlett C. Marshall Beale Patricia M. Bridier

Walter Beinecke Jr. joan Brecker Patricia Butler Helen Winslow Chaset Michael deLeo Lyndon Dupuis Martha Groetzinger Dorrit D. P. Gutterson Nina Hellman Elizabeth Husted Elizabeth jacobsen Francis D. Lethbridge Reginald Levine Katherine S. Lodge Sharon Lorenzo Patricia Loring William B. Macombert Paul Madden Robert F. Mooney Jane C. Richmond Nancy J. Sevrens Scott M. Stearns Jr. Mary-Eli7.abeth Young

Pat &Thomas Anathan Mariano &Mortimer Appley Heidi & Max Berry Christy & William Camp Jr. Laurie & Robert Champion Dottie & Earle Craig Jr. Prudence &William Crozier Jr. Robyn &John Davis Sandra & Nelson Doubleday Nancee &john Erickson Marjorie K. &Charles F. Fortgang Nan &Charles Geschke Georgia & Thomas Gosnell Silvia Gosnell Barbara & Robert Griffin Barbara & Edmund Hajim George S. Heyer Jr. Barbara & Harvey jones Jr. Kathryn &James Ketelsen Sara jo & Arthur Kobacker Coco &Arie Kopelman Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Carolyn B. & !an MacKenzie Phyllis Macomber Miriam & Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Menschel Aileen & Scott Newquist Corky & Flint Ranney Gleaves & Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen &David Ross Til Linda & Harvey Saligman Charlotte Smith Genevieve & Richard Thcker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Young Jr.

Pamela C. Bartlett Bruce Bates Bradford R. Frost Jr. Ruth Grieder C. Richard Loftin Penelope Scheerer David H. Wood


Robert H. Bmst Nancy A. Chase john H. Davis Alice E Emerson Vice President

Mary B. E Espy Barbara E. Hajim Vice President

Nina Hellman julius Jensen liJ Arie L. Kopelman JaneT. Lamb Carolyn B. MacKenzie Friends oftbe NHA

Bmce D. Miller Peter W. Nash President

Bruce Percelay Melissa D. Philbrick Christopher C. Quick Arthur I. Reade Jr.• Susan F. Rotando Melanie R. Sabelltaus Hatvey Saligman Friends of/be NHA

Alfred F. Sanford Ill* Bette M. Spriggs Isabel C. Stewart john M. Sweeney Treasurer

E. Geoffrey Verney First Vice President Marcia P. Welch Vice President

Editorial Board of Advisors Mary H. Beman Margaret Moore Booker Richard L. Brecker Helen Winslow Chase, t historian Thomas B. Congdon Jr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Robert F. Mooney Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick Sally Seidman Bette M. Spriggs James Sulzer David H. Wood

jay M. Wilson Robert A. Young

NHA Research FeUows Dr. Elizabeth Littlet Pauline Maier Nathaniel Philbrick Patty jo S. Rice Renny A. Stackpole

Properties of the NHA Oldest House Hadwen House Macy-Christian House Robert Wyer House Thomas Macy House 1800 House Greater Light Old Mill Old Gaol Old Town Building Thomas Macy Warehouse Fire Hose Cart House Quaker Meeting House NHA Research Library Nantucket Whaling Museum Peter Foulger Museum Museum Shop Bartholomew Gosnold Center and Annex Folger-Franklin Memorial Fountain, Boulder, and Bench Settlers Burial Ground Tristram Coffin Homestead Monument Little Gallery Eleanor Ham Pony Field Mill Hill

Frank D. Milligan Executive Director, Ex Officio

• Term completed injuf)•2003 t Deceased

Blue quilted wedding skirt, ca. 1692-1715

Blue and gold silk taffeta dress, ca. 1850- 70

Chinese Mandarin shirt, ca. J860

Table of Contents From the President


Executive Director's Overview


2003 Achievements


2003 Accessions & Loans


NHA Heritage Society


Financial Reports


Annual Donors




Special Events


Nantucket Wine Festival, Annual Antiques Show, Festival of Trees and Wreaths, Harvest Square Dance

Capital Campaign


Current Members


Life Members


Business Members


On the cover: Spinning yarn at the first annual Sheep Shearing Festival. Plain Threads to Nanrucket Reds~ : Three Cennlfies of Nann1cket Fashion was the 2003 exhibition in the Peter Foulger Museum. At left and on the inside back pages are some of the objects on display Photographs 0J jeffrey S. Allen, courtesy of Nanmcket Today. Right:1be exhibition opening inspired visitors to dress Nantucket-style. Photographs 0J Cecil Barron jensen.

The mission of the Nantucket Historical Association is to preserve and interpret the history of Nantucket Island in order to inspire residents, both year-round and seasonal, to shape the island's future , with a greater appreciation and respect for their shared heritage, and to foster among all Nantucket residents and visitors a deeper appreciation of the important historical role that the island's people have played in national and world history.

Where the NHA will be in 2005

The Board of Trustees has adopted the following goals to be achieved by 2005: <? The association will provide island residents and visitors with innovative and engaging public programs, exhibitions, and publications. <? The association will be a model for preservation and conservation standards and a forum for furthering public discussion on related issues. <? The association's historical resources relating to Nantucket will be acknowledged by researchers as the best anywhere. <? The association, with strong and growing endowed resources, will continue to engage in vigorous fundraising sufficient to meet its current needs and perpetual growth.

Message from the President Although the new Museum Center will n the president's letter of 2002, Arie Kopelman concludes: "We must be tl1e center of tl1e Nantucket whaling now turn to the Museum Center. . .. story, it's also necessary to remember that The end result will serve the island commuthe HistoricaiAssociation is committed to nity in a number of new ways and will be the preservation of twenty-four other propan exciting first-class musetilll experience:' erties. Be it the Old Mill, the Oldest House, That is exactly where the tmstees and NHA tl1e Quaker Meeting House, Settlers' Burial staff directed their efforts in 2003 ... and Ground, or t11e 1800 House, ead1 is integral what an effort it was! to Nantucket's heritage. Closely related is t11e As was the case when Nantucket whalers need to "bring alive" properties in such a departed from our island for a three-to-fourway that t11ey become an essential resource year journey in uncharted waters, staffing for learning. For example, at the Old Mill d1.ildren can watch how corn is ground and and planning were essential for a successful voyage. So it was with the NHA staff as they then take the corn to tl1e Oldest House and NHA president prepared for a two-year voyage of unforebake bread as it was done in earlier tin1es. Peter Nash seen challenges and possible dismptions. Sin1.ilarly, we are well along in the process of Finalizing architectural plans, meeting with restoring the 1800 House for use as an active town governing boards (notably the Historic District learning center for Nann1cket arts and crafts.The NHA Commission and the Zoning Board ofAppeals), interviewboard and staff are in agreement that our island's historical ing general contractors, selecting Shawmut Constmction, properties not be just static symbols of a bygone era but and relocating staff to the NHA Research library and living assets that will offer an educational experience to the island community and visitor alike. Gosnold Center were but outward signs of a full and These are exciting and challenging times for tl1e NHA. gratifying year that culminated in ground breaking on October 11 . After 110 years of working to preserve Nann1cket history brief summary of the year's activities does not we are now poised to move forward in a way that will adequately describe the tireless leadersl1.ip of our execubetter serve an ever-increasing and broader-based constiniency. As I said at the gratmd-breaking ceremony, tive director Frank Milligan, Robyn and John Davis Curator Niles Parker, and Building Committee tmstees Bmce "Our journey has not always been smooth . . . and at times Percelay and GeoffVerney, who had overall responsibility lonely, but we would not be where we are today were it for the museunH:enter project.They were not alone, not for tl1e extraordinary generosity of a large number of however, as supporting them were the efforts of many people who love Nann1cket and are willing and able to people, tmstees and friends, involved in the all-important support our n1.ission! " fimd-raising activities.With associate director/director On behalf of the tmstees and staff, we are forever grateof development Jean Grinuner guiding and coordinating ful for your involvement, support, and passion in helping the effort, and under the leadership of Marcia Weld1 to preserve what is indeed a conmmnity treasure. and her committee assisted by the "Mill Hill" group of like tl1e whaling captains before us, it was in the planRebecca Bartlett, Nancy Chase, Mark Beale, Nina Hellman, and execution by our staff, tmstees, and supporters that the NHA is now positioned on the t11reshold of a and Robert Young, we have acetmmlated more than $18.5 million toward our $21-million goal. On the subject new era. Today, we can say with confidence: We are of conunittees, I'd like to acknowledge four committees Homeward Bound! not particularly well known outside of our boardroom: TI1ank you. Development, Finance, Membership, and Pers01mel, chaired by Barbara Hajim,John Sweeney, Robert Young, and Tish Emerson, respectively.Thank you, all. Peter W. Nash



Left:QUÂŁ1ker Meeting House,janUÂŁ/ry 2004


Executive Director's Overview Our "Remarkable Journal" of 2003 ne of the gems among the historic documents in the NHA's Fair Street ard1ival vault is a handsomely bmmd six-volume journal written by Nantucket businessman, Quaker, and historian Obed Macy. TI1ese incredibly detailed volumes, introduced as "a Journal of the Most Remarkable Events;' are a delight to read, filled as they are with Macy's firsthand observations of dayto-day events and econonlic and social trends. I like to think that the Macy journals are not tmlike the NHA's 2003 Annual Report that you are now reading. Indeed, the accomplishments outlined here describe Frank D. many ofthe"remarkable events" organized by the NHA's hard-working and creative staff, dedicated trustees, and devoted volunteers. Over the past twelve months this organization has focused on preserving several of its historic structures: the Quaker Meeting House on Fair Street; the 1800 House on Mill Street; and, of course, the extensive structural restoration of Broad Street's Peter Foulger and Whaling Musetmls.When completed next year, the latter building will appear much as it did when it was built in 1847 to process sperm-whale oil and make spermaceti candles. On a less visible front, our staff and one notably dedicated volunteer, Bob Hellman, have upgraded thousands of artifact records and improved the association's artifact-storage areas. 111is is preservation work of a different kind that will improve access to the collections while reducing the day-to-day handling of the objects.111is huge project will take years to complete, but much progress has been made in 2003. If preservation is one pillar of the NHA's nlission, then education is its twin. Clearly, the NHA's members and visitors


were well served in 2003 by association staff and the volunteers who offered a full year-rmmd selection of exhibitions, lectures, adult and fumily-<>riented walking tours, children's programs, and special events. Our staff, guest writers, and visiting scholars also advanced the NHA's educational nlission by producing publications based on research conducted in the Fair Street library and ard1ives adjacent to the restored Quaker Meeting House. Do you remember the marketing phrase trumpeted far and wide a few years ago "We do it all for you"? Tiut slogan aptly describes the array of "hands-<>n" Milligan educational programs offered by tl1e NHA in 2003from sheep shearing at tl1e Oldest House, Harvest Festival square dancing to specialized tours for collectors during .Antiques Show week and countless neighborhood garns. But we have not done it alone. Rather, we continued our collaboration with other island institutions and presented joint progran1s, including the "Monday Super Series: Summer Evenings ofArts and Ideas" that was held during the surnmer at the Unitarian Church and several preservation workshops, some of wl1ich were conducted by NHA staff. Thank you to all of our staff, our trustees, and voltmteersa.nd to you, our valued members who support tills organization with your time and financial resources. While it may be true that we work hard to "do it all for you;' it's also true that "We couldn't do it all without you! "

Left: Rolling beeswax candles at the Harvest Fair with NHA interpreter Patty Frost.

c]u/.(~ Frank D. Milligan


2003 Achievements + Installed in the Peter Foulger MuselUTI From Plain Threads

to Nantucket Reds"':¡ 300 Thars of Nantucket Fashion, which was visited by approximately 5,000 visitors who viewed clothing, hats, and fashion accessories ranging from eighteenth-century Quaker dresses to twentiethcentury resort wear. + Hosted a Fashion Symposium held in conjunction with

the fashion exhibition featuring Vanity Fair correspondent Maureen Orth, New York Times fashion critic Cathy Horyn, and the Museum at Fashion Institute ofTechnology's director and chief curator Dr. Valerie Steele. + Installed in the Research library's Whitney Gallery Nan-

tucket Roots: The Vz'ne and Hearts Family Registers featuring rare hand-painted family registers from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and Scallop Season: A Nantucket Chronicle, featuring photographs and texts from the book of the same name by Rob Benchley and Jim Patrick. + Moved into storage hundreds of artifacts from the Peter

Foulger Museum and the Whaling MuselUTI, which are undergoing extensive renovation and restoration. + Placed on long-term loan for display in the Nantucket

High School the forty-three-foot finback whale skeleton formerly on display in the Whaling Museum. + Acquired a 1764 portrait of Nantucket merchant Timothy

Folger, painted by John Singleton Copley, and the log from the Nantucket whaleship Susan, kept by Captain Reuben Russell on a trip to the Pacific from 1841 to 1846 (purchased by the Friends of the NHA at auction at Sotheby's). + Conducted museum education trips to the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the New England Flower Show;

Newport, R.I.; Cuttyhunk; and Plimoth Plantation. + Hosted E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellow Alison M. Gavin, a writer/editor for the National Archives and Records Administration who researched the QuaiseAsylun1 using the collections of the NHA Research library.

+ Collaborated with the Nantucket Atheneum, the Egan

Institute of Maritime Studies, and the Maria Mitchell Association to host the second annual "Monday Super Series: Summer Evenings ofArts and Ideas." WNAN 91.1 served as the series media partner and cosponsored with the NHA to bring Christopher Lydon to the island. Historian H. W. Brands was the NHA's other series speaker. + Registered approximately 5,000 visitors for historic down-

town walking tours, including a new family-oriented tour. + Registered 700 children for workshops including Colonial

Ufe and Below Decks, launched the Nantucket Girl Book Club for girls ages 10-12 and their parents, and in conjunction with the Community Network for Children hosted a five-day Time Travelers class during Febmary vacation. + Staff taught a series of workshops on preservation in

conjunction with the Preservation Alliance at the Nantucket Community SchooL + Awarded first Erwin L Greenberg Endowed Book Award to Amanda Nichols, a graduating Nantucket High

School student and a summer NHA museum interpreter. + Launched at the Oldest House the first annual Sheep

Shearing Festival in collaboration with Nantucket Sheep and Wool and Mass. Audubon; and once again hosted the Harvest Fair at the Old Mill and Nightmare on Main Street at four NHA locations, including the Old Gaol and Greater Light. + Welcomed 400 visitors to the Thursday evening Whaling

MuselUTI presentations. + Hosted first Artist-in-Residence, troubadour Bill Schustik, who performed at a variety of locations during the month of July through the generosity of an anonymous foundation. + Coordinated dozens of volunteers to launch the Nantucket Cemetery Registration Project

L toR: The preview party for 2003's Foulger Museum exhibition Plain Threads to Nantucket Reds"' inspired attendees to raid their closets for the vintage and the exotic. Dual Mclntyre,jim Lowe,judith and Tom Belash, Garth Grimmer; and a friend in a RedsrM lineup. Staffers Georgina Winton, Georgen Gilliam Chames, and Patricia Sheehy. Renny and julie Reinecke Stackpole. Fashion symposium speakers Cathy Horyn, Dr. Valerie Steele, and Maureen Orth.


to develop a database of historic cemetery inscriptions. + Awarded second place in the New

England Museum Association publications competition, for the 2002Year-End Appeal brochure, and honorable mention for the Antiques Show invitation in the American Association of Museums Publications Design competition. + Launched redesigned NHA website

First Lady Laura Bush toured the Whaling Museum with Robyn

( inApril.TI1e site, comand john Davis Curator Niles Pm"ker. Sheep shearing at the Oldest plete with searchable databases from the House. Inside the Fresnel lens with Renny Stackpole. research library, Historic Nantucket chaired by Anne Obrecht, netted $564,000 for the NHA's articles, and information about all of the NHA's historic education programs. properties and events has been well received by members, researchers, and visitors. + Hosted first Harvest Square Dance led by chairs Nina + Hosted a series of neighborhood "gams" arotmd the island

to gather oral histories of various neighborhoods. + Welcomed corporate and civic sponsorships of many

NHA exhibitions, events, preservation projects, educational programs, and membership-with Denby Real Estate giving memberships to thirty-nine new property owners. A complete list of grants and sponsors is printed on p. 17. + Exceeded any previous year's revenue for NHA memberships. + Latmched a special benefit program for Life Members. + Published for sale a twenty-four-page color souvenir guidebook to the association's historic properties. + Partnered with the Nantucket Wine Festival and the White

Elephant to present the 7th Annual Nantucket Wme Festival. Michel Ducamp of Nantucket Island Resorts and Denis and Susan Toner and Frank Neer of Nantucket Wine Festival presented a check to the NHA for $66,770.

+ Celebrated the 26th annual August Antiques Show with the theme of 300 tears of Nantucket Fashion. Marilyn Whitney opened her garden for the Antiques Show Cocktail Party and live auction and Jay Bauer of Trianon/Seaman I Schepps hosted the Antiques Show Dinner for the fifth consecutive year. The 2003 August Antiques Show,

Hellman and Irean Schreiber at the American Legion Hall in October. + Welcomed back for the third year Jo-Ann Winn as cl1air

of the Festival of Wreaths, who worked with creative designer Reggie Levine and a team of voltmteers to motmt a display of seventy-seven wreaths and sold all of them in a silent auction. + George Korn and Richard Kemble cochaired the tenth

annual Festival of Trees featuring fifty-seven decorated trees at the Egan Institute of Maritime Studies at the Coffin School Kimberly Corkran was honorary chair and Nantucket Bank was the lead sponsor for the ninth consecutive year. The Festival ofTrees Preview Party netted over $35,000 for the NHA. + Completed a thorough reexan1ination of the Museum Shop's

merchandising strategy, which led to a reorganization of the store layout and renewed concentration between merchandise and NHA collections and exhibitions. + Completed the extensive restoration of the Quaker Meeting House with financial assistance from the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee, and did restoration work at the Old Gaol and Old Mill + Relocated staff from downtown offices to the Research library on Fair Street and the Bartlett Road Bartholomew Gosnold Center in preparation for restoration and renovation of the Whaling Museum and Peter Foulger Museum.





Artist-in-residence Bill Schustik. Photograph by Mark Lovewell. Finback whale skeleton in its new home at Nantucket High School. Photograph by Rob Benchley. Niles Parker, Frank Milligan, and new Whaling Museum architect Martin Sokoloff


2003 Accessions and Loans 2003.1.1-4

Section of Nantucket Railroad rail; Whaling lance; Belaying pin; the Old Mill gear-wheel tootl1. Gift of john L. Becker


Objects found in Masonic Hall basement: shoe, glass, wood, ceramic fragments, bone, charcoal. Gift of Jeff Paige


Scrimshaw doll bed made by Capt. David Folger ca. 1845, for his daughter LydiaN. Folger, with doll. NIIA purchase and generous donations from Halvey Saligman, Peter Nash, Robert Young, and Reb Jensen


Reproduction scrimshaw in stand. Gift of John Cook


Brass pin 1vitl1 initials N. B. B. (probably Nantucket Brass Band) . Gift of]ack & Denise Korngold


Coconut Shell Dipper w!Whalebone Handle. Acmved clenched fist is at the end of the handle. The shell is polished and etched 1vith the name BETSEY TURNER around the tim. An eagle, tropical scene, and a plant in a large container are etched on the surface and are surrounded by geometric patterns. NHA Purchase


Figurehead from the iliree-masted schooner Daniel 1. Tenney, 1875. Gift of Hamilton Heard, William Hays, Ann Heard Jackson, and Edward E Heard


Portrait, Timothy Folger, by John Singleton Copley. NIIA Purchase 1vith gifts from three anonymous donors


Pmtrait, Mary ElizÂŁlbeth Coleman Brock, by Willimn Swain. Gift of FI"Jilces Elder


Andrea Doria stationery and envelope. Gift of Alden Richards


Scrimshaw watch holder. Gift of Ed1vin Obrecht


Silk shawl. Anonymous gift


Textiles, sewing kit, jewelry, whirligig, family registers, samplers, watercolors; objects related to Joy and Coffin fanlilies. Gift of Merwin Lodge


S1vitch key, Nantucket Railroad. Found at Low Bcacl1, Siasconset. Gift of Lois Tobin


Nine quarterboards. Gift of Florence Clifford


1\vo pewter spoons, ca. 1970, made by Nantucket Pewter. Anonymous gift


Commemol"dtive coin: U.S. Sanitary Commission Fair; Nantucke~ Massachusetts, August 1864. Gift of Robert E Mooney






Souvenir tootl1pick holder witl1 an in1age of toothpick holder Sankaty Lighthouse. Gift of Antl10ny M. Appa in honor of his parents Mr. Antl10ny M. Appa Sr. and Mrs. Patie Appa Hewlett-Packard 3800A Sutveyor's Distance Meter; HewlettPackard 3800A Power Uni~ Civil Engineers Field Book Used by island surveyor josiah S. Banett, 1970-85. Gift of jeffrey Blackwell Scroll painting Nantucket & Assorted Views 1878 by EC. Russell. Gift of Dr. & Mrs. Robert Booth


Rubber stamp, Nantucket Island 300th Birthday. Gift of Alida Storer


Quartzite arrowhead found at Pocomo. Gift of Robert Le\vis


Ten mTowheads found on Nantucket by Hoyle DeMoranviUe. Gift of Larrain DeMorm1viUe


Young's Bicycle Shop T-shirt. Gift of Hmvey Young, Young's Bicycle Shop


library Accessions RL2003.1

Book, Massachusetts Archives documents transcribed by Justin Pariseau: Act concerning Nantucket public schools,I845. Gift of Justin Pariseau


Payment book Anonymous gift


Book, Fifty Glimpses of Nantucket island Gift of George Keyes


Photograph collection. Gift of Inez Pickett


Photograph album of Siasconset Chapel. Gift of Mary-Elizabetl1 Young


Society for the Preservation of Old Mills materials. Gift of Helen Seager


lnlages of houses and properties held for sale by Denby Real Estate, u'l 1990-95. Gift of Flint II. Ranney


Journal of the Fifth Voyage of the whaling ship Susan 1841-46. Purchased at Sotheby's auction by tl1e Friends of the NHA with a donation from Carl and Sonia Sclunitt


Thomas Jefferson's "Report of ilie Secretary of State on the Subject of tl1e Cod and Whale Fisheries, 1791." NHA Purchase wiili a generous donation from the Osceola Foundation


Nantucket Community Chorus material. Gift of Helen Seager

American Windmills of Yesterday and Tomorrow by Volta Ton·ey; Windmills & WatermiUs by Jolm Reynolds. Gift of Helen Seager


Book, Elihu Coleman: Quaker Antislavery Pioneer of Nantucket. Gift of Charles Folger


Book,Panu papia Kriolu bydiManuel Goncalves. Gift of Carl]. Cruz

RL2003.55 Underwood & Underwood

Boxed Tony Sarg puzzles. Gift of Nancyl)rrer

RL2003.56 Book, Nantucket



Leaf from the New York Tribune featuring illustration of New York street by Tony Sarg. Gift of Nancy l)rrer

RL2003.54 Wbalemen's Shipping List

and Merchants Transcript. Gift of D. Weston Darby

Nantucket autochrome glass slides. Gift of L. Parker Stevenson Vanishing, photographs by Jiln Dunlap. Gift ofJinl Dunlap journal of the fifth voyage of the whaling ship Susan


Tourist map, "Welcome to Nantucket Island, 30 Miles at Sea!" [ca. 1960 .] Gift of Betsy Lowell


Book, journey Through Sun and Shadows: Poems by Lois Starbuck. Gift of Lois Folger Riley


Book, Footsteps: African American History, Cape Verde Isli1nds issue. Gift of Carl ].Cruz


Nantucket Town Crier microfilm. Gift of Nantucket Atl1eneum


Four franled hand-painted Marshall Gardiner linages of Siasconset. Gift of Martha's Vineyard Historical Society


"Bowl" of daguerreotypes and ambrotypes. Gift of Merwin S. Lodge


Books, Windmills and Watenni!ls ofLong Island by Anne Frances Pulling and Gerald A. Leeds; Windmills by Laura Brooks; Windmills ofLong Island by Robert J. Hefner; NHA walking tour brochure. Gift of Helen Seager

RL2003.58 Book, Brewer's Diction-

ary ofPhrase and Fable. Gift ofJonathan "Bing" Swain


Karsten Reinemo oral history interview tape and transcript, interviewed by Frances Karttunen. Gift of Frances Karttunen


Nantucket Holiday and tourist guides. Gift of Nancy A. Newhouse


Four Nantucket charts. Gift ofJolm Becker


Nantucket Garden Club scrapbooks, 2001 and 2002. Gift of Nantucket Garden Club


1Ypescript of a diary, "Summer 1896," by Ruth Dame Coolidge and Olive Dame Campbell. Gift of Marda Butman


Book,In the Wake ofMadness: The Murderous Voyage ofthe Wbaleship Sharon by Joan Druett. Gift of Cecil Barron Jensen


Photographs. Gift of Vineyard Gazette


Jolm W. Macy photograph album. Gift of Thomas Macy


Photograph of Emily Frances Whippey. Gift of Shirlee Kellogg


Photograph of the Larsen family at Sankaty Ughtl10use. Gift of Etl1el Larsen Hamilton Postcards of Nantucket. Gift of Mattila's V'meyard Histmical Sodety


Slides of Nantucket, taken in1956. Gift of Cathy A. Barbano


Slides of Nantucket, taken in the 196os and 1970s by Isabel Rich. Gift of David Field

RL2003. 70


St. Paul's Church photographs. Gift of Ann Stilmett


Family papers and photographs. Anonymous gift.

RL2003.81 & 109 Nantucket High School class photographs. Classes of 1933 :md 1939, donated; classes of 1937 and J938loaned for scannmg.


Bill of sale, schooner Victory of Nantucket. Gift of Donald E. SnelliJ1g



Book, Heritage ofPower: Marie LaVeau- Mary Ellen Pleasant, by Susheel Bibbs. Gift of Susheel Bibbs

Pamphlet, Stories miscellany and memories episodes and bygone characters of old Nantucket, by Jolm McLaughlin. Gift of Eleanor Weller Reade


Report, A Separate World: Black Nantucket and the Fight for Equality, 1769-1858, by Just:iJl A. Pariseau. Gift ofJustin A. Pariseau


Scan of image of Elizabeth Gilbett and Jolm Gilbert. Gift of Elizabetl1 Gilbert


Photographs. Gift of David Cllllmbers Fanlily papers and photograph album. Gift of C. Jacqueline Seidel

Gift of Eileen McGrath


Rep01i., The Asylum at Quaise: History ofan Antebellum New Engli1nd Poor Farm, by Alison Gavin. Gift of Alison Gavin



Reproduction of map of Nantucket Harbor, 1848. Gift of Helen Seager


Postcard of tl1e Chopping Block restaurant. Gift of Sally R.1pp



Sea Cliff Inn photographs, 1940. Gift of Barbara Ambach

Book, Historic Nantucket Lighthouses: Brant Point;A History' of Nantucket's Lighthouses on Brant Point, by James W. Claflin. Gift of Elizabeth Oldham


Photograph of Macy fishmg trip, l 876. Gift of Orrin Macy


House histories. Gift of Nantucket Preservation Trust


Gertrude Pratt scrapbooks. Gift of Patrick Paradis


Book, Nantucket: A Far Away island Gift of George Wheelock 11 2003 ANNUAL REPORT




Walter Glidden papers. Gift of Meg Glidden


TimotiJ)' White Papers, 1725-55. Gift of David Ogden

Books, A Visit to the Museum ofthe Old Dartmouth Historical Society by Zephaniall W. Pease; Windmills on Cape Cod and the Islands, by Fredrika A. Burrows; Wind-catchers:

Man's Black Beaver Hat; Black Bonnet; White Cotton Pique Dress and Jacket, 1869


Book, The Descendants of Thomas MacyJr. Gift of Orrin Macy

Loaned by Ruth Grieder


Book, The Bounty. the Tme

Cocktail Dress, 1950. Loaned by Dorrit Gutterson

Story ofthe Mutiny on the

Mitimn Congdon Child's White Ughthouse Dress, ca. 1965; Mirimn Congdon Child's Pink Whale Dress, ca. 1965; Nantucket Designs for Children Child's Green Dress wid1 Lace, ca. 1980 designed by Denison Buckley Green; Nantucket Designs for Children Child's Floral Print Dress wid1I.ace, ca. 1980 designed by Denison Buckley Green; Chinese Dress wom by Katherine "Kaki" Admns in the Main Street Fete, 1923. Loaned by Virginia Heard

Bounty by Caroline Alexander. Gift of Caroline Alexander RL2003.1 ()()

Photograph collection. Gift of Kenneth Blackshaw


Electronic resource: Grand Anny of the Republic: Civil War Veterans, Department of Mass.1chusetts, 1866 to 1947, compiled by A. Oe:m Sargent. Gift of A. Oe:U1 Sargent




Munay's Toggery Shop Navy Whale Belt, 1979; Munay's Toggety Shop Green Nm1tucket 'lie, 1979; Mumty's Toggety Shop Green Whale Pants, 1979.

Or'Jl history interviews with Edouard Stackpole, 1988. Gift of Paul Leighton

Loaned by David MacDougall m1tucket Print Dress by Ully Pulitzer, ca. 1975.

Loaned by Bonita Orellana

CD of scans of photos of Old North Cemetery. Gift of Jim Powers Photograph of Grace Brown Gardner, ca. 1915. Gift of Robert Young

. antucket Belt; ~antucket Reds'" Pants; Nantucket Reds'" Cap; avy Knit Sweater. Loaned by MuiTay's Toggery•Shop White Oxford Shirt. Loaned by Niles Parker Timothy Folger as painted by john Singleton. Copley


Wyer glass plate negatives. Gift of Ke1med1 Blackshaw


Photograph by Beverly llall. Gift of llelen Seager


Photographs of d1e Simpson fanilly, newspapers, and booklets. Gift of Merwin S. Lodge

White Blouse, ca. 1910; Printed Skirt, ca. 1908-1912; Apple Green Child's Bodice and Skirt, ca. 1893-97; Navy Blue Woman's Coat, ca. 1912; Navy 7-Gored Skirt, ca. 1905-10; Pina Clod1 Overdress, ca. 191 0-1914; Trousers; Nmltucket Main Street Fete Cosntme Dress m1d Botmet, 1976; Nmltucket Looms Seagull Print Dress, 1966; Clod1 Company of Nantucket \Vudflowers Dress, 1966; Cloth Compm1y of Nantucket; Sclimshaw Scarf, 1966. Loaned by julie Stackpole


Fitch family documents. Gift ofWillimn C. McCaw

Nmllucket Looms CPO Jacket by Lia Marks, 1985. Loaned by Mark Wilson


Book, Building oftbe Sbip by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston: Fields, Osgood, & Co. 1870. Gift of Donald & Patrida Par


Map of antucket. Gift of Ellen Holdgate


Log Book kept by Henry Worth highlighting a series of voyages made between 1789-1 797. NHA Purchase

2003 Incoming Loans Na1ltucket Roots: IUustrated Ge7lealogical Records

Exhibition Fanilly Record, Edward Cary and Lydia Bmnard, ca. 1812-14. Anonymous l.ixm Fmnily Record, Crispus Gardner and Margaret Clmse, signed by Daniel Stanton, c:L 1790s. Anonymous Loan Plain Threads to Na1llllcket Reds'": Three Cetltltries of Na1ltucket Fasbicm Exhibition

JAG! Cape Verdea1l Heritage 01l Na1ltltcket Exhibition

3 prayer cards; 2 prayer books; Group of dilided palm fronds; Rosmy; Fr'Jmed print. Loaned by Tberan Singleton Mortar m1d two pesdes. Loaned by james Bunvws 1 cranbeny scoop; 1 lm-ge mort,'U· ~md pesde. Loaned by Augustus Ramos Blue P:mo cloth; Orange ~md brown Cape Verde fabric; ll~md-woven Cape Verde tapeslly; Cape Verde Wall t.1pCSily wid1 fish motif; C.111 of tuna from Cape Verde; 4 Cape Verde flags; 1 bottle Cape Verde grog; 1 St. Martin de Porrer statue; 2 pmyer cm·ds featluing St. Martin; 3 br'.tided palms; Pan1phlet: Cape Verde: An Emerging Democracy; Booklet: Disionariu Preliminariu Kriolu; Book: Historical Dictionary oftbe Republic ofCape linle; Photo Book: Cabo Venle, photos by Cllristian BossuPicat; I..vge book: Imagens de Cabo Verde, Mid1el Renaudean; CDs: Pununayo presents Cape Verde, TI1e Soul of Cape Verde; Cesluia Evoria Cesaria Evoria, Cesaria Evoria Cafe Adantico and signed booklet Cesmia Evoria Le Monde de Cesaria Evoria; Rosary Bottle in basketry; Bottle of mm: Aguardente Velha de Cana Sacarina Alcane.

Loaned by Carl} Cruz

Clod1 Company of Nantucket Whale Scarf, ca. 1968. Loaned by judith Be/ash

Scallop Seaso1l: A Na1ltucket Cbro1licle Exhibition

Belt. Loaned by Richard Beckwith

Sixteen photogr'Jphs and labels. Text by Jinl Paltick. Photographs by Rob Benchley.

antucket Reds~ shorts. Loaned byJamie Bennett Advertisement, dated June 6, 1842, for the arrival of bonnets for sale by T. B. Carpenter at his 88 Main Street Store. Loaned by Darcy Creecb, Peter Beaton Hat Studio

2003 Outgoing Loans Nantucket Ughtship Basket Museum

Lightship Baskets

Nantucket Ughtship Museum

Lifesaving Medal

Lilly Mtzer Blue Patterned Pants; Woman's Blue and White Striped Swimsuit; Woman's Black Satin Swimsuit with Black and White Trim, 1920s; Woman's White Sailorback Swimsuit with Stars, 1930s; Woman's Blue, Yellow, and Orange Swimsuit, 1940s; Woman's Pink Satin Swimsuit, 1950s; Moby-Dick Piint Skirt, ca. 1955; Man's Striped Swimsuit, 1920s; Man's Navy Swimsuit; Child's Red and avy Swimsuit witl1 Eagle.

Egan Institute of Mmitime Studies

Prints, Artwork, ~1ags, Trophy, Photographs, Booklets, Maps, and Ship's Log

Smid1 College Musetun of Art

Painting, Capt. Myrick, by Eastman jolmson

Loaned by Nancy Gewitz, Antique T~ti/e Resource

American Quilt Museum

Star Quilt

Ully Nantucket Print 'lie, ca. 197 5. Loaned by Fiji Greenberg

Nantucket High School

Finback Whale Skeleton (long-tetm lom1)


NHA Heritage Society Honoring those who made gifts through their estate plans from 1900-2003 Bequests of Real Estate and Cash Since 1894 Gifts of Real Estate 1970s Ruth L. Christian Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace Brown Gardner 1980s Eleanor Ham 1990s Jacqueline S. Harris Oswald A. Tupancy

Gifts of Cash 1900s Lucia A. Cleveland josiah Folger Susan Wilson Folger 1910s Benjamin Sharp William Watson 1920s Alexander Starbuck

1930s Susan E. Brock Joseph E. Farnham Annie Barker Folger Frederick Gardner Mary Eliza Macy William Swift 1940s Frank R. Barnard Mary Durfree Sidney Mitchell Virginia Sharp 1950s Elizabeth Coffin Fitzgerald Emma E Hayward Pauline jolmson Helen Cartwright McCleary Mary Chase Milliken 1960s Elizabeth M. Blackburn Henry Coffin Carlisle William E. Gardner Mary Lowell Gouin Williant Mayhew Folger Ruth H. Marshall Florence E. Mitchell Alberta E. Rule Ruth Haviland Suuon

1970s Clara Louise Baker jennie Louise Barnitz Ruth L. Christian Valina M. Coffin Grace Brown Gardner Laura K. Hecker Dorothy Spencer Horton Mabel L. Howard Hanna Darlington Monaghan Helen B. Reynolds 1980s Florence Mary Anderson Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Maud G. Caldwell Isabel Worth Duffy H. Crowell Freeman Norman joy Greene Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Clifford R. Morris Lindsay Beach Norton Lois Raggio Russell Edwin Buckingham Sears Paul N. Turner 1990s Anonymous Margaret l. Buffington Content Peckham Cowan Beatrice L. Crosby Pauline Smith Freeman Katherine N. Gardner Eunice B. Haden Beulah Marcia Havens Stowers Whitman Pearson jessie L. Schenk Marjorie Schultz Maybelle Frost Vasbinder 2000s Jean Boyce Courtney L. Linder Lombard Leeds Mitchell Donald M.D. Thurber Amelia Frances Vickery

Bequests of Artifacts Since 1894 1900s Susan Wilson Folger 1920s Sarah E. Baxter Elizabeth Barker Boone Mary F. Carrington Thomas Colemart Annie Marie lmbert Mary Newhall Anna G. Swain

1930s Susan E. Brock hva Channing 1940s Anna Gardner Fish Ella Young Spencer Henry B. Worth 1950s Mary W. Babcock Augusta F. Bacheller Margarella S. Hinchman Frank B. Howard Helen Cartwright McCleary Elizabeth W. Morse Sarah E. Phillips Charlotte W. Pitman 1960s Margaret H. Crosby Mary B. Fisher Isabel Gibbs Margaret S. Hosmer Florence E. Mitchell Eugene Morris George Peabody Rowena Potter Virginia Swain Strong Ruth Haviland Sutton 1970s Lucy Allen Marjorie Barrett Louise Emerson Lillian DeBlois Fox Grace Brown Gardner lves Hendrick Annie Lawrence Hunton Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace C. Lasell Muriel C. Willet Christine 1'. Wyer 1980s Alvah C. Drake Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Gretchen Weeber 1990s Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Isabell L. Burnett Robert C. Caldwell Wellington]. Cummings Eunice B. Haden Eleanor Lowe Edouard A. Stackpole Elsie deSola Tupper 2000s Walter E. Lenk

99 Main Street. Gift of Oswald and Sallie Harris Tupancy Maintained in perpetuity l:ry the Tupancy-Harris Foundation


NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION Managing expenses in a highcost location such as Nantucket will always be difficult, but the NHA continues to strive to provide the best services within its fiscal constraints. In October, construction began on the new Whaling Museum, linking the Peter Foulger ~luseum and 1847 Candle Factory to provide wonderful, new gallery space. TI1e early closing of the museums had minimal impact on the financial results for 2003; the decrease in admissions was offset by increases in membership and education revenue. Operating expenses continued to be well controlled and total administrative and payroll costs increased only 5.4 percent. The association's special events fund-raising efforts continue to be an essential source of income. The Antiques Show is the foundation of the fundraising efforts and a key part of the NHA's financial success; the show's net contribution was $564,000. In addition, as the primary nonprofit partner of the :"'antucket Wine Festival, the NHA realized a $66,770 contribution. Income from the Year-End Appeal also increased by $18,000 or 24 percent. The new museum and the success ofthe capital campaign are keys to the NHA's financial future. In addition to funding construction of the new Whaling Museum and the Fair Street Research Library, the capital campaign will significantly increase the permanent endowment. Astrong endowment ensures that the NHA \fill have sufficient funds to fully accomplish its mission in the future. -



December 31, 2003 (with Summarized Financial Information for 2002)

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accrued interest receivable Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable Land, buildings, and equipment, net Long-term investments Collections

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Accrued and other liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets

2003 10,61 7,9 16 8,482 159,071 49,686 3,492,952 8,088,881 2,437,811


$ 24,854,799

$ 20,986,175





1,645,054 450,178 8,088,881 10,512,632 3,349,085

1,160,213 367,476 6,202 ,021 11 ,057,371 2,124,765



$ 24,854,799

$ 20,986,175

Tbe firu:mciÂŁll statem(>nts for 2003 have been audited try Bo/lus & Lynch, UP, who have rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available on request.


2002 9,890,772 8,197 154,930 49,686 2,680,062 6,202,021 2,000,507





$ 832,301

$ 196,237

337,799 286,203 516,163 100,848 919,467 294,845

384,435 259,664 573,473 90,756 973,969 304,762



282,427 198,554 225,348 124,239 402,181 287,202

317,146 189,462 232,600 117,524 485,811 275,754

850,975 395,358

767,520 371,408





535,696 88,959 2,633,742 (467,265)

(123,267) 74,258 6,496 (248,969)

Change in net assets from nonoperating activities



Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Purchase of collection items

3,312,474 (178,490)

(265,411) (28,662)

Change in net assets





$ 24,045,830

$ 20,911,846

Operating Activities: Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment return designated for operations Special fund-raising events Other earned revenue Net assets released from restrictions Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total

Operating Expenses: Program services Special Events Curatorial Education and public programs Research and library Museum Shop Buildings and maintenance Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development Total

Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment return Friends of the l\lfiA contributions Capital campaign contributions Capital can1paign expenses Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of buildings and equipment

Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year



Donors Year-End Appeal ($5,000 and above) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Adelson Mrs. Margaret Burden Childs Mr. Mark B. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stansky

($1,000- $4,999) Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Abbey Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. William C. Coxjr. Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. james Duffy Mr. & Mrs. james L. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hearst Ill Ms. Ellen E. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. W. Curtis Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Jan R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. john Sherman Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Barbara Beinecke Spitler Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mr. & Mrs. Bruce L. Warwick Mr. & Mrs. joe Wright In

($500- $1,000} Mr. J. Christopher Barron Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon Ms. Heidi Cox Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner S. Dutton Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Ed\vin E. Meader Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Memishian Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Ms. judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart

($100-$500} Mrs. Fay H. Anathan Mr. Alan F. Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Ms. Edith S. Bouriez Mr. & Mrs. john D. Braginton-Sntith Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. & Mrs. George U. Carneal

Ms. Sally M. Carter Mr. john C. Chadbourne Mr. james I. Coddington Jr. Ms. Brenda Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cohen Mr. & Mrs. William B. Coolidge Ms. Amanda B. Cross Mr. Edward L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Sheeroy Desai Mr. Kenneth W. Douglas Jr. Ms. Nancy S. Dunlap Dr. Alice F. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Erskine Jr. Mr. Robert B. Ficks Jr. Dr. john 1'. Howe Ill & Ms. Tyrrell Flawn Mr. Herbert H. Foster UJ Mr. & Mrs. john Fraunfelder Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr. Ms. Polly Ann Halsted Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Hoey Mrs. Peyton C. Horne Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. judy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Kellogg Mr.t & Mrs. Emil). Kleinert Ms. joan DiPreta & Mr. Bob Kupp Mr. & Mrs. Seddon W. Legg Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Mr. & Mrs. john Lochtefeld Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. james L. Malone fii Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. George Mrkonic Ms. Susan Lapine & Mr. Donald Mroz Mrs. Suzanne Parks Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Mr. & Mrs. David Rubin Mrs. john Schapiro Mr. & Mrs. john Sherwood Mrs. joan D. Small Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Small Mr. H. Brooks Smith Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mrs. Henry Riddell Terry Ms. Annie Teasdale & Mr. Nigel Timms Ms. Edythe M. Travelstead Mr. Thomas A. 1\vomeyJr. Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam S. Webster Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young

Mr. & Mrs. Ford M. Fraker Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner Mrs. Grenville Garside Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Dr. David S. Hays Ms. Kathleen Hood Rev. and Mrs. joellves Mr. & Mrs. William C. jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john Kendrick Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lee Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Bill Martling Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Mrs. Alfred E. Munier Ms. Susan C. Painter Mrs. Benjamin C. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Ray Pushkar Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Ms. Sandra F. Smith Mr. Duncan St. Clair Mr. & Mrs. Krister Stendahl Mr. & Mrs. Grove Stoddard

(Up to $50} Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Ames Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Anderson Mrs. llarold Arnold Mrs. Frederic W. Cook Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Mr. John R. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Whitney A. Gifford Mr. Robert N. Grant Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Ms. Edna High Mrs. Marjorie E. Hock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Loring Mr. & Mrs. Dual A. Macintyre Mr. & Mrs. DonaldS. McCreary Ms. Margarie McCully Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Ms. Patricia t . Sal meier Ms. Anne Sweidel Mrs. Margaret H. Trapnell Mrs. Gay G. Vogt Mrs. RobertS. Warehan1 Dr. & Mrs. john G. Webster

Unrestricted Gifts ($100 and above) Ms. Susan Cook Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Goodall Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Kales Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Ms. Polly Thayer MiUer Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Ms. Patricia Walsh Nantucket Island Management The Garden Conservancy, Inc.

($50- $99)

(Up to $100}

Mrs. Anne C. Allen Mr. Robert B. Berger Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mrs. john P. Elder Mr. & Mrs. l.eslie Feder

Ms. Katherine Ayotte Ms. Elaine A. Boehm Mr. & Mrs. William Borten Mr. & Mrs. jan1es A. Coffin Ms. Susan Cook

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coscia Mr. Richard Guttmacher Mr. & Mrs.Paul A. Kales Ms. Martha Davis Kelly Ms. Peggy Lubin Mr. & Mrs. Gardner MacDonald Ms. Katherine Ann McCluskey Ms. Margarie McCully Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller Ms. Grace Noyes Ms. Diana R. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rubin Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. George Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Varbalow

Restricted Gifts Anonymous (2) Mrs. Gale Arnold Mrs. Grace Morris Bardelis Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. & l\lrs. john V. Erickson Ms. Doris Fellerman Mr. John M. Heggem Mr. & Mrs. Julius jensen Ill Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. Anthony Prestandrea Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young Nantucket Garden Club Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Stephanie Speakman Charitable Trust Tides Foundation

Gifts in Honor of Living Persons 111 Honor of Caro()'ll MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. james L. Ketelsen Mr. & Mrs. David Ellen Ross In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Morgan K. Varner

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davis

Memorial Gifts Emil Kleinert

Ms. Elizabeth Barnes Ms. Christine Coderre Mr. Robert Fahrenholz Ms. Kirstin Gamble Ms. Rochelle Gaumond Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Gartl1 Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. john Koch Ms. Susan A. La Torre Mr. Ed\vin Landis Jr. Ms. Maria Lillo Ms. Karen jean MacNab Mr. & Mrs. Thomas 0. Maggs Ms. Christine Hart & Dr. Frank Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mongeau Mr. Robert Ohmes Ms. Billie Olson Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pace


Bold listing indicates a gift to tbe capital campaign

• Matcbing corporate gift

t Deceased

Educational Programs Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Stephanie Speakman Charitable Trust

Bill ScbustikArtist-in-Residence Ms. Doris Fellerman NHA Properties Mr. & Mrs. John V. Erickson Mr. John M. Heggem

Nancy Chase at Milk Street Gam

99 Main Street Tupancy-Harris Foundation

Mrs. Betsy Pardi Mr. & Mrs. George E. Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Mr. & Mrs. Peter Michael Roncetti Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Leigh A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Soule Mr. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Ms. Anne Sweidel Mr. & Mrs. Willard V:m Clear Mr. & Mrs. Michael Varbalow Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Weinstein Commonwealth Program Edwards & Kelcey

G. Richard Coffin Ms. Wendy Lee Coffin

Arlene Riccardi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Varbalow

Robert & Margaret Ames Ms. Luann Cribari & Mr. David Reid

Grants Acquisitions for the Collection Anonymous (2) Osceola Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen III Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Youug

Greater Ligbt Mrs. Gale Arnold Monaghan Trust Mr. Anthony Prestandrea

Old Miff Mrs. Grace Morris Bardelis

Researcb Library Nantucket Garden Club

Quaker Meeting House Town of N:mtucket/ Community Preservation Committee Fashion Exhibit Erica Wilson Needleworks, Inc. Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere MB Sport Murray's Toggery Shop, Inc. Nantucket Looms Pacific National a Fleet Financial Company Arie Kopelman Farewell Gift Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Membership Tides Foundation Capital Campaign Administration Ms. Nancy A. Chase

Mellon Matching Gift Progran1 Mobil Foundation, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation The Prudential Foundation SmithKline Beecham Foundation United Technologies United Way of Southeastern New Englru1d

Gam locations and hosts Trustees Rebecca Bartlett and Nru1cy Chase, gam organizers

and overall cbairs Pine Valley: April 10, 2003, Christine Hart and Frru1k Milligan, hosts Hussey Farm: May J8, 2003, David Ogden, host, and Georgia Snell, cohost ru1d master of ceremonies Naushop: June 5, 2003, Patricia and Emilt Kleinert, hosts. Bartlett Farm: june 26, 2003, Phil and Dorothy Bartlett, hosts. Harbor South: June 29, 2003, William and Louise Connell and jeffrey and Ma1y Smith, hosts Smith's Point: Aug. 6, 2003, Anne Davis, host Siasconset: Aug. 27, 2003, Joan Porter, host, with cohosts Dan Bixler, Joan Craig, Sheila Todd, janet Wagner, ru1d Grace Yates Milk Street: Sept. 5, 2003, Ben :md Adlumia Gannett, hosts

Harvest Fair Special Thanks Corporate Matching Gifts AT&T Foundation Bank of An1erica Foundation, Inc. BP America ExxonMobil Foundation H. j . Heinz Comp:my Foundation IBM International

Jorume Johnsen/Perennial Gardens Nantucket Bake Shop Town of Nantucket Department of Parks & Recreation

Sheep Shearing Special Thanks Victoria Harvey Nantucket Sheep and Wool Ernie Steinauer Mass Audubon Society

In-Kind Special TI1anks JeffreyS. Allen Gale Arnold Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Bruce Bates Susan Boardman Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines communicationDESIGN/ Claire O'Keeffe Congdon & Coleman Insurance Cathy Cooper Denby Real Estate Desroches Photography Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Egan InstiMe of Maritime Studies at the Coffin School Grand Union Greenwood Alarm John & Sara Hendrickson Brad Henke Henry's Sandwich Shop

Jnquh·er and Mirror Dr. Frru1ces Karttunen Marine Home Center Phil Marks Mill Stone Gener:~ Contractors LLC Nantt1cket Bake Shop Nantt1cket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Moorings Nantucket Plruming & Econo1nic Development Commission Alfred H. Novissimo Technology Consultant Philbrick &Avery LLP Marcia Rubin Ryder Electric Will Willauer Bob Winn David Winton

Volunteers Research Library Volunteers Pat Belford Donna Cooper Helen Didriksen Brenda Frey Doris Glazer Garth Grimmer Barclay Groseclose Nina Groseclose David Hays Susan Kirk Trevor Lockley AI Novissimo Les Ottinger joanne Polster James Powers Peg Read Penny Snow Barbara Thomas

Nancy Tyrer Gail Wru·d JayWru·d Barbara Colemru1 White Page Winstead

Curatorial and Education Volunteers James L. Baird Jr. Briru1 Cannon Laura CruHekin Alison Hall Cooley Bradford Frost Elizabeth Gilbert Victoria Harvey/ Nantucket Sheep and Wool Dorothy Hesselman Bob Hellman Joseph Hufnagle Alex Hart

Peggy Kaufman Kelly Knight Gina MacVicar Angela Mazaris Suzanne Moore Aimee Newell Claire O'Keeffe julie Stackpole Ernie Steinauer/Mass. Audubon Society Josh Van Hoesen

Office Volunteers Barbara Cohen Nancy Fromson Chris Hart Margrethe Mentes Debbie Tarnovish Kate Sweeney Ellen Young

Angela Mazaris and Gina Mac Wear dressing mannequins for the fashion exhibition.


2003 Wine Festival 2003 Wine Festival Supporters Barbara & Cary Akins Fay Anathan Marcia & Steve Anderson Carol & james Baird Billie' & Jinx Barrows Rebecca & john Bartlett john Bayer Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Belanger, Paul & Cutone Architecture judy & john Bel ash Debbie & jarney Bennett Susan & Bill Boardman Dana & David Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Gilles Bridier Susan Callanan George A. Cloutier Kimberly C. Corkran Ms. janet Dickinson Mark Donato Chris & joe Donelan Stephanie & Michel Ducamp Paula Dore Duffy Ruth & Tom duPont Shelton Ellis Cheryl & Chris Emery Doris Fellerman Ciara & jack Fritsch Patty & Nick Frost joyce & Mark Goldweitz joan & john Goodwin Toby Greenberg Peter J. Greenhalgh Garth Grimmer Mary O'Connell & Peter J. Grua Peter Guarino & Paul Willer Barbara & Ed Hajim Chris Hart Craig Hawkins & Stan Harvey David Hays Judi & Greg lliJI Linda & Peter Hoey Kim Reed & Kona Hosier Cassandra & Horace Irvine Paul jensen Danielle deBenedictis & Peter Karlson Jane King & Michael Karlson Patty Keifer Lisa & Michael Kittredge Bruce Korson & Neil Romanski Barbara & Richard Kotalac Michelle Langlois Pam Lassiter Rosalia & Robert Linn Angela & Francis Lombardi Tricia & Jim Lowe Leigh Ludwick james Lydon & Sons Carolyn & Jan MacKenzie Lisa Marquis Helena & joseph Martin William Mclane Gail & Walter Meagher Bruce D. MiUer Elsbeth & Charles Morgan Christopher Morris Sally & Peter Nash Anne & Paul Noble Valerie & Richard Norton


Ann & Bob Nussbaum Sonja Parker Bruce Percelay Judith & Arnold Poltenson ]. B. Presber Christine & Steven M. Rates Blake Richard Ellen & Kenneth Roman Susan & Lynn Rotando Elizabeth Rubin Bonnie & Richard Scolaro jennifer Shepherd Lisa & Alan Sherburne Alison Simons Dorothy Slover & Douglas Kenward Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Esta-Lee & Harris Stone Anne Sweidel Jane & Chuck Tardanico Susan Tracie The Trinity Collection Ken 1\Jrgeon Ruth 1\Jrriff Marcia & joe Welch Glenda & Larry Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. William White Ron Winters/Thirty Acre Wood K:tthryn Kay & Robert Young

2003 Wine Festival Donors Antonin Rodet Aunt Leah's Fudge Australian Wine Bureau Azienda Agraria San Lorenzo Baume & Mercier Daniel Bruce Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Caravelle Wine Selections Ceretto Winery Chappelle! Winery Nancy Chase The Chicken Box Veuve Clicquot, Inc. Commonwealth Wine & Spirits Barry Cooper Anne & Jack Curlett Dane Gallery DeLoach Vineyards joseph DiMartino Domaine Anglada-Deleger Domaine Chandon Mary Doty Dreyfus, Ashby & Company Dry Creek Vineyard Elyse Winery Fisher Vineyards Forager !louse Collection! Richard Kemble & George Korn Marjorie & Charles Fortgang Freschies Friends of the Nantucket Wine Festival Gabriel & Andreu Gazebo Pizza Janie & Eugene Goodwillie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Homegoods llanzel Vineyards Hill's of Nantucket

Left to right: Michael Sturgis, Denis Toner; jean Grimmer; Stacey Stuart, Michel Ducamp, Frank Neer; Susan Toner; Dennis Barquinero Deborah Hughes & Marty-Catherine Diebel International Poster Gallery ]. Lohr Winery J. Peppers Reb jensen Jill & Steven Karp Lisa & Michael Kittredge Kunde Estate Winery and Vineyards MacMurray Ranch Maison Alex Gamba! Martignetti Co. Michei-Schlumberger Wines, Ltd. Morgan Winery Robert Morrison Murphy-Goode Winery Nantucket Island Resorts I Michel Ducamp Nantucket Wine Festival Peter Nash No.9 Park Pedroncelli Winery Perrin & Fils Nat Philbrick Ritz-Carlton Hotel Robert Sinskey Vineyard Rodney Strong Vineyards Ruby Wine Co. Sequoia Grove Vineyards Silverado Vineyards Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Steele Wines, Inc. Susan M. Warner Catering Tanglewood and Boston Syntphony Orchestra Trefethen Vineyards Trinchero Family Estates 1\Jrley Winery Uniqco Vigilant Incorporated Vine Cliff Winery Vintage Gifts, Inc. Wayne Pratt Antiques Marcia & joe Welch Wente Vineyards Wimbledon Wine Co. Windmill Auto The Yoga Room I Shannah Green Kathryn Kay & Robert Young ZD Wines

Wine Festival Special Thanks Denis Toner Frank Neer john Hayes Susan Toner Barbara Hajim Marcia Welch

Nantucket Wine Festival Committee The White Elephant Michel Ducamp Maggie Benedict Susan Rotando Rafael Osona Pine Ridge Winery Pueblo Bonito Hotels & Resorts Ruby Wine Co. Sheraton Hacienda del Mar Sebastiani Vineyards & Winery Silverado Vineyards Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards St. Supery Vineyards & Winery Steele Wines, Inc. Veuve Clicquot, Lnc. Vigilant Incorporated Viking David H. Wells Wente Vineyards Windmill Auto Winebow Imports! Leonardo LoCascio Selections The Yoga Room!Shannah Green Lucinda E. Young Robert A. Young & Kathryn Kay Zaca Mesa Winery ZD Wines

Wine Festival Silent Auction Supporters l'hillip Arensberg james Aylward James Bennett Jim Brown Becky Bruce Emily Chandler Mark Donato Tom dul'ont Shelton Ellis Kim Fox Mark Goldweitz Steve Gordon jon Holtz Michael Kittredge Kevin Lilly Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie joseph Martin Bruce D. Miller Frank Neer Margaret Nelson Sonja Parker Angela Raynor Robert Reynolds Diane Shortall Ann Sollas Donna & John Weaver Roger Witten bach

The Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association + With the start of the new

restoration of the Whaling Museum and renovation of the Peter Foulger Museum. Speakers that day included trustees Peter Nash, president, and John Davis;Janeen Manghis, a student at Nantucket's Cyrus Peirce Middle School; and Robin Gosnell Travers, whose parents, Georgia and Tom Gosnell, made the cornerstone gift to the project. Raising their cups of cider"grog;' Mimi Beman and Frank Milligan, executive director, led participants in a toast to the success of the museum project.

year, trustee Marcia Welch was named capital campaign chair. She succeeded Peter Nash, who had served as chair since 1997.With $5.5 million left to raise, the cotmtdown began to bring the campaign home to its $21 million goal.


The Nantucket Historic Trustee Marda Welch District Commission approved the design plans for the Museum Center in June. Shawmut Design and Construction of Boston was selected as the contractor for the overall project of restoration, renovation, and construction. The architects are Martin Sokoloff Architects of Brookline and A-Point Design of Boston. Amaze Design of Boston is developing the exhibitions.

+ Trustee Polly Espy chaired the event.The invitation featured trustee Nancy Chase's colorful illustration of a sperm whale. The skeleton of a forty-seven-foot sperm whale will be the centerpiece of the museum.


l11e NHA launched the community phase of the capital campaign in late October. Chaired by trustee Rebecca Bartlett, the community campaign received more than $177,000 in gifts and pledges from 187 individuals by the end of the year. The NHA will continue this effort through the stmlffier of 2004, reaching out to all NHA members and Nantucket's year-rmmd and seasonal residents to ask their support of the campaign.


Fall receptions hosted by trustees Bruce Percelay and C. Marshall Beale delivered the message of the community campaign to Nantucket seasonal residents in Boston.


By the close of the year, The Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association had received gifts and pledges of $18.5 million toward the $21 million goal. With $2.5 million to raise, the NHA is poised to tum "homeward bound" and secure the success of the capital campaign in 2004.

+ Peter Nash, former campaign chair, was elected the NHA's eighteenth president during the Annual Meeting July 25.

+ l11roughout the SUlllffier and fall months, trustees and volunteer solicitors were busy making campaign calls and sharing the good news about the museum restoration, renovation, and new construction project.

+ The NHA board of trustees armounced in September that trustee John Davis and his wife, Robyn, had made a $1 million gift to endow the position of chief curator. Niles Parker had the honor of being named the first Robyn and John Davis Curator.


+ More than 175 NHA members and friends joined the festivities October 11 as the NHA broke ground on Broad Street for the Museum Center and the






NHA trustees Robert Young, Nancy Chase, Rebecca Bartlett, Mark Beale, speaker Robin Gosnell Travers, executive director Frank Milligan, president Peter Nash, middle school student janeen Manghis, Marda Welch, Bruce Percelay, Tish Emerson, and john Davis are poised to break ground on October II.


OTHER $29,750

Cost of the Campaign 19%-2003: Six cents on the dollar

Recognizing Leaders of the Campaign for the Nantucket Historical $2 Million and above ~ Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell A Museum Center/Gosnell Hall

Museum Center


In ho110r ofDorothy Slowr & Doug Kenward

= Omega

Teresa &John Heinz III Fund of the Heinz Family Foundation Whaling Museum/


Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Research Library Endowment


Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Lehrman Museum Center/Fresnel Lens Exhibit


Candle Factory Restoration




Anonymous Unrestricted Research Library/ EdwardC.ry jean MacFbail Weber E."<jJ/oration Room


Robyn &John Davis Irene E. & George A. Davis Foundation Permanent Endowment/Curatorial Chair Unrestricted Research Library/

In memory ofEdward W. Lombard In ba1wr ofBunller; Folger. and Gardner Families



Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Unrestricted

Two Brothers

Mr. & Mrs. James}. Pallotta Unrestricted


Estate of Marjorie Shultz Permanent Endowment

$250,000 and above

• Ohio


Henry Astor

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Museum Center/ Below Decks Exhibit

Library Display Cases Museum Center Research Library/

Thpancy-Harris Foundation Research Library/ Compact Storage, Digital Image Arcbives, Computer Room

Research Library/ jean MacPbail Weber Exploration Room

jean MacPhail Weber E.tplorationlloom


The Cox Foundation Unrestricted


Mr.t & Mrs. Thomas C. Gosnell Unrestricted

john Adams I


$100,000 and above Anonymous Unrestricted

In h01wr ofjohn K Whitney & jobn K Whitney}r


Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Museum Center!Wbale Exhibit

jean MacPhoil Weber E.tploration Room

$500,000 and above

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Whitney Gallery

In banor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenward

Lro1 Starbuck


l• \DI

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Unrestricted


Estate of Mrs. L. Linder Lombard Permanent Endowment


$1 Million and above


Washington 1/

Business Plan

Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Unrestricted


Anonymous Unrestricted

Daniel Webster

• •

Anonymous Research Library

Hero //


Anonymous Unrestricted

w lnduslry

m •

Ntmtucket Timeline Exbibit


Young Eagle

Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen III Unrestricted Museum Center In hotzor ofDoi'Oihy Slover & Doug Kenward

Research Library/ jean MacPhail Weber Exploration Room

Anonymous Unrestricted

}ames Loper

Anonymous Unrestricted

South America


Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Museum Center/




Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund Museum Shop Showroom

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Akers Unrestricted


Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Jones Jr. Unrestricted

Lydia /I


Nantucket II

Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Museum Center/ Children's Education Room

Research Library/ jeatz MacPhail Weber E.Tploration Room


Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Museum Center/Town Clock Exbibit Museum Center In bo110r ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenward

Research Library/ }eanlllacPhaiJ Weber Exploration Room

Historic Properties Endowment



Ms. Eileen Gebrian & Mr. Tunothy Barberich Permanent Endowment

William E. Little Jr. Family Unrestricted Criterion

Association: Signals of the Nantucket Whaling Fleet 1788-1865

EJ Nantucket II

Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Unrestricted Museum Center In honorofDorotbySim¥!1" &Doug Kenwanl


Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Research Library/


The Gilbert Verney Foundation Permanent Endowment


Mr. & Mrs. joseph F. Welch Unrestricted Museum Center

Visiting Scholar Endowment


Research Library/ jean ftfacPbail Weber &plorationlloom



Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Museum Center/ \cmtucket Wbalers Exbibit

john Adams II

Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Moore Museum Center

~ Srotland

Sea Lion

In bonor ofDorotby SloiK!T & Doug Keml!anl

Research Library/ jean ftfacf'bail Weber &plorationlloom

In lxmorofDorotby SloiK!T & Doug Kenwanl

Research Library/ jean MacPbaillfeber Exploration !loom

~ Cyrus


In honor ofDorolbJ' SloiK!T & Doug Ken want

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Unrestricted


[II Roxana



Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Rales The Satori Foundation Unrestricted

Alice Rogoff Rubenstein Unrestricted

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider Permanent Endowment


m m

•m Tyleston


Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Bossidy Permanent Endowment

New Packet

Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Breakiron Unrestricted

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Thcker Unrestricted Museum Center Research Library/ jean Afacl'bail Weber fuploration Room



jack Manning & Lyle Howland Unrestricted

Estate of Leeds Mitchell Jr. Permanent Endowment


Percelay Charitable Trust Museum Center/Lobby and Vestibule


Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Rotando Permanent Endowment Museum Center


The Sanford Family



In bonor ofDorothy S/oiK!T & Doug Ken want



Mr. Jason R. Briggs Museum Center


Charles Carroll

== ~


Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mrs. Alfred F. Sanford n Mr. Alfred F. Sanford lll Christine & Edward Sanford Ms. Polly Sanford

Research Library Furnishings In bonor ofTeenie Sanfonl

Judy & Bob Brust Unrestricted


Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Clark Unrestricted




Mary I/

Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV Unrestricted Permanent Endowment


janet L. & Richard G. Sherlund Peter Foulger Museum/ NHA Boardroom

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Taylor Unrestricted


Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Unrestricted

Grace Ellen Morris Bardelis Museum Center/ Little Callery

Estate of jean Boyce Courtney Permanent Endowment


The Larsen Fund Unrestricted

Three Brothers

$50,000 and above




General Jackson


Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske Unrestricted Museum Center



Franklin I

Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Unrestricted Museum Center


The Ellen Howe Family Unrestricted

M Spartan


Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Permanent Endowment


Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Griffin Permanent Endowment Museum Center

Golden Farmer


In honor ofDorothy S/oiK!T & Doug Kenwanl

The Warrington Foundation Sam and Janet Bailey Museum Center/ Whaling Empire Audio· Visual E.~hibit

$25,000 and above Anonymous Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Thomas}. Anathan Pennanent Endowment/New Acquisitions Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley Pennanent Endowment Nancy & Michael Barrington Unrestricted Jane Beasley Foundation Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broil Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Cross Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Research Ubrary/ jean MacPhail Weber E.xplorati01> Room

Museum Center In honorofDorothySiomr& Doug Kenward

Mr. and Mrs. H. Flint Ranney/ Denby Real Estate Unrestricted Museum Center In honor of/Jorotby Sfot¥!7" & Doog Kemmrd

Dr. Alice F. Emerson Historic Properties Endowment In bonor ofjean & Roger Emst

Museum Center In honor ofDorothy Slover & Doog Kenward

Unrestricted Research Library/ jean MacPhail Weber Exploration Room

TI1e Charles Engelhard Foundation Museum Center Dr. & ~trs. John W. Espy Unrestricted Museum Center In lxmorof/Jorothy Slover & lxmg Kenu'llrri

Martha Hooper Parke Gibian Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Erwin L. Greenberg Unrestricted Ms. Sandra R. Holland Unrestricted Museum Center In honor ofDorothy Slowr & Doug Ketzward

Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. D. Gregory Horrigan Unrestricted Jockey Hollow Foundation Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Pennanent Endowment Unrestricted Museum Center In lxmor ofDorothy Slowr & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Macfarlane Ill Museum Center Mr. Norman E. Mack II Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Orr Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Virgil M. Price II Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Unrestricted

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sabelhaus Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Museum Center In honor ofWiUiam A SeriiY!IIS

Julie & Brian Simmons Unrestricted Ms. Dorothy Slover & Mr. Douglas Kenward Museum Center/Window on Broad Street Research Ubrary/ jean ftfacPhail Weber E.rploralion Room

Joly &Jim Stewart Unrestricted Marjorie & Louis Susman Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William H. Woolverton Ill Unrestricted Suzanne & Bob Wright Unrestricted

$15,000 and above Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed Permanent Endowment Rhonda & Doug Cassity Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hilton Jr. Unrestricted Mrs. Barbara Malcohn Permanent Endowment Toni & Martin McKerrow Unrestricted Nantucket Bank Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Unrestricted Research Ubrary/ jetm MacPhail Weber E.rploration Room Janet L. Robinson

Museum Center/

Children sProgratns Resources

Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soros Unrestricted Mrs. Patricia Walsh Unrestricted Mrs. John K. Whitney Permanent Endowment Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young Unrestricted Museum Center In lxnwr ofDorolllJ' Sfot¥!7" & Doug Keuward

Historic Properties Endowment Research library/ jean MacPhail Weber Exploration Room

$10,000 and above Anonymous Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Warren}. Adelson Unrestricted Mrs. Gale Arnold Unrestricted Amb. Elizabeth Frowley Bagley & Mr. Smith Bagley Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William}. Charlton Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. P. Erik Christensen Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp III Unrestricted

Mr. t & 1\trs. Richard E. Deutsch Research Ubrarv Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Diamond Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dupuis Ill Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John V. Erickson Permanent Endowment Museum Center In honor ofDorothy Slowr & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Unrestricted Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Gannett Permanent Endowment Museum Center Ms. Janice Hyland & Mr. Alan Granby Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. John S. Greenebaum Historic Properties Endowment In honor ofMargaret Benedict

Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heard Jr. Unrestricted Dr. George S. Heyer Jr. Permanent Endowment Mr. D. Brainerd Hohnes Unrestricted Lois &John Horgan Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. JeffreyS. Horowitz Unrestricted Iacocca Foundation Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Horace Irvine Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs.JohnJ. Kennedy Unrestricted Mr. & ~Irs. Richardson T. Merriman Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Parker Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. David Ross Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons Museum Center/Whale Mrs. Gordon Smith Unrestricted Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Wat H. Tyler Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. F. Jay Ward Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. F. Hehnut Weymar Unrestricted Mary & David Wolff Unrestricted

$5,000 and above Anonymous Museum Center In honorofDorotbySlot¥!7"&/Joug Ketzward

Historic Properties Endowment Anonymous Research Ubrary/Lockers Eugene D. Atkinson Family Foundation Unrestricted Museum Center In lxmorof/Jorothy Slover & Doug Ket1ward

Mr. Alan F. Atwood Unrestricted Research Ubrary/ jean ftfacPhail Weber E.TjJioration Room

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Barnett Unrestricted Museum Center In honor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John Bruce Bredin Unrestricted Sally A. & Richard A. Charpie Unrestricted Ms. Nancy A. Chase Unrestricted Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Alexius C. Conroy Unrestricted Donna K. Cooper & Karl H. Schulz Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Norwood H. Davis Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. DiMartino Unrestricted Museum Center Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Unrestricted Museum Center In h01wr ofDoroth;• Slot¥!7" & Doug Ketzu'tlrd

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Freilich Research Library Dr. & Mrs. Laurance}. Guido Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Unrestricted Museum Center In lxmorofDorothyS/over & Doog Ketmr1rd

Prof. William A. Hance Unrestricted Research Ubrary/ jean MacPhail Weber Exploration Room

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III Unrestricted Nina & Bob Hellman Historic Properties Endowment Museum Center In b01wr ofDorothy Slot¥!7" & Doug Kenward

Richard Kemble & George Korn Unrestricted Museum Center In bonor ofDoroth;• Sloter & Doug Kemi'Ord

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ketelsen Unrestricted R. C. Lilly Foundation/ Mr. & Mrs. David C. Lilly Permanent Endowment Mr.t & Mrs. William Macomber Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Unrestricted Dr. Frank Milligan & Ms. Christine Hart Unrestricted Museum Center In bonor ofDorotby Slot¥!7" & Doug Kenuwrd

Mr. & Mrs. Morgan}. Murray Permanent Endowment Nichols Foundation, Inc. Children's Education Room Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Research Ubrary Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Pennanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Permanent Endowment Arch W. Shaw Foundation Unrestricted Stephanie Speakman Charitable Trust Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Thrower Unrestricted

Mr. David H. Wood Unrestricted Research Library/ jean MacPhail Weber E:rploralion !loom

$2,500 and above Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Beman Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Burnham Unrestricted Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Museum Center hi honor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kemmrd

Permanent Endowment Mr. Harrison C. Freeman Jr. Unrestricted Jean & Garth Grimmer Permanent Endowment Museum Center In honor ofDorothy S/oL>er & Doug Kenward

Ms. Carolyn M. Knutson Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Robert Roy Larsen Unrestricted Ms. Martha Berman & Mr. Robert Lipp Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. William C. MiUer IV Historic Properties Endowment Unrestricted Mr. Bruce D. Miller Permanent Endowment Research Library/ jean MacPhail Weber Exploration/loom

Museum Center In honor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kemmrd

Osceola Foundation, Inc. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Unrestricted Research Library/ jean MacPhail Wehir E:rploratkm !loom

Mr. & Mrs. David Sachs Unrestricted In ixmor of Ed & &rbara Hajim

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sayer Unrestricted Judith Greenberg-Seinfeld & Dr. Robert Seinfeldt Research Library Endowment Mrs. Christine Willcox Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Unrestricted Ms. Jill J. Wolfe Museum Center

$1,000 and above Anonymous Unrestricted In honor ofMr. &Airs. 77JOmas H. Gosnell

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Albani Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R. Allen Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Norman]. Asher Unrestricted Dr. & Mrs. David Barlow Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bartlett Museum Center In iJOnorof WiUiamA. SevretiS

Mr. & Mrs. William Barton Museum Center Mrs. Margaret Berkheimert Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William S. Brenizer Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Museum Center In honor ofDorotby Slover & Doug Kenward

Research Ubrary/ jean MacPhail Weber Exploration !loom

Mrs. Elizabeth Broadust Unrestricted Ms. Carolyn Buckingham Unrestricted Ms. Katherine Grover & Mr. Michael Campbell Permanent Endowment Ms. Anne Delaney & Mr. Calvin R. Carver Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cavanaugh Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. jay D. D'Aprix Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. duPont Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Ford M. Fraker Unrestricted Mr. Theodore Giletti Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs.t James Glidden Unrestricted Mrs. Toby Greenberg Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harleman Research Library Mr. & Mrs. James A. Haslam II Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. G. S. Hill Permanent Endowment Museum Center In bonor qfDorotby Slover & Doug Kenu'tlrd

Ms. Nancy A. Newhouse & Mr. Kenneth HoldgateJr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Eli Winkler Kaufman Unrestricted Mr. Thomas F. Kennelly Unrestricted Mr. Neil Romanski & Mr. Bruce A. Korson Unrestricted Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William R. J. Lothian Museum Center In IJOnor ofDorotby SloL>er & Doug Ketm'tlrd

Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Research Library In bOlwrofE/i.mbetb Oldham

Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lowenstein Research Library Mr. Albert L. Manning Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John Meyer Research Library/Whitney Gallery Nantucket Friends Meeting Research Library Mrs. Lucile Northrop Museum Center Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. V. Henry O'Neill Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rubin Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. WiUiam M. Schaefer Unrestricted Mrs. Helen Seager Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. William Sheehan Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Unrestricted Rev. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thom]r. Unrestricted

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas Museum Center Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Tiger Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wagner Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. William A. Waller Unrestricted

$500 and above Anonymous Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Museum Center Ms. Pamela C. Bartlett Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John W. Belash Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Robert Braunohler Unrestricted Estate of Donald M. Thurber Research Library Endowment Ms. Judith Brownell Unrestricted Ms. Deborah]. Bryan Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Carey Jr. Unrestricted Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. joseph W. Damsker Permanent Endowment Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan W. Delano Museum Center Permanent Endowment Mr. Paul J. Dobrowolski Research Library Mrs. Mary Drew Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Nicolae A. Dumitru Permanent Endowment Ms. Nancy S. Dunlap Unrestricted Mrs. Doris Fellerman Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Bradford R. Frost Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. Gidwitz Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Gifford Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin Unrestricted Mr. Steven Green Unrestricted Mrs. Martha Groetzinger Unrestricted Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Heard Permanent Endowment Ms. Susan Tate & Mr. Mark Hogan Permanent Endowment Mr. Eric S. Holch Museum Center Mrs. Elizabeth jacobsen Unrestricted

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Jensen Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. William Johnston Jr. Unrestricted Mrs. Stephen Karper Unrestricted Mrs. Ann Killen Permanent Endowment Mrs. Virginia Kinney Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Rene 0. LaPierre Unrestricted Mr. Joseph M. Lopes Unrestricted Mr. Thomas Blair Macy Unrestricted Jacob Martinson Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Museum Center Ms. Cristin D. Merck Museum Center In hanor ofEditb & Nom1an Delker

Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Ballard Mix III Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Allen S. Morton Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Moses Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. George Mrkonic Unrestricted Ms. Elizabeth Oldham Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paley Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Niles Parker Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Parker Unrestricted Mrs. Manning Parsons Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Robert Payne Unrestricted Mr. & ~trs. Michael Peacock Unrestricted Ms. Gloria Grimshaw & Mr. Bruce H. Poor Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Blake Richard Permanent Endowment Ms. Linda M. Rosenberg Unrestricted Dr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Schreiber Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Seiger Unrestricted Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Shortall Unrestricted Ms. Penny F. Snow Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence L. Stentzel II Unrestricted Ms. Stacey Stuart Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Duncan D. Sutphen Unrestricted Ms. Anne Sweidel Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Thune Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Virtue Unrestricted Mr. Jim Walker Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Tom S. Ward Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winn Unrestricted

Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Wrubel Unrestricted

Up to $500 Anonymous Unrestricted Anonymous Unrestricted Ms. Petra Aldrich Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Ames Unrestricted Mr. Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Pem1anent Endowment Museum Center lnlxmorofDorotbyS/over& Doug Kenu'Ord

Ms. Sandra Ashley Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Atkinson Museum Center In lxmor ofDorotby Slover & Doug Kenward

Ms. Jane D. Ayres Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Bains Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Bartlett Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bell Unrestricted Ms. Alice Breed Unrestricted Mrs. Phyllis Burchell Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Cady Permanent Endowment Mr. Len Campanale Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Research Library Ms. Kelly Griffin & Mr. Doug Collatz Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. Cox Jr. Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. F. William Crandall Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Justin Doan Museum Center In bonorofDorotiJySkJver& Doug Kenward

Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Donelan II Museum Center lnlxmor ofDorotllJI S/ot¥!1' & Doug Kenuwrd Mr. Lee Bierly & Mr. Christopher Drake

Museum Center In bouorofDorothy S/oz¥!1' & Doug Kenuwrd

Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Duncan Unrestricted Mr. Shelton Ellis Museum Center In bonor ofDorothy SkJver & Doug Kenward

Ms. Darcie Evans Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John W. Everets Museum Center lr1 bonor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Farrell Unrestricted Mr. John R. Finney Museum Center Ms. Judith L. Flynn Museum Center In bonorofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenward

Mrs. Jean Folger Museum Center Mr. & Mrs. J Pepper Frazier Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gambee Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. William A. Giddings Unrestricted

Mrs. Margaret Gifford Unrestricted In bonorofPeter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. John Gilbert

Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Joshua R. Gillenson Unrestricted Mr. Ed Goldman Unrestricted Ms. Bee D. Gonnella Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John B. Goodwin Jr. Museum Center In honor ofDorotby Slover & Doug Kenuwrtl

Ms. Susan Zises Green Museum Center In bonor ofDoroth)' SkJver & Doug Kenuwrtl

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Grote Museum Center In bonor ofDorotllJI Slover & Doug Kemmrd

Ms. Janet Steinmayer & Mr. Victor Guaglianone Unrestricted Ms. Beverly Hall Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Brooks Hall Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell Ill Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Richard). Hart Unrestricted Dr. David S. Hays Research Library Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hillger Historic Properties Endowment Ms. Grace Hinkley Unrestricted Mrs. Elizabeth Husted Permanent Endowment Ms. Christine M. Iller Unrestricted Ms. Anne H. Isbister Unrestricted Ms. Stephanie B. johnes Museum Center In bonorofDorothy Slot¥!1' & Doug Kemmrd

Unrestricted Ms. Wendy Rouillard & Mr. Illya Kagan Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Michael Karlson Museum Center In bonor ofDorotby S/01¥!1' & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Karole Unrestricted Ms. Marybeth Keene Museum Center lnlxmorofDorothyS/over &Doug Kenward

Ms. Patience E. Killen Unrestricted Mrs. Patricia Kleinert Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. George Knorps Museum Center Mr. John E. Lacouture Research Library Mrs. Jane Lamb Unrestricted Ms. Patricia M. Lassiter Unrestricted Ms. Rebecca Fellerman Lauer Historic Properties Endowment Mr. Jeffrey Lee Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. James Lowe Museum Center Ms. Karen Jean MacNab Museum Center Mrs. Florence Macomber Unrestricted

Mr. Gordon St. G. Mark Historic Prope1ties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. James Orton Marshall III Museum Center In bouor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mcintosh Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Mleczko Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Morral Unrestricted Ms. Mary E. Morton Unrestricted Ms. Mary Jane Murphy Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Frazer Murray Unrestricted Ms. Joanne Jones & Mr. Daniel P. Neath Un restricted Ms. Aimee Newell Permanent Endowment Ms. Lisa Nonken Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Museum Center In bonor ofDorotby Slover & Doug Kenward

Mr. David M. Ogden Permanent Endowment Miss Faith A. Oldham Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ottison Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. James S. Pasman Jr. Unrestricted Mr. Tom Peacock Unrestricted Mrs. Betsy Perkin Museum Center In bonor ofDorotby Slover & Doug Kenward

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Petrasch Unrestricted Ms. Louise Pfeiffer Unrestricted Dr. Richard J. Pike Jr. Unrestricted Ms. Sarah Manvel Porter Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pratter Unrestricted Mr. Jonathan K. Probber Unrestricted Ms. Miriam W. Coffin Ragsdale Unrestricted Mr. Christopher Rich Unrestricted Mr. Edward Romanoff Unrestricted Mr. Robert S. Royce Pennanent Endowment Mrs. Edward Russell Unrestricted Ms. Peggy Savlov Museum Center In bonor ofMr. & Mrs. lbomas H. Gosnell

Mr. & Mrs. John Sculley Museum Center In bonor ofDorotl~l' SkJver & Doug Kemmrd

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Serafini Museum Center In bonor ofDorotby S/01¥!1' & Doug Kemmrd

Mrs. Nancy Sevrens Unrestricted In memory ofAir. IViUiom A. Se111rms

Ms. Katherine P. Sheehy Museum Center Mr. David Shields Museum Center In bonor ofDorothy Slover & Doug Kenut~rd

Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Shiff Museum Center lnlxmorofDorotby SkJver & Doug Kenward

Mrs. Joan Sibley

Museum Center InbonorofAtr. &Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. George H. Simonds

Unrestricted Mrs. Noreen Slavitz Permanent Endowment Ms. Sandra F. Smith Research Library South Kent School Unrestricted In bmwr ofPeter W Nasb

Dr. & Mrs. JayS. Starr-Duker Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Storer Historic Properties Endowment Mr. & Mrs. John B. Strasenburgh Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sweeney unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swenson Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. R. Chapman Taylor III Historic Properties Endowment Ms. Karola Tiwmas Permanent EndO\\ment Mr. Anthony Underwood Museum Center In lxmorofDorolllJ' SkJ1¥!T' & Doug Kenu·ard

Ms. Clara Urbahn Permanent Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Michael Varbalow Unrestricted Ms. Eugenic H. Voorhees Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. John L. Walker Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Richard Walker Museum Center In lxmorofA!r. &.llrs.



Mr. & Mrs. W. Wyatt Walker Jr. Unrestricted Dr. & Mrs. Francis Weld Unrestricted Mr. David P. White Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Reid White Unrestricted Mr. Peter Wilson Unrestricted Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Winans Unrestricted Mrs. Georgina Winton Museum Center Ms. Leslie Forbes & Mr. David D. WortbJr. Unrestricted

Corporate Matching Gifts The AES Corporation AlliedSignal Foundation BankBoston Champion International Corporation General Electric Fund Hallmark Corporate Foundation The Home Depot IBM International Foundation The May Department Stores Company Foundation New York runes Company Foundation PepsiCo Foundation The Phoenix Foundation Principal Financial Group

2003 August Antiques Show Chair Anne S. Obrecht

Honorary Chair Nathaniel Philbrick

Chairs Council Sarah Baker Maggie Benedict Laurie Champion Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Martha Groetzinger Georgia Gosnell Barbara Hajim Ginger Heard Betty jacobsen Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Betty Ogden Susan Rolando Melanie Sabelhaus Dorothy Slover Mimi Young

Committee Chairs Underwriting Marybeth Keene Clement Durkes

Antiques Show Ditmer Leanne Kendrick Rhonda Cassity

Preview Par~)' Olivia Charney Phyllis Freilich

Decorat ions Deborah Hatfield Pat Anathan

Friends of the NHA Lecture Heidi Berry

Collectors Bootb Josette Blackmore Vicki Livingstone Live Auction Barbara Hajim Melanie Sabelhaus Marcia Welch

Volunteers Louise Connell janet Sherlund

Cbildrrm's Program Heather Kennedy Mia Matthews

Gifl Bags Linda Saligman Pam Waller

Raffle Chris Donelan Ann Quick

Publicity Chris Hart Lynne Steinfurth Maggie Benedict

August Antiques Show chair Anne Obrecht with NHA president Peter Nash. Peter Nash, honorary chair Nat Philbrick, NHA executive director Frank Milligan.Antiques Show dinner sponsor jay Bauer of Trianon/Seaman Schepps and his wife Binnie. Dealm'S Hospitality Nancee Erickson Deedie McCarthy

Cocktail Party Carol Atkinson Barbara Akins

Antiques Council Liaison Diana H. Bittel

Antiques Council Co-Liaison Christine C. Vining

Committee N:mcy Barnes Michele Barnett Kay Bernon Margit Breakiron Laurie Champion Maureen Chilton Connie Cigarr-dll Bessie Connelly Elizabeth Cooper Susan Coyne Prudence Crozier Anne Curlett Vanessa Diserio Ane DiVenere Lois Druckemiller jeanmarie Drucker Ruth duPont Polly Espy Carla Finn Marjorie Fortgang Marie Frazza Nancy Geschke Emma Ginley Janie Goodwillie joru1 Goodwin Georgia Gosnell Susan Zises Green Kaaren Hale Barbara Halsted Candy Heydt Susan Hochwald Lois Horgan Reggie Hunt Ginger lvey Kathleen johnston Cathy jones Jane King Karlson Peggy Kaufman Diane Kelly Sarajo Kobacker Nancy Lrunpe

Bon nee Larsen Pam Lassiter Carol Levinger Shelley Lewis Susan Lister Locke Sharon Lorenzo Dusty MacColl Carolyn MacKenzie Kilty Mal10ney Miriam Mandell Nancy Marinoff Bonnie McCausland Bay McClure Winifred Mortenson Martha 0 ' Brien Letitia Ord Nell Otto Betsy Perkin Nancy Puff Bettina Ridley Susan Rolando Nancy Serafini Rini Shanal1an julie Simmons Dorothy Slover Anne Smith Sallye Stephenson Wendy Stone Sheila Sullivan Sandy Taylor jane Tiger Barbara Vanderbilt Sandra Velde Mary Ann Wagner Heidi Weddendorf Melanie Wernick Marilyn Whitney jo-Ann Winn

Underwriters Principal Sponsor A Friend of the Nantucket Historical Association Antiques Show Dinner Sponsor Trianon/Serunan Schepps Major Sponsor Ann Taylor Geschke Foundation Sponsors American International Group Inc. Marsh McLennan Companies

Carol B. Gray, The Gray Group Griffin Family Foundation Matthews Ventures

Gifts George Cloutier, An1erican Management Service, Inc. judy & Bob Brust Robyn &john Davis Ramona & Stephen Davis Doyle NY Kathryn & Roger Penske Waterworks Wayne Pratt & Co. Woodmeister Corporation Donors Flather & Perkins Lucille Jordan Associates, Inc.

Magazine Antiques Northeast Auctions

Tbe Catalogue ofAntiques & Fine Art

Founders Mr. & Mrs. Frank). Avellino Heidi & Max Berry Rhonda & Doug Cassity Maureen K. & Richard L. Chilton Jr. Robyn &John Davis Linda &Joseph DiMartino Elizabeth R. Miller & james G. Dinan Barbara & Martin Fife Susan Zises Green Barbara & Ed Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hempleman Carolyn & lru1 MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Kim &Jim Pallot~1 Ann & Christopher Quick Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus janet & Rick Sherlund

Chair's Circle jan & Warren Adelson Michele & Stephen Barnett Margaret G. & Neil Benedict Mr. & Mrs. Willirun J. Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Ramona & Stephen Davis Chris & joe Donelan Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Hillary & Matt Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Frank


Bonnie Roseman & Tony Messina Sally & Andy Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert]. Monahan Jr. Elena & Mark Morris

Mr. & Mrs. CarlS. Ge1virz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Graham Mary & Robert Haft Lois & john Horgan jane King & Mike Karlson Diane & Art Kelly Leanne & john Kendrick Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. E A. Lorenzo Karen & David Moore Sally & Peter Nash Sarah &Jeffrey ewton Anne & Brec Obrecht Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote Linda & Harvey Saligman Kathy & Bob Stansky Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Verney

Benefactors Mr. & Mrs. john E Akers George Albrecht & Martha O'Brien Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Mariann & Mortimer Appley Mr. & Mrs. E. D. Atkinson Kay Bernon CeCe Black Betsy & Randall]. Boe Margit & Larry Breakiron joel Brown I Pacific Nationala FleetBoston Financial Co. Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Polly & Vuk Bulajic Jack Burke Rhonda & Doug Cassity Laurie & Bob Chan1pion Mr. & Mrs. Felix 1'. Charney Margaret Burden Childs Laura & Chris Choma Connie & Tom Cigarran jeanne Marie Clossey Mr. & Mrs. William F. Connell Mr. & Mrs. john T. Connelly Jr. Dottie & Earle Craig


Darcy Creech Prudence & William Crozier Marguerite & Norwood Davis Danielle deBenedictis & Peter Karlson Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Lee Bierly & Christopher Drake Lois & WiWam Druckemiller Barbara & Bob Dubiel Trudy Dujardin Shelton Ellis Charlene Engelhard Nancee Erickson Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell William Ferrall Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Liz & Biff Folberth Doug Forreger Marie & George Frazza Cynthia & Joseph Freeman PhyWs & Stuart Freilich Ann & Sam Furrow Nan & Chuck Geschke Patty & Paul Gibian Andrea & Ted Giletti Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Good11~lliejr. joan &John Good1vin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Barbara & Bob Griffin Wendy G. Griswold Lauren & Paul Gudonis Dr. & Mrs. Laurance J. Guido Ann & Grahan1 Gund Robin & Jay Hammer Nina & Bob Hellman judith A. & D. Greg Horrigan Barbara & An1os Hostetter Ellen Howe Mr. & Mrs. Julius jensen U1 Ms. Catherine Conaway Jones Barbara & Harvey jones Mrs. Stephen J. Karper Marybeth Keene & Megan Keene Maltby Leanne & john Kendrick Heather & Christopher Kennedy Sarajo & Art Kobacker Robin & Richard Kreitler Joan & Ed Lahey The Larsen Fund Mrs. Roy E. Larsent Mr. & Mrs. Fred Levinger Lynda & Franklin Levy Ginny & Wall MacAuley Robin & Barry MacTaggart Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Deedie & Ted McCarthy

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Pratt Nancy & Bob Puff Nina Duchaine & Rory Radding Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Maria & George E. Roach Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Rodbell Ellen & Kenneth Roman Susan & Lynn Rotando Mark E. Rubenstein Dr. Margaret & john C. Ruttenberg Sanmntha & Mark Sandler Ruth & john Sayer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider Judith Greenberg Seinfeld & Robert Seinfeld, M.D.t Mr. & Mrs. joseph L. Serafini Thelka & Donald Shackelford Diane & Guy Snowden Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Nancy Slum berg Sheila & Bill Sullivan Marjorie & Loui s Susman Linda & Tommy Taylor Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Taylor Ill Deborah II. Timmermann Genevieve & Richard 1\1cker Pam & Will Waller Mrs. Richard]. Walsh Heidi Weddendorf & Brian Conroy Marcia & joe Welch Melanie A. Wernick Annabel Whitney Anson Whitney Axel Whitney Marilyn Whitney Brooks & Peter Wilson Jill Wolfe Theresa & William Wolverton Suzanne & Bob Wright

Patrons Nancy & Doug Abbey Janis Aldridge Marcia & Steve Anderson Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Margit Corby Baker Marcia Barken Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Mary H. Beman Ann L. Bissinger Josette & Jim Blackmore Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard]. Brennan

Chip Webster & Associates Mrs. David B. Coombs Elizabeth Cooper Kimberly C. Corkran Mr. & Mrs. WiWan1C. Cox Jr. Mrs. Thomas Coyne Anne & jack Curlett Edith Delker Real Estate Ms. Janel Dickinson Vanessa & Matthew Diserio lMh & Tom duPont Cam & Gardiner Dutton Carol & Bob Foley Nancy & Alan Forster Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fabrikant Fortgang Penny & Bob Fox Samantha Frank Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gifford Lesley King & Bart Grenier Mr. & Mrs. Richard 1'. Grote Betsy & Bill Guardenier Llura & Gordon Gund Vicki Christie & Charlie Gustin Mrs. Charles Lea Hancock Prof. & Mrs. Donald R. F. Harleman Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Hart III janet & Richard Hart Deborah Hatfield GeorgeS. Heyer Jr. Sandi Holland Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. S. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Hunt Ginger lvey Roonie &Jack Kennedy Stelios Kerumanis Shelley & Roger Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Vicki Livingstone Letitia Lundeen Kilty & Michael Malwney Barbara H. Malcolm Lynne Maselan Pat & Charles McGill Toni & Martin McKerrow Mr. & Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Antonia & Spiros Milonas Winnie & Chris Mortenson Morgan & Allen Morton Mrs. Eva Moss Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Nantucket Country Nantucket Storage Center Valerie & Richard Norton Lois Norton & Anne Gallaway jane & Michael O'Mara Ann & C. Hardy Oliver Sally & Michael Orr Mr. & Mrs. john E Otto Jr. Terese & Robert Payne julia & Larry Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr Mr. & Mrs. Hardwick Simmons Nancy & Robert Simmons

Trudy & Fred Slater Vicki & David Smick Mrs. Gordon Smith Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Catharine &jeffrey Soros Daisy M. Soros Mr. & Mrs. George Spencer ill jane & Scott Stearns Suzanne &Stuart Steele Linda & Bill Steelman jan & Bill Stem Mr. & Mrs. Hans E. Tausig Edythe Travelstead Barbara Vanderbilt &john Evans Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Mary Ann B. &Sanmel Wagner Christine L. Willcox Mr. & Mrs. jay M. Wilson jean &jack Ziebarth jan & Barry Zubrow

Sponsors Fay Anathan Margaretta Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Thomas II. G. Bailliere Lucinda & Robert Ballard Nancy & Lee Barnes Mary-Claire &William Barton Mrs. Katherine Beattie jeanne It Bennett Mrs. George Berkheimer Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Block Lucy fowlkes &It Huntington Breed Fenton L. B. Brown Mary & David Brown Sheila M. Cabral Coffin/Sconset Real Estate Phyllis T. Conway joan Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Edward Daisey Suzanne & Donald Dates Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Paul J. Dobrowolski Judith & Daniel Drake MaryV. Drew Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Drucker Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Ingrid Francis Christine Franklin Ciara &jack Fritsch Elizabeth & Robert Gambee Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Marilyn & Bud Glasberg Karen & Manuel Golov Mr. & Mrs. E Paul Gray David Gonzalez &Steven Green Toni Griswold Katherine Grover Elizabeth Welch Gustafson Lucy Hager Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays Ill Judi R. Hill Susan & Dr. Ronald Hochwald Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Holdgate Mrs. Thomas Holmes Mary Ellen jay Mr. & Mrs. Berm W. Jesser Cindy Jones Thomas Fortson Darby & Willian! W. Kenney Ann S. Killen Mr. & Mrs. David G. King Jr. Denise &Jack Korngold

Jane &Hicks Lanier Jan &Chris Larsen Mrs. Hugh Lennon II Mrs. Donald McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Niner Joan &tes Ottinger Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paley D. Neil Parent Patricia M. Beilman &David B. Poor Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Mr. &Mrs. II. flint Ranney Dr. &Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Kristin & Billy Rose Judith Lee & Robert Schwarlenbach Nancy J. Sevrens Ann &John Shaw Dorothy &junie Sinson Mr. &Mrs. john K. Spring Barbara & David Spitler Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff Mr. &Mrs. J. Clayton Stephenson Mr &Mrs. john B. Strasenburgh Merrilou &Ned Symes jane &Arthur Tiger Denise &William Welsh Mr. &Mrs. Richard Werdiger Robin Brown Woods Kathryn Kay & Robert Young Susan Zimmer

Donors Mr. &Mrs. George F. Baker judith Brownell Mary jo Chapoton Designs A. Edwards Danfortl1 Denby Real Estate Don Allen Auto Service Inc. Dr. &Mrs. john W Espy Dr. &Mrs. Richard E. Fleming Jr. DavidS. Hays, M.D. Mrs. john Husted Keller Family Foundation Peter D. Lee Mrs. Paul Mellon Betsy &Mickey Michel Mr. &Mrs. Morgan J. Murray The Kittredge Foundation Mr. &Mrs. Philip W Read Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Mrs. Hal C. Richardson Shirley Farnsworth Russell Josephine Sasso Dorothy &J unie Sin son Richard I' Skelly Robert & Elizabeth Slater Isabel &Don Stewart Maxine &Arnold Teasdale john F. Welch Jr.

Flowers on Chestnut Fog Island Cafe Cheryl Fudge Henry's Hinson &Company J. Seward Johnson Marine Home Center Mia & Bob Matthews McCann Brothers Nantucket Bagel Company Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Chintz Nantucket Country Nantucket Fencing Nantucket High School, Karyn Lindsay, Jack McFarland Nantucket Inn Nantucket Storage Center Claire O'Keeffe Rafael Osona Provisions llomana Rainey josephine Sasso Something Natural South Wharf Gallery Stacy Exposition Wendy Stone Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M. Warner Catering Too Blue Scenic Tom Addis Productions Marilyn Whitney Young's Bicycle Shop

Raftle Contributions Four Winds Craft Guild &Sylvia Antiques The Golden Basket Janice Aldridge, Inc. David Lazarus Nantucket House Antiques Robert Wilson Galleries Sherry O'Donnell lnmemOTJ' of Bill Sevrens Sailor's Valentine Gallery Wayne Pratt & Co.

Trianon/Seaman Schepps Antiques Show Dinner Contributions Trianon I Seaman Schepps Stephen Bauer Christy & Owsley Brown Brown-Forman Corporation Louisville Stoneware Nantucket Magazine

Theatre Workshop of Nantucket

Special Thanks

Antiques Show Cocktail Party Auction Contributions

Georgia Axt Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Heidi & Max Berry Bob Burdick Canvas Works Andrew Chase, Chase Canopy Company Molly Dee Downyllake Restaurant Jesse Dutra Steve Dutra Ecliff &The Swingdogs Shelton Ellis Espresso To Go Even Keel

Lother R Candels Nancy A. Chase Continental Airlines Nancy Cooke & Richard Schafer Danielle deBenedictus Michael Fahey Brad Faxon David &jean Halberstam Eric Bolch Nantucket Fran1eworks Nantucket Golf Club Netjets Inc. Sherry O'Donnell In memory of Bill Sevrens

Ann & Chris Quick Kevin Walker Picnic Basket Gift Certificates: 2 I Federal Atlantic Cafe American Seasons Black-Eyed Susan's Bluefin Cioppino's Even Keel Cafe Fahey &Fromagerie jared Coffin House Le Languedoc Oran M6r Sconset Cafe Sfoglia

Collectors Booth Contributors Antiques Depot Carol Atkinson Nancy Barnes Heidi Berry Josette Blackmore Kathy Bologna Margit Breakiron Caroline R. Brown Mrs. Edward Brown Linda M. Buhr Laurie Champion Christopher's Home Fumishings Claire Murray Anne Curlett Linda DeMarco Lyndon Dupuis English Trunk Show Polly Espy Cheryl Fudge Peggy Gifford Georgia Gosnell Susan Zises Green Kaaren Hale Nina Hellman Sara Hendrickson Hydrangea Blue joyce jaskula Island Antiques/ Mark Enik teanne Kendrick Paul La Paglia Leslie Lil1sley Carolyn MacKenzie Kilty Mahoney Majolic.'l Barbara Morgan Eva Moss Nantucket Storage Center Arlene Paquette Marion Peacock Lynn Petrasch Ellen lleid Ellen Ross Mrs. Peter Sacerdote Seldom Scene Nancy Sevrens Rini Shanahan Helen Shannon janet Sherlund Sallye Stephenson Helen Sutton The Lion's Paw Sandy Taylor Ann & George Thom jane Tiger Weeds, George Davis jill Wolfe


2003 Festival of Trees and Wreaths Underwriters Nantucket Bank,

Lead Underwriter for the Ninth Year Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Ken and Gussie Beaugrand Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Christopher's Home Furnishings Don Allen Ford Grey Lady Marine Hy-Line Cruises james Lydon & Sons

Nantucket Magazine Nantucket Storage Center Pacific Nationala FleetBoston Financial Company Woodmeister Corporation

lOth Festival of Trees The Nantucket Historical Association thanks Lucile Pierce Corkran for establishing the Festival of Trees in 1994 as an annual community event. Kimberly C. Corkran, Honorary Chair

Committee Richard Kemble & George Korn, Chairs Sue Fine, Preview Part)' Chair Diane Lafrance, Preview Party Cochair Peggy Silverstein, Preview Party Artistic Director

Terry Dupuis, Underwriting Cochair Peggy Kaufman, Advisor Ann Holmes Ginger Jvey Rosanne McGuinn jackie Peterson Ida Rinfret Edythe Travelstead

Festival Past Chairs Sandra Holland & Mimi Merton, 1994 Laurie Champion, 1995 Kim Corkran, judi Hill, Kathleen Walsh, 1996 jeannette Garneau, Edythe Travelstead, Marcia Welch, 1997 Jeannette Garneau & Edythe Travelstead, 1998 Peggy Kaufman & Judy Lee, 1999 Peggy Kaufman, 2()()0 Jackie Peterson & Jo-Ann Winn, 2001 Jackie Peterson, 2()()2

Restaurant Row 21 Federal American Seasons Bluefin Even Keel Cale Fifty-Six Union Le Languedoc Seagrille Sfoglia West Creek Cale


Special ThanksFestival ofTrees Trustees of the Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin Lancasterian School Annye's Whole Foods Bert's Electronics Boston Wine Co. Tracy Canty Chase Canopy Company Cisco Brewers Classic Wines Commonwealth Wines Heather Duvall The Egan Institute of Maritime Studies at the Coffin School Fahey & Fromagerie Elle Foley Grand Union Hatch's Ideal Wines The Islander Island Spirits Marine Home Center M.S. Walker Wines Nantucket Pure Water Nantucket Rent All Nantucket Vineyard Nantucket Win e & Spirits Michael Riley Ryder Electric Ruby Wines Sperry Tents of Nantucket Stop & Shop Michael Sturgis Triple Eight Distillery The White Elephant United Liquors

Tree Designers ACKtivities Annye's Whole Foods, Annye Camara Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Liz Marcone, Andie Marks Belanger, Paul & Cutone Architecture Big Brothers Big Sisters Brant Point Marine jeannette & Jerry Carl Chad Whitlock Gallery Cisco Brewers, Triple Eight Distillery, Nantucket Vineyard Claire Murray Friends of Cobble Court The Cobble Court Elves Dane Gallery, Jayne & Robert Dane Deborah Harper Millinery Dujardin Design Associates Trudy Dujardin, Price Connors Egan Institute of Maritime Studies Authors of Sea-Captains' Houses

and Rose-Covered Cottages Forager House Handblock Harbor House Village Nina Hellman & Bee Gonnella Judi & Greg Hill Kiwi Johns, Annie Teasdale Leslie Linsley & jon Aron The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center

Mike Lamb, Inc. Nantucket AIDS Network Nantucket Babysitters Services, Ronnie Moran Nantucket Boys & Girls Club Nantucket Community Sailing Nantucket Concierge Nantucket Conservation Foundation Nantucket Cookie Company The Employees of Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Country, Cam Dutton, Louise Murphy Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Historical Association Staff Nann1cket lee, Carolyn Hills, Gussie Beaugrand NISDA Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantt1cket Lodging Association

Nantucket Magazine, Denese Allen, Peter J. Greenhalgh Nantucket Preservation Trust Nantucket Tilemakers

Nantucket Times Nantucket Wine Cellars Jackie Peterson and Edythe Travelstead R. J. Miller Romana Rainey Rex Bence Gardening, Joellen Bence Dr. Schreiber, Orthodontist 'Sconset Gardener 'Sconset Trust Surfing Hydrangea Nursery

The h1quirer and Mirror Vis-a-Vis Wayne Pratt Antiques Weeds Daryl Westbrook Women's Health Network, Sandy Lawton, Nancy Lucchini

Festival ofTrees - Angels Barrington Antiques Grace Morris Bardelis Betsy Adams Judith Brownell Nancy A. Chase Coastal Design, Holly McGowan Kimberly C. Corkran Lucile & Bill Corkran Prudence S. & William M. Crozier Jr. Katherine Davis Ramona N. Davis Edith Delker Real Estate Ann M. Donah Judith & Dan Drake Trudy Dujardin Ruth & Tom duPont Shelton Ellis Doris Fellernmn Nancy & Alan Forster Christine Franklin The Great Harbor Yacht Club Toby Greenberg Barbara & Ed Hajim Catherine Herbst john A. Herndon Nellie O'Gara & Kevin Hickey

G. S. Hill Gallery Sandi Holland & Alfie Sanford Ann & Peter Holmes Daintry & Reb jensen Lucille jordan Associates Peggy & Eli Kaufman George Korn & Richard Kemble Mrs. Roy E. Larsent Susan Lister Locke Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lowry Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Lisa McMahon Bruce D. Miller Eva Moss Sally & Peter Nash Denise & David Olsen Trish & Mike Passaro Terese & Robert Payne Kathryn & Roger Penske Dr. & Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Susan Rotando Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Janet & Rick Sherlund Avis Skinner Medawar Dorothy Slover Rev. Georgia An n Snell Sandy & Ted Taylor

The Inquirer and Mirror Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney Marcia & joe Welch

Festival of Trees- Stars Janis Aldridge Fay Anathan Margit Corby Baker Beverly & David Barlow Kathie & Bill Beattie Judy &John Belash Margaret G. Benedict Debbie &Jamey Bennett Barbara Bispham Dana & David Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Gilles Bridier The Brigham Galleries Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0 . Brown Cape Cod Life Publications Ben Champoux Mrs. David B. Coombs Joan Craig Darcy Creech Mark Donato Chris & Joe Donelan Stephanie & Michel DuCamp Carolyn Durand Cam & Gardiner Dutton Don Allen Auto Service Inc. Mark Fleming Ingrid Francis Phyllis R. Freilich Jeanette & Pierre Garneau Mrs. Sarah K. Horne-Gillum & Mr. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Vicki Christie & Charlie Gustin Mrs. Herbert L. Gutterson Polly Ann Halsted Craig Hawkins & Stan Harvey Ginger & Hammie Heard Nina & Bob Hellman

Clockwise from top left: Chairs Richard Kemble and George Korn. Honorary chair Kim Corkran with her parents, Bill and Lucile. Past chairs of the Festival ofTrees.jackie Peterson, Marcia Welch, Richard Kemble,]eanette Garneau, Kim Corkran, George Korn,]udi Hill,]udy Lee, Peggy Kaufman, jo-Ann Winn, and Kathleen Walsh. Creative designer Reggie Levine, NHA membership coordinator Virginia Kinney, Festival ofWreaths chair jo-Ann Winn, and husband Bob wtnn installing the wreaths. Preview Party chairs Diane LaFrance and Sue Fine. Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Linda & Peter Hoey Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Holdgate jane King Karlson Patience Killen Robin & Richard Kreitler Rebecca Fellerman Lauer Ralph A. Lee Jr. Lynda & Biff Levy Meredith &Jimmy Marshall Rosanne &John McGuinn Camera Shop/Mid-Island Photo Mary &Stephen Meadow Alex Medawar Pam & Rich Merriman Mary B. Merton Vanessa Noel joan & Les Ottinger Julia & Larry Pollock Provisions &Juice Guys Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Albert Rosenthal Gerry & Richard Scheide Donna K. Cooper Schulz & Karl Schulz Judith Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Lois & Bob Shapiro Sherry & Bart Simon Linda & Bill Steelman Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Sandy & Ted Taylor The Tile Room Deboral1 H. Timmermann Edythe M. Travelstead Glenda & Larry Wetzel Mona Wheatley Paula K. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Ms. Jill Wolfe Kathleen Walsh & Brent Young Cynthia Young Mimi Young Katherine Kay & Robert Young

Preview Party Marcia &Joe Aguiar Irma L. Anapol Marcia &Steve Anderson Leonards Antiques Pan1ela C. Bartlett Rebecca &john Bartlett John Bayer Sally & Dick Beckwith Belanger, Paul & Cutone Architecture Charity I. Benz Eleru10r Bernat Josette &Jim Blackmore Julie Bragg Mr. & Mrs. Larry Breakiron Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Elton & Douglas Burch Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton Judy Caldwell Rhonda & Doug Cassity Prudence S. & Willian! M. Crozier Jr. Suzanne &Jerry Daub Edith & Norman Delker Lyndon Dupuis Tish Emerson Cheryl Emery Mr. & Mrs. Charles Everitt Janice &john Fields Patty & Nick Frost Donna & Charles Gessler Peggi &Steve Godwin Susan Goodall Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Good willie Jr. Gloria Grimshaw Barbara Halsted Chris Hart William A. Hokkanen Kim Reed & Kona Hosier Dolly & Pete Howell Michelle Lamb Paul Jensen Dennis Kenny Robert Kupp Mary & Michael Lacoursiere

Sharon Lorenzo Roberta & Peter Louderback Tricia &Jim Lowe Penny & Dual Macintyre Mary D. Malavase Meredith &Jimmy Marshall Jerry Ann Maxwell Bill Metz Cecilia & Channing Moore Christopher Morris Chris Mortenson Diane Nava Mary &AI Novissimo Ann & Bob Nussbaum Claire E. O'Keeffe Mr. & Mrs. Pat Paradis J. B. Presber Maureen Robinson Robin Rodbell Eleanor &Steven Roethke Jill &Steven Roethke H G. Schreiber, DDS Gina Stoll Barbara T. Thomas Susan S. Ward Alicia Watrous Mary Beth Splaine &jack Weinhold Susan Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Peg Wills Sherre Wilson-Rae Jo-Ann & Bob Winn

Festival of Trees - Donors Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Carol & William Browne Robert H. Brust Laurie Chan1pion Stephanie & David Deutsch Paula Dore Duffy Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Lucille & Bill Giddings David Hays jeannine Macy-Jones & N. Robert jones

The Kittredge Foundation Cynthia & Anthony Lan1port Sandy Medallis & Tom McGrath Margaret C. Morgan Susan Painter Mrs. Shirley L. Farnswortl1 Russell The Peter M. Sacerdote Fanlily The William &Sarah Seidman Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Watkins

Festival of Trees Volunteers Pam Bartlett Elton Burch Judy & Kiril Coonley Judith Drake Roberta & Ken Giles Lynne Hennecke &Stanley Gitlow Susan Hochwald Dolly Howell Jane Lamb Tricia &Jim Lowe Gay! Michael Ceci & Channing Moore Libby Oldham judy Presber Romana & Hugh Rainey Claire & Phillip Raneri Eleanor Roethke Gerry Scheide Gene Stone Pam & Will Waller

Festival of Wreaths Conunittee Jo-Ann Winn, Cbair Reggie Levine, Creative Design joan & Paul Clarke Donna & Karl Schulz Nonie Slavitz Sandy Taylor Pam Waller BobWinn


Special Thanks Festival of Wreaths Preservation Institute: Nantucket Cisco Brewers, Inc. Nantucket Vineyard Triple Eight Distillery Nantucket Nourriture Inc. Sallie Scruggs

Wreath Designers African Meeting House Annye's Whole Foods ASafe Place Barbara Gookin Advertising Bartlett's Ocean View Farm, Barbara Pfister Best of the Beach Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nantucket Bookworks Camera Shop, Ursula McMorrow Cape Cod Ufe Publications Jeannette Carl Mary Ellen Castle Centerboard Guest House Cisco Brewers, Nantucket Vineyard, and Triple Eight Distillery Claire Murray Clay Art Studio, Barbara Toole

Cold Noses Dane Gallery, jayne Hare Dane Susan Denny Connie Driscoll Flowers on Chestnut, Alesia Han1ideh The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Alison Forsgren joyce & Elden Foulk Libby Frazier Gallery at Four India, Kathleen Knight The Golden Basket Bee Gonnella Linda l¡lerrick Handblock Chris Hart judi &Greg Hill, G. S. Hill Gallery Inside Outside Property Management Jan jaeger James Lydon & Sons Jared Coffin House Jewel of t11e Isle, Susan Denny johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Karissa Keleher Richard Kemble Patience Killen George Korn Denise Korngold Lee A. Papale Studio & antucket Frameworks

Leonards Antiques, Leslie Barker Majolica, Alicia Bradford jessica Manning Marin er House, Hilarie Hawley Marlin House Inn Priscilla Mcintosh Mermaid Translations, Margrethe Mentes MSPCA Nantucket Accommodations antucket AIDS Network antucket Babysitters Services Nantucket Boys & Girls Club Nantucket Coun try Nantucket High School: Mr. Leone's Art 111 'antucket Ice Nantucket New School Classes: Amigos, Wild Horses, Ocean Reefs & Energizers Our Island Home & Red Hat Society, Nantucket Chapter Karen Palmer Romana Rainey Sconset Flair Studio Sherburne Inn joanna Slavitz Gail Spencer & Ron Light Squeaky Cleaning, Jamie Miller

Stephanie's of Nantucket, Stephanie Correia Sandy Taylor The Weaving Room Heidi Weddendorf jack Weinhold Daryl Westbrook (two wreaths) Chad Whitlock jo-Ann Wino

Festival of Wreaths Volunteers Marcia &joseph Aguiar Cynthia & Kenneth Blackshaw Beth Brooks Elton Burch Norma & Robert Burton joan & Paul Clarke jean &George Flemi ng Garth Grimmer Anne Kaminski Judy Lochtefeld Terry & Tony Molis jackie &AI Peterson Romana & Hugh Rainey Donna Cooper Schultz Bette & Frank Spriggs Liz & jose Trillos Pam &Will Waller Bob Wino

Harvest Square Dance Square Dance Donors Pamela C. Bartlett David Hays Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Ruth &John Sayer

Square Dance Raflle & Door Prizes

Cochairs Nina Hellman and /rean Schreiber witi:J caller Bill WI:Jite. Dick Beckwith witi:J fellow dancers. josh and Sean Van Hoesen selling raffle tickets. Richard Kemble in the harvest spirit.

Square Dance Committee Nina Hellman, Cocbair lrean Schreiber, Cocbair judy Belash Zelda Goodman Trisha Lowe Ann Weinstock

Underwriter Denby Real Estate

Square Dance Special Thanks Marine Home Center Jimmy Perelman Catering Bill White, Caller


Square Dance Ticket Buyers Grace Morris Bardelis Sally &Dick Beckwith judy &John Bel ash Susan S. Brownwood Rhonda & Doug Cassity Heidi Weddendorf & Brian Conroy Stephanie & David Deutsch Judith & Dan Drake Delia Dumitru Dr. Lynne Hennecke & Dr. Stanley Gitlow Zelda & jordan Goodman Toby Greenberg Mrs. Charles Lea Hancock Chris Hart Nina & Bob Hellman Judi & Greg Hill Judy &Paul Kales George Korn!Richard Kemble Leith & David Kinney Judy & Eliot Krause Tricia & Jim Lowe Anne Mendelsohn

Sally & Peter Nash Romana & Hugh Rainey Chtire & Phillip Raneri Lauren & Peter Roncetti Rose & Lewis Rubin Gerry & Richard Scheide H G. Schreiber, DDS Helen Seager Dorothy Slover Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Linda & Bill Steelman Helen & George Sutton Anne Sweidel Bonnie Sylvia Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Barbara Varbalow Elizabeth &john Wagley Glenda & Larry Wetzel jo-Ann & Bob Wino Dolores M. Wiszuk

Aunt Leah 's Fudge Cisco Brewery Coffin's Gifts Cold Noses Downyflake Fog Island Cafe Four Winds Gifts Glidden 's Island Seafood ll ~tir Concern lien House Hutch's Island Herbs Ishmd Spirits Island Studio Jared Coffin House Kitty Mur~1gh 's Leslie Linsley Nantucket Nantucket Airlines Nantucket Vineyard NIIA Nina Hellman Antiques Nobby Shop Provisions Seagrille Something Natural Stephanie's Young's Bicycle Shop

Members Mary Gardner Coffin Associates Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chilton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. David Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund

Thomas Macy Associates Mr. & Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George F. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barrington Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. Edward). Costello Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox)r. Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. joseph S. DiMartino Mr. & Mrs. 11tomas L. duPont Ms. Lori Durham Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Gannett Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Mark Goldweitz Ms. Susan Zises Green Mr. & Mrs. John S. Greenebaum Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Griffin Mr. Richard Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Hearst III Ms. Dorothy K. llesselman Ms. Ellen E. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Julius jensen III Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. jones Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. john J. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Mr. Stephen 1'. Langer Mrs. lloy E. Larsent Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. & Mrs. Clifford L. Michel Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George E. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. llussell Morash Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Newquist Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Noble Mr. & Mrs. Robert Payne Mr. & Mrs. Larry I. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Ms. Nina Duchaine & Mr. Rory lladding Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Dr. t & Mrs. Robert H. Seinfeld Mr. William C. Sherlund Mrs. Gordon Smith Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Snowden

Dr. Paul R. C. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Thcker Mr. & 1\lrs. joseph F. Welch Mr. & Mrs. William). Welsh Mr. & Mrs. F. Helmut Weymar Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Mrs. Christine L. Willcox Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Ms. Kathryn Kay & !\~.RobertA. Young Mr. & Mrs. john A. Yozell

Hadwen Circle Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Axt Mr. & Mrs.' Harold Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Mr. & Mrs. David G. Bradley Ms. Deborah). Bryan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Ms. Katherine Grover & 1\lr. Michael Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Connor Mr. & Mrs. joseph P. Donelan II Mr. Lee Bierly & Mr. Christopher Drake Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dunlap Mr. & Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr. Mr. Shelton Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eskind Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Grahan1 Ms. Mary G. O'Connell & Mr. Peter J. Grua Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Healey Jr. Dr. George S. Heyer Jr. Ms. Diane Zuckerman & Mr. Michael Bile Mr. D. Brainerd Holmes Mrs. Arthur Jacobsen 1\tr. & Mrs. Michael Karlson Mr. George Korn & 1\tr. Richard Kemble Ms. Ann S. Killen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kreitler Mrs. john C. Lathrop Mr. james L. Long Mr. & Mrs. john W. Loose Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Ms. Barbara Mazotas Mr. Tony Mazotas Mrs. Paul Mellon Ms. Clara Bingham & Mr. David Michaelis Mr. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. George Mrkonic Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey T. Newton Mrs. Neal W. O'Connor Ms. Nellie O'Gara Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. Bruce A. Percelay Ms. Patricia M. Beilman & Mr. David B. Poor Mr. & Mrs. Stanley lland III Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. llein Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Shapiro Dr. & Mrs. Charles T. Shortall Ms. J uUe A. Fitzgerald & Mr. Carl H. Sjolund Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. )ames M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Duncan D. Sutphen Mr. & Mrs. TI10mas M. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Toll Mrs. llobert W. Van Gundy Mr. & Mrs. K. Morgan Varner Ill Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mrs. Richard). Walsh Mr. & Mrs. F. Jay Ward Mr. & Mrs. john L. Watson m Ms. Jill). Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. james W. Wolitarsky Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Tony Yates

Contributing Mr. & Mrs. Thomas). Albani Mr. & Mrs. Warren Allderige Mr. & Mrs. Heath L. Allen Ms. Barbara P. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. joseph Arvay Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. G. Bailliere Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Dr. & Mrs. David Barlow Mr. & Mrst john C. Barrows Mr. & Mrs. William Barton Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beckwith Mr. & Mrs. john W. Belash Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Benedict Ill Mr. & Mrs. jan1es Blackmore Ms. Mary E. Casey & Mr. Jeff L. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. William). Boardman Ms. Carolyn Bransdorf Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Brecker Mr. & Mrs. Seth Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. Willard H. Br01111 Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. jack Burke Mr. & Mrs. Francis Callaghan Mrs. Robin Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Rayn10nd B. Carey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George U. Carneal Mr. John Swain Carter Mr. & Mrs. Felix T. Charuey Mr. & Mrs. Chris Choma Ms. Rita Chrappa Mr. & Mrs. Paul Clarke" Ms. Catherine Conover Mr. & Mrs. William H. Corkran Jr. Mrs. Alexander Craig Mr. Gerald H. Crown Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Ms. Elizabeth R. Miller & Mr. James G. Dinan Ms. Ane DiVenere Mr. Paul). Dobrowolski Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dolan Mr. & Mrs. William H. Druckemiller Mr. Wayne H. Dupont

Mr. & Mrs. Gardiner S. Dutton Mr. Michael Fahey Ms. Pamela Farkas Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Finn Ms. Alison Forsgren Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Fortgang Mr. & Mrs. llobert A. Fox Mr. & Mrs. john E. Friedlander Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Jr. Mr. Theodore Giletti Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Goodall ill Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Hammer Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. II ayden Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Heyda Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Mr. & 1\trs. S. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. John P. Horgau1 Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Jaeger Mr. & Mrs. Benn W. Jesser Mr. & Mrs. Jerome B. johnston Ms. Barbara Ann joyce Ms. Carolyn M. Knutson Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Lal1ey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lamport Mrs. Jill L. Leinbach Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Barry MacTaggart" Mrs. Barbara H. Malcolm Mr. & Mrs. George K. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Maury Ms. Sandra J. Medallis & Mr. Thomas B. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. john A. McGuinn Ms. Abigail Pierrepont johnson & Mr. Christopher McKown Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Mirro Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Mix Ill Mr. & Mrs. Peter Monaco Ms. Rita M. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & 1\~s. Allen S. Morton Mr. Rayn1ond F. Murphy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Morgau1). Murray Mr. & Mrs. David E. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Mr. Richard Peisch Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Picchi Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pratter Mr. & 1\trs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Riley Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R. Rippa Ms. Patricia M. Weeks & Mr. Stuart B. Rekant Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Mr. & Mrs. Steven Roethke Mr. & Mrs. Peter Michael Roncetti

25 Bold listing imlicates a gift to the capital campaign

• Matching corporate gift

t Deceased


Mr. & Mrs. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Lynn A. Rotando Mr. Mark E. Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rubin Dr. & Mr. john C. Ruttenberg Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sackett Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Ms. judith F. Lee & Mr. Robert Schwarzenbach Mr. & Mrs. Alex Seaver Mr. & Mrs. William Seidman Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Shipley ID Mr. & Mrs. Paul Soros Mr. & Mrs. David Southwell Ms. Anne E. Rosen & Mr. Andre Mark Spears Mr. & Mrs. Scott M. Stearns Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul Steinfurth Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Thrower Mr. & Mrs. David C. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Damien Turbini Mr. & Mrs. Clifford 0. 1\Irner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Virtue Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wagner Ms. Suellen Ward Mr. & Mrs. Tom West Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Weymar Mr. & Mrs. Clark Whitcomb Dr. & Mrs. Whiting Russell Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Charles I. Wrubel Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Zimmerman

Sustaining Mr. Christopher Acker Mr. & Mrs. joseph Aguiar Mrs. C. George Anastos Mrs. Fay H. Anathan Mr. Edgar A. Anderson t Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 H. Andrews In Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. john D. Atherton Jr. Mr. Alan F. Atwood Dr. & Mrs. Steven V. Aveni Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Harrison Bains Vice Admiral & Mrs. john A. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. R. Ballard Mrs. Grace Morris Bardelis Mr. Hollis I. Barickman Mr. & Mrs. Ben Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Barnes Mr. J. Christopher Barron Mr. & Mrs. john W. Bartlett Ms. Frances E. Baskett Mr. & Mrs. Tom Beat Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Belford Mr. & Mrs. William S. Belichick Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Bell Mr. & Mrs. james Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Bernard Mr. james Bernier Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Berube Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bires· Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bixler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin A. Blumenfeld Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bolling• Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bologna Ms. Nancy Book

Ms. Nancy Fairchild & Mr. Greg Boreham Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bowditch Ms. Barbara Bowman Mr. & Mrs. David Boyce Ms. Mary Saffell & Mr. Peter Boyce Mr. Andrew Boynton Mr. & Mrs. George C. Brannock Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Brasfield Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Mr. john W. Brewer l\tr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broil Mr. & Mrs. Haworth P. Bromley Mr. & Mrs. DavidS. J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Butler Dr. & Mrs. George P. Butterworth Ms. Sheila M. Cabral Mr. & Mrs. Carter Cafritz Mr. & Mrs. Steve Calabrese Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey A. Cameron Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Carini Mrs. jean B. Carleton Mrs. Martha A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Carr Ms. Anne Delaney & ~tr. Calvin R. Carver Jr. Mr. Daniel Catlin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield Mr. Todd Cestari Mrs. Roy D. Chapin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Reed Chisholm Mr. & 1\trs. Eugene H. Clapp IJI Mr. & Mrs. l'lerbert Clark lll Mr. & Mrs. Logan Clarke Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Philip T. Coffin Jr. Mrs. Alma K. Coffin Ms. Brenda Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. William F. Connell Mr. & Mrs. jolm T. Connelly Jr. Ms. Heidi Weddendorf & Mr. Brian Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coscia Ms. Marcia M. Costello Mr. & Mrs. john W. Courtland Ms. Caroline Daniels & Mr. Jeff Cowles Mr. & Mrs. David W. Cox Mr. & l\trs. Uoyd B. Coxjr. l\tr. & Mrs. F. William Crandall Mr. & Mrs. james R. Crane Ms. Amanda B. Cross Mrs. C:Lrol M. E. Cross Mr. Thomas I. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Mr. Timotl1y G. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. jack Cuneo Ms. Lenore S. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. John N. Curlett Jr. Mr. & Mrs. john T. Curran Mr. & Mrs. David J. D'Appolonia Mr. & Mrs. jay D. D'Aprix Mr. & Mrs. Dudley V. I. Darling Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Porter Grey Dawson Mr. Richard A. Denby Mr. & Mrs. DavidS. Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Didriksen Jr. Mr. James B. Digney Mr. & Mrs. Fred Donahue Mrs. Clarence E. Drew

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. jan1es A. Duarte Mr. & Mrs. Lee Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Dupuis III Mr. Donald Dupuis Dr. & Mrs. David J. Duquette Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Durell lll Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Ms. Jennifer Eckert Mr. F. Farny Eilers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Eklund Mrs. John P. Elder Mr. john LeMoyne Ellicott Dr. Alice F. Emerson l\tr. & Mrs. john V. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Ch:Lrles B. Everitt Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Fawcett Mrs. Doris Fellerman Mr. j ohn Steven Fink Ms. Ellen Flanun Mr. Bradford L. Fleming Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Fleming Jr. Ms. joanne A. McCaffrey & Mr. William E. Flaring Dr. & Mrs. Lyman B. Fogg l\tr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Capt. & Mrs. Walter Folger Mr. & Mrs. John M. l'oster Mrs. Ingrid A. M. Francis Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Frascati Mr. & Mrs. John Fraunfelder Mr. & Mrs. Herbert D. Frerichs Jr. Ms. Lena Sorensen & Ms. Alice T. Friedman Mr. Granger H. Frost Mr. & Mrs. Bradford R. Frostjr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Furlong Dr. Gordon V. Gallagher Ms. jean Gray & Mr. Paul Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Gambee Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gambee Mr. & Mrs. David Ganis Ms. Susan B. Gannon· Ms. Cyntltia A. Lewis & Mr. Michael L. Gassmann Ms. Anne II. Geddes Dr. & Mrs. john W. Gerster Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Gewirtz Mr. & Mrs. John C. Giesea Mr. & Mrs. Whitney A. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gildehaus Mr. & Mrs. Kennet11 E. Giles· Mr. & Mrs. jan1es Edward Gillum Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frank II. Ginn Dr. & Mrs. john P. Girvin Mr. & Mrs. Oscar S. Glasberg Mrs. Mary E. Glowacki Mr. & 1\trs. Stephen A. Godwin Mr. & Mrs. David Golden Mr. Ed Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Herbert M. Goldsmith Ms. Bee D. Gonnella Mr. David Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gottwald Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder Mr. & Mrs. James R. Grieves Mr. & Mrs. Gartlt Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Grote Mr. & Mrs. john C. Grover Ms. janet L. Steinmayer & Mr. Victor F. Guaglianone

Mrs. Elizabeth F. Guardenier Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. & Mrs. Pltilip G. Gulley Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gustin Mrs. Frederick Haffenreffer Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hakes Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell III Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hamerstone Prof. William A. Hance 1\tr. & Mrs. Donald R. Harleman Mr. Mark S. Harmsen Colonel Robert L. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Richard]. Hart Mr. & Mrs. Hermann A. Haus Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays III Dr. David S. Hays Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Heard Mr. & Mrs. john 0. Hedden· Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Heidtke Mr. & Mrs. PeterS. Heller Col. Horacia M. Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Hilzenrath Mr. & Mrs. Winston R. Hindle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Willi:un H. Hobart Ms. Susan Hochwald Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Hoff Mr. Anthony joseph Gampetro & Mr. Ronald W. Hoffman Mr. Fr:u1k Holaltan Mr. Eric S. Holch Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Ms. Maureen Pltillips & Dr. Douglas Horst Ms. Tyrrell Flawn & Dr. john P. Howe Ill Mr. & Mrs. Peter Howell Mr. Robert T. Hoyt Jr. Ms. Saralt A. Wright & Mr. Therold Hughes Mr. Scott G. Huston Mr. Chris W. Hutchinson Mr. Roland G. Huyser Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. lnvin Mrs. j:unes W. jackson Sr. Mr. Carl jay Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. johnson Ms. Harriet E. Johnson Ms. Arlene Briard & Mr. Fred G. johnson Mr. & Mrs. Willi:un C. jones Jr. Mrs. jeannine Macy-Jones & Mr. N. Robert jones Mr. Simon S. jones Mr. & Mrs. Frederick jordan Ms. Janet B. joy Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Kales Ms. Danielle E. deBenedictis & Mr. Peter G. Karlson Mr. Robert M. Kaye Ms. Marybetb Keene Mr. & Mrs. C. Lawrence Keller Mr. & Mrs. john Kendrick Mr. & Mrs. Steven Charles Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Kenny l\tr. & 1\trs. james L. Ketelsen Ms. janis C. Ketterer Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth N. Kinsley Mr.t & Mrs. Emilj. Kleinert Mr. & Mrs. john L. Klinck Jr." Mr. & Mrs. jacob H. Korngold 1\tr. Neil Romanski & Mr. Bruce A. Korson Mr. George Ashford Kuhlman Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kulmann Ms. joan DiPreta & Mr. Bob Kupp Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kupper


Bold listing irzdicatesagift tothecapitalcampaigll

• Matcbing corporate gift


Mr. & Mrs. Chip LaBonte Mrs. JaneT. Lamb Ms. Catherine N. Lambrecht Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lanigan Mr. & Mrs. Rene 0. LaPierre Mr. Frank Laroe Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Ms. Patricia M. Lassiter Mr. & Mrs. john Gardner Lathrop Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Lawton Jr. Dr. & Mrs. jack M. Layton Ms. Gail Hano & Mr. joel Leaviit Mr. & Mrs. Darren Legge Mr. & Mrs. Charles Robert Lenhart Ms. Susan S. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. G. Palmer LeRoy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Levinger Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lieb Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lindeman ll Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. john Lochtefeld Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lockett Mr. Merwin S. Lodge Mr. & Mrs. Christoph Lohmann Ms. jean W. Long Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Mr. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence S. Lovelace Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Low Mr. & Mrs. James Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Lukens Ms. Mary-Adair Macaire Mr. & Mrs. Gardner MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Dual A. Macintyre Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Mack Mr. & Mrs. Orrin Macy Mr. & Mrs. William G. Mallon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Manus Mr. & Mrs. james Markarian Mr. & Mrs. john M. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Bill Martling Mr. & Mrs. jeff Mason Ms. Margaret B. Masters Mr. & Mrs. john C. Matesich lll Mr. & Mrs. Willian! L. Mather Mr. & Mrs. Bill Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Maury Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McCartney Ms. Rita A. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Dom~d G. McCouch Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. McCreary Mrs. Louise V. McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Morton McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. McGowan Dr. Gail A. Mcguinness Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. McGuire· Mr. & Mrs. james R. Mcintosh Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. McKinnon Mr. & Mrs. John G. McMillian Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stevens Meader Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Mr. & Mrs. Robert Medaugh Ms. Barbara Melendy Mr. & Mrs. William C. Melzer Mr. & Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Dr. & Mrs. Leon L. Miller Drs. Edwin & Norma Miller Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone· Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Minucci Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mohr Mr. & Mrs. T. Channing Moore

Mr. & Mrs. jasper W. Morgan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Morral Ms. Sonya Keene & Mr. john Moy Mr. & Mrs. William H. Mulhere Mr. Albert J. Murphy Dr. Caroline C. Murray Ms. Cara Morgan & Mr. john Muyskens Mr. & Mrs. William Neff III Mr. & Mrs. Aryeh Neier Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Nevins Jr. Ms. Pamela S. Niner Mr. & Mrs. David Northrup Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ranier Nottebohm Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Nussbaum Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien Mrs. Arthur O'Connell Mr. Michael J. O'Mara Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Oddleifson Mrs. Norn1an Olsen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olson Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Orr Dr. & Mrs. Leslie W. Ottinger Mr. & l\trs. Karl Ottison Mr. David R. Owens Mr. & Mrs. James Ozias Mr. & Mrs. Dexter Paine Dr. & Mrs. A. Eugene Palchanis Dr. & Mrs. E. Prather Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Alan Parks Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Parsons Mr. & Mrs. James S. Pas man Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pasquariello Mr. William F. Paulsen Mr. & Mrs. George E. Peacock Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Pegg Mr. & Mrs. john Penrose Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Peri Ms. Victoria Mark Peters Mr. & Mrs. Alfred G. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. John G. Petrasch Mr. & Mrs. joseph W. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. RichardS. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. S:unuel Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Phillips Mrs. Susan S. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Harvey G. Phillips Mr. Paul Piccirillo Ms. Catherine Piemonte Mr. & Mrs. Gruy L. Pilgrim Mrs. Charles N. Pollak Ms. Sheila D. David & Mr. David Policansky Mr. & Mrs. Max Polster Mr. & Mrs. james R. Poole Mr. & Mrs. Miller C. Porterfield Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Pratt Mr. Anthony Prestandrea Ms. Patricia E. Pullman Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Rainey Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Raneri Mrs. jane W. Ransom Mr. & Mrs. Philip Whitney Read Ms. Maureen Reed Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Ms. Elizabeth Hillger & Mr. Willian! H. Reynolds Ms. Frances S. Richardson Mrs. Samuel Robert Mr. & Mrs. George R. Rochat

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde A. Rodbell l\tr. Edward Romanoff Mr. & Mrs. William Rorer Mr. William B. Rose Mr. & Mrs. David N. Rosvold Ms. Ruth Roth Mr. Milton Chandler Rowland Ms. Corrine R. Roxby Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rudner Mr. & Mrs. Don Russell Mrs. Alfred F. Sanford II Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Srullos Mr. & Mrs. Lee W. Saperstein Mr. & Mrs. John D. Sayer Mr. Paul Schacher Mr. & Mrs. Edwin F. Scheibel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Dave Schofield Ms. Margaret B. Schram Dr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Franklin M. Schultz Ms. Penelope Scheerer & Mr. john R. Schwan beck Mr. & Mrs. joseph R. Seiger Cpt. john S. Serafini Mr. Charles N. Sewall Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Shanahan Jr. Dr. & Mrs. RobertS. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. john Sherwood Ms. Laura Simon Mr. & Mrs. Sidney W. Small Ms. Mary Susan Smith Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. H. Brooks Smith Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Snow l\ts. Penny F. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Snowdon Mr. & Mrs. W. Lloyd Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Peter Solbert Mr. & Mrs. Charles F.. Soule Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs· Mr. & Mrs. David W. St. Clair Mr. & Mrs. john Stahler Mrs. jeanne Stanley-Brown l\tr. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff Mr. & Mrs. William L. Stern Mr. & Mrs. William B. Stitt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Grove Stoddard Mr. & Mrs. jonathan P. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Radford Stone Mrs. Dale G. Stoodley Mr. & Mrs. John B. Strasenburgh Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Mr. Thomas C. Succop Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Susman Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Sutro Mr. & Mrs. George Sutton Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mr. Robert D. Swain Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Sweatland Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Bradley 1'. Sweeny Ms. Cynthia Keating & Mr. Mason M. Taber Jr. Mr. Christopher J. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Jasper G. Taylor III Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. R. Chapman Taylor III Ms. Camille Oechsli &

Mr. R. Scott Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Taylor Mr. Philip H. Templeton Mr. & Mrs. Mark Tercek Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thorn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McK. Thomas Mr. Edward Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Luke Thornewill Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Tiger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tolsdorf Mr. & Mrs. Alvin S. Topham Mr. & Mrs. George Trapnell Ms. Edythe M. Travelstead Mr. & Mrs. Richard E Treadway Mr. & Mrs. David Troast Mr. & Mrs. john H. Troy II Mrs. Harriet S. 'furner Ms. Ruth Kilgour Turriff Mr. Jack 1\vichell Mr. & Mrs. \Vat H. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. VanArsdale Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Van Dyke Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Vru1denberg Mr. & Mrs. Hank Vandersip Mr. Paul F.. Vardeman Mr. & Mrs. James G. Vaughter Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Veldejr. Mr. & Mrs. Bradford L. von Weise Mr. & Mrs. Kennetl1 Voss Mr. & Mrs. David E. Wagner Ms. Frances Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walkingshaw Mr. & Mrs. William Cook Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William A. Walller Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Wantz Mr. & Mrs. TomS. Ward Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Leon J. Warms Mrs. Livingston D. Watrous Mr. & Mrs. William S. Webster Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Wehmueller Mr. Thomas Weinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Weinroth Dr. & Mrs. Francis Weld Mrs. Richard Werdiger Ms. Mona Wheatley Mr. & Mrs. Wayne K. Whippen Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. White Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Wick Mrs. Janice Coffin Wiesen Mr. & Mrs. Harold Wiggin Mr. Peter M. Wilson Mr. Wiltiam R. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wino Ms. Dolores M. Wiszuk Ms. joan W. Wofford Mr. & Mrs. David S. Wolff Mr. David H. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Richard Woods Mr. & Mrs. Edward AWoolley Mr. & Mrs. William H. Woolverton Ul Ms. Leslie W. Forbes & Mr. David D. Worth Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wiltiam Wraitl1 IV Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Young Mr. & Mrs. Alex Zaras Ms. Helen D. Hobart & Mr. David F. Zorensky

Supporting Members Mr. & Mrs. Cary W. Akins Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Albrightjr.

27 Bold listing itulicates a gift to the capital campaign

• Matchi11g corporate gift

t Deceased



think your site is fabulous! I was adopted at just a few months of age and have only recently learned of my heritage. My grandfather was William Allen Starbuck, his father was William Alonzo Starbuck, and his father was Allen Simpson Starbuck. That is as far as I can recall without looking at the family tree. But we go back to the Starbuck that seUled Nantucket. I never realized I was a "yankee," ha. It is my hope to someday come to see your Island and the place where my people began life here in the US. Thank you. Sherry (Starbuck) Straka

Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Allen Ms. Geraldine A. Mullin & Mr. Nelson Allen Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Allerhand Mr. & Mrs. Charly D. Allemand Mrs. Dorothy C. Ames & Mr. Oakes Ames Mr. & Mrs. Pennel Ames Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Anderson Mr. Scott Anderson Ms. jane Andrews Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Applegate Mr. john L. G. Archibald Ms. Nancy Espersen & Mr. Gordon Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Norman). Asher Ms. Judith K. Atwood Ms. Sarah Prentiss Atwood Mr. & Mrs. Allan Austin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Austin Dr. & Mrs. Robert N. Averne Mr. & Mrs. john B. Ayres Mrs. Cindy Brown Bailey Mr. james L. Baird Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Baker Mr. & Mrs. William R. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Sam Baker Mr. & Mrs. Barrett Barnard Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. William Hadwen Barney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John B. Bartlett Mr. john L. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Mr. & Mrs. john D. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Seth Bergstein Mr. & Mrs. Benjrurtin Billings Mr. & Mrs. Gerald S. Biondi Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bisner Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Blashfield Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Blitman (Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Bohnsack Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boling Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Borden Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bousa Mr. & Mrs. John D. Braginton-Smith Ms. Reina W. Oostingh & Mr. Charles R. Braley Til Mr. & Mrs. M.V. Breckenridge Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William S. Brenizer Mr. & Mrs. David Brewster Mr. & Mrs. Warren H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scott Brown Ms. Carol Ann Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0. Brown Mr. & Mrs. William Browne Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bryan Dr. & Mrs. James E. Bullock Ms. Barbara Bund Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Burgeson Jr. Ms. Barbara H. Burmester Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Buder Mr. & Mrs. Paul Butler Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Butner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Cady Mr. & Mrs. Vincent]. Calarco Jr. Ms. Judy Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Callahan Ms. Patrice Callies Ms. Elizabeth Fisher & Mr. john M. Crunp Rev. james E. Cantler Ms. Lisa Anne Carey Mr. & Mrs. C. Mitchell Carl Mr. & Mrs. Haig M. Casparian Ms. Diruma M. Chalas Mr. Peter Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Constantine L. Christie Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Chute Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Owen G. Clinton Ms. Marilynn Cornell & Mr. Arthur P. Coe Mrt & Mrs. David R. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. ]runes A. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Peter Coffin Mr. & Mrs. john Henry Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Coffin Mr. Allen Cohen Mrs. john R. Colbert Mr. & Mrs. Allen Collins Mr. & Mrs. E. Malcolm Condon Mr. & Mrs. Alexius C. Conroy Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. Cooman Mr. & Mrs. David Coombs Ms. Eli7~beth Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Crommelin Dr. Frances Karttunen & Prof. Alfred W. Crosby Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Crosby' Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Cross Dr. & Mrs. Daniel F. S. Crowther Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Cummings Dr. & Mrs. David Dalury

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dane Ms. Marybeth Agostino & Ms. Betsy Dangel Mr. Aram Darmanian Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. DaRu Mr. Constantine Darzenta Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. DaSilva Mr. john P. de Neufville Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Deck Ms. Mary E. Ivey & Mr. Charles G. Del Signore Mr. & Mrs. jonathan W. Delano Mr. & Mrs. Sheeroy Desai Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Devlin Mr. john Donlon Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Donnelly Mr. R. Donnelly Mr. john P. Dooley Jr. Mr. joseph P. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dorr Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Dougan Mr. & Mrs. William Driscoll Mrs. Mary M. Duffin Mr. & Mrs. Michel J. Ducamp Mr. Mike Dugas Mr. & Mrs. Byron J. Dugdale Mr. & Mrs. Joe Duggru1 Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Egan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Emack Ms. Rebecca Emerson Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw & Mr. john P. Emert Ms. Susan McCollum & Mr. Todd H. Epstein Mr. Todd Enright Mr. & Mrs. john F. Fallon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Feder Mr. & Mrs. John J. Fee Sr. Mr. Scott Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dean Felch Mr. Willard B. Ferris & Mr. George M. Ferris fll Dr. & Mrs. john W. Feuerbach Mr. & Mrs. Eric Finger Dr. & Mrs. josef E. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hanagan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 M. Folberth III Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Foley Ms. Paula Forget Mr. & Mrs. Michael Foster Mr. & Mrs. Elden K. Foulk Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Ford M. Fraker Mr. & Mrs. James M. Frates Mrs. Virgirtia Friberg Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Frick Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Richard Frisbie Mr. Eric Gibson Ms. Serena Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Peter N. Gilbreth Mr. & Mrs. joshua R. Gillenson Mr. & Mrs. David Glidden Mr. & Mrs. Eric Goddard Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Golds1rtitl1 Dr. & Mrs. Jordon Goodman Ms. Susan Yerkes Cary & Mr. David Goodman Ms. Gail Berson & Mr. JayS. Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Irving Goss Mr. & Mrs. William GraiJamJr. Mr. & Mrs. Burges M. Green Mr. MarkS. Greenberg

Mr. Peter j. Greenhalgh Mr. & Mrs. Mark Grenier Ms. Heather W. Grillo Mr. & Mrs. john M. Groff Mr. A. Peter Guarino Mr. & Mrs. Louis Guarnaccia Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman Mr. joseph Hale Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hrurtilton Ms. Laura F. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Harris Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hayden Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Heasley Mr. & Mrs. George Hebner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Heffernan Mr. Mike Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hehir Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hellerman Mr. & Mrs. RichardS. !·Ierman Mr. & Mrs. Mason C. Heydt Mr. Rich Hileman Mr. & Mrs. Norman S. Hillman Mr. & Mrs. C. Thomas Hogsten Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Holdgate Mr. & Mrs. Stanley H. Hollander Mrs. Robert B. Homer Ms. Marlys J. Horodyski Mr. & Mrs. William Howell Dr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Howes Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hradil Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 Hudspeth Mrs. Sylvia Huette Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. ArthurS. Hulnick Ms. Sally Hummel-Uzzi Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hunter Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hussey Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hut Rev. and Mrs. joel Ives Mr. Laurence Jacks Mr. & Mrs. Robert Janis Mr. & Mrs. Kent Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. Matthew L. Jarvinen Dr. Marie Archibee & Mr. David Jaycox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter jenny Mr. David B. jewett Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. johnsen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey johnsen Mr. & Mrs. Briru1 johnson Ms. Lisa R. johnson Ms. Sally H. johnson Ms. Pam Joslin Prof. & Mrs. J. Richard Judson Mrs. Nancy K. Kafer Mr. & Mrs. Steven Karole Ms. Marshall McKee & Mr. Peter Kaufmru1 Dr. Peter S. Kay Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. KehJenbeck Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kellogg Jr. Ms. Janet jones & Mr. ]runes Kelly Mr. Randy A. Kemper Mr. Sanford Kendall Mr. & Mrs. Chris Kennadv r~ 1 Dr. Anne Broussard & "\"' Dr. RobertS. Kennedy Ms. Laura Kent-Hower Mr. & Mrs. Allan G. Kenzie Ms. Patty Kepenash Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kern


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• Matchi11g corporate gift

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Mr. & Mrs. john Kessler Mrs. Judith Ketterer Mr. & Mrs. John Ketterer Dr. & Mrs. Stanley E. Kilty Dr. & Mrs. jack Kindler Ms. Susan Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kleissler Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kloc Mr. & Mrs. George Knorps Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Kotalac Drs. jeannette Krom & Ruud A. 1'. Krom Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Kunkel Ms. Patricia Rottmeier & Mr. Kenneth Kuntz Mr. Richard G. Kushner Ms. Lulu Lanagan Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Lancaster Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. LaRocco Ms. Tina LePera-Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Leary Mr. & Mrs. Seddon W. Legg Mr. & Mrs. Davidj. Leggett Mr. & Mrs. John M. Leggett Mr. & Mrs. Steven Leinbach Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Leventhal Ms. Wende A. Cohen & Mr. Fredric W. Levin Mr. & Mrs. Artlmr Levy Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. W. Curtis Livingston Ms. Vicki Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lockard Mr. & Mrs. JeffreyS. Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Longley Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback Mr. & Mrs. Albert 0. Lauer Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Lowell Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lowenstein Mr. & Mrs. Brian H. Lowy Mr. & Mrs. David A. Lund Mrs. Ann Friedrich Lundberg Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Lundquist Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Lussier Jr. Ms. Elizabeth S. Wyatt & Mr. John E. Luth Ms. Deborah Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Hector MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. J. Randall MacDonald Mr. & Mrs. Hugh MacVicar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Macy Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Morgan F. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Charles Manghis Ms. Deborah Mankiw Dr. & Mrs. William T. Maple Mrs. Henrietta II. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Leslie K. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Marvin Mr. Christopher Maury Mr. & Mrs. john K. Maus Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Maver Mr. & Mrs. joseph McAlinden Mr. & Mrs. john C. McAtee Mrs. Adrienne A. McCalley Mr. & Mrs. Michael McClintock Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. McGrath Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKay Mr. & Mrs. john C. McMeekin Mr. & Mrs. Nathan B. McMullen Mr. Paul Meister Ms. Hollace Lindsay Roe & Mr. Emesto jose Mejer Mrs. David Mendelsohn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Balmoris Mendoza Ms. Margrethe B. Mentes

Mr. & Mrs. George Mercadante Mrs. Tamsen Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Mesaros Ms. Bonnie Roseman & Mr. Tony Messina Ms. Lyn Michels Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Michetti Mr. & Mrs. B. jenkins Middleton Mr. Christopher]. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Miller Mr. Ronald]. Mochel Ms. Nina Moore Mr. & Mrs. Timotl1y]. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Farley Moran Ms. Robbin LaRue & Mr. Chris Morgan Mr.' & Mrs. Paul C. Morris Jr. Ms. Anne D. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Peter Morrison Mr. & Mrs. john Morton Ill Ms. Susan Lapine & Mr. Donald Mroz Mr. & Mrs. John F. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Frazer Murray Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash II Ms. Debbie Miller & Ms. Carol Nast Dr. & Mrs. Larry Nathanson Mrs. Henry L. Newman Mrs. Grace T. Noyes Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Noyes Mr. Scott O'Connor Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 Obremski Mr. & Mrs. Rob Oden Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Offner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher N. Olsen Ms. Nannette F. Orr Mr. & Mrs. Frank S. Owen Mr. & Mrs. John G. Palache Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paley Mr. & Mrs. George C. Pappageorge Mr. & Mrs. Ernest C. Parizeau Mr. & Mrs. Anthony]. Parrotta Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Passaro Dr. & Mrs. William T. Pastuszak Mr. & Mrs. Richard Patton Ms. Maria Pena Mr. & Mrs. john Penn Mr. John Lamb & Mr. David A. Perry-Miller Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas K. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Pfaff Jr. Ms. Anne Pfetsch Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Pfund Ms. Susan Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pietrafesa Mr. & Mrs. john A. Pignato Rev. Sigmund Podlozny Jr. Mr. & Mrs. james L. Pomeranz Ms. Vanessa Pool Mr. & Mrs. William G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Powers Dr. Trevor Price Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey S. Proden Ms. Mary Bruce Rae-Grant Ms. Miriam W. Coffin Ragsdale Mr. & Mrs. Randall Lee Rahal Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ravenscroft Ms. Joyce Reingold Ms. Nina Ross & Mr. Nathaniel Reinhart Mr. & Mrs. C. Arnold Renschler Ms. Kin1 Rhody Dr. & Mrs. Robert V. Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Roberts

Mr. David B. Robinson Mrs. Marie-Claire Rochat-Silverio Mr. & Mrs. Dana F. Rodin Mr. Kristoph J. Roll en hagen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Roman Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Rosvold Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roth Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Rouillard Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Rubin Mr. & Mrs. David Rubin Ms. Claudia B. Svoboda & Mr. Theodore S. Ruehl Dr. & Mrs. John T. Rusnock Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Leroy F. Ryder Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Salisbury Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sanborn Mr. Joseph E. Santucci Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William R. Sayle Mr. Gudrun Schoeck Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Schultz Ms. Linda Schuring Mr. & Mrs. john Schymik Mr. & Mrs. Tom Scotti Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Seaquist Mr. & Mrs. Kent W. Seibert Mr. & Mrs. Pete Sendelbach Mr. & Mrs. Peter Shaw Mrs. Earle M. Sigler Mr. Walter R. Silva Mr. & Mrs. Leigh A. Simpson Dr. Janles C. Sisk Ms. Betsy Skae Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Smiles Mr. & Mrs. Norbert H. Snobeck Mr. & Mrs. Lars 0. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Spencer Ms. Kathleen A. Guido & Mr. Alfred T. Stanley Dr. & Mrs. JayS. Starr-Duker Mr. & Mrs. james Stedman Mr. & Mrs. J. Clayton Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stetina Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Stevens Mrs. Am1e Stinnett Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stockton Mr. & Mrs. Eugene C. Stone Mr. & Mrs. Harris E. Stone Mr. Todd Stotesbery Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Stratton Mr. William Strittmatter Mr. & Mrs. Eric Suan Ms. Joanne Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Sullivan Ms. jill Swaim Mr. & Mrs. Nason S. Swain Ms. Sally Wallace & Mr. Frank Swain Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer C. Swartley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swenson Ms. Mary Doty & Mr. Richard Sykes Dr. & Mrs. john J. Sziklas Mrs. Jo Tambo Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tibbetts Ms. Dorothea Hubner & Mr. J. A. Til roe Mr. & Mrs. James 0. Treyz Mr. Steven C. Thrrentine Ms. Kathleen E. Tyrer-Vasell Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Unruh Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Van Brunt Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Van Ness

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Van Orden Ms. Joanne Van Voorhis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Varbalow Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vietze Mr. John R. Wagley Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Walin Mr. & Mrs. John L. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Wallace Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Walsh Mr. & Mrs. John Ward Mr. & Mrs. john E. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Wasley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Waterhouse Mr. & Mrs. James B. Wayman Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Weber Dr. & Mrs. John G. Webster Ms. Julia E. Stearns & Mr. Marvin Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Roy Weedon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. ]olm W. Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weinstock Mr. & Mrs. t'rank Welsh Ms. Nancy M. Giragosian & Mr. Burton W. Went Mrs. Melanie A. Wernick Ms. Nancy Machmer & Mr. Mark Wessels Mr. & Mrs. RobertS. Westbrook Mr. & Mrs. William Parker Westcott Mr. & Mrs. David Westen berg Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Wetzel Mr. & Mrs. Hannan Wexler Mr. & Mrs. Davison D. White Mr. & Mrs. Daniel White Mr. & Mrs. Scott Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wiederhorn Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. james R. Williams Mrs. Paula K. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Charles Williams Ms. Teresa Wilson Mr. ]an1es D. Wismar Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Wolf Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Wolfe Ms. Barbara Wolfinger Ms. Mary Swain Wood Mr. & Mrs. J. Eliot Woodbridge Mr. & Mrs. David D. Worth Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Yankow Ms. Linda Yates Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Yeates Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Young Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Youngman Mr. & Mrs. Millard S. Younts Mr. & Mrs. Brian 1.. P. Zevnik

Individual Members Ms. Melinda A. Adams Mr. Steven M. Adler Ms. Lisa Ahem Mrs. Norma B. Al1lborn Mrs. June M. Albaugh Ms. joan P. Albaugh Ms. Mary Ann Albertine Ms. Betty Allebach Mrs. Anne C. Allen Ms. Nina Bell Allen Mrs. joan Hunter Altreuter Ms. Nancy L. An1aru Ms. Adele P. Ames Mr. Richard Anderson

29 Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign

• Matcbing corporate gift

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Mr. Ray Andrews Mrs. Velma C. Appl Ms. Eileen Arsenault Mrs. Louis R. Ayotte Mrs. Mary G. Bachman Mrs. Robert H. Baldwin Mr. jeffrey A. Barkan Ms. Rosemary C. Barney Rev. Patricia Barrett Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bartholomew Mr. john Bartlett Ms. Pamela C. Bartlett Mr. Philip E. Bash Mr. John Bayer Ms. Maureen V. Beck Mrs. Cynthia Bell Ms. Charity I. Benz Dr. jo:m Benz Mr. Thomas Berentes Ms. Mary Berman Ms. Eleanor Bernat Ms. Gina Bil:mder Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Jr. Mr. Roger W. Block Mr. Tim Blue Ms. Alison Bodurtha Ms. Elaine A. Boehm Ms. Margaret Moore Booker Ms. Karen Borchert Mrs. William Borten Ms. Claire Couch Bosee Ms. Elaine Shea Boudreau Mrs. Robert W. Bouton Mrs. Helen M. Bowen Ms. Bonnie B. Bradley Dr. Michael Bralower Mrs. Naomi C. Brewer Ms. Pamela L. Briggs Ms. Mary Ann Brooks Mr. Anton Brown Ms. Jane Brox Ms. Leah M. Brubaker Ms. Elizabetl1 Brummet Mrs. Mary A. Brunelle Ms. Lee Rand Burne Mrs. Barbara Jane Burris Mrs. Matthew V. Byrne Jr. Ms. Susan Calhman Ms. P. Lynn Candels Mrs. Ralph F. Carey Mrs. Susan E. Carlson Dr. Lawrence S. Carlton Mr. F. James Carr Jr. Ms. Janis Carreiro Mr. John B. Carroll Mrs. Irene Coffin Carroll Ms. Mary B. Carroll Mr. Brian Carroll Ms. Sally M. Carter Ms. Martha J. Cary Mr. Gerald ease· Ms. Jeanne Casey Ms. Gaynor D. Casner Mr. Norman W. Chaleki Mrs. Marshall H. Chambers Ms. joan S. Chase·Augustino Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Chomo Ms. Shirley T. Christophers Ms. Ann Cochran Dr. Samuel Alden Coffin Mr. Vernon L. Coffin Mrs. Marjorie G. Coffin Mrs. Helen S. Coffin Mr. Francis Howells Coffin

Mr. D. Tristram Coffin Mr. David P. Coffin Jr. Ms. Abigail Coffin Ms. Mary J. Coffin·Wakeman Mr. jerome M. Cohen Ms. Nan L. Collette Mrs. Marion Cortley Mrs. Jane E Connell Mrs. Sophie Chandler Consagra Ms. Kathleen Conway Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Ms. Caroline E Corkum Ms. Susan A. Cosman Ms. Lynn Cossuth Ms. Karen Roberta Costantini Ms. Rosalind Costello Ms. Helen Cox Mrs. Marilyn Cullen Mrs. Grace Coffin Daughdrill Mrs. John Butler Davis Ms. Janet Y. DeCosta Mr. R:mdall E. Decoteau Ms. Deborah DellOrfano Ms. Antoinette Denisof Mr. Burton N. Derick Ms. Mary Kinne Descy Mr. Brian A. Dicaire Mr. Hugh M. Dickinson Ms. J:met Dickinson Mr. Mark Donato Ms. Jeanne M. Dooley Mrs. Elizabeth G. Dorn Dr. Wendell K. Downing Ms. Valerie Drake Ms. Barbara Driscoll Mr. Kenneth V. Duce Ms. Ethel Dunham Ms. Deborah Newhouse Dunham Ms. Susan Dupree Ms. Morgan Ellington Mr. Steven Ellis Mr. Douglas R. Ellsworth Ms. Vivian P. Elvidge Ms. Nancy S. Ernst Ms. Constance Escher Mr. Douglas Eveleigh Ms. Eleanor Everson Ms. LaVerne Fagel Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Ms. Jane J. Fargo Mrs. Deboral1 Faulkner Ms. Tracie Anne Fitzgerald Mrs. Jean M. Fleming Mrs. Natalie J. Fletcher Ms. Kerry Kennedy Flynn Ms. Lucy E. Folger Ms. Cecilia Forbes Ms. jean G. Fordyce Mr. William E Fordyce Mr. Mark L. Foster Ms. judith Frank Mr. Mark C. Fredland Mr. Emory B. Freeman Ms. Nancy Fromson Mr. Michael Fruzzetti Ms. Gaye E. Gardiner Ms. Nancy Geiser Ms. Karen K. Gifford Mrs. joyce Elma Macy Gilbreath Mr. Donald W. Giles Ms. Linda Glass Ms. Susan S. Goldman Ms. Rose M. Gonnella Ms. Helen M. Goode

Ms. Louise M. Gouge Ms. Nicole Christine Graham Mr. Phil Grant Mr. Sidney C. Graves Mrs. Barbara P. Grey Ms. Karen Grip Mrs. Walker Groetzinger Ms. Alice Loomis Guiher Mrs. Elma Guttenberg Ms. Violet Orrie Guy Ms. Kitllagen Mrs. Richard Thomas Hale Ms. Ruth A. 1-lalsaU Ms. janice Hanm10nd Mrs. Charles J. Hancock Ms. Patti Hanley Mrs. Mary I. Hardy Mr. Robert Harper Ms. Deboral1 Hatfield Mrs. Marjorie Macy Hallin Mrs. Helene Havers Mr. john M. Heggem Mrs. Elizabeth W. Hendricks Dr. William H. Higgins Jr. Ms. Edna High Mr. T. J. Hill Mr. Dennis Hill Mr. Glenn Forrester Hillman Ms. Grace Hinkley Mrs. Philemon N. Hoadley Mr. Andy lloldgate Mrs. Katherine E. Hollifield Ms. Kathleen Hood Ms. Leslie Hoag Hope Ms. Fionoa L. Horning Mrs. William P. Hourihan Mrs. John Husted Ms. Laura C. Iglehart Mrs. Curtis L. lvey Jr. Mrs. Arthur F. jamison Ms. Page Wroth Jamison Mr. Stephen jelin Ms. Pamela G. Jelleme Mr. John G. johnson Ms. Mary W. Johnson Ms. Esther Smith Johnson Ms. CamillajaneJoynt Mr. Richard G. Kahn Ms. Margaret E. K..1vanaugh Mr. Oliver Keller Mr. John I. Kelly Ms. Martha Davis Kelly· Mr. William Westby Kenney Ms. Susan F. R. Kenny Ms. Lyn Ketterer Ms. Patience E. Killen Ms. Rita Delafield Kip Mrs. Elizabeth Krida Ms. Gene Swain Kuechmann Ms. Diane LaFrance Ms. Michelle Lamb Ms. Sarah E Lamott Ms. Carol M. Lane Ms. judith Lanza Ms. Rebecca FeUerman Lauer Mrs. Marie Lawrence Mrs. Edith K. Leary Ms. Donna M. Lehman Ms. Lucy A. Leske Mr. Gordon H. Lewis Ms. joan libby Mr. Henry lindenmeyr Ms. Leah lipton Ms. Susan Lister I.ocke

Mr. Peter S. Loomis Ms. Nancy J. Looney Ms. Katie K. Lorentzen Ms. Carrie Lorentzen Ms. Susan Loucks Mrs. Elaine Lowengard Ms. Peggy Lubin Ms. Judith N. Lund Ms. Catherine Lundie Mrs. Katherine M. Lynch Mr. Matthew R. MacEachern Ms. Karen Jean MacNab Col. Owen Y. Macy Mr. Thomas Blair Macy Mr. Thomas L. Macy Mr. Thomas W. Macy Ms. Catherine Theresa Maloney Ms. Barbara Mansfield Mr. Aaron Marcavitch Ms. Sheila M. Marcoux Ms. Pan1ela S. Martell Ms. Donna Martino Ms. Lynne Maselan Mr. Ben Maycock Ms. Angela Mazaris Ms. Anne C. McAndrew Ms. Jane McClafferty Dr. Katherine Ann McCluskey Mrs. Barbara A. McGhee Ms. Eileen P. McGrath Ms. Molly McKeown Mrs. Ann Louise Coffin McLaughlin Mr. Ethan McMorrow Ms. Edith W. McNair Mrs. Adolph J. Merkt Ms. Mary R. Miles Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller Mr. Grayson B. Mitchell Mr. Richard E Mitchell Mr. Samuel W. Mitchell Ms. Ellen B. Mitchell" Mr. Earl B. Mix Jr." Ms. Laurel Modeen Ms. Samantha Mooney Ms. Elizabeth M. Mooret Ms. Margaret C. Morgan Mr. Tobit Morral Ms. Eleanor J. Morrison Mr. Gerald Morrissey Mr. Michael Morrissey Ms. Mary E. Morton Mrs. Eva Moss Ms. Sandi Mulconry Mrs. Alfred E. Munier Mrs. john Murkland Mr. Paul G. Murphy Ms. Mary Jane Murphy Ms. Patricia Murray Ms. Kathleen Sue Myers Mr. Lee Neff Ms. Aimee Newell Ms. Mareen A. Nichols Mrs. Richard E. Nopper Mr.J. North Ms. Lois M. Norton Mr. David Thomas O'Brien Ms. Linda O'Brien Mr. Michael O'Leary Ms. Judith M. Ochsner Ms. Susan Odiseos Mr. Robert Olinto Mr. John Edward Osborn Mr. David W. Ostergren Mrs. Ray Owen


Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign

• Matching corporate gift

t Deceased

Ms. Jane Paden Mr. Robert Paiement Ms. Unda B. Palmer Ms. Betsy Pardi Mrs. Manning Parsons Ms. Nancy Pasley Mr. Donald Peacock Ms. Susan E. Peltinati Ms. Phyllis Fein Perelman Mr. Jeffrey M. Perk Ms. Nadine M. Persson Mr. Michael J. Perullo Ms. Anne C. Peters Dr. Pearlie M. Peters Ms. Annette W. Peterson Mr. john E. Petrie Mr. Henry W. Pfeiffer Ms. Louise Pfeiffer Mr. Brian Pfeiffer Ms. Georgiann Phipps Mr. Randolph W. Pierce Ms. janet J. Pierson Dr. Richard J. Pike Jr. Dr. Barbara Baxter Pillinger Ms. Karen E. Pinto Ms. Dianne G. Pillman Ms. Gilda C. Pollard Ms. Joan Brown Porter Mrs. Janet P. G. Porterfield Ms. Melinda R. Poller Ms. Peyson Potter Mr. james E. Powers Ms. Judith Powers Ms. J. B. Presber Ms. Ann B. Quirk Mr. john M. Raymond Ms. Diana R. Regan Mrs. Irene A. Regan Mr. Alex Reid Ms. Jean Reiland Mr. John A. Reindel Mr. Allen B. Reinhard Ms. Saral1 Reinstein Mrs. Frederick A. Richmond Mrs. Fred S. Richrod Mrs. Charles R. Rickards Ms. Bettina K. Ridley Mr. Bruce Rigdon Ms. Lois F. Riley Ms. Malisa Roberts Mr. Keith Roberts Mrs. Patricia V. Robinson Mrs. Phyllis K. Robinson Mrs. Nancy Lynn Romankiewicz Ms. Janice Rorick Mrs. Lidia Rosenbaum Mr. Terence M. Rowse Ms. Elisabeth C. Roxby Ms. Elizabetlt Rubin Ms. Louise M. Rucker Mrs. Millicent Ruddy Ms. Cathrine Ruley Ms. Patricia L. Salmeier Mr. Lawton G. Sargent Jr. Mrs. Barbara Brown Saunders Ms. Madelyn Francis Scannell Mr. Peter A. Schmid Mr. Carl W. Schmidt Mrs. Betty Macy Schwier Mrs. C. Jacqueline Seidel Mr. Paul R. Senecal Mrs. Ruth Shaw Mrs. Elizabeth E. Sheppard Ms. Whitney Sherman

Ms. Nancy Shoemaker Ms. Mary M. Shumaker Mr. Jim H. Siburg Ms. Christine B. Silverstein Mrs. Willian1 A. Slade Ms. Lucinda Longley Slate Mrs. john Slavitz Mr. joe Slovensky Mrs. joan D. Small Mrs. Ilene N. Smith Mrs. Betty Macy Smith Ms. Sandra F. Smith Mr. Lee H. Smitl1 Ms. judith L. Smith Ms. Linda Smith Ms. Sheri L. Snively Mr. James L. Socks Mrs. Frank C. Soule Ms. Patricia M. Spear Mr. George Hollister Spencer Mrs. Cassie Spencer Ms. Sheila Spezzano Mr. Duncan St. Clair Ms. Tracy Stamper Mr. Raymond B. Starbuck Ms. Virginia D. Stevens Mrs. Shirley Stojak Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Stone Ms. Cordelia Stone Ms. Virginia Stotz Ms. Kate Stout Mrs. Stevie Strauss Ms. Virginia L. Streader Ms. Mary jane Stroup Mrs. Lisa S. Sutphin Mr. Carl E. Swain Mr. Reginald Swain Ms. Anne Sweidel Mr. Edward J. Tanner Mr. Davis T.Taumon Jr.' Ms. Mildred Taylor Ms. Ginny R. Taylor Ms. Susan G. TeUier Mr. joseph M. Thibert Mrs. Helen R. Thomas Mr. Lamont D. Thomas Mr. Reynold Thomas lll Mr. Mark Thompson Mrs. Carol D. Thornton Ms. Michelle E. Thornton Mrs. Lois Tobin Ms. Sheila Folger Todd Ms. Elizabeth K. Tolton Ms. Nikki S. Toole Mr. Thomas D. Trapasso Mrs. Margaret H. Trapnell Mr. Stanley Truffini Mrs. Barbara Thrk Mrs. james Tyler Ms. Nancy E. Tyrer Mrs. Pamela J. Vana-Paxhia Ms. Susan L. Vaughan Mrs. Gay G. Vogt Ms. Unda Vollkommer-Lynch Ms. Eugenic H. Voorhees Mr. GeraldS. Wade Ms. Janet Wagner Ms. judith E. Wagner Ms. Donna Wagnon Mr. Robert P. Waickowski Mr. W. Wyatt Walker Jr. Mr. Timothy J. Walker Mr. Patrick Walsh-Vernelti Ms. Suzanne M. Walton

Mrs. Susan S. Ward Mrs. Robert S. Wareham Ms. Ann Warren Mr. Charles L. Washburne Mrs. J. Brooks Watt Mr. Daniel S. Wayland Mr. Michael Wayland Mr. John W. Wayland Mr. Patrick S. Wayland Ms. Natalie H. Webb Ms. Ann A. Welfeld Mr. WiUiam S. Wheeler Mrs. Barbara White Ms. Lucia W. Whittelsey Mrs. Eric). Willian1s Mr. Andrew Willian1s Ms. Marguerite C. Wills Dr. joy Therese Wilson Mrs. Helen Coffin Wilson Ms. Maureen Jean Wilson Ms. Carole W. Windham Ms. Christy N. Wise Mrs. WiUiam F. Wiseman Mr. john G. Wofford Mr. Edward Wolljr. Mrs. Nancy B. Wood Ms. Barbara H. Wullschleger Ms. Margot F. Wynkoop Mrs. Paula Blackmur Young Ms. Hilda Young Lt. Col. James W. Youngberg Ms. Mary Zappas Ms. Jill B. Zeno

Mr. Kevin R. Aydeloue Mr. Michael Bachman Mr. William Bachman Mr. Kenneth Bairdt Mr. Walter D. Bannard Mr. James Hunt Barker Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. t & Mrs. Norman F. Beach Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beilman Mrs. Mary Anne Beinecke Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beinecke Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Beinecke lif Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Beman Mrs. A. L. Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Bennett Mr. Robert A. Bennett Mrs. George Berkheimer Dr. James S. Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blackshaw Ms. Gale R. Blosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. BoUingjr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Bomeisler Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David B. Boric Ms. Edith S. Bouriez Mr. & Mrs. Edwin C. Breeding Mr. Benjamin Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard]. Brennan lV

Institutional Members Allen County Public Ubrary American Antiquarian Society Boston Public Ubrary Cornell University Ubrary DAR Library The Egan lnstintte of Maritime Studies at the Coffin School Harvard College Library Haverford College Ubrary Library of Boston Atl1enaeum Massachusells State Library New England Historic Genealogical Society New York Public Library New York State Library Newberry Library Serials Division Public Library of Cincinnati State Historical Society of Wisconsin University of Massachusetts Library

Life Members Mr. & Mrs. Emery E. Allain Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Ames Mr. Williant Mitchell Amey Mrs. Carolyn Pesnell Amory Mr. & Mrs. joel Anapol Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Rev. and Mrs. Edward B. Anderson Mr. Michael C. Anderson Mrs. james Clinton Andrews Mr. W. Seyn10ur Archibald Jr. Mrs. George Arnold Jr. Mrs. Harold Arnold Mrs. Loraine C. Arnold Mr. Edmund D. Ashley Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Austin Mrs. Patricia C. Avery Mr. jan1es E. Aydeloue Mr. & Mrs.]. Robert Aydelolle

T hanks for your site. It is very good, it has prompted me to join the NHA . .. and pay another visit to your island. My mother was born a McArthur, a direct descendant ofArthur McArthur and Elizabeth Folger. This connection connects me to all of the Island's Founders, very amazing.Arthur had some quite prominent and distinguished grandsons, Warren Sr., Warren Jr., Albert, and Charles Henry. Thanks again and keep up the good work.

Henry Undenmeyr 31

Bold listing indicates a gift to tbe capilLI/ campaign

• Matcbi ng corporate gi.ft

t Deceased


Mr. Bernard). Brennan V Ms. Elfriede E. Brennan Ms. Kasara M. Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Gregg C. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Mr. Folger Brink Mr. Atherton Bristol Mr. & Mrs. Albert G. Brock Mr. john Brock Mr. A. C. Brodie Mrs. Evelyn E. Bromely Mrs. Alita Brooks Mr. Alan Brown Mr. & Mrs. Colin H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Stillman Brown Ms. Virginia Brown Mr. & Mrs. Butler Brownell Mr. & Mrs.t John F. Buckley Mrs. Eldee Buhite Ms. Miriam H. Bunker Mr. Paul West Bunker Mrs. Gilbert Burchell Mr. & Mrs. Willian! E Burdick Jr. Mr. Clair E. Butler Mr. Charles C. Butt Ms. Elisabeth Ray Calene Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. callahan Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Cannon Mr. Henry C. Carlisle Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Miles G. Carlisle Mrs.). Neale Carman Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Carpenter Jr. Mrs. William H. Cassebaum Mr. John C. Chadbourne Mr. Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Mrs. john S. Chapman Ms. Barbara Ann Charder Mrs. Helen Winslow Chaset Ms. Nancy A. Chase Dr. Richard A. Chase Mrs. William S. Christopher Mrs. Robert Chuckrow Capt. Howard Ray Church Mrs. Patricia Mason Claflin Mr. Gerald E. Clare Mrs. Robert B. Clark Mr. Thomas J. Clark Mrs. Florence E. Clifford Mr. jan1es I. Coddington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dexter D. Coffin Jr. Mr. Kenneth P. Coffin Mrs. Richard F. Coffin Mr. Winthrop B. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Mr. & Mrs. jeffrey N. Cohen Mrs. Henry B. Coleman Mr. G. Crawford Colket Mr. Michael W. Conger Mr. Philip G. Connell Jr. Mrs. Frederic W. Cook Mr. Oliver Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. William B. Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Courson Mrs. joseph M. Cowan Mr.). Stanley Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James B. Crecca Mr. Howard R. Crocker Mr. Everett U. Crosby ll Mr. Daniel G. Crozier Mr. & Mrs. David E. Cunningham Mrs. Anita Coffin Dammin Dr. & Mrs. Tristram C. Dammin

Mr. & Mrs. joseph W. Damsker Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. D. Weston Darby Jr. Mr. & Mrs. jerry Daub Mr. Edward L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Mrs. Barbara 0. de Zalduondo Mrs. Abbott L. Deroo Mr. Kenneth W. Douglas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert). Dowd Mr. & Mrs. Leonard P. Drabkin Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Drake Ms. Trudy Dujardin Mr. Lawrence P. Dunham Mr. Richard Earle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ebert Mrs. Albert F. Egan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Eger Dr. & Mrs. john Taylor Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Ernst Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ernst Ms. Rosemary H. Evans Mr. & Mrs. David Ewing Mrs. Eugenic Eyster Ms. Marsha Fader Mrs. Henry D. Fairlie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Farrell Jr. Mrs. A. R. Fauth Mr. & Mrs. G. R. Fauth Mr. HenryW. Feejr. Mr. Sherman E. Fein Mr. & Mrs. Stuart P. Feld Mr. & Mrs. Eric N. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Fife Mrs. Norman G. Figures Mr. Douglas R. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Howard Finney Lll Mr. jay Finney Mr. john R. Finney Mr. Paul M. Finney Ms. Susan Finney Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Fisher Mr. Norman E. Flayderman Mr. George L. Fleming Mr. Alvin G. Folger Mr. Benjamin F. Folger Jr. Mr. Peter M. Folger Mr. Peter Folger Mr. t & Mrs. Richard Folger Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Folger Mr. Walter Weston Folger Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Frank Ms. Samantha Frank Ms. Sandriel Frank Mr. Ehrenj. Frank Mr. Harrison C. Freemanjr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Starbuck Freeman Ms. Fiona jane Fulton Mrs. Geoffrey E. t'ulton Mr. & Mrs. Charles). Gardner Mrs. Edward T. Gardner Jr. Mrs. Fred Gardner Mr. Sandor A. Garfinkle Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Garrett Sr. Mrs. Grenville Garside Mr. & Mrs. CarlS. Ge1virz Mr. & Mrs. john R. Gibb Mr. Thomas W. Gibb Mr. t & Mrs. George B. Gibbons Jr. CDR & Mrs. Maurice E. Gibbs Mrs. Susan H. Gibson Mrs. C. Elizabeth Gibson Mr. & Mrs. john Gilbert

Ms. Rosalie D. Girard Mr. & Mrs. Richard Glidden Mr. & Mrs.t james Glidden Mrs. Charles Goetz Lt. Col. & Mrs. David H. Good1villie Mrs. Donald R. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. George Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mrs. Colin Gray Mrs. Theodore Greenebaum Dr. & Mrs. B. Herold Griffith Ms. Tristan Griffith Mrs. Bernard D. Grossman Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gulbrandsen Mr. & Mrs. Elliott W. Gumaer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund Mr. & Mrs. Theodore B. Gurley Mr. William V. Haddon Mr. Charles D. Haden Ms. Beverly Hall Mr. & Mrs. Bion B. Hall Jr. Mr. Ed1vin M. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Hardy Mrs. james W. Hawes Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton Heardjr. Mr. Jack E. Helms Mrs. RogerS. Henry Ms. julie Hensler Mr. William P. Herbert Mrs. Steven K. Berlitz Mr. & Mrs. james L. Hiers Jr. Mr. & Mrs. G.S. Hill Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hillger Mr. Richard M. Hinchman Mr. Winthrop D. Hodges Jr. Dr. Ellen Dorrit lloffleit Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Hogan Mr. Christopher Holland Mr. Wayne F. Holmes Mrs. james E. Hooper Jr. Mrs. john C. Hosmer Mr. N. Newbury Hovde Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Howard Mr. & Mrs. George Hughes Mrs. Robert K. Humphrey Mrs. David Huntington Mr. & Mrs. james B. Hurlock Capt. & Mrs. William B. Hussey Mr. & Mrs. James M. Hutton UI Mr. William E. Hutton Mr. & Mrs. 0. Edward Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. lllingworth Mr. Robert D. jay Mrs. Betty B. Jenney Dr. G. 0. E jensen Mrs. Sally R. johnson Ms. Kristina johnson Mr. & Mrs.). Seward Johnson Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. johnston Mr. & Mrs. H. Frederick johnston Mrs. David jones Mr. & Mrs. Vladimir Kagan Mr. & Mrs. Michael). Kane Mr. Robert N. Karelitz Mrs. Sarah M. Worth Kassman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Kauders Mrs. john F. Keiser Mr. & Mrs. William Keller Mr. Daniel E Kelliher Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Kellogg Mr. John L. Kemmerer Mr. Alfred V. Kidder Mrs. Sidney H. Killen Mr. Bryan E King

Ms. Edith E. King Ms. Janet F. King Mrs. Marriot F. Kingt Mr. & Mrs. john H. Kitchen Jr. Ms. Agathe Kongshoj Mrs. Michael 0. Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Lamberton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Land Mr. Chris Larsen Mr. Robert J. Leach Mrs. Lawrence R. Leet Mr. L. Randolph Lee Mr. Thomas V. Lefevre Rev. & Mrs. Paul E. Leighton Mrs. james Leon Mr. Morgan J. Levine Mr. Reginald Levine Mrs. Susan Lewis Mr. Howard L. Lewis Jr. Mr. Thomas H. Lewis Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Dr. john D. C. & Dr. Elizabeth 1 little Mr. Dennis J. Looney Ms. Linda Loring Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Loring Mr. Donald K. Lourie Mrs. Frank W. Lovejoy Mrs. David A. Lussier Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Mabbs Mr. Daniel H. Macey Mr. Peter MacGlashan Mrs. Manuel Machado Mr. Norman E. Mack II Mr. & Mrs. Richard MacKay Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey C. MacLay Mr. & Mrs. William Q. MacLean Mr. & Mrs. George W. MacLellan Mrs. Florence D. Macomber Mrt & Mrs. William B. Macomber Mr. Bill C. Macy Mr. Charles T. Macy Mrs. Elwood Macy Mr. James B. Macy Jr. Mrs. john C. Macy Mrs. J. Noel Macy Mr. Thomas 0. Macy Mr. Richard Macy Jr. Mr. Paul Madden Mr. Gerald D. Mainhart Mr. & Mrs. James L. Malone III Mrs. Mina BlaisdeU Manner Mr. Albert L. Manningjr. Mr. Gordon St. G. Mark Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey F. Marks Ms. Edith S. Mason Mr. John F. Mason Ms. Frances Grey Massey Mr. & Mrs. David Masters Mr. & Mrs. MacDonald Mathey Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Mr. & Mrs. john M. McCarthy Mrs. jesse D. McCieUant Miss Grace S. McCrearyt Mr. john B. McElderry Jr. Mr. Donald McGannon Mrs. jeanne M. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. james R. Mcintosh Mr. D. Eric McKechnie Mrs. Jane H. McKinney Mr. John F. McLaughlin Jr. Ms. Juliet McMains Ms. Sara Anne McMains Mr. W. Tarkington McMains


Bold listing indicates a gift to the capital campaign

• Matching corporate gift

t Deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Wren McMains Mrs. Helen D. McMaster Mr. & Mrs. Bill McRoberts Mrs. Martie McRoberts Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E Meader Mr. R. Wakefield Menke Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mrs. Raymond H. Mertens Mr. & Mrs. Peter Metters Ms. Polly Thayer Miller Mr. & Mrs. L. Gordon Miller Jr. Ms. Nancy D. Minus Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Mitchell Mr. Robert L. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Mooney Daniel & Michael Mooney Ms. Dorothy M. Mortenson Mr. HowardS. Moll Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. David Donald Mulford Dr. & Mrs. joseph Murphy Mr. & Mrs. john D. Murphy Mr. john P. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Dr. & Mrs. David G. Nathan Mr. Edgar D. Nelson Mrs. W. Ripley Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Alan Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Chris Newhouse Mr. Kenneth W. Holdgatejr. & Ms. Nancy A. Newhouse Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Newhouse Jr. Mr. William II. Newton Mrs. Abran1 J. Niles LCDR Comdr. & Mrs. Charles L. Noblit Mr. Peter W. North Mrs. Johnston F. Northrop Mrs. Eldridge B. Norton Mrs. jane Meader Nye Mrs. Marjory R. O'Day Mr. Clifford B. O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. O'Hara Mrs. Michael O'Reilly Mr. Andrew Oates Mr. David 1\1. Ogden Miss Faith A. Oldham Mr. & Mrs. C. Hardy Oliver Jr. Mrs. Barbara W. Osborne Dr. Eileen M. Ouellette Mrs. Robert L. Palmer Mrs. Donald A. Park Sr. Mr. Floyd L. Parks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. W. Malcolm Parry Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Pease Mr. & Mrs. Henry C. Petzel Mr. & Mrs. C. Weston Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Don Polvere Ms. Ann Bissinger & Mr. Mark Poor Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mrs. Elinor M. Pullen Mrs. jan1es B. Punderson Mr. David S. Raltilly Mrs. jeanne G. Rand Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. james T. Ranney Mr. Robert F. Ranney LTJG William M. Ranney USNR Mrs. A. L. Rawlings Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray ill Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ray Mr. George G. Raymond Jr. Mrs. John R. Redfern Mr. Reginald Reed

Mr. Albert C. Reid Jr. Mr. Harry Gardiner Reid Mr. & Mrs. Myles Reis Mr. William C. S. Remsen Mr. Robin A. Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Lydie L. Rickard Mrs. Barbara Hussey Riggins Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Ms. Glenaan Robbins Ms. Alma Robbins Mrs. Edward C. Roberts Mr. Chester Robinson ill Mrs. Helen Roca-Garcia Mr. Fred M. Rogerst Mrs. L. Francis Rooney Ms. Elizabeth A. Roos Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rovsek Mr. Robert S. Royce Mrs. Jaclyn R. Russell Mrs. J. Townsend Russell Dr. Sylvester J. Ryan Dr. & Mrs. RobertS. Salisbury Mrs. Cornelia Samuel Mrs. William Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sayle Mr. & Mrs. William M. Schaefer Mr. William M. Schaefer Jr. Ms. Patricia B. Schafer Mr. & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Ms. Karen C. Schwenk Mrs. Helen P. Seager Mrs. Kennetl1 Seagrave Ms. K.1te L. Searls Mr. John C. Seedorff Mr. & Mrs. Willian1 Seegraber Dr. & Mrs. Richard Seibert Mr. David H. Semmes Mrs. William A. Sevrens Mr. & Mrs. C. Park Shaper Mr. & Mrs. Randolph G. Sharp Mrs. Gertrude C. Shelton Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Shiff Mr. joseph Shramko Mr. Herbert L. Shultz Mrs. Clarence L. Sibley Mrs. Russell A. Sibley Dr. & Mrs. Willian! R. Siddall Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Sidon Mrs. Eugene M. Sigman Mr. Andre R. Sigourney Mrs. John D. Silliman Mr. & Mrs. George H. Simonds Mrs. Anne L. Simonson Mrs. Carroll D. Smith Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Bowen Smitl1 Ms. Hillary Smith Mr. Kent C. B. Smith Mrs. Stanley M. Smith Mr. William E. Smith Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sorenson Mrs. Barbara Reinecke Spitler Ms. Jennifer Newhouse Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. jolm K. Spring Mr. Matthew P. Stackpole Mr. & Mrs. Renny A. Stackpole Mrs. George T. Stafford Mr. Frank F. Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Fred Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Krister Stendahl Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stiller Dr. & Mrs. john C. Stockman Mrs. Benjamin Stone

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Stone Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Storer Mr. Erick Storer Ms. Gretchen Storer Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Stover Mrs. Anne P. Strain Mrs. Emily Stubbs-Macy Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Sturdy Mrs. Sally M. Sturm Mr. Charles Swain Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan F. Swain Mrs. Phoebe Prime Swain Mr. & Mrs. Sidney E. Sweet Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Sylvia Mrs. Mary Ranke Tamplin Mr. & Mrs. David Tausig-Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Hans E. Tausig Mr. & Mrs. jared F. Tausig Mr. justin D. Tausig Mr. Jotham P. Tausig Mr. & Mrs. John M. Taylor Jr. Mrs. Joy C. Teal Mrs. Donald E. Terry Mrs. Henry Riddell Terry Ms. Henrietta S. Thomas Mr. Thomas Thompson Dr. Susan Beegel & Dr. Wes Tiffney Jr. t Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. C. Tiglon Mr. J. Anthony Timmons Mrs. Edward H. Townsend Jr. Mr. William Tuach Mrs. Bert S. Turner Ms. Clara Urbahn Mrs. Herbert R. Van Ness Jr. Mrs. jean Marie Van Waveren Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Ms. Katherine H. Vincent Mrs. Kendall Smith Voges Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Von Zumbusch Mrs. Robert M. Wagganmn Mr. William M. Waggan1an Mrs. John H. Wallace Mrs. Faith P. Waters Mrs. Charles J. Webb II Mr. Franklin Folger Webster Ill Mrs. George A. Webster

Mr. Paul C. Webster Mrs. WilliamS. Weedon 1 Mr. james D. B. Weiss Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip M. Weiss Mrs. Rudolph J. Weisskopf Ms. Alexandra Welch Mr. & Mrs. John N. Welch Mr. John N. Welch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. joseph F. Welch Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Weld Mrs. Richard Wengren Mrs. Roger M. Wheeler Ms. Elizabeth B. Wheelwright Mr. Lindsay White Mrs. John K. Whitney Mr. & Mrs. Wayne G. Wickman Mr. & Mrs. Henry K. Willard II Mr. Orris W. Willard Ms. Linda F. Willian1s Mrs. J. Alfred Wilner Mrs. William L. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Windsor Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Wise Dr. Andrew Wise Mr. Kenneth A. Wise Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Wolfe Mrs. Thruston Wright Jr. Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Mr. & Mrs. Bracebridge li. Young Jr. Mrs. Roger A. Young Mr. & Mrs. William B. Young Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Ziebarth Mr. Daniel]. Zimring Mr. & Mrs. Barry R. Zlatin Mrs. jo Zschau




age 82, was a long-time friend of the MIA and a truly remarkable man. After a career as U.S. ambassador to Thrkey and Jordan, and president of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Macomber retired to Nantucket with his wife Phyllis. His many activities on the island included serving on the Nantucket School Committee, helping to start the Friends of the Atheneum, teaching history in the Nantucket schools, and coaching JV football. Bill was also a member of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association and for many years served as a valued member of the collections committee at the MIA, providing insight into developing the association's collections for use in educational programs. He is survived by his wife and will be deeply missed.

33 Bold listing indicates a gift to tbe cajJital camj>aign

• Matcbing corjJOrate gift

t Deceased


Business Members Business Leaders

Business Partners

Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Cliffside Beach Club Congdon & Coleman Insurance Denby Real Estate Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Dujardin Design Associates Glidden & Glidden P.C. tlarbor Fuel Oil Corporation Janles Lydon & Sons Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Killen Real Estate Lucille Jordan Associates, Inc. Mitchell's Book Corner Murray's Toggery Shop Inc. Nantucket Bank Pacific National-a Fleet Financial Company Pierce Galleries Trianon/Seaman Schepps Young's Bicycle Sho1>

ATaste of Nantucket AI Novissimo, Technology Consultant American Seasons Barry Thurston Fishing Tackle Bartlett's Ocean View Farm Belanger, Paul & Cutone Architecture Brass Lantern Inn C. Richard Loftin, Attorney at Law Centre Street Inn Chase Canopy Company Chip Webster & Associates Coffin!Sconset Real Estate Cold Noses, Inc. D. Neil Parent Associates Design Associates, Inc. Eldredge & Bourne Moving & Storage Flowers on Chestnut Foreign Affairs Hatch's Liquor Store Henry's Sandwich Sho1> Hepburn, Ltd. II ill's of Nantucket Hoorn-Ashby Gallery Hutch 's Jeanette Topham Catering Le Cherche-Midi Lee Real Estate Leslie Heiden Design Consultants, Inc. Lindsay, Inc. Lion's Paw Madaket Marine Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Nantucket Country Nantucket Directory

Business Sponsors Botticelli & Pohl, P.C. Cape Cod Express, Inc. Edith Delker Real Estate Haberdashery of ew England Hy-Line Cruises Lyman Perry Architects, Ltd. Mill Stone General Contractors Inc. Nantucket Storage Center Sylvia Antiques/Four Winds Craft Guild

Brown dress with dark braid, ca. eat¡ly 1890s

Nantucket Electric Company Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce

Nantucket Magazine Nantucket Office Products antucket Real Estate Company Nantucket Residential Design Nantucket SportsLocker Nantucket Storage Nantucket Today Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Patricia A. llalsted, Attorney at Law Paul S. Jensen, Attorney at Law Philbrick and Avery LLP Placesetters, Inc. Pro Buyer Associates Provisions Royal Colley Associates Real Estate Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Sarah F. Alger, P.C. Sherburne Inn Swain's Travel Sweet Inspirations The Beachside at Nantucket The Club Car The lnqtlirer and Mirror The Nantucket Independent The Tile Room The Trinity Collection The Wade Cottages The Wood box Inn Thirty Acre Wood LLC 1\vig Perkins, Inc. Vis-a-Vis W. B. Marden Zero Main

Blue silk plaid bodice with sleeves, ca. 1860s

A bolt/ listing denotes a Capital Campaign contribution. Membersbip lists are complete as of December 31,2003. We apologize for iuadverlenl errors or omissions. Ifyon bave any corrections, please call (508) 825-2248, ext. 16.

I Man's striped wool swimsuit, ca.1920s. Courtesy of Nancy Gewirz, Antique Textile Resource

Staff Year-round

Seasonal Staff

Richard Beckwith

Frank D. Milligan


Petra Aldrich

ExeCiltive Director


Patrick Prugh Interpreter

Sharon Quigley

John Belash

Elizabeth Oldham


Natalie Barrett

Research Associate and Copy Editor

Properties Assistant


Bonita Orellana-Morris

Museum Shop Clerk


Edward Boynton

Administrative Assistant

Lisa Brady

Jack Rowles

Judith Belash

Clara Brady

Maintenance Supervisor

Betsy Pardi

Museum Shop Clerk

Douglas K. Burch


Laurie Chatfield-Taylor


Niles D. Parker

Museum Educator

Georgen Gilliam Charnes

Robyn and]olm Davis Curator

Patti Clinton

Curator ofLibrary and Archives

Kathrina Pearl

Mttsemn Educator

Tony Dumitru

Properties Assistant

Holly Corkish

Collections Manager

Patricia Frost Interpreter

Kirstin Freeman Gamble Education and Public Programs Coordinator

Suzanne Gardner Research Assistant

Peggi Godwin Interpreter

Garth Grimmer Interpreter

Jean Grimmer Associate Director and Development Director

Alan M. Hall Senior Interpreter

Marie Henke Pbotograph Arcbives Specialist

Amy P. Jenness information Systems Coordinator

Cecil Barron jensen

johanna Richard


Patricia Sheehy

Jared Gonsalves Properties Assistant

Cynthia Hall

Ben Simons

Mztseum Educator

Assistant Curator

Jenna Hall

Cindy Squire

Rebecca Kaye

Stacey Stuart


Katie LaBonte Interpreter

Anne Sweidel

jennifer MacLure

Interpreter and Visitor Services

Public Relations Assistant and Interpreter

Barbara Varbalow Visitor Services

Karen MacNab

Scott Waldie


Properties Assistant

Don McCreary Interpreter

Julia Merriman

Mark Wilson

Interpreter and Museum Educator


Pat Kleinert



Doris Simpson lrzterpreter

Nancy Townsend Administrative Assistant

jessica Vautrain Interpreter

Sylwia Widaka Museum SbopAssistant

Sarah Wolfgang Visitor Services

Ashley Zatarain Interpreter

Carrolyn Milligan

2003 ANNUAL REPORT Editor: Cecil Barron jensen Copy Editor: Elizabeth Oldham Design: Claire O'Keeffe I communicationDESIGN Š 2004 Nantucket Historical Association 7 Fair Street, P. 0. Box 1016 Nantucket, MA 02554-1016 (508) 228-1894; fax: (508) 228-5618

Mttseum Educator

Georgina Winton Museum Shop Manager and Buyer

Dan Neath Visitor Services

Interpreter and Visitor Services

Amanda Nicholas

Cristin D. Merck


Capital Campaign Associate

Carolyn Sawyers

Mztseum Sbop Assistant

Special Events and Marketing Manager

Peter Wilson

Interpreter and Visitor Services

Stacey Ann Heedram

Linda G. Steelman Interpreter


Corban Rhodes

Visitor Services

Administrative Assistant

Finance Assistant

Rene LaPierre

Walt Garbalinski

Museum Shop Associate Manager and Buyer

Judy Widger

Visitor Services


Marcia P. Rubin

Virginia R. Kinney Emil Kleinertt



Publications Manager and Public Relations Membership Coordinator


Finance Manager and Human Resources Manager

Museum Shop Assistant

Lisa Non ken Interpreter

Carson Orellana Interpreter

Justin Pariseau Interpreter

Nineteenth-century beaded purse and hand-painted ivory and silk Jan

Black Quaker bonnet, ca.1850s

Lime green whale pants, ca.1979 Courtesy of David MacDougall



Decorative painted wooden bowl, 15 inches, $450

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?!~?!!~~~~ o/luwut--fuUnteduxxxkn b~ 11 Broad Street, Nantucket • (508) 228-5785 • OPEN APRIL THROUGH D ECEMBER 2004

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