2006 Annual Report

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Board of

YRUSTEES 2006-2007

Thomas J. Anathan

Julius Jensen III

John W. Atherton Jr.

Christopher L. Maury


Sarah B. Newton

Rebecca M. Bartlett C. Marshall Beale Kenneth L. Beaugrand

Anne S. Obrecht Bruce A. Percelay VICE PRESIDENT

Heidi L. Berry

Melissa D. Philbrick




Christopher C. Quick

Patricia M. Bridier CLERK

Robert H. Brust Nancy A. Chase William R. Congdon Richard L. Duncan MaryREspy Nancy A. Geschke FRIENDS OF THE NHA REPRESENTATIVE


Nina S. Hellman

Melanie R. Sabelhaus Janet L. Sherlund Nancy M. Soderberg Bette M. Spriggs Isabel C. Stewart E. Geoffrey Verney PRESIDENT

Jay M. Wilson

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1913.0009.001 Captain and Mrs. Robert McCleave, by James S. Hathaway, ca. 1846

Friends of the NANTUCKET HISTORICAL Assoc1AT1ON Patricia & Thomas Anathan Mariann & Mortimer Appley Sarah J. Baker Heidi & Max Berry Christy & William Camp Jr. Laurie & Robert Champion Dottie & Earl Craig Jr. Prudence & William Crozier Jr. Robyn & John Davis

On the covrR

Sandra & Nelson Doubleday Nancee & John Erickson Marjorie & Charles Fortgang Nancy & Charles Geschke Georgia & Thomas Gosnell Barbara & Robert Griffin Barbara & Edmund Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale George S. Heyer Jr. Barbara & Harvey Jones Jr.

The cover os the 2006 Annual Report features the 1686 Oldest House and the Nantucket Historial Association's installation of a kitchen garden in 2006. The kitchen garden, a reconstruction of a ca 1700 herb and vegetable garden, is plant­ ed and maintained using an all-organic approach. Plants are grown in an intensive raised-bed system typical of the time and include common vegetable staples and varieties of herbs grown for culinary, medicinal, or household uses.

Kathryn & James Ketelsen Sara Jo & Arthur Kobacker Coco & Arie Kopelman Sharon & Francisco Lorenzo Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Phyllis B. Macomber Miriam & Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Menschel Aileen & Scott Newquist Corky & Flint Ranney

Gleaves & Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen & David Ross III Linda & Harvey Saligrnan Genevieve & Richard Tucker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Young Jr.

PliOTOc; RAP! IY Jeffery Allen Photography Rob Benchley Jeffery Bowen Cary Hazlegrove Tony Dumitru Peter J. Greenhalgh Cristin Merck

Pixel Perfect Terry Pommett Photography Peter Vanderwarker Mark Wilson Judith Wodynski Michael Wodynski

The mission of the Nantucket Historical Association is to pre­ serve and interpret the history of Nantucket Island in order to inspire island residents, both year-round and seasonal, to shape the island's future with a greater appreciation and respect for their shared heritage, and to foster among all Nantucket residents and visitors a deeper appreciation of the important historical role that the island's people have played in national and world history.



The Nantucket Historical Association will design and deliver engaging, artifact-based educational exhibitions, programs, and activities pertaining to Nantucket history and its material culture. The Nantucket Historical Association will develop and manage its collections, including its properties, in order to enhance its role as a leader in preserving and interpreting Nantucket history. The Nantucket Historical Association will reach out and serve diverse audiences as a year-round organization The Nantucket Historical Association will secure and prudently manage the human and financial resources required to support its mission and strategic plan; it will promote policies that enhance its programs; its collections, including properties; and its reputation.







NHA Programs 2006 NHA programs included (clockwise, from the top) participants in the veterans gam during Songs and Stories: An Evening of Remembrance; Sheep-Shearing Festival at the Oldest House; the Ship Shapes chil­ dren's program; performers at Songs and Stories; Sheep-Shearing Festival; Busch & Bawtree: Four Hands at One Piano con­ cert; NHA Exploration to Boston's North End; troubadour Bill Schustik; and the Walden Chamber Players concert.




As all of Nantucket is now aware, Bill Tram­ posch became our new executive director in 2006. Bill has enthusiastically embraced life on island and at the Nantucket Historical Association, and he is now in residence at what is known as the Robert Wyer House at 33 Orange Street. Bill and his wife, Peggy, are delighted to be caring for this historic NHA property, which was once the home of numerous whaling- and merchant-ship cap­ tains and was bequeathed to the NHA by artist Jon Stroup.

A major objective of the board is to insert the NHA into the fabric of island life, and that is being accomplished as the NHA con­ tinues to increase the scope of its year-round programming...

The board of trustees expresses it deepest thanks to Niles Parker, former Robyn and John Davis Curator, for so capably serving as acting director in the months prior to Bill's arrival. Since Bill came aboard, work toward achiev­ ing the goals of the NHA's long-range strate­ gic plan for 200�8 has progressed rapidly. Hi charge has been to advance the variety and frequency of educational programs and activities, and he has succeeded ably. Under Bill's leadership, the NHA has offered an over­ whelmingly popular series of free lunchtime lectures; added youth-centered educational activities, including the "Jarnmy Garn" muse­ um sleepovers; hosted concerts, museum family days, and films; and developed collab­ orative programs with other organizations, among them the Nantucket Atheneum, ustainable Nantucket, the Nantucket Boys & Girls Club, the Egan Maritime Foundation, and Nantucket's public and private schools. A major objective of the board is to insert the NHA into the fabric of island life, and that is being accomplished as the NHA continues to increase the scope of its year-round program­ ming for adults, children, and families at the Whaling Museum, 1800 House, and the his­ toric sites. With the assistance of Bill and the NHA staff, the board has begun to refine its focus on a core set of historic sites so as to develop the interpretive programs that accompany them. Under the banner of"Four Centuries, Four Sites," this initiative will enable the board and


staff to focus on some of our most important properties-the Oldest House, the Old Mill, Hadwen House, and Greater Light. These properties are central to the NHA' s interpre­ tive themes of "Peopling the Island," "Making a Living," "Living in the Light,""Whaling," and ''Art Colony / Resort." I am pleased to report that the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee has granted the NHA a generous $400,000 match­ ing grant to begin refurbishing Greater Light, which is in need of a great deal of restoration. I hope those with an interest in the ''Art Colony I Resort" theme will consider contributing toward matching the CPC grant and reaching the $2 million needed for the overall restora­ tion and interpretation of Greater Light. In 2006, the NHA engaged in a vigorous process of self-study required to seek accredi­ tation of the Whaling Museum by the presti­ gious American Association of Museums. The board appreciates the efforts of the commit­ tee, which was made up of staff and a trustee liaison, in developing the comprehensive self­ study document. I am pleased to report that the museum's application has progressed favorably to date and that we expect to com­ plete the process during 2007. Board development also was a focus through­ out 2006. Much time has been spent to draft a revision of the NHA bylaws and reevaluate the board's committee structure to make gover­ nance more effective. At the annual meeting on July 13, 2007, the board will propose revi­ sions to the NHA bylaws for approval by the membership. The 2006-07 year was a time of transition with the arrival of a new executive director, but throughout, the board has actively pursued the directives provided by the strategic plan. This year, I hope that you and your families, as members, will have many opportunities to visit the Whaling Museum and historic proper­ ties, and will participate in the extensive and still-growing roster of NHA programs.





NHA Properties

The NHA's properties include (clockwise, from the top)the Museum Shop; the Hadwen House; the Research Library and Quaker Meeting House; the Settlers' Burial Ground off Cliff Road; the Greater Light garden; the Hadwen House; and the Old Mill.

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Museums and historic sites are places that should awaken reverence and curiosity while engendering conversations with the past. In 2006, the Nantucket Historical Association accomplished this by offer­ ing new programs and exhibitions at the Whaling Musewn that engaged the Nantucket community. The restored 1800 House has become a venue for a remarkable program of lifelong learning in early-American arts and crafts, while atop Sw1set Hill, a historic kitchen garden has given new depth to our interpretation of the Oldest House. Each spring, the community welcomes opening day at our historic properties, and word spreads quickly when the millers hoist the sails at the Old Mill for the first time. Together, our properties, collections, and programs offer valuable insights into Nantucket's past and its future identity. It is rare that such a small place on the world's cultural landscape holds such international significance, and it is highly unusual that such a place could have retained its heritage so thoroughly as Nantucket. What an international treasure-an entire island as a National Historic Site, and in the midst of it all is the NHA and our remarkable collections of artifacts, docwnents, and properties! Achieving our full interpretive potential will require creativity, communi­ ty engagement, collaboration, impeccable scholarship, and the contin­ ued invaluable support and commitment of our members and friends as well as of the NHA board and ta.ff. The HA 's 2005-08 strategic plan outlines four key tenets: to develop engaging exhibitions and interpreta­ tion; to proactively care for our properties and collections; to serve the community as a year-round organization; and to accomplish all of this while prudently managing our hwnan and fiscal resources. During the past year, we have made great progress toward advancing these goals. ENGAGING


Long-term planning efforts began soon after I arrived, and as a conse­ quence, we now have a calendar that looks ahead in ways that afford us the opportunity to develop and promote our programs more proactively than ever before. All exhibitions and progran1s are built upon the well­ considered themes of the interpretive plan presented by GeoffVerney in his president's message. Our exhibitions calendar looks four years for­ ward, and our programs throughout 2007 are on the calendar. I urge you to regularly visit the Web site at www.nha.org to keep abreast of all the NHA has to offer.


Our collections, including our historic properties, have undergone a thorough review that now enables us to plan a proactive preservation program and to know our needs when looking for objects to fill voids in our holdings. Again, the interpretive plan informs our collecting and helps to set priorities for the preservation work ahead. Furiliermore, we have identified four key sites that will have our increasing attention over the next decade. They are featured in a board-approved proposal enti­ tled "Four Centuries, Four Sites." Once realized, with the support of our members and friends, these sites will be preserved according to the best practices and will be interpreted in ways that awaken the imagination while serving our patrons well. COMMUNITY


During 2006, we have served as a leader in community programming, and it is clear that the public appreciates our efforts. From lectures and film series, to concerts and new exhibitions, to family days and school programs, the NHA has been a center of community activity. When introducing programs, I often refer to the Whaling Museum's Gosnell Hall as a "community living room." As a result of our planning efforts in 2006, general admission at the Whaling Musewn was up 107 percent and member admission increased by over 200 percent this past winter! I applaud the members of the NHA staff for their efforts. It has been hard work, but the staff has undertaken the challenge with vigor and charac­ teristic high spirits. In addition to the prodigious public programming schedule, the NHA has initiated a Diversity Council and a Children's Council, whose members from the community help to ensure that our programs continue to reach out to diverse audiences. PRUDENT MANAGEMENT

Finally, we have developed clarity about how we wish the NHA strategic plan to progress in the years ahead, and we have organized ourselves accordingly so as to ensure that the NHA has the professional staff and long-term financial stability to support the ongoing care of our proper­ ties and collections and the development and delivery of the highest quality, year-round educational opportunities for all ages. It has been both an honor and a pleasure to serve as the NHA's executive director this past year, and I am thrilled to report to you on our successes in the pages of the Annual Report. As the NHA moves ahead in 2007 and beyond, our keenest commitment is to the communities we serve. We look forward to seeing you often at the NHA, and we thank you for your thoughtful and generous support.








D E P A R T M E N T The focused growth of the collections, coupled with increasing public access to the collections and development of a long-range exhibition plan, were among the curatorial areas emphasized in 2006---a year highlighted by changing exhibitions at the Whaling Museum's Peter Foulger Gallery and the Research Library's Whitney Gallery.



n the Peter Foulger Gallery, the summer exhibition, Signs ofthe Times: Nantucket Signs, included nearly one hundred Nantucket business signs spanning 125 years, .a /which were graciously donated by Mrs. Florence E. Clifford and family. The cornrnu­ �ity-focused exhibition brought back many fond memories to residents and visitors alike. A catalogue and videotaped interviews with Nantucketers aided the viewer by providing his­ tories and locations of the businesses. The show was followed by Views ofNantucket, which featured the juried work of the members of the Photographers Alliance of Nantucket (PAN). Andrea Doria: Fiftieth Anniversary was on display in the museum's Mezzanine Gallery. A July 25 opening-night garn with members of the Clarence Gifford family, who were on board the night of the collision, attracted a standing-room-only crowd! In August, the curators hosted the first annual Acquisitions Reception to highlight recent donations of artifacts to the collections as well as a series of behind-the-scenes tours of the Bartholomew Gosnold Center, the NHA's collections-storage center. At the Whitney Gallery, Nantucket's Greatest Generation: WvV1I Servicemen, an exhibition of thirty hand-colored photographs of Nantucket servicemen by William C. Coffin was on dis­ play through Memorial Day weekend. Opening on the summer solstice, Susan Boardman's Embroidered Narratives: Notable Nantucket Women saw high visitation and elicited a won­ derful community response to her meticulously crafted needlework narratives of eleven Nantucket women, contemporary and historical. The exhibition plan developed for the 2007--09 seasons in the Peter Foulger Gallery begins with The Nantucket Art Colony; followed by 'Sconset, 02564; and The Furniture ofSoutheastern Massachusetts, a traveling exhibition of the Wmterthur Museum and Country Estates.

2006.0018.001 The Rainbow Fleet. ca. 1930

The oil on canvas-board painting of The Rainbow Fleet (facing page), ca. 1930, by Frank Swift Chase (1886--1958), considered the "dean of the Nantucket art colony," is a beach scene overlooking the harbor from Brant Point. The painting cap­ tures an iconic Nantucket summer moment, showing a mother and child on the beach with the brightly colored sails of the rainbow fleet on the waters behind. Chase first visit­ ed the island in 1920 and soon began offering art classes, which he continued for the next thirty sum­ mers. Many of Chase's pupils were the prominent women artists who made up the Nantucket Art Colony. Gift of George S. Heyer Jr. in honor of Niles D. Parker, former Robyn and John Davis Curator.

2006.0027.001 Nest of Nantucket Baskets

In support of its mission to preserve important art and artifacts relating to Nantucket history, the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association supported the acquisi­ tion of this rare, early, partial nest of oval lightship baskets (right), which bear the original maker's label: "Made on Board South Shoal Lightship by Isaac Hamblin." Isaac Hamblin (1841-1924) was appointed assistant keeper of the New South Shoal Lightship on November 25, 1881. He lived at 4 New Street. Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association






2006.0029.001 Heman Ellis Candlestand This elegant candlestand (above), attrib­ uted to Nantucket cabinetmaker Heman Ellis (1770-1816), is an outstanding illus­ tration of the "Nantucket-style" stand. Its finely curving legs, well articulated urn­ and column-standard, and square top with serpentine sides and blocked cor­ ners place it among the finest attested Nantucket stands. The central inlay in the top portrays a carnation-like flower, with an S-shaped, leafy vine resting on a her­ ringbone base, capped with a triple-lobed flower. The inlay bears a strong resem­ blance to that in the Seth Pinkham cylin­ der-fall desk in the NHA collection, signed by Ellis, which made the attribu­ tion possible. This piece will be included in the Winterthur Museum and Country Estate's upcoming catalogue and travel­ ing exhibition, The Furniture of Southeastern Massachusetts, which will travel to the Whaling Museum in 2009. Gift of the Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund


In 2006, the NHA continued its long-estab­ lished practice of making loans from the col­ lection to sister island organizations, includ­ ing the Nantucket Atheneum, the Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum, the Nantucket Unitarian Universalist Church, and the Egan Maritime Foundation for its annual exhibi­ tion, Life on the Line: Four Centuries of Nantucket Fishing. Returning from loan was one of the collection's prized paintings, the anonymous portrait of African-American whaling captain Absalom Boston. Attributed to the Prior-Hamblin school, it was included in the exhibition and catalogue Portraits of a People: Picturing African Americans in the Nineteenth Century, organized by the Addison Gallery of American Art. The painting traveled with the exhibition to the Delaware Art Museum and the Long Beach Museum of Art in California. Intensive ongoing efforts to catalogue and digitally photograph the artifact and archives collections saw continued success in 2006. For the first time, the NHA collection data­ base was launched online in a searchable for­ mat at www.nha.org/ exhibits. The online NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION

database provides increased worldwide access to the collections for researchers and the general public. This database accessibility places the NHA far ahead of many, even much larger, sister institutions. A working priority "wish list" for the col­ lection was developed by the curator of col­ lections with the help of members of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association and the board's collections committee, along with others interested in the future of the NHA collections. The goal is to focus the association's collecting efforts and bring them in line with the themes of the NHA interpretive plan. In addition, the collection policy was subjected to a review and revision process, which included incorporation of an exhibi­ tion policy and clarification of curatorial practices, to bring it into full alignment with the standards of the American Association of Museums and the American Association for State and Local History. The policy was submitted to the collections committee and the board of trustees and approved.

2006.0027.002 "Thomas Starbuck" Pitcher This remarkable creamware pitcher was owned by Thomas Starbuck Jr. of 11 Milk Street, Nantucket. It includes the transfer print motif "Farmers Arms" and agricultural scenes not seen on any other creamware in the NHA collection. Thomas Starbuck Jr. was the father of the great Joseph Starbuck, builder of the three Main Street brick mansions for his sons (Thomas's grandsons) George, Matthew, and William. There is a lively description of Thomas as a "cattle dealer, butcher, shipowner, and owner of a try-works and candle factory." His activities as a gentleman farmer may have inspired the selection of agricultural scenery on the pitcher. The pitcher dates from near the turn of the 18th century, and is in exceptional condition. As a souvenir of the transat­ lantic commerce of the Starbuck fami­ ly, it provides an invaluable historical memento of one of Nantucket's most prosperous whaling families. Gift of Dorothea and Jason Ti/roe





Accessions 2006.0021.001

2006.001.001 Sculpture, Where Have All the Whalers Gone? by Wick Ahrens. GIFT OF WICK AHRENS


2006.002.001-005 Nantucket side chair, flax-spinning wheel, side table, drop-leaf table, and watercolor of a mother and child.

2006.0011.001-003 Capt. Joseph Congdon's thirty-fifth-anniversary silver coffee urn; Phoebe Folger's teacups and saucer; a porcelain teacup, saucer, and plate.



2006.003.001 Moses Joy miniature-spoon collection. GIFT OF FRANCES L. ELDER

2006.0012.001-003 Signs, Nantucket Boys Club, Nantucket Bagel Company, and Simply Sconset.

2006.004.001 F. W. Mitchell fire buckets, 1824. NHA PURCHASE

2006.005.001 Bowling pin from the Mid-Island Bowl. GIFT OF HARVEY YOUNG

2006.006.001 Raw sperm-whale tooth. GIFT OF THE U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFESERVICE 2006.007.001 Gideon Folger's surveying kit, 1838. GIFT OF NINA HELLMAN

2006.008.001 Rubber stamp, Nobska, Queen of the Nantucket 2006.0027.003


2006.009.001 Collection of silver from the family of Augustus Morse and Rebecca Clapp Morse. NHA PURCHASE


2006.0010.001 Sign, U. S. Weather Bureau, from the Nantucket Airport.


2006.0013.001 Painting, Quince Street by James Walter Folger. GIFT OF THE MAX AND HEIDI BERRY ACQUISITION FUND

2006.0014.001 Sign, Provisions. GIFT OF BETH ENGLISH

2006.0015.001-002 Signs, Nantucket Bank. GIFT OF NANTUCKET BANK

2006.0016.001-004 Four large watercolor paintings, Nantucket Seasons, by C. Robert Perrin. GIFT OF MR. AND MRS. ROBERT E. TONKIN

2006.0017.001 Extensive collection of Nantucket objects and art­ work by Jon Stroup, George Murphy, and others; X Gallery artwork and documents. GIFT OF GEORGE MURPHY

2006.0018.001 Painting, Rainbow Fleet by Frank Swift Chase. GIFT OF GEORGES. HEYER JR. IN HONOR OF NILES 0. PARKER


2006.0034.001-0025 Posters and flyers, c.1960--1980s, including Nantucket Sound, Hutch's, the Sweetshop, the Skipper, and others from the walls of Young's Bicycle Shop. GIFT OF YOUNG'S BICYCLE SHOP

2006.0035.001 Beer bottle from the R.M.S. Republic GIFT OF SUSAN AND DAVID BEAUMONT 2006.0016.001

2006.0019.001 Needle case. GIFT OF MARY FRANCES SUTTON MILLER

2006.0027.002 Thomas Starbuck's Liverpool pitcher. GIFT OF JASON TILROE

2006.00020.001 Six wooden whales carved by Capt. George Grant. GIFT OF FRANCES T. ASHTON

2006.0027.003-005 Nantucket sampler by Love Calder, 1800; Nantucket sampler by Judith Macy, 1778; and etching, The Reprimand, by Eastman Johnson. NHA PURCHASE

2006.0021.001 Mary Swift Coffin's piggery box, 1868. GIFT OF HARVEY JONES 2006.0022.001 Small tobacco box from Siasconset with but­ tons, notes, and advertisement clippings. GIFT OF DOROTHY JANE TOOD 2006.0023.001 Image of the Passaic Class Monitor U.S.S. Nantucket

GIFT OF ROBERT F. MOONEY 2006.0024.001-002 Large U.S. flag and quarterboard for ship Executive.


2006.0028.001 Mural, Nantucket Harbor, by Charles and Jan Munro. GIFT OF CHARLES AND JAN MUNRO

2006.0036.001 Silver fork, engraved VR for Nantucket whale­ ship captain Valentine Riddell. GIFT OF CHARLOTTE CRANMER 2006.0037.001 Branding iron, embossed David Parker in reverse, for marking tools and wood. GIFT OF TRUDY DUJARDIN 2006.0038.001 U. S. map from the Tuckernuck School. GIFT OF SUSAN E. ROBINSON, KATHERINE ROBINSON GRIEDER, KRISTIN B. WILSON, AND MICHAEL BREWER, GIVEN IN MEMORY OF NORINE DUNHAM ROBINSON AND IN HONOR OF WILLIAM LEWIS GRIEDER

2006.0029.001 Tilt-top candlestand attributed to Heman Ellis, 1790--1810. GIFT OF THE MAX AND HEIDI BERRY ACQUISITION FUND 2006.0030.001-006 Sign, letterhead, postcards, business cards, and pens from the Forager House and a 1932 NHA membership card. GIFT OF RICHARD KEMBLE AND GEORGE KORN

2006.0025.001 Surfboard. GIFT OF JAMES E. POWERS

2006.0031.001 Artwork by Elizabeth F. Yager, Bob Dandurand, Jon Stroup, Andres Amodio, Pat Gardner, and H. Marshall Gardiner. GIFT OF JOAN H. MANLEY

2006.0026.001-002 Small aquatic-mammal jawbone. GIFT OF MICHAEL AND RICKI ANN DRAKE

2006.0032.001 Sign, Albert Pitkin Real Estate. GIFT OF PENNY DEY

2006.0027.001 Nest of three oval Nantucket baskets by Isaac Hamblin. GIFT OF THE FRIENDS OF THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION

2006.0033.001 Benjamin Franklin family rocking chair. GIFT OF MAI DUANE HARPER, PRESENTED BY JULIANNE KEATING KEVER





2006 N HA




Painting, Harold H. Kynett, by James McBeyon. LOAN TO THE NANTUCKET ATHENEUM




Nest of seven lightship baskets by Captain James Wyer. LOAN TO THE NANTUCKET LIGHTSHIP BASKET MUSEUM FOR THE SUMMER EXHIBITION 1998.65.1

Painting, Portrait of the Artist in Conversation with Subject, by Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin. LOAN TO THE NEWARK MUSEUM FOR THE EXHIBI TION Off

the Pedestal: New Women in the Art of Homer, Chase, and Sargent.

Fishing equipment and ice-cutting tools.


Nantucket Fishing.


Portrait of the Artist in Conversation with Subject is included in the exhibition The Paintings of Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin atthe NHA Research Library's Whitney Gallerythrough November 12, 2007.



Scrimshawed teeth by Edward Burdett for exhi­ bition in the Whaling Museum Scrimshaw Gallery loaned by Janet and Rick Sherlund, Nina and Bob Hellman, and Tom Mittler. Ship's paper for the whaleship Susan, dated

December 1, 1837, and signed by President Van Buren loaned by L. Dennis and Susan R. Shapiro for exhibition in the Whaling Museum with the Susan's teeth by Frederick Myrick.

The Downyflake Doughnuts sign loaned by Kirby Jones and Frances MacDonald for Signs of the Times: Nantucket Signs exhibition in the

Whaling Museum.

Thirteen embroidered narratives by Susan

Boardman loaned by the artist and subjects for Notable Nantucket Women exhibition in the Research Library's Whitney Gallery.




Beroee. Every One

RL2006.16 The Ames-West Collection, 1899--1939, is an important collection




from an African American Nantucket family that adds significantly to the record of twentieth-century island life. It includes photographs, letters, receipts, business records, and finan­ cial documents relating primarily to African American John E. West and other members of his family, including Elizabeth B. West, Tobias West, John R. West, Elizabeth H. West, Gertrude W. Ames, Almira W. Williams, Charles Williams, Mabel West, and Carlton West The letters contain family news and formal business correspondence, along with receipts and documents related chiefly to family-run operations including a laundry, a livery, hairdress­ er/ barber business, and West's Taxi. Also included are household and property deeds, school exercise books, family recipes, and newspaper clippings. Gift ofAdele Ames


s the repository for the most comprehensive collection of documents per­ taining to Nantucket history, the NHA Research Library continued to provide researchers with access to more than 5,000 volumes and 50,000 photo­ �-- graphs, as well as archival documents such as ships' logs, account books, family papers, and scrapbooks. In 2006, the Research Library added to its collection with the accession of more than seventy gifts and purchases. Researchers' inquiries came from around the globe, increasingly by way of the Internet, with the staff responding to several hundred requests during the year. Seeking to learn about their Nantucket roots, genealogists made extensive use of the Barney Genealogical Record, which was enhanced with photographs in 2006 and is available online at www.nha.org/library. Library staff and volunteers continued to digitize and catalogue the library's growing collec­ tion of photographs. A grant from the Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986 provided new scan­ ners, computer terminals, and digital storage for the ongoing digitization project. An online database makes these images available to researchers and publications everywhere. Among those most often requesting photographs are publishers, editors, and filmmakers, as well as individuals researching their historic Nantucket houses. A popular weekly newspaper column, "Identify This," in the Nantucket Independent continued to invite the Nantucket public to help identify images of houses and other structures in the collection. The NHA'.s cemetery-inscription recording project took a major step forward with the assis­ tance of college students from the Preservation Institute: Nantucket program, who helped cre­ ate a map of the markers in the Old North Cemetery; all 628 stones have now been recorded, mapped, and photographed and are searchable on an online database. The NHA is also collab­ orating with the town's Cemetery Commission Workgroup, which will survey stones, make repairs, and offer public workshops to the public in 2007. The initiative is supported by a grant from the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee. ANNUAL REPORT







Rl.2006.1 Scans of photographs of Bill Higginbotham and Angeleen Campra, 1989. GIFT OF ELEANOR C. JONES

Rl.2006.10 Book, Introduction to Algebra, 1831. GIFT OF SCOTT WALDIE

Rl.2006.2 Log of the brig Mary A. Forrest March 29, 1858-August 31,1858. G1FT OF Scon PETERSEN

Map of Nantucket 1937-40, by Vice Adm. W. Mack Angas. GIFT OF JEAN A. STARKS

Rl.2006.3 Playbill and programs from various theatrical productions, brochures, and pamphlets. GIFT OF HARRY REIO ANO HOWARD LEWIS Rl2006.12 A rare legal document dated July 16, 1734, opens a window into early European-Native American legal relations on Nantucket. Addressed "To the sherriff of our County of Nantucket," the writ states, "We Command you to Attach the Goods and Estate of George Natick an Indian man ...now resident of Sherbourne in the County of Nantucket." The document claims that the accused "By force and arms made an assault on the Playnt. [plaintiff, Joshua Ralph of Eastham] and knocked him on the head with a brick bat and struck him down so that he lay for dead ...whereby his life was despaired of." In addition to the forfeiture of his "Goods and Estate," Natick was also fined "fifty pounds which shall then and there be made to appear with other due damages." The huge sum of fifty pounds and additional penalties would have ensured that Natick would remain a debtor for much of the remainder of his life. Early " Indian debts " were in fact passed down and inherited by succeeding generations as property. In addition to the signatures of several officers and witnesses, the writ contains "the mark of George Natick."

Rl.2006.4 Four photographs, Easy Street flooded, 1970s, taken by Charles E. Flanagan Sr. GIFT OF CATHERINE FLANAGAN STOVER Rl.2006.5 Three photographs of the Old Mill and Sankaty Head Lighthouse, ca. 1928. GIFT OF MARY LANCASTER Rl.2006.6 Four photographs of Siasconset the Cross Rip lightship, and Nantucket Harbor, ca. 1920s. GIFT OF FRANK O'BRIEN Rl.2006.8 Six hand-bound and illustrated Nantucket house histories. GIFT OF NANTUCKET PRESERVATION TRUST Rl.2006.9 Two letters from the Capt Robert Meader family and photograph of the family homestead in Washington County, N.Y., 1801. GIFT OF JANE MEADER NYE

Gift of Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro




Rl.2006.12 Copy of a writ of attachment against George Natick, an Indian man of Edgartown, July 15, 1734. PURCHASED WITH A GIFT FROM l. DENNIS SHAPIRO Rl.2006.13 Book, The History of Nantucket: Being a

Compendious Account of the First Settlement of the Island by the English, Together with the Rise and Progress of the Whale Fishery; and Other Historical Facts Relative to Said Island and Its Inhabitants, by Obed Macy. First edition. GIFT OF KENNETH BLACKSHAW

Rl.2006.15 Book, Gorham Silver, 1831-1981, by Charles H. Carpenter. GIFT OF CRISTIN MERCK Rl.2006.16 West family papers and photographs, ca. 1870s-1980s. GIFT OF ADELE AMES Rl.2006.17 Books belonging to Bassett Jones and profile of Jones from The New Yorker. GIFT OF MIRANDA RAE



The collection of more than 700 photo­ graphs includes images of artist Rae Carpenter and friends on Nantucket in summer during the 1930s and of Nantucket landscapes and downtown views through the 1980s. Gift of Mr & Mrs. Donald Harris



RL2006.41 Book, Lord Howe Island Rising.

Approximately 700 photographs and slides of Nantucket, 1930s- 80s. GIFT OF MR. AND MRS. DONALD HARRIS

Scans of 192 photographs of Siasconset houses and people, 1910s. GIFT OF BETTE HAVILAND

Rl2006.19 Ellis family papers and photographs, ca. 1910s. GIFT OF LARRY ELLIS


Scans of six Academy Hill School class photo­ graphs, 1953-59, taken by George Fee. GIFT OF SUSAN STEPHENS


Whiting Milk Company order form. GIFT OF BRENDA FREY


Photographs of Nantucket fires, ca. 1978. GIFT OF H. FLINT RANNEY


Coffin School diploma of Tillinghast Almy Chase, for completing the four-year Classical Course of Study, 1895. GIFT OF MARY l. FLANAGAN Rl2006.22 Nantucket Island photographs, 1950s. GIFT OF GEORGE ALLEN


Photograph of W. Ripley Nelson, ca. 1940s. GIFT OF MRS. GEORGE KELLOGG


Congdon family photograph album, ca. 1910s. GIFT OF HARRY REID AND HOWARD LEWIS


Personal papers of Amy S. Crocker and Edmund P. Crocker. GIFT OF MRS. FRANCES P. ELDER Rl2006.27 Appleton family photograph. GIFT OF HAROLD APPLETON

Family papers of Erla Marden Butler and Arthur "Sonny" Butler, ca. 1915-34. GIFT OF MARTHA BUTLER Personal papers, photographs, and artwork of Richard Clogher Maloney, artist, art teacher at Nantucket High School, principal of Cyrus Peirce School, ca. 1925-75. GIFT OF CATHERINE T. MALONEY


Lithograph, La Baleine, by Victor Adam. GIFT OF DAVID RAY





Photographs and postcards, chiefly from the 1930s. GIFT OF MARY WILLIAMS



Archives of First Baptist Church on Summer Street, 1936-1988. GIFT OF SUMMER STREET CHURCH


Scans of images of Nantucket, 1960s-80s. GIFT OF STEVE TURRENTINE


Scan of family group photo, Monomoy Heights, 1891. GIFT OF JACKIE GREENWALT

Postcard of Nantucket Harbor,1901. GIFT OF DEBORAH MCINTOSH Two letters, 1923, from a Siasconset summer resident. GIFT OF DOROTHY JANE TODD Color photographs of yachts in Opera House Cup Race, 2003-05. Printed and bound. GIFT OF MORTIMER ROGOFF





Photographs of summer garden party, ca. 1900s. GIFT OF SCOTT WALDIE

Helen Clark Farnum photo album, including fly­ ers for the 'Sconset School of Opinion (1922-23), photographs of the faculty, clippings, and forty­ three photographs, created by Helen Clark Farnum. GIFT OF SAM DANIEL ANNUAL REPORT




McCleave family photographs. N HA PURCHASE Rl2006.55

Boardman family correspondence, ca. 1780-1800s. GIFT OF BRUCE GIMELSON


Cassette tape, Edouard Stackpole, "Nantucket after the Revolution." GIFT OF SUZANNE GARDNER


Photocopies of six letters written 1881, from Noah Chapman to his wife, who was staying at Springfield House, Nantucket. GIFT OF MARY DOTY



John Hancock's shipping receipt, Dec. 19, 1764; French declaration allowing Nantucketers whaling rights, July 25, 1791; whaling journal of the brig Polly, keeper possibly Parnas or Isaac Gifford, Ephraim Harden master, 1791; journal of whaling ship Antelope, keeper John L. Chace, ship steward, Oliver Potter, master, 1858-59; journal of Davis E. Miller's voyages on the Thomas Dickason (1839- 41) and the Wickford (1841-42); journal, keeper unknown, from whaleship Marcella (1853-54), ship Rose Standish (1854-55), Storm (1857), Lima (1866); daily journals of Susan H. Parker and David Parker of Flora Street, Nantucket; and other small notebooks. GIFT OF TRUDY DUJARDIN


Souvenir book of Nantucket. Accordion-fold booklet with images of Nantucket, ca. 1900.

Two letters and photographs from soldiers in WWI to Mrs. Stokeley Morgan, 1915 and 1918, and photo of the Whalers football team, ca. 1960s. GIFT OF GEORGE MURPHY

Rl.2006.63 Scan of photographic portrait of Abraham Lincoln, ca. 1850s. GIFT OF SCOTT WALDIE


Scan of photograph of four girl scouts, ca. 1950s. GIFT OF DR. FRANCES l<ARTTUNEN


Scan of Holdgate Laundry in Siasconset, ca. 1930s. GIFT OF GEORGEN CHARNES


Scans of photographs and memorabilia of Nantucket theatrical performances, ca. 1950s-70s. GIFT OF ELIZABETH GILBERT


Scan of photograph of George Murphy and Jon Stroup, 1990. GIFT OF GEORGE MURPHY

Recipe book of Percy Haswell Fawcett, 1937

Rl.2006.68 Scan of photo from 1931 newspaper calendar, possibly of 91 Main Street.







Family photographs and family birth records, ca. 1890s. Rl2006.62

Scan of photograph of Island Fish Market on Steamboat Wharf, 1967. GIFT OF DAVID GLIDDEN



Two postcards featuring the Whaling Museum and George Grant.


Images of the Andrea Doria and the Nantucket Lightship taken during under-sea dives. Rl2006.70

Plans and photographs of the Blue Fish Inn, Nantucket. GIFT OF THE NANTUCKET GARDEN CLUB


Videotape of Lyn Danforth describing 121 Main Street and slides of 111 Main Street details. GIFT OF JANE SCHNITZER



Photographs of Mildred Jewett, 1976.


RL2006.53 Scans of fifteen family photographs featuring Aletha Macy and Lincoln Ceely, ca. 1940s-70s. GIFT OF PETER CARDOS

Rl2006.29 16






Rob Grassi dressing the grinding stones.

e Historic Resources Department has responsibility for the care and main­ nance of the NHA's twenty-two historic properties and sites, with the ager serving as the NHA's liaison with community preservation efforts. Although all of the properties receive constant care, special initiatives at several locations in 2006 are closely linked to the goal of the NHA's strategic plan to "develop and manage its collections, including its properties, in order to enhance its role as a leader in preserving and interpreting Nantucket history." Respectively, each of the three properties described here also supports the interpretive themes of "Peopling the Island," "Making a Living," and "Art Colony I Resort." At the Oldest House, on Sunset Hill, staff member Kathrina Pearl, who is a student in the Historic Landscape Preservation Program at the Landscape Institute of Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum, completed the research and installed a raised-bed kitchen garden. Using information from a 1708 deed for the Jethro Coffin property that referenced a garden fence north and west of the house, Kathrina went on to locate early-eighteenth-century plants for the beds and design a fence common to the island at that time. John Forti, staff horticulturist at the Strawbery Banke Museum, consulted on the project, calling it one of the best representations of a historic raised-bed garden in the United States. Built in 1746, the Old Mill is maintained by the NHA as the oldest American windmill in continuous operation. Andy Shrake, a Cape Cod restoration spe­ cialist involved with maintaining the mill, replaced the windshaft, which is one of its largest components and connects the sails to the internal wooden gears. Shrake cut and shaped the windshaft from the trunk of a large oak. The NHA also enlisted Rob Grassi from New York State to dress, or sharpen, the two grinding stones on the midANNUAL REPORT





Properties of the NHA Bartholomew Gosnold Center and Annex 1800 House Eleanor Ham Pony Field Fire Hose-Cart House Folger-Franklin Memorial Fountain, Boulder, and Bench Greater Light

dle level of the Old Mill. Apprentice miller Josh Van Hoesen assisted him in his work. With each stone weighing about fifteen hundred pounds, the top, or running stone, was lifted and turned, a process that uses the same techniques employed by millers for centuries. Nantucket High School's construction-technology students are taking an active role in the mill's care by crafting wooden teeth for the mill's gears. Greater Light is a property of unique charm on Howard Street. Originally constructed as a live­ stock barn in the late eighteenth century, the structure was converted to a residence reflective of the spirit of the summer art colony by Quaker sisters Gertrude and Hanna Monaghan in 1929-33. Seeking to restore the property, the NHA applied for and was awarded a $400,000 matching grant from the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee. Receipt of the grant in 2007 requires that the NHA raise an equal amount of funding before July 2008. With the over­ all $2-million restoration and interpretation of Greater Light and its lovely garden, the NHA will have a venue for cultural performances, art exhibitions, seminars, and other intimate gather­ ings, many of which will be developed in collaboration with other Nantucket nonprofits.

Hadwen House

Greater Light

Little Gallery

Tucked away at 8 Howard Street, Greater Light provided the Monaghans with a cultural haven where they and their friends enjoyed musicales, theatrical performances, poetry readings, and art.

Macy-Christian House Mill Hill Old Gaol Old Mill Old Town Building Oldest House Quaker Meeting House Research Library Robert Wyer House Settlers Burial Ground Thomas Macy House Thomas Macy Warehouse Tristram Coffin Homestead Monument Whaling Museum

Historic Property Rentals: Exceptional events begin with unforgettable venues In 2006 the Nantucket Historical Association hosted any number of such gath­ erings at the Whaling Museum and historic properties as patrons celebrated weddings and birthdays and businesses entertained clients and guests. Property rentals provide the NHA with an important source of revenue as well as offering opportunities to present Nantucket history to new audi­ ences. Several couples exchanged their vows at the Quaker Meeting House, mod­ estly adorning the Quaker-plain setting with vines and flowers for intimate weddings. The Hadwen House garden was opened for a limited number of


elegant private receptions reminiscent of Nantucket's gracious past By night, the Whaling Museum was often transformed into a fantastic location for events, large and small, where guests enjoyed elegant and festive fare sur­ rounded by Nantucket history. As the sun dropped, they took in breathtaking views of Nantucket harbor, town, and beyond from the rooftop observation deck. One client expressed it this way: "Our expectations for the rehearsal party were high and you exceeded them all. The bride and groom have not stopped smiling, and the Whaling Museum will always have a special mean­ ing to both of our families as a result of what you helped create that night"


Cemetery Tour

The NHA premiered the cemetery tour, "Tales in the Twilight," in October at the Newtown Cemetery on Sparks Avenue. Costumed storytellers portrayed various historic Nantucket personalities long gone from the world, including whale­ ship captain's wife Susan Veeder, Chicken Box founder Willie House, and scientist Dr. Charles Winslow, who died abroad but requested that his heart be buried on Nantucket at the gravesite of his mother. Photo illustration by Rob Benchley




Nantucket High School foot­ ball coach Vito Capizzo (right), along with Robert Mooney, an island historian and former NHS football player, led a Whaler football gam that filled the museum's Gosnell Hall with enthusiastic fans. A dis­ play of team memorabilia was part of the November event

ince the opening of the Whaling Museum in 2005, the Interpretation and Education Department has focused on using this remarkable venue to offer broad learning opportunities for its many audiences-from new and returning members, to first-time visitors, to schoolchildren, and more of the year­ round island community. Whether it was a special gallery tour, school visit, com­ munity gam, family program, lecture, or musical performance, the expansion of educational offerings in 2006 resulted in an unprecedented year, marked by learn­ ing experiences that added to our partic­ ipants' appreciation of Nantucket history and culture. Directed by the NHAmission and inter­ pretive plan and the goals of the strategic plan, the educational programming delivered in 2006 was engaging, artifactbased, and true to Nantucket history and material culture. Of note, a grant from the ANNUAL REPORT

M. S. Worthington Foundation supported a full schedule of fall-to-spring programs for the Nantucket community. Our reach extended to school groups, adult group tours, families, year-round islanders, summer residents, and visitors from around the globe. In spring, our third-grade program brought Nantucket Elementary School students to the new museum, enabling them to learn directly from primary resources, handle objects, and appreciate artifacts firsthand through gallery ex­ hibits and displays. The new interpreter­ led gallery tours highlighted subjects such as the decorative arts and diversity on Nantucket, bringing new perspectives to adults' experiences in the museum. Families enjoyed our concerts with notable musicians that included the Walden Chamber Players, island cellist Mollie Glazer, Mystic Seaport's Don Sineti, and troubadour Bill Schustik, among others. Visitors from around the 2006



Clara the Whale


Making her debut at the "Jammy Garn," the Whaling Museum's new mascot, "Clara the Whale," was handcrafted and contributed to the NHA by 'Sconset artisan Clara Urbahn.

NHA Explorations: Azores Hosted by trustee Nina Hellman and her husband, Bob, NHA groups traveled to several destinations-from Boston to the Azores-as part of the NHA's Explorations program, an educational travel experience where participants learn about the locations' historical connection to Nantucket. Trips include museum visits and presentations by various experts. 2007 Explorations are planned to the Azores again and to Madeira, Portugal, as well as to areas of historic interest in New England.



globe appreciated the variety and depth of activities, especially afternoons of hands-on history crafts for children in the Discovery Room. So many of the NHA's educational endeavors, of course, would not be possible without the organized and effective team of year-round and seasonal interpreters who are the public face of the NHA at theWhaling Museum, Old Mill, Oldest House, Hadwen House, Quaker Meeting House, and on our walking tours of the Historic District. Interpreters such as Rene LaPierre and Doug Burch, who have been with the NHA for more than twenty years, are instructive and enthusiastic; and, most important, they stimulate thoughtful appreciation in the vis­ itors they serve. 2006 saw the development of collabora­ tions between the NHA and other commu­ nity organizations-the Egan Maritime Foundation for the "Series of Winter & Spring Gatherings" about provocative topics of local interest; NCMC/Nantucket School of Music for the "Armed Services Salute and Veterans Garn"; Sustainable Nantucket for the "Sense of Place" film series; and Nantucket High School for the "Whalers Football Garn." Each of these programs suc­ ceeded in attracting and engaging a wider, more diverse audience than ever before. New initiatives entered into the mix as well. In October, we kicked off the first "Jarnmy Garn" with the Nantucket New School. This overnight adventure exposed twenty students and their adult chaperones to the rich wonders of the Whaling Museum. They listened to a concert by Eel Grass, explored the museum, fell asleep underneath the whale skeleton in Gosnell Hall, and received a morning wake-up call from "Clara the Whale," the NHA's new mascot. Executive Director Bill Tramposch launched a free lunchtime-lecture series called "Food for Thought." Offered Thursdays from fall to spring, these well­ attended lectures featured "Conversations with Notable Nantucketers," such as Robert Mooney speaking about Nantucket's role in the Civil War. As we celebrate the unprecedented suc­ cess of 2006, we continue to move the NHA in a direction that exemplifies the best prac­ tices in museum education and exceeds vis­ itors' expectations. The NHA is, and will continue to be, a place where people love to learn and share their appreciation for her­ itage, history, and the story of Nantucket.

Creating History at 1800 House

The vision of lifelong learning in early-American arts and crafts at 1800 House has become a reality. Beginning with modest course offerings in 2005, the NHA presented more than thirty classes in decorative arts and historic crafts, with an eighty-five percent increase in enrollment in 2006. Nantucket's rich tradition in these centuries-old techniques is reflected in the courses-ranging from decoupage and embroidery to sailor's valentines and scrimshaw. Renowned artisans from Nantucket, New England, and beyond provide hands-on instruction within the historic context of 1800 House. Renovated and restored specifically for this pur­ pose, 1800 House is a model for the re-adaptive use of a his­ toric structure. A brochure detailing the thirty-six classes offered from May to October 2007 is available from the NHA or online at www.nha.org.


The Whaling Museum was the venue for a series of standing-room only evening gams, including an Andrea Doria gam held on the anniversary of the disaster with two survivors, Bambi Mleczko and Chad Gifford (shown left), who kept a rapt audience on the edges of their seats with memories of the fatal night. The Essex gam, relating the story of the dis­ aster of the Nantucket whaleship Essex, remains a favorite with muse­ um visitors during the regular museum hours.

School Vacation Workshops atthe 1800 House With support from the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation, the NHA offered free historic-crafts workshops to Nantucket children during school vacations in February and April. Workshops were filled to capacity each day and featured decorative­ arts activities such as painting floor cloths, making sailor's valentines, and drawing whales with scrimshander Nancy Chase.

Jarnrny Garn

For the first time in its history, the Whaling Museum hosted a "Jammy Garn," a sleepover with twenty students from the Nantucket New School. The evening included a concert by Eel Grass, a scavenger exploration around the museum, falling asleep underneath the whale skeleton in Gosnell Hall while watching moving images of swimming whales, and a morning wake-up call by Clara the Whale.








fter the exhilaration of opening the new Whaling Museum in 2005, the NHA moved into 2006 with an annual schedule filled with new programs, exhibitions, and special events utilizing the expanded facility. While a drop in atten­ dance was expected after the first summer, admission remained strong in 2006. Nearly 47,000 people visited the museum and his­ toric properties, producing revenue of $665,641. The changing exhibitions and new programs attracted NHA members and the public to return often to the NHA. Since 2006 was the first full year of opera­ tion at the new Whaling Museum, expenses

increased, as expected, for most depart­ ments. The largest increase was in the area of buildings and maintenance, resulting from a sixty-percent increase in the non­ cash cost of depreciation. There was a thir­ ty-six-percent increase in the areas of edu­ cation and the Research Library as a result of the NH.A's commitment to offer rich educational programs on a year-round basis. Thanks to the continued success of the NHA' s special events and the growth of the annual fund, membership, and the perma­ nent endowment, the NHA was able to provide the cash needed to cover those increases. Funds from all of those sources

are vital to the association's fiscal health. In particular, due to the ongoing payment of pledges to the Campaign for the Nantucket Historical Association, the association' s endowment increased to over $6,000,000 by the end of 2006, providing $243,000 in operational support. The board of trustees regards this growth as tangible evidence of the Nantucket community' s support of the NHA's mission. The accompanying Statement of Finan­ cial Position highlights the investment of $29,500,939 in the facilities, exhibitions, and programs by which the NHA fulfills its purpose of preserving and presenting the history of Nantucket Island.

Nantucket Historical Association

Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2006 Assets

Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable Land, buildings, and equipment, net Long-term investments



$2,611,267 129,054 87,116 1,187,780 19,443,146 6,042,576

$2,719,916 129,068 64,476 2,249,714 19,986,045 4,491,123





751,076 1,357,932 19,443,146 3,700,790 4,178,270

1,042,192 1,081,848 19,986,045 3,239,812 4,132,253





Liabilities and Net Assets

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets The financial statements for 2006 have been audited by Bal/us Lynch, LLP, who have rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available upon request



Nantucket Historical Association Statement of Activities December 31, 2006



$594,136 665,641 409,622 535,709 243,000 1,237,283 506,665

$887,331 750,919 359,745 543,351 165,000 1,187,042 375,684



482,132 346,056 520,102 167,771 417,882 1,365,731

355,227 381,306 382,036 126,178 433,569 1,165,592

956,775 553,620

904,112 416,950





445,661 98,476 196,188 (2,744)

171,785 104,001 1,608,634 (266,468)

Change in net assets from nonoperating activities



Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of collection items Purchase of collection items Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year



(170,504) (50,936) 29,482,150 $29,431,214

(340,157) 1,381,897 28,100,253 $29,482,150

Operating activities: Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment return designated for operations Special fund raising events Other earned revenue Net assets released from restriction Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total Operating expenses Program services Special events Curatorial Education and public programs Research and library Museum Shop Buildings and maintenance Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development Total Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment return Friends of NHA contributions Capital campaign contributions Capital campaign expenses Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of buildings and equipment




Museum and Historic Property Rental

Bill Tramposch and trustee Bette Spriggs

Festival of Wreaths

Marilyn Whitney and George Korn


R E L A T I 0 N

Above, Food for Thought brown bag lunch with Robert Mooney. Perpetual Tree (at right), is a reminder of every Angel and Underwriter who has supported the Festival ofTrees over the years.



/. he External Relations Department has the responsibility for fundraising and <level­ ( / opment, foundation and corporate support, membership, special events, publica­ tions and public relations, and facility rentals. It is the service arm of the NHA and sup­ ports all departments and programs, as needed, striving to advance the association's mission and the tenets of its strategic plan. In 2006, external relations experienced a busy year marked by achievements in many areas. In conjunction with the process of seeking accreditation of the Whaling Museum by the American Association of Museums, the assistant director of development completed the museum self­ study, coordinating the committee's year-long efforts and putting the work of many into a single voice. Foundation grants helped the NHA greatly expand its year-round schedule of lectures, con­ certs, films, and family activities for the Nantucket community. A nonstop stream of publicity attracted capacity crowds to these programs and drew scores of visitors to the Whaling Museum and historic sites. The NHAE-Newsletterprovided monthly program updates to more than 2,000 members with e-mail addresses; and with the redesign of Historic Nantucket, the NHA present­ ed the stories of Nantucket's intriguing history in full color for the first time. From the Nantucket Wme Festival in spring to the Festival of Trees in winter, special events were well attended by NHA supporters. The Whaling Museum was also a popular venue for numerous private events, such as corporate and wedding parties. Membership recruitment and renewal efforts were rewarded with increased revenue from both businesses and individuals. Also in 2006, many donors to the Campaign for the Nantucket HistoricalAssociation, which had concluded the previous year, complet­ ed their pledges for the permanent endowment, Research library, and Whaling Museum. At the same time, the annual fund continued to grow, both in the number of participants and the level of giving, providing essential unrestricted support for every aspect of the association's oper­ ations. Unrestricted gifts are particularly important because the NHA receives no operating funds from federal, state, or local government. For 112 years, the NHA has strived to preserve Nantucket history and share it with the world. The association extends its sincere appreciation to all who generously supported its mission of preservation and educa­ tion in 2006.


External Relations

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(Clockwise, from the top) l12th annual meeting gam·, L'1nd· a Hoey•s ChriStmas ,,.,, vi age at the Fest1val of Trees; G rey Lady Marine's render c: Sp/end0r; wreath by N antucket Bookw rks at the Festival � of Wreaths; Geoff Ve ney, NHA president, and Niles Parker, fo rme r Robyn & Ti:nat the annual meetJohn Davis Curator . m�; Sign�. of the e�.. Nantucket Signs opening reception; Antiques Depot's A Star to Steer Her By; e annual' meet.President Ve rney at th 1ng; Kilty and Michae I Mahoney at the " r; w reath designAntiques Show Dinne er Carla Finn.

2006 Capital Gifts

Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gannon

2006 Annual Fund & Unrestricted Gifts

$50,000 and above Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. George

Ms. Louise A. Pfeiffer

$50,000 and above Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Adelson/ Adelson Galleries


$5,000-$24,999 Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Carey Jr.




Ms. Louise Robichaud


Mrs. Joan D. Small

Estate of Jean Boyce Courtney


Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation

2006 Restricted Gifts

Permanent Endowment Whaling Museum

Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Gifford


Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold IV


Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick


Mr. & Mrs. Harvey N. Saligman

Whaling Museum

Restricted to Collections Acquisitions

Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association George S. Heyer Jr. In honor of Niles D. Parker Mr. & Mrs. L. Dennis Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Jason A. 1ilroe

Restricted to Busch-Bawtree Piano Recital Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Bills Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. Novissimo Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woolley

$1,000 - $4,999 Seidman Family Foundation

Restricted to Computer Software

Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Hoefle!


Unrestricted Unrestricted

Mr. James D. B. Weiss Jr.


$500-$999 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian

Permanent Endowment

Ms. Patricia G. Searle


$100-$499 Mr. & Mrs. RobertW. Bailey


Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin


Ms. Gail Nickerson Johnson


Mrs. Adrienne A. McCalley


Mr. William Muehling


Mr. & Mrs. Wayne G. Wickman


Up to$99 Ms. Lorine C. Fargo


Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke

Restricted to Educational Programs I Jammy Gam Restricted to 1800 House

Mr. & Mrs. John V. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Erskine Jr. Mr. & Mrs. HarryW. Healey Jr. Mr. John M. Heggem Mr.& Mrs. Richard T. Grote In honor of Nancee Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Temkin

Restricted to Greater Light

Gale H. Arnold

Restricted to Island Treasures Exhibition DVD Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Jr.

Restricted to "Going on the Whale" Carving

Mr. & Mrs. PeterW. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie

Restricted to Lorri Howe Island Lecture

Stephanie Speakman Charitable Trust

Restricted to Research Library

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Affleck Ill Nantucket Garden Club Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch

Restricted to Walden Chamber Players Concert


Restricted to Whaling Museum Lobby Renovations

Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen Ill Mr. Bruce A. Percelay Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney

Dr. & Mrs. John Flores




$5,000-$24,999 Anonymous (11 Sarah K. de Coizart Article Tenth Perpetual Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Hempleman In honor of Barbara HaJ1m Nestle Waters Mrs. CharlesW. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stansky Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney $1,000-$4,999 Mr. & Mrs. John F. Akers Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Avellino Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier Elizabeth H. & Thomas H. Broadus Jr. Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broll Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton Jr. Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Ms. Amanda B. Cross Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dunlap Ms. Marcia D. Weber & Mr. James B. Flaws Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. HerbertW. Goodall Ill Mr. & Mrs. ElliottW. Gumaer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Ms. Elizabeth Jeffery Hubbell Mr. William H. Jolley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Karp Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Terry F. Lenzner Mr. & Mrs. H. Eugene Lockhart Ms. Elizabeth S. Wyatt & Mr. John E. Luth Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. James Murphy Mr. & Mrs. PeterW. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. V. Henry O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Ms. Ellen Flamm & Mr. Richard Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Puff Jr. Mrs. John Schapiro Ms. Donna K. Cooper & Mr. Karl H. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simmons Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sullivan

fi!.cft�Vl.rt c�



$500-$999 Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L Beaugrand

Breed Family Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Carey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Caulfield Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon Ms. Catherine Conover Mr. George Dalton Ms. Tish Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Gustin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Ms. Sarah Barnes & Mr. Brad Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L Jones Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. Norman E. Mack II Mrs. Paul Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed Ms. Racheal Stuart Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Van Dyke Mr. Nicolaus Weickart Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young $100-$499 Mr. & Mrs. Warren Allderige Mrs. Fay H. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong Mr. Leo C. Asadoorian Mr. & Mrs. John W. Atherton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bartlett Mr. Bruce B. Bates Mrs. Norman F. Beach Mr. & Mrs. Tom Beal Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Mrs. Cynthia F. Bell Mr. & Mrs. William Birch Mr. William Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy J.E. Bloomer Ms. Allison W. Bovard & Mr. Christopher M. Bovard Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Bower Mr. Andrew Boynton Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. Brown Ms. Joanne Bushong Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Carter Cafritz Ms. Emily Campbell Mr. & Mrs. James D. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady Mr. John C. Chadbourne Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Chesley Mr. James I. Coddington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Mrs. Marion R. Conley Mr. William B. Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Cooney Dr. & Mrs. John E. Craighead Mr. & Mrs. John N. Curlett Jr. Mrs. Susan M. Deutsch Mrs. Clarence E. Drew Mr. & Mrs. James A. Duarte Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Erskine Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filipski Ms. Sarah Forbes Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes

Mrs. Ingrid A. M. Francis & Mr. Robert Francis Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Mrs. Grenville Garside Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Gewirtz Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Erwin L. Greenberg Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs.Edmund B. Greene Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Mr. & Mrs. John C. Grover Mr. Victor F. Guaglianone Ms. Janet L. Steinmayer Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell Ill Ms. Polly Ann Halsted Mr. & Mrs. Glenn 0. Head Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc./ Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Hooper Mrs. Arthur Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Ms.Elizabeth Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Eli Winkler Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Kellogg Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. Kozak Ms. Alicia Carol Wullschleger & Dr. Peter F. Krogh Dr. & Mrs. Jack M. Layton Ms. Gail S. Hano & Mr. Joel A. Leavitt Mrs. Susan S. Leonard WineCare Storage, LLC/ Mr. & Mrs. Derek L. Limbocker Mrs. John A. Lodge Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Lowenstein Mr. & Mrs. Richard MacKay Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Macy Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Majestic Mr. & Mrs. James L. Malone Ill Ms. Carolyn Coffin Marlowe Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Ms. Margaret McCreary Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mcginnis Mr. & Mrs. James R. McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McNeil Ill Mr. & Mrs. Charles Meade Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Morris Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Marzano Mrs. Philip C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Morgan J. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Nevins Jr. Ms. Anne C. Peters Ms. Suzanne Riddle & Mr. Karl Phillips Mr. Paul Piccirillo Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Mr. & Mrs. Greg Raith Mr. Robert F. Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. George Russell Mr. J. Wood Rutter Mr. Herbert Seigle Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sherwood Ill ANNUAL REPORT

Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Irwin J. Smith Ill Ms. Susan K. Spring Mr. & Mrs. Renny A. Stackpole Mr. & Mrs. John Stahler Mr. & Mrs. John B. Strasenburgh Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. Swaim Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mrs. Henry Riddell Terry Mr. & Mrs. Luke Thornewill Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Thrower Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Visco Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Vittorini Mr. & Mrs. James E. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Tom S. Ward Jr. Mrs. Charles J. Webb II Sweet Inspirations/ Mr. & Mrs. John West Mr. Richard 8. White Mr. & Mrs. Reid White Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Wiley Mr. Charles J. Williams Mr. Alexander M. Worth Jr. Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Mrs. Jo A. Zschau


Mr. & Mrs. Ralph N. Albright Jr. Mrs. Anne C. Allen Mrs. Marjorie C. Baker Ms. Lauri Robertson & Mr. David Barham Mr. Roger Barzun Ms. Gale R. Blosser Ms. Judith Borten Mr. & Mrs. John D. Braginton-Smith Mr. Atherton Bristol Ms. Carol Ann Brown Mr. Lawrence M. Cady Mrs. Martha A. Carr Mrs. Robert Chuckrow Ms.Ellen J. Brooks & Mr. Marshall Cohen Mrs. Phyllis T. Conway Ms. Kathleen Conway Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mr. David S. Deutsch Mr. Paul J. Dobrowolski Mr. & Mrs. Peter Folger Erlin Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Feder Dr. John W. Feuerbach Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Field Mrs. Natalie J. Fletcher Dr. & Mrs. Lyman B. Fogg Capt & Mrs. Walter Folger Mr. Richard A. Folger Ms. Sarah Forbes Mr. Melvin Foster Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fox Ill Mr. & Mrs. Bradford R. Frost Jr. Ms. Sandra Gerster Dr. John W. Gerster Ms. Elli Giusti Ms. Kelley McFarland & Mr. Gregg P. Goodhew Dr. & Mrs. Jordon Goodman Mr. Robert N. Grant Ms. Fifi Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder Mr. Herbert L. Gutterson Mrs. Charles L. Hancock Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Mariner House/ Ms. Hilarie Hawley Dr. David S. Hays



Mr. & Mrs. John 0. Hedden Mr. Jack E. Helms Ms. Grace S. Hinkley Mrs. Katherine E. Hollifield Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holt Mr. George Ingram Ms. Stephanie B. Johnes Mr. Simon S. Jones Ms. Janet B. Joy Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kiddoo Mr. & Mrs. George F. Knorps Mr. & Mrs. James Kozera Capt. John E. Lacouture, USN, Ret. Mrs. Susan S. Leonard Mrs. Susan Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Libowitz Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. LiPuma Mr. Robert Logue Mr. & Mrs. Scott Marks Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Ms. Ellen B. Mitchell Ms. Signy A. Morris Mrs. Copeland Morton Jr. Ms. Susan M. Lapine & Mr. Donald W. Mroz Ms. Mary Bularzik & Mr. Kenneth Muzal Nantucket AIDS Network Mrs. Lilia G. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash II Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Nathan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. O'Brien Mrs. Norman Olsen Jr. Ms. Billie D. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Owen Mr. & Mrs. John G. Palache Jr. Ms. Irene T. Pelak Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Perry Mr. & Mrs. James L Pomeranz Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Powell Mrs. Cynthia M. Powell Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Pratter Mr. Jonathan K. Probber Mrs. Miriam W. Coffin Ragsdale Mr. & Mrs. Chris Raith Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Ms. Marita Rivero Mr. Frank Rose Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rosen Ms. Elizabeth Robinson Schloss Mrs. Helen P. Seager Dr. Richard H. Seibert Ms. Sandra F. Smith Ms. Penny F. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Soeder Ms. Deborah Solbert Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Ms. Barbara T. Szabo Dr. Theresa G. Taylor & Mr. Michael R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Reynal M. Thebaud Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Thibert Mr. & Mrs. James T. Townsend Mr. & Mrs. Michael Treanor Mr. Richard L Tuck Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wallace Ms. Kathleen Wallace Ms. Ann A. Welfeld Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W. Wolfe Mrs. Carol Woodbridge Mr. & Mrs. David D. Worth Mr. Arthur W. Wright Mr. Eugene F. Yeates Ms. Batia Zumwalt


Honorary Gifts

2006 Grants Unrestricted

In Honor of Amta & Toby Cosgroves Anmversary Mr. & Mrs. Bart Simon

Restricted to Greater Light

Ms. Grace S. Hinkley

Jockey Hollow Foundation

In Honor of Earle Craig and Betsy Morrisons Wedding

Monaghan Trust

In Honor of Mr & Mrs Leonard Greenbergs Anmversary

Restricted to "Nantucketers of Significance· Project

Nantucket Arts Council

Mr. & Mrs. Harold E Rubin

In Honor of Martha Grveumger s Birthday

Restricted to 1BOO House Gardens

Nantucket Garden Club

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Holtz

In Honor of Foster HNm 1r, s B1rthdav

Restricted to "Landmarks of Nantucket" Program

Nantucket Golf Club Foundation Restricted to Historic Nantucket

Nantucket Island Resorts

Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Rubin

In Honor of George Irvine� Birthday

Ms. Catharine Irvine In Honor of Dau try & Reb Jensen

Restricted to Digitization Project

Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986 Restricted to Thomas Macy House Restricted to Educational Programming

M. S. Worthington Foundation

Memorial Gifts In Memory of Julie Fein Azoulay

Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Rubin

In Memory of George F Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Grote In Memory of Nancy Smith Bates

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bourne In Memory of Jean Bradshaw Boyce

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dunlap In Memory of Joseph Damsker

Mrs. Joseph W. Damsker

Mr. & Mrs. Matthias Plum

In Honor of Sally & Pete, Nash

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Davis In Honor of Niles Parker

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Atherton Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Brid1er Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T Newton Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. Lars 0. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney 'Mica/I & Jahr R1da1/ls Weddmg Ms. Barbara M1gliara

In He ,c

In HoJ10r of Arne $we1tftl

Dr. & Mrs. Donald Ross

In Memory of Lawrence Edwin Geisewite

Mrs. Mary B. Geisewite

In Honor of Seth l ynn & Borm& fJrophy Tracy s Marriage

Mr. & Mrs. Robert P Follert

In Memory of Patricia Inch

Rev. & Mrs. Stanley E. Johnson In Memory of Edythe Travelstead

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Bonasera Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Griffin

In Memory of George & Elizabeth Simonds Dr. & Mrs. David G. Nathan


In Honor of Mr & M,s. K Morgan Varner

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davis





he Heritage Society honors individuals who have made gifts of cash, real estate, or artifacts to the Nantucket Historical Association through their estate plans. The contributions of those who came before us have helped shaped the NHA as we know it today. Planned gifts can take many forms and support the NHA in myriad ways. Gifts of cash, securities, insurance policies, and retirement assets may be unrestricted or designated to a specific pur-

Members of the Heritage Society Anonymous (4) Bruce B. Bates Nancy A. Chase Trudy S. Dujardin Robert C. Griffin Barbara E. Hajim Nina & Bob Hellman Grace S. Hinkley Daintry & Julius Jensen Coco & Arie L Kopelman George Korn & Richard Kemble Robin & Richard Kreitler Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. Norman E. Mack II Carolyn B. MacKenzie Mary Frances Sutton Miller Sally & Peter Nash Lauren & Peter Roncetti Dorothy Slover Madeline & Jonathan Swain Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney

Bequests of Real Estate

Bequests of Cash 1900s

Lucia A. Cleveland Josiah Folger Susan Wilson Folger 1910s

Benjamin Sharp William Watson 1920s

Alexander Starbuck


pose, such as the permanent endowment. Interest from the endowment helps the NHA care for the museum and historic sites, pro­ vide year-round educational programs, and add important Nantucket artifacts to the col­ lections. Individuals who include the NHA in their estate plans are granted membership in the Heritage Society and presented with an ivory whale pin carved by scrirnshander and NHA trustee Nancy Chase. 1970s

Clara Louise Baker Jennie Louise Barnitz Ruth L. Christian Valina M. Coffin Grace Brown Gardner Laura K. Hecker Dorothy Spencer Horton Mabel L. Howard Hanna Darlington Monaghan Helen B. Reynolds


Susan E. Brock Joseph E. Farnham Annie Barker Folger Frederick Gardner Mary Eliza Macy William Swift 1940s

Frank R. Barnard Mary Durfree Sidney Mitchell Virginia Sharp 1950s

Eleanor Ham 1990s


Jacqueline S. Harris Oswald A. Tupancy

Elizabeth M. Blackburn Henry Coffin Carlisle William E. Gardner Mary Lowell Gouin William Mayhew Folger Ruth H. Marshall Florence E. Mitchell Alberta E. Rule Ruth Haviland Sutton

2000s Jon A. Stroup

Susan Wilson Folger


Margaret H. Crosby Mary B. Fisher Isabel Gibbs Margaret S. Hosmer Florence E. Mitchell Eugene Morris George Peabody Rowena Potter Virginia Swain Strong Ruth Haviland Sutton 1970s

Florence Mary Anderson Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Maud G. Caldwell Isabel Worth Duffy H. Crowell Freeman Norman Joy Greene Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Clifford R. Morris Lindsay Beach Norton Lois Raggio Russell Edwin Buckingham Sears Paul N. Turner


Sarah E. Baxter Elizabeth Barker Boone Mary F. Carrington Thomas Coleman Annie Marie Imbert Mary Newhall Anna G. Swain 1930s

Susan E. Brock Eva Channing

Lucy Allen Marjorie Barrett Louise Emerson Lillian DeBlois Fox Grace Brown Gardner Ives Hendrick Annie Lawrence Hunton Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace C. Lasell Muriel C. Willet Christine T. Wyer 1980s

Anna Gardner Fish Ella Young Spencer Henry B. Worth

Alvah C. Drake Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Gretchen Weeber



Mary W. Babcock Augusta F. Bacheller Margaretta S. Hinchman Frank B. Howard Helen Cartwright McCleary Elizabeth W. Morse Sarah E. Phillips Charlotte W. Pitman

Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Isabell L. Burnett Robert C. Caldwell Wellington J. Cummings Eunice B. Haden Eleanor Lowe Edouard A. Stackpole Elsie deSola Tupper


Elizabeth Coffin Fitzgerald Emma F. Hayward Pauline Johnson Helen Cartwright McCleary Mary Chase Milliken


Bequests of Artifacts 1900s



Ruth L. Christian Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace Brown Gardner

2000s Aldys Squire Chapman Jean Boyce Courtney L. Linder Lombard Leeds Mitchell Jr. Barbara W. Nelson Donald M. D. Thurber Amelia Frances Vickery


Anonymous Margaret I. Buffington Content Peckham Cowan Beatrice L Crosby Pauline Smith Freeman Katherine N. Gardner Eunice B. Haden Whitman Pearson Jessie L Schenk Marjorie Schultz Beulah Marcia Havens Stowers Maybelle Frost Vasbinder

2000s Page Wroth Jamison Walter E. Lenk Jr. ANNUAL REPORT









ixth year of associao i tion greatly appr Nantucket Historical again the nonprofit with the Nantucket Wine F lival. In 2006, th beneficiary of the tremendou ly popular ala and the I gantWmeAuction Dinner at the White Elephant. For the third year, I IA pa t-pr ident Dorothy lover chaired these mem­ orable events, assisted by the dinner, fil tyle, and rare win s committ e . Th Gala on May 18 featured food and wine tasting from mor than thirty r nown d h [ and vineyards as well as a silent auction of wonderful contributed item -from vineyard va alions to catered beach pic­ nics. The May 20Wme Auction Dinner howca ed the cui ine of chef Cyril Renaud of Fleur de Sel, prepared with host chef Neil Hud on of th Brant Point Grill. nerou upport for theWme Auction Dinner was provided by the individual and busine es that donat d exceptional wines to the auction and by dinner attendees at the "Oenophile" and "Vigneron" levels. Proceeds from these events support an expanding schedule of year-round educational programs for children at the Whaling Museum and historic site . Dorothy Slover, 2006 Chair (Top), G. S. Hill donated his painting,

Atop the Whaling Museum, as an auc­

tion item for the 2006 Nantucket Wine Festival's Wine Auction Dinner.


Dorothy Slover

Rare Wines from Private Collectors Committee

Marcia & Joe Welch, Chairs Geoff Beattie Jack Curlett Gene Goodwillie Bryan Jacoboski Mike Jemison Jeff Nielsen Chris Quick Rick Sherlund

Dinner Committee

Michael & Lisa Kittredge, Chairs Susan & Bill Boardman Polly & John Espy Cynthia & John Everets Nadine & Bill Gibson Joan & John Goodwin Barbara & Ed Hajim Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Kathy & Roger Penske Ellen & David Ross Janet & Rick Sherlund Lifestyle Committee

Mark Donato, Chair

Silent Auction Committee

Melanie Wernick, Chair



vf-'�� WINE

Wine Festival Dinner &Auction Oenophiles

Candace & Thomas Blake Trudy Dujardin & Frank Fasanella Barbara & Ed Hajim Anne & Bryan Jacoboski Ann & Chris Quick Laura & Robert Reynolds Margaret & John Ruttenberg Vignerons

Judy & Bob Brust Lucy Dillon Shelton Ellis Nancy & Al Forster Kelly Williams & Andrew Forsyth Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus Janet & Rick Sherlund Ann & Thomas Sallas Connoisseurs

Deborah & Marshall Beale Susan & William Boardman Kimberly Corkran Anne & John Curtlett Cynthia Dareshori Michael Davis Mark Donato Christine & Joseph Donelan William Earon Polly & John Espy Cindy & William Fowler Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Marsha & Stanley Greenman Hilary Grinker Musser Khaled Hashem Judi & Greg Hill Ann & Peter Holmes Alan Ivey Danielle DeBenedictis & Peter Karlson Jill & Stephen Karp Douglas Kenward Christopher Klingenstein Corinne & Ralph Lee Carol & Frederick Levinger Kilty & Michael Mahoney Carolyn & Chuck McCannon Barbara & Robert Medaugh Sally & Peter Nash Anne & Ed Obrecht Lyman Perry Susan & Kennedy Richardson Marianne & John Stanton Peggy & William Tramposch Susan & William Vareschi Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney Ronald Winters Judy & Michael Wodynski

2006 NWF Contributors

Katherine & William Beattie Jeanne & Josh Bennett Christina & Owsley Brown Agnes Campanile Maureen & Richard Chilton Doris Fellerman David Hays Ann & Chris Quick Suzanne & Stuart Steele Silent Auction Donors

Alison Hall Cooley 21 Federal All-Clad Metalcrafters Back Bay Yoga The Boston Symphony Orchestra Bottega del Vino Blu The Calming Room Day Spa Cape Air The Chanticleer Chelsea Clock Cheryl Fudge Crush Cosmetics The Dane Gallery David Yurman Emilly Brooke Rubin Flowers on Chestnut Great Cheeses of New England Gretta Luxe Gypsy Heidi Weddendorf Hinckley Boats Hotel Commonwealth JW Marriott Las Vegas Resort Spa & Golf Lux Bond & Green Lux Lash Majolica Nantucket Island Resorts Provisions Sam Adams Brewery Saveur Magazine Scully and Macy Distinctive Gifts Slip 14 Sweet Inspirations Chocolate Tanglewood Tanglewood Food & Wine Classic Timothy Parsons Trump International Sonesta Beach Resort Nantucket Wine Festival Viking and Delia Vineyard Vines The Yoga Room Live Auction Donors

21 Federal Alexander Valley Vineyards American Seasons Mary & Rich Amons Archery Summit Winery Samuel Bailey

Harold Baxter Geoff Beattie Bernardus Lodge Heidi & Max Berry William J. Boardman Thomas H. Broadus Ill Brown-Forman Calera Wine Company Chateau Beychevelle Chateau Carbonnieux Chateau Pape Clement Chateau Rauzan-Segla John Colton Commonwealth Wine & Spirits Domaine Anglada-Deleger Duckhorn Wine Company Elk Cove Vineyards Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Favia Erikson Winegrowers Massimo Ferragamo Folio Fine Wine Partners Timothy M. George Chad Gifford Mark & Joyce Goldweitz Janie & Eugene Goodwillie Grgich Hills Cellar Judi & Greg Hill Peter E. Hoey Inman Family Wines Bryan & Anne Jacoboski Jeffrey Jay Tina & Mike Jemison King Estate Winery and Vineyard Lisa & Michael Kittredge Neil C. Krauter William E. Little Jr. Michel-Schlumberger Wines Montesquieu Winery Nantucket Golf Club Claire & Ed Orenstein Palm Bay Imports Pernod Richard USA Jim Poole Sarah & Wayne Pratt Cyril Renaud/ Fleur de Sel Robert Sinskey Vineyards Rodney Strong Vineyards Elsa & Alan Saroff Janet & Rick Sherlund Ships Inn Skandis Fine Wines, LLC Joe Slovensky Diane & Guy Snowden Stag's Leap Wine Cellars St. Francis Winery & Vineyard Carol Thompson Tom Eddy Wines Susan & Denis Toner Treana Winery Wente Vineyards Marcia & Joe Welch The Westmoor Club Wimbledon Wine Co. ANNUAL REPORT



For the third year, Marcia and Joe Welch ably chaired the Rare Wines from Private Collectors Committee, working with the committee members to assemble an impressive array of wines contributed by individuals and by winemakers showcased at the Tenth·Annual Nantucket Wine Festival. Their efforts culminated with the Wine Auction Dinner and what was, to date, the festival's most suc­ cessful wine auction, to benefit the NHA's educational programs. Special thanks to all of the donors and buyers, and to auctioneers Hart Davis Hart.


2006 Chair Josette Blackmore, with her husband, Jim


H 0



he 2006 August Antiques Show pre ent d a wonderful week of parties, lec�es, ( / and activities, all surrounding the centerpiece event-the 29th annual antiques show held Aug. 4 - 6 at the Nantucket New chool. The how owe it succes to the efforts of the many people who contributed their time, energy, and financial upport. Led by Josette Blackmore, the 2006 Antiques Show chair, her committee of over a hundred vol­ unteers worked for nearly a year to organize the NHA' mo t important annual fundraising event. The 2006 honorary chairs were Barbara and Ed Hajirn, who have wholeheartedly upported the NHA and its mission for more than a decade. The festivities began on August 1 with a lecture by Thomas N. Armstrong III, director emeritus of the Whitney Museum of American Art, which wa spon ored by the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association. For the eighth year, Trianon / Seaman Schepps wa the lead w1derwriter of the Antiques Show Dinner on Augu t 5, while for the third year Eaton Vance Investment Counsel provided underwriting support for the festive Preview Party on August 3. The NHA i appreciative of the many corporate underwriters whose support was vital to the how's succe . p cial thanks also go to the Select Donors, Founders, Chair' Circle, and Benefactor for so generously patronizing the 2006 Augu t Antiques how. Managed by the Antiques Council, the NHA show is one of the mo t highly regarded shows on the east coast, attracting antiques collector and enthu­ siasts to the booths of thirty-nine distingui hed exhibitors.






The show owes its success to the efforts of the many people who contributed their time, energy, and financial support.




Ed & Barbara Hajim, Honorary Chairs 2006 August Antiques Show Committee Underwriters

Trianon/ Seaman Schepps Eaton Vance Investment Counsel New England Brokerage Corp. Insurance Fireman's Fund Insurance Company Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Windwalker Real Estate Bank of America - T he Private Bank Nantucket Storage Center N Magazine The Gallery at Four India Street Khouri's Oriental Rug Company Maury People, Sotheby's International Realty Nestle Waters Wayne Pratt, Inc. New England Home Jordan Real Estate Antiques & Fine Art Flather & Perkins The Magazine Antiques Northeast Auctions Chair

Josette Blackmore Chair's Council

Sarah Baker Maggie Benedict Laurie Champion Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Martha Groetzinger Georgia Gosnell Barbara Hajim Ginger Heard Betty Jacobsen Leanne Kendrick Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Anne Obrecht Betty' & David' Ogden Susan Rotando Melanie Sabelhaus Janet Sherlund Dorothy Slover Mimi Young

Committee Members

Committee Chairs

Pat Anathan Carol Atkinson Margit Baker Nancy Barnes Jeanne Bennett Gayle Blumenberg Kathy Bologna Mary Brown Marylyn Burns Rhonda Cassity Laurie Champion Barbara Charlton Connie Cigarran Louise Connell Mellie Cooper Susan Coyne Joan Curhan Marguerite Davis Debra DeCosta Lucy Dillon Ane DiVenere Lois Druckemiller Shelton Ellis Polly Espy Carla Finn Elle Foley Marjorie Fortgang Phyllis Freilich Betsy Fry Nan Geschke Joan Goodwin Susan Zises Green Suzy Grote Barbara Hajim Kaaren Hale Barbara Halsted Candy Heydt Susan Hochwald Lois Horgan Anne Jacoboski Elizabeth Jacobsen Cindy Jones Leanne Kendrick Sara Jo Kobacker Joan Lahey Nan Lampe


Marybeth Keene Maggie Benedict Anne Obrecht Antiques Show Dinner

Barbara Hathaway Trisha Passaro Preview Party

Vicki Livingstone Deedie McCarthy Decorations

Olivia Charney Heather Kennedy Collectors Booth

Janine Franceschi Live Auction

Janet Sherlund Volunteer Coordinator

Pam Waller


Prudence Crozier Gift Bags

Maria Frazza Susan Moses Raffle

Bessie Connelly


Heidi Weddendorf

Dealers Dinner

Nancee Erickson Dealers Hospitality

Mary Ann Wagner Friends Lecture

Heidi Berry





Pam Lassiter Carol Levinger Terry Lockhart Carolyn MacKenzie Miriam Mandell Mia Matthews Barbara Mcinerney Laurie Monahan Winifred Mortenson Nancy Puff Ann Quick Bettina Ridley Robin Rodbell Cynthia Rubin Melanie Sabelhaus Cristy Sagalowsky Linda Saligman Nancy Serafini Rini Shanahan Dorothy Slover Marcia Smith Lynne Steinfurth Sheila Sullivan Merrielou Symes Sandy Taylor Pamela Thomas Carol Thompson Jane Tiger Boots Tolsdorf Barbara Vanderbilt Sandra Velde Marcia Welch Melanie Wernick Marilyn Whitney Leadership Supporters Select Donors

Janet & Rick Sherlund Laurie & Bob Champion

Above, top to bottom: Bill Tramposch with Nancy and Alan Forster; Kaaren and Charles Hale; Ann and Jack Curlett 34

Founders Jan & Warren Adelson Heidi & Max Berry Rhonda & Doug Cassity Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Chilton Jr. Robyn & John Davis Ramona & Stephen Davis Elizabeth R. Miller & James G. Dinan Nancy & Alan Forster Nan & Chuck Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Gayle & Robert Greenhill Sabine & Richard Griffin Cynthia Fry & John A. Gunn Mary & Robert Haft Barbara & Ed Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale Barbara & Amos Hostetter Anne & Bryan Jacoboski Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Mia & Bob Matthews Kimberly & James Pallotta

Kathryn & Roger Penske Ann & Chris Quick Laura & Bob Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Liz & Geoff Verney Karen & Chris Watkins Suzy & Jack Welch Marilyn Whitney & Annabel Whitney Chair's Circle Carrie & Leigh Abramson Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Janet & Sam Bailey Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Margaret G. & Neil Benedict Kay & Peter Bernon Josette & Jim Blackmore Botticelli & Pohl Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton Margaret B. Childs Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr Dottie & Earle Craig Norwood H. Davis Jr. Barbara J Fife Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Graham Victoria & Charles Gustin Lois & John Horgan Daintry & Reb Jensen Barbara & Harvey Jones Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. F A. Lorenzo Lauren Leichtman & Arthur Levine Miriam & Sonny Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Sally & Peter Nash Sarah & Jeff Newton Anne & Bree Obrecht Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Patricia Beilman & David Poor Robin & Clyde Rodbell Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rubenstein Margaret & John Ruttenberg Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote Linda & Harvey Saligman Julie & Brian Simmons Beth & Anthony Terrana Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tucker Susan & Bill Vareschi Benefactors Jan & Warren Adelson George T. Albrecht Gale Arnold Barrington Antiques Carol Thompson & Harold J. Baxter Kathy & Tom Bologna Margit & Larry Breakiron Mr. & Mrs. David S. J. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Eileen & Robert Butler


Katie Grover & Mike Campbell Mr & Mrs Felix T. Charney Ronnie & Reed Chisholm Connie & Tom Cigarran Tiffany Spadafora & George Cloutier Louise & Bill Connell Bessie & John Connelly Heidi Weddendorf & Brian Conroy Prudence & William Crozier Anne & Jack Curlett Franklyn P deMarco Jr. Helen & Philip Didriksen Ane & Peter DiVenere Gerald Crown & Paul Dobrowolski Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Hebe Dowling Lois & William Druckemiller Shelton Ellis Nancee Erickson Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Trudy Dujardin & Frank Fasanella Barbara J. Fife Liz & B1ff Folberth Marie & George Frazza Phyllis & Stuart Freilich Ann & Sam Furrow Martha & Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. T homas H. Gosnell Patricia Griffin Lauren & Paul Gudonis Ann & Graham Gund Karoly S. & Henry B. Gutman Robin & Jay Hammer Janet & Richard Hart Barbara & Lawrence Hathaway Nina & Bob Hellman Cathy & Dick Herbst Mr & Mrs John A. Hilton Jr. Ellen Howe Cindy & Evan Jones Marybeth Keene Connie & Dennis Keller Diane & Art Kelly Heather & Christopher Kennedy Sara Jo & Arthur Kobacker Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael Kovner Joan & Ed Lahey Susan & Samuel Lehrman Mr. & Mrs. Fred Levinger Martha Berman & Robert Lipp Vicki Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. B. MacTaggart Kilty & Michael Mahoney Deedie & Ted McCarthy Barbara & James Mcinerney Marion & Steve Meader Bonnie Roseman & Tony Messina Rory & Howard Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Miller Alison Monaghan Winnie & Chris Mortenson Susan & Marvin Moses

.i·.··&\. ·�-•.,;,.·.�·.



Eva Moss Aileen & Scott Newquist Denise Olsen Trish & Mike Passaro Julia & Larry Pollock Nancy & Bob Puff Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rein Martin Ross Thekla R. & Donald B. Shackelford Sarina & Thomas Shanahan Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro Trudy & Fred Slater Catharine & Jeffrey Soros Sheila & Bill Sullivan Marjorie & Louis Susman Merrielou & Ned Symes Jane & Arthur liger Kim Roy & Chris Tofalli Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Clare & Jay Walker Mrs. Richard J. Walsh Marcia & Joe Welch Brooks & Peter Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Arthur M. Winn Jill Wolfe & Earl L. Bohachek Ill Theresa & William Woolverton Yuriko & Brace Young Mr. & Mrs. P Rhoads Zimmerman Patrons

Mr. & Mrs. David P Agnew Mariann & Mortimer Appley Joan & Curtis Barnes Michele Barnett Barrington Antiques Melinda & Tom Beal Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Katherine & William Beattie Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Susan & Bill Boardman Carol & William Browne Julie J. & Robert Bryan Janet Caldow Katie Grover & Mike Campbell Wendy N. Carduner Joan & Paul Crowley Chris & Jeff Devers Linda & Joseph DiMartino Dr. Paula Dore-Duffy Clementina V. Durkes Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P Faucette Carol & Robert T. Foley Penny & Bob Fox Susan Zises Green Barbara & Bob Griffin George S. Heyer Jr. Ann & Peter Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Roger Horchow Cindy & Evan Jones Randy A. Kemper Nan Lampe Marilyn & Bill Lane

Janet M. & Christopher Larsen Joyce & Edward Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. John J. McAtee Jr. Toni & Martin McKerrow Louise Middleton Sue & Carl Mueller Sally & Michael Orr Melissa & Nat Philbrick Kathleen S. Poole Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Nancy & Joe Serafini Dr. & Mrs. John Sharp Diane & Guy Snowden Daisy M. Soros Barbara Beinecke & David Joel Spitler Rev. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Mr. & Mrs. William J. Stern Mr. & Mrs. Bradley P Sweeny Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Velde Jr. Chip Webster Cathy & Stephen Weinroth Denise & Bill Welsh Betsey & Richard Werdiger Mary & David Wolff Sponsors

Fay Anathan Margaretta Andrews Margit Corby Baker Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Bankart Mary-Claire & William Barton Jeanne Bennett Mrs. George Berkheimer Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr. Maureen & Edward Bousa Dana & David Boyce Vivian & Bob Braunohler Lucy & Hunt Breed The Brigham Galleries Nancy & Art Broll Diana & Colin Brown Judy Caldwell Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. E. Campbell Nancy Cavanaugh Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Christopher Choma Phyllis T. Conway Suzanne & Donald Dates Edith Delker Real Estate Judith & Daniel Drake MaryV. Drew Dr. Josef & Karen Fischer Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Ingrid A. M. Francis Elizabeth & Robert Gambee Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Randy Goldberger Toby Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Greenman

Jean & Garth Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. Jack Griswold Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Haines Lucile & Bill Hays Mr. John A. Herndon Judi R. Hill Virginia D. Hill Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Sandra R. Holland Maureen Phillips & Douglas Horst, M.D. Tanny D. & R. Courtney Jones Robin & Brian Kelly Mrs. C. Miller Knutson Daniel Korengold & Martha Dippel! Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Laurie & Bruce Maclin Barbara H. Malcolm Anne E. McCollum Pat & Charles McGill Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. McGowan Gordon McGregor & Michael A. Molinar Marian & Russell Marash Morgan & Allen Morton Joan & Morgan Murray Pamela S. Niner Nell & John Otto Ann Bissinger & Mark Poor Mrs. Joan Prate! Nina Duchaine & Rory Radding Dr. Albert & Carol Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Rubin Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV lrean & Herbert Schreiber Donna Cooper & Karl Schulz Mrs. William A. Sevrens Dorothy & Junie Sinson Marcia & Irwin Smith Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Nicholas N. Stephanoff Sarah T. Stephenson Joly & Jim Stewart Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Taylor Ill Mr. & Mrs. James Tullis Mary Ann B. & Samuel Wagner Pam & Will Waller Melanie Wernick Lois & Jay Werthheimer Nancy & Clark Whitcomb The Worth Collection, Ltd. Kathryn Kay & Robert A. Young Susan Zimmer Contributors




To welcome and express its appreci­ ation of the antiques exhibitors, the NHA hosted the annual Dealers Dinner on August 2. Chaired by <'Nance_e Erickson,above with Wayne . Piatt, the festive summer supper was held in the garden of the .NHA's his. toric Thomas Macy H�use at 99. Main Street. The evening began with • a special cocktail reception in mern. ory of Taylor B. Williams,�. longtime antiques exhibitor_from Chicago,·.·. .· hosted at Joye� and Mar�\ : ·•.•.·. Goldweitz's East Bric� by �ayne Pratt & Co. ot,Nantuc.ket\· · �··

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-- l'

From the left: Olivia Charney; Trisha Passaro; Shelton Ellis of Trianon/Seaman Schepps, lead underwriter of the Antiques Show Dinner; Barbara Hathaway; and Heather Kennedy

John W. Atherton Jr. Brown-Forman Corporation John C. S. Coffin David S. Deutsch Michael Duffy Christine Franklin Mrs. Arthur W. Grellier Ellen Howe ANNUAL REPORT




Jane Beasley Foundation Ann & C. Hardy Oliver Frances Richardson Nancy Seaman & Alan Schwartz Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro Barbara & Richard Skelly Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Jane & Scott Stearns Isabel & Don Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Macauley Taylor Sally Wallace

Steven Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Brown-Forman Corporation Flowers on Chestnut Louisville Stoneware Nantucket Catering Company

Raffle Contributors

Janis Aldridge, Inc. Debbie & Jamey Bennett Kathy Bologna Rhonda Cassity Laurie Champion Nancy Anne Forster Nan A. Geschke Georgia Gosnell Ellie Gottwald Barbara Griffin Kaaren Hale Stephen Jelin Leanne Kendrick Janet Lindgren Deedie McCarthy Toni McKerrow Pamela Nine Emily Pihl Nancy Puff Nancy Serafini Lois Shapiro Janet L. Sherlund Lynne Steinfurth Sallye Stephenson Stacey Stuart Sandy Taylor

Burberry Cross Rip Outfitters The Golden Basket/ Kim & Bruce Elliott David Lazarus Nantucket House Antiques The Nantucket Stock Exchange Nautical Furnishings Nina Hellman Antiques Lee A. Papale Wayne Pratt Antiques Live Auction Contributors

21 Federal American Seasons Tommy Bressette The Chanticleer The Club Car Continental Airlines Barbara & Ed Hajim Diane & Andrew Kaslow Le Languedoc Bistro Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Golf Club Sherry O'Donnell In memory of Bill Sevrens Simply with Style/ Kendra Lockley Trillium

Dinner Contributors

Nantucket Today

Polo Ralph Lauren Scalamandre Sony Music Superba Collectors Corner Contributors

Special Thanks

Antiques Council The Atlantics Chase Canopy Company Curtis Barnes Bartlett's Farm Blue Water Bakery Chelsea Gardens

The Cleaning Fairies Custom Event Flooring Daily Breads Dogsname.com Downyflake Restaurant Jesse Dutra Landscape Design Shelton Ellis Enjoy Nantucket Espresso to Go Even Keel Flowers on Chestnut Joyce & Mark Goldwe1tz Hatch's Package Store lnkstone Printing JLB, Inc. Javatime Design Da1ntry & Reb Jensen Juice Bar Lightworks Productions Nantucket Babysitters Services Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Events Nantucket New School Nantucket Nourriture, Inc. Nantucket Park & Recreation Department Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Storage Center Nantucket Tennis & Swim Club Norman Swam Painting P&M Reis Trucking Placesetters Provisions Bill Rhodenburg The ShepCats Simply with Style Catering Small Friends on Nantucket, Inc. Something Natural Stacy Exposition Strong Wings Terry Pommett Photography Sun Island Delivery Trianon/ Seaman Schepps The UPS Store

For the third consecutive year, Eaton Vance Investment Counsel was the underwriter of the Antiques Show Preview Party. From the left, Skip W1llauer and Westy Saltonstall of Eaton Vance, with Sally and Peter Nash and Vicky Saltonstall



Mary Ann & Samuel Wagner Woodmeister Corp.

2006 August Antiques Show Dealers

Adelson Galleries Alistair Sampson Antiques, Ltd. J. Austin Jeweler Diana H. Bittel Antiques Jeff R Bridgman American Antiques G.K.S Bush, Inc. Carlson & Stevenson Connecticut River Books The Cooley Gallery Cunha-St John Antiques Doll Dreams The Finnegan Gallery Forager House Collection Malcolm Franklin, Inc. Georgian Manor Antiques Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc Hyland Granby King-Thomasson Antiques, Inc. James M Labaugh Antiques Jane McClafferty Antiques Mellm's Antiques Danielle Ann Millican Mongenas Antiques Stephen B. O'Brien Jr Fine Art Oriental Rugs, Ltd. Janice Paull Port "N Starboard Gallery Wayne Pratt & Co. Running Battle Antiques Sallea Antiques, Inc. Elle Shushan Silver Plus Philip Suval, Inc. Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, Inc. Vose Galleries of Boston Charles L. Washburne Washington Square Gallery, Ltd. Victor Weinblatt Taylor B. Williams Antiques


Wreath designer Richard Kemble

ow a Nantucket tradition, the eighth annual Festival of Wreaths and its Preview Party marked the start of Nantucket's holiday season. From November 22 to 26, the festival welcomed more than 1,700 community members, free of charge, to enjoy eighty beautifully decorated wreaths in the Whaling Museum's Peter Foulger Gallery. Chaired by Courtney O'Neill, with assistance from creative director Reggie Levine and committee members, the festival showcased the remarkable talent of local artists, artisans, schoolchildren, merchants, and nonprofits-each of whom decorated a wreath that was dis­ played as part of the silent auction. Throughout the festival, visitors bid on the wreaths, raising over $13,000 for the NHA's educational programs, plus another $1,600 from the Raffle Wreath, which was generously donated for the fourth year by Sandy Taylor. The NI-IA offers special thanks for the continued support of Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank, as lead underwriter.

Throughout the festival, visitors bid on the wreaths, raising over $13,000 for the NHA's educational programs, plus another $1,600 from the Raffie Wreath .

Reggie Levine Artist, collector, actor, and former art gallery owner-Reggie Levine is a man of many talents and interests who gives greatly of his time and talent to Nantucket and the NHA. As creative director of the Festival of Wreaths since 2000, Reggie volunteers several days every November, deciding where and how to artistically display close to eighty handmade wreaths in the Peter Foulger Gallery. Reggie's keen vision, quick wit, and the twinkle in his eye all contribute greatly to the success of the Festival of Wreaths.




Lead Underwriter Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank Sponsors Bartlett's Farm Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Denby Real Estate Don Allen Ford Grey Lady Marine Glidden & Glidden, PC Hy-Line Cruises Killen Real Estate Nantucket Real Estate Company Nantucket Storage Center Pacific National, a Bank of America Company The Beachside at Nantucket The Inquirer and Mirror

Festival of Wreaths Committee Courtney O'Neill, Chair Sara Boyce Paul Clarke Stephanie Correia Reggie Levine Nonie Slavitz Sandy Taylor Pam Waller Special Thanks Wreath designers and their creative talents Sandy Taylor, contributor of the raffle wreath Our many dedicated volunteers

{Top to bottom), Courtney O'Neill, 2006 chair; wreath designer Alison Forsgren; Bill Tramposch with Louise and Bill Hourihan, president, Nantucket Bank, lead underwriter of the Festival of Trees and Festival of Wreaths, and Courtney O'Neill; wreath designed by Kathleen Knight.

Wreath Designers Barbara Gookin Bartlett's Farm The Beachside at Nantucket Best of the Beach Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nantucket Bookworks Ginna Bretschneider Amy Burrough Camera Shop/ Ursula Mc Morrow Cape Cod Life Publications Jeannette Carl Katie Castle Jean Cawley Children's House Cisco Brewers, Triple 8 Distillery & Nantucket Vineyard Claire Murray Clay Art Studio/ Barbara Toole Penny Dey Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Edith Delker English Trunk Show/ Carla Finn Flowers on Chestnut The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Alison K. Forsgren Libby Frazier The Gallery at Four India Street Bee Gonnella Janet Petrik Haggerty Melanie Hajir Brenda Lee Hall Chris Hart Michael Hawkins G. S. Hill Gallery/ Judi & Greg Hill The Inquirer and Mirror



Inside Out Property Management James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Anne Kaminsky Richard Kemble Ginny Kinney Denise Korngold Lee A. Papale Studio Joan Libby Ma1ohca/ Alicia Bradford Jessica Manning Priscilla McIntosh Ida Mendoza Mermaid Translations/ Margrethe Mentes Gay! Michael Nantucket Accommodations Nantucket AIDS Network Nantucket Atheneum Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Junior Miss Scholarship Program Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket New School Nantucket Rotary Club Mary Nov1ssimo Courtney O'Neill Our Island Home Karen Palmer Pam Raith Susan Rollins Scully & Macy D1stinct1ve Gifts Seaside Gardens Mary & David Sharpe Sherburne Commons Gail Spencer & Ron Light St. Mary's, Our Lady of the Isle Stephanie's of Nantucket/ Stephanie Correia Stover Engineering Sustainable Nantucket, Inc. Swain's Travel VFW Post 8606 The Weaving Room Heidi Weddendorl Daryl Westbrook Chad Whitlock Stacey Williams Volunteers Cynthia & Ken Blackshaw Norma & Bob Burton Edna & Ed Butner Paul Clark Barbara Clarke Bess Clarke Debbie DIiworth Garth Grimmer Jane & Bill Jones Anne & Frank Kaminsky Marie Lemberg Sally Lund Mary Malavase Chandra Miller Lorraine & Robert Olson Nonie Slav1tz John Stover Liz & Jose Trillas Jasmine Trillas Pam Waller Mona Wheatley Dolores Wiszuk Michael Wodynsk1

1800 House tree topper

Mary D. Malavase, 2006 Chair

FESTIVAL 0 F TREES Opening Christmas Stroll weekend, the Festival of Trees transformed the Whaling Museum into a magical wood.land of seventy-six brilliantly decorated holiday trees. From the traditional to the whimsical, each tree was decorated by members of the community, including schoolchildren, artists and artisans, merchants, and nonprofit organizations. Kicking off the event on November 30 was the tremendously popular Preview Party, which featured " antucket Delights" from a dozen of the island's top restaurants. Throughout the festival, from December 1 to 18, more than 2,200 visitors, including groups from Nantucket's schools and senior centers, enjoyed the annu­ al event that has engaged and enchanted the community for thirteen years. Special thanks to Mary Malavase for chairing the 2006 festival committee; to all of the ''Angels" and "Stars" for their leadership support; and to Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank, for being lead under­ writer for the twelfth year.

Wishing Tree Tree designer Irean Schreiber took her inspiration for "When You Wish Upon a Tree ... " from the "wishing trees" found outside Japanese temples that have been part of their cul­ ture for thousands of years. People are invited to write down their wishes and tie them to a branch. Similarly, lrean invited visitors to the Festival of Trees to add their wishes to her tree. One visitor during the Preview Party left this message: "I wish for the NHA staff to have great happiness in the joy they brought to so many people tonight at the Festival of Trees."




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Lead Underwriter Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank Sponsors

Bartlett's Farm Cape Air/ Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Denby Real Estate Don Allen Ford Grey Lady Marine Glidden & Glidden, PC Hy-Line Cruises Killen Real Estate Nantucket Real Estate Co. Nantucket Storage Center Pacific National, a Bank ofAmerica Company The Beachside at Nantucket The Inquirer and Mirror

Edythe Travelstead

The NHA lost one of its shining stars with the passing of Edythe M. Travelstead on June 11, 2006. A long­ time NHA supporter, Edythe's com­ mitment to the organization began shortly after she moved to the island. Ever the consummate entertainer, Edythe had served on the Festival of Trees Committee since 1998, and she conceived of and orchestrated the first two Festival of Trees benefit din­ ners. Edythe, who had headed a top design firm, used her talent to plan these elegant parties with witty and unique themes, where a three­ course dinner may have showcased ostrich or buffalo for the main course. Her enthusiasm, endless energy, and wealth of knowledge on so many levels added greatly to many of the NHA's activities.

Festival of Trees Committee

Mary D. Malavase, Chair Denise Ackerman Diane Asche Ken Beaugrand Ginna Bretschneider Tracy Canty Brenda Lee Hall Bob Hellman Peggy Kaufman Richard Kemble George Korn Rosanne McGuinn Chris Morris Jackie Peterson Nantucket Delights Arno's Brant Point Grill Cisco Brewers Centre Street Bistro Even Keel Cafe Provisions Catering Oueequeg's Seagrille Sfoglia 29 Fair Topper's Water Street Special Thanks

Bartlett's Farm Chase Canopy Holdgate's Island Laundry Nantucket Party Rentals Mary & Al Novissimo Tree Designers and their creative talents


Tree Designers

Michael Allen Antiques Depot Leslie Linsley & Jon Aron Artists Association of Nantucket The Atlantic Cafe Cheryl Bartlett Bartlett's Farm George Bassett Chele Bayard Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nantucket Nantucket Bookworks BPC Architecture Brant Point Marine The Calming Room Jeannette & Jerry Carl Nancy Chase, Scott Marks & Tracy Murray Cisco Brewers, Triple 8 Distillery & Nantucket Vineyards Coastal, Vintage Home & Garden Curves Dane Gallery Egan Maritime Foundation 1800 House The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Gallery at Four India Georgia Axt Catering Golden Basket Fifi Greenberg Nina Hellman & Bee Gonnella Greg & Judi Hill Linda Hoey The Inquirer and Mirror James Lydon, Sons & Daughters lllya Kagan & Wendy Rouillard Killen Real Estate George Korn & Richard Kemble Lightwedge & Great Point Light Mary Malavase Jean Cawley & Ida Mendoza Nantucket AIDS Network Nantucket Atheneum Nantucket Babysitters Service Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank Nantucket Community Sailing Nantucket Conservation Foundation Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Country Antiques Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Historic Districts Commission Nantucket Ice & Nantucket Skating Club The Nantucket Independent Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce The Nantucket Lighthouse School Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum


Nantucket Lightshop, the Tile Room & the Water Closet Nantucket Lodging Association Nantucket Noose Nantucket Preservation Trust Nantucket School of Music Mary & Al Novissimo Claire O'Keeffe Janeen Parave Wayne Pratt, Inc. Ralph Lauren lrean Schreiber 'Sconset Gardener 'Sconset Trust Seaside Gardens Courtney O'Neill & Gillian Shay Stubby's & Island Coffee Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Sustainable Nantucket Bruce, Wendy & Brett Watts Wednesday Bridge Group The White Elephant Chad Whitlock Women's Health Network Festival of Trees Volunteers Denise Ackerman Joan Albaugh Jen Annand Pamela Bartlett Cynthia & Kenneth Blackshaw Ginna Bretschneider Virginia Bretschneider Tina Elahi Amanda Fant Carla Finn Irene Garnett Garth Grimmer Mary Haley Joyce Horton Catherine & Bill Jones Anne Kaminsky Erin Lemberg Tricia & Jim Lowe Ceci Moore Claire O'Keeffe Claire & Phillip Raneri Lou Salter Gerry Scheide Nonie Slavitz Eugene Stone Vincent Veilleux Susan Ward Mona Wheatley Peter Wilson Dolores Wiszuk


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ith the media frenzy surrounding the new Whaling Museum behind us, the HA held its own in news coverage in 2006. In support of the mission and goals of the strategic plan, press releases and articles kept the NHA's programs and properties in the public eye. Throughout the year, the island media did a spectacular job of keeping the community informed of the many activities at the museum and historic sites. Nantucket's newspapers the Inquirer and Mirror, The Nantucket Independent, and Yesterday's Island-and its maga­ zines-N Times, Nantucket Today, and Nantucket Life -also provided numerous in-depth articles. They ranged from reporting on Bill Tramposch's appointment as executive director, to covering the Andrea Doria: Fiftieth Anniversary exhibition and the construction of a kitchen garden at the Oldest House. Each week during the summer, Plum TV featured NHA staff mem­ bers describing the artifact of the week and discussing upcoming programs, events, and edu­ cational classes. Plum's coverage of events and programs served to engage viewers with Nantucket history and NHA happenings. Beyond the island, news from the NHA hit its mark in a variety of New England newspapers, magazines, and radio stations. Cape Cod Life, Yachting, New England Home, Yankee Traveler, Cape Cod Home, and Soundings were among the many magazines featuring the association. Film crews from Japan, Germany, France, and Italy toured the museum and historic sites, while reporters visited from as far away as Hawaii, France, and Sweden. Numerous publica­ tions across the country touted the Whaling Museum as "a Nantucket must-see." In true island style, an NHA member sent in an article about the Whaling Museum found in a German newspaper! The New England Museum Association recognized several NHA publications for excellence, awarding first-place honors for the Family Guide to the Whaling Museum, the August Antiques Show invitation, and the ''Adventure Begins Here" membership brochure. "Nantucket's Next Big Thing," the press kit promoting the opening of the Whaling Museum, received a second­ place award. In addition, The Bones of History film, recalling the history of Nantucket whaling, received an honorable mention in the American Association of Museums' MUSE Awards competition. ANNUAL REPORT


In true is/,and style, an NHA member sent in an article about the Whaling Museum found in a German newspaper!




The portrait of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, founder of the Coffin School on Nantucket, appears on NHA membership materials. Painted by Gilbert Stuart ca. 1810, the painting was a gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association, in memory of Tucker Gosnell; partial gift of Catherine C. Lastavica, M.D. 2005.4.1



Business Members Business Leaders

Accessible Dental, P.C. Al & Mary Novissimo, Novation Media Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Coffin Real Estate & 'Sconset Real Estate Congdon & Coleman Insurance Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Denby Real Estate Glidden & Glidden P.C. Hy-Line Cruises James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Jordan Real Estate Killen Real Estate Lyman Perry Architects Ltd. Mallary Alfano Accessories marlo marketing communications Murray's Toggery Shop Inc. Nantucket Bank a division of Sovereign Bank Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Real Estate Company Pacific National a Bank of America Company Sylvia Antiques/Four Winds Craft Guild The Beachside at Nantucket The Maury People Thirty Acre Wood LLC Trianon/Seaman Schepps Young's Bicycle Shop Business Sponsors

Botticelli & Pohl, P.C. BPC Architecture Cape Cod Express, Inc. Dujardin Design Associates Inc. Dunton Caretaking Services Hatch's Package Store Javatime Design Nantucket Stock Exchange Nantucket Storage Center Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Philbrick and Avery LLP Placesetters, Inc. Business Partners

A Taste of Nantucket ACKtivities American Seasons Annie & the Tees Barry Thurston's Tackle Shop Bartlett's Farm Brass Lantern Inn Cape Cod Life Publications Centre Street Inn Chase Canopy Company Chip Riegel Photography

Chip Webster & Associates Cisco Brewers Cooper Shepherd and Associates D. Neil Parent Associates Dan's Pharmacy Dean Pihl, Builder Design Associates, Inc. Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Edith Delker Real Estate Even Keel Cafe Flowers on Chestnut G. S. Hill Gallery Hoorn-Ashby Gallery Hutch's lslandwide Realty Johnsen Computer Services Kiwi John's Leslie Heiden Design Consultants Lindsay Inc. Madaket Marine Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Nantucket Cake Co. Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Country Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Lite, Candle & Soap Co. Nantucket Office Products Nantucket Pharmacy Nantucket Residential Design Nantucket Sewing & Design Nantucket Vineyard National Grid Patricia A. Halsted, Attorney Pronto Restoration by Costikyan Ltd. Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Sankaty Head Golf & Beach Club Sarah F. Alger, P.C. Sherburne Inn Simply With Style Catering Soiree Floral Stubby's/lsland Coffee Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M. Warner Catering Swain's Travel The Club Car The Inquirer and Mirror The Lion's Paw The Nantucket Independent The Trinity Collection The UPS Store The Wade Cottages Topham Designs, Inc. Twig Perkins, Inc. Vis-A-Vis

W. B. Marden Wayne Pratt, Inc. Winger Travel Agency Inc. Zero Main



Complete as of March 28, 2007






Children's Council

Bobby Congdon Dominic Costanzo Cara Garufi Keaton Goddard Carly Jensen Grace Maclellan Kadeem McCarthy Patrick McCarthy Hannival Montoyou Sarah Newton, Board Liaison Molly Pollock Matias Sejersen Cali Sherburne Jackie Trudel Diversity Council

Anne-Marie Baptiste Mary Anne Easley Chris Lohmann David Murphy Augusto Ramos Neville Richen Bette Spriggs, Board Liaison Noe Tineda Editorial Committee

Mary H. Beman Thomas B. Congdon Jr. Richard L. Duncan Peter J. Greenhalgh Amy Jenness Cecil Barron Jensen Robert F. Mooney Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick Bette M. Spriggs James Sulzer David H. Wood


1800 House Advisory Committee

Susan Boardman Ackie Dunning Nancee Erickson Lummy Gannett Gay Held Peggy Kaufman Janie Kay Bay McClure Gorky Ranney Liz Verney NHA Volunteers

Susan Boardman Gloria Chase-Mabry Pamela Hoppi Donna Martino Carolyn Meister Katherine Meister Augusto Ramos Robert Truesdale Vincent Veilleux Barbara Coleman White Peter Wilson Michael Wodynski Research Library Volunteers

Patricia Belford Norma Burton Donna Cooper Helen Didriksen Doris Glazer David S. Hays, M.D. Leslie Ottinger, M.D. Emma Tramposch


In-kind Donations

A Taste of Nantucket Wick Ahrens Bonni Backe Bartlett's Farm Susan Boardman Edith Bouriez Pauline Dumontier Campbell Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman Insurance Nina Cullen Downyflake Restaurant Anne Dumock Even Keel Cafe Lummy & Ben Gannett Elizabeth Gilbert Grand Union John Heggem Gay Held Javatime Design David Levanson Scott Lundberg / Harry Grodsky and Company Andy Maltby Jan & Charles Munro Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Public Schools Food Service Department Novat1on Media Claire O'Keeffe Fran Phillips R. L. Cranston Construction Robin & Clyde Rodbell Christine Sanford Deanna Schagen Sande Snyder Stop & Shop Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Tim Thompson Toscana Corp. Clara Urbahn Cathy Ward Peter Wilson


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