2007 Annual Report

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2005- 2008 The Nantucket Historical Association will design and deliver engaging, artifa t-based educational exhibitions, programs, and activities pertaining to Nantucket history and its material culture. The Nantucket Historical Association will develop and manage its collection , including its properties, in order to enhance its role as a leader in preserving and interpreting antucket history. The Nantucket Historical Association will reach out and serve diverse audiences a a year-round organization. The Nantucket Historical Association will secure and prudently manage the human and financial resource required to support its mi ion and strategic plan; it will promote policies that enhance its programs, its collections, including properties, and its reputation.

Over the past year the antucket Historical Association's board of trustees has finetuned program and operations at the Whaling Museum, reviewed governance issues, evaluated collections and properties, and begun the proce of establishing prioritie for the future. Through the considerable effort of tru tee Meli sa Philbrick, arab ewton, and the committee on trustees and governance, the HA revised the bylaws, which were then approved by the membership at the Annual Meeting in July. The board's committee tructure has been redefined and streamlined, and an executive committee has been installed. Of great significance, the Whaling Mu eum received accreditation from the American Association of Mu eum . Knowing that for the first time the museum meets the A.ANI's stringent standards, the HA' member , donor , and funding organization an have confidence that the museum is operating under audited and approved y tern and procedures. Last October a board retreat was held to discus the organization's focus and longrange objectives. It was decided to revisit the interpretive and strategic plans with a view toward greater outreach and to show how Nantucket's unique history relates to regional, national, and international historic themes. This will not change the HA's direction dramatically, but it will enable the association to look beyond the horizon. As

part of the process, the H continue to prioritize its collection and properties to focu on those that are fundamental to telling the tories of antuckct. The initiative to re tore Greater Light continues. Generou donor have matched the antucket ommunity Pre ervation Committee grant to assist restoration, but additional funds arc required to fully fund the re toration, on ervation, and interpretation of the property, which embodies the pirit of the HA's interpretive theme of art colony and resort. With additional donation , the HA plans to begin restoration in late 2008. The H is working with Ric Burns, an important do umentary filmmaker, to create a gateway film that illuminates the i land's history. The NH appreciates the support we are receiving for this important film, whi h coincides with Burns's PB sponsored documentary on American whaling, much of which fo u es on Nantucket. The NHA is grateful to the entire antucket community for it loyal support. Over the pa t few year , the HA has created new program for year-round audiences, and the community has participated in large numbers. The board and staff greet your response with appreciation. To continue to bolster programs and su tain collections and properties, the HA must rely on your continuing involvement and support. With thanks for another active and historic year.


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1iVe are different from what we were when I wrote this introduction last year/ The Whaling Museum is now accredited by the American Association of Museums. This is a major achievement for any museum and the re ult of an exhaustive multiyear appli ation process. The board of trustees and staff of the antucket Historical Association deserve great credit for having had the vision and the energy to complete thi process. But what does AAM accreditation mean for the Whaling Museum? It acknowledges that we are professionally in the highest echelon of museums nationwide, and this catches the attention of funding agencies and the museum-going public. Accreditation gives us even greater confidence that we are headed in the right direction in all of our practices-from education programs to executive committee planning, and from collections management to financial management. This achievement al o et a high standard for our future work on the NHA's historic propertie , our next frontier. The 2007 Annual Report will serve as as urance to you that the Whaling Museum is working very well as an inspirational setting for those who wish to explore the rich heritage of this unique island. As you enjoy the following page , please know that we are deeply appreciative of all the upport we have received throughout the year.

Ad summa/Onward and upward.

"Congratulations on accreditation! I am


proud to he a member of the Nl!A. ''




~- PAl(fMENT

Ben Simons Robyn and John Davis Chief Curator

he Curatorial Department played a crucial role in the successful bidfor accreditation in 2007, while continuing to expand access to the collections through acquisitions nights, collections tours, and the expansion

ofsearchable online

databases. The past year saw several major gifts to the artifacts and manuscript collections, including the historic David Wood gift. Changing exhibitions in the Whaling Museum's Peter Foulger Gallery and Hadwen & Barney candle factory and in the Research Library's Whitney Gallery bore the fruit

ofa collaborative approach to

exhibition planning.



The Peter Foulger Gallery was home to two exhibitions in 2007: the winter exhibition, Recent Acquisitions: A Selection of Gifts to the Collection; and the major annual exhibition, The Nantucket Art Colony: 1920-45, held in collaboration with the Artists Association of Nantucket and with generous support from an Honor Committee of twenty-five leadership donors . The Nantucket Art Colony presented over 150 works by the artists who flourished along Nantucket's waterfront beginning in the 1920s, turning Nantucket into the thriving arts community that it remains today. The exhibition included a record number ofloan works from private collections and from the permanent collection of the Artists Association of Nantucket. A DVD and a fullcolor printed catalog were produced to accompany the exhibition.

2007.41.1 Pump Square, 'Sconset, 1889

R. Way Smith Oil on canvas NHA purchase with a gift from the Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund

The student-curated photography exhibition, Landmarks of Nantucket, opened in the Hadwen & Barney candle factory in conjunction with National Preservation Month in May. Thirty-three students from the island's Cyrus Peirce Middle School were provided with digital cameras and asked to photograph and describe "what they would miss most if it disappeared." The exhibition opening attracted several hundred people, many of whom had never before been to the Whaling Museum. Supported by a grant from the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation, the NHA offered the program in collaboration with the Nantucket Preservation Trust and Sustainable Nantucket.

2007.15.1-7 Collection of Seven Carved Whales, circa 1970s Charles Sayle Sr. This remarkable set of whales carved by one of Nantucket's greatest twentieth-century artisans hung in the Tap Room of the Jared Coffin House for decades . The Karp family generously donated them to the NHA collection . In 2008, they will undergo conservation treatment by Nantucket carver Paul McCarthy in preparation for being exhibited as a mobile in the Decorative Arts Gallery of the Whaling Museum . Gift of Jill, Stephen, Douglass, and Jana Karp



The winter exhibition at the Whitney Gallery, Nantucket Nightmare, featured the editorial cartoons of Richard C. Maloney that appeared originally in the Inquirer and Mirror, providing satirical social commentary on Nantucket's burgeoning development issues in the late 1960s and 1970s. The Paintings of E lizabeth R ebecca Coffin opened in June fe aturing the works of Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin (1850-1930) , who was born of Nantucket Q.Iaker parentage in Brooklyn, New York, and was a pupil of Thomas Eakins. Beginning in the 1880s, Coffin began to summer regularly on Nantucket, painting brilliant genre scenes and portraits that captured the quaint and fading way of life of post-whaling Nantucket.

2007.51 .1- 9 Collection of Nine Tony Sarg Puzzles

Gift of Martha Blackwood Groetzinger and Mary and Edward Heard

The year 2007 also saw major preparations under way for the 2008 exhibition 'Sconset 02564: A Celebration of the Patchwork Village. These efforts included a public meeting at the 'Sconset Casino, the active involvement of the 'Sconset community, formation of a working committee, videotaping of prominent 'Sconseters, and support from the 'Sconset Trust and the 'Sconset Civic Association. The exhibition opens to the public in the Peter Foulger Gallery on M ay 23, 2008. The Curatorial Department offered a summer-long series of "behind the scenes" tours of the Gosnold Center, the NHA's collection-storage and -preparation center. Summer programs also featured a slate of Acquisition Evenings led by the curators, who displayed and discussed important new artifacts and documents in the collections. In addition to the department's ongoing tours for the general public, the Curatorial Department hosted a visit by members of the Rushlight Club, the International Association of Collectors and Students of Historic Lighting, who viewed the NHA's collection of lighting devices at the Gosnold Center.



2007 Members of the Friends Patricia & Thomas Anathan Mariann & Mortimer Appley Sarah J. Baker Heidi & Max Berry Christy & William Camp Laurie & Robert Champion Dottie & Earle Craig Prudence & William Crozier Robyn & John Davis Sandra & Nelson Doubleday Nancee & John Erickson Nan & Charles Geschke Georgia & Thomas Gosnell Barbara & Robert Griffin Barbara & Edmund Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale George S. Heyer Barbara & Amos Hostetter Barbara & Harvey Jones Kathryn & James Ketelsen Sara Jo Kobacker Coco & Arie Kopelman Sharon & Francisco Lorenzo Carolyn & ian MacKenzie Miriam & Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Menschel Aileen & Scott Newquist Corky & Flint Ranney Gleaves & Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen & David Ross Linda & Harvey Saligman Genevieve & Richard Tucker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Young

The Peddler, 1873 Eastman Johnson (1824-1906) Oil on board

Widely considered one of America's foremost genre and portrait painters of the nineteenth century, Eastman Johnson took up seasonal residence on Nantucket in 1872 and created a number of his most important and enduring paintings here. In his 1873 canvas The Peddler, Johnson depicts a traveling peddler (a likeness of one of his frequent sitters, the retired Captain Nathan Manter) selling his wares to a young woman in a Nantucket interior complete with a potbellied stove and a Nantucket Windsor chair. Loan from Dorothea and Jason Ti/roe

Care and documentation of the collections continue to improve with the installation of an in-house photography studio at the Gosnold Center, which allows for the creation of collection images and complete catalog entries as soon as new accessions arrive. In its efforts to increase public access to the collections, the curatorial department completed cataloging and photographing the entire collection of paintings and prints. The accreditation visiting team from the American Association of Museums was especially impressed with the up-to-date thoroughness of the cataloging process.

Major conservation of the NHA's 1808 Heman Ellis cylinder-fall desk was completed at Old Sturbridge Village. The desk was placed in an anoxic chamber to deter the signs of a minor infestation. A priorities list for conservation of the artifact and manuscript collections is being developed. Members of the Curatorial Department worked to broaden their links with affiliated institutions. Ben Simons, Robyn and John Davis Chief Curator, attended the annual Whaling Symposium in New Bedford, Mass., and both he and Tony Dumitru, collections manager, both attended the annual conference of the New England Museum Association in Portland, Maine.

The catalog for the NHA's 2007 summer exhibition, The Nantucket Art Colony, 1920-45.

By Ben Simons, Robin and John Davis Chief Curator, is available from the Museum Shop. The full-color, eighty-seven-page catalog is $29.95.



2007.30.1-54 and 2007.31.1-30 David H. Wood Collection

One of the great Nantucket collectors, former NHA trustee David Wood was closely associated with the NHA for many years, and in 2007 donated significant items from his collection. The David H. Wood Collection, as it will be permanently known , contains Nantucket lightship baskets, silver, scrimshaw, souvenir china , numerous eighteenth-century documents (one of which calls for the formation of a board of selectmen on Nantucket and is signed by King William Ill}. Also included is a wonderful portrait by Austin Strong of James H. Wood, David's greatgrandfather, one of Nantucket's most famous Civil War veterans . The collection not only helps to tell the story of Nantucket, it reveals a great deal about David Wood , the collector, who passed away in February 2008.




Accessions 2007.1.1 Vase , 2006 , by Robert Dane. Gift of Frank Holahan 2007.2.1-11 Collection of eleven objects from the Tuckernuck School, including furniture , school slates and pencils , books , a hand bell , papers, and an 1898 certificate from the Nantucket High School. Gift of Susan E. Robinson, Katharine Robinson Grieder, Kristin B. Wilson, and Michael Brewer, in memory of Norine Dunham Robinson and in honor of William Lewis Grieder

2007.13.1-3 Christening robe worn by Erla Marden , 1894; pair of child 's shoes , 1900; pouch with tokens , 1970. Gift of Martha Butler 2007.14.1 Painted and signed screen , by Ruth Haviland Sutton , 1940. NHA purchase

2007.4.1 Collection of objects, including a child 's shoe and fragments of a clay pipe and ceramics , found during the 2006 restoration of 4 Quince Street, Nantucket. Gift of Mimi Merton

2007.15.1-7 Collection of carved mahogany whales , by Charles Sayle Sr., 1970. Gift of Jill, Stephen, Douglass, and Jana Karp

2007.6.1 Calash bonnet, 1830. Gift of Mrs. Paul Morris 2007.7.1 Painting. Nantucket scene, by Hezekiah Anthony Dyer, 1920. NHA purchase 2007.8.1 School slate from the Tuckernuck School. Gift of Susan E. Robinson 2007.9.1 Painting. Kite Hill, by Jane Brewster Reid , 1915. NHA purchase 2007.10.1 Blade guard from sickle mower used to mow along the Nantucket Railroad, 1890. Gift of Barton Pitts


2007.12.1 Need lework sign from the exhibition of Nantucket need lework, 1979 . Gift of Elizabeth and John Gilbert

2007.3.1 Architectural movie screen surround from the Dreamland Theater, Nantucket. Gift of Florence E. C/ifforctt and family

2007.5.1 Painting. Thomas Ormond Hussey, anonymous , 1840. Gift of Rachel Priestman


2007.11.1 Pai nting . Schooner at Wharf, by Bernard V . Carpenter, 1920. NHA purchase


2007.16.1-3 Two side chairs from the 1800 House; charcoal drawing of three horse heads. Gift of Catherine Cahoon Ellershaw 2007.17.1 Embroidered valance. Gift of Ann (Mrs. Hiram) Black, in memory of Hiram Day Black 2007 .18.1 Isaac H. Folger's sash , 1870. Gift of Elizabeth and John Gilbert 2007.19.1 Mill Hill Cemetery sign , 1995. Gift of the Friends of the African Meeting House on Nantucket 2007.20.1--4 Four lace caps belonging to Mary Brown Pinkham , wife of Capt. Seth Pinkham, 1870. Gift of John Frazer Gray, in memory of Florence Farrier Hall 2007.21.1-19 Collection of Nantucket High School Whalers varsity football artifacts, including a trophy, photographs, and commemorative badges and plaques. Gift of Vito Capizzo

2007.38.1 Engraving. Pileated Woodpecker, by Emerson Tuttle, 1935. NHA purchase 2007.39.1 Painting . Marsh Landscape, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon , circa 1900. NHA purchase and partial gift of the Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund 2007 .40.1 Painting . Nantucket Wharf, by Richard Hayley Lever, 1945. NHA purchase and partial gift of the Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund


2007.22.1 Raw whale tooth. Gift of Jeff Centanni 2007.23.1 Cow bell from the Mooney Farm , Polpis Road , 1920. Gift of Robert F. Mooney 2007.24.1-15 Inlaid tilt-top candle stand , 1880; child 's christening gown , slip, caps, and collars; doll clothing and furniture ; and assorted household items. Gift of Deborah A. Taylor, in honor of Catherine Dunham

2007.30.1-54 David H. Wood Collection of Nantucket artifacts, including lightship baskets, scrimshaw, silver, ceramics , documents, paintings, and furniture . Gift of David H. Woodt

2007.41.1 Painting . View of 'Sconset Pump, by R. Way Smith , 1889. NHA purchase and partial gift of the Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund

2007.31.1-34 David H. Wood Collection of thirty-four lightship baskets. Gift of David H. Woodt

2007.42.1 Painting. Serendipity, by Richard Beer Jr. , 1980. NHA purchase

2007.32.1 Lap desk. Gift of William Mitchell Barrett

2007.42.2 Painting . Nantucket Street Scene, by Hezekiah Anthony Dyer, 1980. NHA purchase

2007.25.1 Painted stool , 1890. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Harris

2007.33.1-2 Ivory ruler, 1890, and ivory bodkin with mother-of-pearl inlay, 1860. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gosnell

2007.26.1a-b Nantucket High School girl's basketball uniform, ca .1970s. Gift of Suzanne Gardner

2007.34.1 Portrait of unidentified Chinese merchant, by Lam Qua , circa 1840. Anonymous gift

2007.27.1 Lithograph. Magnolia, by Elizabeth Saltonstall, 1950. NHA purchase

2007.35.1-5 Collection of five business signs, including Hutch's and Compass Rose . Gift of Bill Hutchinson

2007.28.1 Painting. Maxcey's Pond Nantucket, by John Alexander MacDougall Jr., 1901. Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association

2007.36.1 Painting. Easy Street Boat Basin, by C. Robert Perrin , 1970. Gift of the Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund

2007.29.1 Painting. Sunset, by John Alexander MacDougall Jr., 1901. Gift of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association

2007.37.1 Print. Old Jail, by Fedor, 1950. NHA purchase


2007.43.1 Print reproduction of Map of Nantucket, by Tony Sarg, 1970. Gift of Martha Page Jamison Martineaut 2007.44.1 Lithograph . Old Mill, 1890. Gift of Joyce Howar 2007.45.1-2 Two Nantucket souvenir spoons, 1920. Gift of Sarah T. Stephenson 2007.46.1-6 Collection of ivory artifacts, including a parallel ruler, three bodkins, a spoon , and a carved elephant, 1880. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gosnell 2007.47.1-2 Lithographs. Old Mill and Stone Alley, by Mary Cowles Clark, 1950. NHA purchase



2007.53. 1-15

Print. The Town Clock of Nantucket, by Roy S. Clifford, 1940. NHA purchase

Collection of twelve hand-wrought silver Christmas ornaments, by Morton and Reva Schlesinger; three incising tools for silver. NHA purchase

2007.48 .2 Painting. Sankaty Lighthouse, by John Hare, 1900. NHA purchase

2007.48.3 Lithograph. The Pagoda Tree, Edgartown, by Ruth Haviland Sutton, 1940. NHA purchase

2007.49.1 Drawing. Waiting, Panama Canal, by Ruth Haviland Sutton, 1953. Gift of Mrs. Kendall Bridge

2007.54.1-2 Poster for theater performance, 1913; plan for Austin Strong 's stage set for Seventh Heaven, 1910. Gift of Clarissa B. Porter

2007.55.1 Painting. Codfish Park, Siasconset, by William Cotton Schventzeler, 1980. Gift of Judith and Albert Minucci

2007.55.2 Sign . Society of Friends. Gift of Judith and Albert Minucci

2007 .49 .2 Drawing. At Sea, S. S. Gulf Merchant, by Ruth Haviland Sutton , 1950. Gift of Mrs. Kendall Bridge


2007.56.1-2 Two cotton parasols with wooden shafts . Gift of Carolyn Coffin Marlowe and Marilyn Coffin Brown

2007.49 .3 Drawing . Maria Solo/a, by Ruth Haviland Sutton, 1949. Gift of Mrs. Kendall Bridge

2007.57.1-3 Two glass jam jars and a potty chair with arms from Tuckernuck lsland,1920. Gift of Ruth and William Grieder

2007 .49 .4 Drawing of man sitting on a dock, by Ruth Haviland Sutton, 1955. Gift of Mrs. Kendall Bridge

2007.49 .5 Drawing of exotic landscape, by Ruth Haviland Sutton, 1950. Gift of Mrs. Kendall Bridge

2007.49.6 Drawing. Toma, by Ruth Haviland Sutton , 1945. Gift of Mrs. Kendall Bridge

2007.50.1 Painting. Pocomo Shack, by Anna Josephine Vermilye,1920 . NHA purchase

2007.51.1 - 9


Eight framed picture puzzles, by Tony Sarg, and an original puzzle box. Gift of Martha Blackwood Groetzinger and Mary and Edward Heard

2007.52.1- 13 Collection of thirteen watercolors , by Marjorie L. Ashley, 1906. Gift of Lynne Hall and Bruce Herring, in loving memory of Walter and Grace Karr and Old $pouter Pottery



2007 .58.1-30 Collection of children's clothing , embroidery, embroidery and lacing tools , gloves, caps, and business signs. Gift of Elizabeth and John Gilbert

2007.59.1a-d Military uniform worn by Faith A. Oldham, ca .1960s. Gift of the Oldham family

2007.59.2a-c Military uniform worn by Faith A. Oldham, ca . 1960s. Gift of the Oldham family

2007.59.3-12 Collection of Korean War-era memorabilia, including a commemorative plaque, brass plate, identification stand with name, and a painting and photograph of Faith A. Oldham. Gift of the Oldham family


Loans to the South Street Seaport Museum,


New York, N.Y.

Silver fork engraved "AG ," for Anna


Painting . Fancy Bags, ca . 1945, by

Emily L. Hoffmeier.

Deck plank from the whaleship Wanderer, 1878. 1992.303.1

Print. Sperm Whaling No.1: The Chase, by Endicott & Co., New York .

Harriet Lord (1879- 1958). Painting . Before the Destruction, ca . 1945,


Loan to the Unitarian Universalist Church 1915.36.1

Painting. Stormy Day, ca . 1940, by Emily L. Hoffmeier. Drawing . Untitled, ca . 1940s, by

Painting . Portrait of Reverend George Bradburn, by William Hinckley, ca . 1830.

Isabelle Hollister Tuttle (1895- 1978). Drawing . The Moors, ca . 1945, by Isabelle Hollister Tuttle.

Loans to the Artists Association of


Nantucket 1956.6.1

Painting. Shearing Day, ca. 1900, by Margaret Shoemaker Hinchman . 1988.27.9

Painting. Washington Street, ca. 1940, by lnna Garsoian.

by Doris Riker Beer. Loan from Janet and Rick Sherlund

Scrimshawed tooth engraved by Edward Burdett, depicting the ship Rose, for display in the Whaling Museum's Scrimshaw Gallery.

Painting. Looking Out, Rae Carpenter,

for display in the Whaling Museum's Decorative Arts Gallery.

Scrimshawed tooth engraved by Edward

by Katharine Dunn Pagan .

Burdett, depicting 1820s whaling scene, for display in the Whaling Museum's


Scrimshaw Gallery.



to Mrs. P. A. Hanaford by the First Union

Loans from the Artists Association of

Society, Hingham."


Bow-shaped , silver membership pin from the Women 's Christian Temperance Union, ca . 1880, belonging to Phebe Ann Hanaford . 1996.104.4

Pin from the Woman 's Congress of P&l , Cuban American Fair, 1896, belonging to Phebe Ann Hanaford. 1996.104.6

Gold pin from theN . Y . Woman's Press Club, ca . 1885, belonging to Phebe Ann

Painting. Open Fields, ca . 1940, by Margaret Underwood Davis (1887- 1963). Painting . Madaket Evening, 1957, by

by Charlotte Stuart Kimball. Woodcut. Wharves, ca . 1950, by Louise Emerson (1901-74). Collage. Woods in Winter, ca . 1945, by Louise Emerson .

Gold pocket watch engraved "Presented


by Mary Turlay Robinson .

Painting . Woman in Yellow Chair, ca . 1955, Loan from Nina and Bob Hellman

and Anna B. Cathcart Adams, ca. 1927,

Nantucket, Mass.

Painting . Portrait of Percy Haswell, 1921 ,

Charlotte Stuart Kimball (1889- 1964 ).


Loans to the Egan Maritime Foundation,

Tony Sarg (1880-1942).

by Sue Cory Guenther ( 1875- 1948). Loan from Dorothea and Jason Tilroe

Painting . The Peddler, by Eastman Johnson

Painting . Portrait of Captain Wallace Adams

Painting . Petticoat Row, 1929, by

Painting . The Blue Dining Room, ca . 1935 ,

1985.130.1 8 Rays Court, ca . 1940, by Harriet Lord .

Painting . Wharfhead Studio, ca . 1940,

Painting . Margaretta, ca . 1940s, by Katherine Dunn Pagon (1892- 1985) Painting . Church Steps, ca . 1945, by Gerta Kerr (fl. 1940s- 60s ). Painting . The Coal Pile, ca . 1945, by Sarah Marindah Baker (1899- 1983).

Painting. The Gas Works, ca . 1935, by Ruth Haviland Sutton (1898- 1960). Painting . Easy Street Gallery, ca . 1935, by Doris Riker Beer (1898- 1967). Painting. Black and Green Fishing Boat, ca . 1940, by Emily L. Hoffmeier (1888- 1952). Painting . South Beach, ca . 1940s, by Mary Turlay Robinson (1887-1971). Painting. Harbor, ca 1925-35, by Frank Swift Chase (1886-1958). Painting. From Monomoy, 1940, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon (1873- 1958).

Loans from Max and Heidi Berry

Print. On Nantucket Beach, ca . 1880s, by Childe Hassam (1859- 1935). Painting . View of Nantucket, 1904, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon (1873- 1958). Painting . House and Harbor, 1905, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon . Painting . Union Street, 1934, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon . Painting. South Beach, 1945, by Emily L. Hoffmeier (1888-1952).

Hanaford. ANNUAL REPORT 2007


Painting. Fishing Vessel at Wharf, ca . 1930s, by James F. Barker (1871-1950). Woodcut. Stone Alley, ca . 1920s,

Loans from Florence E. Cliffordt

Loan from Frances Elder

Painting. Portrait of Florence Lang, 1927,

Painting . Main Street, ca . 1900, by Annie

by Elinor M. Barnard (1872- 1942).

Barker Folger (1852-1936).

by Wuanita Smith (1866-1959). Woodcut. 10 Union Street, ca . 1920s, by Wuanita Smith. Woodcut. Wharf Scene, ca . 1920s, by Wuanita Smith. Woodcut. Oldest House, ca. 1920s, by Wuanita Smith. Woodcut. Harbor Scene, ca . 1920s, by Wuanita Smith. Woodcut. Sailboats, ca . 1920s, by Wuanita Smith. Painting . Sankaty Light, ca . 1930s, by Mary Cowles Clark (b. 1871 ). Painting. The Fish Mart, ca . 1930s,

Loans from Meredith and Eugene Clapp Painting. Alongside the Wharf, ca . 1935, by Frank Swift Chase (1886-1958). Print. Reflections, ca. 1925- 35, by Ruth

by Mary Cowles Clark. Painting. Nantucket Boats, 1937, by Mary Cowles Clark. Painting . Nantucket Town from the Shimmo

Shore, 1937, by Maud Stumm (ca . 18701935). Painting. Nantucket Town, ca . 1920s, by F. C. Clark (early twentieth century). Painting. Coatue, ca . 1910s, by J. D. Hunting (early twentieth century).

Painting . Nantucket Town from Monomoy, ca. 1925-35, by Frank Swift Chase. Painting. Peaceful Boats, ca. 1950, by Elizabeth Saltonstall (1900- 90). Painting . Rainbow Fleet, ca . 1940s- 50s, by Maud Millicent Clapp (1913-2001 ). Painting . Beach Scene, ca . 1940s- 50s, by Maud Millicent Clapp.

Painting. Schooner at Wharf, 1899, by Lillian Gertrude Rockwood (d. 1945). Painting . Sails, ca . 1930, by Emily L. Hoffmeier (1888-1952). Print. The Old Mill, Nantucket, ca . 1940, by Ruth Haviland Sutton (1898-1960). Painting . The Sadie, ca. 1930s, by James F. Barker (1871-1950). Painting. Killen 's Wharf, ca. 1940, by Mary Sarg (1911- 86).

Painting. Boat Yard, 1932, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon (1873-1958).

Loans from Rene and Erma LaPierre Print. Morning Reflections - Nantucket, ca . 1940s, Roy Clifford Smith (fl. 1950s). Print. Between the Docks - Nantucket, ca . 1940s, by Roy Clifford Smith. Print. Nantucket Town , ca . 1940s, by Roy Clifford Smith Print. The Rainbow Fleet, ca . 1940s, by Roy Clifford Smith .

Loans from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Congdon Painting . North Pond, Tuckernuck, 1903, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon (1873- 1958). Painting. Yerxa 's Boat Shop, 1936, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon. Painting . Island Service Wharf, 1942, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon .

Loans from Deborah Lehan Painting. Siasconset, ca . 1890s, by Addison Thomas Millar (1850-1913). Painting. North Gully, Siasconset, ca . 1915, by Marshall Jones (late nineteenth and early twentieth century)

Painting . View of Town from Straight Wharf, 1935, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon. Painting . Goose Pond, 1955, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon . Painting . Fitting Out- Nantucket, 1927,

Loans from John Brewer


Haviland Sutton (1898-1960).

by Mary Cowles Clark. Needlework. Siasconset, 1933,

Loan from Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.

by Anne Ramsdell Congdon .

Loans from Paul Madden Painting. Lily Street, ca . 1930-45, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon (1873- 1958). Painting. View from Steamboat Wharf, 1940, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon .

Painting. Portrait of Anne Ramsdell

Congdon, ca . 1920s, by Maud Stumm (ca. 1870- 1935). Painting . Still Life with China Vase, 1937, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon. Drawing. Martins Lane, 1928, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon .

Loans from Sally and Peter Nash Painting. Nantucket Harbor from Monomoy, ca . 1925- 35, by Frank Swift Chase (1886- 1958). Painting . Dory, ca. 1940-50, by Doris Riker Beer (1898- 1967).

Drawing . Commercial Wharf, 1928, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon . Drawing. Stone Alley, 1928, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon. Drawing. Bon-Ton Fish Market, Easy Street, 1928, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon.

Loans from Nancy Newhouse Painting . Nantucket House, 1884, by Virginia Guild Sharp (1858-1946). Painting . Self-Portrait, ca . 1890, by Virginia Guild Sharp. Painting. Self-Portrait, ca. 1890, by Virginia Guild Sharp.



Painting. Gorham 's Court, ca . 1915, by Jane Brewster Reid (1862-1966). Painting. Appleton 's Farm, ca . 1930s, by Frank Swift Chase (1886-1958). Painting. Summer- Nantucket, 1926, by Emily L. Hoffmeier (1888- 1952). Virginia Guild Sharp's artist brushes and palette

Painting. View from Wateredge, ca . 1940s, by Elizabeth Saltonstall. Painting . Boneyard (Nantucket), ca . 1930s, by Elizabeth Saltonstall. Painting . Elizabeth Saltonstall, 1926, by Elinor M. Barnard Komroff (1872- 1942). Painting . Wateredge, ca . 1963, by Abbott. Print. Gloxinias, 1950, by Elizabeth Saltonstall , with artist's sketch and proofs.

Loans from Grace Tuttle Noyes

and Certificate of the Prairie Print

Drawing . Portrait of Isabelle Tuttle, ca .


Stumm. Painting. Wind in the Pines, ca . 1970s, by Isabelle Hollister Tuttle (1895-1978). Print. Drumming Grouse, 1923, by Henry Emerson Tuttle (1890- 1946). Painting. September Garden, 1940- 50, by Mary Sarg Murphy (1911 - 86). Painting. Willow, ca . 1960s, by Isabelle Hollister Tuttle.

Painting . Sankaty Light, ca . 1940s, by Doris Riker Beer (1898-1967). Painting. Old North Slip, ca . 1940s, by Doris Riker Beer. Painting . East Brick, ca . 1940s, by Doris Riker Beer.

Drawing . South Wharf, ca. 1920s, by Ruth Haviland Sutton (1898-1960). Painting . Easy Street, ca . 1920s, by Coah S. Henry (b. 1878).

P. Saltonsta/1

Painting. Drying Nets, ca . 1920s, by

Painting . The Moors - Nantucket, ca . 193045, by Frank Swift Chase (1886-1958). Painting. Union Street, ca. 1925- 35, by Frank Swift Chase.

1920s, by Elizabeth Saltonstall. Painting. White Boats, 1922, by Elizabeth Saltonstall. Painting . Brant Point, ca. 1930s, by

B. Reid (1862-1966). Painting. Lane to the Sea, ca. 1900, by Lillian Gertrude Rockwood (d. 1945). Painting. 'Sconset Dunes, ca . 1900, by Lillian Gertrude Rockwood .

Painting. The Marshes, Nantucket, July 23, 1930, by Emily L. Hoffmeier (1888-1952). Painting. Polpis Road, Nantucket, August 13, 1930, by Emily L. Hoffmeier. Hollister Tuttle (1895-1978). Painting. Still Life, ca . 1945, by Isabelle Hollister Tuttle. Painting. Unitarian Church, ca . 1920s, by A.

Painting. Beach Scene, ca . 1930-45, by

S. van Eerde (early twentieth century). Painting. Easy Street Basin, ca . 1940s, by

Painting . Open Moors (Joseph 's Coat), ca. 1940s, by Isabelle Hollister Tuttle (18951978).

Doris Riker Beer (1898-1967). Painting . Fences, ca . 1940s, by Doris Riker Beer.

Print. Thorn Lot, 1932, by Henry Emerson

Drawing. Profile Portrait, 1914, by Maud Stumm (ca. 1870- 1935).

Tuttle. Painting . Wharf Scene, ca . 1930s, by Ruth

Drawing . Portrait of a Boy, 1938, by Robert J. Freiman (1917-1991).

Haviland Sutton. by Lois Wing Burrell (1887- 1973). Painting. Wharf Scene, ca . 1935, by Lois Wing Burrell.

Painting . Madaket, ca . 1950s, by Charlotte Stuart Kimball (1889-1964 ). Painting . Consue Spring, ca . 1960s, by Elizabeth Saltonstall (1900-1990).

Elizabeth Saltonstall (1900-90). Painting . View from Harborview Studio, ca .

Painting . Fishing Cottages, ca . 1900, by J.

Painting. Nantisco, ca . 1920s, by Isabelle

Painting . The Harp of the Winds, ca . 1935, Loan from G. West Saltonsta/1 and Endicott

Annie Barker Folger (1852-1936).

Swift Chase (1886-1958). Loans from Barbara Beinecke Spitler

Frank Swift Chase. Loans from Elizabeth Oldham

Painting. The North Bluff, ca . 1900, by

Painting . Seascape, ca . 1920s, by Frank

1930, by Maud Stumm (ca. 1870-1935). Painting. 1724 House, ca. 1920s, by Maud

Loans from anonymous collection

Painting. Untitled, 1900, by Amelia Ladd .

Painting. Prospect Street, ca. 1940, by Loans from John Sylvia

Harriet Lord (1879- 1958).

Painting. Fishing Boat at South Wharf, 1939, by Robert J. Freiman (1917- 91).

Painting . View from the Creeks, ca. 1940s, by Harriet Lord .

Painting. Nantucket Street Scene, ca . 1930s, by Harriet Lord (1879-1958).

Elizabeth Saltonstall. Painting . Nets, 1925-30, by Elizabeth Saltonstall.





Ben Simons Robyn and John Davis Chief Curator


~ :;~:ntucket. In its climate-controlled vaults are photographic Library houses materials significant to the

materials, family papers, business account books, maps, scrapbooks, and ship logs, among other documents. These items and other reference materials are used by many researchers, including those researching family histories and house histories; writers; artists; academics; and film producers. \



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RL2007.29 Log of the Nantucket whaleship Fabius (1840-44), Frederick B. Chase master.

Donations to the Research Library increase every year, and each incoming item is housed in a way that optimizes its preservation and cataloged to facilitate access by the public. We are proud that a large percentage of our incoming materials have been scanned, cataloged, and now are viewable in our online database; more historic materials are being scanned and cataloged by volunteers and staff every day. We have been assisted in identifying the locations of some of the houses featured in photographs donated by the public through the ongoing "Identify This" column of the Nantucket Independent, by Georgen Gilliam Charnes, librarian, archivist, and webmaster. In 2007, Debra A. McManis was awarded the E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellowship to pursue research on agrarian history and farm life on Nantucket. She is in the process of writing a book titled Nantucket R ural Life: An Informal History that will shed light on this important and underappreciated aspect of Nantucket history. The NHA recently learned that Leviathan: The History of Whaling in America by Eric Jay Dolin, the 2005 Verney Fellow, was named one of the best nonfiction books of the year by the Boston Globe and the Los Angeles Times.

The fine log of the Fabius contains many unusual features, including a complete list of whales taken arranged by date, sex, maturity, and number of barrels produced; and a crew list recording several "colored gents." Gift of Former New Jersey State Senator and Mrs. C. Louis Bassano



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RL2007.109 Whaling Logs and Papers Relating to Captain Richard C. Gibbs and Family

This cache of outstanding whaling logs, journals, documents, and photographs adds to our knowledge of the career of Capt. Richard C. Gibbs, whose wife , Almira , and son, Richard C. Gibbs, accompanied him on the whaleship Nantucket. The shipboard journal of thirteen-year-old Richard is in the NHA collection . The journal of Almira Gibbs is in the collection of the Nantucket Atheneum . Logs and journals of the ship Nantucket of Nantucket (1855- 59), bark Norman of Nantucket (1860-65), and bark Norman of Nantucket (1860- 64 ); correspondence, chiefly of Capt. Richard C. Gibbs; and photographs of the Gibbs family. Promised gift of Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro






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The Web ite of the NHA i a vehicle for commu nicating to the public the vast number of resources, program , activities, and opportunitie that the HA offers. In all easons of the year, staff and volunteers of the I IA work to preserve and interpret the history of the island to it residents and visitors-but these program are of little value if no one knows about them! Web delivery of information, combined with the increasing ubiquity of Web technology, has made it easier to inform and assist people interested in the many resources and programs of the NHA and the history of Nantucket Island. One of our most heavily used Web resources, the image database, now has over fifteen thou and records-chiefly photographs, but also images of manuscript item . Another important resource is the increa ing number of H istoric Nantucket articles available online; these articles are rich resources of information that have been underused because of inaccessibility. The Web site ha al o allowed us to publicize and record our physical exhibitions by creating digital versions, such as tho e on the Nantucket Art Colony, MobyDick prints by Janet Ball McGlinn, and Richard C. Maloney's editorial cartoons satirizing Nantucket development; and to spotlight items in our collections, such as David Wood' recent gift of important Nantucket artifacts and whaling wife Eliza Brock's fascinating journal of her voyage aboard the Lexington, with accounts of shipboard life in the Pacific and in waters off New Zealand and much wonderful poetry. Simplifying access to the content of the Web site has been a continuing concern. Our site has great depth and breadth of resources and information; patrons could easily be lost. Among the many attempts to strengthen and simplify access to the Web site in the last year are a minor redesign of the navigation, a redesign of the front, or "splash" page, and a redesign of the first page of the Research Library section; it is hoped that these changes helped to bring out some of the resources that were "buried" or difficult to find. Another excellent Web resource that strengthens access to our collections through simplification is our "Search all" page, which allows patrons to search all the databases at once-books, manuscripts, historic images, cemetery inscriptions, and the artifact collections. Web access to the Barney Genealogical Record is especially useful-as attested to by many satisfied correspondents. The Web site is an important vehicle for all the departments of the NHA, and it is hoped that it will continue to grow and assist all interested in the NHA and Nantucket history.



celt is wonderful that organizations like yours exist so that we not only keep our history alive but also connect people like myself with important family histories. "




Accessions Rl2007.1


log of the brig Executive . Gift of Joy Otis

CD of General Douglas MacArthur's speech to Congress, April 19, 1957. Gift of Peggy Lubin

Rl2007.2 Thirty scans of stereographs of Nantucket scenes , photographed by Theodore Miller. Gift of Erik Bender

Rl2007.3 Map of the voyages of Captain Cook, 1782. Gift of Edith K. Leary, in honor of her father, Christian P. Kongshoj

Rl2007 .14 Scrapbook of Paul Blackmur containing images of Nantucket from calendars , postcards, and photographs. Gift of Paula Blackmur Young


Business papers of the Nantucket Institute. Gift of the Nantucket Unitarian Church

Report of the Orange Street Primary School, February 1, 1896, to June 27, 1906, and the Academy Hill School , Room 3, September 10, 1906, to June 24, 1908. Gift of Signy Morris

Rl2007 .5

RL2007 .1 6

Photographs of a family's vacation in Nantucket, ca . 1900s. Gift of Deborah Smith

Issues of the Tuckernuck Foghorn ; graduation exercise book from Nantucket High School, 1898; Margaret Dunham's music notebook; Gertrude Dunham's Coffin School Notebook, 191 5. Gift of Susan E. Robinson, Katherine Robinson Grieder, Kristin B. Wilson , and Michael Brewer, in memory of Norine Dunham Robinson and in honor of William Lewis Grieder


Rl2007.6 Book, The People of Cape Verde Islands: Exploitation and Emigration, by Antonio Carreira. Gift of Robert Reed

Rl2007.7 Postcard of Sankaty Light. Gift of Phil Stambaugh

Rl2007.8 Architectural drawings of the StarbuckKilvert house at 105 Main Street, created by the Preservation Institute: Nantucket program , 1980. Gift of Jeffrey L. Siegel

Rl2007.17 Photograph of doorway of house with quarterboard "Rosemary," taken by Mary Heller. Gift of Deborah Lehan

Rl2007.19 Photograph of Hulbert Avenue. Gift of Scott Waldie



Collection of Nantucket pamphlets. Gift of Joanne Polster

Academy Hill School group portraits, 1918-24. Gift of Bonita Jones

Rl2007.10 Research materials for house-plaque applicants. Gift of the Nantucket Preservation Trust

Rl2007.21 Photographs of houses. Gift of Flint Ranney

Rl2007.98 Rl2007.11 Magazine, Historic Nantucket, 1953, and the "Proceedings of the Nantucket Historical Association," 1915. Gift of Tim Vellrath



Rl2007.22 Scans of late-nineteenth-century photographs of Nantucket and Tuckernuck Islands. Gift of Ruth Grieder

RL2007.23 Photographs of four Academy Hill School graduating classes: 1963, 1965, 1966, and 1967. Gift of Suzanne Gardner

RL2007.24 Miscellaneous booklets about Nantucket, including issues of Historic Nan tucket. Gift of Elizabeth Whalley RL2007.25 Scans of early-twentieth-century photographs of Nantucket, taken by the donor's father, Lewis S. Edgarton. Gift of Elizabeth Whalley

RL2007.34 Two magazines with articles featuring Nantucket: Yankee Magazine, April 1992, and National Geographic, June 1970; Theatre Workshop of Nantucket program for production of On Golden Pond, February 1991 . Gift of David P. Hetherman

Gift of Deborah Taylor

RL2007.47 Photograph album of Jessie Fisher, chiefly featuring images of Nantucket's black community in the 1930s, for scanning.

RL2007.36 Photograph of Robert F. Mooney as a child , sitting on a cow, and his father, Lawrence F. Mooney, 1932.

Gift of the Nantucket Preservation Trust

Gift of Judith Wodynski

RL2007.37 Scan of photograph of Magliore Paradis (1881-1959), builder of renovated Greater Light. Gift of Kathrina Pearl

RL2007.28 Collection of newspaper and magazine clippings pertaining to Nantucket.

RL2007.38 Two Nantucket Historical Association publications from 1895 and 1971 .

Gift of Nantucket Island Resorts

Gift of Cindy Zavala

RL2007.29 Log of the 1840-44 voyage of the Nantucket whaleship Fabius , Frederick B. Chase, master. Gift of Former New Jersey Senator and Mrs. C. Louis Bassano

RL2007.39 Scans of photographs of the beached sperm whale of 1998. Gift of Marie/len Scane/1.

RL2007.30 Slides of Nantucket, 1970s. Gift of Thomas A. Kiely

Gift of Boothbay Region Historical Society

RL2007.40 Photograph of Elizabeth Codd, ca . 1900.

RL2007.41 Book. The Civil War Period Journals of Paulena Stevens Janney , by Christie Hill Russell. Gift of Christie Hill Russell

Gift of Peggy Lubin

RL2007.32 Two reports from the Preservation lnstitute:Nantucket. "Women of Nantucket," by Katherine E. Balcerek, and "Historic Structure Report of the Surfside Life-saving Station/Star of the Sea Hostel." Gift of Preservation lnstitute:Nantucket

RL2007.33 Photograph album, ca. 1910, and two copies of booklet, "Souvenir of Nantucket." Gift of Eugene Stone

RL2007.46 Photographs of Madaket Millie by Charles Folger, and several magazines. Gift of Beverly Hall

Gift of Robert F. Mooney

RL2007.31 CD of Gen . Douglas MacArthur's speech to Congress, April 19, 1957.

Gift of the Veghte and Fingerhood families; Olivia, Minna, and Sarah Fingerhood

RL2007.35 Two photos and a letter.

RL2007.26 House histories.

RL2007.27 Color postcards of Nantucket, ca. 1960s.

RL2007.45 Personal papers and lapdesk of William Mitchell Barrett of Siasconset.

Gift of Joan Wilson Godeau and Vivian Wilson Richardson

RL2007.48 Scans of photographs of Uberto Crocker Crosby and Margaret H. Crosby. Gift of Katharine Nasser

RL2007.49 Three books on Nantucket. Gift of Orleans Historical Society

RL2007 .50 Scan of postcard of the Mad Hatter Restaurant. Gift of Ozzie Small RL2007.51 Research material on Nantucket's Portuguese community and two issues of This Old House magazine. Gift of Helen Seager

RL2007.52 Books. Douglass & Melville, by Robert K. Wallace , and Drifting toward the Southeast, by John Manjiro. Gift of Helen Seager

RL2007.42 Photograph of Barbara Maclean and Belle Burchell, owners of Tashama Farm . Gift of Elton & Doug Burch

RL2007.53 Book. The History of the Whalers on the South Coast of New Holland from 1800 to 1888, by Rod Dickson . Gift of Rod Dickson

RL2007.43 Research materials for house histories of 76 Main Street and 17 Fair Street.

RL2007.54 Photograph of landscape taken by Eric Pawley in 1988.

Gift of Shirley Peters

Gift of Elizabeth Oldham

RL2007.44 Binder of research materials on Nantucket's Cape Verdean community . Gift of Helen Seager

RL2007.55 Scans of family photographs of Andrew Jackson Sandsbury (1830-1902) and the Coffin School graduating class of 1886. Gift of Virginia Turner Friberg




RL2007.56 Photo of the 300th anniversary celebration of the Town of Nantucket showing costumed people on the steps of 99 Main Street, ca . 1959. Gift of Phil Read RL2007.57 Oral history interviews with several elderly individuals about their relationship with nature and their quality of life. Gift of Sarah Seabury Ward RL2007.58 Postcard of skier near Sankaty Light. Gift of Betsy Tyler RL2007.59 Two postcards. Gift of Marie Henke RL2007.60 Images of several NHA properties, including Greater Light. Gift of Eileen Powers RL2007.61 Scans of newspapers from the Nantucket Atheneum collection. Scans gift of Nantucket Atheneum RL2007.62 Digital images of 'Sconset friends, ca.1930s, and houses, ca . 1900s. Gift of Jerry Radloff RL2007.63 Books. Yankee Whalers in the South Seas, by A. B. C. Whipple, and The Story of the New England Whalers, by John R. Spears. Gift of Carl Gewirz


RL2007.64 Genealogical record of the ancestors of Eliza M. Carr, et al. , with the compliments of the compiler, George F. Worth . Gift of Carl Gewirz

RL2007.77 Family papers from 123 Main Street, Nantucket, including correspondence and business papers from the Macy family. Gift of Tinka & Fernando Esteban

RL2007.65 Research Paper. "Nantucket During the War of 1812: Quakers , Whalers, and Political Parties," thesis by Allegra Funsten. Gift of Allegra Funsten

RL2007.78 Films, chiefly of travels outside Nantucket, from the estate of Connie & Joseph Indio. Gift of Catherine Stover

RL2007.66 Scans of photographs of 'Sconset life, ca. 1920s. Gift of Jackie Seidel

RL2007.79 Color photocopy of Coffin School diploma certificate of Annie M. Nevins, June 29, 1888 .. Gift of Catherine Stover

RL2007.67 Images of Congdon 's Pharmacy and the moving of Sankaty Lighthouse. Gift of Georgen Charnes

RL2007.80 Photograph of 1967 Nantucket High School girls varsity basketball team . Gift of Suzanne Gardner

RL2007.68 Film of the 1992 flood and the 1994 Nantucket Historical Association's centennial event. Gift of Flint Ranney

RL2007.81 Two theater programs for Barn Stages, ca .1952 , and Straight Wharf, ca . 1948. Gift of Tim Thompson

RL2007.69 Wharf Rat Club logs, 1927- 59 . Gift of the Wharf Rat Club

RL2007.82 Scans of postcards of views of 'Sconset. Gift of Joan Brown Porter

RL2007.70 Scans of photo album and videotape of 'Sconseters. Gift of Jackie Seidel

RL2007.83 Scans of postcards of views of 'Sconset. Gift of Sheila Folger Todd

RL2007.71 Images of Codfish Park in Siasconset, ca. 1925-35. Gift of Grace Yates RL2007.72 Woman suffrage leaflets. Gift of Albert Brock Insurance RL2007.73 Scans of 'Sconset scenes. Gift of Lynn Stroud RL2007.74 Nantucket High School class in Washington , D. C. , April1955. Gift of Carolyn Hills RL2007.75 Scan of photograph of 'Sconseters. Gift of Sheila Folger Todd RL2007.76 Slides of the 1958 Northeast Airlines plane crash. Gift of Ann Oliver


RL2007.84 Photograph of Kenneth Eldridge, who raised the flag in the 'Sconset square for twentyfive years. Gift of Gerald Eldridge RL2007.85 Scans of two photographs of Isabel Irving and a 1903 program from the 'Sconset Casino. Gift of the Gaines Ormond Wilson family RL2007.86 Scans of eight postcards of Siasconset. Gift of Don & Mary W. Moffett RL2007.87 Scans of family photographs in 'Sconset. Gift of Grace Yates RL2007.88 House histories. Gift of Nantucket Preservation Trust RL2007.90 Book. Cradle of Ships, by Garnett Laidlaw Eskew. Gift of Mary Flanagan

RL2007.91 Certificate of membership in the "Java League" bowling program. Gift of Martha Butler

RL2007.104 New England road map and photograph of 9 Fair Street, Nantucket. Gift of Tim Thompson

RL2007.92 Photographs of Herbert Palmer Smith and his wife , Ethel (Morey) Smith. Gift of Ruth Grieder

RL2007.105 Scans of family photographs. Gift of Marcella & Rhoads Zimmerman

RL2007.93 Scans of family photographs . Gift of Joan Craig RL2007.94 Scans of friends in 'Sconset. Gift of Jerry Radloff RL2007.95 Young 's Bicycle Shop Map, by Patricia Coffin; annual report, 1976. Gift of Eugene Stone RL2007.96 Photograph of Orange Street and the Unitarian Church , ca . 1900. Gift of Bryce Waldrop RL2007.97 Photographs and correspondence, ca . 1890-1910. Gift of Wayne Pratt, Inc. RL2007.98 Handbills found in the Unitarian Church tower. Gift of Tim Thompson RL2007.99 Scans of family photographs . Gift of Nancy and Peter Rodts

RL2007.106 Books. Two copies of Nantucket: the Haunted Island. Gift of Marie Henke RL2007.107 Papers and correspondence of John Boardman and his wife , Clarinda Starbuck Boardman , 1786-1812. Gift of Bruce Gimelson RL2007.108 Family photographs and memorabilia, including ten Academy Hill School class photographs; Alma Coffin 's Nantucket High School Class of 1928 memorabilia; Coffin School Record ; two ledgers of William Coffin. Gift of Carolyn Coffin Marlowe & Marilyn Coffin Brown RL2007.109 Logs of the ship Nantucket of Nantucket (1855- 59), bark Norman of Nantucket (1860-65), and bark Norman of Nantucket (1860-64); correspondence , chiefly of Capt. Richard C. Gibbs; and photographs , probably of the Gibbs family. Promised gift of Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro

RL2007.100 Family photograph . Gift of Dicki T. Jenkins

RL2007.110 Advertisements and fabric by Tony Sarg; Nantucket-related clippings and articles; tourist guides. Gift of George Korn

RL2007.101 Scans of Folger family photographs. Gift of Sheila Folger Todd

RL2007.111 House histories. Gift of the Nantucket Preservation Trust

RL2007.102 Eleven books on Nantucket history. Gift of Paula Blackmur Young

RL2007.112 Scans of photographs of the restoration of the 1800 House. Gift of Rick and Valerie Norton

RL2007.113 Photograph of the painting of Martha Rebecca Norcross Johnson , ca. 1915, wife of Sheriff Joseph Johnson of Nantucket, and grandmother of John Mclaughlin and Esther Mclaughlin Garrett. Gift of John McLaughlin RL2007.114 Five photographs of Nantucket portraits, ca . 1880s-191 Os. Gift of Nina Hellman RL2007.115 Fourteen photographs and the book, Aerial Views of Nantucket. Gift of Esther Reimlinger RL2007.116 Family photographs of life in Siasconset. Gift of Pam & Chris Lohmann RL2007.117 Family photographs. Gift of Mary Heller RL2007.118 Framed whaleman 's shipping papers from the Nantucket whaleship Constitution, 1832. Promised gift of Leroy and Cecily Langdale Davis RL2007.119 Photographic portrait of James Everett Smith (1859-1940). Gift of Ruth Grieder RL2007.120 Papers of Mayer Mann . Gift of Georgia Snell RL2007.121 Family photos scanned in preparation for the 'Sconset 02564 exhibition . Gift of Mary Jo Beck

RL2007.103 Papers and photographs, from the estate of Mayer Mann. Gift of Ellen Ray

RL2007.22 ANNUAL IUPORT 2007


Oldest House



Mark Avery Historic Properties Manager


Whiling Mu"um •nd R"moh Libmy to tho Old"t Hou" •nd tho

Old Gaol, the Historic Properties Department oversees the care of the NHA's twentytwo properties and sites. The association's strategic plan includes the goal of developing and managing the "collections, including properties, in order to enhance its role as a leader in preserving and interpreting Nantucket history." Toward that end, the NHA completed special preservation, maintenance, and development projects at several properties in 2007.

Whaling Museum Lobby


With the objective of making the Whaling Museum and Museum Shop more inviting for visitors, the museum lobby and shop entrance were renovated-thanks to special funding from trustees Reb Jensen, Bruce Percelay, and Geoff Verney. The museum lobby now provides improved signage and flat-screen video monitors that enable visitors to preview what they will see and do at the museum and properties. A wide entrance, glass doors, and attractive merchandise display cases now welcome visitors to enter the shop from the Hadwen & Barney candle factory. As a result, revenue increased at "the gate" and in store sales. NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION

Restoration begun the previous year at the 1746 Old Mill was expanded to include the redesign and construction by Andy Shrake, Cape Cod mill-restoration specialist, of new wooden vanes that enable the mill to operate in lighter winds. New canvas sails were also manufactured as was a new wheel for the windshaft. Based on photographs, measurements, and pieces of the old wheel, the five-foot oak wheel was designed and constructed by Hansen Wheel and Wagon in South Dakota. The NHA maintenance and grounds staff also crafted a full set of wooden teeth for the internal gears. At the 1686 Oldest House on Sunset Hill, further enhancements were made to the recreated Colonial kitchen garden that was installed in 2005-06 and is cared for by maintenance and grounds staff members Kathrina Pearl, Andrea Howard, Manny Sylvia, and Scott Waldie. In addition to expanding several of the garden's raised beds, the staff added an orchard of twelve semi-dwarf, old-variety apple trees along with a planting of"Heritage" raspberries. The plantings were made possible by a grant from the Nantucket Garden Club. The garden will be featured during the Garden Conservancy's Nantucket Open Day on June 26,2008.

Old Mill

Extensive restoration and renovation of the Robert Wyer House at 33 Orange Street was completed in the spring. The 1760 former sea captain's house now serves as the residence of the NHA's executive director. In addition, the windows at the Qyaker Meeting House received extensive Robert Wyer House



restoration by the NHA staff and were back in place in time for the seasonal opening. At the Thomas Macy House at 99 Main Street, repainting of the interior and exterior and wallpapering were completed in 2007-08. The elegant 1770 house was bequeathed to the NHA and is supported by the Tupancy-Harris Foundation. This property is used by for meetings, small social gatherings, and guest and staff housing. During the summer, the NHA reopened to the public the 1745 Macy-Christian House at 12 Liberty Street as part of a new evening walking tour of the Historic District. At the 1745 property that had been part of the early Capaum settlement, visitors were invited to view the furnished front parlor and traditional kitchen with its massive fireplace. The MacyChristian House, together with its collection of American antiques, demonstrates the "Colonial Revival" style so popular in Nantucket for much of the early twentieth century.

GREATER LIGHT Now available at the Museum Shop- the commemorative reprint of Hanna Monaghan's Greater Light on Nantucket ($16) and Greater Light: A House History of Gertrude and Hanna Monaghan 's Summer Home on Nantucket, by Betsy Tyler ($40).





INTERPRETATION & EDUCATION Kim McCray Director of Interpretation and Education

(/ he Interpretation and Education Department continues to support the HXs mi sion and goals of the trategic plan by offering a rich repertoire of learning opportunities for it diver e audience- IIA members; museum friends, old and new; and vi itors from all over the world. Whether it was a walking tour, family program, lecture, performance, an 1800 House workshop, or one of many programs available daily at the Whaling Museum, the educational offerings in 2007 exemplified the NHXs commitment to producing engaging, high-quality educational programs that celebrate and fo ter a greater appreciation for antucket history and its material culture. In 2007, the NHA offered close to eighty programs at the Whaling Museum and historic sites as well as thirty-seven classes in early American arts and crafts at 1800 House. Conceived within the interpretive themes, the depth and volume of offerings attracted an increasingly diverse audience and provided them with more access to collections, knowledge, and lifelong learning than ever before. At the 1800 House, for example, the coordinators select projects in the decorative arts that match objects in the NHXs collection, such as sailors valentines and needlework samplers; find an accomplished artisan who creates modern examples of these items; and then coordinate a class where participants can make their own. Throughout the year, the Whaling Museum and historic sites welcomed on- and offisland school groups, adult group tours, families, islanders, summer residents, vacationers, and those just visiting the island for the day. During the winter, our team of year-round interpreters worked to refine and update our daily interpretive programs, including the



women's history and diversity tours and The Hunt object-theater presentation, to ensure their accuracy. In the spring, we also took our knowledge on the road, visiting the Gerry School in Marblehead, Massachusetts, where we spent a day comparing and contrasting Nantucket and the whale fishery to Marblehead and the cod fishery. Capturing the spirit of collaboration around the island, the NHA worked with more than fifteen community organizations, such as the Nantucket Atheneum, Nantucket Preservation Trust, Sustainable Nantucket, Nantucket Boys and Girls Club, and the Nantucket Arts Council. As an active member of the professional community, the NHA presented at the national conference of the American Association of Museums on a collaborative curriculum project the HA worked on with the Museum of African American History in Boston, University of Massachusetts at Boston, and the Nantucket Public Schools.

Special thanks to theM. S. Worthington Foundation for its support of off-season community programming and to the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation for its support of the Landmarks of Nantucket! program and exhibition.

All of these educational accomplishments would not have been possible without the passion, commitment, energy, and enthusiasm of our outstanding team of interpreters, interns, and educators who are the public face of the NHA. Our staff is a combination of both seasoned veterans and tho e who are new to the team. As we review our achievements for 2007, we continue to move the NHXs interpretation and education efforts forward with new initiatives and ideas that highlight intriguing facets of Nantucket's history and heritage while maintaining our exemplary standards of best practices in the field of museum education.








Camp Discovery at the Old Mill



Ric Burns: NHA Orientation Film Acclaimed documentary filmmaker Ric Burns will be creating a twentyminute film that promises to be a must-see orientation to Nantucket history. Following the NHA's key interpretive themes, the film will capture the historical significance of this "elbow of sand," as Melville called it, and tell the tales of the island 's place in national and world history. The film will be shown to visitors in the Whaling Museum 's Gosnell Hall. Fundraising for this special project is under way, and the NHA appreciates the generous support it has already received . Leadership supporters of $500 and above will be recognized in the film's credits. For more information about the film or to contribute, contact Judith Wodynski at 508-228-1894, ext. 111, or go to www.nha.org. Burns is an award-winning filmmaker of such documentaries as The History of New York, Andy Warhol, and The Civil War, which he coproduced with his brother, Ken . Burns has been conducting research at the NHA Research Library for a two-hour documentary he is developing for PBS on the history of American whaling , and he spoke about the project at the Whaling Museum in August.

holiday workstiof)




Molly Anderson "Phoenix from the Fire of 1846: The Reopening of the Atheneum" Kenneth Blackshaw "Nantucket Is for the Birds!"

Dr. Robert S. Kennedy "The Geologic History of Nantucket"

Nathaniel Philbrick "Seventeenth-century New England: An Overview"

James Lentowski "Conserving Nantucket"

Peter M. Roncetti "What's the Deal with Whale Oil: Learn How the Candle Factory Worked"

Reggie Levine "From the Monaghans to Modern Art: Nantucket as Artist Colony"

Douglas Burch "From the F'oc'sle" Lee Rand Burne "The History of Nantucket Newspapers"

Dr. Malcolm MacNab "Medicine Aboard the Whalers "

Nancy A. Chase "Presence of the Past: Reflections on a Changing Nantucket Gam "

Michael May "Preserving Nantucket" Kim McCray "I am an Islander!"

Dr. Alfred W. Crosby "Oil: From Cetaceans to OPEC" Daniel W. Drake "The Siren Call of Nantucket" Robert D. Felch "Saving Sankaty Lighthouse" Jean M. Grimmer "The Egan Maritime Foundation Legacy and Vision " Dr. Frances R. Karttunen "Perspectives on Difference: Authentic Voices from Nantucket's Past"

Jascin L Finger and Dr. Janet E. Schulte "Maria Mitchell and Her Legacy" Ben Simons "Masterworks in the Collections: Contributions by the Friends of the NHA " John Stanton 'The Compass Rose: Documenting the Island's Past"

Kathleen Meyers "Everything You Wanted to Know about Lightship Baskets Dr. Vladimir Strelnitski . . . But Are Afraid to Ask" "Star Light, Star Bright: The Astronomical Island" Robert F. Mooney "Trains, Boats, Planes, and Automobiles" Dr. William J. Tramposch "Exact Imaging: Teaching "Nantucket Characters and History in Today's Island Personalities" "Presence of the Past: Museums" "Greater Light Gam" Reflections on a Changing Nantucket Gam" Barbara White Homa T. Nasab "Perspectives on African "The Barnes Collection" American History on Nantucket"

"Thanks for offering the entire brown-bag series. I've enjoyed all the varied subjects and look forrr.vard to the remaining lectures this yem:"












hroughout 2007, the NHA welcomed more than 66,000 members and visitors to the Whaling Museum and historic properties to enjoy and experience the changing exhibitions, interpretive programs, diverse educational offerings, and special events. Encouraging growth was seen in annual giving, membership, the Museum Shop, special events, and in the lifelong-learning programs at the 1800 House. While admission revenue declined slightly, overall operational support increased by almost $1.5 million, including a bequest of over $800,000. With this gift, along with many


others, the NHA was able to add $3 million to the endowment in 2007, bringing the balance to $9.3 million by the year's end. The NHA continued its efforts to diligently manage expenses, which increased modestly by $137,000 from 2006 to 2007. As a consequence of the continued growth in the Heritage Society and the awareness of the importance of planned giving, the NHA is moving forward to further strengthen its financial foundation. With the economy moving into more uncertain times, the importance of having a strong endowment becomes more evident, and the board of trustees regards the continued growth in

these areas of support as tangible evidence of the Nantucket community's support of the HNs mission. The accompanying Statement of Financial Position highlights the investment of $31,339,414 in facilities, exhibitions, and programs by which the NHA fulfills its mission to preserve and present Nantucket's history. The financial statements for 2007 have been audited by Boffus Lynch, LLP, who have rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available upon request.

Nantucket Historical Association Statement of Financial Position December 31 , 2007

Assets Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable Long-term investments Land , buildings, and equipment, net



$2,053,987 141,598 97,464 1,055,928 9,129,177 18,861 ,260

$2,611 ,267 129,054 87,116 1,187,780 6,042 ,576 19,443,146

$31 ,339,414




1,031 ,014 2,164,841 18,861 ,260 1,623,886 7,514,248

751 ,076 1,357,932 19,443,146 3,700,790 4,178,270

liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land , buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets

31 '195,249 $31 ,339,414




29,431 ,214


Nantucket Historical Association Statement of Activities December 31, 2007

TOTALS Operating activities: Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment return designated for operations Special fundraising events Other earned revenue Net assets released from restriction Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total Operating expenses Program services Special events Curatorial Education and public programs Research and library Museum Shop Buildings and maintenance Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development Total Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment return Friends of NHA contributions Capital campaign contributions Capital campaign expenses Net assets released from restrictions Completion of capital campaign Change in net assets from nonoperating activities Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of collection items Purchase of collection items Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year




$1 ,862,566 635,722 445,179 559,931 316,255 1,346,264 520,938

$594,136 665,641 409,622 535,709 243,000 1,237,283 506,665





547,842 286,107 516,606 169,075 430,585 1,388,957

482,132 346,056 520,102 167,771 417,882 1,365,731

1,092,779 514,901

956,775 553,620





366,778 109,385 642,346 (35,670)

445,661 98,476 196,188 (2 ,744)







0 (58,807)

0 (170,504)











Judith Wodynski Director of External Relations

g ory


rol< of the Extom.l Relation• Dcp"tmcnt to help •dV>noc the NHN• mission. We do this in ways that are engaging and visible to the public-special events, fundraising and development, foundation and corporate relations, membership, publications, public relations, and facility rentals for private events. External relations activities support the departments and programs of the NHA-informing the community about all the NHA has to offer, raising awareness of the NHA's plans and needs, and securing the funding that is necessary to keep the organization strong. In the following sections, you will read that our publications and public relations efforts have made great progress in keeping people, far and near, informed of the NHA's activities. We deeply appreciate the generosity of the individuals, foundations, and businesses that have helped us meet our financial goals in 2007. It is an honor to recognize those who provided unrestricted operating support with their annual-fund gifts; helped build the permanent endowment through bequests and the Heritage Society; and contributed to capital and special projects, such as the restoration of Greater Light, production of an orientation fUm by Ric Burns, and the purchase of a new membership database. The underwriting support we received from local businesses and major corporations was vital to the success of our special events-the Wine Auction Dinner, Festival of Wreaths, Festival ofTrees, and August Antiques Show. We also wish to recognize our 2, 700 individual, family, and business members whose enduring support made so much possible throughout the year.



"Our expectations for the rehearsal party at the Whaling Museum were high, and you exceeded them all. "




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The Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have made gifts of artifacts, cash , or real estate to the Nantucket Historical Association through their estate plans. Planned gifts take many forms and support the NHA in myriad ways- from building the permanent endowment to expanding the artifact collections. New members are recognized at the Annual Meeting and presented with an ivory whale lapel pin carved by scrimshander and NHA trustee Nancy Chase, who is herself a Heritage Society member. The NHA is deeply appreciative to have received a number of significant planned gifts in 2007. The first was an important collection of Nantucket lightship baskets, silver, scrimshaw, souvenir china , furniture , and numerous eighteenth-century documents from David H. Wood , a former NHA trustee. Generous bequests from Aldys Squire Chapman and L. Linder Lombard added $1 .09 million to the NHA's permanent endowment, which supports all aspects of the NHA's mission of education and preservation . In addition, several individuals joined the Heritage Society by taking advantage of 2007 legislation that enabled them to make a tax-free transfer of excess retirement assets from their IRAs.



2007 MEMBERS OF THE HERITAGE SOCIETY Anonymous (4) Bruce B. Bates Nancy A. Chase Leroy & Cecily Langdale Davis Trudy S. Dujard in Robert C. Griffin Barbara E. Hajim Nina & Robert Hellman Grace S. Hinkley Daintry & Julius Jensen Coco & Arie L. Kopelman George Korn & Richard Kemblet Robin & Richard Kreitler Norman E. Mack II Carolyn B. MacKenzie Mary Frances Sutton Miller Winifred M. Mortenson Sally & Peter Nash Lauren & Peter Roncetti Reva & Morton Schlesinger Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro Dorothy Slover Madeline & Jonathan Swain Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney



Elizabeth Coffin Fitzgerald Emma F. Hayward Pauline Johnson Helen Cartwright McCleary Mary Chase Milliken

Sarah E. Baxter Elizabeth Barker Boone Mary F. Carrington Thomas Coleman Annie Marie Imber! Mary Newhall Anna G. Swain

1960s Elizabeth M. Blackburn Henry Coffin Carlisle William E. Gardner Mary Lowell Gouin William Mayhew Folger Ruth H. Marshall Florence E. Mitchell Alberta E. Rule Ruth Haviland Sutton

1980s Florence Mary Anderson Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Maud G. Caldwell Isabel Worth Duffy H. Crowell Freeman Norman Joy Greene Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Clifford R. Morris Lindsay Beach Norton Lois Raggio Russell Edwin Buckingham Sears Paul N. Turner

1980s 1990s Jacqueline S. Harris Oswald A. Tupancy

2000s Jon A. Stroup




Eleanor Ham

1940s Anna Gardner Fish Ella Young Spencer Henry B. Worth Mary W . Babcock Augusta F. Bacheller Margaretta S. Hinchman Frank B. Howard Helen Cartwright McCleary Elizabeth W. Morse Sarah E. Phillips Charlotte W. Pitman

Clara Louise Baker Jennie Louise Barnitz Ruth L. Christian Valina M. Coffin Grace Brown Gardner Laura K. Hecker Dorothy Spencer Horton Mabel L. Howard Hanna Darlington Monaghan Helen B. Reynolds

BEQUESTS OF REAL ESTATE Ruth L. Christian Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace Brown Gardner

1930s Susan E. Brock Eva Channing

1960s Margaret H. Crosby Mary B. Fisher Isabel Gibbs Margaret S. Hosmer Florence E. Mitchell Eugene Morris George Peabody Rowena Potter Virginia Swain Strong Ruth Haviland Sutton

1970s Lucy Allen Marjorie Barrett Louise Emerson Lillian DeBlois Fox Grace Brown Gardner Jves Hendrick Annie Lawrence Hunton Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace C. Lasell Muriel C. Willet Christine T. Wyer


BEQUESTS OF CASH 1900s Lucia A. Cleveland Josiah Folger Susan Wilson Folger

1910s Benjamin Sharp William Watson

1920s Alexander Starbuck

1930s Susan E. Brock Joseph E. Farnham Annie Barker Folger Frederick Gardner Mary Eliza Macy William Swift

Anonymous Margaret I. Buffington Content Peckham Cowan Beatrice L. Crosby Pauline Smith Freeman Katherine N. Gardner Eunice B. Haden Whitman Pearson Jessie L. Schenk Marjorie Schultz Beulah Marcia Havens Stowers Maybelle Frost Vasbinder

1980s Alvah C. Drake Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Gretchen Weeber



Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Isabell L. Burnett Robert C. Caldwell Wellington J. Cummings Eunice B. Haden Eleanor Lowe Edouard A. Stackpole Elsie deSola Tupper

Aldys Squire Chapman Jean Boyce Courtney L. Linder Lombard Leeds Mitchell Jr. Barbara W. Nelson Donald M. D. Thurber Amelia Frances Vickery

1940s Frank R. Barnard Mary Durfree Sidney Mitchell Virginia Sharp



Willard D. Coffin Page Wroth Jamison Walter E. Lenk Jr. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. David H. Wood

1900s Susan Wilson Folger




RESTRICTED GIFTS & GRANTS CURATORIAL DEPARTMENT Mr. & Mrs. C. Louis Sassano Max and Heidi Berry Acquisitions Fund Egan Maritime Foundation 1800 HOUSE Ms. Lucy S. Dillon Ms. Margaret Emery Ms. Martha A. Erickson , in honor of Nancee Erickson Dr. & Mrs. John W . Espy Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Gifford , in honor of Lummy Gannett Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Nancy Sayles Day Foundation GREATER LIGHT RESTORATION Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Dr. Frances E. Karttunen & Dr. Alfred W. Crosby Dr. & Mrs. John W . Espy Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mrs. Elaine T. Lowengard Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin F. Majestic

Dr. William S. Lavine Mr. & Mrs. William C. Orr Ms. Judith A . Shea Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Smith Miss Lee Weinstein

HADWEN HOUSE Nantucket Garden Club, for installation of an irrigation system HISTORIC CEMETERY MARKER Mr. Charles J. Allard Claire Andrade-Watkins , Ph.D . Mr. & Mrs. Franklin Bartlett Ms. Angeleen Campra Dr. Frances E. Karttunen & Dr. Alfred W . Crosby Mrs. James A. Duarte Mr. John F. Mclaughlin Jr. Ms. Colleen Mclaughlin Ms. Elizabeth Oldham Mrs. Jeanne G. Rand Mr. & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Mrs. Helen P. Seager, in honor of David Halberstam 's The Children The Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. John H. Stover Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. White

Monaghan Trust Osceola Foundation , Inc. R. C. Lilly Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William E. Neff Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek

Anonymous , for Walden Chamber Players concerts and school programs

Ms. Patricia J. Rottmeier

Mrs. Doris Fellermant & Rebecca Fellerman Lauer, for the Bill Schustick concert and reception

Mr. & Mrs. Lars 0. Soderberg

Friends of Marblehead Public Schools

Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs

M. S. Worthington Foundation , Inc., for 2008 community programming

Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Storer Ms. Pamela J. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Ms. Jean M. Weber Dr. James D. B. Weiss Jr. Mrs. Rudolph J. Weisskopf Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In Memory of Anne Bullock Ms. Adelyne L. Carone Mrs. R. S. Crampton Dr. Karen E. Finder Mr. & Mrs. Wade D . Hiltabidel Ms. Jeanne Hunciker Mr. & Mrs. Stan Jakuba



Dr. James D. B. Weiss Jr., for student participation in educational programs

MEMBERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT DATABASE Mr. & Mrs. Leigh J. Abramson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Ms. Carol Thompson & Mr. Harold J. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Doug Cassity Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. Christopher T . Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis


Mr. & Mrs. Norwood H. Davis Jr. Mr. Michael A . Kovner & Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Didriksen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A . Drucker Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Ms. Kelly Williams & Mr. Andrew J. Forsyth Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Furrow Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs . John A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A . Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs . Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Hoeffel Mr. & Mrs. R. Bryan Jacoboski Mr. & Mrs. Arie L. Kopelman Ms. Elizabeth S. Wyatt & Mr. John E. Luth Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard McClintic Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stevens Meader Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W . Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Passaro Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M . Peek Mr. & Mrs. Robert C . Puff Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. George Roach Mr. & Mrs. Clyde A. Rodbell Mrs. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ruttenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. W . Lloyd Snyder Ill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Steinfurth Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. William J . Vareschi Jr. Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Wackenhut Mr. & Mrs. Chris Watkins Mr. & Mrs. William H. Woolverton Ill Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young Mr. & Mrs. P. Rhoads Zimmerman

NANTUCKET ART COLONY, 1920-45 EXHIBITION Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Mr. John W. Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Champion Jr. Mrs. Margaret Burden Childs Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp Ill Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Mr. Raymond I. Dawson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ketelsen Mrs. Arthur Kobacker

~~C<.4 IZ I I 1\ I

Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Penske Mrs. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. G. West Saltonstall Mr. & Mrs. David J. Spitler Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Tucker Mrs. John K. Whitney Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson OLD MILL Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr, for the permanent endowment OLDEST HOUSE Mr. John M. Heggem, for installation of a garden sign Nantucket Garden Club , for planting the orchard ORIENTATION FILM Mr. & Mrs . Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs . Thomas H. Gosnell Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm W. MacNab Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Morse Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mrs. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Ms. Elizabeth S. Wyatt & Mr. John E. Luth Ms. Pamela J. Thomas PERMANENT ENDOWMENT Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Chris Watkins RESEARCH LIBRARY Avellino Family Foundation , Inc., for the Nantucket Garden Club Archives Project Nantucket Garden Club ROBERT WYER HOUSE Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch , for planting trees

'SCONSET 02564 EXHIBITION Judy Family Foundation , for publication of an exhibition catalog The 'Sconset Trust THOMAS MACY HOUSE Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986 WHALING MUSEUM Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Goldweitz, for garden plantings


ANNUAL FUND & UNRESTRICTED GIFTS $25,000 and above Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Adelson $5,000 to $24,999 Ms. Carol Thompson & Mr. Harold J. Baxter Cox Foundation Mr. & Mrs. James R. Crane Ms. Lucy S. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. lan K. Loring Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds Sarah K. de Coizart Article Tenth Perpetual Charitable Trust Wendy & Eric Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. James M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs . E. Geoffrey Verney $1,000 to $4,999 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Annie & the Tees I Ms. Annie Teasdale Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Avellino Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Jr. Mrs. Grace Morris Bardelis Dr. & Mrs. David H. Barlow Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. & Mrs. William J. Charlton Jr. Mrs. Margaret Burden Childs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Connors Mr. & Mrs. Earle M. Craig Jr. Ms. Amanda B. Cross Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. duPont EMWIGA Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Ms. Marcia D. Weber & Mr. James B. Flaws Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Forman Mr. & Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Gamble Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Gannett Mr. & Mrs. Louis V . Gerstner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Goodall Ill Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. James A. Haslam Ill Mr. & Mrs. John P. Horgan Jockey Hollow Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Jones Judy Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Eli Winkler Kaufman ANNUAL IUPORT 2007

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Mrs. Arthur J. Kobacker Ms. Martha L. Berman & Mr. Robert I. Lipp Mr. & Mrs. W. Curtis Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Logan Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Mr. & Mrs. lan R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Menschel Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. Robert F. Mooney Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Nantucket Friends Meeting Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. V. Henry O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Opatrny Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Pinkas Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Ms. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. David Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Ms. Donna K. Cooper & Mr. Karl H. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simmons Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Soros Mr. & Mrs. Harald S. Stavnes Mrs. William A. Speakman Ill Mt. & Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes Ill Mr. & Mrs. Edwin K. Thrower Peggy & Bill Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. William C. Wallace Mr. & Mrs. William A. Waller Dr. James D. B. Weiss Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski $500 to $999 Anonymous ( 1) Ms. Eileen P. Gebrian & Mr. Timothy J. Barberich Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Beaugrand Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus Ill Mr. & Mrs. Colin H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp Ill Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Clark Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Pierre Crosby 41

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Donelan II Mrs. John L. Dowling Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Ford Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Starbuck Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz Mr. & Mrs. John B. Goodwin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold IV Ms. Mary G. O'Connell & Mr. Peter J. Grua Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Herbst Ms. Sandra R. Holland Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kaslow Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Ms. Patricia M. Lassiter Mr. Norman E. Mack II Ms. Abigail P. Johnson & Mr. Christopher McKown Mr. & Mrs. William McNabb Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Mellon Mrs. Rachel Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Morris Mr. George R. Mrkonic Ms. Ann Bissinger & Mr. Mark W. Poor Ms. Maureen Orth & Mr. Tim Russert Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Mr. Alfred F. Sanford Ill Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Mrs. John B. Strasenburgh Mr. & Mrs. F. Jay Ward Dr. Whiting Russell Willauer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Woods Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young $100 to $499 Anonymous (1) Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Anderson Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Arvay Mr. Leo C. Asadoorian Ms. Diane C. Asche Mr. & Mrs. John W. Atherton Mrs. Patricia Avery Ms. Leanne Baker Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. R. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bartlett Mr. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Belber Mr. & Mrs. W. Irvin Berry Allison & Christopher Bovard Ms. Carolyn T. Buckingham Mrs. Robert W. Burmester Ms. Rita M. Moran & Mr. William F. X. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. James D. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Erik Caspersen Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady Ms. Roxanne Bell Casscells Mr. John C. Chadbourne Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie Ms. Nancy A. Chase


Mrs. Adelaide Chuckrow Ms. Deborah E. Cochrane Mr. James I. Coddington Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parker Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Allen V. Collins Mrs. Phyllis T. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Cooney Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Coscia Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Mr. Thomas I. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. John N. Curlett Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. de Menocal Mr. David S. Deutsch Mrs. Susan Deutsch Mr. Kenneth W. Douglas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Dow Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Egan Mr. & Mrs. William Einstein Mrs. Frances L. Elder Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Farish Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dean Felch Mr. & Mrs. Eric N. Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. David Fine Mr. & Mrs. Charles W . Fisher Mr. & Mrs. William M. Folberth Ill Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Mrs. Grenville Garside Mr. Peter E. Georgantas Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Gewirtz Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Ginn Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Goldsmith Ms. Linda Coffin Gordon Mrs. Toby Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B. Greene Mrs. Jean Haffenreffer Ms. Beverly Hall Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell Ill Mrs. Polly Ann Halsted Mr. & Mrs. Glenn 0. Head Gay & Jeffrey Held Mrs. Peter S. Heller Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hofmann Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Holch Ms. Nancy A . Newhouse & Mr. Kenneth Holdgate Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Hollister Mrs. Philip M. Hooper Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Horne Dr. & Mrs. Romelee A. Howard Ms. Tyrrell Flawn & Dr. John Howe Ill Capt. & Mrs. William B. Hussey Mrs. Arthur Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. Eric R. Johnson Mrs. Gail Nickerson Johnson Mrs. Sally R. Johnson


Mr. & Mrs . M. Carl Johnson Ill Mr. & Mrs . Stanley E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs . Terry Jones Ms. Kathryn E. Jones Mr. & Mrs . Frederick Jordan Mr. & Mrs . Pau l R. Judy Ms. Elizabeth P. Kaplan & Mr. Gilbert B. Kaplan Mr. Robert M. Kaye Mr. & Mrs . Thomas B. Kellogg Mr. & Mrs . E. Niles Kenyon Mr. Thomas Kershaw Mr. & Mrs . Gordon Kiddoo Ms. Martha L. Dippell & Mr. Dan iel L. Korengold Mr. & Mrs . Andrew D. Ketchen Mr. & Mrs . James S. Kozera Ms. Alicia Wullschleger & Mr. Peter F. Krogh Mr. & Mrs . Anthony M. Lamport Ms. Annetta B. Laudenslager Mr. & Mrs . Byron S. Lingeman Mr. & Mrs . John Lochtefeld Mr. & Mrs . Christoph K. Lohmann Ms. Sue A. MacNaughton & Richard T. Lohr Mr. & Mrs . David H. Long Mrs. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. Mr. & Mrs . Peter D. Louderback Mr. Clarence S. Lovelace Mrs. Robert C. Lovell Mr. & Mrs . Malcolm MacColl Mr. & Mrs. Richard MacKay Mrs. Willia m B. Macomber Mr. & Mrs . J. Thomas Macy Mr. & Mrs . Vincent A. Maffeo Mr. & Mrs . James L. Malone Ill Ms. Barbara Mansfield Mr. & Mrs . Scott Marks Mr. & Mrs . John J. McAtee Jr. Mr. Thomas F. McAuley Mrs. Adrienne A. McCalley Ms. Sheila E. McCarthy Mr. Morton McDonald Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mcintosh Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mcintosh Ms. Rhoda Weinman & Mr. Joseph J. Mclaughlin Dr. & Mrs . Richard Key Mead Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Mortenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Morzano Mr. Morgan J. Murray Mrs. Phillip C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Nevins Jr. Mrs. Jane Meader Nye Mr. Richard F. Peisch Mr. Lyman S. A. Perry Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan

t:~~U/~ IZ I I \ I I \

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Picchi Mr. & Mrs. John M. Plukas Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah Powell Mr. & Mrs. H. F. Powell Mr. & Mrs . Robert L. Pratter Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Phi ll ip J. Raneri Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. Robert F. Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Richard Raysman Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Mr. & Mrs. H. Ward Reighley Mrs. Priscilla L. Reis Dr. & Mrs. V. Bruce Rigdon Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ripp Mr. & Mrs. George F. Rochat Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr. Ms. Corinne R. Roxby Mr. Robert S. Royce Mr. & Mrs. J . Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. George Russell Mr. & Mrs. Harry Russell Mr. J. Wood Rutter Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schwed Mrs. William A. Sevrens Mr. & Mrs. John R. Sherwood Ill Mrs. John D. Si lliman Ms. Sallie Ell en Smith Mr. & Mrs. Irwin J. Smith Mr. & Mrs . Lars 0 . Soderberg Mr. & Mrs . David W . St. Clair Mr. & Mrs . Ren ny A. Stackpole The Rev . & Mrs. C. Will iam Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Dale G. Stoodley Ms. Julie Hecht & Mr. Landey Strongin Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Jr. Mr. & Mrs . Thomas C. Succop Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd B. Swaim Caroline & David Swain Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Taylor Dr. Theresa G. Taylor & Mr. Michael R. Taylor Mrs. Donald E. Terry Mrs. Henry Riddell Terryt Tresses and the Day Spa I Ms. Theresa Davis Mr. Richard L. Tuck Mr. & Mrs. James Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Vardeman Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Verney Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Visco Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Vittorini Mrs. Robert M. Waggaman Mrs. Charles J. Webb II Mr. & Mrs. Jay H. Weiss Mrs. Rudolph J. Weisskopf Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Wells Ms. Mona Wheatley Mrs. Davidson D. White

Mr. & Mrs. Reid White Ms. Jeanne S. Whiteley Mr. & Mrs. Scott Whitlock Mrs. Janice Coffin Wiesen Mr. & Mrs. William Lee Wiley Mr. Charles J. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Winn Dr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Wise Mrs . Carol C. Woodbridge Mr. & Mrs. William H. Woolverton Ill Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Wright II Mr. & Mrs. Tony W . Yates Mrs. Bracebridge H. Young Mrs . Jo A. Zschau

Up to $99 Mrs. June M. Albaugh Mrs. Anne C. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Ames Ms. Charlotte Appleton Mrs. Bertha G. Arnold Mrs. AndrewS . Barada Ill Mr. Christopher Barker Mr. & Mrs. John Bartholdson Ms . Barbara T . Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Berger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blackshaw Ms. Anne S. Blackwell Mr. Jack W . Blaylock Jr. Mrs. Ronnie Bleich Mr. & Mrs. Roger W . Block Mr. Crosby Brown Ms. Martha Brown Mrs. Martha A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Carter Mr. & Mrs. James A. Coffin Mr. & Mrs. John Cross Mr. & Mrs. John A. K. Davies Ms. Sarah A. Maneikis & Mr. Edward C. Durell Ill Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Gustav E. Escher Ill Dr. & Mrs. John W . Espy Mr. & Mrs. John W . Feuerbach Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jay Finney IV Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fox Ill Mr. & Mrs. John P. Franzen Mr. & Mrs. John Galloway Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner Dr. John W. Gerster Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Ill Mr. & Mrs. Joshua R. Gillenson Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Mr. James Glidden, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder Mr. & Mrs. Philip G . Gulley Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Gutterson Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Dr. David S. Hays Mr. William A. Hayward Sr. Mrs. Elizabeth W. Hendricks Ms. Barbara Hogan


l '--: \

Mrs. Susan P. Jarrell Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kindler Ms. Heather Knox-Silverstein Mr. & Mrs. William Kyle Capt. John E. Lacouture , USN (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lemaitre Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lilly Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lindeman II Mrs. John A. Lodge Mrs. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. Ms. Peggy Lubin Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney Ms. Christine Malhotra Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Maloney James Cook & Terry Michaels Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller Mrs. Ann George Morton Mrs. Lilia Nash Mr. & Mrs. Alan D. Nathan Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Ochsner Mrs. Anne P. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. I. Christopher Parrish Mr. & Mrs. W . Robert Patterson Mrs. George E. Peacock Mrs. Irene T . Pelak Ms. Barbara E. Wolfinger & Mr. Stuart Peskoe Ms. Louise A. Pfeiffer Mr. & Mrs. John A. Pignato Mrs. Joan D. Prate! Mr. Frank Rose Ms. Patricia J. Rottmeier Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Schreiber Dr. Richard H. Seibert Ms. Christine B. Silverstein Small Friends on Nantucket I Ms. Bethany Ol iver Ms. Sandra F. Smith Ms. Whitney Stewart Ms. Anne Sweidel Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Swenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Topham Mr. Richard L. Tuck Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Velde Jr. Ms. Barbara von der Groeben Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wagner Ms. Carolyn Wells & Mr. Frank White Jr. Mrs. Anne S. Womble Mrs. Nelson C. Woodward

HONORARY GIFTS In Honor of Connie Cigarran Ms. Sigourney Woods Cheek In Honor of Marguerite Davis Mrs. Charles Cash Jr. In Honor of Michael Kovner & Jean Doyen de Montail/ou Mr. Fred C. Weber


In Honor of Robert J. Egan Ms. Heather Lennon Beani

In Memory of David Bright Ms. Carolyn Kantor

In Honor of Nancee Erickson Ms. Martha A . Erickson

In Memory of Fay Anathan UBS AgriVest LLC Mr. & Mrs. Bill Brandt UBS Realty Investors LLC Mr. James G. Hughes Ms. Lynne A. Lausier Dr. Ellen Lehman Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Lindquist Ms. Susan M. Banks & Mr. Matthew H. Lynch Ms. Joanne E. Rudy Mr. & Mrs. Siad Swan Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Trusz Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Urdanick Mr. & Mrs. Brian Webb

In Honor of Don Freedman 's Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Robert E . Hellman In Honor of Lummy Gannett Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Gifford In Honor of Nancy & Carl Gewirz's Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. William Lane In Honor of Ruth & Bill Grieder Ms. Patricia M. Roche

In Honor of Chris Quick's Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. George

In Memory of Nason Swain Mr. & Mrs. Michael Aridano Ms. Valerie J. Hunt & Mrs. James Ballway Mrs. Gladys C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Coburn Mr. & Mrs. George A. Crepeau Ms. Catherine M. D'Acchioli Mrs. Priscilla Doris Mr. Steven Harth Mr. & Mrs. George G. Hormell Ms. Valerie J. Hunt & Mr. James Ballway Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. O'Donnell Ms. Janet P. Pinckard Teknor Apex

In Honor of Ellen & David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Weaver

In Memory of Philip Murray Mr. & Mrs. James B. Bourne

In Honor of Reva & Mort Schlesinger's Anniversary Ms. Barbara T. Bennett Mr. Robert A. Bennett Mr. Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Little Ms. Anne Sweidel Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In Memory of Richard Kemble Mr. & Mrs. Marc Citron Ms. Trudy S. Dujardin & Mr. Frank Fasanella Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Hill Ms. Mary Johnson & Mr. Richard Korn Mr. William T. Muehling Jr. Mrs. Susan S. Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Albert L. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mrs. William A. Sevrens Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In Honor of Ruth Grieder's Birthday Susan E. Robinson & William L. Grieder In Honor of Tricia & Jim Lowe's Birthdays Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mrs. Ronald I. Hochwald In Honor of Jeanne & Bruce Miller Dr. Sharon Corkran In Honor of Libby Oldham 's Birthday Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg

MEMORIAL GIFTS In Memory of Anthony Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. William F. Connell In Memory of Arthur Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong Ms. Janice Hyland & Mr. Alan Granby Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mrs. Eva Moss Mrs. Philip C. Murray Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Ross


In Memory of Robert Huggins Ms. Meaghan Leclerc & Nancy & Susanne


CORPORATE MATCHING GIFTS Aetna Foundation , Inc. Bank of America Foundation , Inc. Capital Group Companies, Inc. Cingular Wireless ExxonMobil Foundation General Electric Foundation GlaxoSmithKi ine Foundation IBM Corporation John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc. Pfizer Foundation Principal Fina ncia l Group UBS United Technologies Vanguard Group Foundation

IN-KIND DONATIONS Bartlett's Farm Kenneth Beaugrand Edith Bouriez Elizabeth Coffin Current Vintage Even Keel Cafe Lummy Gannett Sandra Holland Hospital Thrift Shop Helen Howard Jeffrey Allen Photography Kodak Meredith MacNa b Katherine M . Miller Murray's Toggery Shop , Inc. Nantucket Bake Shop Sara O'Reilly Kathrina Pea rl Mickey Perry Alison Shriver Hillary & Pete Smith Lynne Steinfurth Stirrings Surfing Hydrangea Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Robert Warshaw Weir Meadow Nursery Mary & John West Michael Wodynski

NANTUCKET WINE ~tho ~M, ~o ,:,~~istmi~~ A~i"i~um:d sovont:

with tho

Nantucket Wine Festival as the nonprofit beneficiary of the elegant and exciting Wine Auction Dinner at the White Elephant. The May 19 dinner featured the cuisine of guest chef Cyril Renaud of Fleur de Sel and wines from Marchesi de'Frescobaldi.

For the fourth consecutive year, D orothy Slover handily chaired this remarkable event, which helps support year-round educational programs for children and families. Assisting her was Janet Sherlund, vice chair, and the Rare Wines, Dinner, and Silent Auction Committees. The NHA is especially grateful for the generosity of the individuals, wineries, and businesses that contributed thirty-four outstanding lots of wine and lifestyle packages as well as for the leader hip support of the Oenophiles and Vignerons who were among almost three hundred people attending the event.

Chair Dorothy Slover Vice Chair Janet Sherlund

Denis Toner, Nantucket Wine Festival founder and president, served as auctioneer, assisted by Kim Corkran, past president of the NHA.


Rare Wines from Private Collections Committee Marcia & Joe Welch , Chairs Geoff Beattie Michael Clark Jack Curlett Cosby & Tim George Janie & Gene Goodwillie Will Little Kilty & Michael Mahoney Debbie Miller Carol Nast Jeff Nielsen Kathleen & Jim Poole Chris Quick Laura & Bob Reynolds Rick Sherlund Diane & Guy Snowden Stephanie Wilson


Dinner Committee Carolyn & ian MacKenzie, Chairs Patricia & Thomas Anathan Michael Barrington Susan & Bill Boardman Jayne & Robert Dane Janie & Jeffrey Hagmann Barbara & Ed Hajim Diane & Andrew Kaslow Susan & Kennedy Richardson Ellen & David Ross Nancy & Mark Taylor Silent Auction Committee Sara Boyce, Chair Jesse Dutra Eric Landt Courtney O'Neill

Don Mroz, Susan Lapine, and Sara Boyce at the popular Gala on May 17, which featured a Silent Auction to benefit the NHA's educational programs. As Silent Auction chair, Boyce worked with committee members Jesse Dutra, Eric Landt, and Courtney O'Neill to present a wide variety of creative items-from a jetBiue travel package and weekend at the Wauwinet and White Elephant, to Tanglewood tickets, picnic aboard a Barton & Gray yacht, and custom-designed Vineyard Vines neckties!

Bruce Miller, past trustee of the NHA, with Coco Kopelman, Jeanne Miller, and Arie L. Kopelman, past president of the NHA.


Nantucket Wine Festival Committee H. Denis Toner, PresidenUFounder Susan Jones Toner, Vice President of Administration Frank Neer, Executive Director Michael Cain, Chief Financial Officer Mark Donato, Community Liaison ACKtivities I Aisling Glynn, Festival Operations & Administration WINE FESTIVAL DINNER & AUCTION Oenophiles Heidi & Max Berry Lesley King & Bart Grenier Lisa & Michael Kittredge Carolyn & ian MacKenzie Laura & Robert Reynolds Ellen & David Ross Janet & Rick Sherlund Stephanie & Jay Wilson Vignerons Susan & Bill Boardman Gail & Chris Camalier Earle M. Craig Jr. Shelton Ellis Nancy & AI Forster Kelly Williams & Andrew Forsyth Beau Gardner Lena & Ronald Goldberg Joyce & Mark R. Goldweitz Steven Green Dr. & Mrs. Laurance J. Guido Barbara & Lawrence Hathaway Megan & Dawson Hodgson Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Helena & Joseph Martin Stella & Chris Maybury Laura & Ciaran McCloskey Phyllis & Stephen Poor Susan & Kennedy Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rogers Margaret & John Ruttenberg


Melanie Sabelhaus Bob Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Sollas Jr. Susan & Bill Vareschi Marie & Rick Wackenhut Donald Opatrny Connoisseurs Carrie & Leigh Abramson Patricia & Thomas Anathan Martine & Michel Anglada Mr. & Mrs. George Atkins C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. Arth ur Bert Mr. Michael Blackman Sara Boyce David S. J. Brown Lee Calhoon Patrice Cuddy Anne & Jack Curlett Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dane Jeffrey Davis Betsy Fry & Franklyn P. deMarco Jr. Mark Donato William Earon Patricia Engel Liz & Biff Folberth Lucinda & Thomas Foley Marchese Ferdinanda di Frescobaldi Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr. Marsha & Sta nley Greenman John J. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Hooper Jr. Howard Imber Gerald Jackson David Kane Jill & Stephen Karp Thomas Kershaw Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kirby Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A. Kovner Dr. Robert Kreb William Little Beth & Carmine Martignetti Kilty & Michael Mahoney Rose Ellen & Brian McCaig John McGillian Rhoda Weinman & Joseph J. Mclaughlin Daria Mclean Barbara & Alan Medaugh Mellon Bank I Ms. Janice C. Sturchio Gayle N. Moran Winnie & Chris Mortenson Jr. Karla & Nick Peyton Mr. Benjamin Rubenstein Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus Elsa & Alan Saroff Mr. & Mrs. Scott E. D. Skyrm Dorothy Slover & Douglas Kenward Donna Snow Peggy & Bill Tramposch Liz & Geoff Verney Marcia & Joe Welch

Mark Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Willms Ronald Winters Judith & Michael Wod ynski

Contributors Katherine & Wi lliam Beattie Rosalena Dalton-Oidericht Doris Fellermant Andrew Gates Barbara & Ed Hajim Dr. David S. Hays Daintry & Reb Jensen Sally & Peter Nash Sarah & Jeff Newton Nina Hellman Antiques Inc. Melissa & Nathaniel Philbrick Kathleen & James Poole Silent Auction Donors All-Clad Metalcrafters Barton & Gray Mariners Club Blantyre Boston Symphony Orchestra Bottega Del Vino Glassware Cape Air I Nantucket Airlines Claire Murray Dane Gallery DiCaro DiModolo Jewelry Hotel Commonwealth jetBiue A irways Kerrygold Cheese & Butters from Ireland Linear Ai r Lux Bond & Green Charles A. Manghis Marco Bicego Miacomet Golf Course Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Wine Festival Nantucket Workroom Polo Ralph Lauren Lyman Perry The 'Sconset Cafe Tanglewood Wine & Food Classic Turks & Caicos Sporting Club at Ambergris Cay Vineyard Vines Wauwinet & Topper's White Elephant & The Brant Point Grill Live Auction Donors American Seasons Angove's South Australia Carol Thompson & Harold Baxter Beringer Vineyards Bernard Magrez Grands Vignobles Heidi & Max Berry Susan & Bill Boardman Antoine de Boysson of M. Chapoutier Jimmy Bradley Anne & Toby Broadus Brutocao Chateau Rauzan-Segla

Maureen & Richard Chilton Michael Clark Pam & Michael Clarke Cliff Lede Vineyards Commonwealth Wine & Spirits Coturri Vineyards Anne & Jack Curlett Cyrus Restaurant Dane Gallery Domaine Comte Senard Domaine de Ia Terre Rouge Clement & Rick Durkes Elk Cove Vineyards Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Far Niente Marchesi de'Frescobaldi Forman Vineyards Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Janie & Gene Goodwillie Kerry Hallam Dee & Jimmy Haslam Judi & Greg Hill Peter E. Hoey Howard Imber Justin Vineyards & Winery Lisa & Mike Kittredge Laurent Perrier Larry & Susan Levine Limerick Lane Cellars Will Little Lolonis Winery Kilty & Michael Mahoney Morgan Winery Chris Mortenson Nantucket Island Resorts Liz & Jeff Peek Pernod Ricard Oakville Ranch Kathleen & Jim Poole Arthur Reade Rubicon Estate Rudd Winery Elsa & Alan Saroff Amy & Andy Shapero Janet & Rick Sherlund Robert Sinskey Vineyards April & Joe Slovensky Brad Smith Dede & Guy Snowden Spottswoode Stag's Leap Wine Cellars Steele Wines Todi Castle I Mario Santoro Teatown Cellars 21 Federal Treana Winery Trentadue Winery Trinchera Family Estates Susan & Denis Toner Viader Winery Vincor USA Marcia & Joe Welch Wente Family Vineyards The Westmoor Club Winebow Imports

ANNUAL ltEPOitT 2007

For the second consecutive year, Nantucket artist G . S. Hill contributed an original oil painting that was auctioned at the 2007 Wine Auction Dinner. A longtime NHA supporter, Hill, left, is pictured holding Harbor Life Circa 1830 Nantucket, with Denis Toner, Nantucket Wine Festival founder and president.


Connie Cigarran, chair of the 30th August Antiques Show, with her husband , Tom



hig'nlight of •ntuokct' 2007 ummO< "' on, tho 30th ugu t ntiques how presented a week filled with partie and programs, all entered on this leading antiques event. Chair Connie Cigarran headed a committee of more than a hundred volunteer , whose efforts and enthu ia m e ured the succe s of the I IA's major annual fundrai er. Proceeds from the how help upport the ontinued growth of the . I I 's collection and the care of its historic propertie . Longtime supporters Kathryn Kay and Robert Young, a past trustee, wer · recognized a the 2007 Honorary Chairs.

Kathryn Kay and Robert Young, Honorary Chairs

The week started offJuly 31 with the Friends f the antucket llistori a1 ociation Lecture featuring ancy . Campbell, chairper on emerita of the ati nal Tru t for Historic Preservation. The next evening, the II welcomed the exhibitor at the D ealers Dinner in the Thoma Ma y I lou e garden. n Au~ust 2, the Preview Party, underwritten for the fourth year by Eaton Van e Investmen t oun il, ffered a fe tive opportunity for attendees to get a fir t look int e-xhibitor 'booths. The ntique how at the Nantucket New chool was pen to the publi ugu t 5. Barbara and Ed Hajim, the 2006 Honorary hair , gra i u I home for the Founders and Underwriter o ktail Party n evening Marilyn Whitney welcomed partygoer t her lovely 1 or • nd garden for the Antiques Show Cocktail Party. Following the o ktail party, attendee trolled down Mill Street to the Eleanor Ham Pony Field, where the ntique how inner, with dancing and a live auction, was held under a fe tivcly decorated tent. For the ninth year, the dinner was generously underwritten by Trianon/ eaman chepp . The NHA is grateful to the Underwriters and the elect Donor , Founder , hair's Circle, and Benefactors whose generosity secured the ucce of the 2007 ugu t Antiques Show.



2007 August Antiques Show Committee

UNDERWRITERS Trianon/Seaman Schepps Eaton Vance Investment Counsel New England Brokerage Corporation Fireman's Fund Insurance Corporation Bank of America -The Private Bank BNY Mellon , Wealth Management N, the Nantucket Magazine Nantucket Storage Center The Gallery at Four India Street Nestle Waters New England Home Wayne Pratt & Company Antiques & Fine Art Flather & Perkins Insurance The Magazine Antiques Northeast Auctions F. Schumacher & Co. Stirrings Chair Connie Cigarran Honorary Chairs Kathryn Kay & Robert Young

COMMITTEES Chair's Council Sarah Baker Maggie Benedict Josette Blackmore Laurie Champion Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Georgia Gosnell Martha Groetzinger Barbara Hajim Ginger Heard Betty Jacobsen Leanne Kendrick Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Anne Obrecht Bettyt & Davidt Ogden Susan Rolando Melanie Sabelhaus Janet Sherlund Dorothy Slover Mimi Young

Committee Chairs Underwriting Marybeth Keene Maggie Benedict Antiques Show Dinner Barbara Hathaway Preview Party Vicki Livingstone Decorations Suzy Grote Live Auction Anne Obrecht Volunteer Coordinators Marie Frazza Nancy Puff Communications Prudence Crozier Gift Bags Jeanne Bennett Marguerite Davis Raffle Bessie Connelly Anne Obrecht Publicity Heidi Weddendorf Dealers Dinner Nancee Erickson Dealers Hospitality Mary Ann Wagner Friends Lecture Nan Geschke Heidi Berry Collectors Corner Louise Connell

Committee Members Patricia Anathan Carol Atkinson Margit Baker Nancy Barnes Kim Barrett Carol Thompson Josette Blackmore Gayle Blumenberg Kathy Bologna Mary Brown Marylyn Burns Rhonda Cassity Laurie Champion Olivia Thornton Charney Mellie Cooper Debbie DeCosta Ane DiVenere Lois Druckemiller Jeanmarie Drucker Clementina Durkes Shelton Ellis Polly Espy Ellen Foley Marjorie Fortgang Phyllis Freilich Martha Gibian Janie Goodwillie Joan Goodwin Barbara Hajim Kaaren Hale Barbara Halsted Candy Heydt Lois Horgan Elizabeth Jacobsen Cathy Jones Cindy Jones Leanne Kendrick Heather Kennedy Sara Jo Kobacker Joan Lahey Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Carolyn MacKenzie Kilty Mahoney Miriam Mandell Mia Matthews



Deedie McCarthy Laurie Monahan Winifred Mortenson Morgan Morton Susan Moses Nell Otto Trisha Passaro Ann Quick Bettina Ridley Robin Rodbell Cynthia Rubin Melanie Sabelhaus Cristy Sagalowsky Linda Saligman Nancy Serafini Mary Sharpe Janet Sherlund Beth Singer Dorothy Slover Deirdre Snyder Lynne Steinfurth Wendy Stone Sheila Sullivan Paula Swain Merrielou Symes Pamela Thomas Carol Thompson Jane Tiger Boots Tolsdorf Peggy Tramposch Barbara Vanderbilt Sandra Velde Pam Waller Marcia Welch Melanie Wernick Bunny Whiteley Marilyn Whitney Mary Wolff Marcella Zimmerman

LEADERSHIP SUPPORTERS Select Donors Janet & Rick Sherlund Laurie & Bob Champion Ann & Chris Quick

Above, top to bottom: Susan and Bill Boardman; Connie Cigarran and Nancy Puff; Laurie and Bob Champion; Michael Kovner and Jean Doyen de Montaillou.


Founders Jan & Warren Adelson Carol Thompson & Harold Baxter Heidi & Max Berry Rhonda & Doug Cassity Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Chilton Jr. Connie & Tom Cigarran Ramona & Stephen Davis Robyn & John Davis Elizabeth R. Miller & James G. Dinan Liz & Biff Folberth Nancy & Alan Forster Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Furrow Nan & Chuck Geschke Gayle & Robert Greenhill Sabine & Richard Griffin Cynthia Frye Gunn & John A. Gunn

Mary & Robert Haft Barbara & Ed Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale Dee & Jimmy Haslam Teresa Heinz Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hempleman Ellen & Christopher Hoeffel Anne & Bryan Jacoboski Sara Jo Kobacker Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A. Kovner Mr. & Mrs. F. A. Lorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Carolyn & lan MacKenzie Miriam & Sonny Mandell Mr. & Mrs . Robert Matthews Kimberly & James Pallotta Liz & Jeff Peek Kathryn & Roger Penske Laura & Bob Reynolds Susan & Kennedy Richardson Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus Wendy & Eric Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Jane & Wat Tyler Liz & Geoff Verney Clare & Jay Walker Karen & Chris Watkins Suzy & Jack Welch Marilyn Whitney & Annabel Whitney Kathryn Kay & Robert A . Young Chairs Circle Carrie & Leigh Abramson Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Dr. & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Maggie & Neil Benedict Kay & Peter Bernon Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Dottie & Earle Craig Gerald H. Crown & Paul J. Dobrowolski Marguerite & Norwood Davis Mary Ellen & Michael Ferrel Barbara J. Fife Kelly Williams & Andrew Forsyth Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Daintry & Reb Jensen Cindy & Evan Jones Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Sally & Peter Nash Sarah & Jeff Newton Anne & Brec Obrecht Maria & George E. Roach Robin & Clyde Rodbell Ellen & David Ross Margaret & John Ruttenberg Linda & Harvey Saligman Julie & Brian Simmons


Beth & Anthony Terrana Susan & Bill Vareschi Benefactors George T . Albrecht Molly Anderson Gale Arnold Mr. & Mrs. C . Marshall Beale Jane Beasley Jeanne Bennett Josette & Jim Blackmore Susan & William Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Randall J. Boe Kathy & Tom Bologna Maureen & Edward Sousa Mary & David Brown Carol & Will Browne Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brumbaugh Judy & Robert Brust Mr. & Mrs. W illiam C. Buck Eileen & Robert Butler Robin & Ray Callahan Olivia & Felix Charney Connie & Tom Cigarran Tiffany Spadafora & George A. Cloutier Louise & Bill Connell Bessie & John Connelly Betsy Fry & Franklyn P. deMarco Jr. Helen & Philip Didriksen Linda & Joseph DiMartino Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Hebe Dowling Lois & William Druckemiller Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Shelton Ellis Nancee Erickson Mr. & Mrs . David C . Farrell Stuart Feld Barbara J. Fife Fireman 's Fund Insurance Corporation Marie & George Frazza Mr. & Mrs. Timothy George Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Graham Mr. & Mrs. Richard T . Grote Lauren & Paul Gudonis Ann & Graham Gund Karoly S. & Henry B. Gutman Janet & Richard Hart Nina & Bob Hellman Cathy & Dick Herbst Lisa Wohlleib & Seth Hoogasian Lois & John Horgan Edie & David Johnson Tanny D. & R. Courtney Jones Barbara & Harvey Jones Ms. Catherine C. Jones Marybeth Keene Robin & Brian Kelly Joan & Ed Lahey Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. B. MacTaggart Mr. & Mrs. James 0 . Marshall Ill Kilty & Michael Mahoney

Barbara & James Mcinerney Marion & Steve Meader Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Meyers Morgan & Allen Morton Eva Moss Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Aileen & Scott Newquist Island Properties I Michael J. O'Mara Trish & Mike Passaro Roxanne Chan , M.D. & Laurence Pera-Pereira Julia & Larry Pollock Mrs. Wayne Pratt Nancy & Bob Puff Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rein Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Riggs Jr. Mrs. Martin J. Ross Mr. & Mrs . Mark E. Rubenstein Sarina & Thomas Shanahan Trudy & Fred Slater Deirdre & Skip Snyder Sheila & Bill Sullivan Merrielou & Ned Symes Mr. & Mrs. David Tausig-Edwards Linda R. Taylor Jane & Arthur Tiger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tucker Richard G. Verney Marie & Rick Wackenhut Susan & Richard Walters Karen W. Watkins Mary & David Wolff Theresa & William Woolverton Marcella & Rhoads Zimmerman

Patrons Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer H. Appley Carol Atkinson Michele Barnett Gussie & Ken Beaugrand The Brigham Galleries Bernadette & Jonathan Brown Julie & Robert Bryan Wendy N. Carduner Prudence & William Crozier Jr. Ane G. DiVenere Clementina V. Durkes Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Douglas P. Faucette Carol & Robert T. Foley Penny & Bob Fox Barbara Halsted George S. Heyer Jr. Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Lisa & Michael Kittredge Ms. Martha Dippel! & Mr. Daniel Korengold Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Martha Berman & Robert Lipp Vicki Livingstone Lynnette Mautner

Lynn & Jack McAtee Toni & Martin McKerrow Winnie & Chris Mortenson Susan & Marvin Moses Norton Preservation Trust I Valerie & Richard Norton Sally & Michael Orr Mr. & Mrs. John F. Otto Jr. Mr. & Mrs . Richard Patton Melissa & Nat Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Sandi Holland & Alfie Sanford Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Nancy & Joe Serafini Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Bowen Smith The Rev. Georgia Ann Snell DeDe & Guy Snowden Daisy Soros Catharine & Jeffrey Soros Barbara & David Spitler The Rev. C. William & Linda G. Steelman Sarah T. Stephenson Cindy & Brad Sweeny Mr. & Mrs . Karl H. Velde Jr. Bunny Whiteley Stephanie & Jay M. Wilson Jill Wolfe

Sponsors Margaretta Andrews Nancy & James Barton The Beachside at Nantucket Mr. & Mrs . William Beattie Mr. & Mrs. W. C. Belcher Dana & David Boyce Vivian & Bob Braunohler Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Marylyn Burns Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John C. E. Campbell Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Barbara & William Charlton Phyllis T. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Suzanne & Donald Dates Egan Maritime Foundation I Marsha & Bob Egan Anne & Lucas Fischer Jane & Charles Forman Mr. & Mrs. Ernest H. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Yvonne & Richard Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Toby Greenberg Jean & Garth Grimmer Jean R. Haffenreffer Polly Ann Halsted Lucile & Bill Hays John A. Herndon

Judi R. Hill Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Ann & Peter Holmes Mr. & Mrs . Arthur W. Hooper Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. N. Kirkbride Lucy Lamphere Peggy & Larry Levy Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Michael A. Molinar & Gordon MacGregor Barbara H. Malcolm Anne E. McCollum Pat & Charles McGill Michael Barrington Antiques & Decoration Louise Middleton Jeanne & Bruce Miller Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Monahan Jr. Elena & Mark Morris Tracey & Greg Marzano Anne & Jeffrey Nielsen Ann & C. Hardy Oliver Elizabeth Powell Jean B. Preston Nina Duchaine & Rory Radding Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rich Marcia Richards Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Kristen & Billy Rose Carol & Dr. Albert Rosenthal Wendy & John Schmidt Rindy & Van Schreiber Mrs . William A. Sevrens Dorothy & Junie Sinson Marcia & Irwin Smith Nancy & Lars Soderberg Jane & Scott Stearns Marjorie & Louis Susman Marie & John Sussek Mr. & Mrs. Hans E. Tausig Sandy & Ted Taylor Linda A. Tullis Mary Ann B. & Samuel Wagner Pam & Will Waller Mrs. Richard J. Walsh

Westy and Vicky Saltonstall of Eaton Vance Investment Council , underwriter of the Preview Party for the fourth year.

Nancy Campbell, chairperson emerita of the National Trust for Historic Preservation , and Nan Geschke, president of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association .



CONTRIBUTORS Nancy & Doug Abbey Mr. & Mrs. Merrick Axel Mr. & Mrs . Samuel Bailey CeCe Black Diana & Colin Brown Brown-Forman Corporation Anne Delaney & Chip Carver Margaret B. Childs Mary & Marvin Davidson David S. Deutsch Doris Fellerman t Mrs. John M. Foster Christine Franklin Phyllis Freilich Mrs . Arthur W. Grellier Barbara & Ed Hajim Hatch's Package Store Barbara & Lawrence Hathaway Jan & Chris Larsen Helen & Will Little Ms. Catherine T. Maloney Mr. & Mrs. John W. McDougall Jr. Mrs. Rachel L. Mellon Mrs. Philip C. Murray Ms. Frances S. Richardson Caren & Charles Ryan Barbara & Richard Skelly Janice Sturchio

Above , top to bottom: Pam and Bruce Perkins; Pam Waller and Susan Zises Green ; Annabel Whitney and Marilyn Whitney; Chuck and Nan Geschke.


Pamela & Bernard L. Swain Mr. & Mrs. Richard Tucker Mr. Richard G. Verney James D. B. Weiss Jr.

RAFFLE CONTRIBUTORS Cross Rip Outfi tters, Ltd . The Golden Basket I Kim & Bruce Elliott John Sylvia Antiques Dav1d Lazarus Nantucket Beach Chair Company Nantucket House Anliques Nantucket Stock Exchange Nina Hellman Anliques Lee A. Papale Quidley & Company Wayne Pratt Ant1ques

LIVE AUCTION CONTRIBUTORS Amenca n Seasons Susan Boardman The Chanticleer Th e Club Car Mr. & Mrs Thomas H Gosnell Le Languedoc

Nantucket Gourmet Nantucket Nourriture , Inc. 1 Georgia Axt Sfoglia Sherry O'Donnell, 1n memory of Bill Sevrens Simply With Style I Kendra Lockley 21 Federal

DINNER CONTRIBUTORS American Heritage Chocolate Steven Bauer Brown· Forman Corporation Mr & Mrs Owsley Brown II Flowers on Chestnut F. Schumacher & Co. Louisv1lle Stoneware Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Today Penguin Books Sony Music Superba Toots1e Roll Industries

Needlework arti st Susan Boardman's embroidered narrative of Greater Light, which she contributed to the live auction at the Antiques Show Dinner.


Diana H. Bittel Antiques

SPECIAL THANKS Antiques Council The Atlantics Bartlett's Farm Blue Water Bakery Brown-Forman Corporation Chase Canopy Company I Andrew Chase Claudia Kronenberg Photography The Cleaning Fairies Custom Event Flooring Daily Breads Downyflake Restaurant Shelton Ellis Enjoy Nantucket Even Keel Cafe Flowers on Chestnut Barbara & Ed Hajim Hatch's Package Store lnkstone Printing Javatime Design Jesse Dutra Landscape Design JLB , Inc. Juice Bar Lightworks Production Nantucket Babysitters Services Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Events Nantucket New School Nantucket Nourriture, Inc. Nantucket Park & Recreation Department Nantucket Party Rentals

Nantucket Storage Center Nantucket Tennis & Swim Club Nantucket UPS Store PJ Pump Service P&M Reis Trucking Placesetters Provisions Bill Rhodenburg The ShepCats Simply With Style Catering Small Friends on Nantucket, Inc. Something Natural Stacy Exposition Strong Wings Sun Island Delivery Trianon/Seaman Schepps

ANTIQUES SHOW DEALERS Carlson & Stevenson Charles L. Washburne Connecticut River Books The Cooley Gallery Cunha-St. John Antiques Danielle Ann Millican Diana H. Bittel Antiques Doll Dreams Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, Inc. Elle Shushan The Finnegan Gallery The Forager House Collection Georgian Manor Antiques G.K.S. Bush, Inc.

Hirschi & Adler Galleries, Inc. Hyland Granby James M. Labaugh Antiques Jane McClafferty Antiques Janice Pauli J. Austin , Jeweler Jeff R. Bridgman American Antiques King-Thomasson Antiques, Inc. Malcolm Franklin , Inc. Mellin's Antiques Mongenas Antiques Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Oriental Rugs, Ltd . Philip Suval , Inc. Port 'N Starboard Gallery Running Battle Antiques Sallea Antiques, Inc. Sampson & Horne Silver Plus Stephen B. O'Brien Jr. Fine Arts Taylor B. Williams Antiques Victor Weinblatt Vose Galleries of Boston Washington Square Gallery, Ltd . Wayne Pratt & Co.




b'ginning r •ntu kct' holid•y -'" on, tho ninth annual Festival ofWreath wclc mcd m re than 1,7 0 vi itor t enjoy eighty-two creatively decorated wreath di played in the Whaling Museum's Peter Foulger Gallery. dmi ss ion to this popular ommunity event was free to all. Courtney 0' eill chaired the fe tival for the econd car, a. si ted by five committee member and Reggie Levine a creative dire tor. D uring the Preview Party and thr ughout the ovcmber 21-25 fe tival, visitors bid on the remarkable array f wreaths that sh w a ed the talent of Nantucket's arti ts, arti an , mer hant , hoolchildren, and ther , who donated their creation to the ilent au tion . Proceeds from the au tion and wreath raffle benefited the NH ' edu ation program. The NHA is grateful for the inv lvemcnt of numcrou volunteer , the generosity of those bidding n the wreath , and the continued underwriting support ofNantu ket Bank, a division f ovcreign Bank, and a dozen more pon or .

NCMC I Nantucket School of Music's contribution to the Festival of Wreaths





Nantucket Bank,

A Safe Place

a division of Sovereign Bank

Barbara Gookin Advertising Bartlett's Farm

SPONSORS Bartlett's Farm Cape Air 1 Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Glidden & Glidden, P.C . Killen Real Estate Nantucket Real Estate Company Nantucket Storage Center Pacific National Bank, a Bank of America Company Sanford Real Estate Sherburne Inn The Beachside at Nantucket


The Beachside at Nantucket Best of the Beach Big Brothers Big Sisters of Nantucket Cristina Blank Bookworks Ginna Bretschneider Barbara Lattanzi & Trisha Brown Pam Bulkley

Cape Cod Life Publications Jeannette Carl Katie Castle Jean Cawley Charles E. Flanagan Jr. Memorial Service Scholarship

Courtney O'Neill, Chair

Children 's House

Sarah Boyce

Keely Irwin Cirillo

Reggie Levine, Creative Design

Cisco Brewers, Triple 8 Distillery

Sandy Taylor Pam Waller

& Nantucket Vineyard

Claire Murray Clay Art Studio 1 Barbara Toole

SPECIAL THANKS Enjoy Nantucket I Dean Miller Mr. & Mrs. Ed Goldman Dr. David Hays The Little Pearl Stephanie & Harald Stavnes Sandy Taylor, Raffle Wreath Contributor James D. W. Weiss Jr.

Jean Doyen de Montaillou Lucy Dillon 1800 House I Nantucket Historical Association English Trunk Show I Carla Finn The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Alison K. Forsgren Libby Frazier



The Gallery at Four India Street

Kate O'Connor

Dottie Gennaro

Courtney O'Neill

Bee Gonnella

Our Island Home

John Gonnella

Karen Palmer

G. S. Hill Gallery I

Caroline Reilly

Judi & Greg Hill

Ritch Leone Lightship Baskets

Melanie Hajjar

Susan Rollins

Chris Hart

Scully & Macy Distinctive Gifts

The Homestead

Seaside Gardens

Inside Out Property Management

Mary & David Sharpe

James Lydon, Sons & Daughters

Sherburne Commons

Jessica Jenkins

Stephanie's of Nantucket I

George Korn

Stephanie Correia

Denise Korngold

Sustainable Nantucket, Inc.

Kevin Kuester

Swain's Travel

Joan Libby

The Weaving Room

Gail Spencer & Ron Light

Heidi Weddendorf

Majolica I Alicia Bradford

Daryl Westbrook

Jessica Manning

Stacey Williams

Mariner House I Hilarie Hawley Priscilla Mcintosh


Ida Mendoza

June Albaugh

Gayl Michael

Cynthia & Ken Blackshaw

Beth Moyer

Dana Boyce

Linda Muhler

Norma & Bob Burton

Nantucket AIDS Network I

Edna & Ed Butner

Steven Fisher Nantucket Atheneum

Barbara deZalduondo

Nantucket Boys & Girls Club

Lucy Dillon

Nantucket Cottage Hospital

Anne Dyer

Nantucket Fire Department

Bee Gonnella

Nantucket Junior Miss

Dorothy Hesselman

Scholarship Program Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum

Jane & Bill Jones Anne & Frank Kaminsky Peggy Kaufman

Nantucket New School

Nancy Lantz

Nantucket Noose I Cheryl Fudge

Marie Lemberg

NCMC I Nantucket School of

Tricia & Jim Lowe

Music & Mollie Glazer Mary Novissimo


Barbara Clarke


Liz & Jose Trillos Pam Waller


FESTIVAL OFTREES Chd.rm" Stroll trndhion, tho Fo.tival ofTtm;, a muthanticipated community event that transforms the Whaling Museum into a winter wonderland of eighty-two dazzling decorated trees. The opening-night Preview Party filled the museum with holiday revelers, who enjoyed "Nantucket Delights" generously presented by thirteen island restaurants and purveyors. From November 30 to December 17, the festival attracted more than two thousand visitors, including groups from island schools and senior centers. Tree decor ranged from the traditional to the fanciful, with each tree showcasing the vast creative talents of the Nantucket community. For the second year, Mary D. Malavase chaired the event, assisted by an enthusiastic ten-person committee. In addition to the leadership support provided by Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank, and a dozen more sponsors, the NHA is grateful for leadership support of the "Angel" and "Stars" ticketholders and for the tremendous contribution of time and creativity by the tree designers-all of which together ensure the festival's success.



LEAD UNDERWRITER Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank

SPONSORS Bartlett's Farm Cape Air I Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Glidden & Glidden , P.C. Killen Real Estate Nantucket Real Estate Company Nantucket Storage Center Pacific National , a Bank of America Company Sanford Real Estate Sherburne Inn Stirrings The Beachside at Nantucket

COMMITTEE Mary D. Malavase, Chair Denise Ackerman Ken Beaugrand Ginna Bretschneider Tracy Canty Bob Hellman Peggy Kaufman George Korn Rosanne McGuinn Chris Morris Jackie Peterson

ANGELS Lili Baker David M. Gleason & Grace E. Bardelis Beverly & David Barlow Allan Bell Jocelyn & Craig Beni The Bernon Family Susan & Bill Boardman Judy & Bob Brust Deborah J. Bryan Gail & Chris Camalier Rhonda & Doug Cassity Mark Cutone Lucy S. Dillon Kenneth W. Douglas Jr. Judith & Daniel Drake Edith Delker Real Estate Shelton Ellis Nancy & AI Forster Lummy & Ben Gannett Susan Zises Green Vicki & Charlie Gustin Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Ann & Peter Holmes Hy-Line Cruises Peggy & Eli Kaufman George F. Korn Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A. Kovner Lisa & Bruce Lawler Carolyn & lan MacKenzie Mary D. Malavase The Maury People & Sotheby's International Realty Mia & Bob Matthews Laura & Ciaran McCloskey


Barbara & Alan Medaugh Sally & Peter Nash Sarah B. Newton Mrs. Jacquelyn Phelon Ellen & David Ross Melanie Sabelhaus Thekla & Donald Shackel ford Janet & Rick Sherlund Susan & Bill Vareschi Liz & Geoff Verney Marie & Rick Wackenhut Bunny Whiteley Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Kathryn Kay & Robert A.Young Jo Zschau

STARS Janis Aldridge Marcia & Steven Anderson Audio Video Design I Brad Smith Rebecca & John Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Beckwith Judy & John Belash Margaret Benedict Jocelyn & Craig Beni The Bernon Fam1ly Josette & Jim Blackmore Dana & David Boyce Vivian & Bob Braunohler Mr. & Mrs. Gilles A. Bridier The Brigham Galleries I Sara Boyce Betsy & Roger Brown Judith Brownell Marylyn Burns Mr. & Mrs. Graham N. Burton Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr. Cape Cod Life Publications Laurie & Bob Champion Coastal Design I Holly McGowan Amanda & Richard Congdon Kimberly C. Corkran Prudence S. & William M. Crozier Jr. Elin & Chip Cunningham Current Vintage by Elisabeth English Denby Real Estate Lucy S. Dillon Chris & Joe Donelan Dujardin Design Associates Catherine Dutton Emeritus Development Cheryl & Chris Emery Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Everitt Dr. & Mrs . John Fields Flowers on Chestnut Luci nda & Thomas Foley Jane & Charles Forman Phyllis Freilich Jeanette Garneau Dorothy Gennaro Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Kelly & Lawrence Goode Toby Greenberg Gloria Grimshaw Mr. & Mrs. RichardT. Grote Polly Ann Halsted Craig Hawkins & Stan Harvey


Lucile & Bill Hays Nina & Bob Hellman Linda & Peter Hoey Maureen Phillips & Doug Horst, M .D. Joy McGrath & Chrissie McGrath Iller Jane King Karlson Roonie & Jack Kennedy Dorothy Slover & Doug Kenward Killen Real Estate Kathleen Knight Amy Holmwood & Ed Leisher Jod1 & Patrick Levesque Vicki Livingstone Tricia & Jim Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Seth McCormick Lynn Jr. Madaket Manne Martin McGowan Rosanne & John McGuinn Toni & Mart1n McKerrow Avis Skinner Medawar Jeanne & Bruce Miller Winn1e & Chns Mortenson Mrs . Philip C. Murray Nantucket Island Resorts Norton Preservation Trust 1 Valerie & Richard Norton N, the Nantucket Magazine I B1ll Ferrall Anne Obrecht Gail & Rafael Osona Bob Pollack Julia & Larry Pollock Marcia & Tom Richards Jeanne W . R1ggs Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Ellen & Kenneth Roman Carol & Dr. Albert Rosentha l Mr. & Mrs . Harold Rubin Sandi Holland & Alfie Sanford Christine Sanford Gerry & Dick Scheide Judy Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Janet & Rick Sherlund Julie Fitzgerald & Carl Sjolund Marcia & Irwin Smith The Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Suzi Spring The Rev. C. William & Linda G. Steelman Mary G. Sweeney Linda R. Taylor Sandy & Ted Taylor Hether & Sam Turner The UPS Store Cathy & Stephen Weinroth William J. Welsh Daryl Westbrook Nancy & Clark Whitcomb Susan & Scott Whitlock Ellen & Ron Winters Eithne & Mark Yelle Kathleen & Brent Young Mimi Young

~~~~~~~ ~.£---~ ~ _,/L~c>~ ./




The Little Pe~rl


Grille ~









Nancy & Doug Abbey Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. William Beattie Mimi & Tom Brome Melissa & Carter Cafritz David S. Deutsch Michael Duffy Antje Farber Christine Franklin Nan & Chuck Geschke Mrs. Paul Gibian Barbara & Ed Hajim Dee & Jimmy Haslam Dr. David Hays Teresa Heinz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Holmes Jill & Stephen Karp Cynthia & Anthony Lamport Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Robin MacTaggart The Meister Family Dorothy R. P. Palmer Liz & Jeff Peek Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Ms. Frances S. Richardson Sandi Holland & Alfie Sanford Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul Wendy & Eric Schmidt Gerald Schwartz Thekla & Donald Shackelford Daisy & Paul Sores Barbara Beinecke Spitler Jephtha Tausig-Edwards Wee Whalers, Inc. James D. B. Weiss, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Welch

A Safe Place ACKtivities Antiques Depot Leslie Linsley & Jon Aron Artists Association of Nantucket The Atlantic Cafe Cheryl Bartlett Bartlett's Farm Christy Bassett & Jonas Baker Bookworks BPC Architecture Brant Point Marine Brooke Boothe Design & Monogram The Calming Room Jeannette Carl Cisco Brewers, Triple 8 Distillery & Nantucket Vineyard Claire Murray Dane Gallery Deborah Harper Millinery Egan Maritime Foundation Emeritus Development The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Friends of Nantucket Publi c Schools The Gallery at Four India The Golden Basket Nina Hellman & Bee Gonnella Joanne Lawrence Gray Judi & Greg Hill Linda Hoey James Lydon, Sons & Daughters J. Parave & Co Wendy Rou illard & lllya Kagan George Korn & Richard Kemblet Killen Real Estate LightWedge Maria Mitchell Association Jean Cawley & Ida Mendoza Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank Nantucket Community Sailing Nantucket Conservation Foundation Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Golf Club Foundation Nantucket Historical Association Nantucket Ice The Nantucket Independent Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Lighthouse School Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Lodging Association Nantucket New School

REST AU RANTS & PURVEYORS Alice's Restaurant Arne's at 41 Main Brant Point Grill Centre Street Bistro Cisco Brewers Even Keel Cafe & The Jetties The Little Pearl Queequeg's Seagrille Sfoglia Topper's Water Street

SPECIAL THANKS Bartlett's Farm Chase Canopy Hatch's Package Store Holdgate's Island Laundry Island Coffee & Stubby's Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Pure Nantucket Wine Festival Mary & AI Novissimo



Nantucket Preservation Trust Nantucket Rowing Nantucket Tilemakers NCMC I Nantucket School of Music N, the Nantucket Magazine & The Camera Shop Mary & AI Novissimo Courtney O'Neill Ralph Lauren Reva & Morton Schlesinger lrean Oakley Schreiber 'Sconset Gardener 'Sconset Trust Seaside Gardens Small Friends on Nantucket Island Coffee & Stubby's Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Sustainable Nantucket, Inc. Swain's Travel Town Pier Bookkeeping The Toy Boat Nancy Tyrer Jeanne Van Etten Wednesday Bridge Group Wendy & Bruce Watts Cheryl Fudge & Hays Westbrook Women 's Health Network

VOLUNTEERS Den1se Ackerman Joan Albaugh Jenny Brabants Ginna Bretschneider Jeannette Carl Mary Chalke Bess Clark Tish Coull Rona Donnellan Dan Drake Janice Eldridge Carla Finn Kelly Flynn Gayle Frasch Brenda Garnett Irene Garnett Bee Gonnella Joanne Lawrence Grey Mary Haley Joyce Horton Jane & Bill Jones Anne Kaminsky Bettina Landt Kaitlin Lonergan Tricia & Jim Lowe Bill McEachern CeCe & Channing Moore Claire & Phillip Raneri Sally Remick Eleanor & Steven Roethke Valerie Rogers Simon Shurey Eugene Stone Irene Tennant Pamela Thomas Barbara Varbalow Susan Ward Mona Wheatley Peter Wilson



Eogllih '"o' S<ephoo Fry,

Town & Country, and Yankee Magazine share in

common? An enthusiastic interest in the Nantucket Historical Association! The 2007 year was a busy one for the NHA, with national, local, and even some global coverage. At the forefront, local media outlets did a terrific job of regularly informing the community of the numerous activities and events throughout the museum and historic sites. The island's weekly papers, the Inquirer and Mirror, the Nantucket Independent, and the seasonal Yesterday's Island, provided on-going, in-depth stories about numerous events, concerts, lectures, and fundraisers hosted by the NHA. Magazine pieces appeared in Nantucket Today, N Times, Home & Garden Nantucket, Nantucket Guide & Travel Planner, Nantucket Life, and Cape Cod Life. During the summer, Plum TV's "Morning

Noon & Night Show" featured HA staff members presenting the "Artifact of the Week" and discussing upcoming programs and educational classes. A number of NHA lectures, Food for Thought programs, and special events, such as the Festival of Trees, were covered by Plum, while radio stations promoted NHA programs throughout the Cape and Islands. National publications, including Town & Country, Yankee Traveler, and Plus 1 Living Magazine in Japan, as well as numerous New England magazines including Grace Ormonde Wedding Style New England, New England Home, Connecticut Cottages & Gardens, and Boston Magazine made mention of the NHA. Numerous articles in newspapers across the country continued to highlight the Whaling Museum as "a Nantucket Island must-see destination," and the Boston Globe Magazine featured an in-depth story on the recreated Colonial kitchen garden at the Oldest House. We were successful in bringing nationally renowned filmmaker Ric Burns to the island for a sold-out lecture, as well as award-winning

author Eric Jay Dolan, who spoke about the research he did at the Research Library, while writing his most recent book, Leviathan: The History of Whaling in America. During the early summer, MSNBC was on island and ftlmed a piece featuring the Whaling Museum for "The Ultimate Getaway" program on its Web site. The short included an interview within the museum and footage from the rooÂŁ Well-known English actor Stephen Fry was also on island to tape the BBC's "Stephen Fry in America" in and around the Whaling Museum. Later in the season, Boston-based Pixie Videos produced a history piece featuring the Hadwen House and Whaling Museum, which was broadcast via cable television throughout western Massachusetts. Accolades were received from the New England Museum Association in the form of publication awards for Nantucketen & Their Pets, the NHA's 2007 calendar for business members; the Signs of the Times exhibition catalog; and the 2006 course catalog for early American arts and crafts at 1800 House. The awards recognized excellence 111 design, production, and effective communication in all aspects of museum publishing. The Whaling Museum also received numerous awards from Cape Cod Life's The Best of the Cape & Islands Reader's Survey, including "Best Nantucket Museum,""Best Rainy Day Activity,"

2007 ~ ~keee Best Museum

The Whaling Musemn

and "Best Kids Activity," as well as the "Editor's Choice for Best Place for a Wedding" and "Best Museum Gift Shop."



MEMBERSH P 2007 he generou support of our member ha 路 helped the an tucker I listoriral Association become the dynamic and engaging rganization it is today. s a membersupported organization, the I I is grateful to its members at all levels individual, island family, family, Peter Foulger, William I Iadwcn, and the 1894 o icty. Be 路ause of their genero ity and commitment to our mis ion, the I I is now over 2,700 members strong. Of special note are the many gra ious members who raised their level of membership, and the life member , who gave additional member hip contributiom in 2007. ur 108 business member added another important dimension to our organization. The I IA i honored to partner with the e bu ine e ; their involvement supports our elTon to provide engaging programs for the antu ket ommuniry. Throughout the year, HA member enjoyed the many benefits of membership, including unlimited admi sion to the Whaling 1u cum and hi~toric sites, a subscription to Historic Nantucket, and a di count at the 1u cum h p. I ember 路 were invited to attend special events and a variety of program -from the preview party for the exhibition The Nantucket Art Colony, 1920-45 to an evening with award -winning documentary filmmaker Ric Burn . Member also t k advantage of pecial rate for Explorations trip , Camp Discovery children's program , and early meri 路an art and crafts classes at the 1800 House. In appreciation of their leadership upport, the 1894 Society's Thomas Macy and Mary Gardner offin members were invited to a pe ial Acquisitions Reception and tour of the Go nold enter. The award-winning 2007 calendar for business members featured historic images of Nantucketers and their pets from the Research Library collection . 62

I n 2007 the NHA also announced a new membership benefit: parti ipation in the Time Travelers Program; a consortium of over 150 mu eum nationwide offering reciprocal membership benefits to HA members.


The NHA values its business members. Please support the businesses that support the NHA!

Accessible Dental, P.C.

Dan's Pharmacy

Coffin Real Estate &

The Beachside at Nantucket Cape Air I Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman

Dean Pihl, Builder

'Sconset Real Estate

Denby Real Estate

Dujardin Design

Design Associates, Inc.

Associates, Inc.


Dunton Property

Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Lite, Candle & Soap Co.

Don Allen Auto Service, Inc.

Nantucket Office Products

The Downyflake

Nantucket Party Rentals

Hatch's Package Store

The English Trunk

Nantucket Sewing & Design

Cuddy Associates

Kathleen Hay Designs

Show Company

Hy-Line Cruises

Nantucket Pharmacy

James Lydon, Sons &

Congdon & Coleman

Management, LLC

Real Estate

Daughters Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere

Nantucket Storage Center

Edith Delker Real Estate

Nantucket Vineyard

Nantucket Stock Exchange

Even Keel Cafe

Patricia A. Halsted, Attorney

Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc.

Flowers on Chestnut

Peter Beaton, Inc.

Philbrick and Avery, LLP

G. S. Hill Gallery


Gallery at Four India

Placesetters , Inc.

Hoorn-Ashby Gallery

Sandcastle Construction , Inc.

Hospice Care of

Sankaty Head Golf &

Jordan Associates Real Estate


Killen Real Estate Laura Munder Fine Jewelry

A Taste of Nantucket

Lyman Perry Architects Ltd .

A. B. Norton Construction

Mallary Alfano Accessories


The Inquirer and Mirror

Sarah F. Alger, P.C.

Marine Home Center

American Seasons

Javatime Design

Sherburne Inn

Arno's at 41 Main Street

Johnsen Computer Services

Simply With Style Catering

The Art Conservancy

Kiwi John's

Spanky's Raw Bar

Le Languedoc

Stubby's & Island Coffee

Leslie Heiden Design

Surfing Hydrangea Nursery

mario marketing I communications Mind's Eye Productions

of Nantucket

Murray's Toggery Shop , Inc.

Barry Thurston's Tackle Shop

Nantucket Bank,

Bartlett's Farm

a division of Sovereign Bank

Nantucket Foundation


Beach Club

Susan M. Warner Catering

Brant Point Inn

Lindsay, Inc.

Swain's Travel

Nantucket Island Resorts

Brass Lantern Inn

The Lion's Paw

Sweet Inspirations

Nantucket Real Estate

Brien , Inc.

Madaket Marine

The Trinity Collection

C. Richard Loftin,

Mary Keller, Classical Harpist

Topham Designs, Inc.

The Maury People

Twig Perkins, Inc.

Nantucket Architecture

The UPS Store

Company Novation Media

Attorney at Law

Pacific National,

Cape Cod Life Publications

a Bank of America Company Sylvia Antiques I

Cary Hazlegrove Photography The Cellar

Four Winds Craft Guild Thirty Acre Wood, LLC

Centre Street Inn

Group, Ltd. Nantucket Carving & Folk Art, Inc.

Vis-A-Vis W. B. Marden Co . The Wade Cottages

Chase Canopy Company

Nantucket Catering Company

Water Street

Trianon I Seaman Schepps

Chip Riegel Photography

Nantucket Country

Wayne Pratt, Inc.

Young's Bicycle Shop

Chip Webster & Associates

Nantucket Electric I

The White Whale

Cisco Brewers




Atlantic East Real Estate Botticelli & Pohl, P.C.


National Grid

The Club Car

Nantucket Frameworks

Cooper Shepherd and

Nantucket House Antiques &


Winger Travel Agency, Inc. Zero Main

Interior Design Studio

BPC Architecture

Cross Rip Outfitters

The Nantucket Independent

Cape Cod Express, Inc.

D. Neil Parent Associates

Nantucket Inn



COMMITIEES & VOLUNTEERS ADVISORS Joan Brecker Patricia A. Butler Michael de Leo Lyndon Dupuis Martha Groetzinger Dorrit D. P. Gutterson Elizabeth Husted Elizabeth S. Jacobsen Bruce A . Korson Francis D. Lethbridge Reginald Levine Katherine S. Lodge Sharon Lorenzo Patricia Loring Paul Madden Robert F. Mooney Jane C. Richmond Nancy J. Sevrens Scott M. Stearns Jr. Mary-Elizabeth Young CHILDREN'S COUNCIL Bobby Congdon Dominic Costanzo Cara Garufi Keaton Goddard early Jensen Grace Maclellan Kadeem McCarthy Patrick McCarthy Hannival Montoyou Sarah Newton , Board Liaison Molly Pollock Matias Sejersen Cali Sherburne Jackie Trudel DIVERSITY COUNCIL Anne-Marie Baptiste Mary Anne Easley Chris Lohmann David Murphy Augusto Ramos Neville Richen Bette Spriggs, Board Liaison Noe Tineda EDITORIAL COMMITTEE FOR HISTORIC NANTUCKET Mary H. Beman Thomas B. Congdon Jr. Richard L. Duncan Peter J. Greenhalgh Amy Jenness Cecil Barron Jensen Robert F . Mooney

Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick Bette M . Spriggs James Su lzer David H. Woodt

1800 HOUSE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Lucy Dillon Nancee Erickson Patsy Ernst Lummy Gannett Gay Held Linda Saligman Mary West NHA VOLUNTEERS Adelle Bea umont Brianna Beau mont Desire Beau mont Edith Bou riez Ric Burns Don Carpentier Susan Dupree Cary Hazlegrove Virginia S. Heard Pamela Hoppi Manda Kowalczyk Becca McCray Tom Miner Jan & Charles Munro Arthur Nichols Peggy Tramposch Mona Wheatley Barbara Coleman White Peter Wilson Michael Wodynski NHA RESEARCH FELLOWS Pauline Maier Robert F. Mooney Nathaniel Philbrick Patty Jo Rice Renny A. Stackpole RESEARCH LIBRARY VOLUNTEERS Pat Belford Norma S . Burton Helen Didriksen Robert Gambee Jr. Doris Glazer Leslie Ottinger, M.D. Rachel Rosen Pamela Thomas Emma Tramposch Eleanor Wright Margaret Wright

"H'e enjoy being part of the Nl /A. Nantucket is an important part of our ficveL Thank you for all the 7.vonderfit! programs and the work you do to maintain the i;;land's heritage, history, and dignity. It is all worthwhile fm our past, present, mzdfutun: connections to Nantucket." 64


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