2014 Annual Report

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docs it seem like ten years since the Nantucket I listorical

Association opened its new Whaling l\luscum? As we look back on our board of trustees' bold step to greatly cxp,111d the

I !A's m,�jor facility, we find it hard to imagine what we would now do without it!

So mam· thanks to the donors who believed in the trustees' vision. 'lhe Wh,tling l\luseum has bcrome ,1 cultural center for all of

antucket- a "community liYing

room"-replcte with year· round programs and state-of-the· art exhibitions. Over the past decade, acclaimed travel writer Andrew I larpcr has identified it as "one of ten places to visit before you die"; the Americ,m Alliance of luscums has granted it full accreditation, an honor bestowed on fewer than one out of twenty-two U.S. museums; TripAdvisor has r,ttcd it as

antuckct's leading attraction; and even

more recently, the Institute ofl\luscum and Library Services has listed it as one of thirty finalists for the prestigious

ational l\1cda1, the nation's highest honor for museums.

We arc proud of the decision that our trustees made at the turn of the millennium to expand the Whaling l\1useum. It has made all the difference as we tell Nantucket's inspiring stories. Along with the board's initiative and support, it has taken the dedication and generosity of our many members and friends to make the idea a reality. We of the board and staff arc so often thankful to our supporters, who continue to make it possible to fill these halls and galleries with programs, exhibitions, and events.

From the left: Sanderson Hall in the "old" Whaling Museum. Today, Gosnell Hall is the centerpiece of the Whaling Museum, providing a dramatic setting for exhibits, programs, and events.

2014 AN lAL



In the course ofone week recently, the Whaling Museum hosted a community-wide Diversity Festival; a fourth-grade sleepover program; a rooftop reception; one of our free weekly Brown Bag Lectures; legions of children in our Discovery Room; and an NHA mcmbers'bre,1kfast and exhibition tour. With the Whaling Museum as our flagship, we offer even more as our stories continue to be told at our Research Library and our array of historic sites-the Oldest House, Old :\lill, 11.idwcn Ilouse, and Greater Light, among others. A highlight of 2014 was the reopening of the Old Gaol after extensive restoration, thanks to the Abiah Folger Franklin Revolution; the


ational Societ) Daughters of the American

ational Trust for Historic Preservation; the

antuckct Communit) Preservation

Committee; and the Massachusetts Historical Commission. On the heels of opening, the Old Gaol became one of our most visited sites. The building quivers with history, and we arc delighted that we were awarded the support to restore it and tell the quirky stories of its inmates over the a)!;CS. Caring for our most iconic sites is hard work. Anyone who owns but one home can appreciate the challenges we face. During this past year, and in the midst of offering more programs than ever, the

HA has been striving to secure the capital and endowment support that will ensure the care of

our core properties in perpetuity. We arc grateful to have made good progress in this regard, as we are determined that those who follow will continue to enjoy the remarkable hcrit,1gc tlut identifies this island and that we are entrusted to preserve.



President. Board of Trustees

Gosnell Executive Director

15 Broad Street P.O. Box 1016

Nantucket. Massachusetts 02554

508 228 1894



From the left: Peter and Bonnie McCausland at the dedication of the McCausland Gallery; Annual Meeting speaker Stephanie Meeks. president and CEO, National Trust for Historic Preservation

Thank you to the many individuals, foundations, community organizations, and businesses that enabled the NHA to achieve so much in 2014. Welcomed more than 79,000 visitors

Responded to nearly two thousand inquiries

to the Whaling Museum, Historic Sites, and

about Nantucket history received by phone, mail, and email and served more than seven hundred

Walking Tours.

researchers at the Research Library. Celebrated the opening of the newly restored

and interpreted Old Gaol, which attracted 3,263 visitors throughout the season.

Enhanced outreach to more than 2,500

members and engaged them through member­ morning programs, the annual meeting,

Received recognition of the Whaling

c.xhibition openings, and collections tours.

Museum as one of thirty finalists for the 2015 Named the McCausland Gallery in the

National Medal from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, the nation's highest honor

Whaling Museum in recognition of Bonnie and

for museums.

Peter McCausland, who made a $1-million gift to the NHA's endowment.

Presented_eighty-six public programs, from

lectures and festivals to concerts and theatrical

Appointed Michael R. Harrison as the Robyn

performances, serving more than 5,579 visitors.

and John Davis Chief Curator.


From the left: 1800 House's Carriage House; Spanish-language museum tour at Diversity Festival; historic image (SC943) from the Research Library's collections

Dedicated the Carriage House at the 1800

Partnered with major island organizations,

House, creating a letterpress shop, kiln area, and expanded instructional space. In its tenth year of lifelong learning programs, the 1800 House offered sixty decorative arts and crafts classes to 325 students.

including the Artists Association of '\/antucket,

Hosted at the Whaling Museum and

the island's public and private schools and off­

Historic Sites fifty-nine school and youth

groups, including forty-nine visits from island schools, and conducted seventy-three island classroom visits. Added an Education section to the NHA Website that highlights youth tour offerings and

initiatives as well as downloadable Nantucket history lesson plans for grades K-12. Mounted the New Arrivals, New Voices exhibit in the Whaling Museum's Nantucket

Corner, as part of the Research Library's reinvigorated oral history initiative. Opened during the NHA'.s annual Diversity Festival, the exhibit presents on a touch-screen computer nine interviews collected from the island's immigrant community.

Community l:oundation for


Maria l\.Iitchell Association, Nantut·kct Athcncum, Nantucket Commumty :\lusic Center, ann1cket Conservation Foundation, and Theatre Workshop of Nantucket, as well as island organizations, including ;\ I ystic Seaport and the New Bedford Whaling I\I useum. Accessioned twenty-five groups of

ann1cket-related art ,111d artifacts and one­ hundred five groups of documents that were donated to the collections or purchased by the NIIA. Hosted the Research Library Summit with

representatives from Mystic Seaport and the New Bedford Whaling l\luscum to discuss common issues and ideas for collaborations among New England maritime museums.

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2014 AN l! \I REPORT

From the left: Susan Zises Green, moderator, Antiques & Design Show's Designer Panel; Harvey Young and Mindy Todd at the History Quiz Bowl; Architectural Legacies: The NHA's Historic Sites exhibition opening

Presented the Antiques & Design Show

Developed property plans to replace the fences

of Nantucket-building on a thirty-seven


surrounding the Hadwen House; construct employee housing adjacent to the Gosnold Center; renovate the l\Iacy-Christian House; and begin a three-phase renovation of the upper garden at IIadwen House, inspired by Nantucket's nineteenth-century town gardens.

Opened two new exhibitions: Nantucket

Published Edward Fitch Underhill:

year tradition as the NHA's major fund-raising event-and hosted the third Designer Luncheon and the fourth Designer Panel to highlight the synergy of incorporating antiques into interior

Cottage Style: Drawing I11spiratio11from the

Renaissance Man of Siasconset,

Oates Euler Co/lectio11, developed in collaboration

by Margaret Moore Booker, with leadership support from the Judy Family Foundation

with the Artists Association of antucket, in the McCausland Gallery; and Architectural Legacies: Ihe NHA'.f Historic Sites, featuring

drawings from the Historic American Buildings Survey, among others, in the Research Library's Whitney Gallery. Developed plans for the 2015 c.mibitions, including Stove by a Whale: 20 Men, 3 Boats, 96 Days. Added more than 4,000 historic photo­

and others. Expanded the Museum Shop's selections

of historic photographs and high-quality reproductions and gifts, many of which a.re inspired by art and artifacts in the NHA's collections. Received competitive grants from nine

graphs to the Research Library's extensive

local, regional, and national foundations and

database. Provided images to fifty businesses and nonprofit organizations and for eighteen books, twenty-five magazines, and seven television and

and property restoration and renovation.

film productions.

organizations for education, public programs,




Hosted the 2014 Verney Fellow,

Received by William J. Tramposch,

Ben Shattuck, who conducted research for his novel set in eighteenth-century Nantucket, presented a lecture on "Creative Writing

Gosnell Executive Director, an appointment to the Accreditation Commission of the American

History," and led a writing workshop. Provided historic venues for over twenty rental

events-weddings, corporate events, and parties of all kinds-at Greater Light, the Hadwcn House Garden, the Oldest House, the Qyakcr Meeting House, and the Whaling Museum.

Alliance of Museums. Engaged close to seven hundred

organizations and individual volunteers through special events, administration, and educational and curatori,tl initiatives. Expanded relations with the Nantucket schools, including hosting the first A Hmfk

Participated in 'Sconset History Night,

through Time overnight program for the

sponsored for the sixth year by the Siasconset Historical Research Group, a focus group with

Nantucket New School's fourth-grade class, and continuing the Alusc11111 ill izv School and Night

representatives from the NHA, 'SconsetTrust, Nantucket Preservation Trust, On the Isle, and the 'Sconset community.

l¾tch initiatives with the Nantucket Elementary School. Published two issues of/ fotoric Nantucket­

Invested in staff professional development

the spring/summer issue was devoted to the

with participation and presentations at programs,

"NI IA I listoric Properties" and was the model

workshops, and conferences, including the New

for the Historic Pro;•crlic.1 Guide to be published

England Museum Association, Scrimshaw

in 2015, while the fall issue focused on "1he World of the Hue.\"."

Symposium, Blackbaud, Whaling Symposium, Geek Girl, Cape Cod Philanthropy Day, American Association for State and Local

Hosted two days of press events with

History, and the Nantucket Island Chamber of

Warner Bros. in the \'\lhaling l\luscum to

Commerce, as well as an all-staff trip to Newport,

celebrate the upcoming n:lcase of

Rhode Island.

In the Heart q the Sea, the film based on


Nathaniel Philbrick's book and directed by Ron I Iowa.rd.


Clockwise, from the top: visitors in the Whaling Museum's Decorative Arts Gallery; Harvest Fair participants at the Old Mill; Members Morning at the Oldest House Kitchen Garden; fourth-grade students coiling lines during Night Watch at the Whaling Museum

THE NHA'.S MISSION The Nantucket Historical Association tells the inspiring stories of Nantucket through its collections, programs, and properties.

STRATEGIC PLAN OBJECTIVES Achieving Financial Stability A healthy

Providing Transformative Experiences

financial base ensures that the NHA is the best

Our island is a microcosm of An1erica, and so

possible steward of the collections, the properties,

our stories are American stories. We believe that

and the stories that tell of our island's rich

direct and moving encounters with our past make

history. An increasingly healthy financial base

for a more informed and engaged public.

ensures the association's sustainability.

Providing and Promoting a Consistent

Caring for Our Collections, Including

Identity and Clear Brand Fortunately, our

Properties Our collections, be they Betty lamps

portfolio of properties and programs is large, all

or buildings, help us tell the story of this island

the better for sharing the chapters of our history.

over four centuries.1heir perpetual care is as

However, as any book has many chapters, it also

crucial as our making these collections-based

has a cover and a consistency about it that we,

stories increasingly accessible for all to enjoy.

too, must have to ensure that our association's message is clear, consistent, and compelling.

()14 'NUAl



Thank you to the many individuals, foundations, community organizations, local businesses, and corporations that so broadly and generously supported the Nantucket Historical Association's places, programs, and people in 2014. Ana and Michael Ericksen, chairs, 2014 Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket

Annual Support The NHA is grateful for the generous annual support received from memberships, donations to the Annual Fund and Year-End Appeal, gifts for special programs, corporate underwriting, grants, and special events, including the Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket, Festival of\Vn:aths, ,rnd Festival of Trees. Unrestricted operating funds nurture every aspect of the NI IA-from the cm: of the properties and collections, to the delivery of public programs and educational outreach, to the dcn:lopment of our professional staff Cumulative annual giving from these sources is reported for Jan.] to Der. 31, 2014. $50,000 & above Charina Endowment Fund $30,000-$49,999 Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bousa Mr. & Mrs. William E. Little Jr Franci Neely Laura & Bob Reynolds Maria & Bill Spears Kim & Finn Wentworth

$20,000-$29,999 Gale H. Arnold Marsha Hall Brown Paula & Bob Butler Anne Delaney & Chip Carver Ana & Michael Ericksen Nan & Chuck Geschke Susan & Kennedy Richardson Janet & Rick Sherlund

$10,000-$19,999 Mary-Randolph Ballinger Eileen P. Gebrian & Timothy J Barberich Carol & Harold Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K Bratton Christy & Bill Camp Laurie & Bob Champion Barbara J Fife Georgia P Gosnell' Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Gottwald Cynthia Fry Gunn & John A. Gunn Barbara & Ed HaJim Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr Ann & Charles Johnson Barbara E. Jones The Judy Family Foundation Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A Kovner Helen & Hampton Lynch Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Tani & Mike Mauer Victoria McManus & John McDermott Sarah & Jett Newton Ann & Christopher Quick Mr. & Mrs. Eric E Schmidt

Susan & Denrns Shapiro Memelou & Ned Symes

$5,000-$9,999 PatnC1d

T 1n


Eilet>n Berrn,m tt Jay A Bauer

Carole & Gary Beller Marlene J Benson Max N Berry Susan & Bill Boardman Christina Lee Brown Donald A. Burns Mr & Mrs. Donald Comstock Mrs Martha W Cox / Cox Foundation Mrs Mary Cross / Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation Prudence & William Crozier Mary & Marvin Davidson Robyn & John Davis Stephen A Davis John M DeCiccio Elizabeth R. Miller & James G Dinan Trudy S. DuJard1n & Frank Fasanella Ellen S. Flamm • Deceased

Kelly M Williams & Andrew J. Forsyth The Gilbert Verney Foundation Mr & Mrs. Robert F Greeririll Jessica & Drew Gutt Kaaren & Charles Hale Mr & Mrs. Stephen R <drp Mr & Mrs. James L. Ketelsen Coco & Arie L Kopelman Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Miriam & Sonny Mandell Mr & Mrs Peter McCausland Mr & Mrs. Richard L MMsc 1e1 Sally & Peter Nash Jill M Packard Karen W Rainwater Ellen & Ken Roman Bonnie J Sacerdote Linda P Saligman Kathy & John Salmanowitz Daisy Soros Harriet & Warren Stephens Mr Charles Dorsett & Dr Daniel Stobie Catherine Oppenheimer & Garrett Thornburg Jason A THroe Phoebe & Bobby Tudor Jane & Wat Tyler Liz & Geoff Verney Mr & Mrs. Edward G Watk,�s Suzy & Jack Welch Mr & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson

$1,000-$4,999 Anonymous (1) Nancy & Doug Abbey Carrie & Leigh Abramson Mr & Mrs. Lee S Ainslie Ill Susan D. Akers Joanne & Michael Angelastro Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Dr. & Mrs Joseph M. Arvay Michelle & Robert Atchinson Amanda G Baer / The Gibbons Foundation Mr & Mrs. Samuel Balley Jr Beverly A & David H. Barlow Margaret R Battle Mary Jane Bauer Jane Beasley Gussie & Ken Beaugrand David G. Berry Beverly Hall & David L B1lhngs

Jackie & Bill Bishop Josette & J,m Blackmore Jeanine & Alastair Borthwick Edith Lynch Bouriez Mr & Mrs. Thomas J Bresette Mr & Mrs. Thomas H Broadus Ill Mary & David Brown Mr & Mrs J Stewart Bryan Deborah Bryan Laura & 8111 Buck Dr James E. Bullock Mr & Mrs D. H Callahan Gail & Chris Camal1er Mr & Mrs. Grant L Cambridge Mr & Mrs R. Lawrence Caperton Kate Clark & Miles G. Carlisle Mr & Mrs. Calvin Carver Sr Mary Cavanaugh Olivia & Felix Charney Mr & Mrs. Richard A. Chesley Connie & Tom C1garran Mr & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp Ill Jenny & Wylie Collins Mr & Mrs W Michael Cozort Mr & Mrs. Pierre U. Crosby Amanda B. Cross Carol March Emerson Cross Mr & Mrs Edward L. Daisey Mr & Mrs. Kell Damsgaard Mr & Mrs. Porter G Dawson Mr & Mrs. Sean Day Mr & Mrs. Anthony J D1Clemente Mr & Mrs Philip H. Didriksen Jr. Mr & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Heidi L. Drew Lois & 8111 Druckem1ller Paula & Michael Duffy Rachel & Jim Dunlap Mr & Mrs. Brenton G. Durham Mr & Mrs. Richard J. Eskind Mrs Polly F Espy Mr & Mrs. Douglas P Faucette Nial Ferguson Marcia D. Weber & James B Flaws Mr & Mrs. Randall Fojtasek Bonnie & Bob Ford Jane & Charles Forman Mr & Mrs. Alan M. Forster Mr & Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman Jr Diana & Robert Friedman Karyn McLaughlin Frist Mary Louise & Henry J Gailliot

Mr & Mrs. Michael P. Galvin Mr & Mrs. Gregory T Garland Deborah & Lawrence Gaslow Denis H Gazaille Robin & Lou Gerstner Ms Martha P. G1bian Bryan S. Gilchrist Mr & Mrs. Thomas G1ov1ne Mr & Mrs Graham C Goldsmith Mr & Mrs. Mark R. Goldwe,tz Mr & Mrs. John B Goodwin Jr Susan z,ses Green Mr & Mrs. Robert A Greenspon Mr & Mrs. Richard E Griffin Suzy & Richard Grote Lauren & Paul Gudonis Lucia & Elliott Gumaer Mr & Mrs. Graham Gund Karoly & Hank Gutman Dr & Mrs. Thomas B. Hakes Linda & Joe Hale Mr & Mrs. Christian W E. Haub Isabelle Georgeaux & Patrick Healy Margaret & J. Gregory Hedberg Paula & Schuyler Henderson Dorothy K. Hesselman Dr. George S. Heyer Jr Julia & John Hilton Mr. & Mrs. Christian Hottman Mr & Mrs. Richard D. Hofmann Nancy & Arthur Hooper Roger Horchow Lois & John Horgan Wendy Hubbell Mr & Mrs. James R. Hungerpiller Joy H Ingham Betty Jacobsen Daintry & Reb Jensen Harvey C. Jones Jr Mr & Mrs. Matthew H. Kamens Mr & Mrs. Dennis J Keller Thomas A. Kershaw Martha L Dippell & Daniel L Korengold Nan Lampe Margaret Hallowell & Stephen P Langer Janet & Christopher Larsen Caroline M. Lathrop Mr. & Mrs. Terry F. Lenzner Carol & Fred Lev1nger Deborah Lewis & Robert Grinberg Joanna M. Lewis Mr & Mrs. Richard B Lieb

GlVlNG David M. Roche Mr 1& Mrs. Clyde A. Rodbell


Grace& Ken Logan

Mr & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr

Lindsey fJ M�rr c Axet

Mr.& Mrs. John W. Loose

Mr & Mrs. Robert M Rosenthal

Kathy G,trrE Ayar< ft Thomas Ayars

Mr.& Mrs. Jeffrey R. Lynch

Ellen& David Ross

Mr & Mr, C Marshall Beale

Alice H.& J Thomas Macy

Robin& Mark Rubenstein

Kathie& 8111 Bt_1•11

Mary D. Malavase

Mr & Mrs. David Rubenstein

Judy& ct� Bet, t,

Barbara H. Malcolm

Mr & Mrs John C. Ruttenberg

Bruce Ber 1

Mr & Mrs. Edward McCarthy

Sandra R. Holland& Alfred F Sanford

Jeanne& John fle�nett

Susan B. McCollum

Gayle& Joe Santucci

Mr & Mrs :)amI J i;1lls

Patricia Crean McGill

Denise& Andrew Saul

Mr & Mr, Rot., Bl1ir enste,n

Mr.& Mrs. Michael McGowan

Cary& John Schaperkotter

Joan R Bollmg

Toni& Martin McKerrow

Mr.& Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider

Else Herman Borregard

Abigail P. Johnson&

Donna K. Cooper& Karl H Schulz

Sara B Boyce

Martha& Robert Lipp

W. Curtis Livingston'

Christopher McKown

Mr & Mr• I Juar Ir �ona

Denise& Robert Schwed


Patricia A. White& James F. Meehan

Nancy& Joe Serafini

Dr & Mr< Chr ,lopt>er Brown

Mr.& Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman

Mr.& Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford

Mr & Mrs. W1ll1am H Browne

Mr.& Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. T homas A Sheffer

Mrs Julie Jer•s � Bryan&

Mr.& Mrs. Herbert B. Mittenthal

Julie& Bnan Simmons

Laurie& Bob Monahan

Mr.& Mrs. Robert L. Simmons

Winnie& Chns Mortenson

Mr.& Mrs. Fredric C. Slater

Eileen & Ro1>ert Butler

Morgan& Allen Morton

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A Sm1alowsk1

Mrs Anre Cimalier

Tracey& Greg Morzano

Irwin J Smith Ill

Mr & Mr< R yrrc,�t.l B Carey Jr

Mr.& Mrs. Carl M Mueller

Rev Georgia A Snell

Mr.& Mr< C..�orge U. Carneal

Joanne R. Murphy

Lorraine C. Snell

Detrdre& FrancIs Carr

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Neff Ill

Mr.& Mrs. Mark Snider

Kathleen C.aulheld

Mr.& Mrs. Stephan F. Newhouse

Mr & Mrs. Guy B Snowden

Mr. Robert J. Newhouse Jr.

El1zabetil K. Clyne

Catharine& Jeffrey Soros

Mr.& Mrs. Scott C. Newquist

Mr & Mr< Richard R. Congdon

Bette& Frank Spriggs

Mr.& Mrs. N. J. Nicholas Jr.

Manon Roland Conley

Kathleen& Robert Stansky

Sharon& David Northrup

Mr & Mrs Mdael A Conley

Rev & Mrs. C. Wilham Steelman

Suellen Ward& John Copenhaver

ADI�& P�ul A Bragg

Mr Robt rt Bryan Joanne F E<us,torg

Mary& Al Noviss,mo/Novation Media

Mr & Mrs. Donald M Stewart

Anne& Bree Obrecht

Mr & Mr, Jame, B Cowperthwa,t

Ambassador& Mrs Louis B. Susman

Anne& Hardy Oliver

Mr & Mr'> oryan P Coyne

Ms. Frances Symes

Eleanor 0. O'Neill

Dr & Mrs David Dalury

Mr.& Mrs. Peter R Taylor

Kathy& Angelo Orciuoli

Mr & Mr<, Nathaniel B. Day

Linda R Taylor

Liz & Jeff Peek

Arny E. Hauk & Scott M. Dehm

Mr & Mrs. William J Thompson

Kathy& Roger Penske

Betsy& Bill Delphos

Dr & Mrs. William J Tramposch

Jacqueline Robinson& David DeBruyne

Genevieve M. Tucker

Melissa& Nathaniel Philbrick

Mr & Mrs. Patrick J. Dewez

Elizabeth& Tai Turner

Knstene F. Pierce

Mr & Mrs Vic D1Grav10

Mane& Rick Wackenhut

Julia& Larry Pollock

Mr & Mrs. Edward J D1latush

Susan W. Weatherley

Mr & Mrs. Peter D1Venere

Laurie& Toby Webb

Dorinda Dodge

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan

Mr.& Mrs. Bob Puff Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill

Caroline& F Helmut Weymar

Ms. Stephanie Doherty

Clark M. Whitcomb

Dr.& Mrs. C. Arnold Renschler

Beth English& Mark Donato

Marilyn J. Whitney

Sheila& Richard Riggs

Dr & Mrs. Jeffrey Drazen

Mr.& Mrs. David S Wolff

Mary V Drew

Leslie W Forbes& David D. Worth

Mr & Mrs. Daniel F Driscoll

Mr.& Mrs. Robert C. Wright

Mr & Mrs. Ray DuBois

Susan& Harry Rein

Ginny& Joe Ripp Hon.& Mrs. Vincent R. Rippa George& Maria Roach Mr.& Mrs. Michael A. F. Roberts Sharon& Frank Robinson


Bracebndge H Young Jr

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J Dugas

Robert A. Young

Tern& Kurt Eichler

Susan& Jeffrey Zimmer


2014 A UAL


Mr & Mrs. William Einstein

Pamela J Lazares

Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey M Elliott

Jill L. Leinbach

Barbara Beinecke Spitler

Mr & Mrs. John P Falk

Mr & Mrs. Norman A. Levenson

Suzi Spring

Mr & Mrs. Robert D Felch

Janet & Keith M. Lindgren

Mr & Mrs. John Stauffer

Margaret Burke & Dennis Fiori

Vicki Livingstone

Lauren & Enc Stein

Mr & Mrs. Robert M. Flanagan

Michael Lorber

Peter C Ste1ngraber

Laura S. Fletcher

Mr & Mrs. Wilham R J. Lothian

Sarah T Stephenson Mr & Mrs Warren Stern

Mary G. Farland & J. Donald Shockey

Christine & Bnan Flynn

Dorothy Hamill & John A MacColl

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T Foley

Mr & Mrs. Matthew R MacEachern

Esta-Lee & Harns Stone

Mr. & Mrs. T homas Foley

Mr & Mrs. John Macleod

Mr & Mrs. William M. Sullivan

Annabelle Brown Fowlkes

Nina T Magnani

John R Sylvia

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fremont-Smith

Mr & Mrs. William J Marshall

Mr & Mrs. David L. Tashjian

Anne & Whitney Gifford

Donald G McConnell

Judith C Tolsdorf

Mr. & Mrs Theodore Gilett1

Mr & Mrs. Robert L. McConnell

Mr & Mrs. DonaldW Van Dyke II

Dr. & Mrs. Elliot R Goldberg

Holly & Martin McGowan

Mr & Mrs. K. Morgan Varner Ill

Herbert W Goodall Ill

Mr & Mrs James Mcinerney

Phyllis & Donald Visco

Margaret B W Graham

Susan & Paul Meister

Mr & Mrs. James B Wayman

Mana M. & Joseph T Grause

Mr & Mrs. F Duffield Meyercord

Anne & Tom Weinstock

Toby Greenberg

Elizabeth A M1has

Mr & Mrs. Jay Wilkins

Mr. & Mrs. BenJam1n H. Griswold IV

Mr & Mrs Bruce D. Miller

Mr & Mrs. Duncan F Wilt

Diane & Jeff Groff

Siobhan & Bill Moore

Mr & Mrs. Keith Wilson

Mary G. O'Connell & Peter J Grua

Mr & Mrs. Charles V Moore

Mr. & Mrs Joseph H Wright Ill

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gund

Joan & Timothy Moran

Kathleen & Brent Young

Barbara & Jerry Hamelburg

Sonya E. Keene & John T Moy

Beverly & Donald Harns

Mr & Mrs Craig H. Muhlhauser

Stan Harvey & Craig Hawkins


Anne P. Olsen

Anonymous 12)

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C Hayden Jr

Maureen A Orth

Mr & Mrs. JamesW Abbott

Mr. & Mrs. Harry W Healey Jr

Karen & John Palmer

Mr. & Mrs Christopher Acker

MaryW Heller

Dr. & Mrs. E Prather Palmer

Mr & Mrs. John Addeo

Mr. & Mrs. W11l1am Hobart

Robin Parkinson

Tom Addis

Linda & Peter Hoey

Mr. & Mrs. William F Paulsen

Mr & Mrs Hervey Ahlborn

Mary Margaret Holmes

Nancy & Michael Peacock

Lu & Skip Ahnemann

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B Holmes

Pamela Perun

Mr & Mrs. Thomas J Albani

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Holt Jr

Lesley & Girvin Peters

Joan P Albaugh

Laura Homan

Judith & Richard Phelan

Dorothy & Dale Albright

Gale Hurd

Nancy & Bernard Picchi

Janis Aldridge

Mr & Mrs. Zenas Hutcheson Ill

Martha & Charley Polach1

Kristen & DeWitt Alexandre

Horace H. Irvine II

Mr. & Mrs. John Riccio

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Allard Jr.

Carl Jelleme

Mr. & Mrs J. Barton Riley

Mr. & Mrs. Nathan R Allen Jr.

John D. Kann Family

Mr. & Mrs. W Steven Roethke

Lisa Pedicini & Thomas Amirauli

Mr & Mrs. Eli W Kaufman

Mr & Mrs. Robert Rogers

Marcia & Stephen Anderson

Robert M. Kaye

Mr. & Mrs. John A Romank1ewicz

Tess Anderson

Sharon & James Kelley

Mr. & Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Jr.

Mr & Mrs. John B. Anderson II

Mr. & Mrs. Bnan W Kelly

Mrs. Susan H. Ruddick

Mr. & Mrs. John J, Kennedy

Charles E. Ryan

Mr & Mrs. William H. Andrews Ill Mr & Mrs. Frank Anton

Carolyn M. Knutson

Melanie & Robert Sabelhaus

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Mark N Kozak

Helen Schwab

Mr. & Mrs. RobertW Armstrong Ill

Mary Walsh & Mr. Allan LaFrance

Heather Reisman & Gerry Schwartz

Lou & Kip Arsenault

Alice Russell & John Laing

Gretchen G. Schymik

Mr. Leo C Asadoorian

Cynthia & Anthony Lamport

Randee Seiger

Diane C Asche

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Lathrop

Heidi Cox & George Seyfert

Mr & Mrs. Enc A Ask

David Laurance

Ann & Bill Sheehan



Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Allan D. Austin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Austin Ill Mark S. Avery Susan Ayd Helen & Thomas Baca Barbara & Bob Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Bailliere Mr. & Mrs. James Baisley Lili Baker Margit C. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Marshall E. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Baldock Vice Admiral (USN Ret.) & Mrs. John A. Baldwin Lucinda & Robert Ballard Ellen F. Ballinger Valerie J. Hunt & James Ballway Ruth C Baltzer Daniel A Barber Dr. Laun R. Robertson & Mr. David Barham Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Barkan Mr. & Mrs. Barry Barksdale Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Barnard Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Barnes Curtis L. Barnes Rosemary C Barney Mr. & Mrs. William H. Barney Jr Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bartholdson Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Bartlett John 8. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Peter A Basilevsky Sharon & George Bassett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce 8. Bates Mr. & Mrs. Eric Baurmeister Mr. & Mrs. John Beadles Dr. & Mrs. Herb C. Becker Carla Kindt & William Beckett Mr. & Mrs. Richard A Beckwith Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Pat & Rick Belford Deborah C. Belichick Carol Bellmaine Mr. & Mrs. Andy Bender Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Benedict Ill Mr. & Mrs. Bill Benenson Jocelyn & Craig Beni Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Brian Berger Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Berger


Mr. & Mrs. Ira Berlin Ronald P. Berman Mr. & Mrs Brendon P Bernard Robin Bernstein Binth Rustad & Norman R Berthelette Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Berube Clara Bingham Julie Biondi Mr. & Mrs. William Birch Mr & Mrs. Robert Bires Mr. & Mrs. David D. Bixler Jr Cynthia & Kenneth Blackshaw Lesley F Blanchard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blanda Jack W. Blaylock Jr Susan & Howard Bloom Mr & Mrs. Ben1am,n Bloomstone Mr & Mrs. Ronald J. Bocage Mr & Mrs. Fred Boling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A Bologna Ann P. Bond Sarah Ann Miller & Dave Bossi Lisa Botticelli & Ray Pohl Mr & Mrs. Henry T Boughner Allison & Chris Bovard Mr. & Mrs. James A Bowditch Dana & David Boyce Mr. & Mrs. Terrance Boylan Mr & Mrs. Andrew Boynton Mr. & Mrs. David E. Bradbury Mrs. & Mr Mary Bradley Jennifer Antolini & Jay Bradner Mr & Mrs. David Bradt Judith Ivey & Tim G Braine Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower Mr & Mrs. Kenneth L. Brasfield Elizabeth 8. Braun Mr & Mrs. Robert H. Braunohler Mr. & Mrs. James H. Breed Mr. & Mrs William S. Brenizer Mrs. Patricia M Bridier Debbie Briggs Evangeline Morphos & Alan Brinkley Mr & Mrs. Eugene F Bnskman Nancy Broll Mr & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Diana T Brown Sondra J. Gillice & Gardner R. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Brust Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Buechle Barbara E Bund

Mr & Mrs. Douglas K Burch Mr & Mrs. Coleman P Burke Mrs. Barbara H Burmester Mr & Mrs Michael Burns LuAnn & Graham Burton Mrs Martha H Butler Ellen Mitchell & Charles Byrne Mr & Mrs Steven V Calabrese Mr & Mrs. Rayrrond Callahan Jr Lisa A Camalier Annye CamarKatherine M. Grover & Michael J. Campbell Mr & Mrs Carlo r Cantavero Sr Nancy Weeks Cantone & Greg Cantone Mr & Mrs Ronald L Caplan Mr & Mrs Chris Caponigro Mr & Mr, Jamďż˝< D Carey Mr & Mrs. Paul H Cann, Charles G Carl Jr Catherine C. Peters Carle & Raymond E Carle Mr & Mrs. Dan Carlsson Addie Carone Mr & Mrs. Harry G Carpenter Martha A Carr Janis E Carreiro Mr & Mrs. John H Carter Ronnie & Robert Carter Mr & Mrs. Enk Caspersen Mr & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady Pat Catchpole Mr & Mrs Daniel Catlin Jr Mr & Mrs Stephen C. Caulfield John C Chadbourne Mr & Mrs. Richard G. Chan Mr & Mrs. Christopher Chapin Loise B Chapin Mr. & Mrs. John S. Chapman Jr Mr & Mrs. Richard A Charpie Stephen Cheney Margaret Burden Childs Mr & Mrs Poul E. Christensen Mr & Mrs. Don Claffey Pamela Van Hoven Clark Mr & Mrs. Herbert T Clark 111 Mr & Mrs. Matt J. Claus Carol & Bernie Coffin Brenda J Coffin Mr & Mrs. Louis D. Coffin Brenda M Williams & Robert L. Coffin

2014 ANi'.UAL


Barbara G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs Harold Cohen Drs. Stephen R. & Helen S Colen Leone Collins Sandra Comstock Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. William F Connell Mr. & Mrs John T Connelly Jr Ms. Patricia Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Connolly Michelle & Jeff Constable Mr. & Mrs. Laurence G. Constable Roberta Conti Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Conway Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Oliver B Coolidge Mr & Mrs. Kiri! Coonley Ms. Amy Corcoran Mr & Mrs. Michael F Coscia Susan A. Cosman Sara Cousins Mr & Mrs. Frederick 0. Cowles Mr. & Mrs. Bill Cowzer Dr. & Mrs. John E Craighead Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Crampton Mr. & Mrs. William Criscitell1 Mr. & Mrs. John Cross Mr. & Mrs. Robert F Cross Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Crowley Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Crowley Dr. & Mrs. Daniel F S. Crowther Mr. & Mrs. Peter Culbertson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cunha Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C Curhan Mr. & Mrs. John N Curlett Jr Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Curren Michelle Perrault & Anthony Czarzasty Mr. & Mrs. Vincent D'Agostino Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Damashek Jennifer Eckert & Richard D'Amore Mr. & Mrs. Paul Daniel Mr. & Mrs. John L. Daniels Dr & Mrs Richard A Dapra Dr. & Mrs. John D'Avella George P. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey 8. Davis Laura C. Iglehart & Jonathan Davis Paul L. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C de Menocal Barbara de Zalduondo Jayne C. & Brian F. DeBiasio 'Deceased

Joanne Woodle & John DeGennaro Mary E Ivey & Charles G. Del Signore Mr & Mrs. Jonathan W Delano Betsy Fry & Franklyn P deMarco Mr & Mrs. Thomas DeNeufville Cherie & Chris Dentiste Mr & Mrs. Alan Deombeleg Mr & Mrs. David S Deutsch Susan M. Deutsch Penny Dey Elaine & Manny Dias Virginia A D1Bona Michelle C. Langlois & Hugh M. Dickinson Helen KaleJas & Todd W Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Peter D1Cristofaro Mr. & Mrs, James B D1gney Lucille D1Gravio Peggy Dillenbeck Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. DiMart1no Mary Ellen & Kevin Dineen Maureen & Bob Dobies Gerald H. Crown & Paul J. Dobrowolski Ms. Aimee Picchi & Mr. Peter Dodds Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dolan Dr & Mrs. Eric J. Dolin Cl1ris & Joe Donelan Dennie Doran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Dougherty Ms. Susan Halley & Mr. Robert Dowsett Judith & Dan Drake Mr & Mrs. George Drapeau Ill Mr & Mrs Anthony G Drappi Mary M. Duffin Mr & Mrs. Peter J Duffy Mr & Mrs Byron J. Dugdale Mr. & Mrs. Dan Dunlap Mr. & Mrs Lee Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ebert F Farny Eilers Jr Mr & Mrs. David A. Eklund Nelson Eldridge Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Elkman Mr. & Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis Jr. Dr Alice F Emerson Mary Ellen Gaw & John P Emert Laurel A Coben & Travis F. Epes Mr. & Mrs. Robert A Ernst Roger Ernst' Mr' & Mrs. Robert S. Erskine Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold M. Estabrook

Barbara M. Vanderbilt & John W. Evans Dr. Lisa A Carey & Dr Matthew G. Ewend Mr & Mrs. Kenneth A. Fahrman Dr & Mrs Donald J. Farish Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Farrell Mr & Mrs. Richard G. Farrell Mr & Mrs. William Farrell Mr. & Mrs. David P Faxon Dr & Mrs Jeffrey Fearon Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Feder William Ferrall Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel George M & W. B Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Willard 8. Ferris Mr. & Mrs. Richard Field Dr & Mrs. John P Fields Denise Harris-Fiems & Dennis Fiems Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Fifield Mr. & Mrs. John S. Fink Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Finn Dr. & Mrs. Josef E. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fischer Mr. & Mrs. Samuel A. Flax Joanne A. McCaffrey & William E. Floring Jay Foley Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Foley Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Folger Jerry & Betsy Ford Suzanne K. Forsyth Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. C Patrick Fox Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox Paula Gold & Douglas Foy Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fraga Mr. & Mrs. Steven Frank Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Frascati Dr. & Mrs. John P. Fraunfelder Mr. & Mrs. J Pepper Frazier Jere & Don Freedman Martha J. Koop & David V. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Freeman Dr. S. Gay Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Stuart W. Freilich Mr. & Mrs. Herbert D. Frerichs Mr. & Mrs. Donald Freytag Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Friary Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin C. Frick


Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Friel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Frisbie Hon. William H. Frist Ciara & Jack Fritsch Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Frost Mr. & Mrs. Eric Frost Mr. & Mrs. Marcus D. Fuller Kate C Stout & Pete N. Funkhouser Mr. & Mrs. Philip Gaffney Mr. & Mrs. John H. Galloway Ill Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip C. Gardner Sharon & Robert Gardner Mr. & Mrs. William L Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Garofalo Vicky Gewirz & David Geffen Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Gennaro Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Georgantas Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz CDR & Mrs. Maurice E. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Ill Mr. & Mrs. Peter N Gilbreth Mrs. Marie D. Gildehaus Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Joshua R. Gillenson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gillispie Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Gillum Jr. Megan & Scott Gilly Marybeth Gilmartin Peter Ginn Dr. & Mrs. John P. Girvin Mary E. Glowacki Mr. & Mrs. Eric Goddard Peggi & Steve Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Ken Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. John N. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. J. Graham Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Goldsmith Madalyn L. Mann & Robert C. Goldszer Bee D. Gonnella Kristen Gaughan & John Gonnella Susan G. Goodall Dr. & Mrs. Jordan Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr Dr. Mana Smith & Dr. Thomas Gorman Billi & Bobby Gosh Mr. & Mrs. John Gould


Mr. & Mrs. John A. Graf Carol Gray Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Greenberg Fifi Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B. Greene Mr. & Mrs. Wade Greene Joanna Z. Greenfield Stacey Stuart & Peter Greenhalgh Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gneder Jr Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Griffith Mr. & Mrs. Frank P Grillo Mr. & Mrs. Robert P Grimes Margo Grodsky Hon. & Mrs. Ray W. Grubbs Mr. & Mrs. William Guardenier Mr. & Mrs. Philip G Gulley Hilary Gustafsson Jean R. Haffenreffer Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hafner Mr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Hahn Sally & Brooks Hall Jean & Hugh Halsell Pam Halsted Donna Hamel Melissa J. Hancock Darlene Hanna Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harde Mr. & Mrs. C. Steven Harkness Mr. & Mrs. Jason Harman Mark S. Harmsen Mr. & Mrs. Aubry L. Harper Barbara Hams/ Water Jewels Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hams Amy & Brett Harsch Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hart Deborah A Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hartman Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Mr. & Mrs. Robert Havery Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Hayden Mr & Mrs. Charlie Haydock Lucile & Bill' Hays Mr & Mrs. John Hays Valerie Sharp & Patrick Healy John M. Heggem Leslie J. Heiden Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Held Nina & Bob Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hemmer Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Hempleman Mr. & Mrs. J. Warren Henry

Mr & Mrs. Donald W. Heyda Mr & Mrs Mason C. Heydt Mr & Mrs Peter D. Hicks Elin Hilderbrand Mr & Mrs. Gareth Hill Mr & Mrs. Eugene B. Hilzenrath Mr & Mrs Winston R. Hindle Jr Mr & Mrs. Don Hinkley Mrs. & Mr K1rPbuley H1scano Mr & Mrs Edwin Hodge Anthony J Gampetro & Ronald W. Hottman Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hofsess Rose M Gonnella & Frank Holahan Mr & Mrs William B Holding Mr & Mr< C hristopher F Holland Mr & Mrs Hudson Holland Ill Mr & Mr< Thomas J. Hollister Barbara & Richard Holt Mr & Mr< Andrew D. Honner Lisa Worlle1b & Seth Hoogasian Dr & Mrs Charle< Hoopes Dr & Mr, BruCP D. Hopper Susan Crehan Hostetler & David Hostetler Mr & Mrs. William P Hourihan Jr Tyrrell Flawn & John P Howe Mr & Mrs. Peter Howell Mr & Mrs. Randy Hudson Mr & Mrs. David C. Hulme Mr & Mrs. Arthur S. Hulnick Susan Mab1le & David A Hundt Claire I. Kurtg1s Hunter & Paul S. Hunter Hayden Hurley Mr & Mrs. Burton C. Hurlock Mr & Mrs. Robert B. Hutchison 111 Mr & Mrs. Ron lrv1ng Mr & Mrs. Richard Irwin Anne Troutman & Aleks Istanbul Mr & Mrs Ronald N Jackowitz Joan Badie & Chip Jackson Ann Martindale & Stephen D. Jacobs Natalie Jacobson Mr & Mrs. Jake L. Jacoby Susan E O'Connell & Stephan T. Jaeger Mr & Mrs. David M Jagger Mr & Mrs. Duggan A. Jensen Mr & Mrs. Julian Joffe Virginia Joffe Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Johnson Gail Johnson/ Gail's Tours, Inc. 'Deceased

2()14 ANl\.l A ..


Mr. & Mrs. Jesse D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. M. Carl Johnson Ill Mr. & Mrs. Bardwell Jones Mr & Mrs. Terry Jones Simon S Jones. Ph D Mr & Mrs. William C Jones Jr Lucille A. Jordan Hannah Judy Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Sydna & William Julian Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Kahn Mr. & Mrs. John Kaiser Amiee C. Pen & Sean M. Kanady Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert B. Kaplan Julie Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Woodward A. Kay Mr. & Mrs. David G Kaytes Caroline Montgomery & John Keane Mary Chlopeck, & Mike Kearney Henry G. Kehlenbeck' Mr. & Mrs. John M. Kellogg Jr Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Mr & Mrs. Brandon D. Kelly Linda & George Kelly Mr & Mrs. Lance M Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Kelly Randy A. Kemper Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Keneally Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Kennedy Dorothy Slover & Douglas P. Kenward Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kepenash Mr & Mrs. Brian K1ckham Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kies Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kilgore Patience E. Killen Mr & Mrs. T homas Killian Dr. & Mrs. Jack Kindler Mr. & Mrs. Gary King Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Kingham Mr. & Mrs. T. Barry Kingham Virginia Kinney Stephanie Goff-Kinser & Todd Kinser Mr & Mrs. Kenneth N K1nstey Blue Balliett & William R. Klein Mr & Mrs. John L Klinck Jr Dr. & Mrs. R. Frederic Knauft Ben Cortes. Thea Hogarth & Derek Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Jacob H. Korngold Kimberly Stiner & Demian Kosofsky Barbara E. Kotalac


Emily & Andrew Kotchen Jillian Hagen-Kovach & Jeffrey D. Kovach Susan & James Kozera Mr & Mrs. Enc Kraeutler Mr & Mrs. Jeffry I Kramer Mr & Mrs. Alan Kramer Mr & Mrs. Richard Kreitler Carot & Peter Krogh Denice Kronau Mr & Mrs. Edward T. Krumeich II Mr & Mrs. William P Kupper Jr. Mr & Mrs William Kyle Mr & Mrs Michael Lacours,ere Pamela S. LaFonta,ne Mr & Mrs. Edward V Lahey Jr Mr & Mrs James P. Lally Brigid & Alec Lamon Mr & Mrs. Paul E. Lancaster Mr & Mrs W1ll1am Lane Nancy Perone & Kenneth Lange Doris E 8 Lanigan Mr & Mrs. Anthony P LaRocco Mr & Mrs. Ernest B. Latham Mrs. & Dr. Rebecca F Lauer Mr & Mrs. Talbert E Lauter Dr & Mrs. Jock Lawrason Mr & Mrs. Brandon D. Lawrence Mr & Mrs John Laytham Elizabeth Yerxa Layton & Jack Layton Susan Lazarus Mr & Mrs. William E. Learnard Arnanlice Lefton Mr & Mrs. David J. Leggett Mr & Mrs. Steven E. Leinbach Alison K. Forsgren & William Lemay Mr & Mrs. George P. Lencyk Mr & Mrs. Charles Lenhart Mr & Mrs. Sal Lentini Lucy & Tobey Leske Mr & Mrs. Richard J. Lesko Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lewis Olivia Lewnowski Carol P Searle & Andrew J. Ley Dr & Mrs. Albert G. Liddell Amanda & 8111 Liddle Mr & Mrs. Richard A. Liddy Dr & Mrs. Carl Lieberman Sherre Wilson-Liijegren & Bruce W. Liijegren LTC (Ret) & Mrs. Howard S. Lincoln Mr. & Mrs Kenneth Lindsay

Wesley Lipner Susan G. S. Anderson & Daniel H. Llewellyn Mr & Mrs. Philip R. Lochner Jr Susan Lister Locke Deborah Lockhart Mr' & Mrs. Christoph K. Lohmann Sue A. MacNaughton & Richard T Lohr Mr & Mrs. Ian K. Loring Mr & Mrs. Albert O Louer Mrs. Clara J. Lovell Mr & Mrs. James G. Lowe Mr & Mrs. Thomas Lowy Margaret Iversen & J A. Lubbock Mr & Mrs. Barry P. Lyden Mary-Adair Macaire Mr & Mrs. Malcolm MacColl Mr & Mrs. Brian P MacDonald Mr & Mrs. Dual A. Macintyre Jr. Mr & Mrs. Richard Mackay Mr & Mrs. William Q Maclean Dr. & Mrs. Malcolm W. MacNab Phyllis B. Macomber' Mr & Mrs. Barry MacTaggart Mr & Mrs. Thomas B. Macy Mr & Mrs. Vincent A. Maffeo Bernadette Maglione Mr & Mrs. Sean Mahoney Mr & Mrs. Martin F Majestic Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Maloney Ms. Catherine T. Maloney Mr & Mrs. Paul Manning Mr & Mrs. Peter M. Manus Robert Franklin & Charles Mappin Mr & Mrs. Philip Marks Jr Kathrina & John Marques Julia K. Marsh Nancy A. Martin Mr & Mrs. Charles Martucci Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Marvin Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Mason Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Mason Poppi Massey Mr. & Mrs. William L Mather Ann B. Maury Pamela M. Sloan & Stephen T. May Mary C. Burke & Nancy E. Mayo Mary E. McAuliffe Mary Beth McCahan Mary & Bob McCann John P Mccaskey Dr. Katherine A McCluskey


Mr. J. R. McConnell Lee McConnell Mr. & Mrs. John McCormick Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. McCouch Garry Cox & Don McDermett Mr. & Mrs. John T. McDonald Barbara & Morton McDonald Mr & Mrs. Robert McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. McGrath Sandra J. Medallis & Thomas B. McGrath Pam & Jim McGraw Mr. & Mrs. John A. McGu1nn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene G. McGuire Mary Lou McGuire Dr. & Mrs. James R. McIntosh Deborah & James McIntosh Diana R. Mcintyre Katherine Watts & Dale Mcivor Courtney & Greg McKechnie Darina & Allan McKelvie Mr. & Mrs. Chris R. McKeown Mr. & Mrs. Clifford McKinney Ill Oriana McKinnon Rhoda H. Weinman & Joseph J. McLaughlin Juliette C. McLennan Mr. & Mrs. John P. McManus Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. McMeen Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. McMorrow Edwin R. McMullen Ill Mr. & Mrs. William McNabb Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. McNamara Julie S. McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. McNeil Ill Bobbi McPeak Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mead Colonel Glenn S. Meader Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Mr. & Mrs. Alan Medaugh Barbara Sachnoff Mendlowitz Cristin D. Merck Ms. Kimberly K. Merlin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Middleton Mr. & Mrs. Harry Midgley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miklos Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Miller Rebecca & Dean Miller Drs. Norma & Edwin Miller Polly & Nick Miller Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV


Mr. & Mrs. Carter Mills Mr. & Mrs. Michael D Milone Sue Mirza Dr & Mrs. George E. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Mittelbusher Mr. & Mrs. Earl B. Mix Ill Robert F. Moffitt Dr & Dr Craig T Montgomery Dr. & Mrs. Rocco Mento Dr & Mrs. David W Moore Mr. & Mrs. Richard Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Hicks Morgan Mr. & Mrs James L. Morgan Mr & Mrs. Richard A. Morin Mr. Mark R Morris Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Morns Mary F. Wawro & Peter A Morrison Mr & Mrs. Alan J. Moses Mr & Mrs. Stephen T Moss JuliJa Mostykanova Owen Moynihan Mr & Mrs. Ralph Mueller Kathleen Mccue & Craig T Mullen Mr & Mrs. Gerald J Muller Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Munk Melissa Murphy Pamela Murphy William Murphy Tracy & Bill Murray Elizabeth C. Murray Miss Lauren Murray Eileen M. Muse Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Nardella Mr. & Mrs. Andrew 0. Nash Jean & David Nathan Ms. Kathleen A. Naughton Mr. & Mrs. Eloy L. Nava Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon G. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Scott A Nelson Mr & Mrs. Paul B. Newhouse Mr & Mrs Robert J Newhouse Ill Mr. & Mrs. Shane D Nicholls Mr & Mrs. R James Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Alex Nieroth Mrs. Elizabeth Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Normand Diana Dunbar Northrop & John Northrop Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R Nottebohm

Kacey Constable & Paul Nugent Mr & Mrs Joseph E Obermeyer Suzanne W Obrecht Katharine S o· ,nen Mr & Mr0 Donn O'Connell Mr & Mrs RobP.rt A Oden Grace Cul"m1<'s & Wayne O'Hara Julia Blanchard & Andrew Okun Mr & Mr, William Oldakowski Marilyn Calderwood & Dodge Olmsted Mr & Mrs Chns,opher N Olsen Janice M Olsen Mr & Mrs Jeffery L Olsen Mr Thomas J Kim & Mr John F. Olson Mr & Mrs Robert A Olson M1chae1 ' O'Mara Mr & Mrs John O'Neill Mr & Mrs Edward Orenstein Mr & Mrs Michael F Orr Mr & Mrs Bill Oshinsky Mr & Mrs Rafael E Osona Mr & Mrs John Osawa Jr Mr & Mr 'vhn Ossenmacher Mr & Mrs Karl Ott1son Mr & Mrs Jeffrey S. Owen Mr & Mrs. David R Owens Kathleen Schwam & John A Pagnozzi Mr & Mrs Jeffrey Paley Mr & Mrs Daniel P Palmer Mr & Mrs Aaron M Panner Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey P Parker Matthew S Parker Mr & Mrs Durward W. Parkinson Felicia Parkinson Mr & Mrs I Manning Parsons 111 Sandra Amann & Michael Pashby Mr & Mrs. Michael F Passaro Judith Paterson Joanne E Sullivan & Neil Paterson W. Robert Patterson Lindy Paull Joan Pearce Mr & Mrs Robert M Pearson Phillip A Nardone & Scott Peltier Mr & Mrs. A Steven Perelman Dr & Mrs. Robert J. Pen Mr & Mrs. Robert Perlman Mr & Mrs. Anthony Perry Mr & Mrs Nicholas K. Petersen Suzi & Rick Peterson Lis & Misha Petkev1ch

2014 Al\. \Jl,Al RFPOR1

Mr. & Mrs Gerald R Pfund

Mr & Mrs. Lawrence G Rief

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Phelan

!lr & Mr, Vernon B Rigdon

Mr & Mrs. Cary M Schwartz

Mr & Mrs. Charles Phillips

Mr. & Mr . J West Riggs

Anna R Hemnes & Jacob P Schwarz

Dr. Richard J. Pike Jr

'.)r & Mrs Robert V Riordan

Mr & Mrs. Tim D Schwarz

Mr & Mrs. Scott P1narchick

:,arbara M Matteucci & John S Rizzo

Judith F Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach

Mr & Mrs. Jim B Pinsky

Mr & Mr• Robert Ruberson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schwe,zer Jr Mr & Mrs. Richard S. Scott

Mr & Mrs. William R Schult

Diane Pitt

Mr & Mr Jame·s R Roberts

Mr & Mrs John M. Plukas

l<hoda • Robere

Mr & Mrs. Robert E. Scott

Sheila David & David Pollcansky

KatharinP S. Robinson

Mr & Mrs. Ron D Scott

Mr & Mrs. Elholt B. Pollack

Mr & Mrs David Roby

Mr & Mrs. Fran Seneca

Mr & Mrs. Max Polster

Mr & Mrs Dana F Rodin

Mr & Mrs. Richard A Seaquist

Craig Pope

Mr & Mrs Peter [ Rodb

Mr & Mrs. Donnell A. Segalas

Mr & Mrs David Powell

Mr & Mrs K. Keith Roe

Mr. & Mrs. Kent W Seibert

Mr. & Mrs. H F Powell

Sar at, Hanley & Malcolm J Rohrbaugh

Judith G. Seinfeld

Mr. & Mrs Jeremiah W Pow<'ll

Jmnifer Rohrig

Mr. & Mrs John G. Serino

Mr. & Mrs Gene M Pranzo

Chr·ryl & Joseph Romano

Nancy J. Sevrens

Mr. & Mrs Robert L Pralter

Dr & Mrs. Nicholas korick

Mr & Mrs. Thomas J. Shanahan Jr

Drs. Trevor R & Margaret A. Pnce

Mr & Mrs Cra1g Rose

Mr & Mrs. Andy Shapira

Clelia B1amont1 & Adam Ps1chus

Mr & Mrs Doug Rose

Dr. & Mrs Robert S. Shapiro

Kimi C. Puntillo

Bonnie Roseman

Mr & Mrs. Kevin Sharer

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J Quidley

Mr & Mrs. Amory Ross

Mr & Mrs. Charles W Shaver

Mr & Mrs Damien Quigley

Mr & Mrs Marvin J Rothman

Mr & Mrs. Bruce P Shaw

Dr & Mrs Abrar Qureshi

Mr 11 Mrs Milton C Rowland

Connie Mundy & Enc Shaw

Mr & Mrs. James M. Rabb

C )rinnr· R Roxby

Ms. Melissa Macleod & Mr John V Shea

Ms. Nina S. Duchaine & Mr. Rory J.

Rc-tl<'rt S Royce

Kathryn Sheehan

Sally 11 Rub

Mr & Mrs Tim Sheeler

Radding Mr & Mrs Jerry Radloff

M.irc,a Rubin

Mr & Mrs. John R Sherwood Ill

M1nam W C. Ragsdale

Mr b Mrs. Allen Rudolph

Mary H Gilmour & Dix C. Shevaller

Ms. Kathleen Fennell &

Mr b Mrs Michael Ruettgers

Mr & Mrs Shawn Shields Mr & Mrs. Andrew Shift

Charron P Ranney

ludy Rushmore Donald P Russe·ll

Marcia Shift

Mr. & Mrs. Carter Ransom

Mr & Mrs Harry Russell

MarJan Shirzad

David Rattner

Mr & Mrs. David J. Ryan Ill

Mr & Mrs. Robert Silberman

Marcia Bulman & Toby Sackton

Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman &

Ms. Victoria Rakov

Mr. & Mrs Russell Ray Mr & Mrs. Douglas M Raymond

Kathryn Heflin & David Sadoft

Mr & Mrs. MacGregor Read Peg & Phil Read

LOIS C, Sager

Mr & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr

Mr & Mrs. Stephen Salvatore

Mr & Mrs. William Saltonstall

Rev. Richard J Simeone Mr & Mrs. Bart Simon Dorothy & Junie S1nson Julie A Fitzgerald & Carl H SJOiund

Kara Sandler

Mr. & Mrs. Richard F Skelly

Mr & Mrs. Victor Reed

Christine Sanford

Avis Skinner

Mr & Mrs. Doug Reichard

Mr & Mrs. Terry Sanford

Deborah Hoadley & Stephen Reid

Mr & Mrs. Lee W Saperstein

Mr & Mrs Douglas A Ready

Carey Dack-Reidy & Paul Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Karsten Re1nemo Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Remey

Priscilla L. Reis Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ribakoft

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rich Jr Johanna & Blake Richard Susan & Peter Richards

Mr. & Mrs Thomas J. Richards Liz & Duncan Richardson

Sally Sawyer Mr & Mrs. Jeffrey R Sayle Gerry Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Scheide Mr & Mrs James E. Schilling

Mr & Mrs. Dennis A Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. John R Schmidt Mr & Mrs David G Schofield Edwin A Schreiner Chris Mano & James Schufreider

Mr & Mrs. David Scott Sloan Gerald P. Slone Rachael Freeman & Samuel Slosek Mr & Mrs. Christopher W Smiles PJ Martin Smith & Ryan Smith William J Murdaugh & Gary A Smith Mr & Mrs. H Brooks Smith Mary S Smith Mr & Mrs. Peter K. Smith Sallie E. Smith Mr & Mrs. Scott Smith


Connie Boyle. Nancy Mahler & Sherry Smith

Caroline & David Swain

Mr & Mr Thomas A Twomey Jr.

Allen Schuh & Jonathan Swain

Betsy & 11n Tyler

Cynthia O Smyth

Mr & Mrs. Louis R Sw :itland Jr

Dr f, Mr W1ll1_m J Untereker

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W Snowdon

Mr & Mrs. Kenneth S. Sweet


Mr. & Mrs. Chartes G Snyder

Anne Swe1de'

M f, Mrs M1�rael R Van Brunt

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A Snyder

Severn Taylor & Scott Swiller

Mr f, Mr

Mr & Mrs. W Lloyd Snyder Ill

L isa & Steve' Sydness

'-I• f, Mr< Rqu A Vandenberg

Nancy E. Soderberg

Mr & Mrs. Manuel R Sytv,a Jr

'-Ir f, Mr M,-ta€: D. Varbalow

Nancy M. Soderberg

Robert I. Sylvia

'-Ir f, Mr, Paul E. Vardeman

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Solbert

Mr & Mrs Edward A Sz,I a�

Mr f, '-'r• James G Vaughter

Deborah K Selbert

Gail Ryan-Tannen & Kenneth rann{•rt

)crottv f, R1d•ard Verney

Ms. Anne E Rosen & Mr Andre M. Spears

Mr & Mrs. James V Tanzota

Mr & Mr M,c iael C. Veysey

Mr. & Mrs W,11,am G Spears Jr.

Mr & Mrs. Jesse H Tate

Mr & Mr Ardrew S. Viens

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Spencer Jr

Mr & Mrs. Jotham P Taus,g

Mr & Mr

Mr. & Mrs. John R Spencer

Dr. Theresa G Taylor &

Mr & Mr, Thomas E. Virtue

Ms. Polly Warner &

Mr Michael R Taylor

r ' JCy & Joseph Vacant, Tedd Van Buskirk

't• 1,p V11hotte

Mr & Mr, Carlo V,ttonrn

Mildred Taylor

Mr & Mr , Ralpr V,zzan

Mr. & Mrs Stephen Sp1nelh

Mr. & Mrs R Chapman Taylor Ill

Lird, M \t1>1lkommer-Lynch

Kelly Spires

Mr & Mrs. Robert L Taylor

Bart rd H vc n der C,roeben

Dr & Mrs. Stephen J. St. Pierre

Mr. & Mrs R Scott Taylor

Mr tt Mr1 Kenneth Voss

Mr. & Mrs John J Stackpole

Mr. & Mrs. Ph, ip 1-t Templeton

Mr tt M, s Sarruel Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. John C Stahler

Mr & Mrs. Henry R Terry Jr

Mr v Mrs w,11,am G Waldorf

Robert Stanton

Mr. & Mrs. George M fhom Jr

Mr u Mrs Steven Walker

Mr & Mrs Harald S. Stavnes

Mr & Mrs John W Thorrar•

Jodi L WdlkN

Mr & Mrs. Scott M. Stearns Jr

Jane Thomas

Mr f, Mrs. Jon P Walker

Mr. & Mrs. James K Stedman

Pamela J. Thomas

N, "'-Y C, Walker/ Bolder Books, LLC

Tommy Stefanek

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Thomas

Mr & Mrs w,11,am C Wallace

Mr & Mrs. William J Stern

Dr & Mrs Greg fhompson

M, & '-lrs William A Waller

Mr & Mrs Philip C Stevens

Karen T Butler & John Thompson

Mr & '-lrs Tom S Ward Jr

Ms. Sharon Lefevre & Mr. Jim Stewart

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E Thuhn

Mr & '-lrs uohn E. Warner

Joly W Stewart

Lincoln J Thurber Ill

Mr. Richard J. Spencer

Mr. & Mrs. John J. St1glme1er Jr

Charlene & Barry fhurstor

Su�r Warner Jrnnifer L Zwanch & John W Wayland

Mr & Mrs. Donald F Stinnett

Mr & Mrs. John E T1ttany

JLar A Webster

Mr. & Mrs. William B Stitt Jr

Dr & Mrs. Arthur H T ger Mr. & Mrs. David C Todd

Mornque Parsons & David Wecker '-Ir & Mr< Robert E. Wehmueller

Mr & Mrs. Geottrey G Tolsdorf

Mr & Mrs Bob Weiler

Mr & Mrs. Richard Stockton Mr. & Mrs. Grove W Stoddard Mr & Mrs. Radford Stone Mr. & Mrs. Enc F Stone Mr & Mrs. Dale G. Stoodley Laura Elkins Stover Mr & Mrs. Bradley D. Strand Mr & Mrs. Philip A Strazzula Mr & Mrs. Craig Strehlow Mr. & Mrs. William Strittmatter Mr & Mrs. Robert E. Strong Mr & Mrs. Robert R Stroud Jr Darla C Stuckey Mr & Mrs. George G. Stueck

Janice C Sturchio Mr & Mrs. Thomas C Succop Mr & Mrs. Mark A Sutherland Barbara H Sutphen

1 c<

Rachel Hobart & Edward Toole

Mr & Mrs. H Thomas we,nhardt Mr & Mrs. Stephen D We1nroth Dr & Mrs Joel We1nsteIn

Meredith Townsend

Anre S. C armIgnarn &

Mr. & Mrs. R1cra1d E Tolsdorf Mr. & Mrs. Joe Tomas

Mr & Mrs. James T Townsend Virginia P Townsend

Stephen H Weinstein Mr & Mrs Jay H Weiss

Dr Thomas A Travers

w,11,am Welch

Mr & Mrs. Michael R Treanor

Mr & Mrs. Joseph L Wells Mr & Mrs Ph1hppe Wells

Tina & Byron Trott Family Mr & Mrs. Andrew Trotter Mr & Mrs. Stanley J. Truffin, Mr & Mrs Jerome Tuck Richard L Tuck Mr & Mrs Damien J Turbin, Mr & Mrs. Samuel Turner Harriet S Turner

Denise & 8111 Welsh Mr & Mrs Kevin Werle Mr & Mrs George West Mr & Mrs. Lawrence Wetzel A White Griselda Lyman & Duncan e Carolyn Wells & Frank Whit Mr & Mrs Scott Whitlock

\, l \ RJ Pl HZ Kristina Widmer JaniceCoffin Wiesen Mr. & Mrs. Edward I Wight Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Williams Ill Janice A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. John F. Williams Linda F. Williams Dr. R. Dale LeBlanc & Mr. Harold L. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. F. Scott Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William R. Wilson Katie Kubie & Bill Winkler Mr. & Mrs. David Winton Judith & Michael Wodynski Mr. & Mrs. Alastair Wood CarolC. Woodbridge Mr. & Mrs. Pete D. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Richard Woods Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Woods Catherine Zuromskis & Daniel Worden Mr. & Mrs. William Wraith IV Mr. & Mrs. James A. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wright Charles & Myra Wrubel Ms. Margot F. Wynkoop Dorinda Yates Jill Yeagy Mr. & Mrs. Steve Yelon Drs. Robert A. & Elaine E. Yordan Mr. & Mrs.Christopher A. Young Lucinda E. Young Margot Young Mimi Young Scott Widmeyer & Alan Yount Mr. & Mrs. JamesC. Zampell Mr. & Mrs. Chris Zepf Mr. & Mrs. P. Rhoads Zimmerman Batia Zumwalt Upto $99

Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Adams Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Aguiar June M. Albaugh Dominick Alberino Mr & Mrs. Philip K. Albertson Susanne S. Albright Alexandra Tytheridge-Allan & Scott Allan AnneC. Allen Jean M. Allen

Elizabeth D. Coffin & Herschel Allerhand Barbara F. Anderson Molly Anderson Mr & Mrs. Richard Anderson VelmaC.Appl Joel S. Archer John L G Archibald Janice E. Ellsworth & Drew Arent Ms. Leslie Linsley & Mr Jon Aron Mr. & Mrs. John W Atherton Jr Alan F Atwood Mr & Mrs. John Backus Jessica K. Gorell & Edward Bakshi Mr & Mrs. Charles Balas Mr & Mrs. Joshua Balling Judy C. Baltimore Carol A. Barrett Rose T Barry Elizabeth B. Bartholomew Mr & Mrs. Charles Bartlett Geoffrey Bartlett Pamela Bartlett Ann E. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. John S. Beale Sharon Bean Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bechtold Maureen V. Beck John L. Becker Prudence Bell Dr. Gail A. McGuinness & Dr. William Bell John Bendall Barbara T. Bennett Susan Berman Mr. & Mrs. Peter M Bernon Katherine Bickford Kelly P. Bilbrey Beverly W B1tt1nger Mary E. Casey & Jeffrey L. Blackwell Mr. & Mrs. Jan E. Blamberg Mr. & Mrs. Tim Blue Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bonsee Helena Hubova & Jeffrey Booms Corey Fabian Borenstein ClaireC. Bosee WhitheldC. Bourne Martha H Bouton Barbara M. Bowman Mary E. Saffell & Peter B. Boyce Mrs. Anne Bradt Mr. & Mrs. John D. Brag1nton-Srnith Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Brannigan Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Brauman

Yvonne J Breslin Naomi C. Brewer Kate Briody Julie Broadbent Mr & Mrs. Haworth P. Bromley Bradford Brooks Mr & Mrs James Browers Carol A. Brown MarilynC. Brown Diane L. Buechel SarahC. Bullard Mr & Mrs Mark G Burlingham Lee Rand Burne Mr & Mrs Robert M. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Roger W Butler Dr & Mrs. George P. Butterworth Sandra Byrne Kenneth L. Cady Kathleen & ThomasCahill Ann W Caldwell Mr. & Mrs PeterCampanella Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Campese Mr & Mrs VitoCap,zzo Mr & Mrs. Frederick S Carleton Mr. & Mrs. William Carlson Janet L Carreau John B. Carroll Judy A. Carter Laura M. Carter Susan Y Cary Thomas D Casey Gaynor D Casner AlexandraCatchpole BarbaraCeely Patricia Cevoli Virg1n1a G. Chambers Carolyn J. Durand & BenJam1n Champoux Mr & Mrs. Phillip R.Chomo Mr. & Mrs. DirnitreChristov Mr & Mrs. CarlClarke Mr & Mrs. Owen G. Clinton Dr. Samuel A. Coffin Helen S. Coffin Robert F Coffin MaryCoffin Wakeman ManjaneCoffyn Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P Collatz Melissa Kniskern & Charles F Colley Allen V.Collins Amanda P Congdon Jane F Connell


Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Connolly Phyllis T. Conway Kimberly C. Corkran Patricia F. Correy Lynn Cossuth Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Costakes Bisy K. Stancheva & Joao A. Coutinho Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Creese Mr. & Mrs. Caleb Cressman Mary A. Crommeiln Karin J. Crooks Dr. Frances E. Karttunen & Dr. Alfred W. Crosby Dana Crowley Ashley A . Culkins Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Daly Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dane Mr. & Mrs. Paul D'Aprix Sheila Daume Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Davidson Mr & Mrs. John A. Davies Mr. & Mrs. George De Cambra Janet Y. Decosta Suzanne Del Rossi Mr. & Mrs. Chris Delano Robin A. DeMatteo Joanne R. Denietolis Antoinette Denisof Elizabeth Devins Mr. & Mrs. Sean C. Dew Mary J. Dickson Mr. & Mrs. David Dillard Lawrence J. Dober' John A. Dolan Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Donovan Jeanne M. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Douglas Dr. Wendell K. Downing Valerie Drake Barbara H. Driscoll Eileen Driscoll N. Jean Duarte Kenneth V. Duce Mr. & Mrs. Nicolae A. Dumitru Kathleen A. Duncombe Mr. & Mrs. David Dunham Ethel Dunham Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Dutra Caroline Ferguson & Arthur Dwyer Mr. & Mrs. Moses Easley Mr. & Mrs. George Eastburn


Mr & Mrs. Tony Ehinger Mr & Mrs. Gerald E. Eldridge Karen P Elverson Mr Carl D. England Jr Denelda K. Cobb & Cheryl R. Esbrook Mr & Mrs. Fernando M Esteban Mr & Mrs. Douglas Eveleigh Cordelia C. Everett Betsy Dillard & Lena Faber Lorine C. Fargo Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W Farrell Mr. & Ms. Mark R. Faulkner Mr & Mrs. John J Fee Sheila & Matt Fee Mr. & Mrs. David A. Fe1ndel Laetitia J Ferguson Charles A. Field Mr. & Mrs. Brandon L. Filbert Mr. & Mrs. Eric Finger Mr. & Mrs. Walter Flaherty Mr & Mrs. Daniel J. Flanagan Wendy L Coffin & Peter A. Flanigan Mr. & Mrs George L. Fleming Natalie J Fletcher Capt. Walter Folger Mr. & Mrs. Donald Folger Harry P Folger 111 Elisabeth Fondre1st Jean G. Fordyce William F Fordyce Mr & Mrs. Mark L. Foster Linda J. Bellevue & Mike Foster Mr & Mrs. John E Fox Ill Mr & Dr. Godfrey A. Frable Kathleen Francis Mr & Mrs. Robert A Francis Jr Caroline Frank Judith Frank Mark C. Fredland Mr. & Mrs. Robert J Freedman Nan M. Freeman Virginia T Friberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fronk Gregory Gage Dr. & Mrs. Michael F Galvin Mr & Mrs. Craig Gambee Mr & Mrs. John L. Garrett Alison M. Gavin Mr & Mrs. Stuart Gaw Lucinda Gedeon Richard Gelpke Mr. & Mrs. Paul Gem1s

Sarah D. Oktay & Len Germinara Vera Gierke Margaret N Gifford El1zabr,th Gilbert Mr & Mrs. Donald W Giles Mr '1 Mrs Kmneth E Giles Jane G1llesp1e Marta Mastrrnanni & Alberto Giordano Mr & Mrs. Bruce L. Glaskin Dons Glazer Kelly Gleason Kann Gockel Joan R. Wilson Godeau & Roger Godeau Richard W. Goheen Jr Margaret M Koehm & Charles B. Gold Andrea Gollin Mr & Mrs. David Goodwin Mr & Mrs. Robert L. Gorham Nigel G0ss V1ctor•a �ass

Judith Deutsch & Norman Graham W1llidm A. Lraham Mr. & Mrs Neil J. Graner Sr Peter Graves Barba1a H. Gray Mr & Mrs. Thomas G. Greig Ill Ruth E Grieder Mr & Mrs James R. Grieves Sl1aron S. Griffith Mr & Mrs Garth A. Grimmer Mr & Mrs. Frederick Gnzmala Laura Simon & James V Gross Ms. lvanka Gudzherova Ailee , Guiher Luke Gutelius Richard Guttmacher Linda A. Hadley Michael A. Hadley Mr & Mrs. Gary S. Hamblin Mr & Mrs Dale Hamilton Mr & Mrs. Charles A. Hanan Mr & Mrs Patrick W. Hancock Susan Handy Janet MacKay Hanlon & Francis Hanlon Katie Embry & Michael P Hanlon Mr & Mrs. Henry W Harding Jr Mr & Mrs. Richard A. Hardy Alexandra S Harper Andrew T Harns Jill Harrison Michael R. Harrison

. ' ,,



2014 ANNLAl


Margot G. Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Harvey Nancy Haven Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hehir Sarah Helm Paula S Hemmings Marie Henke Stephanie Henke Julie Hensler Mr. & Mrs. Ned C. Hentz Mr. & Mrs. Richard S Herman Spencer Heydt Edna M. High Mr. & Mrs. Greg S Hill Grace S. Hinkley Mr & Mrs. Rich HJulstrom Mr. & Mrs. Adam W Hottord Mr & Mrs. Enc S. Holch Frank 0. Holdgate Nancy A Newhouse & Kenneth W Holdgate Mr. & Mrs. Thom Holdgate Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Hollander Mr. & Mrs. Dwight T Holmes Miranda Holmes Sally Horchow Susanne C. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Tim Howard Martha E. Howe Robert T Hoyt Jr Katherine Nichols & Joseph C. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Charles A Hugh�s Darlene T Hull Mr. & Mrs. Grover A Hull Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hull Mr. & Mrs William F Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hussey Mr. & Mrs Christopher Iller Joseph K. Ingram Jr. John E. Irvin Anne H Isbister Mihaela lv1lova Sandra L. Jackson Sarah L. Jacobs Robbin Lockett & David James William H Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jaycobs Barbara G. Jesser Sara B. Johnsen Alexandra A. Johnson Leslie B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Johnson

Priscilla A. Johnson Leslie A Johnston Jeannine M. Jones Kathryn E. Jones George C. Jordan 111 Janet B Joy Mr & Mrs Richard Judson Marisa D. Kafant1s Mr & Mrs Douglas M. Kalata Mr & Mrs Kevin G Kalman Laurel E Long & James W Kane Mr & Mrs Bruce S. Kaplan M Charis Deadwyler & Caleb W. Kardell Diane Karper Kelly A Kellett Mr & Mrs Gregory P Keltz Brooke Kendall Sanford C. Kendall Thomas F Kennelly David J. Kenney Susan F R Kenny Bette S. Kenz,e Barbara Kerr Julianne L. Kever Mr. & Mrs. Marshall T Keys Elizabeth Kinsaul Judy & Winston Kittredge Mr & Mrs. Chris G Kling Kimberly E. Knight Mr & Mrs. John Knox-Johnston Bart & Thom Koon-Cosgrove Paula Korn Cynthia Kosciuk Kenm M. Koseatac Mr & Mrs. Robert C. Kulin Mr & Mrs. Ralph Kunc! Penelope B La1ngen Michelle Lamb Mr & Mrs. Fred G. Lamott Wallace G. Lane Jr Carol B Langer Nina B Allen & Warren Langlef Anne M Lanman Judith Lanza Paul La Paglia Nancy M. Miller & Wayne T Larocque Joan A Larrabee Dr Catherine C. Lastavica Mr & Mrs. Bruce Lawler Zoe LeCain Mr & Mrs. Seddon W Legg Jr. Carol E. LeGray

Michelle Perkins & Scott Leonard Susan S Leonard Mr & Mrs. Marvin Leventhal Mr & Mrs. Patrick Levesque Mr & Mrs. Larry S. Levine Allison M. Levy Mr & Mrs Arthur L. Levy Jeanne van Etten & Jettrey Lewis Joan E. Libby Barbara F Lindeman June Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M Lindsay Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lindvall Victoria E. Girvan-LiPuma & Joseph P. LiPuma Mr & Mrs. John Lochtefeld Katherine S. Lodge' Patricia M. Loeb! Mary L. Heen & Ole Lokensgard Nancy J. Looney Lisa Lothian Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback C. S. Lovelace Elaine T Lowengard Joseph E. Lozouski Jeanette L. Phipps Lummis Geraldine Lucas Mr & Mrs. Will Lucas Marg,ta Ferreira & Brian Ludvigson Mr & Mrs. David A Lund Mr & Mrs. Edward G Lund Mr & Mrs Gregory H Lundberg Mr & Mrs. Albert E. Lussier Jr. Dons V Hanna & Peter F. Lysaght Meg A Mabbs Mr & Mrs. David Macaulay Mr & Mrs. Gardner MacDonald Evelyn W Mack Mr & Mrs. Gerald Mack Eleanor E. Macvicar Mr & Mrs. Hugh G. Macvicar Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P Macy Larry C. Macy Mr & Mrs. Lowell R Macy Colonel & Mrs. Owen Y. Macy Thomas L. Macy Dr. Diane Pearl & Mr. Timothy Madden Stephanie D. Matteo Mr. & Mrs. Edwin 8. Mahoney Christine Malhotra Valerie Malinowski Robin M. Maloney


Mr & Mrs. Colin C. Maltby Stephen Manhe1mer Joan Manley Matthew A Mannino Carol A Manville Bill Marasco Mr & Mrs Patrick Marks Carolyn C. Marlowe Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Marrero Harry R Marshall Jr Patricia Doloff & Richard A. Martin Louella O Martin Donna F. Martino Mr & Mrs Joseph Mass1k Janine A. Matsko Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L Maury Sr. Elizabeth A Mautner Housley Carr & Michael May Sherwood P McCall Ill Adrienne A McCalley Lisa McCandless Mr. & Mrs. John M. McCarthy Sheila E. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P McClure Margaret Mccue Mr. & Mrs. Scott S. McElhearn Nancy McEwen Susan McGinnis Thomas B. MCGiinn Kathleen E. McGovern Miss Eileen P McGrath Joy G. McGrath Molly J. Mcilvaine Ethan R McMorrow Mr. & Mrs. Nathan B. McMullen Carole W McShane Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Michaud Gertrude B. Millar Susan & Donald Miller Elizabeth Miller Ms. Jennifer Miller Peter Miller Mr. & Mrs Robert J Miller Emilia & Tom Miner Mr. & Mrs. Carter Mitchell Richard F Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. David M1ttelbusher James S. Moffett Krystal Moffett Mr. & Mrs. T Channing Moore Jemima Moore & Colleen Moore

Barbara J Moran Darnel J Morast Joanne Morgar Margaret C Morgan Cy\e Morpeth Mr. & Mrs Frank R Morral Elizabeth A Moms Katherine C Morse Ann G Morton Mr & Mrs John Morton Ill Jane M. Murkland Walter J Murphy David Murray Kathleen S. Myers Laszlo F Nagy Debra A Nale Karen L. Nassif Mark Neveu Blair D Newcomb Dr Aimee E. Newell Lisa Newman Mr. & Mrs. Germain D Newton Mr & Mrs Jeffrey J. Nicholson Catherine Norton Grace T Noyes Susan & Stephen o·Brien Mr & Mrs Peter M Ochsner Brian F o·connor. Esq Linda Ogren Curtis L Older Elizabeth Oldham Elizabeth A Shannon & Michael J o·Nell Kate H O Reilly Dr & Mrs Colm O'R1ordan Nannette F Orr Robert G Ottenhoff Donna M Overholt Sandie Owen Mr & Mrs. James A Oz,as Mr & Mrs Hugo Paglicc1a Mr & Mrs. R Douglas Painter Dr. & Mrs. A Eugene Palchanis Mr & Mrs. Peter S Panchy Delphine Paradis Carol L. Parsons Nancy Parsons Nancy L. Pasley Patricia M Pastuszak Mr. & Mrs. John Penrose Hon John M Perone Dr Pearlie M. Peters Christina Petty

Brian Pfeiffer .;usan S Prill1ps Ge rg1 nn Pr1pps Ms Lener E >'i'1pps-Stevens V1c•')rJ M t>1rkw1rk Maqar t C P•gnato E-n1 y & 0 ar Pihl Russell �1kE' M, & "lrs T ll'Olhy Pitts Mr & Mr Jolin ' Polmonari Joanne folster Mr & Mrs Jam,s L Pomeranz Jr W111i�m G Porter Mr & Mrs. ljr,an D Potter Mel1rda R. Potter Cyrth J M. Powell dr>1es E Powers ud1th Powers �u< n J. Pr<.ston Al x rdr� L Punnett Aml' Ou1rk ClrenGJr. P Quirk Mr & Mrs Matthew Raab Mr & Mrs Randall L. Rahal Mr. & Mrs. Vincent R Raimo Romana Rainey Mr & Mrs. Phillip J Raneri tr,gela M Ray Kathie n A Ray S. f Rayport Mr & Mrs. Robert R Reardon Der1s Regar Diana R Regan >'atr-c1a R. Reighley J an M Re•land Allen B Reinhard John C Reynolds Elizabeth K H1llger & W11l1am H Reynolds Mary L. R1chrod Gwen Richter Or & Mrs. Charles R. Rickards Holly Rickert Mr & Mrs Randolph Ringer Mr & Mrs Dennis Robinson Janet L Robinson Susan E. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Michael J Roche Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Roeder Deborah Rogers Kara & Steve Rogers John p Romank1ew1cz


A LAL RE-PORT Geraldine R Roos Andrea S. Rose David B. Rose Carole, Rick. & Isabella Rosner Mr & Mrs. Henry C. Ross RichardJ. Ross PatnciaJ Rottme,er wm,am Rotunno Mr & Mrs. Thomas P Rouillard Elisabeth C. Roxby Mr & Mrs Lewis Rubin Edwin Rudd Dr & Mrs. Shaun Ruddy Prof. M1kayo Sakuma Patricia Salt Valene Samp,er Mr & Mrs ThomasJ Santos Mary A Sarandopohs Robert Sarkisian Cecily Tyler & Anthony Savini Mr & Mrs.John D Sayer Mr & Mrs. Wilham R Sayle Frances Scarcme Mr & Mrs. Christopher Scanng Darcie D. Evans & Phylhs R Scatte•good Kathleen Schatz Mr & Mrs. Edwin F Scheibe!Jr Mr & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Cart W. Schmidt Mr & Mrs. Andrew D Schoorl Katrina M Schoorl Mr & Mrs. Paul C Schorr IV Dr. & Mrs. HerbertG Schreiber Janet E. Schulte Penelope Scheerer & John R Schwanbeck Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Schwartz Lindsay & Steven Scouras Janice M Simoneau & BnanJ. Scully Pam & Bill Seegraber C.Jacqueline Seidel Mary Ellen Clark & Paul R. Senecal Heid, Shafranek Gary R Sheffer Heather B. Sheldon Mr & Mrs Steve Sheppard Whitney Sherman Mr & Mrs.Glenn Shriberg Mary M. Shumaker Albert L SilvaJr Dr Brenton Simons Susan Kirk & John Sjovall

Ms Lucinda L Slate Noreen C Slav,tz Mr & Mrs Sidney W Small Jc,r ) Small Rev Dr Ruth �malt B ttyJ M Smith Iler e N Sm1tt1 Kathleen t' Smith Ann Colgrove & Larry E Smrlo H1l<1ry Newell & PaulG Smith Suzanne Barr-rrd Sm,th & Rrct>ard S Sm,tt, St rrley A Smith Penny F Snow Mr & Mrs Kenneth F Soeder Mr & Mrs Oarles E Soule Duncan Spelman Linda C Sonnonst,ne & Cra,g Spery Mr & Mrs Roy D Spezzano Joanne Spiel (.art Spray rna R G,11,es & MollyG. Sprouse Mr & Mrs Raymond F St Peter Su,an Stackpole Mr & Mrs Robert F Starbuck Mr & Mrs. Wrllram D Starbuck Penny Starr Barbara D Stevens Dr Ph1l11p A Ston Susan Coffin Damm,n Stone Mr & Mrs Charles Stott Mr & Mrs <h<1rl s L Strang Mr & Mrs Michael Strauss Vrrg1rna L Streader Mr & Mrs Enc Streck Mr & Mrs Edward Sulhvan Carl E Swain EstelleG. Swarn Mr & Mrs [ l11ot S. Sylvia Marcia J Coyle & Thomas C. Szydlowski Josephine Tambo Patty Tasch M1m1 TashJran Davis T TauntonJr Mr & Mrs. Kevin Z Taylor Mr & Mrs. Robert Taylor Robert Taylor Constance B Tevebaugh Mr & Mrs. Geoffrey W Thayer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Thomas Karola Thomas Joanne Thompson

Nancy A Thompson Mr & Mrs. Luke Thornewm Brittany Thurman Franees R Tillson Deborah Timmermann, A S. I D. Mr & Mrs. Vincent E. Todd Jeanette D. Topham Mr & Mrs.Jose Tnllos Nils Tristan Linda M. True Jacqueline R Tullo Mr & Mrs Steven C. Turrentine Mr & Mrs. E Sanford Tuttle Mr & Mrs Conrad R Unger Francis Vail Mr & Mrs Steven R Valentine Linda L VanGundy Hildegard H Van Lieu Elizabeth Van Munching Robert Vance Nancy Vanevera Terry Anne Vigil GayG. Vogt LeeJ. Vonglahn Lora L Vun Kannon Caitlin C. Waddington Patricia Wages Mr & Mrs. John R Wagley William Waite Mr & Mrs Samuel C. Walker TimothyJ. Walker Mr & Mrs W Wyatt WalkerJr Sandra F Wallace Diana Wallingford Mr & Mrs. Charles Walters Suzanne M Walton Mr & Mrs Brien D. Ward Thomas Warner Charles L. Washburne Meghan E. Flaherty & Cedric I Washington Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Wasley Sharon E. Watson Ann P Webber Caroline R Weld Dr & Mrs. Francis Weld Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wellen Mr & Mrs Robert S. Westbrook Mr & Mrs. William P Westcott Mona M. Wheatley Judy A Whitbeck Barbara Coleman White


Claire White

Unda W Wiseman

Mr. & Mrs. Mark F. White

Mr & Mrs. Paul A. Wolf Jr.

Mr & Mrs. John Wichtowski

Peggy L. Wood

Judy L. Widger

Patricia Woodruff

Mr & Mrs. Harold Wiggin

Therese P. Woodward

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wiggin

Patsy Wright

Mr & Mrs. Bruce G. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Jon S. Wullschleger

Mr. & Mrs. Connor H Williams

Mr & Mrs. George W Young

Mary & George Williams

Mary Young

Karenlynn Williams

Lt. Col. James W. Youngberg

Paula K. Williams

Dr. Robin J. Zablow

Donna N. Wilson

Mr & Mrs. Alexander Zaras

Dr. Joy T. Wilson

Jill B. Zeno

Carole L. Windham

Lydia Zinzi

The Nantucket Historical Association has made every effort to accurately acknowledge contributors from January 1 to December 31, 2014. We sincerely regret any error• or omissions. If you have questions. please contact the Development Office at giving@nha.org.

Robert F. Winn

Clockwise, from the top: Sarah Powers; Steven Gambrel, Designer Luncheon speaker; Olivia Charney, Designer Luncheon chair; and Lulu Powers; a gathering in the Greater Light garden; Walden Chamber Players in concert in Gosnell Hall; summer concert on the museum's rooftop



REPOR1 Capital and Endowment Support The NHA gratcfolly ad.nowlcdgcs the individuals and foundations that made gifts, grants, planned gifts, and pledges in 2013-15 for capital purposes and to build the NI IA endowment. $2Million

Georgia P Gosn, II'


Bonnie & Peter McCausland The Family of Peter M. SacerdotE m memory of Peter M SacerdotE

$500,000-$999,999 Mana & William Sp,•ar•


Anonymous (21 Robyn & John Davis Nan & Chuck Geschke Mr. & Mrs. William E. Little Jr


Anonymous Mary-Randolph Ballinger Maureen & Edward Bousa Anne Marie & Doug Bratton Laura & Bill Buck Mr & Mrs Wilham R CJmp Jr Carver Delaney Fami11e� Foundation The Gilbert Verney Foundation The Gord0n & llura Gund Foundation Jessica & Drew Guff. in honor of Gerda Stedman

John A. & Cynthia Fry Gunn Julia & John Hilton Barbara E. Jones Connie & Dennis Keller Victoria McManus & John McDermott Nantucket Community Preservation Committee Franc, Neely Liz & Jeff Peek Mr. & Mrs Robert L Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy P Richardson Janet & Rick Sherlund


Phoebe & Bobby Tudor Kim & Finn Wentwortt> Tt,e Williams Forsyth Family Fund


Anonymous (21 Connie & Tom Cigarran Barbara & Ed Ha11m The H L Brown, Jr. Family Foundation Moss.icnusetts Historical Comm1ss1on Lynn & Nick N1crolas Susan R & L Dennis Shapiro Mr & Mr, Jay M. Wilson


Mr & Mrs. Douglas D. Abbey Carne & Leigh Abramson Mrs. Mariann H Appley Carol & Harold Baxter Ors. Estella & George Christian Jenny & Wylie Collins Da1ntry & Reb Jensen Kathryn & Jim Ketelsen. m honor of Janet Sher/und Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Michael S. Lorber Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Sarah & Jeff Newton Kathryn & John Salmanow1tz Jane & Wat Tyler Estate of Elizabeth Wheelwright. 1n memory of Amelia Francis Vickery & Austin L. Vickery Jr


Ab1ah Folger Franklin Chapter, National ':,OC1ety Daughters of the American Revolution Lindsey & Merrick Axel Susan R & William J. Boardman Mary & David Brown Katherine Grover & Michael Campbell

Sara P & William R Congdon Polly F Espy Elizabeth & Michael Galvin Denis H Gazaille Paula & Schuyler Henderson Clare Casademont & Michael Metz Winnie & Christopher Mortenson National Trust for Historic Preservation Judy & Stephan Newhouse Mr & Mrs. Edwin W Obrecht Jr. Nathaniel & Melissa Philbrick Denise & Andrew Saul Ambassador & Mrs. Louis B. Susman Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Zobel de Ayala


Dr & Mrs. Joseph Arvay Mr. & Mrs Robert W Bailey Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Carole & Gary Beller Josette & Jim Blackmore Mr & Mrs. W Michael Cozort Mr. & Mrs. George A. Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Gaslow Mr & Mrs. Peter W Nash Richard H. Driehaus Charitable Lead Trust Teck1e & Don Shackelford Peggy & Bill Tramposch Leslie W Forbes & David D. Worth


Jane Beasley Descendants of Sheriffs & Constables of Colonial & Antebellum America Jane & Chartes Forman Mr & Mrs. Whitney A. Gifford Mr & Mrs William M. Gillen Shelley & Graham Goldsmith Mr & Mrs. Arthur L Kelly/ T. Lloyd Kelly Foundation Jana & Gerold Klauer Mary D. Malavase Susan & Glenn Meyers Ardeth & John Spencer, ,n memory of Omn Lane Macy 'Deceas,d

FINANCIAL STATEMENT Statement of Financial Position and Activities Year ended December 31. 2014




� .),u05.390



160 012


Other current assets

102 93/


ASSErs Cash and cash equiva1ercs

3.947 183


Land. buildings. and equipment. net

15. �5,.465


Long-term investments

12 452.c11


$ .35.020 604


$ 268.019


948 2,9




15. .-SC,246,




Pledges receivable. net



•24% • 11% • 14% • 13% • 12% • 10%

• 7% 3%


---A.,'" re;


Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net assets



Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land. buildings. and equipment Temporarily restricted


Permanently restricted








Total net assets


The F1nanc1al Statements for 2014 have been audited by Bellus. Lynch LLP. which has rendered an unqualified opinion on them Complete financial statements are available upon request






OPERATING ACTIVITIES Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions








Education Programs



Museum Shop revenue



Investment return designated for operations



Interest income Special fund-ra1s1ng events Other earned revenue









Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total Operating expenses Program services

LB% • LO% • 16% • 1�% • 9% • 8% • 8%




Education and public programs



Research Library



Museum Shop





Special events


Supporting services General and administrative



Membership and development









Total Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperat1ng activities Investment return, net of amount appropriated for operations





Capital campaign contributions



Capital campaign expenses







Interest income Friends of NHA contributions


Net assets released from restrictions Satisfaction of capital restrictions Change in net assets from nonoperating activities Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Purchase of collection items



Change tn net assets Net assets. beginning of year

450,525 34,302,120

4,697,262 29,604,858



Net assets, end of year


014 lJAL




The Nantucket Historical Association recognizes the following for the outstanding support they have provided through underwriting for special events and programs, membership, grants, and gifts. Left to right: Margret Andersen, manager, Ralph Lauren's Nantucket store; Bill Tramposch, Gosnell Executive Director; and Janet Sherlund, NHA president. Ralph Lauren generously supports the NHA with proceeds from its Compass Rose Collection. $100,000 and above

Tupancy-Hams Foundation of 1986


The H. L. Brown. Jr. Family Foundation Massachusetts Histoncal Commission Nantucket Community Preservation Committee


Rolls-Royce Motor Cars


Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter. National Society Daughters of the American Revolution BNY Mellon Wealth Management Fireman¡s Fund Insurance Company Marine Home Center reMain Nantucket. LLC Tradewind Aviation William Froelich Foundation


Brown-Forman Corporation Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Don Allen Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Empire Office Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation Kookaburra Foundation M. S. Worthington Foundation. Inc Nantucket Golf Club Foundation Ralph Lauren


Bank of Amenca Charitable Foundation BPC Architecture Cape Air I Nantucket Airlines Community Foundation for Nantucket Congdon & Coleman Insurance Flather & Perkins, Inc. Hingham Institution for Savings Jockey Hollow Foundation Killen Real Estate Leggiadro Nantucket Bank, a division of Blue Hills Bank Nantucket Garden Club The Nantucket Hotel & Resort Nantucket Storage Center NEBCO Insurance Services Novat1on Media R C Lilly Foundation U. S Trust Water Jewels Gallery


Antiques & Fine Art

Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Cape Cod Five Foundation Cuddy Associates Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Hanna D. Monaghan Trust Hatch's Package Store Housetitters & Tile Gallery Hy-Line Cruises IBM Corporation Matching Grants

The /nqwrer ,,,d M,rror

The Islander Package Store Jordan Real Fstote Murray"s Toggery Shop Nantucket lsaard Resorts Nantucket Tent5 Norton Pre5ervat10n Trust / Valerie and Richard Norton Schwab Charitable Fund Stop & Shop Sylvia Ant1quEs / F.iur Winds Craft Guild The UPS Store Young¡s BicyclE Shop


A Taste of Nantucket Bartlett's Farm Blue Beetle Bott1ceill & Pohl. PC Brass Lantern Inn The Beachs1de at Nantucket Butler's of Far Hills, Inc Cape Cod Express. Inc CMC Construction Flowers on Chestnut Four Winds Gifts, Inc. Geronimo's ltd The Haul-Over James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Lindsay, Inc. Madaket Manne Nantucket Looms Nantucket Pharmacy Pageo Jewelers

Pinwheels Quidley & Company Sandcastle Construction. Inc Schwartz Hannum. PC Twig Perkins. Inc Zero Main $250-$499 29 Fair 97.7 ACKFM & 895FM Nantucket's NPR ACKtivities American Seasons

Antiques Depot Artists Association of Nantucket Black-Eyed Susan's Cliff Lodge Concept Design Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Denby Real Estate Design Associates. Inc DMH Events The Downyflake Edith Delker Real Estate Emeritus Development Freedman's of Nantucket G. S. Hill Gallery Graficas Greenwood Alarm & Key Company Hepburn. Ltd. Hostetter Gallery Ivy Wealth Management J. McLaughlin Javatime Design LCL Communications. Inc / Lisa and Bruce Lawler Le Languedoc Bistro Martin House Inn The Maury People Nantucket & Martha's Vineyard Reservations Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd Nantucket Carving & Folk Art, Inc. Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Cultural Council Nantucket Event Media, Inc Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Events Nantucket Office Products

Ptacesetlers, Inc Remmey Antiques and Fine Art Runaway Bride Nantucket Simply With Style Catering Spanky's Raw Bar Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M. Warner Catering Swain's Travel V1s-A-V1s The Water Closet Up to $249 Ab1ah Folger Franklin Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Allen County Public Library American Antiquarian Society Anderson's Best of the Beach Boston Public Library Carolyn Thayer Interiors Cornell University Library currentV1ntage Egan Maritime Institute FM Global Foundation GE Foundation Matching Gifts Goldman Sachs Gives Harvard College Library Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Library of Boston Athenaeum Milly & Grace Natasha Willauer Interiors New England Historic Genealogical Society New York State Library Newberry Library State Historical Society of Wisconsin United Technologies Matching Gifts University of Massachusetts Library White Heron Theatre Company

Janice Sturchio and Kris Stewart of BNY Mellon Wealth Management and Sarah and Jeff Newton at the Antiques & Design Show of Nantucket

Bettina and Eric Landt of Nantucket Island Resorts and Gwenn and Mark Snider of the Nantucket Hotel and Resort at the Festival of Trees

Janice Grassia and Walt Spokowski of Marine Home Center at the Festival of Wreaths

14 2(NL,AL



The Nantucket Historical Association appreciates the thoughtful generosity of all who made tribute gifts in support of the NHA's mission. Celebrating the opening of the Old Gaol, Gail Terry, second from the left, Massachusetts State Regent, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, and officers of the Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter-NSDAR, which helped support the restoration. From the left: Julie Kever, Sandy Jackson, Susan Robinson, Bethny Maury, and Barbara Capizzo

Honorary Gifts In Honor of Edith Lynch Bouriez Miss Adeline Braun In Honor of Anne Delaney and Calvin Carver Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Caiver Sr In Honor of W. Michael Cozort Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Nardella In Honor of Karen and Vic DiGravio Mrs. Lucille D,Gravio In Honor of Ana and Michael Ericksen

Mr and Mrs. Steven Walker Mr and Mrs. Thomas J. Baca In Honor of Patsy Emst Mrs Polly F Espy In Honor of Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth

Mrs. Suzanne K. Forsyth Connie Boyte, Nancy Mahler, and Sherry Smith

In Honor of Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Michael Kovner Mr and Mrs. Nathaniel 8. Day Mr and Mrs. William G Spears In Honor of Emily Kahn The Rosner Family Rick. Carole. and Isabella In Honor of David M. Lilly Sr. 1 R C. Lilly Foundation In Honor of Wells MacDonald Lipner Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Walker In Honor of Ted, Peter, and Julie Merriman Mr and Mrs. Richardson T Merriman

In Honor of Janet and Rick Sherlund Mr and Mrs Anthony J D1Clemente Mr and Mrs Gare•h Hill In Honor of Anne Sweidel Dr and Mr• Eug,·ni Davidson In Honor of Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Mr William J Murdaugh and Mr Gary A Smith

In Honor of the NHA Museum Shop

In Honor of Wat H. Tyler Ms. Cecily Tyler and Mr Anthony Savini

2014 Staff

Mrs. Georgina Winton

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Day

In Honor of Elizabeth Oldham Mr Sherwood P McCall Ill

In Honor of Robert Hellman Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Varbalow

In Honor of Christine Hurlbut and Griffen Owen

Rev and Mrs. C. William Steelman {)

In Honor of Janet Sherlund Mr and Mr• h ,a, An ,than Mr and Mrs. w,11,am M Crozier Jr Mr Jean Doyen 'l Monta,llou and Mr Michael Kovner Mr and Mrs Je!"rey T Newton Mr and Mrs. Larry Pollock Mr and Mrs. Rnbert 8. Tudor Ill

In Honor of Franci Neely Mr and Mrs. James L Ketelsen Mr William J. Murdaugh and Mr. Gary A. Smith

In Honor of Elizabeth and

Michael Galvin and Liliane and Christian Haub

In Honor of Kennedy P. Richardson Mr and Mrs Tr ,r,a, J. Anathan

In Honor of Elfriede B. Walden Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation


Memorial Gifts In Memory of Bob Bennett Morton. Dorothy. ,rd ,u, "Ian Mrs. Nancy Sevrens Mrs France' R. ,I ·on In Memory of Anne Bullock Dr Jail' •s E tlul In Memory of Georgia Gosnell Mr and Mr• T Mr. and Mr�. Willian," ..,m!l Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jae')b•en Mr and Mrs. Edward Syrl'es Ill Ms. Frances SymPs In Memory of Martha Groetzinger Ms Margaret B W Cr- " Mr and Mrs. Michael Ke oenash In Memory of Ruth Lilian Kopelman Mr and Mrs. Thon

In Memory of Eric Leef Mr 3nd Mr• Robert Hellman

In Memory of Marcia K. Smith Mr Irwin J Smith Ill

In Memory of Orrin Lane Macy p,ncer

In Memory of Nason S. Swain Ms Valene J. Hunt and Mr. James Ballway

In Memory of Rachel "Bunny" Mellon Mr ard Mr• Wilham R. Murray In Memory of Eleanor Milton Mr and Mr, ,nn W1chtowsk In Memory of Patty Newhouse An 1nym1 1 In Memory of Merle T. Orleans Mr and Mrs. kenr ,th Blackshaw In Memory of Harvey Saligman Mr and Mr Richard T Grote

In Memory of Diana S. Walker Ms. ,usan E Robinson In Memory of Nancy Whitcomb Mr.Clark M Whitcomb Mr and Mrs. Damien Quigley Rev Lyn G Brakeman and Rev Richard J Simeone In Memory of Charles Frederick Winslow Ms. Penelope La1ngen

HERITAGE SOCIETY The Heritage Society n:cognizcs indi\'iduals who have made gifts ofartifacts, cash, or real estate to the

I IA th rough their estate plans. Planned gifts take many forms and support the NHA in

myriad ways- -from building the permanent endowment: to expanding the artifact collections. New members arc recognized at the Annual Meeting and presented with an ivory whale lapel pin carved by scrimshandcr Nancy Chase, a IIcritage Society member.

Members of the Heritage Society Anonymous (2) Bruce B Bates Nancy A Chase Leroy andCecily Langsdale Davis Trudy S Du1ard1n RobertC. Griffin Barbara E. HaJim Nina and Robert Hellman Grace S Hinkley Daintry and Reb Jensen

Coco and Ane L. Kopelman Richard Kemble' and George Korn Robin and Richard Kreitler Katherine S Lodge' Carolyn B MacKenzie Phyllis B Macomber' Mary Frances Sutton Miller W1n1fred M. Mortenson Sally and Peter Nash Lauren and Peter Roncetti

Kathryn Salrnanow1tz Reva and Morton Schlesinger Susan R. and L. Dennis Shapiro Dorothy Slover Mana T and Wilham G. Spears JonathanC. Swain Madeline and Jonathan F' Swain Elizabeth and Geoffrey Verney Stephen Andrews Wise' 'Deceased




1he Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association was established in 1986 to seek significant acquisitions for the NI-IA collections, to contribute to the appropriate housing and restoration of those acquisitions, and to provide funds necessary to make such acquisitions and contributions that are both desired by the curators and approved by the Friends. The book Isla11d Treasures: Gifts

ofthe Friends ofthe Nantucket Historical Association, 1986 - 2011, documents their extraordinary contributions. In 2014, the Friends acquired the journal of the first keeper of the Sankaty Head Lighthouse, Alexander D. Bunker, including instructions for the keeper and ephemera related to the lighthouse (RL2014.46).

2014 Friends of the NHA Patricia and Thomas Anathan

Barbara and Edmund HaJim

Anne and Edwin Obrecht

Mariann H. Appley

Kaaren and Charles Hale

Ann and Christopher Quick

David G. Berry

George S Heyer Jr

Susan and Kennedy Richardson

Max N. Berry

Barbara and Amos Hostetter

Ellen and Kenneth Roman

Susan and William Boardman

Barbara E. Jones

Manon and Robert Rosenthal

Anne Marie and Douglas Bratton

Harvey C. Jones

Ellen and David Ross

Mary and David Brown

Kathryn and James Ketelsen

Bonnie J. Sacerdote

Christy and William Camp

Sara Jo Kobacker

Linda Saligman

Laurie and Robert Champion

Coco and Ane L. Kopelman

Denise and Andrew Saul

Prudence and William Crozier

Margaret Hallowell and Stephen Langer

Susan and Dennis Shapiro

Robyn and John Davis

Sharon and Francisco Lorenzo

Janet and Rick Sherlund

Rachel and James Dunlap

Helen and Hampton Lynch

Maria and William Spears

Polly F. Espy

Carolyn and Ian MacKenzie

Genevieve M. Tucker

Barbara J. Fife

Miriam and Seymour Mandell

Marilyn J. Whitney

Kelly Williams and Andrew Forsyth

Bonnie and Peter McCausland

Stephanie and Jay Wilson

Nancy and Charles Geschke

Ronay and Richard Menschel

Bracebndge H. Young

Georgia P. Gosnell'

Franc, Neely

Robert A. Young

Ann and Grahan'\ Gund

Aileen and Scott Newquist




CURATORIAL & RESEARCH LI BRARY ACCESS IONS The Nantucket Historical Association gratefully acknowledges those who have generously contributed to the development of our collections with their gifts of artifacts and documents. This porcelain bisque doll (2014.21) was purchased by Elizabeth Pinkham Crosby for her niece, Helen Marshall, and sent in 1856 to Pernambuco, Brazil, to be picked up by Capt. Joseph Marshall of the bark Aurora for his daughter. Gift of Helen Marshall Hall Brown, in honor of Florence Farrier Hall

Donors to the Collections Anonymous (3) Marta Allen Beverly Armstrong Lloyd Arnold William BachmaP Ruth C. Baltzer Paul A Bennett Gintaras Berrnkous Susan R Boardmar Bettina Breer Diana T Brown Helen Marshall Hall Brown. ,n honor of Florer-e Fame, Hall Helen Marshall Hall Brow<' Paul Bullock Patricia Egan Butlrr Jeanne Mane Carley Charles Carpenter Loan Collection Alcon H. Chadwick Moncure Chatfield Taytor Vess, Christova Elizabeth Churchill Jane M. Clayton Robert "Skinner" Coffin Martin D. Cohen Roberta Cont, ¡coco¡ Csaba Cseko Steve Desroches Kathy Downie Larry Easton Ray 8. Eger Lucinda Ellison Pamela Athearn Filbert Sandra Finerty Severin Folger Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association Luis Garcia 1 Deceased

Suzanne T Gardner' Nancy and Carl Gewirz Elizabeth M. Gilbert Stephen H Grant Orville Haberman Michael A Hadley Roberta G Hamblin Wynn Handman Robert E. Hellman Francis E Holdgate Family Frank Holdgate Amy Jenness Lowell Joerg Paul R Judy Frances R Karttunen Katharine 8 King George F Korn Elizabeth Knda Somwong Kyom1tma1tee Erntst B. Latham Katherine S. Lodge' Elaine T Lowengard Katharine L. Macy T homas L Macy Joan Manley Darnel Manville Lucy Marsh Marcia and Wilham Mather Louise Gibson McGarvey' Eugene G McGuire John F Mclaughlin Robert L Mitchell Linda Backus Morral Eva S. Moseley Gita Nakarmi Nantucket Atheneum Nantucket Bank, a division of Blue Hills Bank

Nantucket C1v1c League Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Preservation Trust Aimee E. Newell Nancy A. Newhouse Elizabeth Oldham Natalie DuPont Copeland Panno Delphine Paradis Dennis Peterson Piya Phatthanaphutl James E. Powers Alexandra L. Punnett Jane Od1seos Purnell Philip W Read Margaret G Read Eleanor Constable Reade Allen B. Reinhard Mary L. Richrod Malcolm J Rohrbough Donn Russell Reva and Morton Schlesinger Nancy L. Shoemaker Robin Siegel Denise Slatton Rachael Freeman Slosek Julie B. Stackpole Susan Coffin Damm,n Stone Anne P. Strain Eva Maria and Hans E. Tausig Tim Thompson Kyle G. Volk John R Wagley Wilham A. Willauer Brenda Williams Paula K. Williams Gordon Winslow Harvey S. Young

IN-KIND GIFTS The NHA thanks the following individuals and organizations for their in-kind gifts of goods and services-from donating a wreath to the Festival of Wreaths, to discounting professional services, to hosting an event on behalf of the NHA. Joan Albaugh Ambrosia Nantucket Patricia and Thomas Anathan Anderson's Annye·s Whole Foods Arrowhead Nursery A Taste of Nantucket Antiques & Fine Art

Baolgi Bartlett's Farm Gussie Beaugrand Brant Point Grill Evelyn Bene Best of the Beach Bliss Spa Bodega N1kollne Bohr Borsette Designs Joelle Bouchard Edith Lynch Bounez Alicia Bradford Anne Mane and Doug Bratton Cape Air/ Nantucket Airlines Cape Cod Life Publications Cisco Brewers / Triple Eight Distillery Barbara Clarke Cleaning Faines The Club Car Anne Delaney and Chip Carver Crosswinds Restaurant& Bar Dana Crowley Cru Alan Cunha currentVintage David M. Handy Events Vanessa Diseno

Janice Dougherty DuJard1n Design Associates Ethan Dupree Brian and Chnst,na D,gney Earle Margaret Eger Ray Eger Emery Dcs,gn Endeavor Sailing Ana and Michael Ericksen Patsy Ernst Cris Farley Carot,ne Ferguson Marg,ta Ferreira Fifty-Six Union Julie Fitzgerald Flowers on Chestnut Fusion of Flavor Shelley Foulkes Suzanne' and Jack Gardner G S Hill Gallery Dorothy Gennaro Julia Gifford Whitney Gifford Elizabeth Gilbert Barbara Gookin Georgia Gosnell' Green Tree Electrical Grodsky Service RobertHall Sally BatesHall ChnsHarl H,larie V Hawley Dan,Henke GregH,ll Jud,Hill Hines and Company BetsyHolden Holdgate·s Island Laundry Barbara lnsalco The Inquirer and Mirror

Island Treasures It's a Shore T hing The J. Buller Coll ct,on James Lydon, Sons& Daughters Javat,me Des,gn/E,leen Powers Emma Keane Melissa Kershaw Patience Killen Kitty Murtagh's Coco and Arie L Kopelman Denise Korngold

14 IAL

RrPORl Langucdcx. B,strc, Last Minute Productions The ..;ittar21 Fam, y m rremory cf BarbdrJ Lc1t1anz1 Cynthia Lenhart Ritch Leone Leslie ,nslPy The ,o,i's fdW John Lochtefelrl Janet MacKay !anion Jes,,c, Marr•rg MaririerHe ,se Chns Mason Sue Mc lva,ne Pnsc, la "'lclnt >s, Me'ltor., Ye uth N rtu, ket Nicol M,ch tt1 P1u1 M,chctt1 Milly& Gr�c� Betr Moyer Myst,c 5 aport Nantuc ,t Allie< NantlC tt Al lC'ltUm Nant, t Bake S,1or, Nant, eket dlVlf� and Fv k Art Nantur et at_n11c o r,3r'Y Nantucket Chronicle Nantu1 ket r or uvatlCn 1-vundat1on Nanturk,t C c,ttace <csp,tal f Nantucket County 5herif s Office Nantu( ket F1rnnan·s Associ,1llon Nantu< kct fr,HT'eWOl'<.S Nantu ket F,me, 1Heme Nantu ket Hote & Rescrt Nantucket l<land Cllarnber of Cor'lrT'er e Nantucket ghtsr,p BasKet Museum Nantucket oom< Nantucket Party Rental Nantucket Shell Dcs,:in� Nantucket Tents Nartutket V,s,t,rg Nurses

Natasra W,lla�er nter• ,rs Ire National F,ne W,ne 1-ram.1 N c1y New Bedfc,rd Whaling Museum Doralee Nolan Novat,on Media Old Spouter Gallery Karen Palmer Judith Paterson

Lucille Patino Petticoat Row Bakery Placesetters Pumpkin Pond Farm Queequeg¡s & Town Rabbit Run Antiques Ralph Lauren Reade. Gullicksen. Hanley & Gifford Kathy Richen Lauri Robertson Priscilla Saperstein Doreen Scalera Reva and Morton Schlesinger 'Sconset Fire Department Seagrille

Mary & David Sharpe Shaw-Ross International Importers Janet and Rick Sherlund Simply With Style Soiree Floral Michelle Soverino Maria and William Spears Spot Cooling Stacy Expo Stephanie's Nantucket Lynn Storer Stover Engineering Associates Stroll Carolers Sultans of Swing Surfing Hydrangea Nursery

Allen Schuh and Jonathan Swain Sylvia Antiques Inc. Anne Terry Topper's Tradewind Aviation Phoebe and Bobby Tudor Nancy Tuttle Jeanne van Etten Veuve Clicquot Timothy Walker Daryl Westbrook The Westmoor Club Susan Whitlock Judith Wodynski

VOLUNTEERS Thank you to the individuals and organizations who gave of their time and talent in support of the NHA's special events, administrative needs, education and program initiatives, and curatorial projects. Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter ¡ National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Carne Abramson Access Nantucket ACK Treasures Joan Albaugh Joan Allen American Red Cross Nantucket Zone Patricia Anathan Anderson's Antiques Depot Artists Association of Nantucket Diane Asche Mark Avery Lindsey Axel Carol Atkinson Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Audrey Sterk Design Autism Speaks Jonas and Christy Baker Margit Baker Mary-Randolph Ballinger Bartlett's Farm

Beverly Barlow Carol Baxter Gussie Beaugrand Pat Belford Richard Belford Carole Beller Maggie Benedict Bruce Beni Jeanne Bennett Best of the Beach Black Lotus Studio Josette Blackmore Cynthia Blackshaw Ken Blackshaw Bodega Kathy Bologna Brooke Boothe Jeanine Borthwick David Bossi Kim Botelho Edith Lynch Bouriez Maureen Bousa Barbara Boutot Sara Boyce

BPC Architecture Brant Point Marine Anne Marie Bratton Tommy Br.esette Jason Bridges Mary Brown Mano Buatta Norma and Robert Burton Martha Butler Diane Cabral Kathleen Cahill Deirdre Carr Janet Chaffee Laurie Champion Olivia Charney Cheney Brothers Building & Renovation. LLC Louise Connell Connie Cigarran Community Foundation for Nantucket Concept Design Bessie Connelly Martha Cozort Jay Craven


ďż˝ 014


VOLUNTEERS Create-Art Supply Store Prudence Crozier Rob Cucuzzo currentVintage Dane Gallery Suzanne Daub David M. Handy Events Dharma Yoga Nantucket Helen Didriksen Amy Dilatush Vanessa Diserio Ane DiVenere Dr. Pearl's Office Paula Dore Duffy Jean Doyen de Montaillou Lois Druckemiller Dujardin Design Associates James Dunlap David Dunn Gavin Durham Margaret Eger Emeritus Development Mary Emery Beth English Alex Ericksen Ana Ericksen Michael Ericksen Patsy Ernst Polly Espy Marilyn Fahrman Ginny Faucette David Feindel Marianne Felch Flock Flowers on Chestnut Ellen Foley James Foley Friends of the Nantucket Public Schools /Nantucket Elementary School Third Graders Bonnie Ford Alison Forsgren Donna Forsgren Bobby Frazier Phyllis Freilich Ciara Fritsch Jack Fritsch Steven Gambrel Gloria Gasnarez Bettye Girvin Doris Glazer

Karen Glover Joan Goodwin Barbara Gookin Susan Zises Green Garth Grimmer Jean Grimmer Joe Hale Kaaren Hale Alexandra Harper Michael Hamson Ralph Harvard Hilane Hawley Robert Hellman Sarah Helm Dani Henke Maureen Herman

Candy Heydt Judi and Greg Hill Betsy Holden Missy Holden Lois Horgan Joyce Horton Housefitters Darlene Howell Peter Howell Hydrex The J. Butler Collection Betty Jacobsen James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Amy Jenness Claire Jensen Allison Johnson lllya Kagan Diane Karper Fran Karttunen Margaret Kaufman Deb Killen Killen Real Estate Patricia Kleinert Debra Klingsporn Denise Korngold Bart Koon-Cosgrove Thom Koon-Cosgrove Barbara Kotalac Melanie Kotalac Nancy Kozak Nan Lampe Leggiadro Marie Lemberg Cathy Lennon Jim Lentowski

Reggie Levine Laurie Lewis Linda Loring Nature Foundation Janet Lindgren Kerth Lindgren Leslre Linsley The Lion's Paw Vrckr Livingstone Judith Lochtefeld Sharon Lorenzo Patricia Lowe Helen Lynch Mary-Adarr Macaire Janet MacKay Hanlon Anna Macintyre Made on N�ntucket Mary Malavase Mrnam Mandell Cartlrn Marcoux Manne Home Center John Marques Harry Marshall Bethny Maury Krmal McCarthy Georgia McColough Barbara Mcinerney Andrew McKenna-Foster Vrctona McManus Richard McMorrow Ursula McMorrow Miacomet Golf Club Sarah Ann Miller Milly & Grace Mitchell's Book Corner Laurie Monahan Moors End Farm Joanne Morgan Morgan Morton Dani Henke & Beth Moyer Nantucket Arts Council Nantucket Bank. a division of Blue Hills Bank Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Coastal Conservancy Nantucket Community Music Center Nantucket Cookie Cutter Company Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Cottage Hospital Friends & Family Nantucket Finance Department Nantucket Fire Department

Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Homeworks The Nantucket Hotel & Resort Nantucket Ice Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Island 'iesorts Nantucket Island Sct,001 of Design Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Looms Nantucket Monogram & Design Nantucket Radio Nantucket Republican fown Committee Nantucket Safe Harbor for Animals Nantucket Shellfish Association Nantucket Sh1pwr c• & Lifesaving Museum. affihatt' of Egan Maritime Institute Nantucket Skin Nantucket THefT1akcrs Natasha W1llauer lnt_rior, Inc Anne Obrecht Ocean Treasures Courtney O'Neill Our Island Home Sandie Owen Judith Paterson Max Perkini Rachael Perkins Placesetters Susan Waterfall and Allan Pollack Julian Waterfall Pollack Joanne Polster Nancy Puff Pumpkin Pond Farm Ann Quick Rabbit Run Antiques Joan Rall

Ralph Lauren Claire Raneri Phillip Raneri Maureen and Victor Reed Mary Reichard Julie Re1nemo Lenore Riccio Jo-Ann Richard Kathleen Richen Bettina Ridley Maria Roach Eleanor Roethke Deborah Rogers Louise Rogerson Joan Rouillard Linda Saligman Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Alfred Sanford Christine Sanford Lee Saperstein Priscilla Saperstein Tom Scheerer ¡sconset Gardener Isabelle Seeman Nancy Serafini Alex Shannon Ben Shattuck John Shea Janet Sherlund Julie Simmons Susan Simmons Small Friends on Nantucket Soiree Floral Mana and Bill Spears Carol Anne St1glmeier Pamela St Pierre Ann Stock Stop & Shop

Sheila Sullivan Sunny Wood Designs Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Sun1l Suwal Jaime TashJ1an Anne Terry Theatre Workshop of Nantucket Karen Tiffany Town of Nantucket The Toy Boat Peggy Tramposch Elizabeth Tnllos Jose Trillos Nancy Tuttle Union Lodge F&AM Jeanne van Etten Vegan Nantucket Timothy Walker Pamela Waller Kathleen Walsh WCAI Radio Patricia Weeks Nancy Weeks-Cantone Wednesday Bridge Club Melanie Wernick The Westmoor Club Mona Wheatley Barbara White White Heron Theatre Company Hutton Wilkerson Connor Williams Kathleen Williams Judith Wodynsk1 Yesterday's Island

Tara Young

From left to right: Emma Ross and Kathleen Walsh, chair, Festival of Wreaths; Dan Barber and Deb Killen, chair, Festival of Trees; Kitty Murtagh's, one of eleven restaurants providing delightful fare at the Festival of Trees

2 )14 Jl,AL '

NHA BOARD OF TRUSTEES 2014-15 Janet L. Sherlund President

Kenneth L Beaugrand Vice President

Kennedy P Richardson Vice President

William J. Boardman Treasurer

Mary D. Malavase Clerk

Josette Blackmore Maureen F Sousa Anne Mane Bratton William R. Camp Jr Friends of the NHA Representative Calvin R Carver Jr Olivia Charney Constance Cigarran W Michael Cozort Ana Encksen Whitney A Gifford Georgia P Gosnell'. Trustee Emer,ta William E. Uttle Jr Victoria McManus Franc, Neely



Christopher C Ou,cK

Fr,ends of the NHA President

L. Dennis Shapiro Maria Spears Jason A. Tilroe Phoebe B Tudor F,nn X. Wentworth Kelly M W,ll,ams David D Worth Jr Ex Officio

William J Tramposch Gosnell Executive Director 'Deceased

NHA STAFF Administration

Esther McLaughlin

W,ll,arn J. Tramposch

1800 House Intern

Gosnell Executive O,rector

Jennifer N1ellng

Carolyn Sawyers

Johanna C Richard

Curatorial Research Intern

Senior Shop Associate

Andra Mana Opns Shop Associate

Associate Director. Operations

Brittany T hurman

Nord,an Valks

Megan Kastner

1800 House Program Manager

Shop Associate


Shop Associate

Special Events Intern

Julianne Kever

Lindsay Wommack

Administrative Assistant

Cristin Merck

Ashley Martin

Director of Stewardship

Special Functions Manager

Karyn Lindsay

Claire McCann

Foundation Relations and Prospect Research Coordinator

Accounts Receivable Specialist

Rebecca Miller Assistant to the Executive Director

Tracy Murray Controller

Stacey Stuart Special Events Manager

Curatorial Michael R. Harrison

Courtney Yancy Shop Associate

Properties Catherine Taylor D1rector of Properties

Museum Shop

Andrew Harris

Georgina Winton

Maintenance and Grounds Assistant

Merchandise Manager

John Marques

Rosalee Arscott

Maintenance and Grounds Assistant

Head of Sales

Kathnna Marques

Debbie Burke

Landscape and Garden Manager

Shop Associate

Edwin Rudd

Sarah Diaz

Maintenance and Grounds Assistant

Robyn & John Davis Chief Curator

Shop Associate

Manuel Sylvia

Tony Dum,tru

Porsh,a Johnson

Maintenance and Grounds Assistant

Collections and Systems Manager

Shop Associate

NHA STAFF Research Library

Patti Clinton

Betsy Tyler

Joan Pearce

Museum Educator

Museum Interpreter

Obed Macy Research Chair/L1brarY

Alexander Ericksen

Joanne Polster

Museum Interpreter

Museum Interpreter


Sarah Helm Curatorial and Llbra(Y Associate

Marie Henke Photograph Archives Specialist

Elizabeth Oldham

Danielle Gagnon

Marcia Rubin

Museum Educator and Interpreter

Museum Interpreter

Elizabeth Gilbert

Janice Sandler

Museum Interpreter

Visitor Services Representative

Research Associate and Copy Editor

Peggi Godwin

Liz Schaeffer

Senior Interpreter

Museum Interpreter

Visitor Experience

Maria Grause

Claire Seaquist

Senior Interpreter

Visitor Services Representative

Marjan Shirzad

Director of Visitor Experience

Jessica Bierman Education Intern

Libby Clark Public Programs Intern

Lacey Davies Public Programs Intern

Jacob Horton Interim Pub/le Programs Coordinator

Molly Mcilvaine Membership Coordinator

Brianne Roth Education Intern

Katie Schoorl Manager of Visitor Operations

Lindsay Scouras Manager of Communications

Visitor Services and Interpreters Nicole Aguiar

Museum Interpreter

Samantl1a Aguiar Museum Interpreter

Nora Armstrong Visitor Services Representative

John Belash Museum Interpreter

Susan Berman Senior Interpreter

Douglas Burch Museum Interpreter

James Grieder

Kay Sheehan

Museum Interpreter

Museum Interpreter

Laura Holden

Natalie Spears

Visitor Services Representative

Visitor Services Representative

Erin-Marie Holmes

Linda Steelman

Museum Interpreter

Senior Interpreter

Jessica Jensen

Anne Sweidel

Senior Interpreter

Museum Interpreter

Emily Kahn

Barbara Varbalow

Museum Interpreter

Visitor Services Representative

Kathryn Kubie

Michael Varbalow

Museum Educator and Interpreter

Museum Interpreter

Stephen Leinbach

Duncan Will

Museum Interpreter

Museum Interpreter

Karen MacNab

Connor Williams

Museum Interpreter

Ann Martindale Museum Interpreter

John McGuinness Museum Interpreter

Isabelle Metz Museum Interpreter

Thomas Miner Museum Interpreter

Miriam M1ttenthal Museum Interpreter

Katherine Morrison Lead Museum Educator

Adam Parker Museum Interpreter

Museum Interpreter


P. 0. Box 1016 Nantucket, Massachusetts 02554


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