2009 Annual Report

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Historic Nantucket

Summer2010 Volume 60, No. 2

A Publication of the Nantucket Historical Association


NANTUCKET H lSTORICAL ASSOClATlON 1 5 BROAD STREET, P.O. Box 1016 NANTUCKET, MA 025 54-1016 P 508 228 1894 F 508 228 5618

ask@nha.org WWW.NHA.ORG


Elizabeth Oldham COPY EDITOR

Beth Moyer

TRUSTEES Janet L. Sherlund, PRESIDENT Kenneth L. Beaugrand, FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Hampton S. Lynch Jr., SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Thomas J. Anathan, TREASURER Melissa C. Philbrick, CLERK C. Marshall Beale Robert H. Brust Constance Cigarran William R. Congdon Franci N. Crane Denis H. Gazaille Nancy A. Geschke FRIENDS OF THE NHA REPRESENTATIVE



Whitney A. Gifford Georgia Gosnell, TRUSTEE EMERITA Nina S. Hellman Mary D. Malavase Sarah B. Newton

Anne S. Obrecht Elizabeth T. Peek Christopher C. Quick David Ross FRIENDS OF THE NHA REPRESENTATIVE

Melanie R. Sabelhaus L. Dennis Shapiro Nancy M. Soderberg Bette M. Spriggs EX OFFICIO

William J. Tramposch EXECUTlVE DlRECTOR

Eileen Powers/Javatirne Design DESIGN 8c ART DIRECTION PHOTOGRAPHY

JeffreyA. Allen MarkAvery Tony Dumitru LlsaFrey Peter Greenhalgh Liz Huberman Mary Emery Lacoursiere Chris Mason Kathrina Pearl Alan Perkins Eileen Powers Marjan Shirzad Judith Wodynski Michael Wodynski





oN THE covER: The NHA's historic property Greater Light is being restored and interpreted to tell the story of Nantucket's twentieth-centu1y transformation as an art colony and resort. The project is discussed on pages 2 3- of the Annual



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This publication is printed in the U.SA. on recycled paper, using vegetable-based inks. © 2010 Nantucket HistoricalAssociation


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THE PRESENCE OF THE PAST Most organizations take stock oftheir accomplishments at year's end, around the time ofwriting their annual reports. Not so with the Nantucket Historical Association!

2008-13 Programs The NHA will deliver engaging educational programs pertaining to Nantucket, its culture, and its role in the world, both past and present. Collections The NHA will develop and manage its collections to reflect its role as an important leader in preserving and interpreting Nantucket history. Audiences

The NHA will widen its audiences through inclusive and accessible programs that reflect the changing population of the island and the nation over time. Organizational Effectiveness The NHA will prudently manage its human and financial resources to support its mission and strategic plan, promoting policies and practices that enhance its programs, collections, and properties.

Your association is an extraordinarily mission-focused organization with the admirable habit oftaking stock-almost daily-ofhow it is working to progress the goals ofits strategic plan. More important, the NHA is privileged to have your support, and we are pleased to say that this is chiefly what has brought us yet again to the end ofa very successful year. The Annual Report dutifully records our achievements for 2009, recognizing that it is with your involvement and generosity that we have accomplished so much in such an uncertain economic environment. We believe that a major ingredient to our success has been the fact that we put in a great deal ofeffort last year connecting our communities to the "presence ofthe past." One key way this occurred was in the drafting ofa new and vibrant strategic plan, one that has positioned the association as a place that connects us with our human kin across the ages. We have achieved these connections by way ofa galaxy ofyear-round programs that engage children and adults alike, and through a series ofongoing and highly regarded events that remind us that we Nantucketers inhabit, as Melville said, "a real comer of the world." This is no ordinary island; the past is present here, more present than in almost any other American locale. Our streets "shiver" with history, and the NHA helps to make the past almost palpable, nearly audible. As we continue to contend with uncertain economic times, members ofthe board and leadership ofthe NHA ask: How can we make ourselves sustainable as an organization? How can we leave the island's legacy intact for our children and their children? The answer, we believe, lies in our continuing efforts to become indispensable to the community as your touchstone with Nantucket's significant past. We work daily to preserve and interpret the very essence ofthis place, and your continued support is evidence that you recognize and appreciate these efforts.

Annual Report 2009





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"WORK IN PROGRESS" reater Light-the former summer home of Hanna and of the beautifully crafted windows and doors were removed, re to red, Gertrude Monaghan at 8 Howard Street-has been a and reinstalled in pristine condition. The highly decorative wrought­ treasured and unique island property for decades. When iron railings and gates were sanded, cleaned, and repainted and will be Hanna Monaghan bequeathed the property to the rehung soon. The roof and exterior shingling have been «J111h,'!:;:1Ji!i:«;� NHA in 1974, it was her hope that it would be completed. A small staff apartment has been created on the "of some historical value" and used as she and lower level, which will provide a con istent presence on the her sister had planned it-a place for the arts to property. flourish. In June 2010, the NHA will open Greater Light as a Thanks to the generosity of individuals, foundations, "work in progress" for special tours and a small and the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee, the exhibition that presents the site's wonderful potential to tell fund-raising effort launched by the NHA for the major the stories of Nantucket's emergence as an art colony and restoration of the building reached its goal of $1.2 million resort in the twentieth century. With the first phase of in 2009, enabling work to commence that year. structural improvements completed, the NHA is seeking Preparations for the restoration began in 2008, when the to raise an additional $343,000 to undertake the second building was surveyed and documented, and proposal .. phase of conservation of the interior, furnishings, and the plans and specifications were drawn up by project garden and the development of interpretative and \� ·· · · I· � architects Steven Blash.field, AIA, and Ethan Griffin of Chip %�; ··.� educational programs. Webster & Associates. Engineering studies were completed by When completed, Greater Light will become a venue for John Wathne of Structures North Inc. lifelong learning in the arts and for small gatherings that extol the arts Working on site throughout 2009 and into spring 2010, island-based and culture--exhibitions, poetry readings, plays, musical general contractor Twig Perkins Inc. has overseen the restoration. The performances, and garden parties-much in the way the Monaghans building's crumbling foundations were repaired or rebuilt byToscana engaged the community long ago. For more information about Corporation to stabilize the structure, and many hours were spent Greater Light, to inquire about tours, or to contribute to the project, repairing and shoring up old framing, flooring, and ceiling beams. All please contact the NHA at (508) 228-1894.


Historic Nantucket


The giant wrought-iron gates at Greater Light are now restored and will soon open outwards again onto the charming garden that Hanna and Gertrude Monaghan created. For those of us at the NHA, the gates will open upon far wider historical horizons-an era of the twentieth century that is close to home. Greater Light will be a reminder that there have been many like the Monaghans, whose hearts have been drawn to this faraway island. Real people in real times have lived on and loved this "real corner of the world." Even now, in the midst of restoration, there is an almost palpable presence of the past at Greater Light-the Monaghan magic seems once again at work. History, it has been said, "introduces us to our human kin across the ages." Welcome back, Hanna and Gertrude, and the era you represent! -William Tramposch Executive Director

The exhibition was organized by Winterthur v,;ith major support provided by:

.� • _;.,. The Americana Foundation Th'e Crnll Foundation ,:- ' TheWodecroft Foundation lilrtie Chilton Foundation '� '__...:-' i1JEITzab�th B. McGraw Foundation Anonymous


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Additional support was_provided by: I

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. James R. Alexander Mr. & Mrs.' Max N. Berry ·i Mrs. Georgina M. Bissell Mr. Paul T. Clark DBS Northeast Auctions James B. & Mary Lou Hawkes The Hohmann Foundation Mrs. Greta B. Lay\on 11... Leigh Ke�can Antiques •Mr. & Mrs. Forbes Maner Mr Steven P. Novak & Ms. Ann �bram ,,,· ° Mi & Mrs. J_ohnl O'Roffrket '' - . The Honorable & Mrs. Michael T. Paul "" � ' John & Margaret Ruttenberg Mr.1 & Mrs. Oscar Ryder Joseph E. and Norma G. Saul Foundation Skinner Auctioneers & Appraisers Gary R. Sullivan Antiques, Inc. Mr.WilliamW. Upton Washington Decorative Arts Forum Beth & StanleyWeiss Mr. Kemble Widmer Mr.' & Mrs.William F.Wiseman The exhibition at the Whaling Museum was made possible with support from: Wilmington Trust Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jay M.Wilson Anonymous

t deceased

I listoric Nantucket

t·,-=-1 From left, William Tramposch, Executive Director; Brock Jobe, Professor of American Decorative Arts at Winterthur; Roger Hobby, President of Wilmington Trust. New England; Ben Simons, Robyn & John Davis Chief Curator; Stephanie Speakman; and Jay Wilson.

NANTUCKET and :Jvlartha 's Vineyard

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The year witnessed a landmark in the history of the Nantucket Historical Association­ the first major traveling exhibition at the Whaling Museum, Harbor & Home: Furniture ofSoutheastern Massachusetts, 1710-1850, organized by Winterthur.

Annual Hcport 2009




MERCY OTIS WARREN N FEDUWORK Like many elite women of the era of the American Revolution, Mercy Otis Warren pursued genteel pastimes, such as needlework. One product of her labors, this extraordinary cover for a card table, stands apart. Using wool on linen, Mercy chose to depict the game of loo in trompe l'oeil. The card table is from the collection of Pilgrim Hall Museum, Plymouth, Massachusetts. A photographic reproduction of a portrait of Mercy Otis Warren, by John Singleton Copley, 1763, appeared in the exhibition courtesy of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.


I listoric Nantucket

s the season's major exhibition in the Peter Foulger Gallery, Harbor& lfo111e showcased the history of furniture from the Cape, the islands, the South Coast, and the South Shore of Massachusetts from the colonial period through the heyday of the Age of Whaling ( 1850). Visitors experienced treasures from the entire region brought together by the remarkable efforts of curator Brock Jobe, Professor of American Decorative Arts at Winterthur, and his many colleagues. The exhibition featured loans from some forty institutions and private collections, induding . nearly a dozen artifacts from the NI IA collections ..... � Jobe was the featured speaker al the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association Lecture hi July. Together with the underwriting support··' provided to Winterthur, the exhibition at tlw Whaling Museum was made possible with support from Wilminb'lon Trust, Mr. and ;\)rs. Amos B. l losletter Jr., Mr. and Mrs. I lampton S. Lynch Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Wilson, and an anonymous donor. In conjunction with the exhibition, furniture maker Daniel Santos Cl"l'alcd two rcprodut·tion Windsor chairs based on the original 17!!!1 Frederick Slade high-fan-hack Nantucket Windsor chair in the NI IA mllt•ctions that was donatt•d hv the Friends of the NI IA. Sanlos's work was undenvritten by Wilmington Trust. Following their display in the Whaling l\lusl'llm lohhv. till' chairs were offered at auction during the ,\ugusl Antiques Show, which supports the :\:I li\'s mission of education and preservation.

2009.38.3 Scrimshawed Tooth, ca. 1820s Edward Burdett (1805-33) Gift of Nina and Robert Hellman

Nina and Robert Hellman, who have made a promised gift to the NHA of a large collection of Nantucket whaling materials, art, and artifacts, have made a direct gift to the collections of a scrimshawed sperm-whale tooth engraved by famed Nantucket scrimshander Edward Burdett. Born on Nantucket in 1805, Burdett was the son of a merchant sea captain and went whaling at the age of seventeen aboard the Nantucket ship Foster(1822-24). He rose through the ranks on successive voyages, serving as deck officer aboard the William Te/1(1829-33). His last voyage, aboard the Nantucket ship Montano (1833), proved fatal when Burdett became fouled in a harpoon line during a whale hunt and was dragged overboard to his death. The Hellman tooth presents a fine cutting-in scene on the front, along with Burdett's characteristic leaf-and-vine border. Prior to Harbor & 1 Jome, the exhibition in the Peter Foulger Gallery was Keeping Time in Sag

1 larbo,; a photographic portrait of the early whaling port on Long Island, by writer, photographer,

and hi toric pre ervationi t tephen Longmire. From May through August, the Hadwen & Barney and I fa tory ho ted the tudent-curated photography exhibition Landmarks ofNantucket!that wa followed in ptember by the traveling exhibition Historic New England's Camera's Coast, � aturing historic photographs of New England coastal towns from Maine to Massachusetts. In the I ladwen & Barney candle factory, the NHA installed a plaque and photograph honoring Edward Sander on, the founder of the Whaling Museum. Sanderson not only secured the building for th antucket Historical Association but donated most of the Nantucket whaling tools and the whal boat in the coUe tion. qui ition pro per d in 2009 by numerous individual and estate donations of art, artifacts, phot graph , and manu cript materials; the contributions of the Friends of the NHA; and the up port of the Max and J leidi Berry Acquisition Fund and many individual donors. With the guidan c of tJ1e board' oU ctions, Exhibitions, and Programs Committee, the Curatorial D prutment al o b gan a review of all collections and their relevance to the NHA's mission. Th uratorial taff onducted a robu t program of acquisitions evenings; tours of the collections at th BartJ,olom w Go nold Center, including a young collectors tour; members exhibition tours; and many private tour . The taff al o provided articles for magazines, newspapers, and online n w I tt r � aturing exhibitions and collections and produced the weekly "Identify This" column in The Nantucket independent and the monthly "Did You Know?" column in Mahon about Town­ all of which increa d public acce s to the collections and awareness of Nantucket history and the !IA' mi ion. colleagues at Steeplechase Th curatorial taff worked closely with filmmaker Ric Burns and his documentary Into the Deep: BH nce!WG Experie n America ur Film to provide support for the two-ho ation for the NHA's prepar in Also, 2010. May in red America, Whaling & the World, which premie 2011, the in eted compl be will which film, tw nty-minute Nantucket history-orientation collections. NHA the from s object g filmin teeplecha e crew pent everal days intensively

SANDERSON PLAQ1.JE A plaque and photograph honoring Edward Sanderson, founder of the Whaling Museum, were installed in the Hadwen & Barney candle factory. NHA interpreter and whaling-tools expert Robert Hellman initiated the project and wrote an article on Sanderson for the Fall 2009 issue of Historic Nantucket. The Sanderson Collection of whaling gear, scrimshaw, whaleboat, and the candle factory building itself, were all secured for the NHA with the help of this remarkable visionary. Annual Report 2009



FRIENDS OF THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION The Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association was established in 1986 to seek significant acquisitions for the collections, to contribute to the appropriate housing and restoration of those acquisitions, and to provide funds necessary to make such acquisitions and contributions that are both desired by the curators and approved by the Friends. From 1986 through 2009, the Friends of the NHA contributed to the permanent collection art, manuscripts, and artifacts totaling more than $1.4 million in value. Included are many of the NHA's most important items, such as a journal kept by Captain Reuben Russell aboard the 1841-46 voyage of the whaleship Susan; a scrimshawed ivory sperm whale tooth by Edward Burdett; a journal from the 1848-53 voyage of the whaleship Nauticon kept by Susan A. Veeder; a 1799 Nantucket Windsor chair by Frederick Slade; In the Fields, a study by J. Eastman Johnson in preparation for his 1880 The Cranberry Harvest-Island of Nantucket and many other masterpieces of Nantucket art and history. In 2008, the Friends acquired for the collections two early whaling paintings-Ship Spermo Trying With Boats Among Whales On California, 1821, and Spermo Cutting In Whales On Japan, 1822, by Captain John Fisher. In 2009, the Friends provided support for the conservation of these remarkable whaling portraits by Stephen Kornhauser, Chief Conservator at the Wadsworth Atheneum, in Hartford, Connecticut. Kornhauser removed the old surface coating and in-painting, conducted minor retouching, recoated the surfaces, and tightened the keys. His assessment of the paintings concluded that the techniques and materials are consistent with known practices of the period. The conserved paintings reveal with even greater vividness the details of the cutting-in and trying-out processes in the hunt for sperm whales; they are currently on display in the Whaling Museum's Gosnell Hall.

2009-10 FRIENDS OF THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Patricia & Thomas Anathan Mariann & Mortimer Appley Max N. Berry Susan & Bill Boardman Mary & David Brown Christy & William Camp Laurie & Robert Champion Prudence & William Crozier Robyn & John Davis f, Nanceet & John Erickson r"' Polly & John Espy t;. Nan & Charles Geschke Georgia Gosnell Barbara & Edmund Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale George S. Heyer Jr. Barbara & Amos Hostetter Barbara & Harvey Jones Kathryn & James Ketelsen

Sara Jo Kobacker Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Sharon & Francisco Lorenzo Helen & Ham Lynch Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Miriam & Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Menschel Aileen & Scott Newquist Ann & Chris Quick Gleaves & Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen & David Ross Linda & Harvey Saligman Janet & Rick Sherlund Genevieve Tucker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Young Kathryn Kay & Robert Young tdeceased



Historic Nantucket





Captain Benjamin Worth, ca.



Gift of Susan Folger Ward

One of Nantucket's true "sea kings," Benjamin Worth (1767-1848) spent forty-one years at sea during which time he made thirty-four voyages­ the time home between cruises totaling only six years (he resided at 26 Liberty Street). His retirement notice in the Inquirer stated, "WHO HAS SAILED OVER 870,000 MILES? Capt Benjamin Worth. He has passed Cape Horn 16 times; the Cape of Good Hope twice; circumnavigated the globe twice; visited nearly all the ports on the coasts of Chile and Peru; the N.W. coast of America, New Holland, New Zealand, Canton, and more than forty islands in the Southern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; obtained fifteen thousand barrels of spermaceti oil, and four thousand barrels of whale oil­ never having had a man killed on board his vessel, nor a bone of one of his men broken by a whale." The portrait was the gift of Susan Folger Ward, the great-great-granddaughter of Captain Worth.


2009.1.1 Painting, Cobbler's Shop at67 Orange Street, by W. P. Reeves, 1970. GIFT OF RAYMOND I. DAWSON JR.

2009.5.1 Engraving, The Spermaceti Whale South Seas, by Stewart and Lizars, 1837. GIFT OF PAMELA JANE THOMAS

2009.2.1 Silver ladle with bent handle, by Theophilus Bradbury, 1820. GIFT OF PAULA CRAFTS, IN HONOR OF HER LATE HUSBAND, KENNETH FOLGER CRAFTS

2009.6.1 Painting, Captain Benjamin Worth, by an unknown artist, 1830. GIFT OF SUSAN FOLGER WARD

2009.3.1-8 Whale-ivory crochet hooks, glove stretcher, and bodkin, 1860; crochet hook, 1870; elephant-ivory bookmark with carved elephant, 1860. GIFTS OF MILDRED BEAM 2009.4.1-4 Hand fire extinguisher from Congdon's Pharmacy; service bell from Congdon's Pharmacy, 1965; set of pharmaceutical vials from Dale's Drug Store, 1960; recipe book with medicinal and household recipes, 1860. GIFT OF JACKLYN TULLO


2009.7.1 Photograph of George Nelson Macy, 1865. GIFT OF ROBERT F. MOONEY 2009.8.1 Painting, Commander James H. Wood, by Ruth Haviland Sutton, 1940. GIFT OF THE ESTATE OF DAVID Wooo 2009.9.1 Drawing, Nantucket Steps, by G. S. Hill, 1988. GIFT OF JUDI AND GREG HILL, IN MEMORY OF HEIDI l. BERRY

2009.9.1 Annual Report 2009


2009.10.1 Large contemporary double settle, 1975.

2009.17.1-12 Women's clothing, 1870--1900; knitted and crocheted pieces; silk shawl.



2009.11.1 Portrait, Lee Parsons Davis, by an unknown artist, 1960.



2009.12.1-4 Stone arrowheads and stone weapon. GIFT OF DANIEL DURANLEAU

2009.13.1-2 Children's clothing, by Nan of Nantucket, 1975 GIFT OF KATHRYN TALLMAN

2009.14.1-7 Military memorabilia, 1943; Roger Young's Worshipful Master certificate from the Union Lodge, 1954; golf course sign, Harry Gordon Hole #17, 140 yds., 2-12-67, 1961. GIFT OF THE ESTATE OF ROGER AND CYNTHIA YOUNG

2009.15.1 Photographic print of Eliza Jane Barnard. GIFT OF ELLEN CHASE

2009.16.1 Nantucket Looms patchwork skirt, 1960.

2009.18.1-10 Clothing, 1860--1900.

2009.19.1-2 Paintings, Year-Round Rental on Nantucket, by John Austin, 1970; Red Truck, by John Austin, 1970. PURCHASE OF THE MAX AND HEIDI BERRY ACQUISITION FUND AND THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION


2009.20.1 Painting, Nantucket Dunes, by William Ferdinand Macy, 1888. GIFT OF DOROTHEA ANO JASON TILROE

2009.21.1 Ship model of the Charles W Morgan, 1910. GIFT OF THURSTON GREENE1

2009.22.1 Painting, Captain Edward Narbeth, by an unknown artist, 1860. GIFT OF MARCIA P. CROWLEY

2009.23.1, a-c Wedding dress, 1850. GIFT OF SUSAN FOLGER WARD




2009.39 & 2009.40 Copper and Linoleum Plates from the Inquirer and Mi"or; twentieth century

Gift of the Inquirer and Mirror and the Dillon Fund of the Boston Foundation

Two large collections of copper and linoleum plates used in the middle of the twentieth century by the Inquirer and Mirrorto print images have been secured for the NHA collections through a gift of the Dillon Fund of the Boston Foundation and by a direct donation from the Inquirer and Mirror. Nearly five hundred copper plates and some one hundred linoleum blocks featuring both well-known and lesser­ known images of Nantucket buildings, townscapes, people, events, and advertisements add to the NHA's image record of twentieth­ century Nantucket. Clockwise, volunteers Robert Young, Lucy Dillon, and Eileen McGrath were among those who helped identify images, including those of the Nobska and the Nantucket Railroad. ro

Historic Nantucket

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CURATORIAL 2009.24.1-34 Wooden and tin decoys;

wooden fish weathervane.




2009.25.1 Cast-iron fireplace insert, 1885.


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2009.26.1 Nantucket souvenir plate, 1905. GIFT OF SAM DANIEL


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2009.27.1 Parasol with ivory handle, 1890. GIFT OF RUTTER FAMILY

2009.28.1 Print, The Charles W Morgan and

The Wanderer, 1920.



2009.29.1-17 Celebratory menus from the

2009.30.1 Wooden bed key, 1890.

2009.40 Printing plates from the Inquirer and



2009.31.1 Grinding stone.



Chanticleer Restaurant, Siaconset, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1995. Paintings, Nantucket Landscape, by R. Bushong, 1960; Old Mill, by Paul Crosthwaite, 1960; Moonlight on Broadway, by Paul Crosthwaite, 1960; two men seated in front of a fireplace, by artist unknown, 1960; The Chair Is One of a Pair, by Andrew Shunney, 1952; Solitude, by M. S. Rockwell, 1890; Birthday House, by M. S. Rockwell, 1890. Posters, Nantucket Winter, by R. Bushong, 1967; Nantucket Spring, by R. Bushong, 1970; Nantucket Fall, by R. Bushong, 1970; Nantucket Summer, by R. Bushong, 1967. Painting, Stepping the Mast, by Robert Sticker, 1970; lithograph, South Sea Whale Fishery, by J.V. Huggins, 1834. GIFT OF THE ESTATE OF MARTA GREENE


2009.32.1-2 Collection of arrowheads. GIFT OF BEVERLY AND DONALD HARRIS

2009.33.1-2 Board game, Nantucketopoly

2000, 2000; poster, brick buildings through a window, by Maggie Meredith.

2009.41.1 Sign, Fisher and Bodfish House

and Ship Joiners, 1872.


2009.42.1-5 Nantucket buttons. GIFT OF CLARISSA PORTER


t deceased

2009.35.1 Business sign, Paul La Paglia

Custom Framing, 1980.


2009.36.1 Carving, Off Sankaty,

by James Walter Folger, 1890.


2009.37.1-3 Child's clothing, 1869. GIFT OF MILES CARLISLE

2009.38.1-3 Flag for Nina Hellman's Antiques

Shop, 1980; Sign, Nina Hellman Marine Antiques Armericana, 1980; engraved whaletooth, by Edward Burdett, 1825. GIFT OF NINA AND ROBERT HELLMAN

2009.39 Printing plates from the Inquirer and





Annual Report 2009


NHA LOANS 2009 �,fr,n1",,r,�

.':..�'::.V.:.·.......................................,.................. Loan to the Nantucket Atheneum

1975.14.1 Painting. Harold H. Kynett, by James McBey, 1947.


Painting, Nantucket Goats, by Tony Sarg

Loan to the Nantucket Chamber of Commerce

Loaned to the Egan Maritime Institute

1973.7.1 Library table made by Albert F. Egan Jr.

Loan to the Nantucket Great Harbor Yacht Club

Two iron ship anchors.

Loan to the Unitarian Church

1915.36.1 Painting. Portrait of Reverend George Bradburn, by William Hinckley, ca. 1830. Loan to the Veranda House

2005.21.113 Sign, Veranda House, ca.1903. Loans to the Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum

1948.67.1 Indian Basket(Abram Quary) 2007.31.2 Oval lightship basket with swing handle 1950.11.1 Lightship work basket, M. E. Starbuck 2007.31.30 Round lightship basket with handles 1952.155.1 Round lightship basket with handles Loans to the Egan Maritime Institute

1988.130.1 Painting, Nantucket Pond, by Reggie Levine 1982.111.1 Painting, Old Mill, by Anne Ramsdell Congdon 1988.27.9 Painting, Washington Street, by Inna Garsoian 1982.76.1 Painting, Inside Nantucket, by Walter Gilman Page 1996.5.1 Painting, Summer Street, by Hayley Lever 1983.64.'I Painting, Nantucket Goats, by Tony Sarg 1997.174.1 Painting, Untitled (Field), attributed to Hanna Monaghan 1965.19.1 Painting, Green Valley, by Julian E. Yates 1998.62.1 Painting, Fishermen's Houses, by Harriet Lord 12

Historic Nantucket

1981.73.2 Painting, Nantucket Moors and Church Spires, by Frank Swift Chase 1986.31.1 Painting, Nantucket Scape, by Paul La Paglia 1989.170.2 Painting, Untitled (Green), attributed to Virginia Greenleaf 1989.90.1 Painting, White Truck, by John Austin 2007.28.1 Painting, Maxcey's Pond Nantucket, by John Alexander MacDougall Jr. 1991.27.1 Painting, Fishers' Huts, by John Robinson Tait Loans to Winterthur

1974.21.1 Painting, View of the Town of Nantucket, by Thomas Birch, 1811-1815. 1977.47.1 Chippendale side chair that belonged to Captain John Coffin Pinkham, 1765-95. 1973.10.4 Nantucket fan-back Windsor chair, by Charles Chase, 1790--1800. 1896.48.1 Painting, Cornered, by John Alexander MacDougall Jr., 1880. 1990.197.1 Ladder-back side chair from the Quaker Monthly Meeting, 1740--60. 1964.22.1 Painting, Old Maidish, by James Walter Folger, 1889. 1992.148.2 Philadelphia high fan-back Windsor chair, 1765-75. 1999.30.3 Nantucket Windsor chair, by Frederick Slade, 1799. 1987.215.1 Federal desk, by Heman Ellis, 1808. 2006.29.1 Federal stand, attributed to Heman Ellis, 1800--10. 1943.18.4 Astronomical clock, Walter Folger Jr., 1790. Case by Cornelius Allen. 1951.42.5 Painting, Hon. Walter Folger Jr., by William Swain, ca. 1827. 1992.303.3 Lithograph, Sperm Whaling, No.2T he Capture, Albert VanBeest & R. Swain Gifford, 1862.

!TncollWlo ;foll/l,8 ······················v................ ,........................................... Loan from Caroline O'Connell

Painting, South Shore Nantucket, by Walter Francis Brown, 1890. Loan from Deborah Rose

Ninety-three-inch narwhal tusk. Loan from Adam W. Phillips

Prisoner-of-war ship model in case.

Loan from Nina and Robert Hellman

Scrimshawed ivory tooth, Edward Burdett, 1820s. Loan from Janet and Richard Sherlund

Scrimshawed tooth, Edward Burdett, whaleship Rose.

Loans from Dorothea and Jason Tilroe

Scrimshawed ivory tooth engraved by Edward Burdett, depicting the whaleship Rose; scrimshawed ivory tooth engraved by the Sail Shader; painting, T he Peddler, by Eastman Johnson, 1878; painting of whaleship hoisting a blanket piece. Loan from the Egan Maritime Institute

Painting, Nantucket 1834, by Rodney J. K. Charman. Loan from Gary Sullivan

Tall-case clock.

Loan from Naomi Brewer

Scrimshawed ivory tooth engraved by Edward Burdett, depicting the whaleship Rose.

Loan from the Plymouth Antiquarian Society

Portrait, Ephraim Spooner.



NatigJl�!fl�p_!is ��qj_o'sj_P� the Day" on May 21, 2009, fea1_� eu . an image of a photograph byJ:!:'.811 . Marshall Gardiner ofTony Sarg's jl�ea 1119Q.s,t�Itrom the collections ,1the Research Library. In the i'.isummer of 1937, the American ,puppeteer, illustrator, designer, and pairifer staged a sea serpent hoax on Nantucket. The serpent was one of his Macy's Parade balloons, and it caused quite a stir when it was floated across the harbor from Coatue to South Beach. More than 13,000 photographs from the NHA's extensive collection have been




Throughout the year, the Research library continued to add to its rich holdings of photographic and manuscript materials relating to Nantucket history and to provide research support for individual scholars, family researchers, authors, and institutions worldwide as well as to supply content for hundreds of books, magazines, and films. All of these efforts focused on promoting a general awareness of Nantucket history and on increasing access to the library's vast collections. Several important collections of photographs and manuscripts were added to the collections, including the minutes of the meetings of the Proprietors of Straight Wharf, 17931894, and posters, programs, and production photographs from the Theatre Workshop of Nantucket. These new acquisitions are among the Research library's holdings that can be accessed from the NHA Web site. Researchers from around the world often praise both the quality of the assistance provided by the staff and the accessibility of the collections on the NHA Web site. A university researcher referred to his visit to the Research library as "one of my best research excursions ever," while a genealogist wrote: "Many thanks to the Nantucket Historical Association; your Web site has been very valuable in my research. I am hoping to visit the island in the fall and view some of the documents in the NHA library." Of particular note, the staff provided significant research support for Ric Bums and Annual Report 2009


Steeplechase Film's two-hour American ExperiencetWGBH documentary Into the Deep: America, Whaling & the World, which premiered in May 2010, and for the twenty­ minute Nantucket history orientation film for the NHA that Burns will complete in 2011. A major project achievement for accessibility of the collections was the digitization of several key whaling logs and the receipt of a second grant from the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee for the digitization of audio- and video-taped oral histories. Volunteers once again contributed greatly to the cataloguing of library collections. Les Ottinger continued his scrupulous transcriptions of whaling logs, Doris Glazer indexed the invaluable Grace Brown Gardner scrapbooks, Pat Belford did yeoman duty updating the Blue File, Fiona and Vera Lochtefeld created a street-by-street search function for the Sanborn insurance maps, Helen Didriksen indexed the board listings from Historic Nantucket, and Eleanor and Margaret Wright did a good job of scanning postcards and maps for the image collection. At the Research Library's Whitney Gallery, the exhibition Nantucket Presidential Documents: From Washington to Roosevelt saw an extended run into the first three months of 2009. An exhibition honoring the 200th anniversary of the South Church entitled Views from the Tower: South Church, 1809-2009, featured art work, posters, original drawings, and the remarkable panoramic photographic townscapes taken from the tower beginning in the 1860s. The exhibition was presented in collaboration with the Nantucket Preservation Trust and the South Church Preservation Fund.

Five digital versions of recent exhibitions at the Whaling Museum and Research Library were added to the NHA Web site-Keeping

Time in Sag Harbor: Photographs by Stephen Longmire; Views from the Tower: South Church, 1809-2009; Landmarks ofNantucket; Beloved and Honoured Parents: Reuben Pinkham Lettersfrom Nantucket, 1827-38; and Nantucket Presidential Documents. The 2009 E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellow was David Milne, curator of 18 Folgate Street, London, England. For his fellowship, Milne focused on improvements at the NHA properties, including adding furnishings to the Oldest House and I ladwen House to help bring them to life and embellishing the comer of the Hadwen & Barney candle factory where the Essex gam i presented. Throughout the year, the Re earch Library continued to provide content to The Nantucket Independent for the popular weekly column, "IdentifyThis," which features a historic photograph of a antucket property and invite readers to identify it.


PRESERVING NANTUCKET'S VOICES AND IMAGES The Re�earch Library received two grants from the Nantucket Community Preservation Committe e to preserve m a d1grt:al format more than four hundrnd audio- and video-tapes recording the voices and images of _ the Nantucketers telling stones of the1r hves and talking about life on island. Among the topics of the oral-history interviews-some of which were recorded as early as 1957-are the . _ h1�tones of forgotten corne�s of Nantucket, such as the experiences of surfmen, who rescued the survivors of shipwrecks and �ere tol�, You have to go ut, but you don't have to come back." Other tapes capture the � tales of pre-telev1s1on ch1ld�ood; how a family made a living by fishing, clamming, and scallopin g; how school _ was conducted, and what hf� was hke on island while wars were being fought oversea s. There are also taped _ tours of walkmg Nantucket given by local historians, lectures presented by experts on Native America _ ns, and _ _ gams with members of local orgamza tIons. Included in the collectio ns are videotap ed cop· i es of ongma · · I home · . movies, showing · f am1hes · · enJoymg Nantucket from the 1930s to the 1970s against a backdrop of a town that has . changed over time. Once the tapes are d1g1t1zed, they will be available at the Research Library _ and through the _ NHA Web site and cooperative national oral-history programs. 14

Historic Nantucket


ACCESSIONS RL2009.1 Genealogical materials on several Nantucket families. GIFT OF BARBARA ANO DONALD ASHCRAFT RL2009.2 Research paper, Reflections of a

Woman in Nineteenth-Century New England,

by Marcia A. Davis. GIFT OF MARCIA DAVIS RL2009.3 Book, Olive's Story: The Diaries I & II of Olive Ryder, 1916-1917. GIFT OF JOAN HOWARD WALLACE RL2009.4 Printed materials from the NHA and other Nantucket institutions, ca. 1950s. GIFT OF LYNNE B. ELDER RL2009.5 Nantucket programs and pamphlets; interior photograph of the Unitarian Church. GIFT OF BEVERLY HALL RL2009.6 Log of the Phoenix. GIFT OF DOROTHEA AND JASON TILROE RL2009.7 Aerial photograph of Madaket, 2007. GIFT OF TIM THOMPSON


RL2009.8 Aerial photograph from the west end of Muskeget, Tuckernuck, and Nantucket, by Robert Morrison. GIFT OF LAWRENCE AKIYA

RL2009.19 Posters, programs, and other papers from the Theatre Workshop of Nantucket. GIFT OF THE THEATRE WORKSHOP OF NANTUCKET

RL2009.9 Photographic images of the

RL2009.20 Photograph of the Oldest House, ca. 1980. GIFT OF JEANNE DEVITO

Alice Wentworth and Wallace Long.


RL2009.11 Ten magazines with articles about Nantucket. GIFT OF RAYMOND DAWSON RL2009.12 Flyer, Nantucket: Its Growing Prosperity as a Summer and Sanitary Resort.


RL2009.13 Scans of family photographs and memorabilia. GIFT OF CATHERINE FLANAGAN STOVER RL2009.14 Scans of photographs at dedication of the Knights of Columbus Father Griffin Hall. GIFT OF CATHERINE FLANAGAN STOVER RL2009.15 Scans of photographs of the African Meeting House restoration. GIFT OF DAVID BARRETT RL2009.16 Scans of wedding photographs, Siasconset, 1970. GIFT OF DARYL WESTBROOK RL2009.17 Photographs of the Nantucket Seafest at Jetties Beach and of people and properties in the Prospect Street and Mill Street neighborhood. GIFT OF SCOTT WALDIE RL2009.18 Scans of photograph album of Cora Swain, 1906. GIFT OF IND/A MENNINGHAUS

RL2009.21 Scan of photographic portrait of Tom Congdon. GIFT OF BEVERLY HALL RL2009.22 Photographs of Nantucket scenes, 1970s and 1980s. GIFT OF STEVE TURRENTINE RL2009.23 Five house histories. GIFT OF THE NANTUCKET PRESERVATION TRUST RL2009.24 Scans of images of Nantucket, artifacts, and written reminiscence of the life of Jedida Swain Lawrence (1777-1861). GIFT OF DAVID BARRETT RL2009.26 Journal of the whaleship Rose, 1805-07; pocket almanacs, 1813 and 1850; bound abstracts of journals of the whaleship Frances, 1836-40 and 1842-45. GIFT OF SOLOMON FREDERICK CUSHMAN V RL2009.27 Scan of a color copy of the William Coffin map of Nantucket, Tuckernuck, and Muskeget, from Obed Macy's History of Nantucket, ca. 1835. GIFT OF PAMELA JANE THOMAS RL2009.28 Book, The Butler House, Mangonui, 1847-1990, by Janice C. Mogford. GIFT OF WILLIAM J. TRAMPOSCH RL2009.29 Book, Burgess Genealogy. GIFT OF ELIZABETH OLDHAM RL2009.30 Manuscript, Indenture contract of a Nantucket Wampanoag for "fishing and whaling voyages," Nantucket 1745.


Rl2009.95 Annual Report 2009


RESEARCH LIBRARY RL2009.31 L. Dennis Shapiro's OSL card, used for acknowledging ham-radio contacts. GIFT OF MICHAEL WOOYNSKI

RL2009.40 Ephemera concerning the Unitarian Church. GIFT OF TIM THOMPSON

RL2009.32 Nantucket Historical Association books and pamphlets. GIFT OF MARCIA ANO BILL MATHER

RL2009.41 Research material on Nantucket's Great Fire of 1846. GIFT OF ROBERT F. MOON E Y

RL2009.33 Production photographs of the Theatre Workshop of Nantucket. GIFT OF THE THEATRE WORKSHOP OF NANTUCKET

RL2009.42 Guestbook o f the Evergreen Cottage Company, 1913-27; scans of photograph album, ca 1880s. GIFT OF CARL ENGLAND

RL2009.34 Map of Mangonui, New Zealand. J. Allan, Lithographer, Sydney, 1832. GIFT OF PAMELA JANE THOMAS

RL2009.43 Barnard family genealogical materials. GIFT OF KAREN BARNARD

RL2009.35 Photographic portrait of Betsy Tyler, by Jim Powers. GIFT OF BETSY TYLER

RL2009.44 H. Marshall Gardiner black-and­ white postcards. GIFT OF CHUCK PENNINGTON

RL2009.36 Pamphlets, photographs, postcards, books, and other Nantucket­ related ephemeral material. GIFT OF ELLEN RAY

RL2009.45 Notebooks of history lecture attendance. GIFT OF VIRGINIA CROCKER

RL2009.37 Transcription of letter describing Coffin home in England, 1852. GIFT OF ROBERT w. COFFIN

Rl2009.46 Book, Pinocchio, and photograph of the Athletic Club bowling team, ca. 1900s. GIFT OF MARILYN COFFIN BROWN

RL2009.38 Book, house history of 2 South Beach Street. GIFT OF NANTUCKET PRESERVATION TRUST

Rl2009.47 Pamphlets and the Nantucket Island Venture game. GIFT OF ELLEN RAY

RL.2009.39 Book, The New Zealanders, by Charles Knight and the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, 1830. PURCHAS E BY THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION

Rl2009.48 Photograph of Nantucket scenes, ca. 1880s. GIFT OF THE NANTUCKET PRESERVATION TRUST Rl2009.49 Travel diary of Caroline Hills, 1886. GIFT OF ST EPHEN YELON

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DIGITli'ArlON 01: W111\1.ING LOGS.

i The research library parlncrecl with the Cincinnati Public Library •'< a 1>rojcc1 to digitize important whaling Ions in tho NHA . ·. . ' colleclion and subsequcnlly make them available to the public online. A selection of first-tier logs and journals, inclu ding Elita· Brock's Lexington journal (185J, 56), Susan Vcecl cr's Na 11tico11 {.journal (1848•53), the early log of the Asia (1791 -94), and other ·: lays were shipped to Cincinnati for processing in th� CPL's ·•· digital-scanning device.The partnership will cont in_uo and fu�hoi. batches of logs will be shipped for scanniny .' Thc Lexington and· Na11tico11 journals are avrnlable in tlwir entir ely in a·digital form11t, ..thr,NH _ . .. A Web site. -� . :· . ·


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Rl2009.50 Nantucket books. GIF JF ALCON H CHADWICK Rl2009.51 Maps of Nantucket, 1923; photographs of the engines at the Siasconset Water Company. GIFT OF NELSON ELDRIDGE Rl2009.52 Uncut sheet of Marshall Gardiner postcards. G1FT OF C ARL GEWIRZ Rl2009.53 Nantucket photographs, ca. 1900, 1960 GIFT OF BRI AN CHADWICK Rl2009.54 Letter concerning a pay dispute by Frederick Daniels, crewman of the Nantucket ship Fabws, May 20, 1833. GIFT OF L. DENNIS AND SUSAN R. SHAPIRO Rl2009.55 Handwritten letter to a newspaper concerning the poor treatment of sheep, ca. 1800. GIFT OF NINA HELLMAN Rl2009.56 Ambrotypes, daguerreotypes, and pamphlets on New Bedford history. GIFT OF NINA HELLMAN Rl2009.57 Dissertation, The Steamboat and the Petticoat, by Anita Joyce Duneer. GIFT DF ANITA JO YCE DUNE ER Rl2009.58 Minutes of the meetings of the Proprietors of the Straight Wharf, 1793-1894· GIFT OF THE FAMILY OF MAURICE CHARLES KILLEN, SON OF CAPTAIN JOHN KILLEN uck, 13 Rl2009.59 Journal of William B. Starb . November 1851-6 December 1854 O GIFT OF l. DENNIS AND SUSAN R. SHAPIR




Susan Journal and Log Two imIJOrta t journals and a log were donated to the collections by direct descendants of the original keepers. A journal kept by Sylvanus .tt. I .t • t• •


Nantucket China trader Rose, built at Brant P.oint shipyard in 1803 and helmed by Captain James Cary on several successful journeys to T he log of the whaleship Susan (1837=41), kept by Captain Reuben Russell, records the fourth voyage of the Susan, the renowned whaleship aboard which Nantucket scrimshande� Frederick Myrick created his series of Susan'steeth on an earlier journey. Also donated was a fair copy of a journal kept by Andrew B. Meader on the fiftli voyage of the Susan ( 1841 46). Andrew Meader was a greenhorn on the Susan during this voyage and was wooing Russell's daughter, Ann Maria Russell. Ca tain Russell would permit their marriage only if Meader showed that he was tough enough to endure a whaling voyage. Upon returing from this journey, Andrew married Ann, and the journal descended i their family.

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RL2009.60 Photograph album with cartes-de­ visite and tintypes, ca. 1850-60s. GIFT OF JOYCE MARSH � ( RL2009.61 Scans of class photograpMs of Nantucket Elementary School, by George Fee. GIFT OF SUSAN STEPHENS AND JUDITH CONRAD ROGERS

RL2009.66 Scans of images from Siasconset, 1930s. G1FT □F BARBARA McDONALD

RL2009.62 Book, The Macys: Then and Now, compiled byTom Macy. G /FT OFT OM MACY

RL2009.68 Collection of personal and business papers, chiefly from Henry Coffin (1807-1900). GIFT OF MILES CARLISLE

RL2009.63 Scans of family tintypes, ca. 187080s GIFT OF STANLEY GARDNER JORDAN RL2009.64 Book, Reminiscences of

Nantucket, 1946.

GIFT OF BUCK DONALDSON RL2009.65 List of items stored for the African Meeting House on Nantucket, 1991-2003. GIFT OF HELEN SEAGER

RL2009.67 Photograph album of cartes-de­ visite, ca. 1860s; Marshall Gardiner panoramic postcard; a collection of archeological pieces. GIFT OF BEVERLY AND DONALD HARRIS


.I/if ./,,r.. I

RL2009.72 Family papers and photographs, including Nantucket High School pictures, 1921, 1925, and 1955; bound notebook of William Folger's sketches and watercolors of birds, 1820; Geraldine Brownell's Coffin School Sewing Book, c. 1910s; land deeds and other documents, 1701-1863. GIFT OF JUDITH C□LLATZ

RL2009.70 Books,Tony Sarg's Savings Book: A Trip to Golden City, ca. 1946, and The Talking Dolls, by G. R. Mills and Zaida Nelson in collaboration with Anne Stoddard; illustrated byTony Sarg, ca. 1930. GIFT OF REBECCA B. MOORE


Annual Report 2009


Rl2009.92 Scan of photo of John R. Killen, 1880s. GIFT OF SUSAN LUSK STEPHENS RL2009.93 Scans of photographs of Nantucket, 1970s. GIFT OF STEVE TURRENTINE RL2009.94 Photographs of performances at Straight Wharf Theatre, ca. 1940s. GIFT OF ELIZABETH Y. LAYTON Rl2009.13

Rl2009.95 Scans of family photographs and one photograph of the Class of 1924, South School. GIFT OF ELEANOR MILTON AND OTIS STANWORTH NICKERSON

RL2009.73 Log of the ship Susan, 1837-41; handwritten copy of a journal of whaling voyage on the Susan, 1841-45; a sample of bark paper. GIFT OF THE ESTATE OF BARBARA AND WILLIAM H. BOYER

Rl2009.96 Scans of Eger family photographs, ca. 1930s- 1940s. GIFT OF RAY EGER

RL2009.74 Photographs of Sankaty Golf Club ca. 1960s, by Bill McDevitt. GIFT OF MARILYN MCDEVITT

Rl2009.97 "Love letter" found under side shingle at Greater Light. RL2009.98 Four journals recording tailoring work of Timothy Clapp, 1825-1837. GIFT OF JASON Ross AND THE NANTUCKET STOCK EXCHANGE

RL2009.75 Books, Nantucket: The Far-Away Island, by William Oliver Stevens, and The Romance of Boston Bay, by Edward Rowe Snow. GIFT OF BARBARA L. STAMP Rl2009.76 Book of family history, Just Call

Me McGill.

GIFT OF JACK YOUNG RL2009.77 Nantucket ephemera. GIFT OF MARY HELLER RL2009.78 Bible with genealogical information. GIFT OF SAM DANIEL Rl2009.80 Scan of photograph of Auld Lang Syne with Esther Gibbs, Frances Ruley, and Charlotte Ruley; photo by Lawrence Hamblen, 1953. GIFT OF FRANCES l<ARTTUNEN Rl2009.81 Scan of photograph of Flagg house, 1880s. GIFT OF PAUL JUDY Rl2009.82 Scan of photograph of Walter Beinecke, ca. 1940s. GIFT OF DEBORAH BEALE Rl2009.8J Scans of postcards of Nantucket and Siasconset. GIFT OF EMMA WARD 18

Historic Nantucket


RL2009.84 "Love letter" found under side shingle at the NHA property Greater Light.

RL2009.99 Nantucket books, photographs, and miscellaneous correspondence. GIFT OF THE ESTATE OF WILLARD D. COFFIN

RL2009.87 Scans of images of the Bailey family, 1980s-2000s. GIFT OF JANET AND SAM BAILEY RL2009.88 Scans of images of the African Meeting House, ca. 1990s. GIFT OF HELEN SEAGER RL2009.89 Photographs of late-twentieth and early twenty-first-century people and places; buttons; scrapbook; and letters. GIFT OF CLARISSA PORTER Rl2009.90 Videotape of memorial service for Walter Beinecke Jr., produced by Nantucket Event Media, Inc. GIFT OF DEBORAH BEALE Rl2009.91 Two albumen boudoir cards featuring images of houses in Siasconset, 1880s. GIFT OF JUDGE PAUL VARDEMAN

TMr: 01.D CU TOM HOU I AND �•ci,1c CLU




KITCH EN GARDEN The recreated colonial kitchen garden at the Jethro Coffin House, or "Oldest House," provides visitors both a sensory experience and a greater appreciation of life in the time of its original residents, Jethro and Mary Gardner Coffin. The design of the organic garden follows the English path and bed system and includes fragrant herbs, colorful flowers, and vegetables typical of a 1700s kitchen garden. The property also includes an orchard of heirloom apple varieties and small-fruit plantings, including raspberries and gooseberries. The kitchen garden is open during regular hours at the Oldest House; garden tours are offered on Fridays at 1 P.M. through September 3.

P RO PE R T I E S istory and early architecture have been the hallmarks of the Nantucket experience for generations, and the twenty-two properties of the Nantucket Historical Association continue to be the preeminent sources for that experience. Dispersed throughout the town, these sites have become beacons, ilJuminating the past as only authentic historic structures and museums can do. As stewards of some of the most iconic structures on Nantucket, the NHA and its Maintenance and Grounds Department work throughout the year to sensitively maintain and improve the sites. Beyond the ubiquitous painting, patching, and lawn mowing of routine care, in 2009 many of the properties received a host of improvements, with initiatives ranging from the subtle to the grand. Located near the harbor gateway to tl1e island, the Whaling Museum is tl1e flagship of the NHA properties and greets thousands of visitors and year-round residents each year with ever-changing and stunning landscapes on the outside and impressive exhibitions on the inside. Enhancement of the museum fac;:ades along Broad Street was continued through landscape design and plantings,


augmented by donated benches that create an inviting outdoor living room quality that people enjoy. The west side of the property on Nortl1 Water Street was also improved with new sweet gum trees, hydrangeas, and annual flowers; and a bicycle rack was installed for use by c,,-t � . museum visitors. The Jethro Coffin House, or "Oldest House," built in 1686, is tl1e oldest Old Mill structure owned by the NHA and the oldest remaining structure from the original English settlement. The house and site were enhanced in 2007 by the addition of a historically accurate colonial kitchen garden, which has become an attraction of its own. Containing many species of vegetables, herbs, and flowers that were the standard for early colonists, tl1e kitchen garden continues to evolve and be expanded. It was included on the Garden Conservancy's Open Days program in June. In addition to the garden, ilie homestead site has a fledgling orchard of fruit trees iliat are typical

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Annual Report 2009




for the period and a common source of food for early residents. Grinding com as it has since 1746, the Old Mill, which is the oldest working windmill in the country, continues to be operated by the NHA. The 2008 installation of new vanes and sails and the internal fine-tuning and adjustment of the wooden mechanism were fully tested in 2009 and modifications were made for the best possible operation. New wooden flywheel teeth are installed each year, and several safety modifications have been undertaken inside the mill. Other historically sensitive site improvements, including the addition of a split-rail fence around the mill, have been made to enhance public access and safety. In the Hadwen House, at 96 Main Street, better climate control has markedly improved the environment for the many period furnishings. The grand fence along Main Street was painstakingly restored, and several sections were rebuilt according to the original design. The formal garden continues to be lovingly maintained by the Nantucket Garden Club, and in 2009 the club supported improvement of the pea-stone walkways. The charming garden at Greater Light was maintained through the summer, thanks to the ongoing generosity of Gale Arnold. With the start of restoration at the property in the fall, many of the plantings were removed and cared for off-site for the duration of construction. Planning is under way for restoration of the garden and its fixtures as well as for interpretation of the property to tell the story of Nantucket's emergence as an art colony and resort. The 1800 House at 4 Mill Street, which was restored in 2005 as a dedicated site for lifelong learning in early-American arts and crafts, received several improvements in its lighting and workspaces. The new decorative floor painting, based on historical patterns, now adds to the ambiance of the property. Repairing and repainting the exterior of the Thomas Macy House, at 99 Main Street, was completed in fall and winter, with additional projects continuing inside, including refurbishing the staff apartment. Improvements such as these and conservation of the interior furnishings continue, thanks to the support of the Tupancy-Harris Foundation.

Dr. Frances Karttunen spoke at the rededication of the Founders Burial Ground during the Macy Family Reunion. 20

Historic Nantucket


MUSEUM SHOP For twenty-six years, the NHA's Museum Shop at 11 Broad Street has offered unique high-quality merchandise inspired by the NHA's collections-prints of important paintings and historic photographs and reproductions of sailors valentines, scrimshaw, and lightship baskets-as well as china, glassware, woolen rugs, candles, pewter, and jellies. The popular Children's Corner has a wonderful array of traditional toys, games, and books, with a special emphasis on the marine environment and Nantucket history. The shop is open

Daffodil Weekend through Christmas, or shop online at www.nantucketmuseumshop.com.

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Bartholomew Gosnold Center ;t?, · · and Annex � .:i \·'1, 89 Bartlett Roa ",V-'. ,

Founders Burial Ground Off Cliff Road

Thomas Macy House 99 Main Street

Thomas Macy Warehouse 12 Straight Wharf

Tristram Coffin Homestead Monument Off Capaum Pond Road

Little Gallery

10 Straight Wharf

Robert Wyer House 33 Orange Street

Whaling Museum 13 Broad Street

Annual Report 2009



During its fifth year of operation, the NHA's early-American arts and crafts program at 1800 House continued to grow both in the scope of classes and in participation. In 2009, two-hundred-eighty five people participated in forty-six lifelong-learning classes­ from sailors valentines and decoupage, to Shaker boxes and shorebird carving, to needlepoint and tinwork. Offered May through November, classes ranged from one-day to week-long workshops taught by leading artisans from Nantucket and beyond. A number of the instructors found inspiration from artifacts in the NHA collections. These included Edith Bouriez's "1800 House Sampler," Elizabeth Gilbert's "Queen Stitch Purse," Bee Shay's theorem watermelon, and Mary Emery Lacoursiere's penwork from scrimshawed busks. A dozen instructors donated their handmade crafts to the first silent auction to benefit the NHA's lifelong-learning program. Several others contributed their teaching services to the program, while Edith Bouriez directed the proceeds from the sale of several hand-knit cashmere scarves at Nantucket Looms to the NHA's 1800 House program.

The 2010 class schedule is available online at www.nha.org or may be picked up at the NHA Administrative Offices and the 1800 House at 4 Mill Street. The 2010 silent auction will begin in late June and conclude with the 1800 House reception and open house on July 29. For more information, call (508) 228-7785.

AT I 0 N sing the island and the NHA's Whaling Museum and historic sites as a campus ofleaming, the Interpretation and Education Department evokes the presence ofthe past for its diverse audience. Members, program participants, year-round residents, and visitors from around the world experience the adventure, romanticism, and reality ofNantucket history. The NHA's 2009 educational offerings exemplify the association's commitment to outstanding, world-class learning opportunities that celebrate Nantucket's stories. Whether learning about herbs grown in the colonial kitchen garden at the Oldest House, watching a journeyman cooper make a cask like those used aboard whaleships, listening to sea chanteys sung by chanteyman Don Sineti, or creating a sailors valentine in an 1800 House class, participants were transported to a different time on Nantucket and to places far and near around the globe. 22

Historic Nantucket

HANDS-ON GARDEN TOUR Kathrina Pearl, landscape and garden manager, led a hands-on tour of the replicated seventeenth-century kitchen garden at the Oldest House, discussing the design of the garden and plant selection, propagation, and use as well as enlisting the assistance of participants to plant seedlings and sow seeds.

WALTER BEINECKE GAM The Food for Thought "Walter Reinecke Garn" in October drew a record crowd of close to two hundred.

Throughout the year, the NHA's educational programs included a vast array of engaging learning opportunities-twenty-seven Food for Thought lectures; two sessions ofVacation Destination Days; sixty-two days of Hands-on-History crafts in the museum's Discovery Room; thirty public programs at the museum, such as the Walden Chamber Players, summer lecture series, and the Decorative Arts Family Festival; and forty-six lifelong-learning classes in early­ American arts and crafts at the 1800 house. The year also saw the return of Landmarks ofNantucket! a student-curated photography exhibition by seventh-grade students from Nantucket's Cyrus Peirce Middle School that was supported by a grant from the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation. New in 2009 was the Family Adventure at the Oldest House, hosted by the NHA Family Associates Committee, which provided families with an

afternoon of adventure and discovery and helped raise funds for enhancing the interpretation of this cherished historic site. The rainy summer encouraged strong attendance at the Whaling Museum and historic sites, and the interpretive team served 64,000 visitors throughout the year. The whale hunt lecture, Essex gam, and special gallery tours continued to be among the most popular of the NHA's daily interpretive programs. As one visitor wrote: "We had a wonderful morning-great lectures about Nantucket and the whaling industry, and the Essex. We had planned to leave at noon but ended up staying most of the afternoon in the wonderful children's Discovery Room-fabulous crafts, warm, caring staff there and throughout the museum. You make history come alive-­ the highlight of our week in Nantucket-thank you!" Thanks to the continued support of the M. S. Worthington Foundation, the NHA was able to fulfill its commitment to the year­ round Nantucket community with a fall-to-spring schedule of family activities, films, special festivals, and programs, including the well-attended Food for Thought lecture series at noon on Thursdays. The year-round and seasonal Interpretation and Education staff works together to constantly enhance the visitor's experience. For example, museum education intern Amanda Leiva organized and analyzed the collection of children's books featured in the Whaling Museum's Discovery Room. Her work resulted in a catalogued children's library where visitors can explore books organized by topics of interest. This approach to the children's book collection highlighted stories and encouraged youth in a most inviting way to enjoy this outstanding collection of Nantucket children's literature. Efforts such as these, combined _______ ...... with the ongoing operational ....... initiative of the Interpretation and .. .... Education Department, help to make the NHA the world-class institution that it is.

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LANDMARKS OF NANTUCKET! Twenty-five seventh-graders from Nantucket's Cyrus Pierce Middle School showcased their favorite island landmarks in this student-curated photography exhibition. T he exhibition captured the energy, enthusiasm, and unique perspective of these students. First launched in 2007, Landmarks of Nantucket! is produced every other year and is made possible through the participation of key NHA staff and seventh-grade social studies teacher Steve Sortevik and the financial support of the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation. Annual Report 2009



FAMILY ADVENTURE AT THE OLDEST HOUSE The NHA and the Family Associates Committee launched the first Family Adventure program at the Oldest House in July. Families with children ages 12 and under enjoyed a special afternoon of adventure and discovery­ exploring the Oldest House, taking a sensory tour of the kitchen garden, playing hoops and graces, dressing up in period garb, and learning how Nantucket families lived in the seventeenth century. Admission to the event raised funds for interpretation at the Oldest House. The Second Annual Family Adventure will be held at the Old Mill on July 18, 2010.

In September, Marshall Scheetz, a traditionally trained cooper from Colonial Williamsburg, demonstrated the process of making wooden casks using eighteenth-century techniques. A large crowd outside the Whaling Museum watched Scheetz truss and fire a beer firkin, assemble a shooked cask, and piece together two utilitarian buckets. Scheetz received a grant from the Early American Industries Association to conduct research comparing coopering practices in various regions of the country during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. As part of his research endeavor, he made a presentation to the staff and provided the public demonstration.



From fall through spring, the NHA offers Food for Thought Brown-Bag Lectures on Thursdays at noon at the Whaling Museum. Started in 2006, the free lecture series has developed a strong following in the community-a record-breaking 185 attendees filled the museum for the Walter Beinecke Jr. Garn in October. The NHA gratefully acknowledges the program support provided by the M. S. Worthington Foundation and the participation of the 2009 speakers. January: Writing about Nantucket Mary Jennings and Mimi Beman,1 "Literary Nantucket" Nat Philbrick, "Fifteen Years Later: Collecting Characters (and Community) in Away Off Shore"

the Earth

March: Places and People James Lansing, "The Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum" Patty Roggeveen, "The Dreamland Theatre" Rebecca Weld, "Sustainability and Building Green on Nantucket" Cory Shepherd, "The Nantucket Boys & Girls Club"

Kathrina Pearl, "Around the World in 80 Ways: Nantucket's Botanical Washashores" Deborah Beale, Ann Oliver, and Barbara Spitler, "Walter Beinecke Jr. Garn: Remembering an Island Legacy" Dr. Sarah Oktay, "The Marine Mammal Stranding Team" John Bartlett, "Windpower at Bartlett's Farm" David Berry, "Bee Keeping on Elizabeth Gilbert and John Shea Nantucket The Nantucket Honey Bee Company"

April: Natural Resources Jeanne and Richard Diamond, Robin and E. J. Harvey, and Chris Morris, "Restaurant Garn" Robert DeCosta, Pete Kaiser, and Marina Finch, "Fishing Garn" Vern Laux, "Birds of Nantucket" Sarah Oktay, "Nantucket's Beaches" Cheryl Beaton, "Invasive Species"

November: Nantucket Culture Charles Gifford, "The Nantucket Landfill" Theatre Workshop of Nantucket, featuring Elizabeth Gilbert, Laura Gallagher Byrne, John Shea, Frank Morral, and Eric Schultz, "Nantucket Theatre" Bill Tramposch, Mark Avery, Ben Simons, and Kim McCray, "Greater Light, What's Next?"

May: Preservation

December: Far Away Places Dr. John O'Neill, "Peace Corps Training: The Early Years" Robert Hellman, "Sperm Whaling and the Tools of the Trade"

February: Gam Month Ben Simons and friends of David Wood, "David Wood Garn" Tom Giffen and Harrison Fraker, "Presence of the Past Garn" Bill and Renee Oliver, "New Guinea Garn" Jennifer Brooks, "The Unitarian Church at 200 Years"

Mark Avery, "Old Nantucket" Erik lngmundson and Manny Sylvia, "The Old Mill"


October: Using and Protecting

Historic Nantucket




Museum education interns, left to right, Amanda Leiva, Celia James, and Grace Torres.



The reputation and popularity of the NHA's internship program continues to grow. In its third year, the applicant pool was highly competitive-over eighty applicants competed for three slots. During their three-month stay on Nantucket, the interns acquired valuable hands-on experience in the museum profession. Working in a collaborative environment, the interns facilitated a wide array of educational programs and completed an independent project which they presented to the staff at the end of their internship.

On August 13, 2009, PRESERVATION MONTH

1,220 guests toured the WHALING MUSEUM and enjoyed its daily offerings. "E7u�rt visit to. \&ztuckel=­ looed�o111• /JltMea/n. fY'he ,r1c_efi/1 the lads· '/'00/JI could/lot haoe bee/i /JWPe pleasa/1t

a/ld hef!jul.

E!lv�rt class all the wq!fJ"

In recognition of Preservation Month and the 350th anniversary of the English settlement on Nantucket, the NHA offered lectures about the early settlement and walking tours of Old Sherburne and the town, led by Mark Avery, director of historic properties. Annual Report 2009


REPORT In 2009, the Nantucket Historical Association remained committed to maintaining its offerings of rich and diverse educational programs, changing exhibitions, and special events on a year-round basis, even though many areas of operational support declined, thus reducing the availability funding. Nearly 64,000 visitors were welcomed at the Whaling Museum and historic properties in 2009. Overall attendance remained level with the previous year, proving that even in challenging economic times, NHA members and visitors remain supportive of the association's mission. Thanks to the generosity of the NHA's supporters, two important projects commenced in 2009-production of the Nantucket history­ orientation film by documentary filmmaker Ric Burns of Steeplechase Films and the renovation of the historic property Greater Light. The

NHA looks forward to completing these projects, which support the strategic plan goals, and sharing them with members and the Nantucket community. With major construction completed, Greater Light will be open for visitors prior to its interprelation as a "work in progress" during the summer of 2010. The NIIA's hislory-orientation film will premier at the Whaling Museum in June 2011. Throughout 2009 and for the coming years, the Nl IA board of trustees and staffremain focused on sustainability. Building the endowment and continuing the growth of member hip and the Annual Fund will enable the organization to fulfill it mission of preservation and education, all the while maintaining a balanced budget.The accompanying Statement of Financial Position highlights the investment of$29,833,276 in facilities, exhibition , and programs by which the HA presents the heritage of antucket I land.

The financial statements for 2009 have been audited by Balius Lynch LLP, which has rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available upon request

Nantucket Historical Association Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2009 Assets

Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable Land, buildings, and equipment, net Long-term investments



1,935,626 129,003 118,665 419,818 17,877,164 9,353,000

1,774,211 147,105 95,954 692,484 18,347,359 7,928,056





1,085,317 1,964,053 17,877,164 1,217,084 7,565,538

1,012,534 705,209 18,347,359 1,191,671 7,564,020





Liabilities and Net Assets

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets


Historic Nantucket

Nantucket Historical Association Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2009


TOTALS Operating activities: Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment return designated for operations Interest income Special fund-raising events Other earned revenue Net assets released from restriction Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total Operating expenses Program services Special events Curatorial Education and public programs Research Library Museum Shop Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development Total



688,644 592,252 402,521 441,682 357,750 15,810 1,165,450 410,408

1,165,198 607,863 431,000 522,624 387,000 30,322 1,251,764 504,835



407,488 1,571,248 689,573 536,109 371,645

543,238 1,411,522 667,512 535,103 435,250

759,162 641,420

839,908 694,491





1,265,240 3,751 123,250 423,348 (1,464)

(2,080,897) 12,222 105,302 300,802 (7,383)





(32,634) 888,363

(478,084) (2,374,456)

Net assets, beginning of year



Net assets, end of year



Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment return, net of amount appropriated for operations Interest income Friends of NHA contributions Capital campaign contributions Capital expenses Net assets released from restrictions Satisfaction of capital restrictions Change in net assets from nonoperating activities Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of collection items Purchase of collection items Change in net assets

• •

29% Special fund-raising events 17% Contributions 15% Admissions 11% Museum Shop revenue 10% Membership 10% Other earned revenue 9% Investment return designated for operations


• •

32% Curatorial 15% General/Administrative 14% Education/Public Programs 13% Membership/Development 11% Research Library 8% Special Events 7% Museum Shop

Annual Report 2009


PARTM E N T / he responsibilities of the Development Department were reorganized in 2009 to direct the emphasis to ( _membership; stewardship and fund-raising; and marketing, publications, and public relations. These efforts focus on engaging members and other supporters and the larger community in many ways so as to advance the NHA's mission and strategic plan goals and increase awareness and support for the NHA's properties, programs, and collections.

The NHA appreciates the many individuals, foundations, local businesses, and major corporations that helped us meet our financial goals for 2009. The association made a special effort in 2009 to thank its supporters who provided for the NHA in myriad ways, and we are grateful to the trustees, past trustees, and friends who graciously hosted more than a dozen appreciation dinners and receptions at their homes and at the NHA's historic properties. In the pages that follow, we recognize those who generously contributed to the Annual Fund with their gifts of unrestricted 28

Historic Nantucket

operating support; made restricted donations for special programs and projects, including the exhibitions, the 1800 House program, the restoration of Greater light, and the Nantucket history­ orientation filin; contributed artifacts to the collections and The Oldest House set for an made planned gifts through the appreciation dinner. Heritage Society; and attended our special events and provided underwriting funds and in-kind gifts that ensured the success of the Wme Auction, August Antiques Show, and the Festival of Wreath and Trees. Having reached the $1.2 million fund-raising goal for the restoratio n of the historic property Greater Light in 2009, the NHA began construction in the fall and worked at the site through the next spring. In 2010, the NHA will continue fund-raising for the interpretation of the property and open the property as a "work in progress" for tours and a small exhibition that shows the site's wonderful potential to

present Nantucket's emergence as an art colony and resort. Special thanks go to Polo Ralph Lauren for directing the proceeds from the sale of the store's Compass Rose clothing collection to the NHA for the third year. A check presentation was made during a special spring reception at the Nantucket store, which features the historic compass rose mural on its Washington Street outside wall. In addition, the NHA is grateful to the M. S. Worthington Foundation for its grant for winter community programming and to the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation for its support of the second Landmarks ofNantucket student photography exhibition and the winter Discovery Room programs. We would also like to recognize Wilmington Trust for sponsoring a planned-giving lecture, "Leaving a Legacy for Nantucket," with speaker Susan Abbott, who is a partner at Goodwin Procter in Boston, and Eaton Vance Investment Counsel for offering a financial management lecture, "Income Generating Strategies for Today's Market" with Payson Swaffield, CFA, the firm's chief income officer.

t./. . . . lle, . . . . ... n6e,\f/,r� . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . l.�:. . . . . As a member-supported organization that receives no operating funds from federal, state, or local government, the NHA is grateful for the generous support received from more than 2,600 members at all levels-individual, family, island family, life, Peter Foulger, William Hadwen, and the 1894 Society's Thomas Macy and Mary Gardner Coffin levels. Through their dedicated support, our members boosted our renewal rate again this year to seventy-seven percent. We also emolled over two hundred new members, and another two hundred were enthusiastically welcomed back into membership. NHA business members at the leader, sponsor, and partner levels are another important facet of our membership. Partnering with these businesses helps the NHA continue to present many programs and activities for the Nantucket community. During challenging economic times, it is particularly gratifying to have the involvement of so many business members, and we encourage everyone to support the businesses that support the NHA.

In 2009, broad efforts were mounted to promote the NHA by way of local, regional, national, and international media. The NHA continued its strong relationship with on-island media, which did a fine job of informing the community about the numerous programs and events offered at the Whaling Museum and historic properties. The Inquirer and Mirror, the Nantucket Independent, and Yesterday's Island newspapers provided frequent, in-depth stories about programs, concerts, lectures, and special events hosted by the NHA, while the weekly Mahon about Town E­ newsletter included numerous listings of year-round NHA activities and programs. Plum TV also covered many events and programs and presented a live "Artifact of the Week" segment from Memorial Day to Labor Day. In addition, the NHA £-Newsletter reached more than 3,000 people a month. In particular, wide exposure was procured for the major summer exhibition at the Whaling Museum, Harbor & Home: Furniture of Annual Report 2009


� DEVELOPMENT Southeastern Massachusetts, 1710-1850, organized byWinterthur, in publications such as The Magazine Antiques, Antiques and Fine Arts, Maine Antiques Digest, and Antiques and the Arts Weekly.

Additional magazines that covered NHA activities throughout the year included: Nantucket Today, N Times, Home & Garden Nantucket and Nantucket Guide and Travel Planner, Cape Air's Bird's Eye View,

Nantucket Life, C,ape Cod Life, Massachusetts Getaway Guide, Needle Arts, Northeast Antiques, Yankee Traveler, New England Home, Connecticut Cottages & Gardens, Massachusetts Arts & Culture Bulletins, Arts: Nantucket 09, Nantucket 2009 Official Guide, and Flowers Style. A reporter for the London Sunday Times wrote: " ...Nantucket,

where I was unexpectedly gripped by the history of the whaling industry in the mid-nineteenth century.The Nantucket Whaling Museum is without doubt the best museum I have ever been to (even better than the Ashmolean following its £61-million make-over), and it inspired me to visit the Nantucket Historical Association's Librruy, where I was lucky enough to read several of the diaries of whaling ship captains in their original manuscript form ...." Accolades were bestowed upon the NHA by the New England Museum Association as publication awards for the Fall 2008 issue of Historic Nantucket (second place); the 1800 House Early American Arts & Crafts Course C,atalog Goint second place); and the book, Greater Light: A House History (third place).The awards recognized excellence in design, production, and effective communication in all aspects of

museum publishing. For the third conseculive year, the Whaling Museum also received the highest award (gold), for Best antucket Museum as well as the Editors' Choice for Be l Kids' Activity, in C,ape Cod Life's "Best of the Cape & Islands" reader' survey as well as garnering a number of awards from the Inquirer and Mirror's yearly readership poll. The NHA cominued its efforts to establi h collaborations with other i land organizations, including co-hosting with Nina Hellman Antiques and Su tainable Nantucket a Nantucket I land Chamber of Commerce After-Ilour event in the Whaling Mu eum, which afforded its busine s member a fust glimp e of the museum's many upcoming programs.With the ame enthusia m for collaboration, Lhe l IA hosted a number of familiarizalion tour for travel writer and planner from Europe and throughout ew England that were coordinated by antucket I land Re ort and the Nantucket I land Chan1ber of Commerce .

.....................................................................................·············································································•············································································································· Business Leaders

Accessible Dental, PC The Beachside at Nantucket Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines Congdon & Coleman Insurance Cuddy Associates James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Killen Real Estate Lyman Perry Architects Ltd. Marine Home Center Mind's Eye Productions Nantucket Bike Shop Nantucket Island Resorts Novation Media Sylvia Antiques/ Four Winds Craft Guild Thirty Acre Wood, LLC Trianon/ Seaman Schepps Young's Bicycle Shop Business Sponsors

Atlantic East Real Estate Botticelli & Pohl, P.C. Cape Cod Express, Inc. Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Design Associates, Inc. Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Hatch's Package Store Kathleen Hay Designs Leslie Heiden Design Consultants


Historic Nantucket

Nantucket Bank, adMSionof Sovereign Bank Nantucket Butter Company Nantucket Pharmacy Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Norton Preservation Trust Philbrick and Avery, LLP Business Partners

A Taste of Nantucket A. B. Norton Construction ACKBBQ ACKtivities American Seasons Annye's Whole Foods Bartlett's Farm Benji's Boutique Black-Eyed Susan's BPC Architecture Brass Lantern Inn Brien, Inc. C. Richard Loftin, Attorney at Law Cape Cod Life Publications Cary Hazlegrove Photography The Cellar Centre Street Inn Chase Canopy Company Claire Murray Coffin Real Estate & 'Sconset Real Estate Cross Rip Outfitters D. Neil Parent Associates

Denby Real Estate Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. The Downyflake Edith Delker Real Estate Fenwick House Design Flowers on Chestnut G. S. Hill Gallery Gallery Blue Geronimo· s Ltd. Hoorn-Ashby Gallery The Inquirer and Mirror Island Custom Builders Javat1me Design Le Languedoc Bistro Levis Fine Art Nantucket Lindsay, Inc. Madaket Marine Mary Keller, Classical Harpist Murray's Toggery Shop, Inc. Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Nantucket Carving & Folk Art, Inc. Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Country Nantucket Electric/National Grid Nantucket Event Media, Inc. Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket House Antiques & Interior Design Studio Nantucket Inn Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce

Nantuc�et Lite. Cardle & Soap Co. Nantucket Nourrr.:i, e Nantucket □: ·ce Products Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Real Estate Company Nantucket Storage Center Newport Restoration Foundation Pinwheels Placesetters, Inc. Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Sanderson the Artist Sankaty Head Golf & Beach Club Simply with Style Catering Soiree Floral Spanky's Raw Bar Stubby's / Island Coffee Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M Warner Catering Swam's Travel Sweet lnsp1rat1ons Topham Designs, Inc. Twig Perkms, Inc. The UPS Store Vallorie A. Oliver Design Vis-A-Vis The Wade Cottages Water Street Zero Mam




2009 Members



Anonymous (3) Bruce B. Bates Nancy A. Chase Leroy & Cecily Langsdale Davis Trudy S. Dujardin Robert C. Griffin Barbara E. Hajim Nina & Robert Hellman Grace S. Hinkley Daintry & Julius Jensen Coco & Arie L. Kopelman George Korn & Richard Kemble' Robin & Richard Kreitler Norman E. Mack II Carolyn B. MacKenzie Mary Frances Sutton Miller Winifred M. Mortenson Sally & Peter Nash Lauren & Peter Roncetti Sanderson the Artist Reva & Morton Schlesinger Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro Dorothy Slover Madeline & Jonathan Swain Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney

Frank R. Barnard Mary Durfree Sidney Mitchell Virginia Sharp

Aldys Squire Chapman Jean Boyce Courtney L. Linder Lombard Oliver Ames Lothrop Jr. Leeds Mitchell Jr. Barbara W. Nelson Everett Reith Donald M. D. Thurber Amelia Frances Vickery David H. Wood

.<.!le<;mwl-1· p/U?eal /�1•/ale 1970s

Ruth L. Christian Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace Brown Gardner 1980s

Eleanor Ham 1900s

Jacqueline S. Harris Oswald A. Tupancy 2000s

Jon A. Stroup .<..!le<;tl('.\'/,1• p/'6}1,1·/t 1900s

Lucia A. Cleveland Josiah Folger Susan Wilson Folger 1910s

Benjamin Sharp William Watson 1920s

Alexander Starbuck 1930s

Susan E. Brock Joseph E. Farnham Annie Barker Folger Frederick Gardner Mary Eliza Macy William Swift


Elizabeth Coffin Fitzgerald Emma F. Hayward Pauline Johnson Helen Cartwright McCleary Mary Chase Milliken 1960s

Elizabeth M. Blackburn Henry Coffin Carlisle William E. Gardner Mary Lowell Gouin William Mayhew Folger Ruth H. Marshall Florence E. Mitchell Alberta E. Rule Ruth Haviland Sutton 1970s

Clara Louise Baker Jennie Louise Barnitz Ruth L. Christian Valina M. Coffin Grace Brown Gardner Laura K. Hecker Dorothy Spencer Horton Mabel L. Howard Hanna Darlington Monaghan Helen B. Reynolds 1980s

Florence Mary Anderson Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Maud G. Caldwell Isabel Worth Duffy H. Crowell Freeman Norman Joy Greene Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Clifford R. Morris Lindsay Beach Norton Lois Raggio Russell Edwin Buckingham Sears Paul N. Turner 1900s

Anonymous Margaret I. Buffington Content Peckham Cowan Beatrice L. Crosby Pauline Smith Freeman Katherine N. Gardner Eunice B. Haden Whitman Pearson Jessie L. Schenk Marjorie Schultz Beulah Marcia Havens Stowers Maybelle Frost Vasbinder

.C.!le<;mw/.1• p /,' 1900s


Susan Wilson Folger 1920s

Sarah E. Baxter Elizabeth Barker Boone Mary F. Carrington Thomas Coleman Annie Marie Imbert Mary Newhall Anna G. Swain 1930s

Susan E. Brock Eva Channing 1940s

Anna Gardner Fish Ella Young Spencer Henry B. Worth 19fi0s

Mary W. Babcock Augusta F. Bacheller Margaretta S. Hinchman Frank B. Howard Helen Cartwright McCleary Elizabeth W. Morse Sarah E. Phillips Charlotte W. Pitman 1960s

Margaret H. Crosby Mary B. Fisher Isabel Gibbs Margaret S. Hosmer Florence E. Mitchell Eugene Morris George Peabody Rowena Potter Virginia Swain Strong Ruth Haviland Sutton 1970s

Lucy Allen Marjorie Barrett Louise Emerson Lillian DeBlois Fox Grace Brown Gardner Ives Hendrick Annie Lawrence Hunton Hanna Darlington Monaghan

The Heritage Soci�ty recogni2 individuals who have made g1!s_ of artifacts, cash, or, real estate to Nantucket Hist�ssciciirtTo. through their estate rilans. P.lanned gifts take many forms and SUPP.Ort the NHA in myriad ways-from building the permanent endowment to expanding the artifact collections. New memtiers are recognized at the Annual Meeting and presented with an ivory whale '••• lapel pin carved by scrirnsh?nde•. r · , . _ __ ···.:and former NHA trnstee Naricy,):J: Chase, who is herself a Heritage


Society member..

. _ ,_:;:jj

In 2009, the NHA was deeply " appreciative to have rece_ived .. • /. generous gifts of cash and artifacts!':' from the estates of Barbara and··

William H. Boyer, Willard D. Coffin, Mary Patricia Gardner, Marta ··'"' Greene, Everett Reith, David H.. Wood, and Cynthia and Roger Young. Their thoughtful donations

support the NHA's missionfo' ... • ..} preserve and interpret the history of '.' · Nantucket Island. Grace C. Lasell Muriel C. Willet Christine T . Wyer 1980s

Alvah C. Drake Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Gretchen Weeber 1900s

Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Isabell L. Burnett Robert C. Caldwell Wellington J. Cummings Eunice B. Haden Eleanor Lowe Edouard A. Stackpole Elsie deSola Tupper 2000s

Barbara & William H. Boyer Willard D. Coffin Mary Patricia Gardner Marta Greene Page Wroth Jamison Walter E. Lenk Jr. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. David H. Wood Cynthia & Roger Young tdeceased

Annual Report 2009


$25,000 & above Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Adelson $5,000 to $24,999 Mr. & Mrs.William C. Cox Jr. Mr.t & Mrs. Carl S. Forsythe 111 Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr.t & Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Karp Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Polo Ralph Lauren Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney $1,000 to $4,999 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Abbey Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David H. Barlow Mr. & Mrs. V. Lee Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bousa Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. Donald Comstock Mr. & Mrs. James R. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Pierre U. Crosby Ms. Amanda B. Cross Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Davis Ms. Marcia D.Weber & Mr. James B. Flaws Mr. & Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman Jr. Mr. Denis H. Gazaille Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Gewirz Gifts That Give Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. ElliottW. Gumaer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James A. Haslam Ill Mr. & Mrs. John P. Horgan Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Mr. & Mrs. Harvey C. Jones Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Mr. & Mrs. Arie L Kopelman Mrs. Caroline M. Lathrop Mr. & Mrs. Ian K. Loring Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Macy Mrs. Barbara H. Malcolm Mr. & Mrs. Alan Medaugh Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Menschel Mrs. Betsy Michel Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Mueller Nantucket Friends Meeting Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. V. Henry O'Neill Osceola Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek


Historic Nantucket

Ms. Ellen Flamm & Mr. Richard Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Pinkas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. Jay 8. Rosenberg Mrs. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Ms. Donna K. Cooper & Mr. Karl H. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. L. Dennis Shapiro Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Soros Mr. & Mrs.William G. Spears Mr. & Mrs.Warren A. Stephens Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes Ill Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Wat H. Tyler Mrs. Patricia S.Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Jay M.Wilson $500 to $999 Mr. & Mrs. David P. Agnew Mr. James C. Alban IV Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Arvay Dr. & Mrs.Walter F. Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L Beaugrand Mr. & Mrs. James A. Bowdrtch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broll Mrs. Diana T. Brown Mr. & Mrs.William C. Buck Cape Cod USSGA Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold IV Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Herbst Mr. & Mrs.William Hobart Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Killian Mr. & Mrs. Mark N. Kozak Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Terry F. Lenzner Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Logan Mr. Norman E. Mack II Ms. Abigail P. Johnson & Mr. Christopher McKown Mrs. Rachel L Mellon Ms. Clara Bingham & Mr. David Michaelis Mr. & Mrs.William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Peter Monaco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Price Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Puff Jr. Mr. Alfred F. Sanford 111 Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Swain Mr. & Mrs. James A. Walker Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. F HelmutWeymar Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young $100to$499 Anonymous Ms. Barbara H. Almy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Claire Andrade-Watkins, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. ChristopherW. Armstrong Mr. Francis T Ashton Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Avery Mr. & Mrs. Merrick J. Axel Mr. & Mrs. Curtis L. Barnes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patterson Barnes Mr. & Mrs. William M. Barstow Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mrs. Irene M. Beach Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beanie Mrs. Maureen V. Beck Mr & Mrs. John W Belash Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Belber Mr. Allan D. Bell Ms. Carol Bellmaine Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bern Mr. & Mrs.William W. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Blackshaw Mrs. Joan R. Bolling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bologna Ms. Allison W Bovard & Mr. Christopher M. Bovard Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Dr. James E. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Ms. KatherineWard Burg Dr. & Mrs. Coleman P. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Burton Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Cady Mr. & Mrs. James D. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Carey Mrs. Martha A. Carr Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady Mr. John C. Chadbourne Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Michael W Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P Collatz Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Condon Mr. & Mrs.William R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Crampton Ms. Charlotte Cranmer Mr. & Ms. Peter Culbertson Mr. & Mrs. David S. Deutsch Mrs. Susan M. Deutsch

Mr. & Mrs. Carmine DiSib10 Mr. & Mrs. Frederck Donahue Mr. KennethW. DoLglas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Darnel I'. Dnscoll Mr. & Mrs. Ray DuBois Dr & Mrs. M1c�ael Duffy Dr. Alice F. Emersor Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw & �r John P. Emert Dr & Mrs. Jo�n W Espy Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Fabacher Mrs. Ant1e L Farber Dr. & Mrs. :Jonald J. Fans� Dr. & Mrs. Josef E. Fisc'lcr Mr. & Mrs. Charles W Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. l'.lanagan Ms. Sarah Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Geo�ge A. Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Fox Mr. & Mrs. Josept, S. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. StuartW. Freilich Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Gardner Mrs. Barbara L Garside Dr. & Mrs. Jot,n W. Gerster Mr. & Mrs.W,t,itrey A. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Peter L Goldsmith Ms. Madalyn L Manr & Mr. Robert C. Goldszer Mr. & Mrs. E.gene W. Goodwillie Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John B Goodwin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James J Gory Mrs. Toby Anr Greerberg Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B Greene Mrs. Nancy C Grellier Mr. & Mrs. Garth A. Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. John C Grover Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Hugt, Halsell · I Ms. Polly Anr Halsted Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hart Dr. Margot Grace Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. George T Hc•haway Mr. & Mrs. Wilham H. Hays Ill Mr. & Mrs. Glenn 0. Head Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Chnstop�cr F. Holland Ms. Sandra R Holland Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Tt,omas A. Holmes Dr. & Mrs. Romclce A Howard Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Hulmck Mr. & Mrs. James W. Jennings Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. M. Carl Johnson Ill Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John D. Kann Mr. & Mrs. Steven Karole Mr. Robert M. Kaye Ms. Dorothy Slover & Mr. Douglas Kenwar d

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kershaw Mr. & Mrs.' Gordon Kiddoo Ms. Martha L Dippell & Mr. Daniel L Korengold Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kraeutier Dr. & Mrs. Peter F. Krogh Mrs. Nancy W. Lampe Mrs. Susan S. Leonard Dr. & Mrs. Byron S. Lingeman Mr. & Mrs.' W. Curtis Livingston Mr. & Mrs. John Lochtefeld Ms. Sue A. Mac Naughton & Mr. Richard T. Lohr Estate of L Linder Lombard Mr. & Mrs. David H. Long Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback Ms. Elizabeth S. Wyatt & Mr. John E. Luth Mrs. Phyllis B. Macomber Mr. & Mrs. Drrin L Macy Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Maffeo Ms. Mary D. Malavase / Atlantic East Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Maloney Mr. John D. Manera Ms. Joan Manley Marine Home Center Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher L. Maury Sr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. McAtee Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John R. McClintock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mcginnis Ms. Mary Lou McGuire Mr. & Mrs. James R. McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. William McNabb Mr. & Mrs. Robert L McNeil 111 Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mead Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Moore Ms. Rita M. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Marzano Dr. & Mrs. David G. Nathan Mr. & Mrs. John Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Donal C. O'Brien Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Oldham Osterville Historical Society Ms. Carol L. Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Picchi Mr. & Mrs. James W. Pierson Mr. Russell Pike Dr. & Mrs. William G. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Powell Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Prate! Mr. Robert F. Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Homer F. Ray Ill Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Mr. & Mrs. Blake Richard Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Riley Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Mr. Robert S. Royce

Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. George Russell Mr. & Mrs. Harry Russell Mr. & Mrs. John M. Salmanowitz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Sayle Mr. & Mrs. Morton Schlesinger Mr. & Mrs. David G. Schofield Ms. Penelope Scheerer & Mr. John R. Schwanbeck Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schwed Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Seibert Ms. Nancy M. Shane Ms. Susan Cole & Mr. Robert Simmons Mr. William H. Simpson Mr. Gerald P. Slone Mr. & Mrs. Irwin J. Smith 111 Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Snowden Mr. & Mrs. Lars 0. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. John C. Stahler Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F. Stambaugh Rev. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Mr. Benedict G. Stefanelli Mr. & Mrs. J. Clayton Stephenson Mrs. Ada A. Strasenburgh Ms. Julie Hecht & Mr. Landey Strongin Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Succop Mr. & Mrs. Uoyd B. Swaim Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Ms. Gail D Trainer Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Treanor Mr. & Mrs. James Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Vardeman Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Visco Ms. Barbara H. von der Groeben Ms. Carolyn K. Wells & Mr. Frank White Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott.Whitlock Mr. & Mrs. Edward I. Wight Mr. Charles J. Williams Ms. Lucinda E. Young Mrs. Mary-Elizabeth Young Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Zecher UptoS99 Mrs. Anne C. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Pedro G. Amaral Mrs. Bertha G. Arnold Mr. Leo C. Asadoorian Mr. & Ms. James Ballway Ms. Lauri R. Robertson & Mr. David Barham Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bartholdson Mr. & Mrs. David Beaumont IV Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Beine Ms. Barbara T. Bennett Mr. Jack W. Blaylock Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Blumenberg Ms. Ann P. Bond Mr. & Mrs. William Borten Mrs. Anne M. Bradt Dr. & Mrs. Michael Bralower Ms. Elizabeth Braun

Mr. & Mrs. James H. Breed Mrs. Naomi C. Brewer Ms. Carol Ann Brown Mr. William H. Brown II Ms. Marylyn Burns Ms. Joanne Bushong Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Carlee Mr. Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott Charnes Ms. Beth A. Meehan & Mr. Neil J. Cocker Mrs. Ann S. Cooper Ms. Kimberly C. Corkran Mrs. Paula R. Crafts Dr. Frances R. Karttunen & Dr. Alfred W. Crosby Mrs. Carol March Emerson Cross Mr. & Mrs. John Cross Mr. John T. Daggett Mr. & Mrs. John A. Davies Mr. & Mrs. Nicolae A. Dumitru Mr. & Mrs. Roger Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Fernando M. Esteban Dr. & Mrs. John W. Feuerbach Mr. Robert B. Ficks Jr. Ms. Jenny Gifford & Mr. Bradford L Fleming Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Foster Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fox Ill Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Friel Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gardner Mr. Charles John Gardner Jr. Ms. Alison M. Gavin Mrs. Margaret N. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Giles Ms. Marta Mastroianni & Mr. Alberto Giordano Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin Ms. Linda Coffin Gordon Mr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Mr.' & Mrs. William E. Grieder Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Gutterson Estate of Eunice B. Haden Mr. Mark S. Harmsen Dr. David S. Hays Mr. & Mrs. Brad Henke Mr. & Mrs. Dennis F. Hill Ms. Barbara Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Holt Ms. Andrea Howard Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Hunicke Mr. Erik lngmundson Mr. & Mrs. William C. Jones Jr. Mr. George C. Jordan Ill Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Keran Ms. Julianne L Kever Mrs. Jillian Hagen-Kovach & Mr. Jeffrey D. Kovach Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lacoursiere Capt John E. Lacouture (USN Ret) Mr. Wallace G. Lane Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Libowitz

Mrs. John Lodge Ms. Susan Loucks Mr. & Mrs. Albert D. Louer Mrs. Elaine T. Lowengard Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney Mrs. Henrietta H. Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Mason Mr. & Mrs. llyo L. McCray Ms. Kim McCray Ms. Cristin D. Merck Ms. Mary Frances Sutton Miller Ms. Mary F. Wawro & Mr. Peter A. Morrison Ms. Elizabeth R. Moyer Mr. David Murphy Mr. & Mrs. William R. Murray Ms. Catherine Norton Ms. Terry L Norton Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Ochsner Ms. Kate Heller OReilly Mr. Noel Paton Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Paul Ms. Kathrina Pearl Ms. Phyllis Fein Perelman Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Pfeiffer Ms. Sarah Manvel Porter Ms. Heathie Pykos Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Radloff Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Raneri Mr. & Mrs. Victor Reed Ms. Diana R. Regan Mrs. Priscilla L Reis Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Robishaw Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Roche Mr. J. Wood Rutter Mrs. Barbara B. Saunders Mr. Edwin A. Schreiner Mrs. Helen P. Seager Ms. Alison H. Cooley & Mr. Benjamin Simons Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Smith Ms. Deborah K. Solbert Mr. William D. Starbuck Ms. Stacey W. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Harald S. Stavnes Mr. & Mrs. James W. Sutherland Mr. Mitchell N. Swain Ms. Anne Sweidel Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Swenson Jr. Mr. Marshall C. Taylor Mrs. Dorothy Jane Todd Ms. Nikki S. Toole Ms. Marion Jane Tramposch Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch Ms. Anne Troutman Mr. & Mrs. E. Sanford Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. George Vollans Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Wayland Dr. & Mrs. Francis Weld Mr. & Mrs. David Winton Mr.t & Mrs. Gordon W. Wolfe Mrs. Carol C. Woodbridge


Annual Report 2009


1800 House Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus Ill Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Ms. Joan Kelly Catsos Mr. & Mrs. Pierre U. Crosby Ms. Martha A. Erickson, In honor of Nancee Erickson1

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ernst Mr. & Mrs. John Morton Ill Mr. & Mrs. Charles Munro Nancy Sayles Day Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Saligman Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Wackenhut Collections & Exhibitions

Dillon Fund of the Boston Foundation Macy's,

In honor of R. H. Macy and Nantucket's 350th Anniversary

Town of Nantucket, Community Preservation Committee Mrs. Angela C. Weisskopf Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young Greater Light Garden & Endowment

Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Hadwen House

Nantucket Garden Club Interpretation of the Oldest House

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Steven Frank Horchow Family Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Alexander C. Sacerdote Historic Nantucket

Interpreters' Library

Computers & Technology

Mr. & Mrs. Rene D. LaPierre

Education & Community Programs Anonymous Nantucket Golf Club Foundation M. S. Worthington Foundation General Endowment

Estate of David H. Wood Jane & Peter Zecher Greater Light Restoration

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Allen Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L Beaugrand Dr. James E. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation Mr. Robert B. Rcks Jr. Mr. Denis H. Gazaille Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen Ill Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Mr. Michael A. Kovner Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Osceola Foundation Phillips Family Foundation Mrs. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Mr. & Mrs. Eric E. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. William G. Spears 34

Historic Nantucket

Max Berry and David Berry



Max and Heidi Berry Acquisition Fund Mr. & Mrs. L Dennis Shapiro Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986

Mr. & Mrs. George M. Rich Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. John C. Ruttenberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabeihaus Mr. & Mrs. Peter M Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. Harvey N. Saligman Ms. Bobbie H. Howrey & Mr. Thomas G Schwenke Mr. & Mrs. L Dennis Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. David Smick Mr. & Mrs. Paul Steinfurth Ms. Janice C. Sturchio Mr. & Mrs. Wat H. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Wackenhut Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin, In honor of Peter Wilson

In honor of Peter Wilson

Mission of Education & Preservation

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Harold Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bologna Mr. & Ms. Douglas K. Bratton Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Butler Mr. & Mrs. William R. Camp Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Champion Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. James G. Congdon Ms. Lacy Crain & Mr. Joseph Galloway Mr. & Mrs. James R. Crane Mr. & Mrs. Norwood H. Davis Jr. Ms. Elizabeth R. Miller & Mr. James G. Dinan Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Ferrel Mr. & Mrs. Anderson G. Grennan Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Hedberg Mr. Richard G. Kahn Mrs. Sara Jo Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Arie L Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mrs. Eva Moss Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Reynolds

Michael Hite and Diane Zuckerman and lllya Kagan and Wendy Rouillard

Bill Druckemiller, Tom Anathan, Joe Welch, Chris Mortenson, and Rick Sherlund.


Museum Shop Mrs. Georgina Winton Nantucket History Orientation Film Cape Air/ Nantucket Airlines Mr. John M. Heggem Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen Ill "Sometimes think of me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries Exhibition

Anonymous Quaker Meeting House Town of Nantucket, Community Preservation Committee Research Library Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Judy Nantucket Garden Club Town of Nantucket, Community Preservation Committee

-!!.��rY��. . . . . . . . . In Honor of Thomas Anathan's Birthday

Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Allen

In Honor of NHA Spelling Bee Team

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In Honor of Trish Bridier's Birthday

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Brasfield

In Honor of Laurie & Bob Champion Ms. Lacy Crain & Mr. Joseph Galloway In Honor of Franci Crane

Mr. & Mrs. Kell Damsgaard

In Honor of Jean Doyen de Montaillou and Michael Kovner's Anniversary

In Honor of Peggy & Bill Tramposch Mrs. Anne P Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Ms. Cynthia 0. Smyth In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. K. Morgan Varner Ill In Honor of Kelly Williams's Birthday

Mrs. Suzanne K. Forsyth

In Honor of Nancee Erickson'

In Honor of Peter Wilson for Interpreters' Library

Norma Aivalikles Georgeann Ballou Cathy Caputo Laurie Champion Andie Finard Jane Forman Randy Goldberger Beth Lowy Robbie Putterman Maria Roach Joyce Robinson Susan Ross Terry Schubach Sheila Schwab Nancy Serafini Trudy Slater Sandra Smith Susan Florence Smith

In Honor of Phyllis Freilich's Birthday

Susan and Ken Richardson

Mr. & Mrs. William C. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes

Winterthur Exhibition Harbor & Home:

Rick and Marie Wackenhut


In Honor of Gussie & Ken Beaugrand

Ms. Martha A. Erickson

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Brock W. Jobe Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Wilmington Trust Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson

In Honor of R. H. Macy and Nantucket's 350th Anniversary

Ms. Carle Mowell

Thomas Macy House Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986

Furniture of Southeastern Massachusetts, 1710--1850

In Honor of Kaaren Hale

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Semmes

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Rene 0. LaPierre

Leigh and Carrie Abramson


Karl and Susan Ottison

Barbara Hajim and Kaaren Hale Annual Report 2009



.__................................ ffenw,iall)'Ytr !. ........................... . In Memory of Heidi Berry

Mr. & Mrs.Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Champion Jr. Mr.t & Mrs.Thomas H. Gosnell Mrs.Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Grote Mr. Peter Grote Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Herbst Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jacobsen Mrs. Sara Jo Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Russell Marash Mrs. Eva Moss & Mr. Jamie Moss Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Ms. Isabelle Scott Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Seiger Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Singer Mr. & Mrs. Frank F. Sylvia Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mr. & Mrs. David Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski In Memory of Butler Brownell Jr.

Colleagues ofTara Brownell at New Bedford Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. David J. Spitler In Memory ofAnne Thatcher Bullock

Dr. James E. Bullock

In Memory of Paul G. Gramme/in Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ron Arslanian Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Atherley Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Becker Ms. Susan Berman Ms. Martha M. Black Mr. & Mrs. H. Z. Brown Ms. Beatrice R. Buck Mrs. June S. Burgeson Mr. & Mrs. A. R. Burks Mr. & Mrs. James W. Coulter Mrs. Mary Ann Crommelin Mr. & Mrs. Maynard Elliott Mrs. Margaret B. Gotch Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Hamp Mr. & Mrs. David M. Huber Mr. Richard Hughes Mr. & Mrs. Brad Lewis Ms. Judith E. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Philip Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Restuccia Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Schroeder Ms. Louise H. Stiles Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thom Jr. Ms. Elinor Utter Ms. Carolyn K. Vail Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Varbalow Mr. & Mrs. Al West In Memory of John Donovan

Mrs. Marilyn M. Slade

In Memory of Thomas H. Gosnell

Mr. & Mrs. D. Brainerd Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski In Memory of William Grieder

Patricia, Karen & Maggie Roche Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In Memory of Diga Hanson

Ms. Doris M. Cates

In Memory of Carolyn Horchow

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal

In Memory of Mary Chapel Humphrey

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Grieder Jr. Ms. Geraldine W. Jaeck Mr. & Mrs. William H. Sethness Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In Memory of Beatrice Lawrence

Mr. Louis C. R. Farrelly

In-kind Donations In Memory of Paul Madden

Mr. Ronald Bourgeault/ Northeast Auctions

In Memory of Mary Coffin Pease

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski

In memory of Mrs. Mary Quirk

Mr. & Mrs. Drew J. Magee

In Memory of Julian Savage

Ms. Martha Aron Dr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Blake Mr. Joslin I. Davis Mr. Steven S. Feinberg Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Fradin Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Gourse Ms. Barbara Sadick Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sadick Ms. Arlene H. Berrol & Mr. Stanley Smith In Memory of Karl D. Stuart

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski In Memory of Richard Tucker

Mr.1 & Mrs.Thomas H. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. D. Brainerd Holmes Mrs. Elizabeth S. Jacobsen Mr. Steven N. Lerangis/ Northern Trust

Maria and Bill Spears and Lynne and Paul Steinfurth 36

Historic Nantucket

Corporate Matching Gifts

AY.A Foundation Bank of America Foundation, Inc. ExxonMobil Foundation General Electric Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation IBM Corporation John A. Hartford Foundation, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation UBS Financial Services, Inc. Unicredit Group Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. Vanguard Group Foundation

Bartlett·s Farm Mrs. Edith Bouriez Mrs. Ann Brown Judith & Bob Brust Claudia Butler Mr. Don Carpentier Claire Murray Mrs. Patricia Ernst Mrs. Adlum1a Gannett Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert Grand Union Greenwood Systems Monitoring LLC/ Mr. Rick Greenwood Mrs. Gay Held Mrs. Rita Holch Ms. Lee Kalman Ms. Mary Emery Lacoursiere Ms. Brenda Lee Mrs. Virginia Mead Meds Maps Ms. Polly Minick Mr. Charles Munro Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Police Department Novation Media/ Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Novissimo Mr. Karl Ott1son Our Island Home Ms. Frances Phillips Poets Corner Press Mrs. Eleanor Reade Mr. William Sarni Mrs. Barbara Shay Ms. Laurie Simpson Steamship Authority Toscana Corporation Ms. JuneTyler Dylan Wallace Walter's Delicatessen Mr. Steven Weaver




fiďż˝ o / a -YJ/l, L,,C-,/






remarkable Chateau La.lite 1870----perhaps the world's rarest wine-was the highlight of the 2009 Wme Auction. The historic bottle was donated by Pamela and Brian Barefoot. Partnering for the tenth year with the Nantucket Wine Festival, the Nantucket Historical Association was the nonprofit beneficiary of the Wme Auction Dinner at the White Elephant. The elegant May 16 dinner featured wines presented by Jorge Ord6fiez ofFine Wmes from Spain and the cuisine of Chef Daniel Bruce of Meritage at the Boston Harbor Hotel. Janet and Rick Sherlund chaired the 2009 event, assisted by members of the Rare Wmes from Private Collections Committee, chaired by Marcia and Joe Welch, and the Dinner Committee, chaired by Laura and Robert Reynolds. Auctioneer Richard Brierley ofVanquish Wme Ltd. conducted a lively and successful auction of wines and lifestyle packages, which included a stay at Blackberry Farm, an acclaimed Relais & Chateaux small luxury hotel in the Smoky Mountains. The NHA appreciates the generosity of the individuals, wineries, and businesses that contributed outstanding lots of wine and lifestyle packages as well as for the leadership support of the Oenophiles and Vignerons, who were among the two hundred people attending the dinner. The NHA was also the beneficiary of the Silent Auction at the sold-out Gala on May 14, which offered a wonderful array of donated items-from a hand-blown wine decanter from the Dane Gallery to a private champagne and caviar soiree at the Whaling Museum. The NHA extends special thanks to all those who supported the Silent Auction with their donations and bids. Proceeds from the two wine festival events provide vital support for year-round educational programs for children and their families.


A rare Chateau Lafite 1870 offered at the Wine Auction.

Annual Report 2009




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CHAIRS Janet & Rick Sherlund

[/lu,-e, 1//,ite.tfrom s:/}•ioate &ollecho1M' &ommittee CHAIRS Marcia & JoeWelch

' \ cmlffCkel </l1i,e

9Jir111e,• &ommitteee CHAIRS Laura & Robert Reynolds

,q;;,,1·1,,m/ 6'ommtitee Denis Toner, Founder/President Frank Neer, Executive Director Susan Toner, Vice President Mark Donato, Community Liaison Nancy Bean, Director of Operations Henry Talberth, Dlfector of Culinary Operations Courtney O'Neill, Festival Administrator

Janie & Gene Goodwillie Kathleen & Jim Poole Diane & Guy Snowden

0e11oplu"le,1· Laura & Robert Reynolds Janet & Rick Sherlund Geri & Peter' Skirkanich Diane & Guy Snowden Maria &William Spears Kelly Antonuccio & Paul Verrochi 11!Jllel'<JFl,'i

Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan BNY MellonWealth Management Donald A. Burns Gail & Chris Camalier Shelton Ellis Will Little Sally & Peter Nash Sarah & Jeff Newton Kristen & Nels Olson Kathleen & Jim Poole Kim & Richard Preston Connie Mundy & Eric Shaw Susan & Bill Vareschi &ontri6ato1i1: BNY MellonWealth Management Katherine &William Beattie Mr. & Mrs. J. Graham Goldsmith Lux Bond & Green Bonnie & Peter McCausland Liz & Jeff Peek Mr. & Mrs. J. Donald Shockey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rodger Young t.foecia/ .C?lha,1/41-., Brian Bowe Adrienne Davis-Brody Kimberly C. Corkran Eleventh Hour Design Marlo Fogelman Dee & Jimmy Haslam Sheila E. McCarthy Joan & Tim Moran Marcia Shift Henry Taiberth Pamela Thomas Peggy Tramposch

_[/oe, lactio11 q;o1101w Patricia & Tom Anathan Arrowwood Vineyards Au Bon Climat Janet & Sam Bailey Pamela & Brian Barefoot Carol & Harold Baxter Benziger FamilyWinery Biackberry Farm William Boardman Deane & Ken Brasfield Anne & Tom Broadus BurgundyWine Company / Geri Tashjian C. DonatielloWinery Cain Vineyard &Winery CaleraWine Company Lea Calliandro Caymus Vineyards Cliff Lede Vineyards John L. Colton Franci & Jim Crane Paul J. Crowley Anne & Jack Curlett Chris & Joe Donelan Duckhorn Vineyards ElyseWinery Far Niente Fine Estates from Spain Timothy M. George Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Janie & Gene Goodwillie Grgich Hills Estate Lulie & Gordon Gund Gundlach Bundschu HallWines Hartford FamilyWinery Dee & Jimmy Haslam Hess Collection Hirsch Vineyards &Winery Peter E. Hoey Hope & GraceWines Christine & David Hulme J. Lohr Vineyards &Wines Justin Vineyards &Winery Jane King Karlson Martha Dippel! & Danny Korengold

T he Little Pearl Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Wine Festival Nantucket Workroom Neja1me'sWine Cellars PlymouthWine Company Tanglewood Food andWine Classic Vineyard Vines The White Elephant Yurman Designs

Richard Kreitler Ladera Vineyards Landmark Vineyard Will Little Sharon & Frank Lorenzo MartinelliWinery William B. Matteson Merriam Vineyards Miner Family Vineyards MorganWinery Christopher Mortenson Claire & Ed Orenstein PaxWine Cellars Peay Vineyards Liz & Jeff Peek Kathleen & Jim Poole Robert Sinskey Vineyards Susan & Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sacerdote Elsa & Alan Saroff Janet & Rick Sherlund Ship's Inn / Bob Moulder Silver Oak Cellars Diane & Guy Snowden Steele Wines Tuck BeckstofferWines Marcia & JoeWelch Wente Vineyards William Cole Vineyards Carol & RichardWolfe Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zecher Mr. & Mrs. P. Rhoads Zimmerman

Frank Neer raises a glass in toast. 0tle11t, fuctio11 9.Jo✓10111· Barton & Gray Mariners Club Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood Bottega Del Vino Glassware Cape Air / Nantucket Airlines Carol Cole Claire Murray The Colonnade Hotel Cuisinart currentVintage The Dane Gallery Francis Ford Coppola Presents tdeceased


Historic Nantucket

Brian Barefoot, Denis Toner, and Pamela Barefoot











ith fabulous new venues at Bartlett's Farm and the Great Harbor Yacht Club, the August Antiques Show presented a wonderful week of programs and parties from July 28 to August 2, all focused on the outstanding thirty-second annual event. A headline in Antiques and the Arts Online reported, "Nantucket Antiques Show Scores Home Run in New Location." Olivia Charney chaired the show and led a committee of more than a hundred volunteers who helped organize the events, which support the NHA's collections, historic properties, and educational programs. Memorial Chair was Heim L. Berry, a patron of the arts and writer who was a longtime member of the Antiques Show Committee. She was a founding member of the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association, serving two terms as president; a former member of the NHA's board of trustees; and chaired the Friends of the NHA Lecture for many years. Starting the week at the Whaling Museum on July 28, the Friends of the NHA Lecture featured Brock Jobe, Wmterthur Professor of American Decorative Arts, who spoke about the traveling exhibition at the Whaling Museum, Harbor & Home: Furniture of Southeastern Massachusetts, 1710-1850, organized byWmterthur. The Antiques Show's exhibitors were welcomed at the Dealers Dirmer, which was again sponsored by Antiques & Fine Arts and The Magazine Antiques. An enthusiastic crowd, excited to see the Antiques Show at its new venue-a huge white tent at Bartlett's Farm-turned out July 30 for the Preview Party, which was sponsored for the sixth year by Eaton Vance Investment Counsel. The following morning, the August Antiques Show, which is managed by the Antiques Council, opened to the public for its three-day run July 31-August 2. Marie and Rick Wackenhut graciously hosted the Founders and Underwriters Cocktail Party on July 30 at the East Brick on Main Street. The following night, the festivities moved to the new Great Harbor Yacht Club, where guests enjoyed a harborside sunset during the Antiques Show Cocktail Party before moving indoors for the Antiques Show Dirmer. For the eleventh year, Trianon/ Seaman Schepps hosted the gala dirmer and dancing for supporters at the Philanthropist, Founder, Chairs Circle, and Benefactor levels. The evening's live auction of select items included an embroidered narrative of the 0/,dest House by Susan Boardman, sails aboard the yachts Timoneer and Sleighride, and two reproductions of a high-fan-back Windsor chair in the NHA collections, and raised special support for the NHA's mission. The 33rdAugustAntiques Show, chaired by Barbara Hathaway, will be he/,dAugust 6-8, 2010, at Bartlett's Farm. The Antiques Show Cocktail Party and Dinner will be heldAugust 7 at the Great Harbor Yacht Club. Annual Report 2009



'lbule/Yorile/O' Trianon/ Seaman Schepps Eaton Vance Investment Counsel New England Brokerage Corporation Fireman's Fund BNY Mellon Wealth Management Congdon & Coleman Insurance Nestle Waters Wilmington Trust


6;1/J1/11tit ················································.. ·····················........................................................ ................., ......., ..................................... ··········· Betty Jacobsen Leanne Kendrick Vicki Livingstone Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Anne Obrecht Betty' & David' Ogden Susan Rotando Melanie Sabelhaus Janet Sherlund Dorothy Slover Mim1Young


Olivia Charney, Chair Heidi L Berry, 1 Memorial Chair

Antiques & Fine Art

Marine Home Center The Magazine Antiques

Sarah Baker Maggie Benedict Josette Blackmore Laurie Champion Connie Cigarran Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Georgia Gosnell Martha Groetzinger Barbara Hajim Ginger Heard

(/ommdtee 61uuiw DEALERS DINNER


Josette Blackmore

Connie Cigarran & Barbara Hathaway



Laurie Moynihan & Cindy Jones

Nancy Puff & Marcella Zimmerman



Anne Obrecht & Janet Sherlund

Lynne Steinfurth & Pat Griffin



Shelton Ellis and Jay Bauer of Trianon / Seaman Schepps, host of the Antiques Show Dinner.

Heidi Weddendorf

Pam Waller GIFT BAGS


Ane DiVenere & Mary Ann Wagner

Bill Tramposch, Janet Sherlund, and Olivia Charney


Nan Geschke & Kathryn Ketelsen PREVIEW PARTY

Bessie Connelly

Eaton Vance Investment Counsel, sponsor of the Preview Party.

6:m,miltee Alicia Alban Patricia Anathan Carol Atkinson Lindsey Axel Margit Baker Nancy Barnes Michele Barnett Carol Baxter Maggie Benedict Jeanne Bennett Gayle Blumenberg Kathy Bologna Sara Boyce Anne Marie Bratton Mary Brown Marylyn Burns Rhonda Cassity Laurie Champion

Historic Nantucket

Susan Cole Louise Connell Mellie Cooper Caroline Crawford Prudence Crozier Marguerite Davis Debra Decosta Caron Dockerty Suzanne Drapeau Lois Druckemiller Christina Digney Earle Shelton Ellis Nancee Ericksont Polly Espy Carla Finn Marie Frazza Phyllis Freilich Mary Gilmartin

Janie Goodwillie Joan Goodwin Susan Zises Green Suzy Grote Barbara Hajim Kaaren Hale Candy Heydt Lois Horgan Betty Jacobsen Heather Kennedy Sara Jo Kobacker Joan Lahey Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Vicki Livingstone Susie Lister Locke Terry Lockhart Sharon Lorenzo

Helen Lynch Carolyn MacKenzie Kilty Mahoney Miriam Mandell Deedie McCarthy Barbara Mcinerney Winnie Mortenson Morgan Morton Susan Moses Kristen Olson Trisha Passaro Ann Quick Bettina Ridley Melanie Sabelhaus Linda Saligman Denise Saul Kim Schiff Dorinda Schreiber

Nancy Serafini Rini Shanahan Dorothy Slover Mana Spears Sheila Sullivan Paula Swain Merrielou Symes Jamie Tashjian Pamela Thomas Boots Tolsdorf Peggy Tramposch Marcia Welch Melanie Wernick Bunny Whiteley Marilyn Whitney



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Laurie & Bob Champion Janet & Rick Sherlund

Anonymous Jan & Warren Adelson Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Baxter Paula & Bob Butler Christy & Bill Camp Olivia & Felix Charney Robyn & John Davis Ramona & Stephen Davis Mary Ellen & Michael Ferrel Nan & Chuck Geschke Gayle & Robert Greenhill

Cynthia Fry & John A. Gunn Kaaren & Charles Hale Cindy & Evan Jones Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael Kovner Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Helen & Ham Lynch Kim & Jim Pallotta Liz & Jeff Peek Kathy & Roger Penske Ann & Chris Quick Laura & Bob Reynolds

Ellen & David Ross Wendy & Eric Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV Maria & Bill Spears Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Jane & WatTyler Liz & Geoff Verney Marie & Rick Wackenhut Karen & Edward Watkins Suzy & Jack Welch Marilyn Whitney & Annabel Whitney

Carrie & Leigh Abramson Gale H. Arnold Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Connie & Tom Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Clark Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Mary & Marvin Davidson Elizabeth Miller & James Dinan Senator & Mrs. William H. Frist Mr. & Mrs. Louis V. Gerstner Jr. Mary & Robert Haft Barbara & Ed Hajim Mr. & Mrs. James Haslam Ill Lois & John Horgan Daintry & Reb Jensen Sara Jo Kobacker Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Miriam & Sonny Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Sally & Peter Nash Sarah & Jeff Newton Anne & Bree Obrecht Minou & Peter Palandjian Mr. & Mrs. George E. Roach Robin & Clyde Rodbell Marion & Bob Rosenthal Margaret & John Ruttenberg Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote Linda & Harvey Saligman Julie & Brian Simmons Mr. & Mrs. James A. Walker Jr.

Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Bob Arnot BNY Mellon Wealth Management Dr. & Mrs. Walter Ballinger C. Marshall Beale Josette & Jim Blackmore Susan & Bill Boardman Kathy & Tom Bologna Maureen & Edward Sousa Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Bratton Mr. & Mrs. Clark Briner Mary & David Brown Eileen & Robert Butler Mr. & Mrs. John T. Connelly Franci & Jim Crane Mr. & Mrs. Norwood H. Davis Jr. Betsy Fry & Franklyn P. deMarco Jr. Helen & Phil Didriksen Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Paul Baker & Paul Edwards Ginny & Doug Faucette Barbara J. Fife

Mary Beth Gilmartin Mr.1 & Mrs. T homas H. Gosnell Susan Zises Green Debbie Lewis & Bob Grinberg Suzy Grote Lauren & Paul Gudonis Ann & Graham Gund Patricia Casale & Gary Gut Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman Barbara & Lawrence Hathaway Margaret & Gregory Hedberg George S. Heyer Jr. Deborah Hoadley Barbara & Harvey Jones Emmy & Charles Kilvert Terry & Gene Lockhart Tracey & William Marshall Laurie & Bob Monahan Eva Moss Trisha & Michael Passaro Nancy & Bob Puff Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill

Susan & Kennedy Richardson Herb Richman Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul Sandi Holland & Alfie Sanford Bobbie H. Howrey & Thomas G. Schwenke Rini & Tom Shanahan Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro Nancy J. Sharigan Trudy & Fred Slater Vicky & David Smick Catharine & Jeffrey Soros Sheila & Bill Sullivan Merrielou & Ned Symes Linda R. Taylor Patricia Stewart Walsh Mary & David Wolff Mr. & Mrs. P. Rhoads Zimmerman

Dennis Shapiro with Coco and Arie L Kopelman


Polly and John Espy with Diana Bittel

Annual Report 2009



Nan and Chuck Geschke

Nancee Erickson1 and Susan Zises Green

Ellen and Ken Roman

David and Ellen Ross

Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Freeman Stephanie & Charles Harrold Nina & Bob Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Hooper Jr. Edie & David Johnson Martha Dippell & Danny Korengold Joan & Ed Lahey Pam Lassiter Martha Berman & Robert Lipp Vicki Livingstone

Robin & Barry MacTaggart Marion & Steve Meader Rebecca Moore Winnie & Chns Mortenson Morgan & Allen Morton Sally & Michael Orr Julia & Larry Pollock Mrs. Joan D. Pratel Sheila & Richard Riggs HonorableVincent & Monica Rippa Judith Greenberg Seinfeld

Nancy & Joe Serafini Kimberly Sh1ff Mr. & Mrs. J Donald Shockey Jr. Susan Cole & Robert Simmons Daisy Soros Mr. & Mrs. David J. Spitler Reverend & Mrs. C. William Steelman Genevieve M. Tucker Bunny Whiteley Stephanie & Jay Wilson Kathryn Kay & Robert Young

MaryV. Drew Frank Fasanella & Trudy Dujardin Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Foley Alan & Nancy Forster Penny & Bob Fox Patty & Paul Gibian Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Mr. & Mrs. John B. Goodwin Jr. Vicki & Charlie Gustin Barbara Halsted Polly Ann Halsted Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Carolyn1 & Roger Horchow Maureen Phillips & Douglas Horst, M.D. Elizabeth Jacobsen Art & Diane Kelly Emmy & Richard Klarberg Martha Dippell & Danny Korengold

Marilyn & Bill Lane Janet & Christopher Larsen Janet & Keith Lindgren Susan Lister Locke Barbara H. Malcolm Meredith & James Marshall Lynn & Jack McAtee Pat & Charles McGill Torn & Martin McKerrow Elena & Mark Morris Alicia & lim Mullen Pam & Dick Niner Norton Preservation Trust/ Richard &Valerie Norton Michael J. O'Mara Maureen Orth Melissa & Nat Philbrick Mrs. Ernest R. Preston Jr.

Caverly Rees Mr & Mrs. Thomas Rhodes Mrs. Pierre A. Rinfret Joyce & Russell Robinson Ellen & Ken Roman R1ndy &Van Schreiber Nancy J. Sevrens Junie & Dorothy S1nson Nancy M. Soderberg Jane & Scott Stearns William J Stern Mrs. Ada A. Strasenburgh Pamela J Thomas Mary Ann B. & Samuel Wagner Pam & Will Waller


Mrs. Alicia Alban Mariann B. Hundahl Appley Mrs. Merrick Axel Michele Barnett Melinda & Tom Beal Laura & Bill Buck Wendy Carduner Meredith & Eugene Clapp Prudy & Bill Crozier Mr. Duncan N. Darrow Nancee Erickson'

, fj,011,1·0,w

Margaretta Andrews Anne & Tom Bailliere Nancy & Lee Barnes Kathie & Bill Beattie Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Mr. & Mrs. Ward C. Belcher II Margaret Benedict Joan R. Bolling Edith S. Bouriez Vivian & Robert Braunohler Lucy & Huntington Breed Marylyn Burns Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr. Howard B. Chadwick Jr. Barbara & Bill Charlton Heidi Weddendorf & Brian Conroy Mrs. Phyllis T. Conway Linda & Joseph DiMartino


Historic Nantucket

t deceased

.</ll[//le 6}m/lvba/01w Felix Charney Bob DeCosta G. S. Hill Gallery/ Greg Hill Nantucket House Antiques Nina Hellman Antiques 0 & Company Interior Design Lee A. Papale Quidley & Company Judy & Bill Sayle Slip 14/ Jonas Baker Van Cleef & Arpels

_(/oe, ft,ct,im 6}mtr1011/0111· Susan Boardman Georgia Gosnell Simply with Style Catering/ Kendra Lockley Pam Thomas Peggy Tramposch Wilmington Trust

</Ji/1/ler 60/lll'fOa/0111' Brown-Forman Corporation Christie's/ Tash Perrin Flowers on Chestnut Great Harbor Yacht Club Slatkin & Company Sultans of Swing Vineyard Vines

Bob and Laurie Champion

Harold and Carol Baxter

Jennifer Norton and Michael Silberstein

ACKBBQ Antiques Council A Tent for Rent Bartlett's Farm John Bartlett Larry Belka Brown-Forman Corporation Bob Burdick Champion Rentals Chase Canopy Company/ Andrew Chase The Cleaning Fairies Continental Airlines Daily Breads Dogsname.com Downyflake Restaurant

Shelton Ellis Even Keel Carol Evens Florabundant Flowers on Chestnut Great Harbor Yacht Club Green Tree Electrical Services/ Vitas Normontas Hatch's Package Store Julie Hiberg Hunt lnkstone Printing Island Antiques Jesse Dutra Landscape Inc. JLB, Inc. Javatime Design

Brock Jobe Juice Bar Kathryn Ketelsen Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Inn Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Pharmacy NHA Staff 0 & Company Interior Design PJ Pump Service P & M Reis Trucking Placesetters Polo Ralph Lauren Provisions/ Straight Wharf Restaurant Pumpkin Patch Farm/ Marty McGowan

Margaret & John Ruttenberg Simply with Style Catering Something Natural Stacy Exposition Steamship Authority/ Gina Barboza Anita Nettles Stefanski Stonekelly/ Jenn Stone Stop & Shop Sultans of Swing Trianon/ Seaman Schepps Vineyard Vines Mary Ann & Sam Wagner Rick & Marie Wackenhut Michael Wodynski Woodmeister

, f,,titp((',\' , flwm C/Jeale,w J. Austin, Jeweler Diana H. Bittel Antiques Jeff R. Bridgman American Antiques G.K.S. Bush, Inc. Carlson & Stevenson Connecticut River Books The Cooley Gallery Alastair Crawford, LLC Cunha-St.John Antiques Dawn Hill Antiques

Doll Dreams The Finnegan Gallery Fletcher/Copenhaver Fine Art Forager House Collection Georgian Manor Antiques Judd Gregory Fine Antiques Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. King-Thomasson Antiques Inc. James M. Labaugh Antiques Leatherwood Antiques

Jane McClafferty Antiques Mellin's Antiques Danielle Ann Millican, Inc. Stephen B. O'Brien Jr. Fine Arts Oriental Rugs, Ltd. Janice Paull Port 'N Starboard Gallery Charles Edwin Puckett Raccoon Creek Antiques, LLC Running Battle Antiques

Sallea Antiques, Inc. Elle Shushan Silver Plus Philip Suval Inc. Sylvia Antiques, Inc. Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, Inc. Vose Galleries of Boston Charles L Washburne Washington Square Gallery, Ltd. Victor Weinblatt

6}J/ltri6ato,w Nancy & Douglas Abbey American Business and Professional Program Inc. Janet & Sam Bailey Mary-Claire & Bill Barton Jane Beasley Diana Brown Maia & Don Farish Elizabeth Galvin Nancy Grellier Teresa Heinz Mrs. Philip C. Murray Ann B. & Hardy Oliver Patricia R. Reighley Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick Singer, in honor of Heidi Berry1 Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Paula & Bernie Swain Dr. James D. B. Weiss Jr. Denise & Bill Welsh Simone & Ted Winston

, 9'ec/al, 7luml.,i·

t deceased

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Melanie Sabelhaus with Bob and Laura Reynolds

Skip Willauer with Sarah and Bill Congdon

Laurie Monahan and Cindy Jones

Committee stuffing tote bags Annual Report 2009




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Trees by the Nantucket Dreamland Foundation and Geronimo's and Cold Noses, and wreath by the Nantucket Atheneum



/. he Nantucket community celebrated the start of many people who o g n rou ly bid on the wreath . The Festival ofTrecs i a much anticipated tradition among ( / the 2009 holiday season with the Festival of Wreaths and Festival ofTrees at the Whaling Museum. antuck ters and i land visitors alik e that marks the start of Marine Home Center was the lead underwriter, with Nantuck t' hri tmas troll. The creative talent of the many additional sponsorship from sixteen island and regional busine e , volunte er tran form d the ntir Whaling Museum inLO a whose support enabled the NHA to offer the community, including wonderland of eventy- even gaily decorated trc . f preschool, day-care, and senior citizens group , free or low-cost The Fe Liva! ofTre kick d of December 3 with the gala Preview admission to the festivals. Party-referred to by many as "th be t party of th year"-and filled Over Thanksgiving week, November 24-29, visitors were welcomed the mu eum with r vel r who enjoyed the festive decor and the free of charge to the Festival of Wreaths to view eighty-two creatively deliciou rare gen rou Iy provided by 21 I rd ml. rno' at 41 Main, decorated wreaths. Each wreath was designed and contributed for the Bartlett' Farm, Black-Eyed u an's, Brant Point Grill, the hanticleer, silent auction by artists, merchants, schoolchildren, and numerous Ci co Br wers / Tripi 8 / antuckct Vineyard, Corazo n cl I M ar, other talente d individuals from the community-many of whom Dune, Le I...angu doc, Qu qu g's, ·cagrille, u an M. Wa rner have contributed wreaths for many years. During the sold-out Catering, Topp r' , and T wn. The� stival wa open through ew Preview Party, catered by Fusion of Flavor, and throughout the week, Year's weekend and att nd d b mor than 3,700 vi itor • the festival invited more than 1,800 visitors to bid on the wreaths and For Lhe ucce of th 16th F stival of Tr , th I IA extend participate in the raffle of a special wreath designed by Stephanie special thanks to Reb ec a Bartl tt, hair, and Elin I lild rbrand, Correia of Stephanie's of Nantucket. The auction and raffle benefit the cochair; the commiu e, whi h in Jud cl many pa t chair ; Joan Allen, NHA's educational programs. Preview Party chair, who wa a i t d b Ai ling lynn; Deni e The NHA is grat eful for the involvement of the many volunteers and Ackerman, who erved a volunt r coordinator for th e fow-th year supporters who made the 11th Festival ofWreaths a success: chair and was assi ted by ourtn y O' ill; the underwriter , re taurants, She ila O'Brien Egan, creative director Reggie Levine, and the and pu1veyor ; the tree d ign rs; and th ngel and tars, who committee memb ers; the underwriters and wreath designers; and the provided leader hip upport with th eir tick t pur ha e s. 44

Historic Nantucket


Marine Home Center

Bartlett's Farm Cape Air/ Nantucket Airlines CMC Construction/ justbuildbetter.net Hatch's Package Store Jordan Real Estate

Killen Real Estate Madaket Marine Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Golf Club Nantucket Pharmacy Nantucket Real Estate Co. Inc.

Placesetters, Inc. Trianon/ Seaman Schepps The Beachside at Nantucket The UPS Store Wilmington Trust


· fbecia/EJl,{UlA..r

@onmuitee, Sheila O'Brien Egan, Chair Reggie Levine, Creative Design Denise Ackerman Louise Hourihan Emily Pihl Pam Waller


Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Caroline Ellis Mary Haft Maureen Orth

Stephanie's of Nantucket/ Stephanie Correia, Raffle Wreath Contributor Fusion of Flavor/ Dean Miller

A Safe Place Deborah M. Anderson Bartlett's Farm Best of the Beach Heather Macleod & Cristina Blank Neely Bower Penza & Vincent Calarco Cape Cod Life Publications Jeannette Carl Katie Castle Jean Cawley Cemetery Commission Work Group Judith Divoll & Nancy Chase Cisco Brewers Claire Murray Clay Art Studio/ Barbara Toole Compass Rose Real Estate/ Cynthia Lenhart Kerry Decesare Jean Doyen de Montaillou Lucy S. Dillon

Margaret Eger The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Alison K. Forsgren The Gallery at Four India G.S. Hill Gallery/ Judi & Greg Hill Dottie Gennaro Bee Gonnella John Gonnella Barbara Gookin Brenda Lee Hall Chris Hart Dani Henke The Homestead The Inquirer and Mirror Betsey Johnson Brenda Johnson George Korn Denise Korngold Kevin Kuester Barbara Lattanzi Lee Papale Studio/ Judith Ann Page

Ritch Leone Leslie Linsley Majolica/ Alicia Bradford Jessica Manning Mariner House Joy Marks Priscilla McIntosh Nicole Michetti Paul Michetti Montessori Children's House of Nantucket Beth Moyer Nantucket Atheneum Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Boys & Girls Club Nantucket Carving & Folk Art, Inc./ Jean Petty & Paul McCarthy Nantucket Community Music Center Nantucket Cottage Hospital/ Macy Smith Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Knotworks/ Charity Benz Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum

Denise Ackerman Joan Albaugh Cynthia Blackshaw Ken Blackshaw Paul Clarke Lucy S. Dillon Anne Dyer Sheila Egan

Bee Gonnella Jane Hardy Joyce Horton Louise Hourihan Brenda Johnson Jane Jones Bill Jones Mary Malavase

Jeanne Norton Emily Pihl Pamela Thomas Peggy Tramposch Nancy Tuttle Pam Waller Mona Wheatley

Nantucket Shell Designs/ Susan Rollins Nantucket Town Clerk Courtney O'Neill Our Island Home Karen Anderson Palmer Pam Raith Salt Marsh Senior Center Mary & David Sharpe Small Friends on Nantucket Gail Spencer Stover Engineering & Construction Swain's Travel/ Gutsy Ladies Pam Thomas Peggy & Bill Tramposch Jeanne Van Etten The Weaving Room Heidi Weddendorf Daryl Westbrook Susan Whitlock W. Michael Salon

Annual Report 2009


� f ESTIVAL OF TREES Bomnzittee


Rebecca M. Bartlett, Chair ElinHilderbrand, Cochair Denise Ackerman Joan Allen Liz Almodobar Aisling Glynn WendyHudson Peggy Kaufman George Korn Mary Malavase Jackie Peterson Wendy Rouillard Jacquelyn Wiggins

Lili Baker Beverly & David Barlow Rebecca & John Bartlett Mary Jane Bauer Mrs. Charles A Camalier Jr. Kathleen Cannon Rita Chrappa Franci & Jim Crane Lucy S. Dillon Shelton Ellis Nancy & Al Forster Susan Zises Green

Cynthia Fry & John A Gunn Vicki & Charles Gustin Ann & Peter Holmes Claire Johnson Peggy & Eli Kaufman Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A Kovner Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie AliceH. & J. Thomas Macy Mary D. Malavase Victoria McManus & John McDermott Toni & MartJn McKerrow

Sally & Peter Nash Sarah B. Newton Melissa & Nat Philbrick Bob Pollack Mana & George Roach SandiHolland & Alfie Sanford Janet & Rick Sherlund Reverend Georgia Ann Snell Mana & Bill Spears Bene & Frank Spriggs Peggy & 8111 Tramposch Emma Tramposch & Molly Tramposch

Elin & Chip Cunningham Lucy S. Dillon Chris & Joe Donelan Judith & Daniel Drake Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Emeritus Development Tish Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Don Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Whitney A. Gifford Toby Greenberg Polly AnnHalsted CraigHawkins & StanHarvey Jill & KentHill Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Linda & PeterHoey Dorrie & BruceHopper Maureen Phillips & DouglasHorst, M.D. Cissie & Ray Jones Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kern Killen Real Estate Joan & Ed Lahey

Pamela' & Curtis Livingston Vicki Livingstone Gay & Charlie Lord Margaret & Charles Manno Manon & Terry Martin Kathleen & Chris Matthews Holly & Martin McGowan Rosanne & John McGuinn Courtney & Greg McKechnie Joseph J. McLaughlin Barbara Saxon & Richard Morgan Winnie & Chns Mortenson Elizabeth C. Murray Nantucket Island Resorts National Grid Siobhan O'Mahony Anne Obrecht Kristen & Nels Olson Michael J. O'Mara Sue Davis, M.D. & Bruce Perry Julia & Larry Pollock

Kimberly Reed Mr. & Mrs. George M Rich Jr. Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Mrs. Pierre Rinfret Ellen & Ken Roman Dr. Albert & Carol Rosenthal Gayle & Joe Santucci Gerry Schwartz Judith Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Julie Frtzgerald & Carl S1olund Avis Sk1rror Deborah Jacobs & Nick Smith Suzi Spring Reverend & Mrs. C William Steelman Esta-Lee &Hams Stone Sandy & Ted Taylor Lu & Geoff Verney Anne & Tom Weinstock Melanie A Wernick Glenda & Larry Wetzel Nancy C Whitcomb

Jlww Elizabeth & Beau Almodobar Margaretta Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Jean B. Baker C. Marshall Beale Sally & Dick Beckwith Judith & John Bela sh Jocelyn & Craig Beni Debbie & Jamey Bennett Josette & Jim Blackmore Susan & Bill Boardman Susan & Richard Brooks Gail & Chris Camalier Cape Cod Life Publications Olivia & Felix Charney Nancy A. Chase Connie & Tom Cigarran Richard L Congdon Suellen Ward & John Copenhaver Kimberly C. Corkran Prudy & Bill Crozier



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The Abbey Family Patricia S. & Thomas J Anathan Mary-Randolph & Walter Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. William Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R Brome Deborah J. Bryan Paula & Robert Butler The Downyflake Lucy S. Dillon Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell MaryHaft

Lucile & BillHays Mr. & Mrs ThomasHolmes Cynthia & Anthony Lamport The Meister Family Dorothy R P. Palmer Mela1110 R Sabelhaus V1ck1e & Alan Scheuer Daisy & Paul Soros Stephanie &Harald Stavnes Mrs. Ada A Strasenburgh WatH Tyler


The Festival of Trees transfonns the Whaling Museum into a winter wonderland.


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Historic Nantucket

In 2010, the 12th Festival of Wreaths, chaired by Alison

Forsgren, will be held ovember 24-28, with the Preview Party on November 23. The J 7th Festival of Trees, chaired by Wendy llud.son, will open December 3, following the Preview Party 011 December 2.


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21 Federal Arno's at41 Main Bartlett's Farm Brant Point Grill Black-Eyed Susan's The Chanticleer Cisco Brewers Corazon del Mar Dune Le Languedoc Queequeg's Seagrille Susan M.Warner Catering Topper's Town

1800 House Hatch's Package Store Holdgate's Island Laundry Parchment/ Heidi Girvin Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Party Rentals NantucketWine Festival Novation Media/ Mary & Al Novissimo

Walt Spokowski, of Marine Home Center, and Janice Grassia 1800 House Leslie Linsley & Jon Aaron A Safe Place ACKtivities Antiques Depot Artists Association of Nantucket Jean B. Baker Christy Bassett & Jonas Baker Bartlett's Farm Borneman Daycare BPC Architecture Brant Point Marine Brooke Boothe Design & Monogramming Jeannette & Jerry Carl Cobble Court Elves The Children's House of Nantucket Cisco Brewers, Triple 8, Nantucket Vineyards The Dancing Pickle Dane Gallery

Daughters of the American Revolution, Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter Dr. Diane Pearl's Office Egan Maritime Foundation Karen Elverson & LadiesWho Lunch Emeritus Development Judi & Greg Hill/ G. S. Hill Gallery Gallery at Four India Geronimo's & Cold Noses Barbara & Dan Gookin Linda Hoey Hospital Thrift Shop The Inquirer and Mirror Island Airlines J. Parave & Company Wendy Rouillard & lllya Kagan Kevin Dineen Electrical Killen Real Estate Made on Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association

Marine Home Center Beth Moyer, Emily Pihl & JudyWidger Nantucket AIDS Network Nantucket Bank, a division of Sovereign Bank Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Community Music Center Nantucket Community Sailing Nantucket Dreamland Foundation Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Gifts & Puzzles Nantucket Historical Association Nantucket Ice Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Lodging Association Nantucket Needlework's Design Nantucket New School Nantucket Preservation Trust Nantucket Republican Town Committee

Nantucket lilemakers Ariel Conant & Kim Nardone Novation Media Courtney O'Neill Emily Pihl 'Sconset Gardener Small Friends on Nantucket Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M.Warner Catering/ Nantucket Clambake Company Sustainable Nantucket Think Local First! The Toy Boat Jeanne Van Etten limWalker Wendy & BruceWatts Wednesday Bridge Club Cheryl Fudge & HaysWestbrook WCAI: The Cape and Islands NPR Station Women's Health Network

Denise Ackerman Jen Ahlborn Joan Albaugh Pam Bartlett Rebecca Bartlett Norma & Bob Burton Chip Cunningham Lucy S. Dillon Jeanne Dooley Carla Finn Brenda Garnett Irene Garnett

Bea Gonnella Jane Hardy Barbara Kotalac Trish & Jim Lowe lina & Dan Maloney Ceci & Channing Moore Jeanne Norton Courtney O'Neill Judy Paterson Emily Pihl Dylan Pihl Claire & Phil Raneri

Ric Roderick Eleanor Raethke Patty Rottmeier Laura Steele Nash Strudwick Barbara Thomas Pamela Thomas Scott Thomas Peggy Tramposch PamWaller MonaWheatley Judy Zurheide

Chip Cunningham and Elin Hilderbrand, cochair, Festival of Trees Annual Report 2009


1800 House Advisors LucyS. Dillon Augusta B. Beaugrand Nancee L Erickson' Patricia C. Ernst AdlumiaS. Gannett Gay F. Held Linda LSaligman Mary G. West

NHA Research Fellows Robert F. Mooney Nathaniel Philbrick Renny A.Stackpole PanyJo Rice Pauline Maier Betsy Tyler Barbara A. White

Advisors Patricia A. Butler Reginald E. Levine Robert F. Mooney Scott M.Stearns Jr. Bruce A. Korson Susan R. Boardman Margaret Moore Booker Joan Brocker Lyndon Dupuis Martha Blackwood Groetzinger Dorri! D. P. Gutterson Elizabeth Husted ElizabethS. Jacobsen KatherineS. Lodge Sharon A. Lorenzo Patricia Loring Jane C. Richmond Nancy J.Sevrens Mary-Elizabeth Young

Deborah Beale Cheryl Beaton Patricia Belford Mary Berman Kenneth Blackshaw Edith Bouriez Julie Broadbent Jennifer Brooks Don Carpentier Kimberly Corkran Meredith D'Amore Helen Didriksen David Donath Patricia Ernst Harrison Fraker Adlumia Gannett Doris Glazer Peggi Godwin Jennifer Hanson Gay F. Held Mary Jennings Nicholas Kennie Barbara Kotalac James Lansing Curt Livingston Fiona Lochtefeld Vera Lochtefeld Emily Logan Sheila McCarthy Ryan Midgett Francesca Moore Chris Morris Sarah Dktay Ann Oliver William Oliver Renee Oliver Les Ottinger Jacqueline Peterson Nathaniel Philbrick Patricia Roggeveen RachelSalmanavitz NancyShane BarbaraShay KathrynSheehan CoryShepherd KatherineSilkenat LucySoderberg NancySoderberg BarbaraSpitjer SuziSpring Pamela Thomas Marshall Thompson Peggy Tramposch Sarah Tyler Terry Walsh Rebecca Weld Mary West Peter Wilson Margaret Wilson Eleanor Wright Margaret Wright

Children's Council

Luke N. Patmon Patrick C. McCarthy Jackie Trudel Grace McClellan Dominick Costanzo Keaton Goddard Cara Garufi Bobby Congdon Nick Panchy Carly Jensen Grace Bartlett Maisy Moss Diversity Council

Neville Richen Christoph K. Lohmann David Murphy Augusto C. Ramos Moses Easley Anne-Marie Baptiste Noe Pineda Bette M.Spriggs Editorial Committee

Mary H. Beman' Richard L. Duncan Peter J. Greenhalgh Amy Jenness Cecil Barron Jensen Robert F. Mooney Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick BenjaminSimons BetteSpriggs JamesSulzer


NHA Volunteers

Historic Nantucket



Tracy Mu,,ay

Julie Broadbent






P�n1 Clinton Mu•t M EDUCATOR ",1u EJM :,TERPR[l[R


�oar :Jonnan



6a1bara Ericson

Harry Payne



Ranel F01Jlkes

Joan Pearce



Stacey Ann Heed ram


M1.,,1,UM StiOP

Celia James

Jacqueline Peterson



Rene LaP,crre

Johanna Richard




Van Lavarova

Marc,a Rub,n



Amanda Lcv1a



Ashlong McManus MUWJMSHOP


Kdtherine Mor risen

Marian Shirzad





J y 0-Aprox

BOOkKH E / CONTROi,n Elizabew. Oldham



Elizabeth Moyer ASSISTANT Olll[CTOR Of D!VH JPM!',1 & MlMBE�SlllP

Elizabeth Braun 1800 HOUSE PROGRAM CoOROINAl JR

2009.29.12 200!! Seasonal Staff

Loura Muolle,





Mes UM $HOP Rebecca Murray MUSLUM SHOP


Zh1k1ca Pagovsk1 MUSLUM $HOP






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