Annual Report 2010

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Elizabeth Oldham COPY EDITOR


Lilecn Powcrs/Javatime Design & ART DIRECTION

TRUSTEES Janet L. Sherlund, PRE IDENT Kenneth L. Beaugrand, FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Hampton s. LynchJr., SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Thomas J. Anathan, TREA URER William R. Congdon, LERK WilliamJ. Boardman on tance igarran

Elizabeth T. Peek Christopher C. Quick laura C. Reynolds David Ross



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ince 1894, the Nantucket Historical Association has been "preserving and interpreting" Nantucket history. At our first annual meeting, members were implored to help keep Nantucket treasures on island before "it is too late and these valuable mementoes are carried away from the island as trophies or by progressive housewives 'cast as rubbish to the void."' Here we are-116 years later-with 2,700 members, twenty-four full-time staff, twenty-two properties, a nationally accredited Whaling Museum, an active publication and exhibition program, and public programs too numerous to mention. And, to emphasize the change, today's "progressive housewives" are more likely to be amongst our greatest supporters! As informed readers know, we continue to do all of this with a limited budget, always striving to be fiscally prudent yet as creative as possible, collaborating whenever we can with island and regional partners. All of this is accomplished within the NHA's Mission and Strategic Plan to "preserve and interpret" Nantucket history by

offering engaging programs and exhibitions; by caring for our collections, including our properties; by increasing our reach as a year-round diverse organization; and, finally, all within an ethic of responsible fiscal- and human-resource stewardship.

Within the association's current means, we have chosen in the near term to "preserve" Nantucket history by turning our attention to the historic property that most needed preservation attention­ Greater Light. By the time you receive this Annual Report, we will be poised to open the doors to Greater Light once again. This one-time livestock barn became an art salon for Gertrude and Hanna Monaghan of Philadelphia, who came to Nantucket during the island's rebirth from its post-whaling-era slumber into a destination for artists and holiday-makers. Greater Light, therefore, represents not only the island home of the Monaghan sisters but a significant and symbolic entryway to this modern era of our history. Meanwhile, we are taking a strong and intentional step forward to

i'A�1t'ierices ; The N_HA will widen its audiences through inclusive and accessible programs that reflect the changing population of the island and the nation iC: over time. I � t- . -

� Organizational Effectiveness r The NHA will prudently manage its humari and financial resources to support its mission and strategic plan, promoting policies and practices � .� that enhance its programs, collections, and f properties.





"interpret" Nantucket history by introducing a transformative "gateway" orientation film that captures the essence of island history. Produced by acclaimed documentary filmmaker Ric Burns of Steeplechase Films, Nantucket will debut in July 2011 and become an essential element of our daily programming in the Whaling Museum. To have a lasting impact, a museum or historical association must appreciate that almost everything it does is a "program," and if any part of an organization escapes this title, then it is most likely providing support for the programs. To position ourselves for an increasingly rich programmatic future, we have recently reorganized in ways that will ensure our programs continue to be engaging and reach out to wider and wider audiences. The new Outreach and Special Programs Department is focused on making this happen. Nantucket, being a more diverse community than many assume it to be, deserves institutions that reflect the richness of this diversity. As a result of these changes, we are also forging new and lasting relationships with our colleagues in the Nantucket schools and numerous informal educational centers. To emphasize this commitment, the board of trustees has established a new committee that concerns itself solely with interpretation and education. While we have made significant strides in many areas near to our community's heart, the work ahead is as daunting as it is exciting. Given our vast responsibility for maintaining and nurturing Nantucket's heritage, the NHA is and will continue to focus on sustainability, to guarantee that the treasures we oversee-------be they historic buildings, artifacts, or documents­ continue to captivate and inform future generations. From this vantage point, the Nantucket Historical Association celebrated the "Year of the Nantucket Woman" in 2010, and on the cover and pages of the Annual Report you will see more about our programs and three important exhibitions in recognition of Nantucket women: A Passionfor People: 40 Years

ofNantucket Portrait Photography by Beverly Hall; Visions ofHer: Portrait Photography by Nantucket Youth; and "Sometimes think ofme": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries. In a recent issue of the NHA E-newslette,; we asked you, our members, to convey to us in a sentence or two what Nantucket and the Nantucket Historical Association mean to you. Some of your tl1oughtful replies, along with visitor comments, are included in the pages that follow. We hope that this year's Annual Report, with its account of a remarkable 2010 throughout the association, will convey our appreciation of the significant role that you, our readers and supporters, play in keeping us dynamic and successful.

















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-Peter Nash


Historic Nantucket








"Sometimes think of me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries, book cover embroidery by Susan Boardman.

DEPARTMENT he Curatorial Department celebrated a banner year of popular exhibitions, xhibition publications, and varied program offerings surrounding the "Year of the tucket Woman." They included two major exhibitions and accompanying publications-"Sometimes think of me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries and A Passion for People: 40 Years of Nantucket Portrait Photography by Beverly Hall-which were mounted through the generosity of our many supporters. The department joined with the history educator (now hearung the new Department of Outreach and Special Programs) to assist in presenting Visions of Her: Portrait Photography by Nantucket Youth, which featured modern portraits of Nantucket women by teens from the Nantucket Boys & Girls Club and Nantucket High School.

Leaping Girl, by Beverly Hall

Annual Report 2010





Susan Austin Veeder (1816-97), who traveled with her husband, Capt. Charles A.Veeder on board the Nauticon,' inspired Susan Boardman to create her first "embroidered narrative" commemorating a Nantucket woman, in 1998.

ciation celebrates its The Friends of the Nantucket Historical Asso Friends' extraordinary the twenty-fifth anniversary in 2011. To honor er century, in the quart past the over contributions to the collections Island Treasures: titled og catal a sh publi will summer of 2011 the NHA

rical Association, 1986-2011, Gifts of the Friends of the Nantucket Histo Chief Curator. Davis written by Ben Simons, Robyn & John

n was established The Friends of the Nantucket Historical Associatio tions, to collec in 1986 to seek significant acquisitions for the NHA those of ation restor contribute to the appropriate housing and acquisitions, and to provide funds necessary to make such curators acquisitions and contributions that are both desired by the and approved by the Friends. l at In 2010, the Friends purchased a painting titled Nantucket Journa artist an Americ by 1889 in Painted sale. gs Paintin an Sotheby's Americ George Newell Bowers (1849-1909), the scene portrays an older couple, Captain and Mrs. John (Phebe) Pitman, described by the Inquirer and Mirror as "the oldest people on the island, and to all appearances ...the most contented." They occupied a house in 'Sconset on the bluff at the north end of Broadway.Mrs.Phebe Pitman is pictured working on a tape loom (used to make ribbons, belts, and other small articles), while Captain Pitman, a retired whaling captain, reads the Nantucket Journal, a newspaper that ran on island from 1878 to 1899.


2010 f R.IENDS OF Tl IE NANTUCKET HlSTOR.ICAL ASSOCIArlON Patricia & Thomas Anathan Mariann & Mortimer Appley Max N. Berry Susan & William Boardman Mary & David Brown Christy & William Camp Laurie & Robert Champion Prudence & William Crozier Robyn & John Davis Nanceet & John Erickson Polly & John Espy Nan & Charles Geschke Georgia Gosnell Barbara & Ed Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale George S. Heyer Jr. Barbara & Amos Hostetter Barbara Jones Harvey Jones Kathryn & James Ketelsen

Sara Jo Kobacker Coco & Arie L. Kopelman Sharon & Francisco Lorenzo Helen & Hampton Lynch Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Miriam & Seymour Mandell Ronay & Richard Menschel Aileen & Scott Newquist Ann & Chris Quick Gleaves & Thomas Rhodes Ellen & Kenneth Roman Marion & Robert Rosenthal Ellen & David Ross Linda & Harvey Saligman Janet & Rick Sherlund Genevieve Tucker Marilyn Whitney Yuriko & Bracebridge Young Kathryn Kay & Robert Young

t dece sed



Historic Nantucket

"As Seen from Ship Naut1con # Embroidered narrative by Susan Boardman, 1998 COLLECT ON OF SUSAN A D W1 AM BOAR 'AAN

From March through June, the department mounted a loan exhibition, Gift of the Whale: The Ifiupiat Bowhead Hunt-A Sacred Tradition, in the Whaling Museum's

Sarah Parks

THE DECORATIVE ARTS TRUST/NHA CURATORIAL FELLOW In 2010, the Nantucket Historical Association collaborated with the Decorative Arts Trust to create the the Decorative Arts Trust/NHA Curatorial Fellowship, bringing Sarah Parks to join the Curatorial Department as the NHA's first-ever curatorial fellow. A graduate of Winterthur's Program in American Material Culture and the Mystic-Williams Maritime Studies Program, with experience at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, Parks works intensively with the NHA collections at the Gosnold Center, with a special focus on the decorative-arts collections, and completed a detailed documentation and assessment of the furniture collection. In addition, she assists with all curatorial matters, including exhibition preparation, collections photography, property inventories, and all aspects of collections stewardship. The fellowship was generously supported by the Decorative Arts Trust and an anonymous donor. The NHA is particularly grateful to Brock Jobe, Professor of American Decorative Arts at Winterthur, and Penny Hunt, Executive Director of the Decorative Arts Trust, for making the fellowship possible. The partnership is a wonderful offshoot of the collaborative efforts that led to the 2009 Winterthur traveling exhibition, Harbor & Home: Furniture of Southeastern Massachusetts, 1710-1850.

Peter Foulger Gallery. The exhibition featured Bill Hess's vivid photographic studies of the Alaskan Ifiupiat, for whom the hunt of the bowhead whale is central to both lifestyle and survival as a primary source of food, building materials, barter goods, art, and cultural identity. Support for the exhibition was provided by Alice Rogoff Rubenstein. In conjunction with the exhibition, Hess visited Nantucket and gave a special presentation; a video exchange was held between schoolchildren from Alaska's North Slope School District and the Nantucket New School; Robert Hellman, NHA interpreter, spoke on "Yankee Whalers in the Western Arctic"; and wooden-boat builder Corey Freedman constructed a traditional umiak outside the Whaling Museum. Ben Simons, Robyn & John Davis Chief Curator, and Bill Tramposch, Executive Director, also presented a Food for Thought brown-bag lecture on"The Gift of the Whale." Opening in April, the Research Library's Whitney Gallery featured the exhibition A Passion for People: 40 Years of Portrait Photography by Beverly Hall, showcasing the remarkable changes that have occurred on Nantucket in the last four decades and the evolution and resilience of the individuals and families who have lived through those times. Hall presented several gallery talks about her work and a Food for Thought brown-bag lecture during the year. The season's major exhibition in the Whaling Museum's Peter Foulger Gallery, "Sometimes think of me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries, presented the lives of thirty-three exemplary Nantucket women, whose spirit of independence, resourcefulness, and ambition made them much admired in American history. Their representative lives are the subjects of"embroidered narratives" by Nantucket

"GIFT OF THE WHALE" Photographer Bill Hess presented a lecture in conjunction with his exhibition in the Peter Foulger Gallery.

Annual Report 2010


CURATORIAL needlework artist Susan Boardman, whose narratives were exhibited in the context of artwork, artifacts, logbooks, and manuscripts from the NHA collections. The exhibition also featured a video presentation focusing on the lives of seven of the women. Accompanying the exhibition was a book­ length catalog, "Sometimes think of me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries, by Betsy Tyler, NHA Research Fellow, who was a featured lecturer during the summer. Acquisitions to the collections in 2010 included a major gift of "The Henry Coffin Carlisle Attic Museum Collection" from 75 Main Street, donated by Miles Carlisle; individual and estate donations of art, artifacts, photographs, and manuscript material; and a gift of the painting Nantucket Journal, by George Newell Bowers, by the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association. Curatorial staff continued its work to advance the NHA's increased access to the collections with behind-the-scenes tours at the Gosnold Center, acquisitions evenings, 2010.8 exhibitions tour GIFT OF THE FRIENDS OF THE for NHA members, NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION a growing digital presence on the NHA Web site, and articles in magazines featuring exhibitions and collection . During the year, the Curatorial Department continued to work closely with Ric Burns and hi colleagues at Steeplechase Films to provide production support for the NHA's gateway film Nantucket, which will premiere in July 2011. David Milne, curator of Dennis Sever's Hou e, 18 Folgate Street, London, England, returned to the HA to assist the curatorial department with the preparation of exhibitions and the seasonal opening of historic properties. Curatorial staff attended work hop , conference , and meetings at the Northeast Document Conservation Center, the New Bedford Whaling Museum, the Decorative Arts n-ust Annual Meeting, and other venues.

Island artisans Reva and Morton Schlesinger have made further direct donations of silver items from their 2010 promised gift to the Nantucket Historical Association. Inspired by historical examples from the collections, the Schlesingers· creations include a Federal-style silver fluted bowl, ca 1980; a Shaker-style silver sewing basket, ca. 1980; a silver porringer based on examples by Beniamin Bunker (1751-1842), ca. 1980; and a Nantucket-style silver tablespoon based on a spoon by John Jackson (d. 1772). ca. 1980. 2010.41 GIFT O REVA ANO MORTON SC�LESINGER


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Whale oil refined by Nantucket factories served to fuel the wide variety of lighting devices developed in the nineteenth century as private household illumination became more widely accessible. Where rushhghts and candles had once provided the main source of light, now a broad range of devices came into common usage powered by whale oil, and, later, by cam phone, kerosene, and other fuels. A private collection of lighting devices assembled lovmgly by the late collector Oliver Lothrop has been donated to the collections by Carol and Bnan Broadbent, pare nts of Julie Broadbent. former NHA mterpretat1on mtern. 2010.14




Historic Nantucket


HENRY COFFIN CARLISLE ATTIC MUSEUM COLLECTION Beginning in the 1950s, Henry Coffin Carlisle (1886-1964), a great-grandson of Henry Coffin (1807-1900), a whale oil magnate and the original owner of 75 Main Street, created one of Nantucket's greatest private museums in the attic of the stately Main Street house. Carlisle assembled and displayed an extensive collection of whaling memorabilia and other items of Nantucket historical interest. The collection included important whaling papers; a ship's flag; a half-hull model; correspondence and other records; maps detailing the original route of the Nantucket Railroad and real estate developments at Surfside; harpoons; nautical charts; period clothing; books; decoys; chests; and quilting bars. In a gesture of profound historical generosity and foresight, Carlisle's son, Miles Carlisle, has donated the contents of the attic museum to the Nantucket Historical Association collections, or, as Miles Carlisle himself writes, "that other museum down on Broad Street." 2010.33.1-121

Gift of Miles Carlisle

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2010 2010.1 Print, Mother Cary, 1826. GIFT OF PAUL LA PAGLIA 2010.2.1-2 Business-card wallets, 1990. GIFT OF AL AND NANCY FORSTER 2010.3 Sign, Gladys Lee Gift Shop, 1940s. GIFT OF SHEILA FOLGER TODD 2010.4.1-2 Scrimshaw spool holder, Reuben Chase, 1836, and provenance letter. GIFT OF DOROTHEA AND JASON TILROE 2010.5.1-2 Dresses from Nantucket Looms, 1990. GIFT OF ANN B. OLIVER 2010.6.1-8 Ornate yad (Torah pointer); quetzal glass with silver base; holiday ornaments for the Maria Mitchell Association, 2002-07. GIFT OF REVA AND MORTON SCHLESINGER


2010.13 Slate from the Tuckernuck School, 1960. GIFT OF EDITH ANDREWS

2010.8 Painting, George Newell Bowes, Nantucket Journal, 1889. GIFT OF THE FRIENDS OF THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION

2010.14.1-14 Rush lamp; camphene lamps; whale-oil lamps; whale-oil lantern; small tin lamp; and copper candle stand with cap, mid-nineteenth century. GIFT OF CAROL AND BRIAN BROADBENT, IN HONOR OF BERENICE AND 0LIVER 1 LOTHROP

2010.9.1-2 Whale-oil foot warmer and pencil sketch, 1970. GIFT OF BRUCE COURSON 2010.10 Wooden coat hanger, 1930, and Macy family wing chair. GIFT OF HELEN SEAGER 2010.11 Certificate of appreciation for David H. Wood, 2002. GIFT OF PETER J. GREENHALGH 2010.12.1-4 Baleen ditty box with cushion lid; whalebone needle case; whale-ivory stamp; leather wallet with interior inscription, mid-nineteenth century. PURCHASE OF THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION


2010.15.1-13 Porcelain souvenir collection: South Church (Unitarian Church) pitcher; Old Mill creamer; goblet; snuffbox; Old Mill demitasse; cobalt blue plate; dish; Oldest House plate, Oldest House demitasse; plate; Old Mill teacup; plate with flower motif; Old Mill creamer. Ca. 1890s 1910s GIFT OF EMMA WARD 2010.16 Stone arrowhead. GIFT OF BRIAN SULLIVAN 2010.17 Plan, Henry Sw1h's residence and garden at 91 Main Street, Nantucket, 1923. GIFT OF JILL WOLFE HILL 2010.18 Framed page, Nantucket Crier, 1956. GIFT OF LAURENCE JACKS


2010.19 Plastic campaign pen, 2005. G FT OF GEORGINA W1:'-JTO:'-J




Historic Nantucket


2010.20 Chromolithograph, Wendell Macy,

View of Town from Monomoy, 1920. GIFT OF JAY NICHOLS

2010.21 Photograph, Tashama Farm, by

2010.27 Wrought-iron killing lance, ca. 1850. GIFT OF RICHARD AND MARILYN AND RICHARD THOMSON

Lucy Bixby, 1960. GIFT OF MRS. TRACY LEDDY

2010.28 Photograph of a woman, 1910.

2010.22 Serigraph, Roy Clifford Smith,

2010.29 Secretary-bookcase from 77 Main


Nantucket Rainbow Fleet, 1940. GIFT OF JACK BLAYLOCK

2010.23 Sign, Moore, Isherwood &




2010.30 Nantucket band sampler, 1820.



2010.33.1-121 Henry Coffin Carlisle Attic Museum Collection from 75 Main Street. GIFT OF MILES CARLISLE

Drive/Car Rental, 1965; thirty wooden letters from Island Motors, Inc., 1965. GIFT OF CAROLYN AND WILLIAM REITH

2010.31.1-3 Silk bodice and skirt; black silk dress and bodice, circa 1890. GIFT OF ALEXIS CARLSON REYNOLDS

2010.34.1-28 Stone hoes, pestles, chisels,

2010.25 Sign, The Nantucket Independent, 2005. GIFT OF SUZANNE GARDNER ON BEHALF OF THE

2010.32 Silk blouse and skirt.


2010.24.1-2 Sign, Island Motors/U­

scrapers, spearhead, arrowheads, amulets, net sinkers. GIFT OF NORMAN D. FULTON



2010.26.1-2 Decorated creamer and creamware sugar bowl with lid, nineteenth century. GIFT OF JANET MACGREGOR-WILLIAMS, IN HONOR OF HER MOTHER, DOROTHY MACGREGOR


Annual Report 2010


.. URATORIAl 2010.37

2010.35.1-40 Complete Wedgwood "Nantucket"

pattern porcelain dinner service designed by George Davis, 1980s. GIFT OF GEORGE DAVIS

2010.36.1 James Walter Folger, carved

wooden wall rack, 1876.


2010.37.1-8 Nantucket Boy Scouts uniform jacket, shirts, caps, and sash, 1973. GIFT OF ELIZABETH ANO JOHN GILBERT

2010.38.1-15 Ladies dress garments and

accessories, personal effects, mourning wear, late nineteenth century. GIFT OF MARGARET ROBERTS AND SUSAN CLAY

2010.39.1-30 Nantucket Bank souvenirs and

ephemera, nineteenth and twentieth centuries. GIFT OF NANTUCKET BANK

2010.40, 1-6 Nantucket souvenir tiles, 1959; terra cotta tile; advertising fan for the NHA's August Antiques Show, 1992; cookie cutter; cotton flour bag with image of mill.



2010.41.1-4 Federal-style silver fluted bowl,

1970; Shaker-style silver sewing basket, 1970; Chippendale-style silver porringer, 1970; Nantucket-style silver tablespoon, 1970. GIFT OF REVA AND MORTON SCHLESINGER



Historic Nantucket


NHA lOANS 2010 Outgoing Loans Loans to the Golden Basket Winter Window Display, Nantucket Cutting spades 1998.1101.192 and 1998.1101.182 Framed lithograph of 'Sconset 1995.290.186 Salt shaker 1995.208.ld Saucers 1924.47.2a, 1981.63.5b, 1940.30, 1999.1055. lf Scissors 595 School slate 2007.2.6 Seashells Shears 3019 Shingle 1947.1 Sifter 1972.183.9 Spikes 1999.58.2-5 Wooden sperm-whale weathervane ws 136 Stencil (candles) 865 Scrimshawed panbone plaque 1984.48.54 Scrimshawed busk 1984.48.22 Stand with carved whale 1979.22.4 Stool 1989.147 Sunbeam ship model 1992.43.1 Sword 1608F Small round Tony Sarg box 1975.9.2 Large round Tony Sarg box 1986. Rectangular Tony Sarg box 1975.9.1 Tr-umpet speaker 1112 No. 3 wall stand, by James Walter Folger Loan to the Great Harbor Yacht Club, Nantucket Two iron ship anchors Loan to the Nantucket Atheneum 1975.14.1 Painting. Harold H. Kynett, by James McBey, 1947 Loan to the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce 1973.7.1 Library table made by Albert F. Egan Jr. Loans to the Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum 2007.31.4 Round lightship basket with swing handle 2007.31.10 Round lightship basket with swing handle 1969.367.1 Drawknife 292 Spoke shave 1971.97.1 Spoke shave WS 116 Handsaw Five knitting needles of wood, baleen, and whalebone Loans to the Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum Walter N. Chase's Lifesaving Medal

Loan to the Unitarian Church, Nantucket 1915.36.1 Painting. Portrait of Reverend George Bradburn, by William Hinckley, ca. 1830

Michael Boardman Embroidered narrative, Eunice Ross, by Susan Boardman.

Loan to the Veranda House, Nantucket 2005.21.116 Sign. Veranda House, ca. 1903.

Pleasant, Martha Fish, Eunice Starbuck Hadwen, Elizabeth Morey, Susan Veeder, Charlotte Coffin Wyer, Susan Emma Brock, Sometimes Think of Me, by Susan Boardman.

Incoming Loans Loan from Nina and Robert Hellman Scrimshawed tooth, Edward Burden. Loan from Adam W. Phillips Prisoner-of-war ship model in case. Loan from Jeanne Rand Collection of whaling and maritime memorabilia. Loan from Deborah Rose Ninety-three-inch narwhal tusk. Loan from Janet and Richard Sherlund Scrimshaw tooth, Edward Burdett; whaleship Rose. Loans from a private collection Letter from whaling captain's wife to ship owner Scrimshawed tooth, Edward Burdett, The Ship Rose of Nantucket Scrimshawed tooth, Sail Shader, "Ship

in Full Sail" Painting, The Peddler, by Eastman

Johnson, 1878 Cow horn Painting, whaleship hoisting a blanket piece Loan from David Webster Whaling house flag Folger Loans to the "Sometimes Think of

Me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries Exhibition

Nancy Abbey Embroidered narrative, Eliza Brock, by Susan Boardman. Molly Anderson Embroidered narrative, Molly Anderson, by Susan Boardman. Ginger Andrews Embroidered narrative, Edith Andrews, by Susan Boardman. Mimit and Dwight Beman Embroidered narrative, Mimi Beman, by Susan Boardman.

Susan and Bill Boardman Embroidered narratives, Mary Ellen

Patricia Butler Embroidered narrative, Patricia Butler, by Susan Boardman. Barbara and Philip Caruso Embroidered narrative, Mary E. Starbuck, by Susan Boardman. Nancy Chase Embroidered narrative, Nancy Chase, by Susan Boardman. Betsy de Leiris Embroidered narrative, Grace Grossman, by Susan Boardman. Caroline Ellis Embroidered narratives, Caroline Ellis and Kezia Coffin and Kezia Coffin Fanning, by Susan Boardman. Tyrrell Flawn Embroidered narrative, Susan Veeder, by Susan Boardman. Nancy and Al Forster Embroidered narrative, Mary Eliza Starbuck, by Susan Boardman.

Christine and Henry Harding Embroidered narrative, Wonoma, Daughter of Wauwinet, by Susan Boardman. Honey and Norman Kurtz Embroidered narrative, Eliza Brock, by Susan Boardman. Helen and Hampton Lynch Embroidered narrative, Edith Bouriez, by Susan Boardman. Joan Manley Embroidered narrative, Garden by the Sea, by Susan Boardman. Nancy Newhouse Embroidered narrative, Mary Eliza Starbuck, by Susan Boardman. Elizabeth Oldham Embroidered narrative, Elizabeth Oldham, by Susan Boardman. Kevin Paulsen Embroidered narrative, Susan Veeder, by Susan Boardman. Clarissa and Bill Porter Embroidered narrative, Maria Mitchell, by Susan Boardman. Cheryl and Joseph Romano Embroidered narratives, Susan Veeder, Martha Fish, and Elizabeth Morey, by Susan Boardman. Ellen and David Ross Embroidered narrative, Elizabeth Morey, by Susan Boardman.

Deborah Fraker Embroidered narrative, Deborah Pixley Fraker and Elizabeth Winship, by Susan Boardman.

Betsy Skae Embroidered narrative, Maria Mitchell, by Susan Boardman.

Nan and Charles Geschke Embroidered narrative, Elizabeth Morey, by Susan Boardman.

Mary and Jeff Smith Embroidered narrative, Maria Mitchell, by Susan Boardman.

Nancy and Carl Gewirz Embroidered narrative, Susan Veeder, by Susan Boardman.

Esta-Lee and Harris Stone Embroidered narrative, Esta-Lee Stone, by Susan Boardman.

Nancy Giragosian Two embroidered narratives, Mary Eliza Starbuck, by Susan Boardman.

Marie and John Sussek Embroidered narrative, Maria Mitchell, by Susan Boardman.

Susan Zises Green Embroidered narratives, Mary Gardner Coffin and Eliza Brock, by Susan Boardman.

Betsy Tyler Embroidered narrative, Phebe Folger Coleman, by Susan Boardman.

Barbara Hajim Embroidered narrative, Greater Light, by Susan Boardman.

Melissa Williams Painting, Abiah Folger Franklin, attributed to Gerrit Duyckinck.

Annual Report 2010


Beverly Hall, by Julie Jensen, ca. 1980

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Mildred "Madaket Millie" Jewett, by Beverly Hall 12

Historic Nantucket

hroughout the year, the HA' R earch Library offer d the public access to the institution's rich hi torical manu cript and archive holdings a well as research support for the project of individual scholars, tudents, family researcher , authors, and in titution . The library staff also supplied content for numerou book , magazine , and film and provided worldwide access to powerful online ollection databa e and other collections support through the NI[A' Web it . Prai e for the collection and the assistance of the library staff comes in from near and far. Gifts of documents and image added ignificantly to the Re earch Library's holdings in 2010. A remarkable group of antucket hip Regi trie , bound in one volume, kept as required by an act of ongre by the antucket Collectors of Customs (Eben Allen and other ) over the 1856 to 1864 period, was acquired with support from usan and Denni Shapiro. The regi trie ontain valuable information, such as tonnage and rigging, about many prominent antucket whaling vessels from the Golden Age of Whaling, including the Lexington, Hero, Enterprise, James lope,; and many others.


A selection of the digitized videotapes and movies is included in the 2011 summer exhibition Nantucket's Cabinet of Curiosities: A to Z, at the Whaling Musuem.

PRESERVING THE ORAL HISTORY COLLECTION The Research Library has a collection of audio- and videotapes that record the voices and images of Nantucketers telling the stories of their lives and their way of life on Nantucket Island. Often the tapes capture the childhood lives before television-of how families made a living by fishing, clamming, or scalloping; how school was conducted; and what life was like on the island while wars were fought overseas. Forgotten corners of Nantucket are brought to life in interviews, which were recorded as early as 1933. The NHA also holds reels of home movies showing Nantucket between 1925 and 1964. Concerned about access to this material and its preservation, library staff wrote successful grant proposals for a total of $75,000 1n 2009 and 2010 in funding from the Nantucket Community Preservation Committee. Working with Safe and Sound Archive, the Research Library has digitized three-hundred-eighty oral histories and twenty-four home movies. Digital copies of the fragile originals are now accessible for viewing on the Web site. DVDs or CDs are also available for viewing and listening onsite in the Oral History & Media Center, on the second floor of the Research Library.

"THE 'SCONSET ACTORS COLONY: BROADWAY OFFSHORE" BOOK PROJECT The 'Sconset Historical Research Group, which was formed following the 'Sconset: 02564 exhibition and catalog in 2008, continued its work promoting research efforts on historical topics relating to Siasconset. The focus for 2010 was the work in progress by NHA Research Fellow Betsy Tyler on the 'Sconset Actors Colony, in preparation for a book The 'Sconset Actors Colony: Broadway Offshore, which will be published in the summer of 2011. The project is Actors Colony gathering on the made possible with the support of the Judy Family porch of Harry Woodruff's cottage, Foundation, Dennis and Constance Keller, and Rhodes 'Sconset, ca. 1903. and Marcella Zimmerman. Tyler and Ben Simons, PH53-69 Robyn & John Davis Chief Curator, presented a GIFT OF FLORENCE CLIFFORD lecture on the Actors Colony at the second annual 'Sconset History Night in August at the Siasconset Casino. Paul Judy, founding member of the group, also presented a lecture on the Chittenden family. The research efforts of the 'Sconset Historical Research Group are part of the broad constellation of research efforts undertaken by the NHA and its collaborative partners into topics of Nantucket history.

Accessions also included an extensive collection of color slides of Nantucket, circa 1980s-90s, from the estate of Jack and Jim Hendrix; scans of photographs of the Siasconset Actors Colony, donated by Linda MacKay; and scrapbooks of the Grout family of Siasconset, contributed by Ted Tambke. Again this year, volunteers contributed significantly to the ongoing cataloguing of library collections. The library staff also provided ongoing content support for the NHA's gateway film, Nantucket, which has been produced by Ric Burns and Steeplechase Films and will premiere in July 2011. The Research Library's popular weekly "Identify This" column moved from The Nantucket Independent to the Inquirer and Mirror, where it continues to invite readers to identify historic images of buildings and landscapes around the island. The 2010 E. Geoffrey and Elizabeth Thayer Verney Fellow, Elizabeth Watts Pope, made extensive use of the library's resources for her study of the life and work of Phebe Folger Coleman, the sister of Walter Folger Jr., who was a talented illustrator, journal­ keeper, and needlework teacher. In conjunction with her studies, Pope presented "The Fruits of an Island Education in Phebe Folger's Commonplace Book" at a Food for Thought brown-bag lecture. In the Research Library's Whitney Gallery, the year's featured exhibition was A Passion for People: 40 Years of Portrait Photography by Beverly Hall. Hall presented several gallery talks about her work as well as a Food for Thought brown-bag lecture.

Annual Report 2010


ACCESSION� RL2010.1 Color slides of Nantucket, ca. 1980-90s.

Q 1


RL2010.12 Four color postcards of steamer


Nantucket, Oldest House, Sankaty Light, and Three Bricks.

RL2010.2 Aerial views of Tuckernuck, 1938


and 1965.


RL2010.3 Photograph of Nantucket, taken from

the Unitarian Church tower toward the northwest, ca.1890s. GIFT OF MARSHEL Rav CUNNINGHAM


RL2010.13 Volume of True Copies of Ships

Registries Issued in Nantucket, Massachusetts, 1845 and 1856--64. GIFT OF SUSAN R. ANO l. DENNIS SHAPIRO


RL2010.14 Photograph of a woman, 1912.

RL2010.4 Two postcards from watercolors by



RL2010.15 House histories.

Alfred Bendiner.



RL2010.5 Photograph of Cisco woods by Nancy



RL2010.16 Scan of photograph of 1 East York



RL2010.6 Books on Quakerism, slides, videotape,

and arts activities ephemera.

RL2010.17 Photograph of the Old Mill by Boyer.



RL2010.7 Index of Second Congregational

RL2010.18 Family portraits, chiefly of the Smith family; nine-volume set of books, Records of the Plymouth Colony; and certificate of discharge from the Navy for Herbert P. Smith, 1919.


RL2010.8 Organizational ephemera, including materials from the Friends of the Nobska and the International Marine Archives; photographs of Nantucket, ca. 1980s.



RL2010.19 Postcards of the Chanticleer, ca.

1950s, and the cranberry bog, ca. 1990s. GIFT OF DOROTHY JANE Tooo


RL2010.9 Scans of photographic portraits of

Nantucketers, by Beverly Hall, from the exhibition A Passion for People: 40 Years of Nantucket Portrait Photography by Beverly Hall. GIFT OF BEVERLY HALL

RL2010.10 Scans of family photographs.

RL2010.20 Coffin School class photographs, ca.



RL2010.21 Photocopy of journal of Charles Lafayette Swain, ca. 1872-1908, and an image of his gravestone. GIFT OF ELIZABETH SWAIN RICHARDS


RL2010.11 Historic photographs, including those

of the garden at the West Brick and a portrait of William Smith (Abigail Adams's father). GIFT OF ADRIENNE MCCALLEY


Historic Nantucket

RL2010.22 Photographs of the Barrett family. GIFT OF CHARLES J. ALLARD


RESEARCH LIBRARY RL2010.23 Scans of portraits of Andrew J. Sandsbury and wife, Martha Chadwick Sandsbury.

Fox, Man and Prophet, by Hanna D. Monaghan.



RL2010.24 Clark family journals, 1861-89, including seven journals kept by Benjamin F. Clark (1836-71); two probably kept by his brother Alfred S. Clark; one may have been kept by Sarah Clark, Albert's wife. Albert and Benjamin were sons of Uriah Clark, keeper of Sankaty Head Lighthouse; Benjamin was living at the lighthouse while creating these journals before his death from consumption.

RL2010.34 Class photograph, ca. 1950s.

RL2010.33 Book," Dear George": George



Genealogical research papers of Grace Coleman. GIFT OF LYN CALLEN


RL2010.25 Family photographs.

RL2010.36 Nantucket

Railroad Company stock circular, 1881. GIFT OF JOHN 0. SAYER

Gift of Phyllis Visco

RL2010.26 Collection of yearbooks from

RL2010.37 Cookbook of American and Cape Verdean family recipes.


Nantucket High School and a photograph of the Class of 1946 trip to Washington, D.C.



RL2010.38 Letters from Edward A. Coffin (1825-73) to family, 1850, 1852, and 1854.

RL2010.46 Portraits of former presidents of the



RL2010.39 Ephemeral materials from Richard C.

RL2010.47 Photographs of Bartlett's Farm and

RL2010.27 Research materials on Nantucket

Siasconset Casino Association.

black history; organizational files concerning the Rose Sunday Community Chorus activities and Nantucket Chamber Music Center; and other materials.

Maloney and photographs of Nantucket, 1900 and 1945.



RL2010.28 Clark family photographs, ca. 1870--

RL2010.40 Oral histories of Greater Light, made


RL2010.41 Album of Nantucket postcards.

RL2010.49 Postcard of the Bon-Ton Fish Market on Easy Street, ca. 1936.



the Bartlett family, ca. 1960--70s. GIFT OF DOROTHY BARTLffi

RL2010.48 Scans of Nantucket scenes, 1960s.


by Julie Broadbent, NHA intern, 2010.


RL2010.29 Images of the Young family. GIFT OF THE ESTATE OF CYNTHIA AND ROGER YOUNG

RL2010.42 Books on Nantucket history.

RL2010.50 Family Bible of Obed Sandsbury.

RL2010.30 Scans of photographs by James




RL2010.43 Nantucket books, pamphlets,

RL2010.51 Scrapbooks of the Grout family of

ephemera, and an engraving by George Gale.




RL2010.44 Scans of family photographs and an

RL2010.52 Scans of photographs of the Sankaty Head Golf Club, ca. 1970s.


RL2010.31 Business letters to Charles and Henry

Coffin, 1830--50; letter from William Bunker to Charles Doughty, 1795; statement of Nantucket ship Ann's raid by French privateer Revanche, 1797.

article from Life magazine, "Fun in Nantucket: Yale Players Put on Six Shows," 1946.



RL2010.32 DVD, Princess Ruth Ke'e/ikolani.

RL2010.45 Scans of photographs, chiefly of the


Siasconset actors colony.


RL2010.53 Scans of photographs of the Sankaty

Head Golf Club, ca. 1930s. GIFT OF SCOTT MORRELL


Annual Report 2010


RESEARCH LIBRARY RL2010.54 Papers related to Eugene Larsen, the

RL2010.68 Records of the Nantucket United

last civilian keeper of Sankaty Head Lighthouse.

Methodist Church, ca. 1853-1966.

RL2010.77 Recorded tour of 75 Main Street by Miles Carlisle.




RL2010.55 Journals of William 8. Starbuck, 1841-1902.

RL2010.69 Scans of photographs of moving the

RL2010.78 Clippings and photographs related to W. Marland Rounsville.


Lugosch house from 85 Baxter Road, Siasconset, to Monomoy, June 1, 2010. GIFT OF SAM DANIEL

RL2010.56 Scans of shipping papers and various GIFT OF CHRIS POLLAK

RL2010.70 Albums of photographs and clippings of activities of the Actors Theatre, 1990-92 and 1993.

RL2010.57 Photographs of Nantucket, 1980s.




RL2010.58 Book, Murder at Smutty Nose, by

Edmund Pearson, owned by the Polpis Club. GIFT OF CINDY EARP

Louis Coffin property, ca. 1930s. GIFT OF MARILYN COFFIN BROWN

RL2010.71 Letterbook of Christopher Mitchell &

Co. (1843-52) and letters to Captain Gorham Coffin, during and after the War of 1812 (181015).




RL2010.81 Deeds and history for 117 Orange

Street, formerly the Mission School. G1FT OF BEVERLY McLAUGHLIN

RL2010.72 Log of the ship Mary Mitchell, kept by


RL2010.60 Permanent loan of early Unitarian

RL2010.79 House & Garden magazine, featuring article: "Ruggedness and Elegance: Going places, finding things in Nantucket," April 1966.

RL2010.80 Records of the Nantucket Garden


RL2010.59 Scan of photograph of aerial view of


RL2010.82 Scans of photographs of the

Sanderson family.



RL2010.73 Tintype of Justinius Boston.



RL2010.83 Scan of photograph of Nantucket

RL2010.74 Nantucket photos and ephemera.



RL2010.61 Account book with records of


invoices 1873-79 from unknown company and records of the Sewing Society of the Unitarian Church Committee on Fancy Articles, 1884-85.




RL2010.62 Scans of photographs of the Young

RL2010.76 Photographs, including images of the

family and Young's Bicycle Shop, ca. 1970s. GIFT OF NOAH LERNER

RL2010.63 Digital images of cemetery signs.

Manner Scout Troop, summer of 1959.

RL2010.75 Photographs of Nantucket harbor, ca.

RL2010.84 Scans of photographs of the Gibbs and Osterberg families. GIFT OF FRANCES KARTTUNEN AND G. G. SALISBURY

fire at Zero Main Street, skating at Maxcy's Pond, and Nantucket ephemera.

RL2010.85 Photographs of the United Methodist





RL2010.64 Architectural drawings of 15 Liberty



RL2010.65-66 Ephemera and annual reports of the Nantucket Bank. GIFT OF WILLIAM P. HOURIHAN JR.

RL2010.67 Letters from Nantucket families, all

mentioning the Gold Rush, October 1849. LOAN OF DOROTHEA AND JASON TILROE


Historic Nantucket



PROPERTIES OF Tl=IE NHA � Bartholomew Gosnold Center and Annex

89 Bartlett Road 1800 House @ 4 Mill Street Eleanor Ham Pony Field @ 10 Mill Street Fire Hose-Cart House @ 8 Gardner Street Folger-Franklin Memorial Fountain, Boulder, and Bench @ Off Madaket Road

Greater Light, at 8 Howard Street

Greater Light @ 8 Howard Street Hadwen House @ 96 Main Street Little Gallery @ 10 Straight Wharf

P R OPE RTIES n some ways, every historic structure speaks to the visitor today from across the years of the time, the conditions, and the people who saw its construction. 1n Nantucket, we are blessed to be surrounded by these stories of the past, and if we choose to listen, we learn and benefit from what has gone before. The Nantucket Historical Association is the owner and caring steward of twenty-two remarkable and iconic Nantucket properties, and in each of these unique places the story of the island, and America, is revealed. The hardships of the earliest English settlers are understood in the stark functionality of the seventeenth-century Oldest House; the nineteenth-century grandeur and success of the whaling days are reflected in the majestic fluted columns of the I ladwen House; and in 2011, Greater Light will reopen to perfectly illuminate the early twentieth century, when Nantucket became a seasonal escape for artists and vacationers. Interpreting the past through authentic historic structures and objects is a key component of all museums and historical associations. The NHA's properties perform this role as no otl1er organization can. The NHA's Maintenance and Grounds Department works throughout the year to sensitively maintain and in1prove the sites. In 2010, this work continued unabated. 1n addition to the expected annual maintenance projects­ sanding, scraping, painting, and the like-several new upgrade projects were undertaken to in1prove the visitor experience and to solve practical operational needs. The sprawling complex of tl1e Whaling Museum, in the heart of downtown historic Nantucket, is usually a visitor's introduction to the NHA. This, the flagship and administrative center for all NHA properties, greets thousands of visitors and year-round residents eve1y year. In 2011, the public will experience improved lobby spaces and see in1pressive new exhibits tlu·oughout the interior, while the ever-changing floral landscape and comfortable seating clusters greet t11em outdoors. The Broad Street fa�ades of the museum continue to be enhanced through changing landscape design and plantings, and are augmented by several generously donated benches. The west side of the museum,, on North Water Street has also been in1proved with new fencing, trees, hydrangeas, and annual flower selections, as well as bicycle racks for the convenience of visiting cyclists.

Macy-Christian House @ 12 Liberty Street Mill Hill @ South Mill and York Streets Old Gaol @ 15 R Vestal Street Old Mill @ 50 Prospect Street Old Town Building @ 5 Washington Street Oldest House @ 16 Sunset Hill Quaker Meeting House @ 7 Fair Street Research Library @ 7 Fair Street Robert Wyer House @ 33 Orange Street Settlers Burial Ground @ Off Cliff Road Thomas Macy House @ 99 Main Street Thomas Macy Warehouse @ 12 Straight Wharf Tristram Coffin Homestead Monument

Off Capaum Pond Road Whaling Museum @ 13 Broad Street

Annual Report 2010


HISTORIC PROPERTIES The lawn was the venue for outdoor craft workshops, including coopering and the building of a traditional Alaskan umi,ak. Enjoyed by many visitors every year, the NHA'.s historic sites are open to the public seasonally, and when closed over the winter the buildings are painstakingly maintained and improved, as necessary. It is no secret that historic buildings require sustained attention to stay in a proper state of preservation, and the Maintenance and Grounds Department, with the help of local contractors and landscapers, continues its work as a perhaps unseen preservation team. Several key historic properties received specific work during the past winter. The Jethro Coffin House, or "Oldest House," built in 1686, is the oldest structure owned by the NHA, and the oldest structure on its original foundation on the island. In 2007, the property was enhanced by the addition of a historically accurate kitchen garden, which has become an attraction of its own. Containing many species of vegetables, herbs, and flowers that were standard produce for early colonists, the kitchen garden continues to evolve. In addition, the homestead site has been improved throughout, and a small orchard of historically appropriate apple varieties has been cultivated, thus far with limited success as the trees appear to be favorites of the local deer population! Constructed in 1746, the Old Mill is the oldest working windmill in the country and continues to be operated by the NHA, grinding corn as it has for two-hundred forty-six years. The 2008 installation of new vanes and sails has improved the operation of the mill, allowing it to operate in lighter winds. Several safety modifications have been undertaken inside the mill, and other historically sensitive site improvements continue to be made to enhance public access and safety. The Hadwen House, at 96 Main Street, now has improved climate-controlled conditions for delicate artifacts and furnishings. The rear of the house, containing staff housing, has been upgraded in several areas, including the kitchen. The formal garden, which was restored more closely to its original design, thanks to research by our Landscape and Garden Manager, continues to be lovingly maintained by the Nantucket Garden Club. The 1800 House, at 4 Mill Street, is home to the NHA'.s notable programs in Early American arts and crafts. Lighting and workspaces have been improved, and new decorative floor painting, based on historical patterns, add to the ambiance of the house. Restoration of the exterior of the Thomas Macy House, at 99 Main Street, was completed in fall and winter, with additional interior projects, including conservation of the furnishings continuing, thanks to the support of the Tupancy-Harris Foundation.

MUSEUM SHOP Featuring fine gift selections inspired by the collections of the Nantucket Historical Association, the Museum Shop is located at 11 Broad Street; sales support the NHA's mission. The shop offers premium-quality reproductions of period china, sailors valentines, lightship baskets, and scrimshaw. Historic prints, traditional toys, An embroidered tapestry of the Rainbow Fleet, from woolen rugs, private-label jams a photograph by H. Marshall Gardiner. The and jellies, pewter, glassware, and Museum Shop offers this and other tapestries candles are also staples of the based on paintings and images from the NHA's shop. In 2010, the addition of collections. Coordinated by Mimi Burnham, the exclusive terracotta or white­ tapestries are created by students at the Hong glazed pottery Nantucket-style Ngoc Humanity Center in Hano,, Vietnam. baskets designed by George Davis and needlework kits by wellknown needlework artist Elizabeth Gilbert were well received. Susan Boardman's beautiful note cards and the book, Sometimes Think of Me-a companion piece to the NHA's major summer exhibition of the same name-were also popular items. The shop is open Daffodil Weekend through mid-December; gifts may be purchased online at

EVENT RENTALS AT THE HISTORIC PPOPLRTIES In 2010, Nantucket Historical Association played host to many formal engagement and anniversary parties; wedding receptions; welcome parties; and meetings, programs, and events held by business and nonprofit organizations each presented in one of the NHA's remarkable venues. Local and destination-wedding couples engage the NHA's properties to welcome guests, tie the knot, and celebrate. The NHA becomes part of the personal history of the couples whose weddings take place at the Whaling Museum on the rooftop observation deck, in Gosnell Hall, or in the Hadwen & Barney Candle Factory; or in the gracious Hadwen House garden or the lovely, understated Quaker Meeting House. Among the notable summer events in 2010, Nantucket Community Sailing hosted a reception during Race Week where their guests enJoyed hors d'oeuvres and cocktails with a bird's-eye view of Nantucket Harbor from the rooftop observation deck. With the Festival of Trees as a backdrop, Marine Home Center hosted memorable holiday parties for its clients and employees in the gaily decorated museum. Since 2008, the NHA has hosted the Steamship Authority's twice-yearly Nantucket-based meetings in the Whaling Museum's Discovery Room. Word of mouth continues to be the best form of advertising for NHA venues as attendees joyously share unforgettable experiences with friends and relatives. As one young bride summed up her wedding reception at the Whaling Museum, "It was perfect!" For information about event rentals at the NHA, call (508) 228--1894, ext. 131.


Historic Nantucket

GREATER LIGHT RESTORATION PROJECT With an eye to completing the restoration of Greater Light and reopening the historic property to the community in July 2011, the NHA ambitiously continued construction at the site throughout 2010, taking a hiatus in the summer season in deference to the neighbors. During that time, the NHA hosted an open house and small weekly "work-in-progress" tours, much to the delight of visitors who were thrilled to see the restoration of the property and charmed by its story. Greater Light-a term from the scriptures and the name given to this extraordinary property-epitomizes the spirit and charm of Nantucket as an early-twentieth-century art colony and resort. The property was designed and rebuilt as a summer home and studio by Hanna and Gertrude Monaghan, Quaker sisters and artists from Philadelphia. Attracted to Nantucket by the burgeoning arts scene of the 1920s, they stumbled upon this unlikely structure at 8 Howard Street and fell in love with its possibilities. Originally built as a livestock barn about 1790, it was reborn in an artistic transformation as Greater Light. Bequeathed to the NHA in 1973 by Hanna Monaghan, the property was used as a house museum, staff residence, and reception venue until it was closed in the 1990s due to structural concerns. The NHA began fund-raising for the Greater Light restoration project in 2007, and thanks to the generosity of many individuals and foundations and a grant from the Community Preservation Committee, the NHA reached its Phase One goal of$1.2 million in 2009, enabling major construction to begin. The building was completely surveyed and documented, and proposal plans and specifications were drawn up by the project architects, Steven Blashfield, A.I.A., and Ethan Griffin of Chip Webster & Associates. Engineering studies were completed by structural engineer John Wathne of Structures North, Inc., and Toscana Corporation provided the initial structural

work on the building's foundation. Twig Perkins, Inc., which was involved in the restoration of the Oldest House in 1987, was selected as general contractor and is working toward the July 2011 completion date. Since 2009, attention has been given to the crumbling foundation, which has been repaired and rebuilt to stabilize the structure. Many hours were spent repairing and shoring up framing, flooring, and ceiling beams. All of the beautifully crafted windows were removed, restored in the shop, and reinstalied in pristine condition. The extensive and highly decorative wrought-iron railings and the massive gates were cleaned, sanded, and repainted, and they have been reinstalled. New exterior shingling is in place and interior finishes are almost completed. Included in the project is a lower-level apartment, which will provide for a consistent presence at the property and much needed living space for an NHA staff member. Restoration of the original garden-one that the Monaghans so lovingly created adjacent to the patio-is also being completed. The NHA is continuing its efforts to secure the additional funding needed to complete the conservation of the interior and to develop interpretive programs. With its reopening for tours, open houses, and special programs and events in July 2011, Greater Light will become a gateway to Nantucket's art colony and resort era in the early twentieth century-and a jewel in the NHA's crown. Annual Report 2010


Throughout the year, the Interpretation & Education Department provides a wide range of programs at the Whaling Museum-from the Essex Garn with Doug Burch to a Food for Thought lecture on Nantucket's historic hotels with Mark Avery to the building of an umiak by wooden-boat builder Corey Freedman.

DUC ATIO N he Department of Interpretation and Education at the ( Nantucket Historical Association embodies the spirit of Nantucket's story, past and present, while striving to engage and exceed the expectations of the community it serves.Members, museum friends, program participants, and visitors from all over the world experience the professional yet playful and welcoming ambiance of our well­ respected, top-notch learning opportunities, which demonstrate our commitment, passion, energy, and enthusiasm for sharing Nantucket's past in the present. Time and again, our educational offerings surprise and delight the audiences we serve.As a visitor noted on a comment card during his first visit to the museum, "Magnificent....We will tell all whom we meet what an educational visit this place is.A must-see when one visits the island." Whether it's a tried and true signature program-such as the Hunt lecture, the Essex Garn, or Hands-on History in the Discovery Room-or a new initiative- such as the premiere of Into the Deep, the inaugural History Quiz Bowl, or the Night of Holiday Magic during the Festival of Trees-the Nantucket Historical Association's outstanding interpretive and educational efforts inspire learning and exemplify the best practices in the museum-education field.And the community we serve takes notice. In the words of one visitor, "This commitment to historical education is authentic and so extraordinarily well done that it is deserving of a national award.No kidding.Sail on...." Our year-round calendar of educational programming in 2010 included twenty­ four Food for Thought programs; Passport to History: Vacation Destination Days; sixty-two days of Hands-on History; Family Nights at the Museum; Family Crafts Workshops; a variety of demonstrations; sixty-six programs in Early American arts and crafts at the 1800 House, and collaborations with local organizations. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters throughout the year, the NHA launched several new educational initiatives.The Nantucket Golf Club Foundation sponsored winter activities for children and their families in our Discovery Room 20

Historic Nantucket

The winning Weeweeder team: Steve Sheppard, James Grieder, and Harvey Young

HISTORY Ql)IZ HOWL The inaugural History Quiz Bowl offered a new, exciting winter program for the Nantucket community. On March 3, almost three hundred Nantucketers packed Gosnell Hall to enjoy an evening of challenging history trivia and entertaining fun. Quizmaster Nat Philbrick read questions to thirteen teams competing for a handsome whale trophy and the title of champion. The Weeweeders claimed the prize. The History Quiz Bowl is planned as an annual event.


during the winter and fall months. Once again, the M. S. Worthington Foundation made possible our winter programming for year-round residents, allowing us to realize our dream for the History Quiz Bowl. T hanks to a grant from the Nancy Sayles Day Foundation, we piloted the new fall workshop series at the 1800 House. With the continued support of an anonymous donor, we again presented the talented Walden Chamber Players in concert and were also able to take them to the Nantucket schools and retirement communities. Our dynamic interpretive programs continue to captivate and engage visitors from near and far. Whether enjoying signature daily programs at the museum, such as one of our great tours; taking in the offerings at our Historic Sites, such as learning about the mechanics of the Old Mill; or exploring the Oldest House and its kitchen garden with an interpreter, the Interpretation and Education team connects visitors with precious artifacts, the narrative of Nantucket, and showcases the NHA's educational resources in personable

and unforgettable ways. When a young visitor and his mother returned to the museum just a few minutes after their original departure, the mother explained that they had returned because her child had not yet finished talking to the whale [skeleton]. As this department moves into the future, we continue to develop our museum, our historic sites, and our interpretive and educational programs into a rich, active, historic campus. For instance, with the opening of Greater Light in 2011, we plan to launch several interpretation initiatives, including a new Historic House Walking Tour. Starting at the Hadwen House, the tour will highlight aspects of three centuries of Nantucket History-at the Hadwen House, the Macy-Christian House, and concluding at Greater Light. Participants will step into the past while strolling in the present. New learning opportunities like the Historic House Tour reinforce the Interpretation and Education Department's commitment to combining meaningful and intimate experiences with history.



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INTERNSHIP PROGRAM The reputation and popularity of the NHA's internship program continue to grow. Now in its fourth year, the applicant pool was highly competitive-some ninety-plus applicants competed for six slots. Pictured above are the NHA's 2010 museum education summer interns Heather Maron, Vanessa Jorion, Claire White, Kerri Murphy, Julie Broadbent, and Grace Torres. During their three-month stay on Nantucket, the interns acquired valuable hands-on experience in the museum profession. Working in a collaborative environment, the interns facilitated a wide array of educational programs and completed an independent project, which they presented to the staff at the end of their internship.

The NHA's Family Adventure Program returned for a second year. allowing families to explore a featured historic site. Hosted by the NHA and the Family Associates Committee, co-chaired by Wendy Rouillard and Annabelle Fowlkes, families with children aged 12 and under enjoyed a special afternoon of adventure and discovery at Nantucket's Old Mrll on July 18. Admission to the event raised funds for the interpretation of the Old Mill.

FAMILY REU NION PROGRAM AT THE WHALING MUSEUM In celebration of the tradition of family reunions, families were invited to the Whaling Museum to learn about some historic Nantucket families and to make their own family trees, collect oral histories, and take family portraits.

Close to two hundred people attended the two performances of Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory at the Whaling Museum. AnnualReport2010


FOOD FOR THOUGHT BROWN-BAG LECTURE SERIES During the winter, spring, and fall, the Whaling Museum's Gosnell Hall was frequently filled to capacity with Nantucketers eagerly attending the weekly Food for Thought brown-bag-lunch lecture series on Thursdays at noon. The free series was made possible by a grant from the M. S. Worthington Foundation in support of year­ round community programming. We are honored to acknowledge our 2010 speakers. February

Matthew Stackpole, "The Charles W Morgan" Dr. Josef Fischer, "The Economics of Whaling" Dave Frary, "The Making of a Model Train" Alfred Peterson, "Nantucket Memorial Airport"

March Tony Dumitru and Ben Simons, "Whalers' Souvenirs" Dr. Leslie Ottinger, ''In Their Words: Highlights from the Whaling Logs" Lawrence Dober, "Come On from Off: Picture Postcards" Cecil Barron Jensen, "Nantucket Art and Artists" April

Marjan Shirzad, "Wanderlust" Corey Sandler, "The Cape Cod Canal" Garn: "The Transition from Visitor to Resident" Bill Tramposch and Ben Simons', "The Gift of the Whale: Traditional Whaling off the North Slope of Alaska" Beverly Hall, "Forty Years of Portrait Photography" May Garth Grimmer and Lauri Robertson, "Fine Art Photography Forum" Mark Avery, "Nantucket's Historic Hotels"

Food for Thought Brown-Bag Lunch series in December featuring Sheila Lucey, speaking on "Navigation and Nautical Knots."

UMIAK BUILDING AND LAUNCH In coniunction with The Gift of the Whale exhibition, wooden­ boat builder Corey Freedman traveled from Washington State to demonstrate for the Nantucket community how to build a modern umiak, a large open boat, usually made of animal skins stretched over a wooden frame, used by the liiup1at people when they go whaling every year. Many community members stopped by both to observe and assist Corey with his work. On June 13, NHA staff and community members officially launched the umiak at Children's Beach.


Bill Tramposoh and Mark Avery, "A Photographic Tour of the NHA Properties" Elizabeth Watts Pope, "The Fruits of an lslifld Edtication in Pheb1J Folger's Commonplace Book" Betsy Tyler, "Wanderers on the W«le-0.Cean: Nantucket's Nineteenth-Century Whaling Wll/8( Frances Karttunen, "Where the De,d Outnumber the Uvinp: Nantucket's Cemeteries and Burial Grounds• November

Liz Winship and Rebecca Jusko-Pentner, "The Art of Prod11ction: Hand Weaving and th' History of Nantucket Looms• Barbara White, "Anna Gardner" Robert Felch, "The Moving of Sankaty Lighthouse• December Sheila Lucey, "Navigation and Nautica1 Knots· Marty McGowan, "From Farm to Table"


Historic Nantucket

WALDEN CHAMBER PLAYl:R For the sixth year, the renowned Walden Chamber Players played two concerts at the Whaling Museum and led interactive performances at . Small Friends on Nantucket, the Nantucket Lighthouse s ch O ol , Sherburne Commons, and the Homestead. The performances continue to be generously sponsored by an anonymous donor.



EARLY AMERICAN ARTS & CRAFTS AT THE 1800 HOUSE The NHA's Early American arts and crafts program at the 1800 House remains dedicated to celebrating and reviving Nantucket's rich tradition in historic decorative arts and crafts. During its sixth year of operation, close to four hundred students participated in sixty-six classes. From May through November, program participants were immersed in history while indulging in and refining their artistic talents for the centuries-old techniques taught by artisans from Nantucket and across the United States. For example, students made half-hull catboat models with Mark Sutherland; a "Nantucket Valentine" in crewel with Edith Lynch Bouriez; folk-art game boards with Charlie Munro; sailors valentines with Sandi Blanda, Sandy Moran, and Elizabeth Braun; penwork and floor cloths with Mary Emery Lacoursiere; and tin weathervanes with Don Carpentier. In addition, thanks to underwriting support from a generous donor, the 1800 House launched its first series of fall workshop programs. Drawing upon the local talent of artisans Tim Parsons, Jan Munro, Charlie Munro, Lee Papale, Kendra Lockley, Mary Emery Lacoursiere, and Elizabeth Braun, students created a Noah's ark theorem, a Nantucket basket flower frog, folk-art painting for holiday cards, wooden whales and Rainbow Fleet ornaments, scrimshawed ivory ornaments, cookie decorations, decoupage paperweights, sailors valentine ornaments, and Dorset buttons. During the 2010 season, the 1800 House remembered 1800 House advisor Nancee Erickson by dedicating the open house in her memory and creating the Nancee Erickson Memorial Fund for the sustainability of 1800 House programs, which received generous support from her friends, family, and colleagues. Nancee's passion, energy, and leadership were central to the creation of the 1800 House and its lifelong-learning programs in Early American arts and crafts.


-A museum visitor

The 2011 class schedule is available online at, or may be picked up at the NHA Administrative Offices at 15 Broad Street and at the 1800 House at 4 Mill Street. For more information, call (508) 228-7785.

A NIGHT OF HOLIDAY MAGIC On Saturday, December 18, the NHA launched its first Night of Holiday Magic at the Whaling Museum. During this festive family evening, participants enjoyed music, storytelling, and holiday crafts, including ornament making, stockings, and other tree-inspired activities. Amid the glittering trees in the Whaling During the last hour of the Museum, interpreter Karen MacNab reads program, the museum lights a holiday story to a visiting family. were lowered and visitors strolled through the museum and enjoyed the magical, quiet glow of the beautifully decorated trees.

AFTERNOONS lN THE DISCOVERY ROOM In addition to the summer Hands-on History program, for the first time during the fall and winter the NHA was able to open the Discovery Room on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons, when Nantucket youth and their families explored Nantucket history through story, interacted with artifacts from the collections, and engaged in educational activities and games. The NHA gratefully acknowledges the program support of the Nantucket Golf Club Foundation for this opportunity.

Annual Report 2010


VISIONS ®F HER: Portrait Photography by Nantucket Youth

Left, photographer Beverly Hall working with Vts,ons of Her photography students. Above, left, Kate Godlesky captures her subject Cara DeHeart behind the loom m her work titled The String Theory. Above, right, Leah Blount poses with her two portraits at the Visions of Her opening reception m the Hadwen & Barney Candle Factory.



t the start of the year, with the shared vision and support of an anonymous donor, the NHA had created a new staff position-a history educator, who would focus on ways to impart a deeper understanding and appreciation of Nantucket's rich history and international significance to the youth of the island, and to do so in fresh and engaging ways. The philosophy guiding the position was simple: Once young people were exposed to innovative NHA programs that bring to life this special "elbow of sand," they would be imbued with a sense of wonder and greater pride of place­ impressions that would remain with them throughout their future endeavors. In 2010, following the success of the history educator's work with the Nantucket schools and youth organizations, the NHA established the new Department of Outreach and Special Programs, providing an additional commitment to expand the NHA's outreach to the entire island community. Of first importance was becoming familiar with the educational landscape and cultivating positive relationships among the stakeholders in the Nantucket educational community-fellow NHA staff, members of school faculty and administration, youth group educators and staff, professional colleagues from island nonprofits, parents, community members, and a host of Nantucket young people. By March, the NHA had begun planning a youth-oriented 24

Historic Nantucket


participatory photography project that could seamlessly integrate the two themes of the NI-IA's main exhibition : A Passion for People: 40 Years of Nantucket Portrait Photography by Beverly Hall and "Sometimes think of me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries. Soon after, the Visions of f-ler project was born. In celebration of the NHA's "Year of the Nantucket Woman," we asked a group of talented teenagers to identify and photograph their most notable antucket women-island women they deemed inspirational and distinctive. The portraits would come to represent the teens' vision of the spirit of antucket, or the "Grey Lady." One of the main goals for Visions of 1 Jer was to fo ter a strong collaboration between the NILA and other local nonprofit organization . From the beginning, we sought direct input and support from staff at the Nantucket Boys & Girls Club and Nantucket High chool to establish shared ownership and investment in this youth-led project. Beginning in mid-March, students attended weekly evening sessions at the Boys & Girls Club, which focused on a different aspect of portraiture every week, to educate and in pire these student in their future photographic endeavors. The Visions of Her program also highlighted seldom-seen historical objects from the NHA's collections at the Gosnold Center and Research Library. During the popular "artifact session," tudents wore white curator's gloves and handled antique miniature paintings, ambrotypes, copper plates, and daguerreotypes from the NIIA vaults. In subsequent week , tudents received photographic advice


from program mentor and professional island photographer Beverly Hall. They also participated in peer-led critique sessions of their own work as well as the work of famous photographers. All working sessions were designed to be entertaining and stimulating, while exposing students to historical, theoretical, and practical information on themes pertaining to portrait photography. For the final exhibition, we wished to present a youthful, fresh perspective of Nantucket women in photographs taken by local teens, and to share that vision with year-round islanders, summer residents, and visitors. Ultimately, the "visions" in the final portraits would offer a unique insight into the world of modern-day Nantucket and its inhabitants-both the models in the portraits and the young photographers-and enable island youth to share their impressions with the greater community. The opening-night reception for Visions ofHer in the Hadwen & Barney Candle Factory was a tremendous success. ln true community spirit, the free public reception encouraged a wonderful cross section of Nantucketers to gather together and celebrate the work of the bright, creative young people who call this island home. The Visions of Her program and exhibition were made possible by support from Beverly Hall, the William Froelich Foundation, and an anonymous donor. As part of the NH.Ns ongoing efforts to diversify audiences and offer more inclusive learning opportunities for all Nantucketers, in May the history educator organized a special tour of the Whaling Museum for the head of Nantucket's English Language Learner program and her students, who were all non-native English speakers. In November, the Interpretation and Education Department and the history educator spearheaded a free community Diversity Festival in collaboration with numerous Nantucket community groups and the NH.Ns Diversity Council. The aim of the Diversity Festival was to widen the scope and outreach of the NHA by hosting an afternoon of specialized programming targeting non-native English speakers within the Nantucket community. With free admission to the Whaling Museum, the NHA provided an afternoon of museum tours assisted by volunteers from the community who were fluent i n Spanish, Portuguese, and Bulgarian. Throughout the afternoon, visitors sang sea chanteys and joined in hands-on-history activities and crafts tables in the museum, including the popular Nantucket photo booth, where families posed for their portraits with the Discovery Room mural of Nantucket as a backdrop. The program accomplished the NH.Ns goal of sharing its vast resources with first-time museum visitors, who left the museum with bilingual­ resources sheets so they could share their newly acquired Nantucket historical knowledge with friends and family. The NHA also provided more than eighty free six-month NHA memberships to Diversity Day attendees, to build upon this new program and continue its legacy and the newly forged bonds throughout the spring and early summer. Also in November, the NHA was invited to present two panel discussions as part of the Nantucket Public Schools all-day staff and teacher professional development program at the high school. The sessions centered on Ric Burns's PBS documentary Into the Deep, which portrays the history of American whaling and its impact on American and global history. After each screening, members of the NHA's administrative and interpretative staff engaged K-12 teachers and staff in lively discussions on the potential use of NHA collections and primary sources to create innovative lessons on Nantucket history for the classroom.

Visions of Her exhibition opening


Families from around the world enjoy multilingual program offerings at the Whaling Museum during Diversity Festival 2010.

"INTO THE DEEP" PREMIERES AT WHALING MUSEUM The NHA rolled outthe red carpet for the May 10 premiere of Into the Deep: America, Whaling & the World, an American Experience/PBS documentary by Ric Burns of Steeplechase Films. More than two hundred festively attired community members, including Paul Connors and Gina Mac Vicar, right, turned out for the free event at the Whaling Museum. The NHA Research Library and Curatorial Department worked closely with Burns on the research for the film, portions of which were shot at the Whaling Museum. With support from individual donors, foundations, and businesses, the NHA engaged Burns to produce Nantucket a "gateway" orientation film focusing on the island's natural beauty and historical sign if icance, that will premiere in July 2011 and be shown daily in the Whaling Museum. Annual Report 2010


REPORT ith just over 60,000 visitors welcomed to the W haling Museum and historic properties in 2010, the Nantucket Historical Association maintained its commitment to offer rich and diverse educational programs, changing exhibitions, and special events on a year-round basis. The restoration and renovation of Greater Light, in recognition of Nantucket's emergence as an early-twentieth-century art colony and resort, and production of Nantucket, the NHA'.s gateway film by Ric Burns and Steeplechase Films, continued in 2010. The NHA is grateful for the generous support these exciting projects have received. Watching the progress of both has been gratifying. Reinforcing the NHA'.s commitment to delivering a broad range of program offerings, the association looks forward to sharing these new

experiences with its members and the Nantucket community in 2011. Throughout 2010, the board of trustees and staff remained focused on sustainability, building the endowment, and the continued growth of membership and the armual fund, which enable the NI-IA to fulfill its mission while maintaining a balanced budget. Revenue increases in areas including contributions, memberships, admissions, and Museum Shop sales are tangible evidence of the Nantucket commw'lity's support for the NHA's mission. It is the hope of the trustees that this trend will continue as the association's financial model shifts away from its reliance on special events. The accompanying Statement of Financial Position highlights the investment of $30,021,072 in facilities, exhibitions, and programs by which the NI-IA presents the heritage of Nantucket Island.

The financial statements for 2010 have been audited by Bollus Lynch LLP, which has rendered an unqualified opinion on them. Complete financial statements are available upon request

Nantucket Historical Association

Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2010

Assets Cash and cash equivalents Inventories Other current assets Pledges receivable Land, buildings, and equipment, net Long-term investments



$2,005,148 134,626 72,234 186,597 17,630,992 9,991,475

$1,935,626 129,003 118,665 419,818 17,877,164 9,353,000





1,210,080 2,534,854 17,630,992 960,662 7,531,273

1,085,317 1,964,053 17,877,164 1,217,084 7,565,538





Liabilities and Net Assets Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Net assets Unrestricted Undesignated Designated for endowment Investment in land, buildings, and equipment Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted Total net assets


Historic Nantucket

Nantucket Historical Association Statement of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2010

TOTALS Operating activities: Revenue, gains, and other support Contributions Admissions Memberships Museum Shop revenue Investment return designated for operations Interest income Special fund-raising events Other earned revenue Net assets released from restriction Satisfaction of purpose restrictions Total Operating expenses Program services Curatorial Education and public programs Research Library Museum Shop Special events Supporting services General and administrative Membership and development




1,157,085 606,125 404,663 486,342 399,193 7,608 1,057,260 601,674

688,644 592,252 402,521 441,682 357,750 15,810 1,165,450 410,408



22% Special fund-raising events 13% Admissions 1,358,163 798,935 563,856 395,814 424,509

1,571,248 689,573 536,109 371,645 407,488

876,777 513,700

759,162 641,420





260,557 3,235 118,956 7,601 (3,505)

1,265,240 3,751 123,250 432,348 (1,464)

Change in net assets from nonoperating activities



Change in net assets before changes related to collection items Net assets released from restrictions Acquisition of collection items Purchase of collection items Change in net assets



(16,335) 158,705

(32,634) 888,363





Total Change in net assets from operating activities Nonoperating activities: Investment return, net of amount appropriated for operations Interest income Friends of NHA contributions Capital campaign contributions Capital expenses Net assets released from restrictions Satisfaction of capital restrictions

Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

25% Contributions

13% Other earned revenue 111% Museum Shop revenue 9% Membership 8% Investment return designated for operations


28% Curatorial 18% General/Administrative 16% Education/Public Programs 11% Research Library 111% Membership/Development 9% Special Events 8% Museum Shop

Annual Report 2010


SPECIAL NIGHT AT GREATER LIGHT In the spirit of the Monaghans, and in the midst of its restoration, Greater Light was brought back to life for one magical evening for a dinner party hosted by Janet and Rick Sherlund

POLO RALPH LAUREN SUPPORTS NHA Since 2007, Polo Ralph Lauren has partnered with the Nantucket Historical Association and generously supported the NHA with one-hundred percent of the proceeds from the sale of its Compass Rose Collection clothing, which carries the image of the historic Gardiner's Corner compass rose. At a breakfast reception at the store, Margret Korn of Polo Ralph Lauren presented Bill Tramposch with a donation of more than $15,000.

ME N T hroughout the year, the Development Department's activities in membership, fund­ raising, stewardship, marketing, publications, and public relations were broadly focused on engaging members, supporters, and the greater Nantucket community to advance the NHA's mission and goals of the strategic plan and to increase awareness, participation, and support for the association's programs, properties, and collections. These efforts are guided by the board of trustees' Development Committee and the Communications and Marketing Committee.

DEVELOPMENT The Nantucket Historical Association greatly appreciates the many individuals, foundations, local businesses, and corporations that helped us meet our financial goals for 2010. The following pages recognize those who generously provided operating support of more than $275,000 with their gifts to the Annual Fund; were sponsors of the Gift of the Whale, Visions of He,; "Sometimes Think of Me'; and A Passion for People exhibitions; made contributions to the restoration and interpretation of Greater Light and production of Nantucket, the NHA's gateway film by Ric Burns; and provided leadership support, underwriting, and in-kind donations for the Wine Auction, August Antiques Show, and the Festivals of Wreaths and Trees. 28

Historic Nantucket

Tribute and memorial gifts made to the HA arc always received with great appreciation for their special meaning. Last year, the NHA was particularly grateful to the many individuals who contributed more than $150,000 to the Nancee Erickson Memorial Fund for the u tainability of 1800 l lou e programs. Two initial leadership gifts from anonymou donors were matched by gifts from Nancee's many friends and family members as an eloquent ign of affection for ancee and her legacy in leading the NHA's efforts to re tore the 1800 I louse and establish engaging programs in Early American arts and crafts. In supporting the NHA, several individual took the opportunity to make charitable gifts directly from their IRA accounts without incurring income tax. Reinstated by the IRS in late 2010, the legislation allow individuals aged 70 ½ or older to transfer up to $100,000 from a traditional or Roth IRA directly to the NHA. The exemption is valid through December 31, 2011. The HA is grateful to the trustee , past trustees, and friends who graciously hosted dinners and receptions at their homes on island as well as in Florida, New York, New Jersey, and Texas to recognize many of the individuals who support the NHA so generously. Special thanks are extended to the M. S. Worthington Foundation for its grant for fall and winter community programming in 2010 and to tl1e Nantucket Golf Club Foundation for enabling the NHA to open the Discovery Room to island children and families and offer free programs several afternoons a week during the fall and winter.

For the fourth year, Polo Ralph Lauren generously directed the proceeds from the sale of the store's Compass Rose clothing coUection to the NHA, presenting a check to the association for more than $15,000 during a special spring reception at the Nantucket store, which features the historic Gardiner's Corner compass rose mural on its Washington Street waU.

MEMBERSHIP With more than 2,700 members at all levels-individual, island family, family, life, Peter Foulger, William Hadwen, and the 1894 Society's Thomas Macy and Mary Gardner Coffin levels-the NHA continues to thrive as a member-supported organization that continues to grow. In November of 2010, the NHA was pleased to enroll more than eighty island families as members during the first Diversity Festival. The memberships represent island families who have made antucket their home-from as far away as South Korea to El Salvador and Brazil to Nepal-ten countries spanning four continents in total. The NHA was delighted to offer the island's multicultural year-round community free memberships to serve as a gateway to the organization and to the island's significant history. NHA business members-at the levels of leader, sponsor, and partner-continued their generous support of the organization throughout 2010. With businesses from the local to the national, the NHA is humbled by the broad support of the organization received through its business­ membership program. Members at all levels are the lifeblood of this organization, both fiscaUy and communally. Thank you, NHA business members!

PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING The NHA continued its efforts to establi h marketing collaborations with on- and off-island organizations, especiaUy the Steamship Authority, which began selling tickets to the Whaling Museum to their summer passengers at the Hyannis terminal. At the Metropolitan Association of Professional Travel Agents conference in New York City, the public relations manager as keynote speaker promoted visitation to Nantucket and the NI IA's Whaling Museum, historic sites, and programs, and also spoke at a meeting of Nantucket's Petticoat Row group about activities surrounding the NHA's "Year of the Nantucket Woman." The NHA welcomed representatives of the island's business community to the Whaling Museum when it partnered with Nina Hellman Antiques and Sustainable Nantucket to host a Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce After-Hours spring reception. The NHA was also pleased to join more than six hundred museums across the country that offer free admission to active-duty military

Mary Gardner Coffin Members

Dr.' & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Mr & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. David Ross & Mrs. Ellen Ross Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Ms. Jill M. Packard Mr. Donald A. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ericksen Thomas Macy Members

Mr. & Mrs. Leigh J. Abramson Mr. & Mrs. John F. Akers Ms. Mary Jane Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Harold Baxter Mr. & Mrs. Ward Belcher Mr. & Mrs. Neil W. Benedict Ill Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boardman Mr & Mrs. Edward P Bousa Mr. & Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. D. H. Callahan Mr. & Mrs. R. Lawrence Caperton Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Chesley Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp Ill Mr & Mrs. Howard L Clark Jr. Ms. Suellen Ward & Mr. John Copenhaver Mr. & Mrs. Porter G. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Didriksen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brenton G. Durham Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ericksen Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Ms. Marcia D. Weber & Mr. James B. Flaws Ms. Kelly M. Williams & Mr. Andrew J. Forsyth Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Garland Mr.' & Mrs. Paul Gibian Mr. Thomas Giovine Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Goldweitz Mr. & Mrs. Herbert W. Goodall Ill Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hale Ms. Dorothy K. Hesselman Dr. George S. Heyer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hofmann Mrs. Wendy Hubbell Ms. Gale Hurd Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen Ill Mr. & Mrs. Doug Kern Mrs. Sara Jo Kobacker Mr. & Mrs. Arie L Kopelman

Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Mr. Michael A. Kovner Mr. & Mrs.' W. Curtis Livingston Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Logan Mr. & Mrs. William E. Little Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John W. Loose Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. J. T homas Macy Mr. & Mrs. Terence D. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Ms. Victoria McManus & Mr. John McDermott Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. & Mrs. Marlin Miller Jr. Dr. & Mrs. George E. Mitchell Mrs. Joanne R. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Nash Mr. & Mrs. John D. Nichols Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Noble Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Mr. & Mrs. Larry I. Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Rand Ill Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Rein Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Rooney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Rosenthal Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Peter M Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. Harvey N. Saligman Mr. & Mrs. Alan Scheuer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Schneider Mrs. Gretchen G. Schymik Mrs. Judith G. Seinfeld Mr. & Mrs. L Dennis Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Smialowski Mr. & Mrs. Guy B. Snowden Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soros Mr. & Mrs. William G. Spears Mr. & Mrs. Francis T. Spriggs Mr. & Mrs. Edward Symes Ill Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch Mrs. Genevieve M. Tucker Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Mrs. Patricia S. Walsh Ms. Karen W. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Chris Watkins Mrs. Susan W. Weatherley Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young tdeceased

Annual Report 2010


DEVELOPMENT personnel as part of the Blue Star Museums program, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts from Memorial Day through the end of the year. With the same enthusiasm for collaboration, the NHA worked with Nantucket Island Resorts and the Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce to host a number of"familiarization tours" with travel writers and planners from across the country and from England and Denmark. For the fourth consecutive year, Cape Cod Life's ''Best of the Cape & Islands" readers survey recognized theWhaling Museum with the gold award for Best Nantucket Museum and Best Rainy Day Activity, a silver award for Best Shop for Arts & Crafts, and the Editors' Choice award for Best Kids' Activity. In addition, the Whaling Museum garnered a number of awards from the Inquirer and Mirror's yearly readership poll. Throughout the year, Nantucket media did a fine job of informing the community about the NHA's numerous programs and events: the openings of our three major exhibitions; the NHA, TheatreWorkshop of Nantucket, African Meeting House, and the Nantucket Atheneum's presentation of actor Andre De Shields in Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory: From Douglass to Deliverance; and the opening of the much-anticipated Festivals ofWreaths and Trees. The island's television station, PLUM-TV; weekly papers, the Inquirer and Mirror and The Nantucket Independent, and the

seasonal Yesterday's Island provided frequent in-depth pieces, while the weekly Mahon about Town E-newsletter included numerous listings and coverage of year-round events. Among the magazines carrying articles about the NHA were: Yankee, National Geographic Traveler, The Magazine Antiques, New England Home, Connecticut Cottages & Gardens, Antiques and the Arts, Nantucket Today, N Magazine, I Jome & Garden Nantucket, Nantucket Guide, Cape Air's Bird's Eye View, Nantucket Life, Cape Cod Life, Massachusetts Getaway Guide, and the Chamber of Commerce's 2010 Official Guide. Additional coverage was provided by:, Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism (1000 Great Places), Massachusetts Arts & Culture Bulletins, Arts:nantucket 10, Travel World News Online, Flowers Style,, and Massachusetts Arts & Culture E­ news Bulletin. The department also was respon ible for placing display advertising in select magazine and island new papers and producing a number of annual publications, including the 2010 calendar of events; 1800 I louse program brochure; a full revision of the lure brochure for the mu eum, sites, and walking tours; and the NHA £-Newsletter, which reaches more than 3,000 people every month.



Business Leaders

Accessible Dental, PC The Beachside at Nantucket Cape Air/ Nantucket Airlines Cape CodFive Cents Savings Bank Congdon & Coleman Insurance Cuddy Associates James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Johnstons of Elgin Cashmere Killen Real Estate Lyman Perry and Hutker Architects, Inc. Marine Home Center Nantucket Island Resorts Novation Media RBC Wealth Management Thirty Acre Wood, LLC Trianon/ Seaman Schepps Young's Bicycle Shop Business Sponsors

Atlantic East Nantucket Real Estate Bartlett'sFarm Botticelli & Pohl, P.C. Cape Cod Express, Inc. Centre Street Inn Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Design Associates, Inc. Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. Hatch's Package Store


Historic Nantucket

Hy-Line Cruises Integrated Conservation Resources, Inc. The Islander Package Store Kathleen Hay Designs Leslie Heiden Design Consultants Nantucket Bank, A Division of Sovereign Bank Nantucket Butter Company Nantucket Pharmacy Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Norton Preservation Trust Rentals Unlimited

D. Neil Parent Associates Darya Salon Denby Real Estate DJ Bri Guy Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. The Downyflake Edith Delker Real Estate Flowers on Chestnut Fusion ofFlavor G. S. Hill Gallery Gallery Blue Geronimo's Ltd. Inquirer and Mirror

Business Partners A Taste of Nantucket

A.B. Norton Construction ACKBBQ American Seasons Anne Walker Design LLC Annye's Whole Foods Barnum Financial Group Black Eyed Susan's Boyce Realty BPC Architecture Brass Lantern Inn The Cellar Chase Canopy Company Claire Murray Coffin Real Estate &'Sconset Real Estate

Island Custom Builders Javallme Design Languedoc Bistro Levis Fine Art Nantucket Lindsay, Inc. Madaket Marine Molly A.K. Connors,Freelance Writer Murray's Toggery Shop, Inc. Nantucket Architecture Group, Ltd. Nantucket Carving & Folk Art, Inc. Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Country Nantucket Electric/ National Grid Nantucket Event Media, Inc. Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket House Antiques & Interior

Design Studio Nantucket Irr Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce Nantucket Lite.Candle & Soap Co. Nantucket Nournture Nantucket Office Products Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Real Estate Company Nantucket Storage Center Nantucket Tents Pinwheels Placesetters, Inc. Sandcastle Construction, Inc. Sanderson the Artist Sankaty Head Golf & Beach Club Simply With Style Catering Spanky's Raw Bar Stubby s/ Island Coffee Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Susan M. Warner Catering Swain's Travel Sweet Inspirations Twig Perkins, Inc. The UPS Store Vallone A. Oliver Design Vis-A-Vis Zero Main

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2010 Members

Anonymous (3) Bruce B. Bates Nancy A. Chase Leroy & Cecily Langsdale Davis Trudy S DuJardin Robert C. Griffin Barbara E. Hajim Nina & Robert Hellman Grace S. Hinkley Daintry & Julius Jensen Coco & Arie L. Kopelman George Korn Robin & Richard Kreitler Norman E. Mack II Carolyn B. MacKenzie Mary Frances Sutton Miller Winifred M. Mortenson Sally & Peter Nash Lauren & Peter Roncetti Sanderson the Artist Reva & Morton Schlesinger Susan R. & L. Dennis Shapiro Dorothy Slover Madeline & Jonathan Swam Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney Judith & Michael Wodynsk1


Frank R. Barnard Mary Durfree Sidney Mitchell Virginia Sharp 1950s

Elizabeth Coffin Fitzgerald Emma F Hayward Pauline Johnson Helen Cartwright McCleary Mary Chase Milliken 1960s

Elizabeth M. Blackburn Henry Coffin Carlisle William E. Gardner Mary Lowell GoUln William Mayhew Folger Ruth H. Marshall Florence E. Mitchell Alberta E. Rule Ruth Haviland Sutton 1970s

Eleanor Ham

Clara Louise Baker Jennie Louise Barnitz Ruth L. Christian Valina M. Coffin Grace Brown Gardner Laura K. Hecker Dorothy Spencer Horton Mabel L. Howard Hanna Darlington Monaghan Helen B. Reynolds



.<Ae<;11e,1•f.1• ,ry7l?eal l :r/ale 1


Ruth L. Christian Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace Brown Gardner 1980s

Jacqueline S. Harris Oswald A. Tupancy 2000s

Jon A. Stroup


Lucia A. Cleveland Josiah Folger Susan Wilson Folger 1910s

Benjamin Sharp William Watson 1920s

Alexander Starbuck 1930s

Susan E. Brock Joseph E. Farnham Annie Barker Folger Frederick Gardner Mary Eliza Macy William Swift

Florence Mary Anderson Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Maud G. Caldwell Isabel Worth Duffy H. Crowell Freeman Norman Joy Greene Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Clifford R. Morris Lmdsay Beach Norton Lois Raggio Russell Edwin Buckingham Sears Paul N. Turner 1990s

Anonymous Margaret I. Buffington Content Peckham Cowan Beatrice L. Crosby Pauline Smith Freeman Katherine N. Gardner Eunice B. Haden Whitman Pearson Jessie L. Schenk Marione Schultz Beulah Marcia Havens Stowers Maybelle Frost Vasbinder


Jeremy Sean Browning Aldys Squire Chapman Jean Boyce Courtney L. Linder Lombard Oliver Ames Lothrop Jr. Leeds Mitchell Jr. Barbara W. Nelson Everett Reith Donald M. D. Thurber Amelia Frances Vickery David H. Wood .<l.le<;1t<'.l'l.1· p/ f,'{tj<icl.1· 1900s

Susan Wilson Folger 1920s

Sarah E. Baxter Elizabeth Barker Boone Mary F. Carrington Thomas Coleman Annie Marie Imbert Mary Newhall Anna G. Swain 1930s

The Heritage Society recognizes individuals who have made gifts of artifacts, cash, or real estate to the Nantucket Historical Association through their estate plans. Planned gifts take many forms and support the NHA in myriad ways-from building the permanent endowment to expanding the artifact collections. New members are recognized at the Annual Meeting and presented with an ivory whale lapel pin carved by scrimshander and former NHA trustee Nancy Chase, who is herself a Heritage Society member. In 2010, the NHA was deeply appreciative to have received generous gifts from the estates of Jeremy Sean Browning and Everett Reith. Their thoughtful donations support the NHA's mission to preserve and interpret the history of Nantucket Island.

Susan E. Brock Eva Channing 1940s

Anna Gardner Fish Ella Young Spencer Henry B. Worth 1950s

Mary W. Babcock Augusta F. Bacheller Margaretta S. Hinchman Frank B. Howard Helen Cartwright McCleary Elizabeth W. Morse Sarah E. Phillips Charlotte W. Pitman 1960s

Margaret H. Crosby Mary B. Fisher Isabel Gibbs Margaret S. Hosmer Florence E. Mitchell Eugene Morris George Peabody Rowena Potter Virginia Swain Strong Ruth Haviland Sutton 1970s

Lucy Allen Maqorie Barrett Louise Emerson Lillian DeBlois Fox Grace Brown Gardner Ives Hendrick

Annie Lawrence Hunton Hanna Darlington Monaghan Grace C. Lasell Muriel C. Willet Christine T. Wyer 1980s

Alvah C. Drake Eleanor Ham Charles Pond Kimball Gretchen Weeber 1990s

Miriam Hawthorne Bunker Isabell L. Burnett Robert C. Caldwell Wellington J. Cummings Eunice B. Haden Eleanor Lowe Edouard A. Stackpole Elsie deSola Tupper 2000s

Barbara & William H. Boyer Willard D. Coffin Mary Patricia Gardner Marta Greene Page Wroth Jamison Walter E. Lenk Jr. Oliver A. Lothrop Jr. David H. Wood Cynthia & Roger Young

Annual Report 2010


&, <lbu-esbicted/Jt:/k 20/0u1nnua/£ftwzd ····················· ····················· ···················································· ································(.:t_·�---···························· ·


$5,000 & above

Mr. Max N. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mrs. Georgia P. Gosnell Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Greenhill Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Polo Ralph Lauren Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Reynolds Ms. Caren S. Lambert & Mr. Charles E. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney $1,000 to $4,999

Mr. & Mrs. Leigh J. Abramson Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Jr. Dr.' & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Dr. & Mrs. David H. Barlow Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Bousa Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Butler Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Mr. & Mrs. RichardW. Clary Mr. & Mrs. Donald Comstock Congdon & Coleman Real Estate Mr. & Mrs. James R. Crane Ms. Amanda B. Cross Mrs. Carol March Emerson Cross Mr. & Mrs. John H. Davis Mr. Stephen A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Filipski Ms. Marcia D. Weber & Mr. James B. Flaws Mr. & Mrs. H. Crowell Freeman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Galvin Mr. Denis H. Gazaille Ms. Vera Gierke Ms. Susan Zises Green Mr. & Mrs. ElliottW. Gumaer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Hajim Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. & Mrs. James A. Haslam Ill Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hilton Jr. Horchow Family Charitable Trust Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hungerpiller Jockey Hollow Foundation Mrs. Barbara E. Jones Judy Family Foundation Mr. Thomas F. Kennelly Mr. & Mrs. James L. Ketelsen Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Mr. Michael A. Kovner Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Larsen 32

Historic Nantucket

Mrs. Caroline M. Lathrop Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Logan Mr. & Mrs. Francisco A. Lorenzo Mr. & Mrs. Ian K. Loring Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Macy Mrs. Barbara H. Malcolm Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Mauer Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. & Mrs. Alan Medaugh Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Menschel Nantucket Friends Meeting Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Newton Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Peek Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L Rhodes Mrs. Ellen Ross & Mr. David Ross Ms. Donna K. Cooper & Mr. Karl H. Schulz Mr. & Mrs. L Dennis Shapiro Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Mrs. Lorraine C. Snell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soros Mr. & Mrs. William G. Spears Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L Rhodes Mr. & Mrs. Jason A.1ilroe Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch Ms. Karen W. Watkins $500to$999

Mrs. Jebb Allen Agnew Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Bailliere Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L Beaugrand Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Bologna Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus Ill Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Carey Mr. & Mrs. William R. Congdon Mr. & Mrs. Oliver B. Coolidge Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ericksen Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eskind Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Gifts That Give Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. J. Christopher Hoefle! Mr. & Mrs. William Hourihan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Killian Mr. & Mrs. Arie L Kopelman Mr. Norman E. Mack II Ms. Abigail P. Johnson & Mr. Christopher Mc Kown Ms. Mary D. Malavase / Atlantic East Real Estate Ms. Victoria McManus & Mr. John McDermott Mr. & Mrs. David H. Northrup Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Phelan

Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sabelhaus Mr. Alfred F. Sanford 111 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schweizer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Shackelford Mr. John C. Thomas Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Van Dyke Dr. Whiting Russell Willauer $100to $499

Anonymous Dr. Charles P. Ade Mr. & Mrs. Christopher W. Armstrong Dr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Arvay Mr. Mark S. Avery Ms. Valerie J. Hunt & Mr. James Ballway Mr. & Mrs. Philip D. Bartlett Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Bates Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Mr. & Mrs. William G. Beattie Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Beine Mr. & Mrs. Henry L Seiber Ms. Carol Bellmaine Mr. Dwight Beman Mr. & Mrs. Ira Berlin Ms. Bernadette Maglione & Mr. James Bernier Mr. E. Garrett Bewkes Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William W. Bishop Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Blumenberg Mrs. Joan R. Bolling Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Bovard Ms. Barbara May Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Braunohler Mr. & Mrs. James H. Breed Dr. & Mrs. R. Huntington Breed II Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Broll Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Brome Dr. James E. Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Ms. Joanne Bushong Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Butler Mrs. Anne Camalier Mr. & Mrs. James D. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Carl Jr./ Chestnut House Ms. Addie Carone Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady Mr. John C. Chadbourne Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Charpie Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mrs. Margaret Burden Childs Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Coffin Ms. Barbara G. Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Kiril Coonley Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Coscia Dr. & Mrs. John E. Craighead

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mrs. Susan M Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Daber Mrs. Mary V. Drew Dr. & Mrs. Michael Duffy Mr. & Mrs. Edward K. Dunn Ill Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Espy Mr. & Mrs. John P Falk Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Farish Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Foley Ms. Sarah Forbes Mr. & Mrs. George A. Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fox Mrs. Ingrid A. Francis & Mr. Robert A. Ft-anc1s Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fremont-Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Garbacz Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Gennaro Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Gew1rtz Mr. & Mrs. Whitney A. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Randle M. Goetze Ill Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Goldman Mr. & Mrs. Peter L Goldsmith Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr. Mrs. Toby Ann Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B. Greene Ms. Stacey W. Stuart & Mr. Peter J. Greenhalgh Mrs. Nancy C. Grellier Mr. & Mrs. John M Groff Mr. & Mrs. John C. Grover Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Gudonis Mr. & Mrs. John H. Gulley Mr. & Mrs. James Hackett Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Halsell Ill Ms. Polly Ann Halsted Mr. & Mrs. William H. Hays Ill Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Hellman Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hodge Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Hoey Mr. & Mrs. Eric S. Holch Mr & Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Ms. Kathleen Hood Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Hopper Mr. & Mrs. John P Horgan Dr. & Mrs. Romelee A. Howard Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Horace Irvine Mr. & Mrs. James W. Jennings Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. M. Carl Johnson Ill Ms. Elizabeth P. Kaplan & Mr. Gilbert B. Kaplan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Kaplin Mr. & Mrs. David G. Kaytes

. -. Mr. Gordon Kiddoo Ms. Patience E. Killen Ms. Christina C. Knight Mr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Ketchen Mr. & Mrs. Eric Kraeutler Dr. & Mrs. Peter F. Krogh Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lacoursiere Mrs. Nancy W. Lampe Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. LaRocco Mrs. Susan S. Leonard Mr & Mrs. John Lochtefeld Mr. Clarence S. Lovelace Mrs. Phyllis B. Macomber Ms. Joan Manley Mr. & Mrs. Philip Marks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William B. Matteson Mr. & Mrs. Chnstopher L Maury Sr Ms. Mary Lou McGuire Dr. & Mrs. James R. McIntosh Mr. John C. McMeekin Mr. & Mrs. William McNabb Mr. & Mrs. Robert L McNeil 111 Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mead Colonel & Mrs. Glenn S. Meader Jr., Rel Mr. & Mrs. William B. Mebane Ms. Cristin D. Merck Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. G. Nicholas Miller Mr. & Mrs. John D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milone Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Mooney Mr. William M. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Morris Ms. Elizabeth R. Moyer Mrs. Elizabeth C. Murray Dr. & Mrs. David G. Nathan Ms. Elizabeth Oldham Mrs. Anne P. Olsen Ms. Courtney O'Neill Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Owen Mr. & Mrs. William C. Paley Ms. Sarah Parks Ms. Lindy Paull Ms. Joan Pearce Ms. Kathrina Pearl Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Phelan Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Picchi Ms. Ann L Bissinger & Mr. Mark W. Poor Mr. & Mrs. Jeremiah W. Powell Mr. Gene M. Pranzo Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Philip W. Read Mr. & Mrs. Arthur I. Reade Jr. Mrs. Priscilla L Reis Ms. Elizabeth K. Hillger & Mr. William H. Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Blake Richard Mrs. Lawrason Riggs Jr. Mr. & Mrs. J. Barton Riley Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Rodts Dr. & Mrs. James Ross Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Rubi n

Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. George Russell Mr. & Mrs. Harry Russell Mr. & Mrs. David G. Schofield Mr. Edwm A. Schreiner Ms. Penelope Scheerer & Mr. John R. Schwanbeck Mr. Gerald W. Schwartz Seagrille / Nantucket Chowder Company Dr. Richard H. Seibert Mrs. Nancy J. Sevrens Mr. & Mrs. William J Sheehan Ms. Ma�an Shirzad Mrs. Mary G. Farland & Mr. J. Donald Shockey Jr. Ms. Susan H. Blair & Mr. David T. Shukis Mr. Wilham H. Simpson Mr. Gerald P Slone Mr. Irwin J. Smith Ill Ms. Sallie Ellen Smith Mr. & Mrs. W. Uoyd Snyder Ill Mr. & Mrs. Lars D. Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. David W. St Clair Or. & Mrs. Stephen J. St Pierre Mr. & Mrs. Phillip F Stambaugh Mr. & Mrs. Harald S. Stavnes Rev. & Mrs. C. William Steelman Mrs. Brita Stendahl Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stewart Mrs. Anne P. Stram Ms. Julie Hecht & Mr. Landey Strongin Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Stroud Jr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Succop Mr. & Mrs. Uoyd B. Swaim Mr. & Mrs. David Swain Mr. Mitchell N. Swam Mrs. Phoebe Prime Swain Dr. Theresa G. Taylor & Mr. Michael R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Mark Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Taylor Mr. & Mrs. George M. Thom Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Luke T hornewill Ms. Frances S. Todd Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Vardeman Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Visco Mr. & Mrs. Tom S Ward Jr. West Barnstable Press Mr & Mrs. David Winton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski Mrs. Carol C. Woodbridge Mrs. Mary-Elizabeth Young Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Zecher


Mr. & Mrs. David Ames Jr. Mr. Leo C. Asadoorian Mr. Paul C. Bailey-Gates Ms. Gale Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. David Beaumont IV Mrs. Maureen V Beck Ms. Barbara T. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bent Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Block

Ms. Sally Brinker Ms. Carol Ann Brown Mr. & Mrs. Willard W. Brown Rev. & Mrs. William C. Coleman Mr. 1 & Mrs. Enrico Carlee Mr & Mrs. Scott Charnes Mr & Mrs. Owen G. Clinton Mrs. Grace L Coffin Mrs. Michelle Constable Mrs. Ann S. Cooper Mrs. Paula R. Crafts Mr & Mrs. John Cross Dr. & Mrs. David Dalury Mr & Mrs. John A Davies Mr Edward L Davis II Mrs. Barbara D. de Zalduondo Mr. Kenneth Deluze Mr. & Mrs. David S Deutsch Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dilatush Ms. Dennie Doran Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Nicolae A. Dumitru Ms. Donna L Edmonds Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Fernando M. Esteban Ms. Lorine C. Fargo Mr. & Mrs. John E. Fox Ill Ms. Martha J. Koop & Mr. David V. Freeman Ms. Laetitia L Friis Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Gifford Ill Mrs. Margaret N. Gifford Mr. & Mrs. Robert N Grant Mrs. Ruth E. Grieder Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Gulley Mr. Mark S. Harmsen Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hathaway Ms. Victoria Hawkins Dr. David S. Hays Mr. Jack E. Helms Mr. & Mrs. Brad Henke Ms. Barbara Hogan Ms. Rose M. Gonnella & Mr. Frank Holahan Ms. Andrea Howard Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hughes Mr. & Mrs. John G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. William C. Jones Jr. Mr. George C. Jordan Ill Ms. Julianne L Kever Ms. Jill A. Audycki & Mr. Kenneth R. Knutti Mrs. Jillian Hagen-Kovach & Mr. Jeffrey D. Kovach Mr. Wallace G. Lane Jr Mr. Gary Leggett Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Levesque Mr. & Mrs. Brad Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Keith M. Lmdgren Mrs. John Lodge Ms. Cynthia G. Lora Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Lord Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Louderback Mr. & Mrs. Vincent A. Maffeo Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Mason Ms. Kim McCray


c-,. .,"

Mr. & Mrs. Dean Mille< Ms. Mary F. W1wro�Mt PetM A. Mon:ison Mr. & Mrs. William R. MjJrray Mr. & Mrs. Alfred H. 'No'ti,5simo Mr. & 'Mrs. Peter M. Ochsnar Ms. Kate HeUer D Reilly 0 Mrs. Carolyn M. Palermo Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P,aley• l';t. & Mrs. tJradforQ.fl. Peirce W Mrs. Katherine . P�trie Dr. Richard J. Pike JP. Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Porter Mrs. Cynthia M. Powell ' Mr. & Mrs. Victor Reed Ms. Diana R. Regan t-.1f. & Mrs. Michael J. Roche Ms. Patricia M. Roche· Ms. Patricia J. Rottmeier Mr. J. Wood Rutter Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Scheide Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Schroeder Ms. Kathryn K. Sheehan Mr. I. Barnett Sheph.erd Ms. Alison H. Cooley & Be111amm �imons • Mr. & Mrs. D. Van Smith Ms. Deborah K. Selbert Ms. Michelle Cartwright SoveriQo Mr. & Mrs. Matthew P. Stackpole Mr. William D. Starbuck Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Storer Ms. Anne Swe1del tJ Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Swenson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Barry Thurston Mrs. Dorothy Jane Todd Ms. Marion Jane Tramposch Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Tranel Mr. & Mrs. John Trebby Ms. Anne Troutman Mr. & Mrs. E. Sanford Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. George Vollans Ms. Julia Jensen & Mr. Timothy Weed Dr. & Mrs. Francis Weld Mrs. Enid Williams Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Woolley




Annual Report 2010


A Passion for People: 40 Yea,s of Nantucket Portrait Photography by Beverly Haff Exhibition

Mrs. Antje Farber Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Fox Great Point Properties Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey McDermott Mr. & Mrs. C. Hardy Oliver Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Paley Mr. & Mrs. Harry T Rein Mr. & Mrs. Brian Simmons Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney William Froelich Foundation/ Ms. Beverly Hall Collections & Exhibitions

Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Lieb Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr. Nantucket Garden Club Mr. & Mrs. L Dennis Shapiro Nantucket Community Preservation Committee

Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986 Mr. & Mrs. William J. Vareschi Jr. Mrs. Angela C. Weisskopf Hadwen House Garden

Nantucket Garden Club

Interpretation & Education Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Ms. Nancy A. Newhouse & Mr. Kenneth W. Holdgate Ms. Lisa Wohlleib & Mr. Seth Hoogasian Mr. Francis W. Pease Mr. & Mrs. Blake Richard MusuemShop

Mrs. Mimi Burnham

Nantucket Film

Dr. Deborah Hoadley

In memory of Phyllis & Philemon Hoadley

1800 House Programs

Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez Nancy Sayles Day Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Held Nancee Erickson Memorial Fund See Memorial Gifts

Ms. Nancy M. Shane General Endowment

Estate of Jeremy Sean Browning Estate of Everett Reith

¡sometimes Think of Me": Notable Nantucket Women through the Centuries Exhibition

Anonymous Nancy & Douglas Abbey Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Mimi' & Dwight Beman Connie & Tom Cigarran Franci & Jim Crane Caroline & Douglass Ellis Mary Helen & Mike Fabacher Nancy & Al Forster Barbara & Edmund Hajim Nina & Bob Hellman Helen & Hampton Lynch Liz & Jeff Peek Melissa & Nat Philbrick Clarissa & Bill Porter Cheryl & Joseph Romano Ellen & David Ross Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus Janet & Rick Sherlund Nancy & Lars Soderberg Esta-Lee & Harris Stone

Betsy Tyler, Susan Boardman, and Ben Simons at the opening of

"Sometimes think of me"

Oldest House

Mr. John M. Heggem The 'Sconset Acto,s Colony: Broadway Offshore Book

Judy Family Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Keller Mr. & Mrs. P Rhoads Zimmerman

Thomas Macy House

Tupancy-Harris Foundation of 1986 Visions of Her: Portrait Photography by Nantucket Youth Exhibition

Anonymous William Froelich Foundation/ Ms. Beverly Hall

Kathryn Ketelsen and author Sena Jeter Naslund, the speaker at the Friends of the NHA Lecture

Gift of the Whale: The lfiupiat Bowhead Hunt-A Sacred Tradition Exhibition

Alice Rogoff Rubenstein Greater Light

Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bratton In honor of Janet & Rick Sherlund Ms. Julie A. Jensen & Mr. Robert Bryan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Farrell Ms. Kate Stout & Mr. Pete Funkhouser Mr. & Mrs. Laurence W. Green Mr. & Mrs. John Groff Ms. Beverly Hall Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lilly Mrs. ElaineT Lowengard Mr. & Mrs. William E. Neff Ill Mr. & Mrs. JeffreyT Newton Phillips Family Foundation Mrs. Catha G. Rambusch Mr. & Mrs. John M. Salmanowitz Mrs. Lois Tobin


Historic Nantucket

Nancy Soderberg and Mary West at the opening of A Passion for


Maia Farish, Michael Gaillard, and Elizabeth Oldham at the opening of

"Sometimes think of me"

Filmmaker Ric Burns being interviewed by Plum TV about films Into the Deep and Nantucket

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In Honor of Doug Burch

In Memory of Lawrence M. Cady

·············· ········

Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Watts

In Honor ofFranci Crane

Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Wareing Mr. & Mrs. Kell Damsgaard

In Honor of Tony Dumitru

Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Didriksen Jr.

In Honor of Nancee1 & John Erickson The Donald Singer & Richard Singer Families In Honor of Robert Freedman

Ms. Hilary Link & Ms. Joanna Friedman

In Honor of Peggi Godwin

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Smith

In Honor of Georgia Gosnell

Ms. Barbara S. Mosbacher Mr. John C. Thomas Jr.

In Honor of Susan Zises Green

Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Forman Ms. Terry Schubach & Mr. Larry Gelb Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lowy

In Honor of Coco & Arie L Kopelman Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Diker In Honor ofJean Doyen de Montaiflou & Michael Kovner

Department of Social Work, University of Virginia Health System Ms. Christina C. Knight Mr. Gary Leggett VTS of MA, Inc.

In Memory of Paul G. Gramme/in Jr.

Mrs. Mary Ann Crommelin Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Lieb

In Memory of Nancee Erickson

Nancee Erickson Memorial Fund for the Sustainability of 1800 House Programs Anonymous (2) Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Abbey Ms. Norma A1valikles Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anathan Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Atkinson Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Bailey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ballard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Blanda Mr. & Mrs. William J. Boardman Mrs. Edith S. Bouriez Ms. Elizabeth Braun Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Broadus Ill Mrs. Nancy J. Bueche Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Burch Mr. & Mrs. Coleman P. Burke Ms. Pauline Dumontier Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Cassady

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cavanaugh Ms. Nancy A. Chase Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Clapp Ill Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cowperthwait Mrs. Susan Coyne Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John N. Curlett Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John T. Curran Mrs. Eileen J. D'Appolonia Mr. & Mrs. Porter G. Dawson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Dewez Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Didriksen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Druckemiller Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Durkes Ms. Mary Ellen Gaw & Mr. John P. Emert Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ericksen Ms. Martha A. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Nelson V. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Ernst Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Erskine Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. John R. Finney Mr. & Mrs. George A. Fowlkes Mr. & Mrs. J. Pepper Frazier Mr. & Mrs. John Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Gannett Ms. Debbie Thomas Geffrard Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Mr. & Mrs. John Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Goodwillie Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Greig 111 Mr. & Mrs. James R. Grieves Ms. Joan C. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Garth A. Grimmer Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold IV Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Grote

Mary Ann Crommelin and Kathy Lieb at the dedication of a bench in memory of Paul G. Crommelin Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Gutman Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. Dana M. Harbert Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Held Mr. & Mrs. Mason C. Heydt Dr. George S. Heyer Jr. Ms. Sandra R. Holland Mrs. M. Tessa Davis Hooper Mr. S. Roger Horchow Mr. & Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter Jr. Mrs. Rebecca M. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Alvin E. Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kies

Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Clary Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel B. Day

In Honor of Elizabeth Oldham

Dr. & Mrs. Tristram C. Dammin

In Honor ofJanet & Rick Sherlund Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bratton Mr. & Mrs. William M. Crozier Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Herbst In Honor of Sarah & David Steinberg

Ms. Lindsay Tiemeyer

1800 HOUSE HONORS NANCEE ERICKSON AT OPEN HOUSE The annual open house at the 1800 House was dedicated to the memory of 1800 House advisor Nancee Erickson. In recognition of her passionate support of the 1800 House, a crewel sailors valentine, by Edith Bouriez, with an ivory plaque scrimshawed by Nancy Chase and given by Nancee Erickson's friends, hangs over the fireplace at the 1800 House. Left, among those attending the open house were Gay Held, Tessa Hooper, and Kyra Haydock. Above, Linda Saligman places a bid on one of the hand-crafted items contributed to the silent auction by 1800 House instructors and students. Annual Report 2010



Barbara de Zalduondo and Kay Barney, of the Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. at the Oldest House

Kitchen Garden at the Oldest House

Tony Dumitru and curatorial volunteer Olivia Pincince working at the Gosnold Center


Mrs. Virginia Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lacoursiere Mr. & Mrs. Edward V. Lahey Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Frederick N. Levinger Ms. Vicki Livingstone Mr. & Mrs. H. Eugene Lockhart Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Edward McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Ms. Kim McCray Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. McGill Ill Mr. & Mrs. Martin McKerrow Dr. & Mrs. Richard K. Mead Mr. & Mrs. Alan Medaugh Ms. Cristin D. Merck Mrs. Muriel R. Mersereau Mr. & Mrs. William C. Miller IV Ms. Danielle Ann Millican Ms. Christine Hart & Dr. Frank Milligan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Mishler Monday Morning Bridge Group Ms. Sandy Moran Mr. & Mrs. John Morton Ill Mrs. Anne E. Mowell Mr. Raymond F. Murphy Jr. Ms. Kayleen Baur & Mr. Sean M. Dblack Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Obrecht Jr. Ms. Paula H. McLeod & Mr. James Pfaff Mrs. Joyce V. Phipps Mr. Paul C. Pringle Mr. & Mrs. H. Flint Ranney Mr. & Mrs. Ben Rechner Dr. & Mrs. V. B. Rigdon Mr. & Mrs. J. Perry Ruddick Mr. John Rudeen Julie & Kent Rudeen Lina & Gary Rudeen Lois & John D. Rudeen Susan & Roger Rudeen Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Sacerdote Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Schwed Mr. & Mrs. L Dennis Shapiro Mr. & Mrs. Lowell L Shay Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Sherlund Ms. Lynne Sherwood Ms. Jane Currie Silva Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L Snow Mr. & Mrs. William D. Stamper Dr. & Mrs. Dan L Tabor Ms. Anne P. Torray Dr. & Mrs. William J. Tramposch>� OF US, NANTUCKET IS WHERE WE

-Mary Haft Historic Nantucket

In Memory of David Freedman Ms. Hilary Link & Ms. Joanna Lieberman In Memory of Anne Coffin Gardner Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Durant Mr. & Mrs. Robert Pettibone Mr. & Mrs. Ray Trombley Mrs. June E. Lester In Memory of Phyllis & Philemon Hoadley Dr. Deborah Hoadley In Memory of John E. Lacouture Mr. & Mrs. Peter V. Lacouture Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jernigan In Memory of May Metcalf Ms. Jane Manning In Memory of Peter S. MacGlashan Ms. Deborah A. D'Alessandro Mr. & Mrs. Bruce D. Miller In Memory of Albert Dttison Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski In Memory of Janet C. Phillips Mrs. Jean R. Hughes In Memory of Julian Savage Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sadick In Memory of Nason S. Swain Ms. Valerie J. Hunt In Memory of Eleanor 'Terry" Webster Ms. Ann S. Wittpenn



Mr. & Mrs. E. Geoffrey Verney Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Visotsky Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Wackenhut Ms. Lucinda B. Watson Mr. Steven A. Weaver Dana & John Wedeles Ellen & Roy Wedeles Mr. & Mrs. James R. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wodynski Ms. Kathryn Kay & Mr. Robert A. Young Mr. & Mrs. Peter H. Zecher Ms. Emily Zell

Corporate Matching Gifts AT&T Foundation Bank of America Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation FM Global Foundation General Electric Foundation Henry Luce Foundation IBM Corporation UBS Financial Services United Technologies In-kind Donations Bartlett's Farm Mr. Robert Benchley Mrs. Augusta Beaugrand Mr. Kenneth Beaugrand Ms. Sandi Blanda Mrs. Susan Boardman Mrs. Edith Lynch Bouriez Ms. Lessley Burke Mrs. Mimi Burnham Mr. Don Carpentier Mr. Alcon H. Chadwick Ms. Nancy Chase Cisco Brewers Claire Murray Mr. Robert Dickenson Ms. Lucy Dillon Don Allen Auto Service, Inc. Mrs. Ana Ericksen Mrs. Patricia Ernst Fine Paints of Europe The Fragrance Bar Mrs. Adlumia Gannett Mr. John Harding Mrs. Gay Held Inquirer and Mirror Ms. Patience Killen Kinnealey Meats Ms. Judy Lake Mr. Dual Macintyre Mahon About Town Marine Home Center Mrs. Virginia Mead Ms. Polly Minick Ms. Mary Mintz Nantucket AIDS Network Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Event Media, Inc. Nantucket Frameworks Nantucket Pure Novation Media Mrs. Susan Dttison Mrs. Linda Saligman Mr. William Sarni Mrs. Helen Seager Steamship Authority Stubby's / Island Coffee Surfing Hydrangea Nursery The UPS Store Mrs. Mary West


Dee and Richard Parrish

Nanette LaShay, Hugh Tietjen, and Pat McDonald



elebrating the tenth year of partnership with the Nantucket Wme Festival, the Nantucket Historical Association was the nonprofit beneficiary of the May 22, 2010, Wme Auction Dinner at the White Elephant. Laura and Robert Reynolds chaired the event, proceeds of which provide vital support for year-round educational programs for children and their families. Held on the expansive lawn under a large tent, the dinner featured wines presented by Jorge Ord6fi.ez of Fine Wmes from Spain and the cuisine of Chef Brooke Vosika of the Four Seasons Hotel, Boston. Lively auctioneer Eliza Osborne of Sotheby's conducted a fast-moving and triumphant auction of wines and lifestyle packages including this highlight: an Elyse WmeryTiejen Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon vertical of fifteen vintage magnums, 1993-2007. Other auction items featured a trip to Burgundy with a winemaker dinner and guided tours of the region; a one-week stay at a two-bedroom Wunco Villa in St. Barts; and many large-format signed bottles and important vintages from private cellars. The NHA appreciates the generosity of the individuals, wineries, and businesses that contributed numerous outstanding lots of wine and lifestyle packages, as well as the leadership support of the Oenophiles and Vignerons, who were among the nearly two hundred people attending the dinner. The 2012 Wine Auction Dinner, will be held Saturday, May 19. Janet Sherlund

Annual Report 2010


� NANTUCKET WINE FESTIVAL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••oooo ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••O••••••••••l••••• •••••••••••••H••••••••••O•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••


Laura & Robert Reynolds

a ,./V ru•acwei- 1//i,w ::7e.i·tioal 6}m,mittee, Denis Toner, Founder/President Frank Neer, Executive Director Susan Toner, VP of Administration Mark Donato, Nantucket Community Liaison Nancy Bean, White Elephant Liaison Henry Taiberth, Director of Culinary Operations Courtney O'Neill, Festival Administrator


Lisa & Michael Kittredge Kristen & Nels Olson Ann & Chris Quick Laura & Robert Reynolds Janet & Rick Sherlund Maria & William Spears Cff!Jr1ero/l,l' Glenn Alberich Patricia S. & T homas J. Anathan Susan & William Boardman Shelton Ellis Will Little Miriam & Sonny Mandell Sarah & Jeff Newton C/U,,e, ft,ctiort 0o,w,w 2Fly, LLC 21 Federal Alexander Valley Vineyards Allan Scott Wines & Estates Janet & Sam Bailey Carol & Harold Baxter Beaulieu Vineyard Chateau d'Esclans Cliff Lede Vineyards Clos du Val John L. Colton CoturriWinery Anne & Jack Curlett Dane Gallery/ Jayne & Robert Dane Daniel Boulud Restaurant Group Donelan Family Wines Duckhorn Vineyards Dune ElyseWinery Gemstone Vineyard Joyce & Mark Goldweitz Janie & Gene Goodwillie Dee & Jimmy Haslam Hirsch Vineyards Linda & Peter Hoey Jordan Vineyard & Winery Kendall Jackson Justin Vineyards & Winery


Historic Nantucket

Lisa & Mike Kittredge Kristine Ashe Vineyards Ladera Vineyards Landmark Vineyards Will Little Kilty & Michael Mahoney Victoria McManus & John McDermott Miner Family Winery MorganWinery Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Golf Club Nantucket Ice Cream & Juice Guys NantucketWine Festival Palm Bay International Pride Mountain Vineyards Ann & Chris Quick Laura & Robert Reynolds Robert Sinskey Vineyards Rombauer Vineyards Damian Sansonetti Janet & Rick Sherlund Sokol BlosserWinery April & Joe Slovensky Dede & Guy Snowden Maria & William Spears SteeleWines Steltzner Vineyards Susan & Denis Toner Pamela Thomas Vineyard 7 & 8 Wente Vineyards Caroline & HelmutWeymar Wimco Villas Wine Guardian Judith & MichaelWodynski Eithne & Mark Yelle ,J)ecial t71wrlh8 to 6'o11tn"6at-01w & Cf,Joftmteerw Adams Garden of Eden Flowers Mr. & Mrs. William Beattie Chef Fred Bisaillon Brian Bowe Adrienne Davis-Brody Stephen Burdick Kimberly C. Corkran

Eleventh Hour Design Michael Fee Kristan Fletcher Fine Estates from Spain Four Seasons Hotel Boston Samantha Hall Khaled Hashem Dee & Jimmy Haslam Hudson Valley Foie Gras Kinnealey Meats Bettina Landt Lux Bond & Green Marlo Marketing/Communications / Marlo Fogelman lim & Joan Moran Nantucket Island Resorts Nestle Waters Jorge Ord6iiez Liz & Jeff Peek Kathryn & Roger Penske Heidi & Dan Potter Pure Dark Jonathan Ruppert Miguel Sandoval Janet Sherlund Diane & Guy Snowden Sotheby's Sun Island Transport Pamela Thomas Peggy Tramposch Liz & Geoff Verney Brooke Vosika White Elephant

Frank Neer

Lori and Bob Maynard

Mollie Dunn and Jason Wolfson





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ecognized as a true highlight of the Nantucket social season and the major fund-raising event for the NHA's preservation and education programs, the 33rd Annual August Antiques Show took place August 6-8 and featured a week-long series of parties and programs. Once again held under a grand white air-conditioned tent at Bartlett's Farm, the show was organized by a committee of more than a hundred volun teers, skillfully 2010 August Antiques Show Committee led by Barbara Hathaway, 2010 chair. The NHA also recognizes Josette Blackmore for her tireless work as the MS's chair of the underwriting committee. The week's festivities began on Tuesday, August 3, with a lecture sponsored by the Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association and delivered by Sena Jeter Naslund, author of the best-selling book Ahab's Wife. The NHA continued its tradition of hosting the exhibitors at a special Dealers Dinner held under the tent at Bartlett's the following evening, and although a tremendous rainstorm occurred just hours before tl1e show's Preview Party on August 5, it didn't deter the enthusiastic guests-who had the opportunity of previewing fine art; maritime, English, and American antiques; Oriental rugs; books; and Nantucket memorabilia. For the eighth consecutive year, the evening was generously sponsored by Eaton Vance In vestment Counsel. Nan and Chuck Geschke hosted an elegant Philanthropists and Founders Cocktail Party on August 6 at their waterfront home in Monomoy, and on the next evening guests attended the Antiques Show Cocktail Party at the Great Harbor Yacht Club. For the twelfth consecutive year, Trianon / Seaman Schepps graciously sponsored the August Antiques Show Dinner-chaired by Carol Baxter and Connie Cigarran­ a gala candlelit repast w1der a festive tent for supporters at the Philanthropist, Founder, Chairs Circle, and Benefactor levels.

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The 34th August Antiques Show, chaired by Sara Boyce and vice chair Anne Marie Bratton, will be held

August 5-7, 2011, at Bartlett's Farm. The Friends of the Nantucket Historical Association Lecture will be held Tuesday, August 2; the Antiques Show Preview Party will be held Thursday, August 4; and the Cocktail Party and Dinner will be held Saturday, August 6.

Annual Report 2010



................................ ................................ ..·················•·····································•····· ··· ............. . ........................... ·····••······· ············ Trianon/Seaman Schepps Eaton Vance Investment Counsel New England Brokerage Corporation Fireman's Fund Insurance Company BNY Mellon Wealth Management Citation Air U.S. Trust/ Bank of America Private Wealth Management Sprint, Inc. Fine Paints of Europe Antiques & Fine Art Congdon & Coleman Insurance Flather & Perkins, Inc. Water Jewels Gallery


Barbara Hathaway Honorary Chairs

Coco & Arie L Kopelman

Betty Jacobsen Leanne Kendrick Vicki Livingstone Carolyn MacKenzie Aileen Newquist Anne Obrecht Betty' & David' Ogden Susan Rotando Melanie Saoc'haus Janet Sherlund Dorothy Slover M1m1 Young


Sarah Baker Maggie Benedict Josette Blackmore Laurie Champion Olivia Charney Connie Cigarran Lyndon Dupuis Polly Espy Georgia Gosnell Martha Groetzinger Barbara Hajim Ginger Heard

(lommittee 61wi/\l' Underwriting

Dealers Dinner

Antiques Show Dinner


Decorations & Flowers

Meeting Hospitality

Josette Blackmore Carol Baxter & Connie Cigarran

Nancy Puff


Pam Waller

Marcella Zimmerman Paula Swain Margit Baker Diane Karper Deborah Rogers

Ann and Chris Quick

Westy Saltonstall, Ton Ton Russell, Bill Flemmer, and Robyn Tice of Eaton Vance Investment Counsel

Georgia Gosnell and Rick Sherlund

Shelton Ellis, Eileen Bennan, and Jay Bauer


Gift Bags

Jeanne Bennett Dealer Hospitality

Mary Brown

Anne Marie Bratton Sara Boyce Friends of the NHA Lecture

Kathryn Ketelsen

Preview Party

Rini Shanahan


Patricia Anathan Carol Atkinson Lindsey Axel Mary-Randolph Ballinger Nancy Barnes Maggie Benedict Gayle Blumenberg Kathy Bologna Marylyn Burns Laurie Champion Olivia Charney Louise Connell Prudy Crozier Deb Decosta

Ane DiVenere Suzanne Drapew Lois Druckemiller Shelton Ellis Polly Espy Elle Foley Phyllis Freilich Nan Geschke Janie Goodwillie Joan Goodwin Barbara Hajim Kaaren Hale Barbara Halsted Robin Hammer

Candy Heydt Lois Horgan Betty Jacobsen Joan Lahey Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Vicki Livingstone Susan Lister Locke Sharon Lorenzo Helen Lynch Miriam Mandell Barbara Mcinerney Elizabeth Milias Laurie Monahan·

Morgan Morton Anne Obrecht Trisha Passaro Ann Quick Regina Rich Bettina Ridley Elizabeth Rogers Melanie Sabelhaus Linda Saligman Rindy Schreiber Nancy Serafini Janet Sherlund Susan Cole Simmons Dorothy Slover

Maria Spears Lynne Steinfurth Wendy Stone Sheila Sullivan Jaime Tashjian Pam Thomas Boots Tolsdorf Peggy Tramposch Barbara Vanderbilt Mary Ann Wagner Melanie Wernick Marilyn Whitney

t deceased


Historic Nantucket


-!!!����0:'l.�.!(i'l!��-v.���-- · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · ··· · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · ·· · · · · · · · · · Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Quick Janet & Rick Sherlund

Jan & Warren Adelson Janet & Sam Bailey Dr.1 & Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Carol & Harold Baxter Max N. Berry Donald Burns Paula & Bob Butler Christy & Bill Camp Laurie & Bob Champion Robyn & John Davis Ramona & Stephen Davis

61,(///11' 61/'( 0/4,


Maureen & Edward Bousa Connie & Tom Cigarran Mr. & Mrs. William C. Cox Jr. Mary & Marvin Davidson Marcia Weber & James Flaws Senator & Mrs. William H. Frist Nancy & Carl Gewirz Mary & Robert Haft Barbara & Lorry Hathaway Margaret & Gregory Hedberg Mr. & Mrs. Julius Jensen Ill Sharon & Frank Lorenzo Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Miriam & Sonny Mandell Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCausland Sally & Peter Nash Anne & Bree Obrecht Susan & Kennedy Richardson Maria & George E. Roach Robin & Clyde Rodbell Ellen & David Ross Margaret & John Ruttenberg Melanie & Bob Sabelhaus Bonnie & Peter Sacerdote Linda & Harvey Saligman Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Schorr IV Julie & Brian Simmons Lynne & Paul Steinfurth Jason A. Tilroe Elizabeth & Geoffrey Verney

Nancy & Douglas Abbey Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Gale H. Arnold Mary Jane Bauer Mr. & Mrs. C. Marshall Beale Josette & Jim Blackmore BNY Mellon Wealth Management Susan & Bill Boardman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bologna Mr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Bratton Mary & David Brown Mr. & Mrs. Owsley Brown II Victoire & Owsley Brown Ill Judy & Bob Brust Eileen & Robert Butler Katie Grover & Mike Campbell Franci & Jim Crane Prudence S. & William M. Crozier Jr. Lucy & Nat Day

Nan & Chuck Geschke Susan Zises Green Cynthia Fry & John A. Gunn Barbara & Ed Hajim Kaaren & Charles Hale Dee & Jimmy Haslam Cindy & Evan Jones Coco & Arie L Kopelman Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A. Kovner Mr. & Mrs. Hampton S. Lynch Jr.

Sarah & Jeff Newton Liz & Jeff Peek Laura & Bob Reynolds Wendy & Eric Schmidt Susan R. & L Dennis Shapiro Maria & Bill Spears Harriet & Warren Stephens Jane & WatTyler Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Watkins Suzy & Jack Welch

Helen & Phil Didriksen Valerie & Charles Diker Elizabeth Miller & James Dinan Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Doubleday Shelton Ellis Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Barbara J. Fife Mrs. Thomas H. Gosnell Mary Greenebaum Suzy & Richard Grote Ann & Graham Gund Karoly & Hank Gutman George S. Heyer Jr. Nardi Hobler Lois & John Horgan Barbara E. Jones Sara Jo Kobacker Nina Mclemore Eva Moss

Melissa & Nat Philbrick Nancy & Bob Puff Suzanne & Sandy Rand Mr. & Mrs. George Rich Mrs. Martin J. Ross Robin & Mark Rubenstein Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saul Margaret Schwenke Bobbie Howrey & Thomas C. Schwenke Rini & Tom Shanahan Susan & Robert Simmons Catherine Sweeney & William Singer Sheila & Bill Sullivan Linda R. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Rick Wackenhut Robert White




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Sara Newton, Robert Young, and Rebecca Bartlett


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Jane and Wat Tyler

Annual Report 2010



MichaelA.Kovnerand Jean Doyen de Montaillou

Leslie and Emily Keno, with their children Schuyler andAshley

Ellen and David Ross

Chuck and Nan Geschke

Joan & John Goodwin Lauren & Paul Gudonis Carol & Dick Hanson Nina & Bob Hellman Nancy & Arthur Hooper Roger Horchow Edie & David Johnson Jane & Doug Kern Martha Dippel! & Danny Korengold Joan & Ed Lahey Nan Lampe Pam Lassiter Barbara H. Malcolm Barbara & James Mcinerney

Marion & Steve Meader Laurie & Bob Monahan Morgan & Allen Morton Mrs. Carl Mueller Sally & Michael Orr Maureen Orth Nell Otto Carol Layton Parsons Julia & Larry Pollock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Rhodes Sheila & Richard Riggs Hon.Vincent R. Rippa Ellen & Ken Roman Rindy &Van Schreiber

Judith Greenberg Seinfeld Nancy & Joe Serafini Deborah & Donald Sigmund Trudy & Fred Slater Diane & Guy Snowden Catharine & Jettrey Soros Daisy M. Soros Memelou & Ned Symes Genevieve Tucker Patricia Stewart Walsh Laurie & Toby Webb Denise & Bill Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mary & David Woltt

Diane Upright & Robert M. Kaye Emily & Leslie Keno Lisa & Mike Kittredge Mr. & Mrs. Fred Levinger Janet & Keith Lindgren Martha & Robert Lipp Vicki Livingstone Barbara Malcolm Meredith & James Marshall Antonia & Michael Massie Pat & Charles McGill Toni & Martin McKerrow Elizabeth Milias Rebecca Moore Elena & Mark Morris Winnie & Chris Mortenson

Penny & Alex Nieroth Michael J. O'Mara N. L. Pasley Mrs. Joan D Prate!' Barbara Saxon Morgan Nancy J. Sevrens Dorothy & Jurne Sinson Barbara & David Spitler Rev. C. William & Linda G. Steelman Mari orie & Louis Susman Mary Ann & Samuel Wagner Pam & Will Waller Cathy & Stephen Weinroth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Young


Garland & Jamie Alban Mariann Hundahl Appley Mr. & Mrs. E. D. Atkinson Lindsey Axel Susie & Ward Belcher Kay & Peter Bernon Mr. & Mrs. William C. Buck Meredith & Gene Clapp Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Daisey Franklyn DeMarco Dr. & Mrs. John W. Espy Ginny & Doug Faucette Phyllis & Stuart Freilich Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. George

< �O/l,\'0/\l'

Margaretta Andrews Anne & Tom Bailliere Nancy & Lee Barnes Kathie & Bill Beattie Gussie & Ken Beaugrand Joan R. Bolling Edith S. Bouriez Sara 8. Boyce Vivian & Bob Braunohler Marylyn Burns Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr. Howard Chadwick Bessie & John Connelly Heidi Weddendorf & Brian Conroy Heidi Cox Mary Cross


Historic Nantucket

Linda & Joseph DiMartino MaryV. Drew Paul Edwards Egan Maritime Institute Barbara M. Erskine Trudy Dujardin & Frank Fasanella Penny & Bob Fox Robin & Lou Gerstner Jean R. Hattenreffer Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey 8. Haines Barbara Halsted Polly Ann Halsted Lucile & Bill Hays Diane Zuckerman & Michael Hite Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Holmes Elizabeth Jacobsen


6}J11l/'fb((/{)/\\' Anonymous Garland & Jamie Alban Jane Beasley Diana T Brown Bob Daniels Dr. Michael Duffy Teresa Heinz Thomas J. Madigan Elizabeth C. Murray Ann & Hardy Oliver Kathryn & Roger Penske Paula & Bernie Swam

Susan and Dennis Shapiro

Peter Nash and Shelton Ellis

Polo Ralph Lauren's Compass Rose clothing display

Espresso to Go Even Keel Flowers on Chestnut Four Winds Craft Guild & Sylvia Antiques Nan & Chuck Geschke Georgia Gosnell Great Harbor Yacht Club Green Tree Electrical Service Kaaren & Charles Hale Hatch's Package Store Hughes Septic Service lnkstone Printing JLB, Inc. Javatime Design Johnstons Cashmere Juice Bar Kathryn Ketelsen Last Minute Productions/ Bobby Lamb

David Lazarus Nantucket Accommodations Nantucket Bake Shop Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Ice House Nantucket Inn Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Pharmacy Nantucket Pure Nantucket Tents NHA Staft Sena Jeter Naslund Sherry O'Donnell P&M Reis Trucking Parchment Perry Rossi Orchestra Peter Beaton Hats Placesetters

Polo Ralph Lauren Provisions Simply with Style Catering Small Friends on Nantucket Something Natural Stacy Exposition Steamship Authority/ Gina Barboza Stop & Shop Straight Wharf Restaurant Susan Lister Locke Topper's Trianon I Seaman Schepps The UPS Store United Rentals Vineyard Vines Zero Main

Alastair Crawford, LLC Antique American Wicker Betsey Telford-Goodwin's Rocky Mountain Quilts Carlson & Stevenson Charles Edwin Puckett Charles L Washburne Antiques Connecticut River Books The Cooley Gallery Cunha-St John Antiques Danielle Ann Millican, Inc. David Brooker Fine Art

Dawn Hill Antiques Diana H. Bittel Antiques Doll Dreams Earle D. Vandekar of Knightsbridge, Inc. Elle Shushan The Finnegan Gallery Fletcher/Copenhaver Fine Art Forager House Collection Gemini Antiques, Ltd. Georgian Manor Antiques G.K.S. Bush, Inc James M. Labaugh Antiques

Jamee Paull J. Austin, Jeweler Jeff R. Bridgman American Antiques Judd Gregory Fine Antiques Imperial Fine Books, Inc. King-Thomasson Antiques, Inc. Leatherwood Antiques Mellin's Antiques Nina Hellman Antiques, Inc. Oriental Rugs, Ltd. Philip Suva!, Inc. Raccoon Creek Antiques

Ralph M. Chait Galleries of New York, LLC Sallea Antiques Silver Plus Stephen 8. O'Brien, Jr. Fine Arts Sylvia Antiques, Inc Victor Weinblatt Vose Galleries Washington Square Gallery, Ltd. Yew Tree House Antiques

Bill Tramposch, Janet Sherlund, Westy Saltonstall, of Eaton Vance Investment Counsel, and Barbara Hathaway

Kaaren and Charles Hale

Coco and Arie L Kopelman

Chris and Ann Quick and Marjorie and Ambassador Louis Susman

, J}ecial .-711<m/2.1· ACKBBQ Antiques Council Bartlett's Farm John Bartlett Diana Bittel Susan Boardman Linda & David Brown Brown-Forman Corporation Cape Cod Express Carol Cole Champion Rentals CitationAir The Cleaning Fairies Daily Breads The Dancing Pickle Karen & Ralph DiSa1a Downyflake Restaurant Shelton Ellis

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Wreath by Small Friends on Nantucket

t's the most wonderful time of the year ..." Nantucket's 2010 holiday season began in earnest with the Nantucket Historical Association's annual Festival ofWreaths and Festival ofTrees, both held at the Whaling Museum. Enjoying its twelfth year, the Festival ofWreaths featured eighty beautifully crafted wreaths, all artfully displayed in the Peter Foulger Museum. Alison K. Forsgren chaired the festival with the assistance of creative director Reggie Levine and help from her able committee. For the second year, Marine Home Center was the lead underwriter, with additional support from sixteen other island and regional businesses. The festival showcased the community's talented residents and included local artists, artisans, schoolchildren, nonprofits, and merchants, all of whom created wreaths that were sold by silent auction. Fusion of Flavor catered the sold-out Preview Party, and during the Thanksgiving weekend more than two thousand guests visited the festival, free of charge. The NHA remains grateful to the many volunteers and supporters who bid on wreaths and those who participated in a wreath raffle that was beautifully designed by Flowers on Chestnut. The auction and raffle proceeds benefit the NHA's education programs. 44


Historic Nantucket

"Where the treetops gli t n. .. " Established in 1994 at the suggestion of Lucile Pierce Corkran, mother of NI IA pa I-president Kim Corkran, the Fe tival ofTrees has become a holiday tradition. In the capable hands of chair Wendy Hudson and her committee of ten, the 17th Festival ofTrees featured ighty-eight brilliantly decorated trees and once again transformed the Whaling Mu cum into a glittering winter wonderland. Several hundred fe tively attired guest attended the old-out Preview Party on December 2, enjoying the va t el ction of signature foods from "Restaurant Row" provided by Arno's at 41 Main, Bartlett's Farm, Brant Point Grill, i co Brew rs/ Triple Eight, Kitty Murtagh' , Languedoc Bistro,The Pearl & Boarding I louse, Queequeg' s &Town, Seagrille, Susan Warner Catering, and Topper's. The fe tival remained open Thursday-Monday through ew Year' weekend, and was visited by more than 2,700 guest . Clearly, the festival bring out the magic of the holiday sea on as showcased by this often-heard statement, "Nantucketers of all ages love this event because it celebrates both our . history and our community, and everyone looks foiward to 1t all year.I" The support of the underwriters, volunteers, and committee, combined with the distinguished list of past chairs, is a real testament to the island-wide importance of this holiday event.




Manne Home Center

Nantucket Bank, A d1v1s1on of Sovereign Bank

Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank Trianon/ Seaman Schepps Botticelli & Pohl Architects Cape Air/ Nantucket Airlines

Hatch's Package Store Jordan Real Estate Killen Real Estate, Inc. Madaket Marine Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Phanmacy

Nantucket Real Estate Co., Inc. National Grid Norton Preservation Trust Sherburne Commons The UPS Store Water Jewels Gallery


tfo.ecial .CJ'lwnA,s . . ··················································································

Alison K. Forsgren, Chalf Reggie Levine, Creative Design Sage Geddes Patty Tasch Eithne Yelle

Eileen D'Appolonia Hatch's Package Store Horizon Beverage Flowers on Chestnut, Raffle Wreath Contribution Fusion of Flavor/ Dean Miller Nantucket Party Rentals

?/!�t!!...�<:�rf!���.�1:.............., .........,...........,,,..................................................................................................................................................................................... A Safe Place Adult Community Day Center Mark Avery Beverly Barlow Best of the Beach Big Brothers Big Sisters on Nantucket/ Breakfast Buddies Program Alicia Bradford Pamela Bulkley Penza Calarco Vincent Calarco Cape Cod Life Publications Jeannette Carl Jean Cawley Cemetery Comm1ss1on Work Group Cisco Brewers Claire Murray Clay Art Studio/ Barbara Toole Nancy Chase & Judith Divoll Jamee Dougherty Jean Doyen de Montaillou

Margaret Eger Ray Eger Fifty-Six Union The Flower Shop at Marine Home Center Alison K. Forsgren The Gallery at Four India & 35 Main Dottie Gennaro Julie Gifford Alison Inglis & Meg Glidden Chns Hart Judi & Greg Hill The Homestead James Lydon & Sons & Daughters Betsey Johnson Brenda Johnson George Korn Denise Korngold Kevin Kuester Cole Medeiros & Barbara A. Lattanzi Lee A. Papale Studio & "Lu" Cynthia Lenhart

Ritch Leone Jessica Manning Mariner House Priscilla McIntosh Paul Michetti Beth Moyer Bill Murray Nantucket Atheneum Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Boys & Girls Club Nantucket Community Music Center Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Shell Designs Northeast Alternative Energy Systems Dur Island Home Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket Karen Palmer Emily & Dylan Pihl Romana Rainey

'Sconset Fire Department David & Mary Sharpe Small Friends on Nantucket Debra Cartwright & Michelle Soverino Stephanie's Nantucket Stover Engineering & Construction Colleen, Vivian, Marcella & Roman Suhanosky Swain's Travel Peggy & Bill Tramposch Nancy Tuttle Jeanne van Etten Water Jewels Gallery The Weaving Room Heidi Weddendorf Daryl Westbrook Susan Whitlock Sarah Wright

··· · ·································•·································.. -·-·······..············ Joan Albaugh Elton Burch Paul Clarke Penny Dey Lucy Dillon Sheila Egan Alison Forsgren Sage Geddes Jane Hardy

Joyce Horton Brenda Johnson Jane & Bill Jones Lucille Jordan Patty Tasch Pam Waller Mona Wheatley Eithne Yelle Sinead Yelle

Duncan Macallister, Robb Reisner, Magdalena Padzik, and Warren Marsh of Cape Cod Five Cents Savings Bank

Wreath designer Margaret Eger

Annual Report 2010






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Wendy Hudson, Chair Joan Allen Liz Almodobar Rebecca Bartlett Elin Hilderbrand Peggy Kaufman Mary Malavase Holly McGowan Jackie Peterson Wendy Rouillard Jeanne Van Etten

Lili Baker Beverly & David Barlow Mary Jane Bauer Kay & Peter Bernon Susan & Bill Boardman Mrs. Charles A. Camalier Jr CMC Construction, LLC Suellen Ward & John Copenhaver Franci Crane Lucy S. Dillon Dujardin Design Associates Shelton Ellis Nancy & Al Forster

Susan Zises Green Dee & Jimmy Haslam Nellie D'Gara & Kevin Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Holmes Angie & Jimmy Hungerpiller Tom Johnson Barbara E. Jones Mrs. Eli Winker Kaufman Jean Doyen de Montaillou & Michael A. Kovner Carolyn & Ian MacKenzie Alice & Tom Macy Mary D. Malavase

Laura & Ciaran McCloskey Carol & Steve Memishian Nantucket Island Resorts Sally & Peter Nash Mr. & Mrs. John D. Nichols Melissa & Nat Philbrick Mr. & Mrs. George Rich Maria & George E Roach Joseph Magee & Jay B. Rosenberg Janet & Rick Sherlund Debbie Bryan & Norm Siberdick Stephanie & Harald Stavnes Suzanne & Bob Wright

Dorothy & Dale Albright Elizabeth & Beau Almodobar Margaretta Andrews Rebecca M. Bartlett Kathie & Bill Beattie Sally & Dick Beckwith Judy & John Belash Jocelyn & Craig Beni Josette Blackmore Blue Harbour Gallery/ Jayne & Brian DeB1as10 Susan & Richard Brooks Judy & Bob Brust Gail & Chris Camalier Rene C. Cirulli Cobble Court Crew Richard L Congdon Manon Roland Conley Kimberly C. Corkran Carol March Emerson Cross Prudy & Bill Crozier Mr. & Mrs. Peter Culbertson

Elin Hilderbrand & Chip Cunningham Judith & Daniel Drake Caroline Ellis Emeritus Development Jere & Don Freedman G. S. Hill Gallery Polly Ann Halsted Donna Hamel Craig Hawkins & Stan Harvey Lucile & Bill Hays Linda & Peter Hoey Ann & Peter Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Peter Howell Inquirer and Mirror Beverly Jackson Johnstons Cashmere Kathryn & Jim Ketelsen Peter F. Krogh Kevin Kuester Joan Ellen DiPreta & Robert Kupp Joan & Ed Lahey Pam Lassiter

Lisa & Bruce Lawler Amy Holmwood & Edward Leisher Curtis Livingston Vicki Livingstone Mary Beth McCahan Holly McGowan Rosanne & John McGuinn Courtney & Greg McKechme Tom & Martin McKerrow Winnie & Chris Mortenson Anne Obrecht Susan Davis, M.D., & Bruce Perry Bob Pollack Julia & Larry Pollock Claire & Phillip Ranen Julie & Karsten Reinemo Mr & Mrs. George Rich Jeanne W. Riggs Ellen & Ken Roman Sandi Holland & Alfie Sanford Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Santucci Jr Deborah Boudreau & Michael Schwartz

Judith Lee & Robert Schwarzenbach Thekla & Donald Shackelford Julie Fitzgerald & Carl Sjolund Av•s Skin�er Dorothy Slover Rev. Georgia Ann Snell Suzi Sprirg Rev. C. William & Lmda Steelman Peter C. Stemgraber Esta-Lee & Hams E. Stone Manna & Peter Sutro Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Taylor Ill Harry Tipper Ill Judy Rushmore & Ken Wayne Melanie We,mcK Glenda & ry Wetzel Nancy & c1�,k Whitcomb Susan & Scott Whillock Kathleen & Brent Young


··········································•·································••····································•················· Nancy & Doug Abbey Patricia S. & Thomas J. Anathan Paula & Bob Butler Connie & Tom Cigarran The Downyflake Mr. & Mrs. David C. Farrell Nan & Chuck Geschke Karen & Doug Grip The Haft Family Horace H. Irvine Virginia Joffe Cynthia & Anthony Lamport

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Levinger Joan H. Manley Sandy Medallis & Tom McGrath The Meister Family William C. Miller IV Elizabeth C. Murray Sarah Newton Susan R. & L Dennis Shapiro Rachael & Sam Slosek Whitney & Henry Topping Liz & Geoff Verney

···································································································································· The 2011 Festival of Wreaths Preview Party will be held on Tuesday, November 22; the festival will run November 23-27 (closed on Thanksgiving). The 2011 Festival of Trees Preview Party will take place on Thursday, December 1, and will open to the public on December 2, Thursdays - Mondays, through December 19. The Festival will reopen on December 26 & 27, and again on January 2 & 3, 2012. 46

Historic Nantucket

Mary Malavase, Bill Tramposch, and Wendy Hudson.

Debbi and Peter Culbertson


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Arno's at 41 Main Street Bartlett's Farm Boarding House Brant Point Grill Cisco Brewers Corazon del Mar Kitty Murtagh's Languedoc Bistro The Pearl Oueequeg's Seagrille Susan Warner Catering Topper's Town

Hatch's Package Store Holdgate's Island Laundry Nantucket Catering Company Nantucket Party Rentals Nantucket Wine Festival Novat1on Media/ Mary & Al Novissimo


Abiah Folger Franklin Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution AckF1re Studios African Meeting House Antiques Depot Jeanne Miller & Lou Arsenault Artists Association of Nantucket Autism Speaks Bartlett's Farm Christy Bassett & Jonas Baker Sharon & George Bassett Borneman Daycare BPC Architecture Brant Point Marine Brooke Boothe Design & Monogramming Jeannette Carl Nancy Chase, Scott Marks, Tracy Murray & Others Cisco Brewers, Triple 8 & Nantucket Vineyards Claire Murray/ Gail Norton Denise Olsen & Debbie Cleveland Community Foundation for Nantucket

Joe Paul, Sabine Liebman, Mark Catone, and Doug and Wendy Mills

Compass Rose Real Estate The Dancing Pickle Dane Gallery Dr_ Pearl's Office Duiardin Design Associates, Inc_ Nantucket Shipwreck & Lifesaving Museum Emeritus Development Fifi, Honorary Mayor of Nantucket Friends of Nantucket Public Schools The Gallery at Four India & 35 Mam Geronimo's Barbara Gookin Gray Lady Gardens Judi & Greg Hill Island Airlines James Lydon, Sons & Daughters Wendy Rouillard & lllya Kagan Kevin Dineen Electrical Killen Real Estate Linda Loring Nature Foundation Made on Nantucket Valerie Kennedy & Tina Maloney

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George Roach, Maria Roach, and Michael Kovner

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Maria Mitchell Association Manne Home Center Judy Widger & Beth Moyer Nantucket AIDS Network Nantucket Bank, A div,s,on of Sovereign Bank Nantucket Bookworks Nantucket Boys & Girls Club Nantucket Community Music Center Nantucket Cottage Hospital Nantucket Fire Department Nantucket Garden Club Nantucket Gifts & Puules Nantucket Historical Association Nantucket Ice Nantucket Island Resorts Nantucket Lighthouse School Nantucket Lightship Basket Museum Nantucket Lodging Association Nantucket Memorial Airport Nantucket New School Nantucket Preservation Trust Nantucket Republican Town Committee The Nardone Family

Novation Media/ Mary & Al Novissimo Courtney O'Neill Palliative & Support Care of Nantucket Foundation Jane & Ralph Hardy and Emily Pihl lrean Oakley Schreiber & Dr. Herbert Schreiber 'Sc onset Gardener Sherburne Commons Small Friends on Nantucket Summer Street Church, Middle School Surfing Hydrangea Nursery Sustainable Nantucket Town of Nantucket Unique FX The UPS Store Jeanne van Etten Tim Walker Wendy & Bruce Watts WCAI: The Cape & Islands NPR Station Wednesday Bridge Group Wednesday Ladies Who Lunch Women's Health Network

Liz Almodobar Cynthia Bopp Rebecca Bartlett Norma & Bob Burton Lucy Dillon Elin Hilderbrand Ema Hudson Wendy Hudson Trish & Jim Lowe Evelyn MacEachern

Tina & Dan Maloney Ceci & Channing Moore Courtney O'Neill Judi Patterson Claire & Philip Raneri Eleanor Raethke Laura Steele Mona Wheatley

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Renee Oliver and Marcia Anderson

Annual Report 2010


- -- -- - -


NHA 1800 House Advisors

Augusta B. Beaugrand EdithS. Bouriez Anne E. Broadus LucyS.Dillon Patricia C. Ernst Linda LSaligman Mary G. West Advisors

Patricia A. Butler Reginald E. Levine Robert F. Mooney Scott M.Stearns Jr. Bruce A. Korson Susan R. Boardman Margaret Moore Booker Joan Brecker LyndonDupuis Martha Blackwood Groetztnger Dorri!D. P. Gutterson Eltzabeth Husted EltzabethS. Jacobsen KatherineS. Lodge Sharon A. Lorenzo Patricia Loring Jane C. Richmond Nancy J.Sevrens Mary-Elizabeth Young Children's Council

Luke N. Patmon Patnck C. McCarthy Jackie Trudel Grace McClellan Dominick Costanzo Keaton Goddard Cara Garufi Bobby Congdon Nick Panchy Carly Jensen Grace Bartlett Matsy Moss Diversity Council

Neville Richen Christoph K. Lohmann David Murphy Augusto C. Ramos Moses Easley Anne-Mane Baptiste Noe Pineda Bette M.Spriggs JamesSulzer Editorial Committee

Richard LDuncan Amy Jenness Cecil Barron Jensen Robert F. Mooney Elizabeth Oldham Nathaniel Philbrick Ben1aminSimons BetteSpnggs NHA Research Fellows

Pauline Mater Robert F. Mooney Nathaniel Philbrick Patty Jo Rice Renny A.Stackpole Sarah (Betsy) R Tyler Barbara A. White

NHA Volunteers

Joan Albaugh Elizabeth Almodobar Michael Baker Rebecca Bartlett John Belash Judy Belash Patncia Belford Lucy Bixby Cynthia Bopp Julie Broadbent Enon Burch Norma Burton Robert Burton Paul Clarke Ehn Cunningham PennyDey HelenDidnksen LucyDillon Sheila Egan Annabelle Fowlkes Sage Geddes Elizabeth Gilbert John Gilbert Doris Glazer Bob Hall Leigh Hall Jennifer Hanson Jane Hardy Joyce Horton Ema Hudson Jane Jones William Jones Lucille Jordan Madelyn Korengold Hilary Kozak Kevin Kuester James Lowe Patricia Lowe Lawrence Luu John Marques Eileen McGrath Cecilta Moore T. Channing Moore Peyton Newquist Francis Pease Olivia Pincince Claire Raneri Eleanor Raethke Wendy Rouillard Marcia Rubin KathenneSilkenat PamelaSt. Pierre LauraSteele TeddyStocking Pamela Thomas Peggy Tramposch Pamela Waller Mary West Mona Wheatley Judy Widger Sarah Wilson Eleanor Wnght Margaret Wnght Eithne Yelle Sinead Yelle Harvey Young Robert Young NHA 2011 Year-Round Stall Mark Avery

OIRE�H,n ur ,... PRVn: II[.') Susan Beaumont EVENT RENTAL COORDINATOR


Historic Nantucket



Patti Clinton MsSFUM [,. ATOR






ManlynDonovan "1u £UM E• tATOR SearDonnar MUSEJM NTERPRETER Denme ::Jcran A E M l�TE 'RETER �arah Enchsen Mu E .,SHOP L nda Glass Mu E M IN'ERP, Cathenre Jane Jones M E M IN•ERPr. Vanessa Jonon EDUCAT NIN RN Re�sana �ermova Mu E MSH Alexandra Kopko V•s. RSE v1 • RE RESfNTATIVE Gergana Kostad1nova Mu cMSH p Rene LBP1c1 e V RSE VIC S REPRESENTATIVE Heather Maron Eou A, ONINT£ N




LindaSteelman Mus UMIN"ERPRETER

Kathe, no Mort1son Mc UM 1Nlf1PRFHR


StaceyStuart SPEC-Al Evrr; MANAG



Laura Muellor VtSITDRSF ;cs RlPRESENTAT'V[


Keir• Murphy HDRTICUlll.REIN RN

Wilham J. Tramposch Enci; DtREC

Rebecca Mur ay MUSEUMSHOP



Michael Varbalow MUSEJMINTE PAIT!

CarolynSawyers MUSEUMSHOP

Georgina Winton M,·�£ IM s,·-· MM•r·1

Jenna Teachout MUSEJM INTERPRllfR

2010 Sea$onal Staff

Grace Torres EDUCATION l,rRN


J, Bro, JI I 1cnrr.L �11 1 1En D1m1taz Chatlesk1 MUSEUMSHOP

Richard Michaels MAtNTE�AN 4NO :JROLNDS

Mary 'vlonssoy


Claire White EDUCATION l,i;tRN

�n the memoers of tlie Nantuck:et Historical ociation wlio are tal<ing ac:lvantage of legislation

.. .

allows certain individuals to mak:e their IRA accounts \vithout

through December 31,

direct your charitable of rarticular interest at tne

This amount would

-e i11:frrmation, consult with ypurp_ersonalfinancial advisor. and contact Cristin lWerck, diredor.. o£.develop_ment. CMERCK@NHA.ORG


Historic Nantucket P.O. Box 1016, NANTUCKET, MA 02554-1016




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