Fourth Annual Meeting
Nruinmtm Hi�t�rt�ru A����i�U�n, OF THE
ff.T j{Jrj{TU�I\ET,
25, 1898.
The &'lnual meeting of the Nantucket proper cla sification and card cataloging Histo1ical As�ociation was verv w·ell of all books, pamphlet-, manuscript attended and 01atte1· of great iutere t and other articles owned by the A oc wei-e pre�ente<l ancl discu ed. It was iation. Attention was drawn to the held in the Old North Ve h·v on 1\1011- genealogical and hi tol'ical valt1e of the dav afte1noo11, Julr 25th, the P1 esident '·Timothy White Papers,"-a book co11D1:. J. ,-.iclney �1itchell, of Chicago, a tainiug valuable records of the Island's native uf the ishtnd, iu the chair. Afte1· early settlers, published by the A� o the reading of the mint1tes ot the la t ciation in a limited edition, at one dol annual meeting, the 1·cport of the va- Jar per copy, for sale at the Historical rions officers w.-re given. The�e were museum, on Fait- street. A Jetter in inspiring in the inaigl1t ther gave into thi · connection, from the State Librar the wo1·k already done and to be done ian of :Ma achusett to the editor of by the a.:i:o('iation. A brief accou11t of the White papers was read, and i here matter;; p1·esented follows:reproduced:Jt w ru; voted, 011 motion, that Ed- 8TATK LIBRARY OF MASSACHUSETTS. ward G. Porte1·, of Boston, who by in- ::>T.1.Ti,; Hon E, BosTON, �Jay 4, 1898. S vitation gave an a<ldres@ before the �!y deai· Mr. Dudley.-! have exam- A>1sociation at it. la,t Annual Meeting, incd vour collection of the Timotbv and Edwin D. }lead, of Bo tou, the White'Papers with much interest and' speaker i11vited for thiR present meet- profit. The matel'ial they contain i itg, be made life-member;: of the Asso- not only all-important to the early his tory of the intere ting community of cia.tion. In reference to the buying and fitting Nantucket, but a rnluable contribntion up of a whale ship, decided upon at the. as well, to the religiouF, social and eco last auuual meeting, this had lteen nomic histon• of the Commonwealth. found too expensive, and it wa voted The e papers mnst prove of gr at value that the the fund uccnmnlating for thi� to the �tudeut of New Eng-land family purpo e, the p arti;;. contl'ibnting to bi ton-. and are full of iutere,;t to the this object having consented, be tran�- ,tndent in ,ociology. How much can ferred to the fund for the most press- be learned from them of the real life of ino- need of the A �ociation-the erec- the people of the time, their aspirations tiin of n, ffre-proof building. Appen,I1 a well as their privation;:;, Bow mu<'h wa made for contributions to help this that no ordinary hi rot·y tr.Jls, and yet forward, o that the already valuable I how full of real human intcrnst are all collection of the society, containing- the details. o it i not alone the i,eo many articles which can never be re-j ple of Nantucket but the futnre h1sto placed, ma�· be prope1·ly cared fot•.- 1 rian of New England life will also be Wheu this fireproof building i secured yoltl' grateful deutor for the preserni many collections of 0Teat value to :Kan- tion of these paper and the intl'o<luc tt1cket will be placed in the po i:ession tion with which you have given them of its Historical As-ociation. Delay to the world. I hope ome <'!av ,·ou means the loss of many possible con- will enter upon the fa dnating tirld which the history of Nm,tucket off,·r,, tribntion-. Much work has been done 111 the and which , hould be gathere,l a11<l 1,rc-
u�· a loving :111d pnH·ti,(•d
hand. duty to hi" N•untry. hi� State allCl }•is I town would have a deeper meanmgYour, rnof-t co1·diulh·, l'. U. T11,1,i'r.1;11A. -r. and a tme1· . pirit since then it would . . . take on it pro p(•r rclarion to the poliJt wa• !-howu plnrnly III the ,·arwufl tic of the world. He• spoke of the reports nncl addressc� how 11!11!:h had principles of democracy, liberty, fra bcen lost f'.n-eY<>r!O Lhe L\��ocia ll�� !J�- ternity and ('quality, and prophesied -cau l' of rnsnffi.crcnt meun,. I he1� that ,Yhen the. e pl'ineiple,; i::hould be h�11ld br � fu_nd �or the purcha e of thorouo- hl\• und r tood, national differ11 1·t1cle� O! In tor1c Yalue. Among Pnce ,�otild no longer he settle by thmgs de'1red are auto!!'l'll))h.. old let- hlood bed but bv ur!Jitration, andd that ter:-, ambrotype , photo1.1-ruph!-, por- in time it �vould he not the dreamer or tru!r,, log book., account b<?ok_s, munu- the poet but the pmeticul state man . c•1·1pt �apC'rs of every �lescnp�wn, etc., who should endors the 1>arliament of etc.. tlnncrs always dl' 1rable m ,-uch a• man, the federntiou of the world. At colll•ct 1�1l• • intervals. cluri11"' the addre!'s and at itF. A •1•r1es of s,g-nals_ aud_ J;)J'tllte_, en- close, appl:w�/'tc,titiC'd to the intere t �1g11, u eel by the "lrnlc:shi P· , di ,lwn of the audience . . 111 wuter colori- by Dr. hurp, •wf're on exhibition and arc of great in tC're t. Dr. baL'Jl gave AODll' account D.ECOBDii.G 8EC'DJCT.&RJl'.'8 DE PORT. of the whale-ti hing day. at_ -antucket. A papel' on the Silk Jntlu tl'y at Ml'. President and l\Iembers of the Hii::torical Association:'"antucket fol1owcd, refc>rl'ing to the planting of mulberl'ry tl'el's und the Be. ides the Annual meeting of lat .building of a ;;ilk factory. year, one other gcm•1-al meeting wa,; One of the most interestin� inci held in thi1- Yef:trv on the afternoon of dents of the meeting followed. DI'. Aug. 20th, tu conside1· further r evision Dallenger, of Chic•ago, i-pokc of the lit of tilC' Constitution, rrepamtory to a tle Yilhwe in Indiana on ·c called an new edition; ancl to di cu s the pos,-i 0 tuckt't, uow known by the prOl'aic bility of procuring a whale-. hip and a namr of Econom,·. The-re are 1,;till brick extension or fire-proof buildiug. manv Nantucket ,iames in tbis town, It wa pl'Oposed to print the new issue �,s .Barntu·d, Coffiu, Macy, Mnrshall, of the Confltitution 1•1u·h· t11is la t Swain, tarbuck, etc. Dr. Hallen,gcr's sprmg, but the condition of the treu mother wa a ta1·buck. Mrs. lfallcn m·v at tha.t time did not warrant the o-er is a descendant from the Nan ex'penf'c. The revi,-1•!1 1·opy however, rtucket Barna1•d,. The e people are the is ready for the printer, aud it fa hoped Jescendants of Nantucket familic who that the new issue will be out before removed from this i. land about a cen next annual meeting. tul'\' a•ro to -orth Carolina, and thence, In accordance with the suggestion of to Ohio and lltdiaua. The nume of the the whale-. hip committee appointed at · town � olcl cemetery i till known as the meeting ot Aug. 20th, that mutter •·The Tucket Burial Ground." The al o has been gi •en up for the pre ..en1, doctor �aid that the Nantucket house as the cost ot buying and keepiug .� and . treets reminded him of hi· old hip far exceeds what wa at fir t sup home, and he would ti·y to secure in po�ed. The two co11tl'ibu1ions for the formation ahout the familiei; of .i: an fund have been with the con cnt of the tucket dC'sceut there for the use of the donor , turned over to the fire-proof A. so,·iation. hui-lding fund. Miss 11 arriet R. Easton read a poem An ap1>e11I for this latter pnrpofi<' relating to Nantnckers Centeunial, pub was >1ent out the first week of la·t No Ii hed in "The :Spirit of '76.'' Afte1· a vembe1·, and the fund now amounts to few remarks by Mr. i\lead, who was $123. li. That doci. not mean that we to be the peaker ut the ernning meet are to have such a building immediate ing. the A �oc-iation acljourncd to meet h·. bnt we need one vcrv much; and in the auditorium of the c!Jnrch at eight 1:emembering that only iom- years ugo o'C'lock. last May tbi� society wns organized at 'lhc evenin:f session wa. devoted to a meeting of about 80 person;;, that in an addl'e s l!lven by Mr. Edwin D. two months we had 130 membe1·s, and M ad, of Bo ton. Hi subject was that now the a sociation own proper ''The Duties of Citizenship'' and hi re ty to the vulue of $3,000, we cnnnot mark - were moi,t inspiring. Tho•e du but tru;at that in due scai;on we shall ties, he said, couJd neve1· be Rntisfaetor have the meuni:i to erect a suitable illy nor even intelligently pm-formed building. until the man regarded him elf first a The t:ouncil ha!'I held dmingthe year a citizen of the world. After that, hi eleven meeting for the traD1,action of srrrt'tl
3 bu ine s. All wore well attended, and I econd bulletin. the "Timothy Whitfl each howed an astonishing d velop- Papers" in April of the pre ent year. ment _of_ the needs and des1rt' · of the These paper, con i t of the personal record aud letter of one of antucka socrntion. W� have to regret the loss by death et's fir t "hirelinir prie t ," and so far as i known, the first settled pastor of of_ five . valued member , namely Mis: Alufa Gardner, Mr. Eu11ice Lam- this church. There was a limited edi berton, Dr. Harri on AIJen, ,\Ir . Thom- tion of thi pamphlet, but it i not vet a Gardner and Mrs. Philip Macy.- exhausted, and we hope that members There have been also ten withch-awal , generally will become aware of its his but that interest in the society is not torical value and local interest. dec1·ensing is hown by the number of In pa sing I will �ay that the bill for new members. Thirty-five names have printing i about half vaid, Mr. Todd, been added to the list,--thirty-two an- the printer, kindly agreeino- to wait an nu!\,! membE-rs, two life-members anti indefinite but reasonable t�ne for pay oue life councHor. Two othe1· life- ment. membc1·s have become life councilor . A good deal of detail work ha been Ju t here I wi h to ay that it wonld accomplished by individual members. be a •�0tll'te ·y much appreciated by the Once a week at least duri11g the winter tl°<'a urm· and the ecretary if members when the weather Jlermitted, the Cura will give notice of change of add1·es , tor and the Secretary have worked at and al o if for anv reason thev wi h to the N. H. A. room with some sati fac di continue me,riber,ahip. \Ve count tory re ult . The books have been now aus member�, but cannot be snre, card-catalogued, pamphlets and paper ince mnny of them have not yet paid cla · ified, the in criptions of the New their clue;., and there eetns to town Bnrying Ground taken last tall, b<' no way of finding out whether they have been copied and catalogued, a few more family charts added to the mean to. Looking- back over the record , the collection and many minor matters m item of chief importance for the year i ranged. Mis }I. Louise Green of New of com·se the purchase of the ''Old Haven has made gmtnitously for the �Jill.. at 1wction la t Augu t fo1· $88.'>. a ociatiou three type-written copies of You will remember that the condi- a third volume of the George Howland tion attached to the i)ayment in 1895 Folger 1\1 S., and Dr. Sharp will oon by a till unknown friend, of the mort- complete the same number of copies of 1tage on the meetini,r-houi-e, was that a the fomth volume. The latter iias like sum ( 600) houJd be rai eel by the also made water-color drawing of 160 association, for the purpose of buying- private signals and flag of Nantucket the mill when offered for sale. With hip , be ides collecting for the society ome difficulty bnt admirable manage- an amount of intere ting data of the ment, the ociety had raised $7,;0, and) whaling day . Miss Caroline L. French, who toi ether Two magazines, tbe "Essex Anti with others interested had promised to quadan,'' and an English llistorical help us out, geuerou Jy gave the $rn5 an,1 Genealogical magazine have been nece ary to make up the full amount. subscribed for, also the" Dover EnquirEady in the fall, after Jong and ani- er," which i pnbli bing each week old mated discu sion it wa .decided to re- Dover records of the time ju t before pair the mill, and to use new stock. the emio-ration of several Dover fami Tbe question resolved it elf into this:- lies to Nantucket. Through the gener Shall we keep a picturesque ruin, for, o ity of the editor of our local papers at the longe t. 5 years, 01· hall we re- the a sociation now receives weekly a pair and hin.,.le the outside and i_;io pre- copy of the "Inquirer and �1ilT01·," e1·ve for an indefinite number of vears and ''Journal." the ancient interior, while destroyiug We know that all things come around for a ea on the much prized pictur- to him who wait ; but the committee e,-qnene,;s? It eemed be�t to acritice appeal to member and friencl. for the taste of the few to the judgment of help in horteni11g a fa1· as po sible the the many, and the repairs we1·e mnde. time of waiting fot· a fire-proof build It is true that at first the new shingles ing to "come iu·otmd." Documents and o-ave rathe1· a startling effect of youth many object!! of historical interest are that belied the vears of the old struct- to be sent back to the i land whenever ure. but wind· and weather have al- we have a safe place in which to store ready done much towards restoring the them, so the briefer the i11te1·val the desh-ecl and legitimate appearance of bette1· fo1· the a sociation, and therefore for Nantucket. antiquity. Respectfullr submitted, The next most importan\ work of MARYE. STARBUCK, Uec. Sec. the ociety, i the publicat10n of the
4 the present century. Dui-ing tlrn pa t winter we completed a card catalogue Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: of all the book , o that they are 110w ince the last annual meeting there readily accessible. We are anxious that the library have been received bv the two secreta ries I 10 letters asking for information1 should contain every crap of printing etc., in regard to the work of the i;oci that can throw light on the early et ety, beside many whicl1 have come to tlers of Nantucket, but the want of the curator concerning the do11atlons money often compels u to Jose good which have been ent. This shows a opportunitie in thi direction. Fo1· growing intere t in the work of the in tance, recently we have learned of a a ociation. Letter written, 200; pos hi�tory of Ame bury, wl1ich contain valuable information concerning Thom tal , 64. Su AN A. TARBUCK, Cor. Sec. a .Macy, and 'l'J1oma 8amard of Nan tur.ket. The e books are out of print, ht a private letter from Rev. Ed and b�C'oming very scarce. Inde�d, ward E. Hale, D. D., to a member of our informant knew of bnt two cop1e the council 01:cu1·s the following para for i.ale. The price ii: even dollar;; µ-rnph i11 r<'garcl to the pronunciation and 11, half ($7 .50) and if an.vone wi ·he to help LJS to make our library of of the Indian language i n Nantucket. "I hope ome vne will throw some historical value, this i an excellant op light on the pronunciation of the In portunity to confer a lasting benefit dian language in Nantucket. I think npon the a�·ociation. Our publications, namel_v Bulletins YOU will 1ind that it is softer than the pronunciation of the tl'ibe fatther No. 1 and No. 2, meet with a steady north. You remember that Roget· but slow sale. We receive manv re William give� the font· forms-anum que ts for theRe work-, in exchange arum, arum, alum, for the word for for the pnblications of other societie dog. I think the "ayum" wa the The e offers cannot be rctu ed, as we most Indian. Mr. Poomat told me that often are given more than the money none of the Gav Head Indians can vulue in retui-n, but this precludes om· speak an Indian ,,,01·d. Can � on find receiving mnch for our outlay. We are stt·iving to make our collec out if this i certainly so? tion of photographs and daguerro Truly your , types of Nantucket people as complete EDWARD E. HALE. )latumwk, Rhode Island, July 22, 1 98. a'- poi: ible, nnd would be �lad to re ceive am· donation" in this line. ah,o. 'ome quite important changes have CUBA.TOB•8 HEPOB.'.I'. been made tbi year in the arrange Out· Hi torical collection has been ment of our room, and I would like to augmented, i11ce my last report, by twgc t. in this connection, that if the the addition of two hundred and fifty m;mbet"' of our A sociation, ei:pccially two gifts, and about a dozen loan , tho e re ident here, would visit the ex bl'iuging our catalogue number up to hibition often, their intere t would be U25 donation. and 212 loans. 'fhe e increa ed. We are wol"ldng and t1·ying do not repre�ent the exact number of to make improvement all the time, yet article , ince many al'C comprised in we hear of membe1·s asking what there one entry, 11 in collection of book , can be to do, and wonderiu� if the a. 1iapcr�, pamphlets, etc. sociation progre es at all. Our ue Our la t mnmcr' · record of the at ccsmry printiug bills are large and it tendance ot paying vi itor . averaged is impo, sible for us to pulllish report the u;.ual nmnber; indeed, to uch a of our doiugs continually, o we hope remukable degree, that I cannot resist vou will come and ee tor yourr,elves. giving you the figme . viz :-in _ 1895 it doe not co,t anything an·d I am "nre one thon,-imcl and eventy-one, m 1896 would awaken an inte1·e t in yom· one thou�a11d a11d ninety-two, in 1897 minds, if you should spend a few liours · one thon�aml and ninety-one, and thi in om· rooms at short intervals. Jn . ca. on up to date, ha,; unexpectedly thi way only, can you know arnl ap reached and somewhat exceeded the preciate what your working officer u mli tandard. are accomplishing, and intelligently Our library has been quite ex ten ive criticize their methods. ly enlarged, and now contain beside One more matter I wi h to bring to many more 01· le s complete file of your attention. As you are all proba · newspaper-, over four hundred books, uly aware, in the last century a colony · and upward of two hundt·ed pamph- or Nantucket people moved to Hud on let . A large proportion of these am . Y., ettling there, engaging in bu'Friends' literature of the early part of iness, and taking firm root, o that COBHE8PO.ll'DilWG lfECBET.£H.'.1"'8 HEPUB'.I'.
many of them foun<le<l families, who,.;c 1mm PUOOF Bl:ILDL G FUND. de cend1mts have been among the weal c,.. thie,;t and most prominent resident,, of lh· nms and Dividends ....$12:{.17 the place. Many of the e families (iave u·epo ited in Nantuckf't In titution fot• run out, and the la t repre <>ntatives, "avino-s. dying without dit·ect heirs, are leaving mam· Nantucket relic to be �old and OLD WHALE ' l llP FU.ND. ,.;cattct·ed. Cr. Onh' la t week we received a dona Br Gift . . .. ... . .. . �10.00 tion or a china tea or coffee pot. which Depo itl'd in � "antnl'ket Jn,ti1 ution for wa. canied to Hnd.·on i11 17-11, by �aving-,. Laban Paddack of � antncket. Thi.· article was given to the husband or the �U�D!Alff. donor, in Hridgehampton. L.I., and Building, Fait·, t., Jn�ured fot· 00.00 now return to its old home. Strang1· Expire �ept.bt, 1898. to say, we have a pitchct· of idcnti ·al Contl)nt� of building.Fair St. pattern, which it · reasonable to sup l usured for . . .. . .. . I,OOli.00 po;;e ,belonged to the ,;ame set of china Expires Dec. 4th, 18!l8. hut wa · left ou .1: autucket. The coilec Old l\Iill, Insured ror . .. . 1,000. 00 pot, in the torm and sfre s of a much Expire 't>pt.ht, I98. travelled life has lo. t its cover, but in Cnsh on hand June 1st, 1898 . '27 .63 all other resprcts, it i in a.- perfect con Old Whnl Ship Funrl Depo�it<>d dition as iti- r,i ter pitchet·, whose exbt in� antucker 'aving;: Bank. 1 .00 0 :mce has been pas, din the calm and Ffrc Proof Building Fund D<•quiet of ��ai,tnckefs safe harbor. Af po,ited in .c anincket ln-til11ter a �eparntion ot' over :i century anrl tion fot· ::laving,- .. .. . l :2;{.17 a half, the iwo ai·ti<:le,- repo,e ide by ,ide on our �helve�. \Ve hope if any 2,960 . 0 member,- present have relatives now living in llu,J,;on, they will be willing l\IE�mE RS llIP. to tr" to awaken the intm·e,t of .uch, Life Conncilor 4 to pt=ocure �ome of the�e relics 101· u-., Life �Ic111ber,; 41 or at lea. t to notify 1111 if nu�· ,-pecial Annual Members 2,i8 obje ·ts or historic vulne are fm· i-;ale in that city. EYcn though snfferiug from Total Member'hip 30:J a «·hronic ;;cat·cit,· of funds, we should prouably managi) to huy, fut· tho' ·•We • COLLECTED Dt"E:-,. connot steal.10 beg we are ,wt asham For yPat· <'1Hli11g 1 97 . $15.00 '. e<l.'' in so good a t·:tn�e. 29.00 ]P.9 . . • . • Respectflllly. ubmitted, ,.. 1 99 . . . . . 9J.OO "u:-AN E.BROCK, nmtor. 1:,9.0 0 THEA. VRER'8 REPORT. CHARLE C.Cao ·ny, Treasm·et·. NANTUCKET lhi;TQRIC.\L A SO IATION Jn Account with CHART.ES
.&DDB.E88, GENERAL FU.ND. Gr. The association is to be congratulated t11at at its l.<'onrth Annual Meeting such 1897, June 1. •. 121.-!1 f:womble reports from all its officer B,· Balance b.00 have been read. True the trcu. urcr•, -� Dues, 1897 '' 196.00 report leave,, us with a small indebted l 9 " 8.00 nesi-; for current expenses. with hill for 1899 " " 2.00 printing White Paper' paid. but one not 1900 h .100beyond out· ability to pay before long 1901 • • • 55 from the receipts in ight. .. l'amplllet Fund 16.00 Our pride in the work of the a,.;,ocia " White Papers . 19 . 085 tion i unabated. We havl', thi year, ·' Gate lloney 45.u0 published om· second bulletin and tbi , ·' Life �Iembership .50 with Number One previouslt is ned, '· Sale or Envelopes . 26.00 has given our 80ciety more than a '· Gifts. . . local reputation. It is a credit to those $6 12.31 who have labored �o faithfnlly, an<l devoted so much energy, ahilitr nnd Debit8. \s 'uudry Bill·, &c. • $584. 68 time to furthering its interest». you have just learned from 0111· e11m Balance due Hi torical A soc'n, $27.63 to1··s report, we have had during" the
year 1111! 11Y J1 dilitiun1< to our ('01- tact, eve!'\· old town iu the world h 1� 11: 11�ukmg_ 1t _of i.till gr�uter !nlue. 11 certain amount of local p1ide. •1 e J,., i,.o mllt.1 1 m t 1 1e l'nr v l11 ton· tainly seem as thon h we" I I ad aIt ce!ht of �1111t_11ckt't tlJa t i11 of int�rest, that to have more than tf rd •• �g a '!?arrng upo� it h ould be Let u keep up our :ckt/!!:l t:e r.;: u, Y pieRei-vcd • 1 rul' the other rere t it has aln>.ad,· bad ri1a11ifestcd 1· Ne, �ngluml Histol'ical Societic h ave it o th at it hall continue to be what n1 !1c� I m c�nmon but we have many i now-the livest 1hin� on Nautucket i� _. t h!"g unique, m no way identified with any other place, yet intere ting in them elvc to all antiquarians. Clu or.r•c•-- :11:LBCT:ll:D .... J.898-9. lyle says t he past ii; to be learned from, The following board of officer wa" n�t mourned over. So it we can con elected fo1· the en ning year: tt-1bute anything to education we need P1-e ident-J. 'idney Mitch ell. seek no other rea on tor being. When Vice-president -Rev. M. •. Dodie,· we recall the h if$"h intellectual devel Mr. Henry . Wyer, Mrs. Eli7..abeil; <>pment on the · island which was at �rbuck, Dr. Benjamin Sharp, Mr. its zenith when the commercial activitv Wilson Macy, Mrs. 'arah C. Ravmond • was greatest, the a1-goment i helpe<I Trea urer-.Mr. C. C. Crosbv: that after all the human mind is chain Recording ecretary-Miss 'Marv . E• �d to it pby ical environment. Starbuck. When th ere were fifteen hundred In Corresponding Sec1't'larv-Mi ndian on the island who e diet was san A. tarbuck. bloc ti h and cod, Indian corn and ( ·orator-Mis u an E. Brock. huckleben·ie11 1 who we1·e isolated al Conncilo , for tour vear11-Mr. Al mot enth-ely, communication with bert 6. Brock, Mi Annie W. Bodfi h. Martha' Vinev11rd and the Cape being nu-e, the1-e was little c h ange ID them, After the Pr ldeni'a add1·es the doubtl�s· to1· oentnrie11. W hen the whites fi1-st came, the hard toil in a following pap·n we1·e eonbibuted and poor 111ggcd oil gave scant l'emuner read: ation, and we had re ulting the au teri HOIJAS .A D PBKT .AT ■ ■ •QX.&:&a ty of the earlv New Emrland chan1cter. O_. K.&llTIJCKST WK.ALE• Ilut when tLe wh'IJ.le fisherv became lucrative and the town was a hive of Dr. Benjamin Sharp exhibited owe industi·v, when truck crowded the 15treets taking up the crude oil to be 1-e water-eolo1· sketche of 1he Hou e and the antucket whalc '11ued in factorie , in front yards and pl"ivate 11ilfnal of i ·back vards, as weU as about the heads ships, bark , b1 gs and sehoouert1. 1'he collection repre11ents one hun of the· docks, when our whaling cap tains took ,heh· ship further north d1·ed and thirty-eight nssel , among that Sit- John F1'8nklin went and ta1· them the Es11ex, the Globe and the tber south than Magellan ever ailed, Oneo, the mi iug ship Reaper anrl when the names of all the i land of and Lady Adam ; the Chal"le. Cat'(lll. the eea we1-e household words in om· the first whale ship built on the i Janil 1amille , and our manufaetm-ed pt·od of Nantucket; the Con titution and uct" we1-e carried in merchant vessels Peru, the th-st vessel taken out a-nd in by the camel : the Phebe. to eve1·y civilb.ed country, a n�w peo respectively ple p1'8llg up. Then came luxury, tbe the first ship whieh attem1>ted (the at products of all climes we1-e bro�ht tempt wa unsucees tul) to go out on bithe1·, houses were flll'uished wilh rich the camels, etc. The flag were copied from list.. mahogany furnit\U"6, the fine t china made by Thomas Macy, 1820, and loan wa1-e than known was in abnndance ed to Dr. Sharp by Mr. Philip Macy; of that like reenbol\8811 here, and g Aaron :Mitchell, on North Water stree·, by Captain Obed Fitch, 1R22, loaned we1-e exten ive enough to grow large by Mr. Albert C. lll·oek; by Captain and delicious peaches. It was at the Henry Plaskett, loaned by Mrs. Eliza.heigll t of thi commercial activity that beth C. Bennett. Others were obtained the environment. of Nantucket was thP. from pictureA in the collection of the antucket Historical A oeiatlon. we have seen, it whole world, a11d He al o poke of the value of tar wa then that the intellectual devel opement. w g1-eater than ever before buck's lli tory of the American Whale Fishery, although several errors h8'·e or since, It Is but fitting that we should cher- been found in it, and a number of i11h with mol1l than ordinary care the omi i,,iona, due no doubt to the ha te memer.toe of those ,rloriou da,· gone of putting together such a va t amount by. Every ew England town, in of material.
Dr. harp concluded his rrmark· by requc ti11g the loan of any copie of hip' ignn , or matters relating to the wltali11g- intere�t of Xantucket, es pecially of the earlier day�.
erlitor of the Xantuckct Inquirer wrote nn exten ivc review of Kenrick\, "Am<>ric:m Silk Grower' G-uide." This book wn a work upon the ''art of raising,ilk on the . ystem of .·ucce;; iv e crop,; the same ea•!Ou,'' ancl it wa the e, pecial pnrpoe<e the writcr to m•o-c lfILK I�D1J8TRY IK 1"'AlWTl;CKET a plan "to enrichof the people of the 1is,.. BY REV. MYRON • DUDLl!:Y. fertile l'egion throughout the counhT. ,, In 1830, ancl from that date, or thel'e- The editor clo e his quite length�· :ind about', until 18-!0, the people of ew intere ting review, wi,th nu appeal to England became deeply interested in the citizens of antuckct to make a the introduction and permanent <>stab- move for the introduction of ti}(' silk Ii. hment of the silk indubtrv. The culture. "To tho�c who�e dut,· it is to mul1Je1Ty tree wa exten ively· import- anticipate coming events," he· write , eel from Y:trions parts of Europe, the "to l'eflect on the con equences of decay ltalinn OJ" white mulberry being a fa- in the fisherie , and to provide sub ti1· ol'ite variety, and from China, and tnte$ whcrebv their dearest intere. ts factories were started at variou may still be ·saved and fostered-,Yc points. The . uo-gestion of this new commend a J)ernl'al or our friend Ken industry wa. taken up with o-reat rick' Guide." In the issue of Nov. Us, <·agcrnc�,; in many . ections of the he returns to thi� ;;ubject: "Actual ex country. The interest deYeloped into amination will convince the most kep almo -t an cpirlemic. Jt wa d'iagno eel tical that the mulberry may here be :i.� the )[01·11-: )Iulticaulis fever. brought to a high Rtate of cu"uivation." Xantlll·ket dill not escape the contaThe loral paper keeps thi. project g-ion, though we ,:annot find many evi- constantly in rr.incl by editorial notes tlencc;; of it, presence eal'lier than 1835. a11d quotation. from the pre� . The In 1832, William H. Gardner, Esq., reward for thi. pcr.::si tence come when planted the mulberry in an expo.eel in the issue of Dec. 4, 1 35, it i,1 an po ition, on light sandy oil, at Quai e. uounced that there i� a movement tart Little attention was given these tree , cd for the establi hment of n. silk fac but in 18;3,-;, one tree men,urcd I>� in- tory. A company is organized and in ches in gil'th, and stood 7 feet in height. coporated, known as the Atlantic Silk 120 of the c trees.-the Italian or white Company. William 11. U-ard11er, Esq.. mulbeny-were l)lantctl 011 the town i prominent in the work of or"'nniz inrm at Quaise. tiome pecimen there ing the company, and :\fr. Am·on i\Jit reached a girth of four feet and were chell i a leading capitali t who invest known to be thirtv yeai" old. 1\1r. liberallv. Lnnd for the facton· is c · au eleviited site. on c · offin",-. George Fitch had ti-ee· 011 his home lot cured on on .Academy Hill. On the ground of Court. Herc a ha11d1;ome edifice, 60 bY :t\lr. Thoma Macr, :Main stt-cet, in 1835 30, is to be forthwith erected. Machiri wa, a tt·Pe sbr vears old. The e i olat- er_v is to lie put in after the pattern of ed case seemed to prove that the cli- that used bv the Rhode I land ilk mate of the i land was congenial to the Companr, in ProYidence. This ma mulbel'ry. .Accordingly thero wll.S a chinery 1 the invention of .Mr. G. qay, movement to organize a companv for of Providence, an inventor. and he is the purpo e of establishin� a mulberry to have charge of puttiug it in. A 16plantation. The project dia not materi- horse power engiuc is to be ecured, alize. But there were individuals who made by Babcock, also of Providence. went into the busi11e • of cultivating The ilk company i to have eventually the free. Mr. Albert Easton tell the a capital tock of $30,000, or $40,000, compile1· of the e historil"a1 note1< that and book , in Dec., 1835, were hortly l1i,; father, Geor<re Easton, bad a mul- I to be opened for the fir�t in talment t>f berry orchard of 1000 frees a.bout the $12,0<•0. Foremost in the organization honwstea<l on Norrh Water treet, in and mana!!<•meut of this industry wa,-. the rear of the hou e next ·outh of the Aaron Mitclwll, a merchanr, and also Rpriugtield Hou,.e. In 18,36 the1·e wa in the shipping bu inc s. Mr. �litchell a �rove of -!OO'J frees, owned bv Aaron wos au enterpri ino-. public spit-ited ltitchell, about a mile outside of the· citizen of the town, commanding re town. What i now known 8 "Thel spect always, and among it leading Tl)orn Lot,'' owned by Prof. Henry. citizens. :M1tchell, about a mile west i,y south In due time, tho factory was erected west of town, wa� formerly a mulbcny on the south east corner of Gay and orchard planted by Gideon liardner· ·westminster street , the last building with a thorn h�e- about it. on the left as one goes up Gar stt-eet In 1835, in the 1s ue or Nov. 14, the towards the High School. The build-
jng is now owned by two snmmc1· re - I the g1·eat fire of 18-!6, probttbly as early idents, Mr . Ward of Rochester, N. Y., as 1844, the factory was clo ed. Aaron and Mr . Holbrook, of Boston. I )Iitcbell, a chief, if not sole owner, at On the north siJe of Gav trcct, the latter date moved the machinery to which, doubtless, takes its na,i:te from l1i warehonse which tood on Sea the inventor who made and place1l the treet, in rea1· of his fine two tory machinery of the silk factorr, the land, I brick man ion that oc,cupied the corner 110w occupied by everal houses, be-· of orth Water and ea treets, on tl1e tween Ga_v street and Academy lane. site of the house now the re idencc of from We tminster street down to the the family of the late Georf{e IC Long. Bunker re ide11ce, opposite Capt. Rule's This ma ·hincry, placed in the second etable, was uuocc11pied. Dfrectl_v op- story of the warehouse, was so heavy posite the factory on the ;;:ite of what i th,,t the building collapsed and the 110w n ·cd a the Methodist ParR01mge, ma hinery of the Atlantic Silk Com there was a mall pond of water into pany went down in a cloud of dust. which the wa te water from the vats Mr. �litchell' b1·ick man ion w 11t of the dye work was drained. This down in the fire of 1846, and was the wa� neai· the bottom and on the wet limit of the fire to tlic northwat· l on ,-1d of ,t deep gully extending from North Water skeet. Academv la11t>, neat· corner of We tmin tcr ."h'eot. :ICl'OSS wha1 is now Gitv THE 1u:rE OF THE PETEB ::FOL· street, and Qnincr itnd Hussey, gro\\;_ GER HOll!!IE. i11g . hallow a it. approached Pearl BY REV. )1Yll0N S. DUDLEY. treet. On the cast side of thi gully, a few feet north of this pond or wa tc The fact that the mother of one of pool of the dye hon c, there wa a cop- the most distinguished citizen of our ion spring. There i till a living and countrv wa<S a nath·c of Nantucket ha,; flowing fountitin of Aweet water in the naturailv awakened interest in all that basement at the rear end of the hou e pertains· to Abiah Folger and he1· fam now occupied by 2\h'. Joseph 'fel'l'y, ily. One point of attention has been formcrlv the re idence of the late Wm. the determiniug of the home of Peter . Chadwi<-k. lt used to supply a Folger, the father of Abiah. It i well number of familic with water and i lrnown and undisputed that the land 110w Uited by one or two hon,:eholds. which · w as set off to l\lr. Folger, and Capt. Obed ·swain's hou�c is supplied was one of the inducementfl tllat Jell from this spring. him to remove from Martha' VineThe Jcgi. latme of l\las achusetts, in yard to this island, lies to the west,vard the spring of 1836, :rnthorizecl a bollnty of the pi·esent town, though probably of one dollar on ever_v ten pounds of it was 011 the eastern borders of the . ilk. At the same se sion, the Atlantic ol'igin(Ll Rettlemcnt. A portion of this Silk Company W(L charter d, the la t J land is now included in the last enclo of seven companic in the same line d fields on both side of the Madaket incorp,witt�d dnl'ing that SPssion road, as 011e goc out of towu. It is by the General Colll't. In May of this not diRputcd that the Folge1· hon e year the factory wa neat· completion. tood on the north ide of the Madaket In July, the factory wa iu partial op- road, in or uear the field adjoinino· the eration, and was open to visitor . Jt road and 11ot far from the fence which wa,:; in. pectcd at thi time by Edward divides thi,: field next the road from Everett, Governor of the Commo11- the lot of land north of it. wealth, who manite tee! much interest Ju 1891, sometime in the spl'ino-, a in _thi 11ew and p1·omi ing i land enter- marker wa put up clo e by the f�nce ;;:eparatrno· the two field next north of 1n·1se E. A. Waite wa the fit- t superinten- the .Madaket road. The spot selected dent. Silk vesting and handkerchiefs was on the high ground 340 feet from were among the :first product offered the we tern bouudarv of the field ad for ale. ln �cpiember, 1836, the ilk joining the road. lt'was daimcd to be Company placed samples of it goods on the line dividin<r the two tields or in it fair of the New Ym·k �Iechtmics no1·tb of 1he fence,"' and thi spot 'had Institute, New York 9i.ty, and received been pointed out by William C. Fol&'er. The ,pot wa marked bv the authonty an award foi· the exl11b1t. The indn try, however, was short and at the expen e, of the Nantucket lived. The people generally did not take Improvement A soeiation. No sooner kindlf to t!1e raising of silk, �nd tl}e was thi., monument in place than there trees m_ spite of the eat·ly. prom1_se did sprang up many claimants trying to not thnve. There were difficulties a.nd pro,•e a strono-e1· rio-ht to it. One co!Dplication that re~nJted in a law- would have it placed �n the north side _ mt. Thts was about 1 40, aud I.Jefo1·e of the farm belonging to W. II. H.
• 'mith, not 1·0111 the r, ,I pnrnl_lel th11, aftor,li11g- a .-:q,i1al npportm1ity fut· r o the .\l:wirle t ro:ul u1Hl ue ·t 11or1h j l'xamining the g-rn1111d. Two or tht·<'o . of it. An< I�· thoug·ht it ,lto11hl lw ti111c•-; aftt•r rnin ha, wa,hP<l whatcve1• rnnvccl quitl: • <li�taucc to th<• �-c,t into llli!!ht b<' 011 top or tlw g-round, tho the• tidcl ne11• orth of that :t<ljniui11g tit•hl lia, bCl'lt c·at·Pfnlly in,1wetc•tl. Ao hl' roacl.au�-on the high :rn uml unt a re�ult, 011 01· 11P:11· tl11• la-.t site imlka n1· innu it.; t rn. tern hountl.11.ry. It cd h� :\J 1·. Folger, "<'Yl'II cliffcrcnt va po,,ihle ritic, of. hrecl, u1· fl'll!!;llt<'llh of pott<•ry, ,as tlc•imhl• to get a,; 1war u the ri.,.11" - pot, if it "c1 • worth rnnginu from thl' kincl u,P11 in the •·hilt> to ,71ao!ih •h' ,;ile of the hn11,1•. kitf'i1eu to that n,t•d on thP di1uwr table ".'l'hPre W<'rt'I.O!known n•,·m·1l�I � which han• hc<'n pi,·kt•d 11p. al-n pi1•c1•, ot • o bt• gui h:ti. Till' plat·!' �·· .- •t11111� hrid;, while• 1111thi11g· 11111r" than a frnaJ ,,•·here ou th l. mil b<'lOn!!·ing to .\Ir. 11w11 01 t "'" of hri,·1-; or pi1•1·1:-. of ,lwll 1;Fol.!<'I", al>o , the location of which ha,·(• 1·011H• 1 o 1 h1• -urfaee of thl' hi;£hcr , l 1•r1• wa,- no .t:·,.putP. Thi- writt•r of ground whC'rC tht• 111011u11H•11t wa, lir-..t r 1 ·, imper, a..:,1li'ficultiP, :11111 ol>-..larlc•-. pla1:eu. It i, al111,"'I ct•r1ai11 that any :;J, ,,r. becau •tw 1no1·c inten-t,•d, a111l ,·0111tiPtent ,·,1111mi11t•P or PXpc•r , \\011lrl ,(ll ·t•rmi1H·1l. 1,11t cl�· a,; ii matter ot' anti- tl<'t·ide wi1ho11t di,,l'nt in favor of the •llll ri:tn r<'.-1'.a ,,I,. to g•p( a, 1w:t1· :l'- pos-1,-;pot la,;1. dc,-;crib1•1l near whil'h tl1is va,,ib I' tu the exit• t ,-pot. ,Villu1111 C. riPtY ot' ,hr1•cls h:1-. h1'cn fo1rnd. It i;:; pl<'a�ant Io a111101111t·I' 11, the conli't• rc1· wa, th� a.11t1Joritr fo1• the -itc• of J1, monn1111•nt" 1 Ul, and he• w.:i. ac- clu,ion ol 1hi, J1apt•1· that the luc: l;n \'lcclg-Pd t,t,\ the be�t anthority 011 d1:q1 ,•r of 1h1• 1>.111;.dtt<'l'" of thC' Amt•r ]!,,-�larnl l'l'g':.lll!ll'nµ: the ,ite, of old i,·au l{p\·ol11tio11. probably, \\·ill dl'cidc to ma1·k thi, ,it,• of tht• l,irlhplacl' ol b1 · lings and atal' iPnt la11<lmarl.:-. j-i. Folg,·r W:t" ,till lidnµ: iu 18!11, tlw _·a11tw·k1·t \\0111,m who-<' ><on w� t 1\ •h not ahl ct. lH'a1· fatig-nc. Iii, the JH'l'I' ol till' lat!tcr ot ou1· l'Ollllfry, clt•�•ct1ption of div -111To1111di11�, ot till' who'><• 11a111e ,ta1ul, fo1•pyer u11-11rpa- ,it,.. it lu�· i11 Iii;; miml 0111�- i111·n.. ,1•1I I'll in rhc politi,·al anti liter:11·y-Ponr II did not cotTt•-poud l{ichanl' · maxini- are' im111ortal-an<l 1 th11 1 J ,·,•rtainty to tJ pl:t,·P mat! ed. "'o it wa- d1•- ,cit•ntific a11na1,. of 0111· nation, who • l'l'lllAI< ,,1 when th� ,·onditio11, W(•1·1· wa.. worthy of hi� Qnakt•1· a11cc,-t1·�. or 1)110,t,A voral.Jlc t,; l1a, c· �Ir. FolgPr g-o I (l11ak1•1· wrrou11di11g,. if i11dce1l the , Y<'ll Ille gro1111d aa, lol':tt1• the• sik of maxi111 attrih11t(•d 10 hi111 1·:mH· .-r·rom 1thc 1'",c}i{tl' house �IIJ• 01·di11;.£. to hir< ret·- I hi, bmin :-·•'J'hl't't' 11 'V<'r was a u·ootl ,.,1Jel't.i11 ,,. of prel'.iQ 1 , ex:1111i11atiun,, war.'' Thin,!{� ,t•cm IIPC<'",an· -�1111' . •,ul nf1 1 <> trarlitio i11 which h,• wa,jti11w, thutar1' 11otµ:oocl. t'an·"C' not .,•n•atl� , 11tcn•stcd. r Hl of whi,•h hi, hl"'JIC:tk lht• hl':tl't�· 1·,1-11w1·atio11 of 1 hi-, u11incl w � a ,. torebt ·-1•. One pl":1,:u1t 1 org-aniz:t1in11, of :ill who :11'1' inten· IC l 1:1,· h<' h ,.., takc•n om lo thr,1• l'olg-t•r in thi, island, of it, on- :111tl dauuht •i<l,. H1• went lowly and carcfnll�· er,. of 1he g-1•pat brothl'rhnotl and ",-.i-.. •r th<' ·01md. aud · nalh- locat,•d a terhood of thl' ,011-- and dmwht1•r, of p t 011 \\lllich to d1·il-' :, ,t:ikC' to mark th<' Amcrin111 ltevol111io11, "'\\i1h 1he t ,ite ofrhe oldclw< .'ing, i11 the lil'ld Abialt Folg<•r Franklin Chaptor, to _en,d' ining •t.!1c Mad:tket road. 7G fed cure•, pr •,-.en· e and worthily :nark the fruu its w<,.::tcm homHla!,r_v, a11cl twenty birthplace of it, 11an1<•,ak<> ? It i prnc fcet(l'o111 th• fence lwtw,"Cll this Jit>ld 1icalh· a��urccl Iha• th<'I'I' will he 110 un,l ,1w ,me uol'th of it. :uul :Ui4 f<'l•t obstitch' in , he wa,· ot rhi, uuclertnk we,-t of the.· l of the hi�IH•1· gro11ncL iug wh<'u the mPa11·-. for it, t'Xl'Clllio11 Thi" i-1,ot is low grouu� :rnd the1·p i,; are ol.Jtai11ed. a de111l'c. sion ;1,; though tl1cn• n1i,g-ht have I.If• u a cctlar. But tlw conditiou --of the ground i .again,-t the tlll'ory of a/ HUITORICAI. AXD GE:.E.&LOf.Ici•llar. (t mu�t have !wen h11llow, lL CA.L XOTEl!I .IX HEG.&HD TO ha cmeut perl111Jl.<S. Thi. Fopot i, 1-!7.j THE E.&.Jo&Lr liiETTLEK8. feet from the fenct> on tllC' 11011 h �iclc of BY REV. JIYHO� 8· JH;ur.EY. th<' hig-hway. As to the two 1110,-t likelv locution-, it seem,; to lw a I'll•<' of. Fc.nlinand C. Ewp1•, i11 th<• note;- on 1i"olg-c1· again,t Folger, with tlw 111·oba- · hi, Hi rol'ical )Iap, n•f<'r, to Tho1nus bilitie· ,trougly in favor of hi,; la-t lo- �Jae,· aucl Edwul'cl �tJ1rh11c·k a, erni (•ation of the pla.,�e. p:m1it., from 'ali�L1111·y to thi, L htnd. 1<:vidence. strong!\· corroboratino- He ali;;o de ·l'ibe;. the inhauitant�, m<'anthi;; \'OUclnsion has recentlv been u; incr the fi1·,;L ettleri,. with the ('Xf'Cpt ion covc1·ed. 1:<'or the th·�t timf', in ten or'"'Folcrcr, a, uciug illitcral<'. yea1·s ur more, this Janel ha� bePu 1 Dou'htle$S the r1•corcl 011 E11·1•1··, 11mp brnnght nuder tillage. Within u few 1 i, based upon what wa� ac·t·t•pt 1•rl as day· it ha, been plo,vcd an<l lutrrowP<l, correct and trn,twort hy, t liougli I rn Ii-
10 tio11:1l. at 1111' tiuw tl,c 11iap wa, i,•n"<l. wa� ho1ue-1 1 :a(lc, without the· 'ffi'llol '\Vha11•,·cr i, "·rittt•n down :iml uiYen parchwent con•1·-. 'fhid l'econl. "try to tlw world in cnld typP. h�- that vrr�- mul'h tlilapidatt-,1. ha,- l'( '<·entl�, btt•n fact. l':tlTil•s ,rith it :t cc1'lai11 :1 111011111 of n•-bouncl, t·:wh i-heN being- cu '1'4ltwlh· weioht with the orclinan· man. But "luC'd bC'twec•n two pic•ccs of tl'U,U<l):11:. really it j, ,, 01·thlp,,- «'X<·Ppt it be a �111 -.ilk. A t'(•w wt•t•k, ng-o it m�ht recoid of th·• adual -!lite of thing-,-. haYC' he •n !-e •n iu the offic·C' of the Cum He,r•an·h j,.. almost ,nrc to 111o(lifL in rni,-siouC'r or Pnblk H(•l·ord>-, iit, tlH' . 0111P re�JH•cf, to dii-crcdit. to 1·01Tcd 01· � ate Hon;.e. It wa ,-0011 to be rcturn conJi nn what has bcPn previou,l�- nc- ed to Ame�bul'v tow11 clerk', o31i:t. c<•p1Pd a, a real de,cJ"iption of pa,t co11- :\lr. )JacY "was 1� g-oo(l ])l'nnrnn. no ditio11,. clonbt h:td a g-oo(l education .EI was Xow as reo·ani whnt Ewer ha;; put o,·pr�e 1· of ,;chool, i11 Sali�bnuy in dow11 on hi, map, doc' it re1n·e;,e11t 1652, deputy to the General Co,ut in thr n·al .ituation? 16f4, nnd wa� cho,-pn ch•1·k of Ainr�Ewrr cxccpr. F0Jg-p1• from the charge I.Jun· in 16i:iii. lJ i" occupation · not of ilJitp1•at·1·. :-.hou Id he ha ,·c ex tencled kuo,,·n definiteh-. lrnt in a11cie1.tJ red. l1i� c.xceptfons? l'uclouhtP<lly. Or if he is callPcl ·men:ltant and 'cl,11hier.' 1101, thPn tlw <·liarge of illitp1•acr hold:- In November 1609, the n·cor«l �f the 11ot :tlorn· atwinst the <'arh- . ettier· of ttnvn meeting was i11 !\1 acy'.· hand. The ...·antw·ket. hut also again�t tho"e com- next !\larch meeting wa" re<'o1il l by m1mitiei- from which tho,-p men remov- Hie-Im rd artl'r who wa� a p<•,,- pen ed. For -.0111 . of these men "·ere in niau." All thi, nnd mnch m01·0- ot in position of itnportam·e in the place" tere;.t in reg,nd to :)Jr. :\facy 1D.-y be where they lired before t·oming to this found in )fol'l'ilJ'-.; IH-.;torv ofr _\.mesi. land. bury. a <·opy of which ought tn;, bl• in The following hi,-loricnl note� tend- om· libnu·y. Jt is out of pdn!i.,. but a .ing to prove t hi la�t ;.tate1 ucnt arc in- cop�- is availablr, when we ll.':llvt• th(• tere t 'n;.r. The e note nre given a wlit•1· '"'ith to pnrchase. As regn rds l�dwanl Starbnck. they ha,·<• bPen •rleam•d from yarious lt i, ce1tain that he nevt•Jl· lived in som·ec, and jot tcd. down b�· their compile!'. in a con den eel form, whilr l1r �ali. hnry. At thr 1110,-;t, it · cPrtain w:i-, e:u·ching for material to be n. d I that lie only ,;ojournecl in tilrnt place in prepari11g- the Timothy '\Vhite PapC'l'i> for a n·l'� »hol't periorl, prol bly a· a Yisitor at the home of Thom.:.1,- i\1:tl')", for tliP pn•ss. lJP "·as born i11 1604, und is 11id to A� rcgnl'll Thoma �laey. At a meeting of the inhabitant" of h:n-e r •1110,·ecl frolll Derby,-i?il-e, Eng., .1\me�hnry. held the fin:t month and to DoYer. ~-e"· Hamp Mir,•. llr i� 19th <la�·, l(i5.!-5, an agreement or town 1il"t mentioned as receiving. :JU. 6 mo., compact wa adopted, and thi,, wai- re- J 6-13. :\ grant of forty acre:,. of Jaml on conh•rl immediute!I· aftl'r. "Wt• the •ach F<idC' of ''F1· "h Hi,er," in Do,·er. iuha!Jitant.· havt' ·hereunto �ct ou1· [le had othe1' g-rants at Y rioo, time,. hand, the day and year aboYC' written." "Indeed, Edwanl ow 1 wd con,-;irkr;ihli• 'l'he11 follow the name� of ei0·htc•en land, a11cl wa;; eYident!Y � man of Hth nl('n. among tllem Thomas Uarnnrcl i-tancc a� to hi;. po;.,-e;,-iom,. a tradi ancl Thomas Macy. Thii- abo b record- tion saY� he was in holh·. Ile w:i- 11 e(l:-"At the ,:mic meeting it wa· 01·- Hepre,:eulativr in the (;t•neral Court of den•1l that Thoma" Mal·�- . hall record New Hampshire in 1643 :incl 46. wa, ,11 the orrler, of the Company a11d to tlii-.; }�Ider in the Chun·h or DoYcr, and rn ernl �hall h:we 3d (three pence) allow- joyetl Yariou, token� of re;,pect gin•n C<l h1 1n and nlso apointed ro 1·ecor<1 all him b,· . his fellow dtizens. l11 fact Ii � and <'1·<•1·y ,\rticles of Agreement rnade rnigltt have live(l ' ypr_,· t·o111fort:-ibly ::lt betwl·en the olrl town and 11,:· The Uover and died in th 1ni(bt ot hi,. ahon• w:1,-; in the original book macle fn111ih·, rr�1H·ctt•<l aml c·ontt'1ttecl. bt1t a1Hl.u,-c(l hr Thomae; :llacy till hi,-; flight, that lie c·mul'a<·P1l Bapti,t H•nti 111 l'nb; to ::'\:intneket and the 18 nnrne, were nnablt• w agree with tlw pPople. he tho-<' of the lel!al townsmc·n at thi� left, tho1wh 11ot until after teiru) ,liffi datc. 1655. It appear� in the l\la ,:1- cultie, : Z, m 16.}!) the Elde1· �vPnt oil' chu-�tt, n•1·onl,, \'ol. 1. that, among on an exploring expedition. In th<' the fnst ,ettlers who took the oath of com· e of hi� trnYPI� he met Thoma� frl'enwn beforP the Genc-ral Court, l\lacy and hb fnmih·, (then troubled Tho111a- i\la,ie took th!' oath on the 6th with a somewhat ...lmilar i i mbilit,· to da�· 7th mouth! 16_�9. Thoma. J\l��y convi11 ·c the 1,eoplc of Amc-�Jniry.) lelt A111e,hmT rn 16;)!), or earl\- m lliliU. ,Jniue Coffin a YOllll'" m·rn of eiahteeu !11:wy wa• the fir;;t town clr1:k of the aucl J1,nac C�lrna11. ; h;,,. of t�.-eln-. new 10\_v11 of Ame,lnn•�-, Ile kept the They �ct forth in an open ·hoat. nml in l'<'<:•ml 111 a pamphlet of note ])UJ)er. It dne time arrived ut the island of • ·nu•
11 tuckct, an clig-ible situation fo1· people lntctl went to hi. family. These poi11L who liked plentr of water." From I are matter,. of record in )father'. l\lag Dr. Quint•� "Genealogical Item,- relat- nalia, all(l in a footnote, in ,Jnclge Sew ing- to Dover, X. H." This and 1Hldi- all'" Paper,;. tional matters concerning· Edn-ard StarA,: regards the l\litcliell family. Thi,; family. alwa,·s eminent in the buck ma,· be found in The Xew Eng° land Historical & Gencalog-ical Regist- intellectual life ancl enterpri e of the er, 'fhe �I annal of the Fir�t Church, i land, wa,- not among· the tir t settlers Do,·er. :N". H., and the published Pro- oft.he bland. It cau hardly be clas�ed cceding. of the First Church, Dover. among the early . cttlers. For, acconl This material is in ·the library of the ing to Henry MitcheJJ, the name does A sociation. not appea1· among the island familie. until 1740, or thereabouts. Can the exA� regardsJohn Swain. "John �wain, 8alisbmT, 1633, Xan- act date be e;-;tablislwcl bY . any . rec·ord,;? tnckct. 1703. A lieutenant Swain hat\ been uwle1· ::'llajor Appleton airainst In regard to the paper on "Ilii::toricaJ the Indian , in 167.'i. He was aftcl' wards Captni11."' 1J rorr. the unpub and Ge1 alvg-iral .Xotes.'' After t li<,hl'd manu�cript of Mr. 8. G. Drnke. paper. contributed were read ancl tlH' Fit--t printed in the N. K Ifo,torical c. sion wa,- opcu to volunteer add1·csse�, a11d Oenealogical Register, April, Hs47. some iutere. ting remarks we1·e made Thi� mrn1bcr is in om· librnn. \Va� about the char,g-e of illitcrac1· in Ewer ·,,Tohn 'wain i<lentical with Lieutenant '· Hi torical �1:tp." Allen Coffin, E. q., �tated that in :t Swain'? Doubtf11l. cc Ilodge's Sol convcr. ation with the compiler of tlw uier� of the Indian War�. As n'garcl.. tlw Gardner,:, John 1rnd map, Ir. Ewer remarked that u11do11btcdly he was wrong, but that he 1th-hard. 'l'he�1• llll 11 <lo not appear among the had been m if:le<l LY statements in Obed fir,t settlers, though there is early- rec ;'.lut·,·'s •· JJbton· · of Nantucket." It onl ot' lheil· pre;-;encc. In ''A record wa,; °!',Ir. Ewer · 'intention to make the of Dirth�, Death;,, aucl ).farriages on nece,-,.,arv corrections in future editions, K:rntuckl•t, beginnin,!! in lGG:!,'' by but he did not Jive 10 do this after h<• William c. Folger (-1 , E. Genealogi became sati fied that a re-statement cal :rn<l Historical Regi4er for 18,51!,) should be made. lt i worth note that the fir�t Gardner en tn· i � in 1670. '• ,To �[r. (Jodf1·r�-. on the map in his Guide• sc•ph GarduPr aud JJethiah :\lac,· were Book, hac; removc<l the clan�e referring married 30 )forch 1670. Dut iu 1669 to the illiteracy of the early ettler . "ye 16 of �o,·., wa· born flopc ye daughter of Richard Gardner." Aud At future annual meetings, it is the '''.\lehitahle ye <laughter ofJolm Gard hope of the Council to ecm·e paper,; ner was bom :Xov. 24, 1674." upon various points of the blancl·s That John Gardner was n. strong past hi,;tor_1·. with the <le fre, n, was <'ltaracter aucl poss��sccl of ,g-1·eat 111tel well stated by onr President, of g-lean leC'tllHI Yigor i� clem·Ir ma11ifest from i11g from that pa,t what oevcr may in the town recor1ls. There is evidence strnct and advantage the present and rt1"o that he was well known ancl hi!th the fntlll'C, The Whale Indu•trv with f<Uch as J�- e,tccme<l beyond the boundaries -of the island. Ile wa, authority, in Doc- sociated occupation; as oil-refining ton, on matters regarding the welfan, works, candle factories, rope walk�, of the :Xantucket lndia11,,, uurl was bake shopia;, �ail lofts, warchou e,, looked upon as their ''next frieud,'' ,-hipping- trade!', anu hip ,·uvply store , and protector. When Gile.' Co1·c,· of 11ml the Sheep lndu,trr, are large top Danycr,, was ac('u,cd of the crime of ic,; and will reqnil'e mnch time ancl wikhcraft, about lti92, a11<1 the mo;;t careful research. The Land Temll'e of . trenuou, l'llorts were made to indnee thfa i�laml is a11 interesti11g-, bnt intl'i him to tc;-;tify iu hi, own ca,c, the in cate topic. The .Ancient :Xame:- of Lo tlnrncP and perf:onal intcrc . ,ion with calitic , and the Ancient Landmarks t�1c acrn$ed. of •· Worth�- Captain John sl10nld be irlentificd, the �Jig-ration of harclner, of Nantucket," was called in. the Town to it;; present itc from iti< But in vain, for Gile,; held his peace, original location about �Iaxey and more from loyalh' to his family than \Vaunacomct ponds, the lJ(;ad of tht' from ob.tinac\'. · Fo1· if he lrnd ,;poken Hummock and the reg-ion of Thom Lot either to declare his innocence or t� is a movement full of intere t ancl be ct confes his guilt. his propert\· would with difficulties. The existence of have been confiscated to the· state. small cnclo-:ecl field. of varying bound He kept . ilence. was pressed to death aric · and dimen ions, fo1· a con. iclf,r hut the little pittance he had accumn: able clL tancc west and south webt of
fh() towu, i - Yer�· ,ugg-estiye of ;;mall, Jioldings and home,-rcad cncJo,-urcs c}UU .J � � Wa. tlwre 01H•() :� mor<' or Jp .. , thick =====. )rinkli11 gof hou,e,u' twccn t c • l h h E i ul - I' .It.I-on. r (»J.JiH i,25), nrnl the pre,t'nt we,- tcrn limi t� of the to\\ n? The I E,·olntion of the P1·t"•e11t ,.;chool :::;,• 1 l t• ���):�: '.�'f:'.�.i�1� ::�1 cl : :�:J)�l\'.��:1 .s::'�;I the PrP•Ul' tP1'1an,. ,o ,·,dlecl. <11•-orvc, :t . ,·arcfni in\·c4ig-ation. 'I hr Grnwth of • tlw P1·1•se11t Heligioti- !--t•ct - 0111 of tlw , two I.Joelie, !ha• forn1rrh· met all the relig-iuu, m•c•d, of di(• tmn1, lht• :NA:N"TUCKET, )U.SS. Fricml�' 'leeting and tht• Firs t Co11gre;rationnl Church. oug-1,r tu ho tho1·oui(h!�·. l�Hlllgh �111p:tr t ially,_pic1111:Pcl. _All i:1t is po,,1hlP reg-111·,l1ug- .�ljg-ratiou�i , 1 11 the I�la11d, like tho,-c to l lutbon. _·. y. to _-or1h Carolina, iu the Ja�l I➔ �c11erully reco!l••ized a the Hea,Iq nnrtcr ror part oft ht• Ja ... t 1·l'11tnry. an cl to Californi:t in J • W, ,.;lwuld he trnc1•d. Thc·,c 111i�mtio11, ,c<'rn to b' mol 'e than th!' "ithdrawal ot' indi\·idn:il... f1'0111 an s. Jj t.JLJ t YCl'crow c!ctl t'OlUlllllllit L '\"(•l'C 1hc1 th<' re-ult ot co ce1tetl :H··tion of g-rnup.�, Pul)lic wdcom c . .,,fJ -�--01· C'Olo11izing- companiP,? Can we n ••·<JY<'I' all 01· an�· ('On�iclcmbll' p1 ,rtion ot the ('011ditio11, lruding- to tht•-c 111oycI 111ent:? All the-c· and 'other topic><, ,·al 'efully and minutl'ly nnfoldccl, ai·c• preli111iuan· to a lal'ucr work. anti will pr�pal'(.- till' "::1Y fut• nn a<lt•qunw autl --: •:tt1,facto1·y h1" t< l'Y of lt • l,:laml. I I � � '
RBal E�tatB A[Bllli ALMONT. MOWRY,
wyer s A rf Store
lf 8 � Ll• flB IlSUI"aTICB
"·ork pro��!'- upon the _\,,ociarion. a, it docs upon all Jiyc i11,titutio11,; ,·011,ct111cntly the JIH•,u1,:; 11e1·tl1·J to ac1•0 1 11pli Ii n•,ult, arc in co1i-ta11t tl<'(_J • Q • 111a11d. All members into who,c hancl,.; :, DEALER l:N thi, l 'l'[>OLt co1 1 1e,.: and who al'' in ar-1 rear, lll'!' rC'111iudcd of tlw J)l'r...-iugll('(•cl ra.nkl"in, B urnsi e, and Wh'1te Ash ofour trca,111·y for t1111tl-. ,ve d e ...in• to l'Uilll'gc our mc111h!'r,bi1l ancl there• h,· increase ou1· in ·0111e. 'Ihe mombl't'. f1ip f1!' i... O(H' dolla r annually, 0I' 1i1- Oak and .Pine "'\7\t�ood, tCl'J?-dollar· 111 011c Jl!tf llll'nt make� our , • FLOU,.,"' A!TD Gi:?AIN \\ c wrlcome new a hie 111eml.Jer . , m!'111bci·,. and 1•x•end a wiclc• invitation 1ID8, 8ffi8Ut, alr. 10 all wl,o al 'e iuterestcd iu thr \1·01·k of thi� org:unization. (iii'" \Vhali> SL1t•e1, between Searls of Old Sonlh a.nd Comm .. 11:IRI \Vh11rvPS. Pul>lkation of tho A,,odation for ,ale at the room, on I<'ait' street, 01· sent in·mail:. Quuk1·1·i,m on ::-;antuckct ,im·r J 00, liy lknry ll. Worth, :!ii cent�; I.Jy rnail, DealPr in Tul'ki,h, PPrsian and ,Japan ei-e Hug:�, <.:arpctf- Hanging�, and ;JQ C('11t,'. 'l'he Timothy Whitr Pape!';:, hy IyEmhroidel'ies, Antique 'ilver. 1·1m ·. Dudley. 81.00, po,tpaid. Jcwelt-y, Poroelllin, Ottar Proceeding:� of the Annual �Ieeting 0f H,( )£e & Cnrio. ities. or l '!J , 5 cent •
and H ·
New Bedford, Mass.
And 21 Centre St,, N�tucket, Kua,