Nantucket Historical Association
Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting July Twenty-Eighth Nineteen
CAPT. B. WHITFORD JOY. The Last of Nantucket's Old-time Deep-water Sea Captains.
Nantucket Historical Association
Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting July Twenty-Eighth Nineteen
Finance—William F. Codd, Fred V. Fuller, Dr. Charles E. Congdon. Publication—Mrs. Walton Parker.
H. Adams, Miss Clara
Buildings—Oldest House, Fred V. Fuller; Old Mill, William F. Codd; Friends' Meeting House and Historical Rooms, Mrs. Walton H. Adams. 'Sconset House—Miss Annie Barker Folger, Herbert C. Gardner, Thomas H. Giffin. Whaling Museum—William F. Macy, Fred V. Fuller, Edgar W. Jenney, Mrs. Walton H. Adams, Miss Annie Barker Folger, William F. Codd, Mrs. Louise M. Gordon. Publicity—Dr. Charles E. Congdon, Bassett Jones, Kenneth Taylor. Junior Membership—Edgar W. Jenney, Miss Merle E. Turner, Mrs. Georgie L. Walling.
ANNUAL MEETING The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Nantucket Historical Association was held in the Old North Vestry, Tuesday afternoon, July 28, 1931. The meeting was called to order by the president, William F. Macy, a few minutes after 3:00 o'clock. By unanimous vote the reading of the records of the last annual meeting was dispensed with, as they are printed in the Annual Report sent to each member. The Secretary, Miss Catherine Ray Eger, then presented her annual report, which was received with approval. It was Mrs. Eger's first appearance before the Association in her capacity as secretary The annual report of the Treasurer, Mrs. Louise Mack Gordon, which followed, showed that the Association is in a very gratifying financial condition, with a total mem bership to date of 1179 members. Both the secretary's and treasurer's reports were accepted, and it was voted that they be embodied in the "Proceedings". As usual, the report of Mrs. Nancy Grant Adams, the curator, was replete with interest, outlining the work of the Association the past year and mentioning a few of the more interesting acquisitions to the society's collections. Mrs. Adams' report is always listened to with keen interest. It was voted to amend Section 1 of Article IV of the constitution by the addition of the following clause: "Any person may become and continue a sustaining member by the payment of five dollars a year". <{ 7 )§••
Mrs. Dorothy Sharp Richmond, for the nominating committee, presented the following list of officers for the ensuing year President—William F. Macy. Vice-Presidents—Millard F. Freeborn, William F. Codd, G. Lister Carlisle, Jr., Fred V. Fuller, Mrs. Irving Elting and Thomas H. Giffin. Secretary—Mrs. Catherine R. Eger. Treasurer—Mrs. Louise M. Gordon. Curator Emeritus—Miss Susan E. Brock. Curator and Librarian—Mrs. Walton H. Adams. Councillors for Four Years—Bassett Jones and Ken neth Taylor. Auditors—Miss Emma Cook, Miss Hannah Hatch and Albert G. Brock. By unanimous consent it was voted that the Secretary be authorized and instructed to cast one ballot for the nominees as reported by the nominating committee, which was done, and they were declared duly elected. The next business in order was the annual address of the president, who announced, however, that he had pre pared no formal address this year, so would confine his observations to offering such running comment as he had already made or would have occasion to make in intro ducing the speakers who were to follow. He then an nounced the winners of the prize essays by the High School pupils this year and the awards which had been made as follows: 1st Prize—Miss Catherine Jones for "The Wharves of Nantucket." 2nd Prize—Miss Anne Bennett for "Quakerism on Nantucket." 3rd Prize—Miss Florence Miller for "The Life of Tristram Coffin."
The young ladies came forward and received their awards of $10, $5 and $2.50 respectively. The president then stated that it was the privilege of the winner of the first prize to read the winning essay at this meeting. The winner might consider this more of a penalty than a privil ege, but he believed it was good practice for the student to stand up before an audience which he assured the reader would be a friendly one. Miss Jones read her paper most acceptably and it was well received and applauded. She had discovered some new material in connection with the wharves which was known to but few if any of those present, and the essay gave evidence of considerable study and research, which, the president stated, was just what the prize competition was designed to encourage. Rev. Charles S. Thurber, chaplain of the Seamen's Bethel in New Bedford, which celebrated its one hundredth anniversary last year, then spoke to the meeting on the work of that famous institution and some of his experien ces in connection therewith. Mrs. Richard B. Coolidge, president of the Medford Historical Association, was introduced to the meeting as the daughter of the late Lorin L. Dame, a former teacher in the Nantucket schools. Mrs. Coolidge referred to the work which the Medford society has started, which was small in comparison with that of the Nantucket society, outlining some of the things which she hoped it would be able to accomplish. In closing she referred to the love which she and all members of her family have for Nan tucket. George A. Grant, custodian of the Whaling Museum, then recited with gusto the "Rules of the Road at Sea" and another poem of a decidedly nautical flavor, both of which were received with applause. 4 9 >
The President announced that the poem on the "Rules of the Road" had been printed on post cards bearing Mr. Grant's picture, which were on sale to those who might be interested. Over seventy of the cards were sold later after the meeting closed. Don C. Seitz, formerly managing editor of the New York World, who was to lecture before the Association Wednesday evening on "Pirates", was introduced to the gathering and said that he was greatly interested in the Nantucket museums, and especially the whaling museum, but he thought there was one thing lacking there and that Nantucket should make a special effort to have someone present it with a whale. His wit and humor in this sug gestion was appreciated. The President then announced that he had been trying to get together a chorus of male voices to sing some of the old sailor "chanties" from books containing the words and music which had recently come to the Whaling Museum library, but he regretted that his efforts had not been successful. A musical number having been planned, however, he called upon Mr. Leo Sabella, a young man with a fine voice who sang "The Road to Mandalay". The gathering showed its appreciation of Mr. Sabella's con tribution by enthusiastic applause. Moses Joy was the last speaker of the afternoon. He outlined briefly the results of his efforts to obtain infor mation regarding a "sliding scale" rule used by navigators which was found some years ago among articles and papers from the Christopher Mitchell Co.,, one the the most active firms on Nantucket during the whaling days. Mr. Joy said that he had been unable to find anyone who knew how to "read" or use the scale, although his efforts had reached as far as London, and he felt that it was an un usual and interesting instrument. He hopes, however, that Captain Egner, of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey 4 10 ja-
steamer Natoma, in port at Nantucket this summer, might be able to furnish some light on this unusual find, which bears a multitude of figures and lines, with references to lunar observations on one side, and solar observations on the other. At the conclusion of Mr. Joy's remarks the meeting adjourned.
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SECRETARY'S REPORT To the President and Members of the Nantucket Historical Association: It is Annual Meeting time and as it is the first one that I have ever attended and I am a bit unfamiliar with its procedure, my report as the Association's new secretary will be brief. The year closing has been a prosperous one of untiring effort and accomplishment. All institutions have been well attended. The outstanding event during the past year was the opening of the Whaling Museum at which the total attendance the first season was nearly 10,000 people, which is indeed gratifying. From our curator we learn that it is proving just as popular and just as prosperous this season. During the year we have held five council meetings, all of which have been very well attended, although not a great amount of business has been transacted. We have purchased no more real estate, but have made necessary repairs on the buildings needing them and have provided benches long needed at the Old Mill. It has been suggested that many of our members might be able and willing to contribute something more than the regular one dollar a year dues toward the support of our work. Most organizations such as ours have several classes of membership, but we have never had anything but annual members at one dollar a year and life members at fifteen dollars. After due consideration the council voted at its <{ 12
last meeting to submit a proposed amendment to the con stitution, authorizing a new class of membership to be known as sustaining members, who shall pay five dollars a year, action upon which is to be taken at our meeting today. For the rest there is little to report. Our correspond ence steadily increases, and our mailing list lengthens so rapidly that the treasurer and I find ourselves working very busily to keep up with it and to keep our list of mem bers complete as well as correct. It has been the custom of the secretary to mention in the annual report the names of those members who have died during the year, but our membership is now so large and so scattered geographically that it is difficult, if not impossible, to keep the run of all the deaths and make the list complete. It would seem better, therefore, to omit this feature of the report altogether rather than to offer an incomplete list. Some of our more prominent members, who have been active in the affairs of the Association, have passed on during the year. In January Capt. B. Whitford Joy, a member of the council and one of our active workers, died suddenly and his loss is greatly felt. Suitable resolu tions were adopted by the council, published in The Inquirer and Mirror, and a copy sent to his widow. Mrs. Amelia Westgate and Mrs. Phebe A. Woods, two of our faithful attendants at the Fair Street Museum, have also been called from us, and their presence will be sadly missed by us all. In presenting this, my first report as your secretary, I wish to express my appreciation of the honor which you have conferred upon me and I sincerely hope that your confidence in me has not been misplaced. I am looking forward to enjoying many pleasant hours in the work of so worthy an Association. Respectfully submitted, Catherine Ray Eger,, Secretary. •4 13
At a meeting of the Council of the Nantucket Historical Association, January 22nd, the following resolutions were adopted: In the passing of Capt. B. Whitford Joy the Nantucket Historical Association has lost one of its loyal members and an earnest worker for the good of the Association and of his native town. As a member of our Council for the last four years he has served us faithfully and efficiently, rarely missing a meeting when on the island, and his wise counsel on all practical questions of administration or policy has been of great value to us all. His interest in and support of the Whaling Museum enterprise were evidenced by the good work he did on the special committee appointed to raise funds for its establish ment, and he was an active member of the local committee on the Massachusetts Tercentenary in the summer of 1930. As the very last one of Nantucket's old-time deep-water sea captains his death marks one more milestone in the record of our town's maritime history, and it seems emi nently fitting that our Association should call attention to the significance of this fact. To his widow and daughter we express our sincere and heartfelt sympathy in their bereavement, and we join with his countless friends and associates here and abroad in offer ing our tribute of honor and respect to his memory. The Council Nantucket Historical Association.
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TREASURER'S REPORT For the Year Ending June 30, 1931. RECEIPTS Cash in Banks and on hand, June 30, 1931 $11,525.49 Nantucket Institution for Savings, interest .... 514.20 Life Membership fees 45.00 Annual dues 870.50 Admission fees, Historical Rooms 588.25 Admission fees, Oldest House 565.50 Admission fees, Whaling Museum 2,397.90 Admission fees, Old Mill 291.75 Sale of publications 429.00 Refund on corn not used at Old Mill 9.80 Sale of meal at Old Mill 10.10 $17,247.49 PAYMENTS Cleaning Historical Rooms and Oldest House .. .$ Postage Supplies and Miscellaneous purchases Sign painting and lettering Copyright fee "Ye Old Mill" booklet Miscellaneous labor Addressograph, plates and cabinet drawers .... Bay State League, dues Wannacomet Water Company Siasconset Water Plant Citizens' Gas, Electric & Power Company Robert Melendy, essay prize The Albert G. Brock Company, insurance Willard B. Marden, stock and labor
4 15
14.70 91.45 74.53 28.00 2.00 11.60 109.01 2.00 37.00 20.25 6.25 10.00 186.01 19.50
Holmes & Company, stock and labor, Old Mill . . 376.29 George S. Davis, stock and labor, 'Sconset House 194.87 Archibald Cartwright, stock and labor 25.98 Thomas H. McGrath, stock and labor 14.50 James T. Worth, carting 4.75 Walter Hatch, corn 14.50 Frank F. Sylvia, Agent, mowing grass Old North Cemetery 20.00 L. G. Flagg & Company, 12 panes glass for Oldest House 2.31 Suffolk Engraving and Electrotyping Company, line plate 12.57 A. W. Ellis Company, cuts 6.50 Inquirer and Mirror, subscription 2.50 Inquirer and Mirror, annual reports 299.00 Inquirer and Mirror, advertising and printing . . 150.81 Inquirer and Mirror, stationery and supplies . . . 110.97 Inquirer and Mirror, Whaling Museum, postals .. 19.35 Inquirer and Mirror, Old Mill, cards 4.25 Nantucket Institution for Savings, interest 600.00 Houghton Mifflin Company, books 156.12 Transferred to Whaling Museum Account 1,000.00 Salary of Attendants, Historical Rooms 450.00 Salary of Attendants, Oldest House 315.25 Salary of Attendants, Whaling Museum 944.00 Salary of Attendant, Old Mill 245.88 Salary of Janitor 100.00 Salary of Secretary 100.00 Salary of Secretary, pro tern 25.00 Salary of Treasurer 100.00 Salary of Curator 200 00 _ , . , Cash in banks, June 30, 1931
$6,107.70 11,139.79 $17,247.49
4 16 ^
SUMMARY Assets Fireproof Building and Meeting House Collection, (insurance) Siasconset House Old Mill Oldest House Whaling Museum Collection, (insurance)
$ 8,860.00 1,000.00 2,220.00 4,500.00 10,000.00 37,790.00 4,000.00 $68,370.00
Ella M. Starbuck Fund: Nantucket Institution for Savings Oldest House Fund: Nantucket Institution for Savings Permanent Fund (Life Membership fees): Nantucket Institution for Savings William Swift Fund: Nantucket Institution for Savings Balance on hand, Pacific National Bank
$ 3,000.00 468.60 2,553.23 5,000.00 117.96 $79,509.79
Liabilities, none
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MEMBERSHIP New Life Councillor New Life Members New Annual Members
1 3 241 245
Lost by death, Life Members Lost by death, Annual Members Changed from Annual to Life Members Withdrawn Dropped for non-payment of dues Present Total Membership Life Councillors Life Members Annual Members
4 23 2 9 8 46 1,126 4 107 1,015 1,126
Respectfully submitted, Louise M. Gordon, Treasurer. Examined and approved: Emma Cook Hannah G. Hatch Albert G. Brock (Total Membership to date of annual meeting 1179) My report does not include the Principal Account on the Whaling Museum, which is in charge of a special com mittee whose report will be rendered later.
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CURATOR'S REPORT Mr. President and Members of the Nantucket Historical Association: The truth of the old saying that "history repeats itself" is forcibly brought to mind when one endeavors to write an annual report. A review of the year's work shows that its established activities have been continued and some new activities started. At the close of the year we find all the buildings in excellent condition and an able corps of attendants greeting the visitors at each place. The year has been saddened with the loss by death of both the attendants at the Historical Museum, one of whom had been a devoted member of the Association and so loved her duties that she insisted on appearing each day last summer when failing strength barely enabled her to climb the stairs to her place on the second floor. We miss her greatly. The other attendant was with us just one short season, but she was much interested and would have made a valuable helper if she could have been spared to us. We have filled these vacancies with two able and efficient women who seem to have the interest of the Association at heart and we trust they may continue with us for a long period. The attendance at the Historical Museum has fallen off greatly, probably owing to the fact that much of the interest of the transient visitors is for "the things of the sea", and so they spend the short time they are here at the Whaling Museum, the attendance there counting nine thousand six hundred twenty-two visitors. This does not include members who are admitted free. The Oldest House continues to be of interest to the visitors and we are still of the opinion that it would be more attractive to the average person if it could be fur nished a bit more than it is at present. We have had prengf 19 }s*
sented to us a very nicely framed photograph of the Old Manor House in England, this being the ancestral home of the Coffin family. The discovery has also been made that we have in our possession several photographic copies of some of the portraits which hang in the Manor House and it is our intention to have these suitably framed. Several articles have been transferred to the Oldest House from the Historical Museum, as well as to the Whaling Museum, so that we are slowly relieving the congestion which has been our great problem for some time. New labels are gradually being made to replace those which have been discolored with age and a new steel filing cabinet has been added to the equipment at Fair Street in which to file numerous photographs and papers which are handled a great deal, thus saving them from wear and tear. We hope soon to start a new catalogue, as the present one is more or less incorrect, since so many articles have been taken from the building. Many letters have been received and answered by your Curator and all donations have been acknowledged. The accessions this year have been fewer in number but all of historic interest. Once more we report the donation of a flag which has flown on a ship which made a trip to the South Pole. This ensign flew on the ship City of New York when she made that famous trip to the South Pole with Admiral Byrd. To prove the authenticity of this ensign we have a photostatic copy of a letter written by Admiral Byrd in which he makes this statement: "In so far as I know this is one of the ensigns which flew on the City of New York." We are indebted to a former Nantucket boy, who is now an official with the United States Shipping Board, for these historic flags. We have received a fine framed photograph of Mr. Joseph C. Brock and a fine portrait of Mr. Charles F Tracey, as well as several small photographs of old Nan20 >
tucket people, the latest acquisition being a colored photo graph and miniature of John Taylor Coffin, Esq., of Mere dith Bridge, now known as Laconia, N. H. He died in 1860 and the family is now extinct. Through the interest of one of our Vice-Presidents we have come into possession of a copy of the Charter of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and several badges pre sented to the donor at various celebrations of the Tercen tenary. A former Nantucket lady has sent us a collection of wearing apparel. Among these articles are an old black beaded mantilla, a straw bonnet gayly decorated, green kid gloves, several pairs of old satin boots, a beautiful comb with gold band, a very fine old hair bracelet and an assort ment of ribbon belts. Perhaps the finest donation this year has been a pair of Bristol glass steins. These are white with decorations on one side and were presented to the mother of the donor when she was two years old. Several books of poems written by Nantucketers, and a copy of the book "Pathways of the Puritans", have been added to the library. The genealogical department has received a fine chart of the Hussey family and the marriage certificate of two Quakers, Willet Seaman and Mary Jenkins, which was donated by the great grandson of the latter. At the Whaling Museum some changes have been made in displaying the exhibits. A large multiplex display rack has been placed in the ship room which will take care of photographs and pictures for some time, and it is possible to use two sides of thirty-two racks. Many pictures of ships and some of the captains have already been placed on the racks. •4 21
The library continues to grow and new shelves have already been added to take care of the overflow. In Sanderson Hall there has been arranged a special exhibit showing the evolution of the harpoon. Many articles have been donated, purchased or acquired by exchange. Among the latter is a large chair, the seat of which measures 21 x 24 inches. This chair belonged to Capt. Charles Fisher, master of the whaling barque Alaska, which reported taking on May 4, 1884, a large sperm whale which yielded 162 bbls. and 22 gals, of oil, a record amount up to that time. On his return from the voyage several of his brother whaling captains had this chair made for him and presented it to him as the holder of the record. Another article of great interest is a Nor wegian flensing knife and a piece of main whaleline which came from Norway through the Director of the Norsk Museum. The most valuable acquisition to the museum this year is the set of seven log-books concerning the Arctic voyages of Captain William Scoresby, Sr., of Whitby, England. These logs are issued in fac-simile by the Ex plorers Club of New York, three hundred copies of which were printed and the plates destroyed. We are indebted for this donation to the Explorers Club through the kindly interest of one of our summer Nantucketers. This year has started with a very good record of attendance which increases each week. In conclusion let us remind you that this Association was started with noble and unselfish purposes. Growth is evident on every hand and we hope that those who continue to carry on the work so trustingly launched thirty-seven years ago may do so with a broad vision of the future and a wise understanding, for in this way lies our hope for continued growth and expansion. Respectfully submitted, Nancy S. Adams, Curator. <61 22
WHARVES OF NANTUCKET Prize Essay by Catherine Jones. In a recent excavation of the territory at the head of Straight or Old Wharf (at present date known as Killen's Wharf and in the possession of Killen Brothers) some piles of the first wharf of importance, constructed in 1723 "by Richard Macy, grandson of the original Thomas Macy", were unearthed. This incident has aroused my curiosity as to just what the old wharves were like. However, it seems that the very first wharf was built in 1716, when Joseph Coffin was allowed to build "a wharf at ye old landing forty feet wide, and it shall be his privilege so long as he keeps it in good repair." He must have com plied with these requirements, for the privilege seems to have been permanent. It is unknown where "ye old landing" was located. Presumably it was somewhere along where the present wharves now stand. Previous to the increase in shipping and fishing industries there were no demands for substantial landings, so there were "places built off, called landing places, which were but temporary, and were often broken up by winter storm." However, as shipping increased and the whaling indus tries flourished, "it was found indispensably necessary to have wharves." When it was decided to move the town to its present site, they laid out fish lots, which ran up to what is now Union Street, then ran north from the South Beach Boat Yard to what is now the Children's Bathing Beach, just beyond the Yacht Club. The privileges ran from the street to the water. On each side of the wharves were "S( 23 )§••
water-lots which were sold to fishermen and those wishing houses, shacks, or shops in that section. Between the water lots and the wharves were ways running down to the water front. Straight Wharf, mentioned above, was the first wharf of interest which was built. It received its name from the fact that it ran straight down from Main Street. It was at this wharf that hundreds, yes, thousands of vessels have loaded and unloaded their freight. Here, too, in the whaling days we would find the since famous whaling fleet. Here were ships from foreign ports, perhaps carrying some cargo which would be rejected and forbidden to be unloaded. Gallant, lofty vessels left this pier for foreign ports or for their country's rights, some never to return. In the days of 1870, many excursion boats visited the island. It was at this wharf that the passengers disem barked and strolled about the town for an hour or so and then returned to the boat and sailed home again after a pleasant picnic on the island. Straight Wharf was owned on shares (amounting to 4831) by some of the prominent business men of that period. Later, Edward W. Perry, a merchant, bought this wharf and it still continued as a freight dock. Forty years ago, he was bought out by Killen and Sons who have owned it since. Between Straight Wharf and Old North Wharf a con struction known as Cross Wharf was visited by hundreds of "apple sloops" which came often from the "main" to peddle their wares. Cross Wharf was also used as a lumber yard. It was later taken up by the company owning Straight Wharf. While the whaling industry had still to reach its crisis, in the year 1760, the Old South Wharf, now the Island Service Wharf, was started and completed in 1762. The 4( 24 )jc
South Wharf was rebuilt after the decline of the fishing industry into a business wharf. When the United States entered the World War, Henry Lang, who had purchased the wharf, turned the use of it over to the government for the period of the emergency. Since, it has continued as a public wharf for commercial purposes. The shares of this wharf amounted to 3050. In the year 1800 Commercial Wharf was constructed by Zenas Coffin and Sons. This wharf was the only one with a solid foundation, built of rip-rap granite, transported from Connecticut. The other wharves had been made of cribwork. Commercial Wharf was completed in 1820 and con trolled by Zenas Coffin and Sons for many years during the whaling period. It was the best-constructed wharf previous to the present Island Service Wharf. Commercial Wharf was one of the busiest during the whaling days and has probably always been devoted to fish ing interests. After the decline of whaling this wharf was used by some Cape Cod men for business purposes, such as the East Bank Fishery, the old style mackerel catchers, finally to fresh fishing, icing and shipping. About twenty years ago the wharf was taken up for private uses with the exception of the fishing business known as the "Petrel Crew" who still have the privilege of its use. Situated on Commercial Wharf were three very large buildings, one of which was a sail-loft situated on the north side of the wharf. On the south side was another large building, known as the "Old Candle House". The third building, presumably was known as Charles G. and Henry Coffin Warehouse and was used for the storage of coal, lumber and various other commercial facilities. These build ings were eventually torn down and some of the lumber from them was later used in the construction of the large familiar landmark, situated at Squam Head. 4 25 )•>
At this wharf the steamboat docked before the days of a special wharf built for that purpose. On this wharf, too, the Nantucket Fishing Company carried on most of its business. There was also a great deal of activity in boat building. In recent years the gradual decay of Commercial Wharf has brought about a demand for a more substantial landing. This late spring the wharf was given extensive repairs which insure its perpetuity as an ancient landmark for many years to come. The outer end or "tee", at present has not been rebuilt, but new cap-logs of cement replace the former old wooden cap-logs. Peleg's Wharf (now out of existence except for a few rocks which can be seen at ebb tide in the vicinity just south of Commercial Wharf) seems to have been in the minds of the oldest inhabitants, a construction near the end of what is now Lafayette Street. This wharf originally belonged to Peleg Macy. It was used for the storage of coal and lumber. This was a very busy wharf, too, in its day and no small number of packet boats visited it. There remain a few rocks at the site of this construction. Of course, it being necessary to have a passenger ship to carry the inhabitants and mail to and from the "main", it was equally necessary to have a wharf for this purpose. Thus resulted the new North Wharf or as it is now called, the Steamboat Wharf. In the whaling days this wharf was visited by the steamer presumably once a week in winter and every day during the warmer seasons. From the new North Wharf ran the historic Nantucket Railroad. On the arrival of the steamboat, taxis consisting of horses and buggies were lined up along the old pier. After the decline of the fishing industry (1854), the Steamboat Company became the owners, and since then it has been called the Steamboat Wharf. During the winter and spring of 1915 the wharf was rebuilt, since which time it has continued to improve -e{ 26 )>
for the best. At the present date, it is practically owned by the New Bedford, Marthas Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Company, which company had been formed by the consolidation of the Nantucket and Cape Cod Steamboat Company and the New Bedford, Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Company in 1886. It is the most valuable wharf in docking facilities this side of Newport, which is a credit to the town. To the right of Straight Wharf is the so-called Old North Wharf, which, formerly bore the name, New North Wharf. At one time, (in the 70's) the wharf was partly in the ownership of Barzillai R. Burdett and was known as Burdett's Wharf. It is an interesting fact to note that the wharves were all named according to their owners. Pre sumably this wharf had its share of vessels in those days but for some time it has been given up for private uses and is at present owned by Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Carlisle. Mr. Carlisle is a direct descendant of the Coffin family who built Commercial Wharf. The head of all these wharves was probably on a line with what is now Washington Street. From the head of Commercial Wharf to that of the Old South Wharf, a street was formed which is now known as Whale Street. The head of Straight Wharf and Old North Wharf extended up on a line with South Water Street. The head of Steamboat Wharf and other wharf rights laid out but never completed was on a line with Beach Street, from Broad to Easton Street, as they stand to date. That portion laid out by the old Nantucket Proprietors where the wharves were not put down has been absorbed in private ownership including the Nantucket Yacht Club and Mr. Lang's South Beach. The period of inactivity about the water front, between the decline of the whaling industry and the revival of a de mand for wharf property, resulted in decay. With the rapid improvement as a summer residence and considerable in4. 27 ^
crease in fishing, came the necessity for the storage of coal, lumber and gasoline, manufacturing of ice, gas and elec tricity. This change brought on an entirely different re quirement as to the rights of way, water lots and wharf privileges laid down by the old Proprietors, and most of them have become clear titles by argument and land court.
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Please advise the Secretary of any errors noted. o
LIFE COUNCILLORS Coffin, Winthrop, 60 State St., Boston, Mass. Folger, Annie Barker, Lily St., Nantucket. Lang, Florence Osgood (Rand), Nantucket. Mitchell, Sidney, 171 Madison Ave., New York.
LIFE MEMBERS Adams, Harry, B., 4 Ashmore Road, Worcester, Adams, Karl, 36 Beacon St., Boston. Adams, Mrs. Karl, 36 Beacon St., Boston. Appleton, William Sumner, 141 Cambridge St., Boston. Austin, Mrs. W. H. M., Nantucket. Barnard, Prof. Charles, 139 East 39th St., New York City. Barnard, Frederic, 236 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Barrett, John Wendell, 1170 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Barrett, Mrs. Mabel Allen (Downing), 1170 Fifth Ave., N. Y. C. Barrett, Mrs. Mary E. (Wilson), 411 Montross Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Barrett, William M., 411 Montross Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Barrett, William Wilson, 411 Montross Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Beebe, Miss Alice Geissler, 53 Grove St., Wellesley. Blackburn, Miss Elizabeth M., Orange St., Nantucket. Bodfish, Miss Annie Warren, Nantucket. Boynton, Frederick P., 204 Sheridan Road North, Highland Park, 111. Brewer, Mrs. Mary Augusta, 728 Fairfield Rd., Burlingame, Calif. Brock, Miss Susan Emma, Fair St., Nantucket. Brown, Miss Julia D., 35 West 130th St., N. Y. Brown, William Frederick, Woodstock, N. S. W., Australia, care of Dr. G. Archbold. Capp, Seth Bunker, Box 2054, Philadelphia, Penn. Carlisle, G. Lister, Jr., 18 Orange St., Nantucket. Cathcart, Wallace Hugh, President Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Catlin, Miss Sarah Affia, Lily St., Nantucket. Clark, Mrs. Anna (Swain), Nantucket. Coffin, Maurice P., 47 Union Park Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. 29
LIST OF MEMBERS Coggeshall, Walter, 1 F St., Eureka, California. Colket, G. Crawford, Villa Nova, Pa. Colket, Tristram Coffin, 2nd., Villa Nova, Pa. Colket Tristram Coffin, 3rd, Villa Nova, Pa. Davis, Charles Henry, 18 Old Slip, New York City. Davis, Mrs. Margaret (Underwood), 100 Common St., Belmont, Mass. Dudley, Mrs. Mary (Marret), Standish, Maine. Durfee, Mrs. Mary Galusha (Hatch), Palmyra, N. Y. Elkins, Miss Harriette Ann, Pearl St., Nantucket. Elting, Mrs. Susan (Green), 729 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Erickson, Arioch Wentworth, Greystone House, Swampscott, Mass. Erickson, Arioch Wentworth, Jr., Greystone House, Swampscott, Mass. Erickson, Mrs. Cecile Macy, Greystone House, Swampscott, Mass. Erickson, Douglas, Greystone House, Swampscott, Mass. Erickson, Josiah Macy, Greystone House, Swampscott, Mass. Everett, Henry Coffin, 201 Devonshire St., Boston. Fitzgerald, Miss Elizabeth Coffin, 49 Federal St., Boston. Forbes, Miss Mary Bowditch, Milton, Mass. Ford, Mrs. Horatio, Mayfield, Richmond Rds., South Euclid, Ohio. Ford, James B., 1790 Broadway, N. Y. Francis, Mrs. Edgar S., Durham, Conn. Frothingham, Miss Ellen Folger, 9 Exeter St., Boston. Fuller, Frederick Vincent, Milk St., Nantucket. Gray, Mrs. David, 2406 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Gray, David, Jr., 2406 Penobscot Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Greene, Howard, 559 Marshall St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Gries, Mrs. Ethel Goff (Folger), 2803—18th St., N. W. Wash., D .C. Gwynn, Mrs. Mary, 228 South 22nd. St., Philadelphia, Penn Hamilton, Mrs. Dora Macy, 3319 N. Adams St., Tacoma, Wash. Harral, Crissey DeForest, Academy Hill, Nantucket. Hinchman, Miss Anne, 3635 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. Hinchman, Mrs. Lydia Swain (Mitchell), 3635 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. Hinchman, Miss Margaretta, 3635 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Penn. Husband, Joseph, New Dollar Lane, Nantucket. Hussey, Miss Martha, 303 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Hutaff, Mrs. Grace (Elkins), Nantucket. Jannotta Mrs. Stella S., Warrenville Rd., Wheaton, Illinois. Jenkins, Lawrence W., Peabody Museum, Salem, Mass. <{ 30
LIST OF MEMBERS Johnson, Mrs. Minnie Agnes (Johan), Bath, Maine. Johnson, Mrs. Pauline (Mackay), Main St., Nantucket. Jones, Bassett, 101 Park Ave., New York City. Joy, Moses, Camera Club, 121 West 68th St., New York City. Kenney, Miss Lillian, 25 Cliff Road, Nantucket. Kimball, Mrs. Martha W. (Pond), 13 Argyle Ave., Rochester, N. Y. King, Samuel G., 367-369 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Langlands, Mrs. Helen (Coleman), 24 Fifth Ave., New York City. Larkin, Mrs. Ruth William, care of Larkin Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Leavett, Mrs. Gertrude Mitchell (Goodsell), Scarsdale, N. Y. MacDonald, Mrs. Elizabeth H., Hotel Margaret, Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mackie, Mrs. David Ives, 128 East 39th St., N. Y. Macy, Nelson, 441 Pearl St., N. Y. Manter, Capt. Harry, 386 Park Ave., Cliff Side, N. J. McCleary, Miss Helen Cartwright, 3 Auburn Courts, Brookline, Mass. McGill, Mrs. Frances M., 36 Rue Desaix, Paris, France. Mead, Edwin D., 20 Beacon St., Boston. Miller, Mrs. Gertrude Hussey, 112 Shelton Rd., Nichols, Bridge port, Conn. Mitchell, Miss Emily Burns, 1735 New Hampshire Ave., Washing ton, D. C. Mitchell, Mrs. Helen (Leeds), Main St., Nantucket. Morse, Mrs. Elizabeth W., Liberty St., Nantucket. O'Gorman, Mrs. Ella Foy, 230 E. St., N. E., Washington, D. C. Paine, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Folger), 315 Thayer St., Providence, Rhode Island. Praeger, Mrs. Caroline S. G., Nantucket. Praeger, Louis J., Nantucket. Robb, Miss Nancy Delia, Nantucket. Rollins, Rev. Walter Huntington, 9 Woodland Place, White Plains, New York. Sand, Henry A. L., 130 E. 67th St., N. Y. Sharp, Benjamin Karl, 49 West Castle Place, New Rochelle, N. Y. Sharp, Mrs. Elizabeth Elting, 729 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Sharp, Mrs. Virginia May (Guild), Gorhams Court, Nantucket. Smith, Miss Pauline Starbuck Byron, Main St., Nantucket. Starbuck, George Franklin, Waltham, Mass. -K 31
LIST OF MEMBERS Starbuck, John Austin, University Club, Los Angeles, Calif. Starbuck, Miss Mary Eliza, 8 Pleasant St., Nantucket. Starbuck, Walter F., Waltham, Mass. Swain, David Whiton, 31 Nassau St., N. Y. Swain, Mrs. Eunice Swain (Barney) 36 Clark St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Swain, Robert Edward, 321 Elmora Ave., Elizabeth, N. J. Tucker, Albert M., Academy Hill, Nantucket. Voorneveld, William, Centre St., Nantucket. Ward, Mrs. Adelaide, Nantucket. Wilson, Miss Anne, Nantucket. Worth, Frank, Ocean House, Nantucket.
Brown, Miss Helen Dawes, 9 Howard St., Nantucket. Macy, William F., 31 Orange St., Nantucket. Page, Walter Gilman, 29 Fair St., Nantucket.
4 32 )§*
ANNUAL MEMBERS Abajian, Jacob, 19 Centre St., Nantucket. Ackley, Rev. Joseph B., 34 Larabee St., E. Hartford, Conn. Adams, Orelie, 305 Blackstone Blvd., Providence, R. I. Adams, Miss Ellouise, 17 Fair St., Nantucket. Adams, Karl, Jr., E. 13 McKinlock Hall, Cambridge, Mass. Adams, Miss Lizzie R., 17 Fair St., Nantucket. Adams, Walton H., 17 Fair St., Nantucket. Adams, Mrs. Nancy S., 17 Fair St., Nantucket. Ahern, Henry E., 103 Valley View Road, Ridgewood, N. J. Allen, Charles Edward, 24 Dove St., Albany, N. Y. Allen, Mrs. John, 485 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Allen, Mrs. Lemoyne D., Granville, N. Y. Allen, Miss Lucy, 35 Webster St., West Newton, Mass. Allen, Miss Marian Hallett, Orange St., Nantucket. Allen, Miss Olive Marchant, Orange St., Nantucket. Anderson, Prof. Louis F., 364 Boyer Ave., Walla Walla, Wash. Anderson, Mrs. Florence Mary (Bennett), 364 Boyer Ave., Walla Walla, Wash. Anthony, Edward J., Wonoma Inn, Nantucket. Appleton, Mrs. Helen E. (Folger), Milk St., Nantucket. Appleton, Mrs. Leila H. (Macy), 14 Fairfield St., Brockton, Mass. Appleton, Mrs. Mary Phillips, 507 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Arnold, Miss Sarah E., 2 Walnut St., Boston. Ashley, Capt. H. Percy, 161 East 56th St., New York City. Ashley, Charles S., 93 State St., New Bedford, Mass. Ashley, Clifford W., 31 8th St., New Bedford, Mass. Atherton, Mrs. Alexander M., 67 Stimson Ave., Providence, R. I. Atkins, Mrs. Katherine W., P. O. Box 1250, Boston. Atkinson, Mrs. Theodore S., Polpis, Nantucket. Atwood, Franklin B., 41 Orange St., Nantucket. Ayers, Miss Annie C., 14 Pearl St., Nantucket. Ayers, Miss Mary L., 14 Pearl St., Nantucket. Ayers, John K., 56 Centre St., Nantucket. Babcock, Miss Edwina Stanton, 298 Piermont Ave., So. Nyack, N. Y. Bacheller, Miss Augusta F., 51 Franklin St., Lynn, Mass. Bacheller, Miss Helen L., 51 Franklin St., Lynn, Mass. Backus, Mrs. Alma, Pine St., Nantucket. Backus, Mrs. H. M., 42-37 Union St., Flushing, L. I., New York. Bailey, Walter P., South Dartmouth, Mass. Baker, Jesse T., 5 Hood Ave., Rumford, R. I. Baker, Miss Maude, 67 Stimson Ave., Providence, R. I. 4 33
LIST OF MEMBERS Balch, W. E., 801 Illinois Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Baldwin, Mrs. Annie Osgood, 2 Quince St., Nantucket. Baldwin, Frank C., "The Crossways", Lincoln Ave., Nantucket. Ball, Thomas H., 119 East Mt. Airy Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Barnard, Frank R., 124 Reid Ave., Port Washington, L. I. Barnard, William 0., Newcastle, Henry County, Indiana. Barnard, Mrs. Mary V., Newcastle, Henry County, Indiana. Barnes, Mrs. Grace Davis, Gardner Court, Nantucket. Barney, Charles Neal, 2 Park Ave., New York City. Barney, Mrs. Maginel E. Wright, 41 W. 12th St., New York City. Barney, William H., Hopedale, Mass. Barney, Mrs. William H., Hopedale, Mass. Barney, William H., Jr., Hopedale, Mass. Barrett, Miss Anna E. C., Siasconset. Barrett, Mrs. Charlotte C., 43 Orange St., Nantucket. Barrett, Mrs. Emma F., 25 Pearl St., Nantucket. Barrett, Miss Marjorie, 25 Pearl St., Nantucket. Barrows, Thomas, 98 Morningside Ave., New York City. Bassett, Mrs. Ada B., 5440 Northumberland St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bassett, George P., 3rd, 5440 Northumberland St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Bastille, Mrs. John, Peterborough, N. H. Baxter, Miss Anna C., Lily St., Nantucket. Beadle, Miss Phebe H., Main St., Nantucket. Benham, Mrs. Lizzie E., 86 Howe St., New Haven, ConnBennett, Miss Harriett S., Pleasant St., Nantucket. Bennett, Henry Hollis, 305 Baker Building, Walla Walla, Wash. Bennett, Mrs. Flora Moore, Baker Building, Walla Walla, Wash. Bennett, W. W., 26 No. Water St., New Bedford, Mass. Benson, Mrs. R. E., 8 Winter St., Nantucket. Bentley, Mrs. Lizzie Coleman, McKenna Court, Scranton, Pa. Benton, William J., Chestnut St., Nantucket. Benton, Mrs. Amy Alice, Chestnut St., Nantucket. Bergmann, Mrs. Eleanor Folger, 1214 Ridge Road, North Woodside, Silver Spring, Mo. Bernstein, Irving H., 1209 Post Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Bettridge, Miss Agnes E., 47 Newbury St., Boston. Bigelow, Edward Alden, 8 Francis Circuit, Winchester, Mass. Bigelow, Mrs. Hazel H., 8 Francis Circuit, Winchester, Mass. Bigelow, Miss Mary E., 14 Fair St., Nantucket. Bilby, Edwin L., 44 Thayer St., Cambridge, Mass. Black, Miss Alice L., 183 Belmont St., Fall River, Mass. Blackmur, Miss Eleanor, 471 Maple St., Manchester, N. H. •«&{ 34 )8»
LIST OF MEMBERS Blair, Mrs. Robert S., Stamford, Conn. Blanchard, Miss Ednah, Room 4-204, Mass. Inst, of Tech., Cambridge, Mass. Blatchford, Lawrence, 116 North Street, New Bedford, Mass. Blossom, Rev. Walter Gardner, 3537 West 58th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Blossom, Mrs. Ruth Anderson, 3537 West 58th Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Bohan, Mrs. Arthur B., 1535 Juneway Terrace, Chicago, 111. Bolles, Walter P., 84 Sydney Ave., Deal, N. J. Bolles, Mrs. Walter P., 84 Sydney Ave., Deal, N. J. Booth, Mrs. Dorothy C., 39 West 67th St., New York City. Borneman, Mrs. E. L., 66 Gates Ave., Montclair, N. J. Bostwick, Miss Francis S., 80 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bracher, Mrs. Catherine Morison Coffin, Dongan Hills, N. Y. Bradlee, H. Gardner, 6 Ledgewood Road, Winchester, Mass. Bradlee, Mrs. Reginald (Gardner), 6 Ledgewood Road, Winchester, Mass. Brady, Malcolm, 79 Orange St., Nantucket. Bray, Miss Louise W., 357 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Brayton, Lieut. Harry R., Nantucket. Brayton, Mrs. Annie Sale (Chinery), Nantucket. Brewer, Mrs. Margaretta M. C., 75 Main St., Hingham, Mass. Bridgman, Miss Bessie, Nantucket. Brock, Albert Gardner, 36 Liberty St., Nantucket. Brock, Mrs. Annie Cartwright, 36 Liberty St., Nantucket. Brock, William C., 13 Gardner St., Nantucket. Brock, Mrs. Bessie Eastman (Cook), 13 Gardner St., Nantucket. Brock, Mrs. Theresa, North Liberty St., Nantucket. Brooks, Mrs. Josephine S., 37 Benton Road, Somerville, Mass. Brooks, Miss Mildred Howland, 37 Benton Road, Somerville, Mass. Brooks, Nelson Merrill, 24 North St., Greenwich, Conn. Brooks, Mrs. Anne Roberts, 24 North St., Greenwich, Conn . Brown, Mrs. Clyde, 277 Park Ave., New York City. Brown, Mrs. Eleanore E. Brown., 24 Broad St., Nantucket. Brown, E. J., New York City. Brown, Melvin W., Wakefield, Mass. Brown, Miss Rita, 55 Waushakum St., Framingham, Mass. Brown, Miss Sybil Huntington, 56 Cambridge St., Rochester, N. Y. Bryant, A. S., 376 Union St., Springfield, Mass. Bryant, Miss Catherine Alma, 295 Ash St., Brockton, Mass. Bunker, Miss Alice Macy, 24 Hussey St., Nantucket. 35 jS*
LIST OF MEMBERS Bunker, Austin T., 181 Central St., Winter Hill, Somerville, Mass. Bunker, Mrs. Margaret P., 181 Central St., Winter Hill, Somerville, Bunker, Clarence Alfred, 46 Chesnut St., Wellesley Hills, Mass Bunker, Lauriston, Gay St., Nantucket. Bunker, Mrs. Emily (Winslow), Gay St., Nantucket. Bunker, William, Ridgefield, Conn. Bunker, W. Roger, 37 Rich St., Waltham, Mass. Burch, Mrs, Charles N., 385 Goodwin Court, Green St., Brookline, Mass. Burdett, William F., 4 Greenway Court, Green St., Brookline, Mass. Burdett, Mrs. Celia Valentine, 4 Greenway Court, Green St., Brook line, Mass. Burdick, Miss Amy, Main St., Nantucket. Burdick, Walter M.., Main St., Nantucket. Burgess, Mrs. Ellen H. (Coffin), 109 Main St., Nantucket. Burgess, Thomas F., Box 236, Scarsdale, N. Y. Burgess, Mrs. Thomas F., Box 236, Scarsdale, N. Y. Burleigh, Erwin C., 68 Vanderburg Ave., Rutherford, N. J. Burrell, Mrs. Caroline C., 14 Hilliard St., Cambridge, Mass. Bushnell, Miss Eleanor Gray, 9 Franklin Place, Morristown, N. J. Buttrick, Mrs. Herbert A., Siasconset, Mass. Byrne, F. H. B., 34 W. Chester St., Nantucket. Campbell, Joseph A., 33 Athelwold St., Dorchester, Mass. Campbell, Mrs. Louise D., 33 Athelwold St., Dorchester, Mass. Campbell, Mrs. Olive (Dame), Brasstown, N. C. Capen, Miss Ethel Adela, 15 East 69th St., New York City. Carpenter, Miss Rae S., 34 Rockwell Ave., New Britian, Conn. Carpenter, Shirley, 7 Temple St., Cambridge, Mass. Carpenter, William D.. Nantucket. Carr, James A., 18-20 William St., New Bedford, Mass. Carr, Ralph E., Derrymore Road, Nantucket. Carr, Mrs. Ralph E., Derrymore Road, Nantucket. Carri, Herman, 221 Langdon Ave., Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Carter, Miss Mercy, Cambridge, Mass. Cartwright, Archibald, Howard St., Nantucket. Cartwright, Mrs. Esther B., Howard St., Nantucket. Cash, Miss Helen, 49 Centre St., Nantucket. Cash, Miss Mary Handy, 23 Plain St., Campello, Mass. Cathcart, Miss Ida, Box 584, Nantucket. Caton, Mrs. Clara, 89 Orange St., Nantucket. Caverly, Albert H., 465 Medford St., Charlestown, Mass.
<i 36 )•>
LIST OP MEMBERS Chadwick, Dr. James P., 463 Pine St., Fall River, Mass. Chadwick, Mrs. James F., 463 Pine St., Fall River, Mass. Chamberlin, Henry Harmon, 22 May St., Worcester, Mass. Chamberlain, Miss Pauline, Nantucket. Chamberlain, William E., State Street Trust Co., Boston. Chambliss, L. A., 1057 Central Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Chambliss, Mrs. L. A. 1057 Central Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Chapin, Charles L., 290 State St., Springfield, Mass. Chapin, Mrs. Charles L., 290 State St., Springfield, Mass. Chase, Mrs. Ada J., 65 Centre St., Nantucket. Chase, Mrs. Annie Macy, 303 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Chase, Charles N., 968 Washington St., Stoughton, Mass. Chase, Miss Charlotte B., 67 Hillman St., New Bedford, Mass. Chase, Sidney, Main St., Nantucket. Chase, Warren Benson, Pine St., Nantucket. Chase, Mrs. Annie Baker (Coffin), Pine St., Nantucket. Church, William, Prospect St., Nantucket. Cisco, J. J. Jr., 1 Bloom St., Nantucket. Clarke, Frederick C., 71 North St., New Bedford, Mass. Clark, Dr. Jacob Wendell, 122 So. Michigan Boulevard, Chicago, 111. Clark, Miss Susan Tyler, 2050 Garden St., Santa Barbara, Calif. Clarkson, Mrs. John, 25 Milk St., Nantucket. Cleicheste, Miss Emilie P., Brooklyn, N. Y. Clisby, Mrs. Susan J., 27 Milk St., Nantucket. Cobb, Miss Jean C., 20 Cliff Road, Nantucket. Cobb, Judson W., 25 Division St., So. Manchester, Conn. Codd, William Fitzgerald, Orange St., Nantucket. Codd, Mrs. Sarah E. (Marchant), Orange St., Nantucket. Cody, Miss Margaret A., 1 Virginia Place, Larchmont, N. Y. Coffin, Abbott S., 1 Pearl St., Nantucket. Coffin, Miss Adelaide B., 15 Fairview Heights, Rochester, N. Y. Coffin, Frank M., 110 Hillside Ave., Mount Vernon, N. Y. Coffin, H. Errol, Sound Beach, Conn. Coffin, Mrs. Delia B., 75 Willett St., Albany, N. Y. Coffin, Mrs. Gertrude Rush, 60 Merbrook Bend, Merion, Penn. Coffin, Miss Jane Vincent, 60 Merbrook Bend, Merion, Penn. Coffin, Mrs. John B., Fairview Heights, Rochester, N. Y. Coffin, Mrs. Margaret, 58 Court St., Middlebury, Vermont. Coffin, Mrs. Mary, 1 Pearl St., Nantucket. Coffin, Richard H., 109 Parker St., Mobile, Alabama. Coffin, Seward Rush, 60 Merbrook Bend, Merion, Penn. Coffin, Seward V., 75 Willett St., Albany, N. Y. 4 37
LIST OF MEMBERS Coffin, S. M., P. 0. Box 396, Mobile, Ala. Coffin, Mrs. Tristram, Hudson View Gardens, 183rd St. and Pinehurst Ave., New York City. Coffin, Vincent B., 60 Merbrook Bend, Merion, Penn. Coffin, William H., 618 So. Cushman Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Coffin, William M., 3755 Park Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio. Colby, Miss Josephine, Brookwood, Katonah Co., N. Y. Cole, Mrs. Helen W., 45 Centre St., Nantucket. Cole, William I., 45 Centre St., Nantucket. Coleman, Miss Harriet, 2 Potter Park, Cambridge, Mass. Coleman, Miss Hester E., 2 Potter Park, Cambridge, Mass. Coleman, Dr. W. S., 154 Concord St., Portland, Me. Collis, Mrs. Lucy A., Silver St., Nantucket. Colt, James D., 27 Suffolk Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Colt, Mrs. Jeanne, 27 Suffolk Road, Chestnut Hill, Mass. Conable, Mrs. Florence (Easton), P. 0. Box 154, Monrovia, Calif. Conable, Mrs. Leska Littlefield, 354 No. Primrose Ave., Monrovia, Cal. Conable, Capt. Morris E., Fort Mills, Corregidor, Phillipine Islands. Congdon, Dr. Charles E., Orange St., Nantucket. Congdon, Mrs. Anne (Ramsdell), Orange St., Nantucket. Congdon, Frances, 720 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Congdon, Frank E., 320 Highland Ave., Upper Montclair, N. J. Congdon, Mrs. Bessie (Gates), 320 Highland Ave., Upper Montclair, New Jersey. Congdon, Miss Josephine H., 105 6th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Congdon, Miss Louise, 47 Seventh St., New Bedford, Mass. Congdon, Miss May Housatonic, 1 School St., Nantucket. Congdon, Miss Ruth, 47 Seventh St., New Bedford, Mass. Cook, Miss Emma, Box 424, Nantucket. Coolidge, Bradford, Hastings Lane, West Medford, Mass. Cooper, Mrs. Helen, Federal St., Nantucket. Cornish, Clifton H., 609 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Corregan, George G., 32 Greenwood St., Dorchester, Mass. Cox, Miss Ellen, Gardner St., Nantucket. Cox, George Clarke, 50 N. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N, J. Cox, Mrs. George Clarke, 50 N. Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. Crane, Mrs. Herbert R., 5 Chester St., Nantucket. Craven, Miss Jessie, Nantucket. Crocker, Herbert N., 42 Pine St., Nantucket. Cronk, Russell W., Water Co., Dedham Mass. Crosby, Mrs. Almira E., Alden Park Manor, Brookline, Mass. Crosby, Everett U., Mermaid House, West Mermaid Lane, St. Martins, Philadelphia, Penn. 38
LIST OF MEMBERS Crosby, Mrs. Everett U., Mermaid House, West Mermaid Lane, St. Martins, Philadelphia, Penn. Crosby, Miss Mabel Taylor, 862 Union St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Crosby, Miss Mary E., Pine St., Nantucket. Currier, Mrs. Grace Sillsbee, 16 Brewster Terrace, Brookline, Mass. Curry, Miss Marguerite V. J., 4 Forest St., Lynn, Mass. Cutler, Earl N., 31 Headley Road, Morristown, N. J. Dame, Miss Daisy G., 7 Hastings Lane, West Medford, Mass. Dana, Miss Bessie A., 80 Church St., Englewood, N. J. Danford, Mrs. George H., Summit Trust Co., Summit, N. J. Davie, Miss Miriam, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Davie, Morris Emerson, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Davie, Mrs. Miriam Phinney, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Davis, Miss Dorothy, Windy Corner, Monomoy, Nantucket. Davis, Herbert E., Monomoy, Nantucket. Davis, Mrs. Edith M., Monomoy, Nantucket. Davis, Mrs. John Goldthwaite, P. 0. Box 14, Norton, Conn. Davis, Richard J., 6 Ocean St., New Bedford, Mass. Dean, Joseph G., 203 Chestnut St., New Bedford, Mass. Deane, Elmer L., 273 Arnold St., New Bedford, Mass. Defriez, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth (Barron), 537 Washington St., Brookline, Mass. Denton, Eugene Willis, New Hyde Park, Long Island, N. Y. Denton, Mrs. Lydia M. Garretson, New Hyde Park, Long Island, N. Y. Derby, Miss Gertrude J., Englewood, N. J. Detrick, Miss Lillie, 104 East Biddle St., Baltimore, Md. Dibble, Mrs. Annie (Hayt), 1 Park Lane, West, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Dillingham, Mrs. Louise G., Millburn, N. J. Dillingham, N. S., 93 Spring St., New Bedford, Mass. Ditmars, Mrs. Mary C. (Worth), Main St., Nantucket. Dixon, Rollin, Fox Point, Newington, N. H. Dixon, Mrs. Winifred H., Fox Point, Newington, N. H. Dobson, Miss Eleanor R., 3801 Macomb St., Washington, D. C. Dodd, Mrs. Mary (Dillingham), 16 Cedar Road, Belmont, Mass. Donovan, Mrs. James J., 28 Cliff Road, Nantucket. Dorsey, Mrs. Emily C., 21 Ellery St., Cambridge, Mass. Douglas Robert Gordon, 119 Main St., Nantucket. Douglas, R. G. D., 119 Main St., Nantucket. Douglass, Miss Katherine F., 39 So. La Salle St., Room 424, Chicago, Illinois. Dowey, Thomas Tyall, 232 Palisade Ave., Union City, N. J. 39 )§•
LIST OF MEMBERS Dunham, Harrison G., 2 Broadway, N. Y. C. Dunham, Roger F., West Chester St., Nantucket. Duponte, Charles, Silver St., Nantucket. Durkee, Charles A., West Acton, Mass. Dyer, Mrs. Eva L., 62 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Dyer, Miss Margery, 9 Milk St., Nantucket. Earle, Capt. James A. M., Rock Island Road, Quincy, Mass. Edgarton, Mrs. Mildred G. (Coffin), 84 Briarcliff Road, Rochester, N. Y. Edwards, Capt. Joseph F., 41 Ryan St., New Bedford, Mass. Eger, Mrs. Catherine Ray, Saratoga St., Nantucket. Einstein, Milton I. D., Ritz Tower, N. Y. Emerson, Martha F., 170 Wayland Ave., Providence, R. I. Emery, Mrs. Jennie S., (Chadwick), Milk St., Nantucket. Eppert, Mrs. George M., 423 So. 4th St., Terre Haute, Ind. Ernst, Mrs. Margaret S., 46th West 11th St., New York city. Evans, Edward C., Bryn Mawr, Penn. Evans, Mrs. Rebecca Winsor, Bryn Mawr, Penna. Everett, Miss Lydia Coffin, 57 Parker St., Newton Centre, Mass. Farnham, Joseph E. C., P. 0. Box 916, Providence, R. I. Farnum, Miss Mary, 15 No. Water St., Nantucket. Farrier, Mrs. Robert E., 121 No. Van Dien Ave., Ridgewood, N. J. Fay, E. W., Southboro, Mass. Feasel, Miss Maria Mitchell, Henrietta, N. Y. Fessenden, Miss Anna, 3 Hamilton St., Salem, Mass. Fessenden, R. G., Concord, Mass. Fezandie, Mrs. Hector, Hudson View Gardens, 183rd St. and Pinehurst Ave., New York City. Field, John H. Jr., 45 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Fine, Dr. J., Orange St., Nantucket. Fine, Mrs. J., Orange St., Nantucket. Fish, Miss Anna Gardner, Perkins Institute, Watertown, Mass. Fisher, Mrs. Alonzo, New Mill St., Nantucket Fisher, Augustus A. L. B., Centre St., Nantucket. Fisher, Miss Beulah M., 28 Milk St., Nantucket. Fisher, Charles J., Union St., Nantucket. Fisher, Mrs. Ethel L., Wyer's Valley Station, Nantucket. Fisher, Mrs. John, 19 So. Water St., Nantucket. Fisher, Mrs. Lauriston B., Union St., Nantucket. Fisher, Miss Lila Capen, 25 Richwood St., Boston, Mass. <6f 40 )3>
LIST OF MEMBERS Fitch, Miss E. T., 14 1-2 Orange St., Nantucket. Fitch, Miss Mary Alice, 14 Sheffield West, Winchester, Mass. Fitchet, S. M., 992 Beacon St., Boston. Fitz-Randolph, Reginald T., Nantucket. Flagg, Mrs. Mary B., 1 Pleasant St., Nantucket. Fletcher, Mrs. Frances Du Puy, The Manor House, Abbots Inn Andover, England. Floyd, Mrs. Cleaveland, 246 Marlboro St., Boston. Floyd, Miss Harriet G., 246 Marlboro St., Boston. Folger, Miss Annie Alden, Nantucket. Folger, Arthur Hanaford, Nantucket. Folger, Clifford, Nantucket. Folger, Francis E., 8 Fair St., Nantucket. Folger, Mrs. Francis E., 8 Fair St., Nantucket. Folger, Homer J., 829 Fifth Ave., Troy, N. Y. Folger, J. Butler, Nantucket. Folger, Lester M., 18 Cliff Road, Nantucket. Folger, Miss Lydia M., Gardner St., Nantucket. Folger, Miss Ruth Angell, 146 First St., Troy, N. Y. Folger, Sidney B., Siasconset. Folger, Mrs. William Alfred, 1435 Fairmount St., Washington, D. C. Folsom, Charles F., 114 Marlboro St., Boston. Francis, Eben W., Sunset Hill Road, Nantucket. Franklin, Harry R., North Easton, Mass. Ffaser, Miss Emma J., Nantucket. Freeborn, Millard Fillmore, Liberty St., Nantucket. Freeman, Harrison B., 50 State St., Hartford, Conn. Freeborn, Miss Lydia Sanford, Liberty St., Nantucket. French, Allen, Concord, Mass. Frothingham, C. Mifflin, Box 215, Nantucket. Fuller, Mrs. Harriet P., 101 Medway St., Providence, R. I. Fuller, Mrs. Susan B., Milk St., Nantucket. Fuller, Walter N., 40 Chester Ave., Waltham, Mass. Gale, Mrs. Sadie M., 1168 Lowell Road, Schenectady, N. Y. Gale, Robert, 135 West 12th St., New York. Galvin, Mrs. Thomas F., Siasconset. Gardiner, Mrs. Alice C., Nantucket. Gardiner, H. Marshall, Nantucket. Gardiner, Mrs. H. Marshall, Nantucket. Gardner, Miss Ethel B., 17 Gay St., Nantucket. Gardner, Miss Grace Brown, Framingham Normal School, Framing" ham, Mass. 41
LIST OP MEMBERS Gardner, Harrison G., 17 Gay St., Nantucket. Gardner, Mrs. Harrison G., 17 Gay St., Nantucket. Gardner, Herbert C., Box 47, Siasconset. Gardner, Miss Inez J., 1831 Ontario Place, Washington, D. C. Gardner, Isaac B., 99 Ft. Washington Ave., New York. Gardner, Miss Julia M., 165 East 60th St., New York City. Gardner, Whittemore, 108 Main St., Nantucket. Gardner, Rev. William E., Orange St., Nantucket. Gardner, Mrs. Mary Tracy, Orange St., Nantucket. Garland, Mrs. Hattie B., 73 Orange St., Nantucket. Geary, Miss Susan Cook, 2027 Hearst Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Geddes, Mrs. Mathilde H., 39 Fairmont St., Brookline, Mass. Genesky, P. Emile, Nantucket. Gibbs, James H., 34 Pine St., Nantucket. Gibbs, Jay H., Lowell Place, Nantucket. Gibbs, Miss Mary E., 32 Harrison St., Taunton, Mass. Gibbs, Mrs. Susan Chadwick, 5 Milk St., Nantucket. Giffin, Miss Charlotte C. N., 61 Sherman St., Hartford, Conn. Giffin, Norman P., Wareham, Mass. Giffin, Thomas H., 14 Hussey St., Nantucket. Giffin, Mrs. Mary E., 14 Hussey St., Nantucket. Gilbert, Nathan F., Wabash, Indiana. Gill, George M. L., 187 Sherwood Place, Englewood, N. J. Gill, Philip Lee, 187 Sherwood Place, Englewood, N. J. Gill, Mrs. Phebe Andrews (Luther), 187 Sherwood Place, Englewood, New Jersey. Gill, Philip Lee Jr., 187 Sherwood Place, Englewood, N. J. Glassford, Mrs. S. R., 299 Highland Ave., Ridgewood, N. J. Goodrich, Mrs. Annie (Starbuck), Orange St., Nantucket. Gordon, Mrs. Harry Jr., Polpis Road, Nantucket. Gouin, Miss Gwendolyn L., Siasconset. Gouin, Mrs. Mary L., Siasconset. Grant, Mrs. C. A., Siasconset. Grant, George A., 76 Orange St., Nantucket. Grant, Mrs. George A., 76 Orange St., Nantucket. Gray, Donald C., 337 Commonwealth Ave., Boston. Green, Joseph, 121 Summit Ave., Summit, N. J. Greene, David J., 47 Broad St., Milford, Conn. Greene, Mrs. Anna (Dort), 47 Broad St., Milford, Conn. Grimes, Mrs. George E., 46 Orange St., Nantucket. Grimshaw, William C., Fort Phoenix, Fairhaven, Mass. Grouard, Mrs. Lena (Weymouth), 97 Bowdoin St., Dorchester, Mass. •>§( 42 ]>
LIST OF MEMBERS Grout, Mrs. John C., 10 Browne St., Brookline, Mass. Gummere, Mrs. Amelia (Mott), 29 Tenmore Road, Haverford, Penn. Gurley, Rev. Richard H., St. Martins' Rectory, Radnor, Penn. Hackleman, Ward H., Golden Hill, Indianapolis, Ind. Hackleman, Mrs. Ward H., Golden Hill, Indianapolis, Ind. Haggerty, Miss Susan Wyer, 35 Oak Terrace, Newton Highlands, Mass. Haines, Mrs. Mary, 93 High St., Brockton, Mass. Hall, Charles Tilden, 23 Park St., Maiden, Mass. Hall, Mrs. Amelia T., 23 Park St., Maiden, Mass. Hall, Mrs. Henry G., 15 Orne Square, Salem, Mass. Hall, William Jr., 17 Union St., Nantucket. Hall, Mrs. Lulu F., 17 Union St., Nantucket. Hallowell, Thomas Jewett, Traders Lane, Nantucket. Hallowell, Thomas J. Jr., Traders Lane, Nantucket. Halsey, Miss Caroline, 141 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Halsey, Miss Harriet, 141 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ham, Mrs. Charlotte Woodman, Main St., Nantucket. Ham, Miss Charlotte Woodman Jr., Main St., Nantucket. Hambly, A. Lincoln, Tiverton, R. I. Hancock, Miss E. Frances, East Hardwick, Vt. Handy, Calvert, 1 No. Water St., Nantucket. Handy, Mrs. Lucinda H., 1 No. Water St., Nantucket. Hapke, A. T. Jr., Box 275, Nantucket. Hardy, Miss Holly, 150 Main St., Nantucket. Harper, Miss Ida L., 149 Westland Ave., West Hartford, Conn. Harris, Edward, 40 Franklin St., Rochester, N. Y. Harris, Mrs. Richard B., 1127 East Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. Harrison, Miss Sara F., 237 Madison Ave., New York City. Harwood, Douglas, 1235 Lenox Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Harwood, Mrs. Isabel (Lehmaier), 1235 Lenox Ave., Plainfield, N. J, Harwood, Miss Margaret, 23 Craigie St., Cambridge, Mass. Harwood, P. Leroy, P. 0. Drawer 853, New London, Conn. Hatch, Miss Hannah Gifford, 37 Union St., Nantucket. Haughter, Mrs. William A., Darien, Conn. Haworth, Erasmus, 3116 East 2nd St., Wichita, Kansas. Haworth, Mrs. Erasmus, 3116 East 2nd St., Wichita, Kansas. Hayden, Arthur D., 1700 H. St., Washington, D. C. Hazard, Miss Bertha, 11 Nassua St., Boston. Heard, Mrs. Hamilton, Groton School, Groton, Mass. Heard, Reginald E., 227 Hamilton Road, Ridgewood, N. J. Heard, Mrs. Reginald E., 227 Hamilton Road, Ridgewood, N. J. 43 }>
LIST OF MEMBERS Hedge, William R., 87 Kilby Street, Boston. Hedge, Mrs. William R., 87 Kilby Street, Boston Hedges, Miss Lila C., Haverstraw, N. Y. Hibben, H. J., 131 So. Meridan St., Indianapolis, Ind. Hill, Mrs. Florence (Merriam), Siasconset. Hill, Murray Gardner, 20 Oak Knoll Gardens, Pasadena, Calif. Hiller, Nicolai H., Carbondale, Penn. Hiller, Mrs. Olivia Howes, Carbondale, Penn. Hinchman, Miss Anne B., 7 Milk St., Nantucket. Hitchcock, Mrs. Lemuel, Siasconset. Hobbs, Franklin W., 78 Chauncy St., Boston. Holden, Mrs. Harry H., Siasconset. Holland, William, 4 Gay St., Nantucket. Holland, Mrs. Annie B., 4 Gay St., Nantucket. Hollister, Mrs. Elizabeth (Watson), 987 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Hollister, Mrs. Emily Weed (Barnes), 100 Anderson Ave., Roches ter, N. Y. Holmes, James A., 41 Orange St., Nantucket. Holmes, Mrs. James A., 41 Orange St., Nantucket. Holt, Miss Mary Exton, St. Georges, Delaware. Hopkins, Mrs. E. C., 8 Ash St., Nantucket. Hornsby, Mrs. Mabel H., Syracuse, N. Y. Howard, Frank B., 234 Main St., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Howard, Miss Lucy V., Hussey St., Nantucket. Howe, Frederic C., Harmon-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. Howes, Mrs. Sarah Sprague (Sampson), Summer St., Nantucket. Howland, Chester S., 425 Cottage St., New Bedford, Mass. Hoyle, Alexander E., 248 Bolyston St., Boston. Hoyt, Miss Ruth Gladys, 116 Cambridge Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hubbard, Miss Alma R., Wheeling, W. Va. Hubbard, Thomas F., 3324 Ellerslie Ave., Baltimore, Md. Hubbard, Mrs. Thomas F., 3324 Ellerslie Ave., Baltimore, Md. Hubbard, Thomas M., 1001 Riverside Ave., Baltimore, Md. Humes, Ozro W., 91 Main St., Nantucket. Humes, Mrs. Lucy D., 91 Main St., Nantucket. Humphrey, Ira W., Tiverton, R. I. Hunter, C. C., 90 North 17th St., East Orange, N. J. Hurst, Carl E., 40 Broad St., Boston, Mass. Husband, Mrs. Eleanor (Brown), 122 E. 42nd St., New York. Hussey, Mrs. Arrietta (Cathcart), 110 Main St., Nantucket. Hussey, Miss Eliza Myrick, Nantucket. Hussey, Elliot B., 134 Summit Cross, Rutherford, N. J. ••§{ 44
LIST OF MEMBERS Hussey, John E. A., 50 Marshal St., Brookline, Mass. Hussey, Peter M., 17 W. Chester St., Nantucket. Hussey, Mrs. Elizabeth Chace (Kelley), 17 W. Chester St., Nantucket. Hutaff, Richard Elkins, 115 E. 90th St., New York. Hutton, Miss Florence Edgar, 18 Union St., Nantucket. Ide, Miss Elizabeth W., 17 Pearl St., Nantucket. Ide, Miss Lilla D., 17 Pearl St., Nantucket. Jacobs, Miss Una R., 270 Huntington Ave., Suite 607, Boston. Jackson, John Hora Jr., 45 Church Lane, Scarsdale, N. Y. Jackson, Robert McLeod, 120 Broadway, New York. Jenney, Edgar W., Vestal St., Nantucket. Jenney, Mrs. Edgar W., Vestal St., Nantucket. Jernegan, Miss Elsie, Orange St., Nantucket. Johnson, Mrs. Bertha Blinn, Mar Vista Hotel, Santa Monica, Cal. Jones, Miss Mary Elizabeth, 1520 Schlagee Blvd., Scranton, Penn. Joy, Mrs. B. Whitford, Liberty St., Nantucket. Justice, William W. Jr., Vesper Lane, Nantucket. Justice, Mrs. Elizabeth T., Vesper Lane, Nantucket. Kayan, Frederick, Stanwick Lane, Greenwich, Conn. Kayan, Mrs. Frederick, Stanwick Lane, Greenwich, Conn. Keith, Frederic A. Jr., 89 Green St., Fairhaven, Mass. Kelley, Mrs. Charlotte Rebecca (Macy), 478 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Kellogg, Herbert Steele, Hussey St., Nantucket. Kellogg, Mrs. Louise Livingston, Hussey St., Nantucket. Kendall, William M., 101 Park Ave., New York. Kent, Rev. Josiah Coleman, Elmwood, Mass. Kerins, Mrs. Dorothy Coffin, 53 Arthur St., Yonkers, N. Y. Keyes, Homer Eaton, 468 Fourth Ave., New York. Kidde, Miss Elsa A., 66 Gates Ave., Montclair, N. J. Kilburn, Clifford S., 264 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Killen, John R., Nantucket. Kilton, Miss Harriet A., 180 Power St., Providence, R. I. Kimball, Charles P., Madaket Road, Nantucket. Kimball, Mrs. James P., 419 West 119th St., New York. Kitchen, Miss Macy, 414 Carroll St., Saginaw, Mich. Knapp, Miss Annie M.. 8438-113th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. Lake, George Myrick, Milk St., Nantucket. Lamson, Miss Kate Glidden, 14 Remington St., Cambridge, Mass. Laird, Mrs. J. M., 24 Bishop Road, West Hartford, Conn. 4 45
LIST OF MEMBERS Lang, Miss Anne, 20 Pearl St., Nantucket. Lapham, Mrs. Edna Capen, South Ave., New Cannan, Conn. Latham, Miss Ethel L., 755 Boylston St., Boston. Lathrop, Churchill P., Norwich, Vt. Lathrop, Mrs. Mabel (Blossom), 10 Prescott Ave., Montclair, N. J. Lawrence, Miss Bertha, Main St., Nantucket. Lawrence, Mrs. Sarah (Farraly), Pine St., Nantucket. Leavitt, Miss Brooks, % Capt. Logan Cresop, 50 Trinity Place, N. Y. Leavitt, Mrs. Frank M., % Capt. Logan Cresop, 50 Trinity Place, New York. Legg, Seddon W., 51 Orange St., Nantucket. Lehmaier, Alan L., % Ladd & Webster, 4 East 46th St., New York. Lehmaier, Mrs. James S., 140 West 57th St., New York. LeLacheur, Dr. Ellis Sweetlove, West Bridgewater, Mass. Lewis, Mrs. Annie Bartlett (Robinson), 65 Burnett St., Providence, Rhode Island. Lewis, Everett C., 65 Burnett St., Providence, R. I. Lewis, Dr. Frank Edward, Centre St., Nantucket. Lewis, Mrs. Mary (Brock), Centre St., Nantucket. Lewis, Mrs. Richard V., 6 Cabot Ave., Nantucket. Lewis, Vivian M., Vice Chancellor's Chambers, Paterson, N. J. Lewis, Mrs. Vivian M., Vice Chancellor's Chambers, Paterson, N. J. Lewis, Walter C., Brookline, Mass. Lippitt, Mrs. Helen Wilson, Charlestown, West Va. Littlefield, Miss Cornelia, 111 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Littlefleld, Miss Harriet S., 815 Park Ave., New York. Locke, John J., 1969 Alameda Terrace, San Diego, Calif. Locke, Mrs. Isabella F., 1969 Alameda Terrace, San Diego, Calif. Loines, Miss Elma, 3 Pierrepont Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. Long, Miss Carrie James, Bloom St., Nantucket. Looney, Mrs. Elizabeth Gushee, 44 So. Russell St., Boston. Lord, Miss Katharine, 2 Quince St., Nantucket. Low, Will H., 25 Prescott Ave., Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Low, Mrs. Will H., 25 Prescott Ave., Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Lowden, Matthew Crosby, 143-145 West 15th St., New York. Lowell, Nathaniel E., Nantucket. Ludlow, Miss Olive I., 1163 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Luther, Mrs. Mary Hartness (Gould), 187 Sherwood Place, Englewood, N. J. Mack, Miss Doris M., 1 Plumb Lane, Nantucket. Mackay, George Henry, Nantucket. 46
LIST OF MEMBERS Mackay, R. Langdon, Starbuck's Court, Nantucket. Mackenzie. Dr. Roland C., 53 Moody St., Waltham, Mass. Macomber, B. Frank, Tiverton, R. I. Macy, Miss Alice, Greenwich, Conn. Macy, Clinton Thomas, 28 West Chester St., Nantucket. Macy, Miss Elizabeth Easton, Nantucket. Macy, Miss Frances B., Oak Bluffs, Mass. Macy, Miss Hazel Lucile, 28 West Chester St., Nantucket. Macy, Huram Wade, 28 West Chester St., Nantucket. Macy, Mrs. Maude Conant (Thomas), 28 West Chester St., Nantucket. Macy, John Williams, 966 South Private Road, Hubbard Woods, 111. Macy, Josiah Jr., 204 South St., Morristown, N. J. Macy, Nelson Jr., Greenwich, Conn. Macy, Miss Sarah Lucretia, Centre St., Nantucket. Macy, William Francis, 4 Liberty Square, Boston. Mann, Paul B., 2293 Sedgwick Ave., New York. Manville, C. Rollin, Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Manville, Mrs. Edith C., Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Manville, C. Rollin Jr., Lawrence Park, Bronxville, N. Y. Marden, Willard B., Milk St., Nantucket. Mariners Savings Bank, New London, Conn. Marion, Ben C., 46 Metropolitan Ave., Roslindale, Mass. Marks, Horace, Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, N. Y. Marques, Louis, 328 So. Second St., New Bedford, Mass. Marshall, Albert E., 139 Brewster Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Marshall, Mrs. Albert E., 139 Brewster Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. Marshall, Miss Helen, 71 Williams St., Norwich, Conn. Martin, Charles H., Oneida Road, Indian Harbor, Greenwich, Conn. Martin, Ferrier Taylor, 12-14 Vestry St., New York. Martin, Mrs. Ferrier J., 27 East 76th St., New York. Marty, Miss Ella Alia, 45 Edgewood Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. Marvel, William Macy, 2 Locke Road, West Medford, Mass. Marvel, Mrs. Helen Gardner, 2 Locke Road, West Medford, Mass. Masters, David, Ray's Court, Nantucket. Masters, Mrs. George, Ray's Court, Nantucket. Mather, Mrs. Emily, Barnton P. 0., Northwich, Cheshire, England. Mather, William L., Nantucket. Maynard, Miss Julia M., 259 Mystic St., Arlington, Mass. Mead, Miss Mabel C., 103 East 86th St., New York. Meader, Miss Caroline Stewart, 862 Glenwood Ave., Avondale, Cin cinnati, Ohio. Medary, Mrs. Henry M., 115 High St., Taunton, Mass. 47
LIST OF MEMBERS Mellor, John A., 185 Adams St., New Bedford, Mass. Meyer, Mrs. Edith Wells, 460 Scotland Road, South Orange, N. J. Miles, Miss Irene Lenore, 222 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Miller, Mrs. Henry, Siasconset. Miller, Miss M. Louise, 66 Centre St., Nantucket. Miller, Miss Ruth, 66 Centre St., Nantucket. Mills, Miss Caroline F., 279 Lexington Ave., New York. Mills, Mrs. Buell P., 11 Portsmouth Terrace, Rochester, N. Y. Mitchell, Clifford, M. D., 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, 111. Mitchell, Leeds, 2430 Lakeview Ave., Chicago, 111. Mitchell, Leeds Jr., 2430 Lakeview Ave., Chicago, 111. Mitchell, Mrs. Mary K., Siasconset. Mitchell, Richard, 808 Cypress St., Greensboro, N. C. Moller, Hans Eskildsen, 7 Pleasant St., Nantucket. Moller, Mrs. Hans Eskildsen, 7 Pleasant St., Nantucket. Moore, Frederick Gardner, Segreganset, Mass. Moore, Mrs. Grace Boomer, Segreganset, Mass. Morgan, Mrs. Eleanor (Williams), 2 Martins Lane, Nantucket. Morris, Mrs. Mary E., 34 Easton St., Nantucket. Morris, William R., Lily St., Nantucket. Morse, Carl F. A., 237 Locust St., Danvers, Mass. Morton, Howard E., 220 South St., New York. Mullineux, Miss Mary, 11 West Walnut Lane, Germantown, Penn. Murray, Miss Evelyn F., 8 Chestnut St., Wakefield, Mass. Murray, Henry A. Jr., 158 Mt. Vernon St., Boston. Myrick, Alexander M., Hussey St., Nantucket. Myrick, Mrs. Lydia B. (Smith), Hussey St., Nantucket. MacArthur, Mrs. Rose, Siasconset. MacDougall, Robert Bruce, 137 West 12th St., New York. MacGregor, John Jr., 1401 Midland Bk. Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. MacKay, Mrs. W. E., North Liberty St., Nantucket. MacKie, Mrs. Arthur H., 535 Lake St., Newark, N. J. MacKinnon, Miss Anna I., 33 Liberty St., Nantucket, Mass. McConnell, Mrs. Burt M., 331 West 24th St., New York. McCoy, Mrs. T. J., Siasconset. McElroy, Mrs. John A., Monomoy, Nantucket. McElwain, Miss Harriet Aurelia, West Springfield, Mass. McElwain, Miss Pauline Witherell, West Springfield, Mass. McElwain, Miss Rachel Doane, West Springfield, Mass. McElwain, Reuben Franklin, West Springfield, Mass. McKay, Donald D., 46 Woodcliff Road, Newton Highlands, Mass. McKeag, Mrs. Henry S., 123 North Mountain Ave., Montclair, N. J. •«{ 48 )§•
LIST OP MEMBERS McKean, Capt. John, 210 Rye Beach Ave., Rye, N. Y. McLenegan, Mrs. Carrie Cutler, 2728 Belrose Ave., Berkeley, Calif. Nelson, Ernest W. Prof., Duke University, Durham, N. C. Nettleton, Miss Lucy M., Washington, Conn. Newcomb, Theodore F., 7 Union St., Nantucket. Newcomb, Mrs. Lizzie, 7 Union St., Nantucket. Newell, Miss Helen Hunt, 131 Orchard St., West Somerville, Mass. Nicholson, Mrs. Caroline Harriet (Bartlett), 27 G St., South Boston. Nickerson, Howard William, Siasconset. Norcross, Jessamine A., 76 Orange St., Nantucket. Norcross, Mrs. Madeleine L., 76 Orange St., Nantucket. Norris, Mrs. Emma F. (Marsh), 9 Norway St., Boston. Norton, Mrs. Clara A. (Winslow), 18 Pearl St., Nantucket. Norton, Henry Franklin, 46 West River St., Milford, Conn. Nunn, Mrs. Stella (Chase), Wallingford, Conn. Nye, Mrs. Harriet, 40 Riverview Terrace, Springfield, Mass. Nye, Horace K., 84 Green St., Fairhaven, Mass. Nye, Mrs. Mary F., 40 Riverview Terrace, Springfield, Mass. Nye, Pemberton H., 709 County St., New Bedford, Mass. Nye, Mrs. Pemberton H., 709 County St., New Bedford, Mass. O'Connell, Miss Catherine, 103 Spring St., New Bedford, Mass. O'Connell, John H., Main St., Nantucket. Oliver, Norris S., 26 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Oliver, Mrs. Mary S., 26 Washington St., East Orange, N. J. Ormes, Arthur E., 6938 Kimbark Ave., Chicago, 111. Orpin, Edgar F., 5 Beaver St., Nantucket. Osborn, William E., 928 Illinois Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Paddock, George A., 724 Clinton Place, Evanston, 111. Paddock, Mrs. George A., 724 Clinton Place, Evanston, 111. Pagon, Mrs. W. W., 114 St. Johns Road, Roland Park, Baltimore, Md. Paramino, John F., 295 Huntington Ave., Boston. Parker, Miss Clara, Stone Alley, Nantucket. Parker, Clinton, Stone Alley, Nantucket. Parker, Mrs. James A., 41 N. Monroe St., Ridgewood, N. J. Parker, Mrs. Lydia Bradford, Plympton, Mass. Parker, Miss Susette Louise, 181 W. Genesee St., Auburn, N. Y. Paterson, Miss M. L., New Canaan, Conn. Patterson, Mrs. Mattie Bruce, Seneca, S. C. Paul, Mrs. Henry N., 550 E. Gravers Lane, Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa Pearson, Mrs. Gertrude J., 1118 W. Johnson St., Madison, Wis. Pease, B. Chester, Nantucket. 49 |2*
LIST OF MEMBERS Pease, Mrs. Ellen Gray (Parker), Nantucket. Pease, Mrs. Lillian E. (Murphy), Nantucket. Pell, S. H. P., Fort Ticonderoga Museum, Fort Ticonderoga, N. Y. Perry, Mrs. Annie Mabel, 1 Howard St., Nantucket. Perry, Mrs. Charles F., 25 Cottage St., Brookline, Mass. Perry, Eugene M., Liberty St., Nantucket. Perry, Mrs. Annie M., Liberty St., Nantucket. Phelan, Joseph W., 60 Brooks St., West Medford, Mass. Phillips, Mrs. Frieda A., 485 Pacific St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Phinney, Miss Jennie Johnson, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Phinney, Joseph W., 270 Congress St., Boston. Phinney, Mrs. Priscilla (Morris), 270 Congress St., Boston. Pickett, Harold L., 10 Fair St., Nantucket. Pierce, Mrs. Ruth Phinney, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Pitman, Albert P., Siasconset. Pitman, Mrs. Charlotte (Wyer), Siasconset. Piatt, Miss Clementine, Orange St., Nantucket. Piatt, F. G., 32 Grove Hill, New Britain, Conn. Piatt, Mrs. F. G., 32 Grove Hill, New Britain, Conn. Piatt, Miss Marie Starbuck, 69 Orange St., Nantucket. Plimpton, Miss Harriet, 427 S. 45th St., Philadelphia, Penn. Plummer, George T., 570 Hathaway Road, New Bedford, Mass. Pollak, W. G., 30 Broad St., New York. Pollak, Mrs. Elsie E., 30 Broad St., New York. Poor, Alfred E., 969 Park Ave., New York City. Poor, Mrs. Alfred E., 969 Park Ave., New York City. Pope, Mrs. Mary A., Medfield, Mass. Porte, Miss Christine Fairbanks, Pleasant St., Nantucket. Porte, Lincoln, Lowell Place, Nantucket. Porter, Miss Charlotte M., Genesee-Clayton Building, Waukegan, 111. Prentice, Miss Margaret, The Skipper, Nantucket. Price, Joseph M., 305 Broadway, New York. Price, Mrs. Miriam Sutro, 305 Broadway, New York. Probeck, Miss Abma, 2869 Coleridge Road, Cleveland, Ohio. Proodian, Carekin S., Centre St., Nantucket. Prosser, Miss Harriet R., Englewood, N. J. Quigg, Miss Kathryn Anne, 36 South 19th St., Richmond, Ind. Ramsdell, Frank W„ West Chester St., Nantucket. Ramsdell, Miss Marion, West Chester St., Nantucket. Ratcliffe, Mrs. Frances, Nantucket. Ray, Miss Annie Sheffield, 92 Campbell St., New Bedford, Mass. •>§{ 50 j&-
LIST OF MEMBERS Ray, Earl S., Nantucket. Raymond, Charles Beebe, Stone House, Akron, Ohio. Raymond, Mrs. Mary Perkins, Stone House, Akron, Ohio. Reenes, Miss Florence, 103 Claremont Ave., Montclair, N. J. Reynolds, Mrs. Helen B., 37 East 64th St., New York. Richmond, Dr. George Danforth, 167 Yamashita Cho., Yokahama, Japan. Richmond, Mrs. Dorothy Sharp, Nantucket. Ring, Miss Anne, Nantucket. Ring, Miss Mary R., Riverbank Court Hotel, Memorial Drive, Cam bridge, Mass. Ripley, Hubert G., 36 Birch Hill Rd., Newtonville, Mass. Rixford, Mrs. Mary E., 454 So. Main St., Woonsocket, R. I. Robb, Mrs. Ann, Main St., Nantucket. Robbins, Mrs. Loring G., 185 High St., Pittsfield, Mass. Robinson, Mrs. Annie D., 816 St. James St., Pittsburg, Pa. Robinson, Miss Celeste M., 115 Llwellyn Rd., Montclair, N. J. Robinson, Miss Elizabeth G., Box 301, Nantucket. Robinson, John H., Box 301, Nantucket. Robinson, Mrs. William Appleby, Cornwall, N. Y. Rogers, Mrs. Hamilton, 333 East 68th St., New York City. Ross, Dr. Worth, 10 Peterboro St., Detroit, Mich. Rowland, Stanley J., 425 East 51st St., New York. Rule, George C., Gay Street, Nantucket. Rule, Mrs. George C., Gay St., Nantucket. Runk, B. F. D., 24 North St., Greenwich, Conn. Russell, Mrs. Adelaide T., 816 St. James St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Russell, Benjamin F. W., 100 Goddard Ave., Brookline, Mass. Russell, Mrs. Benjamin F. W., 100 Goddard Ave., Brookline, Mass. Russell, George G., 383 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Russell, Miss Isabel, 100 Goddard Ave., Brookline, Mass. Russell, Miss Louise, 100 Goddard Ave., Brookline, Mass. Russell, Miss Phebe, 100 Goddard Ave., Brookline, Mass. Ryder, E. Z., Eagle Lane, Nantucket, Mass. Ryder, Mrs. E. Z., Eagle Lane, Nantucket, Mass. Saltus, Rollin S., Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Saltus, Mrs. Rollin S., Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Sand, Mrs. Alice L. % Irving Trust Co., Park Ave., and 42nd St., N. Y. Sanderson, Rev. Edward F., 70 Fifth Ave., New York. Sandsbury, Miss Edith M., 8 Wellington Court, Roxbury, Mass. Santee, Mrs. Dionis C., 521 Chili Ave., Apt. 12, Rochester, N. Y. Satterley, Miss E. F., 128 Christopher St., New York. 4 51 ^
LIST OF MEMBERS Satler, Karl E., Main St., Nantucket. Scharf, Rudolph L., 'Sconset, Nantucket. Scharf, Mrs. Frances E., 'Sconset, Nantucket. Seaman, John H., 31 Lafayette St., Fairhaven, Mass. Sears, Mrs. Henrietta Bird, Hotel Iowa, Keokuk, Iowa. Seitz, Don C., Care of The Churchman, 6 East 45th St., New York City. Selden, Charles Albert, Box 34, Plainfield, N. J. Selden, Mrs. Grace Savage, P. 0. Box 34, Plainfield, N. J. Severance, Miss Susan, 718 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. Severance, Walter E., 1901 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Severance, Mrs. Madeleine Fish, 1901 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Sheahan, George M. (M. D.), 12 School St., Quincy, Mass. Shepherd, Miss Isabelle H., 59 Court St., New Bedford, Mass. Sherman, J. Clifford, 443-447 Kempton St., New Bedford, Mass. Sherman, Wilbur G., 165 Campbell St., New Bedford, Mass. Sherzer, Miss Josephine, 351 East 30th St., New York City. Shields, Miss Alice, 9027—75th St,. Woodhaven, L. I. Shields, Mrs. Geo. H. Jr., 501 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Shockley, Capt. Wm. I., State Rd., No. Dartmouth, Mass. Shurrocks, Mr. Alfred F., 16 Vestal St., Nantucket. Shurrocks, Mrs. Alice Albertson, 16 Vestal St., Nantucket. Sibley, Miss Alice M., 55 Dale St., Roxbury, Mass. Simms, Mrs. Thomas, 99 Livingston St., New Haven, Conn. Simpson, Mrs. Lydia Gardner (Coffin), Nantucket. Simpson, Robert C., 161 Monument St., Groton, Conn. Simpson, Wilbur, 38 East Main St., Flemington, N. J. Slack, Mrs. Mary Church (Potter), 573 High St., Fall River, Mass. Small, Reuben Cahoon, Main St., Nantucket. Small, Mrs. Phebe Hanaford (Coffin), Main Street, Nantucket. Smith, Alfred E., Federal St., Nantucket. Smith, Mrs. Mertie H., Federal St., Nantucket. Smith, Miss Emma Riddell, 69 Main St., Nantucket. Smith, Franklin E., 50 Congress St., Boston. Smith, Mrs. Annie M. (Nye), 50 Congress St., Boston. Smith, H. B., Box 235, Nantucket. Smith, Mrs. Mary Edleston, Box 235, Nantucket. Smith, Harry E., Centre St., Nantucket. Smith, Mrs. Harry E., Centre St., Nantucket. Smith, H. S., Longview Road, Port Washington, N. Y. Smith, Merwin L., Darien, Conn. Smith, Wm. H. H., 20 Federal St., Nantucket. 4 52 >
LIST OP MEMBERS Snell, William L., 17 Lincoln St., New Bedford, Mass. Snelling, Rev. Samuel, Orange St., Nantucket. Snelling, Mrs. Eugenia (Meneely), Orange St., Nantucket. Spain, Miss Donalda McL., 55 Cloverly Road, Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Spencer, Mrs. Ella (Young), 8 So. 51st St., West Philadelphia, Pa. Sprague, Miss Marion S., 9 Lily St., Nantucket. Stanley-Brown, Mrs. Katherine, 1837 Wilton Road, Cleveland Hgts., Ohio. Stanton, Miss Eva T., 20 Owen Ave., Lansdowne, Penn. Starbuck, Mrs. Annie Whitfield, The Blackstone, Chicago, 111. Starbuck, Miss Margaret Coffin, 51 Carver St., Boston. Starbuck, Dr. C. Leonard, 8 Ogden Avenue, White Plains, N. Y. Starbuck, Eric A., Simsbury, Conn. Starbuck, Fred L., 5012 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. Starbuck, Geo. W., Bournedale, Mass. Starbuck, Harold E., 219 Swarthmore Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. Starbuck, Dr. Joseph Clinton, S. W. Cor. Washington and Munroe Sts., Media, Pa. Starbuck, Miss Isabel F., 94 Westbourne Road, Jamaica Plain, Boston. Starbuck, Mrs. Lilla Barnard, 12 Grafton St., Greenwood, Mass. Starbuck, Miss Margaret Coffin, 51 Carver St., Boston. Starbuck, Sidney, 29 South Portland Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Starbuck, Wm. D. L., 1204 Sixteenth St., N. W. Washington, D. C. Starr, Mrs. Gladys Barnard, 526 No. Palm Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif. Stetson, Harrison G., Mt. Vernon St., Nantucket. Stetson, Lillian Frances, Mt. Vernon St., Nantucket. Stevens, Miss Cora, 7 Centre St., Nantucket. Stevens, Mrs. William Stanford, 8-A Darling St., Nantucket. Stewart, Miss Cis M., 2860 Decatur Ave., New York City. Still, Mrs. Ella (Hussey), 238 Gregory Ave., Passaic, N. J. Stitt, John A., 14 Bay St., New Bedford, Mass. Stitt, William, 328 W. Bedford St., New Bedford, Mass. Storrow, Mrs. James J., 417 Beacon St., Boston. Stovell, Miss Maude E., Nantucket. Strader, Mrs. Charlotte Swain, Siesta Key, Sarasota County, Fla. Stratton, Mrs. Frank L., Gorhams Court, Nantucket. Strong, Austin, Apt. 7-A 125 E. 63rd. St., New York. Strong, Mrs. Mary (Wilson), Apt. 7-A 125 East 63rd St., New York. Sturdevant, Miss Ethel H., 26 West 9th St., New York. 4 53
LIST OF MEMBERS Sturdevant, Miss Lucy H., 60 N. Franklin St., Wilkes Barre, Pa. Sullivan, Daniel J., 130 Union St., New Bedford, Mass. Sullivan, John B., 185 Robeson St., New Bedford, Mass. Sullivan, Mrs. J. J. Jr., Ambler, Pa. Sully, Miss Julia, 922 W. Franklin St., Richmond, Va. Sutcliffe, John T., 249 Adams St., Fairhaven, Mass. Sutton, Mrs. Virginia C., 4617 Russell Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Swain, Charles B., 10 Leslie Road, Winchester, Mass. Swain, Mrs. Anna K., 191 Soundview Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Swain, F. Anthony, Apt. 44-A, 2954 Marion Ave., New York city. Swain, Miss Millicent Augusta, 1830 Beersford Rd. E., Cleveland, O. Swain, Wilbert D., 921 So. Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls, So. Dakota. Swain, William T., Nantucket. Swinburne, Miss Charlotte (Gardner), 3 Academy Hill, Nantucket. Sylvester, Edmund Q., Hanover, Mas.s Sylvia, Miss Catherine A., 56 Orange St., Nantucket. Sylvia, Miss Edith R., Nantucket. Sylvia, Miss Ella Frances, Pleasant St., Nantucket. Sylvia, Frank F., 6 Broad St., Nantucket. Symonds, Warren L., Isle La Motte, Vt. Taylor, Miss Diana, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Taylor, Ellis Jr., 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Taylor, Mrs. Ellis Phinney, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Taylor, Frank C., 190 Kempton St., New Bedford, Mass. Taylor, Miss Jennie E., The Wyoming, 7th Ave. and 55th St., N. Y. Taylor, John Jr., 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Taylor, Kenneth, 15 Union St., Nantucket. Taylor, Mrs. Molly, 15 Union St., Nantucket. Taylor, Lloyd, Warwick, Orange County, New York. Taylor, Miss Priscilla, 96 Mystic St., West Medford, Mass. Teetor, Mrs. Leora C., Hagerstown, Ind. Terry, Ernest R., Centre St., Nantucket. Thomas, Miss Clara Fargo, Shimmo, Nantucket. Thomas, Miss Ellen W., Nantucket. Thomas, Mrs. Florence Chase, Chester St., Nantucket. Thomas, Mrs. Lillie, 28 West Chester St., Nantucket. Thomas, Mrs. Mary C., 379 Harvard St., Cambridge, Mass. Thomas, Roger, 379 Harvard St., .Cambridge, Mass. Thompson, Dr. Charles E. P., 65 Centre St., Fairhaven, Mass. Thompson, Miss Eliza B., 131 Dwight St., New Haven, Conn. Thurston, Mrs. Lillian A. (Wood), 24 Hussey St., Nantucket. ^ 54
LIST OF MEMBERS Tibbetts, Rev. Edward D., Hoosack, New York. Tice, Edward P., 65 Orange St., Nantucket. Tice, Mrs. Edward P., 65 Orange St., Nantucket. Tilton, Mrs. Edward L., 89 Greenacres Ave., Scarsdale, New York. Tirrell, Edwin S., 71 Main St., Nantucket. Titus, William S., 448 Riverside Drive, New York. Todd, Mrs. Helen (Mitchell), 411 Forest Ave., Oak Park, 111. Todd, James Jr., 171 Madison Ave., New York. Tolman, Mrs. Helen M., Canton, Mass. Torrey, Miss Mary Adams, 23 Winthrop St., Roxbury, Mass. Touret, Rev. Frank Hale, Tryon, N. C. Touret, Mrs. Frank Hale, Tryon, N. C. Touret, William C., Tryon, N. C. Tower, Walter T., 177 Post Road, Weston, Mass. Tower, Mrs. Theodore A., 177 Post Road, Weston, Mass. Tracy, Charles H., 28 Milk St., Nantucket. Tracy, Miss Phebe Whippey, 33 Milk St., Nantucket. Tripp, William H., 165 Newton St., New Bedford, Mass. Tripp, Mrs. William H., 165 Newton St., New Bedford, Mass. Tufts, Bowen, 7 Stratford Rd., Winchester, Mass. Tunis, Joseph P., 18 Summit St., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Penn. Tunis, Miss Lee., 18 Summit St., Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Penn. Turner, Gordon Baker, Chestnut St., Nantucket. Turner, Mrs. Harriett Chadwick, 72 Georgia St., Roxbury 21, Mass. Turner, Harry B., Nantucket. Turner, Mrs. Grace F. (Gordon), Nantucket. Turner, Miss Merle E., Nantucket. Tuttle, Mrs. Isabelle (Hollister), 87 Ogden St., New Haven, Conn. Urann, Mrs. Julia Macy (Wagner), 34 Gibbs Ave., Wareham, Mass. Van Kleeck, Mrs. Frederick, 99 Greenridge Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Van Pelt, Miss Emma, 3 Elm St., Morristown, N. J. Van Pelt, Miss Marianna, 519 West 121st St., New York City. Van Pelt, Miss S. Elizabeth, 3 Elm St., Morristown, N. J. Van Tuyle, Mrs. Effie Hiatt, 522 Osage St., Leavenworth, Kansas. Varney, Theodore, 100 Main St., Nantucket. Varney, Mrs. Elizabeth P., 100 Main St., Nantucket. Vaux, Mrs. Richard, Maple Glen, Montgomery, Pa. Veo, Mrs. Hariette (Williams), North Water St., Nantucket. Vinal, Mrs. Marianna (Veeder), 25 Seventh St., New Bedford, Mass.
4 55 4
LIST OF MEMBERS Wagner, Max, 103 Water St., Boston. Wagner, Mrs. Wilhelmina Dexter, 14 Wyman St., West Medford, Mass. Waine, William, 51 Fair St., Nantucket. Waine, Mrs. Grace E., 51 Fair St., Nantucket. Wait, Mrs. Annie (Spencer), Nantucket. Walker, Charles W., 201 Middlesex Rd., Buffalo, New York. Walker, Clare Barnard, 847 Orchard St., E. Grand Rapids, Mich. Walker, Grace R., 61 Valley Rd., Montclair, N. J. Walker, Miss Harriett E., 138 Hancock St., Auburndale, Mass. Walker, Miss Mary Elizabeth, Milk St., Nantucket. Wallace, William, Nantucket. Wallace, Mrs. Jouette (Lee), Nantucket. Walling, Mrs. Georgie L., Easton St., Nantucket. Walsh, Mrs. Wm. T., Box 197, Siasconset, Nantucket. Warner, Mrs. Arthur S., The Knoll, Florence, Mass. Watson, Arthur C., 29 Elm St., So. Dartmouth, Mass. Weber, Miss Elizabeth, Medford, N. Y. Weber, Miss Florence, Seamoor Inn, Siasconset, Mass. Weber, John Jr., Slip, New York. Weber, Mrs. John Jr., Seamoor Inn, Siasconset, Nantucket. Weeks, Miss Mabel F., 39 Claremont Ave., New York City. Wescott, Dr. 0. D., Nantucket. Wetherbee, C. Brooklings, Stacey Court, Marblehead, Mass. Wetherbee, Mrs. Janet Babb, Stacey Court, Marblehead, Mass. Whipple, Miss Nellie L., 27 East Housatonic St., Pittsfield, Mass. Whipple, Miss Phila M., 27 East Housatonic St., Pittsfield, Mass. White, Mrs. Clifton B., 78 Crolin Ave., Mt. Kisco, N. Y. Whitelaw, Ralph T., Quinby, Va. Whitford, J. Mortimer, 1523 East 15th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Whitney, Miss Georgiana, 7 Exeter St., Boston. Whitney, Henry L., Brush Hill Rd., Hyde Park, Mass. Whitney, Mrs. Henry L., 7 Exeter St., Boston. Whittemore, Mrs. Jennie R., 96 Cedar St., Fitchburg, Mass. Wieand, Miss Irma C., 45 Centre St., Nantucket. Wilbur, Alfred P., 92 Laurel St., Fairhaven, Mass. Wilbur, Miss Fannie B., 364 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Wilbur, Miss Florence, 364 Hope St., Providence, R. I. Wilbur, George K., R. F. D. Box 256, Somerset Mass. Willard, Mrs. Helen Parker, 1711 Nineteenth St., Wash., D. C. Willets, J. Macy, New Marlboro, Mass. Willets, Mrs. J. Macy, New Marlboro, Mass. 4 56
LIST OF MEMBERS Willey, Leonard T., 6 Washington St., Fairhaven, Mass. Williams, Arthur, York St., Nantucket. Williams, Edwin, Route 2, Nampa, Idaho. Williams, Miss Effie Peele, Box 701, Wilmington, Ohio. Williams, Mrs. Frances (Fowle), Centerville, Cape Cod, Mass. Williams, Miss Harriet C., 70 Orange St., Nantucket. Williams, Miss Marjorie, Albright House, Northampton, Mass. Williams, Philip Adams Jr., Williams Motor Sales Co., Springfield, Mass. Williston, H. S-, Northampton, Mass. Wilson, Frederic W., 256 Spring St., Ossining, N. Y. Wilson, Wm. H., 233 Ward Place, South Orange, N. J. Winship, Dr. Albert E., 6 Beacon St., Boston. Winslow, Mrs. Bessie (Chadwick), Nantucket. Winslow, John M., Quince St., Nantucket. Winsor, Miss Ellen, Haverford, Penn. Winsor, Miss Mary, Haverford, Penn. Wood, Albert E., North Easton, Mass. Wood, Arnold, 1 East 51st St., New York city. Wood, Mrs. Etta C., 11 Gardner St., Nantucket. Wood, Dr. George C., Hanover, N. H. Wood, James H., Nantucket. Wood, John R. 2nd., 15 Hussey St., Nantucket. Wood, Miss Nannie R., % John R. Wood, North Easton, Mass. Wood, Miss Suzanne, Main St., North Easton, Mass. Woodbridge, Mrs. J. Lester, 524 Arbutus St., Mt. Airy, Phila., Pa. Worth, Mrs. Annie M. (Driscoll), 7 Fair St., Nantucket. Worth, Mrs. Emma C., 15 Washington St., New Bedford, Mass. Worth, Herbert Gelston, North Water St., Nantucket. Wriggins, Charles C., Germantown, Pa. Wriggins, Mrs. Charles C., Germantown, Pa. Wright, Hal, Bronxville, N. Y. Wyer, Arthur C., Delhi, N. Y. Yaeger, Clem L., P. 0. Box 277, New Bedford, Mass. Yates, Sheldon S., 104 Dana Place, Englewood, N. J. Yates, Mrs. Edith C., 104 Dana Place, Englewood, N. J. Zabriokie, Mrs. N. L., Aurora, N. Y. Zabriskie, F. C., 344 Prospect Ave., Hackensack, N. J. Zehley, Helen M., 212 W. Highland Ave., Chestnut Hill., Phila., Pa.
« 57 >
JUNIOR MEMBERS Andrews, Barbara P., 1 East York St., Nantucket. Andrews, George, 1 East York St., Nantucket. Andrews, James Clinton, 1 East York St., Nantucket. Atkinson, Herbert L., Polpis, Nantucket. Austin, Mrs. Nancy, Pleasant St., Nantucket. Bastille, John Q., Peterborough, N. H. Bastille, Robert, Peterbourough, N. H. Brady, John M., 26 Pine St., Nantucket. Brainerd, John, Dover, Mass. Carroll, Jane, 43 Pearl St., Nantucket. Carter, Horace A. 2nd., Cambridge, Mass. Coffin, Henry, Siasconset. Button, Frances Newell, 32 Orange St., Nantucket. Fargo, Joanne, 1415 Putnam Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Fraker, George W. Jr., 1001 Rahway Road, Plainfield, N. J. Gardner, Frederick H., 7 Orange St., Nantucket. Glidden, Walter D. Jr., 6 Weymouth St., Nantucket. Graham, Sybil, Polpis, Nantucket. Grant, Robert Swain, 17 Fair St., Nantucket. Harwood, Douglas Jr., 1235 Lenox Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Harwood, Isabel Macy, 1235 Lenox Ave., Plainfield, N. J. Hemmerly, William Jr., Manomet, Mass. Jones, Catherine L., Wauwinet, Nantucket. King, Lowell, Silvermine Road, New Canaan, Conn. Lake, Muriel, 29 Milk St., Nantucket. Larrabee, Bertha, Hummock Pond Road, Nantucket. Larsen, Marie, Siasconset. Lewis, Michael, Nantucket. Lewis, Miriam Ann, 6 Cabot Ave., Nantucket. Lewis, Richard V. Jr., 6 Cabot Ave., Nantucket. Lewis, Richard, 46 Union St., Nantucket. Lindsay, Jean, 1163 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Lindsay, Sandy, 1163 East Ave., Rochester, N. Y. Marshall, Albert Edward Jr., 89 Main St., Nantucket. Marshall, Richard S., 89 Main St., Nantucket. Marvel, Charles C., 2 Locke Road, West Medford, Mass. Miller, Dorothy, 29 Union St., Nantucket. McCoy, Gerry, Siasconset. Murray, Philip, West Chester St., Nantucket. Nickerson, Roy, 1 Lyon St., Nantucket. Oddo, Catherine, 19 Vestal St., Nantucket. Powers, Ralph, P. O. Box 237, Nantucket. 4 58
LIST OF MEMBERS Reed, Reginald, Brant Point, Nantucket. Rees, Billy, Box 275, Nantucket. Richmond, Ben S., Quarter Mile Hill, Nantucket. Richmond, Peter, Quarter Mile Hill, Nantucket. Riley, Edgar Alsop, 171 East 71st St., New York City. Robbins, Joseph C., 185 High St., Pittsfield, Mass. Sanborn, Virginia N., 140 Main St., Nantucket. Sevrens, William, 10 Milk St., Nantucket. Smith, C. DeWitt, 10 Academy Lane, Nantucket. Smith, Elizabeth C., 10 Academy Lane, Nantucket. Stokoe, Marshall L., 6 Charter St., Nantucket. Thomas, Clara Jane Diana, Shimmo, Nantucket. Tice, Helen, 65 Orange St., Nantucket Urann, Marcus M., 34 Gibbs Ave., Wareham, Mass. Urann, Maxine, 34 Gibbs Ave., Wareham, Mass. Vaux, Sally Norris, Maple Glenn, Montgomery, Pa. Vincent, Barbara, 133 Main St., Nantucket, Mass. Walker, Florence M., 24 Broad St., Nantucket. Walker, William, 61 Valley Road Montclair, N. J. Ward, Paul Allen, Flemington, N. J. Weber, Doris Mae, 528 Stolp Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Wood, Jasper, East Lincoln and Walsh Sts., Nantucket.
Minors may join the Association as Junior Members on paymenl of fifty
cents annual dues during their minority.
50 l-f
MEMBERSHIP We are often asked whether a Nantucket ancestry is a required condition of membership in the Association. The only conditions are stated in the by-law printed below, as amended at the Annual Meeting July 28, 1931. Article V, Section 1. Any person may become and con tinue a member of this association by the payment of one dollar per year. Any person may become and continue a sustaining member by the payment of five dollars a year. Any person may become a life member, and be entitled to a certificate of membership, on the payment of fifteen dollars. Any person may become a life councillor by a vote of the Association, on the payment of fifty dollars, and shall be entitled to a certificate of membership. The annual tax shall be due the 30th day of June each year.
Attention is called to the Amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws, establishing a new class of members to be known as "sustaining" members at five dollars per year. This is in response to the suggestion often made that many present or prospective mem bers would be willing to contribute more than one dollar a year required for annual membership. Most societies such as ours have several classes of members paying different amounts. While no special drive for such members is contemplated at this time, any of our present annual members may, on request, be transferred to the sustaining class, and new members on that basis will be welcome. The Council is trying to effect savings wherever possible. With this end in view it is proposed hereafter to mail only one copy of our Annual Report to married couples where both are members of the Association. The printing and delivery of the Report costs about one-third of the annual dues, and the resultant saving of several hundred copies seems advisable at this time. If, however, any member who does not receive a copy desires one, it will be mailed on applica tion to the Secretary. Members are again urged to co-operate with the officers of the Association in helping to increase our membership and, as opportunity offers, to help secure contributions to the Whaling Museum fund, to the end that this valuable addition to our exhibits may soon be, like all our other possessions, free of debt, and the interest we are now paying applied to further increasing our facilities for service in our special field.
4. 60 }s*
PUBLICATIONS of the Nantucket Historical Association:
Quakerism on Nantucket since 1800, by Henry Barnard Worth. Vol. 1, 1896, out of print. Timothy White Papers, by Rev. Myron Samuel Dudley. Vol. 1, No. 2, 1898, 50cts. Nantucket Lands and Land Owners, by Henry Barnard Worth. The Title and The Nantucket Insurrection. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1901, 50cts. The Settlers, The Homes and Government. Vol. 2, No. 2, 1902, 50cts. (Map). Vol. 2, No. 3, 1902, 50cts. The Indians of Nantucket. Sheep Commons and The Proprietary. Vol. 2, No. 4, 1904, 50cts. Ancient Buildings of Nantucket. Vol. 2, No. 5, 1906, (reprinted in 1928), $1.00. Indian Names, Wills and Estates, Index. Vol. 2, No. 6, 1910, 50cts. Wills and Estates Continued. Vol. 2, No. 7, 50cts. A Century of Free Masonry on Nantucket, by Alexander Starbuck. Vol. 3, No. 1, 1903, 50cts. Proceedings of the Annual Meetings of the Nantucket His torical Association, from 1895 to 1931 (with the ex ception of 1899, which is out of print), price 25 cents. The Horseshoe House,
by William F. Macy, price 50cts.
"Ye Olde Mill",
by William F. Macy, price 25cts.
61 >