Railway rendezvous PAGES 28-29
the nanyang
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Dirty dancing in clean water at NIE ElizabEth law
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OUT OF AIR IN WATER: Of human effort, struggle and exhaustion. PHOTO | IRWIN TAN
Robotic Guardian
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A MAN and a woman dancing together is no mean feat — but try it while submerged in a tank full of water. Onlookers might mistake the stunt for a magic show as Professor John Matthews and his fellow artist executed ballroom dance moves in a large tank of water in the Nanyang Playhouse. The performance, In the Large Glass of Water Water, was part of an exhibition called Visual Praxis, held in conjunction with the official opening of the National Institute of Education’s The Art Gallery. For the show, the two performers will dance in the water for approximately a minute, after which they will rise to the top of the tank to catch their breath and return to the middle of the tank for another dance. To make the show more fascinating, stage lights were used to enhance the visual impact. Lights came on as the dances began and fade while the performers rose to catch their breath. Explaining his choice of using stage lighting to enhance the emphasis on the human form, Prof Matthews, the Head of Visual Arts at NIE, said: “The human figure has traditionally been a figure of expression in European art and has regained popularity in recent years. We are trying to reflect that sentiment through our performance.” This is a reincarnation of Prof Matthews’ earlier performance on 2003, where the glass tank was situated outside the old art gallery on the Plaza Level then.
The performance is inspired by the 1953 movie Houdini, where the magician escapes from chains while submerged in water in a glass tank. Due to the air-conditioning in the Nanyang Playhouse, the water was much colder than expected. As such, both Prof Matthews and his fellow performer, Joyce Ong, 23, could not execute certain moves they had rehearsed, and had to shorten their performance to prevent hypothermia. Despite t he premat u re end , Prof Matthews was excited that he was finally able to perform. The initial scheduled performance had to be cancelled due to leaks in the glass tank. There will be another scheduled performance on April 1st. The five cubic-metre glass tank was built by Singaporean Hamzah Meer with laminated Japanese glass and steel. It contains two cubic metres of water. Though the tank makes the artists’ movements look restricted, Ong revealed that it is an optical illusion caused by the glass. Commenting on her performance, the fourth-year NIE Bachelor of Arts (Education) student said: “Being underwater, it makes you appreciate the movements you usually take for granted while on dry land. Visual Praxis also features art pieces by other artists and art educators, such as print specialist Cecily Cheo and installation artist Jason Lim, who performed at The Art Gallery’s official opening. >> More reports on Visual Praxis, Page 2 >> Review, Page 16
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