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This tracer study is a means by which CIU seeks feedback from its alumni for the purpose of continuous quality improvement. The goal of this study was to determine the employability and current status of alumni of CIU who studied and graduated from the University between 2012 and 2018 A Google form was shared with CIU alumni who filled it and responded online. A total of 260 respondents participated in the study. Data was captured and generally analysed using MS Excel. The report has been presented in MS Word.
The data reveal that a total of eight different qualifications were attained by graduates at CIU between the years of 2012 – 2018 including Bachelor of Nursing Science, Bachelor of Science in Public Health, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, Diploma of Public Health, Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Master of Science in Public Health, Master of Health Services Management and the Foundation Course.
Over 75% of the respondents indicated that the CIU education experience prepared them with critical industry-relevant skills including: collaboration and teamwork skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, ethics and accountability skills, leadership and communication skills. Nine (9) out of 10 of the respondents who secured a job in less than a year after graduation indicated that they acquired strong problem-solving, collaboration and teamwork skills. Therefore, there may be a relationship between these skillset and employability of CIU’s graduates.
Ninety percent (90%) of the respondents are employed, and 10% indicated they were pursuing additional training, unemployed or were volunteering. Graduates with the Master of Science degree in Public Health (MPH) had the highest number of employed respondents.
Responses indicated that most graduates are willing to recommend another person to join CIU, however, they strongly recommended that the University acquires a Charter. Other recommendations for strategic direction include: strengthening of research and publication, reduction in tuition, introduction of new courses, expansion of the University’s physical infrastructure and increased alumni engagement.
This report can form a basis for further research into individual factors affecting employability of CIU’s graduates and serves as a basis to inform targeted strategic engagement and action.
Clarke International University has grown steadily since the admission of its first students. As specified in its mission, the University strives “to prepare students for global leadership and to be catalysts for transformation.” The University offers an array of Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and Masters Courses with students on part-time, weekend, remote and full-time learning.
On March 06, 2018, International Health Sciences University (IHSU) celebrated ten (10) years of making a difference in healthcare and rebranded to Clarke International University (CIU). Throughout the ten years, the University has introduced new Schools and programs and this expansion is reflected in the steady growth in number of students and staff. The University has made every effort to continuously improve the quality the three pillars: academics, research and innovation as well as community outreach. These developments have directly contributed to a higher ranking of CIU among its peers in the recent past.
This and previous tracer studies are a means by which CIU seeks feedback from its alumni for the purpose of reviewing, learning, and improving its quality of work. This report gives details on the qualifications attainedby graduatesat CIU,theircurrent employmentstatus,areas ofspecialisation and employers, leadership and influence as well as the contributionthe to community made by these graduates. This study also sought feedback about areas where respondents felt CIU should improve.
The goal of this tracer study was to determine the employability of alumni of Clarke International University who studied and graduated from the University between 2012 and 2019.
A questionnaire was designed using Google Forms and shared with alumni of Clarke International University online. The sample population with whom the link to the Google Form was shared consisted of all members of the current alumni contact list present at CIU. The link was shared by email, on Facebook, WhatsApp and LinkedIn. Respondents filled the form online and responses wereautomaticallycapturedinGoogleForms. Atotalof260respondentsparticipatedinthestudy. The responses (data) were downloaded as CSV from Google forms. Results that were quantitative in nature were coded and filtered in MS Excel. Likert scale results analysis was also done in MS Excel The rest of the descriptive/qualitative data was extracted, duplicates removed and presented in report format using MS Word.