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Advanced Training Beyond IHSU/CIU
The graph below indicates number of graduates who have or are pursuing additional training beyond their training at CIU. At least 54% of graduates have had additional training and nearly 98% of respondents indicated that they feel CIU prepared them adequately for graduate or advanced professional education.
How well did IHSU/CIU prepare you for graduate/professional schools?
Feedback: Strategic Direction
Charter and Infrastructure
Aquarter (25%)of respondents whomadeat least one recommendationmentionedthattheywould like to see CIU getting chartered. They advised that CIU should expedite improvement of its infrastructureto fulfil NCHErequirements forthecharter. Respondents recommend thatCIUbuild its own home, hostels and a cafeteria for students as well as get a bigger and better Library.
Research, Publications, Grants
Respondents recommend that the University should strengthen its research capacity and increase the number of publications from students and faculty. They also wish CIU could aggressively compete for research grants Some respondents encourage faculty to introduce students to research-work as soon as they join the University.
It appears that there is concern about what is believed to be high tuition. Respondents asked for a reduction in tuition rates to make it affordable to a bigger number of students. They also asked that the number of scholarship recipients be increased.
Academics and Practice
Respondents recommended that Allied Health Laboratories should be expanded physically and in scope of activities that are conducted therein. The nursing laboratory should be equipped more and put more emphasis on simulation classes for the nursing faculty. Timetabling under all modalities including remote learning should be better coordinated.
New Business
The University has been advised to introduce a BSc degree in Medical Entomology which is said to have attracted global attention and funding; MSc. Biostatistics and Epidemiology, MSc. Bioinformatics. Introduce a Medical School. Respondents wish to see CIU open up more branches and study centers while increasing visibility through intensive marketing within and outside Uganda especially in Kenya. Introduce nutrition as a course unit at master’s level Start PhD programs.
Alumni Engagement
Engagement with their alumni; make alumni chapters, get them involved in the growth of the university, run projects with them because it is the power of the alumni that will grow the university.
This report has explored a number of areas that shall inform strategic decision making at CIU. It forms a basis for further research into individual factors affecting employability of CIU’s