CIU Class of 2020 The 2020 Graduation, having been extended to 2021 due to the
interrupted academic year, will now take place on March 19th, 2021. We hope this montage from Class of 2019 Graduation can inspire our finalist students as they get ready
for their graduation. You can do it! We look forward to your Day. #MakeaDifference
It may be virtual, but it will still be fun
The Registrar, the Deans, Mrs. Ondia—they are all ready!
Virtual Graduation? We will still take Pictures— Virtually
Mr. Osire will still do his job
Alumni Are Cheering You On
We still expect Dean Agnes to Dance!
Before you walk—ah yes, that Plagiarism Check!
Top Student Awards
Service Awards
Service Awards
Good Luck • Stay Safe. • Wash • Sanitize • Mask • Social Distance #MakeaDifference