Harry Barry
Dr. Rose Nanyonga Clarke
Ms. Florence Githinji
May 2019
Harry Barry
Dr. Rose Nanyonga Clarke
Ms. Florence Githinji
May 2019
Many graduates come and leave universities with specific goals in mind: to launch or take their career to the next level, start their own business, master a skill-set that will differentiate them from the masses or to switch careers and so on. The time and money spent earning a university degree is a big investment often weighed against the potential return on that investment (ROI). The findings of the 2018-2019 Alumni Tracer Survey Report showcase the experiences of more than 250 Clarke International University (CIU) alumni and affirm the universities’ efforts in producing graduates of the highest caliber who continue to take the CIU traditions of excellence to their communities. The majority of the alumni report quantifiable ROI in terms of high employment rates, leading in their chosen fields, ability to pursue advancement in their training, and rewards and recognition for their continued contributions in the organizations where they serve.
Current industry trends also indicate that most employers are seeking graduates who are employable. This report indicates that the CIU alumni continue to outperform national trends in in terms of employment. In addition, critical skills needed by industries are among top skills reported by CIU graduates including but not limited to: Problem Solving, Collaboration and Teamwork, Leadership, Technology Literacy, Lifelong Learning, Critical Thinking, Taking Initiative, Ethics and Accountability, Research skills and Advocacy Skills.
The continued success of every CIU graduate will remain at the core of what the university strives to do well. And we hope that these encouraging results will strengthen our commitment to preparing quality graduates for global leadership and as catalysts for transformation.
Dr. Rose Clarke Nanyonga Vice ChancellorGratitude to the Quality Assurance Department, the Registrar and related teams, the Senior Management and Administrative Teams, the Office of the Vice Chancellor, the ICT Department, and all alumni who participated in the survey
This tracer study is a means by which CIU seeks feedback from its alumni for the purpose of continuous quality improvement. The goal of this study was to determine the employability and current status of alumni of CIU who studied and graduated from the University between 2012 and 2018 A Google form was shared with CIU alumni who filled it and responded online. A total of 260 respondents participated in the study. Data was captured and generally analysed using MS Excel. The report has been presented in MS Word.
The data reveal that a total of eight different qualifications were attained by graduates at CIU between the years of 2012 – 2018 including Bachelor of Nursing Science, Bachelor of Science in Public Health, Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science, Diploma of Public Health, Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Master of Science in Public Health, Master of Health Services Management and the Foundation Course.
Over 75% of the respondents indicated that the CIU education experience prepared them with critical industry-relevant skills including: collaboration and teamwork skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, ethics and accountability skills, leadership and communication skills. Nine (9) out of 10 of the respondents who secured a job in less than a year after graduation indicated that they acquired strong problem-solving, collaboration and teamwork skills. Therefore, there may be a relationship between these skillset and employability of CIU’s graduates.
Ninety percent (90%) of the respondents are employed, and 10% indicated they were pursuing additional training, unemployed or were volunteering. Graduates with the Master of Science degree in Public Health (MPH) had the highest number of employed respondents.
Responses indicated that most graduates are willing to recommend another person to join CIU, however, they strongly recommended that the University acquires a Charter. Other recommendations for strategic direction include: strengthening of research and publication, reduction in tuition, introduction of new courses, expansion of the University’s physical infrastructure and increased alumni engagement.
This report can form a basis for further research into individual factors affecting employability of CIU’s graduates and serves as a basis to inform targeted strategic engagement and action.
Clarke International University has grown steadily since the admission of its first students. As specified in its mission, the University strives “to prepare students for global leadership and to be catalysts for transformation.” The University offers an array of Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and Masters Courses with students on part-time, weekend, remote and full-time learning.
On March 06, 2018, International Health Sciences University (IHSU) celebrated ten (10) years of making a difference in healthcare and rebranded to Clarke International University (CIU). Throughout the ten years, the University has introduced new Schools and programs and this expansion is reflected in the steady growth in number of students and staff. The University has made every effort to continuously improve the quality the three pillars: academics, research and innovation as well as community outreach. These developments have directly contributed to a higher ranking of CIU among its peers in the recent past.
This and previous tracer studies are a means by which CIU seeks feedback from its alumni for the purpose of reviewing, learning, and improving its quality of work. This report gives details on the qualifications attainedby graduatesat CIU,theircurrent employmentstatus,areas ofspecialisation and employers, leadership and influence as well as the contributionthe to community made by these graduates. This study also sought feedback about areas where respondents felt CIU should improve.
The goal of this tracer study was to determine the employability of alumni of Clarke International University who studied and graduated from the University between 2012 and 2019.
A questionnaire was designed using Google Forms and shared with alumni of Clarke International University online. The sample population with whom the link to the Google Form was shared consisted of all members of the current alumni contact list present at CIU. The link was shared by email, on Facebook, WhatsApp and LinkedIn. Respondents filled the form online and responses wereautomaticallycapturedinGoogleForms. Atotalof260respondentsparticipatedinthestudy. The responses (data) were downloaded as CSV from Google forms. Results that were quantitative in nature were coded and filtered in MS Excel. Likert scale results analysis was also done in MS Excel The rest of the descriptive/qualitative data was extracted, duplicates removed and presented in report format using MS Word.
Based on what you know now, how well do you think your education experience at IHSU/CIU prepared you for the following skills:
Over three quarters of the respondents indicated that the CIU education experience prepared them with collaboration and teamwork skills, problem-solving and critical thinking skills, ethics and accountability skills, leadership and communication skills. CIU has also enabled them to take initiative in their professional life. Graduates who exhibited excellent performance at their place of work mentioned that they acquired this same skillset at CIU. Averagely 92% of respondents who have received the Employee of the Year award at their organisation (at least once) indicated that their education experience at IHSU/CIU contributed to their acquisition of the specific skills mentionedabove. AlmosthalfoftherespondentsindicatedthatCIUcouldimproveonthedelivery of advocacy skills and technology literacy. This may be an indication of why very few CIU graduates do advocacy work as shown in the Specialisations of Graduates section below. Approximately 90% of the respondents who got a job in less than a year after graduation indicated that they acquired strong problem-solving, collaboration and teamwork skills; more than half of these (57%) mentioned that they got a job immediately after graduation. Therefore, there may be a relationship between this skillset and employability of CIU’s graduates
According to Figure 1 below, 90% of the respondents are employed, while 10% of the respondents are unemployed but are either pursuing additional education or volunteering at the time of the survey. It should be noted, however, that most of the respondents who indicated that they are unemployed also mentioned that they are engaged in private business.
The graph below shows the employment status by degree acquired.
Graduates with the Master of Science degree in Public Health (MPH) had the highest number of employed respondents and statistically the least number of unemployed per total respondents. Further, the data indicates that the highest number of graduates that were already employed or had found a job immediately after graduation were those that had received the MPH degree. 45% of the (employed) respondents indicated that they were already employed by the time they graduated at CIU; while only one percent of those who were employed by the time they participated in the survey took more than a year to get a job.
The figure below shows how long graduates took to find a job.
2: Employment status of graduates according to degree acquiredVector borne diseases/neglected
tropical diseases
Laboratory Technology
Pharmaceutical microbiology
ART clinic
Reproductive health
Health inspector
HIV, TB and cancer care
Environment and Sanitation
Internal medicine (HIV /Aids)
Health Science Research/M&E
Maternal child health
Community health
Medical clinical officer
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
Stock Officer/Controller
Quality assurance
Infection prevention and control
Employee Health and wellness
Pre-Service Training
Malaria and Child survival
Program management and research
Client Relations
Public Health specifically in area of RMNCAH
Health and Nutrition Monitor
Public health
National security
Knowledge Management
Medical Insurance
Finance and administration
Projects management
Adolescent sexual and reproductive health
Social work
Health Systems StrengtheningQuality Improvement
Monitoring and evaluation
Community Development/ international development work
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medical Logistics/Lecturer in Community Medicine
Communications specialist
Public Health Nutrition
Policy and Advocacy
Surgical nursing
Environmental Health Officer
Geospatial Analysis, climate change & human health
Intensive Care Unit and Dialysis Unit
Hematology /immunology
Clinical Embryology and Reproductive Medicine
Epidemic Surveillance and Response
Table 3 above shows employment status according to acquired degree. Responses show that the highest number of unemployed CIU graduates who were pursuing further studies at the time of the survey were graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSCPH) and Bachelor of Nursing degrees. However, it should be noted that none of the employed BSCPH and BNS graduates who participated in this survey had taken more than a year to find a job.
Almost all respondents including unemployed graduates would encourage another person to join CIU because the University has high quality and creative teaching methods that encourage critical thinking, foster innovation, there is problem-based learning and flexible programing, and the lecturers are dedicated. The following are some of the top reasons for this potential recommendation:
i. It is a world class academic institution with excellent teaching methods that favor every individual with well-organized systems that make you feel at home at all times. CIU prepares students to make a difference in their communities through identifying health needs/challengesandcomeupwithsolutionstoaddressthem.Ithascompetentexperienced teaching andsupport staffs whocan easilybe approached anywhere and they canbeof help at all times.
ii. It promotes critical and analytical thinking. Indeed, it takes out of the lecture room
iii. The University has quality in the services provided and so would recommend another person to go a Course there which will make them a person with a difference.
iv. The teaching methods prepare students to solve community problems
v. Because it offers problem-based learning
vi. It opens your mind and makes you think holistically and improves your critical thinking and judgment of matters and of course a well-rounded knowledgeable and skilled nurse ready to practice anywhere in the world.
vii. CIU has great lecturers, great curriculum, a great registration and a great and visionary vice chancellor: a great team!
viii. It’s because IHSU [CIU] gave me the best while there. The teaching, skills were all worth. I see in practice a big difference if I'm to compare products of other institutions.
ix. Because it is well equipped especially the library and the majority of staff are good communicators who are result oriented; good IT support
x. It is accessible
xi. Reliable record system (good experience of academic and finance records)
xii. No long bureaucracy in Management
xiii. The human centered design of education delivery
xiv. I have been in horn of Africa and East Africa I didn’t get any institutions similar to IHSU/CIU, the way handling education and training which is the best of [best]
xv. The knowledge and skills I attained while at IHSU not only enabled me perform well at a job given to me but discussions with stakeholders with confidence because I know what I say.
xvi. The integrity of the lecturers. Grades are obtained authentically.
xvii. Flexible learning environment but with strict academic performance focused teaching institution.
xviii. The ranking of the university has greatly improved.
xix. It gives hope for employment and a future to graduates.
xx. I believe CIU would give opportunities to many people of diverse culture to easily fit into the school system but also appreciate their background and others' as well respectfully, and be able to achieve their academic goals successfully.
xxi. I was impressed [by] how research is done
xxii. Our lecturers are excellent, when I joined UMI I did not find problems competing with students from public Universities.
xxiii. Good administration
xxiv. Because CIU prepares you to face the real world. Teaching is practical not just for passing exams
xxv. Ownership of work through Turnitin software. No Plagiarism.
xxvi. The team work and multicultural diversity
Five respondents indicated that they would only recommend a person to join CIU after it has received the Charter. They report that as a result of not being Chartered, they have faced difficulty joining a public University for post-graduate studies. It appears that some respondents would be hesitant to recommend students to join CIU due to what they indicate were frustrations with the change of name from International Health Sciences University to Clarke International University as well as seemingly high tuition fees.
International Hospital Kampala
Infectious Disease Research Collaboration
Africa Population and Health Research Centre
Ass Quality Assurance Officer
Clarke International University (CIU)
Intrahealth International International medical foundation
Malaria Consortium
IOM South Sudan Mission
Makerere University Walter Reed
JHPIEGO Corporation
Save the Children Uganda
Pyramid Pharma Uganda Limited
Abt Associates Inc.
UN Migration Agency (IOM)
Maridi with AMREF Health Africa in
South Sudan
Kaliro district local government
World Vision
Uganda People's Defense Force
International Rescue Committee
Kyambogo University
Partners in Health
John Snow Inc. SS4RI project
Muslim Aid KU
Pharma ville pharmaceuticals ltd
Institute of Human Virology Nigeria
(IHVN) as NYSC place of primary assignment
Fields of Life Uganda
UOHS and Bandarqasim General Hospital
Mulago Hospital
Kitovu Hospital Masaka
Makerere University College of Health Sciences
Jubilee Insurance company Limited, Uganda
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA)
Safeman Rwanda Ltd
Brick by Brick Uganda
Doctors' plaza clinic Nsambya
Plan International
Bwindi Mgahinga Conservation Trust
Training & Quality Improvement
Technical Advisor
Bundibugyo Hospital
South Sudan/UNICEF
World Health Organization
Andre Foods International
Uganda Christian University
Juba South Sudan John Dau Foundation
Uganda Cancer Institute
Nakaseke and Kyankwanzi districts
AMREF Health Africa South Sudan
People with disabilities
Sparta medical services
Kampala/Private Consultancy
The Good Samaritan Society
Kampala Capital City Authority
Divine Mercy Hospital/Farther Bash
Foundation Mbarara
USAID-RHITES North Acholi/Gulu
Regional Referral Hospital
Norvik Hospital
Juba with UNICEF
Medipal International Hospital
ST Francis school of Health Science
AHF-Uganda Cares
University Research Co.,LLC
Murtala Muhammad specialist
hospital Kano Nigeria
Mityana General Hospital
Mulago Nation Referral Hospital
Kings Medical Center Munyonyo
Mayuge District Local Government
Nations Rescue Team Uganda
Health Pooled Fund- South Sudan
Building Tomorrow Uganda
Management Sciences for Health
Spark Microgrants
Kaabong District Local Government
Nakasero hospital
Kabale School of Comprehensive Nursing
Gulu Regional Referral Hospital
Uganda Virus Research Institute
Ministry of Defense and Veterans'
Affairs/University of Juba
The Medical Concierge Group
Africa Innovations-Farm Africa
Juba, South Sudan / ADRA South
IPPF Africa Regional Office- Nairobi
Wakiso District Local Government
Adjumani Hospital
African Psycare Research Organisation
Mulago women hospital
Ministry of Health
Kiwoko Hospital
Rugarama Hospital
Entebbe hospital
CARE International
STEG International Services
Ministry of Water and Environment, Luzira
MU-JHU Research Collaboration
Mildmay Institute of Health Sciences
Mubende Regional Referral Hospital
Dorcus Faith ministries
The Surgery Ltd
AHF/Uganda Cares
Namayingo District Local Government
Sembabule District Local Government
Public Health Ambassadors Uganda
Kesa global agencies
Mulago, Uganda Heart Institute
Kawempe home care
Bugweri District
Medical Research Council - MengoKisenyi
Uganda Christian University (UCU)
Alive Medical Services Namuwongo
Infectious Diseases Institute (IDI)
Kampala Hospital Limited, Kololo
Busia District Local Government
JackieclinicBunga and Faith medical
center Matugga
Uganda Nurses and Midwives
Examination Board
MU-JHU Research Collaboration
Christian Missionaries initiative
Gulu Regional Referral Hospital/RHITES N-Acholi
Medipal International Hospital
Health care clinical trainer
Juba, South Sudan-UNFPA
Bentiu South Sudan University college London
Malaria Consortium
The Karen Hospital - Nairobi
Joint Clinical Research Centre
Paragon Fertility Centre, Kampala
Nwoya District
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
Rwanda Biomedical Center
Jinja Regional Referral Hospital
Aga Khan Hospital
Kaliro District Local Government
Kajjansi Health Centre 1V
Graduates’ Leadership Positions and how they are Influencing Organisational Change -quoted as presented in responses.
Immediately after graduation I led LiveWell South Sudan Organization as Executive Director and oversaw implementation community-based emergency responses against cholera and acute watery diarrhea; Afterwards I was made Secretary to the Defense Health Policy Committee; Currently working in Medical Logistics but also supervising research projects at Institute of Pharmacy Technicians and the University of Juba. Recently I have a leading founder and Chairman of the Board for a national NGO, Rural Health Services which focuses on supporting primary health services in hard to reach areas of the country (South Sudan)
Head of Communications at my workplace and therefore I am able to oversee all the public health messages as well as training and mentoring the medical doctors on how to curate or develop such messages given my Communications specialist background.
I have been retained in a project where I had only worked for a year and given site management status firm a backup, when I joined the company working in the Ebola Vaccine studies in Uganda, the experience of managing the site saw me being allocated a study out of my scope of study in Rwanda, for which I have just been given a financial award
Am an orogram designer at VCD-MOH this has caused 4 new orograms receive grants from the Islamic bank
Currently I am the Deputy Affairs Coordinator for my organization
I am in a new employment but realize that most of the sections I am put in, the leaders entrust me with a lot of work
Team Leader spearheading all viral Hepatitis and other Health intervention projects
Senior Assistant Academic Registrar
In charge ART clinic
Taking lead for all urban centers to develop strategic sanitation plans. An initiative by urban water and sewerage department of MWE
Promoted senior laboratory technologist. Supervise & mentoring of my junior staffs
Am an AART clinic in charge and I cause the organisation work better in improving people's health so improved performance.
Am the Laboratory focal person in my organization. Majorly carrying out system strengthening and mentorship
As Community Health Manager of a branch under a randomized control trial, I have been able to drive evidence-based results and performance in community Health with aim of supporting government effort in that area
Currently heading the cancer unit in JRRH. I am working around the clock to see that we meet the target of 50 clients every week who come for cancer screening and within less than a month we screen between5-10 per day.
Stock Control, Charter President of Rotaract Club of Kampala Mueynga Breeze, Project Manager, Logistics Manager- IHK-SMC Project 2017/18
Chairperson Academic staff Association, Patron Red Cross club, Patron CIU Christian Union, Founder and pioneer Chairperson ISHU Employee saving scheme
Coordinator cancer outreach services, lobbied and trained four Health workers in all districts of Uganda (118) as of 2017 in cancer prevention, early detection and referral of suspected cases. This was to increase access to cancer information and early management.
I held positions of Branch Manager and Regional Field Manager in 2016 and 2017 respectively
As an intern nurse leader at Mubende hospital, I bridged the gap between intern nurses and the hospital administration especially in terms of communication. I also encouraged and carried out operational research which helped improve patient care.
Research Ethics Administrator-Advocating for research ethics through the protection of humans involved in research
Marketing and Public Relations Officer, Partnerships and Communications Manager, Preservice Training Officer
I have been a team leader at several research works I have carried out after graduation and my team always delivers beyond expectations. The first one was a circumcision wellness centre in Kira HCIII Kampala. Achievement resulted from the output in terms of numbers and outcomes in terms of less adverse effects. The second was Kyankwanzi and Nakaseke district MNCH project supervisor. Increased community dialogues between health workers and community members improved relationship and access.
Currently the manager of the oraganisation I work for. We do medical outreaches around Kampala and with my leadership skills from IHSU, am able to run things smoothly.
I am in charge of the ward and acting head of nursing. I give opportunity to others to lead i determine the direction n guide. I involve the team in making decisions.
Public health sector lead
Leading HIV prevention teams has enabled me to contribute to health systems strengthen throughtrainingVMMCteams at facilitiesas lowas HC III!This has contributedto anincreased number of health workers who can provide VMMC services.
Working with DHTS and facility health workers to adopt and provide quality malaria health services in their respective districts
Been ward manager and night services manager, which I positively influenced in safe patients care and BLS and ACLS trainer in the hospital
MEAL Coordinator, Senior Project Coordinator and currently Program Manager, strategic thinking and planning.
Regional manager for a private not-for-profit NGO managing a team of 15 technical staff over 4 years. Trained and mentored over 500 health workers in various RMNCAH competencies.
Principal Tutor of Health Institute (5 years), Health of department (1.5 years). Timely and effective reporting within the organisation, effective coordination with partners and stakeholders, created team work spirit and delegation of duty, created trust and accountability, improved quality through observing regulatory standards, and effective supervision/performance management and motivation of performing staff.
Am a technical programme management specialist. i take lead in my speciality
Head of department at Mukwaya General Hospital, lead a team of clinical officers, medical doctors and consultants. Organised the duty scheduled for the department, introduced comprehensive HIV/TB care at the facility and Mukwaya General Hospital became the first private for-profit Health facility to received ARVs and TB medicines direct from the National Medical Stores.
Consultant, Senior Assistant Academic Registrar. I am an exemplary leader and a change agent
Program Associate Director
Nutrition manager-build capacity of partner staff
Administration manager
the clinical in charge of the SC in Yei Civil Hospital
Am the chairperson for weekly meetings from October to December where I emphasized time keeping, focused field work and made tracked progress of people's field targets. I am also
involved in the buddy programme of the organisation where I immerse new employees into the working system
Laboratory mentor. Lead a team and we managed to get a lab accredited on international standards ISO 15189 by SANAS
Assistant manager for hypertension and diabetic clinic. Through daily teaching and learning from our clients at the facility
Team leader during field visits including international visits
Assistant Manager, I have advised on proper use of the lavatories, effective communication, taking responsibility for one's actions.
I take a Lead in implementing an SRH project of 4000 adolescent girls and young women in Uganda
Partnerships officer. I can ably solicit for partnerships from organisations
Director General: Able to change structure and management of the organisation
I have been a manager of every unit where I have been.
I'm a member on the board of an organization I started with a few friends and am steering the establishment of the organization structures and formulation of the key organizational policies
Country Programme Director and lifted organization in programme expansion as well as increase in resource mobilzation.
Wrote a project that was funded by grants from African Development Bank titled Community Cancer Education and screening in the 10 regions of Uganda
Project lead in the field. Linked community and project. Conducted dialogues to influence change among mothers and partners.
Public health officer/advocacy I was charged with the responsibility of selling the organisation both internally and externally. Coordinator of Biosciences for farming in Uganda where taught
journalist from different media houses on how to report scientific information with more emphasis on farming and nutrition
Facility in charge. Advising on several activities and adjustments and its working
Secretary, ISO Core Committee- Mulago NRH; Secretary, Rewards & Sanctions CommitteeDSS, Mulago NRH. Hospital Quality Auditor, Mulago NRH. All these positions put in a position which allows me to take lead in quality improvement at hospital as well as promote ethical practice within the hospital.
A wash monitoring, learning and evaluation for WASH SDG- 6 program in Agago district under agency for sustainable rural transformation and Uganda Wash Alliance. I have influenced change in the org through tracing and tracking day to day activities in the field ,for work breakdown structure for everyone to know what his role is in the project as well as in improving on water, sanitation and hygiene through creating awareness about wash as a business, management of solid waste and business opportunities in wastes as well as various technologies of latrines suitable for communities depending on the geographical location, training of pitemptier in rural areas in order to manage fecal sludge.
I have been emergency coordinator for the State equal to Region in Uganda, I have been leading both national and international nutrition in emergency response for one year, etc.
I was the supervisor accidents and emergency department Nakasero Hospital: I made great changes and improvement at the unit through leading by example, ensuring trust and respect
As a site team leader, I have led my team using a democratic leadership style which has created room for the team members to express themselves, learn from each other and build confidence. I also value integrity and quality in every task i do.
I led the clinical team at my work place
I am currently Director M&E in my project in the East and one of the things i do is to participate in research
I’m leading on a project that involves rolling out e-library to 135 health training institutions in Uganda.
Organisation leadership. Helping the organisations culture redirect towards a policy guided culture
Biosafety/biosecurity officer-improving infection control and prevention at local and national level
Malaria Project Manager, Nutrition Program Officer, Deputy State Coordinator. These are the leadership positions I held since I graduated from IHSU in Dec 2012. During the years, projects have always been successful in relation to outputs as far as activities' implementation is concerned. The impacts of the projects I managed in the communities I served, are well documented.
Currently am the director of a youth leadership program; we drew this from concept to where it is having enrolled over 150 young leaders to support 450 rural schools
Health Project Coordinator Uganda & Operations manager East Africa
Am a Head Nurse and am influencing change by being exemplary together with Team building.
I am an acting District Health Officer currently and I am involved in modeling every change in the health department e.g. QI
Deputy Principal am influencing change by ensuring implementation of delegated activities by the overall supervisor and supervision of subordinates
I have not yet held any leadership positions
Leading a team of community health workers to sensitize communities on health and nutrition
I am a Project Manager, i encouraged the organisation to organise theory of change training for all technical staffs which was approved and conducted which changed the way staffs approach certain tasks allocated for them
Am a Technical Advisor for Advocacy as well as a Regional Coordinator for a Dutch programme managing 4 countries. In this position at departmental level I contribute towards strategic direction and regional and international advocacy to ensure that SRHR remains on the agenda of governments and intergovernmental bodies as well as UN including that legislations made are not retrogressive to prevent access to services. At country level focus in on technical
guidance and capacity strengthening to enable local partners to take lead in implementation and driving change through granting. Part of my change is mentoring youth led organisations and small organisations.
I am the health facility manager /HC III
Senior nursing officer in charge of general surgical ward
Acting medical superintendent to influence management of the hospital in the right direction using the current scarce resources availed to me.
I am the coordinator for community outreach at CIU. I link students to different outreaches organized by several stakeholders where free services and health talks are offered.
Principal Nursing Officer. I have been involved in mentoring and coaching junior staff.
UPHIA team leader
Technical officer where i take lead in developing strategies and tools to guide implementation of an integrated health project
First, I started as an acting ward in charge, later I was spear heading a quality improvement supervision for health workers and currently with my position I am able discuss decisions of reducing the budget and adjusting details in project concept proposal for proper planning.
IamtheDeputyRegulatoryAffairsCoordinatorfortheInstitutionarolethatcomeswithguiding people to be compliant with Research regulations
Quality improvement focal person at work. In charge of surgical word. Mubende RRH attained a good position as far as MOH assessment.
Executive Director- Dorcus faith ministries and I am executive board member UNITAID -
Leadership is about resilience and knowing where members want (must) go and pressing on to leading them to reach there.
I was promoted from a bench lab technologist to regional lab supervisor because public health had all management skills
Epi focal person for the district and mental health focal person
I supervise a team of around 10 people and each time an activity takes place, I get on top of it but most importantly mentor my supervisees to ensure they can do the same and I think they have learnt a lot from me
Our laboratory has worn 3 stars three times and has been selected for international accreditation
I have been a supervisor at my former work place and i used the position to help bring services closer to the local people.
Been a night services manager in IHK for 6 years until change of management
Focal person Ag, in-charge MCh
President of Preachers' Kids Movement Uganda (PKMU) which is a Christian NonGovernmental Organization, Not for Profit meant to bring together preachers' children such as pastors, evangelists, decons, prophets, elders, teachers of the word, bishops together to share life experiences, encourage each other, live exemplary lives in this generation. We also carry out community outreaches where we carry out charity donations such as clothes, scholarstic materials, shoes, sanitary pads to needy children in various communities.
I am currently the Deputy Chief of Party and Health Services delivery Director with Abt Associates, directly managing a team of 10 technical staff on a USAID funded Maternal Newborn health project aimed at increasing access to quality RMNCAH services to the poor financiallyvulnerablepregnantwomeninEasternandNorthernUgandathroughanoutputbased health financing scheme that pays providers fees for the RMNCAH services offered to the poor women. Ihavepreviously workedas aCountryProgram DirectorwithAbtAssociates managing the Ugandan portfolio of a USAID funded global private sector project called Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS) project. This project focused on strengthening private sector's response to addressing the three childhood killer diseases in Uganda i.e Malaria, Pneumonia and Diarrhea through training providers on how to diagnose and appropriately treat these illnesses as well as working with the relevant Government regulatory agencies(MOH, National Drug Authority) and drug suppliers to ensure availability of
affordable, quality drugs for the 3 diseases at the last mile health facilities including drug shops/clinics. I also worked as a Regional Health Services Manager and later was promoted to a Regional Manager with Population Services International (a non-for profit International NGO), here I managed a team of 15 staff in 35 districts of Eastern Uganda to build capacity of private health facilities to offer quality RMNCAH services.
At thetimewhen Iwas studyingIwas working as acliniccoordinatorbut laterwhenIcompleted y studies I was promoted to being a manager medical service and I have surely managed this department excellently,it has been always thebest among other departments in this organization so I proudly feel all this is due to CIU.
Night supervisor, Senior staff Nurse/In charge Intensive care Unit. I have empowered my subordinates and mentored them in delivering patients care. i have influence the regime of research oriented and evidence-based practice in my organization.
I have been principal of nursing school but now national examination officer. Work is moving on smoothly and managing the biggest program at the organization
I am the Deputy Regulatory affairs Coordinator a role that comes with ensuring compliance to researchguidelines andtherefore requires strictness andbeing principled, qualities that Ipossess hence excelling at my work.
I have learned to be resilient and great team leader since at IHSU to my office
acted as the laboratory manager for some time, appointed the laboratory equipment officer, appointed the data focal person of the laboratory, appointed the section head for Clinical Chemistry section
As a Quality Assurance Officer at IHK, my influence at that level was to ensure that we change from one quality assurance model (ISO - International Standardization for Orgaization) to COHSASA - council for health services and accreditation of southern Africa. At Mediplal international hospital, as a quality assurance manager, we have started quality assurance processes from scratch, developing of SOPS, quality manuals, organizaional policies etc.
I am director of a private company that purifies water for sale called Nile crystal and With WHO
I am in charge of a state office which was closed down due to unpaid rent bills, on internet, with only two drivers but now the office is fully operational with internet and five staff beside the
two drivers I inherited. I think I changing thinks with WHO South Sudan office in My little ways, towards my graduation I was assigned a national duty as operational readiness focal person for South Sudan Country office on top of my emergency role and state office management and state partners coordination roles
Supervisor change agent
Coordinator of Gulu Regional Youth Centre in Uganda
At work, performance is crucial. The focus and commitment I portrayed has made me Infection Control Coordinator. I am also the National treasurer of The Young Diplomats of Kenya, a Youth Mentorship program that cuts across all institutions of learning across Kenya.
I manage 8 Districts in terms of MNCAH, Family Planning and eMTCT to offer technical support
Regional CQI midwife mentor and MNCH Technical team lead-guiding the team in making work plans, prioritizing activity implementation with emphasis on producing cost effective results as per the project objectives encouraging innovations
Enforced team work among the staffs
I am using my leadership experience with IHSU Guild Council to effective and efficiently lead 3 state prisons in South Sudan where i manage 18 staffs who engage in health and nutrition projects. I have used my persuasion skills and capacity building ability to positively bring change in attitude and practice of my colleagues which led to the success of all our projects in 2018 and is continuing in 2019.
I am a Quality Manager and a member of the Quality Improvement committee, the Biorisk Management Committee and the Medicines and Therapeutics Committee. I give operational oversight/ leadership to the Laboratory Quality Management System and support QI as well as BRM activities.
Am in charge in charge of public health in the health sub-district
The graph below indicates number of graduates who have or are pursuing additional training beyond their training at CIU. At least 54% of graduates have had additional training and nearly 98% of respondents indicated that they feel CIU prepared them adequately for graduate or advanced professional education.
How well did IHSU/CIU prepare you for graduate/professional schools?
Aquarter (25%)of respondents whomadeat least one recommendationmentionedthattheywould like to see CIU getting chartered. They advised that CIU should expedite improvement of its infrastructureto fulfil NCHErequirements forthecharter. Respondents recommend thatCIUbuild its own home, hostels and a cafeteria for students as well as get a bigger and better Library.
Respondents recommend that the University should strengthen its research capacity and increase the number of publications from students and faculty. They also wish CIU could aggressively compete for research grants Some respondents encourage faculty to introduce students to research-work as soon as they join the University.
It appears that there is concern about what is believed to be high tuition. Respondents asked for a reduction in tuition rates to make it affordable to a bigger number of students. They also asked that the number of scholarship recipients be increased.
Respondents recommended that Allied Health Laboratories should be expanded physically and in scope of activities that are conducted therein. The nursing laboratory should be equipped more and put more emphasis on simulation classes for the nursing faculty. Timetabling under all modalities including remote learning should be better coordinated.
The University has been advised to introduce a BSc degree in Medical Entomology which is said to have attracted global attention and funding; MSc. Biostatistics and Epidemiology, MSc. Bioinformatics. Introduce a Medical School. Respondents wish to see CIU open up more branches and study centers while increasing visibility through intensive marketing within and outside Uganda especially in Kenya. Introduce nutrition as a course unit at master’s level Start PhD programs.
Engagement with their alumni; make alumni chapters, get them involved in the growth of the university, run projects with them because it is the power of the alumni that will grow the university.
This report has explored a number of areas that shall inform strategic decision making at CIU. It forms a basis for further research into individual factors affecting employability of CIU’s
graduates. All in all, it appears that CIU has thus far prepared its graduates well for the work environment.