Webinar Harvest: Guided GTD Weekly Review® What is a “Weekly review”? I have all my lists sorted,
Get me back in the driving seat Do the process in any order that works for you!
Close the loops
I’m good to go!
How to get it to stick?
I have 1/2 an hour, that would do!
Why Weekly?
“Any reviewing is better than none at all”
Hold the world back! Schedule a Weekly Review to a time that suits you Divide & Control!
Get Clear
Runway Should take about 15 min
Physical Collection Collect all papers and materials
Mental Collection What keeps you up at 3am?
Processing and organising
Try to get your “in”s Business
Cards Bills
How do you feel after? Relief Reduce Stress
1. Collect 2. Process 3. Organise 4. Review 5. Do
to zero if you can
The focus of Processing and Organising is reflection.
Getting your “in”s to zero takes too long? Put that time into the calender and move on with the weekly review.
Get Current
Should take the most of your time
At computer list
Review Action List -
Office list
Keep it alive through the weekly review, Get it all moving!
Mark completed actions, delete, Delegate, update, add..
Anywhere list
Review Past & Future Calendar Are you leaving enough “Hold”s?
Go as far as you need to!
Review Waiting for list Do I need to call back someone?
Review Project list
10,000 ft
Make sure there’s next actions, update projects, add projects...
Review & make any relevant checklists
Project level Spring Checklist
A project is anything that is going to take a couple of steps to get completed
Get Creative
Review “Someday Maybe� list Did any project become active? Are any projects no longer of interest?
20,000 ft
Get Creative! - Be Courageous! Are there any hare-brained, creative, though provoking risk taking ideas to add to your system?
Webinar Harvest Guided GTD Weekly Review
V i s u a l H a rve s t B y
THINK VISUAL w w w.t h i n k v i s u a l.i e
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