Digital design Module 1

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2019 Wei He

(952295) Siavash Malek + Studio 11

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

Zeara Polo defined diagrams as a tool to describe relationships and prescribe the performances of space. Diagrams are specific to a space and can mediate between physical constructs and concepts or understand on an organisational level. As for signs and symbols, they represent dynamic objects, the relationship between form and content is rather arbitrary.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

SECTION This section drawing indicates the internal space, the entrance, and including the material used.

FRONT ELEVATION The front elevation provides the best view for the window that pointing towards the Edinburgh’s iconic skyline, and how each panel folds and create different spaces underneath.

ArchDaily. (2016). Konishi Gaffney Architects Unveils Their Winning Pavilion for the Pop-Up Cities Expo in Edinburgh. [online] Available at:


winning-pavilion-for-the-pop-up-cities-expo-in-edinburgh [Accessed 17 Mar. 2019].

The plan reflected the different folds of the panels, and explained how Konishi Gaffney was inspired by the form and folding of origami.

To help me understand the form, I created an origami pyramid model, then I did further research on the building and realized that the construction used different sizes of timber panels with a layer of membrane and a layer of timber cladding. I used the construction information as a guide, worked out how many degrees each panel tilt, and the dimensions of the panels.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discusses how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

The Edinburgh Pavilion by Konishi Gaffney was the winning pavilion for the Pop-up Expo in 2016 Edinburgh. This pavilion was designed for exhibition use so there are exhibition boards placed inside, the exhibition boards encourage viewers to move around the pavilion. Viewers can make full use of the tilted wall panels, lean on them and relax. However, the only panel that rotates in a different way is the panel by the entrance. Kinoshi Gaffney simply changed the rotation to make viewers unable to lean on the wall hence make way for the only entrance of the pavilion.


Week Two


Isometric The South-west viewpoint could demonstrate the pavilion the best since this viewpoint indicates the entrance, the highest point, the window which pointing towards Edinburgh’s city skyline, and most panels could be shown without overlapping. Through the modelling process, I did not only have a better understanding of the construction but also understand the circulation and threshold of this pavilion. By orient and rotate each panel, I studied how many degrees each panel tilt, and depend on the direction of the rotation, the panels can form different spaces underneath them. For example, the panel that connects to the accessible ramp tilt inwards and does not encourage viewers to lean on the panel, which then makes the only entrance free for viewers to enter. The orientation of the panels determine what viewers see when they enter the space, hence effect viewers’ movement. The three openings (one entrance and two windows) all face different directions and provide different uses. The entrance is a transition between indoor and outdoor; the window above fame Edinburg’s city view and allow the pavilion to communicate with the rest of the city; while the second window at eye level not only encourages viewers from the outside to interact with viewers inside the pavilion but also gives the viewers an idea of the inside space and encourages them to visit the interior of the pavilion.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Diagram

Exhibition boards Sitting Exhibition City view boards Sitting City view

Since the Edinburgh pavilion only had one entrance, users had to enter and exit through the same opening. The exhibition boards and sitting inside the pavilion provided activities for users which then created certain paused areas. The circulation paths were determined by what the viewers see, for example, the first thing viewers see when they enter the space is exhibition boards, which then determined the direction of the viewers’ movement.

City skyline Viewing exhibition boards City skyline Sitting exhibition boards Viewing Sitting Leaning on vertical plane Leaning on vertical plane

Threshold Diagram The whole pavilion consisted three openings: an entrance, a fixed window looking up to the sky framing the iconic city skyline, and an opening window for ventilation. The entrance is a transitional space which let the viewers experience the transition from open outdoor to enclosed indoor spaces. The window above is where the pavilion space extends and communicate with the iconic skylines. The fixed window allow the interaction between people from inside with people from the outside. The tilted timber panels also created different spaces and some panels even encourage users to lean on. The threshold diagram was created based on the different uses of openings and spaces.

Interaction Viewing Interaction Transitioning Viewing Entrance Transitioning Entrance




Place the plan, adjust the transparency and trace over the outlines.

Create different types of panels according to the dimensions and angles provided.

Anotate each panel to help understand the arrangement.

Use orient tool and rotate3D tool to move the panels around.

Use offset or contour tool to create parallel lines according to the data sheet provided.

Use Srfpt or panarsrf tool to form surfaces, then extrude surfaces to form solid polysurfaces.

Change object layer and colour to distinguish different materials.

Use Srfpt to create a layer membrane on top of each panel.


Appendix Process

Create timber cladding with 6mm gap for ventilation. (offset > trim > planar surface > set Cplane to object > extrude surface)

Demostrate different layers of the structure by removing some materials. (Interpolate curve on surface > trim)

Make 2D to create isometric view and export to illustrator while keeping the layers. (set isometric view > make2D > exporte selected)

Open the make2D file, chage the line weight and make the hidden lines dashed lines, for better visualization.

Overlay make2D lines with a layer of rendered mode and a layer of arctic mode from Rhino. Then adjust the opacity and brightness of each layer.

In Rhino, join the surfaces and create a polysurface, then unroll the polysurface in order to have a better understanding of the panels and folding. (Join > unroll )

Left elevation It shows the entrance and one of the windows. It provides a better understanding for then entrance and what viewers first see when they enter the pavilion.

Right elevation This elevation shows the window looking up to the sky and the space underneath the window is rather small, which can give the viewers a sense of privacy.




Front elevation Front elevation gives the best view of how each panels folds and then create difference spaces underneath them.

Back elevation This elevation shows how the window can encourage interaction between people inside the pavilion and people outside the pavilion.

Shadow study - 8:00 Edinburgh 1st July

Shadow study - 16:00 Edinburgh 1st July


Shadow study - 12:00 Edinburgh 1st July

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