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PORTFOLIO napat ploycharoen interior architecture


Vertical High


Profile 12

4 1



Swap Over


Green Consolation


Date of birth Telephone no. e-mail address

May, 5th, 1996 Age of 23 098 - 553 - 9954 napatpcrn@gmail.com 342/113 Preuk Pirom Regent Kaset-Nawamin Road Tharang, Bangkhen Bangkok, Thailand 10220

work experiences

4 months trainee at Architect Kidd


2018; Bachelor of Architecture, (Interior Architecture) School of Architecture and Design King Mongkut’s University of Technoloy Thonburi 2010 - 2013; Science - mathemetics, English Cirriculum Nawamintrachinuthit Bodindecha School

Napat Ploycharoen

2007 - 2010; English Curriculum Nawamintrachinuthit Bodindecha School

Computer skills

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe After Effects


Sketch Up

3dsMax, Corona renderer

personal interests

movies, reading, cooking

Napat is an interior architect whom interested in senses and spacial design, which senses can be create through interior design and lighting design. I personally think that lighting design is as important as interior design in terms of both function and aesthetic. I hope that by entering this company will help me understand more on lighting design and its possibilities to work within space.



2015 2nd year project



Front view

This project consisted of 5 people in the group, each of them will have their own selected animal, and the special feature of their own animal. Once the members join together, we developed their specialties to create this playground. The specialties we used in this project are; fl exibility, joint, slope, complex structure, and camouflage. To combine all of the specialties together, we have done lots of experimental models between each animals’ specialties and try to find the way we can apply it all together.


The main obstacle of this project is how we can built the structure with safety and functionable at the same time. So, we classified the specialties accroding to its ability to be able to built as a structure. We used joint, slope, and complex structure as the main structure of the playground. Flexibility and camouflage were used as the seating and zoning of the playground.



Vertical High 2016 3RD year project


Conceptual Interior Collage



Residential unit

Restaurant The design of this project is to use plants not only to remind the countryside atmosphere to the space but also creating the medium between programs and users, by the vertical garden where users can collect the vegetable by themselves, give it to the staff in the provided programs or collect it back home. The project try to applied greens to the vertical planes e.g. column surface, walls, and also on the ceiling to create the overwhelming feeling by green. Other materials despite greens, the project tried to use neutral colors tone and natural materials e.g. wood.

Working area

Working area


Swap over

2017 4th year project


Trading Center Over the Street This project started from the interesting part once I walked through the given district, I choose to analyse how people stop and go when they crossing the street. The project’s task is to understand the core of our interested topic, illustrate in any graphic or diagram that each student is good at, and I decided to do the diagram that captured the situation of people crossing Suea Pa street. Colour coding and perspective have impact to how others will understand my illustrates.


The key design of this project is to use the bright colour to enhace the visual attraction of the building and make it pop-up from the context. Materials selection, mainly is the translucent glass as it is the showcase programs. For other materials, the project use high-endurance materials for the public space.


Talking room

Showcases The design of this project is to use plants not only to remind the countryside atmosphere to the space but also creating the medium between programs and users, by the vertical garden where users can collect the vegetable by themselves, give it to the staff in the provided programs or collect it back home. The project try to applied greens to the vertical planes e.g. column surface, walls, and also on the ceiling to create the overwhelming feeling by green. Other materials despite greens, the project tried to use neutral colors tone and natural materials e.g. wood.

Seating area




2017 4th year project



Music Monument Within Parcel at Lumpini Park The project starts from the interests in the smoking behavior addiction. The analysis shows the ‘dopamine’ organic chemical which comes out in our body once nicotin is received, creating happy and relief feeling. The project tries to find the programs or activities that also helps body create the same chemical but using more positive activities.


Multi-purposes Center at Lumpini Park Grounds is the multi-purpose center provided for teens and eldery at Lumpini Park where various age ranges of people go there for exercise and relex. The project provided the running track, music area, boardcase radio, and public seating area, as to promote this space to be a very public space where users of Lumpini Park can use. The project’s aim is to create the centric space where people can show thier abilitieds and use their freetime wisely. As it is a public space, the activities that occurs also allow other users to interests in the activities.

exterior view I Interior space is interfering the exterior space, creates the blending circulation and helps the structure blend into the existing context.

The design keywords come from the analysis on how people addicted to smoking, dependent as in smoking behavior, independent, and both. The project analyzed the behavior and translate it into physical space occupied and changed it into keywords, applied to space. The leveling of the floor is interfere and interlock with the existing grounds.

exterior view II


Reception and seating area Bright colors aim for encouraging the lifeliness of the space, the exterior invaded through the interior space by structure and circulation.

Rooftop seating area The uses of wire and container boxes are for the feeling of ‘public space’.

Seating and outdoor performance space Multi-purpose seating and performace space for people to shows their abilities, encourage them to be more independent.

Practice room Practice room is physically enclosed but provided some visual connection to exterior for more lightness of space.


Green consolation 2018 Thesis project


Me M

Big brother B Big brotherr

Mom M

Urban Greenery, Family Strengthening Center The initial interest of this project comes from my feeling once I spend too much time with my family’s members and realized the changes. There is the period that makes my family change how we will treat each other, and I felt the feeling of ‘imprison’ since then. When I grown up a little bit through that time, I started to wonder ‘what are the reasons we changed?’ and I figured out that most of it come from our ‘conflict’ inside the family. Not only that the changes occur among the relationship of members in the family, but also affects how each person occupy spaces inside the house. Eventually, there is barely a space where I can feel my 'privacy’, and that is when house becomes prison. I tried to do the further analysis of how it effect us, how we can cope with the consequences, and what are the best programs that suit with this circumstances.


Mom M

House illustrate to show relationship and location of members.


The interested perspective of being watch is The Panopticon, it was further analyzed and used as design strategy of this project. The visual connection of the Panopticon has been applied to the building by materials selection, adjacency of the programs, space connection and disconnection. The main core design concept is ‘greenery as loop’ from the Inspection Gallery in the Panopticon. This strategy wrapped around the selected building and creating the loop circulation, allows people to walk around and ‘inspects’ the happenning activities, as it will be the ‘inspected’ activities. It generate the categories of ‘inspects’ and ‘inspected’ programs and also the programs’ arragement. As to create a good consultation space, it is neccessary to make the patient/user feel safety but not too private. Which is “secrets to ears, but public to eyes” so they feel free to talk without being listen by outsider. The materials selection is by the level of transparency. The clearer, the more it can be inspected. The greenery also applied to the materials selection also.


di between bt ‘‘outside’ t id ’ andd ‘inside’ ‘i id I Blending

External stairs External stairs connected the overall building together, generating the public circulation throughout the buiding. Letting people inspected others by this external stairs also.


Space disconnect and connect medium mediu (horizontal) (h i t l)


Space disconnect and connect medium (vertical)

Internal stairs Internal stairs creating direct connection between programs, more private use than external stairs.

Building C entrance Building C is the first building that adjacent to the street, entrance area is the open-air seating area.

Building A entrance The exterior grass floor is invading in the interior, blending between outside and inside of the space.


F1 Seating area The void allows the medium-size tree to grow to second floor, being the vertical connection of space but visual disconnection of users. The transulcent and frosted glass at the back showing the glimpse of external stairs.

Restaurant The visual connection of this perspective is at the live-kitchen where applied with translucent and frosted glass. The greens plant pot also use as space divison and connection at the same time.

Greenery as loop, external stairs This perspective showing the abilities of visual connection by the uses of materials; translucent and frosted glass which applied at the external stairs with ‘slow pace’ steps.

Yoga area As mentioned earlier in ‘F1 seating area’ the trees act as the visual disconnetion between people in Yoga area and people in seating area. The external stairs at the back also generate the visual connection too.


Taiichi area Grass floor is applied at the sun-side of the buildings, blending between exterior and interior. The Taiichi area allows users to inspects other activities freely.

Teen’s talking area Talking area is applying with the concept of ‘secret to ears, public to eyes’ by the use of translucent and frosted glass around the talking rooms and plant pots.

Activity area

Talking room

Activities area where have the bridge connection to other buildings, allowing the flow circulation to this area and also have the visual connection to the adjacent building and programs.

Talking room applied with translucent and frosted glass, the sheer curtain is provided for more privacy if needed.


External stairs

Plant pots spreading over as space division

Green space from exterior that invades interior

First floor furniture layout


Void that allows tree for space connection and visual disconnection

Green space from exterior that invades interior

External stairs

Second floor furniture layout


Talking rooms surrounded by greens

Green space from exterior that invades interior

External stairs Third floor furniture layout


Green space from exterior that invades interior

External stairs Linked between 3 buildings to creates ‘greenery as loop’

Forth floor furniture layout


Green space from exterior that invades interior

Fifth floor furniture layout


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