Public culture institutions 5,102,243.00 32
Participants Marcel Benčík (SVK)
Visible data _ Participants
projects on the edge of product and graphic design,
of the founders of the non-governmental organisa-
DESIGN STUDIO, co-founder of the project Beat
projects related to architecture, public space and
tion OPEN DESIGN STUDIO, which was founded
The Billboard, and an inseparable visual part of
urban culture. She organised or attended number
in 2007 in Bratislava.
the gastronomic project Wafličky. His life motto
of workshops and projects related to this topic
“everything is possible” is crucial to his work.
(Complexity Maps – Torino World Design Capital,
visible data_ financing culture
Living Underground, Openeon, Molo, BAKE ...). She is a member of Open Design Studio.
Marcel lives and works as a freelancer in Bratislava
East Slovakia Museum Košice – new deposit 1,493,727.00
Lust (NL)
since 1998. Studied at The Academy of Fine Arts and
Olivia Solis Joler (CUB)
Design (AFAD) in Bratislava. Finished his Master’s degree in 2004 and PhD studies in 2007. Works as pedagogue at Department of Visual Communication
exhibition workshop presentations Nov 29 – Dec 12, 2010 Novi Sad, Serbia
LUST is a multidisciplinary graphic design prac-
Ondrej Jób (SVK)
tice established in 1996 by Thomas Castro, Jeroen
Visible data_ financing culture exhibition
Grant making activities (not NGOs exlusively) 119,950.00
November 29 – December 12, 2010
Barendse and Dimitri Nieuwenhuizen and based
Olivia is recently living and working in Novi Sad,
SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad
graphic design conference KUPÉ. Active also as co-
in The Hague, the Netherlands. LUST has been
Serbia. She finished her studies of visual communi-
Exhibiting authors: Marcel Benčík (SVK),
editor of the central European annual magazine G4,
involved in numerous projects realized in the US,
cation in 2008 at the Institute of Design in Havana,
Marko Brkić (SRB), Alica Horváthová (SVK),
at the AFAD since 2007. Organizes the international
and as an organizer of workshops and events. Key
Ondrej earned Master’s degree in Graphic Design
Europe and all the way to China. LUST works in
Cuba. Back in Cuba she used to work as a freelancer.
Ondrej Jób (SVK), Vladan Joler (SRB), Olivia
projects: comprehensive visual identity of Stanica
at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD) in
a broad spectrum of media including traditional
Most of her work was mainly collaborative, working
Solis Joler (CUB), Katarína Lukić Balážiková
cultural centre (2002–2007), National pavilion
Bratislava, studied also at Designskolen Kolding
print-work and book design, abstract cartography
with non-governmental activists who were strongly
(SVK), Martin Mistrík (SVK)
of Slovak and Czech republic at The Architecture
and Denmark and KABK in The Hague, The Neth-
and data-visualisations, new media and interac-
linked to alternative and free culture. She was also
The exhibition Visible data_financing culture is the
Biennial in Venice (with zerozero studio Prešov,
erlands. Currently he lives and works in Bratislava
tive installations, and architectural graphics. LUST
pioneer of a social networking project in a country
SK) (2008) and various book design projects of
as a freelance graphic and type designer, prefers
considers design a process: each design evolving
where use of the internet was almost forbidden.
diverse content and size. Marcel focuses on working
culture-oriented and experimental projects, with an
from a concept as a result of extensive research.
She is a part-time designer and a full time mum.
on project related to architecture, public and social
emphasis on typography, lettering and photography.
In the course of its existence, LUST has developed
His works have been published in various publications in Europe and the USA.
Besides empowering the cultural sector
data about the planned financing of culture in 2010
a design methodology which has been described as
that arises from the need of different stake
financing, one in Serbia, and one in Slova-
and a wider group of citizens, the project
gained from the project research. The exhibition is
process-based or generative-systems based design.
holders in the field of culture, specifically
kia. Comparative research through various
also connects international designers and
followed by a website where visualisations are gener-
researchers, involving groups and indi-
ated which can be used by the general public.
ernmental. This need is described in the very
items and structures provides better insight
viduals already experienced in the field of
signs itself. Moreover, LUST is deeply interested
name of the project, The Visible Data Project
into how micro and macro culture financial
information design, in collaboration with
in exploring new pathways for design at the cutting
emphasizes contemporary information noise
policies are functioning. The Visualizations
students and young designers. Designers
exhibition / workshop / presentations
when today’s information often hides more
are delivered after thorough research and de-
and researchers come from Slovakia, Serbia
Nov 29 – Dec 12, 2010
and shows less. A crucial social issue today
velopment of graphic and programme appli-
and the Netherlands together with students
Novi Sad, Serbia
is how information is stored, distributed and,
cations, by groups of international designers,
from The Academy of Fine Arts and Design,
especially, how information is structured. If
artists and programmers. The Cultural scene
Bratislava and The Academy of Arts, Novi
Cultural those activities and cultural heritage information visualizations of different budget which are independent and nongov293,953.00
This entails the developing of an analytical process that leads eventually to an end-product that de-
Marko Brkić (SRB)
Vladan Joler (SRB)
edge where new media and information technologies, architecture and urban systems and graphic design overlap. Information plays an important
Marko is currently studying a Master’s degree in
key event of the project. During the exhibition Slovak
Total budget of the Department for Culture Visible Data_financing culture is a project The Project uses two examples of culture 8,014,916.00
role in LUST’s work. For example, its design for
Visible data_financing culture
and Serbian graphic designers present their vision of the visibility of financing culture by using real
Processing visible data workshop
Graphic Communications at the Academy of Arts
Vladan is media activist, cultural worker, teacher,
the Digital Depot, a permanent installation space
Organization team: Marko Brkić, Alica
access was the keyword in the nineties, the
is lacking a clear picture of what exactly is
Sad. In the project Visible Data_financing
November 30 – December 3, 2010
in Novi Sad and freelancing in the fields of graphic
sailor, consultant, game designer and game “de-
at Rotterdam’s Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,
Horváthová, Marina Lauš, Katarina Lukić
keyword today is search. The politics of search
supported by decision-makers, what amount
culture, graphic designers, web designers,
Academy of Art, University of Novi Sad
design and culture. He is one of the co-founders of
constructor”, producer of online platforms, east
includes two main areas where visitors can learn
include systems for information gathering,
is allocated, and from what budget line. It
programmers, sociologists, culture policies
Mentor: Daniel Powers – Lust (NL)
the Student Union at the Academy of Arts and since
European underpaid worker, artist, DIY enthusiast,
more about the artworks: an interactive DataWall
(, Institute for
retrieval and visualization. Visualization of
is quite usual that a smaller portion of the
researches, artists and theorists collaborate.
Participants: students, graphic designers,
2009 the President of the Students Parliament,
designer, 8-bit fanatic, electro-pioneer, and father
with giant, transparent touch screens; and Data-
Flexible Cultures and Technologies – NAPON
information has been, in the recent past,
culture budget is allocated to public calls
The emphasis in the work with students is
new media artists and programmers from
where he became an initiator in resolving crucial
of a child named Adam, born in Novi Sad. He is
Cloud, a digital environment navigable with a joy-
a helpful tool for comprehending the complex
for proposals and projects, with the greater
on their critical thinking and their approach
Novi Sad and Bratislava
student issues. He is also a member of the Student
a professor of New media at The Academy of Arts in
stick containing the museum’s entire 117,000-piece
nature of human society. Since this complexity
part going to non-transparent beneficiaries East Slovakia Museum Košice –to the matter of visualization, meaning that
Parliament at the University of Novi Sad and the
Novi Sad, working as creative director of EXIT Fes-
collection. In the course of their 10th anniversary
Balážiková, Martin Mistrík, Igor Zarol Production: OPEN DESIGN STUDIO
Data research: Fedor Blaščák, Marko Rakić, Marko Zarol Web and visualisation programming:
techniques for the visualization of large, complex
Mayo Horkovič
kinds of mediators and agents is essential.
data sets. Working with the open-source program-
tion. This is the case not only with744,043.00 culture mation visualization could be manipulated
Serbia University Student Conference. Besides be-
tival, a member of the collective Eastwood – Real
exhibition, a number of masterclasses/workshops,
ing a student activist, Marko participated in many
Time Strategy Group, Napon – Institute for flexible
presentations and lectures were organised under
exhibitions, projects and student workshops and
culture and technology and The Creatures – Crea-
the name of Info Aesthetics focusing on topics such
The project Visible Data_financing culture
management and in other social areas and
became an active member of non-governmental
tures Creative Collective.
as visualisation and mapping of data, generative
Balážiková, Martin Mistrík
searches possible models of structuring data
budget items.
organisation OPEN DESIGN STUDIO. His activities
systems and non-hierarcal systems. They revealed
PR team: Marko Brkić, Marina Lauš
in the field of financing culture, where there is
and interests are to develop and spread the idea
a great interest in the area where non-linear in-
of an open understanding of visual communica-
formation structures and process methodologies
tion and being in international design network.
fuse with the craftmanship of the typographer or designer.
Alica Horváthová (SVK)
Katarína Lukić Balážiková (SVK) Katarina is recently living and working in Bratislava, Slovakia and Novi Sad, Serbia. After complet-
Authors of visualizations: Marcel Benčík, Marko Brkić, Alica Horváthová, Ondrej Jób, Vladan Joler, Olivia Solis Joler, Katarína Lukić
Martin Mistrík (SK)
spending, but also with general budget
and misused.
ming language Processing (, participants create a series of analyses and visualisations
Besides analysis and research of data struc-
of the information on budget distribution for The
ture and meaning, designers and research-
Republic of Serbia, AP Vojvodina, and the city of
usually a lower level of interest in information
The project Visible Data_financing culture
ers involved in the project also developed
Novi Sad for the year 2010. The workshop lasts
Bratislava, SULUV Gallery, Youth center CK13
design and visualization. Data on economics,
improves the capacity of cultural organiza-
various models of formal representations of
for four intensive days, beginning with the basics
Funding: The Ministry of Culture of the Slovak
demographics, and finance are the most visu-
tions by giving them the tools for efficient
data visualization. Formal elements include
of visual programming, and progressing through
Republic, The City of Novi Sad, Royal Netherlands
ally represented, while culture, where power
public policy monitoring and analysis. With
graphic and artistic experiments combined
concepts of data interpretation, manipulation, and
relations are more sophisticated and therefore
greater transparency of the decision making
with structured computer programming that
display, resulting in a comprehensive visual overview
Editors of publication: OPEN DESIGN STUDIO
not so attractive or dramatic, is still not in
processes, civil society organizations can bet-
is the backbone of graphical user interface.
of the data sets in question.
the main focus of research. In Europe, and
ter and more efficiently monitor and analyze
The key issue is to implement interdisci-
Print: Petit Press, a. s.,
especially in Central and Eastern Europe, fi-
public policy, thus strengthening the position
plinary and collaborative conditions in de-
nancing culture is still, mainly, state funded.
of the NGO cultural and activist sector in
sign practice, thus enabling design to act in
In that sense, it is of great importance that
advocacy and cultural policy making. Vis-
a wider social scope and without limitation
the public monitoring of the use of taxpay-
ible Data_financing culture is an action that
to be a service oriented activity mostly, as is
Support: Academy of Fine Arts – University of Novi Sad, Academy of Fine Arts and Design in
Embassy in Belgrade
ing several international fellowships and earning
The Processing visible data workshop examines
is growing exponentially, demand for different and thus open different kinds of corrupreconstruction of tothe historical buildingthere should be an awareness of how infor-
Daniel Powers – Lust (NL) and workshop Processing visible data presentations
ers money is efficient. Although culture has
highlights the issue of transparency of financ-
often the case. Design is becoming the subject
Slovak designer, currently finishing her studies
emy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD) in Bratislava,
Martin earned Master’s degree in Graphic Design
a minimal portion of the general budget, it is
ing culture at a local, regional and national
of everyday social transformation, the design
of Visual Comunication at the Academy of Fine
she has been a freelancer in the fields of art, culture
at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design (AFAD)
still a significant amount, especially consider-
level by combining social and data research
scene is becoming aware of its social and
Arts and Design (AFAD) in Bratislava. She passed
and design. Nowadays she is doing PhD studies in
in Bratislava and studied international fellow-
ing the numerous nonprofit cultural entities
with attractive tools of visual communication
political impact and it is slowly abandoning
December 3, 2010
fellowships – Design at Accademia di Belle Arti in
Visual Communication at the Academy of Fine Arts
ships at Aalto University School of Art and Design
that are dependent on it. For citizens, financial
such as data visualization graphics. Although
its supposed neutrality in dealing with the
Youth center CK13, Novi Sad, Serbia
Milano and Industrial Design at AFAD. She is one
and Design in Bratislava with a topic focus on Visual
(Helsinki) and Academy of Arts (Ljubljana). His
public budget items and their interconnected
information visualization has its limitations
power that it posses.
Dan Powers, mentor of the workshop Processing
of the co-founders of project Design on the Wheels,
communication as a critical platform. She is inter-
work was awarded the Slovak National Prize for
relations are highly abstract, unattractive and
in realizing long-term goals in culture policy
visible data presents the activities of Lust, a design
for what she was awarded in 2009 by National
ested in design and collaboration in various cultural
Design and by Creative Contest in Milan. Works in
incomprehensible things. Sometimes, gov-
making, it could provide policy makers and
studio that is one of the leading professional studios
Price for Design. She is working as freelancer in
networks, as well as being a part of the international
Bratislava, Ljubljana and Žilina. Besides culture-
ernments and municipalities intentionally
advocates with a powerful tool that can be
the fields of design and culture. She is interested in
network of professional designers. Katarina is one
oriented work he is an active co-founder of OPEN
preserve this complexity.
used in the realization of culture policies.
a Master’s degree in Graphic Design at The Acad-
in the field of communication and information de(ods, napon)
sign and technologies.