November 2019 NARFE Magazine

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Volume 95 • Number 11


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44 Open Season: FEHB and FEDVIP Premiums and Information




Cabaniss Confirmed As OPM Director


The Creation of Locality Pay Areas


Is Advocacy Apathy Getting in the Way of Your Activism?


Members of Federal Salary Council Recommend Sweeping Changes to Federal Pay

COVER STORY WHAT’S NEW AT FEDVIP: The Federal Dental and Vision Insurance Program is more widely available this year. Learn more about this benefit and how to sign up this Open Season.

12 Bill Tracker COLUMNS


From the President

58 Managing Money DEPARTMENTS



THE HATCH ACT EXPLAINED: When it comes to elections and politics, federal employees have to tread carefully to avoid running afoul of this law. David Tobenkin explains.

60 For the Record 62 NARFE News 66 Member Perks



On the Web

Questions & Answers

68 The Way We Worked




NARFE National Headquarters

Volume 95 • Number 11


ON THE C OVER Illustration by GRAPHEK



W W W. N A R F E . O R G



NOVEMBER 2019 | Volume 95 | Number 11

EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Helen Mosher SENIOR EDITOR Mabel Yu COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT Precious Dorch-Robinson GRAPHIC DESIGN GRAPHEK Beth Bedard EDITORIAL BOARD Kenneth J. Thomas, Kathryn E. Hensley, Barbara Sido CONTACT US NARFE Magazine 606 North Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314-1914 Phone: 703-838-7760 Fax: 703-838-7781 Editorial: Advertising Sales: Anita Nelson

NARFE FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED ON THE TELEPHONE: This publication can be heard on the telephone by persons who have trouble seeing or reading the print edition. For more information, contact the National Federation of the Blind NFB-NEWSLINE® service at 866-504-7300 or go to ON DIGITAL AUDIO: Issues of NARFE Magazine are also available in audio format through the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). For availability, call 202-727-2142 or your local NLS service provider. The Association, since July 1970, has been classified by the IRS as a tax-exempt labor organization [not a union]; however, dues and gifts or contributions to the Association are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.



REGION I James C. Risner (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont) TEL: 207-540-6233 EMAIL: REGION II Kathy Adams (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania) TEL: 302-697-6650. CELL: 302-561-5660 EMAIL: REGION III Clarence Robinson (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands) CELL: 404-312-8028 EMAIL:

REGION VI Marshall L. Richards (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Republic of Panama and Texas) TEL: 903-660-2784 EMAIL: REGION VII Rodney L. Adelman (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming) TEL: 623-505-4719 EMAIL: REGION VIII Helen L. Zajac (California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada and Republic of Philippines) TEL: 707-644-7565 EMAIL:

REGION IV Robert L. Helfrich (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) TEL: 317-501-1700 EMAIL:

REGION IX Richard Wilson (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) TEL: 253-210-5609, CELL: 425-736-6899 EMAIL:

REGION V Cindy Reneé Blythe (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota) TEL: 785-256-1450 EMAIL:

REGION X William Shackelford (Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia) TEL: 703-830-6590, CELL: 703-201-6304 EMAIL:



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606 N. Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314 703-838-7760 Hours of operation: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. ET

narfe (ISSN 1948-4453) is published monthly by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and additional mailing offices. Members: Annual dues includes subscription. Nonmember subscription rate $40. Postmaster: Send address change to: NARFE Attn: Member Records, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. To ensure prompt delivery, members should also forward changes of address without delay. Because of the volume involved, NARFE cannot acknowledge nor be responsible for unsolicited pictures and manuscripts, although every reasonable precaution is taken. All submissions become the property of NARFE. Copyright © 2019, NARFE. Advertisements in the magazine are not endorsements of products and/or services by NARFE, unless officially stated in the ad. We shall accept advertising on the same basis as other reputable publications: that is, we shall not knowingly permit a dishonest advertisement to appear in NARFE Magazine, but at the same time we will not undertake to guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.


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s we count our blessings this holiday season, think of NARFE, and your membership in NARFE,

as a blessing. For over 98 years, NARFE has been the only association solely dedicated to protecting the earned rights and benefits of America’s active and retired federal workers. The work of federal employees—forecasting weather, caring for our wounded service members and veterans, researching and curing diseases, processing federal benefits, inspecting our food and delivering our mail— touches everyone. Government employees provide the services necessary to keep our country operating and our inhabitants safe and secure. All of them serve our country faithfully. But frequent attacks and disdain directed at the federal community play out daily in the lives of millions of people. Negative comments, lengthy government shutdowns and legislative threats feed public misconceptions about federal employees being overpaid and having exorbitant

retirement packages. Damaging remarks hamstring the government’s efforts to attract and retain a highly qualified, top-performing workforce. NARFE will continue leading efforts to set the record straight on the invaluable contributions of federal employees. In November, we also observe Veterans Day—a day to honor America’s veterans for their patriotism, service and sacrifice in wartime and in peacetime. It is important that we thank them on November 11 and throughout the year. As NARFE’s national president, I am proud of what NARFE has accomplished and pledge that we will remain staunch advocates of protecting your earned benefits. But we need each and every one of you to stand with us. Whether it’s in the form of a phone call, a letter or an email to your members of Congress and the White House, a personal visit with your representatives, or a contribution to assist us in this effort, your dedication and time are greatly appreciated. As we close out another year of service, let me again thank you for all that you do for NARFE. All of us at NARFE National Headquarters wish you and your families a happy Thanksgiving.

NARFE’s Mission Statement To support legislation and regulations beneficial to federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants under any federal civilian retirement system and to oppose those detrimental to their interests. To promote the general welfare of federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants, to advise and assist them with respect to their rights under retirement, health and other employee and retiree benefits laws and regulations, and to represent their interests before appropriate authorities. To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.


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“To you, it’s the perfect lift chair. To me, it’s the best sleep chair I’ve ever had.” — J. Fitzgerald, VA

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© 2019 firstSTREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc.


Sit up, lie down — and anywhere in between!



he Senate, on September 11, 2019, confirmed President Trump’s nomination of Dale Cabaniss to be the newest director of the Office of Personnel

Management (OPM). She replaces Acting Director Margaret Weichert, who had been serving double duty as temporary lead at OPM as well as deputy director for management at the White House Office of Management and Budget.

The Senate vote was 54-38 in favor of confirmation; only three Democrats—Sens. Chris Murphy (CT), Kristen Sinema (AZ) and Doug Jones (AL)—voted to confirm. Sinema is the ranking member of the Senate subcommittee that has jurisdiction over general federalworkforce policy. Full committee Ranking Member Gary Peters, D-MI, spoke in opposition to the nomination on the Senate floor. NARFE President Ken Thomas responded to news of the Cabaniss nomination with a public statement: “Just as NARFE has long served as a resource to previous OPM directors, we look forward to developing the same productive relationship with Director


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Cabaniss to ensure that OPM effectively carries out its mission and fulfills its key responsibilities. Yet, considering that the administration’s reorganization proposal calls for the elimination of the very agency Ms. Cabaniss has been confirmed to lead, we hope that OPM is around long enough for that relationship to grow.” ACTION ALERT!

Director Cabaniss is no stranger to federal civil service policy. She supported the civil service work of former Senator Ted Stevens, R-AK, in the mid1990s as chief counsel to the Senate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Post Office and Civil Service, which he led. Prior to her retirement from federal service in 2018, she served as Republican clerk of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government (which, among other things, is responsible for funding OPM and is traditionally the vehicle for congressional action on federal employee pay raises). In 1997, Cabaniss was appointed to the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA)


The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act would reform the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by changing the Social Security benefit calculation for WEP-affected beneficiaries. The WEP harms nearly 2 million local, state and federal retirees by reducing their earned Social Security benefits. Use NARFE’s Legislative Action Center, on the NARFE website, to send your members of Congress a personalized message urging them to support the bill and provide relief for those affected by the WEP.

by President Clinton as the required minority party member of the agency. She was later appointed chair of the FLRA by President George W. Bush and served until she returned to Capitol Hill in 2008. The new director comes to the job at a particularly tumultuous

time for OPM and federal employees. President Trump has proposed merging OPM with the General Services Administration (GSA) and transferring a host of civil service policy decisions to the White House, proposals that have received a cool reception from lawmakers and employee

and retiree advocates. NARFE has been vocal in its opposition of the plan. At her confirmation hearing in May, Director Cabaniss conceded that much of the administration’s proposal will require legislation—and compromise with Congress. — BY ALAN LOPATIN, LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL



ach year, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) releases locality pay tables—lists of specific locality pay areas and rates that inform employees how much their paychecks are going to grow the following year. Locality pay was created in 1990 when Congress passed the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act to bridge the gap between nonfederal and federal salaries. There were 46 locality areas when the program started, but new areas have been added over the years. At the time the locality pay program was implemented in 1994, the Federal Salary Council (FSC)—composed of three presidentially appointed labor relations and pay policy experts, and six employee organization representatives—had to consider how to define General Schedule locality pay areas. After much deliberation, the FSC recommended using existing metropolitan statistical areas that were established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and the method was approved. Each year, the FSC provides recommendations on locality

pay to the President’s Pay Agent—the Secretary of Labor and the Directors of the OPM and OMB. The FSC submits recommendations on the creation and modification of locality pay areas, the coverage of salary surveys used to set locality pay, the process for making comparisons, and the level of comparability payments that should be made. For example, the FSC recently recommended that Imperial County, CA, be added to the Los Angeles locality pay area, and that Des Moines, IA, become a new locality pay area. While the FSC can make suggestions, it is up to the President’s Pay Agent to approve them. Once recommendations are approved, regulations need to be established to make those changes official, which can lead to delays. Readers in Virginia Beach/ Norfolk, VA, and Burlington, VT, among others, may recall that these areas were approved by the President’s Pay Agent in 2016. However, regulations were not established until December 2018. So how does the FSC determine where new areas are (Continued on p.8)

MYTH vs. REALITY Myth: Locality pay adjustments have kept federal worker salaries in line with their counterparts outside of the federal government.

Reality: Federal employees earn 31 percent less, on average, than their privatesector counterparts, based on the latest report from the Federal Salary Council (FSC). Previous FSC locality pay adjustment recommendations have been overridden by presidential alternative pay plans, resulting in significantly lower locality pay rates. Despite locality pay adjustments, federal employees’ salaries continue to lag behind those in the private sector.

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Washington Watch




dvocacy apathy is one of the most common interrupters that an organization’s advocates can experience, especially if campaigns extend for long periods of time. This uninvited guest can quickly dampen advocates’ hard work and thwart the progress of all involved. As a leading voice for the federal community, NARFE employs multifaceted advocacy campaign strategies to support its legislative goals. But the success of the campaigns depends critically on our members’ support and commitment to grassroots activism. Since NARFE’s inception, members have passionately lent their voices to advocacy efforts on a variety of issues. Members tirelessly engage with legislators by having in-person meetings with members of Congress and staff, making phone calls and writing letters to legislators, and representing NARFE at community events. But sometimes even the most passionate NARFE members can burn out when they feel their hard work is in vain

or when the legislative process grinds too slowly. Burnout leads to advocacy apathy. When advocates lose their passion, apathy creeps in and forces them to abandon their work under the pretense that others will pick up where they left off and continue the fight. But advocacy is much more powerful when we are all part of the process. As hard as it may be, NARFE advocates should never let advocacy apathy stifle their voices or make them give up fighting for the things that matter most. Retreating from the fight to stop threats to the federal community’s earned pay and benefits translates to giving a thumbs up to policymakers to do as they please. The only antidote is to keep looking ahead. Progress is made each time NARFE members meet, call or share personal stories with legislators. Our activism today keeps advancing NARFE’s legislative agenda for future generations of federal employees and retirees. Never give up on NARFE advocacy.

(Continued from p. 7) needed? Let’s refer back to Des Moines, IA. In its May 2019 report, the council monitored pay disparities in 39 research areas during a three-year period. The FSC keeps tabs on certain areas in the country and compares the salaries there to those in the “Rest of U.S.” areas that are not part of a specific locality pay area. The FSC determined, based on data from the National

Compensation Survey, that “The pay disparity for the Des Moines research area exceeded that for the Rest of U.S. locality pay area by more than 10 percentage points on average over the threeyear period studied, which is the standard established by the Council to trigger its recommendation to establish a research area as a new locality pay area.” Essentially, the FCS found that Des Moines had a

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NARFE GRASSROOTS ADVOCACY Learn more about how you can take action to protect your earned pay and benefits by reviewing NARFE Grassroots materials at NARFE-grassroots.


consistent pay disparity well above the Rest of U.S. areas. For those interested, the latest FSC report is available on OPM’s website. Every year, the FSC makes recommendations, but they aren’t always approved. Still, it’s useful to understand how the process works and how your hometown may one day become a locality pay area. — BY ROSS APTER, POLITICAL ASSOCIATE



n an unprecedented move, three members of the Federal Salary Council (FSC), including its chairman, proposed sweeping changes to current methods used to determine federal pay. The council—comprised of three presidentially appointed labor relations and pay policy experts, and six employee organization representatives—provides recommendations on locality pay issues to the President’s Pay Agent—the secretary of labor

The council’s minority was critical of current methodology, which uses preexisting data collection models to measure federal employee pay comparability, and argued that significant reform is needed to modernize the process. They asserted that the current methods do not consider occupations unique to government or the intricacies of the General Schedule system. The three members made their (Continued on p. 10)

and the directors of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The far-reaching changes were proposed by the council’s minority, the three presidentially appointed members of the FSC: Chair Dr. Ronald Sanders, Jill Nelson and Katja Bullock. The council’s majority, including members of federal employee unions, strongly disagreed with the minority’s recommendations.

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(Continued from p. 9) case for locality pay and area changes based on interactions with federal executives and employees in Charleston, SC, which has yet to see itself designated as a locality pay area despite major agency recruitment and retention difficulties. In Charleston, numerous federal occupations, most requiring medical or STEM skills, were significantly underpaid, while other occupations were, according to the council, overpaid. Two of the reform recommendations could be carried out within current federal pay law under the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA). The council’s minority suggested working under FEPCA to revert current pay methodology back to an older method where the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) used the Occupational Compensation Survey Program (OCSP) to benchmark federal jobs against others. Another change possible under current law would be to continue with the current data collection model but verify the results against a “market basket” of benchmark occupations and pay-grade levels. The council noted that this basket would consist of federal jobs that are nationally prevalent but would be supplemented by and vary by jobs common to specific locales to indicate where pay gaps exist. Further, the verification process would examine and consider key human capital indicators, such as recruitment and retention data, and require agencies to attempt using pay flexibilities first to solve pay issues before seeking locality pay.


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The far-reaching changes were proposed by the council’s minority, the three presidentially appointed members of the FSC: Chair Dr. Ronald Sanders, Jill Nelson and Katja Bullock. The council’s majority, including members of federal employee unions, strongly disagreed with the minority’s recommendations. The three council members also recommended two changes that would require legislation. First, they advocated for completely changing current pay methodology to a total compensation approach that would consider pay as well as federal benefits (annuities and health and life insurance). The method would also compare federal salaries and benefits with those in the private sector to identify pay gaps on a specific basis (i.e., by occupation), rather than a general one. Second, the members called on Congress to establish a bicameral, bipartisan forum to conduct periodic, official reviews of the federal compensation system. The members argued that such a forum would remove federal compensation from the “rough-and-tumble world” of politics and allow an independent group to analyze pay and benefits. — BY SETH ICKES, GRASSROOTS ASSISTANT

LEGISLATIVE RESOURCES • NARFE NewsLine: A weekly newsletter that goes out to NARFE members on Tuesdays and includes weekly recaps of legislative news, compiled by NARFE’s advocacy and communications teams. • Legislative Action Center: A one-stop site to send a letter to Congress, and more, at


the future of personal transportation.

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More and more Americans are reaching the age where mobility is an everyday concern. Whether from an injury or from the aches and pains that come from getting older– getting around isn’t as easy as it used to be. You may have tried a power chair or a scooter. The Zinger is NOT a power chair or a scooter! The Zinger is quick and nimble, yet it is not prone to tipping like many scooters. Best of all, it weighs only 47.2 pounds and folds and unfolds with ease. You can take it almost anywhere, providing you with independence and freedom. Years of work by innovative engineers have resulted in a personal electric vehicle that’s truly unique. They created a battery that provides powerful energy at a fraction of the weight of most batteries. The Zinger features two steering levers, one on either side of the seat. The user pushes both levers down to go forward, pulls them both up to brake, and pushes one while pulling the other to turn to either side. This enables great mobility, the ability to turn on a dime and to pull right up to tables or desks. The controls

are right on the steering lever so it’s simple to operate, and its exclusive footrest swings out of the way when you stand up or sit down. With its rugged yet lightweight aluminum frame, the Zinger is sturdy and durable yet convenient and comfortable! What’s more, it easily folds up for storage in a car seat or trunk– you can even gate-check it at the airport like a stroller. Think about it, you can take your Zinger almost anywhere, so you don’t have to let mobility issues rule your life. It folds in seconds without tools and is safe and reliable. It holds up to 275 pounds, and it goes up to 6 mph and operates for up to 8 hours on a single charge. Why spend another day letting mobility issues hamper your independence and quality of life

Zinger Chair®

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The Zinger Chair is a personal electric vehicle and is not a medical device nor a wheelchair, and has not been submitted to the FDA for review or clearance. Zinger is not intended for medical purposes to provide mobility to persons restricted to a sitting position. It is not covered by Medicare nor Medicaid. © 2019 firstSTREET for Boomers and Beyond, Inc.


Just think of the places you can go: • Shopping • Air Travel • Bus Tours Restaurants– ride right up to the table! • Around town or just around your house •


BILL NUMBER / NAME / SPONSOR H.Res. 23: Rep. Susan Davis, D-CA Cosponsors: 201 (D) 49 (R)

H.Res. 33/S.Res. 99 Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-MA / Sen. Gary Peters, D-MI Cosponsors: H.Res. 33: 223 (D) 40 (R) S.Res. 99: 43 (D) 8 (R) 2 (I)

H.Res. 54: Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA Cosponsors: 214 (D) 67 (R) POSTAL REFORM

H.Res. 60: Rep. David McKinley, R-WV Cosponsors: 167 (D) 25 (R)

H.R. 2382: USPS Fairness Act / Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-OR



Expresses the sense of the Referred to the House House that the United States Committee on OverPostal Service should take all sight and Reform appropriate measures to ensure the continuation of door delivery for all business and residential customers.

Expresses the sense of the House that Congress should take all appropriate measures to ensure that the United States Postal Service remains an independent establishment of the federal government and is not subject to privatization.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (H.Res. 33)

Expresses the sense of the House that the United States Postal Service should take all appropriate measures to ensure the continuation of its six-day mail delivery service.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Expresses the sense of the House that the United States Postal Service should take all appropriate measures to restore service standards in effect as of July 1, 2012.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Repeals the USPS’ prefunding requirement

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S.Res. 99)

Cosponsors: 215 (D) 41 (R)

NARFE’s Position: 12

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No position

EDITOR’S NOTE: These bills are all listed online at


BILL NUMBER / NAME / SPONSOR H.R. 141/S. 521 Social Security Fairness Act of 2019 / Rep. Rodney Davis, R-IL / Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH



Repeals both the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means (H.R. 141)

Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), allotting WEP-affected individuals who are eligible for benefits before 2022 $100 a month and $50 for an affected spouse.

Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means

Provides Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees with the same annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) as Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) retirees.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Requires Social Security and federal retirement programs to use the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) to calculate cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to retirement benefits.

Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and Reform, and Armed Services

Allows federal employees who started their careers in temporary positions before transitioning into permanent roles to retroactively contribute toward their retirement for the years they held a temporary position.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform

Cosponsors: H.R. 141: 154 (D) 49 (R) S. 521: 28 (D) 4 (R) 2 (I)

Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance (S. 521)

GPO/WEP H.R. 3934 The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2019 / Rep. Kevin Brady, R-TX Cosponsors: H.R. 3934: 2 (D) 31 (R) H.R. 1254: The Equal COLA Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA Cosponsors: 11 (D) 2 (R)

H.R. 1553: Fair COLA for Seniors Act of 2019 / Rep. John Garamendi, D-CA FEDERAL ANNUITIES

Cosponsors: 31 (D) 2 (R)

H.R. 2478: The Federal Retirement Fairness Act / Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-WA Cosponsors: 34 (D) 11 (R)


H.R. 51: Washington, D.C. Admission Act / Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-DC

Provides for the admission of the Referred to the House State of Washington, D.C. into Committees on Overthe Union. sight and Reform, and Rules

Cosponsors: 221 (D) 0 (R)

NARFE’s Position:



No position

W W W. N A R F E . O R G



EDITOR’S NOTE: These bills are all listed online at





H.R. 1073/S. 426: Federal Provides a 3.6 percent federal Adjustment of Income employee pay raise in calendar Rates (FAIR) Act / Rep. year 2020. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI Cosponsors: H.R. 1073: 48 (D) 0 (R) S. 426: 13 (D) 0 (R) FEDERAL COMPENSATION

H.R. 1534/S. 1174: Federal Employee Paid Leave Act of 2019 / Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-NY / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI Cosponsors: H.R. 1534: 45 (D) 2 (R) S. 1174: 4 (D) 0 (R)

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform (H.R. 1073) Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S. 426)

Provides federal employees with 12 weeks of paid leave in connection with the birth, adoption, or foster placement of a child and other medical conditions.

Referred to the House Committees on Oversight and Reform, and House Administration (H.R. 1534)

NARFE’s Position:


Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (S. 1174)


No position

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Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Call NARFE’s Advocacy Department at 800-456-8410, option 3, to order by phone. 14

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Call TruHearing today and start saving 1-877-360-2432 | For TTY, dial 711 charged a maximum fee of $75 for the exam, and the member may need to submit a claim for reimbursement. Must be a FEP member to access TruHearing discounted pricing. TruHearing is offered through Blue365, which provides exclusive health and wellness deals and is a program of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® words and symbols, Federal Employee Program®, FEP® and Blue365® are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. ‡ Smartphone compatible hearing aids connect directly to iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod® Touch devices. Connectivity also available to many Android® phones with use of an accessory. All content ©2019 TruHearing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TruHearing® is a registered trademark of TruHearing, Inc. All other trademarks, product names, and company names are the property of their respective owners. Listed benefit amount may differ from customer's actual benefit. Actual customer payment will vary. Three follow-up visits must be used within one year after the date of initial purchase. Hearing aid repairs, and replacements subject to provider and manufacturer fees. For questions regarding fees, contact TruHearing customer service. FEP_NARFE_AD_1118

TruHearing is an independent company that provides discounts on hearing aids.

Questions & Answers

The following Questions & Answers were compiled by NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute staff. NARFE does not provide legal, financial planning or tax advice or assistance.



What are the parameters used to determine the dates for the annual Open Seasons for health, dental and vision insurances as well as for flexible spending accounts?

ach year, Open Season runs from the Monday of the second full workweek in November through the Monday of the second full workweek in December. For example, this year’s Open Season begins Monday, November 11 and ends Monday, December 9. This is the time of year to ensure that you have the right health, dental and vision insurance coverage for you and your family. It is also the time for current employees to consider how much money to put aside in flexible spending accounts for out-of-pocket medical and dependent care expenses for the upcoming year.


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I have had the same health insurance plan since the day I first joined the federal government years ago. Why is it important to have Open Seasons every year?


Most Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plans will see benefit and rate changes for the upcoming year. Some plans might drop out of the program, and others may change their service areas or coverage options. There are many different types of plans available in just about any zip code. It is wise to review your coverage during this period each year

to decide what coverage and premium best suits your needs for the upcoming year. Plan information is available at plan-information/plans/. Another program to consider during Open Season is the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP).Through this program, you have the option to supplement your health insurance plan with separate dental and/or vision insurance coverage that could potentially reduce your out-of-pocket costs for these types of care. You may also cancel your participation in these programs during this period. Sign up or cancel at cationSupport?EnsSubmit=den tal-vision&ctoken=uD6WY0vr. A f lexible spending account through FSAFEDS can save you money through lower tax

withholding. You can fund your account through pretax contributions from your salary and use the account to pay for health care outof-pocket or dependent care costs. Learn more at www. nSupport?EnsSubmit=f lexiblespending&ctoken=uD6WY0vr. You cannot enroll, change your enrollment or cancel your coverage in these programs outside of an Open Season unless you experience a qualifying life event.



Are there any useful tools online that can help me make decisions during this Open Season?

Several items can help you understand the relationships between the three programs and choose an FEHB plan, a FEDVIP plan, and/or a Flexible Spending Accounts for Federal Employees allotment amount. You can use the following weblink to access the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM’s) FEHB plan comparison tools: www.opm. gov/healthcare-insurance/ healthcare/plan-information/ compare-plans/. You should also review the brochure for

each plan that you consider. Most of the FEHB plans also offer tools on their individual websites that you might find useful. If you have questions about a specific plan, call the customer service phone number provided for the plan. For a more sophisticated set of online tools, consider using the Consumers’ Checkbook Guide to Health Plans for Federal Employees. Some agencies have purchased access to this program for all of their employees, so check with your agency benefits office. If you don’t currently work for an agency that provides such access, you can use the discount code NARFE20 to receive 20 percent off the regular cost of using the website. The site also offers some “Open Season Tips” at year19/advice/11-fehb-openseason-tips. OPM offers plan comparison tools for FEDVIP at www.opm. gov/healthcare-insurance/ healthcare/plan-information/ compare-plans/fedvip. BENEFEDS also has FEDVIP plan comparison tools on its website: Portal/PlanSearch?submit=pla nSearch&ctoken=qU1fiHOz. FSAFEDS has some tools and calculators on its website to assist you with determining the appropriate amount you

might want to set up in a f lexible spending account during the Open Season for any qualified expenses you anticipate incurring in the upcoming year. These tools are available at the following link: savingscalculators.



In my agency, who can I go to for assistance or answers to my Open Season questions?

For help with or questions about your Open Season options, contact your human resources office or your agency’s shared service center. Your agency should have provided you with their contact information. If you still need assistance after speaking with those sources, try contacting your agency’s headquarters level agency Benefit Officer using the following weblink for contact details: https://apps. If you have remaining questions that your agency can’t address, contact NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute at

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Questions & Answers




What happens if I do nothing during an Open Season?

My monthly annuity barely covers the cost of my current FEHB monthly premium. Once the 2020 FEHB premiums and annuity cost-of-living adjustments are announced, what are my options if my FEHB premium exceeds the amount of my monthly annuity?

You will continue to be covered by your present insurance plan unless your plan drops out of the program or reduces its service coverage area. However, your benefits, premiums and/or coverage options may change.



Each year, OPM attempts to notify annuitants when they see that annuitants’ FEHB plan monthly premium will exceed their expected monthly annuity in the upcoming year. During the annual Open Season, OPM tries to encourage these annuitants to compare their current plan to other available plans so the annuitants can find another plan that will continue to meet their medical needs while preventing them from going into what OPM calls a “negative net” situation. However, OPM understands that annuitants might want to keep their current FEHB plan for personal reasons, even if it will exceed their monthly annuity. In such cases, OPM allows annuitants to keep the same FEHB plan and arranges for the annuitants to pay OPM the difference each month. Once an annuitant makes that decision, OPM will send the annuitant a letter with instructions on how to pay OPM the difference moving forward.



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I’m a civil service annuitant and a surviving spouse of a military retiree. Now that TRICARE is forcing me into Medicare at the age of 65, I’m thinking about canceling my FEHB coverage. If I cancel FEHB, do I have the option to re-enroll later, if desired?


As an annuitant, you may cancel your FEHB coverage at any time, but you won’t be able to re-enroll in FEHB later (unless you’re cancelling to be under a spouse’s FEHB plan). If you want to drop your FEHB plan, a better option to consider would be to suspend your FEHB for TRICARE. That way, if you ever want to re-enroll in an FEHB plan on your own, you can do so during any future Open Season or with a qualified life event (such as possibly losing your TRICARE coverage). As an annuitant, you can use OPM Form 2809 to tell the agency that you want to suspend your FEHB coverage for TRICARE at any time:

opm2809.pdf. OPM typically responds by sending you Form RI 79-9 to confirm that you want to do this—or you can download that form here: www. pdf and pdf_fill/ri79-9.pdf.



I am an annuitant. What methods or options do I have for making a change to my FEHB plan during this year’s Open Season?


During the annual FEHB Open Season, annuitants and survivor annuitants who are eligible to participate in the FEHB may change health plans or options and request plan brochures and information from OPM, which provides the following methods to do this: • Using OPM’s Open Season Online system at https:// Annuitant/Home/Default. • Using Open Season Express by calling 1-800-332-9798. • Sending regular mail (postmarked no later than December 9, 2019) to Office of Personnel Management Open Season Processing Center P.O. Box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500 When using the regular mail option, please clearly state your Open Season request. To make an enrollment change, tell OPM the plan you want, the type of coverage (Self Only, Self Plus One, or Self and Family), and the enrollment

code. Remember to include your annuity claim number and Social Security number on your request. If you are choosing Self Plus One or Self and Family coverage, OPM will also need your eligible family members’ information and other insurance information as specified in the instructions mailed to you from OPM at the beginning of Open Season.



I’m an annuitant, and I want to cancel my FEHB plan so I can be covered

by the FEHB plan of my spouse, who still is a federal employee. I’m filling out the OPM Form 2809, but I don’t know what event code to use.


You do not need an event code for OPM Form 2809 when canceling your FEHB plan to move under your spouse’s FEHB plan, although your spouse should use event code 1M on the Standard Form (SF) 2809 to add you to his or her plan through his or her agency benefits office. You and your spouse can coordinate the effective date

of this FEHB coverage change with both your spouse’s agency (using the SF 2809) and OPM (using OPM Form 2809) to ensure that the effective dates are the same on these separate forms. OPM will process your OPM Form 2809 and your spouse’s agency will process his or her SF 2809. Since most federal employees get paid on a biweekly basis and most coverage changes become effective the first day of the pay period after the employing agency receives the form, this date is usually dependent upon

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9/11/19 8:49 AM W W W. N A R F E . O R G 21


Questions & Answers

your spouse’s biweekly pay period schedule. It’s important to understand that federal annuitants who are married to federal employees do not have to wait for an Open Season to make this sort of change. Annuitants can cancel their FEHB coverage at any time. The cancellation of the annuitant’s FEHB coverage counts as the employed spouse’s qualifying life event (QLE), allowing the federally employed spouse to switch from a Self Only to a Self Plus One or Self and Family plan. This QLE also allows the federally employed spouse to switch to a completely different FEHB plan if desired. And if the federally employed spouse was previously covered by

the annuitant’s FEHB plan, this QLE allows the employed spouse to sign up for FEHB coverage with his or her agency. In your situation, if at some point you wanted to regain your own FEHB plan, you would use event code 2F on OPM Form 2809. The following are a few reasons why some annuitants choose to go back to having their own plan: • You lose your spouse to death or divorce. • Your spouse loses his or her FEHB coverage (possibly due to separating from federal service before applying for retirement). • Your spouse later returns to a Self Only FEHB plan.

Although this is a common task that agencies and OPM coordinate, it’s complex enough that you may want to contact NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute if you have questions about the process.



How can I get an FEHB plan brochure that reflects next year’s changes to the plan?

Brochures are not mailed out automatically. If you want your current FEHB plan provider to send you a brochure for the 2020 plan year, you can call the customer



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Questions & Answers

service phone number on the back of your FEHB plan ID card and request that they mail one to you. All FEHB plan brochures are also available online at www. healthcare/plan-information/ plans/. Once you’re on that webpage, you’ll see a map of the United States. When you click on the state in which you live, three charts will appear with all the available plans for your state and links to health plan brochures. Simply find your plan and click the link. If you don’t have access to the internet and you don’t have the phone number for a specific

FEHB plan that you would like to compare to your current plan, call us at the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute at 1-800-456-8410 (option 2 when prompted). We can look up the phone number for you. To obtain an answer to a federal benefits question, NARFE members should call 800-456-8410 and select option 2 for the Federal Benefits Institute; send the question by postal mail to NARFE National Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or submit it by email to

NARFE at Your Service At NARFE headquarters, experts are available to answer questions and to assist in helping with a variety of benefit matters. Call NARFE at:

800-456-8410, Option 2

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AT FEDVIP Dental and vision program increases eligibility, simplifies website By Everett A. Chasen


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The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) is a voluntary, enrollee-pay-all dental and vision program available to federal employees and annuitants, certain retired uniformed service members and active duty family members. It is sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). FEDVIP enables enrollees to purchase dental insurance and vision insurance on a group basis, which means premiums are competitive, and there are no preexisting condition limitations to enrollment. The premiums are withheld from federal employees’ salaries on a pretax basis. All others pay premiums post-tax. The program was established by the Federal Employee Dental and Vision Benefits Enhancement Act of 2004, which allowed OPM to arrange for vision and dental benefits to be made available to federal employees, retirees and their dependents. The first FEDVIP enrollment open season took place in 2006. All federal employees eligible for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program are also eligible to participate in FEDVIP. However, they do not have to be enrolled in FEHB to enroll in FEDVIP. Retired annuitants are also eligible, as are dependent children up to age 22. FEDVIP plans and premiums are the same for all eligible groups. Those eligible to do so can enroll for FEDVIP during the annual Federal Benefits Open Season. This year, Open Season runs from November 11 through December 9. In addition, new and newly eligible federal employees 28

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can enroll within the first 60 days after they become eligible for coverage. Everyone can choose among six nationwide and four regional dental plans, and from four nationwide vision plans. The nationwide plans also offer coverage internationally. Barbara Jacksier, the spouse of a federal retiree, is among those who recently signed up for dental coverage for the first time. “My husband and I had a local dentist for many years whose prices were very fair, so we didn’t feel we needed coverage,” she explained. “When he retired, we looked at other practices in our area and got a little bit of sticker shock over what they were charging. The one we liked the best told us they accepted insurance from one of the FEDVIP plan providers, and suggested we look into that possibility.” The plan not only met their needs, but also allowed them to schedule two annual dental exams instead of one. In addition, Jacksier’s husband had extensive work done on his gums that he had previously put off for fear of what it would cost. “Needless to say, we’re happy with our choice,” she told us. Once someone is enrolled in a dental or vision plan, their coverage automatically

continues as long as they remain eligible for the program. They do not have to renew their enrollment each year.


Three years ago, NARFE Magazine marked the 10th anniversary of the FEDVIP program with an article describing what it does, how it works and whether it provides value for participants. OPM recently updated us on changes to the program and provided other information that may be useful to readers interested in obtaining dental or vision insurance, or both. “On January 1, 2019, we executed the largest expansion of FEDVIP since the inception of that program,” explained an OPM representative. “In collaboration with the Defense Health Agency, OPM provided opportunities for more than 3 million TRICARE Retiree Dental Program participants to choose the dental and vision program that best fits their needs.” The expansion, commissioned by the National Defense Authorization Act of FY 2017, added 1.37 million new FEDVIP enrollees. OPM claims that “smooth coordination” with the Department of Defense allowed TRICARE Retiree Dental Program (TRDP) enrollees to transition to the FEDVIP systems without any interruption. Under the new program, most military retirees are now eligible for FEDVIP dental coverage, and most retirees and active duty family members are eligible for vision coverage if they are enrolled in a TRICARE health plan. Dependent children are covered until the age of 21 if they are not students, or until 23 if they are full-time students. Like those of federal employees and retirees, their premiums are paid post-tax. Active-duty uniformed service members, however, are not eligible for either dental or vision coverage from FEDVIP. Before the transition took place, OPM created a website to help new participants. In a follow-up survey, more than 95 percent of new enrollees who responded said they were satisfied with the enrollment process. According to the agency, there have been no other major changes to FEDVIP in the past three years. One minor change involved simplifying the BENEFEDS website (www. and modifying it to allow users to access the site through mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

In a follow-up survey, more than 95 percent of new enrollees who responded said they were satisfied with the enrollment process.

BENEFEDS is the government-authorized and OPM-sponsored enrollment portal eligible participants use to enroll in FEDVIP. BENEFEDS, administered by Long Term Care Partners, LLC with oversight from OPM, also manages the billing systems and customer service functions needed to collect FEDVIP and Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program premiums and Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS) allotments. Visitors to the new BENEFEDS site are guided through the process of verifying their eligibility and creating an account before enrolling. They can also learn about which qualifying life events allow employees and retirees to enroll in FEDVIP or make changes to their existing plan outside of open season. These qualifying events are somewhat different from those that allow changes to FEHB coverage and must be requested between 31 to 60 days after the event. Qualifying events for FEDVIP include marriage; the loss of non-FEDVIP dental or vision coverage; the acquisition of new family members by birth or adoption; the loss of a family member; returns to or from active duty status; the restoration of annuities or W W W. N A R F E . O R G



BENEFEDS also provides a significant amount of information on the coverage each approved FEDVIP plan offers, including plan brochures, provider networks, covered services, in- and out- of-network costs, annual maximum benefits, deductibles, enrollment types, covered family members and costs of premiums based on pay frequency. There’s a section on billing and payments that explains how the program sets up premium deductions or allotments with pay providers to pay for coverage. However, most NARFE readers will likely be most interested in is the “Carriers and Plans” area, which provides detailed information on all approved FEDVIP plans to help eligible employees shop the different plan options. This section features a FEDVIP plan comparison tool, allowing users to view up to three dental or vision plans sideby-side for easy comparison. Plan rates are compared on a Self Only, Self Plus One, and Self and Family basis. There are also comparisons on coverage for vision exams for both in-network and out-of-network providers, including how frequently lenses and frames can be changed under the plan (usually every 12 months), and what copays are required, if any. Additional features each plan may offer are noted, including lens options, retinal imaging, coverage for a second pair of glasses and whether or not a discount on laser vision correction is available.

other compensation; moving, if an enrollee is participating in a regional dental plan and is moving out of the plan’s service area; and a limited number of job transfer situations. For federal employees, the site emphasizes, retirement is not a qualifying life event. Retirees are not newly eligible to enroll in FEDVIP because they were already eligible as an employee. They also cannot change or cancel their coverage simply because they retired. Newly retired uniformed service members are considered eligible to enroll in FEDVIP dental coverage and, if they are enrolled in a TRICARE health plan, FEDVIP vision coverage. They have 60 days from the date they become eligible to enroll. If they miss that enrollment period, they must wait until the next Open Season. 30

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Newly retired uniformed service members are considered eligible to enroll in FEDVIP dental coverage and, if they are enrolled in a TRICARE health plan, FEDVIP vision coverage.

On the dental side, comparisons include rates; benefits for preventive, intermediatelevel, major and orthodontic care for both in- and out-of-network providers; deductibles, if any; annual maximum benefits per person inand out-of-network; lifetime maximum costs for orthodontic work—and whether or not there is a waiting period or age limits for such work. Phone numbers for plans and links to plan brochures and websites are also included.



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FEDVIP Gross Premium Change *


















*Year over year premium changes are calculated using a constant population.


OPM notes that premium rates have been very stable for the past few years. For example, average premium charges for dental plans in calendar year 2018 increased by 1.26 percent, while vision plan premiums decreased by 0.48 percent. On October 2, OPM announced dental rates had increased by 5.6 percent, in part because of increased utilization of dental services.




The total number of people covered in both FEDVIP programs exceeds 6.5 million people. There are 6 million enrollees in the dental program and 3.8 million in the vision program. (Many are enrolled in both programs.) Increased ease of use, the larger eligibility pool, and stable or lowered premium rates have resulted in many new FEDVIP enrollees. Three years ago, more than 4.25 million federal employees, annuitants, and their eligible family members were covered by one or both FEDVIP programs. Today, according to OPM, the total number of people covered in both FEDVIP programs exceeds 6.5 million people. There are 6 million enrollees in the dental program and 3.8 million in the vision program. (Many enrollees and their families are enrolled in both programs.) In our 2016 article, we noted that the 2013 Federal Employee Benefits Survey, the most recent available at that time, had a significant number of respondents rating their experiences with FEDVIP negatively. The 2017 survey, currently the most recent one, indicated perceptions of the program are changing significantly. 32

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76.6 percent of respondents, including those who participated in FEHB but did not necessarily participate in FEDVIP, indicated that the availability of FEDVIP dental programs was either “important” or “extremely important”; 66.2 percent of respondents said the same about the vision plans. 82.4 percent of those who participated in the FEDVIP dental program indicated that the program was meeting their needs to a “great” or “moderate” extent. 86.2 percent of those participating in the FEDVIP vision program indicated that the program was meeting their needs to a “great” or “moderate” extent.

In 2013, the program included seven dental providers and three vision providers. Now, “FEDVIP offers eligible participants a choice between 10 dental and four vision carriers at competitive group rates,” explained an OPM representative when asked the reason for the improvement in participants’ ratings. “Many (other) health care plans have only limited dental and vision benefits, and some may not offer any benefits. “Civilian employees can take advantage of paying premiums before taxes, which adds built-in savings,” the representative continued. “FEDVIP plans will also submit their claims directly for FSAFEDS reimbursement once they complete processing, which saves the enrollee the time and effort of submitting health care FSA claims.

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“FEDVIP offers eligible participants a choice between 10 dental and four vision carriers at competitive group rates.” —OPM REPRESENTATIVE

“FEDVIP offers excellent, government negotiated rates and allows convenient payment via salary or annuity deduction,” the representative concluded, summarizing the reasons those who are eligible should consider participating in the program even though, unlike FEHB, it is not subsidized by the government.

“ Civilian employees can take advantage of paying premiums before taxes, which adds built-in savings.” —OPM REPRESENTATIVE

Arthur Hamerschlag, a Department of Veterans Affairs retiree, explained a novel vision coverage strategy he employs. “I take the vision coverage every third year and cancel it 34

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the other two years,” he says. “My prescription doesn’t change much on an annual basis, so I only need to change my glasses every three years. I pick up the coverage the year I’m planning to get my eyes checked and don’t have it when I don’t need it.” Because many FEHB plans also offer vision coverage, Hamerschlag suggested that FEHB enrollees check and see what’s available to them outside of FEDVIP as well. For those interested in joining the FEDVIP program or in switching plans, OPM promotes enrollment in the program as part of its Open Season rollout. Individual carriers produce educational materials for prospective members that are distributed at health and benefits fairs throughout the nation. As mentioned earlier, a wealth of information can also be found online at www.BENEFEDS. com. — EVERETT A. (EV) CHASEN IS A WRITER AND COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT IN THE WASHINGTON, DC AREA. HE IS RETIRED FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AFTER 35 YEARS OF SERVICE.

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Enroll with GEHA at or call toll-free at 877.888.3337 / TTY: 877.889.5680. FEDVIP Open Season enrollment begins Nov. 11 and closes Dec. 9, 2019, at midnight EST. * GEHA supplemental benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEDVIP program, but are made available to all enrollees who become members of GEHA and their eligible family members. © 2019 Government Employees Health Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Hatch Act Explained By David Tobenkin


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Thanks to social media and interactive websites that allow commenting, it’s easier than ever to share your political perspectives and opinions. But federal employees need to be wary of doing so: There are some things you just can’t do while “on the clock.” The Hatch Act, the federal law that seeks to limit partisan political speech and activities by federal employees, has often been described as nitpicky, confusing and obscure. While still nitpicky and confusing, this year, the Act may have become a good deal less obscure. In June, the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), which enforces the Act, recommended to President Trump that White House advisor Kellyanne Conway be fired for what the OSC described as repeated and willful violations of the Act. President Trump refused to terminate Conway, and she remains in her position. Then, in August, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), the largest federal union, sued OSC in federal district court based on OSC’s November 28, 2018, written guidance that sought to constrain federal employees from using certain terms—such as “resistance” and “#resist”—during duty hours or otherwise in connection with their employment because OSC deemed them to be related to Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign. At press time, the court was expected to entertain oral arguments in October.

W W W. N A R F E . O R G



Conway enjoyed a reprieve that nearly all other federal employees will not receive if they are found to have violated the Hatch Act. The AFGE lawsuit, even if successful, will not change the requirement that federal employees comply with the law as the 2020 federal elections approach. In the current politically charged environment, some fear that federal employees could be at a greater risk for enforcement actions based on the Act. “There is a big danger that federal employees who ‘resist’ President Trump may be subjected to severe discipline in Trump’s ongoing efforts to drain the federal government ‘swamp’ of those employees who resist or oppose him,” says John P. Mahoney of The Law Firm of John P. Mahoney, Esq., Attorneys at Law, a Washington, DC-based law firm that has defended numerous employees accused of Hatch Act violations.

“IN THE CURRENT POLITICALLY CHARGED ENVIRONMENT, SOME FEAR THAT FEDERAL EMPLOYEES COULD BE AT A GREATER RISK FOR ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS BASED ON THE ACT.” Recent enforcement actions by the OSC demonstrate that the law remains very much in effect for federal employees: • In June 2018, OSC filed a complaint with the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), which adjudicates OSC Hatch Act complaints, requesting disciplinary action against Carmene “Zsa Zsa” DePaolo, an immigration judge employed by the Department of Justice. In the complaint, OSC alleges that DePaolo violated the Act in March 2016 when she promoted then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s plan for immigration 38

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reform during a deportation hearing over which DePaolo was presiding. • In August 2018, an OSC enforcement action resulted in an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) employee reaching a settlement under which she agreed to resign and not return to federal service for five years. She committed numerous Act violations, including posting more than 100 social media messages in support of candidate Clinton while on duty or in the workplace. • Also in August 2018, an OSC enforcement action resulted in a United States Postal Service (USPS) employee being fired for running as a candidate in two 2017 partisan elections. In fiscal year 2018, OSC responded to 1,394 requests for advice, issued 49 warning letters, and obtained 10 corrective actions and eight disciplinary actions for local, state and federal employees, either by negotiation or through MSPB orders, according to OSC’s Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2018.


There are two levels of scrutiny and limitations applied by the statute: a general rule for most federal employees, and more restrictive provisions that limit the activities of employees at certain agencies—and offices within agencies—clustered in enforcement, intelligence and elections, as well as certain federal worker categories, such as Senior Executive Service (SES) members and administrative law judges (see 5 U.S.C. § 7323(b)). Unless otherwise indicated, the following advice and analysis refer to the less restricted category of employees.


Federal employees who become candidates in partisan political elections are generally in violation of the Act, with a few narrow exceptions in designated localities. Federal employees who live in the District of Columbia, for example, can run for partisan political office in local elections as independents. Federal employees also may be candidates for public office in nonpartisan elections and be appointed, not elected, to partisan political offices. State and local government employees face fewer restrictions as partisan political candidates.



Raising money for partisan political races, encouraging others to give to partisan political candidates or parties, or inviting others to partisan political fundraisers is another area that generally constitutes an absolute violation. This includes liking or retweeting solicitations or fundraiser invitations from others. Federal employees may not solicit, accept or receive a donation or contribution for a partisan political party, candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group, according to 5 U.S.C. § 7323(a)(2). This rule applies on or off duty, at home or at the office. Giving money or support to partisan political races is not a violation if done on one’s own time, outside the workplace and without use of government resources. There is a very narrow exception that applies to some forms of solicitations for partisan political contributions between members of federal labor unions. In the statute the “political activity” examined for compliance is defined very broadly. This includes activity directed toward the success or failure of a political party, candidate for partisan political office or partisan political group, even after a particular campaign concludes (see 5 C.F.R. § 734.101).

Off-duty activity that would otherwise be permissible may not be if it involves influencing others at organizations with business before the employee’s agency or that are subjects of an enforcement action, investigation or audit by the agency.


In a similar vein, federal employees may not use their official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the result of an election, by, for example, using their official title or position while engaged in political activity (5 U.S.C. § 7323(a)(1)). This rule applies on or off duty, in or out of the workplace. Thus, sending an email supporting a candidate in a partisan election and signing it, “Jane Doe, United States Department of Agriculture analyst” would violate the Act, even if done from the employee’s own computer from home after work hours.


Speech or conduct supporting a political candidate or party while either in the workplace or on government time (such as when teleworking) could constitute a Hatch Act violation. W W W. N A R F E . O R G



Ward Morrow, assistant general counsel at AFGE, says employees who wish to engage in political activity in the middle of the day should do so only during a recorded lunch break consistent with designed duty hours, and only if that lunch break takes place off of government property; federal employees should also use their own phone or computer, be off government property, and be outside of a government vehicle. The safer course would be to engage in political activity after duty hours end.


Partisan speech outside the workplace, off of government equipment and not on government time faces far fewer restrictions. Employees may, for example, place on their front yards signs or banners supporting a partisan political candidate. There are still some constraints, though. “It is an improper use of official authority for a supervisor to send or forward a partisan political email to subordinates, at any time,” Mahoney states.


The minefield for Hatch Act compliance for many federal employees is social media. Emails are often crafted with little forethought, can easily be widely disseminated and last forever. In February 2018, OSC issued an exhaustive, nine-page social media guide explaining how federal employees can best navigate this


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territory, available at HA%20Social%20Media%20FINAL%20r.pdf. The guide contains many examples: “You are teleworking from home and on your lunch break in which you are not in a pay status. You are looking at Facebook on your personal iPad and see that a friend posted a message about an upcoming event supporting a political party. Because you are on your lunch break and not in a federal building, you may like or share that post.” But changing the facts slightly yields a different result, OSC noted—liking or sharing the same post while physically present in the workplace would be impermissible, even during a lunch break using a personal iPad.


While navigating the Hatch Act has always been challenging, the difficulty may have intensified of late. On March 5, 2018, OSC issued Updated Guidance Regarding the Hatch Act and President Donald Trump after he officially announced he was a candidate for reelection. “[The Guidance’s] prohibition is broad and encompasses more than displays or communications (including in person and via email or social media) that expressly advocate for or against President Trump’s reelection,” Mahoney notes. On November 30, 2018, the OSC found that six White House and federal agency employees had violated the Hatch Act by using official federal Twitter accounts to tweet messages in

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support of President Trump and his policies in a manner related to his reelection campaign. In its lawsuit, AFGE contends that the November 28, 2018, OSC guidance email, which also classifies as political activity advocating for the impeachment of President Trump, runs afoul of employees’ rights to protest government actions they believe are unlawful and violate First Amendment rights. Morrow says that in the current highly partisan environment he worries that politically appointed federal agency heads and pro-Trump employees could target employees who disapprove of the administration’s policies. “Many federal agencies have retained communications firms to track how they are reflected in social media,” Morrow says. “The firms could track communications by federal employees critical of the administration, which could lead politically appointed agency heads to refer those employees to the OSC for enforcement actions while omitting supporters engaging in similar political activity. And the OSC would not necessarily look at whether the agency was evenhanded or not. They would just look at whether each individual referred case reflected a violation or not.” Still, Mahoney and Morrow say they are unaware of any such discriminatory reporting that has occurred since the guidance email was issued and say OSC seems to be evenhanded in its enforcement of the Act. An OSC spokesperson says the agency cannot comment on pending litigation. The OSC is attempting to address questions about the Act and other matters the OSC administers through increased agency training. OSC’s Hatch Act Unit closely monitors both a phone hotline (800-85-HATCH), and an email account ( to answer questions and provide guidance to agencies and federal employees, the OSC spokesperson notes. Information and FAQs about the Hatch Act can be found on OSC’s website: https://osc. gov/Services/Pages/HatchAct-Resources.aspx.


Importantly, activism on legislative issues, such as that practiced by NARFE and its members, does not violate the Hatch Act. Advocating for or against legislation—rather than for or against candidates or parties—is not limited or prohibited by the Act. 42

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“Legislative activism by NARFE members, whether writing letters or calling congressional offices to express an opinion, is not prohibited by the Hatch Act,” says NARFE Staff Vice President of Policy and Programs Jessica Klement. “The Act deals exclusively with electoral politics, not with legislative advocacy or lobbying activities. However, employees still should not engage in such advocacy activities on government time or while using government equipment or resources. “Some agency officials maintain that a federal provision against using appropriated funds to influence members of Congress on legislation [at 18 U.S.C. § 1913] prohibits federal employees from participating in grassroots lobbying campaigns on government time or using government resources,” Klement continued. “In addition, use of duty time or government equipment or resources for such activities could violate other federal rules. And there also is the danger of unintentionally veering into partisan political activities, which would violate the Act.” Klement commented that on the whole, it’s better to be safe than sorry, so federal employees should save their legislative activity for their own time and on their own devices. — DAVID TOBENKIN IS A FREELANCE WRITER IN THE GREATER WASHINGTON, DC AREA.

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*GEHA supplemental benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the FEHB program but are made available to all enrollees and family members who become members of GEHA. © 2019 Government Employees Health Association, Inc. All rights reserved. This is a brief description of the features of Government Employees Health Association, Inc. Before making a final decision, please read the GEHA federal brochure, 71-006 at All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the federal brochure.

Open Season Report





n October 2, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced the premium rates for the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program’s 2020 plan year. The enrollee share of premiums for nonpostal employees and all annuitants will increase an average of 5.6 percent in 2020. (Postal employees pay a different rate because of collective bargaining agreements.) The average increase in the government share of premiums will be 3.2 percent. The overall average total premium will be 4.0 percent more in 2020, which is comparable to the average FEHB increases experienced in most of the past five years and competitive with premium increases projected for or reported by other large privateand public-sector employers. FEHB carriers may offer up to three plan options of any plan type: Self Only, Self Plus One or Self and Family. Overall, the FEHB Program will offer 279 health plan choices in 2020. The


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actual number of choices available to any given enrollee will be lower and will vary by geographic location. Changes in FEHB coverage may be made during Federal Benefits Open Season, November 11 to December 9. Also included in Open Season are the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Program (FEDVIP) (see p. 26) and the Federal Flexible Spending Account Program (FSAFEDS). There is no need for enrollees to re-enroll in FEHB and FEDVIP unless they want to change plans or their current plan ceases participation. However, employees must re-enroll in FSAFEDS every year to continue to participate.


The tables on pages 45, 46 and 48 list the 18 open-to-all feefor-service (FFS) plans, the four restricted FFS plans and the largest participating HMOs; the 2020 cost of each plan for both employees and retirees; and the increase/decrease from 2019.

Rates listed are applicable to most nonpostal federal employees as well as all retirees and survivors. For a listing of all premiums, go to www.opm. gov/healthcare-insurance/ open-season/. Changes in FEHB enrollee premiums vary from plan to plan, but, on average, enrollees with Self Only coverage will pay $4.72 more per biweekly pay period; enrollees with Self Plus One coverage will pay $9.63 more per biweekly pay period; and enrollees with Self and Family coverage will pay $14.20 more per biweekly pay period. (Employees pay premiums on a biweekly basis; retirees pay premiums on a monthly basis.) Enrollees with Self Only coverage in the popular Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Standard option will pay $116.91 per biweekly pay period in 2020; those with Self Plus One coverage will pay $267.15 per biweekly pay period; and those with Self and Family coverage will pay $286.74 per biweekly pay

KEY: Employees pay biweekly Annuitants pay monthly



Total Premium biweekly monthly

APWU HEALTH PLAN High Self 471 $335.18 $726.22 High Self & Family 472 $804.42 $1742.91 High Self Plus One 473 $703.86 $1525.03 CDHP Self 474 $275.85 $597.68 CDHP Self & Family 475 $654.04 $1,417.09 CDHP Self Plus One 476 $599.54 $1,299.00 BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN Standard Self 104 $352.68 $764.14 Standard Self & Family 105 $833.21 $1805.29 Standard Self Plus One 106 $771.27 $1671.09 Basic Self 111 $303.78 $658.19 Basic Self & Family 112 $737.69 $1598.33 Basic Self Plus One 113 $682.73 $1479.25 Blue Focus Self 131 $212.58 $460.59 Blue Focus Self & Family 132 $502.70 $1089.18 Blue Focus Self Plus One 133 $457.02 $990.21 GEHA BENEFIT PLAN High Self 311 $341.19 $739.25 High Self & Family 312 $850.86 $1843.53 High Self Plus One 313 $750.63 $1626.37 Standard Self 314 $242.18 $524.72 Standard Self & Family 315 $622.08 $1347.84 Standard Self Plus One 316 $520.71 $1128.21 HDHP Self 341 $237.16 $513.85 HDHP Self & Family 342 $600.16 $1300.35 HDHP Self Plus One 343 $509.91 $1104.81 GEHA ELEVATE INDEMNITY BENEFIT PLAN Elevate Plus Self 251 $290.69 $629.83 Elevate Plus Self & Family 252 $720.91 $1561.97 Elevate Plus Self Plus One 253 $674.39 $1461.18 Elevate Self 254 $189.29 $410.13 Elevate Self & Family 255 $530.03 $1148.10 Elevate Self Plus One 256 $435.38 $943.32 MHBP Value Self 414 $209.22 $453.31 Value Self & Family 415 $505.63 $1153.19 Value Self Plus One 416 $495.73 $1074.08 Standard Self 454 $263.47 $570.85 Standard Self & Family 455 $612.30 $1326.65 Standard Self Plus One 456 $606.47 $1314.02 HDHP Self 481 $264.59 $573.28 HDHP Self & Family 482 $614.80 $1332.07 HDHP Self Plus One 483 $585.53 $1268.65 NALC High Self 321 $326.61 $707.66 High Self & Family 322 $735.21 $1592.96 High Self Plus One 323 $722.43 $1565.27 CDHP Self 324 $218.55 $473.53 CDHP Self & Family 325 $502.63 $1089.03 CDHP Self Plus One 326 $482.16 $1044.68 Value Self KM1 $179.37 $388.64 Value Self & Family KM2 $412.69 $894.16 Value Self Plus One KM3 $395.70 857.35 SAMBA High Self 441 $416.19 $901.75 High Self & Family 442 $998.84 $2164.15 High Self Plus One 443 $915.61 $1983.82 Standard Self 444 $314.08 $680.51 Standard Self & Family 445 $716.56 $1552.55 Standard Self Plus One 446 $676.00 $1464.67

Govt Pays biweekly monthly

Enrollee Increase/Decrease biweekly monthly

Enrollee Pays biweekly monthly

$235.77 $546.47 $504.12 $206.89 $490.53 $449.66

$510.84 $1184.02 $1092.26 $448.26 $1,062.82 $974.25

$99.41 $257.95 $199.74 $68.96 $163.51 $149.88

$215.38 $558.89 $432.77 $149.42 $354.27 $324.75

-$5.59 -$21.15 -$11.85 $0 $0 $0

-$12.12 -45.83 -$25.67 $0 $0 $0

$235.77 $546.47 $504.12 $227.84 $546.47 $504.12 $159.44 $377.03 $342.77

$510.84 $1184.02 $1092.26 $493.64 $1184.02 $1092.26 $345.44 $816.89 $742.66

$116.91 $286.74 $267.15 $75.94 $191.22 $178.61 $53.14 $125.67 $114.25

$253.30 $621.27 $578.83 $164.55 $414.31 $386.99 $115.15 $272.29 $247.55

$4.68 $18.53 $10.61 $2.22 $13.98 $8.04 $0 $0 $0

$10.13 $40.14 $23.00 $4.81 $30.29 $17.43 $0 $0 $0

$235.77 $546.47 $504.12 $181.64 $466.56 $390.53 $177.87 $450.12 $382.43

$510.84 $1184.02 $1092.26 $393.54 $1010.88 $846.16 $385.39 $975.26 $828.61

$105.42 $304.39 $246.51 $60.54 $155.52 $130.18 $59.29 $150.04 $127.48

$228.41 $659.51 $534.11 $131.18 $336.96 $282.05 $128.46 $325.09 $276.20

-$0.55 -$8.56 -$0.75 $1.76 $7.41 $3.80 $0.59 $4.37 $1.27

-$1.20 -$18.55 -$1.62 $3.82 $16.05 $8.22 $1.27 $9.47 $2.74

$218.02 $540.68 $504.12 $141.97 $397.52 $326.54

$472.37 $1171.48 $1092.26 $307.60 $861.30 $707.49

$72.67 $157.46 $180.23 $390.49 $170.27 $368.92 $47.32 $102.53 $132.51 $287.10 $108.84 $235.83


$156.92 $379.22 $371.80 $197.60 $459.23 $454.85 $198.44 $461.10 $439.15

$339.98 $821.65 $805.56 $428.14 $994.99 $985.52 $429.96 $999.05 $951.49

$52.30 $126.41 $123.93 $65.87 $153.07 $151.62 $66.15 $153.70 $146.38

$113.33 $273.88 $268.52 $142.71 $331.66 $328.50 $143.32 $333.02 $317.166

-$2.76 -$6.65 -$6.52 -$0.66 -$1.55 -$1.53 $1.30 $3.02 $2.87

-$5.96 -$14.42 -$14.13 -$1.45 -$3.35 -$3.32 $2.81 $6.54 $6.22

$235.77 $546.47 $504.12 $163.91 $376.97 $361.62 $134.53 $309.52 $296.78

$510.84 $1184.02 $1092.26 $355.15 $816.77 $783.51 $291.48 $670.62 $643.01

$90.84 $188.74 $218.31 $54.64 $125.66 $120.54 $44.84 $103.17 $98.92

$196.82 $408.94 $473.01 $118.38 $272.26 $261.17 $97.16 $223.54 $214.34

$6.21 $7.13 $17.61 $0 $2.47 $1.19 $0 $2.02 $0.98

$13.45 $15.45 $38.16 $0 $5.34 $2.58 $0 $4.38 $2.13

$235.77 $546.47 $504.12 $235.56 $537.42 $504.12

$510.84 $1184.02 $1092.26 $510.38 $1164.41 $1092.26

$180.42 $452.37 $411.49 $78.52 $179.14 $171.88

$390.91 $980.13 $891.56 $170.13 $388.14 $372.41

-$10.64 -$33.28 -$22.96 -$8.33 -$24.74 -$33.34

New Plan New Plan New Plan New Plan New Plan New Plan

-$23.06 -$72.12 -$49.74 -$18.05 -$53.60 -$72.23

For restricted fee-for-service plans, see page 48. OPEN SEASON CHANGES for employees are effective at the beginning of the first pay period after January 1, 2020. Changes for retirees and survivor annuitants are effective January 1, 2020, and premium changes will

be reflected in February 1, 2020, annuity payments. If verified enrollment is required, the change notice from OPM should suffice for annuitants; the notification from their agency will suffice for employees. W W W. N A R F E . O R G



Open Season Report

KEY: Employees pay biweekly Annuitants pay monthly

2020 PREMIUMS — LARGEST HMOS* State(s) Plan Option

Total Premium Govt Pays Code biweekly monthly biweekly monthly DC, MD, VA AETNA OPEN ACCESS - CAPITOL REGION $525.03 $1137.57 $235.77 $510.84 High Self JN1 $1180.35 $2557.43 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family JN2 $1168.66 $2532.10 $504.12 $1092.26 High Self Plus One JN3 $321.74 $697.10 $235.77 $510.84 Basic Self JN4 $736.31 $1595.34 $546.47 $1184.02 Basic Self & Family JN5 $676.15 $1464.99 $504.12 $1092.16 Basic Self Plus One JN6 DC, MD, VA AETNA DIRECT - CAPITOL REGION $282.76 $612.65 $212.07 $459.49 CDHP Self N61 $713.08 $1545.01 $534.81 $1158.76 CDHP Self & Family N62 $620.10 $1343.55 $165.08 $1007.66 CDHP Self Plus One N63 DC, MD, VA CAREFIRST BLUECHOICE $390.25 $845.54 $235.77 $510.84 Standard Self 2G4 $927.21 $2008.96 $546.47 $1184.02 Standard Self & Family 2G5 $780.49 $1691.06 $504.12 $1092.26 Standard Self Plus One 2G6 $263.12 $570.09 $197.34 $427.57 HDHP Self B61 $625.16 $1354.51 $468.87 $1015.88 HDHP Self & Family B62 $526.53 $1140.17 $394.67 $510.84 HDHP Self Plus One B63 ID, WA KAISER HEALTH PLAN OF WASHINGTON $376.34 $845.74 $235.77 $510.84 High Self 541 $858.76 $1860.65 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family 542 $858.76 $1860.65 $504.12 $1092.26 High Self Plus One 543 $278.83 $604.13 $209.12 $453.10 Standard Self 544 $641.32 $1389.53 $480.99 $1042.15 Standard Self & Family 545 $641.32 $1389.53 $480.99 $1042.15 Standard Self Plus One 546 DC, MD, VA M.D. INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE ASSOCIATION (MDIPA) $404.59 $876.61 $235.77 $510.84 High Self JP1 $1134.48 $2458.04 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family JP2 $790.17 $1712.04 $504.12 $1092.26 High Self Plus One JP3 CA KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF N. CALIFORNIA High Self 591 $461.75 $1000.46 $235.77 $510.84 $1102.25 $2388.21 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family 592 $1102.25 $2369.14 $504.12 $1092.26 High Self Plus One 593 $368.11 $809.88 $235.77 $510.84 Standard Self 594 $874.65 $1895.08 $546.47 $1184.02 Standard Self & Family 595 $874.65 $1895.08 $504.12 $1092.26 Standard Self Plus One 596 $300.96 $652.08 $225.72 $489.06 Basic Self KC1 $704.24 $1525.85 $528.18 $1144.39 Basic Self & Family KC2 $704.24 $1525.85 $504.12 $1092.26 Basic Self Plus One KC3 KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF S. CALIFORNIA CA $339.42 $735.41 $235.77 $510.84 High Self 621 $784.46 $1699.66 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family 622 $784.46 $1699.66 $504.12 $1092.26 High Self Plus One 623 $215.22 $466.31 $161.42 $349.73 Standard Self 624 $497.40 $1077.70 $373.05 $808.28 Standard Self & Family 625 $497.40 $1077.70 $373.05 $808.28 Standard Self Plus One 626 DC, MD, VA KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN MID-ATLANTIC STATES $333.61 $722.85 $235.77 $510.84 High Self E31 $767.32 $1662.53 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family E32 High Self Plus One E33 $767.32 $1662.53 $504.12 $1092.26 $263.79 $571.55 $197.84 $428.66 Standard Self E34 $606.69 $1314.50 $455.02 $985.88 Standard Self & Family E35 $606.69 $1314.50 $455.02 $985.88 Standard Self Plus One E36 $193.90 $420.12 $145.43 $315.09 Basic Self T71 $473.61 $1026.16 $355.21 $769.62 Basic Self & Family T72 $431.49 $934.90 $323.62 $701.18 Basic Self Plus One T73 CO KAISER FOUNDATION HEALTH PLAN OF COLORADO $364.23 $789.17 $235.77 $510.84 High Self 651 $823.16 $1783.51 $546.47 $1184.02 High Self & Family 652 $823.16 $1783.51 $504.12 $1092.26 High Self Plus One 653 $309.83 $61.60 $232.37 $503.48 Standard Self 654 $700.21 $1517.12 $525.16 $1137.84 Standard Self & Family 655 $700.21 $1517.12 $504.12 $1092.26 Standard Self Plus One 656 $223.74 $484.77 $167.81 $363.58 Basic Self N41 $505.66 $1095.60 $379.25 $821.70 Basic Self & Family N42 $505.66 $1095.60 $379.25 $821.70 Basic Self Plus One N43

Enrollee Pays biweekly monthly $289.26 $633.88 $664.54 $85.97 $189.84 $172.03

$626.73 $1373.41 $1439.84 $186.26 $411.32 $372.73

Enrollee Increase/Decrease biweekly monthly $2.92 -$2.02 $7.10 $2.09 -$3.57 $4.30

$6.32 -$4.38 $15.39 $4.52 -$7.74 $9.32

$70.69 $153.16 $178.27 $386.25 $155.02 $335.89

$6.38 $13.83 $16.09 $34.87 $13.99 $30.33

154.48$ $380.74 $276.37 $65.78 $156.29 $131.56

$334.70 $824.94 $598.80 $142.52 $338.63 $285.04

$16.50 $31.33 $32.33 $5.98 $14.21 $11.96

$35.74 $67.88 $70.05 $12.95 $30.79 $25.91

$154.57 $312.29 $354.64 $69.71 $160.33 $160.33

$334.90 $676.63 $768.39 $151.03 $347.38 $347.38

$8.41 $9.65 $18.95 $2.19 $5.03 $5.03

$18.22 $20.91 $41.07 $4.74 $10.90 $10.90

$168.82 $365.77 $588.01 $1274.02 $504.12 $619.78

$33.99 $73.63 $89.85 $194.67 $65.46 $141.84

$225.98 $555.78 $598.13 $138.02 $328.18 $370.53 $75.24 $176.06 $200.12

$489.62 $1204.19 $1295.95 $299.04 $711.06 $802.82 $163.02 $381.46 $433.59

-$1.91 -$12.35 -$3.05 $0.09 -$7.86 $1.44 $1.30 $3.05 $0.34

-$4.15 -$26.76 -$6.60 $0.19 -$17.03 $3.13 $2.82 $6.60 $0.74

$103.65 $237.99 $280.34 $53.80 $124.35 $124.35

$224.57 $515.64 $607.40 $116.58 $269.42 $269.42

$16.66 $30.27 $39.57 $4.03 $9.32 $9.32

$36.09 $65.58 $85.74 $8.74 $20.19 $20.19

$97.84 $220.85 $263.20 $65.95 $151.67 $151.67 $48.47 $118.40 $107.87

$211.98 $478.51 $570.27 $142.89 $328.62 $328.62 $105.03 $256.54 $233.72

$8.32 $10.87 $20.17 $5.75 $13.21 $13.21 $0 $0 $0

$18.02 $23.55 $43.71 $12.45 $28.62 $28.62 $0 $0 $0

$128.46 $276.69 $319.04 $77.46 $175.05 $196.09 $167.81 $126.41 $126.41

$278.33 $599.49 $691.25 $167.82 $379.28 $424.86 $121.19 $273.90 $273.90

$17.59 $31.22 $40.52 $9.77 $22.06 $43.10 $6.33 $14.32 $14.32

$38.11 $67.63 $87.79 $21.15 $47.80 $93.38 $13.73 $31.04 $31.04

*Based on information provided by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). If your plan is not listed, it simply means that your plan is not one of the largest. 46

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period. There will be no increase for the standard and basic options.


New Reimbursement for Medicare Part B Premiums. The following health plans will now offer reimbursement for part or all of an enrollee’s Medicare Part B premiums: • GEHA (High) • Health Alliance Plan (High and Standard) • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado (High and Standard) • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest (Standard) • MD. I.P.A. (High) • UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus Advanced (Tampa, Orlando, Miami and Atlanta) (Value) • UnitedHealthcare Choice Plus Advanced (Chicago, San Antonio, DC, Northern Virginia and Maryland) (Value)

• UnitedHealthcare Choice Open Access HMO (High) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Plus Primary Advantage—East Region (High) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Primary Advantage— East Region (High) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Plus Primary Advantage—West Region (High) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Primary Advantage— West Region (High) New Indemnity Benefit Plans (IBPs). For the first time in 30 years, a government-wide Indemnity Benefit Plan will be offered in plan year 2020. Through a competitive process, OPM selected Government Employees Health Association (GEHA) as the exclusive carrier for two new plan options under the IBP contract. Both options

will be available nationwide to federal employees and annuitants. New Plan Options. There are 18 new plan options for 2020: • Aetna Advantage (Advantage) • Aetna Saver (Saver) • CareFirst BlueChoice (Blue Value Plus) • GEHA Indemnity Benefit Plan (Elevate Plus and Elevate) • GHI Health Plan (HDHP) • HMSA (Standard) • Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Georgia (Basic) • MercyCare Health Plans (Standard) • Presbyterian Health Plans (Wellness) • Priority Health (Value) • Quartz Health Benefit Plans (High and Standard) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Plus Primary Advantage—East Region (High)

Your service goes above and beyond. We see it every day!

You deserve a vision plan that focuses on you. Get the most out of your plan, including: • Stylish frames from names like Warby Parker — online and in stores. • Savings on contacts, glasses and vision correction surgery. • Extra coverage for kids from the Children’s Eye Care Program. Take a look at Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program UnitedHealthcare Vision® coverage provided by or through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, located in Hartford, Connecticut, or its affiliates. Administrative services provided by Spectera, Inc., United HealthCare Services, Inc. or their affiliates. This policy has exclusions, limitations and terms under which the policy may be continued in force or discontinued. For costs and complete details of the coverage contact UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. B2C 9619956.0 9/19 ©2019 United HealthCare Services, Inc. 19-12880-C

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Open Season Report

KEY: Employees pay biweekly Annuitants pay monthly

2020 PREMIUMS — RESTRICTED FEE FOR SERVICE Enrollee Increase/ Total Premium Govt Pays Enrollee Pays Decrease biweekly monthly biweekly monthly biweekly monthly biweekly monthly COMPASS ROSE HEALTH PLAN (members of the Intelligence Community, employees of Departments of Defense and State) High Self 421 $337.43 $731.10 $235.77 $510.84 $101.66 $220.26 $10.48 $22.70 High Self & Family 422 $809.84 $1671.09 546.47$ $1184.02 $263.37 $570.63 $17.42 $37.73 High Self Plus One 423 $742.35 $1608.43 $504.12 $1092.26 $238.23 $516.17 $23.50 $50.93 FOREIGN SERVICE BENEFIT PLAN (American Foreign Service personnel, Departments of State and Defense, USAID, Foreign Agricultural and Commercial services, other executive branch employees assigned overseas; Foreign Service retirees) High Self 401 $275.95 597.89$ $206.96 $448.42 $68.99 $149.47 $1.95 $4.21 High Self & Family 402 $682.70 $1479.18 $512.03 $1109.39 $170.67 $369.79 $4.81 $10.42 High Self Plus One 403 $656.86 $1464.47 $504.12 $1092.26 $171.79 $372.21 $7.20 $15.60 RURAL CARRIER BENEFIT PLAN (active and retired rural letter carriers) High Self 381 $358.00 $775.67 $235.77 $510.84 $122.23 $264.86 $35.94 $77.86 High Self & Family 382 $734.00 $1590.33 $546.47 $1184.02 $187.53 $406.31 $31.26 $67.73 High Self Plus One 383 $709.00 $1536.17 $504.12 $1092.26 $204.88 $443.91 $51.67 $111.96 PANAMA CANAL AREA BENEFIT PLAN High Self 431 $290.09 $628.53 $217.57 $471.40 $72.52 $157.13 $3.12 $6.76 High Self & Family 432 $605.54 $1312.00 $454.16 $984.00 $151.38 $328.00 $6.51 $14.12 High Self Plus One 433 $578.99 $1254.48 $434.24 $940.86 $144.75 $313.62 $6.24 $13.51 Plan Option


• UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Primary Advantage— East Region (High) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Plus Primary Advantage—West Region (High) • UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. Choice Primary Advantage— West Region (High) • True Health New Mexico (High) Plan Terminations. Two health plans will drop out of the FEHB after December 31, 2019: • MVP Healthcare (New York) • Highmark Choice Company (Pennsylvania) Enrollees in these terminating plans must select new coverage during Open Season; otherwise they will be automatically enrolled in GEHA Indemnity Plan Elevate, the lowest-cost nationwide plan option for 2020, as determined by OPM. All HMO enrollees should review their plan’s 2020 brochure to see if they still live or work in their plan’s service area. Two sources let enrollees know if the plan is terminating: • Pre-Open Season letter from OPM to all agency benefit officers. • Mailed notice to members from terminating plans. 48

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Employees will receive Open Season information from their agencies, and most eligible annuitants, survivor annuitants and former spouse annuitants will receive information from OPM. Additional information will be added to OPM’s website

as it becomes available before Open Season begins on November 11. Plan carriers will not automatically send enrollees their 2020 brochures. You must request a plan brochure or download it from insure. —FEDERAL BENEFITS INSTITUTE

NARFE PRESIDENT’S RESPONSE TO OPEN SEASON OPM ANNOUNCEMENT In response to the OPM announcement on Open Season premiums for America’s retired and active federal workers, NARFE National President Kenneth J. Thomas released the following statement: “With the cost of health care services rising in general, and with federal employees on track to receive only a modest pay raise in 2020, a premium increase of this size comes as unwelcome news. Undoubtedly, the 5.6 percent average increase for enrollees will negatively affect the take-home pay of active federal employees and the families they support. It’s even worse for retirees whose purchasing power and quality of life are already diminished from increases in the general cost of living.

“While the increase for next year is disappointing, it’s important to remember that last year’s average FEHB premium increase was historically low. Additionally, FEHB enrollees have tremendous flexibility given the variety and the number of health plans offered; these plans connect them with renowned medical professionals, services and programs with exceptional quality of care. NARFE encourages all participants to thoroughly review the plans to select the one that best fits their needs. “Each year, employees of OPM’s Healthcare and Insurance Division work hard to negotiate affordable benefits and rates, and I thank them for their dedication and service to the federal community.”

HAPPY TEETH. HAPPY LIFE. Affordable GEBA Dental Plans OPEN ENROLLMENT NOV 11–DEC 16 NOW AVAILABLE TO ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES, RETIREES AND THEIR FAMILIES. Since 1957, GEBA (Government Employees’ Benefit Association) has offered affordable, high-quality insurance from financially strong companies. Our dental and vision plans are a great alternative to FEDVIP and could be a better choice for you and your family. To learn more, please visit

G OV ER N M EN T E M P LOYE E S ’ B E N E F I T AS S O CIATI O N | 800-826-1126

Open Season Report



hy are the enrollee shares for some Self Plus One enrollments the same or higher than Self and Family enrollee shares for the same plan?

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has provided the following answer to that question: “For most enrollees, the enrollee share for Self Plus One will be lower than the enrollee share for Self and Family. However, it is possible that some plans will have higher enrollee shares for Self Plus One enrollments than for Self and Family enrollments. “The statutory formula that is used to calculate the government contribution is based on the average of all plan premiums and requires that OPM calculate a maximum contribution for each enrollment type.” In other words, there is a limit to how much the government will contribute toward the cost of a Self Only, Self Plus One or Self and Family enrollment. The government contributes the lesser of the maximum contribution or 75 percent of the total premium. The remaining amount is the enrollee share (how much the enrollee must pay). In some cases, such as plans with a premium cost that is above the program average or plans where Self Plus One is priced identically or similarly to Self Plus Family, this calculation may result in a higher enrollee share for a Self Plus One enrollment than a Self and Family enrollment.


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hich benefit is the most important to consider?

For those not enrolled in Medicare Part B, the catastrophic protection benefit is very important. It puts a dollar limit on what you have to pay out of pocket in terms of co-payments and coinsurance for the expenses that the plan covers. If a federal employee is married to another federal employee and they don’t have any eligible children under their FEHB plan, then it’s usually less expensive to maintain a separate Self Only FEHB plan versus a shared Self Plus One plan. However, you should carefully compare the options, especially prescription drug coverage.


y health maintenance organization (HMO) sent a notice that it will stop participating in the FEHB Program during the new Open Season and now I have no plans where I live. What can I do?

You may not be eligible to enroll in an HMO plan, but there are several fee-for-service plans, available nationwide to all federal employees and annuitants. Carriers offering these plans are: • APWU Health Plan • Blue Cross Blue Shield Federal Employee Program(FEP) • GEHA • Mail Handlers Benefit Plan (MHBP) • National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) Health Benefit Plan • SAMBA Different carriers offer a number of different plans, such as standard or high options, or highdeductible or consumer-driven health plans (HDHPs and CDHPs, respectively). Specific options are listed in the chart on page 45. Please review the brochures of these plans to determine which one best meets your medical needs. If federal enrollees have HMOs in their local areas that

Open Season Report

currently do not participate in the FEHB Program, we encourage them to ask their HMOs to consider the FEHB market for their area.


f I make an Open Season enrollment change and I have to go to the doctor after January 1, which plan do I contact to provide the insurance coverage based on my visit?

Your new plan is not responsible for providing coverage until the effective date of your enrollment change, which for most employees is the first day of the first full pay period in January. If you need medical services before the effective date of your Open Season enrollment, you should contact your old plan. Please remember, while the new enrollments are not effective until the first full pay period in January, the new plan benefits are effective January 1. Your old plan will provide coverage according to the new contract. These expenses will count toward your prior year’s deductible. If you are an annuitant, you should contact your new plan. Your Open Season enrollment is effective January 1.


an I enroll online in the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) without contacting the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)? If I keep the same health plan, do I need to do anything?

BENEFEDS is an enrollment and premium processing system sponsored by OPM that you must use to enroll in the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). 52

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BENEFEDS includes a secure website and a call center. BENEFEDS also handles billing and premium administration. It’s the only place to enroll in a FEDVIP plan. You enroll securely online at www. or by telephone at 1-877-888-3337, TTY 1-877889-5680. Your personal information is safe in the BENEFEDS system. The website employs a number of security features such as password lockouts after three consecutive incorrect attempts, session time-outs to protect unattended machines and encryption to ensure your information is kept private.


s it possible to make a serious mistake in choosing an FEHB plan?

All plans cover hospital and physician care, prescriptions, outpatient diagnostic lab tests, treatment of mental illness, home health care, routine mammograms for women over

age 35, routine prostate cancer tests for men over age 40 and smoking cessation programs. Some also cover special benefits such as acupuncture and dental care. In addition, many HMOs provide more comprehensive preventive care. The key is to review plan brochures carefully. You may not be eligible to enroll in an HMO plan, but there are several fee-for-service and consumer-driven health plans available nationwide to all federal employees and annuitants. Generally, you can make a serious mistake only if you enroll in a costly plan or option when you don’t need one; a plan that doesn’t cover a specific benefit that you need; Self Only coverage when you need additional coverage or vice versa; or you enroll in a plan that requires you to use preferred providers and there are none in your area. Or, if you live outside of the United States and Puerto Rico, and do not enroll in a plan that offers overseas benefits. —FEDERAL BENEFITS INSTITUTE

NEW INDEMNITY PLANS FROM GEHA CHANGE DEFAULT HEALTH INSURANCE OPTION In last month’s Open Season Preview, the information we gave about default coverage is now out of date. OPM released updated information on October 2. The GEHA Elevate Indemnity Health Plan comes with two levels of coverage, Standard and Plus. Should an enrollee fail to select a new plan if needed, he or she will be enrolled in GEHA Elevate Standard. The plans are available to all those eligible for FEHB coverage.

“GEHA will fill a slot that has been vacant for 30 years in the FEHB Program and increase the availability of nationwide health plan offerings for federal employees and annuitants,” said Edward M. DeHarde, Assistant Director, Federal Employee Insurance Operations, OPM. “We look forward to working with GEHA to provide additional quality, affordable options from which FEHB Program members can choose.”

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....................................................................................................................... Open season starts November 11, 2019.

Be prepared and learn more at

Health insurance plans are offered and/or underwritten by Aetna Life Insurance Company (Aetna). This is a brief description of the features of this Aetna health insurance plan. Before making a decision, please read the plan’s applicable federal brochure(s). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the federal brochure. Plan features and availability may vary by location and are subject to change. Aetna does not provide care or guarantee access to health services. For more information about Aetna plans, refer to ©2019 Aetna Inc. 19.12.310.1-FED D (9/19)

Open Season Report

IMPORTANT REMINDERS FOR ALL FEHB PARTICIPANTS • RESEARCH PREFERRED PROVIDERS. Fee-for-service (FFS) plans use preferred provider organizations (PPOs) and doctors to help contain program costs and keep premiums at a reasonable rate. Usually, you will save a lot on out-of-pocket costs if you use your plan’s preferred hospitals or doctors. However, PPO arrangements are business contracts that are not always renewed. PPO arrangements can be made and also can be discontinued from one year to the next. In addition, there may not be PPO arrangements in all parts of the country. If you are enrolled in a FFS plan or thinking of enrolling in one, you should check with the hospitals and doctors you use and ask them if they are PPO providers in your plan. You also can review your plan’s PPO directory to see if your doctor or hospital is a PPO provider for your plan.

• ASK QUESTIONS. Make sure to confirm information in your plan’s brochure by speaking with a plan representative. Do not assume anything. For example, plans may describe benefits in terms of “annual” or “annually.” This would seem to mean “each year,” when, in fact, it may mean that a year must have elapsed before it will cover you again. Also, while a hospital may be a PPO for your plan, not all departments in that hospital are PPO providers. Hospitals contract out much of their emergency room, technical and lab work to other groups that may not be PPO providers for your plan, and you will pay more for their services. • ID CARDS. New plan identification cards showing your enrollment are issued by the health plan. If you do not change to another plan or option during Open Season, you don’t necessarily get a new ID card from the plan.

IMPORTANT REMINDERS FOR ANNUITANTS AND SURVIVORS • OPEN SEASON NOTIFICATION. The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will send you notification by mail or by email if you have provided OPM with your email address. Both notices will provide details on Open Season and guidance on how to obtain information and materials. • PLAN PARTICIPATION. Make sure your current plan will participate in the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) program for 2020. This is especially important if you are currently enrolled in a health maintenance organization (HMO) plan. • STAYING PUT. If, after reading your current plan’s brochure—particularly about changes and premiums for 2020—you decide to continue your current coverage, you do not have to do anything. Your enrollment in your current plan will continue into 2019, and the new premiums will be deducted from your February 1, 2020, monthly annuity payment. • MAKING A CHANGE. For Open Season changes, call the Open Season Express number provided in your FEHB Open Season notice, log on to Open Season Online at the internet address provided in


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your Open Season notice, or contact the Open Season Processing Center provided in your Open Season notice. • LOW ANNUITY. If your monthly annuity is not enough to cover your plan’s 2020 premiums, you have the option to change to a plan that you can afford. You also may pay your monthly premiums directly to OPM if you want to stay with your current plan but your monthly annuity is not sufficient to cover the premium amount. • MEDICARE ENROLLEES. Make sure you read your plan brochure’s sections titled “When You Have Medicare” and “Coordinating Benefits With Other Coverage.” Section 9 of every FEHB brochure should provide these details. Call a service representative from the plan to address any questions you might have about the coordination of your FEHB benefits with Medicare. • AGE 65 AND NOT ENROLLED IN MEDICARE. Fee-for-service (FFS) plans include a section in their brochures titled “When You Are Age 65 or Over and Do Not Have Medicare.” This section details how, by law, the plan must use Medicare’s approved amounts on which to base its payments.



he premiums for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) will increase 5.6 percent for dental and rise 1.5 percent for vision in 2020, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced October 2. FEDVIP is separate from and different from the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program. Visit www. for the most up-todate information.


There are 10 dental coverage providers: • Aetna Dental • Delta Dental Services • Dominion Dental

• FEP BlueDental (Blue Cross Blue Shield) • Humana • GEHA Connection Dental Federal • EmblemHealth, Inc. • MetLife, Inc. • Triple-S Salud • United Concordia Dental Dental plans provide comprehensive dental coverage, including preventive services covered at 100 percent when you use an in-network provider. There are no deductibles when using innetwork dentists. In addition, there is no waiting period for major services such as crowns, bridges, dentures, and implants. Under most plans, there is no 12-month waiting period or

age limit for orthodontic coverage. Please review the dental plans’ benefits material for detailed information on the benefits covered, cost-sharing requirements and provider directories.


There are four vision plan providers: • Aetna Vision Preferred • FEP BlueVision (Blue Cross Blue Shield) • United Healthcare Vision • VSP Vision Care Vision plans provide comprehensive vision coverage, including routine eye exams and vision correction without a referral. Plans also include low

FEARLESS NEVER SLOWS DOWN. Open Season is November 11 – December 9 We proudly stand with The National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) in supporting federal employees. With more healthy benefits, smart online tools and incentives, no one does more to keep active and retired federal employees healthy.

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Open Season Report

DON’T MISS THE DECEMBER ISSUE! • Specific FEHB Plan Changes * Prescription Drug Guide • Dental and Vision Plan Premiums

vision exams; eyeglass frames and lenses, or contact lenses instead of glasses, at many eye doctor offices or optical retail stores. In addition, there are lens options such as shatter-resistant polycarbonate, scratch-resistant, anti-reflective, UV coatings, and tinted and progressive lenses; and discounts on laser eye surgery. You must review the vision plans’ benefits material for detailed information on the benefits covered, costsharing requirements and provider directories.


Premiums will vary by plan and by enrollment type. Premiums for the dental plans are based on home ZIP codes. See the specific plan

brochure or call the plan’s customer service number to determine your region and premium.) There is no government contribution to FEDVIP premiums. If you are a federal employee, your premiums will be taken from your salary on a pretax basis when your salary is sufficient to make the premium withholding. If you are an annuitant, premiums will be withheld from your monthly annuity check when your annuity is sufficient. Based on the Internal Revenue Code, pretax premiums are not available for annuitants. For information on each plan’s premiums, visit healthcare-insurance/dentalvision/plan-information.


Federal and U.S. Postal Service employees eligible for the FEHB or the Health Insurance Marketplace (Exchange), unless excluded by law or regulation, are eligible to enroll in FEDVIP. Annuitants are eligible regardless of FEHB or Health Insurance Marketplace eligibility. Eligible family members include your spouse, unmarried dependent children under age 22, and unmarried dependent adult children incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical disability that existed before age 22. The Affordable Care Act does not mandate coverage under dental and vision plans for dependents up to age 26, as it does for health insurance.


ü Joint pain in the knees, feet or back ü Mobility or balance issues



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1-866-501-7942 *Not valid on previous purchases. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Not valid on refurbished models. Only valid towards purchase of a NEW Acorn Stairlift directly from the manufacturer. $250 discount will be applied to new orders. Please mention this ad when calling. AZ ROC 278722, CA 942619, MN LC670698, OK 50110, OR CCB 198506, RI 88, WA ACORNSI894OB, WV WV049654, MA HIC169936, NJ 13VH07752300, PA PA101967, CT ELV 0425003-R5, AK 134057, HIC.0656293.

56 2019_06_NARFE_Nov_HHoriz.indd | N O V 2 0 1 9


9/12/19 2:29 PM

We champion your smile Your oral health is our passion! Through our Federal Employees Dental Program, we make it easy to take care of your smile with great benefits, affordable rates and a large, nationwide network of dentists.

High Plan Offers additional coverage and an increased per-person, in-network maximum of $30,000 and adult orthodontic coverage is included.

Choose from two plan options designed to meet your oral health needs. Both plans come with 100% coverage for preventive care, like exams and cleanings, when you visit a network dentist. Check out our FEDP dentist directory to find a network dentist near you:

Standard Plan Also offers quality coverage at a low premium and a per-person, in-network maximum of $1,500.

Open season starts November 11! For coverage starting January 1, 2020, be sure to enroll in a Delta Dental plan by December 9, 2019.

Visit to learn more.

Federal Employees Dental Program is administered by the Federal Government Programs division of Delta Dental of California through its subsidiary Delta Dental Insurance Company.

Managing Money



f you’re a mutual fund investor and you hold mutual funds outside of a retirement account, such as the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) or an IRA, capital gains distributions may eat

away at the return you ultimately keep. Understanding how mutual funds work and the tax implications of capital gains distributions may help you keep more of your return in your pocket.

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that may hold dozens, or even thousands, of securities, such as stocks, in a convenient package for its shareholders. Mutual fund investors purchase shares of a mutual fund, which provides them with beneficial ownership in the underlying securities of the fund. When an individual sells a capital asset, such as a stock or mutual fund, for more than its cost, a capital gain is realized, and a capital gains tax will likely be owed. The same holds true when a mutual fund sells a capital asset, but in that case, the mutual fund distributes the capital gains to the fund’s shareholders in the form of capital gains distributions. The result is that the fund’s shareholders, not the fund itself, must report and pay tax on the gains. It’s important to understand that capital gains distributions are the result 58

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of activity within the mutual fund itself, not the activity of the mutual fund investor. Capital gains distributions may lead to a confusing and frustrating tax season, especially when a mutual fund’s return was negative for the year, but it still pays out capital gains distributions— sticking its investors with the tax bill. If you reinvest your capital gains distributions (use the distributions to purchase additional shares in the mutual fund), you adjust your cost basis so you don’t pay tax again on the reinvested distributions when you sell the mutual fund in the future. For example, if you purchased $10,000 of ACME Stock Fund and subsequently reinvested $1,000 in capital gains distributions, your adjusted cost basis is $11,000. Don’t be fooled, however— there is no economic benefit to receiving and reinvesting capital gains distributions.



When a fund distributes capital gains, the share price of the fund drops by the amount of the capital gains distributions, leaving you with the same market value despite having more shares. For example, let’s assume ACME Stock Fund is $10 per share and you own 1,000 shares for a value of $10,000. If ACME distributes 10 percent of its value (or $1 per share) as a capital gains distribution, you will receive $1,000 ($1 x 1,000 shares). At the same time, the fund’s share price drops by the amount of the capital gains distribution, reducing the share price to $9. If you reinvest, you will buy $1,000 worth of shares at $9 per share, for total of 111.11 new shares. You now have 1,111.11 shares valued at $9 per share for a total of $10,000— the same as before the distribution. While capital gains distributions are a drag on post-tax performance, there are a few things you can do to keep more of the returns. For starters, look for tax efficient funds to hold outside of retirement plans. Passive funds that track indexes, such as the Standard and Poor’s 500, tend to be more tax efficient than actively managed funds.

BENEFITS RESOURCES NARFE offers members a wide range of information on federal benefits. Visit www. and FederalBenefitsInstitute.

Rather than track an index, an actively managed mutual fund buys and sells securities in an attempt to produce better returns. Often, but not always, a fund with lower turnover (a measurement of how much a fund buys and sells) will be more tax efficient. If you have a few favorite actively managed funds, try to hold them in a retirement account and keep passive index funds in nonretirement accounts.

Pay attention when investing in mutual funds late in the year. Most capital gains distributions are paid out at the end of the year, and if you buy into a fund shortly before it pays out a distribution, you’re not going to be happy at tax time. The good news is most mutual fund companies publish an estimate of expected capital gains distributions weeks before they’re paid out. Keep an eye on the estimates. If you have a loss or small gain in a fund, it may make sense for you to dump the fund before the distributions are paid out. It’s not what you make that counts, it’s what you keep. MARK A. KEEN, CFP®, IS PARTNER, KEEN & POCOCK, AND AN INVESTMENT ADVISER REPRESENTATIVE AND REGISTERED PRINCIPAL OF THE STRATEGIC FINANCIAL ALLIANCE, INC. (SFA). SECURITIES AND ADVISORY SERVICES ARE OFFERED THROUGH SFA.

Government Issued


` 1 GAE/$165 5 GAE/$825 10 GAE/$1,650


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$20 $18.99

JAN 11 3 18.6 15.6 SEP

Special Arrangements AUG 6 16.5

JUL 11 15.2

1390 JUL 11

1520 SEP 11

1480 AUG 6




Prices and vailability subject to change due to market consideration. This offer is available to first time customers only. Quantities are limited. Limit 10 per customer. Texas Bullion Exchange, Inc. has a 10-15 day shipping policy. There is a 5-day inspection period upon arrival. Any returns after the 5-day period will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. *Spot price: The daily quoted market price of precious metals in bullion form is determined at the time of transaction by Texas Bullion Exchange, Inc.


N A R 1 1 1 9

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W W W. N A R F E . O R G




















































10 YEAR*








L 2020

L 2030

L 2040

L 2050











































10 YEAR*







RETURNS are net of the effect of accrued administrative expenses and investment expenses/costs. Source: TSP (For additional monthly returns, go to G Fund: Government securities (specially issued to the TSP) F Fund: Government, corporate and mortgage-backed bonds C Fund: Stocks of large- and medium-size U.S. companies S Fund: Stocks of small- to medium-size U.S. companies (not included in the C Fund) I Fund: International stocks of 21 developed countries L Fund: (Lifecycle) Invested in the G, F, C, S and I Funds (The proportion of L Fund balance invested in each of the individual TSP funds depends on the L Fund chosen.)


Claims Received

Inventory Monthly FYTD (Steady State Average Processing Average Processing is 13,000) Time in Days Time in Days



AUGUST 8,826 17,513 56 58 SEPTEMBER 7,142 17,628 64 59 OCTOBER 9,012 19,729 63 63 NOVEMBER 7,510 19,162 61 62 DECEMBER 5,782 18,019 60 61 JANUARY 13,264 23,121 58 60 FEBRUARY 10,792 23,370 58 57 MARCH 10,048 20,201 50 55 APRIL 6,993 17,802 56 55 MAY 7,877 17,228 62 56 JUNE 8,201 18,501 60 56 JULY 8,000 18,413 55 56 AUGUST 8.878 17,576 50 56 FOR THE NUMBER of new retirement cases the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) receives each month by agency and the percent with errors that it returns to those agencies, go to l Source: OPM 60

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For a second consecutive meeting, the Federal Reserve cut its target for short-term interest rates. The move appeased some investors who were concerned about the sustainability of the current economic expansion. However, ongoing trade tensions and geopolitical concerns continued to temper optimism in the equity markets. The C and S Funds posted gains. The I Fund also rose, although a stronger dollar hurt its performance modestly. Longer-term interest rates rose slightly, leading to a loss in the F Fund. All of the L Funds posted gains.—BY MICHAEL JERUE, FINANCIAL ANALYST, THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN


The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) showed a negligible decrease in August 2019. To calculate the 2020 costof-living adjustment (COLA), the 2019 third-quarter indices will be averaged and compared with the 2018 third-quarter average of 246.352. The percentage increase determines the COLA. August’s index, 250.112, is up 1.53 percent from the base. Benefits awarded under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) to individuals suffering work-related injuries or illnesses are adjusted according to each calendar year’s percentage change in the CPI-W. August’s index is 2.18 percent higher than the December 2018 base index of 244.786. The CPI represents purchases of food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services. Included are various government fees, such as water charges, auto registration fees, and sales and excise taxes.



Monthly % Change

% Change from 246.352 239.668

OCTOBER 2018 2017

240.573 247.038

-0.15 0.19

0.28 0.38


245.933 240.666

-0.45 0.04

-0.17 0.42


244.786 240.526

-0.47 -0.06

-0.64 0.36

JANUARY 2019 2018

245.133 241.919

0.14 0.58

-0.49 0.94


246.218 242.988


-0.05 1.39


247.768 243.463

0.63 0.20

0.57 1.58


249.332 244.607

0.63 0.47

1.21 2.06


249.871 245.770

0.22 0.48

1.43 2.55


249.747 246.196

-0.05 0.17

1.38 2.72


250.236 246.155

-0.02 0.20

1.58 2.71


250.112 246.336

-0.05 0.07

1.53 2.78





Donate to NARFE Programs Support Alzheimer’s Research NARFE members contributed for Alzheimer’s research: $14 Million Fund


*Total as of August 31, 2019 100 percent of all contributed funds go to Alzheimer’s research. If you have any questions, write to: NATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Olivia Williams 22 Garden Springs Road Columbia, SC 29209

Enclosed is my NARFE-Alzheimer’s contribution: $______________ Every cent that is contributed is used for research.

q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss q Ms. Name:____________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State:_____________________________________________________ ZIP:______________________________________________________


Chapter Number:___________________________________________


Credit Card Information:

q MasterCard



q Discover


Alzheimer’s Association 225 N. Michigan Ave., 17th Floor Chicago, IL 60601-7633

Card Number:______________________________________________

NARFE-Alzheimer’s Research


Expiration Date:_____(mm)/____ (yy) 3-Digit Security Code:______ Signature:_______________________________ Date:___ /___ /____ Name: (please print)________________________________________


FEEA 1641 Prince St. Alexandria, VA 22314

q YES!

I would like to help with my contribution.

The NARFE-FEEA Fund supports NARFE members during disasters; provides scholarships to their children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren; and funds other programs to support NARFE members at the direction of NARFE and FEEA. Enclosed is my NARFE-FEEA Fund Contribution: $______________


Name:____________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________ State:_____________________________________________________ ZIP:______________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________ To make credit card or e-check contributions, visit givenarfe.





ARFE announces the addition of two key staff members in the Business Development and Advocacy departments. Please join us in welcoming them to our organization.

ANITA NELSON recently joined NARFE as its account manager for new business development. She holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Florida State University. Anita has worked in the sales and marketing industry for many years, including managing sales and marketing in the real estate and assisted living care industries.

In her position, Anita will work with the business development team to grow NARFE’S nondues revenue through sponsorships, exhibits and advertising for events, digital media and NARFE Magazine.


a veteran grassroots advocate, joined NARFE’s advocacy department in July as the grassroots program manager. In this role, Marsha is responsible for NARFE’s federal grassroots advocacy efforts and will work closely with NARFE members across the nation. Throughout her career, Marsha has planned and executed dozens of legislative

The NARFE Federal Benefits Institute has webinars for NARFE members this Open Season discussing FEHB and Medicare and health plans. To attend the live webinars and access the on-demand sessions, benefits briefs and other free resources visit federalbenefitsinstitute.

lobby days that brought thousands of constituents to Capitol Hill. She has worked in the private, public and nonprofit sectors as an advocate for small businesses, seniors, veterans and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Marsha’s passion for educating the public about using their voice to influence public policy led her to the Transformation Talk Radio Network where she hosts Grassroots Advocacy Radio, a live radio show dedicated to informing the public about social issues that may impact their lives and communities. Marsha holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in public administration from George Mason University, and she currently is pursuing a Ph.D. in organizational leadership from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology.



ave you noticed the new NARFE newsletter in your inbox each Tuesday? NARFE NewsLine includes the best of NARFE NewsWatch and the Legislative Hotline. “We’ve combined both of our newsletters into one weekly email with advocacy updates, news about


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association activities and consumer interest pieces,” NARFE National President Kenneth J. Thomas said in the first issue, which went out on September 3. “Driven by member demand and best practices and trends in the marketing field, NARFE NewsLine is now the newsletter of NARFE.”

The newsletter goes out by email each Tuesday afternoon. If you currently are not receiving NARFE NewsLine in your email inbox, send a note to We will coordinate with Member Records to ensure you receive it each week.

2019 NARFE Fall Membership Drive

EARN CASH AND PRIZES Everybody wins!

SEPTEMBER 1-DECEMBER 31 EARN $10 FOR EVERY NEW MEMBER YOU RECRUIT Get complete details about the Fall Membership Drive at Questions? Contact

National Life Membership Application National Life Membership offers a hedge against future dues increases and affirms a member’s ongoing support of NARFE’s mission to serve federal employees and retirees. National dues are paid for life; applicable chapter dues are billed annually.

CONTACT INFORMATION o Mr. o Mrs. o Miss o Ms.

Full Name _____________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________ Apt./Unit ______________________________________________ City _______________________ State _____ ZIP _____________ Phone (__________) ____________________________________ Email ________________________________________________ Date of Birth _____ /_____ /_________ dd mm yyyy Recruiter ID # (if applicable) _______________________________ Chapter Number (if applicable) _____________________________ (call 800-456-8410 for chapter information)

MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Member Number: _________________________________

I am a (check all that apply)

o Active Federal Employee o Active Federal Employee Spouse

o Annuitant o Annuitant Spouse o Survivor Annuitant

Life Membership Fee Schedule Ages 30-39 40-50 51-55 56-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 81-90 91-100+

Single or Quarterly Payment Installments $1,796 $450.25 1,408 353.25 1,127 283.00 960 241.25 801 201.50 653 164.50 514 129.75 392 99.25 251 64.00 127 33.00

PAYMENT INFORMATION o Single Payment or o Quarterly Installments (4 payments)

Life Membership fee amount: $__________________ PAYMENT OPTIONS

o Check or Money Order (Payable to NARFE) o Charge my: o MasterCard o VISA o Discover o American Express Card No. __________________________________________

New members: Membership is open to civilians in any agency of the federal or D.C. (before Oct. 1, 1987) governments eligible for a federal annuity.

Expiration Date _____ /_______ mm yyyy

Thank you for becoming a National Member for Life. You will receive a membership card, certificate and special lapel pin. Please allow six weeks for processing. Dues payments & gift contributions to NARFE are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

Name on Card _____________________________________ Signature _________________________ Date ___________

MAIL THIS APPLICATION TO NARFE Member Services 606 N. Washington St. / Alexandria, VA 22314-1914 W W W. N A R F E . O R G



NARFE MEMBER BENEFITS • Access the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute for powerful resources to help you fully understand and manage your benefits.

Active and Retired Federal Employees ... Join NARFE Today! The only organization dedicated solely to protecting and preserving the benefits of all federal workers and retirees, NARFE informs you of any developments and proposals that affect your compensation, retirement and health benefits, AND provides clear answers to your questions.

Who Should Join NARFE?

If your future security is tied to federal retirement benefits—federal retirees, current employees, spouses and individual survivors—you should join NARFE.

• Visit the Legislative Action Center to contact your representatives about bills affecting federal benefits. • Get monthly issues of NARFE Magazine with news and insights for the federal community. • Visit the Member Perks page for a full listing of the many time-, money- and hassle-saving benefits available only to NARFE members. • The opportunity to get involved at the local level by joining a chapter in your area. 1Q6

NARFE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION YES. I want to join NARFE for the low annual dues of $40.


q Mr. q Mrs. q Miss q Ms.

PAYMENT OPTIONS q Check, Money Order or Bill Pay (Payable to NARFE) q Bill me (NARFE membership will start when payment is received.) q Charge my: q MasterCard


Full Name


Street Address Apt./Unit







q Discover


___________________________________________ Card No. Expiration Date _____ /________ mm




___________________________________________ Name on Card ___________________________________________ Signature ___________________________________________ Date



$40 Annual Dues X ___________ = ___________ Per Person # Enrolling Total Dues

I am a (check all that apply)

Dues payments are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.


q Active Federal Employee q Annuitant

q Active Federal Employee Spouse

q Annuitant Spouse

q Survivor Annuitant

q Please enroll my spouse _________________________________________

Spouse’s Full Name

LOOKING TO MEET OTHERS in the federal community and participate in NARFE at a local level? Call 800-456-8410 to learn about a NARFE chapter in your area.


Would you like to receive a FREE one-year chapter membership? Choose one: q Chapter closest to home OR q Chapter #____________


MAY WE THANK SOMEONE? Did someone introduce you to NARFE? Please provide their Name and Member ID.

Spouse’s Email

1. Complete this application and mail with your payment to NARFE Member Services / 606 N Washington St / Alexandria, VA 22314-1914.

2. Join online at 3. Call 800-456-8410, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.

___________________________________________ Recruiter’s Name ___________________________________________ Recruiter’s Membership ID NARFE respects the privacy of our members. Personal information is used to provide content and relevant communications to our members, and will not be sold or rented to third parties. (08/19)

NARFE’s Dues Withholding Program What is dues withholding? It is a dues-payment method available to retired NARFE members, their spouses and annuitant survivors giving them the option to have their annual NARFE membership dues deducted from their annuities each month. Advantages • Save 15% off your annual NARFE dues • Sign up your spouse and double your savings • You’ll never get another dues reminder from us • Your monthly payment is affordable and convenient • You may cancel your dues withholding at any time

How does it work? One-twelfth of your total dues is automatically deducted from your monthly annuity. Your monthly deduction is determined by the following formula: ($34 NARFE dues ÷ 12) + (Chapter dues - if applicable ÷ 12) = total monthly deduction How do I sign up? It takes 60-90 days to process your application. Once the process is complete, you will receive a special membership card distinguishing you as a NARFE dues-withholding member. To learn more about dues withholding, call 800-456-8410.

NARFE Dues Withholding Application for NARFE Members who are Retirees, Spouses of Retirees or Annuitant Survivors Complete this section ONLY if you are signing up for Dues Withholding. If so, DO NOT send payment

o YES. I want to enroll in NARFE’s Dues Withholding Program.

NARFE dues of $34 (a 15% discount off NARFE dues) and chapter dues, if applicable, to be withheld annually. Civil Service Annuity Number

Social Security Number (9-digit number)


– o Mr. o Mrs. o Miss o Ms.

Full Name ____________________________________ Street Address ________________________________ Apt./Unit _____________________________________ City _________________________ State _____ ZIP __

Date of Birth _________ /_________ /__________________ mm



(Include prefix, CSA or CSF) (Include any applicable suffix)


NARFE Membership ID _______________________________ NARFE Chapter Number ______________________________

o YES. I also authorize my (NARFE member) spouse’s dues to

be withheld from my annuity. (Additional annual dues of $34 and chapter dues, if applicable, to be withheld annually. If YES, enter spouse’s information below.)

Phone (__________) ___________________________ Email _______________________________________


Complete ONLY if signing up for Dues Withholding option.

Spouse’s Name ____________________________________ _________________________________________________ Spouse’s Membership ID _____________________________ Spouse’s Email _____________________________________

AUTHORIZATION (Withholding will begin in 60-90 days). Send NO PAYMENT with Dues Withholding Application! I authorize the United States Office of Personnel Management to make appropriate deductions from my annuity payments, not to exceed the amount certified by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association as the amount of dues for which I am annually obligated, in accordance with elections I made above, and to pay the deducted sum to the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE). This authorization shall also apply to any and all dues changes certified by NARFE membership in accordance with elections I made. Please allow 60-90 days for processing. I understand that this authorization shall be valid until NARFE receives and processes my written notice of cancellation in accordance with its agreement with the Office of Personnel Management and that any disputes regarding this authorization shall be a matter between NARFE and myself. I hold the Office of Personnel Management harmless for any erroneous allotment deduction made pursuant to this authorization. ___________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________

Signature of Annuitant or Survivor-Annuitant


Dues payments and gifts or contributions to NARFE are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

MAIL THIS FORM TO: NARFE, ATTN: Member Services, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314-1914 800-456-8410

Do not send money with this form

(DW-2 06/19)

Member Perks Perks Member

SAVE MONEY WITH NARFE PERKS NARFE appreciates your service, and so do businesses across the country. Whether you are planning your next vacation or planning for retirement, members can save money on everyday purchases, thanks to our Affinity Partners. It’s just one more way we’re able to say “thank you” for being a NARFE member.

PUT YOUR NARFE MEMBERSHIP TO WORK Money-saving discounts that benefit you. For a complete list of Member Perks, visit 66

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INSURANCE: NARFE Insurance Services 1-800-233-5764

Plans administered by Mercer Health offering life, short term recovery, pet, travel, vision and hospital insurance policies.



Discover how Nationwide’s suite of insurance solutions can help protect your financial future.

TRAVEL: Choice Hotels International 1-800-258-2847

Receive 20% off of your next stay when you use the special rate id 00801967.

Alamo 1-800-462-5266

Drive Happy with Alamo, where NARFE members receive year-round discounts using contract id 262544.

Avis 1-800-633-3469

Avis has 5,500 locations worldwide. Get discounted rate using the AWD number A701900.

MemberDeals 1-877-579-1201

Exclusive discounts on nationwide attractions and entertainment.

WELLNESS: Brookdale Senior Living 813-440-8415

Discounts on memory care, independent and assisted living communities, and more throughout the U.S. Offer good on new move-ins only.



1-800-324-9906 Call and mention code BKHN075 or go online to schedule your health screening appointment.

PERSONAL SERVICES: Allied Van Lines – Coleman Worldwide 800-239-4099, ext. 99445 Discounted moving services across the United States.

Office Depot/Office Max

1-855-337-6811, ext. 2897

Save up to 80% on more than 93,000 products. Shop online or in any Office Depot or Office Max Store.

Verizon Fios

Verizon Fios offers NARFE members that are new customers to Verizon Fios a discount on the double and triple play packages IF the new account is opened online using the link found at

W W W. N A R F E . O R G



PHOTOGRAPHING THE PRESIDENT In this photo from 1969, Oliver F. Atkins, along with a member of the White House Photo Office (WHPO) staff, compares pictures of Pat and Richard Nixon. Atkins served as the WHPO director and chief White House photographer for President Richard Nixon from 1969 to 1974. This photograph was taken during Nixon’s 1972 campaign. The chief official White House photographer is appointed by the president and is responsible for documenting the president’s official duties. Shealah Craighead is the current photographer and the 11th individual to hold the title. PHOTO from the Records of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, National Archives, courtesy of Rachel Rosenfeld , the National Archives History Office; in collaboration with the Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG), bringing together government professionals, academics, consultants, students and citizens interested in understanding federal history work and the historical development of the federal government. To join, visit


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DID YOU KNOW? The first photo of a president in office was taken on March 4, 1841, and it shows William Henry Harrison on Inauguration Day. The only known copy of this image is held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The official White House photographer position was established in 1961. Visit

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Your life is active. Your life is Your life is active. active. You deserve You You deserve deserve hearing aids that hearing aids hearing aids that that can keep up. can keep can keep up. up.

Pay nothing on over 250 hearing aid styles! Pay nothing on over 250 hearing aid Pay nothing on over 250 hearing aid styles! styles! Access all the newest & best technology at HearUSA. Access all the newest & best technology at Access all the newest & best technology at HearUSA. HearUSA. HearUSA offers more than 250 styles of hearing aids HearUSA offers more than 250 styles of hearing aids HearUSA offers more than 250 styles of hearing from every major manufacturer, available withaids no from every major manufacturer, available with no from every major manufacturer, available with no out-of-pocket expense for NARFE members with Aetna, out-of-pocket expense for NARFE members with Aetna, out-of-pocket expense NARFE members Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shieldforand GEHA health with insurance. Blue Cross Blue Shield and GEHA health insurance. Blue Crossmembers Blue Shield and GEHA insurance. All NARFE are entitled to thehealth HearUSA Affinity All NARFE members are entitled to the HearUSA Affinity All NARFE members are entitled to the HearUSA Affinity Partner Discount Program! Partner Discount Program! Partner Discount Program! With more than 30 years in hearing care, HearUSA has With more than 30 years in hearing care, HearUSA has With more than 301years in people hearingexperience care, HearUSA has helped more than million a better helped more than 1 million people experience a better helped more than 1 million quality of life through better people hearing.experience a better quality of life through better hearing. quality of life through better hearing.

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Schedule your FREE hearing appointment: Schedule Schedule your your FREE FREE hearing hearing appointment: appointment:

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*This is not insurance and insurance benefits vary. Some restrictions apply. 1 year battery supply with purchase of hearing aids. Offer valid at participating HearUSA providers only. Call for details. *This is not insurance and insurance benefits vary. Some restrictions apply. 1 year battery supply with purchase of hearing aids. Offer valid at participating HearUSA providers only. Call for details. *This is not insurance and insurance benefits vary. Some restrictions apply. 1 year battery supply with purchase of hearing aids. Offer valid at participating HearUSA providers only. Call for details.

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