January/February 2024 NARFE Magazine

Page 1


January/February 2024 VOLUME 100 ★ NUMBER 1

P. 20

Resolve to Get Fit P. 32 See How the Other Half Works: Public-Private Exchanges

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RESOLVE TO GET FIT Why is exercise so important? How much exercise, and what kind should an older adult do? We look at how to get started in 2024, and how to keep going.

SEE HOW THE OTHER HALF WORKS Public-private talent exchanges are a promising strategy for government effectiveness. While it benefits federal agencies to learn from private-sector industries, there are challenges in getting started.

Washington Watch


6 Equal COLAs: Protecting

4 From the President

Retirement Income in an Inflationary World

18 Benefits Brief

7 Federal Retirement Fairness

40 Managing Money

Act Bridges Gap for Temporary Federal Workers

8 A Progress Report on Key

NARFE Legislative Campaigns

9 Telework Reform Act of 2023 Introduced

10 Bill Proposes Significant

Increase in Death Gratuity for Fallen Federal Employees

11 Bill Tracker


January/February 2024 VOLUME 100 ★ NUMBER 1

P. 20

Resolve to Get Fit


P. 32 See How the Other Half Works: Public-Private Exchanges

5 NARFE Online 14 Questions & Answers

ON THE COVER Illustration by TGD

15 Countdown to COLA 42 NARFE News 46 NARFE Perks 48 The Way We Worked

Connect with us! Visit us online at www.narfe.org Like us on Facebook NARFE National Headquarters Follow us on Twitter @narfehq

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REGION I Jeff Anliker

CREATIVE SERVICES MANAGER Beth Bedard CONTENT MANAGER Matt Sanderson ADDITIONAL GRAPHIC DESIGN TGD EDITORIAL BOARD William Shackelford, Kathryn E. Hensley, Johann De Castro CONTACT US NARFE Magazine 606 North Washington St. Alexandria, VA 22314-1914 Phone: 703-838-7760 Fax: 703-838-7781 Editorial: communications@narfe.org Advertising Sales: Francine Garner advertising@narfe.org

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NATIONAL OFFICERS WILLIAM SHACKELFORD President; natpres@narfe.org KATHRYN E. HENSLEY Secretary/Treasurer; natsectreas@narfe.org


(Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont) Tel: 413-813-8136 Email: jeff.anliker@outlook.com

REGION II Larry Walton (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania) Tel: 443-831-1791 Email: rvp2@narfe.org

REGION III Lynn Harper (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Puerto Rico) Tel: 478-951-3260 Email: lynn_harper@msn.com

REGION IV Robert L. Helfrich (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and Wisconsin) Tel: 317-501-1700 Email: rlhelfrich@yahoo.com

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EMAIL fedbenefits@narfe.org

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(Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington) Tel: 425-344-3926 Email: stevenroy1@yahoo.com

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NARFE Magazine (ISSN 1948-4453) is published monthly except in February and July by the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE), 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. Periodicals postage paid at Alexandria, VA, and additional mailing offices. Members: Annual dues includes subscription. Nonmember subscription rate $48. Postmaster: Send address change to: NARFE Attn: Member Records, 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314. To ensure prompt delivery, members should also forward changes of address without delay. Because of the volume involved, NARFE cannot acknowledge nor be responsible for unsolicited pictures and manuscripts, although every reasonable precaution is taken. All submissions become the property of NARFE. Copyright © 2024, NARFE. Advertisements in the magazine are not endorsements of products and/or services by NARFE, unless officially stated in the ad. We shall accept advertising on the same basis as other reputable publications: that is, we shall not knowingly permit a dishonest advertisement to appear in NARFE Magazine, but at the same time we will not undertake to guarantee the reliability of our advertisers.



Hearing Health Care

From the President NARFE’S MISSION STATEMENT To support legislation and regulations beneficial to federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants under any federal civilian retirement system and to oppose those detrimental to their interests. To promote the general welfare of federal civilian employees and annuitants and potential annuitants, to advise and assist them with respect to their rights under retirement, health and other employee and retiree benefits laws and regulations, and to represent their interests before appropriate authorities. To cooperate with other organizations and associations in furtherance of these general objectives.

Let’s Look Ahead to an Interesting Year


irst, let me wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2024. I want to begin with some suggestions for New Year’s

resolutions, which, if you embrace them, will be beneficial not only to our association but also to you personally. The first resolution refers to FEDcon24, our national conference in St. Louis, Mo. Planning is underway at NARFE headquarters as we prepare for FEDcon24. You will find a great deal of information in your magazine in the coming months. I hope you will try to join us in St. Louis from August 18-20. We’ll be at the Hyatt Regency St. Louis at The Arch. This is an outstanding facility for holding our conference. The guest rooms, the meeting rooms, and the conference areas are all under one roof, so there will be minimal walking. In future magazine issues, you will receive details on the hotel and conference registration. The second resolution urges all of you to participate in the national decision-making. Some difficult choices need to be made if we are to continue as a viable organization dedicated to serving federal employees and retirees in future years. The National Bylaws Committee is currently receiving amendment proposals. As you know, this is an election year, and you will receive statements from candidates for national and regional positions. I believe that this is going to be one of the most essential NARFE national conferences in the history of our association.



It should prove to be very significant for our future. Please make a New Year’s resolution to help promote NARFE’s legislative agenda at the grassroots level and recruit new members. I don’t have to tell you that 2023 was a very political year, with heated debates on both sides of several issues critically important to federal employees and retirees. At press time in November, there was still some uncertainty related to the funding process for 2024. Still, we feel confident that we can continue to protect federal employee and retiree benefits. I hope all members will remember in 2024 that while NARFE is political, we are nonpartisan. We work with all members of Congress who support our members and goals. We must be vigilant as we prepare for the second year of the 118th Congress. Numbers give us more clout on Capitol Hill, and we know we will have to wield that clout in the year ahead. Your involvement makes us strong. I thank you for all your past efforts and ask for your continuing support. On behalf of all of us at NARFE headquarters, I wish you a very Happy New Year, and I look forward with hope and determination to what we can accomplish in 2024.


NARFE Online READ NARFE MAGAZINE ONLINE NARFE’S website offers a digital flipbook of this and previous issues. You can read the magazine online on your computer, phone or tablet, or download it to peruse later. www.narfe.org/magazine-issues

Save More with NARFE Perks


hether you are dreaming of your next vacation, looking to move closer to family, switching cell phone carriers or planning for retirement, you can save money on everyday purchases

with special discounts from our Affinity Partners. With nearly 30 exclusive discounts, you’ll find services and products you need to help you achieve and maintain the best possible quality of life.

And remember: Taking advantage of just one offer could more than pay for your annual membership. Visit www.narfe.org/perks (or see p. 46) to see how your savings could add up.


Get the most recent monthly and annual Thrift Savings Plan returns (G, F, C, S, I and L Funds) online at www.narfe. org/tsp-funds.

STAY INFORMED Want to stay on top of key federal news and benefits information? Subscribe to NARFE Daily News Clips. This newsletter features breaking news and informative articles from various outlets curated just for NARFE members, as well as NARFE media statements, op-eds and more. Visit www.narfe.org/clips.


Find out how many retirement claims OPM Retirement Services receives and processes each month, with average processing times and total inventory, at www.narfe.org/opm-processing.

CATCH UP ON WEBINARS Miss a webinar? NARFE’s webinar archive includes videos, slides and transcripts of question-and-answer sessions for NARFE Federal Benefits webinars dating to January 2019. Find them at www.narfe.org/ webinar-archive.



Washington Watch Washington Watch

Equal COLAs: Protecting Retirement Income in an Inflationary World


n an era marked by fluctuating economic conditions and rising costs of living, securing financial stability during retirement has become an increasingly challenging

endeavor. For millions of retirees, particularly those under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) and Social Security, the annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) is a lifeline that helps maintain the purchasing power of their hard-earned pensions. However, not all federal retirees enjoy the same level of protection when it comes to COLAs. THE NECESSITY OF COLAS

In an official statement, NARFE National President William Shackelford emphasized the critical role of COLAs, especially for retirees on fixed incomes. He noted that such individuals are among the most vulnerable in society when faced with the challenges posed by rising inflation. Recent years have seen inflation rates soar, placing a significant burden on retirees’ financial wellbeing. While there has been some moderation in inflation, the impact continues to be substantial. Shackelford pointed out that the threat of inflation to


seniors’ livelihoods is real and cannot be ignored.


The root of the problem lies in the disparate treatment of


COLAs for different categories of retirees. The 2024 COLA announcement brings this disparity into sharp focus. On October 12, 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released its September 2023 consumer price index data, which determined COLAs affecting 2024 federal payments. CSRS annuitants and Social Security beneficiaries are set to receive a COLA increase of 3.2%, and Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) annuitants will receive a 2.2% increase. For FERS retirees, the situation is less favorable because their COLAs are capped at 2% when consumer prices rise between 2% and 3%. When

JANUARY/FEBRUARY ACTION ALERT: SUPPORT EQUAL COLA ACT, H.R. 866/S.3194 FOR FAIR RETIREMENT SECURITY Visit NARFE’s Legislative Action Center at www.narfe.org to message your lawmakers urging them to cosponsor the Equal COLA Act, H.R. 866/S.3194. This vital bill seeks to rectify the unfair policy that limits cost-ofliving adjustments (COLAs) for Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees. Ensure retirees’ financial security by supporting a fair COLA system that preserves the value of their retirement annuities, aligning FERS COLAs with CSRS and Social Security beneficiary adjustments.

MYTH VS. REALITY MYTH: The Equal COLA Act’s change in cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) would only have a minimal impact on future annuity payments. REALITY: The Equal COLA Act, H.R. 866/S.3194, would provide Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees COLAs equal to the recorded change in consumer prices. Currently, FERS retirees do not receive a full COLA when prices increase above 2%—receiving 2% if prices increase between 2% and 3%, and the change in prices minus 1 percentage point if prices increase by more than 3%. While that may appear to be a small amount, the difference in annuity payments compounds over time, and could result in a loss of more than $100,000 in retirement income for a typical annuitant over the course of their retirement.

prices increase by 3% or more, FERS COLAs are reduced by 1 percentage point. This policy, enacted in the 1980s with the creation of FERS, fails to provide FERS annuities with the same level of protection as their CSRS counterparts.


NARFE firmly supports the Equal COLA Act, H.R. 866/S.3194, which aims to rectify this unjust policy and bring FERS retirees’ COLAs in line with the full COLAs received by CSRS retirees and Social Security beneficiaries. The proposed legislation seeks to eliminate the arbitrary caps and reductions in FERS COLAs, ensuring that FERS retirees can fully benefit from COLAs as intended.

NARFE is committed to working closely with Congress to advance policies that strengthen COLAs and protect them from unwarranted attempts to weaken them. Shackelford emphasized that COLAs serve as a valuable tool to safeguard retirees’ financial well-being and prevent the erosion of their purchasing power over time.


The annual COLA is determined by comparing the year-over-year change in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). This calculation is based on the average of the third-quarter months of July, August, and September. The CPI-W measures increases in the

prices of various consumer goods, including food, housing, clothing, transportation, health care, recreation, education, communication, and more. The Equal COLA Act represents a crucial step toward ensuring fairness and equity in COLAs for federal retirees. As inflation continues to affect the cost of living for retirees, addressing this issue becomes paramount to safeguarding the financial security of those who dedicated their careers to public service. The protection of retirement income is not just a matter of financial prudence; it reflects our society’s commitment to honoring those who have served the nation faithfully. —BY IVANA SARA, GRASSROOTS PROGRAM MANAGER

Federal Retirement Fairness Act Bridges Gap for Temporary Federal Workers


eps. Derek Kilmer, D-WA, Gerry Connolly, D-VA, Don Bacon, R-NE, and David Valadao, R-CA, reintroduced the Federal Retirement Fairness Act (FRFA) on October 19 to allow federal workers with “temporary” service who transitioned to permanent work to obtain credit

towards retirement for their earlier temporary work. The FRFA is designed to bridge a retirement gap that affects individuals who started their federal careers as temporary workers after 1988, rendering them unable to contribute to retirement plans during that period. This

legislation presents a solution by enabling these workers to make catch-up contributions, ensuring they can retire with credit for their “temporary” work. The absence of this provision has left many federal employees with a challenging dilemma: SEE FRFA ON P. 10 NARFE MAGAZINE www.NARFE.org


Washington Watch Washington Watch NARFE GRASSROOTS ADVOCACY LEARN MORE about how you can take action to protect your earned pay and benefits by reviewing NARFE Grassroots materials at www.narfe.org/advocacy.

A Progress Report on Key NARFE Legislative Campaigns


ARFE persists in its unwavering commitment to advocate tirelessly for a secure and equitable future for all federal workers and retirees. Below is an update on the status of several of our most pivotal legislative campaigns.


The Social Security Fairness Act aims to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO), two Social Security penalties that have burdened public servants for four decades. With bipartisan support from over 300 cosponsors, and counting (as of November 2023), this bill is eligible for the House Consensus Calendar rule process, requiring committee advancement or a floor vote. As of press time, Rep. Garrett Graves, R-LA, has indicated he was holding off on setting that process in motion in an effort to work with the House Ways and Means Committee on a path forward. Recent developments in the status of H.R. 82 have bolstered our cause. Graves, Rep. Abigail Spanberger, D-VA, and 98 members of Congress have formally requested that the committee hold a hearing on H.R. 82. This critical move is a testament to the growing support for the legislation. A potential committee hearing on this vital issue offers hope to those impacted by these unfair penalties, marking a significant step toward progress. The WEP/GPO repeal is vital for those on fixed incomes, including teachers, first responders, and 8

state employees. The upcoming committee hearing on H.R. 82 presents a promising opportunity to advance this legislation and offer relief to those affected by these unfair penalties. It stresses the importance of NARFE members continuing to urge bi-partisan support in both chambers.


The Federal Retirement Fairness Act (FRFA), reintroduced by Reps. Derek Kilmer, D-WA, Gerry Connolly, D-VA), Don Bacon, R-NE, and David Valadao, R-CA), stands as a beacon of hope for federal workers who embarked on their careers as temporary employees after 1988. This pivotal legislation offers a solution by allowing temporary workers to make catch-up contributions, ensuring their invaluable “temporary” work counts toward their retirement. At NARFE, we firmly believe that retirement planning should acknowledge and reward all public service time. The FRFA is a reintroduced issue campaign that NARFE members can actively support. It allows them to make their voices heard by urging their representatives to stand behind this vital measure.

EQUAL COLA ACT, H.R. 866/ S. 3194

The Equal COLA Act is vital legislation to rectify the disparities in cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) among federal retirees. This bill seeks to ensure that COLA increases are applied uniformly to


all federal retirees, addressing a long-standing issue. In the latest development regarding this crucial legislation, Sen. Alex Padilla, D-CA, has introduced a Senate companion bill, S. 3194, to H.R. 866 in the House. The introduction of S. 3194 can expedite the legislative process, bringing NARFE closer to eliminating the disparities in COLAs. In the House, H.R. 866 has 42 cosponsors, already more than the 34 cosponsors that the bill earned through the end of the previous Congress. NARFE wholeheartedly supports Congressman Connolly’s and Sen. Padilla’s initiatives to secure full COLAs for all federal workers in retirement. This legislative endeavor aligns with our commitment to advocating for the rights and well-being of federal retirees, ensuring they receive the benefits they deserve.


Starting in January 2024, FLTCIP enrollees will face substantial premium increases. Over 265,000 federal workers and retirees will be affected. These premium hikes, far exceeding initial quotes, raise concerns about the program’s promised stability. NARFE is calling for congressional hearings to “examine the reasons behind premium increases, authorize premium relief for affected enrollees, and recognize the federal government’s responsibility as the program’s sponsor to ensure fair and equitable treatment for enrollees.”

As NARFE remains at the forefront of these essential campaigns, our dedication to preserving our federal community’s financial

stability and retirement certainty stands resolute. Together, we are on a mission to forge a more promising tomorrow for all those

who have dedicated their professional lives to the noble cause of public service. —BY IVANA SARA, GRASSROOTS PROGRAM MANAGER

Telework Reform Act of 2023 Introduced


he Telework Reform Act of 2023, S. 3015, introduced by Sen. James Lankford, R-OK, on October 4, aims to amend title 5 of the U.S. Code to address telework for federal employees and introduce reforms related to remote work arrangements. The bill revises the definitions of “remote work” and “telework” to provide clear distinctions. “Remote work” refers to employees performing their duties from an approved worksite other than their usual location, which may include their residence.

“Telework” encompasses remote work and extends to other approved worksites. The legislation mandates that executive agencies offer telework agreements to eligible employees for one year, subject to annual review. Agencies must consider changes in job scope, employee performance, and agency needs when renewing these agreements. Additionally, agencies would be required to provide training on remote work and telework, including accurate reporting of employee remote work and telework usage.


It also mandates training for managers and supervisors on performance management and accurate reporting, which in turn would be evaluated through biannual surveys. S. 3015 focuses on enhancing telework and remote work opportunities for federal employees while ensuring transparency, accountability, and security in these arrangements. It emphasizes training, guidelines, and continuous evaluation to improve the telework experience for both employees and agencies. —BY IVANA SARA, GRASSROOTS PROGRAM MANAGER

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To comply with federal law, we must use our best efforts to obtain, maintain and submit the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 each calendar year. NARFE-PAC is for the benefit of political candidates and activities on a national level. NARFE members have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal, and NARFE will neither favor nor disadvantage anyone based on the amount of a contribution or failure to make a voluntary contribution. The suggested amounts are only suggestions and not enforceable. Only members of NARFE may contribute to the PAC. Contributions from non-members will be returned. NARFE-PAC contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.



Washington Watch LEGISLATIVE RESOURCES NARFE NewsLine – A weekly newsletter that goes out to NARFE members on Tuesdays and includes weekly recaps of legislative news, compiled by NARFE’s advocacy and communications teams. LEGISLATIVE ACTION CENTER – Send a letter to Congress, and more, at www.narfe.org/action.

Bill Proposes Significant Increase in Death Gratuity for Fallen Federal Employees


he “Honoring Civil Servants Killed in the Line of Duty Act,” H.R. 5883/S.3029, introduced by Reps. Gerry Connolly, D-VA, and Brian Fitzpatrick, R-PA, in the House, and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-AZ, in the Senate, aims to significantly increase death gratuities and funeral allowances for federal employees who tragically lose their lives while serving the nation. If passed, this bill will ensure that the families of these dedicated civil servants receive greater financial support during their time of loss. Specifically, the bill would provide an enhanced death gratuity payment of $100,000 to beneficiaries of federal employees who die in the line of duty without any reduction due to other benefits. Currently set at $100,000, this gratuity would be adjusted annually each March 1 based on the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) to account for changes in the cost of living. This ensures that the families of federal employees receive a death

gratuity that retains its value over time.


those who began as temporary workers and later turned full-time had to toil much longer for equal retirement benefits. NARFE thanks Rep. Kilmer for championing a fairer retirement system, letting these individuals “buy back” non-contributory years.

either retire without complete retirement benefits or postpone retirement until they can achieve full benefits. NARFE believes that all public service time should count for retirement. However, since 1989, 10

IF PASSED, THIS BILL WILL ENSURE THAT THE FAMILIES OF THESE DEDICATED CIVIL SERVANTS RECEIVE GREATER FINANCIAL SUPPORT DURING THEIR TIME OF LOSS. To qualify for this enhanced death gratuity, the death of the federal employee must result from injuries sustained while on duty, excluding cases of willful misconduct, intention to cause harm, or intoxication by the employee. The bill also specifies the order of precedence for distributing death gratuity payments. The beneficiary designated by the employee would be the first recipient, followed by the surviving


spouse, children, parents, the estate executor, and, if none of these apply, the person designated by state law. Additionally, the bill addresses funeral expenses for federal employees who die in the line of duty. It increases the amount allocated for funeral expenses from $800 to $8,800, with annual adjustments based on the percentage change in the CPI-U. H.R. 5883/S.3029 would provide more significant financial support to the families of federal employees who make the ultimate sacrifice while performing their duties. By increasing the death gratuity and ensuring a clear distribution plan, it seeks to honor the service and dedication of federal civil servants. This proposed legislation underscores a deep commitment to recognizing and honoring the sacrifices made by federal employees and their families, reaffirming the nation’s dedication to supporting those who serve. —BY IVANA SARA, GRASSROOTS PROGRAM MANAGER

Visit our Legislative Action Center at www.narfe.org/action to take action to urge support for the FRFA and ensure equal retirement benefits! —BY JOHN HATTON, STAFF VICE PRESIDENT, POLICY AND PROGRAMS



BILL NUMBER / NAME / SPONSOR H.R.159/S.59: Chance to Compete Act of 2023 / Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-NC / Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-AZ Cosponsors: H.R. 159: 3 (D) 2 (R) S. 59: 1 (D) 2 (R) 0 (I)

H.R. 1002/S. 399: Saving the Civil Service Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Tim Kaine, D-VA Cosponsors: H.R. 1002: 17 (D) 3 (R) S. 399: 15 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)


H.R. 1487: The Strengthening the Office of Personnel Management Reform Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA Cosponsors: H.R. 1487: 1 (D) 0 (R)

H.R. 3115/S. 1496: Public Service Reform Act / Rep. Chip Roy, R-TX / Sen. Rick Scott, R-FL Cosponsors: H.R. 3115: 0 (D) 14 (R) S. 1496: 0 (D) 1 (R) 0 (I)



Implements merit-based reforms to the Passed the House under civil service hiring system that replace suspension of the rules degree-based hiring with skills- and 1/24/2023 competency-based hiring. Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 1/24/2023

Prevents any position in the federal competitive service, created after September 30, 2020, from being reclassified into the excepted service, outside the protection of merit system rules without the express consent of Congress. The bill also requires the consent of an employee to be reclassified, mandates reporting of conversions to the Office of Personnel Management, and places caps on the number of employees converted to the excepted service via Schedule C.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 2/15/2023 Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 2/14/2023

Referred to the House Codifies several recommendations Committee on Oversight for OPM by the National Academy of and Accountability 3/9/2023 Public Administration (NAPA), such as clarifying that OPM stands at the center of federal civilian human resource management and ensuring the director of OPM possesses human capital and leadership expertise.

Would make all federal employees at-will and enable workers to be removed for good cause, bad cause or no cause at all. The legislation would also abolish the Merit System Protections Board and limit removal appeals to claims of whistleblower retaliation and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaints before the US Court of Appeals.

NARFE’s Position:

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 5/5/2023 Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 5/9/2023



No position








H.R. 82/S. 597: The Social Security Fairness Act / Rep. Garret Graves, R-LA / Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-OH

Repeals both the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).

Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. 1/9/2023

Reforms the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) by providing a monthly rebate of $150 to current beneficiaries (age 62 or older before 2025) and creating a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEP-affected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2025).

Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 6/21/2023

Expands and strengthens Social Security benefits, improves solvency of the Social Security trust funds, repeals the Windfall Elimination Provisions and Government Pension Offset, and provides numerous other Social Security related improvements.

Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Education and the Workforce, and Energy and Commerce 7/12/2023

Reforms the WEP by providing a monthly payment of $100 to current WEP-affected beneficiaries and $50 for an affected spouse or child. Creates a new formula to calculate benefits for future WEP-affected individuals (turning 62 in or after 2025).

Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means 9/5/2023

Requires Social Security and federal retirement programs to use the Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) to calculate cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) to retirement benefits.

Referred to the House Committees on Ways and Means, Veterans’ Affairs, Oversight and Accountability, and Armed Services 2/1/2023

Provides Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) retirees with the same annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) as Civil Serve Retirement System (CSRS) retirees.

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 2/8/2023

Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance 3/1/2023

Cosponsors: H.R. 82: 201 (D) 99 (R) S. 597: 39 (D) 7 (R) 3 (I) H.R. 4260: The Public Servants Protection and Fairness Act / Rep. Richard Neal, D-MA Cosponsors: H.R. 4260: 102 (D) 0 (R)


H.R. 4583/S. 2280: Social Security 2100 Act / Rep. John Larson, D-CT / Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-CT Cosponsors: H.R. 4583: 179 (D) 0 (R) S. 2280: 4 (D) 0 (R) 0 (I) H.R. 5342: Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2023 / Rep. Jodey Arrington, R-TX Cosponsors: 1 (D) 27 (R)

H.R. 716: The Fair COLA for Seniors Act / Rep. John Garamendi, D-CA Cosponsors: H.R. 716: 37 (D) 0 (R) FEDERAL ANNUITIES

H.R. 866 / S. 3194: The Equal COLA Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Alex Padilla, D-CA Cosponsors: H.R. 866: 39 (D) 3 (R) S. 3194: 4 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I)

NARFE’s Position:



Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance 7/12/2023



No position






Provides federal employees H.R. 536/ S. 124: The Federal with an 8.7% average pay raise Adjustment of Income Rates (FAIR) Act / Rep. Gerry Connolly, in 2024. D-VA / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI Cosponsors: H.R. 536: 76 (D) 1(R) S. 124: 19 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I) H.R. 856/ S. 274: Comprehensive Paid Leave for Federal Employees Act / Rep. Don Beyer, D-VA / Sen Brian Schatz, D-HI

Extends paid leave to federal and postal employees for all conditions covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).


Cosponsors: H.R. 1301: 3 (D) 0 (R) S. 640 15 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I) H.R. 5883 / S. 3029: Honoring Civil Servants Killed in the Line of Duty Act of 2023 / Rep. Gerald Connolly, D-VA / Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-AZ Cosponsors: H.R. 5883: 0 (D) 1 (R) S. 3029: 1 (D) 2 (R) 0 (I)

H.R. 5995: The Federal Retirement Fairness Act) / Rep. Derek Kilmer (D-WA) / Gerry Connolly (D-VA) / Don Bacon (R-NE) / David Valadao (R-CA)

Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 1/26/2023 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Veteran’s Affairs and House Administration 2/7/2023 Referred to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 2/7/2023

Cosponsors: H.R. 856: 33 (D) 3 (R) S.274: 10 (D) 0 (R) 1 (I) H.R. 1301/ S. 640: Federal Employees Civil Relief Act / Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-WA / Sen. Brian Schatz, D-HI

Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 1/26/2023

Protects federal workers and contractors from a variety of civil financial penalties during a lapse in appropriations or a breach of the debt ceiling.

Referred to the House Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Financial Services, Ways and Means, Judiciary, Education and Workforce, and House Administration 3/1/2023 Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance 3/2/2023

Aims to significantly increase death gratuities and funeral allowances for federal employees who tragically lose their lives while serving the nation. This bill would ensure that the families of dedicated civil servants receive greater financial support during their time of loss.

Referred to Committee on Homeland Security & Government Affairs 10/4/23

Allow federal employees who started their careers as temporary workers, but transitioned to permanent work, to buy credit towards retirement for their temporary work. The FRFA enables these workers to make catch-up contributions, ensuring they can retire as planned.

Referred to House Committee on Oversight and Accountability 10/25/23

NARFE’s Position:



No position



Questions Questions&&Answers Answers


THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS & ANSWERS were compiled by NARFE’s Federal Benefits Institute experts. NARFE does not provide legal, financial planning or tax advice or assistance.




I am younger than 50 and have more than 20 years of federal law enforcement service under FERS but less than 25 years. If I separate now, when will I qualify for my deferred retirement? Will I receive the special group formula for a deferred retirement? Law enforcement officers, firefighters, air traffic controllers, and members of Congress who separate from service subject to the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) for reasons other than misconduct with 20 years of service as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, air traffic controller, or member may receive a deferred annuity at the FERS Minimum Retirement Age (MRA) with no reduction for age. Your MRA is 57 if you were born in 1970 or later. For those born earlier, the MRA is between 55 and 57, refer to the chart here: https://www.opm.gov/ retirement-center/fers-information/eligibility/. Unfortunately, the retirement benefit computation formula for special category employees is only used for employees who retire with entitlement to an immediate retirement, which begins within 30 days from the day you stop working for the federal government. A deferred retirement does not qualify for coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) or the Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) programs. A deferred retirement also does not include the FERS Retirement Annuity Supplement (RAS), and it




won’t have any unused sick leave for annuity computation purposes. If you decide to separate from federal service now, you might want to consider returning later and then retire once you are old enough for an immediate retirement under FERS. In your case, this would be on or after age 50 since you already completed the service requirement of 20 years in a covered law enforcement position. You don’t need to return to a special category position if you are at least age 50. You will qualify for immediate retirement with the special group formula and potentially be eligible to continue health and life insurance benefits as long as you are covered for the last five years of your federal service. You would also be entitled to receive the FERS RAS and any unused sick leave credit for the computation of your annuity (unreduced for early age). Alternatively, you could continue your federal service as a law enforcement officer (LEO) until you reach age 50 or complete 25 years of federal service as an LEO (whichever occurs first). In that case, you will qualify for immediate retirement as an LEO with the special group formula. You would also be allowed to continue FEHB and FEGLI coverage

if you have maintained your coverage for the last five years of your federal career leading up to your date of separation for retirement. This immediate retirement as an LEO could also include service credit in the computation of your annuity for unused sick leave, and you would also qualify to receive the FERS RAS until the age of 62.



I had previously waived my FEGLI coverage earlier in my federal career, but after taking a recent retirement planning class, I’m thinking about signing up for basic coverage for the last five years of my federal career so I can keep it in retirement. I haven’t heard any announcements regarding any upcoming open seasons for FEGLI, and I don’t expect to have any qualifying life events (QLE) anytime soon. Is there any other way to enroll in FEGLI soon so I can retire with the coverage five years from now? There have only been 10 FEGLI open seasons since the program’s introduction in 1954. The last open season was held in 2016. There are no FEGLI open seasons planned at this time. Employees may increase their coverage or reenroll when they incur a QLE such as marriage, divorce, death of spouse, birth or adoption of a child, etc. If you are not experiencing a QLE and there is not an upcoming open enrollment, you may still reenroll in Basic FEGLI, Option A and Option B if you can pass the medical underwriting using form SF2822 (Request for Insurance – FEGLI). If you follow the instructions that accompany the outer portion of the form, you can schedule an appointment with a physician or health care provider to provide a physical examination and assist with the rest of the application. You will be eligible for coverage if the Office of FEGLI (OFEGLI) approves your physical. OFEGLI is an administrative unit of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, better known as MetLife, that processes these requests and pays claims on your FEGLI coverage. You cannot get option C, family coverage, by completing the form. Basic FEGLI will be effective on the first day you are in a pay status on or after OFEGLI’s approval date. Option A and Option B will be effective on or after the date your agency receives form SF 2817, life insurance election. You can find additional FEGLI information here: https://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/ life-insurance/.




I am a FERS employee with 12 years of creditable federal service for retirement and plan to separate from federal service later this year when I reach my MRA of 56 and six months, as I was born in December 1967. To avoid having a permanent reduction for age applied to my retirement annuity payment, I plan to resign once I reach my MRA and then postpone my application for retirement until I reach the age of 62. Although I’ve maintained coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP for the last 12 years, will I be eligible to keep my health insurance under the FEHBP after I separate? If you choose to separate this year and postpone your application for retirement under FERS until the age of 62, which is to avoid the permanent reduction to your annuity for early age, your agency will terminate your health insurance upon your separation from federal service, but you


COUNTDOWN TO COLA The Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) decreased 0.06% in October 2023. To calculate the 2024 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA), the 2024 third-quarter indices will be averaged and compared with the 2023 third-quarter average of 301.236. The percentage increase determines the COLA. October’s index, 302.071, is up 0.28% from the base. The CPI represents purchases of food and beverages, housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services. MONTH



Monthly % Change



% Change from 301.236





Questions & Answers

will be provided with a notice from your agency that extends your coverage for 31 days at no cost to you. This notification will be reflected on Standard Form 2810, notice of change in health benefits enrollment, which you should receive from your agency after your resignation. Here is a copy of the form: https:// www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/sf2810.pdf. This notice includes additional details and instructions regarding your options for temporary continuation of coverage (TCC), or you may choose to convert to a nongroup contract with your health insurance plan. The coverage of the nongroup plan may differ in cost or benefits or both, and you will have to pay the entire cost of the nongroup plan directly to the plan. To be eligible for the conversion, you must submit your written request for information to your plan within 31 days from the effective date of the notice. When you contact the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) later using form RI 92-19, application for deferred or postponed retirement for FERS, you will use Schedule B of the form to notify OPM of your desire to be reenrolled with coverage under the FEHBP. Here is a copy of form 92-19: https://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/ ri92-19.pdf Before you separate from federal employment, it is a good idea to ask a retirement specialist from your agency’s human resources office to provide a retirement estimate report that shows a summary of federal service that is potentially creditable for retirement eligibility and a computation of your future benefit. If possible, obtain a copy of your entire electronic official personnel folder (eOPF) before you separate. Here are some additional resources that you might find helpful: • FERS information: https://www.opm.gov/ retirement-services/fers-information/. • Pamphlet for applying for deferred or postponed retirement under FERS, https://www.opm. gov/retirement-services/publications-forms/ pamphlets/ri92-19a.pdf.


Q A 16

When do we receive Notice of Annuity Adjustment forms (RI 38-38) from OPM? According to OPM, when the net amount of your annuity changes, you should receive a


notice of annuity adjustment explaining the change. Annual adjustments that typically affect your net retirement annuity include annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) and changes in your insurance premiums. There may also be a change in the net amount based on a life event, such as restoring your unreduced annuity if your spouse predeceases you or providing court-ordered benefits if you should divorce. These notices are also available at OPM Retirement Services Online. If you do not have access to Services Online, you can learn more about this valuable tool available to annuitants here: https://www.servicesonline.opm.gov/. Services Online lets annuitants manage their account online. OPM securely protects your account.



I am still a federal employee, 65-plus, but I may soon be retired on the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS). I won’t qualify for Social Security. I am still on FEHB HMO with my spouse just to be 65. She should get some Social Security. I’m not a dummy, but who can walk me through this step by step and not mess up? Your question is a common one. However, it doesn’t have a simple answer, which adds to the confusion. While you both have been covered by current employment health insurance during your federal employment, there is a slight advantage to enrolling in Medicare Part B. When covered by “current employment” health insurance from an employer with 20 or more employees, you and your spouse are not subject to a late enrollment penalty for enrolling in Part B after your Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) ends. The Medicare IEP begins three months before you reach age 65 and ends three months after the month you turn 65. In addition, Medicare would have been a secondary payer to your FEHB coverage, so there would be little benefit from this coverage during your employment. However, once you are retired and over age 65, it is time to consider the advantages and options for enrollment in Medicare Part B. Many FEHB plans provide incentives for you to enroll in Medicare Parts A and B once you are retired and over 65, which is when Medicare becomes the primary payer for your medical care. You will have a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) that will last for eight months following your retirement when you and your spouse may enroll in Medicare Part B


without a late enrollment penalty. Look for plans that provide a rebate or reduction in the Part B premium. Plans that provide excellent coordination with Part B also may waive the deductible, copayments and coinsurance when Medicare is the primary payer. This leaves you with little to no out-of-pocket cost. Due to the savings, many plans that work best with Medicare are not the most expensive options, which is also a significant savings to you and can make the cost of adding Medicare Part B more affordable. The standard premium for Part B in 2024 is $174.70 per month. For those individuals who must pay the Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA) surcharge, the benefits are not as clear cut. It is generally recommended to sign up for Part A when you reach age 65, regardless of whether you are working or retired. Part A,


 Arthritis/COPD sufferers  Those with mobility issues  Anyone who hurts using the stairs

which covers inpatient hospital stays, skilled nursing facility stays, some home health visits, and hospice care, is financed primarily through a 2.9% tax on earnings paid by employers and employees (1.45% each). There is no premium for Part A since you have paid the hospital insurance payroll tax while employed. To learn more, there are several archived webinars on Medicare and FEHB located at the NARFE Federal Benefits Institute here: https://www.narfe.org/webinar-archive/. To obtain an answer to a federal benefits question, NARFE members should call 800-456-8410 and select option 2 for the Federal Benefits Institute; send the question by postal mail to NARFE Headquarters, ATTN: Federal Benefits; or submit it by email to fedbenefits@narfe.org.


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Benefits Brief

Understanding COLAs and Inflation


ho does not love bacon? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average price for a pound of bacon was $7.083 in September 2023; however,

in mid-1988, bacon cost $1.90 per pound. That is an increase of 273% over 35 years!

Consider that if you retired in 1988 at age 55 and were still living today at age 90, this increase would have occurred during your retirement! To give you an idea of how retirement benefits have increased over the last 35 years, the average Social Security retirement benefit in 1988 was $536.77, and in 2024, the average monthly benefit is $1,907, an increase of 255%. While this increase did not entirely keep pace with the cost of bacon, consider what would happen to your future breakfast table if there were no cost-ofliving adjustments (COLA) to your retirement benefits! Fortunately, Social Security, the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), CSRS Offset, most Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), and military retirement benefits receive annual COLAs. COLAs for all the retirement benefits mentioned above are determined based on the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W). This index is a monthly measure of the average price change paid by urban wage earners and clerical workers for a market basket of consumer goods and services. The CPI-W is based on the spending patterns of wage earners for various geographic areas for more than 18

200 items (apples, men’s shirts, airline fares) and more than 120 combinations of items (fruits and vegetables, food at home, food and beverages, and all food). For those annuitants receiving FERS retirement benefits, there is a “delayed diet” COLA. The COLA did not apply to FERS annuitants who were under age 62 as of December 1, 2023, except for: • Spouse, former spouse, or insurable interest survivor annuitants. • Certain disability annuitants • Those who retired under the special provisions (law enforcement officers, firefighters, and air traffic controllers) In fiscal year 2022, the most recent year available, out of 85,517 voluntary retirements added to the rolls during that year, approximately 50,000 were employees who were under age 62 at retirement. Not only is the COLA delayed for FERS retirees, but it could also be less than the actual increase in the CPI. For FERS, if the increase in the CPI-W is 2% or less, the FERS COLA for that year is equal to the CPI increase. If the CPI increase is more than 2% but no more than 3%, the COLA is 2%. If the CPI increase is more than 3%, the adjustment is 1 percentage point less than the CPI increase.


FERS annuitants with a CSRS component will have their CSRS component computed under CSRS provisions. The CSRS portion is subject to COLA provisions, which allow for an increase before an annuitant attains age 62. Thus, the CSRS component of an annuity may increase without a corresponding increase to the FERS portion of the benefit. The latest increase for CSRS and FERS benefits was effective December 1, 2023, and payable in the January 2024 annuity payment. The maximum increase for CSRS was 3.2%, while the maximum for FERS was 2.2%. The 3.2% COLA was also payable to more than 66 million Social Security beneficiaries beginning in January 2024. Military retirees and disabled veterans will also see their monthly checks increase by 3.2% for 2024. The first COLA for CSRS and eligible FERS annuitants is prorated in the first year of retirement. The most recent COLA is 3.2% (2.2% for FERS) for annuities with a commencing date no later than November 30, 2022. The proration on annuities that began after November 30, 2022, is based on the number of months between the annuity commencing date and the effective date of the COLA. For example, if retirement began on July 1, 2023, the annuity would be increased by five-twelfths of 3.2% or 1.33%.

BENEFITS RESOURCES NARFE OFFERS MEMBERS a wide range of information on federal benefits. Visit www.narfe.org/federal-benefits-institute.

For eligible FERS annuitants, the prorated amount would have been based on one-twelfth of 2.2% each month. Survivors of deceased annuitants (other than children) receive a prorated COLA based on the date the annuity was first payable to the deceased annuitant. Survivors of deceased employees receive a prorated COLA based on the commencing date of the survivor annuity. Children of deceased annuitants will always receive the total COLA rate. Due to this proration, employees planning to retire do not benefit by retiring the day before the COLA is due.

The importance of the annual COLA is most apparent after years of retirement, when retirees notice how prices have gone up on everyday items. NARFE emphasizes the importance of this adjustment to counter inflation, particularly for those living on fixed incomes and retirement savings. Because not all federal retirees will benefit equally from the annual COLA, NARFE supports the Equal COLA Act (H.R. 866/S.3194), which seeks to address this disparity and ensure equitable COLAs for all retirees. MICHELE BOLLIER IS A RETIREMENT AND BENEFITS SPECIALIST WITH RETIRE FEDERAL.






GET FIT By Everett A. Chasen

Exercise can help older people feel better, make new friends, and live longer. Here’s how to get started in 2024! NARFE MAGAZINE www.NARFE.org



egular physical activity is one of the most important things older Americans can do for their health, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Every year, many of us make a New Year’s resolution to start working out, but not everyone keeps it up. But why is exercise so important? How much exercise, and what kind, should an older adult do? And how should those who have never exercised before, or haven’t done so for a long time, get going? “I’m going to keep it simple: exercise prevents many of the problems that come with aging,” said Maria Arana, a live instructor for the SilverSneakers fitness program. “Not only that, but it also helps your muscles grow stronger. That means you can keep doing your everyday activities without becoming dependent on others.” The CDC suggests adults 65 and older should do at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity, such as brisk walking, or they can substitute 75 minutes a week of vigorous-intensity activity like hiking, jogging, or running. In addition, the CDC recommends older adults strengthen their muscles at least twice a week and regularly do activities that will improve their balance. “Of course, you should always talk to your doctor about how much exercise you should get, because they’ll know if you have any issues or any injuries (that might keep you from beginning a program),” said Arana.

How to Get Started and Stick With It Arana says that most successful exercise programs usually start with a goal in mind. “What am I trying to achieve here?” she asks. “And once you have a goal, you have to start developing smaller goals.” Are you trying to run a marathon by the end of the year? “That’s a big goal—but if you say ‘OK, I’m going to start walking 30 minutes a day,’ or even 10 minutes, it can be done,” she added. “If you



start with 10 minutes, perhaps next week you can do 12 minutes. Small, achievable goals—that’s what you need.” The National Institute on Aging (NIA) suggests that goals are most useful when they are specific, realistic and important to you. The NIA suggests using goals to document where you want to be in the short and long-term. Short-term goals help make physical activity a regular part of your daily life, including creating an activity log; learning about exercise classes that are available to you; and making sure you have the clothes and sneakers you need to get started. Long-term goals focus on where you want to be in six months, a year, or two years from now. Here are three long-term goal examples NIA provides: • By this time next year, I will swim one mile three times a week.

SilverSneakers is available to Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program members who participate in plans including Aetna Medicare Advantage (available nationwide); United Choice Retiree Advantage (available in about half the nation); and Kaiser Medicare Advantage (available on the West Coast; in Hawaii, Colorado and Georgia; and in the mid-Atlantic states).

• Next summer, I can play pitch and catch with my grandchildren. • In six months, I will have my blood pressure under control by increasing my physical activity and following my doctor’s advice. The NIA, an agency within the National Institutes of Health, offers a goal-setting worksheet on its website, nia.nih.gov, to help you document your progress. It also offers a “Find Your Starting Point” activity log to document your current fitness level and give you a starting point for your activities. In addition, Arana suggests that having workout buddies is key. Unless you’re taking a workout class, try to exercise with a partner. “Because time flies when you’re having fun,” she says. “If you’re chatting while you do your walk with someone else, that makes it fun. And before

you know it, your workout’s done, and you start noticing you’re stronger and feeling better.” “Exercise is not only about health,” Arana continues. “It’s about self-esteem and happiness. It makes you happy. It makes hormones called endorphins that make you feel really good. And once you start noticing these changes, you start doing a little more exercise, and then a little more. Suddenly, you notice that you’re an exerciser!” SilverSneakers is available to Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) program members who participate in plans including Aetna Medicare Advantage (available nationwide); United Choice Retiree Advantage (available in about half the nation); and Kaiser Medicare Advantage (available on the West Coast; in Hawaii, Colorado and Georgia; and in the mid-Atlantic states).



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1-877-360-2432 | For TTY, dial 711 may be charged a maximum fee of $75 for the exam, and the member may need to submit a claim for reimbursement. Must be a Service Benefit Plan member to access TruHearing discounted pricing. TruHearing is offered through Blue365, which provides exclusive health and wellness deals and is a program of Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, an association of independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The Blue Cross® and Blue Shield® words and symbols, Federal Employee Program®, FEP® and Blue365® are all trademarks owned by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association. 3 Smartphone compatible hearing aids connect directly to Android, iPhone®, iPad®, and iPod® Touch devices. Connectivity also available to many Android® phones with use of an accessory. All content ©2023 TruHearing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TruHearing® is a registered trademark of TruHearing,

Inc. All other trademarks, product names, and company names are the property of their respective owners. Listed retail prices based on a survey of national average retail hearing aid prices compared to average TruHearing pricing. Savings may vary. Retail pricing of TruHearing-branded aids based on prices for comparable aids. Follow-up provider visits included for one year following hearing aid purchase. Free battery offer is not applicable to the purchase of rechargeable hearing aid models. Three-year warranty includes repairs and one-time loss and damage replacement. Hearing aid repairs and replacements are subject to provider and manufacturer fees. For questions regarding fees, contact a TruHearing Hearing Consultant. FEP_NARFE_AD_453254

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Available exercise programs for seniors → SilverSneakers → Gerofit through the Department of Veteran Affairs → Move Your Way through the Department of Health and Human Services “The SilverSneakers fitness program is an innovative healthy lifestyle program that helps Medicare-eligible members stay physically, mentally and socially active,” said Jessica Erb, chief growth officer at Tivity Health. The program has been serving the 65-plus population for more than 30 years. It offers members access to more than 23,000 participating locations with 10,000 in-person classes and more than 300 virtual classes daily. Members can choose the right location or class for their preferences, whether in a community or a gym, with opportunities for people to engage at any ability level. This includes activities done independently or in a group, both in person and virtually. Potential members can check their eligibility and create an account at SilverSneakers. com, or by calling 1-866-584-7389. At Arana’s invitation, I took part in one of her 45-minute-long virtual classes called “Cardio Mix” offered via Zoom every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The course is rated for beginners to intermediate senior exercisers. I would classify myself as at least intermediate level, as I work out in a home gym every day. I found the exercises she led interesting, varied, and occasionally challenging. It was easy to sign up on the SilverSneakers website. My FEHB plan makes me eligible for the program. I received several email reminders and links before the class began. Arana preaches “continuous movement” as a guiding principle for her participants. The exercises were simple to follow and required no gym equipment or floor mats, although some other classes do. They worked muscle groups throughout the entire body. In both English and Spanish, Arana explained how to do each exercise and which body muscles to target. Instrumental 26


music played throughout the class with Arana moving and guiding us, encouraging students to keep going. Only Arana’s camera was on, so she could not see the participants, and we could not see each other. Before and after the class, exercisers chatted with Arana and everyone else. The chat before class centered on the extreme heat that blanketed much of the country that day. It was 99 degrees at my home in Northern Virginia and 102 degrees in Tucson, AZ, where the instructor lives. After class, the discussion centered around musicians and the proper heart rate to shoot for while exercising. “We chat before and after, but not while we’re exercising, because we don’t want to interrupt the class,” Arana said. “I want to see how they’re doing, if they liked the class, and how they’re feeling. It builds a community, which is great!”

Types of Exercise Good for Seniors

Programs like SilverSneakers; the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Gerofit program for veterans; and the Department of Health and Human Services’ Move Your Way activity offer safe, fun ways for seniors to get active. According to Arana, there are five key factors in a good workout plan: flexibility, mobility, strength training, balance, and cardio (cardiovascular) exercise. Cardio exercise gets you breathing harder and your heart beating faster. Riding a bike, either stationary or outdoors, hiking a trail, learning new dances, taking an active yoga class, walking to the store instead of riding, or mowing the lawn are all cardio-related exercises. Moderate-intensity cardio activity will make you breathe harder and your heartbeat faster. You can talk while doing that kind of exercise, but not sing. Vigorous-intensity cardio increases your heart rate significantly and makes you breathe hard. You won’t be able to say more than a few words without stopping and catching your breath. According to the CDC, a good rule of thumb is that a minute of vigorous-intensity activity is about the same as two minutes of moderate-intensity activity. Of course, the CDC reminds seniors that everyone’s fitness level is different. Walking may feel like a moderate-intensity activity for some people, but for others, it may feel vigorous. What’s important is that you do workouts that are right for you and your abilities. Strength training, which will help keep you from losing muscle as you age, should be done at least twice a week. The proper way to do strength

“Exercise is not only about health. It’s about self-esteem and happiness. It makes hormones called endorphins that make you feel really good. And once you start noticing these changes, you start doing a little more exercise, and then a little more.” – Maria Arana, SilverSneakers fitness instructor NARFE MAGAZINE www.NARFE.org


training exercises is to do them to the point where it’s hard to do another repetition (one complete movement of an activity, like lifting a weight or doing a sit-up) without help. You are using the right amount of weight when you can do between eight and 12 repetitions without reaching that point. Doing each exercise twice or three times in a workout session is ideal.

5 Key Factors to a Good Workout → Flexibility → Mobility → Strength Training → Balance → Cardio



Activities that work all the major muscle groups of the body, including the legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms are best, whether you do them at home or in a gym. Lifting weights, using resistance bands, and doing exercises like push-ups and sit-ups that use your body weight for resistance are all good strength training exercises—as is working in a garden or doing some yoga exercises. Exercises that strengthen the back, abdomen and leg muscles help improve your balance, a particularly important issue for many older people. Walking backward, standing on one leg, or using a wobble board are all good ways to improve balance. They help prevent falling and reduce the risk of injuries like bone fractures. Classes like those Arana teaches include a combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity, muscle strengthening, and balance training. They can be done at home, in a community setting, or online. The CDC calls these “multicomponent activities,” and such activities can also include dancing, yoga, tai chi, swimming, gardening, or playing sports like pickleball, tennis, golf or ping pong. For reference, tai chi is a system of Chinese martial arts consisting of slow and controlled movements in sequences. The key to being successful and safe when beginning a physical activity routine is to build slowly from your current fitness level, according to the NIA’s website. Over-exercising can cause injury, which may lead to quitting. A steady rate of progress is the best approach. The NIA’s website offers these tips to play it safe and reduce your risk of injury: • Begin your exercise program slowly, with lowintensity exercises. • Warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. • Pay attention to your surroundings when exercising outdoors. • Drink water before, during, and after your workout session, even if you don’t feel thirsty. • Wear appropriate fitness clothes and shoes for your activity. • If you have specific health conditions, discuss your exercise and physical activity plan with your healthcare provider. Your health care provider can help you determine the right types of exercise to use based on your medical history and current activity level, and the kinds you should avoid. Some health conditions, like arthritis and diabetes, can affect your exercise routine, and some tests, like those for osteoporosis

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According to SilverSneakers’ 2023 Annual Member Survey:


of SilverSneakers members report their health as “excellent,” “very good” or “good” compared with


of other Medicare patients.

(a disease that weakens your bones), may be useful to help you find a safe way to get started.

Does Exercise Really Extend Lives?

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, there is evidence that regular exercise can minimize the physiological effects of an otherwise sedentary lifestyle and increase active life expectancy by limiting the development and progression of chronic diseases and disabling conditions. There is also emerging evidence for significant psychological and cognitive benefits accruing from regular exercise participation by older adults. Their report recommends that all older adults should engage in regular physical activity and avoid an inactive lifestyle. Erb cites SilverSneakers’ 2023 Annual Member Survey. The survey showed that program participants felt “good” or “better” in an average of 25.5 days in a sample of 30 days, compared to 21.0 days among other Medicare-aged individuals. In addition, 95% of SilverSneakers members report their health as “excellent,” “very good” or “good” compared with 75% of other Medicare participants. They had an average of 2.6 chronic conditions compared with 3.4 for the Medicare group. Finally, depression among SilverSneakers participants is 60% less than the CMS national benchmark. “If people haven’t done so already, they should definitely start exercising,” Arana said. “It’s a chance to make new friends, to get fit— and you’re going to feel so good right after your workout is done! —EVERETT A. (EV) CHASEN IS A WRITER AND COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT IN THE WASHINGTON, DC, AREA. HE RETIRED FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AFTER 35 YEARS OF SERVICE.



SilverSneakers members reported an average of 2.6 chronic conditions vs. an average of 3.4 for the Medicare group. Depression among SilverSneakers participants is 60% less than the CMS national benchmark.


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Support Alzheimer’s Research NARFE members contributed for Alzheimer’s research: $16 Million Fund $15,920,468.77* *Total as of October 31, 2023. All contributions go directly to Alzheimer’s research, with the exception of funds given to the Walk to End Alzheimer’s or The Longest Day.

If you have any questions, write to: National Committee Chair Olivia Williams PO Box 2175 Columbia, SC 29202 OR EMAIL: oeashf3@gmail.com MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NARFE-Alzheimer’s Research (write your chapter number on memo line)

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Public-private exchange programs let civil servants and non-federal employees gain new skills and perspectives




ederal employees are gaining exposure to private-sector workplaces and best practices through increasingly popular workforce exchange programs. These talent exchanges let public- and privatesector employees learn about one another through employment rotations. Once completed, the employees return to their respective sectors. The goal is that federal employees bring a renewed perspective and capabilities to improve public service. “These programs are absolutely worth the investment,” says Elizabeth Bryant, director of acquisition human capital initiatives at the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). She’s the administrator of a DOD/private-sector employer experience program that was launched in 2019. “By sharing, we get better relationships, we get better communication,” she said. “Through that, we accelerate our ability to deliver cost, schedule, and performance to better meet warfighter needs. And you are innovating in new ways because you’re collaborating in new ways.” But there are a host of challenges to enable such relationships to work, and many exchange programs are just beginning to get off the ground. “It is hard and time-consuming to set up and administer these programs,” said Michelle Amante, vice president of federal workforce programs at



the Partnership for Public Service. “That is why so many agencies are hesitant to take this on.” In September 2021, the partnership published a report with global consultancy firm Ernst & Young on these public-private exchanges, titled “Trading Places: The Benefits, Challenges and Potential of Federal Public-Private Talent Exchanges.” It concludes that public-private talent exchanges are a promising strategy for government effectiveness. It benefits federal agencies to collaborate with and learn from private-sector industries to remain up to speed on subject matter expertise and rapidly evolving technologies like artificial intelligence. The report adds that agencies need to be competitive to retain the best employees and attract top talent, especially given the aging civil service and the need to recruit from the younger generation. The report addresses several hurdles to federal employees looking to briefly trade places with their industry counterparts, including: policy design; program implementation and administration; ethical and legal issues; exchange recruitment and selection; goals, roles and position alignment; and post-exchange issues. “The return on investment can be small given the amount of time that has been spent in program design, given the amount of time spent with your general counsel, and sometimes you bring people into agencies, and it doesn’t work out,” Amante said.

NSF Taps Private-Sector Experts Some public-private exchange programs are already time-tested, scaled up, and fulfilling their objectives. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has run a long-standing talent mobility program called the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility Program. Roughly 200 to 250 nonfederal employees at any point in time can serve as temporary NSF program directors running its grant programs for periods of two to four years. They use an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) authority that allows agencies to bring in talent from academia, nonprofits, research institutions, and state and local governments. That results in an extraordinary percentage of NSF professionals at any point in time being staffed from rotations, given that NSF only has 1,500 fulltime employees. It is mainly a one-way exchange of non-public employees joining the NSF. With rare exceptions, NSF does not send its scientists and administrators into the private sector to perform rotations, according to William Malyszka, deputy chief human capital officer. NSF pays salary and fringe benefits to reimburse the private-sector company for using an employee on a detail.

NSF benefits from the program by gaining access to scientists in cutting-edge specialties to whom they would not otherwise have access. They keep NSF’s employee knowledge base fresh, which is critical for awarding grants to the most deserving applicants in various fields, says Malyszka. Participating non-NSF professionals gain an inside view of how the grant selection process works. Mary Feeney, a professor in the school of public affairs at Arizona State University (ASU), began a rotation at NSF as a program officer in October 2021. In the role, which continues through September 2024, she is a program officer for NSF’s Science of Science: Discovery, Communication and Impact grant program in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences. “It’s been really great, and I’ve had a great time doing [the mobility program],” Feeney says. “It’s given me a break from being on faculty and a different view of things when you see the grant system from this side. You get a different idea about strategy—what works and what doesn’t work in applying for grants.” The program allows Feeney time and flexibility to continue some research and mentoring activities at ASU. Her salary remains the same, but ASU

“The permanent employees provide a lot of value to us. They expect the rotators to be there to contribute and they see value in the program. – Mary Feeney, professor in the school of public affairs at Arizona State University



Agencies With Active Public-Private Partnerships National Science Foundation Department of Defense Department of Veterans Affairs Department of Homeland Security Department of Commerce Office of the Director of National Intelligence National Aeronautics and Space Administration



now pays 10% of her salary while NSF pays the remaining 90%. She continues to be covered by ASU health benefits. “I think I’m in a much better position to mentor and guide people at ASU and I suspect ASU will want me to be more involved in grants administration,” she added. “Also, the program I’m running at NSF right now is interdisciplinary, and we get proposals from lots of different types of people doing diverse types of research. I’ll come back to ASU with more knowledge, more training, more management experience, and a deeper understanding of the grant processes.” According to OPM, a non-federal employee must be employed by that organization for at least 90 days in a career position before entering an IPA agreement. They may be given a temporary appointment or be assigned by detail to a federal agency.

Challenges of Setting Up Programs

The Partnership report surveyed public-private talent exchanges and their challenges. Besides NSF, other significant public-private exchanges are underway at DOD, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Commerce, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI). Amante says there does not appear to be a good official aggregate number of personnel participating in such programs throughout the federal government. According to the report, the largest challenges involve creating the program itself— specifically, the logistics involved in starting and implementing the program, including staff time and effort, partner relationship management and recruiting participants. In addition, each public-private talent exchange must comply with federal laws and regulations. Given federal civil service rules, setting up a program is no easy task. First, it must proceed under a statutory authority. The IPA, administered by OPM, offers a pathway to a baseline rotation program. It enables federal agencies to temporarily detail civil servants to, and host staff from, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and state, local and tribal governments—but not the private sector. The Biden administration has used the IPA to facilitate “exchanges in certain priority

areas such as those from the nonprofit sector that specialize in racial equity to come into the administration and advise different agencies on their equity plans and how to implement them,” according to Amante. NASA uses IPA exchanges with about 50 participants each year. It is seeking its own authorization to conduct a more extensive exchange program, according to Kelly Elliott, chief human capital officer at NASA. Independent statutory authorities passed by Congress help expand these partnership opportunities. “NASA remains interested in establishing a more significant public-private talent exchange, and is currently seeking legislation to do so,” said Elliott. “As NASA continues to pursue the exploration of space with commercial partners, the sharing of resources and expertise between the public and private sectors becomes increasingly essential for our mutual success.” Even with this authority, getting programs up and running can be challenging. At DOD, a six-month, public-private exchange program for acquisition professionals, operates under a specific statutory authority that has existed since 2019. However, only 65 individuals have participated, with 50 from government and 15 from industry. This low turnout is mainly due to the program

preparing to expand just as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, according to Bryant. Current private-sector participants include Amazon, Deloitte, Ball Aerospace, Guidehouse, Sterling Foods and Virgin Orbit. Most employee participants are at the GS-12 to GS-15 federal pay level or private-sector equivalents. Bryant said the program is slated to expand dramatically in 2024, with goals to ultimately expand to 200 to 250 individuals per year for 156,000 DOD acquisitions professionals in the future. Another agency program set to expand is that of ODNI, which pursuant to a statutory authority, began implementing an Intelligence Community Public-Private Talent Exchange (IC PPTE) in 2022. IC PPTE pilot programs are developing rotations in the following five focus areas that are important to all IC members: artificial intelligence/machine learning, data management, economic security and financial intelligence, human capital, and space, according to W. Kevin Krueger, IC PPTE program manager at ODNI. “The IC PPTE program is designed to ensure that public and private-sector organizations protecting national security can partner to share knowledge, develop their workforces, and better understand how each other work toward the common goal of a secure nation,” he said, adding there is hope that all 18 federal intelligence agencies will eventually NARFE MAGAZINE www.NARFE.org


The Intergovernment Personnel Act Mobility Program is administered by the Office of Personnel Management and is established as the leading public-private temporary assignment of personnel between the federal government and state and local governments, academia, nonprofits, and research institutions.

participate in employee rotations lasting between six months and three years. Some preliminary exchanges are already anticipated, Krueger said. Requiring financial disclosure to identify potential conflicts of interest presents another challenge to public-private exchanges, as well as accessibility to ethics training for participants prior to starting. Ethics issues may require restricting employees from sensitive information that presents conflicts. Some exchanges also require security clearances, though many employees at private-sector exchange partners already have clearances. Some agencies fear they will lose employees to more lucrative private-sector employers. This is often addressed through a continued service agreement to stay at an agency for a prescribed time period after a rotation’s completion, according to Amante. Is the juice worth the squeeze? That’s a key question posed to all exchange programs. They involve inherently high administrative investments to allow participation from people who will only be at the agency or private-sector employer temporarily. Feeney, the ASU professor, said that the NSF program is likely superior to many others in the federal government given its relative size. “My suspicion is that the IPA program is more successful, and the experiences of people are probably much more positive, at the NSF than at many other federal agencies because it’s such a big part of how the NSF does its work,” Feeney said. “The permanent employees provide a lot of support to us. They expect the rotators to be there to contribute, and they see the value of the program. On the other hand, I think if you were at a larger agency with only a few rotators every year or two, it would be a really big hassle to onboard that person and manage them and find them work.” —DAVID TOBENKIN IS A FREELANCE WRITER BASED IN THE GREATER WASHINGTON, D.C. AREA.



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Managing Money

No, You Cannot Rollover Your RMD to an IRA


’m often asked if a required minimum distribution (RMD) from the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) can be rolled into another retirement plan, such as a traditional IRA or Roth IRA. While

it certainly would be nice if an RMD could be moved into an IRA, unfortunately, this is not allowed.

In fact, only “eligible rollover distributions” may be rolled over from one retirement plan to another, including from the TSP to an IRA or a Roth IRA. The TSP has many types of withdrawals, and while several are considered eligible rollover distributions, some are not. For example, a total or partial distribution by a separated or beneficiary participant, an agebased in-service withdrawal, and installments not expected to last 10 years are all eligible rollover distributions. On the other hand, installments expected to last longer than 10 years, installments based on life expectancy, and RMDs are TSP withdrawals not considered eligible rollover distributions. For a complete listing of what types of TSP withdrawals are regarded as eligible rollover distributions and which are not, check out the TSP booklet “Tax Rules about TSP Payments,” which may be found on the TSP website at https://www.tsp.gov/ publications/tspbk26.pdf. It would be reasonable to think that if a withdrawal is not an eligible rollover distribution, it wouldn’t be possible to roll it over to another retirement plan. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. When moving money from


ONLY “ELIGIBLE ROLLOVER DISTRIBUTIONS” MAY BE ROLLED OVER FROM ONE RETIREMENT PLAN TO ANOTHER, INCLUDING FROM THE TSP TO AN IRA OR A ROTH IRA. THE TSP HAS MANY TYPES OF WITHDRAWALS, AND WHILE SEVERAL ARE CONSIDERED ELIGIBLE ROLLOVER DISTRIBUTIONS, SOME ARE NOT. the TSP, participants can run afoul of the rules when doing an indirect, or 60-day, rollover. For example, let’s assume you receive annual installments expected to last longer than 10 years. After receiving one of the payments, you decide you don’t need the money, so you do a 60-day rollover of the payment to your IRA account. Since the installment was not an eligible rollover distribution, you have now made what the IRS refers to as


an excess contribution, which will be subject to an annual 6% penalty until corrected. For a refresher on direct and indirect rollovers, check out my column in the November 2023 issue of NARFE Magazine. As I mentioned in that column, there are many reasons why direct rollovers are typically better than indirect rollovers when transferring money from the TSP to an IRA. Another reason a direct rollover should be the transfer of choice is the TSP won’t allow you to do a direct rollover of any portion of a distribution that’s not an eligible rollover distribution. Take, for example, when a participant is subject to RMDs. In this case, the TSP must ensure a participant satisfies their RMD before rolling over any portion of a distribution to another retirement plan. Suppose a participant elects a direct rollover in a year in which they are subject to an RMD. In that case, the TSP will distribute any unsatisfied RMD amount to the participant before honoring the rollover request. For example, let’s assume a TSP participant is subject to a $10,000 RMD. Before satisfying the RMD, the participant requests a $100,000 partial withdrawal and instructs the TSP to transfer it directly to her IRA. In this case, the TSP will send the $10,000 RMD, less any tax

BENEFITS RESOURCES NARFE OFFERS MEMBERS a wide range of information on federal benefits. Visit www.narfe.org/federal-benefits-institute.

withholding, directly to the participant and roll over the remaining $90,000 to the IRA. The rules differ slightly when moving money from an IRA to another retirement plan, such as transferring an IRA to the TSP. Unlike a direct rollover from the TSP (where the TSP must ensure the RMD is distributed first), in the case of a direct rollover from an IRA to an employer plan, such as the TSP, the RMD is allowed to travel with the transfer. This does not mean you are absolved from taking the RMD, though, and you cannot simply take a distribution from the TSP to satisfy the IRA RMD. Instead, you’ll have to work with the



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NARFE Restructures Member Engagement Department


hrough careful consideration, NARFE leadership restructured its member engagement department last fall to enhance member experience to ensure the

organization provides the highest level of service to members. NARFE’s commitment to the retention of current members, as well as the recruitment of new members, is unwavering. Two staff members were promoted from these developments, and a third position of membership marketing specialist will be hired. These changes will streamline NARFE’s operations, optimize resources and maximize the department’s overall effectiveness. Natcole Reid-McCorkle has been promoted to senior manager of membership data. She is strongly suited for this role with her extensive experience in the field. Natcole has consistently demonstrated a high skill level in managing NARFE’s Association Management System (AMS). As senior manager of membership data, she will oversee the overall data integrity of NARFE’s membership records, working closely with Michele Manley, application support analyst. Reid-McCorkle and Manley will build best practices and ensure reporting is accurate. In addition, Reid-

McCorkle will contribute data analysis of NARFE’s acquisition and renewal campaigns to ensure data is pulled accurately and promptly. Her role will also proactively seek process improvements to enhance data management practices. Reid-McCorkle began her career as a data entry operator at NARFE in April 2005. During this journey, her dedication, passion and commitment to top performance allowed her

Natcole Reid-McCorkle Senior Manager of Membership Data

Submit entries to the 2024 NARFE Photo Contest through February 2. Capture the image that conveys your interpretation of “From Sea to Shining Sea.” For more information, visit www.narfe.org/photocontest.

to hold the leadership roles of membership services section leader, membership services manager, and now senior manager of membership data. “My extensive experience has allowed me to partner with several internal team members and departments to create an effective, streamlined process during our AMS conversion,” she said. “I continue to ensure a functioning operating system by suggesting appropriate correction steps and assisting on any database system upgrading phase discussions along with coordinating and facilitating AMS training.” With Reid-McCorkle’s promotion, Denise Curry will be promoted to membership data lead. She has been an invaluable member of NARFE’s team since 1988 and has consistently demonstrated dedication and a strong work ethic. In her new role, Curry will take on many of the activities previously handled by Reid-McCorkle, which includes managing processes and challenges that can arise with AMS. This includes managing the overpayments process, processing credit card refunds, managing the autorenewal process, donations and life memberships.

2024 NARFE-FEEA Scholarship Application Open | Visit www.narfe.org/scholarship 42


Curry started at NARFE as a batch maker, where she specifically prepared and organized membership dues batches for data entry personnel. After two years in that role, she was promoted to data entry clerk within the membership department, previously within NARFE’s budget and finance department. Curry held this position for several years until her recent promotion to membership data lead. “I’m looking forward to this next chapter in my career, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn even more about the workings of the company where I’ve been employed for 35 years. The new position of membership marketing specialist will focus on driving the growth, engagement and retention of NARFE’s valued membership base. With NARFE’s continued drive to expand and evolve, the organization is aware of the need for a professional who can strategically promote membership programs, enhance member experiences and drive revenue generation. The specialist

will be crucial in implementing innovative strategies to attract new members, nurture existing relationships and maximize overall member satisfaction. The restructuring is part of the overall strategy managed by Nora MacDonald, membership engagement director. Born and raised in Washington, D.C., and now living in southern Maryland, Reid-McCorkle is married to her supportive and wonderful husband Reginald and have three phenomenal children: Reginald (who holds a bachelor’s in information technology), Natayia (cum laude in political science) and Nicolas (junior year honors) and a bichon-poo named Wally. In her spare time, ReidMcCorkle delights in fashion and loves to travel, shop and handle interior designing and decorating. Curry is married, and they are proud parents of two children: a 21-year-old daughter in her junior year at Towson University as a computer science major and a 40-year-old son who is married with a family and doing well.

Denise Curry Membership Data Lead

Curry’s hobbies are traveling and vacationing. She went on a safari in March 2023 at the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and traveled to Thailand in 2017. Her family also loves taking cruises and relaxing trips to the Caribbean islands, including St. Thomas and St. John. She is a huge Dallas Cowboys fan and enjoys watching Netflix and Amazon Prime documentaries. Curry also loves to read and write poetry. One of her family’s annual rituals is a Christmas shopping trip to New York City. —BY MATTHEW SANDERSON, CONTENT MANAGER

Improving NARFE Membership Renewal Methods


s an organization, NARFE made intentional strides in 2023, especially in launching critical updates in the membership engagement department and defining areas to build and improve upon in marketing, recruiting and retaining members. We are excited to see progress in membership. We executed an extremely successful mailing that went out in June 2023, and it has, to date, reinstated 1,300 members. Our main goal is to stabilize the program to offset the number of members we naturally lose each month. We are doing this by improving the methods used during the renewal process

to keep the members we have and looking for innovative ways of recruiting new members. Currently, one focus is marketing, specifically in the Washington, D.C., metro area. We have new signs on the front of our headquarters, located on a major thoroughfare to D.C. for Alexandria, VA, residents. Thanks to our media partners at Federal News Network/WTOP, we’ve had radio advertising several times in 2023 and sponsored articles online. Recreation News, which reaches roughly 80,000 federal employees in their print magazine and online readership, is running fresh NARFE ad campaigns.

In 2023, we also resumed exhibiting at various national conventions and trade shows, increasing NARFE’s visibility exponentially. Our team is traveling to more retired, active, and near-retired feds. We’ve made more active employees aware of who NARFE is and how we can help them, and I anticipate this momentum to build. Our goal for 2024 is to continue to test new acquisition methods while we adhere to cost-effective ways to find and bring in new members. I look forward to connecting and working with all of you more this year! —BY NORA MACDONALD, MEMBERSHIP ENGAGEMENT DIRECTOR NARFE MAGAZINE www.NARFE.org



Promotional Banners Installed at NARFE Headquarters


f you’ve driven by NARFE’s headquarters at 606 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA since last fall, you probably saw some new aesthetics affixed to its historic brick façade. The banners will remain up until NARFE executes its future plans for this location, with the possibility of a sale and relocation, according to Nora MacDonald, membership engagement director. “This is part of an overall effort to increase name recognition in the D.C. area among active federal employees,” she said. “We want to take advantage of our prime real estate that gives us access to multitudes of drivers and bus riders going downtown to work at federal

buildings, as well as locals that live in or drive through the area and tourists visiting old town.”

THE Association for ALL Feds. Plan Today. Retire Tomorrow.


Erin Nicole Brown Photography/www.erinnicolebrown.com NARFE’s National Executive Board met August 28-30 in Alexandria, VA, as part of the 2023 NARFE Annual Meeting. Top row, from left to right: Robert Allen, Region X RVP; Robert H. Ruskamp, Region VIII RVP; Marshall L. Richards, Region VI RVP; Steven Roy, Region IX RVP; Larry Walton, Region II RVP; Robert L. Helfrich, Region IV RVP; Jeff Anliker, Region I RVP; and William Shackelford, National President. Bottom row: Lynn Harper, Region III RVP; Kathryn Hensley, National Secretary-Treasurer; Cindy Reneé Blythe, Region V RVP; and Sharon Reese, Region VII RVP. This caption was incorrect in the November 2023 issue. NARFE Magazine regrets the error.



2024 CONFERENCES & EVENTS Information as of November 17, 2023: IOWA: conference September 17-18, Meskwake Conference Center, Tama. Contact Federation President Dorman Otte, dormanotte@gmail.com, for information. KANSAS: 70th Annual Kansas Federation Conference April 29-30, Manhattan. Federation election March 1-April 10. Contact Federation President John Ourada, john.ourada@cox.net, or visit https://www.narfe.org/ site/ks/ for information. MASSACHUSETTS: virtual conference May 2. Contact Massachusetts Federation Secretary Gene Holt, wgholtjr@verizon.net, or visit www.narfe.net/ma for information. MICHIGAN: conference May 21-23, Tawas Bay Beach Resort & Conference Center, 300 E Bay St, East Tawas. In-person election of Federation officers will be conducted May 22. Contact Federation President Joseph Desira, videojoe2@yahoo.com, for information.

OREGON: conference May 12-14, Best Western Plus Agate Beach Inn, 3019 N Coast Hwy, Newport. Contact Federation President Ruthann Couch, couchruthanngene@centurylink.net, for information. Election April 1-May 1: Ballots will be available no later than April 1, 2024, for download on the Oregon Federation FEDHub community. Members can also request a ballot by contacting Oregon Federation Secretary Colleen Hewes, hewcol@gmail.com, 541379-6858 or 70492 Wild Rose Ln, Pendleton, OR 97801-7010. PENNSYLVANIA: conference and general membership meeting May 19-24, Red Lion Hotel Harrisburg Hershey, 4751 Lindle Road, Harrisburg. Contact Federation President Richard Zuck, rzuck@ neo.rr.com, or visit www.narfe.net/site/PA/ for information. SOUTH CAROLINA: virtual meeting March 20. Contact Federation President Patricia Whitely, pwhitely@sc.rr.com or 843-408-3509, or visit www. scnarfe.org for information. VIRGINIA: conference April 7-10, Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center, 710 S Main St, Harrisonburg. Visit www.vanarfe.org for information.

Members, Pay $0 out-of-pocket! * Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan members may be eligible for two fully covered hearing aids with zero out-of-pocket cost on many models when applying your hearing aid benefit*. Call 1-855-252-0025 to discover more or visit www.blue365deals.com/fep. Members have access to the latest hearing aid models, styles and technology, including the New Signia Silk Charge&Go IX. Silk Charge&Go IX

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©2024 HearUSA. All Rights Reserved. *The Service Benefit Plan will pay a hearing aid benefit for Standard and Basic Option up to $2,500 total every 5 calendar years for adults age 22 and over, and up to $2,500 total per calendar year for members up to age 22. FEP Blue Focus does not have a hearing aid benefit. Do not rely on this communication piece alone for complete benefit information. All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Service Benefit Plan brochure. Blue365® offers access to savings on health and wellness products and services that members may purchase from independent vendors, which are not covered benefits under the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program, Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental and/or Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Vision. These products and services will be offered to you through the entire benefit year. During the year, the independent vendors may offer additional discounts on these products and services. To find out what is covered under your policy, contact the customer service number on your member ID card. Any disputes regarding your health insurance products and services may be subject to your plan’s grievance process. BCBSA may receive payments from vendors providing products and services on or accessible through the Site. Neither BCBSA nor any Blue Company recommends, endorses, warrants, or guarantees any specific vendor, product or service available under or through the Blue365 Program or Site. **Depending on the level of hearing loss, many individuals can be fit with their hearing aids on the first appointment and leave with them that same day.






PRODUCTS........................................................................................................................................... GE Appliances Store | Use the link below to start shopping!

Save with NARFE members-only access to the GE Appliances Store! You will enjoy up to 25% off MSRP every day on the latest in high-quality appliances. *Orders can not be shipped to P.O. boxes, APOS, Canada, Puerto Rico, HI, AK or U.S. Territories. https://www.myapstore.com/GEStore/Appliances/ Registration?AuthCode=MONARFE21

LegalShield | 410-419-7130 | Shieldbenefits.com/narfe

Whether it’s big, small or somewhere in between, you have affordable legal help when you need it. Members receive the discounted rate of $18.95 for families of 10 (two adults and up to 8 children) when you sign up through the website above.

ODP Business Solutions | 1-800-650-1222 | www.officediscounts.org/narfe

(Previously Office Depot/Office Max)

Because you’re a member of NARFE, you now have access to exclusive members only discounts at ODP Business Solutions (previously Office Depot/Office Max). Members save up to 75% off on ODP Business Solutions Best Value list of preferred products and can take advantage of products discounted off the officedepot.com regular prices. Restrictions may apply so visit officediscounts.org/narfe for details. Product and service discounts may no longer be available for in-store purchases.

Purchasing Power | www.PurchasingPower.com/NARFE

While not a discount program, Purchasing Power is an exclusive purchase program helps members buy brand-name computers, electronics, appliances and furniture via annuity allotment when cash is not an option. No credit check or down payments.

WELLNESS.............................................................................................................................................. Active&Fit Direct | https://www.narfe.org/narfe-perks-for-members/activefit-direct/

Stay active from anywhere for $28/mo. Active&Fit Direct includes 12,200+ Gyms, 9,300+ OnDemand Videos and 1:1 Well-Being Coaching. A fitness program with no annual fees and no longterm contracts. Switch gyms anytime. Membership options for your spouse. No Enrollment Fee With Promo Code: FALLFITNESS

Brookdale Senior Living Communities | 877-713-2762 | www.brookdale.com/narfe

As the largest operator of senior living communities in the US, Brookdale has over 1,000 locations all across the country. Members are eligible for 7.5% discount at Brookdale Independent Living, Assisted Living and Memory Care communities and 10% discounts on Brookdale Private Duty Home Care. Discounts are for new move-ins/customers only. R

Life Line Screening | 800-324-9906 | www.lifelinescreening.com/NARFE

Life Line Screening, America’s leading provider of community-based preventive health screenings, will conduct health screenings using state-of-the-art ultrasound technology in your neighborhood. Operator code BKHN075.

PRE-PLANNING................................................................................................................................... Neptune Society | 800-NEPTUNE (637-8863) | www.neptunesociety.com

Our prearranged plans cover all necessary expenses for one guaranteed price even if the services are not needed for 40 or 50 years. The Neptune Society offers a $100 discount to all NARFE members. *Discounted offer is not valid for residents of Louisiana, Tennessee and Kentucky. Void Where Prohibited.

ADDITIONAL PERKS........................................................................................................................

MOVING SERVICES............................................................................................................................ 1-800-GOT-JUNK? | 800-468-5865 | www.narfe.org/1-800-got-junk

NARFE Members Save 10% with 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Do you have old furniture, appliances, electronics, construction debris, yard waste or other junk you need to make disappear? 1-800-GOT-JUNK? can take away almost any material we can fit in our trucks, without you ever lifting a finger—all you have to do is point! Use code NARFE10 when you book. To get started, give us a call or book online.

Coleman Allied | 850-375-0917 | jack.jacobs@colemanallied.com

With over 300 agency partners and an entire team dedicated to a quality move experience, Coleman Allied provides customized discount levels for all NARFE members for Interstate moves. *The NARFE pricing only applies to moves that leave the state you currently reside in.

Wheaton World Wide Moving | 800-248-7960 | narfe@wvlcorp.com

At Wheaton, we know interstate relocation is much more than trucks and boxes. With a network of topquality agents throughout the United States, Wheaton provides peace of mind with every relocation.

TRAVEL, TRANSPORT & ENTERTAINMENT............................................................................ Choice Hotels International | 800-258-2847 | www.choicehotels.com

With 6,400 hotels throughout the world, Choice Hotels offers something for everyone. As a member, receive 20% off your next stay at participating hotels when you use Special Rate ID 00801967.

Collette Travel | 844-311-6563 | www.narfe.org/gocollette

With over 160 tours to all 7 continents and travel styles varying from small group to river cruising, Collette offers something for everyone. As a NARFE member, you receive an additional $50-$100 off all tours including sales and offers! Just use your member benefit code NARFESAVE or let our reservation agent know you are a NARFE Member when booking.

Enterprise Rent-A-Car® | Book Now! | https://partners.rentalcar.com/narfe

When you’re ready to go, Enterprise Rent-A-Car makes it easy. We offer everyday low rates on a great selection of cars, trucks and vans and customers are picked up at no extra cost*. See website for exclusions.

Hotel Engine | https://members.hotelengine.com/join/24530f9#beyondsavings

Hotel Engine, a private booking platform, connects organizations and their members to deeply discounted hotel rates.

Member Deals | https://memberdeals.com/narfe/?login=1

MemberDeals is your one stop for great discounts on nationwide travel and entertainment! Find exclusive discounts, special offers, preferred seating, and tickets to top attractions, theme parks, shows, sporting events, hotels, and much more. Visit MemberDeals and find savings such as up to 40% on top theme parks nationwide and preferred access tickets to your favorite concerts, sports & more!

National Car Rental® | 800-CAR-RENT | www.nationalcarrental.com

NARFE members receive great rates with National Car Rental! At National, we pride ourselves on always providing you with unsurpassed convenience and choice. https://partners.rentalcar.com/narfe



NARFE Insurance Services | 800-233-5764 | www.narfeinsurance.com

Designed exclusively for NARFE members, (plans administered by AMBA Administrators, Inc.) Senior Age Whole Life Insurance, Senior Term Life Insurance, Hospital Indemnity and Short Term Recovery Insurance, Dental Insurance, Vision Insurance, AssistPlus, Discount Prescription Plan and Pet Insurance.

Member Options | 833-378-8224 | https://www.member-options.com/narfe

Member Options Auto and Home Insurance Program - Save Money with Multiple Quotes! Get quotes from toprated insurance carriers on Auto, Home, Renters, Pet insurance and more in a matter of minutes. Answer a few simple questions online or over the phone with our licensed insurance experts to compare multiple options that meet your specific needs. To review and choose what’s best for you, go to the link above or call 833-378-8224.

The Way We Worked

Serving the Public’s Audio-Visual Needs This 1974 photo shows the staff at the National Audiovisual Center (NAC) working with film in the stacks in Suitland, Md. NAC was established in 1969 within the National Archives to serve as a consolidated reference point, depository, and sales outlet for audiovisual materials produced by federal agencies. Before its creation, researchers had to contact individual agencies for this information. In 1994, NAC’s services were transferred to the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) within the Department of Commerce. Today, NTIS provides a centralized location for all scientific and technical information produced by or for federal agencies. PHOTO from the Records of the National Archives, courtesy of the National Archives History Office, in collaboration with the Society for History in the Federal Government (SHFG), bringing together government professionals, academics, consultants, students and citizens interested in understanding federal history work and the historical development of the federal government. To join, visit www.shfg.org.



DID YOU KNOW? In 1978, a fire occurred at one of the film vaults on the National Archives’ Suitland, Md., campus. It rushed through film vault A, destroying approximately 12.6 million feet of film, with monetary losses totaling $131,900. The film was highly flammable nitrocellulose, the principal motion picture film used by the film industry and the government from the 1890s to the early 1950s. Visit https://prologue.blogs. archives.gov/

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